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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2017-04-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked up at him with a smile."Either way you'll have another godchild to look after, Teddy."

Wrath chuckled as he watched Raine come back down and he caught her.

Lily giggled a little."Right."

Gideon got to the bar."Five jagerbombs for me and five jagerbombs for Jeri." He said the barmaid with a smile.

Lilth narrowed her eyes a little."Well done on learning something at school. Yes you may go to Hell to study and drink."

2017-04-03 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded, "I know.. I'm starting to go grey from all these kids running around." He chuckled softly.

Raine hugged him tightly, "Thank you for dancing Daddy."

Quinnley grinned a bit and walked to their table before sitting down.

Jericho pulled out his wallet to pay.

Lucien just smiled a little, "Love you." He said simply before stepping through the portal Lucifer made.

"Ten bucks he's destroyed something before we get home." Lucifer sighed softly.

2017-04-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta poked his nose."You aren't going grey,Teddy."she smiled.

"Anytime." Wrath smiled.

"Right you go be with your family. I'm going to the gym to train. I need to work out my anger. Tell Diana to meet me at home." Luciana said with a small smile.

Gideon handed over the money first and looked at Jericho."First round is on me."

Lilith frowned a little."Did he just say he loves me? He couldn't of. My hearing must be going in my old age."

2017-04-03 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled, "You might not see it because it's dark in here and I'm blonde, but I am."

Raine smiled brightly, "Dad when I'm all done with school do I have to do anything, or can I just be with you all day?"

Antoinette smirked, "Sexual frustration and anger are not the same thing." She leaned in and kissed her cheek, "But go beat up some poor dummy. I'll see you this weekend."

Jericho looked at the bar tender. "I did not prepare my liver for this."

2017-04-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta shook her head at him."Your not old. Your not going grey." She said firmly as she rested her head on his chest. In her mind Damion getting old means he is closer to death. She knew when that day came she wouldn't be to handle it.

Wrath nodded and kissed her cheek."Of course sweetpea." He smiled.

"Honey they are to me." Luciana rolled her eyes and kissed her cheek then she opened up a portal to the gym.

The bartender chuckled."I don't think anyome did."

2017-04-03 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little when she said that, "Ok, you're right." He brushed her hair back. "You got stubborn when you became Queen."

Raine grinned and nuzzled into him. "Good."

Antoinette laughed softly and waved goodbye. She then made her way over to her daughter and husband.

Lucifer sighed, "Probably trying to butter you up."

Jericho shook his head a bit, "I don't think anyone could."

2017-04-03 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked up at him with her pouty face."Did not."

Wrath smiled as she cuddled her and he waved at Antoinette."Mommy is coming over."

"Most likely. He wants something or he wants to be forgiven for being so rude to me at Lucianas office." Lilith sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder."Our children hate me. You where rihgt. We shouldn't of had children." She whispered with tears in her eyes. All she has ever wanted was to have children and now she has....well they hate her and they are pure evil.

The bartender chuckled as she lined up the ten jagerbombs."Enjoy."

"Yasss...." Gideon grinned."Come on Jeri. Lets get smashed but not too smashed or my mother will cry and yours will glare and hit us."

Luciana appeared in her gym, it was pitch black and she hit the lights in her personal training room. She walked over to the cloest and got changed into leggings, baggy top and trainers.

2017-04-03 [GlamGamer]: Damion just chuckled softly, "I just can't win with you, can I?"

Raine sat up a bit and smiled, "Mommy, you missed the sweethearts dance."

Antoinette tsked, "Well, I'm glad you were here to dance with Daddy instead baby."

Jericho chuckled softly, "Your mom will cry, but they'll both hit us. Not just my mom." he picked a shot up and toasted Gideon. "To not getting smacked."

Andre was still in his limo, just having the driver cruise around for a little while so he could drink before having to go home and sober up quickly before his wife found out.

2017-04-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "Nope. Never." Rosett smiled and cuddled him.

Wrath kissed Antoinette's cheek."Is Luci okay?"

"To not getting smacked." Gideon toasted Jericho then he down his shot.

Luciana turned on the CD player and blasted rock songs as she warmed up. She needed to work off these emotions she felt. She hated that Andre had such an effect on her.

2017-04-03 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little and held her close.

Antoinette nodded, "She will be after a weekend by the sea." She smiled a little guiltily. She always felt bad when she left Wrath on his own with the kids.

Lucifer turned her chin up so she was looked at him, "They love us both. They're evil little shits and we kind of hoped that wouldn't happen. But my other two kids have had their bad years.. Remember when the twins were five.. Lucien is still a Mama's boy at heart. He still has a heart. Maybe not Oriana." He teased and grinned a little, "Because she's just like her father, a self entitled brat.. I grew out of that phase... Course, my wings were ripped off and I was kicked out of Heaven before I started to grow out of it.."

Jericho downed his shot and then two more after.

Andre asked the driver to go to the gym. Once they were there he told the driver to go home and send someone else so he could get some sleep. Then he walked up to the doors, trying to open it. He scowled when he found it locked, but kept working at it until the door opened.

2017-04-03 [Cerulean Sins]: "I love you so much Teddy." Rosetta said softly holding onto him tightly.

Wrath smiled."It's been a while since you and Luci got to spend any proper time together. It will be good for you too."

Lilith looked at him with a face sad."I hope your right and they do grow out of it."

Gideon kept up with Jericho as they down the shots.

Once she was warmed up she pulled a training dummie from the cloest and started practicing hand to hand combat.

2017-04-03 [GlamGamer]: "I love you too Rose." He smiled a little.

Antoinette nodded a bit, "That's true.. I wish it was just because we need to catch up."

Lucifer smiled a little. "I'm always right." He said, trying to get her to smile.

Jericho looked at the fourth one, "To not making your mom cry. We forgot that."

Andre looked at his empty bottle of scotch and shrugged, tossing it before walking through the gym, "Luci!"

2017-04-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "Can you carry me to the table? My ankles really hurt and I picked the wrong shoes to wear." Rosetta smiled up at him.

"Tell me later?" Wrath asked.

"No your not." Lilith rolled her eyes.

"To not making my mum cry. I'm telling you this pregnancy has made her really emotional." Gideon shook his head and down his shot.

Luciana frowned a little when she heard her name during the small silence between songs. She kept the music going as she walked out of her private training room and went in search of the intruder.

2017-04-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded, "Of course I can." He smiled a little and picked her up carefully.

Antoinette nodded, "After we put the littles to bed. Which looks like it's time to do just that." She said as Salem and Fury were returned to her, and Raine looked ready to pass out in Wrath's arms.

"I know it did.. Remember when I told her I was going to be working at the school? She cried for a day.. I don't even remember if it was sadness or pride." He downed the last two shots quickly and ordered another round.

"Luci, you have some splannin' to do." He chuckled at his own joke, quoting the American tv show

2017-04-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosett smiled."Thank you Teddy." She said as she held onto him.

Wrath nodded."Lets head home and get the little ones to bed."

"Both I think." Gideon said then he finished offhis shots.

Luciana shook her as she walked around the corner to see a drunk Andre."What are you doing here,Andre? You're meant to be at the party with Clara and Josiah." She sighed.

2017-04-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled, walking her to the table, "Of course." He set her down at the table and looked at Quinn and Lily, "You two behaving?"

Quinnley made her eyes large and innocent, "Always daddy."

Jericho chuckled softly, "Dad was disappointed I could tell that. Everyone else I couldn't."

Andre scowled at her, "I don't do what you tell me to Luci, just what you make me do. Didn't stay long enough to make me party with Clara." He shook his head a little, "You're in here all the time though." He tapped his temple. "All the damn time. Thirty years."

2017-04-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "Always Uncle Teddy." Lily smiled.

"Teddy...leave them be. Their good girls." Rosetta smiled.

"Uncle Teddy was only upset cause pretty much everyone in your family are protectors." Gideon said.

Luciana sighed softly."'re drunk. You should go home and sleep it off."

2017-04-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion rolled his eyes, "Boy they've got you fooled." He teased, giving both girls a kiss on the top of their heads. "Did you two have fun tonight?"

Quinnley nodded, "Sure did."

Jericho sighed and shook his head, "I know they are. I'd rather be a tattoo artist or something."

Andre shook his head a little, "Mmm, that's not how I want to get sober. At least not how you're saying it." He smirked a little.

2017-04-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta batted his arm gently.

Lily smiled."Yeah I did.'

"Then do it,Jer." Gideon smiled.

Luciana frowned a little."Andre...go home to your wife and son." She said softly.

2017-04-04 [GlamGamer]: Damion just grinned a bit. "I'm glad. So you girls will be wearing these dresses for prom right?" he knew it wasn't likely. Still he wanted to try.

"Ha! As if dad. I'm going short for prom." Quinnley grinned

Jericho shook his head. "Not yet. Not until Quinn is out of school. I just know She's going to need her brother to rescue her once while she's there. I can feel it in my gut."

Andre shook his head. "We sleep in different beds Luci. She wouldn't see me unless she decided to come check on me for my fake headache. She stopped doing that years ago."

2017-04-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Maybe. I'm not sure yet." Lily shrugged a little.

"And when you have a gut feeling its normally right." Gideon nodded.

"Andre I don't need to know about your sleeping arrangements but what I do need is for you to sober up and leave. I'll call for a car to come collect you and I'll make you a coffee or tea." Luciana sighed.

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