Page name: Melinda Rand [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-09-01 16:42:23
Last author: La Luna
Owner: La Luna
# of watchers: 1
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  User Name: [La Luna]
  Name: Melinda Rand

  Race: Witch, Vampire Hunter.

  Age: 18

  Weapon(s): Crossbow, Stakes.

  Armor: None

  Magic: As a witch she has natural powers. Such as levitation, brewing potions, and different types of spells. Her eyes glow purple when she gets mad and the air whips around her, its a bit dramatic. She's a vampire hunter. It's her job, not that she doesn't enjoy killing the bastards.
  Strengths: Her powers are strongest during night, it's moonlight that gives her power. She uses the fact that she's quite beautiful to woo boys close enough to her so that she can stab a bloody stake through their cold dead heart. She does this to living boys as well, But she only leads them on. She's quite the flirt.

  Weaknesses: During a new moon she's a weak, and she falls easily for a romantic boy.

  Appearance: Melinda has long layers of curly black hair. Her skin is like a glowing porcelain dolls, smooth and soft, but scratched and bitten from her work. She has a bite mark on her hip, that you could only see when she is undressed and one on her neck. She has light periwinkle eyes that turn lavender when using her powers. Her lips are full and tinted a silver blue that might be unusual but just makes her that much more of an intrigue. She has a swirly silvery blue birthmark that looks more like tattoo on the left side of her face.

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