Page name: Misty-chan's Poetry 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-05-10 05:13:04
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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These are my ([~Crimson Angel~]'s) poems, I hope you enjoy them.


"My Heart" (10-14-08)

Why does my heart feel this way?

Why does my heart burn for you with such desire?

Why does my heart sing like an angelic choir?

What is it that my heart wants me to say?

Why do I think about you all day?

Why does my heart burn for you like an eternal fire?

Why does your name make my heart soar so much higher?

When I hear your voice will my heart scream Yay?

I know now why my heart feels like this

When I talk with you I'm never blue

My heart will soar high when we kiss

While we're apart it's you that I miss

I know now that I'm in love with you

My love you fill my heart with bliss

"Shrouded" (1-17-13)

Shrouded in darkness the young girl is...
Shrouded in darkness too weak to live...
Shrouded in darkness with her heart ever broken...
Shrouded in darkness no kind words ever spoken...
Shrouded in darkness since she was born...
Shrouded in darkness nevermore...

"My Guardian Angel" (Poem for Vic Mignogna 4-14-13)

Ever since I was young I've felt so alone and sad
My future to me seemed so empty and dim
Even my so called friends treated me really bad
My entire outlook on life was really dark and grim

My life before was like a piece of rancid fruit
I felt I had been forgotten and began to sour and rot
Life sure can be such a cruel and horrible brute
I felt so alone like I was the one the world forgot

But God helped me find my guardian angel and role model
It took a while but slowly and surely I started to feel happy
God and my guardian angel helped me feel less sad and hollow
And because I'm happier I don't really care if this seems really sappy

My heart sings a beautiful chorus of hallelujah
Because God helped me find Vic Mignogna

"Heartbroken" (Found this tucked away in my room. 10-16-08)

I watch and wonder what he's thinking.
Could he be really sad?
Could he be extremely mad?
Could his life be sinking?
Could his feelings be mixing?
Did he fight with his dad?
What is wrong with this lad?
His life could use some fixing.
I know now why he's sitting alone.
I know what is going through his head.
His girlfriend will never again come home.
He told me her name was Joan.
He told me that she is now dead.
She died in her car because the other was on the phone.

"Scared" (Found this tucked away in my room. 10-24-08)

The water feels good around my feet.
My brother wants to go out a little more.
Should I follow or go back to shore?
What danger could we meet?
Out of fear I had became as white as a sheet.
Could there be a shark waiting on the dark sea floor?
There could be sharks galore.
These thoughts are racing as I stand next to Pete.
My mom said I was six when I first learned to swim.
Pete tells me not to worry as he takes my hand.
You shouldn't worry so much I hear from him.
The end of this could be very grim.
I won't go back to the sand,
I've decided I'll just go out on a limb.

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