Page name: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins review [Exported view] [RSS]
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2011-07-11 16:52:45
Last author: Ms. Steel
Owner: Ms. Steel
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Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins review

This book was the least favorite of the Hunger Games trilogy, but I still read it at a breakneck pace.

My frustration lie mostly with Katniss, the protagonist of the series, and her lack of maturation and realizations. She comes across as almost whiny and petty in some instances, when I really just want her to be the strong, smart character she is. Granted, these situations arise mostly from her relationship woes-- she's torn between two guys, as it were-- but her development seems strange and unnatural, but by the story's conclusion, everything's wrapped-up into a fairly tidy little package.

While there's no truly happy ending, the action and story arc are otherwise satisfying.
/ [Ms. Steel]

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