Page name: Mystic Academy Information [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-02-03 19:45:29
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Mystic Academy

Alright, so I realize the front page doesn't have a whole lot of information, and may even be a little confusing. I made it in a hurry and decided to just make this page instead of coming up with a different front page... Sorry dears >.< lol

Most of this is coming to me in waves, so be sure to watch it. I'll make a comment on new stuff as I update it, so you know where to look.

Mystic War

The Mystic war began in 1763 in Paris, France. Before that autumn in 1763, no one knew about the Maliek Hunters. Their initial attack was fierce, but the Mystics were large enough in numbers that they were able to retaliate and came together against their common enemy. It was the first time all Mystics made a peace treaty among themselves, and those peace treaties continue on to this day. They Mystic world is fairly hidden from humans, so no one had known about how large they were, even the Maliek Hunters didn't fully grasp the sheer amount of Mystics. The human world had it's own problems to worry about, blaming strange deaths and odd occurrences that leaked from the Mystic world on whatever war or plague was going on at the time.

The war went on for a hundred years before the Maliek Hunters gained a full understanding of the world they were fighting, and just how to kill it. But once they knew, they attacked brutally and Mystic numbers began dropping drastically.

Afraid for their survival, Mystics began hiding and cowering in shadows as they'd never really had to before. Just when all hope seemed lost, a new group emerged from the shadows. The Protectors. No one is sure where they came from, or just how long they'd been training before they came to the rescue, but they were like Angels. The Protectors' leader suggested the creation of the Academies. With the help of magic and willpower, hundreds of Academies were built to house Mystics where Protectors would guard them until they were old enough to fight. The early Academies focused on just combat training really, leaving most Mystics to figure out the full extent of their powers on their own. It helped, organized and well trained, the Mystics slowly turned the tide until another 100 years passed and the Hunters were finally forced to go underground in 1963

The Academies

However, in the process of the war, many Academies were destroyed, particularly in the United States, with only the one in Louisiana somehow managing to escape the war mostly unscathed.

The other remaining Academies are spread around the world: France, Scotland, Russia, China, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil and in the very North of Canada. Mystics from all over the world flock to the closest Academy.

Mystic students start school at the very young age of five, basically living on the campuses until they're 18.

Children born to Protectors often become Protectors themselves, starting school at five also.

Protector specialty courses are not offered until the age of fifteen, giving students the choice to become Protectors, or to chose a different path.

The Difference between Mystics and Protectors

Mystics can chose to become Protectors, just as those who are born to Protectors can chose a different life- becoming Mystic.

So what's the difference?

The difference is a little difficult to describe. The Protectors are essentially the Mystic Armed Forces. Protectors dedicate their lives to keeping Mystics safe. Protectors can retire, basically becoming Mystic citizens, like those they protected.

The Protectors are often made up of mostly human crosses, or humans that happen to have special talents/powers. A common combination is a vampire and human cross. They have heightened senses and strengths because of their vampire DNA, but they're essentially human-they don't drink blood, or at least not often.

Mystics are basically citizens. They're taught how to defend themselves, but not the specialized courses, like combat and warfare. They instead chose to benefit the Mystic community in other ways- becoming doctors, teachers, researchers, ext. And some have as human of lives as they can, some even shrug off protection and immerse themselves completely in human society. (These Mystics are on their own for survival unless they ask for protection once more.) Mystics also financially support Protectors, so Mystics have a kind of tax that Protectors don't. But they're constantly under the Protector's care. There are Protectors that work at Academies, but most go on to be private Protectors, protecting families or even businesses.

Maliek Castli/Maliek Hunters

The first thing to realize is that Demon blood is very strong. Even just a small amount can heighten human senses and strength- permanently. It also strengthens the powers of demons and vampires that consume it. It also takes on the taste of wine when mixed with it.

Maliek Castli was with a woman in France, as a black smith he'd gone to her to get a loan to keep his shop when she decided she liked him and they became lovers. What he didn't know was that she was a demon. One night, while she lay sleeping, her butler brought them wine- or that's what he thought. He drank enough demon blood to make his own human blood potent enough to change others as well. As the demon blood took over his system, he fell into a fever for three days. When he woke, his lover explained what had happened. Of course he didn't believe her, but when she'd proved it to him, he was furious. Maliek was a good Catholic man, and now he was a creature of hell. In his rage, he killed her- ripped her head off and threw it into the fire, and then he killed all of her staff (Not knowing that most of them were innocent humans that didn't know what their mistress was.) He stole her money and fled to his village. He informed friends and some family of what he was, proving it to them by moving faster than humans can ever move. And then he asked them to join him in the task of riding the Earth of the plague of demons. With the help of their Church they started an underground network and city. Maliek realized they would never defeat the demons as just humans and convinced them to take just a little amount of his blood. He made people believe that the sacrifice of becoming partial demons outweighed negatives of going to Hell.

Their numbers grew and he provided the first Hunters with his blood, and then taught them where to find either demons or demon blood dealers. Once he believed their numbers were large enough and their people strong enough to kill the demons, he had them kill him.

The Maliek Hunters kept his name though, and as years went by they moved away from the actual Catholic Church and created their own. Still believing that Mystics needed to be purged, they began to believe that they themselves, and humans, were the only creatures meant to live. Maliek Castli became a Saint to them.

The Mystic Community

Government: Each race really has their own form of government that helps make up the government of the whole. Vampires, Fay, Demons, Angels, and Nymphs have monarchs still. There are only around four Kings and/or Queens for each race, and some lower forms of Royalty (lord/ladies dukes/duchess or counts/countess). And all but Vampires and Demons have some form of parliament elected by the people. The Kings/Queens and Parliament officials make up part of the overall government called The Council.

Were-creatures(wolves, panthers, lions, ext) are typically divided into packs/prides. The Alphas of these numerous packs/prides then pick two leaders for each race (So two representatives for all of werewolves, ext.) who then represent them in The Council.

The Protectors have their own leaders that represent them when it is necessary and so they know all the decisions that can affect their jobs.

The Council is a meeting of all the races, who have equal say in matters whether they are royalty or not. They deliberate large issues that have an affect on all Mystics and not just a particular group. The monitor laws in order to protect themselves, and the humans who are not apart of their world. They meet once a year to re-agree to the terms and conditions of the peace treaty that binds them all together.

Currency: There are banks, controlled by The Council that cater to Mystics. This way they can make sure that the tax that goes to the Protectors doesn't cripple anyone's bank account- and they can make sure they're actually paying. Their currency is the same as humans, and the only time it was different was in ancient times. There are credit card companies that cater just to Mystics also. Most Mystics make their money through investments. The Council has many large investments in human technology and such so they can pay the Mystics that work within the community.

Culture: While there is a blend of Mystic and human culture, there is also Mystic specific culture. Including their own famous painters, musicians and their own film and theater industry. There are several Mystic only shopping centers with restaurants and theaters, ext. There's even Mystic world fashion that varies from the human world. The shopping districts, theaters, galleries and concert halls are all hidden from humans, or made to appear as just an office building.

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