Page name: Members of the Church of Dave [Exported view] [RSS]
2021-03-28 00:05:11
Owner: Just Simon
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2007-06-12 [queen mini egg]: whats normal? injecting itself like all the other chickens on drugs?
OMG i saw this thing last night and you know organic food is supposed to be good for you? well these were free range organic chickens wich are supposed to be good for you BUT BUT BUT! they carry so many more germs than other chickens that they can contaminate your kitchen even if you bleach the surfaces and stuff!!!! Scareh!

2007-06-13 [Just Simon]: Okay.
I am definitely going to promote ONE person to clegy, and ONE person to adept.
Who wants what?

2007-06-13 [queen mini egg]: bad at stuff so promoting me would be a bad idea cos i all around suck!

2007-06-14 [Just Simon]: (it's okay, you don't actually have to do anything)

2007-06-14 [queen mini egg]: oh okay..then promote me to what ever you want =]

2007-06-14 [Just Simon]: *spins the wheel of random promtion"
You get...
You get to lead the rest of the church in the wondrous worship of Dave!

2007-06-14 [Just Simon]: Yo, Master of Prophecies, begin teaching someone the ways of the arcane.
(ie - decide someone to become an adept)

2007-06-14 [queen mini egg]: woohoo i get to lead people...i say every wednesday you all dress in a yellow chicken suit xD
no im serious!

2007-06-18 [~username~]: But my chicken suit is purple. Is that gonna be a problem?

2007-06-18 [queen mini egg]: no as long as its a chicken then all will be forgiven. as yours is individual you can be leader of the chicken suit wednesdays, you have to make sure everyone is in their chicken suits xD

2007-06-19 [~username~]: w00t! Lets play follow the leader!!

2007-06-19 [queen mini egg]: i think it will be funny and funny means people laugh, laughing people are happy people, happy people= greater work in shorter time = us being a whole lot better at our jobs!

2007-06-20 [~username~]: Except for me, because I've become a one-woman band, and I can't sing... I guess I'll just have to act as a DJ and select sog for their sheer awesomeness.
First song of the day:
Pour some sugar on me - Def Leppard
Fortune Faded - Red Hot Chili Peppers

2007-06-20 [queen mini egg]: def leppard! has to be deff leppard!!!!

2007-06-21 [~username~]: Posting what?
Next song is for [queen mini egg]
Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn

2007-06-21 [queen mini egg]: OMG I LOVE YOU VICTORIA!!!!!!

2007-06-25 [~username~]: I'm glad someone does. *beams because I is lurved*

2007-06-25 [~username~]: Song of the day!
Bowling For Soup - Punk Rock 101

2007-06-26 [queen mini egg]: IYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
muwahahahhahahaha i pretend to play the drums along to it while im in the car...people then believe i play drums and am on my way to a gig...people ask me about this when we reach taffic lights xD
i is cool xD

2007-06-28 [queen mini egg]: tcha they do!

2007-07-02 [~username~]: Yea-ness!!!!

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