Page name: Michael Cross [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-12-09 15:58:00
Last author: The Black Goat
Owner: The Black Goat
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Player Name: [The Black Goat]

Handler ID: Michael Cross

Age: 36

Appearance: Five-foot eleven, dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Weight is approximately a hundred and sixty pounds. Caucasian with Slavic facial features.

Notable Enhancements/Attributes: Typical muscle and nerve augmentation for increased strength and enhanced reflexes, reinforced subdermal skin grafts, artificial joints, and perma-corrective eye lenses all in accordance with Basic Handler Specifications.

Weaponry: Proficient with M-22 and Magnum Jericho .45 with fluid filled hollow-cavity bullets capable of tranquilizing a fifteen thousand pound bull elephant with one shot.

Personality Profile: SA Cross was chosen for his level headedness and calm demeanor. He has been paired with one of the most challenging Specials currently on our roster with great success compared with past attempts to keep her in check. He is extremely attentive, dedicated to his work, and displays great restraint and patience when working with his charge.

History: Cross has a doctorate in psychiatry and ten years as a field operative with half of those as a certified training instructor. He was hand selected for the program after his work with the capture of Special Lace Moscoso.

Current Charges: Lace Moscoso, Lysander Sideris

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