Page name: Milo Dany [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-05-31 23:36:21
Last author: La Luna
Owner: La Luna
# of watchers: 2
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Milo Dany

  User Name: [La Luna]

  Character Name:Milo Dany



  Birthday: April 3rd



  Description:He has brown hair that is swept over his face in that skater boy style every boy seems to wear today, his eyes are a light green that stands out against his tanned skin and freckles.He is about 5'9 and is muscular, but lean. he loves to Stakeboard and surf, anything outside rocks for him. He usually wears tee shirts worn jeans and sneakers, nothing special.

  Additional description:He has a scar that wraps around his left ankle and a couple around his torso.

  Medical History:His visons give him great pain

  Personality:He loves to joke around, and is great at sports, but isnt a ball hog. He is totally oblivious unless his visons give him warning he will always be in his own little world. He loves friends and he loves to help. He flirts often, maybe too often.

  Grades:A B-ish student he could be better but he is always looking out the window



  How long have they been in the school?Since 8th grade

  What they are wearing today:A tight green tee-Shirt worn ripped jeans and black sneakers

  Optional picture:N/A

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2011-05-30 [Rice]: Since there are only 12 inches in a foot....5'12ft doesn't exist. xD It's just 6ft.

2011-05-30 [La Luna]: Really? Oh I thought well whatever..Thanks

2011-05-30 [Rice]: S'alright.

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