Page name: Multiple Girl Cast of Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-10-09 05:27:45
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Cast of Characters

Rebecca Whitley: After the death of her mother due to an extreme form of brittle bone disease, Rebecca became alot more active in aiding her father with his research. She accompanied her father Milton on a trip to South Africa where they discovered a new species of Butterfly that, in its catterpillar stage, can create an exact copy of itself by spliting it from its body. It is identicle to its original in every way. Recently, a meteorite with heavy doses of radiation fell to the earth into a system of caverns in South Africa. This is what gave the Butterfly this ability, or at least is speculated.
Her father took the Butterfly back to america and began research on it at once, believing it could hold many uses in curing or fighting off disease. One night in a freak accident, in which Rebecca was helping out, a violant reaction takes place and causes an explosion. Rebecca is blasted with the experimental fluid when she sheilds her father from the blast and barely survives. This gives her the ability to create copies of herself. Each clone made creates mental fatigue that Rebecca must withstand to keep her clone active. With much training her father has helped her learn to withstand more mental pressure, thus, allowing her to create more clones to aid her. At first Rebecca couldnt control her powers at all. When she would bump into objects and so on she would, without wanting to, create a clone. Her father remedied this by installing a small mechanical object in the part of her brain that allows her to create clones. This ultimately saved her life, for the stress and mental fatigue was becoming too much to withstand at the time.

Appearance: Beautiful, Long Red Hair, in ponytails in costume, long and strait when as Rebecca, 16 to 17 years of age, Green Eyes, Costume is Red and White, for some reason that is how I have seen it. Around 5 ft 7, 110 lbs, since she is still young, probably around 125 lbs when adult.

Strengths: Has a very focused mind, even when she has no plan at all. She can occasionally be reckless, but that is not too often. She is still young and has alot to learn. Posesses enhanced strength. Can lift about 1000 lbs. Subtracts 200 lbs for each clone she creates, but with training, her strength can probably be kept. Imagine 5 multiple girls, each able to lift 1000 lbs, that would be intimidating. Is a very quick learner. Is a dedicated friend who would die for the ones she loves.

Likes: Her father, History ( egyptian particularly ), Her friends, Snow, Fairs, Romance and Drama Movies, Fleetwood Mac, Old Jazz and Big Band Music, Art ( but shes no good at it ), Autobiography Books, Romance Books.

Dislikes: The unfortunate bring her down, Horror movies and books, War, Her mothers death, Eating meat, Letting people down, Jerks, Abuse to animals and the helpless.

Character Quirks: Strait to the point, Fun about it, Readily puts herself in the way of danger without careful consideration, Always has change in her pocket to give to beggars or homeless, Likes to drink a hot cup of milk before bedtime, Really hates to anything, likes to go on long walks, Never leaves a man behind.

Maple Burrows: One of Rebeccas best friends. Comes From a broken Family. Lives with mother, but her father visits every weekend. She is a big lover of all things art. Maple is very loving and optimistic about most things. Cheerful, bright, always there when needed. She keeps a scrap book of everyone she meets and sees. Loves photography.

Appearance: Cute, Short and strait Dark Brown hair, Big Brown sensitive Eyes, A year younger than Rebecca, about 5 ft 5, 90 lbs. Likes to wear clothes a size bigger than she is.

Strengths: Always optimistic, rarely is depressed. Can be sometimes due to Warwick not noticing her affection towards him. Always there for those who need her. A wonderful artist of all types and range. Loves to learn more. A great teacher.

Likes: Warwick, her family and friends, art, all types of music, cheerful people, her cat merlin, fantasy and comedy movies and books, gives everything a chance, excells in art and english.

Dislikes: Her father not showing up on the weekend, losing her friends, failing to get her message out through her art, being alone, Complete rejection by Warwick, warwick never knowing how she feels about him.

Character Quirks: Cheerful, touchy, playful, Sensitive, When dining out, always tidies up the table and resets the condiments, Names and becomes attached to stuffed animals, catterpillars, peices of clothing and so on, Dots her i’s with a smiley face or heart (respectively or inversely for humor’s sake), Has a weakness for rescuing stray animals, Uses mundane items as toys (e.g. bottle caps, straws, chopsticks), Can't say 'no', Can't stand the sight of blood, Always chews gum/toothpick/pencil, Always plays with hair/chews on hair, Too trusting, especially of strangers, Likes to give small gifts, mostly makes gifts for people (sees it as being much more thoughtful), may be offended if not appreciated, likes to doodle on friends arms during class or lunch, or whenever she can. Warwick has doodles of flowers and such all over his arms by the end of the day most days.

Warwick Tobias Flint: Always made fun of by others, Warwick was taken in by Rebecca and Maple and hangs out with them all the time. Hes in love with Rebecca, and Maple in love with him. He lives in his uncles basement and finds amusement in cracking jokes about people, even Rebecca and Maple. Hes not real fond of school, doesnt really excell in many classes except band. He has a guitar at home he loves to play. When he was a child, his father was taking him to an amusement park, on the way, the car had a bad accident. His father was killed, and Warwick lost a leg. He has been living with a prosthetic since. He was wearing a Led Zeppelin cap when he crashed, so even to this day, he still wears that hat, seeing it as being lucky. 

Appearance: More handsome than he knows, but not really shown, short ragged hair, long in the front, black or really dark brown, Blue Eyes, wears glasses, thin wire glasses, usually they are always slid down farther on his nose and is always having to move them back up to his eyes. Has a little Goatee on his chin, pointy, like a devil Goatee, about 6 ft 2, 165 to 170 lbs. Wears metal brand clothing. Shirts that have Judas Priest on them, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and of course Led Zeppelin. Always wears pants, never shorts, doesnt want people seeing his Prosthetic leg.

Strengths: A great musician and learns quickly with music. Can easily raise ones spirits when needs to. A great leader when needed to be. Great with children. Defends or Befriends those that are frowned upon or made fun of, even when it turns out bad for himself.

Likes: Horror and Action, Comic books, metal and hard rock, Rebecca, joking about people, day dreaming, starwars, video games.

Dislikes: Rejection, country, being made fun of, being bullied, school work, his teacher Mr. Cooper, dolls, his uncle, going home.

Character Quirks: Taunting, sarcastic, Cannot drink anything with ice in it, thinks he is a womanizer, Draws random doodles on any piece of paper in front of him and always carries a pen or pencil to facilitate this habit, Constantly quotes favorite movies and can usually identify the movie that a quote may come from, Takes stupid bets/dares for small amounts of money, Hates sleeping, Prankster/Practical Joker, Always wears lucky hat, Missing a limb (and uses prosthetic).

Leo Westlock (Captain Inferno): Apart of the D.S.J. (Department of Secret Justice), Captain Inferno is the James Bond of super heroes. A huge power house from the late 60s and 70s, was thought dead by the 80s, but actually that was when he joined the D.S.J. and started battling a corrupt government. His Hero name was created by Dr. Hugo Stanwick, an old and powerful nemesis of Westlocks, and also code named "The Brain", Who had said Captain Westlocks Fury was like a Blazing Inferno called forth directly from Hell. As Captain Inferno, Westlock posesses Heightened Physical traits. He is faster, stronger and can take more damage than any normal man. His body is lined with a series of Alien implanted devices that give him these traits and a few other amazing powers. He can control each implant with just a thought, not knowing how exactly it works, only that it does so with a simple mental gesture. These implants have kept his body in peak shape and age free. He doesnt look a day older than 35, which is when he obtained them. A brain implant gives him telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Arm and leg implants give him strong bursts of incredible strength and enhanced speed. He can lift around 10 tons. He has above average sight, has X-Ray vision. He lost his left arm in Vietnam, before the implants, but gained an alien bionic arm that can lift about a thousand lbs on its own. The D.S.J. is a secret organization sworn to battle a corrupt government and super beings of great strength. Captain Inferno has become there greatest ally. He is a Super Man in every way. 

Appearance: Leo Westlock, simply, looks like a much more muscled and dashing Clark Gable. Likes reds and blacks in his costume. 6 ft 3, 260 lbs. Muscle. In Marvel, Captain America is 6 ft 2, 240 lbs. So Inferno is slightly bigger, but not much more at all. Thats a good comparison. 

Strengths: He has been through some of the roughest training and so carries with him a ruggedness that shows it off. He has learned more about combat than most will ever know. He has first hand experience dealing with some of the worst villains to ever live. He is a great leader. He can be extremely Cocky, jumping right into the fight, but always has his allies doing some plan or another. He is very, very charming and knows how to deal with women, even the bad ones. He has had experience raising a child. He was a great father.

Likes: Oriana, an alien apart of the United, a group of united Alien that fight to protect Earth from Hostile worlds bent on controlling it. The United is also what gave to him his Implants. They saved him from a near defeat from The Brain. He fell in love with the Golden Oriana in the time it took for her to teach him of his implants. After that, he hit The Brain hard, coming back with a vengeance and defeating him completely. He likes the Beach, Peaceful moments before the Storm, The Book of Job, it is a reminder of how even a god will accept a stupid Bet to prove ones faith in it, His late wife Amelia, Poetry and Classical Literature, also classical Music and the Hippy music of the 60s.

Dislikes: A bit too confident for his own Good at times, Cant seem to keep secrets for too long, well, except the D.S.J. Secrets, The secrets he does keep he hates himself for keeping, Women is a weakness, alot of his defeats in the past were because of women, Inferno is not the most Merciful man, he kills the bad guys out right and feels hes doing the best thing for most of them, His sons death from an old adversary, an emotional scar he cant rid himself of, it haunts him most nights, the woman who gave to him his son, she went missing some time after his Birth.

Character Quirks: Always knows the direction he or she is traveling in, Whistles the Scarecrow/Tin Man/Cowardly Lion song at random time and refuses to stop, Is unable to take advice from anyone because he thinks that he knows it all, Excessively uses initials or acronyms for common AND uncommon phrases and doesn’t bother to explain them, Easily swayed by a pretty face.

Eden Richardson (Phantasma Girl): Eden is a Cute and Sexy young Girl who is apart of Infernos D.S.J. team. Eden has the ability to go into peoples minds and make them believe what she wants them to believe. Her power is far more powerful than your typical illusionists and are permanent until she decides to undo it. When Eden was a little girl, her powers manifested and she had no idea. Her mind created a make believe world and she was trapped in her own mind, living a fantasy, not knowing she had a life before. Her family had her Sent to an Asylum. She was a victim of her own amazing ability until Captain Inferno came along and took her away. Later Inferno wished he had just left her the way she was, taking Eden away from her own Beautifully created fantasy shocked her horribly when she was Forced out of it, her mind was nearly destroyed. But these days she is proud and happy He took her away from it. None of it was real. It was a lie. She has yet to visit her family. Apparently they never visited her after they sent her to the Asylum. She has now, with the Help of D.S.J. learned to control her abilities and uses them frequently. When she creates a fantasy for someone to live, she herself and whoever else she chooses can participate in the fantasy aswell. This often helps when the D.S.J. is met with a foe they cannot battle physically. 

Appearance: Eden is extremely appealing and easy on the eyes. Youthful and energetic. She loves the extravagent. Her hair is short and Purple with pink, slicked back in a very short poney tail. She is Japanese descent. Her eyes are purple. She loves purple and her costume has alot of purple and a dab of pink. Her costume is also a bit revealing. She often uses her looks to her advantage. She is only 21, but you would think she was younger with her attitude and playful nature. 5 ft 6, 115 lbs.

Strengths: Eden has a kind soul, she volunteers at a hospital when she isnt working with the D.S.J., creating new lives in the minds of some of the more damaged patients to ease their pain. There is a little boy there who knows about her power. He has cancer. She and him often play together in a created fantasy world. Eden loves to Dance and party. She is well fit. She has been trained really hard by Inferno himself. She loves kids. Dispite what some might think because of her amazing looks, Eden is not a Shallow person. She loves to joke and play around alot.

Likes: Starwars, loves to play in her mind, living adventures that take place in the original Starwars universe, Babylon 5, the greatest TV show ever made in her oppinion, Science fiction, but also fantasy like the lord of the rings, Sensetive or wounded guys, being loved or admired, attention towards her, Techno Rock, Disco Rock, Dancing, alone if she must, Cold Pizza, Coffee, a kind of pie she can only get in Paris.

Dislikes: The fact she says the wrong things some of the time and has a hard time correcting herself, She can take her playing around a little too far sometimes, she is always messing with peoples minds, her team included, its a bad habit she has never gotten rid of, Her flirting can be a little much sometimes, Hard Metal or Death Metal, Songs of losing Love or of loss or of anything particularly hateful, being rejected or being ignored, which she does comment on in a big way, she is not used to being passed up, the Fact her relationships tend to end pretty quickly and she doesnt seem to take too hard as she should.

Character Quirks: Keeps a journal, Never throws anything away, a pack rat, Will never replace anything that can be repaired, Very vain about her appearance, Always buying new clothes, Believes that someone was born lucky, and will point out that whenever something unlucky happens to the "Lucky" person, how it could have been much worse if such and such had the character really is lucky", Cant resist a dare, Has the ability to speak in a cartoon-like voice which sounds little or nothing like her real voice, Is always at least ten minutes early to any meeting or appointment, Has several parts of her body that are double jointed and bend or flex in an unnatural or uncanny manner, Writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed, Compulsively interrupts people telling stories to interject facts about the story that she only knows because she has been told the story before, not because she was involved with it, Keeps up with fasion fads.

Mr. Masters: The Mysterious scarred Leader of a secret organization of Super Criminals known as N.E.S.T., Mr. Masters posesses the ability to permently learn something just by looking at it. If he sits down and watches an instructional video of a certain type of martial arts, by the end of watching, he has learned the Art and can instantly perform it. Mr. Masters was a Lowly Henchman of a Powerful Super Villain of the past. He obtained this Ability as an accident and instead of telling his master of this ability, he kept it a secret, absorbing everything he could learn from the villain and eventually turning on him. Mr. Masters went on to create N.E.S.T. and has become a huge success in all things evil. His organizations Turn worthy Allies into super powered villains with a special metorite that emits an alien radiation that unlocks hidden abilities in man. This metorite is believed to be a peice of that which fell in South Africa and created the butterfly that eventually gave the multiple girl her powers. How Mr. Masters got this peice of Rock is unknown. His HQ is located underneath a Huge shopping Center called "Luthors", it is a front and allows a steady income of even more money to help the organization fund its plans.

Appearance: His Frightening appearance is due to an accident that took place back when he was but a lowly henchman to a huge and succesful Super Villain. His face is scarred and disfigured because of that. His disfigured, Scarred face resembles the face of a bat. He likes to wear Black suits, and he smokes an expensive brand of cigarettes.

Strengths: Mr. Masters has learned Various forms of martial arts by observing masters. He has also absorbed advanced military training knowlege and is extremely dangerous with all types of weapons and hand to hand combat. He also is aware of many dangerous secrets and is profecient with information and blackmailing. Mr. Masters is respected because he is ruthless and is able to get by with fear. His face is severely scarred and helps and helps him even more when intimidating. Also, the fact that he has the largest Evil organization backing up his plans helps aswell. He also has many supporters in the Government. To the outside world, he is a hero, a very kind and charitable person, but little do they know of his plans to one day be there Master.

Likes: The Art of Adolf Hitler, Money and power, Fear in others, Black, Cold, A powerful Adversary or Opponent, A chalenge, His finger Collection, fingers from all his victims, a fingerprint is unique to each individual, he keeps them preserved and on display, Bats, His scarred face actually resembles a bat, He wears a realistic emotionaless mask in public so to not scare children, and to help keep his public image positive aswell. The Occult, and Occult objects that Hitler was obsessed over.

Dislikes: Failing, Failing usually always results in one of his henchman dying as a symbol of what failiure rewards, His old Master, although, he is thankful for the knowlege he obtained from him, The weak and Helpless, the old and Feeble, those few that actually may have more than him, but ultimatly he destroys them and takes what is theres.

Character Quirks: Is a habitual sniffler even when he is healthy, Walks in the middle of any aisle, sidewalk, or other shared walkway causing people to have to move around him, Always stands with his hands behind his back, sometimes in an "At Ease" Position, even though he was not in the military, Can calculate the total of any items put in a shopping cart and tax to within $0.05, Is always trying to recruit people to his religious/philosophical beliefs, Demands "Respect", Keeps his clothes Impeccable, Perfectionist, projects a crisp, bussinesslike manner, even when it means ordering someones death, its all business, Always sits with his back to the wall.

Patient X (took the name Oblivion): Perhaps the most powerful being to have ever come along. Patient X, or the name he took for himself, Oblivion, is a Being who came from another dimension that he ruled with an iron Fist. He is God-Like, able to control the weather, has unheard of strength and endurance, and, for the most part, cant be killed. During the last couple years, scientists accidently opened a dimension to another world and from it came Oblivion. The D.S.J., with the help of Super Science, Captain Inferno and The United, were able to Weaken Oblivion. The D.S.J. now keep him in a Specially designed and extremely protected cell in their HQ. Eden, known as Phantasma Girl, has created a new life for Patient X in his mind, keeping him from knowing what he really is, and that he almost destroyed the world. The fantasy has him believing that he is a family man, living a comfortable and wonderful life. He is so powerful however, that eden must periodicly keep the fantasy world changing, for his mind is so developed that he could break free of it without her constant, daily attention. The first 12 issues of Multiple Girl eventually leads up to his breaking free. His fantasy world begins to become a nightmare, chaotic and destructive. Eden is losing control of his fantasy, and then it becomes apparent that he will be breaking free very soon. I wanted to create one of the greatest Villain/Hero confrontations of all time, and bring the United into it, which was another Comic I have been developing alongside this superhero universe. This big, epic battle will take place in the first Multiple Girl Anniversary Issue. The next 12 issues of Multiple girl begin to focus alot more on N.E.S.T. and bringing Mr. Masters down.

Appearance: A dark Blue Skinned male. He is extremely powerful. He is close to 9 feet, about 800 lbs. It is believed that an ancient alien race sent this monsterous being to another dimension to keep him from wrecking havoc on other worlds. He then began to rule over the others that were banished to that Dimension and became even more power hungry and destructive. The rest is unknown. His likes, dislikes, unknown.

The Steel Juggernaut: An agent of the Super Villain Mr. Masters, has a drive that no villain posesses. The Steel Juggernaut does the things he does because the Organization N.E.S.T. gave to him great power to save his people from slavers in his country, after that, he owes Mr. Masters his Services and respect. The Steel Juggernauts power is that his body is covered in an organic kind of Steel that not only makes him nearly invulnerable, but grants him incredible strength. He can lift around 70 tons and is a force to be reckoned with. He has been given the job of kidnapping the Science community. Her father apart of the community, The Multiple Girl joins the D.S.J. on a mission to rescue the scientists from a group that only wants to use their minds as weapons.

Appearance: A hulking Steel menace nearly 7 ft tall. Around a thousand pounds because of his heavy steel-like skin.

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