Page name: Midwinter Ball [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-02-19 05:30:52
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Eyden13
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Midwinter Ball

RP Below
Roan weeped, and held on to Turan. "I don't understand.. This's like..." She squeezed her eyes. Colors flowed through her hea: blacks, reds, dark browns, the color of rust. "Please...stop" She tryed building her barriers up. Welcome home she heard the whisper.

Corus Used the wall beside him to hold himself up. The memories of the past were trying to find it's way to the surface, and so far they were.

Turan held her head gently with one hand, sifting through each and every one of the colors "These are emotions, and memories" he said taking his hand away "Somthing has brought them to the surface"

Nadya walked back in with Abarhi, holding his arm.

"Can i torment Evan now or do you still have use of me?" he teased. Abarhi glanced over the crowd for Turan and Roan.

"You can torment Evan all you want...." Nadya said with a smile.

Abarhi laughed darkly "Humans are so easy to scare....don't worry i'm not about to frighten the princess....i don't intentionally harm invalids" he bowed before dissapearing in front of her.

Roan clentched to Turan as hard and close as she could, inevitable her tear stained face burried in his shirt. When the pain relaxed a bit she slowly started to stand bit more steady; however, the pain came roaring back. "Why?" she whispered.

"If you want the pain to stop with her come with me." Corus said as he mase his way to Turan and Roan. He was suprised that she was so closely connected. He was feeling the same pain, or at least more than she was, causing his face to be pure white. "SHe will soon collapse because the the pain" he did the first time,"And then when she wakes it'll be worse then before."

Nadya/Aydan came over to Turan. "What's happening here?"

"It's none of your business old one." Corus was in no mood to deal with an overprotected vampire. "The pain will get to a point were she could die."

"How is she...?" Maddy said as she walked over from dancing with a congressman. "She shouldn't be able to feel it. I thought only powerful mages and magically fulled people could."

Nadya glared at Corus. "It is my business!!"

Turan gave Corus a dangerous look "I know who you are, and if you come near her again i will kill you in such a way that you will wish you where never born" he growled. He turned to Maddy "She is in pain, probably because of latent abilities being awoken" he said softly "Roan, sit down you will only make it worse" he set her down on a bench, offering her a glass of water.

Sage watched from the side.

"I'm, I'm afraid its more than the Turan."Maddy said, as she whiped the girls forhead. "I know you have no reason to trust Corus, but right now if you don't follow him, and Corus you will let the vampire come with us, she will die. Please, this is not the place to explain what is happening to her, there are to many people who will over hear." Maddy looked Turan in the eye.
"She will die."

"Maddy we have to hurry." Corus said through hard breaths.

Turan picked Roan up as easily as one might hold a bird or a flower "Then let us go to where we can talk" he said softly.

"We'll go to Corus' s Study and Chambers. It's protected from anyone over hearing. In addition the room will lesen her pain." Maddy said as she swiftly grabed Corus before he colapsed.

"Turan." Roan whispered. The pain was building.

Turan nodded, his body temprature increased noticably as his guard went up "Yes Roan" he looked at her. He tried to hide the blackening around his eyes that she could only see as she was the only one close enough to see it.

"They truely don't mean any harm. At least the wolf doesn't. and the man is in more pain than I." Roan said and squeezed her eyes shut.

"And i intend to keep it that way" Turan's voice was alittle rough, but still soft.

And off they went to Corus' s Study and Chambers

Flick hummed to himself joyfully, stood in the corner, arms crossed, fingers gently tapping at his elbow.

Abarhi wandered through the larg hall, looking for Nadya.

Porter saw the Shade as soon as he entered the ball. She knew that he was a little off, but he always entertained her when she ran into him at these functions. "Hello flick."

"Eh who are you". Flick stared at her blankly, scanning her face, he squinted and got a little closer as if taking in her features.

"I'mnot to surprise you don't remember me." Porter said. "Last time we met you were trying to eat a young girl."

"I do that a lot you'll have to help me out". Flick stared at his hand, he checked his nail staring at some dried brown blood still flaking around it.

"I believe it was the Princess's birthday. Either way it does not matter. I came to see how you would feel about doing me a favor." Porter smiled up at him.

"Depends what the favour is". Flick sighed, he was very VERY bored now, his stomach grumbeled a little he placed a delicate hand on it and moped.

"It would involve fresh food. They'd be murders, but I don't think you would mind." Porter said.

"Food sounds good, what do I have to do though because if it's too much hassel I wont bother". Flick yawned slightly and cracked his neck, he then looked around for the source of the crack as if it hadn't been him.

"Corus will soon be sending you on a mission to the roc kingdom. Why your their there is a band of bandits I need you to get ris of. They are killing the ocean." Porter said, with anger in her voice.

"Oh ok, how many bandits are we talking, like a gang or an army". Flick began to nibble his thumb nail.

"There are three leaders, then twenty men behind each of them, sixty three men all together." Porter griminced. "I would also pay you of cource."

"Wow, that's a lot of people". He thought about it. "Well ok I guess so but why do we care so much about the OCean again"?

"I'm a siren young one. I have lived years longer than you and these men. They are poluting my waters by puting some type of waste into the sea. I want them dead and gone, resulting in the inability to hurt my lands and people." No one ever crossed Porter with out some type of punishment.

"Oooooooh right m'kay". Flick nodded slightly. "Well if its for you I shall accept this request". He grinned.

"Why thank you. I would also like you to not tell Corus about this." Porter asked, "I don't need him to know I've asked his man for help. Here take this." She handed him a blue shell. "Through this in the air when our in roc and I'll show up to lead you to who I need you to kill."

Abarhi stood far enough away where he could pretend he didn't here. He decided instead to go looking for Nadya, and preferably Turan as well.

He saw Nadya heading towards Corus' s Study and Chambers.

Abarhi sighed "I suppose i'll have to wait" he sighed to himself My information hunt was successful he said to her before wandering off in search of somthing to do.

Truly? He heard back. Something happened with Roan....

Sage looked over at him.

Yes, the reason, how many, and who survived. Your brother may still live Nadya, Evan was very forthcoming he paused Her abilities awakened didn't they?

Yes.... I would like to know what's going on....but later....

As you wish he then masked his presence and dissapeared up onto the roof to practice and meditate. A storm was coming on, and with a storm came lightning. Abarhi hadn't practiced with such a pure form of fire in ages and he was looking forward to it.

Sage was becoming bored with the ball, it had been interesting for while. he hoped everything with the princess was fine, she was someone he saw as a new friend but he wasn't going to let anyone that close again.

"Care to join me on the roof master Sage?" Abarhi asked softly "There's a storm brewing and i dare say i think i smell lightning in the wind"

"Alright, this event is not very exciting....." Sage said calmly. He headed up with Abarhi.

Abarhi alighted the stairs up to the roof gracefully, reaching the top.

When Sage got to the roof, Sage took in the air and sight. "Beautiful night...." he said softly.

Abarhi looked at the gathering storm clouds in the distance, holding out his hand. Electrical current cackled briefly before flickering out in the wind "Soon to be a spectacular night" he said looking up at the stars.

Sage nodded. "I will agree with you...."

Abarhi sat down, energy coalesced in the clouds before taking the shape of a spear of lightning headed straight for him. He held out his hand, taking the full blast into his hand, sending it to a million different points along the railings. It was diluted enough now so that it was no longer even harmful. Abarhi smiled, shudding slightly.

Sage sat watching him. "That was very.....unique...never seen it before...."

"That is but the begining of what will happen tonight" he said breathlessly. This time three arcs of lightning came from the clouds. Abarhi again outstretched his hand channeling all three into one energy core before disspersing it this time as billions of tiny wire like whisps of electrical energy along the railing lines. Abarhi exhaled, preparing for the dangerous part of the routine. Release.

Sage began to humm a low, constant note as a spark of lightning headed at him. The spark never touched him, instead bouncing off an invisible shield.

Abarhi's senses began to overload as he arced the energy back into the sky, though this time the billions of wire thin waffs of current didn't vanish, instead playing around Abarhi's body and Sages sheild.

Sage continued to hum the low note, watching the light show the sparks were doing.

"The sparks are completely harmless" Abarhi's voice sounded dissembodied "The only deadly thing is the actual bolt that hits me"

"It's amazing..." he said softly, stopping his humming.

"It's exhilerating" he breathed. His breath seemed to come in heavy, laboured draughts "It is somthing incredably hard to do, and only after one has mastered lightning as an aspect of the fire arts can one learn to channel lightning in such a way"

Sage nodded. "I have mastered forms of water manipulation...."

"I had suspected that" he said softly

Sage nodded. "Along with my mastery of bardic magics...."

"Realatively calm disciplines if i'm not mistaken?" He stiffened as multiple bolts of lightning arced across his body, making the waffs of electrical current brighted and triple in number. He calmed "Mine are fire and the arts of the mind" he breathed heavily.

"I can do much with my water...but my music... I can control the minds...."

"You are one of the few to witness this form, because not only are there precious few who have such an understanding of the fire disciplines, but also because most of us that do are a bit protective of our knowledge" he smiled as a light rain began pattering on the roof.

"Why are you showing me if it is a protected knowledge....?" he asked softly.

"I said others are protective. As for me, i thik there's a differance to demostrating or meditating in front of other people as opposed to making them privy to the knowledge"

Sage nodded, watching the sparks.

Abarhi stood up, visibly weakened by the form he was practicing. Electrical current snaked around his body, his breaths came in heavily "It requires alot of energy and even more practice just to perform this without it causing fatal injury....once the lightning starts coming it increases in power with each bolt, and thus grows harder to control each time"

Gurthar prowled the ball room, he had seen the two of them together earlier and now all he had to do was follow his nose. He carefully made his way up to the roof.

"You should rest sir..." Sage said.

Abarhi... came Nadya's voice sounding scared.

"I intend to, now that i have somthing to look at and amuse me with" he sat down on a bench, the current continued to eminate around them in their billions Nadya? What is it?

Gurthar stood in the shadows, taking hold of one of the tiny current threads. He held water next to it, knowing that by infusing it with the current it would amplify it almost ten fold...somthing that would render Abarhi near powerless, and also barely concieous.

A Crusnik...where are you....?

A what?...I'm on the roof he felt Gurthar lift one of the strand. He looked wearily up wearily in Gurthar's direction "Who might you be friend?" before his eyes widened "What are you doing?!" he gave startled cry "The water will leed to an uncontrolable don't know what you're doing!"

Gurthar smiled evily "Oh yes i think i know exactly what i'm doing" he infused the water, whaching Abarhi's horrified look, before knocking over the rest of the water pitcher he had brought up.

Abarhi got caught in the arc, he had expected the one and had moved to counter it, but now it was hundreds and it proved to be just to much. He desperately tried to release the excess power, finally doing so. He colapsed, his energy drained to the point where he could only barely maintain concieousness.

Sage waved a hand, freezing the remaining water, moving to stand inbetween Abarhi and Gurthar. "Who are you? Leave!"

Nadya came running up the stairs. "Abarahi!"

Gurthar smiled as he heard Nadya's voice "Oooh another water element? Who wants to know?" he said tonelessly, catching Nadya by the arm "Surprise"

Nadya let out a scream of surprise. "Abarahi!" she shouted as she struggled. Abarahi!

"I want to know, and let go of her, sir!" Sage shouted.

Abarhi heard her scream and her calling him. Struggling to stand he glared at Gurthar "What do you want Crusnik?" his voice was harsh and guteral from pain.

Gurthar brought her arm up, sinking his teeth in briefly before licking his lips "Why don't you stay out of this?" he growled at Sage "Leave....or i'll drain this beautiful little morsel dry"

Nadya had tears in her eyes, struggling more..

Sage just stood there glaring.

"I don't see you leaving" he said cruely "Now, last chance" he held her wrist up to his mouth, his eyes burning red "Abarhi is it? Tell me...what does this...Vampire girl mean to you?"

Abarhi stood, a half crazed look in his eyes "Crusnik right? One who feeds off of the blood of other Vampires? Well then, i hope you can survive being frozen" he growled. Blood streamed from his eyes and ears as heat began dancing on Gurthars' arm. His entire body began shaking.

Gurthar smiled "You win this time Abarhi...but i'd keep this one close to you...her blood has an unusually atractive scent to it" he dissappeared down the stairs. The form Abarhi used was only local. He had found his pawn.

Nadya held onto her wrist. "Abarahi....I...."

He held her arm "You alright?" he asked, his voice sounded gruff from the pain.

"I am..." she said softly. "He had called me a snack in Corus's study...but Corus told him not to.....I....Abarahi..."

He felt every muscle in his body tense and relax as he fought for control over it to keep it from going into shock. He flinched at the word snack and realizing that he was still bleeding "Yes Nadya?" he said softly.

"Wha....what happened....?" Nadya asked softly. "The Crusnik...why did he say what he said....?"

Sage looked at Abarahi, and a ring of water surrounded all, starting to heal.

"He infused water into an electrical current that i was weilding as a form of doing so he amplified the potency of the current and before i could react...." he looked at his mauled arms "Why? because for one he hunts Vampires, though now that i remember it...he was once married to one...another story for another time....most likely though because he knew he could get to me"

"He knew about us...." Nadya whispered.

He untied a hair tie, letting his hair flow freely. He wrapped her arm where Gurthar had bit her "Yes he did, and i won't let him hurt you" he said taking hold of her shoulders lightly, then it dawned on him. Corus would know now that Gurthar knew.

Nadya hugged him. "I'm sorry...."

Sage looked between them. "I should have acted faster..."

Abarhi drew his arms around her, looking up at Sage "Don't worry about it...she's alright so for now at least it's all good" he looked down at her "What for?"

"Because....he can use me to hurt you..." she whispered. "I don't want to lose you...."

"Nadya, then be careful and don't walk into his trap like you just did" he chided her gently. He began to stabalize finally. He wiped away the dried blood from beneath his eyes and ears. He wanted to say that she wouldn't lose him, but he didn't dare make that promise.

Nadya looked down. "I'm sorry...I...can't do anything right...."

Abarhi shook his head, detaching himself and looking her in the eye "Yes you can, it's not your fault a Crusnik came after you" he decided to change the subject and hopefully lighten her mood "Evan was very forthcoming in my little information hunt" he titled her head up slightly "Cheer up Aydan" he smiled.'s Nadya... "Really? That's great right....?"

He kissed her forehead i'm using Aydan because i don't trust anyone...though i suppose there's no use in changing names multiple times...whichever you prefer then "Yes it is good, and your brother i have every reason to believe is still alive"

Sage moved off to the side.

Nadya smiled up at Abarahi. "Really? That's so.... oh it's been so many years...."

Abarhi looked at Sage "Thank you" he looked back to Nadya "Yes, if you'd like then we can go looking for Evan was so kind as to tell me where the survivors fled to"

"I...just want to stay with you right now..." Nadya whispered, hugging him.

"Fine by me" he smiled, the slight sting against his ears reminded him it was still raining lightly. He was half tempted to show her what he had been demostrating for Sage, but he was near colapse as it where from Gurthar's cruel trick.

A light flute drifted through the air as it was played. The music was calming, and both Nadya and Abarahi felt relaxed.

Nadya hugged onto Abarahi more.

He smiled "So then, what to do about our resident Crusnik problem?" he asked softly, starting a slow dance And what do i do to keep you safe he thought to himself.

"I'm...." she started softly, dancing with him. "I'm slightly curious as to why he said that about my explain why I can do what I can do...."

"Or it could be that you are beautiful, even for a Vampire, just out of curiousity though; what exactly is it that you can do?" his voice was light, which hid well the undercurrent of concern and questions.

Nadya looked up at him. I can shapeshift as if I was a natural born shapeshifter....and how many vampires do you know that can change their age and freeze it at that age....? Her mind's voice soft.

i don't think that is why he thinks your blood smells so sweet....i guess think of what makes a particular humans' blood smell nice to a Vampire to understand why he thinks so

I...I had never met or seen Crusnik before him....

Most likely because they where seldom welcomed in the Griffon kindom when you where young, though his race is a rare one

Nadya nodded, then looked at Sage. "Thank you for the music..."

Abarhi felt the edges of his memory being erased, particularly that of Gurthars' attack. The Crusnik was still whaching them, and he was making sure that they didn't remember his methods of attack. He didn't care if they remembered his face, for fear without knowning was a weapon he weilded well.

Nadya leaned more into Abarahi.

"I will leave you two..." Sage said, taking the flute from his lips.

Abarhi, as if waking from a dream took on a look of dissorientation damn...he erased the entire portion of my memory... he looked around briefly before nodding to Sage.

Sage nodded, and headed down the stairs.

"Abarahi...what's wrong?" asked Nadya softly looking up at him.

"The Crusnik is erasing memory" he said softly.


"Strange i know....but i feel the memory being etched away as if by some invisible hand" It was clear that the process wasn't entirely painless either, though this was because he was protecting her from the effects as well.

"Abarahi...we should leave...." she whispered.

"Where to Nadya?" he asked softly "What's wrong?"

"I just don't want to be here any more...I really enjoyed the were attacked...."

He gave her an odd look "Just because i got alittle roughed up, no reason to spoil your fun" he said sweetly "But if you wish then of course we can go else where"

"That was a little roughed up?" she asked softly and curiously. "I'd hate to see you seriously hurt then....."

He laughed "No....i look like a complete ugly mess when i get hurt" his thoughts flashed back to when Turan had found him...entrails in hand and bleeding profusely.

Nadya nodded. "I've seen ugly messing hand..." she looked down at her hands. "The blood...the dirt...."

"I'm sure you have" but she has not known war...and i intend to keep it that way he thought to himself. Tyradias was headed for war, he doubted an outright pitched battle....more or less he figured one that would be fought in the shadows.

"I'm not going to hide...." she said softly.

"I was afraid you would say that" He sighed heavily "Why not though? You'd be safer"

Nadya looked up into his eyes. "Because that's how I lost so many before...."

"You didn't lose them...they where taken from you" he corrected gently.

"Yes...taken...but I didn't even have a chance to fight them....." she whispered.

"You couldn't have done anything Nadya" he was about to say that she couldn't do anything this time around either, but decided against it as his thoughts returned to the where abouts of that damned Crusnik.

"I...could have....tried...." she whispered into his chest, holding on to him.

He laughed softly "A young inexperianced Vampire noble.....don't be silly Nadya you wouldn't be here much less have lasted a minute" he chided softly

"I have been alone for a century... with no one as company.... having to fight to survive...I.... I.... Abarahi.... my brother protected me all the time.... and mother never wanted to lose me so that's why I was a child...why I have even lost to myself how old I should appear to be....I..." she looked down. "I haven't been trained to fight....but I....want to be.... to help out...."

"You want me to teach how to fight then don't you?" the reluctance sat on his voice like a load of bricks and otherwise irritated at his loss of words.

"You don't have to love..." she replied softly. "I was just don't want to hide any more"

He shook his head "I suppose i will if you want to learn how to" he blushed at the word love, he hadn't heard that for ages "Now then...if you won't hide then whatever am i to do about that Crusnik?"

"The Crusnik....that is maybe one thing I'll hide from....I don't want my own blood sucked from me...." she said softly.

"I don't think he intends to drain you" he said slowly before changing the suject "Can't say i blame him though, you are beautiful....i don't know about you, but i'd prefer you as you are right now"

Nadya blushed. "Really...? If....if.... you'd rather have me...older....I...or younger...."

"Who am i to tell you what to be?" he smiled "And you still haven't answered my question; where are we headed then if you don't want to be hear?"

"Back to the island?" she asked softly.

He nodded "As you wish"

"It's.... just I don't want to be near Corus.... I....Roan knows it's me.... thanks to me getting upset at Corus most likely... Abarahi...Turan knows that I wanted to leave....because of what was happening...."

"You worry to much, but again; as you wish" he smiled "I don't think it will matter to Roan or Turan who you are Nadya....and as for Turan i think he guessed who you where when he was dueling Ketsuri" the name of his opponent sent a shiver down his spine "That's another nuisance to be aware of"

Nadya nodded. "I'm sorry I worry so much,''s all I've really done for so long...." She leaned up and kissd him.

He held her in place for a few moments "No need to be sorry, just don't worry so much anymore love" he led her down the stairs.

"I love you..." she whispered walkng with him.

"Love you to, Nadya" he smiled "So then back to Turan's little mansion?"

Nadya nodded, smiling softly. " you have a pack?"

He led her down a side passage way that took them out into the stable yard "Yes i do" he called softly for his horse "The bags where originally intended for smuggling gold bricks out of the Palace to creat trouble between Griffon and Phoenix...that way Turan an company can slip below the radar for alittle while longer" He transfered one of the large leather cases onto the back of one of the horses "I'll just strap this to my back if that's alright with you" he said softly.

Nadya nodded. She headed up to her horse. "Can I hide in your pack if....the sun comes up before we get back?"

He laughed softly "No, i'm just loading this empty huge leather bag onto the back of my horse incase i want to stuff a deer inside...of course you can love"

Nadya giggled. "If you did that, we could have enogh food for the week...."

"Aww but why do that? It's so much more fun to terrorize a band of raiders an take their food don't worry...i always leave them hanging by their feet for the locals to come along an catch them" he laughed.

Nadya looked down. "I...drained raiders...." she whispered.

"After seeing what they've done to some of the more isolated towns and villages....i'd sooner set you loose amoung them then feel sorry for them" he recalled his very recent jobs as a highered mercenary to protect some of the villages "It never ceases to amaze me the level of cruelty a mortal is capable of"

"I.... drain them because they hurt others....and they wouldn't be missed..." she whispered.

"And you feel pitty for them? If they taste as bad as they smell then i'd sooner feel bad for you my use crying over trash" he surprised himself at how harsh a stance he had taken against the reaver clans...though he had fought some of them for decades.

"I don't pity them....just the ones they hurt...and yes they do taste bad....."

"I thought you guys where picky when you ate? Though i suppose there comes a point and time where food is food" he sighed "Yes i know all about the ones they hurt...."

"I had never hunted on my own before....before I was alone...and I didn't want to hurt innocence...." Nadya said as she pulled herself up on her horse.

"My love there is no such thing as innocence. There are only degrees of guilt" he said lightly, deciding to leave Turan with the more tempermental of the two stallions.

"So I'm guilty....?"

"No more than most and certainly far less than i" he said softly "And yes you are guilty....guilty of having a concieous of which few could attain" he pecked her forehead lightly

Nadya nodded, smiling slightly. "You are so sweet....." she said softly.

"Your definition of sweet is interesting" he laughed

"You make me feel are sweet...and kind.... caring.... wonderful... at least to me...." she said softly with a smile.

He smiled, nudging his horse into a canter "Shall we? I don't want to be around when Roan comes much fuss out of or over one individual should be criminal" he laughed, he wasn't one for noise or fuss. Roan being the source of both....meant he found her a nuisance to be tolerated.

Nadya started her horse into a canter too. "It wasn't Roan's fault that there was a fuss over her... it was that woman...Maddy I think her name was...and Evan's...."

Abarhi shrugged "She wines almost as much as a human baby" he stiffled a laugh. He pointed his horse in the direction of the Luminescent forest

Sage walked down the stairs, slipping his flute into his pocket. "Love birds...." he muttered.

Kari Hermosa slipped into a passage way and into the hidden ballroom. He was wearing the usual black outfit, only this time it was much fancier than normal, to fit the occasion. He had his sword sheathed at his side, and he had hidden several of his knives in various places on him.

Better make sure I don't attract any unwanted attention, he thought to himself. There are some things that are better left alone, and I don't want to get mixed up in anything...

He made his way down the passage.

Sage sighed and moved off to the side of the room, playing on heading back to his secret room in the palace. He looked around before slipping into the passage.

When Kari entered the ballroom, he was amazed by the number of people there. He quickly composed himself, however, and began weaving slowly through the crowds.

As he was listening to the conversations around him, he caught wind of an argument and turned to see two men fighting over something. As Kari got closer, he noticed a beautiful young lady sitting a little off to the side of the men, watching them. He then realized that the two were fighting over who would get to dance with her.

He caught her eye, and walked quietly up to her. "How long have they been doing this?" He gestured to the two men.

"For about half and hour already," she replied in a somewhat annoyed voice.

"Really? Well, while they're duking it out, will you allow me to have this next dance with you?" He smiled, bowed, and offered his hand.

She smiled. "Don't mind if I do," she said, taking his hand. "I am Lady Violet. What might your name be?" She stood up and moved with him to the dance floor.

"Kari Hermosa, my lady. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he replied.

"The feeling is mutual," she said. They began to dance.

Unnoticed to the two of them, the two men had noticed that something was wrong and realized that the lady they were fighting over had disappeared. They both looked around quickly, and saw her across the ballroom - and dancing with another young man.

They started to make their way towards them.

Sage sighed. "So many fights over women..." he muttered softly. He moved back out onto the ballroom floor heading for the two men that were heading towards Kari. Sage didn't want there to be more trouble than there already had been. "Gentlemen...gentlemen...what is with your faces...?"

The two men ignored him, and continued on their rampage towards Kari and the lovely Lady Violet, whom he was dancing with.

Sage sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this..." Sage then started to hum low, causing an invisible wall to form infront of the two men, who walked right into it, falling back.

Kari noticed a commotion going on a little ways off, and saw the two men who had been fighting over Lady Violet before, come towards them, then suddenly slam into an invisible wall that had been put there by...

There was a man who was standing a little ways off of the two men. Kari's sense of hearing was unnaturally high, so he could hear the man humming in a low tone, despite the distance between them.

He's the one who cause the men to slam into an invisible wall, Kari thought. He was a bit curious as to why the man would go out of his way to stop the two men.

"Something wrong, Sir Kari?" Lady Violet looked at him curiously.

"No, not at all. What were you saying, again?" Kari smiled charmingly at her, and she immediately smiled, and repeated herself.

She had completely fallen under his charm.

The men were both were fighting and trying to get at Kari, but then the spun on Sage. "You...!"

Sage just looked at them. "Me? I was just to talk to you....what have I done?"

The men started to go at him, but Sage just jumped back, dodging the men.

Kari was watching the spectacle out of the corner of his eye while at the same time maintaining an in-depth conversation with Lady Violet about the princess, who, according to Violet, was in her bed chambers at the moment. He listened carefully as she described the princess's disease, as well as her personality and appearance. She even went so far as to say that she wished she could look the way the princess does.

"She's such a beauty! What I wouldn't give to look just a little bit like her..." she trailed off, smiling at Kari.

"I think your quite beautiful as you are, Miss Violet. However, this girl - does she do any kind of work? Or does her disease prohibit her from it?" Kari was still watching the commotion that was going on, but he also noticed the smile that Violet gave him at hearing his compliment.

He praised the gods at the fact that he was so good at this sort of thing - he had actually gotten several awards at Crystal Academy for being the best at manipulating things the way he wanted (though the academy preferred to call the award "Most Skilled Ambassador", which was just another way of stating what has already been said).

He had Violet wrapped around his finger by this time, and he could tell that she was stunned and overjoyed at the fact that a man like him had chosen to talk to her - he could also tell that she was starting to get a bit of a big head because of it.

She must think she's talking to a god or something. I should probably end this soon, he thought. He was interested in this princess girl, however - and he planned on gaining as much information about her from this girl as he could. Just letting her talk on her own will probably give me the most info - she seems like the type who talks very easily, and quite a lot, especially if it's of her own accord, he thought, and listened with a smile as she talked herself dry.

He continued to watch the scene a little ways away, and waited to see if anything should happen - and if he might need to step in for a few moments.

The men fell on their faces. "Damn you! Freak! Leave here before you cause any more trouble!"

Sage just shook his head. "I was personally invited here to this ball by the princess..."

Invited here personally by the princess? Kari thought incredulously. Hmm... I wonder if he can get me an appointment with her... I wouldn't mind meeting a girl like that... After all, I, myself, am also... he let the thought trail off, and at the same time, heard Violet's commentary come to a close.

Good, he thought. "Might I have one last dance with you, madam? I must leave soon, you see," he said, giving an apologetic smile. He stood up, and once again bowed to her, offering his arm. She looked a bit disappointed, but took his hand gratefully.

"If you have no objections, I'd be most pleased," she said, her voice quiet.

And with that, they began to dance.

The men continued their attack on Sage, but he just started to hum, and the men just ended up hitting at the invisible wall. Sage started to walk away, heading for the stairs leading out of the ballroom.

Kari followed Sage a little ways behind, and watched him leave the ballroom. He quickly glanced around, then leisurely made his way after him.

Unnoticed by him, Lady Violet had seen him. She followed him, partly out of curiosity, and partly because she wanted to be around him a little while longer.

She had no idea, however, that her snooping skills were terrible. Even though he didn't notice it at first, it was obvious that he was being followed, and from the sound of high heels clanging on the stone floor, he got the nasty feeling that it was Lady Violet who was doing so.

Wonderful, he thought sarcastically to himself. Well, guess I'll have to lose her - and I'd better do it quick. Operation "Get lost, Fan Girl", commence! His humor was one of his many great qualities, and he always had quite a lot of it, no matter the situation was.

And so it began.

Gurthar whached them with a smile, glad he had concealed his preasance from Shade earlier Ketsuri, are you following Turan and Roan? Or do i need to do all the work?

Sage headed for the Phoenix Palace Kitchen

Where's he going? I wish I knew the layout of this castle better... but I do believe he's going to the palace kitchen... Kari continued to follow Sage, while at the same time trying to shake Violet off his trail.

Damn, she's persistent! Does she know the meaning of the phrase "give up"? Guess I'll have to do this the hard way.

He stopped in the passage, and hid in the shadows, awaiting Violet's arrival.

She quickly appeared, holding her dress up with one hand, and placing her hand on the wall. She stopped suddenly, noticing someone was nearby.

Kari came out, and smiled his most charming smile. He clasped his hands behind his back, and, still smiling, he walked over to her. "Why did you follow me? Well, no matter. I'm not one to talk; I was following someone as well," he said. He was right next to her, and as he leaned closer, he saw her eyes widen in surprise.

Before Violet could register what was happening properly, he leaned in all the way, and kissed her. When he pulled away from the kiss, he held his arms out, and caught a now unconscious Lady Violet in them. Feeling a little guilty, he carefully placed her down on the floor.

Well, at least she'll only have good memories of me - I didn't erase anything but the memory of her following me - and I replaced it with a fake memory of us going up here together. Didn't bother to erase the memory of the kiss, either. Good thing she won't remember anything after that, he thought grimly.

He went back to following Sage, and made his way to Phoenix Palace Kitchen as quietly as he possible could.

Gurthar followed Violet with interest, he was bored so he figured he'd oberve from a distance. Finding her unconcieous he felt her pulse on her neck "Well somthing caused you to faint" he read the strands of her memory "And somone was tampering with your memories...hmm, can't say i blame where stalking them" he said to himself before setting her down on a bench.

Lady Violet stirred and opened her eyes slowly.

"You alright M'Lady? You blacked out in the hall...not the best of ideas for somone like you" Gurthar said quietly. A stream of water came out of a nearby Jar as he toyed with it. Making it appear into shapes and dissolve. He was doing this subconciously and near unaware of it.

"Yes, thank you, sir, I'm fine," Lady Violet stood up carefully and slowly. She then noticed the water and jar, and her eyes widened slightly for a fraction of a second. She instantly recomposed herself, as best she could, however, and turned back to her helper. A Crusnik, she thought wearily.

"Tell me, do you know where the palace kitchens might be? I was headed there, I believe, before I collapsed... though why I did such a thing, I have no..." she trailed off, and looked off into space for a few moments.

"The Palace kitchens? They dont usually like people wandering around there, i suppose if you want then i can go look for them and show you" Gurthar said absentmindedly. The Crusnik realized he was manipulating water subconceiously again.

"No, that's quite alright. Now that I think about it, I believe I have some idea where they are... thank you for your help." She bowed to the Crusnik, and then hurriedly made her way to the Phoenix Palace Kitchen

Gurthar nodded before walking down the hall, he looked like a caged beast and he felt every bit like one.

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2010-02-07 [Talos Cyrion]: ok

2010-02-19 [Yume Youki]: Hey, Gypsy, just so you know, Lady Violet and the two men are all NPCs - nobody specific is playing them, so they're up for grabs. XD

2010-02-19 [Yume Youki]: Nice one. XD

2010-02-19 [Yume Youki]: i can't believe i just typed that up there...

*blushes deeply* poor Kari, being forced to resort to such dirty methods - it's all Lady Violet's fault! *shouts angrily*

i feel no pity for you, miss violet - none whatsoever. it's all your fault in the first place. *huffs and stalks off*

2010-02-19 [Yume Youki]: Poor Gurthar - even though technically he's a "bad guy", I can't help but grow somewhat attached to him.

I'm very sorry you had to deal with that evil woman, Gurthar. I am so very sorry, indeed. *bows head in humble submission*

2010-02-19 [Talos Cyrion]: lol, Gurthar isn't evil persay, just the side he ends up on. Believe it or not he can actually be careing when given the chance. But he rarely is so he stickes to the phasaud

2010-02-19 [Yume Youki]: Well, now that Lady Violet has become a bit of a more important character, should I create a profile for her?

When I'm finished with her part in the story, I'll be killing her off.

I'm still contemplating whether or not to make it a very violent and gory death, or whether or not to make it a quick and silent one, where she's killed by a mysterious someone (who is found out later), and found hours or maybe days later, lying in a pool of blood on the floor...

Okay, you know what? Instead of contemplating that, I'll just go with the second one, and try my best to make it as bloody and gory as I possibly can.

I hate to say it, because I know it's evil of me, but I'm really looking forward to her death scene - I've never done anything like that before, but, then again, I've never hated a character I've come up with as much as her, so I suppose it's all good, in that weird sense.

That was a very twisted thing for me to say. *bows head in solemn apology to nobody in particular*

2010-02-19 [Talos Cyrion]: lol Gurthar can help with that if you want...say she tries pissing him or Corus off and either Gurthar goes after her or Corus orders her killed....just an idea my evil minded little minion :p

2010-02-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: I don't like Violet either...kill her off lol

2010-02-19 [Yume Youki]: That's a great idea! I was kinda hoping Gurthar might do the honors for me...

I'm so having her killed. And I'll make it gory and bloody, but I might also add a few surprises or something into it...

Who knows? All I know is that I'm going to make it as exciting as possible.

Mind helping, Zaharaiel, sir? lol

2010-02-19 [Yume Youki]: Gotta go. It's ten o'clock over here, and you know what that means? Bedtime. Nighty-night, people, and sweet dreams to us all!

(I'll be having some great ones with Violet and Gurthar, I can just feel it. >:D)

2010-02-19 [Talos Cyrion]: lol yes i'll lend a helping hand...of course...maybe give Roan a bit of a fright (Turan's so irritated with her that im not sure if he'd mind Violet getting obliterated right in front of Roan...actually he would...he'd probably gag himself with what Gurthar is capable of doing lol)

2010-02-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol SilverRaven, for me it is currently 1 am ^_^

2010-02-19 [Talos Cyrion]: i know, Gypsy you're crazy! do you ever sleep?

2010-02-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yes I do sleep...I go to bed late, and get up very early for excercising ^_^

2010-02-19 [Talos Cyrion]: lol, i crash at midnight an snooze till either the stupid dog crashes into me in jumping up on the bed (scares the shit out of me...not a fun way to wake up) or somone comes in throwing me out of bed an into a car to drive somewhere

2010-02-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol oh well... I'm heading to bed now... it's 3minutes til 2am ^_^ Night ^_^

2010-02-19 [Talos Cyrion]: yi yeow! night

2010-02-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: And now I'm back ^_^

2010-02-21 [Eyden13]: I'm alive and kicking. Sorry about the small delay of absents.

2010-02-21 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol YAY!

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