Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 5 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-01-05 04:17:35
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 5

Back to Mystic Zodiac

"Oh, but they don't believe that anymore so it doesn't happen?" Tallia asked.

"They still hold influence over there area, just as the gods of other regions of the world do..."

"I don't know how those in the rest of the world hold seems odd to me," Tallia said. "No one really believes in the polygods anymore except in India and a couple other small places."

"It means nothing... the gods still play a part in it all..."

"Oh, I guess, if I was a goddess and people had stopped believing, I would still do what I was already doing...of course, if I were a goddess, I wouldn't be one that people would gravitate toward!"

"Yes they would, Talia.... there are all sorts..."

"Maybe...I'm not a goddess, though, so it doesn't matter..."

"You are even better..."

"I'm just a member of the Zodiac who can't find her brother...that doesn't make me better than a goddess."

"With out you, there would be no way for the Zodiac or the Thirteenth to save the world from the greatest evil the world will ever know..."

"If you say so..."

Genbu kissed Talia passionately. "I know so... and we will find your brother... I promise you...."

"I believe you. Now let's find some mummies!"

Genbu laughed. "To the pyramids..." He lead her off to go get a jeep, and started driving out into the desert.

Tallia just couldn't quite take everything in: the landscape was unlike anything she'd ever seen before.

She thought she saw a large cat running through the sands.

"Genbu, what's that?" Tallia asked him, pointing at what she thought she saw.

Genbu looked, then smiled. "That's Byakko's mother.... Bast, known as the Lion-headed Goddess of Egypt.... she had named Byakko after his father..."

"Wow...Okay...I'm still trying to get a grip on everything!"

"It's okay, love..." he said. The cat disappeared from view.

"She is graceful, though, isn't she?"

"That she is...look ahead... the pyramids..."

"Ooohh, they're pretty!"

"Thought you'd love them..." Genbu smiled.

"It's so weird that they are just huge tombs...I mean, why would you need them that large? I would rather...actually I don't know what I'd rather have done."

"They are live able homes, love...the only area that mortals find are the areas that are made for mortals to find if they discover a way in..."

"Yeah, I don't think it is a good idea to hide it from them or try to protect them from it. Robbie has had a dream about Shaiya as Selene and me as Cancri on a beach, which happened several times in that life," Vander told him.

Epsilon nodded, smiling. "Truly a child of the Moon goddess..."

Crystal came over to the two, Shaiya and Robbie sitting on the couch with Robbie whispering into her ear. Cyrstal looked up at them. "Horsey..."

"We will, don't worry. Just a little bit longer, I promise."

"No...horsey..." she said, pointing out Epsilon who laughed.

Vander tried to remember what she meant.

"Yes I am... partly, little one..." laughed Epsilon softly.

"I didn't think we'd be able to hide it from them for very long...the magical world, I mean."

"She sees what is hidden, and he sees the past and the future in dreams...."

"If that's the case, why couldn't she see me before I touched her mother?"

"She is a child... learning... just coming into her gifts.... you came into your gift from Selene at the same age as you did in the past..."

"But in the past, she did it on purpose...she didn't even know who she was until a couple days ago..." Vander was still trying to wrap the modern part of his mind around the whole thing.

"The Moon above remembers what it's Mistress wanted...."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense...maybe."

"I have to admit that sometimes it's confuses me too..."

Vander laughed a little, "I'm glad I'm not the only one, then!"

"Yeah... and I didn't even die...."

"Vander..." came Shaiya voice. "I have to go....the... thing I have.... going on...."

"Okay, I'll watch the kids. Good luck," Vander kisses her cheek as she leaves.

Shaiya nodded. "Thank you...."

"Mommy?" asked Crystal. Robby looked worried.

She smiled. "I'll be back later...." She kissed them both on the forehead.

Crystal walked over to Vander and took his hand. "Mommy be back...."

Shaiya watched the children, looked at Vander. "I'll..." She left looking scared.

Vander knelt down to be eye level with Crystal, "She'll be fine. We'll make sure of it, okay?"

"Okay Inviso-boy..." Crystal said.

"Now, didn't I promise something about a horesy ride if you two behaved?"


Vander took the kids to the closest place he could find that gave pony rides.

Crystal and Robby smiled. "Pretty!"

"Hello there... are you looking for a ride?" came the voice of the attendant.

Vander told Robbie to tell the man that he'd like himself and his sister to ride until they had to go. Their mom sent them with money. He also gives Robbie money behind his back.

Robbie told the man, then the man asked, "Where is your mother...?"



"Well, it's not so much that, but I still have amnesia from this life while I'm beginning to remember my past life. I'm starting to think that I just got sent forward into the future when everything happened and people just thought I'd died," Cornelia told him.

"Everything will turn out fine..."

"Yes, I believe so."

Aries nodded, then smiled a little. "I think we are going to be having company soon..."

"What sort of company?"

Semreh appeared in the room with a young man there. He looked familiar to Cornelia in more then one way, and she was drawn to him. "Mother..." Semreh said softly.

William remained silent not believing his eyes.

" it really you?" Cornelia asked.

He hugged her close. "C...Cornelia...I am so sorry."

Semreh stood there smiling.

Cornelia burst into tears. "I only remember our past life. Do you remember that?"

He looked down sadly. "No...I don't..."

"Father... this had been our home... centuries ago... I have kept it in our family.... "

"I know that I love we'll just have to work through this, together," Cornelia pulled Semreh into the hug.

He nodded. "I will try..."

Semreh pulled them all into a hug. "I'm just glad that I have my parents back..."

Cornelia just breathed deeply the scent of her family. She was nearly happy again.

"I will leave you all...but I will be back to speak with you... Aries..." said Ares.

Cornelia was unsure what to make of everything, but was glad that her family was back together and hoped that their memories would also be back properly soon.

Ares disappeared, and Semreh smiled happy to be a family again.

"You know, I'm getting kind of hungry. Let's go back and I'll make us a meal, just like old times!"

Semreh smiled, excited.

Loki looked down sadly. "Siria is Arcadia's cousin.... her father and his twin were forced to fight each other to the death... to punish me..."

"Oh. We've found Arcadia, we'll find Siria too."

Siria will not be far if you have found Arcadia... she was just a little older than Arcadia, but I told her to watch over Arcadia....I hide them together in the Americas with a friend... one of the first wolves of the world....

"Oh. That was smart of you...she doesn't want to see me, though," Del sounds rather sad.

"How would you feel if you met your mother who had been reborn, and she was your age?" asked Loki.

"I don't know...I didn't know anything about magic until probably yesterday now, so I couldn't say. If I'd been exposed to it my whole life, than I would feel differently. If I met someone who was supposed to be my mother from a past life or something a week ago, I would think that person was crazy and run away fast."

"She is a wolf...a werewolf.... if you were in her shoes.."

"I'm not sure what I'd do if I were in her shoes. I don't know what she's been through recently, maybe it was a horrific experience, but she's still a baby to me, no matter how old she is presently."

"Then we need to get back to Arcadia...." said Loki.

Del just realized she'd been awake for nearly forty eight hours, "I'm going to need to let my sister and niece know that I'm okay, so we'll need to do that too..." before she was able to say anything more she passed out, sound asleep.

Del woke up sometime later in a new warm bed.

She looked around, trying to remember what had happened. She decided she'd just had a really long seeming dream and just thought that she was a goddess. The only problem was she couldn't figure out where she currently was.

"Auntie!" Del was jumped on by a little girl, by Flora.

"Flora! I have I been here the whole time? Is anyone else here?" Del asked her.

"You found uncle Fenris!" she shouted. "You found him... you found him.....!" Flora started jumping up and down on the bed.

"Flora, you're going to break the bed!" Del said, giggling a little. "Is he still here?"

"Uncle Fenris and Grandpa Loki! Yep!" Flora said, smiling.

"So everything's still real?" Del said aloud, talking to herself. She went out of the bedroom with Flora to find Fenris.

She found the large wolf laying in the living room, curled up. He lifted his head when she came in. Love...

Del went over to the wolf and wrapped her arms around his neck and then sat down with him curled around her.

Fenris's tail wrapped around her.

"Good morning," came Loki's voice.

Del smiled, petting Fenris.

"" said Fauna, smiling at her sister as she handed Del a bowl of fruit. "Breakfast..."

"Thanks! I'm sooo hungry!" Del dug into the bowl and ate.

Fauna and Flora giggled. Fenris licked her cheek. "You are just as I remember you..."

"I'm sure he does, but we need to hurry...I don't want to get caught again," Aria said.

Seiryuu nodded, then a whirl of wind and water surrounded them like a tornado. They then appeared, dry, in the middle of a large temple, with a huge statue of Seiryuu as a dragon, while Seiryuu himself stood there smiling in his human form.

"Well, that was a lot faster than swimming or flying!" Aria said. She hugged Seiryuu, "Good to see you again, my friend."

Seiryuu hugged back. "You as well, friend..." He then looked at Aquila. "You have a good protector here Aria... I feel it in him..."

Aquila looked confused.

"I'm not surprised. I could never be with someone who couldn't defend what they believed in...and there's that whole love pull, so I have no doubt that he is wonderful," Aria looked at Aquila.

Aquila smiled at her. "I will protect you..."

"I know."

"You two are a cute couple..." laughed Seiryuu lightly.

"My brother ought to like you, though."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, but don't be afraid if he tries to intimdate you...he is my older brother after all."

"That makes me fill alot better..." he laughed.

Seiryuu just smiled at the two. "Go... you don't want to keep him waiting..."

"Come on!" Aria grabs Aquila's hand so they can hurry.

Aquila followed, glad to be back in the states.

Aria took them to her brother's business, heading towards his office.

The office door was closed, and the secretary was talking on the phone to someone.

"We'll just wait a moment, until she gets off the phone."

Aquila nodded.

"Hello Aria..." came Eos's voice.

Aria hugged her friend. "I've missed you!" ((Eos is the Dawn)) ((Oops!))

"Aria... I'm glad to see you too..." she said, hugging back.

After the hug, Aria took Aquila's hand, "This is my boyfriend, Aquila."

Aquila blushed. "Hello..."

Eos smiled. "It is nice to meet you, my name is Eos... Aria, this is happy news... it would seem love is in the air for many..."

"What do you mean?"

"Erebus is in love...Abmisleo ((Zodiac of Leo)) is in love...little Chyrosa is in love...." Eos said smiling. "And I think Helios is off somewhere..."

"Really?! What's going on around here!? Did Aphrodite or Cupid decide to spread something around here?"

"Don't know... you'd have to ask them or Oracle...she's in love too..."

"Oh, well, I guess. Does that mean you know why weird stuff happens around me sometimes?" Kenda asked her father. She never told anyone about the weather changing, but she's sure he's noticed.

"Yes... I do... I have been so proud to see your birth right coming in...." he said with a smile.

"What do you mean, Dad? I don't quite get it." The weather started to turn confused: it began to lightning and thunder, but the sun was out.

"I am the god of the airs and winds of the Earth..." he said.

"You're a god?! Is Mom a goddess?"

"No, she is not...she is the mortal woman I fell in love with..."

"Oh...but what does that make me?"

"A demi-goddess..." helios said with a smile.

"But I don't do anything...Things just happen around me."

"The weather changing to your emotions.. that is something... you will learn..."

"Oh, so where do you come into the picture?" she asked, pointing at Helios.

"I am a friend of your father's.... from a long time ago, before he just disappeared from the map... I am the god of the Sun... the Sun itself....and the man that is drawn to you..."


"Kenda..." Helios said softly. "Are you drawn to me...?"

"Yes, and I've never felt that before."

"It's a pull of true love," came her father's voice.

Helios nodded.

"What? But I'm too young to be in love with someone!"

Helio nodded. "If that is what you wish... but one is never too young or old to feel the pull of true love..."

"No, I didn't mean it that way, I just...this whole thing is going to take a bit to get used's the sort of thing that's supposed to happen in books!"

Helios nodded.

"There are many ideas within books and stories that are based on reality...many books of the past as well as a few of the present were writen by gods and goddess..." her father said.

"Really? That's...I don't quite know how to respond!"

Helios smiled. "Don't worry, gets crazy...."

Kenda sighed, knowing he was probably right. "So if gods and goddesses exist...then what does that mean. Wait, from everything I've read, when a person finds out about magic and gods and stuff, that person tends to be thrown into a crazy set of events that the fate of the world depends on...please tell me right now if something like that is happening!"

"The events that are happening to the world has been slowly happening for centuries... did you see the bombing of the White House a few days ago on the news...?" She remembers seeing it, and that President Bush was the only one there at the time.

He looked at her and chuckled as she stood there in her jeans and one of his wear anywhere dress shirts that looked really sexy on her even though it was big. "So true my mate" he said seductively.

"Then I'll just pull on my bike chaps..." she giggled.

"Chaps?" he growled out turned on by the idea.

"I never really ride with out them..." she growled back.

"I don't mean to sound like a perve but assless?" He couldnt help but ask.

"Assless but for the jeans underneath...silly," she giggled.

"Oooh that is sooo hot" he said growling out really turned on.

"Go on... change..." Siria laughed, giggling at how cute he was.

Serapis laughed and walked off inside to go change.

Siria headed back inside too, and pulled on her boots.

Serapis changed into a pair of his leather pants with his red every day dress shirt while wearing a black razor back tank underneith and he had his big black boots on as well.

"ready for a ride?"

"Oh yeah" he grinned looking down at her and saw a helmet sitting on the table. It was black with a wolf on the side. "this your's or mine?" he asked curiously

"Your's.... mine is this one..." Siria picked up a helmet from beside the couch. It was silver with the ancient marking of Fenris and the first wolves.

"Oooh sexy" he said smiling over at her. "Alright lets get going hot stuff" he said adorably as they headed out together.

Once outside, Siria got on her bike, putting her helmet on. "I'm ready, you?"

"Hell yeah" he said straddleing his bike and putting his helmet on.

"Catch me if you can..." Siria started of down the street, laughing.

Serapis laughed and took off after her.

He saw her weave in and around people.

Serapis lost her at a red light and watched as she zoomed off ahead. "Damn it" he growled to himself as he tapped his foot waiting for it to turn green again.

The light turned green.

Serapis gunned it down the road. he flipped open his visor and smelled her scent on the air following her.

He smelled it coming from the south east.

He reved the engine and took off after her.

After a while, Serapis saw Siria up ahead of him.

"Their you are my little minx" he growled out as he kicked it into higher gear racing after her.

He saw her look back at him, and smile. She zoomed off.

Serapis gunned it after her.

He caught up with her. She was parked on the side, sitting on her bike waiting for him, smiling.

He pulled in behind her and pulled off his helmet. "Damn baby your a speed demon" he said with a grin.

"I have years of practice..."

Serapis grinned. "Well I do have to say your so sexy on that thing" he said gazing at her with heated eyes.

"Thank you very kindly..." she said softly with a sexy smile.

"So before I make a public display and ravish you on the back of your bike where would you like to go?" he asked seductively.

"Oh I don'tkknow... maybe... up that way..." Siria said with lust, motioning up towards the nearest mountain range.

"Sounds great to me" he said with a grin before pulling his Helmet on. "lead the way my darling" he said before turning on his bike.

She put her helmet back on, and zoomed off towards the mountains.

Serapis growled deeply to himself as his bike roared after hers.

He saw her head down a more of a gravel road, the mountains growing infront of them.

Serapis was able to keep up with her better this time

Siria stopped a ways down the road, pulling off the road, parking in a clearing near a mountain path.

Serapis pulled in next to her.

"Are you ready? There's the start of our fun..."

"Is it now?" he asked pulling his helmet off and setting on his bike seat as he fluffed his hair.

"Awww.... look at that... did my like wolfie get his hair all messed up..." She laughed.

Serapis laughed "hey I have to look good for my mate" he said playfully.

Siria giggled. "Oh really now...."

"Yes really" he grinned adorably.

Siria went over to Serapis, and messed up his hair.

Serapis laughed and suddenly grabbed her pulling her against him.

"Oh..." she giggled.

"Oh what?" he asked curiously with a chuckle.

Siria kissed him on the lips.

Serapis groaned melting into her lips and into her.

"My messy wolf..."

"I'll show you messy" he said playfully before giving her a little nuzzle.

"Mmmmm... what a tame little wolfie I have now...." she giggled.

Serapis laughed a deep hearty laugh hearing her call him that.

"Nothing big or bad..." she giggled.

"Oh I'll show you big and bad" he growled out and suddenly picked her up wrapping her legs around his waist pinned her to a tree and nipped at her neck.

Siria growled back, running her fingers through his hair.

He moved his way down her body nipping at her skin. He opened her shirt as he nipped down her chest to her stomach.

"Mmmmmm...." she growled. "Serapis....." She pulled him closer with her legs. ((This is a note for my other game, don't forget Dark World ^_^ lol))

Serapis stood up again and kissed her deeply making out with her ((is it my turn? sorry it didnt do the little notification so I didnt know lol ^^))

Siria kissed back passionately. "My love...." she whispered. ((It's cool.....))

Serapis nuzzled her. "My darling Mate" he said holding her close.

He heard a twig break.

Serapis whipped around in the direction of the sound keeping Siria to his back to protect her as he was ready to fight.

He didn't see anything.

Serapis pulled his glasses off and let his wolf eyes adjust and focus. His wolf eyes could see better then his human ones he used to have. He shifted his ears slightly to enhance his hearing listening and looking for whatever made that noise.

He heard small footsteps moving through the woods on the mountain, and he spied a shadow to go with those steps.

Serapis looked at Siria. "Their is someone in the trees" he whispered softly to her.

Siria looked off into the woods. "I...don't think... I like that..."

He heard another twig snap.

Serapis growled and in a motion of liquid grace shifted to his huge wolf form ready to protect Siria.

"Just go..." she whispered.

"I'm not leaving you alone" he growled softly.

Another twig broke.


Seprapis snarled and tore off into the woods after the being that was out there.

Serapis was able to grab it. It struggled in his arms, and was hidden under a cloak. A big puffy tail swacked at his face.

Serapis jumped back and rubbed his nose. "Who are you and why are you creeping around here?" he growled out to the cloaked being.

He could tell that the tail was like that of a squirll's. "I... wasn't... you... were..." said a young female voice. The cloaked figure was crouched close to the ground, yet looked ready to run.

"We're not creeping around here, I was just spending some quality time with my mate" he growled watching her closely.

"My tree..." the female voice said, still moving around as if ready to run.

"You could have just asked us to move, we may be wolves but we do have a sense of honor" Serapis said as he turned and began to head back to where Siria was.

"I...wolves eat...."

Serapis snorted at what she said and just continued on his way walking threw the undergrowth back to where Siria was waiting for him.

Serapis sensed something familiar coming his way, towards Siria, something like what took him.

Serapis picked up the pace and bolted after him.

"Ahhh!" It didn't sound like Siria.... it sounded like the cloaked figure.

Serapis ran off in the direction faster trying to get there.

When Serapis got there, Siria was coming out of a hole in the tree. "Serapis...."

Serapis shifted back to human. "Siria whats going on? I heard a scream" he said worriedly as he helped pull her out of the tree.

"I was pushed into the tree by this person in a cloak..... and it... she screamed as this shadow grabbed right at where I had been standing...."

"That person she was the one walking around we were making out against her tree and she grew nervous about us here." he was trying to understand why she would help his mate when she didnt even know them.

"She saved me.... we have to help her..." Siria said, hugging him.

"Yes I agree, I have a bad feeling its one of Zues's minions, the smell was the same to the person who captured me" he said worriedly.

"I don't like this...."

"Neither do I" he said hugging her tight before letting her go then enhancing his senses to see if their was any traces left of them.

He caught sight of a trail that headed up the mountain.

"Found it come on" He shifted to his full wolf form then looked up at her with his big beautiful Amber eyes.

Siria shifted into her full wolf form. "Lead.." she growled.

Serapis trotted off ahead following the strong scent filling his noise while his ears twitched picking up sounds around him.

He heard struggling and smelled the mix of the actual creature that took him, and the one had the squirrl tail.

Serapis slowed down to a stalking motion careful with his paws so not to make a noise.

Siria came up beside him.

They could see a large creature roughly handling the cloaked figure with the squirrl tail. The cloaked figure was struggling, and the creature through the person to the ground. The cloak laid there motionlessly.

Serapis got as close as he could then suddenly he charged and lept through the air snapping digging his fangs into the creatures throat then began to claw at it attackign it trying to protect the cloaked being.

The creature attacked back.

Siria leapt forward, scooping the figure, and taking it to safety.

Serapis pulled power from his bloodline boosting his power. His muscles bulked up and his fangs and claws grew longer. He snarled and ripped into the creature tearing it to shreds.

"AHHH!!" screeched the creature as it died.

When he was sure the creature was dead he headed off following where Siria had gone off to.

He found Siria in her human form, kneeling over the cloaked figure. She looked up at him as he came towards her. "She's.... she's... just a...." Siria moved the cloak away from the figure's face. Serapis could see the face of a young girl, barely ten years old.

Serapis shifted back to human, he was covered in cuts and gashes and feeling weak. "She just a little girl" he said worriedly. He pulled a cellphone from his pant pocket. "I'll call Mani to send a car since their is no way we'll get her to my place on the bikes" he said as he dialed Mani's number at the office.

"Mani, here..." came Mani's voice.

Siria stroked the girl's hair.

"Hey mani its Serapis, Siria and I are in some trouble, we were attacked a young girl protected Siria and I rescued her but she's out cold We came out to the mountain range on motorcycles so we can't get back to the city can you send a car to our location?"

"Sure thing, Serapis... it'll be there shortly...."

"Thank Mani I deffinantly owe you one for this" he said greatfully.

"No problem..." Mani said, then he was gone.

Serapis hung up his phone he was feeling weak from pulling the power from his bloodline and he was kind of badly wounded but he wasnt going to let Siria know. "I'm going to hide the bikes while we wait for the car to get here." he said to her as she took care of the little girl.

"You don't need to hide things from me, Serapis... you need to rest...." she said softly.

"I'm fine" he grunted as he moved his bike in some bushes then went over to her bike and moved it as well.

He was just finishing with her bike, when Mani pulled up in a car. "Yo, Serapis..."

"Hey Mani thanks for coming" he opened up the back seat to the Large SUV and helped Siria in with the young girl. Then closing the door behind her he went around and climbed in the front seat. "Sorry don't mean to bleed on your seats" he said to Mani with a smirk.

"What and stop you from your gift to me...?" Mani asked him gently.

"Its good that you and Siria get to see one another" Serapis said as his vision began to get black and white starbursts from the concussion that beast had given him with his were healing though it would be gone soon. He pulled off his shirt and held it to one of the worst wounds to stop the bleeding.

Siria smiled. "Yes it is... it is alway sgood to see you Mani..."

Mani moved over to Serapis, and placed a hand on his wound, healing it.

Serapis let out a snarl as it stung while the wound healed. Mani knew Serapis wasnt snarling at him. When he was done Serapis side. "Thanks man" he said with a smile as he leaned back into the seat.

Mani nodded. "Anytime, Serapis..."

Siria looked at them. "We need to get somewhere to help her..."

Serapis sat there thinking about it then looked at Mani. "Do you know where the hide out for the BoneGrinders werewolf pack is?" he asked looking at him. "They could help I'm good friends with their pack leader."

"I know where all the werewolves are..." Mani said smiling.

"Of course you do, Mani..." Siria said. "Now why don't you just take us to them."

"Yes ma'am..." he said with a smile and salute, laughing.

"Thank you Mani" Serapis said with a smile as he laid his head back watching the road ahead of them.

Mani laughed. He drove them up to a mountain range, wolves started running up beside the SUV, howling.

Serapis opened the window and howled with them as they drove along, He always loved a good howl.

Siria smiled. "Oh Mani... and I thought I was taming the boy..."

Mani laughed. "You know the meaning of tame, Siria?"

"Sorry babe its hard to tame someone like me" he said playfully looking at her in th eback seat.

Siria smirked at him.

"I for one think it is you that would have a hard time taming her..." Mani said.

"I never said anything about Taming her" he chuckled and smiled at Siria lovingly. "She's a wild wolf and its one thing I love about her" he said with a smile.

"YOu better dear..." she said smiling.

Serapis laughed and smiled at her.

They made it to the wolf packs den.

The leader came out.

Serapis got out of the car as Mani came to a stop infront of the huge mansion hidden in the woods. "Gregore its good to see you my friend I wish it was under different circumstances." he said standing there still bleeding a bit from here and there as Gregore went wide eyed seeing Serapis like that.

"What got you all like that?" Gregore asked.

Mani got out as did Siria.

"I don't know what their called but their big their brutal and trust me I was alot worse not long ago. I'm in no shape to fight, Gregore even though I'm nothing more then a lone wolf I ask protection at least for one night in your home, we have a youngling who saved my mate and we need to help her." he said with pain in his eyes.

"YOu are all welcome... Lord Mani... is it a pleasure..."

Mani nodded.

Siria moved for Serapis to take her out of the vehicle.

Serapis gave Gregore a nod as he then moved to the SUV gently getting hte little squirrel girl out and carrying her off inside.

Siria and Mani followed as Gregore lead them inside.

Serapis found one of the free rooms and laid their little friend down on the bed gently.

"I will go find our healer so that we may check her out..." Gregore said before heading out of the room.

Mani smiled. "I have wolves to greet...." He soon followed Gregore.

Siria looked up at Serapis. "I hope she wakes soon..."

"I hope so as well" Serapis said as he walked to the little bathroom connected to the bedroom. He grabbed out some bandages and things for himself. Then he came back out and began to get to work on patching himself up while they waited for their little friend to awaken.

She started to move. "Owww..."

Serapis was in the middle of stitching a wound so he was in no position to go see her.

"Shhh... it's okay little one you are safe...."

"I... I..." the little girl curled up.

Serapis did a quick whip stitch fixing the cut in his side. Then he walked over. "Its alright little forest sprite you are safe here." he said looking down at her with soft eyes.

"I... I'm sorry... I..."

"Shhh its alright, I just want to say thank you, you saved my mate. I'm just glad I was able to get to you in time to save you inreturn." he smiled. "You are safe here with us"

"I am never safe...." she whispered.


The girl shook.

Serapis gently pulled her against him. "Shhh shhh its ok" he said looking down at her.

"" she said holding on close.

Siria watch, with a gentle smile.

"Your welcome little one, My name is serapis, and my mate here is Siria, may I ask our name?" he asked softly.

"I... Neafa..."

"Neafa, thats a really pretty name" he smiled at her a sweet smile.

"Neafa Nut....Nutty Neafa.... Nutty..." She looked down and around.

"I like just Neafa" he said and he tussled her hair a little bit.

"It was what I was called..."

Serapis chuckled and smiled. "Well to me the name Neafa is beautiful and suites you well." he said watching her.

"I agree..." Siria said.


"Yes really" he smiled down at her.

The little girl nodded shyly.

"Now Siria is going to take care of you because I need to go finish cleaning and fixing myself up" he smiled and gently let go of her then stood up.

Siria smiled. "Yes, sir...."

Serapis smiled at her playfully as he stood up. "I'll be in the room next door if you need me" he said before walking out then into the other room. He stripped and went to the bathroom to clean all the blood off of himself and examine his wounds better.

His wounds weren't as bad as it may have been if Mani hadn't gotten there.

Mani had healed his worst of his wounds and the other deep wounds Serapis had stitched up and everything was already healing. One great thing about being a were. He worked on scrubbing the blood and grime from his body.

He was fully clean though in a tub full of grim.

He stood up and undid the drain in the tub. He then filled the bucket full of hot water and poured it over his head cleaning himself off quick. "There we go" he said to himself as he grabbed his pants and threw them on. He didnt worry about his shirt since it was soaked in blood.

A knock came at the door. "You didn't drown did you?" came Siria's voice.

Serapis chuckled and opened the door stranding there sexy and shirtless, his body glistening with water. "I promise I didnt drown" he said with a smile looking down at her.

"Really...? It looks like you may have..."

"Oh?" he asked playfully as he dabbed himself with the towel. "I wouldnt say that now" he said playfully gazing down at her.

"I thought you did well with the little one..."

"Thank you I used to help my fellow wolves raise their little ones a long time ago when I was an Alpha running my own pack" he said walking out and sitting on the bed in the room.

Siria nodded. "She... it seems like she's been alone for sometime..."

"Thats aweful, she's been out in the forest this whole time?" he asked softly.

Siria nodded. "She would know only what she would learn from the squirrels and other animals..."

"I wonder where she got the tail from" he said as he gave his nose a little rub remembering being whapped in the face with the large fluffy tail.

"It's her tail... she would have needed it forhow she lived...a rarity really... I've never seen were squirrels before..."

"Were squirrel how interesting" he said thinking about it.

Siria nodded.

"so is she all settled it for right now in the room next door?" he asked curiously.

Siria nodded. "Yes she is..."

Serapis suddenly pulled her down ontop of him and laid there on the bed looking up at her. "Well then why don't we settle in?" he asked playfully.

"Oh really..." she growled back, smiling.

"Yes really" he growled playfully looking up at her. Suddenly he flipped her over on her back and growled softly down at her before nipping at her neck.

She titled her neck for him, pulling him closer.

He cradled himself between her legs as he gave her a claiming bite on her nec. His hands slid over her thighs posseively wanting to ravish her badly.

"Your's..." she growed.

He pulled back and yanked off her pants. "Mine" he growled playfully tossing her pants off to the side then tugged her panties off as well. afterwhich he cradled himself between her thighs once more. "My mate" he said in a growling heavy voice as he pulled her shirt off then kissed his way down her body.

"Mate..." she purred. She togged at his shirt, pulling it off.

he pulled off his shirt and threw it off to the side then unlatched his pants and pushed them down before kicking them off.

Siria's legs wrapped around him, pulling him into happy hour.

When they were done they laid there snuggling in bed jsut lost in the peace of having one another while it lasted.

Siria nuzzled closer to him, breathing in deeply his scent.

"My mate" he said lovingly and yawned ready to fall asleep

he woke up some time later, hours in fact, to something brushing his nose.

He suddenly sneezed and opened his eyes to see what it was.

Siria giggled, holding a feather over his nose.

Serapis sneezed again then looked at her curiously. "What are you up to?" he asked playfully laying there under her.

"Having fun with you..." she whispered.

Serapis chuckled. "tired of watching me sleep?" he asked playfully.

"Yep...and nope..." she giggled.

"Yep and nope?" he asked confused.

"I love watching you sleep, but I wanted you awake now..." she laughed.

Serapis laughed as well. "Your so cute" he playfully nuzzled her.

"I know..." she giggled, and then kissed him.

Serapis happily kissed her back snuggling with her. "My sexy mate." he growled out.

"Oh yes I am..." she giggled.

Serapis pushed himself up so he was leaning back on his arms. "I wonder how our little friend is doing" he said curiously.

"She may still be sleeping..."

"I could understand that since its her first night in a bed" he said with a smile looking up at her.

Siria nodded, "We could just check in on her... not wake her..."

"Yes why don't we do that" he said looking up at her ontop of him..

Siria slide from on top of him, with a smile on her face.

Serapis climbed out of bed and yanked on a pair of pants then headed out with her to Neafa's room.

Siria smiled at Serapis, placing a finger over her lips. She opened the door to the room. "Where....?" Neafa didn't appear to be in the room.

Serapis's nose twitched as he tried to catch a scent of where she might have gone he held his finger to his lips for her to be quiet.

Her scent was coming from under the bed.

Serapis walked over and gently pulled the sheets up peaking under the bed.

Neafa laid underneath the bed, curled up, asleep.

Serapis smiled and decided to leave her under there since it probably reminded her of her tree., gently he lead Siria out then closed the door with a soft click. "She's doing fine she was under the bed fast asleep" he said sweetly.

Siria nodded. "The bed must be a scary object...."

"No I just don't think she's comfortable being out in the open, Remember she's lived out in the woods for awhile now and she ws living in that tree she pushed you in, she must only feel comfortable enough to sleep if shes in dark places out of sight" he said with a smile.

Siria nodded, and hugged him.

Serapis hugged her back lovingly and laid his chin on the top of her head.

"What are we going to do....?"

"With her?" he asked looking down at Siria. "I really don't know to tell you the truth I really don't know."

"Could... we..." she looked down.

Serapis looked down at her curiously. "Could we what sweety?" he asked lifting her chin so she would look at him.

"Its nothing..." she said. He wouldn't want to...

"Its not nothing, you woldnt mention it if it wasnt anything" Serapis said looking down at her worriedly.

"I...what?" Siria looked up and out the window. Serapis could feel that something was darkly wrong.

"What the hell?" he said gruffly not likeing the feeing of whatever that was.

"IT's like the underworld and the night are trying to over come the world...."

"Who or whatever that is that is some powerful mambo jumbo" he said looking out the window nervously.

Siria nodded.

Serapis suddenly heard a click of the door and turned seeing their little friend standing there. "Come here sweety" he said and kneeled down to her height opening his arms knowing she was scared.

"So...something... I..." she went to his open arms.

"I've got you sweety, its ok" he said stroking her hair and picked her up in his arms as he stood up. "Siria and I are here for you sweety"

Siria rubbed her back. "It's okay sweet heart...."

Serapis motioned for their room to siria quietly. Gently he carried Neafa in his arms and sat down on his and Siria's bed with her as he stroked Neafa's hair. "We have you sweety, you can stay here in my arms as long as you want" he said as she snuggled up to him.

He felt her tail wrap around him, holding on tight.

Siria wrapped and arm around Serapis's shoulders, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Serapis made his huge wolf tail form and curled it around all of them snuggling with his family protectively.

"I... want to stay with you...." she whispered.

Serapis looked down at her curiously. They were the only friends she's probably ever had. "You can stay with us as long as you want Neafa" he said stroking her hair. "If its alright with Siria?" he asked looking up from Neafa at his mate.

Siria nodded, snuggling closer to him.

"Wonderful I'm so happy to hear that" he said with a smile snuggling with the two of them. "are you happy Neafa?" he asked kissing the top of Neafa's head.

"Ah huh...." Neafa nodded.

"Good I'm so happy to hear that" he said happily holding them close. Gently he closed his eyes basking in the feeling of having the two of them. It reminded him of so long ago when he had been himan, with his mortal wife and daughter.

"...D...d....da..." he heard Neafa start, then she just snuggled closer. She yawned.

Serapis looked down at her curiously wondering what she had been about to say if it was what he thought she was about to say.

Neafa's eyes were closed, and her breathing was light. "Looks like she's found something she feels more comfortable than under the bed..." said Siria softly.

Serapis smiled at Siria lovingly then looked down at Neafa in his arms. "Sleep well my little one, Papa wolf will be right here to protect you." he said softly stroking her hair. Siria could see something in Serapis's eyes, their was something in his eyes that was a longing as he watched Neafa sleep. as if he was remembering something from the past.

"What...were their names...?" she whispered.

"What did you say?" he asked coming out of his little trance he was in he hadnt really heard what she said.

"What were....their names?" she said softly.

It took Serapis a few seconds to realize who she was talking About. "My wife's name was Ashliana and we had a son named Kaleb with our two daughters Luna and Cercinia." His eyes became haunted by memories of his past.

((Private message me your thoughts on the children... ^_^ ))

Siria hugged him close. "Oh love..."

Serapis leaned his head on her shoulder. "its alright it was a long time ago."

"I...I'm sorry though for you lost....." she whispered.

"Like I said its alright, no need to be sorry it was a long time" he kissed her softly then leaned back against the wall gently.

Siria kissed back. "Serapis...I'm going to go get us all something to eat... I don't think we really want to be with the others right now...." she said softly.

"Sounds wonderful to me we'll be here waiting" he said holding Neafa close

Siria smiled, nodded, and left the room.

Neafa snuggled into Serapis.

"You remind me so much of my little Cercinia" he said softly stroking her hair.

"" he heard her mumble.

Serapis stroked her hair and hummed an old lullaby to her.

"Wh...ere.... are you...?" she mumbled, turning closer into Serapis.

Serapis looked down at her confused as he continued to stroke her hair.

"" her mumbling was barely heard.

Serapis went rigid for a moment then instantly softened. "My little one" he whispered tears in his eyes as he cradled her closer and gently nuzzled her. "My sweet little princess" he felt tears slide down his cheeks this was to good to be true, she was alive one of his children had gotten away that horrible night.

"Serapis..." came Siria's voice softly.

Serapis looked up from Neafa. "Siria she's.... She's my daughter" he said holding back his need to cry. "She said their names, her siblings, its been so long since I had seen them I hadnt totally recognized her" he gently stroked Neafa's cheek. "She's my youngest. My little princess Cercinia." he whispered holding her close.

"Oh love..." Siria said, coming over, sitting beside him. She hugged them.

Serapis leaned into her arms crying silently against her.

Siria rubbed her back. "I love you... all will be alright..."

Serapis nodded. "I've never been this emotional since that night. But now I have you and I have one of my children back" he stroked Neafa's hair. "I just wish I knew why she still is so young after so many years" he said softly.

"Like I said before were-squirrels are rare... nothing is known about them...."

Serapis nodded gently then gave her a soft kiss. "Thank you for being here for me" he said sweetly.

"Always..." she whispered back.

Suddenly his stomach growled in hunger. "I guess I was hungerier then I realized." he said with a smile.

Siria smiled. "here..." she said, pulling over a tray of food.

"Thank you" he smiled tehn gently began to pick at the tray eating things here and there.

"Everything will be just" Siria whispered, kissing his cheek. "You have her again...."

"And I have you my mate" he said lovingly after he swallowed a bit of watermelon.

"And I you, love..." she said softly, leaning against him.

Neafa curled up in a ball on the bed, her tail wrapping around her.

Softly he nuzzled her lovingly.

"What a cute papa wolf I'm in love with..." purred Siria.

"Does that make you Mama wolf?" Serapis purred back playfully

"Only... if you want me to be... mama wolf...."

"It would be an honor, I wouldnt want anyone else" he whispered softly in her ear as he gently nuzzled her lovingly.

Siria nuzzled back. "I'd love to be mama wolf..."

Serapis caught her lips with his kissing her deeply letting her know how happy that made him to hear that.

Softly, Siria said, "Before... before we discovered... that Neafa was your little one... I was wanting to ask you if you and I could take... her in...."

"Even if she wasnt my little one I would love to take her in, with you" he replied softly. "Your my mate, baby girl, your stuck with this old wolf now" he said playfully sticking his tounge out at her.

"baby girl?" she repeated with a smile. "Awww.... and what an old wolf you are..." she continued jokingly.

"What you don't like to be called baby girl?" he asked playfully. "And hey I'm not as young as I look but at least I have stamina" he said playfully.

"I'm not that young either love... and I do like being called baby girl... my sexy alpha..."

Serapis smiled and nuzzled her. "I love you" he said sweetly.

"I love you too, Serapis..." Siria said nuzzling back, and snuggling into him, pushing him back so that he was laying down on the bed. Neafa was still curled in a ball.

Serapis gave a soft chuckle as he cradled Siria in his arms stroking her hair loving this moment with her and his daughter all safe and sound. a moment of peace.

"What's funny love?" asked Siria softly in a giggle.

"Your just so cute" he said sweetly stroking her gorgeous hair holding her close.

"I'm so happy to be loved by you..."

"And I am so happy to be loved by you" he said softly stroking her cheek as the two of them laid there lovingly with their little Neafa.

Siria snuggled in going to sleep.

Serapis soon joined them in drifting off into a deep sleep.

He dreamed of the deaths of his family but then Siria was added to the mix.

Serapis woke up breathing hard. "Damn" he whispered softly to himself, "I thought the nightmares had left me" he whispered.

Siria snuggled into him, however Serapis didnt' feel one little furry one.

"Neafa?" he sat up and looked around worriedly.

he heard something under the bed.

Serapis gently laid Siria on the bed next to him tehn moved over to the side and looked under his bed.

Neafa was under it, her tail wrapped around her. Her big eyes just stared back at him.

"Neafa baby whats the matter?" he asked worriedly looking down at her.

"I want to... go home..." she whispered.

"Back to the woods?" he asked worriedly his heart sank hearing that.

Neafa shock her head. "Home..."

"Oh you want to get out of here and go back to my place your new home" he smiled, "That I can do" he said looking at her. "How come you don't want to come out?" he asked curiously.

Neafa looked at him confused. "Your home? I... want to go home..."

Serapis went wide eyed. "You... You remember who I am don't you Cercenia?" he asked softly.

"Cercenia...." she repeated sounding scared. "No No... Neafa...Nutty Neafa...I want to go home...mommy's waiting...."

Serapis reached over and put his hand on Siria waking her up gently. "Sweety I'm confused what are you talking about? I'm going to take you home."He said looking down at her.

Siria turned over, looking at Serapis.

"Mommy's waiting... I have to go...go mommy..."

"Serapis... she doesn't recognize you..."

"I figured out that much but I don't know where she is talking about where she wants to go" he said worriedly.

"Where was home... before?" Siria asked.

"In Germany deep in the country side we were about an hour outside of a town that I don' tknow if it even exists anymore" he said raking his fingers through his hair.

"Germany.... home...mama..." Neafa said just before she dashed from under the bed and towards the open window.

But even though she was a squrriel he was faster he was infront of her and she macked into his chest and he grabbed and closed the window latching it shut. "Siria the other door" he said seeing Neafa turn.

Siria moved to the room door, closing and locking it.

Neafa looked up and around the room scared. "Mama... I have to get to mama...I promised mama... I have to get home..."

"Siria if I remember our old home do you think you could take us?" he asked Siria worriedly.

Siria nodded. "yes love..."

Neafa looked out side. "Too dark... can't see... papa will find me... I have to stay put...papa will find me...I...mama I'm sorry...."

Serapis suddenly began to name off every detail of his old home from so long ago back in germany as he suddenly picked Neafa up in his arms and hled her tight while he continued giving Siria all she needed.

Siria nodded, and the three of them disappeared, reappearing infront of Serapis's old home.

Neafa looked around, struggling to get down. "Mama! Mama!"

Serapis put her down and then just stood there, he hadnt been back here in so long.

Siria wrapped her arms around Serapis's waist.

Neafa ran up to the house. "Mama... mama! I'm sorry... I got lost in the woods... I'm sorry... I promise I won't go by myself again...! Mama....?" Neafa looked around the empty home. "Mama?? Mama!! Luna!! Kaleb!!! Papa!!!"

Serapis put his hand over his mouth tears in his eyes his heart breaking. "Oh Cercenia"

"Love...she said she was lost in the woods over night...she must have gotten back in the morning.... after...." whispered Siria.

"Mama! Papa!! Where are you papa!?!?" cried out Neafa. She ran out of the house and into the woods.

"Neafa!" Serapis shouted and tore after her into the woods.

Siria ran after them.

After a while, Serapis could hear whimpering from a large oak tree. There was a hole in the tree that was so small that only a child could get into it.

Serapis stood under the tree looking up. He looked at Siria as she walked over. "I didnt tell you what happened to my family" he said softly. "Long ago many years when I was human I was attacked by two werewolves, because of the mixture of the two bloodlines my body went into a rage. the two of them thought it would be funny to set me loose on my family. I was in a bloodlust I didnt remember that night when I turned, I just remembered the next morning waking up in the forest coated in blood then returning to my home to find my family...." he didnt finish. "I'm a large werewolf Siria... I do alot of damage thats why I didnt look for her I thought they were all dead."

"Oh Serapis... I'm so sorry....I..." Siria said softly. there were tears in her eyes. "I...I'm sorry.... She... she must have foudn it after you did..."

Serapis nodded in tears as he stood under the tree crying.

Siria hugged him and then whispered. "You have to talk to her..."

"What am I supposed to say? she's not going to believe who I am." He whispered back before looking up at the hole in the tree where she was.

"Something must have happened when she was made a were have to try... don't give up..."

Serapis put his hands on the tree. "Cercenia! sweetheart! its me papa!" he called out looking up at the hole in the tree. "Please sweetheart come out" he called.

Siria moved back, watching.

"Pa...papa....I... did... what you.... said.....I was lost... I stay here.....but....'s light out...and... and....papa...." Neafa cried, peeking out of the hole.

"You did great baby" he said looking up at her remembering which tree this was. "You did great Cercenia, you did just as papa told you and hid in the tree, I'm sorry I didnt come sooner baby I'm so sorry I wasnt here sooner but papa is here now" he said looking up at her tears in his eyes.

"Mama... mama told'd be back.... but... I... I thought you lost....I...sneak out..." she cried.

"I was lost baby but I'm back now and I'm here for you sweetheart I'm here for you." he reached up and wrapped his hands around a branch and pulled himself up to look in at her.

"You were lost...I got lost....I went to our tree... you weren't there....I couldn't see... papa...mama is worried...I have to get home...."

Serapis gently reached in and pulled her out cradling her against him before he lowered himself to the ground. "Shhh I've got you Cercenia, Papa's here" he stroked her hair trying to comfort her.

Neafa gripped his shirt. "Papa...." she cried, burrowing her face in his chest.

"I have you sweety, Papa is never going to leave you again" he whispered with tear filled eyes as he held her close stroking her hair.

"I...I.... thought.....all of you.....blood..... so.....blood......" she cried.

"Shhh I know baby I know I thought the same thing" he sat down and cradled her close in his arms.

"Papa....I...." she cried.

Siria wrapped her arms around them both.

"What is it baby?" he asked softly stroking her hair softly.

"You've come back to me...."

"Yes I have sweetheart, I just wish it had been sooner" he kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair.

Neafa curled into Serapis's chest.

Siria rubbed Serapis's back.

Serapis looked at Siria. "Lets go home to Ashland" he said lovingly.

Siria nodded. They reappeared in the room they had been in.

Serapis smiled. "I was talking about my apartment in the city sweetheart" he said lovingly and gently nuzzled her.

"I know.... I was just wanting to leave Mani a note... so that your friends don't think something happened..."

Serapis picked up his cellphone and texted on the phone quickly with one hand. "All done" he winked

"Silly papa wolf...." Siria giggled. They then reappeared in Serapis actual apartment.

Serapis smiled and carried Neafa to one of the guest bedrooms. He looked down seeing she was asleep. "Sleep well Princess" he whispered and laid her down in bed tucking her in.

"You and her have been through so much...." came Siria's whispered voice from the dorrway.

Serapis walked over to her and gave her a soft kiss. "Thank you for everything" he whispered as they left his daughters room.

"You know I love you... I'd do it for nothing in return because I love you..."

"And I love you to baby girl, you've brought light back in to this old wolf's life" he said lovingly.

"Old wolf...? There's nothing old about you.." she growled into his neck.

Serapis growled playfully back. "really now?" 

"Yes.. you are just a little baby wolfie..." she said giggling.

"I'll show you baby wolfie" he growled and threw her over his shoulder carrying her off to his bedroom.

Siria giggled, and playfully hit at his back.

Serapis closed the door behind him to their bedroom then threw her on the bed with a bounce when she hit it. "oh no you don't" He growled playfully and climbed onto the bed over her kissing and nipping his way over her body.

Siria purred. "I wouldn't want to..."

His wolf eyes glowed with power as he brought his mouth down onto her kissing her deeply.

Siria kissed back, wrapping her legs up around Serapis's waist.

Serapis groaned deeply feeling his body react instantly as he began to paw at her clothes to get them off.

Siria tore at Serapis's clothes. "Mine....mate..."

"Mate" he growled deeply as he yanked at her clothing taking it all off.

Siria smiled and growled, and scratched at his chest.

He yanked his button down shirt open and pulled it off throwing it away behind him as he kissed down her neck.

"MMmmmmm Me likey..." she purred, her hands reaching down, and pulling his pants down.

"Do ya now?" he let out in a deep gutteral growl pushing his pants down.

Siria pulled her's down all the way, and purred, sexily at him. "OH yes I do, Papa wolf..."

"Mmm you and me both Mama wolf" he growled in a gutteral lusty growl.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a deep kiss.

Serapis growled deeply and happily as he slid himself inside of her and pulled her into a long and wonderful happy hour.

"MAMA!! PAPA!!" The scream awoke Serapis and Siria from the deep sleep their actions had lead to.

Serapis instantly was out of bed and bolting to Neafa's room. He was lucky he had put on boxers just incase something like this had happened. "I'm here baby whats wrong?" he asked barging into Neafa's room.

Neafa was curled up on the bed, crying and screaming in her sleep.

Serapis ran over to his daughter and pulled her close curessing her hair. "Shhh baby shhh Papa has you I'm here" he said sweetly.

Neafa gribbed at him, crying.

"Shhh I've got you sweetheart I've got you" he said softly as he held her close and rocked her gently back and forth.

"...Papa...." she whimpered.

"I've got you little one its alright" he whispered against the top of her head as he rocked her back and forth comforting her. "papa is right here for you sweety."

Siria stood in the doorway, a robe wrapped around her. "Oh baby..."

Neafa cried into his chest.

"Shhh Papa's got you" he whispered cradling her close stroking her hair.

Neafa looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "...Papa.... I... missed.... you...."

"I missed you to princess, I missed you so much sweetheart." Serapis said looking down at her.

"I....don't leave me... please....."

"Never sweetheart, never again" he said stroking her hair.

Neafa stiffed. "I... luv you Papa....."

"I love you to Neafa" he said sweetly stroking her hair.


"Yes Neafa?" he asked softly.

"You smell funny..."

"I smell funny?" he asked curiously.

Arcadia kissed him back just as passionately her nostrals flared taking in the rich sweet scent of earth and woods that just made her want to lay with him forever.

"I love you, my mate... my wolf..."

"I love you to, my mate my coyote" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

Delta took her into happy hour, as the tingling increased.

At the end of it Arcadia laid there happily on her stomach her head to the side looking over at Delta. "Wow just... Wow" she said happily.

There was a knock on the door. "I would like to tell you," came Selnia's voice. "No one needed to see that...."
Arcadia turned red blushing wondering how they could have known.

"Those decoys are just like you..." she called inside.

"Oh heavens" Arcadia turned bright red and buried herself under the blanket blushing bright red.

"Sorry...." called out Delta. Delta looked down at Arcadia. "It'll be okay... it doesn't last long... they are given different memories than you and I, and different thoughts as to where that have been... when the decoy for me had been made before, I had headed for a swim while it was being made, and came back to find out that my decoy had jumped into a near by pond swimming around..."

"You could have warned me about that before I got all frisky!" she said from under the blanket still feeling so embarressed.

"Love I forgot too...I'm sorry..."

She poked her head out of the blanket. "Its ok" she giggled. "I did have a great time" she said lovingly looking up at him.

Delta kissed her.

Arcadia gave him a soft kiss back. "Must have been a great show though" she said adorably as she pulled back.

Delta laughed. "I really don't want to do..."

"You really don't want to do what?" Arcadia asked confused.

"Think about it...." he laughed. "Too crazy..."

Arcadia giggled and smiled thinking about it as she sat there with him.

"See what I meant?"

"So true" she smiled.

"Come on, let's get dress, and I'll show you around the temple..."

"Oh I don't know if I can do that" she said turning red thinking off all the people who could have seen.

"The original spell wuldn't have been in public, so...."

"Oh you do have a good point" she said shyly

"I love how cute you look right now..."

"I look cute?" she asked shyly.

" cute and sexy wolf..."

she giggled sitting there cutely before she playfully stole his shirt and pulled it on.

"So its going to be that way..." Delta growled.

"What way?" she asked cutely.

Delta grabbed her up, hugging her close. "I love you...."

Arcadia squeeked and giggled snuggling against him "I love you to my mate" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

Delta kissed her passionately.

Arcadia sighed melting into the kiss, it suprised her he was like this all from her putting his shirt on herself but she also loved it, she love dhaving him like this.

"You are just amazing..."

"Not as amazing as you though" she said gazing up into his eyes.

"You make me alive..."

Arcadia turned red hearing him say that "oh Delta thats so sweet" she said lovingly.

"It's true..."

"Awww" she blushed and giggled giving him a soft kiss.

Delta nipped her neck.

Arcadia let out a long happy sigh. "I thought you were going to take me on a tour" she said in a seductive voice.

"Then I shall..." Delta stood up, smiling, offering her his hand.

Arcadia took his hand and stood up then took his arm happily.

Delta then lead her from the room. As she stepped from the room, she was greeting by the sight of a large saphire statue of a chinese dragon.

"Oh wow how beautiful" she said gazing at it.

"It represents Seiryuu....the Azure Dragon of the East...of this temple..."

"It must have been difficult to carve especially out of something like Sapphires." she said gazing at it.

"A master artist crafted it...a Zodiac..."

"Well I deffinantly have to say that she is an amazing Artist" she said with a giggle and a smile.

"You'll have to tell her that when she is located..."

"I will be sure to, but you'll have to remind me" she said playfully giving him a little bump with her butt.

Arcadia saw.... herself walk up. "Delta... there you are!"

Delta just looked wide eyed. "Wha..."

The second Arcadia hugged Delta, trying to kiss him, though Delta was doing well to keep her from her goal.

Arcadia didnt know what to do. She started to want to protect what was her's. But she didnt want to hurt her double since thats what was going to protect her.

"Arcadia!" came Delta's voice from across the room. The second Arcadia looked at Delta then turn and ran to the second Delta.

Delta grabbed up Arcadia ((the real one)). "I didn't like that... I didn't feel anything for her..." he whispered to her.

"Shh its ok sweety" she said hugging him. "I do have to admit though I was ready to punch her in the face" she said snuggling to him. "Maybe we should wait on doing that tour"

A few priests and prietesses came and lead the decoys out of the area. "I'm sorry about that you two..." said Selnia walking up to them.

"Its alright" Arcadia said with a smile.

"They got separated... and I guess she thought...." she laughed.

"Oh she deffinantly thought alright" Arcadia giggled

Delta laughed. "Oh go did she think...."

Selnia laughed at him.

Arcadia giggled as well, She wrapped her arm around Delta's arm happy to have him to herself again.

"Have fun on your tour.... I'm sure that you'll be running into the high Priest at sometime....." Selnia said, and heading off as some people came up to talk to her in whispers.

Delta laughed. "All ways a busy bee that one it...."

Arcadia giggled. "Lets leave her be" she said cutely looking up at him.

"Yes..." he said. "Come... let us walk..."

Arcadia turned and headed off down the hall with him walking off to explore the huge beautiful temple

The whole temple was beautifully decorated in blues and silvers.

Arcadia oooed and awwed at it all as they walked through it unable to help herself.

"I see that you seem to be enjoying yourself..." came a male voice.

Arcadia turned to see who the voice was even though she didnt know anyone there.

A man stood there with long pale blue hair that actaully looked natural, that was pulled back. "Hello..." he said with a smile.

"Hello their sir" Arcadia said with a bow "And yes we are enjoying ourselves here the temple is truely beautiful" she said as she stood straight up again.

"You didn't have to bow to me..." he said with a kind smile.

"But its proper to, especially to the High Preist of the temple" she said with a smile. she had known as soon as she had seen the man that he was the high preist.

"What gave me away...?" he asked with a smile.

Delta laughed. "Seiryuu... what a question...."

Seiryuu laughed too.

"Do you want me to answer or were you joking?" Arcadia asked playfully.

"I was thinking that you would tell me..." he said with a smile.

"Well.." she giggled and began to count each one out on her fingers as she said it. "One its the Hair that gave you away its the odd color but I could tell it was natural for you while the others in the temple all had more human hair colors. Two your clothing, its beautiful designs along with the fact that its a high quality silk while the others in the temple wore more simple yet still beautiful robes. Three, your jewelry, its old but its been cared for very well and its gorgeous craftsmanship that you don't find in this day and age while four. The way you carry yourself its a dominant leader personality by the way you hold your body." she giggled and smiled.

"I like this girl, Delta..."

"Thank you Seiryuu..." Delta said with a smile, hugging Arcadia.

Arcadia blushed and smiled happy she had made a good first impression.

"I see that you have found someone very special indeed to you Delta, at last..."

Delta blushed. "Yes I have..."

Arcadia smiled as she snuggled against his arm not knowing what to say.

"You are quiet, miss..." Seiryuu said.

"Arcadia, and I usualy am I wasnt sure what to say and I didnt want to interrupt anything between you two."

"I always have time to speak with beautiful young ladies..."

Arcadia blushed and smiled. "Well thats deffinantly good to hear."

"Always the lady's man, aren't you?" Delta said.

"Indeed... when I wish... you know that Delta..."

Arcadia looked at them confused by the comments.

"When Seiryuu is truly serious about something, he stops being a lady's man..."

"Oh i understand, but other then that.." she giggled thinking about the High Preist being a real ladies man.

"I truly am.... we High Priests have our own personalities, each very different... but when it comes to business.... we are the same... somewhat....."

"I can deffinantly understand that, So I know that your the dragon temple what are the other temples?" she asked curiously.

"There is the Pheonix Temple to the South.... and the Earth Shrine to the North...." Seiryuu said.

"And to the West there is the Khan Temple..." Delta said.

Arcadia thought about something for a minute. "The Blue dragon to the east, the Red Pheonix to the south, the White Tiger to the west and the Snake and Tortoise to the North" she said remembering her father had taught her about chinese culture and man of their belief systems along with many other cultures gowing up.

"Yes.. that is correct...or as we are known..." Seiryuu started.

"Seiryuu, the Azure Dragon.... Suzaku, the Vermillion Bird.... Byakko, the White Tiger..... and Genbu, the Tortoise and Snake...." Delta finished, smiling.

"My papa taught me well." she giggled standing there.

Delta laughed. "Yeah... though I don't know if he really likes me...." ((Have you made her 'papa'? ^_^ ))

"Oh he'll warm up to you" she playfully gave him a butt bump. ((I plead the Fifth!))

Delta kissed her. "Thank you..." ((Over ruled lol ^_^))

"Your very welcome, my Papa is just a grumpy butt when it comes to being protective of me" she giggled looking up at him.

Seiryuu smiled. "He does have a purpose in being such...."

"He's an amazing warrior though so I would be careful he might test you" she warned in a cute tone.

"I think I'd pass..." Delta said, smiling.

"Aww such a cutie" she said lovingly getting up on her tiptoes kissing him softly. (Arcadia's Papa is done!) ((Yay! Start him!))

Delta held onto her, and spun her around, laughing.

Arcadia squeeled and laughed giggling as he did. "Delta!" she giggled.

"Yes, love?"

"Your so silly" she said loving as he set her down.

"Of course... and you love that, don't you..."

"Of course I do" she said lovingly and playfully nuzzled him. "My cute coyote man" she said softly.

Delta nuzzled back. "My wolf..."

Arcadia giggled and kissed him softly.

"Why don't I lead you two to somewhere private..." came Seiryuu's voice.

Arcadia squeeked and blushed bright red pulling back. "I'm sorry about that" she said to Seiryuu as she cutely curled up against Delta.

"It's no problem..." he laughed.

"But I think we'll take you up on that somewhere private offer" she said with a smirk.

"Really now?" Seiryuu and Delta said, each with a different tone of voice.

Arcadia only gave them a giggle and a smile.

Seiryuu laughed. "There is that room you had been in...."

"So true, well then we'll see you later Seiryuu" she said playfully taking Delta's hand and leading him off.

Delta followed.

Arcadia giggled holding his hand lovingly and hummed softly.

Delta leaned over as they walked, and licked her neck.

Arcadia squeeked and blushed bright red her legs slightly buckling at the feeling. "Delta not out in the open" she said in a soft lusty breath.

"Yes... love..." he whispered into her ear.

Arcadia shivered when he did that, it was just the way he made her body feel so alive.

Delta opened the door to the room. "After you..."

"I was thinking maybe I should take a shower since I'm feeling Dirty" she said playfully after he closed the door looking at him over her shoulder.

"Mmmm... sounds fun..."

"Oh it will be" she said playfully walking off into the bathroom, stripping clothes along the way thinking to herself. Its good to be a wolf

She heard a growl.

Arcadia knew Delta's growl well. She walked off into the bathroom and turning on the shower nice and hot waiting for him to follow.

Delta's arms wrapped around her. "You ain't going anywhere without me..."

"Oh yeah?" she asked playfully looking up at her gorgeous Coyote over her shoulder as he looked down at her she blushed seeing the heat in his coyote eyes that were looking down at her.

Delta carried her into the shower, kissing her.

Arcadia wrapped her legs around his waist as he did and gasped when he pulled back from her lips as he pressed her against the wall and she felt his bite on her neck the mating bite that made her his that he would be the only one to ever do. It was only when they were like this that she ever found him so possesive, she loved this secret peice of him.

He took her right then and there.

Their happy hour was amazing and passionate. Afterwards Arcadia and Delta had made their way to the bedroom and were resting on the bed. "Wowza" she said happily laying there.

"You drive me crazy..." he whispered.

"Is that a good thing or a bad?" she asked playfully.

"A great thing..."

"good" she said cutely rolling over snuggling against his chest. "because if it wasnt I would be so depressed." she said cutely looking down at him.

"Oh if you were depressed, I don't know what I'd do..."

"Aww" she said lovingly leaning down kissing him softly.

He kissed back.

Arcadia pulled back and snuggled against his chest. "Sweety when do you think it will be safe to go back to the apartment?" she asked softly as she listened to his heartbeat.

"Any time you want...."

"Really?" she asked thinking that the doubles had to be sent away before they could do that.


"Even with the double's still here its ok?" she asked worriedly.

"They wouldn't have been here long... you want to go right?"

"Yeah I do" she giggled and smiled lovingly.

"Your copy would have too...."

"Whats that mean?" she asked confused.

She would have wanted to go home... but home to her would be different than for you..."

"I see" she giggled

"Let's go..." he whispered, smiling.

"Right" she climbed out of bed and collected her clothes together getting dressed.

Delta dressed as well.

"Now lets get going" she said cutely when he was done taking his hand and headed out

Selnia waved to them.

Arcadia waved back as she giggled and holding Delta's hand they made their way down the many steps that lead to the temple. Gently she took in a deep breath the scent of fresh air filling her lungs.

Delta held her close. "It's great being outside.

"Yeah I have to agree I've always loved the outdoors, the wind in my hair the fresh scent on teh wind. So many wonderful things" she said lovingly wrapping her arm around his waist snuggling against him.

Delta smiled, holding her close, as they walked down the mountain trail.

Arcadia walked along thinking about the future, hoping that she and her mate could live in peace, especially with pups on the way. A loving sigh escaped her as she imagined them as a family.

"A family...."

"Hmm? What did you say?" she asked looking up at him as she had her arm wrapped around his waist she'd been lost in her thoughts.

"I said 'a family'..."

"Sorry I had been lost in my thoughts when you said that" she smiled lovingly. "Yes we're going to be a family" she said lovingly.

"I love how you make me feel..."

"Oh? and how do I make you feel?" She asked lovingly and playfully.

Delta grabbed her up into his arms and twirled her around.

Arcadia squeeled happily as he did. "Well now thats what I call feeling light as air and happy as can be" she couldnt help but giggle.

"Oh yes... I agree...."

Arcadia sighed happily as he put her back on the ground. "I can't wait" she said putting her hand on her stomach gently imagining it full and round full of their pups.

"Neither can I..." He gently kissed her.

Arcadia pulled him close deepening the kiss just a little bit. Then pulled back tucking her hair behind her ear looking beautiful in the light.


Arcadia blushed bright red. "Thank you" she said lovingly.

Delta gently kissed her neck, then continued their walk.

Arcadia sighed in his arms feeling so happy at that moment she didnt think anything could ruin it. "Is it alright if we head to the garage now? I really need to do the full close up." she said looking up at him.

"Sure hun...."

Arcadia held his hand tightly as they headed off together. She was a little sad she was closing down her garage but she didnt want to risk snapping at her customers while she was pregnant, since being a were made her moodswings worst.

"Everything will be fine..."

"I hope so" she said snuggling against his side as they walked hoping that everything would be ok.

"You're pregnant... your customers with understand...."

"I know but nine months I wont be able to work and their all going to find other mechanics and probably like them better" she was getting stressed now.

"You're a goddess... it will be different..."

"Different?" she asked not liking the sound of that.

Deta nodded. "Don't ask me how long... I just know..."

"Oh my" she blushed putting her hand on her stomach wondering how long it would take.

"I'll be here the whole time..."

"I know you will" she said lovingly and softly kissed him.

He kissed back. Soon they made it back to the garage. "What would you like me to do?"

"Any tools you find out lock them up in all the tool boxes, then just make sure is all just cleaned up I'll be in the office if you need me" she kissed him softly then walked off to get to work.

"Alright love..." she heard him say.

Arcadia sighed happily to herself as she went into her office. she sat down and began to work on her paperwork.

A knock came at the office door.

"Come in" she called out wondering why Delta would be knocking thinking it was just him.

A little girl came into the room. "Hello...."

"Well hello there what are you doing here?" she asked curiously confused on how she had gotten past Delta so easily.

"How is Delta?"

"How do you know delta?..." she was getting a bad feeling all her warnings were going up. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked darkly.

The little girl looked down. "Daddy said it was okay... to visit his friends... the others... the... Zodiac..." she whispered the last part.

"Your a friend of the Zodiac, oh I didnt know I'm sorry" she said going over and kneeling infront of her. "I'm sorry sweety I've just been a little jumpy lately." she smiled at her. "A friend of the Zodiac is a friend of mine" she smiled. "My name is Arcadia and your name?" she asked.

"You are a Knight of the Zodiac...and I am Chyrosa..."

"Its nice to meet you Chyrosa" Arcadia gently took her hand as she smiled at Chyrosa.

"You are Fenris's daughter... your uncle is here..."

"How in the world did you know?.... and my uncle?" she asked htinking it was probably Siria's father she was talking about.

"I know alot of things, Arcadia..." the little girl smiled.

Arcadia looked at her suprised.

"Why are you surprised? You did tell me your name..."

"Its your tone of voice when you said that, it sounded older" she said softly.

Chyrosa shifted ages. "I am..." she said with a smile.

"Well now isnt that a good trick" Arcadia said with a smile

"Yes...and as I said your uncle is in town..."

"Which uncle is that?" she asked confused since she wasnt sure, she still didnt know that part of her family that well if she was talking about her blood uncle.


"Wait seriously? but... But I thought he was locked in a prison at the bottom of the sea?" she asked remembring Loki say that.

"It's helps that there is another Zodiac with love in their hearts that was able to free him...."

"Thats wonderful I'm so happy to hear taht he was set free" She smiled. "Thank you for the information"

"You're welcome...however.... he does wish death on someone close to someone you love...."

She was astonished to hear that. "Who?" she asked confused.


Arcadia gasped, "No why?... Why... Why would he want to kill grandpapa loki?" she asked as tears filled her eyes hating hearing that about her family.

"He blames Loki for the twins deaths, and his, Hel's, and Fenris's imprisonment..."

"I I see" she said softly and sadly.

"Arcadia... there are powers at work trying to change his mind..."

"But what if he doesnt?" she asked looking up at her.

"We will deal with that when it comes..."

She put her hand on her stomach thinking sadly, she wished her family wasnt at war with each other. She wanted her pups to be brought into a world of happiness she didnt want them brought up in sadness.

"There is time..."

She looked up at Chyrosa. "Do you know how long?" she asked softly. Suddenly she shivered as a dark power seemed to fill the air. It was far far away but the power was strong. "What in the hell is that?"

"Love..." Chyrosa whispered. "Stay here with Delta..." Chyrosa disappeared.

Arcadia was confused. "I wasnt planning on going anywhere" she said to herself.

Delta came into the room quickly. "Somethings happening..."

"I feel it to" She shivered and stood going over to him burying herself into his arms. "I don't want to leave the garage, the air smells like something is changing outside. I'm scared to walk out" she said looking up at him.

"I'll watch over you...."

Arcadia nodded burying herself into his chest. Suddenly she yelped when thunder cracked outside. she hadnt even smelled the storm coming, usualy she could smell them coming from miles away.

"I'm here..." he said, holding her tighter.

Gently she tugged him over to her couch and puried herself against him as they sat down together. the office didnt have any windows leading to the outside so she felt safe in here wihle the storm was overhead.

"It will pass...and we will be safe..." he whispered stroking her hair.

Arcadia nodded. "I just need something to distract me, I don't like storms when they sneak up like this"

Delta kissed her passionately.

Arcadia gasped them sighed softly into the kiss as she made out with him. Gently she sat on his lap as they continued making out with one another.

Thunder boomed.

But like she said with Delta distracting her she was alright. She plunged her hand in his hair and kissed him all the deeper.


She squeeked pulling back. "Well hello" she giggled looking over her shoulder at Capa.

"You did ask for a distraction...." Delta laughed.

Arcadia giggled as well. "I did indeed" suddenly their was another crack of thunder, Arcadia yelped and buried herself against Delta scared.

The goat started to lick her face, as Delta started to kiss her neck.

Arcadia giggled as they both helped her. "Aww thank you both so much" she said sweetly.

"Anything for you.... love..." he whispered.

Arcadia giggled and snuggled in his chest.

The goat started to munch on her clothes.

"Ahh! Capa please not the clothes!" she jumped behind Delta trying to keep Capa from eating her clothes.

Delta laughed as Capa baaed.

Arcadia smacked Delta in the back. "Its not funny" she said sitting there behind him.

Delta pulled her around into his lap, kissing and nipping her neck.

Arcadia gasped and groaned happily in pleasure "now thats what I'm talking about." she moaned happily

Capa started to do the same.

Arcadia went rigid. "Oh I love Capa and all but thats a little weird" she said sitting up straight again.

Capa disappeared.

Delta laughed. "SHe can be silly sometimes...."

Arcadia giggled uncomfortably. thats was more then silly she thought to herself.

Delta kissed her. "I'm sorry..."

"its alright she's a part of you" she said lovingly.

Delta kissed her passionately.

Arcadia gasped and melted into his arms kissing him back deeply.

Delta pulled back, smiling at her.

Arcadia giggled. "Your such a cutie" she stroked his cheek lovingly.


"Oh yes indeed" she playfully pushed him down so he was laying on his back on her couch.

Delta smiled up at her, pulling her down on top of him.

Arcadia giggled and leaned down kissing him softly.

"You are the silliest..."

"Oh? why do you say that mister Coyote?" She asked playfully pushing herself up so she was holding herself above him.

"because I think it's so cute...."

"Yeah?" she asked laying her body along his twirling a strand of it in her fingers.

"Yes, love....."

She giggled and smiled then she listened. "The storm is gone" she said listening to the outside.

"Great...." Delta said softly, and then kissed her.

Arcadia blushed and giggled before sighing softly into his mouth into the deep kiss.

"Now my love.... let's head back to the apartment..."

"Sounds wonderful hang on just a sec." she went over to a book case and pulled out a few things then from a secret hiding spot she pulled out her lock box full of extra cash. Then replacing all of her items she grabbed her purse and slid the box into the large bag. "Alright ready to go."

Delta smiled, and wrapped his arm around her waist before heading out with her.

It didnt take long to return to the apartment Arcadia was so happy to. "Its good to be home" she took in a deep breath.

"It is..." he replied, closing the door behind them.

Arcadia walked off to her office and hid the lock box in teh locked drawer in her desk until she could figure out something better to do with it.

"You haven't lost yourself in work have you..." joked Delta.

"I haven't I haven't" she giggled walking back out.

Delta pulled her into a hug, kissed her, then said, "I'll make us something...."

"That sounds wonderful my darling" gently she nuzzled him lovingly.

Delta nuzzled back, then went off into the kitchen to fix something.

Arcadia followed him into the kitchen and hopped up on the counter sitting there watching him as he cooked, especially enjoying his backside.

Delta started to whip them up some lunches.

"Oooh yummy to look at and makes very yummy smelling and tasting food, I hit the jackpot." she said cutely.

"Really now...? You think so.... I think I hit the jackpot with you, sweetcheeks..."

Arcadia turned red and giggled. "Oh you naughty Coyote you" she said playfully sitting there. Her nose twitched smelling the food. "Mmm smells yummy what are you making?" she asked curiously.

Delta looked over at her with a smile. "Greek stir fry...."

"Ooh my mouth is watering already." she said playfully.

"I thought you'd like it..."

Arcadia giggled sitting there and playfully swung her legs while she sat on the counter as she watched him.

Delta turned and caught her legs wrapping them around his waist, and kissed her.

Arcadia sighed happily melting into the kiss her legs tightening a little bit around his waist as her arms drapped over his shoulders as they made out with one another.

Delta started to nippled her neck.

Arcadia gasped and her nails dug a little bit into his back. She moved one hand to his hair as he continued her body feeling so good.

Delta pulled back, reached over and turned the stove off.

"Find something better for lunch?" she asked playfully as she kept sitting there on the counter watching him.

"Oh yes I did..." He started kissing her again.

She moaned in her throat while wrapping her legs tightly around his waist again as they made out with one another.

"You are a cutey when you purr like that..."

"Am I?" She asked as she twirled a chunk of his hair in her fingers.


"Prove it" she growled playfully

he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

Arcadia squeeked and giggled. "Why mister Coyote"

Delta smiled, and nipped her neck. "Miss Wolf..." he growled.

Arcadia jumped out of his arms and shoved him to the bed playfully before crawling ontop of him.

"Fiery..." Delta smirked and growled.

"Just like you like me" she growled back and kissed him deeply.

Before Arcadia knew it, Delta had pulled her into happy hour.

When they were done Arcadia had stolen Delta's shirt and was in the kitchen making something quick for the two of them.

"Maybe I should steal your clothes now..." joked Delta.

"I don't think you would fit" she said cutely.

"Oh really..." he said with a smile.

"Yes really you can try though" she licked some sauce off of her finger.

"I'd rather have this on...." Delta said, pulling her to him.

"You just want an excuse to get me naked again" she giggled and gave the tip of his nose a little bite.

"Do I need an excuse?" he growled.

"No its just fun though to play that game" she said cutely looking up at him, But hold that thought I'm starving so food first then we play" she winked and went back to her cooking.

"Of course... food... what we were going to do earlier..." he laughed.

"Yes sir" she winked playfuly as she stired the food in the pan.

Delta laughed. "I love how you look right now..."

"Do you now?" she asked sweetly looking over at him then giggled as he came behind her sliding his hands over her hips under the long button down shirt she was wearing.


"Mmm darling" she leaned back into him.

"Yes.... my baby..."

She sniffed the air. "Food smells done" she smiled and turned off the stove she then got to work prepareing the food in bowls. Rice and stirfry she then went into the fridge getting some juice to drink. 

When she was done, Delta pulled her into his lap to start eating lunch.

"Oh your a sweetheart" she said lovingly eating her food.

He started to eat. "And you are a sweet treat..."

"Aww thanks" she winked. "So tell me do you like the food?" she asked curiously as she ate a peice of shrimp.

"It is delicious..."

"Good I'm so glad" She smiled lovingly as she went back to eating.

"You taste delicious too..." he said into her ear.

Arcadia turned red. "Your so bad" she said playfully.

"And you love me for it..."

"Oh yes indeed I do" she walked her fingers up his chest then kissed him lovingly.

Delta kissed back, then started to feed Arcadia.

"Ooh arent you sweet" she winked playfully and took another bite.

Delta smiled, and gave her another bite.

"Mmmm yummy" she said lovingly and playfully nuzzled him as they sat there cuddled up with him.

"Is my baby enjoying herself?"

"Oh yes I am indeed" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

He kissed her.

Suddenly Arcadia groaned in pain and hunched over grabbed her midsection like she had before the other day when Aphrodite had visited.

Delta jumped up, holding her close. "Arcadia....oh god, Arcadia..."

"Oh god it hurts" she gasped and whimpered in pain. "It hurts so much" she whimpered collapsing clutching her stomach.

Delta carried her to the bedroom, laying her down. "Mother... please help...."

Arcadia started to feel better.

Arcadia stayed curled in the fetal position whimpering as the pain slowly pulled away.

"I'm so sorry baby...." he whispered holding her.

"I hope they're alright" she whispered and he knew she was talking about their pups as she cried silently.

"Arcadia... I know they will be...."

But she didnt believe him the pain had been so bad she was frightened for her pups. She quietly laid there crying.

"Arcadia... Arcadia... oh love.... it hurts that you're in pain...."he said, holding her closer. She started to feel another power flow into her.

Arcadia laid there in tears not knowing where the power was coming from just needing to cry.

"I won't let it happen again...." came Delta's voice softly.

"You can't control my body" she said softly and sadly.

"But... I can.... take it..."

"Delta? what what do you mean by that?" she asked confused turning and looking at him.

Delta's eyes were closed, and his breathing was slow as if in sleep. Arcadia didn't feel any of the pain from before.

"Delta, Baby?" she asked worriedly.


"Are you ok?" she asked softly and worriedly.

"Yes... just tired..."

"Then sleep well baby" she stroked his hair and cuddled close.

He snuggled closer.

Arcadia just laid there watching him sleep gently stroking his hair.

"Arcadia..." she sheard him mumble in his sleep.

Arcadia just wantched curiously listening.

Delta turned, and pulled Arcadia closer. "Can't have her...."

Arcadia looked up at him confused.

" can't have her...Arcadia... run..."

"Baby?" she whispered worriedly stroking his cheek.

Delta started to lick and kiss her neck in his sleep.

Arcadia squeeked and blushed as he did.

"No one can't have... my mate...." he mumbled and nipped her neck.

Arcadia blushed this was kind of kinky him doing all of this in his sleep.

Delta then burrowed his face in her neck, his slow breathing moved against her neck.

Arcadia blushed and shivered softly loving the feeling. 

She soon fell asleep.

Her dreams were filled with memories of her pack back in colorado living so close and being one with nature.

Her dreams changed to her seeing her adoptive father, to seeing Randulfur, opening the door for a cloaked figure.

Arcadia was curious on the dream and continued watching.

He saw that the figure was that of a young woman with green hair. She heard them talking about her but then about... Randulfur has a daughter he didn't know about.

"Papa? you have a daughter?" she asked herself in the dream confused.

Randulfur looked just as shocked.

Arcadia continued to watch confused.

She then heard that he was coming back to Ashland.

"Papa? why why didnt he call me?" she asked herself.

She woke up.

She laid there thinking to herself not waking Delta up.

He started to kiss her neck.

Arcadia squeeked and giggled laying there. "Hello baby. " she said sweetly.

"Morning..." Delta said, pulling her into his arms more. 

"How did you sleep?" she asked looking up at him.

"I'm fine now that I've did you looked confused...."

"I think my Papa is in town." she said looking at him with a soft smile.

Delta went wide eyed. "I...I... he's going to kill me...."

"Sweety calm down, he's not going to kill you if he know's whats good for him." She giggled, he knows I love you he's just protective" she said looking up at him.

"I know... but... what I am just seems to be held against me..."

"Honey, I need to tell you something about my father that you need to promise never to tell anyone" she said sitting up and looking down at him next to her. "He's paranoid about you because of what he is. You see their is something about my father barely anyone knows"


"Yes" she nodded. "My father is two beings in one, before he was wolf he was jackal so now he lives with both beings inside of him."

A few hours later Tavia laid there breathing hard and happily. "In the name of the shadows" she purred out laying there half dangled off of the couch feeling so good.

"Indeed, in the name of myself..." he purred.

Tavia giggled laying there feeling so good. "I always feel so beautiful when I'm with you especially like that" she said lovingly.

"You are a beauty a wonder of the world..." he said nuzzling her neck.

Tavia giggled and sighed happily. "Awww no i'm not" she said blushing adorably

"Oh yes..." Erebus growled into her neck. "Yes... you are..."

Tavia squeeked and giggled blushing loving the feeling of being with him like this. "Oh yeah?" she asked playfully.

"Most I show you again??" he said with a sexy growl.

"Maybe" she said cutely and blushed as he suddenly let out a deep primal noise that came from his chest and went deep down to her core. "But I would like to go home first though, luckily I really don't have anything else to do today since I'm still new so.." she said seductivly as she nuzzled him.

Erebus kissed her deeply, they then appeared in her apartment, on her bed, with Erebus taking into happy hour again.

After their second go around Tavia kept Erebus snuggled up in bed and went to go get them some tea to drink. Tavia felt so happy just being with Erebus he made her feel so loved and so special. Gently she hummed to herself happily as she stood there in his shirt while making their tea hoping it would always be like this with him.

There came a knock at the door.

"Who could that be?" she asked herself and went to the door looking in the peep hole to see.

She saw twin heads of light blonde hair.

"Hang on a sec I just need to get changed real quick." she called through the door before she ran to the bedroom. "The twins are here" she said nervously as she grabbed a pair of jeans pulling them on and threw on one of her tanktops.

"Their probably here to appologize.... they didn't want to scare you or anything... just get to know you..."

"They apologized last time" she giggled. "Who knows but we'll see" she smiled and padded out to the other room opening the door with a smile. "Hi there." she smiled at them.

"We're really sorry... we didn't want to upset you before..."

"Like I said before it is alright both of you" she smiled at them. "Now come on in." she said standing out of the way letting them in.

The twins hugged her.

Tavia smiled and pulled them into a warm hug. "How have you two been since I last saw you?" she asked as she hugged them tight then pulled back looking at them with a warm motherly smile.




"Or scared..."

"off by us...?" the twins asked, finishing in unison.

"No I'm not I've learned alot and made many revalations since the last time I saw you" she said with a smile.

"Mommy..." they cried, hugging her.

That warm familiarity filled her as she cradled them close. "My sun and moon" she said softly hugging them close remembering this feeling of being a mother, of being with her children.

"We've missed you mommy...."

The memories flooded her of her being Pheobe, of being their mother and the wonderful feeling of being a mother. "I missed you as well my littles ones" she hugged them tighter in her arms as tears filled her eyes.

"We knew we'd see you again..."

"And when Uncle Erebus said that he wanted us to help an elf from the realm we were born...."

"We didn't know it would be you..."

Tavia smiled. "I think he did it because he knew it would be good for all of us, that he was in a way reuniteing us together" she smiled down at them.

They hugged her tighter.

"I raised them... Nyx, Helios, Eos, and I did really... but..." came Erebus's voice from behind her.

"You've raised them so well Erebus I thank you and everyon so much" she said cradling them close.

"They were very sweet kids growing up.... and hard workers...." he said with a smile. "How is the business, you two?"

The twins smiled. "Going great!"

"Thats wonderful I'm so happy to hear that" she smiled at them. "I deffinantly have to eat there some time" she giggled thinking about it.

The twins smiled. "It is a family business..."

Tavia wasnt getting the hint. "So you and your mortal family run it together?" she asked curiously.

The twins look at each other, and giggled. "Nope... we started it with Dionysus's help..."

Erebus interupted, "He's the god of wine..."

"oh ok" she said still not really remembering who that was.

"You'll meet him.... I'm sure..."

"...of it.... he loves wine... and cooking.... and..."


Erebus laughed at the twins as they smile.

Tavia blushed and gave a little giggle, "Well it will be an honor to meet him some day now come in you two do you have enough time to join us for a meal?" she asked curiously.

"Of course mommy..." they both said.

Tavia smiled at them lovingly and lead them in closing the door behind him. "Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable I'll get to work on making something scrumptious to eat" she said with a smile heading to the kitchen.

"Mom....we could fix you something really nice..."

"Yeah... I'm sure you'd love it...."

Tavia smiled . "I would really love that thank you both of you" she gave them both a kiss on the cheek. "My kitchen is yours" she said with a smile.

The twins ran off to the kitchen.

"You have really made their day...."

"Did I?" she asked curiously looking up at Erebus.

"They were young, and never knew why you sent them here... though, Helios believes that it was because you sensed that they were the rebirth of the Japanese Gods of the Sun and Moon.... Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun... or as she said you named her, Rasu.... and Tsukuyomi, the God of the Moon... or as you named him, Yomi..." Tavia remembers.

"I see" she said thinking of it then smiled at him. "Well I hope that I'm able to make alot more days wonderful for them because I want to spend alot more time with them" she said with a smile

"You do!?" came Rasu's voice, sounding very happy. She had come into the room, to set the table.

Tavia giggled and smiled. "Of course I do" she said happily looking at Rasu.

"Yomi! Hurry up in there...!"

"I have it right here, silly Rasu!" Yomi place a chocolate pancakes on the table.

"Chocolate pancakes with strawberries in side...."

"Oh wow this looks fantastic, thank you both of you so much" she smiled at them lovingly then tried a bite of the pancakes. "Mmmm so good" she said happily.

"Thank you..."

"...Mama..." Rasu and Yomi each said, smiling as they sat down.

Erebus took a bite as well. "Mmmm is this a new one..."

"Yep!" Rasu said.

"Deffinantly a fantastic recipe" she said as she continued to eat. "Milk and dark chocolate chips for the added flavor with a very small hint of nutmeg but with cinnamon as well for that added taste" she said with a smile. "its wonderful" she smiled at them.

"Don't forget the strawberries that are inside the pancakes, and..."

"The fact that the pancakes are chocolate..."

"So true" she said with a smile before taking another bite "Mmmm again so good" she said happily.

"You'll have to come to our restuarant...."

"Oh yes indeed I would truely love to see what the two of you have done, with a recipe as good as this your other foods must be truely amazing" she said with a big smile.

"Everyone loves your Moonshine Heaven Cakes..." Rasu said, and then slapped her hand over her mouth.

"Moonshine Heaven Cakes?" she asked curiously not remembering the recipe.

Erebus pulled her close. "It was a special cake that you made in memory of Selene... in memory of your mother..."

"You had taught us the recipe before..."

"You took us here..." the twins finished.

"I see how interesting" she said thinking about it

She remembered a little baby in a craddle, and Rasu and Yomi running around the kitchen area of her new home in this realm as Pheobe. She remembered calling them over, telling them that she had a secret recipe she wanted to show them, making them promise to never give out the recipe to anyone but to their our children, which they promised excitedly. She showed the all the igedients for what she told them was called Moonshine Heaven Cake, when turned into a beautiful white two layer cake with white lilies, Moons and stars on the top.

Tavia felt tears in her eyes then suddenly stood up and pulled her children in her arms. "Oh my sweeties" she said lovingly as tears glistened in her eyes.

Rasu and Yomi hugged her back tightly. "We love you mom....."

Erebus sat back, watching them with a smile.

"I love you both as well, My sun and my moon, My children" she said lovingly holding them close.

The twins giggled.

"And you are my shining star..." said Erebus hugging her from behind.

Tavia sighed happily having them all together in her life she felt so happy at that moment she never wanted it to end.

"Come... the pancakes are getting cold," joked Yomi.

Tavia giggled. "So true" she let go of her children then went back over to the table sitting down and enjoying the rest of her pancakes.

"How's your work, mom?" Rasu asked.

"Its going well, I'm scared about the whole thing since its a new very important job but I hope I can do well" she said before taking a drink of milk.

"Is it the job or that you are the medio legal that's incharge of Marek's contract?" said Erebus kissing her cheek.

"Its that I'm in charge of Marek's contract, Thorthia's biggest client while also I have been assigned as head of the legal department for Epsilon archer" she said looking at Erebus with a smile

"Epsilon is a great guy..." Yomi said.

"And Marek...he..." Rasu started.

"He what?" Tavia asked curiously.

Erebus sighed. "Marek was tortured and forced to train and fight for Zeus.... but he had been able to keep his good heart... our family's good heart..."

"He seems like a very good man" Tavia said softly looking at her family.

"He is Nyx's son..."

"Yes so true" she remembered meeting Nyx such a kind woman and Erebus telling her Marek was her son.

"You have a good heart too.... all of our family has a good heart... even those of more dark aspect..."

"You have a very good heart" Tavia said lovingly pulling him down into a soft kiss.

Erebus kissed back, pulling her more into it.

Rasu and Yomi started making kissy faces and sounds at the two....

Tavia blushed and pulled back laughing then looked at her kids. "you two are just so bad" she laughed.

"We love you soo much mommy..."

"I love you both so much as well" she giggled smiling at them. "The meal was fantastic now how shall we spend some time together?" she asked lovingly.

"You choice..." Erebus said, lovingly.

"I want it to be a group decision" she giggled.

"But mommy.... come on.... please..."

"I really don't know what to do" she said with a giggle.

"Have you ever wanted to go some place special?" Yomi asked.

"Not really I've kept myself pretty simple since coming here from my world" she said thinking about it all. yeah she wanted to take a vacation someplace warm like a tropical island but that was a normal thing for everyone and she didnt think they were talking about something like that.

Rasu looked at her smiling. "Traveling is fun, mom.... forests and beaches that could compete with those of home...."

"Again I say why don't all of you choose" she said with a giggle.

"I know..." said Rasu and Yomi at the same time.

"you know what?" she asked playfully looking at them suspiciously like a mother would.

"Japan!" they shouted.

Tavia squeeked and jumped at how sudden that was then giggled. "that sounds truely lovely." she said with a big smile.

Erebus laughed. "So Japan?"

Rasu and Yomi nodded, smiling.

"So ummm" Tavia didnt know how they were going to get there since it was all four of them.

"Nervous, love..." Erebus asked.

"No I'm just wondering how we can get there? or are you going to tell me you can pull all of us through the shadows?" she asked looking up at him.

"I can.... I have the power to pull all into the shadows..."

"And we travel through sunlight and moonlight..." the twins said together.

Erebus then said, "We can make it to Japan in no time...."

"Alright!" she stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Then what are we waiting for" she giggled and smiled at them.

Erbus stood up, wrapping an arm around her waist. "I'm ready...."

"Yay!" the twins shouted.

"Hey I'm just here for the ride so lead the way my family" she said lovingly.

"You're not just going for the ride, love..... this is your trip..."

"I'm sorry I said that sweety" she kissed him. "Now why don't we get going?' she asked lovingly.

Erebus wrapped his arms around her. "See you two there...." he said, as he pulled Tavia's head down into his neck to hide her eyes. When he let her lift her head, she saw the temples and buildings of Tokyo..."

"Oh wow!" Tavia said with a gasp seeing the amazing cityscape. "this is fantastic!" she said gazing at it all.

She was hugged from behind. "Love you mommy...."

She turned and smiled at her children. "I love you to, this was really a great idea"

"Thought so mom...."

"You need an adventure...."

"Awww my sweeties" she giggled and hugged them tight. "So what shall we do first?" she asked curiously. Then she realized something and looked around "Where is Erebus?" she asked confused.

Erebus laughed. "I'm right here love... I was just enjoying your wonder and happiness.."

"Come here you" she giggled and pulled him over by the collar and pulled him into a kiss. She pulled back. "Alright what should we do first everyone?" she asked looking at them all.

"Well I could take you to a hotel...."

"Erebus!" she squeeked out turning bright red at the look in his eyes when he said that. "We're here with my children nothing like that" she said looking up at him her cheeks still flushed.

"Awwww..... and I wouldn't do anything?"

"Doesnt mean I wouldnt" She mumbled to herself softly and gave herself a little giggle as he gave her a confused look.

More kissing sounds.

"Hey you two be good" Tavia joked and giggled looking over at them.

"You two be good too...." they giggled.

"Behind closed doors" Tavia laughed. "How about this we'll check into a hotel and just get the rooms situated then lets find something to do" she said with a smile which faltered. "Oh we don't have the local currency" she said worriedly.

Erebus kissed her. "No worries love... we don't have to in a hotel..."

"We could stay with a friend..... and old brother..." the twins said.

"Old brother?" Tavia asked confused. But then looked at Erebus. "And if we want to do anything don't we need money" she said. She was cute when she worried like this.

"Don't worry hun..." Erebus said, and kissed her lips.

The twins giggled.

Tavia melted into the kiss with him then pulled back gently. "Alright I'll stop being a worry wart" she said cutely.

"Come on.... let's go...." said Rasu with a smiled.

Tavia nodded holding onto Erebus's hand as she followed her children.

Erebus held her close as they walked. Rasu and Yomi lead them to a large manor.

"Oh wow its beautiful" Tavia gasped at the beautiful of it. The manor was done in the old Japanese style.

"It's better inside..." said Yomi.

"Oh I can only imagine!" Tavia said excitedly.

They lead her inside, and she was indeed greeted by a gorgeous interior.

"Oh heavens this is beautiful" he said gazing at the interior.

Rasu and Yomi smiled.

Erebus hugged her. "I think it is too..."

Tavia giggled hugging him back happily. "Thank you both this is a great experience and I can't wait for everything else" she said happily.

Rasu looked at them with a smile. "Explore..."

"Oh we couldnt isnt this your friend... I mean brother's house?" she asked curiously she didnt want to be rude in someone else's home.

"Go're family..."

"Alright if your sure your ok" she smiled big then walked off begining to explore.

"Want me to follow? Or should I leave you to it?" Erebus asked, smiling.

"I would enjoy the company" she said looking at him over her shoulder playfully.

Erebus came up beside her, and walked with her through the manor.

"Oh wow!" she oooed and awwwed at the place gazing over the beautiful japanese designs. She had never seen anything like all of this.

"You like it here I see..." came a stormy male voice.

Tavia froze and blushed. "yes I do its a very beautiful hom I didnt mean to intrude my children Rasu and Yomi said it would be alright if I looked around" she said shyly.

The man nodded. "My brother and sister do have the right to have their mother look around my home..."

"Its an honor to meet you sir I'm Tavia," she said as she stood there properly trying not to be rude since she didnt know anything about Japanese customs.

"Susano-O... and no sir is needed for the mother of my siblings... the mother that gave them back to me..."

"It is an honor" she said giving a small bow to him.

He cocked an eye brow. "You don't have to bow... it is not needed... with family..."

"I guess we are sorta family" she smiled and giggled. "So Susano-O I know my children are sun and moon, if you don't mind me guessing you seem to be something more elemental."

"I am the seas and the storms..." he said.

"ahh truely a powerful force in nature it is truely an honor" she smiled at him. she wasnt sure what else to say and hoped Erebus may come to her rescue and bring up conversation or something.

"How are you Susano-O?"

"I've been well... been dealing with pirates..."

"Pirates? oh my how dreadful" Tavia said thinking about it.

"There will always be pirates...."

"I see" she said thinking about it all.

"I know...."

"Well lets think of something happier then nasty ol' pirates. Why don't we find the others and sit together and chat about something better" Tavia offered.

"That's sounds like a great idea love..." said Erebus.

Susano-O nodded. "They would have gone to the garden, they always do..."

"lead the way" she said with a smile to her host.

Susano-O lead them down a hall and out to a garden inclosed by the manor. Rasu and Yomi were sitting in the garden talking to themselves.

Tavia smiled at the two of them. "Hello you two" she smiled walking over to them.

The twins ran over, and hugged her.

Tavia smiled hugging them tight in her arms loving the feeling of being a mother. "So you two, what would you like to do?" she asked curiously.

"Spend time with you..."

Tavia giggled. "What should we do? other then spend time together?" she asked curiously. "You can come up with an idea as well Erebus" she called to him over her shoulder.

Susano-O looked at the twins, who then looked at Erebus. He then looked at Susano-O. They were all smiling

"What are you all up to?" she asked confused looking at them all. she didnt like being left out of the loop.

"Theatre..." they all said.

Tavia looked down at herself. "I'm really not dressed for the theatre" she said looking at her flipflops t-shirt and jeans.

Rasu smiled, took her hand, pulling her off and away from the guys. "Come on..."

Tavia squeeked as he daughter dragged her off and chuckled excited about what was going on.

She was pulled into a room that was ornately desinged.

"Oh wow" she said gazng at the room. "this room is so beautiful" she said as she gently ran her hand over some of the ornate carvings on the wall.

Rasu went over to a wardrobe, opening it up. "Mom... pretty something out that you think would be nice to wear...."

Tavia went over and looked in. "Oh I couldnt these are all to beautiful" she said shyly.


"Alright, for you sweety" she smiled at her daughter then looked back into the wardrobe. She picked out a beautiful rich green kimono that had cherry blossoms embroidered across it. "How's this?" she asked curiously.


"Lets get to work" Tavia smiled and got to putting on the kimono excited for the final outcome after her hair and makeup was done as well.

Rasu started helping her with the kimono. "Sit mom..."

"Of course" she said sitting down knowing her daughter knew best, being she was the reincarnation of a japanese goddess. So she probably knew well how to put kimonos on.

She finished with the kimono, and then started on her hair.

Soon her hair was up in a beautiful bun with black chopsticks that hadlittle dangles hanging off of them that were little cherry blossoms as well. She put on a soft green eyeshadow with black eyeliner and a soft pink lipstick. "There all done" she said spinning around looking at herself in the mirror. "Wow" she said gazing at herself.

"I think you are going to kill Erebus..."

She giggled and smiled "thank you" she said sweetly. "Now lets get going." she said walking out with her daughter to go see the others.

She saw that the others had also gotten all dressed up. Erebus was wearing a male kimono of deep night blue silk, with gold and silver trims.

Tavia blushed at how handsome he looked. He had even pulled his hair back in a ponytail showing that handsome face of his. "My don't you just look gorgeous" she said from behind.

"Gorgeous? Really now... and I thought you were the gorgeous one..." He kissed her softly.

Tavia sighed into the kiss then pulled back laying her forehead against his. "Men can be gorgeous to" she said playfully looking up at him. "And I do have to say you look really amazing in this" she ran her hands over his arms. "What do you think of me?" She asked playfully.

"A true goddess..."

Tavia turned bright red. "Aww thank you" she said sweetly looking so cute standing there.

"Are you sure you are not the incarnate of a Japanese goddess?" asked Susano-O.

Tavia blushed and giggled. "Yes I'm very sure of that Susano-O" she said standing there.

Rasu and Yomi giggled.

Tavia playfully hugged Erebus's arm. "Now why don't we all head off together to the theater?" she asked with a smile.

Rasu and Yomi lead the way to a beautiful theatre.

Tavia blushed as she noticed people looking at her as she walked by them, she snuggled up tighter to Erebus's side feeling shy.

Erebus smiled. "You are a treasure..." he whispered.

"Aww no I'm not" she said shyly and adorably.

"Oh yes, indeed you are..." he kissed her neck.

Tavia smiled lovingly up at him. "Going to show me how much I'm your treasure tonight?" she whispered playfully in his ear so only he could hear.

"I may be planning on doing that...." he whispered back.

She giggled and nuzzled him lovingly. "Can't wait" she winked and snuggled happily to him as they came to the theater.

They all headed in and were able to watch a performance of the creation of the world based on Japanese Myth, which had Rasu, Yomi, and even Susano-O laughing softly.

Tavia snuggled against Erebus watching interested in the culture her children were so intwined with.

Erebus whispered in her ear. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Oh yes" she said lovingly playing with his fingers as she watched the screen.

Erebus kissed her neck softly then went back to watching the show.

Tavia moved herself and snuggled up to Erebus a little more cozy as she stroked her fingers across the knuckle of his hand she was holding. She couldnt wait to get him home in that gorgeous kimono he was wearing. She blushed bright red in the dark of the theater realzing she was such a horn dog when it came to Erebus. But she did love it.

"Soon..." she heard him mutter.

She turned deeper red and looked up at him wondering did he know what she was thinking?

"remember... I am the god of shadows..."

She giggled softly and hugged his arm lovingly excited to hear he knew what she was thnking and wanted it badly to.

Erebus kissed her again.

Tavia sighed melting into the gentle kiss with him for a few moments before they returned to watching the Play.

After it was done Tavia was snuggled against his side as they made their way out of the theater. "That was wonderful I'm so glad we went" she said with a smile to her children who were walking next to her.

"We're glad that you enjoyed it mom..." said Yomi.

Susano-O nodded, and Rasu smiled.

Tavia smiled holding Erebus's hand as they headed back to Susano-O's place. Her thumb gently curessed Erebus's hand knowing what they were both thinking.


Tavia shivered at how his voice purred with promise. "I wonder what all of you have planned for tomorrow" she said with a smile thinking of it excitedly.

Susano-O shrugged. "Storms and I are friends for a reason..."

Yomi and Rasu giggled. "Surprise!"

Erebus laughed.

Tavia stood there confused not understanding what in the world they were talking about. Suddenly Tavia shivered and looked up at the sky feeling some great dark power in the heavens. "What on earth?" she asked softly feeling that dark power.

"By the shadows..." Erebus cursed. "You three watch her!" Erebus vanished into shadows.

"We should get back to the house, he wsas scared of something badly I could see it in his face." Tavia said worriedly looking at the other three.

Rasu and Yomi nodded

"A bad storm is coming to the world..."

Tavia took her children's hands in hers as they quickly wove through the city streets returning to Susano-O's home.

They were able to get inside.

Tavia let out a sigh as they came inside, she felt safer in his home as if their was magic protecting the grounds. "Well other then the feeling of intimate doom that was a good night" she said looking at the others.

"A great force has awoken..." all three said.

Tavia shivered. "That was creepy the way the three of you did that" she said and went over to the window looking out at the night sky. "Oh Erebus" she said softly praying he was alright.

"He will be safe, mother..."

"I hope so sweety I really hope so" she said sweetly looking at Rasu.

The twins smiled.

"I will fix some dinner...." said Susano-O, who then left the area.

She smiled at her children "Lets do something to distract my mind off of things" she said looking at them sweetly.

The twins smiled and started to tickle her.

Tavia squeeked and started cracking up as they teamed up on her. "Oh heavens that tickles" she laughed and tried to get away from them playfully.

"You're not getting away from us, mom..."

"we are a great team...."

"Yes you two are I don't know if I'll be able to get away" she laughed as she picked up her kimono and continued to run.

She ran into someone. ((She feels the pull...))

((The love pull?))

Tavia squeeked running into a broad muscular chest and suddenly ended up on her butt on the ground. "Oh heavens I'm so sorry" she said blushing looking up at whoever it was she just rammed right into.

Erebus pulled her up. "It's okay..." he said and gently kissed her.

((Ok now I'm super confused))

Tavia pulled back and giggled. "Erebus your back!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down kissing him.

Erebus kissed back. When he pulled back, he looked down at Tavia sadly. "Nyx is missing... she's been taken... and I have to find her..."

Tavia gasped. "Oh my thats horrible!" she put her hands infront of her and gave Erebus a nod. "I understand sweety, You do what you have to." she said looking up at her love.

"Stay here... I know that you'll be safe... I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you..."

"Just promise you'll come back to me" she said softly curessing her hand over his cheek. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you either." she said softly.

"I'll come back to you... I promise..." he said and kissed.

Tavia softly kissed him back then pulled back gazing up at him. "Be safe" she whispered before she let go of him so he could leave.

"I will...till, I come back..." he kissed her again, then disappeared.

Gently she placed her hand over her heart. "please be ok" she whispered to herself as tears glistened in her eyes.

"Mommy..." she heard the blended voices of the twins.

She turned facing the two of them. "I'm alright sweethearts" she said softly and wiped her tears from her cheeks.

The twins ran upto her, hugging her close.

She hugged them both tight. "Erebus is going to be gone for awhile and he told me to stay here if thats alright with the two of you and Susano-O"

"Of course, Tavia..." Susano-O said coming up.



"Thank you all of you this all means alot to me" she said looking at all of them. "Now why don't we go and have some dinner together. She said trying to keep her mind away from the worry over Erebus.

"Dinner is in the room over..."

"Sounds wonderful" she smiled at them and taking her children's hands in hers she walked off with them to the other room.

The three lead her into a beautiful dinning room with a long table that was filled with foods.

"Oh wow Susano-O this looks amazing" she said and giggled feeling her stomach growl.

"I'm glad you like it... sit... enjoy..." he said, holding out a chair for her.

"thank you" she smiled and gently sat down in the chair then scooted in. "Wow this food is fantastic, and the saki is rich." she said taking in teh rich aromas. It was the cook in her coming out.

"You're welcome, Miss Tavia..."

She waited for the others to take their seats then began to serve herself the amazing smelling food .

They all sat down, and placed some food on their plates.

Dinner was quiet afterwords Tavia went to the baths to try and relax. She had pulled her hair up in a bun on her head as she lounged there in the hot water thinking about Erebus.

"Mama..." came Rasu voice.

Tavia opened her eyes and turned "hi sweety whats up?" she asked looking over at her daughter.

"He'll be safe... he'll have to be...."

"I hope so" She said softly to her daughter wondering if that was the only reason she was in here.

Rasu sat down near her. "Erebus... he's going to be our new father, right?"

Tavia blushed bright red hearing that question. "I really don't know, I would love something so wonderful as that." She said in a dreamy voice. "But I don't know if its on his mind something like that so if it happens it happens." she said thinking about it all imagining marrying Erebus, it caused her heart to flutter at teh thought.

"I want Erebus happy... he didn't have to... but he did become like a father to me and yomi.... he wanted everyone else happy....Nyx...Eos... even Helios... he wanted them to find that one person they loved with all their heart...."

"Oh sweet Erebus" she said softly thinking of his kind and gentle soul. She gently curessed the skin over her heart as she soaked there in her bathwater. "I'm glad to hear he had been so wonderful to you and your brother while I was gone."

"Mother... do what makes you happy...."

"that you my sweet heart" she smiled sweetly over at her daughter.

"Always, mother...." Rasu said, smiling.

gently she slid down so the watr was up to her neck. "Tomorrow have you and your brother come up with any plans for it yet?" she asked curiously.

"Not really... do you have something in mind?"

"Maybe see the sights or something like that, thats what came to my mind." she said looking over at her daughter.

Rasu smiled. "That's a wonderful idea..."

"I'm glad you think so, Maybe we can hit the sights grab a little lunch then go check out the shops?" she asked curiously. I've always been a sucker for shopping." she giggled.

"You'd scare off Susano-O with the shopping part, but not Yomi... he loves shopping..." laughed Rasu.

She giggled lounging there. "Well I think it would be fun, But I wish I could buy stuff since I don't have any money in this country. But it will still be fun to look at." she sighed happily letting the soreness just fade out of her muscles.

"Whatever you want... Yomi and I can take care of it..."

"Oh no I couldnt do that to you" she said shyly not wanting to burden her children.

"Mother... we love you.... we want to..."

"Oh sweetheart thats so kind of you" she smiled lovingly at her daughter. "I can't wait I'm so excited already" she smiled.

"Tommorow mom..." she said smiling.

"I know I know" she smiled at her daughter.

"I'll let you finish your bath, and then...I'll saw you a room..."

"Thank you sweet heart, I'll be out soon" she said as she turned around and lounged in her bath again.

Rasu left the room.

After a little while longer, she got out of the bath tub dried off and slid on a long pink silk robe that was rich and looked beautiful on her making her look like a japanese princess. "I wonder what erebus would think?" she asked looking at herself in the mirror as she pulled her hair out of the bun letting her hair ascade down over her body.

She felt a kiss on her neck. "Wonderful... beautiful..." came Erebus's voice.

"Erebus?" she turned around confused on where his voice had come from.

"I'm here... I have to rest... I have my shadows still out looking for Nyx..."

"I understand" she said with a soft smile. "Where are you?" she asked as she walked out of the bathroom since he wasnt in there with her.

"I'm right here..." he said as his arms wrapped around her.

"There you are" she giggled as he nuzzled his cheek against hers then she turned around in his arms. "I was so worried about you sweetheart" she said looking up at him. She was kind of sad he wasnt in his kimono anymore he had been really sexy in it.

"I love you, and missed you..."

"I love you and missed you to sweetheart" she giggled looking up at him.

"How was your bath...?"

"wonderful, it was a milk bath with Jasmine and plumeria oil's so I feel wonderful" she playfully nuzzled his cheek with hers and her skin felt so smooth and she smelled amazing. "You know us Japanese princess's we have to look good for our late night lovers" she said playfully looking up at him.

"Beautiful... and tasty..."

"Tasty?" she asked curiously looking up at him with a playful smile. She giggled as he hungerly gave her robe a little tug open enough so see her clevage.

He started to lick and nibble on her neck.

She caught his mouth with her hand. "Bedroom first then you can taste" she said playfully.

"Uncle Erebus... Mom is right..." came Rasu's voice through the door.

Erebus laughed.

Tavia gently took his hand in hers. "Come my darling" she winked playfully.

Erebus took it. "I know which room you prepared Rasu..." They disappeared. They reappeared in a beautifully decorated bedroom.

"Oh wow its gorgeous in here" Tavia said looking around the room. She then walked over and gently opened the curtains and gazed out over the beautiful view before her. "Wow thats a view" she said cutely. "Now this makes me feel like a princess" she suddenly squeeked and giggled as Erebus's arms wrapped around her body.

"You are my princess after all..." he whispered into her ear.

"Aww Erebus" she said lovingly turning around in his arms gazing up at him.

He leaned down and claimed her lips.

Tavia slid her hands up under his shirt over the curves of his rippling muscles as they made outwith one another.

"I'm never leaving you, ever..." erebus said, then kissing her neck as he worked her robe off her shoulders.

"Erebus" she sighed happily laying her head to the side as he continued. She felt him gently pulling the tie at her waist open.

He started to kiss her whole body.

Tavia couldn't help but sigh in pleasure at the feeling as his lips curessed her skin.

Erebus slowly took her into a long happy hour.

Tavia awoke the next morning to the feel of the warm sun curessing her body but her bed felt cold realizing Erebus wasnt there. She let out a long sigh as she sat up holding the sheet to her chest.

There was a knock on her door.

"Coming!" Tavia called as she climbed out of bed and pulled on her pink robe sliding it on and tieing it at the waist then she went to the door opening it.

Rasu stood at the door, smiling. "Breakfast is ready..."

"That sounds lovely hun I'll be there in a minute let me just get dressed" she smiled at her daughter.

Rasu nodded, and hurried off giggling, disappearing around the corner.

Tavia smiled then went back into her room dressing in her jeans and t shirt she had thrown on the day before then headed off to breakfast.

When she got to the dinning room the table was set for two, and no one was in sight.

"Just for two?" she asked herself softly as she walked over and sat down at one of the chairs.

"For us..." came Erebus's voice as his arms wrapped around her shoulders.

"Aww how sweet" she said lovingly looking up at him, "But I thought you had to look for your sister?" she asked worriedly.

"My shadows are..."

Tavia smiled lovingly. "Come sit down lets enjoy our breakfast together baby" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

Erebus sat down. "I thoughtit would be nice to have a breakfast together..."

"Thats a wonderful idea" she said lovingly gazing over at him.

He leaned over and kissed her.

Tavia happily kissed him back then gently pulled back. "So whats for breakfast?" she asked sweetly.

"Emelets, bacon, toast, and fruit..."

"Ooh sounds fantastic" she smiled. She said sounds though because their was no food on the table yet.

Erebus snapped his fingers and the food was on the table.

"Ooh fancy" she giggled and took a drink of her juice

"I thought you'd like that....."

"So are you going to be staying all day?" she asked curiously wondering if he was going to join them sight seeing.

"Yes I am...." Erebus said with a smile.

"Ooh yay!" She squeeled happily and clapped her hands.

Erebus laughed.

She chomped down on her food happy to hear he wasnt leaving.

"MMM so cute...."

"Mmm?" she asked around a mouth full of strawberry

" are so cute, you're delicious...."

"I'm delicious now?" she asked playfully as she put her hair up into a hairclip on her head revealing that tasty neck of hers.

Erebus smiled and licked his lips. "In every way that you can be...."

Tavia giggled as she playfully ran a strawberry across her lips before taking a bite out of it.

"MMmmmm yes..."he growled.

Tavia giggled blushing. "your cute" she winked and took a bite of her toast. She tehn swallowed. "Its to bad you didnt decide french toast and fruit that would be fun" she winked.

Erebus pointed down the table, smiling.

Tavia looked down and started laughing seeing a beautiful french toast spread. "Your such a playboy" she said playfully" as she dipped her finger in the syrup then licked it.

"I thought that is what you are..." he laughed.

"I could be your playboy" she purred out in a sexy way that made his body instantly react. She then giggled and got to eating her french toast happily.

"You are a true vixen aren't you?" he growled, smiling.

"I don't know what your talking about" she winked

"Oh yes you do..."

"Fine I'll admit, I'm only a vixen around you" she giggled sitting there. "Now I just need to find and excuse to get you to take me to the carribean and to get into a bikini."

"Do you think you need an excuse?" he asked playfully.

"Honey I think thats what mortals would call dropping a hint" she said in reply playfully. "But no matter how much I would like to go to some tropical hotel, and pamper you while wearing nothing but bikini's and sexy dresses for a few days with you I promised my children we would hang out today."

"I know you did, love..."

"But afterwords" she winked playfully lounging in her chair.

"I'll just have to wait..." Erebus laughed.

Tavia giggled. "I'm so excited to go shopping" she clapped her hands happily.

"I'd hope so mom.." came Yomi and Rasu's voices.

"Hi there you two" Tavia smiled looking over at the door she had heard him from

The twins smiled back. "Susano-O is waiting outside... with the car..." Rasu said. Yomi finished with a smile, "Come on.... shopping..."

"You coming Erebus?" Tavia asked as she stood.

"Of course...." Erebus said standing up.

Tavia smiled and walked over to her children as Erebus followed her.

The twins lead them outside to a black SUV limo. Susano-O sat inside with the door open. "Ready?" he said with a smile.

Tavia bounced up and down. "Oh wow!" she squeeled happily at the sight of the limo.

Erebus shook his head at the twins. He lead Tavia over to the limo, helping her in after Susano-O moved over and the twins had gotten in.

"What? I've never ridden in a limo before" Tavia blushed sitting there.

"It's okay hun..."

"Alright" she smiled at Erebus.

the limp started to move. "This is how I get to work some day," Susano-O said with a smile.

"Really? thats awesome" Tavia giggled.

"Ever heard of the rocker Thunderbolt?" Rasu asked.

Tavia jumped. "Your Thunderbolt?!" She squeeked out. "I have all of your albums" she blushed bright red.

Susano-O laughed. "Thank you..."

Tavia giggled and smiled then snuggled up to Erebus's side.

"You really for some fun," Yomi said.

"Did me being really hyper give me away?" Tavia asked playfully.

Yomi and Rasu laughed.

"Love... you are perfect, Hyper..." Erebus said.

"Aww thank you sweet heart" she pulled him down and gave him a little kiss on the lips.

"And being who I am..." Susano-O said with a smile. "How would you like to have the mall all to yourself?"

"Really?" she asked suprised.

"Yes... how does that sound?"

"That would be amazing but how are you going to do that?" she asked confused on teh whole thing she had lived her years on earth had been lower mid class.

Susano-O pulled out a phone and started to talk to someone in smooth whispers. He looked at her. "It's done..."

Tavia giggled. "Its good to have friends and family with connections" she said playfully.

The limo pulled up. "Yep!" shouted Yomi and Rasu.

"What are you two 'Yep'ing about... you two are famos chiefs..." she Erebus laughing.

"I feel so lowly compared to all of you me just a little lawyer" she joked.

Marek hummed gently to himself as he drove tapping a beat of a song on the steering wheel.

"What you humming?" she asked softly.

"A song of mine from one of my movies would you like to hear it?" he asked with a smile.

Nyxia nodded.

Marek smiled then began to sing. "You keep calling it a crash and burn
Just wait your turn you might have time to speak
There barely was a lesson learned
Cause it return no favors back to me

I'm sure it tasted oh so sweet
But it was never good enough for me
I bit the tongue behind my teeth
It was never good enough for me" he continued on with the rest of the song glancing over her as he song.


"you think so?" he asked curiously.

Nyxia nodded. "I... do..."

"I'm glad you think so" he smiled down at her then looked ahead as they pulled up to the aquarium. this time of day their was barely anyone there so really it would only be the two of them. He pulled in and gently got out. "I know you'll love this place" he said with a smile.

"What is it?"

"Its called an aquarium and its a place where you can see beautiful fish in a way where you don't have to get wet" he said with a smile as he got her out of the car then closed and locked the door before heading out with her.

"" she said under her breath. "So... pretty..."

"I thought you would like it here" he said with a smile gently taking her hand as he payed for entry and then they were on their way.

They came up to a area where there was great white sharks.

Marek smiled picking her up and going over to the glass. "These are known as great white sharks." He said smiling as she looked at them.

"Are they dangerous?"

"Oh yes very dangerous they are predators and hunt for their meals." he said watching them swim around.

"Then why is he in there with them?" she asked.

"Their trained and well fed so they wont eat him but he is in danger in there." he said as they watched the tank cleaner

The man was not cleaning, he was swimming around with the sharks.

"Well now I wonder what he's up to" Marek said watching as he held Nyxia in hsi arms.

One of the great whites headed at him, the man not moving out of the way. The shark then stopped, and the man just stroked it's nose.

Nyxia looked at him confused.

"Well now thats odd" he said watching curiously.


Suddenly the hair on the back of his neck stood up on end. "Posedin" he said softly.

The young man looked towards them. He didn't look like the Posedin he knew.

"Uncle Posedin..." Nyxia said softly.

Marek stood there confused on why Posedin didnt look like he should. "lets leave him to what he's doing sweety." he said and began to walk off towards the next exhibit.

The next area were the doliphins. "Pretty..."

"Ahh yes the Dolphins beautiful animals indeed." he said as they watched them swim around the encloser. "Did you know that Dolphins are actually closer related to you and me then they are fish?" he asked playfully.

"Uncle Poseidon taught me that...." Nyxia said softly looking up at Marek.

"When I am not in hiding, little one..." came a male voice that sounded like at calm ocean.

Marek froze for a second then turned looking behind them.

Poseidon stood there, a small towel in hand as he dried his long hair. "Hello there Nyxia... who is your friend?"

Marek was confused on what was going on, Poseidon should have known him on sight.

"This is Marek.... my brother..." Nyxia said softly.

Poseidon looked at him, and smiled lightly. "Hello Marek... I didn't know that little Nyxia had a brother..."

"we didnt know about each other either it was only recent we found out about one another" he said standing there looking at the new Poseidon.

"There is something familiar about are an immortal...but..." Poseidon said softly in thought. "Who is your mother?"

Marek swallowed uncomfortably but made sure it wasnt noticable. "Lady Nyx" he said looking at Poseidon still confused on why he didnt know.

"Wait!" Poseidon looked at Marek in shock. "Nyx! You have her eyes... those beautiful night eyes! It's been so long since I've seen anyone that I didn't know... ever since before that stupid Trojan War.... I hide away from my brother after he threaten me for not going after a warrior for not thanking me for assisting him...." ((Marek didn't meet him till after that war...))

"We met a couple of times sir after the war, I was once Zues's Captain of the Gaurd before he banished me" he said standing there wondering if that would spark anything.

"Nope... not ringing a bell... I'm sorry... now tell me... when you did meet me, how did I act?"

"I met you once when I was a child but it wasnt long but I met you a few times after the Trojan war you were very distant from everyone." he said standing there.

"Child...? You... awww... the sweet child... the number of times I wanted... Distant? Damn Zeus...."

Marek was greatly confused.

Nyxia tugged at Marek's sleeve as Poseidon started to curse Zeus's name.

"What is it sweety?" Marek asked looking down at her.

"There are two Poseidons.... Uncle Poseidon.... and Golem Poseidon...." she whispered.

"Oh my well now that deffinantly explains alot" he said thinking about it.

Poseidon spun around. "Golem?! That bastard!" The waters in the tanks around them started to seem like they were actually that waters of the great oceans and seas during a storm. The dolphins in the tank acted as they would in the wild.

"Woah! Woah! please calm down sir" Marek begged not wanting anything bad to happen.

"That bastard brother of mine is using me to do he's dirty work!"

Marek swept Nyxia up in his arms as he felt the water seem to vibrate with his anger while the dolphins grew angrier. If the Dolphins were this bad he wondered about the other animals. "Please Poseidon! Calm down look what your doing!" Marek shouted trying to get through.

"Uncle Poseidon..." cried out Nyxia.

Poseidon looked at them, then closed his eyes. Slowly the area went back to normal, very peaceful. "I am sorry..."

"Its alright I understand your pain" marek said remembering his own experiences.

"You have really grown since I last saw you as a child Marek...."

"It has deffinantly been a long time" he said with a smile. It made him wonder though when he had been thrown from the heavens and landed in the ocean. He had always thought that Poseidon had taken mercy on him to wash him ashore he wondered what the truth was.

"Holy Catfish.... you... I remember that hair now... that was one fight over control.... I though it was strange...." he looked thoughtful.

Marek cocked an eyebrow. "I'm sorry I don't understand what your saying."

"I was sailing if you want to call it that.... but a body fell from the skies.... the seas started to go against me.... a terrible storm that I had not wanted.... it was a fight to get to you before my own seas swallowed you.... I left you on dry land....and exhausted himself taking back control of my seas.... I can't believe I didn't recognize you..."

"So it was you who had saved me, but it was the real you, I am honored to know you had rescued me from a horrible fate." he said with a smile.

"Uncle Poseidon is very nice..." Nyxia whispered, looking down.

"I am so sorry I never took you from my brother and that evil son of his, little nightling...." Poseidon said softly.

"It is alright even with them running my life while I was up there I did still have a pretty good life, the other gods and goddesses took wonderful care of me while I was growing up and I still was able to see my mother at nights until I came of age." He said standing there. "When I was thrown from the heavens I found my own way it was hard adjusting to life with the mortals but I was able to." he said thinking about it.

"Poseidon got in trouble....he took me away one time.... grandfather was mad..."

"Zues is a bastard who play's with those around him like toys he can just use until he's bored or they break" Marek growled out.

Poseidon nodded. "Now... let's get off of that topic... how about dinner? You can hang out with your good uncle..." he said with a smile.

"That sounds lovely Uncle Poseidon." Marek smiled then looked at Nyxia in his arms. "How about you how does going to dinner with our Uncle sound?" he asked with a smile.

"P...per...fect...." she whispered.

"You do look very beautiful in your new clothes, little one..."

Nyxia blushed.

Marek smiled. "See sweety I told you you look beautiful in color" he said looking down at her.

Nyxia nodded.

"I have told her before that she would look lovely in even the colors of the oceans...."

Marek smiled. "Now why don't we get going and grab that dinner you spoke of" he said with a smile looking at their Uncle. "What did you have in mind to get?" he asked curiously.

"I was thinking maybe a small trip..." he said with a smile.

Nyxia smiled up at Marek softly. "He did this once when he was trying to take me before...."

"Oh?" Marek asked curiously wondering where Poseidon was going to take them.

Poseidon offer his hand to Nyxia and Marek.

Nyxia took his hand.

Marek took his hand as well.

Water engolfed them all. For the longest time, all Marek could see was moving water. When they got where they were heading, Marek was complete dry as were Nyxia and Poseidon. They all stood in front of a beach front home. "Welcome to one of my homes.... I thought this would be nice..."

"Oh wow your home is beautiful" Marek said gazing over the view, while also loving the rich feeling of the warm tropical air against his skin.

"Thank you Marek... I'm happy that you get to see it..."

Marek smiled at him then looked around the landscape. "This place is gorgeous and the white sandy beach truely beautiful. We must be somewhere near the equator." he said as he walked along the beach with his uncle heading towards the huge home.

"Yes we are... I have a few homes around the world... some near, some on, and some away from the water..."

Nyxia looked around curiously. "Pretty...."

"I've done the same thing over the years I've been among the mortals, its always good to have those extra places you can escape to if need be"

Poseidon nodded. "I agree..."

"Poseidon!" called a young woman from within the house. She was standing in the doorway to the back of the house, smiling at them all.

Poseidon waved at her.

"Who is that if you don't mind me asking."

"That would be Hals... my adoptive-daughter..."

Marek smiled, he was glad that his Uncle had been able to find some happiness after what Zues had done to him.

"She is a goddess.... but... for an unknown reason had not been gifted or given power over anything... so I share with her my responsiblities over the oceans....and I had found her after some accident left her without a memory..."

"How odd I wonder what her past really is" Marek said curiously as they walked down the beach together.

Nyxia walked close to Marek.

"As do I..." Poseidon said softly.

They then quietly walked over to the house together.

"Hello there Poseidon... who are you friends?" Hals asked with a smile.

"Its nice to meet you my lady" Marek gave a smile and a bow of his head. "I am Marek and this is my little sister Nyxia' he said motioning to her next to her.

Nyxia looked up at Hals.

"Nice to meet you, both of you..." Hals said with a smile.

"They are going to be joining us for dinner..." Poseidon said.

Hals smiled. "WOnderful..."

Marek smiled, "So what is on the menu for this evening?' he asked curiously.

"Urchin..." Hals said with a smile, heading back inside.

"Urchin?" Marek asked, he had never had it before.

Nyxia looked very confused.

Poseidon smiled. "Yes.... Sea Urchin...."

"Should be interesting to try" Marek said with a smile and a chuckle.

Nyxia still looked confused.

Marek chuckled seeing her. "I think you should explain to her what a Sea Urchin is" he said as he took her hand gently but then looked at Poseidon.

Poseidon looked down at Nyxia with a smile, explaining to her what a sea urchin was.

Nyxia looked at him, wrinkling her nose at his description.

"It tastes very good, little on..." Poseidon said. "I promise..."

Marek smiled and chuckled "its always good to try new things little one." he kneeled down and gave her a little hug before picking her up in his arms.

"Come...I'm sure that Hals is wondering if we are ever going to head inside..." Poseidon laughed.

Marek laughed with him then smiled. "Of course" and with that he followed his Uncle off inside.

Poseidon lead them inside where Hals had a table set for all of them. "Hello everyone... sit please..." she said smiling.

Marek took his seat. "It smells delicious Miss Hals" Marek said with a smile sitting there.

Nyxia held onto Marek's neck, shyly.

Poseidon sat in his seat, smiling. "Looks as great as ever, my little one..."

Hals giggled. "I'm not little anymore...."

He nodded.

Marek gently comforted Nyxia. "Its ok sweety" he said softly looking into her eyes as he held her.

Nyxia nodded.

"Hello there little starfish..." Hals said softly. "Would you like to something pretty?"

"Would you like something pretty Nyxia?" Marek asked softly trying to cheer her up.

"You don't have to.... really..." she whispered.

"but she wants to sweety, she wants to give you something nice to show she wants to be your new friend" he said with a smile as he held her.

Nyxia nodded, then looked at Hals. "What... do you..." she started.

Hals pulled from her pocket a silver clam shell necklace.

"Ooooh.... soo pretty...." Nyxia said looking at it.

"It's your's..."

"But..." Nyxia started.

"Nyxia she wanted to do something nice for you" Marek said with a smile as he gently took the necklace and put it on her. "She wants to be your friend Nyxia." He said sweetly.

"I do... you would not believe all the times that father has talked about you..."

Nyxia blushed.

Poseidon laughed.

"See there you go" he chuckled. "Now you ready to try some of your food?" he asked curiously.

Nyxia nodded. "Yes... brother..."

Marek gently sat her down in her seat next to him then began to eat his own food. "mmm Hals this is really delicious" he said after the first bite.

"Thank you, sir... I brought it in fresh from the sea...."

"You can deffinantly taste how fresh" he smiled before taking another bite.

"Thank you.." Hals said, smiling.

Nyxia ate silently, though seemed to be enjoying the meal.

Poseidon ate, watching all of them.

"How do you like it Nyxia?" Marek asked looking down at her.

"I tastes funny..." she said in a whisper looking down.

Marek chuckled softly then looked at Hals with a look that was asking if she had anything else Nyxia might like.

"Here you go, little one...try this..." she said, handing Nyxia a plate of shrimps.

"Now this I'll know you like" he smiled watching her eat one.

"Yummy...." she said softly as tasted one.

"Good I'm so glad you like them" he said with a smile before he went back to his own meal. They all eased into some light conversation. "So Uncle Posedion tell me do you own the Ashland Aquarium?" he asked curiously.

"I work there for fun..."

"It deffinantly seems like a fun job, the Aquarium is one of my favorite places to go" Marek said with a smile.

"I'm surprised that we didn't run into each other earlier...."

"Well most of the time I try to hide who I am since I'm famous to the mortals." He chuckled.

Poseidon laughed. "Indeed...minster movie star..."

Marek laughed. "Hey everyone has their own thing being down here for so long" he chuckled.

He nodded, laughing.

Nyxia looked at them, as she ate.

"So curious question that I've always wondered, how come the Aquarium has tigers?" He asked before taking another bite of his food.

Poseidon shrugged. "I have no idea..."

Marek laughed

"What's funny?" Nyxia asked.

"No one knows why the tigers are in the aquarium" he said with a smile.

Nyxia nodded.

Marek looked down at his sister curiously wondering if she was doing ok.

Hals started to clean up.

Nyxia looked around from her chair.

"What up baby sis?" he asked curiously.

"I don't know....." she whispered.

Marek cocked an eyebrow confused.

Nyxia just shook her head. "Nothing, brother...."

"Alright if you say so" he said slightly worried.

"I'm tired..." she mumbled.

"Alright sweety we'll get headed home" he said stroking her hair then looked at Posedion. "Sorry to cut this short uncle but we must be going, I hope we can spend time together again" he said with a soft smile.

"I'm sure we wil..."

Marek finished his drink then stood picking Nyxia up in his arms. "If its alright with you uncle, could you please send us back to the Aquarium I need to pick up my car." he said with a smile

"As you wish..." Marek appeared back in the aquarium.

Marek carried Nyxia out of the aquarium then to his car. Sitting her in the front seat he then got in and they headed home for the evening.

When he got home, Nyxia was asleep in the seat.

Marek smiled seeing his sister like that and gently carried her off to their home where he tucked her safe and warm in her bed after taking off her little shoes. "Sleep well princess" he kissed her forehead then gave her her little black panther to snuggle before he gently closed the door and let her sleep. Marek grabbed his copy of the Underdark script, he made himself a drink and camped out on his couch to begin studying.

"How was your day...son?"

Marek looked up and smiled seeing his mother. "It went well mother and was well. And yourself?" he asked curiously.

"It went well..." she said.

"Come sit" he said patting the couch next to him.

She sat down. "What is it that you are looking at...?"

"Its a script for my new movie that I'm doing" he said looking over at her.

"Really? Sounds fun..."

"It deffinantly is and its an exciting story it will be a blast to film" he said with a smile then began to tell her abou the underdark story.

"Wow... that does sound like a wonderful story..."

"And I can't wait to be a part of it" he smiled.

Nyx nodded. "I'm glad..."

"So mother, I met the real posedion today" he said looking next to her.


"Yes, it was a nice visit" he smiled "The real one is alot nicer then the fake one that Zues made" he said before taking a drink.

Nyx nodded. "I'm glad you had a good visit...."

"Nyxia and I both had a very good visit." He leaned back against the couch looking at the ceiling. "You'll never guess who I ran into today other then Poseidon."

"Really? WHo?"

"Pheobe's reincarnation." he said softly his eyes sort of haunted.

"Pheobe..." she said softly.

"Yes and it seems that she has fallen head over heals for uncle Erebus" he chuckled thinking about it.

"Really...? Interesting..."

"Your realy quiet tonight mother are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm just thinking of the past..."

Marek watched his mother worriedly.

"I'm fine Marek..."

"You really don't seem fine mother" he said in a worried tone.

Nyx hugged him. "I am fine..."

His phone rang out.

Marek jumped and then picked up the phone. "Hello Marek speaking"

"'s Thorthia... get yourself and Nyxia out of there..."

"Thorthia? whats going on why do we have to get out of here?" he asked worriedly standing up looking at his mother as he waited for her answer.


Marek was confused. "Yes I'm right here with her what about my mother whats going on Thorthia?" he asked as he watched his mother.

"Not your mother...." just as something hard hit him in the back of the head.

Marek let out a grunt as he was knocked out cold.

"...Marek... Marek...." came Thorthia's voice, as he was gently shaken.

"Son of a bitch..." he grunted out and put his hand to the back of his head. He felt a stickiness. he had been bleeding a bit and right now he felt like crap. "what the hell happened? who was that woman?" he grunted trying to get up but grew dizzy and collapsed again they had hit him good.

"A shapeshifter..." came a male voice. "But right now, we have to resecue them..."

Marek grunted pushing himself up. "They took Nyxia I'm guessing, but you said them... who else did they take?" he asked worriedly.

"They have gone after Poseidon and Hals...."

"My father..." whispered Thorthia.

"It is an honor to meet you sir" he said then slammed his fist into the floor. "Damn it we have to save them" he said worriedly.

"You will get to them if you go now...there is still time to get to Poseidon and Hals..."

"right" he put his hand on his necklace and focused on the place he had been earlier that day praying he could get there in time.

He appeared at the house, the sound of fighting inside.

"No" he said softly and suddenly summoned a blade in hand and charged into the house to help out his uncle and his daughter.

Hals had a shield of water around her, in a dome shape, and Poseidon was punching several creature with his fists.

Marek began to battle the creatures himself slicing away at all of them.

After several minutes, all the creatures were dead.

"Are the two of you alright?" Marek asked worriedly.

Hals just hugged herself. Poseidon nodded. "Yes... thank you... I don't know what these creatures are....their abnormal..."

"They are creatures of Zeus's making..." came Thoth's voice.

"Thoth..." Poseidon said, nodding. "Thorthia..." He said acknowledging Thoth's daughter at his side.

Marek wiped off his blade as he turned and looked at Thoth. "Do you know where my sister is?" he asked softly.

"With her father..." he said simply.

"Damn it!" he snarled and stalked out of the room radiating anger. His father had his sister again, she hadbeen doing so well breaking out of her shell and he knew back with their father that she would probably close up again.

"Nyx is also with him..." Thorthia said softly.

Marek froze and turned "What?" he said not believing what he heard. "No mother" he said horrified.

Marek disappeared and reappeared in a courtyard.

He reached his power out to feel from his mother and sister, he was going to rescue them one way or another.

His power felt his sister off down a hall to his left.

"I'm coming baby sis" he said softly as he made his way quickly down the halls.

He heard a child's scream.

"Nyxia no" he began to ran down the halls towards the sound of the scream.

As he got there, there was a tall dark man standing over Nyxia. "Bitch, you know your place..."

Marek was on him in a heart beat and slammed his fist across the side of his head knocking him off to the side. He then held his arms ready to fight the dark figure. "You stay the fuck away from my sister" he snarled.

The man laughed, standing back up. "It is good to see you again too...." the man said then looked into Marek's eyes. "...son..."

"Don't you dark fucking call me that, you may have raped my mother and I was born from that, but that gives you no right to call me your son and me call you my father you sick bastard." he snarled darkly at the other man

"I will always be your father, you little brat!"

Marek let out a snort of laughter. "brat huh?" he then growled out. "I will never truely recognize you as my father you sick bastard." He prayed his little sister was alright He hadn't heard her move and he knew he couldnt look away from his father.

"You will soon know obedience!" The man attacked him.

Marek fought viciously meeting his father's attacks hit for hit pound for pound.

"has my little angel gotten to you?" he smirked.

Marek landed a kick square in his father's chest so hard that he himself heard the sickening crack of ribs as he fell backwards. "She ran to me for the love and kindess she could not find here, especially not from you, you bastard" he growled. "What kind of father hits his own daughter, your sick!" he snarled and swiped his foot under his father knocking him to the ground then landed another kick landing it straight on his father's shoulder knocking his arm out of his socket then made sure to get out of the way before his father could retalliate.

"You little bastard..." he spit out.

"Daddy..." came Nyxia's mumbled voice.

Marek was shocked to hear Nyxia say Daddy especially after what he had done to her. He growled standing between Nyxia and their father.

((You forgot here))

((I know... I was switching computers...))

"Daddy's here, my angel... but... this bad man wants to take you from me..."

Marek was confused, what had he done to her, his little sister had come to him broken because of what their father had done to her and now now she was calling for him?

Nyxia looked at Marek her eyes deader than before.

Their father laughed.

"You filty bastard!" Marek roared out in anger his eyes glowing with power as he looked at his father, his power spiked around him. "How could you do that to your own daughter, you broke her to peices!" Suddenly something began to happen his fingernails shifted to long black claws as his teeth grew sharp. His huge wings grew out of his back as his skin suddenly shifted to solid black darker then the deepest night. Ancient runes painted themselves around his neck, his wrists and his ankles glowing gold. He grew taller his muscles grew thicker and stronger as he snarled at his father. This power was foreign to even his father. Never had he seen such a man turn into such a beast.

"Damn!" the man screamed, and ran from the room.

Nyxia backed up scared.

"Marek..." came a familair female voice behind him.

His face calmed as he turned and looked bhind him, his eyes glwoing like molten gold. His ears had grown longer almost elven like and twitched slightly as he looked to the newcomers into the room. He looked down at Nyxia. "I will not harm you little one" he said with a calm caring voice before he looked back at the new comer into the room.

"Marek..." Chyrosa said again. Erebus appeared behind Chyrosa.

Marek blinked a couple times then slid his hand over his face. "Chyrosa?" He shook his head as if bringing himself from the fog his mind was in as he put his hands on teh side of his head.

Chyrosa walked over to him, hugging him.

Erebus looked around the area.

Nyxia continued to back away from him.

Marek plunged his hand her gorgeous hair and brued his face in the curve of her neck taking in that sweet heavenly scent of hers. "My light" he let out in a dark purr as he held her. He twisted her to face him and leaned in kissing her deeply and possesively. His body was so hot to the touch. He plunged his tounge in her mouth as he felt their teeth scrape from how hungery his kiss for her was. His body began to shift back as their lips stayed locked in passion. He pulled back and laid his forhead against her's "My angel" he said gazing into her eyes finally himself again other then the fact that those ancient markings were still decorating his skin around his neck, wrists and ankles but now in a deep black. He looked down at his sister. "Nyxia I'm I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me" he said worriedly hating seeing that fear in his sister's face.

"Who...?" she whispered.

Chyrosa looked at Nyxia sadly.

Tears filled Marek's eyes "I'm your big brother sweety" he said softly. turning he looked at his uncle. "They kidnapped my mother I don't know where she is" he said worriedly.

Erebus nodded and disappeared.

Nyxia ran to Marek. "I... I'm sorry..." she cried.

Marek's eyes filled with happiness as she ran to him he pulled her into his arms" it ok sweety you don't need to be sorry."

"I... I..." she cried.

"I have you sweety your safe now" he whispered hugging her tight.

Erebus came back. "Marek... I couldn't find her here..."

Marek took a deep breath keeping himself calm. "We should get out of here before That bastard comes back with backup" he said picking his sister up in his arms. "I can't return to Ashland they know where my house is there." He said to Chyrosa lovingly he leaned down and softly kissed her Then looked at his sister. "We'll go and pack sweety but then tyou and I are going to leave ashland for awhile to some where safe" he said stroking her hair.

"I know a safe place..." Chyrosa said, looking up at him.

"I'm going to continue looking for my sister..." said Erebus, who then disappeared.

He looked down at Nyxia in his arms. "I have a few safe places myself, you don't live as long as I do without a few safe houses" he said as he held his sister. "I'm sorry Chyrosa its just I'll feel better taking her to one of my safe houses." he said worriedly. He wanted to go hunt for his mother but after what had just happened he didnt know what was going on with him. He had to keep himself calm but he would keep his ears open to the shadows if his uncle found any sign of Nyx, and if he got a chance he would join in the hunt.

Chyrosa looked down, nodding. ""

"I'm so sorry Chyrosa" he said softly. "I love you so much Your just not safe with us" he said stroking her cheek holding Nyxia with one arm. "I'm so sorry" he whispered and she could hear his heart breaking. He pulled his hand back. "I love you, and be safe" he leaned her chin up and kissed her softly.

Please... don't leave me...Marek...I'm in more danger away from you.... Oracle foresaw it.....please....

Chyrosa, I couldn't live with myself if something be fell you because of me, I'm still frightened for my sister. Even being with me, especially after what happened and whatever the hell I turned into" he looked down at his wrist that still bore the marks of his other form. You'll be safer without me this world needs you Chyrosa my beautiful Chyrosa" Tears dripped down his cheeks his heart aching with the fact he had to do this.

You are just important in this as I am... you are the captain of the knights of the Zodiac... 'the one born from the darkness shall be the strongest warriar in the world...only he would be able to guard the Thirteenth'...

Marek gazed into her eyes after hearing that. "Where is your safe house?" he suddenly asked and smiled lovingly as her eyes lit up.

"Ever lived in a pyramind?" she asked with a smile.

Marek looked at her confused. "Pyramid? seriously? No I have never lived in a pyramid" he said trying to imagine it, thinking of the dark and dsuty ol' tombs.

"Egypt is..." she started to say, but the shouts and sound of running meet their ears.

"We have to go now" Mare said seriously and pulled Chyrosa against him and Nyxia he vanished with the two of them. They reappeared in his apartment. "We must pack quickly before we leave." he said getting into his military mode again as he gently put Nyxia down on the couch then looked up at Chyrosa. "Will you pack her things ofr me I need to pack mine?" he asked softly.

Chyrosa nodded, then lead Nyxia off to her room.

Marek packed a quick suitecase full of his clothing and a duffle bag full of his weapons and his personal effects. He pulled his bags into the livingroom then went to check on his girls. "How are you doing?" he asked

Chyrosa zipped up the bag. "She'll all packed up..."

Marek smiled seeing his little sister holding a bag full of her stuffed animals while Chyrosa had the clothing bag. "Good now lets get going" he said as he gently took the bags from the two and returned to the livingroom where the other bags were.

Nyxia and Chyrosa followed. "Ready to head to Egypt?"

"Yes lets" Marek said with a smile and a nod as he picked Nyxia up in his arms.

They all disappeared, reappearing in front of the Spinx.

Marek looked up at the monolithic structure covering his eyes from the sun. "As beautiful as I remember it" he said looking up at it. "The Sphinx along with the pyramids are some of the greastest creations made by human hands" He said looking at Nyxia as he held her in his arms.

She nodded.

Chyrosa took Marek's hand. "Come on... we should head inside..."

"Of course, can you take Nyxia? all grab the bags" he said holding Nyxia in his arms.

Chyrosa took Nyxia into her arms, and headed for the Sphinx.

Marek grabbed all of the bags and followed closely behind.

Chyrosa headed up to the side of the Sphinx, and knocked.

"What in the world?" Marek asked confused

A door opened in front of them. A tall olive skined woman stood there, her long white hair coming to reach her lower back.

"Greetings my lady" Marek bowed gracefully to the unknown woman, she was familiar but he couldnt totally place her.

the woman smiled at him, and then at Chyrosa and Nyxia. "Welcome to my home all of you.... Chyrosa... it is nice to see you again... come in..."

Chyrosa started in with Nyxia in her arms. "Thank you Bastet..."

"Thank you My lady" Marek said bowing his head gently then followed the others in.

"You don't need to bow to me... please don't bow to me..." she said.

"I'm sorry its a force of habit with me" he said walking in.

"I understand... and all of you are welcome to stay here for as long as you wish..."

"Thank you so much my lady" he said with a smile before he turned and walked in and took in the sight of this mysterious home.

"Bastet... could we stay here for a bit...?"

"I... may... but remember...." the cat goddess said softly.

"I remember...we'll get you there..."

Marek was confused but didnt say anything. "Heavens this is beautiful" he said gazing at the gorgeous huge temple like structure.

Bastet smiled. "Thank you, has many memories to me..."

"Truely a master peice." he said gazing over the whole thing as he followed behind Chyrosa.

"It is... thank you... now come on, I will show you where you all can stay... and then allow you to clean up...." Bastet said, and then lead them down a hall.

Marek hauled all of the bags quietly as he oggled over the beauty of the temple.

Bastet opened a door. "Here you are... you may use this room... there is an ajoining room for your little one...."

"Again thank you Lady Bastet" Marek smiled and placed his bags in teh large room then walked off to the other room and placed Nyxia's bags down for her.

Bastet went off down the hall, as Chyrosa closed the door. Nyxia followed Marek into the other bedroom.

"Here you are little one this room is all for you" he smiled dow at his nYxia.

Nyxia nodded. "Thank you.... brother...."

Marek nodded. "Of course little one." he then kneeled down. "I'm so sorry that I scared you back there" he said softly with tears in his eyes shining. "I never wanted to scare you ever."

Nyxia nodded. "I'm.... tired..."

"Of course sweety" Marek stood up. "Sleep well" he said softly and left the room closing the door behind him going back to his room.

Chyrosa wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head against his back.

Gently Marek laid his hands on her hands that were on his stomach and enjoyed the feeling.

"I'm so happy you're safe... as is she...."

"I just wished I knew where my mother was but if I were out and about she would probably be in more danger if zues and his chronies knew I was looking for her. Its better that my uncle is just looking for her." he sighed. "I'm happy though that you and Nyxia are safe and thank you for bringing us here. I hope we will be safe here for a long while."

Chyrosa nodded against his back. "I love you..."

"I love you to baby" he said lovingly as he turned around and pulled her against his chest so he could hold her.

"Erebus will find Nyx.... and everything will be just fine...."

"I know I believe in my uncle he'll find her" he sighed. "Man i'm feeling gross after beating my father to a pulp just touching the man made me feel nasty, lets take a bath together." He said playfully and she knew he was trying to think of something happier so not to focus on the sad.

Chyrosa smiled, and pointed above them.

"I have a bad feeling about this" he looked up.

There was a bucket of water, which tipped over, but not on top of him. Chyrosa stood there laughing drenched in water.

Marek snorted trying to keep from laughing. "I love you" he said lovingly and gave her a kiss.

She kissed back. Another bucket drenched both of them.

Marek laughed as he hugged her tight. "Ooh your such a cutie." he grinned down at her.

Chyrosa kissed him.

Marek slid his arms around her kissing back deeply.

"Are you ready for our bath?"

"Oh yeah I deffinantly think I am" he chuckled then suddenly tossed her over his shoulder as he walked off to the bathroom.

"Ah...." she giggled.

"You know us barbarians this is just the way we like to flirt with our women" he said playfully.

"Barbarian? Really? Oh my..."

"Oh yes" he growled playfully as he set her down. "But I promise to treat you like a princess" Then turned on the bath water.

"Oh really, a princess... for I am with the king of the bararian..."

"Then you must be the princess I stole away for myself" he said playfully looking at her over his shoulder.

Chyrosa smiled at him, giggling.

He poured in some bubble bath and soon their bath was ready for them. he pulled off his clothes. "Their still there" he said softly looking at his arms and wrists seeing those strange markings that had formed.

"We'll figure it out love..."

"Yes we will" he said lovingly. "Now come lets have a bath" he winked and climbed in.

Chyrosa clothes fell from her body, as she smiled.

Marek growled seductively watching her.

Chyrosa slowly got into the tub, smiling at Marek as she slid her body into the water.

Marek gently pulled her against him playfully. "There we go now thats what I'm talking about."

Chyrosa leaned against him. "Let this..." she said softly into his ear, before licking behind his ear.

Marek closed his eyes and shivered. "Where di you learn a flirt tactic like that?" he asked in a husky tone filled with lust.

"I am friends with a few of the feline sort..." she purred.

He slid his hands up her side. "oh yeah? what other kinds of things did these friends of teh feline sort teach ya?" he asked playfully.

She licked and nipped his neck.

Marek laid his head back groaning in pleasure.

Chyrosa giggled.

"Don't tell me your stopping now" he said playfully pulling her a little closer.

"No...I didn't want you to drown..." she said, giggling. Marek found that he was nearly under the water.

Marek laughed as he pushed himself back up so his upper chest was out of the water. "You just have that spell over me" he said playfully gazing at her with loving and lusty eyes.

"Awww... are you calling me Circe now?" she asked with a smile.

"Your my Circe" he playfully pulled her against his chest and kissed her deeply.

Chyrosa wove her fingers in his hair, kissing back deeply.

Their make out session grew deeper as they enjoyed their bath together.

Chyrosa nipped at his neck and ear.

Marek groaned deeply at the feeling. "Keep doing that and your going to let the tiger out of his cage" he said in that deep husky tone.

"You're a tiger? wow... I'll have to introduce you to Byakko and his sister..."

"Not the point I was trying to make" he said playfully.

She growled as she smiled, then licked his nose.

"Ooh now thats what I'm talking about" he growled back and caught her mouth with his kissing him deeply.

She kissed back.

"Now this is my kind of bubble bath" he said lovingly

"I'm sorry I messed up the last bath we had together..." she said softly.

"Its alright baby, really its alright" he smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you sweetheart."

She blushed and kissed him.

Marek slid his hand in her hair and kissed her back.

Chyrosa pressed against him.

Marek groaned deeply sliding his hands deep in her hair kissing her passionately.

He felt his body react... well (lol)

Marek groaned deeply. "Bedroom" he growled against her lips sliding his hands over her body hungerly.

Chyrosa nodded against him.

Marek hoisted her up with ease getting out of the bath as he caught her mouth again with his kissing her deeply. Making out with her as he carried her out of the bathroom to the bedroom laying her on the bed.

Chyrosa smiled up at him. "Love you...."

"And I love you" he smiled down at her and softly kissed her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing back.

Marek pulled her into a long amazing happy hour marking their love and passion for one another.

Hours later, Chyrosa is snuggling into Marek's chest.

Marek smiled laying there stroking her hair lovingly.

"I love you so much..." she whispered.

"I love you to baby" Marek said lovingly as he laid there curled up with her never wanting to leave that moment.

Chyrosa then giggled.

"What are you giggling about?" Marek asked playfully.

"My father's face if he knew..." she whispered.

"Your father would probably beat my face in" he chuckled thinking about it.

"Worst..." she giggled. "Neither of us would like that...."

"Deffinantly not, then I wouldnt be pretty for you anymore" he joked playfully.

"Oh you'd be wonder...." she said giggling.

"Be a wonder?" he asked confused.

"Father would only kill ya if you just left," she giggled. "I know you wouldn't though..."

"Nope your stuck with me babe" He playfully nuzzled her.

Chyrosa nuzzled back, then kissed his cheek.

Marek smiled an dlaid his head back on the pillow closing his eyes.

He then heard the soft breathing of Chyrosa asleep next to him.

"Sleep well baby" he kissed the top of her head and snuggled up.

He dreamed of having many happy times with Chyrosa, but then smell of blood feeled woke him.

He woke up with a gasp. "Chyrosa? Nyxia?" he looked around scared.

Chyrosa was asleep against him. But there was a shadowof someone beside the bed and the smell of blood was coming from Marek's chest.

Thats when the pain hit him hard. Chyrosa was fine but she had been moved off of his chest so the mysterious person could get him. "Who the hell are you" he growled looking up at the shadow as the pain bit heavily inside of his chest.

He saw Nyxia fully now standing over him, holding a bloody dagger, she eyes were like how they were went Marek had found her with their bastard father, those dead eyes.

"Nyxia how could you" he coughed and blood bubbled over his lips, he felt the sharp pain in his chest, she had peirced a lung. He didnt have long. He jumped up from bed grabbing her up the blood pumped faster with him on the move. He yanked the knife from her hand and threw it into the wall burying it deep with a thunk then with his sister in arm he threw his sister into the room she had been in, the room only had one door. He shut the door then using his own blood he painted symbols of sealing on it. "I'm sorry..." he coughed and more blood bubbled over his mouth down his chin as his chest and body were drenched in blood. His vision began to go blurry. Before he passed out, on the wall he painted in his blood he painted, Help Nyxia. his eyes fluttered shut slumping against the wall.

"...Marek...Marek...." he heard the distant voice of Chyrosa. His breathing was hard, but it was getting better. As he started to regain concsiousness, he felt that there were bandages wrapped around his chest, and male hands were still working on him.

"Chy...rosa..." he grunted in pain laying there.

"Shh... oh Marek....I'm here... Apollo is here too... he's helping you.... healing you......" Chyrosa whispered, holding his hand.

Marek coughed up some blood. "Nyxia... sealed... in room" he gurgaled out of his blood filled throat. His back suddenly arched in pain as the markings on his body flared for a moment. He felt the slow tingle of magic he knew apollo had to be slow or else Marek's body may ultimately reject the other gods magic. This way his body took it in small doses. He slumped there on the floor. "Not....her... fault... soul... broken... dead... eyes..." he said looking up at Chyrosa.

"Oh Marek... we'll help her... she's safe in there... you need the help right now... how why...? I slept through it Apollo..."

"I don't know...Chy..." Apollo replied, working his healing into Marek. "The only one that I can think that could have done that to you would be Hypno, the god of sleep... but...he's been in a sleep that no one's been able to awaken him from for centuries...."

Marek just laid there closing his eyes trying not to strain himself.

After nearly an hour, Marek could feel no more blood in his mouth and could feel his lung was healed.

"Oh Marek..." Chyrosa said softly.

Marek sat there looking at his hands. "I couldnt protect her.." he said softly feeling horrible feeling like a failure.

"It's not your fault, it's happened to many... the evil is spreading...children are easy targets, especially if they have had they will beaten from them..." Apollo said.

"Marek...he's right... please..." cried Chyrosa.

"I was so close to freeing her though, if only I could have protected her better she wouldnt..." tears streamed down his cheeks.

Chyrosa hugged him. "Oh hun..."

"Here" came Apollo's voice.

"Yes? what is it?" Marek asked looking up at him.

Apollo held out a ring. "Put this on her has some of your blood mixed in it... You seal of your blood has been need to perform the seal on the ring though..."

"Wait what?" Marek asked confused.

Apollo looked at Chyrosa. "I have to go Chy... he'll be fine now..." He disapeared.

Chyrosa looked at Marek. "Apollo knows what he's talking about... you should do as he asked....he holds the power over prophecy and foresight..."

"I don't even understand what he wants me to do" he said putting his face in his hands.

"Love... what did you do to the door?"

"The blood seal? But the ring? the blood wouldnt be able to stay on the ring though is the thing" he said thinking about it.

"He made the ring... with the blood inside..." she said.

"Oh I see, I think I understand now." marek said looking at the ring.

"We just need to get it on her finger and... seal it...." Chyrosa said softly.

"I just hope we don't hurt her." he said thinking about it all.

"It's meant to be protection...."

"No I mean when we put it on her, She's going to fight back" he said worriedly.

"She or the one controling her?"

"I don't want to hurt her physically is what I'm trying to say sweetheart" he said with a sigh.

"The evil just used her to try and kill you... I saw how she was before... she loves you..."

"I hope so chyrosa" he stood up and went to the door. gently he placed his hand on the seal and then with a fick of his wrist swiped his hand through the blood unsealing the room. he went into the room on gaurd ready to do what needed to be done.

Off deep in the rocky mountains in his cabin Randulfur, Arcadia's father sat alone. He sat in his livingroom with a fire roaring as he looked at a picture thinking of the past. It was a picture of when Arcadia had been small and had turned herself into a wolf form one time. He was in his wolf form playing with her one winter's night. she had a little mohawk standing up from him grooming her. "I miss those good days" he smiled softly to himself then gently put his picture on the table next to him. He flipped on the TV as he relaxed.

On the television, he saw an ad for universiity in Ashland, Kentucky, where Arcadia was. As it played, he saw a young woman in her teens walk through the scene with sunglasses. There was something about her black and blonde hair, and olive skin. Something that reminded him of someone from his past and reminded him of.... himself.

"What the?" he shook his head and she was gone off of camera. "I'm just imagining things" he said to himself as he sat there not needing and flashbacks to the past.

There came a knock on his door.

Randulfur looked at his watch, "Who could it be this time of night?" he asked himself before he stood up. "Coming!" he called as he went to the front door. He looked in the peephole to see who it was.

He saw a dark cloaked figure standing there. Out from under the hood, he saw locks of greenish hair.

"Who the?.." he opened the door. "Is there something I can help you with?" he asked holding himself ready to defend himself just incase.

"Hello, Randulfur... how are you?" came a female voice that he didn't know.

Randulfur grew nervous. "How the hell do you know my name?" he growled not liking this woman.

She pulled back her hood, revealing all of her greenish hair, and storing up at him with her emerald green eyes. "Because I am the Oracle, Anubis...." she said softly.

Randulfur recoiled and snarled. "I am no longer that name, that name and life is dead to me now good bye Oracle and leave my lands" he snarled out before he was about to close the door.

"You would shut the door on someone that can answer your questions.... I am a Prietess of the North, Prietess in connection to the god Genbu....someone that can answer you as to why the young girl on the television look soo familiar....?"

Randulfur froze and opened the door again. "What do you want from me?" he asked watching her intently and suspiciously.

"I want nothing from you Randulfur... I am a Guardian Prietess to the Zodiac, second only to my brother who holds the name of Genbu as well as the God's gifts....just as now your adoptive daughter, Arcadia, true daughter of Fenris and Fenoria, is now a knight of the Zodiac, though unknowing.... I only wish to bring together a father, who never knew, and a daughter, who wished to find you, and whose mother has been in morning over the lost of you...."

Randulfur looked at her confused he had known of the zodiac and served in their court a little bit but mostly he had stayed in the court of the gods of his people or in the underworld away from them and all of this cryptic talk of daughter and mother stuff was going to give him a headache, "Who are you talking about mother who has been morning the loss over me?" he asked confused "And that girl... She's my daughter?.... no I was always careful" he snarled to himself confused by this woman and gave her a look that would chill most to the bone. "You make no sense woman, be clear on what you have to say or leave me in peace" he growled out.

"You don't scare me..." she said, still just looking at him. " must have been hard on you to be with a woman you love, yet was under the control of a great evil..."

He went rigid, the only woman he could think of was, Bastet. "Who sent you?" he asked in a breathy tone.

((Just so you know, I forgot to write 'the control' in the statement of 'under the control of a great evil' ))

"I sent myself... I had felt you come into Ashland, coming in through the western mountains at the west end of the city...and leave the same way..." she said.

"I didnt have permission from the local werewolf packs to stay so I was in and out" he said looking down at her. "Please come in its cold out here" he said stepping away from the door letting her in. The wolf and the Jackal inside of him were telling him to trust this woman.

Oracle walked inside. "You did do a lovely job raising Arcadia, watching over her for Fenris.... just as Siria's adoptive father did for her... though Siria also watched after her.... as a cousin would..."

"Thank you She was as if my own daughter since I didn't know I had one" he said thinking of the girl from the comercial as he closed the front door and lead her to the sitting room.

Oracle sat down. "She has indeed grown... she has been protected too...and loved...though she has wanted her true father..."

"Are you speaking of Arcadia or of the Mysterious girl now?" he asked curiously.

"I was speaking of both.... though only the last part was of your little girl..."

"Tell me who is her mother?" he asked softly, whoever could have been under some dark power.

"You know who she is... you thought she sent me here...."

Randulfur slumped down in his chair with his hand over his face. "Bastet" he said as his heart pounded and tears glistened in his eyes.

"She never wanted to hurt you... evil is and has been taking over may in the realm of gods and here in the mortal....which is why the Thirteenth is needed to be found..."

"Oh no Bastet broke me while the Zodiac ruled this land not after they were gone." he said harshly remembering back then.

"The Zodiac worked to protect the lands... they were never meant to be rulers.... one of the Zodiac was betrayed by his guardian god... a ruling god... a betrayal that, though many don't know, lead to the deaths of many of the Zodiac...that god craves power... he is one of a few that do... but there are many more that were and currently are being controled by those power hungry gods.... Bastet being one of them.... it is this Evil's doing.... an evil that was working it's power during the time of the Zodiac...the evil was wanting the Thirteenth Zodiac...the one of the ZOdiac gifted with all of the gifts of the other Zodiac as well as the universe... her time was not then... it is now.... and we all play a part in protecting her... you daughter protects her.... Arcadia will protect her... Siria will am I... and you..."

"I am no gaurdian of the Zodiac I'm as much of a gaurdian of anything now as a mouse gaurds its cheese." he said with his face in his hand listening to what the woman said to him.

"You became that when you gave to the world, my friend, my sister prietess... when you gave Byakko the sister his had wished for..."

"what do you mean?" he asked looking at her confused, did she mean what he thought. Did he father a Zodiac reborn?

"Justice is blind... yet justice is always the scales..."

"Libra" he said softly. "oh this is alot to take in" he said thinking about it all. it was still hard to believe, especially about Bastet being under some evil's control. She had become progressively darker and crueler against him.

"She is a fighter.... strong willed... just like many others.... trying to fight the control forced on them..."

"I have to go I have to atleast see her once for my own eyes." he said softly thinking about the daughter he didnt know.

"I was talking about your love..."

Randulfur gave a snort at the thought of Bastet he wasnt going to believe any time soon this woman's words about Bastet.

"You don't believe an oracle? Would you believe Thoth?"

Randulfur twitched slightly at the mention of the god of knowledge. He hadn't seen any of the egyptian gods since he had left Egypt after the poisoning. "Yeah I guess I would."

The young woman pulled out a cell phone. "Hello,'s Oracle... do you know where your father is? Yes I know I could but unless it is absolutely important.... yes I know you know..." the young woman smiled. "Good... alright, thank you..." Oracle looked at him. "Thorthia will get him for you..."

"I see alright" he said in a slightly Timid tone. He was nervous to see Thoth again, he hadn't seen Thoth in many years since he had left Egypt. The two of them had been close friends long ago working side by side in the underworld. While Anubis would bring the souls Thoth held his powerful role as the judge of souls balance a person's heart against the feather representing the principle of Ma'at. But he was no longer that man Anubis, the Jackal asleep deep inside of him as he lived this world as a wolf.

"Thoth does hold the knowledge of all the world..."

"yes I know but even though he holds all the knowledge in the world its hard to see him again. Even though he knows everything I've gone through."

"What about me godfather?" came a female voice from the main doorway.

Randulfur froze then turned seeing Thorthia. "Thorthia, its been so long" he said as tears glittered in his eyes. He got up and walked over. "Look at how you've grown" he smiled. "I havent seen you since you were just a wee little thing"

"I would have seen you sooner but I've had work preparing for the new coming of many of the Zodiac, and the reign of the Thirteenth.... plus my mortal job..." she giggled.

"I understand, you being Thoth's daughter and all that you have alot on your shoulders helping your father and the world in general out" he smiled softly. She could tell he was nervous being around someone from his past before he took on his name of Randulfur.

"Randulfur... calm yourself..." came the familiar voice of Thoth.

Randulfur went rigid for a moment hearing the voice he hadnt heard in so long. Then he turned seeing his old friend standing there. "Thoth its... Its been a long time" he said not knowing what else to say.

"It has been a long time indeed, Randulfur..."

"I don't know what to say other then I've really missed you old friend." he said as he suddenly hugged Thoth tight in his arms.

Thoth hugged back. "I have missed you too, old friend..."

Randulfur pulled back. "But unfortunately this is not that kind of visit." he said putting his arms across his chest thinking about it.

"You want to know if Oracle, high priest of Genbu, and true oracle of Delphi is telling you true knowledge.."

"Yes that is what I ask" He said standing there looking into his friends eyes seeing the pools of infinite knowledge they held.

"She is truthful, friend..."

Randulfur slumped in his chair putting his hand to his head thinking about it all.

Thoth, Thorthia, and Oracle all sat down

"She must have been...." He mumbled to himself trying to figure it out.

"Must have been what?"

"She must have been pregnant when I left... But she would have had been a month since thats how long I hadn't touched her before the poisoning and I left the Egyptian halls." he said mainly to himself. He reached over to the table next to him and grabbed a wooden box. Opening it, inside was a pair of golden armlets with amazing ancient designs carved into them as well as encrusted with black gems that glistened with eerie beauty. It was a gift from Bastet one year. He used to wear them all the time all those years ago now he couldnt even touch them.

"She made those herself..." came both Oracle's and Thorthia's voice. "As a gift of love..."

Thoth nodded. "The poisoning was a mix of the control that she was fighting and her love for you... she was being forced to either kill you or get you to join the evil that was forced upon her...."

Thick and heavy sobs suddenly racked his body thinking of Bastet of what she must have gone through. He touched the gold and his skin sizzled. He didnt care it burned he wanted to feel the pain.

Oracle took hold of his hand away from the gold band. "She wouldn't want you to hurt yourself..."

He looked at his hand red and blistered. "I just wanted to touch them again." he said softly. "Where is she now?" he asked softly looking up at the three of them. "Both she and my daughter where are they now?" he asked

"I told you where your daughter is... she is one of my best friends... a high prietess herself... of the Khan Temple... the temple of the west.... belonging to Byakko..." said Oracle.

"You past the temple coming into Ashland and going..." said Thorthia.

"And Bastet? is she there as well?" he asked softly.

"No... Byakko's been watching over your daughter, while Bastet has stayed in Egypt... she'd visit during times that she'd broken free of the control..."

"I see" he said softly he was nervous to see his daughter, wondering what she would do if she saw him. What he would do if he saw her. He didnt know if he could bring himself to. So many years he didnt know who she was. The others could see the pain on his face wondering what he should do.

"She will love to see you..." Oracle said.

"Alright, I'll go" he said softly looking up at them. He then stood. "Let me go pack a few things" he said taking his box with the armlets in it and headed off upstairs. He also needed to call the other wolves and tell them he was going to be gone for awhile.

All was taken care of.

Randulfur came downstars with his duffle bag. "Alright I'm ready to go" he said knowing they were probably going to travel the way the three had come.

He saw Thorthia messing around with a PDA. "Damn..." she was muttering.

Thoth looked worried and upset. "Oracle, take him... Thorthia and I have to go... damn it..." 

"Its alright I understand Thoth" Anubis said giving a sharp nod. "I hope to see you again soon my friend" he said looking over at him.

Thoth and Thorthia disappeared.

"Shall we go?"

"Yes but can we go to somewhere other then my daughter's temple first I don't want to just pop in." he said with a slight worry to his tone.

"We could head to my home..."

"Alright that sounds good to me" he said with a soft smile. His heart was pounding at the thought of meeting his biological daughter.

Oracle offered him her hand.

Randulfur took her hand gently.

The two of them disappeared, reappearing in a large open temple, a arge statue of a tortoise and snake peered down at them.

"beautiful statue" Randulfur said gazing up at it.

"Yep... very handsome isn't he..."

Randulfur gave a nod then followed Oracle off as they headed inside.

"This way..." she said as she lead him down a hallway.

Randulfur took in the view of the temple as they walked together the temple was beautiful.

She opened a door. "Here... you may stay in here...."

"thank you Oracle" he bowed his head then went off inside.

"YOu are very welcome," said Oracle.

Randulfur set his bag down on the bed thinking to himself trying to figure out when he should go see his daughter.

"Tomorrow after she's rested..."

"That always unnerves me people who can do that" he said turning and looking at her.

"I didn't read your mind, I just saw that you what had headed over there tomorrow, and that she had just been resting after helping someone else..."

Randulfur chuckled. "Well it deffinantly sounds good to go tomorrow then."

Oracle smiled.

"Now its been a long day I don't want to sound rude but I'm going to try and get some sleep if thast alright with you."

"It is not rude, ancient one...sleep well..." she left the room closing the door.

Randulfur climbed into his bed and soon drifted off to sleep in dreams of sand and sun, dreams of his home in egypt.

off in the distance, in his dream, he saw someone working with a whip, causing controled dusty storms.

Randulfur tried to make out who it was.

It looked like the girl from the television.

"My daughter" he whispered to himself watching her as she worked with the whip creating the storms.

A young man came up, smiling at her. He had long hair that was a different color than her's, yet his eyes reminded Randulfur of Bastet's. Randulfur could not tell his daughter's eyes for they were covered.

"She had a son with another" he said softly to himself, his heart ached thinking of that but he pushed the heart ache aside, she was never truely his so it was understandable she probably had a child or children with another.

"Little sister, we have to go...there is business at the temple, the Zodiac are being taken out... as are others..."

She nodded. It felt to Randulfur as if he were viewing a past event.

"So she used to work back in Egypt" he said to himself.

The brother and sister walked towards each other, and then vanished, as he woke up.

Randulfur woke up to the feeling of sun on his face. He laid there for a little bit just thinking to himself.

there was a knock on the door.

"Coming" he stood up and went to the door opening it.\

Oracle stood there with a tray of food. "Morning..."

"Morning yourself" he smiled and took a wiff of the food. "smells fantastic" he smiled taking the tray gently from her and walking over sitting on the bed and began to dig in.

"Genbu left a while ago... he's gone to Japan with half of the Gemini..."

"Thats to bad I really would have liked to meet him" he said as he took a drink of his juice.

"Genbu likes to do things on a whim... but you will meet him...."

Randulfur nodded gently as he had a mouthful of bread.

She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Nothing in my vision has changed so that you know..." she said softly.

Randulfur looked up at her and nodded. "Thank you" he said softly with a smile.

"You are strong Randulfur..."

"I hope so" he said softly looking down again thinking to himself.

"JUst be yourself..."

"I guess now is better then anything." he said and took a deep breath trying to keep himself calm.

"I will leave you to dress... then just meet me in the main temple, and I will show you where you need to go..."

"Thank you Oracle I will see you in a few" he said softly as suddenly he felt his inner Jackal awaken and begin to pace, their was a darkness in the air and his soul as Anubis answered that rich dark power.

"He is awakening his his true powers..."

Randulfur was confused, who was coming into his true powers.

"he is one of night and of the underworld..."

"A being ot true darkness" Anubis closed his eyes as if basking in the feel of the power.

"Nyx is the night.... there are many that are of the underworld... Erebus is of the shadows.... what's worest is that Nyx had been raped.... it is her child... one mother and two fathers..."

"Two fathers?" He looked ather confused. "How is that possible?" he asked in shock.

"With gods, anything is possible..."

Anubis shivered as the power seemed to just linger now in teh air and was slowly moving away. "You have a point" he heard the thunderstorm outside.

"I know...have fun with your daughter, Anubis...and remember meet me in the main temple so that I can tell you where to go..." Oracle left the room.

Anubis stripped and grabbed a shower then changed into a new set of clothes then walked off to the main temple to find Oracle.

"Over here, Anubis..." came Oracle's voice from over by the tortoise and snake statue.

Anubis went over to her. "So where am I supposed to go?" he asked curiously.

"Look at this statue..."she said simply.

Randulfur did as he was told.

He thought the eyes of the statue glowed a deep green which then turned a bright white.

"What the?" he stared at the statue confused.

The statue wasn't that of the tortoise and snake anymore. It was the statue of a large white tiger.

"Wow thats pretty badass" Randulfur mumbled to himself then looked around.

"I am glad you think so..." came a kind strong male voice, the exact one from his dream.

A chill ran down his spine as he turned to meet Bastet's son face to face. "I am sorry for intruding like this sir" he bowed gently.

He smiled softly. "There is no need to bow...and all are welcome as long as they mean no harm to any in the temple..."

"Of course sir" he said loving the fact that he was dressed in his modern sort of rocker clothing. Deffinantly made him unrecognizable to anyone who may have seen him in the past. Gently he twirled some of teh blue tips of his hair in his fingers as he walked around just pretending to look around while he kept an eye out for his daughter.

"May I assist you?" the young man asked.

"Shit shit shit!" He thought to himself. "Oh no I'm alright I'm just looking around I always have loved enjoying the beauty of temples" he said in a friendly tone trying to get Bastet's son to go away.

"It must have been a shock... standing in front of the statue of Byakko, when you had been looking at the statue of Genbu..."

"your not going to leave me alone are you?" he suddenly asked realzing that this man was like his mother feisty and would never back down.

"I would, however I was informed of your visit by Oracle...she said that you were coming over to speak with my sister about something..." the young man said calmly. "My name is Byakko...and you?" he asked.

Shit shit and double shit!! he thought to himself. "Randulfur" he said having a feeling Byakko wouldnt recognize him as Anubis since he never remembered seeing Byakko.

"One of the wolves of the beginning time..."

"I see my reputation precedes me" he said standing there looking at the other man, not many knew that before he carried the name and skin of a wolf that he was the skin of the great jackal.

"I am sure that there are those of the sands that have missed you too, Great Anubis..." he said with a smile.

"Did Oracle tell you who I really was?" he asked now really wishing he could leave he couldnt do this.

Byakko nodded. "She does tend to do that alot....I am sorry if you wished for me not to know..."

"Its just the history I have with your mother, I didnt want the bad blood in the air." he said looking at the other man as he thought about how he was going to 'thank' Oracle for this.

"Bad air?" Byakko asked confused. "Why would there be bad air...?"

"Well the way I left your mother of course" Anubis said not wanting to bring up bad memories but had to know why Byakko didnt hate him or anything for leaving his mother.

"She cried that she had lost the one man she truly loved..."

"I'm not going to go into it because different stories sprout from different people and perspectives" he said holding his hand up. "I just wish to finally meet my daughter." he said looking at the other man.

Byakko shook his head. "The story that I, my sister, and our mother know is that of what Oracle told us of what had happened..." he said softly. "She's this way.... it's about time for her training..."

Randulfur nodded and followed Byakko towards where his daughter was supposed to be.

He heard the sounds of a whip cracking.

He remembered the dream of his daughter creating the sandstorms as they walked closer to teh sound.

"I do have to tell you... my sister... your daughter... she's... blind..."

Randulfur looked at him shocked. "How long?" he asked softly.

"She was born blind... I watched after her when ever mother's mind was taken over by.... 'them'..."

"I see" he said softly as he walked along with Byakko thinking about it all.

"Tamesis... you have a guest..." called out Byakko.

Tamesis caught her whip, and turned looking straight at Randulfur. "Hello sir..."

"Hello my lady its an honor to meet you" he said standing there. She had her mother's beauty. His heart ached remembering so long ago. "I I can see you are busy I'm sorry for interrupting you" he couldnt do it he couldnt bring that pain into her life. Byakko could see how timid Randulfur was getting he couldnt bring himself to say that he was Tamesis's father.

"Father...." Tamesis said. "I'm so happy to have you here..."

Byakko gently pushed Randulfur towards her.

"You know its me?" he asked not believing it he had never met her in his life and hers and yet she knew him

"Father..." Tamesis said with a smile. "It is hard not to miss the scent of jackle and wolf... the scent that is apart of mine... just as my mother's is apart of me and my brother..."

"Tamesis, that is a beautiful name your mother picked out for you" He said softly.

"Thank you..." she said smiling.

Randulfur stood there nervously he finally meets the daughter of his blood and he doesnt know what to say to her. Unfortunately he couldnt hug her as he eyed all the gold that graced over her body from bracelets to long necklaces. "I'm sorry I hope you don't find me off or anything like that its just I'm just not sure what to say" he said softly with some embarressment to his voice.

"Father...I know not either...." she said softly.

Byakko moved close to Randulfur. "It is not true gold, father of my sister..." he whispered. "Neither her nor I like gold... it is a preferrence on both our parts.... however we do wear gold tinted marble..."

Gently Randulfur walked over to her and placed his hands on his daughters arms "My beautiful Daughter I wish I could have been there while you were growing up." and with that he pulled her close to him in a hug.

Tamesis hugged back. "Father... I have wanted to have you here with me... with us...."

Randulfur cradled her close. "If I would have known I would have been there every day watching you raising you, I'm so sorry I wasnt there" he whispered.

"It wasn't your fault.... nor do we blame mother...." Tamesis said.

"I had to take my duties as the White Tiger of the West earlier than what I should have... I would have enjoyed a fathers eye just as she would have..." Byakko said softly.

Tamesis nodded. "We know what is doing this to mother... what caused her to chase you away from us..."

"You do?" Randulfur asked surprised. "What is it? what is doing this to your mother?" he asked with worry and pain in his voice. they could tell he still really cared about Bastet.

"The Great has been using power hungry gods like Zeus and Oden to spread it's evil... and they in turn use power given to them by this evil to control other gods..." Byakko said.

"The only way to defeat it is for the one of cosmic power, the Thirteenth Zodiac to take their place in the place of the Stars..." finished Tamesis.

"I see" Randulfur said softly thinking about it all. No one knew where the thirteenth was or if she or he had been born yet. ((It would be 'born yet...' they never found the Thirteenth before....))

"Byakko and I.... along with the other guardians are the current protectors of the Zodiac..."

"Thats amazing I'm proud to hear that." he smiled softly at them. Byakko wasnt his but he was still proud to hear that bastet's children were Xodiac gaurdians.

"I shall let both of you talk...." Byakko said, bowing. He then left the room.

Tamesis held on to her father's hand. "Byakko... the Great White Tiger, died protecting Byakko and mother from an attack.... Byakko was but a baby...." she said softly and sadly.

"I didnt even know about him, I knew your mother for a long time I never even remembered her being pregnant thats why both you and he are surprises to me"

"if you didn't know... the others didn't know either... and so the others under the control of the evil didn't know.... mother fought and is still fighting to keep some control over her body... Byakko as a baby had to go to the Western Temple to take his place as a guardian and high priest... the other guardians helped him...mother thought he would be safer with them too...."

"I see" he said thinking about it all as he stood there.

Tamesis gently lead Randulfur over to a small couch at the side of the room.

"Did you have a good childhood growing up?" he asked trying to distract himself from thoughts of Bastet, she was gone in his life and he wasnt going to linger there. Especially with legends of the thirteenth Zodiac being the one to free her, for all they knew she wouldnt be born for another three thousand years.

"Yes I did...I even was able to train in my other senses thanks to one of the few Zodiac that survived the great war...the Zodiac of Leo...a great knight and warrior...and Byakko was able to train with him as well...and...his daughter is so kind hearted....Chyrosa, that's her name...she is funny though...she grew up with us... then the next we knew she was a child again..."

"Well now isnt that interesting." Randulfur said thinking about it, he didnt know the Zodiac well he had only seen the old twelve a few times in hi slife amongst the gods since they came around when the greeks held the most power.

"Of the old, Leo, Sagitauris, Aquaris were the only ones to survive the war...Capricorn was the first to be reborn...a year after the war....though..."

"I feel so old when people speak of the zodiac since I was around before they came around." he said resting his finger tips on his forehead.

"Many of the gods and goddess were... but the powers were living in all of the universe..."

"So true" he said thinking about it all. "I hear your one of them" he said softly. "Is this true?"

"I..." Tamesis nodded. "Byakko and the other priest, as well as their sister have guarded me...."

He pulled her into another hug. "I'm glad they have been able to keep you safe Tamesis" he said in a loving fatherly way.

"I'm sure they tell you it was me keeping them safe...."

He chuckled. "Strong just like your mother." he smiled.

Tamesis smiled, nodding.

Randulfur smiled and playfully ruffled her hair.

"Oh... father..." she giggled.

Randulfur chuckled. "So tell me about your life, and don't leave anything out" he smiled.

"I had said some... I go to school.... where many believe that I am faking my blindness..."

"I saw the commercial you were in I didnt think you were blind until Byakko told me" he said

"I can see with my other senses..."

"Your deffinantly amazing Tamesis" he smiled.

"Thank you father....that is nice of you to say..."

Randulfur really didnt know what else to talk about he was so nervous.

"You're nervous, father..."

"I'm sorry Tamesis I am just not sure what to say."

"Anything is open..."

"I know but still its hard." He let out a breath.

"How is Arcadia?"

"Last time I talked to her she is well, with a coyote as a mate and well" he said hiding his dislike of coyote's she didnt need to bee around trickster beings but he wasnt going to let Tamesis know.

"Coyote? What is his name?" she asked kindly.

"Let me think" he said thinking about it. "Delta if I remember."

"Delta...the first to be reborn...sad though and strange... a coyote born in in Greece... to a pack of wild cats in the mountains around Thebes... he was out casted, and taken in by Aphrodite and Vulcan, even Ares took Delta under their wing.... he became like a protected jewel... he didn't mind it.... however Delta's, Capricorn's orginal guardian god... Zeus never learned of Delta's rebirth..."

"Well now, I like him a little better now" Randulfur thought to himself. "well thats interesting."

"Zeus lead to Delta's first death... it has taken many gods and goddesses that side with the wasn't till a few centuries after his rebirth that he gained a new guardian god... Loki..."

"Loki really?" Randulfur asked surprised.

"Yes... Loki wanted to help against the evil that lead to Loki being framed and the deaths of two of his children and the life punishment of his oldest...."

"I can deffinantly understand that, thats good that he has such a good position now helping the zodiac."

"The funny thing is... he was off helping another of the Zodiac at the time that he was said to have caused the death of Balder..."

"Seriously? thats aweful that they blamed him, and he can't say where he was because he was with a Zodiac" he siged.

"He was with me and Byakko... going after mother... to save her..."

"to save her?" Randulfur asked confused.

"The evil had taken over her... and... she was heading off to kill Leo...we had to get her and lock her up..."

Randfulfur let out a breath thinking about Bastet. Remembering all of the wonderful moments he used to have with her. His heart still pounded for her missing her but it was long since over.

"Byakko won't want you to know... but...he's been tracking you down..."

"He's been what?" he was surprised to hear this really surprised.

"That's real reason for how our jewelry is... we both agreed that if we truly were to find would be for the best....if he couldn't have his father, he wanted me to have mine..."

"Thats so sweet of him that he did that for you." he was still trying to figure out how Byakko tracked him and how he even knew about anubis's allergin to gold. Barely anyone knew of it.

Tamesis nodded. "I..." she started to looked towards the main enterance. "Someone's here.." she said softly.

He felt as if the moon was within the temple.

"I should go" Randulfur said standing up, he new powers like that were other gods he tried to avoid gods and goddesses.

"Selene...." Tamesis whispered. Randulfur knew that she had been killed to torture a Zodiac that she was the guardian of as well as the lover of.

"I'll see you later sweetheart" he kissed the top of Tamesis head then headed for the back door in the room.

"father...don't hide yourself from you may wish to listen to this..."

"No I..." but it was to late as the door to the room opened and Selene walked in.

"Oh... I'm sorry... I got lost... the temple is so big.... I...I thought I'd ask for good fortune...." the young woman said.

Tamesis nodded. "Yes miss... I am a prietess here... may I here your prayer...."

The youmg woman nodded. "Yes prietess... My name is Shayia.... and.... my mother is trying to take my little ones away...and...I..."

"I will pray for you..." Tamesis said.

Shayia nodded. She looked over at Randulfur, for a second her eyes looked like she knew him. He though he heard ...Father... Shayia bowed to Tamesis. "I...I'll go back the way I came.... and pray before I had to the court house..." She bowed again and left. ((If you want I will explain.... lol ^_^  ))

((Yes please explain))

Randulfur stood there confused by what had just happened.

((let's just say, as the Ruler of this world....Shayia who is the reborn form of Selene.... let's just say Randulfur has a single night in his life in the states that is completely blank....))

"Father?" Tamesis asked.

((Wait wait kinda like a one night stand or something like that?))

Randulfur shook his head. "Sorry sweetheart I spaced out" he said looking down at her.

((yes... but let's say don't you have just lovvvve date rape drugs LOL and that memory lose....))

Tamesis nodded. "It's okay did seem to have something on your mind.

((Oh no Oh no seriously?))

Randulfur smiled "yeah just for a minute though, so why did you want me to sit here to listen to that?" he asked curiously.

"Because she smells like you..."

((oh yes oh yes seriously....))

He went rigid. "I have no cle who she is... or if she really is my daughter I I don't remember anything like that I've done my best to stay celibate and if I do give in I do everything for protection..." he said racking his brain around it all.

He couldn't remember anything.

"Oracle may know... or you could just talk to her... and something may come..."

"I think I'll take the first choice. I don't think she would appreciate man that looks her age coming up to her telling her that I'm her father even though she barely looks like me." he grunted ruffling his hair.

Tamesis nodded. "I'll contact Oracle... you go be a father and listen in..."

"Alright, I'll do it" he kissed her forehead. "I'll see you later sweetheart we'll have dinner tonight" and with that he ran out to get to the courthouse.

He got to the courthouse. A clerk in the lobby looked at him. "May I help you sir?"

"Yes could you point me in the direction of family court a friend of mine is having a custody hearing I wanted to be there for her" he said as he did the naughty god thing and used his magic to get the man to let him in.

"The only one going on right now is one down in court room 3, custody between the children's mother and their grandmother..."

"Thanks" he grabbed a visitor pass and walked off. He ducked into a bathroom shifted to look like just an ordinary man hiding who he was then went into the court room. Their was a couple of people in the seats so he wouldnt stick out. he sat down in the back quietly.

He saw Shayia up at one of the tables, talking quietly with someone he could assume was her lawyer. Across at another table sat a woman with long blonde hair and grey eyes, she was speaking with her own lawyer. There was something about the woman.

He sat there with his arms across his chest watching, he was only getting glances of the side of her face. He sat there trying to remember who she was.

"All raise for the honorable Judge Taylor..." Everyone in the court room stood up.

When the judge sat they all sat down and the case began.

"Is Shayia Raithior here?" the judge asked.

Shayia stood up. "Yes, sir..." she said softly before sitting back down.

"Is Nina Raithior here?"

"Yes'ir..." Nina said standing up for the a second, before sitting down.

"Now we are all here to hear arguements for and against Shayia Raithior keeping her children. Now Miss Raithior, it says in the file that you are 18, is this true?"

Shayia nodded. "Yes sir it is..."

"And your son... Robby is 5, and your daughter, Crystal, is 3... is this true?"

"Yes sir...." Shayia said softly.

Randulfur tapped his fingers on his knee. "eighteen years ago?.. where was I eighteen years? he thought to himself.

((Think about it... she is 18, and has a 5 and a 3 year old....))

((Yeah she would have had her son at thirteen and her daughter at sixteen I don't get what your getting at.))

((That she donesn't look like someone that would go around just having sex with people....))

"You're mother, Miss Raithior, has brought you here because she believes that the children, Robby and Crystal, are in danger while in your cursty. You are a single mother of two young children, according to your papers you are going to school full time as well as working full time. During the times that you are not at home with the children, where do the children stay?"

"I have a neighbor that babysits for me, sir, and I have my children enrolled in a daycare three times a week... I have the weekends off, and my work gives me leave when I have to be home for my children... they are very understanding people...."

"Judge..." interrupted Shayia's mother.

"Yes, Mrs. Raithior..."

"My question is: Where are the children?" she said in a high pitch voice. "They're probably with another one of her many boyfriends....she probably pregnant right now... she has always been a problem child... even going as far as claiming that Mark here raped her..."

"But he..." Shayia started.

"She ran away from home, your honor...she has nothing to her name, and I doubt that the children are even well feed..." he mother continued in her high pitched voice.

The pitch of the woman's voice did sound familiar like a ghost from the past.

((Ok so tell me he's going to be the father of Shayia right?))

Randulfur felt bad for the girl she didnt seem like the girl that would sleep around and yet here her mother was making her out to be a whore. Quietly he used one of his anubis skills and took a look at the mother's aura trying to remember who she was.

((Yes, he is...))

He felt she had something to do with a bar he had been in eighteen years ago, and him waking up nude in a motel room.

"My children are always fed.... they each have a room to themselves...." Shayia said towards her mother.

The judge didn't seem to be listening to Shayia. "I am calling this court to recesus til tomorrow at 9am..." The judge then left the room.

The woman walked over to Shayia, "Come home and this can all go away..."

Shayia looked at her, and there was a fire in her eyes that remember Randulfur of himself. "I won't come home to you and your husband...and my children will stay with me where they belong..."

He knew just by watching this the judge had been payed off by the young womans mother. Sitting there thinking of it he was remembering the trip, he had gone to seattle for a business trip and to meet with the wolf packs out there. He would have to remember later though. After he listened a little longer here he had some work to do to help this woman.

The woman and her husband left the court room, the woman laughing.

Shayia gathered up her things, but then just sat down, laying her head on the table. Randulfur heard soft sobs.

When everyone else left the room he let his body shift back to normal and he walked over to her. "Hey there" he said softly gently putting his hand on her shoulder.

Shayia jumped. "Oh.. you.. scared me..." she said softly, quickly rubbing her eyes dry. "You... were at the temple... I... didn't leave something there did I?"

"I'm sorry for startleing you I didnt mean to, No you didnt leave anything there, I decided to come, your story spoke to me, I was here for the whole thing." he said holding his hand on her shoulder

"Oh...really?" she said softly, looking down. "I... it isn't good is it...?"

"If the judge wasnt crooked I would say you had a chance a good chance you do so much for your kids while providing for them" he said standing there. "Your mother though I believe influenced the judge thats why he didn't give you any chance and barely listened to you."

"I'm not surprised, sir.... my mother has her ways.... but I can't go back...won't go back...and my little ones are... staying with me...." she whispered.

"I felt something when you were in the temple and I'm going to help you if you'll allow me?" He asked looking down at her with eyes filled with kindess something inside of her told her she could trust him.

Shayia smiled kindly at him. "Thank you sir...I know very few that would help me...thank you so much..."

"I have to do something real quick but if you have a free hour would you like to grab a quick lunch? I would like to get to know you miss." Randulfur smiled.

"Ah...I..." Shayia looked down as if remembering some bad memory. She then looked back up at him, nodding. "I do have some free time..."

"Wonderful, Meet me out front we can go to the bistro down the street. I'll be back in a few minutes" he smiled and walked off out of the courtroom. It was a few minutes later he found the judge's office he shifted himself to pure shadow and slid into the room of the judge where he was alone. Thats when he struck reaching out with his magic he began to shift the judges mind and soon enough the judge had a magic breakthrough and change of heart and felt even though he had been bribed a pretty penny. Shayia should keep her children.

The judge started the work on the paperwork.

Randulfur vanished and reappeared out in the hall then quickly headed outside where he found Shayia. "I was afraid you wouldnt wait you seem timid to be near me" he said looking down at her.

"I... it's not that...I..." she looked down. Randulfur could feel his wolf side strenghtening.

But he held it back deep down inside. Genly he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Its alright you don't need to tell me" he said sweetly. "Now come lets go the bistro its lovely this time of day" he smiled

Shayia nodded. "Thank you...sir..."

"My name is Randulfur" he smiled as they headed down the stairs of the court house and headed towards the near by bistro.

"My name is Shayia... again thank you..."

"Your very welcome Shayia" he smiled as he held teh door to the bistro open for her and followed in after her. They were seated by a waitress and soon were looking at their menu's. "so tellme about yourself." he smiled.

"I'm a student at the university in Savananah, Georgia...I... have two children, Robbie and Crystal... they are my little angels...I...they are my life..." Shayia started to cry.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didnt mean to make you cry" Randulfur said sadly.

"It's not you... my life is just so... the only things good at all about it is my little and...old friends that have been coming back into my life...." She said, whispering only the last part.

"Listen, with a life bad you can't focus on the bad and put yourself forward focusing on the good, because if you focus on the bad then thats all that will come in your life, but if you focus on the good you'll bring more closer, think of those moments you have with your children, with your lover and even those loved ones of yours coming in your life." He said sweetly. "Long ago something bad happened to me and thats all I focused on for the longest time, over and over unable to let it go, but when I did finally let go wonderful things happened, I had my daughter, I've helped so many people and my business's have bloomed. Listen life is like a set of scales you can't put to much weight on the bad things in life or else you'll never be ablet o even out the good or even bring more good in your life." He said looking over at her with those kind eyes of his.

"I...have only known for a few days... and... I never thought of the bad... not til.... the papers came... I've been alone with my children for years without Her contacting me... I....talking like that.... you are definitely going to be the father of Libra..." Shayia said, looking out the window. There were cresent moons in her eyes. "I have to think of the good and the bad.... the bad for the terrible things that had happened to me.... but the good... the great.... is my children... the... ones... that..."

He had felt she was special so it didnt surprise him she knew of the Zodiacs. "I already am the father of Libra, you even met her" he smiled, "She really is selene reborn" he thought to himself as he saw the cresent moons in her eyes. "It just makes me curious on why your mother wants them so badly." he said thinking about it.

"Because Robbie.... is... also... my brother..." she whispered, still not looking at him.

Randulfur went wide eyed. "Oh heavens, I'm so sorry that happened" he said sweetly for some reason their was something about this man she knew she could trust. unlike her father this man infront of her gave her that parental comfort she had never felt. 

"Thank.... Robbie doesn't know... and I don't want him to know...and Crystal... of my happened yet again on my way to Georgia....."

"Oh heavens me" he said worriedly, "you are such a strong woman for continueing on your path and living after you've been through so much"

"I've been through so much more..." she whispered. "...father..."

"So I wasnt imagining things before" he smiled down at her.

Oracle kissed him again. "If you want to go back back home, we's okay..."

"Want something to eat?"

"Alright," she smiled.

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Do you like Chinese?"

"Yes. Is that what you want?"

Oracle nodded, "yes please..."

He took her to a Chinese restaurant that was good.

Oracle smiled at him, and kissed him on the lips. "This place looks great..."

He blushed but kissed back. "I'm glad you like it."

"You are wonderful.... I'm glad that we are here together.."

He blushed. "Me too."

Oracle had pink cheeks as she eat.

"You ok?"

"I'm just so happy.... I'm completely fine.."

He smiled. "I like this..."

"I do's perfect...."

He smiled.

"Oh... that looks good... do you like cheesecake...?"

"Love it but don't get to have it much."

Oracle ordered them both a big New York Style Cheesecake.

He smiled and handed her a spoon

"Thanks..." she said taking the spoon. "I know you'd love that..."

He blushed. "It is good."

Oracle kissed him.

he blushed and kissed back

"I love you..." she said in a whisper.

He blushed. "I love you too."

"You're so handsome...."

He blushed. "I think you are beautiful."

Oracle blushed light, smiling. "Thank you..."

He blushed and nodded

She kissed him again.

"I love you." He blurted out

Oracle blushed. "I love you too, Tashi... I'm not going to leave you..." she said softly.

He blushed. "Thank you."

Oracle nodded. "Now... duck..."

He frowned but did so

Oracle ducked too. A glass hit the wall behind Oracle. She whispered, "I didn't want you to get hit in the head....

He looked to see who threw it.

There were two men in a fight at the other end of the restaurant.

He sighed. "Sorry...I brought you here and this...I am sorry."

"Don't worry.... I'm having a good time....a wonderful time..."

He slowly smiled. "Really?"

"Yes... really..." she said smiling.

He smiled. "I am glad."

"I... love you..." she whispered.

He blushed. "You do?"

Oracle nodded. "Yes... that is why I'd never take you alway from your mother...."

He blushed. "Love you too."

She kissed him again.

He kissed back

"What would you like to do now?" she asked as they pulled back.

"I don't know...what do you want to do?"

"If you wish... we can head back to your home, and just relax..."

"Alright, I want to check on mother anyway."

Oracle nodded. "Lets go..."

He offered her his hand.

She took it, and walked with him.

"I love you." He said as they headed home

"I love you too..."

He smiled as he opened the door. "Mom...we are home."

He found her asleep in her bed.

He carefully tucked her in and closed her door.

"How is she?"

"She's asleep."

"That is good, Tashi..." Oracle said.

"Want to watch a movie?"

"I'd love to..."

He smiled and lead her to the living room pulling out a small bin with a few DVDs in it. "Sorry...we don't have a big collection."

"it's fine... and anything you'd like to watch would be nice..."

"You choose you are the guest." Tashi said

Oracle picked out his favorite movie. "This one..."

"That one's my favorite." He put it in than poured them both some tea

"Really...?" she asked with a smile.

He nodded.

She settled on the couch waiting for him.

He sat down next her and blushing put an arm around her shoulders

She leaned into him as the movie started.

He blushed and smiled

The movie played as she snuggled closer.

He snuggled with her too

He heard a click..

He stiffened and looked around. "Did you hear that?" He whispered

Oracle looked up at him. "Picture..." was all she said.

"But...who? I didn't see you take one..."

"Your mother..."

He blushed scarlet. "Oh..."

"She's headed back to bed..." she whispered.


"You make her happy..."

"I...want her happy."

"You make her happy by being happy yourself..."

He smiled

She snuggled against him more.

He hugged her close watching the movie with her

Soon the movie ended.

"What do you want to do now?"

Oracle smiled, and kissed him on the cheek.

He blushed and gently kissed her cheek

"What did you think of tonight?"

"It was fun....did you enjoy it?"

"I loved it.

He smiled. "I am glad."

Oracle kissed him.

He blushed and kissed back

"You are a wonderful person..."

"So are you."

Oracle smiled. "Thank you..."

He smiled. "Thank you for giving me the chance to know you."

Oracle smiled back. "Thank you for giving me the chance to have the chance for us to know each other..."

He smiled and nodded.

She kissed him.

He kissed back. "I should walk you home."

"Thank you..."

He smiled and nodded. "Can I see you again?"

"thank you...." she whispered.

He hugged her gently. "What if they find me?"

"I will take them...with me..." said Hel.

"They are still family..."

"It was a hell joke..."

He smiled but it was empty he looked sad. "Yes...I know..."

"I have to go... see you around..." Hel disappeared.

Hekate looked at Gabriel worried. "What's wrong?"

"I still wish they had loved me..."

"I understand...but I'm here for you, Gabriel..."

"I know. Thank you." He said as he blushingly kissed her.

Hekate hugged him. "You can also lay down there....on the bed..."

"But...isn't that yours?" He said blushing

"I have a roll out under it..." she said.

"Oh. Ok thank you."

"You are welcome, baby..."

He smiled "I will take the roll out."

"You don't have to..."

"Its your bed."

Hekate smiled and tackled him down onto the bed, laughing and kissing him.

He blushed and kissed back.

Hekate sat up, smiling. "I'm... sorry... if it's too... much..."

"No its not."

She smiled, and started to kiss his neck.

He blushed and kissed her

She kissed back. "I love you..."

"I love you I am glad you love me."

"You're my special one..."

He blushed. "You are special to me."

Hekate snuggled into him. "Thank you..."

He gently stroked her hair. "I love you..."

"I love you too... I am so happy I ran into you tonight..." she whispered.

"So am I."


He looked around. "Is he back?"

I will never be away from you again... came a male voice in his head.

He looked around in confusion. "Wha...?"

"Caw!" I spoke, Master Pol...

"What's wrong, Gabrial?" Hekate asked.

"T...the raven...I...he spoke..."

Hekate nodded. "Yes... he is your guardian animal... your companion, your sister has his sister as a companion..."

That she does, Master Pol...

"Oh...I...ok...I still need to get used to this."

The raven nodded.

"I know, Gabriel...."

Gabriel smiled as he stroked the raven's feathers

The raven moved into his hand.

"You will remember, Gabriel.... it is just a good thing that your companion and you are together again..."

He smiled a little. "Ok. Thank you both."

Hekate kissed him.

He blushed and kissed back

Hekate snuggled into him.

He blushed. "Love you."

"I love you too... we have school in the morning... we need rest after tonight..."

he nodded closing his eyes

He soon fell asleep, with dreams of him and Hekate.

He blushed.

The dream was of them together on the moon, for he could see a great moon.. no the Earth high in the skies of the moon.

He frowned in confusion

He saw a large palace on the moon, silvery white.

"How are we on the moon?"

"It is a home of mine, love..."

"But how can we breath?"

"I brought you here..."

"I know...but magic can't be this powerful...can it?"

"A god or goddess is..."


SHe nodded. She kissed him as he began to wake up.

He kissed back

He woke up to kissing the real Hekate.

He blushed and kissed back



"How did you sleep?"

"Good and you?"

"Very good...."

"I...had a strange dream..."

"About what?"

"We were on the moon..."


"A palace?"

Hekate nodded. "Yes... the moon palace..."

"So it is real?"

"It is real... but you must have been dreaming of it...."

"Oh...can magic be that powerful?"

"Yes.... it can be..."

"I...want to learn."

"I'll teach you...."

"Can we start now?"


He smiled and waited for instruction

"Hold out your hands, palm up..." she said doing it herself.

He did so

"Now just imagine......flames in your hand..."

He focused on it trying

A tiny flame appeared in his hand.

he smiled trying to make it grow.

As it grew, it started to burn.

"Ouch!" He said making it smaller. "Why...did it burn?"

"It will not burn as long as you imagine it is unreal..."

He tried again

It grew big again, but didn't burn.

He smiled and looked at her for approval

"Wonderful..." she said with a smile.

"I am so glad I can do this...thank you."

"You're welcome..."

"Is there something else I can try?"

"Change your appearance..."


"Think about it..."

he tried to envision himself with red hair and blue eyes

Hekate held up a mirror. He had red hair and blue green eyes.

He smiled. "It worked."

"That's great...." she said, smiling. She then kissed him. "That's really great..."

He smiled. "Thank you."

Hekate hugged him"

He smiled

"Just imagine what you could do with your sister..."

"Is she nice?"

"I haven't met her during this life... but before, yes..."

"I hope she is nice again..."

Hekate smiled.

He focused on turning back

Semreh smiled. "I could take you to her..."

"you can?"

"I am the messenger god..." he said smiling.

"But how will that get us to her?"

"I was with her seconds before I knocked on your door...."

"please take me to her then."

He took ahold of his father's hand and disappeared with him. (( We now have to wait for Sarah))



"And I love you Nilus..." he kissed him.

He kissed back happily

"I am glad you are allowing me to kiss you..."

He blushed. "I trust you."

"And I trust you too... Nilus..."

"Thank you."

"You're worth it..."

"Worth what?" He asked in genuine confusion

"everything I could give you..."

He blushed. "really?"

"Truly, Nilus...."

"I feel the same way about you."

"I do not wish to push you at all, Nilus... I want you to decide when you are ready for anything..."

he nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome..."

"What should we do now?"

"We get back, and see if Mania has lunch ready....How does that sound?"


Atrox smiled, wrapping an arm around Nilus's shoulders as they headed back towards the house.

He blushed but leaned against him

"I will protect you..."

"Thank you."

"I will have my revenge on you, Zeus..." he heard whispered.

"Did he hurt you too?" He asked in concern ((he wouldn't realize Atrox is saying that for him ><))

"In a way... and because he hurt you..." he said softly.

He looked surprised. "That bothers you?"

"Yes...I want to protect you..."

He blushed. "Thank you."

"It would be wrong for it not to bother me... and you're welcome..."

"It would?"

"Yes... you didn't deserve to have the things that Zeus did to you be done to you...."

"Thank you for caring."

"I will never hurt you...." he whispered.

He snuggled into him

Atrox lead Nilus back inside the house and into the livingroom.

Mania came into the room with a tray. "Who wants ice tea?"

"That sounds nice thank you."

Mania smiled, pouring them both some tea.

"Thank you Mania..." said Atrox with a small smile.

Nilus smiled slowly as he drank some. "It's good."

Mania giggled. "Thank you Nilus... I've got some more work to do around here... behave you two..." She walked from the room.

Atrox just shook his head.


"She is the Goddess of Insanity... and that includes the change in a person's mind when they make-out...."

"Make-out? What does that mean?"

"A lot of kissing... and just touching...." he said softly.

He still looked confused. "What type of touching?"

Atrox shook his head. "I don't want to scare you away...."

He bit his lip. "As long as you aren't like him...I trust you."

"Well... touching as in just touching down there... or just touching and kissing the neck and chest.... not actually doing anything...."

He blushed. "Oh." He blushed deeper as he kissed Atrox's neck. "Like this?"

"Yes..." Atrox said softly, and then he kissed Nilus on his neck.

He blushed and moved his head to allow better access

Atrox kissed his neck again, then moved and kissed just behind Nilus's ear.

He blushed. "Mmm."

"Love you..." he whispered into Nilus's ear.

He blushed. "You do?"

"I feel it deep in my soul..."

" too."

Atrox kissed him gently on the lips.

He kissed back blushing

Atrox smiled at him. "Drink?"


Atrox handed him a drink.

he took a sip

It was fruit flavored ice tea.

"Its good."

"Mania makes the tea herself..."

"It's delicious."

He kissed him.

he kissed back blushing

"You are safe here, Nilus..."

"Thank you."

Atrox kissed his cheek.

He blushed and snuggled against him

"Awwww..." came Mania's voice.

He blushed and straightened up. "S...sorry..."

"What are you sorry for?" she asked.

He blushed. "I...don't know..."

"YOu are making Atrox happy..."

He blushed and nodded. "He makes me happy."

Atrox kissed his neck.

He blushed and tilted his neck up a bit

He kissed it again.

"Love you."

"I love you..." he heard whispered against his ear.

He blushed and shivered in pleasure

"I didn't do anything.... bad...."

" feels good."

"I'm glad... I want you happy..."

"Are you happy too?"


He snuggled into him lovingly

"I hope that you will consider this your home... here with me...."


Atrox kissed him.

He blushed and kissed back

"You are wonderful..."



He smiled and snuggled into him

Atrox started to stroke Nilus's hair.

He closed his eyes relaxing into him

He felt Atrox kiss him softly on the forehead.

He smiled/ "Love you."

"I love you..."

He smiled and fell asleep

In his dream, Zeus attacked him.

He bolted awake with a scream

"Nilus.... Nilus... I'm here... shhh...." came Atrox's voice, as he stroked Nilus's hair.

He held onto him trembling

"I won't let him harm you..."

He held onto him. " sorry..."

"For what, love?"

"Being scared...being a coward..."

"You are not a coward... it takes a brave soul to escape as you have..."

He hugged him close. "Really?"


"I love you."

"I love you too..."

He snuggled close

Artemis followed him. "I'm here for you, just as you are for me..." she whispered.

"Thank you...I am sorry this is delaying the search..."

"I am glad you are going to help Artemis," said Aphrodite. "It will be good to have some fresh eyes on the situation..."

"I...feel a pull to her."

"Oh Angel... I am so happy... you both look so wonderful together... and I've never seen Artemis smile so much..."

Artemis blushed.

"I...want to be called Sol...please?"

"Why?" Aphrodite asked softly.

Artemis looked at him.

He looked down and mumbled something under his breath

"Sol..." said Artemis.

"I...don't deserve the name..."

"You are an angel to your mother... I love you, Sol..." Artemis said, and kissed him.

He kissed back still looking sad

"I'm going to make some tea..." Aphrodite left the room looking sad.

"Sol... I... I'm sorry...I..." Artemis said hugging him.

"It's not your fault."

"I want you happy..."

"I...will try."

Artemis hugged him closer. "I... I love you, Sol... I'm never going to leave you..." she said softly.

He blushed. "I love you too."

"Anything for you..." she said, "I'll do anything for you..."

"I want to help you find your child."

"Thank you... and I'll help you find your sister..."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you..."

He smiled

Aphrodite came back him. "Tea?" she asked softly.

"Yes please..."

She poured him some as well as some for Artemis and herself.

The tea was sweet, and had a relaxing affect on Sol.

He slowly relaxed.

"Could you ever forgive me...? For not finding you sooner....?"

"I will try..."

"I've always thought about how you would look.... you have become a very handsome young man..."

"I agree..." said Artemis softly.

He blushed. "I have?"

Artemis kissed him lightly on the lips. "Yes..."

Aphrodite smiled softly. "It looks like you have stolen the Huntress's heart..."

He blushed. "Or she has stolen mine."

Artemis blushed, and said softly, "Hunters don't steal.... they hunt... but I think I like haven't stolen your's, for you have stolen mine..."

He blushed and nodded

The sound of large footsteps sounded outside.

He looked toward it. "Someone is coming..."

Artemis nodded.

"I think I know who it is..." Aphrodite said with a smile.

A knock came at the door as Aphrodite went to open it. "Hello, Vulcan.... how are you?"

"I....Artemis found Angel... hmmm he goes by Sol... but... my son..."

Vulcan smiled, looking at Sol. "That's great... it is good to see that you are in one piece...."

Sol nodded uncertainly. "Why wouldn't I be?" They released as he moved a little that there was evidence he was malnourished and it looked like one of his sides he was favoring over the other.

"WHo is ready for a feast?" Vulcan asked.

Artemis hugged Sol's arm.

" hungry...if it is ok..."

"Son..." Aphrodite said with a smile. "Of course it's okay... I'm not going to keep anything from you..."

He blushed. "Thank you..."

Vulcan smiled. "I'll take care of the food..." He waved his hand and food of all sorts appeared on the dinning table.

"Oh, Vulcan... it all looks delicious..." Aphrodite said with a smile.

Artemis smiled, nodding.

Sol looked at it in hunger

"Dig in everyone," Vulcan said with a smile. "There is enough for everyone to have many servings..."

Sol began to eat

Artemis and Aphrodite followed suit, and Vulcan took his share last being a big guy.

Sol ate ravenously. "It's good."

"I am glad you are enjoying it, young man..." Vulcan said, smiling.

He nodded

Artemis kissed his cheek. "I'm glad your here... with me..."

He smiled. "So am I."

Aphrodite watched the two with love in her eyes.

He blushed

Artemis leaned against him.

He hugged her

"I am so happy we found each other..." she whispered.

"So am I."

"We will find my son... I know it now... and we will find your sister...."

"And I will help."

"I know..." Artemis said, kissing his cheek.

He blushed and smiled

"Anyone want anymore food?" asked Vulcan.

"Yes please."

Some more food appeared.

He started to eat more

Artemis giggled, smiling.

He blushed and stopped. " I embarrassing you?"

"Embarrassing me? No... I just think you are cute...."

He blushed. "I am?"

Artemis kissed his cheek.

he blushed

"I must be off..." came Vulcan's voice. "I have some items I promised to make..."

"Thank you for the food..."He said to him

"You are very welcome..."

He lookd around. "And...thank you...m...mother."

"You are soo very welcome Ang...Sol... you so wonderful...."

He blushed and looked down. "I am?"

"Yes... and we will find your sister, and then everything will be perfect..."

He looked down and shook his head. "Not...everything...I still killed dad..."

Artemis hugged him. "You were a child...."

"He is still dead..."

Aphrodite also hugged him.

He hugged them both back

"I'm so sorry my sweet child..."

"It's not your fault."

"If I had found you..."

"You would have been killed too..."

"Angel... Sol..." she said softly.

He looked down

She kissed his forehead. "My son... I'm just happy to have you here...."

"You are?"

"Of course... you are family, my son...." she said softly.

He hugged her

She hugged back.

"Thank you."

She smiled.

Artemis hugged Sol.

He yawned. "Thank you both."

"I have a spare room...come..." Aphrodite said.

He followed

Aphrodite lead them to a beautiful guest room. "Here you are..."

"Thank you."

"I'll leave you two alone..." she said, and went to go clean up.

Artemis smiled at Sol. "Love you..."

"Love you. You take the bed."

"Where are you going to sleep...?"

"On the floor."

"No... she gave you this room...."

"I...can't sleep on the bed...I would be uncomfortable, not used to it."

Artemis genltly pulled him to the bed, pulling him onto the bed. She laid down beside him, snuggling him.

He held her close blushing

"You don't have to sleep on the floor again..."


"He's on our side?" Isaac asked.

"Yes... he has always been..."

Sanzo nodded. "Oden want to blow him up."


"He refuse to help oden."

"Good olde Vulcan..." Nemi said with a smile. "So... off the topic of killing who here knows how to dance....?"

Sanzo raised his hand enthusiastically

Nemi smiled. "You Isaac?"

"I've never danced."

"Really? Never?? Why not?"

"I work, eat, sleep, and...." He looked down not wanting to say.

"God I am hating Oden more and more..."

"I hate him already..." Isaac said.

Sanzo nodded. "He hurt Sanzo for refusing him."

"Refusing him in what way...?"

Sanzo started taking his clothes off and Isaac stopped him. "To his own child?!"

Sanzo nodded

Their table broke with a loud crack. Nemesis's hand was right in the place where the table had been.

Sanzo looked at her and offered a grenade. "Blow something up?"

Nemesis smiled at him, taking the grenade. The grenade then just vanished.

" fun."

SHe smirked. "Just wait..."

A man ran in, "turn on the news someone one just bombed the White House..."

He grinned. "The white house go boom."

Isaac looked at them in shock. "Why?"

Nemi looked at Isaac. "Bush..." ((Bush is still president just so you know))

He hid a smile. "Oh."

Nemi laughed, smiling.

"Was he the only one in it?"

"I wasn't going to hurt anyone else...." she giggled.

"Oh ok."

"YOu seem nervous..."

"I'm trying to figure out what I have found myself caught up in..."

"I'm sorry... I'm very much into immortal and mortal affairs... it's my nature.... but it was Oden that brought you into this....and has hurt you..."

He nodded. "I will make him pay."

"As will I..." said Nemi.

He nodded. "Sanzo wants to help..."

A bartender brought over three drinks. Nemi raised her's. "To revenge!"

Sanzo raised his.

Isaac hesitated but raised his. "To Justice."

"To Justice through Vengance!"

Isaac nodded slowly.

Nemi gently touched Isaac's shoulder. "We will have justice for your family..."

"Thank you. That is what I want above all else...after that...I will figure oiut later..."

Nemi nodded. "Do you want to stay here or do you want to rest?"

"I want to rest...It's been an overwhelming day."

"There are apartments upstairs if you'd like to stay here..."

"are you sure?"

"Yes I'm's not being used now, so I'm sure..."

"Thank you,"

Nemi stood up. "I'll show you to a room.... Sanzo, do you stay anywhere?"

"Sanzo doesn't know...been staying on the street.."

"You will now... there are enough apartments upstairs for both of you to have a place..."

"Thank you."

Nemi smiled at them. "Follow me... both of you...."

They both followed

Nemi lead them upstairs to a hallway of doors. She lead them down it, stopping after a while at a door, and opening it with a key from her pocket. "YOu may sleep here Isaac.... this may be your room..."

"Thank you." He said as he went inside. ((remember you play oden and he was suppossed to come to him and he hasn't))

Sanzo smiled looking around. "Nice place..."

((I know...^_^))

"This way, Sanzo..." Nemi said.

Sanzo followed. "I like it feels safe."

"I'm glad you do..." Nemi said. A ways down, she opened another door. "You may have this room, Sanzo..." She had a smile on her face.

He hugged her and kissed her cheek. "You stray with Sanzo?"

Nemi giggled. "Alright..."

He hugged her and carried her in. "You make Sanzo happy."

Nemi giggled. "You make me happy too..."

He smiled.

"ANd what does Sanzo wish to do?"

He pulled her down onto the bed next to him and gently kissed her

She kissed back.

"I love you." He said sounding more mature.

Nemi blushed. "I love you too..."

He gently kissed her again

"I have never felt so warm inside..."

"Niether have I."

Nemi kissed him gently.

He kissed back

"Sanzo, thank you for coming into my life..."

"Thank you for letting me." He said with a smile.
There was the faint sound of something hitting a wall. Sanzo sat up and frowned. "What was that?"

"Cell phone... your father is being a bother...he can't get in here.... that's why I wanted both of you to stay in the apartments...." she kissed him.

He kissed back. "Oh."

"I have powerful protection around here..."

He smiled.

"What's on your mind?"

"I feel safe with you."

"I've always had to be strong... but with you, I feel so safe too..."

He held her close

She snuggled into his arms.

"I love you."

"I love you..."

He smiled at her and she saw inteligence in his eyes, it was deep down burried under years of abuse and insanity but there

"I love your eyes...."

He smiled. "I love yours."

Nemi smiled.

"Love you."

Nemi kissed him. "I love you too...."

He smiled

"What are you thinking?"

"I am glad I met you pretty lady"

"And you, handsome man..."

He smiled and she could tell the insanity was more prominat at the moment

Nemi kissed him softly again, then snuggled against him.

He snuggled into her too

He fell asleep, and dreamed of blowing things up with Nemi, and being happy.

He grinned happily

Oden appeared in his dreams and moved to harm Nemi.

He tried to blow Oden up to protect her

Useless piece of crap... the dream Oden said.

He bolted awake with a grenade in hand

Nemi snuggled against him.

He put the grenade down and held her protectively

"Thank you for not blowing my place up..." she said softly, holding on to him more.

"Oden in dream..."

"I'm're not losing me..."

He nodded and kissed her.

Nemi kissed back.

"Sanzo will protect Nemi."

"And Nemi will protect Sanzo..."

He smiled and hugged her

"We will protect each other..."

He nodded

Isaac sighed as he laid down on the bed. He thought of his family and the guilt and shame of leaving them.

His cell started to ring.

He looked at the name

It read Lial.

He put it down not answering it.

It rang again.

He ignored it

It rang again showing that he had a text message.

he read the text message

Isaac... where are you? Get home now...

He froze. How?

Another message came up.

He looked at it.

Isaac I will find you

he dropped his phone in horror. He slowly picked it up and texted him:I know what you did bastard! I will never come back to you unless it is to end your miserable life Oden

You will come back to me. you belong to me

he threw his phone at the wall. No I don't!

Oh yes you do... he heard in his head.

Leave me alone! You murdered my family!

Or did I...

What do you mean?!

He heard laugher in his mind.

Bastard. I am glad your son died. You get to fill the pain of losing someone you love. I am glad you experienced that and I hope you experience it again!

Your father killed him!

My father? What are you talking about?! According to Mythology it was an accident caused by Loki's dad was a mortal.

You are mine! then there was silence.


Silence met him.

He rolled onto his side to try and sleep

He dreamed of running over rolling green hills, as a wolf.

He frowned in his sleep and tossed and turned. Part of him longed for that freedom

He saw that he was running up to a beautiful woman, who held a young child, a young girl in her arms. He knew they were his family.

he frowned in his sleep confused at how this could be

"I love you Fenris...."

He blushed


<i>I don't understand...I haven't done it with anyone...but that monster...

The woman kissed him. "Fenris... I love you..."

"How? Why?"

She smiled, and he woke up.

He sat up confused

She had seemed familiar, like a old memory from a time long ago.

He sighed in confusion


He sat up looking around

He heard it again. but it felt like it was inside his mind.

He frowned not sure what to make of it. "What?"

No one answered him.

He frowned closing his eyes


he looked around again

He didn't see anything.

"What is going on? Am I haunted?"

He felt like it was a missing part of himself calling out to him.

" I answer?" He whispered


How do I answer?

We will find each other soon.... howl!

His eyes widened in shock

There was silence.

He held his head thinking he was losing his mind

Her eyes widened and she blushed. "Stop that imagined it. Lets eat breakfast." She said quickly getting up

"No I didn't... before you were kissing the pillow you were squashing me, kissing my head... saying his name..."

She turned beat red than looked at him in concern. "Did I hurt you angel?" Tears sprang to her eyes as she studied him.

"Mommy...mommy... I'm okay... I not hurt... you were happy.... I want you happy..." he said with a big smile.

She hugged him. "I'm sorry angel."

"Why?" he asked cutely.

"I could have hurt you."

"You didn't mommy.. I love you mommy..." he kissed her cheek.

"I love you too...what do you want for breakfast?" She said trying to assure herself he was alright.


She smiled and lead him to the kitchen. "What type?"

"Chocolate!" he laughed.

She made chocolate chip pancakes and poured him a cup of milk

"MMmmmm it looks soooooooo good. mommy!" Delthion said with a big smile.

"Enjoy angel."

"You going to eat some too?"

She nodded eating some.

"I love your cooking mommy..."

She smiled. "I'm glad sweetheart."

"You should be a cook!"

She smiled. "I don't know if I am that good."

"You are mommy! You are you are!"

She smiled and kissed his forehead.

Delthion smiled up at her, cutely.

"Are you ready to go to the park?"


She cleaned up and took him to the park

As they were walking into the park, she saw the man from before. He was leaning against a tree, watching a little girl with another man and a little boy.

She stopped still holding his hand. "Maybe...we should go to the zoo..."

Abmisleo looked towards them and then headed over. "Hello again..."

"H..hello..." She said a little nervously

"Hi little one..." he said smiling down at Delthion.

Delthion smiled big. "HI!"

"That's my daughter out over there if you'd like to play little one..."

Delthion looked up at his mother. "Mommy! Can I? Please?"

She nodded."Be careful though..." She looked toward the girl. "She is beautiful..."

"She takes after her mother...." he said softly, as Delthion ran off.

"Where is her mother?"

"She was killed... when Chyrosa was very little...."

She looked sad. " so sorry..."

"Thank you... Chyrosa has her mother's heart and beauty... and all the knowledge that I am able to teach her...."

"I try to help Delthion to be a strong and happy child...I know it can be hard sometimes. But very rewarding."

"I know....Chyrosa is so full of life it is as if she just keeps growing up before my eyes...."

She looked sad for a moment as she remembered her other children. "Delthion is the same... Is that boy yours too?" She asked indicating Falcon

"No... Chyrosa is my only little one...the boy was on that man's shoulders...I'm watching... I don't want anything to happen to Chy or to your little one..."

"I don't think the boy will hurt them it looks like they will have fun...thank you for the concern of my son. Delthion is a little to trusting of everyone he meets..."

"Are you saying it is wrong of Delthion to trust me?" he asked with a soft smile.

She blushed and looked away. "I...don't know...maybe..."

"I am not going to take him from you... I feel... drawn to you..."

She looked at him with wide eyes. "What? Why would you take..." a look of horror dawned on her face. "I..." She ran toward Delthion. "Sweetheart time to go!"

She felt her wrist get gently grabbed. "I would never take your child from you.... I was just stating that I don't wish to do that to you....I...I love you...." he said softly. "Please... don't run..."

She looked at him with wide eyes full of shock a little hope and allot of distrust. " How do you know you love me? We only met twice. after my body?" She whispered the last part.

"I would never be as shallow as that... I feel drawn to you... pulled to you.... just as I had with Chyrosa's mother.... I feel and know that I want to protect you from all harm..." he said softly.

She blushed looking uncertain. "Why?"

"It's a feeling deep in my heart.... deep in my soul..." he said, his eyes looking down into her eyes with love.

She blushed still uncertain

"I understand if you don't... I don't want to scare you away.... or hurt you in any way... I wish for you to be happy...." he spoke softly.

"I...have never had anyone care..."

"You do now... but if you don't wish me to....I just can't stop my feelings..."

Lyrra shook her head. "I...don't know...what if you hurt me?"

Abmisleo took her hand gently in his. "I would never wish to do that...."

She blushed. "I have heard that before though..."

"I never break a vow..."

She looked uncertain but hopeful.

"I will not push it, but please I ask you, don't push me away... I will do only as you wish me too...."

She looked uncertain. "I..."she looked toward the children to ensure her son was safe

Delthion was safe and happy.

"I don't want to lose you..."

She looked back at him. "What?"

"I don't want to lose you... you make my heart jump..."

" the same to me..."

"I'm glad... I never want to hurt you..."


He nodded. "Yes... really..."

She slowly nodded. "Ok...."

Abmisleo looked towards the children. "Somethings wrong...."

Her eyes widened as the one boy screamed. "Delthion!" She started hurrying towards the children in worry

He followed.

He packed his things quickly and rushed to find him. I have to stop him from quieting!

He found Zaku just as he was leaving the school.

"Don't leave sensie...if your leaving because of me...I'm sorry..."

Zaku turned and smiled at him. "Drake-kun... I want what is best for you... the best is for me not to be here... I am drawn to you... I am just a substitute teacher at this school... I am doing this work to help out the local temples and shrines... I want you happy..."

"I will leave the school. I..." He shook his head and ran heading home. That had been his last class for the day and he was too confused to finish it. He knew it wouldn't hurt his grades.

There were foot steps behind Drake. "Drake-kun... it was my choice.... please..." Zaku said.

"You're leaving because of me sensie..."

"I was just a substitute... my duty is to the Pheonix Temple... I thought I would help out.... you have done nothing wrong..."

"Pheonix temple?"

"Yes it is in the southern part of the city..."

"Do you know Genbu? My family and I work for the Northern temple...'

"Yes, Genbu is a good friend of mine... as is his sister... she, along with my sister are friends... best friends..."

" with him."

"Then you must have heard the name Suzaku then while around Genbu..."


"WHat have you heard.

"He said he is kind and a bit of a pyro...of course Genbu does things with earth."

"Pyro...? Just a bit of a pyro?" Zaku asked with a smile.

"'re him?"

"Yes I am..."


"What's wrong?"

"I caused you so much trouble...I'm sorry" Drake said as he rushed off

Drake's wrist was grabbed gently. "Why do you think you have caused me trouble? You haven't..."

Drake looked down blushing. "I left your job because of me..."

"I want you comfortable... and I was just working as a substitute, to help teach other..."

"other students that are normal? I wish I was normal..."

"You are me..."

He shook his head. "My parents think I am gifted and my siblings hate me for it...well...most of them do..."

"You are normal to me.... because of what I am.... and you are special because of how I feel...."

He shook his head. " sorry...I think you need to find someone else...more your type..." He said as he rushed back to the school. I can't...I can't be with sensie...he is older...and better than me...

Drake... I will be at the temple... please, come see me... he heard in his head.

He shook his head violently. "I can't...." He whispered as he went to his last class.

As Drake sat down, the girl that had been talking to Zaku before came into the class room, and sat down.

He looked down at his lap silently

The class was over before he knew it.

The girl came over. "Hi..." she said.

"Hello." He said as he began to pack his things.

"Drake, right?" she asked with a kind smile.

" did you know?"

"My brother described you to me when I talked to him are you?"

"Good I guess. I have to head home, I have work to do....sorry." He said as he picked up his bag and started to walk away

"You feel something for Zaku...just as he does for you, don't you?"

He stiffened. " I don't." He lied as he started to leave not even caring that he was being rude

"Zaku always thought he would be alone..."

"He will find someone...I'm sure of it."

"He did....and he will continue to wait for you..."

He froze. "I am too young...and I don't feel anything for him." He said lying as he quickly rushed out

You are not too young... and Zaku will never age.... he will never stop how he feels, but as you wish he will never lay eyes on you again.....

tears ran down his face as he hurried to the car where he knew his brother's would be. He quickly wiped the tears away knowing he would get picked on if he was seen like that. He tried to get himself under control as he got into the car.

"What's up with you?" one of the brothers asked.

"Nothing." He lied as he buckled in. "Why do you ask?"

"I've seen you.... you've been out of it all day..."

He looked down and away. "I don't feel well..." He lied.


He fell silent looking out the window

They made it back home.

He got out and headed inside with his books. He cleaned up changing into his priest robs and heading to the shrine.

Genbu was not there, nor was Oracle.

He frowned and went about his tasks for the day

He was asked to clean the back steps.

He started doing so

"You lied in the car...."

He turned to look at who spoke.

It was his good brother.

He looked down at the broom in his hand. "Why do you say that?"

"I saw you talking with that teacher..."

"So?" He said trying to keep his voice steady as he swept the porch

"Then you ran away... what happened?"

"Nothing...why do you want to know?"

"Because I'm your brother, and I'm worried about you..."

He stopped. "Because your my brother or because I am "special"?"

"You are my brother..."

"I...sensie hit on me...."


Drake looked down. "He thinks he loves me...he wants me to come see him..."

"And what do you think?"

" too young...not worthy...I am a boy. I...don't know...I feel strange around him"

"You love him too..."

He looked at him in shock. "Why do you say that?"

"Saying your too young, not worthy, and feel strange... that's how..."

He looked at him tears in his eyes. "I...but it is true...and mother and father...they expect so much from me...what if they hate me after...."

"DO you love him?"

"I...don't know...." He whispered.

"You do know Drake... how does he make you feel inside...?"

"I...don't wanted to ensure he wouldn't quit but he did anyway...."

"He must care about you alot...."

"Why do you say that?"

"He doesn't want you in trouble...."

"But...he still left."

"What else does he do?"

" the one Genbu talked about..he works at the other temple." (Sorry I messed the name up))

"Which temple?"

"The phoenix."

"You are in love with Suzaku? Wow..."

He looked down. "I didn't say I loved him...please let me get my work done..."

"Brother... you had better talk to him... or I'll be talking to Genbu..."

Drake looked at him with wide pleaing eyes. "But why? He is older than me and...I couldn't...what would you tell Genbu?"

"Drake... if you feel something for the priest, I'd say go with it.... or at least talk to Genbu... you deserve to be happy..."

He sighed. "Mother and father..."

"Transfer to that temple... all of us work for all of the priests..."

"But they wouldn't like it...they want me to stay close where I can be protected..."

"I'll go with you...."

" a guy..."

"Can I tell you something? A secret I've kept from mom and dad... from everyone...?"

Drake nodded. "Yea."

" someone that I haven't talked to yet..."

"How do you know you love that person then?"

"I'm drawn to them... a pulling sensation...."

"Oh...I...feel pulled to him."

"It is a pull of true love, brother..."

"But...what if something happened? Mother and Father said I have to remain pure and avoid relationships..."

Falcon climbed up onto his shoulders and looked around in awe. He began to point to things asking what they were.

Van started to tell Falcon all about everything he pointed at.

He smiled happily. "Wow...there is so much..."

"Yes, yes there is.... and look at all the different people..."

He looked around intently studying the people.

There were indeed many different people.

"Wow...why do they look different?"

"It is like asking why some cats have stripes and some have spots..." Vann said, smiling.

"Oh...are any of them going to be our friends?"

"I don't know... we will have to see...."

He looked around trying to soak in the sights.

They made it to a beautiful park.


"I agree..." Vann said, then he looked off, distracted.

"What's wrong?"

Looking, Falcon could see that Vann was looking off towards a young girl that was on a swing. Falcon could feel that there was something familiar about her.

He frowned. " familiar."

"Her.... power..... it's like yours... like you and her are..." Vann didn't know what to really think.

"Should to her?"

The girl on the swing looked towards them, and then smiled and waved at them.

"I don't know... but that may be an invitation..."

"Lets go talk to her."

"Alright Falcon..." Vann walked over to the little girl.


The little girl looked up at them. "Hi there..."

"My name is Falcon."

"I'm Vann..."

The girl smiled. "My name is Chyrosa.... nice to meet you..."

He smiled. "Umm...have we met before?"

Chyrosa shook her head. "I don't think so....though I can never say never..."

Vann let Falcon down on the ground.

He got down not sure what to say.

"What's wrong? I feel like I've meet you before..." she asked.

"I don't seem familiar too"

"I have meet many in my life time..."

"You're life time...?" Vann asked, cocking an eye.

The little girl just smiled.

"How old are you?" Falcon asked.

"Six... I think..."

"Oh. I think I am eight."

She giggled.

Vann said softly, "You are, Falcon..."

Falcon smiled at Vann. "Vann is my friend he keeps me safe."

Chyrosa smiled. "I'm glad..."

"Hi!" called out a boy running up to them. He ran up and stopped smiling. "Your daddy said I could come over and play...My name is Delthion..." he said.

"I'm Chyrosa, we can play.... this is Falcon.... we can all play!" Chyrosa said smiling. "If you want to Falcon..."

Falcon looked up at Vann questioningly. "Can I?"

"Of course, Falcon..." Vann said with a smile.

He hugged him with a smile and went to play with the other two

Delthion smiled. "Do you want to play tag?"

Chyrosa smiled and nodded. "Okay..."

"How do you play?"

"One of us is the tagger... and the tagger chases the others trying to tag another person by touching them... when you touch that person you have to say 'Tag you're it...', do you understand?" Chyrosa said.

Delthion just looked a little confused that he didn't know what Tag was.

Vann stepped back, just watching.

"Yea...I think so." Falcon said.

"I'll be the tagger first so that you can see, okay?" Delthion said.

" should I watch?"

Chyrosa took Falcon's hand. "You and I run... that's how you see... it's more fun this way..."

"Okay." He said with a smile.

Chyrosa smiled, and then started to run, holding onto his hand. "Come on Falcon..."

Falcon followed

Delthion started to count, giving them time.

Chyrosa giggled, smiling at Falcon as they ran. "I'll let Delthion tag me first so that you can learn... okay?"

He nodded

Delthion started to give chase.

"Run Falcon!" laughed Chyrosa, running with him.

He ran trying to hide behind Vann thinking they were in danger.

Vann looked down at him. "You are not in danger, my little one... look, young Chyrosa is just running circles around the young man to escape his touch...."

"'s part of the game?"

"You try not to get tagged... but if you do get tagged, it is your turn to run after the others trying to tag them...."

He nodded and joined back into the game

Delthion tagged Chyrosa. "Tag your it!"

Chyrosa giggled. "I'm going to get you! You ready Falcon?"

He nodded and stopped when he saw Luscious. "You wanna play?"

Luscious nodded, and joined in the game.

Falcon smiled and ran with the others

Chyrosa ran towards Falcon.

Falcon dodged and ran away he looked for Vann

He saw Vann was sitting on a bench, watching him along with a woman.

He waved and turned back to the game

Chyrosa tagged Falcon. "Tag, you're it...."

He chased after Luscious.

Luscious giggled, running away.

Falcon turned and tagged Delthion than darted away

((remember things are after Falcon))

Falcon thought he saw something dark.

He stopped and shivered looking in that direction. His eyes darted to the others knowing they were in danger. He took off away from them and Vann he didn't want Vann in trouble either.

Delthion gave chase thinking it was part of the game. Luscious stopped watching.

Chyrosa stopped beside Luscious. Falcon... please don't run... they want you away from those that can protect you... please... Falcon heard it.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!! DON'T HURT THEM! He screamed tears ran down his face and he huddled at the base of a tree.

Delthion, Luscious, and Chyrosa came up. Chyrosa knelt infront of Falcon. "Falcon..." she whispered. "I'm here... they can't come father is nearby... as is your friend..."

He trembled and looked up at her. ""

"Delthion...children are you alright?" Came Lyrra's voice as she headed over

Abmisleo came up, and looked at the boy Falcon. Wha... he thought.

"I'm okay mommy... Falcon got scared of something....and Chyrosa was telling him it's okay... all of us are here...." Delthion said.

"That's the problem...they will kill you..."Falcon said tearfully.

Lyrra gently wiped his tears away. "Sweetheart...noone will hurt you or anyone else."

Amira looked concerned and hugged Luscious.

Luscious watched.

Vann came up. "Falcon..."

Abmisleo placed a hand on Chyrosa's shoulder.

Falcon hugged Vann. "They are here...why are they here?!"

"I don't know... but it's safe now..."

Chyrosa looked up at Vann. "I wouldn't have let anything happen... neither would my father..."

Falcon burried his face in Vann's chest trembling a little.

Lyrra held Delthion close.

Amira held her son Luscious. "What is after him?"

"Ghosts from the past," Vann said.

She looked concerned as did Lyrra

Vann scooped up Falcon.

Chyrosa looked up at Falcon. I won't let anything happened to you.....

he looked at her in surprise. How?

I will talk to you later... I will find you... "Daddy... I'm tired..." Chyrosa said, with a yawn. Abmisleo picked her up.

Falcon held onto Vann not sure what to say.

Amira and Lyrra held their children protectively.

"Will he be alright?" Amira asked. "We should return home but I want to ensure he is going to be ok."

" fine. Thank you." Falcon whispered

Vann looked at Falcon in his arm. "Let's go home..."

Abmisleo looked at Lyrra. "May I walk you home?"

She hesitated and slowly nodded holding Delthion's hand. "Ok...will you and your daughter have dinner with us?" She asked not sure why, it just came out.

"Luscious...we should get back to your father he is probably done with work by now." She said gently taking his hand

Falcon nodded to Vann. "Thank you for your concern..." He whispered to the others

The children nodded. Chyrosa looked at him. Always.../i>

He smiled a little timidly

Luscious smiled at the group. "Bye!" he waved.

Chyrosa waved to him with a smile as did Delthion.

"Bye." Falcon said.

Amira lead her son away heading back to check on Oden.

Vann walked off, carrying Falcon.

Chyrosa and Delthion waved as the others walked off.

Lyrra held onto Delthion

Abmisleo gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

She jumped but slowly relaxed. "We...should get home."

"Like I said, I will walk you both..."

She nodded. "Thank you."

Delthion and Chyrosa smiled.

"You are very welcome..."

She started to lead them toward the apartment

Abmisleo walked beside her. "An interesting day, hmmm?"

"yea...I hope that child will be alright..."

"As do I..." he said.

"Falcon will be fine..." said Chyrosa.

Lyrra smiled at Chyrosa. "My name is Lyrra by the way..."She said to her

"I'm Chyrosa... it's nice to met you... you make my daddy's heart stop...."

She blushed. "'

Chyrosa nodded giggling.

"Chyrosa... mommy was kissing her pillow and me in her sleep... because of your daddy..."

Lyrra stuttered and blushed. "Delthion!"

Abmisleo took Lyrra's hand, and genlty pulled her to him. "Forgive me for being so forward..." he said softly. He gently kissed her.

She froze and slowly kissed back but he could tell she was scared

Chyrosa and Delthion 'awwwed' them.

He pulled back, resting his forehead against her's.Whispering, he said, "I will not leave you... I will not harm you... I will protect you.... this I swear..."

She looked at him searchingly. She wanted to believe him but she was scared

She saw no sign of deception.

She lead them to the apartment and unlocked the door. "Want something to eat?"

"I'd love that...Chyrosa..."

"Yummy," she said with a smile.

"Chocolate Pancake!" said Delthion laughing.

Lyrra smiled a little. "You had that for breakfast about chicken and dumplings?"

"Okay, mommy..."

"That sounds great, Miss Lyrra..." said Chyrosa.

She smiled. "Make yourselves comfortable. Is pink lemonade good?"

Vann walked with Falcon.

Falcon snuggled into him. "I had fun...until they showed up."

"It will be alright..."

"I love you Vann."

Vann looked at Falcon. "I love you too..."

"Thank you for protecting me...that firl Chrysa...she spoke in my head."

"There is indeed something curious about her... like you in some ways..."

"But how?"

"I don't know..." he said softly, thought he knew.

"I am tired."

Vann took Falcon home, and got him ready for bed.

He fell asleep quickly, some of his energy had been drained, but he would heal

When they arrived at the hotel room, Vann laid Falcon in the bed, covering him up.

He slept peacefully

When he woke up, Falcon found Vann sitting at some sort of machine.

"What's that?"

"This is a laptop... I'm looking for a permanant home..."

"We are going to stop moving?"

"This is a hotel.. an inn... it is not a permanat home... I'm finding us one..."

"Oh. Ok." He went over to him and climbed up onto his lap curiously as he looked at the houses

"See any that you like, Falcon?" he asked softly.

He pointed to one that was gothic revival in style. "That one."

"I like that one have a great eye, falcon...."

He smiled

"Now all I have to do is buy it, and it's our's...."

"Ok." He said happily

Amira held her son's hand as they waked. "I hope he will."


"Yes sweetheart?"

"I liked them..."

"I am glad." She said as they got to Oden's office. She knocked on the door


She jumped and slowly opened the door. "Is it a bad time love?" She asked holding onto Luscious. "You said we would have a family dinner tonight..."

"I have business to take care of." he said shortly.

Amira looked down at Luscious and than went over to him and gently hugged him. "Rough day love? How much longer should it be?"

"I said that I have business..."

She looked down. "I see...." She walked over to Luscious. "Maybe...tomorrow?"

Oden nodded, going back to work.

She sighed and took Luscious' hand. "Come one's just you and me tonight..."

"Alright mommy...." said Luscious, following her.

She took him out sadly. "He is always busy now...where would you like to go?'

"Home... I'm at home?"

She nodded and took him to the apartment flat they shared. She smiled at him. "Pizza?"

"Yes mommy..."

She ordered pizza and than went through the collection of movies they had seeing what one he wanted.

He picked out the Lion King.

She put it in and sat down next to him

He snuggled against her.

She stroked his hair gently angry at Oden for forgetting his promise and more importantly for forgetting their son's birthday. "Luscious?"

"Yes mommy?" he said, looking up at her.

She pulled some wrapped presents from under the couch and handed them to him. "Happy birthday sweetheart." She said with a smile. Each present said "From Mommy & Daddy with love." But in reality she had gotten the presents alone without Oden's help. But she didn't want her son to be sad so she had made it so they were from both of them. "We didn't forget angel."

The party sounds continued below for a few hours.

She sighed trying to focus on homework.

The party ended, and the manor was soon quiet.

She finished her homework and got dressed checking to ensure she had time to get to the concert.

She had just enough time.

She finished getting ready and hurried down stairs. "Mom...Dad...the concert."

"Go, sweety and have a good time...." called her mother.

"Should I have George drive me?"

"Yes....have fun sweet heart..."

She hugged them and headed out with Geaorge the driver

George drove her out to the concert.

George opened the door for her. "Miss..."

"Thank you Geaorge." She said as she headed through the back door to get in.

She made it inside.

She went to her stage manager. "I'm here."

"Good... we wouldn't think of starting with out you..." he said.

She smiled. "when am I on?"

"Six minutes.."

She quickly got ready

"You're up..."

She went on stage and began to preform

She started to feel drawn to someone back stage.

She continued to perform, she would explore that later she had a concert to carry out.

She got a round of applause.

"Thank you." She said with a bow.


She blushed and looked to her band mates. "Should we give them one more?"

They smiled and nodded.

She played their most recent song.

A great applause broke out.

She smiled and thanked the crowd. "ninety percent of the proceeds for tonight's concert is to go toward charitable causes including cancer research and abuse prevention." She said to the audience. "Thank you for your contributions."

The crowd continued to applaud as she left the stage.

She smiled as she headed toward her dressing room.

She felt the pulling sensation pass by her room, then it seemed to bounce around the whole area.

She frowned and looked out the door trying to pinpoint it

She spied a man working the lights and curtains for the stage, leaping, jumping, and swinging to each of his destinations. She felt drawn to him.

She bit her lip but watched him silently.

He leapt fearlessly as if he had had years of practice.

She blushed waiting for him to finish

She saw him look down at her.

She blushed even more. " are really good at that..."

He smiled, and then started to fall.

Her eyes widened and she rushed to help him

He flipped in the air, landing gracefully on his feet. "I'm sorry I scared you...." he said softly.

She sighed in relief. "I...was worried about you."

"I've done it so many times, that I don't think anyone else would have been worried.... but... thank you, miss..." he said.

Alaina blushed. "I'm Alaina."

The young man smiled. "Alaina... it is a pleasure to meet you... my name is Aranian..."

She blushed and nodded. "Likewise."

"Had you wished to speak to me?"

"I..."She blushed. "I...umm...I am a singer and I noticed you earlier...are you an acrobat?" She asked blushing

"In a way..."


"I do have acrobatic training..."

"Oh ok. I...should get going...It was nice meeting you. Be careful when you do that stuff you might hurt yourself ok?"

"I will... thank you for worrying about are very sweet..." he said with a charming smiling.

She blushed. "Your welcome...and thank you...maybe we will meet again..."

"I hope we will..." he said, and took her hand, kissing it.

She blushed and nodded

"Have a good evening, Alaina..."

"You too."

He took hold of a stage rope, and free handed, climbed up it.

"Be careful." She said going to find George

George stood by the car. "Miss Alaina... how was the concert...?"

"It was good..."

"That is wonderful Miss Alaina..." He held open the door.

She got in and buckled up. "We raised more than we anticipated for the charity."

"That's great..."

"I...met a boy too. He seemed nice."

"Really Miss?"

"He worked there...putting up lighting and stuff."


She blushed. "He was nice."

"You really like him, miss.... you are blushing..."

She blushed deeper. "He makes me feel...strange."



"Love, young miss... it is love..."


"Yes, Miss..."

"But...I only met him today...."

"One's heart knows no time.....

"What if I don't see him again..."

"Then it is not might to be... but you don't know yet..."

She nodded. " you have someone?"

"I use to.... she drowned in the sea during a boating trip....she always loved the sea..."

"Oh...George....I am so sorry."

"It was many years... thank you though...."

"George? Can we make a stop at the candy store?" She asked after a bit. She wanted to get him his favorite candies

"Of course, miss... as you wish..." He pulled up to the store.

She went inside and got the candies than she hesitated and got a small bag of candy for the boy she had met. She came back out and handed him his. "I wanted to help cheer you up."

"Oh miss, thank you... you are so kind...."

"It is the least I could do George."

He drove her back home. "Hope you have a good night, miss...."

"You too." She said with a smile as she headed inside. "Mom Dad I am home."

"How was it sweety?" asked her mother.

"It went well and we made it over the goal!"

"That's wonderful, hun..." said her father.

She hugged her father

He hugged back.

"There was..."She stopped knowing her father could be overly protective.

"What sweety?" asked her father.

"Ummm...there was....a boy..."She whispered

"A boy?"

"A young man, sweet heart," came her mother's voice.

She blushed and nodded. "He was really nice."

"I'm so happy for you, sweetie..." her mother said.

She blushed. "I...he was very acrobatic. I thought he would fall but he leapt through the air without a problem."

"That is amazing..."

She nodded. "I want to give him some candy..."

"That's so sweet.."

"As long as he doesn't touch my baby..." her father said.



"He didn't try anything...we just talked a little."

"IF you see him again, leave the area or call security..." said her father.

"Why? He was nice dad."

"I don't want to lose my baby.."

She hugged him. 'You aren't losing me."

Tamesis looked at him with her pale eyes. "You want them dead so much you are willing to over look other things in life...? Jarmanger, I am drawn to you and you do not see me... I may be blind, but I am not stupid...." There were hints of tears. Tamesis started to walk off, slowly.

He gently grabbed her. " drawn to you too...I...please don't. I am not worthy of you."

Tamesis looked at him again, stopping. "You are worthy....I just do not wish to be in the way of your revenge..."

"I'm not...I want to protect you..."

Tamesis smiled. "Thank you..."

He hugged her. "I still want revenge though...."

"The world is not all about revenge, but also about forgiveness as well..."

"How can I forgive them for what they did?"

"You will have to ask Oracle... she is the one that has spoke of Loki having done no wrong, and Oden punishing you all for something a completely different God had done..."

"What? He...didn't do anything?"

"There is something that the Greek Gods hide from the Norse Gods...from all the world's Gods.... an evil that is tempting to all..."

"and he responsible or not?"

"I did not say that Oden was innocent... it is your father...Oden has sided with this evil, just as Zeus has.... but there is no proof, but for Oracle's sight..."

"So...I can have revenge on Oden?"

"Do you want to continue walking me back to the temple? Or would you rather go meet up with Nemesis to plan everything out?"

"I will escort you first." He said as he gently lead her.

"I'm sorry... I know you want justice...." Tamesis said looking down. "I just don't want to keep you... I know that I am drawn to you...I...." Tamesis just leaned forward and kissed him gently feeling for his lips.

He kissed back in surprise as he held her close. " you care for me?"

"Because.... I know what my heart is telling me.... and you have not acted strange around me...." she said softly.


"Because I am blind..."

"I don't care. I think you are beautiful and a good person."

"There are those that don't believe I am blind..."

"Some people despite being physically blind, can see mote than others."

"That is true..." she said.

He hugged her. "You are perfect as you are."

"Thank you, you are too..."

He smiled

Tamesis kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He blushed. "We are here..." He said as they neared the temple

Tamesis smiled. "Thank you..."

"Anything for you."

"Would you like to come in?" she asked.


Tamesis lead him into the temple where he was greeted by a large white jade tiger statue in the middle of the temple.

He looked at it and than looked to her. "Will I be welcome here?"

Tamesis smiled softly. "My brother would never turn anyone away..."

"Of course I wouldn't..." came a kind male voice from behind Jarmanger.

Jarmanger whirled around and dropped to a defensive crouch. "Brother?"

The kind looking man smiled. "Yes... I am Tamesis's brother.... My name is Byakko..."


"I know.... and all are welcome here...even the would not be good for a god to turn away a fellow god..." Byakko said, smiling softly.

"Thank you. I wanted to ensure her safety too."

"Tamesis is a wonder beyond the stars..."

"Brother...." Tamesis blushed. "And Jarmanger.... I was safe with you..."

Jarmanger nodded. "I...want revenge though..."

"And I'm friends with the Goddess of Revenge..." Tamesis said with a smile and a kiss on his cheek.

He smiled. "Might be useful."

"Nemesis is always helpful..." Byakko said.

Tamesis nodded. "You need to build up your strength and learn what all has happened since your imprisonment..."

"I would like to learn of this new wold."

"I'll help you...lo...Jarmanger..." Tamesis looked down, a blush coming over her cheeks.

He gently put a hand on her shoulder

Tamesis looked over at his direction.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome...."

He smiled,

" are welcome to stay in a spare room..." Khan said.

"Thank you."

"I'll lead you to the apartments...." Tamesis said.

"Alright thank you."

Tamesis took Jarmanger's hand, and slowly walked off with him down a hall way.

He walked with her

She opened a door. "You may stay here...."

He gently kissed her cheek. "Sleep well."

"Thank you..." she whispered.

"And thank you."

Tamesis smiled, and nodded.

He laid down after she left and thought of revenge

he heard a female voice say.

He sat up and looked around.

You want revenge....

He nodded

Against Odin....

Yes...and Loki

Loki? And he hasn't been punished enough?

He growled. What about us? Did he even care?!

Yes... he does care..... he's been wanting revenge for what happened to you and your siblings.... he doesn't care that he got punished, he cares that you did..... he couldn't free you because of his luck with women.... but he just found the reborn love of Fenris and has been able with her help to free Fenris's wolf side.... I can tell you this, as a vengenus goddess, Oden is big on my list....

Loki is no father to me

If you wish to think that way.... I for one have two that wish the death of Oden...three counting myself...

I...He rolled over not sure what to say.

One of those that wish Oden's death is his own son...

So? I wish Loki's death...

Did Loki torture you to the point that you speak in the third person...?

He was silent.

Jarmanger, answer me....please....

No...he didn't...but he made Oden the way he is...Oden used to be just...Loki changed him when he killed Baulder...

No Oden changed when he met Zeus... after a young boy, a rare were-coyote had gone to Oden for help, for he feared Zeus was going to kill him...

He remained silent not sure if he believed her. He wondered why he wanted to justify Oden's actions...why he wanted to kill him but protect him too.

You can either trust me or not trust me or ask Thoth, Thorthia, and the Oracle of Delphi....

I will exact revenge on both of them... He replied quietly

If you think that will help you.....

He rolled over as though trying to dismiss her

Your brother wants revenge on Oden too...


Yes.... your brother...

My brother is dead...

Fenris is reborn... and he's great wolf soul never died...


Yes... it is true...

He was silent not sure what to say

Your whole family will be happy to see you...

What do you mean?

Hel... your neices... she alright?

Yes, she is fine... tied to the underworld, yet free to roam for souls...

IS she...happy?

Not with having to always head back to the underworld...

He looked down sadly

She is happy though... she has been able to meet your neice.... my niece?

At an apartment in the city... with her mate...

She has a mate? of the Zodiac... your neice is a Knight of the Zodiac...

He frowned. What is her name?

Arcadia...her love is a coyote...the Zodiac of Capricorn....

I she happy?

She's scared after two close calls...

What happened?!

Hunters... her love tore apart the first one.... but then they had run from the second... and then Zeus kidnapping Delta...Arcadia was able to save him....

He growled.

Alaric walked down the street seeing if he had a chance to steal food.

He saw a possible target in a fruit vendor.

He went over and attempted to swipe some fruit when people weren't looking


He started to run.

The police and some vendors chased after him.

Alaric ran faster trying to get away

"Got you!" an officer said, as he grabbed ahold of Alaric's waist.

He struggled trying to break free. "Let go of me!"

"No you don't... you little theft..... now where do you live?"

He glared at him and than began to rub between the officers legs. "Let me go and I will make it worth while..."

He pushed the boy away, still holding him. "What the hell!?"

He looked up at him tears in his eyes. "I...will make it worth while if you let me go..." He repeated. He didn't really want to but he didn't want to be taken back again.

"You are crazy..."

He shook his head. "I am not...just let me go!"

"You are going down to lock up, and then to the children's home..."

He froze. "NO! Rape! Police officer is raping me!" He screamed as he pulled his own pants down.


The vendor from before came up. "I saw you, you little brat..."

He struggled harder. Let me go rapists. RAPE!!!!"

The cop cuffed him, and pulled the boy's pants back up. He put the boy in the car, and drove off.

Alaric started to cry. 'Let me go..."

"You are a theif."

"No I'm not."

"You stole from the vendor..." The officer drove off to lockup.

"No I didn't he is lying."

"Why would he lie? You were the one that was trying to make me out to be a rapist....."

"You are. And I am telling on you when we get to the station."

"You pulled down your own pants."

"Did not. I am going to tell on you."

The officer looked at him. "Really? we were infront of the patrol car...."

He looked crestfallen. "Why won't you let me go...I was only hungry..."

"Stealing is stealing..."

"How else can I eat?" He whispered. "Oh by the way I am not wearing your handcuffs. My hands slipped out of them." He said dangling them.

"You still can't get out of the's made so that it can only be opened from the outside..."

"I know...I just wanted something to I being arrested? You didn't read me my rights."

He started to read him his rights.

"'re arresting me?"He started crying. "Am...I going to jail?"

"Yes, you are a theft."

" only a kid...I don't have food or money what else should I do?" He asked crying trully scared.

"Let your parents take care of that..."

"Don't have any..." He whispered. Don't have anyone...

"Then after we get the report taken care of, you are heading to the orphanage..."

"I...don't want to...not again..." He cried louder. The officer recalled a news story about a runaway from the orphanage the boy looked like him

"You're that runaway...."

He stiffened. "W..what run away?"

"The one from the ophanage...!"

" no I'm not..."He said panicked

"Yes, you are..."

"Please...I don't want to go back there...I don't want to be abused."

"Abused? Really?"

He looked down not wanting to say more. He didn't know if the officer would believe him. He slowly nodded. "You...won't believe me...will you?"

"You pulled down my pants and shouted that I was going to rape you.... what do you think?"

Alaric curled up into a ball and began to sob. " happened before...I...just wanted to be let go...I'm sorry."

The officer sighed. "Damn..."

He continued to cry, it was genuine as though he was trully terrified

The car stopped after a while.

He curled tighter clutching the seat

The door in the front opened and closed. Then his opened. "Stand up... come on kid... this is not the jail house... come on..."

He shivered and looked around still scared

It looked like just a normal house.

He trembled growing a little more fearful. "D...did you change your mind?"

"I am not going to rape you... I did change my mind about taking you to jail..."

"Is orphanage?"

"No... it's my home... and again no I am not going to rape you..."

He trembled not sure if he could trust him. He launched himself outside the car and ran

The cop grabbed his arm. "You can go... but not before you eat something..."

He shivered and looked at him in confusion. " are giving me food?" The officer could see the pain and distrust in the boy's eyes, eyes that should never belong to a child. This child had obviously been through allot, the innocence of childhood had been snuffed out in his eyes.

"Yes... I'm giving you food...I can be a big softy..."

He looked a little uncertain but his stumach growled

The cop gently lead him inside and sat him down at the kitchen table. "How about some scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, and orange juice, and milk?"

he blinked. "I...can have all that?"

Selune headed toward school making sure her hair was covering her ears.

"Hey hottie!"

She ignored the call still heading toward school.

"OH come on baby, come to papa..."

She ignored it as she picked up her pace Creep...

Her wrist was grabbed. "Don't walk away from me..."

She turned and struck the man. "Let me go!"

He laughed at her, pulling her close. "Come on baby...." he said, trying to kiss her.

She kicked him between the legs as hard as she could. She started screaming for help as she struggled

A guy ran up, slugging the attacker, and pulling her away from the man. "Back off!"

She panted in fear looking between the two men.

Her attacker went to punch the guy that had jumped in, but her 'protector' dodged, and slugged him in the gut. Her attacker fell over in pain. "Get out of here!"

The guy ran off.

"Are you alright miss?"

She nodded. "Thank you so much...I tried to fend him off...thank you. My name is Selune...what is yours sir?"

"My name is Tyr..." he said. "It was my pleasure to help a beautiful young lady as yourself..."

She blushed. "Thank you...oh no! I am going to be late for class!" She said looking around for her backpack

Tyr handed her the backpack. "Here you are..."

She took it. "Thank you...sorry but I need to go I will be late!"

Tyr smiled. "Go... have a good day at school..."

"Thank you again." She said hurrying to school

She made it to school just as the warning bell rang out.

She hurried into her class.

She made it just before the bell.

She sat down and got her stuff out and ready.

"Alright class... today, we are going to travel back in time to the time of survival and the belief is gods and goddesses... as we talk about Great Brittain. Can anyone name a few?"

She raised her hand.


"Arausio, Baco,Fagus, Mullo, and are we including Celtic gods or not?"

"We will be including the Celtic as well as the Norse gods... for they all impacked the Brits." Another student raised their hand. "Yes?" the teacher said.

"So like Odin and Loki?"


She raised her hand once more.


"Brigga, The Morrigan, Sylvanos,Danu, Aonghhs, Dagda,CUCHULAINN, Lugh, Brigit,Cernnunus,Arawn, Anu...and there are many others." 

"Good... well today we are..." the teacher went into talking of the gods and goddesses.

She took note

The teacher started talking about Fenris. "Now which of the gods was considered the bravest for being the only one able to feed the giant wolf...?"

Selune remained silent waiting on the other kids.

"No one knows?"


"Very good... it was Tyr that was the only one brave enough to feed the giant wolf Fenris..." The bell rang. "Okay class... I want you to pick a god or goddess that either we haven't talked about or one that we have...and write a short essay about them with visual..."

She packed away her things. Interesting that the boy who saved me was named Tyr.. She thought as she headed to her next class.

Once everyone was settled, the teacher started them all into math equations and problems..."

She started working them out

The classroom phone rang, and the teacher answered it. So he was off the ohone looking towards Selune. "Selune, you are wanted in the office."

She frowned wondering what was wrong. She gathered her things and headed for the office worried.

When she got near the office she felt pulled.

She knocked on the door hoping there wasn't trouble

"Come in..."

She walked in. "Is somthing wrong? I was called."

The principal looked at her. "I called because of him..." He motion to the side of the room. Tyr stood there, holding her english book. The pull drew her to him.

She blushed. " book. Thank you for bringing it to me."

"You are welcome, Selune..." Tyr said, smiling charmingly.

She blushed. " there anything else or should I get back to class?"

The principal shook his head.

She smiled and looked to Tyr. "Again thank you...I need to go though." She said hurrying back to class

Her hand was caught out in the hallway.

She looked ready to fight

"I'm sorry I stopped you..." came Tyr's voice. "I just wished to walk you back to your classroom..."

"Oh...ok. Thank you."

"You are welcome..." he said with a smile. He walked beside her.

She blushed a little. " we are. Again thank you...Can I treat you to dinner as a thank you?"

"I think it should be I treating you to dinner, Miss Selune..." he said softly, smiling charmingly.

She blushed. "We'll talk about it after school...'She said hurrying into her class

Tyr nodded, allowing her to go. "I'll be outside after school..."

She smiled and nodded.

She made it back to her class.

She sat down and took notes

Soon class was over.

She headed to her next class

"What was that about?" asked one of her friends.

"I dropped my notebook and Tyr was returning it."

"Tyr? Like that god we talked about in class...?"

She smiled. "Yea. He saved me from some creep before class."

Sybil watched her daughter Brianna and her boss's three sons play as she cooked dinner. Her boss would be back soon and she wanted to ensure hot food would be waiting for him.

The boys were all running away from Brianna as she raced after them laughing.

She smiled as she stirred the cook pot. "Children be careful."

"We are..." and "We are, mommy..." met her ears.

She smiled. "Just slow down ok?"


She looked at the clock to see when her boss would be home.

It was five minutes til he normally got home.

She sighed and called the children in. "Can you four please set the table?"

"Alright Miss Sybil...."

"Alright mommy..."

All the children started working on the table, getting it ready for dinner.

She smiled as she began carefully setting the food on the table

"What is this I smell?" came her employer's voice.

"Daddy!" the boys shouted, running to him. The family hugged each other.

"I made meatloaf, corn on the cob and homemade mash potatoes. The kids wanted it. For desert I made homemade apple pie." Sybil said with a smile.

"You are a blessing, Sybil.."

She smiled. 'Thank you sir."

"Sit... let's eat.."

She sat down and helped dish out servings for everyone. "I hope you like it."

He took a bite to eat. "Mmmm... this is as great as ever..."

She smiled as she began to eat. "Glad you like it." She poured a glass of milk for all the children and a glass of iced tea for him and herself

"Yummy mommy...."

"Mmmhmmm Miss Sybil..." the boys said.

She smiled. "I'm glad everyone likes it."

"I hope everyone has had a great day...."

"We did. Before I started supper we played games. How was work?"

"It was long, and I'm glad to be home..."

"Is the food good?"

"The best, Sybil, that you have ever made..."

She blushed. "Thank you. What is on the agenda for tomorrow?"

"The children are heading up to visit with their grandmother...."

"Oh. When will they be back and is there anything I need to do?"

"You will have some free time to yourself and your little one..."

"Ok. Thank you sir." She said hugging her daughter

Brianna hugged back.

"I thought you'd like that..."

"Yes. I want to take her somewhere since it is her birthday tomorrow."

"Then it's perfect..."

She nodded.

"If you could help the boys into bed you have the rest of the night to yourself..."

"Alright." She siad with a smile. After dinner she took the kids upstairs and had them brush and get ready for bed. She looked to her Brianna. "What would you like to do for your birthday?"

"Something out doorsy...."

"A picnic at the zoo?"

"Yay!" Brianna shouted.

"Alright angel that is what we will do."

"Thank you mommy..."

She hugged her and nodded. She took the boys read them a bedtime story and tucked them in, than she took Brianna and did the same

"Stay with me..."

"alright angel." She said as she hugged her close. "Is something wrong?"

"No... I just want you here...."

She smiled and higged her. "Goodnight."

"Night mommy...." she said snuggling against her.

"Goodnight Brianna."

Brianna softly fell asleep.

Sybil gently held her close as she closed her eyes

She dreamed of a happy life with Brianna and a mysterious yet handsome man.

She blushed

"I love you..."

She murmured a reply

The man kissed her.

She froze and slowly kissed back

She woke up before dawn kissing her pillow.

She blushed and sat up.

"Morning mommy!"

"M...morning angel happy birthday."

"Yay!" Briana shouted jumping up and down on the bed.

She Sybil smiled and ruffled her daughter's hair playfully. "Lets go eat alright?"

"Okay mommy!"

She took her hand and walked with her to the kitchen where she made pancaked with strawberries and whiped cream


She smiled as she sat down to eat

"YOu are the best mommy in the world...!!"

She hugged her. "Thank you angel."

Sya played with Mr. Ursa as she waited for lunch. She played in a corner by herself away from the other children.

"Children... it's time to go outside and play in the yard!" called out a social worker.

Sya picked up Mr. Ursa and began to walk outside.

The other children raced outside, grabbing up toys or places on swings.

"What do you want to do Mr. Ursa?"

over there.. quiet area for us...

She smiled and went over to the area than sat on the ground. She began to play with Mr. Ursa occasionally asking him questions as they played word games in the dirt with a stick

"Sya...why don't you go over and play with the other children?"

Sya looked up. "They don't like me. They think I am wierd."

"And sitting here by yourself just reinforces that to them...."

She looked down at Mr. Ursa. "But I am having fun with Mr.Ursa. I don't need them. I want friends that like me for me, not fake ones. Right Mr. Ursa?"

"They can be real friends if you let them..."

"I tried. They won't. The only real friend I have is Mr. Ursa."

"He is just a stuff animal..." the woman said.

She shook her head. "No he isn't! He is my friend and protector!"

"Toys can't protect..."

"Well that is good because Ursa isn't a toy."

"Yes it is... go over to the others and play with them..."

She shook her head. "He isn't a toy! And they don't like me." She said running with Mr. Ursa to another part of the playground.

After another thirty minutes, the head worker called all of the children back inside.

She picked up Mr. Ursa and began to walk back inside.

A kid pushed her to the side as they headed in.

She started to cry

The kid was pushed by an invisible force.

I'm here...

She hugged Mr. Ursa close. Thank you. She quickly hurried inside

A social worker came up to Sya. "Why did you push him? You know not to do that..."

"I didn't. He pushed me...Mr. Ursa pushed him back."

The social worker knelt in front of her, and smiled. This worker was the only one nice to her. "I know that he pushed you.... but you know that stuff animals and Mr. Ursa can't push back without help...."

"But he did... Mr. Ursa got upset that he pushed me and so he pushed back."

"Sya...come on...Please don't do this... I don't want you in trouble with the other social workers...."

"I'm telling the truth...Why doesn't anyone believe me?"

The social worker smiled and shook her head. She pulled her into a hug. "As long as both of you are safe..."

"I am hungry...are we going to eat soon?" She asked hugging back

"Yes we will be... soon..."

She smiled. "Ok. Can Mr. Ursa eat too?"


She smiled going to the diningroom

"Sya and Syatan sitting in a tree...." she heard someone whisper.

She ignored the person as she sat in her seat but tears came to her eyes

Bullies... that's what they are... I'll take care of them....

But I will get in trouble if you do something...

They are cruel...

I know...but I don't want to get in trouble...

Alright Sya... There was more giggling.

She tried to ignore it hugging Mr. Ursa closer

"Aww she needs her wittle dolly...."

"He's not a dolly...He is my friend."

"it's just a stupid dolly!"

She shook her head. "No he isn't!"

"yes it is!"

Shall I?

She slowly nodded

The kid got knocked down by an invisible force. The child screamed.

A social worker ran over. "What's going on here...?!"

They children all pointed at Sya.

Sya held onto Mr. Ursa and looked at the worker sadly. "I didn't leave my could I do it?"

"To your room... you have been causing a lot of trouble, Sya..."

She had tears in her eyes. "I didn't do anything...can I eat first?"

"Eat and get to your room....I won't have any of this..."

She ate queitly, tears rolling down her face."I didn't do anything..."

I'm sorry, Sya...

She hugged him.

I didn't want you in trouble...

"I know. You were trying to help..."

"Look she's doing it again... freak!" a child said.

Sya started crying

One of the social workers came by, scooped her up, and dumped her off in her room, then left.

Sya went over to the bed and laid down. "I hate it here..." She whispered to Mr. Ursa

I know, Sya...

"What... really?" "This late in the evening...?" "A visitor?" "One of us could be going to a real home...." She heard the others outside the door saying.

She closed her eyes to sleep sure that they wouldn't pick her or for that matter that she would be left in her room as punishment. She held Mr. Ursa close as she silently cried.

A gentle hand touched her shoulder. "Little one..." came a female voice softly.

She sat up wiping away her tears and hugging Mr. Ursa. She looked up to see who was there

There was a young woman sitting on her bed, with long silvery white hair. "Come with me little one..."


Amira watched over her son Luscious as she waited for Oden to finish his business for the day.

"Mommy!" Luscious said running up to her, smiling.

She hugged him. "Yes angel?"

"I love you mommy..." he said hugging her.

She smiled and kissed his forehead. "Love you too."

"Can we go to the park?"

"Alright baby." She said quickly leaving a note for Oden as to where they went. She took Luscious' hand and took him to the park

Luscious skipped as he walked with her, humming.

She smiled lovingly at him.

Luscious looked up at his mother, smiling. "I hope there are kids there...."

"I'm sure there will be."

"Yay!" Luscious shouted all happy.

When they got to the park she pointed out Faclon, Chrysa and Delthion. "See. there are some children."

Luscious ran off to join them.

Amira walked over to a bench and sat down watching her son closely

A man walked over, sitting down, watching the children.

She watched Luscious closely. "One of them yours?"

"That one..." He said pointing out Falcon.

"Ah I see. That one is mine." She said pointing out Luscious.

"He is lovely child."

"Thank you. He takes after his father and I. Yours is a beautiful boy too."

"I care for him... but he is not my son..."

"Than brother?"

"No... I am just his guardian..."

"Oh I see."

"But I do love him..."

"That is good, all children deserve love."

"Indeed...Falcon..." he whispered the second part, standing up.

"Is he alright? He looks scared..."

Vann started to walk that way.

She followed scared for her son

Kyo walked to his next class trying to avoid the other kids


he tried to act like he didn't hear or care as he headed to class

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