Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 7 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-02-18 05:42:50
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 7

Back to Mystic Zodiac

"Yeah! Does that mean you know the way in?"

Genbu nodded. "Yes I know the way in...this way..." He lead her over to a side that had one stone that had images of a large cat. "Place your hand right there..."

Tallia puts her hand on the stone where he is pointing.

A panel opened up, revealing a door.

"Whoa," Tallia put her hand on the knob of the door and looked at Genbu.

Genbu smiled. "Go on's safe..."

Tallia turns back to the door and turns the knob. She carefully takes a step inside and waits for Genbu.

Genbu followed her inside.

"Hello Tallia..." came a male voice.

Tallia jumped, "Okay, I was not expecting that..."

A man walked over. "I was however..."

"Thoth..." Genbu said with a smirk. "Good to see you..."

Thoth nodded. "You as well...."

"I've heard that name before..."

"I am the Scribe of the Egyptian Gods...and God of Writing, Knowledge, and Magic..."

"Oh. Does it bother you that most Egyptions don't tend to worship like the ancients?"

"They do in small ways that they don't notice they are doing...but in all... no it doesn't bother me....."

"Well, I guess that works for you. It'd probably bother me..."

"Yes it would.... but you are neither a god nor a mortal..."

"True, still getting used to that, actually. Although," a slightly bent smile comes across her face, "it makes some things a lot more fun!"

Thoth smiled. "You and your weapons and violence..." he laughed.

"That's because weapons and violence are fun. Especially if you're actually getting the real sickos out of the world! Right, Genbu?"

Genbu laughed.

"Yes.... like the ones in Tokyo that you two took care of..." Thoth said with approval in his voice.

"Yeah! I enjoy murder and violence, but more like the guy on that show Dexter than the crazies who do it just to watch someone die. He's a serial killers of serial killers."

Thoth laughed. "Yes the serial killer of serial killers...."

"It's a great show! I enjoy it." (I actually don't watch it but Josh does.)

Thoth laughed. "I know you do....." (( I"m just waiting for Chuck references))

Vander watched them both closely and when he noticed the man looking agitated, he told them to tell him they had to go.

Robbie and Crystal said goodbye to the man and headed off with Vander. As they were walking, they saw Shaiya. "Mommy!" the children cried and ran up to her.

"Hey, Shaiya-Selene, how'd things go?"

"I... I don't know...I'm scared...but.... Vander...." Shaiya looked down at the children then whispered to him. "I.... just met my father.... my real father..."

"Oh?" Vander asks, he's unsure if she's talking about her father as Selene or as Shaiya.

"He's my father I" she whispered.

"Okay...are you okay?" Vander put his arm around her.

"Yes... he says he never knew about me...and knowing my mother, I believe him..." Shaiya said softly. "He said that he'll help me with case...."

"I hope he is able to help you! This will hopefully be a good thing, then, right?"

"Me wouldn't believe what my mother had down... she had drugged and raped him years ago.... he never new about me...."

"Wow. That's terrible. Well, we'll make sure things turn out okay. We can do it together, and I'm sure your father will love to meet his grandkids..." he whispered in her ear on the last sentence.

"He does.... he wants to meet them.... I... have another meeting at the courthouse tomorrow morning.... hopefully after all of this I can get them together....I just don't want them to know what's going on...I don't want to scare them...." she whispered.

"That's understandable. They've had their pony rides, so they should be happy for a while."

Shaiya smiled down at her children. She then knelt pulling them into a hug. "Thank you Vander....for taking them...." She smiled up at him, lovingly.

He blushed a little. "You''re welcome."

"He...was happy that I had you with me....I am glad too...."

"Me too. I'd offer to take everyone out for ice cream, but not everyone can see me yet."

"Wha....wha.... where did you come from!?!" they heard a man yell.

"Huh?" Vander asked turing around and checking to see if Shaiya is touching his hand or something.

Shaiya was still holding both of her children. Shaiya just stared from him to the man that was just staring at them.

"Where'd who come from?"

"You!" the man shouted.((Shaiya is not touching him...))

"Oh, wait, yeah, I want it just like we used to you have to chop the vegetables!"

Semreh smiled and laughed.

"I know something's probably coming, but I am so glad to know at least partially who I am!" Cornelia told them as they walked home.

Semreh nodded. "Me too mom..."

Del smiled at him. "I'm glad. I must admit that I don't quite remember you completely, yet."

It is alright, love... I am just glad that we are together again....

"Soooo...I don't know how my parents are going to take me being a goddess or being in love with a wolf god..."

All will be as it should...

"Okay, well, I don't think we can introduce you to my parents while you're in that form."

Fenris nodded.

Del hugs Fenris, still just glad to have found him at all.

He licked her cheek.

"Awwww...." came Flora's voice.

"So, any ideas what we do now?"

"I have some business I need to take care of...." said Loki standing up. "I will find you two later..."

Fensir nodded.

"Okay, we will see you when we see you!"

Loki disappeared.

He either is up to some of his old ways....or he has something truly important to take care....

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if there were others who've died that are being reborn and stuff."

Fenris nodded. I understand.... He nuzzled her cheek. You have come back to me...

Del giggled a little. "Yeah, and now I know why I was always out gardening and making stuff and why I hated learning about the slave trade from my tutors. Something weird happened a couple times that I was having lessons about it and my tutors stopped teaching me about it."

The releaser of slaves...

"Exactly! I don't actually remember what happened, but it scared them off the topic."

Fenrir laughed a wolfish laugh. That's my girl...

"Yup. Oh! You may need to know that someone called my house yesterday or so...and that Flora and Fauna would be the ones killed instead of me and that something else would happen to me. I don't know who."

Fenrir growled at that. I won't ever let anything happen to you again....

"I know. You couldn't really do anything about it. It's okay, though, we'll get through. I need to head home, my parents are going to be incredibly worried about me! We have to go!" she jumped up and pulled Fenris along. "Bye Flora! Bye Fauna!" Del hugged them both.

"Bye..." they said hugging her back.

When they left the house, Del told Fenris, "Okay, you'll have to go to my bedroom. My parents trust me and don't go in there. Of course, I'm an adult, but we're a close family."

Fenris nodded. As you wish, love....

Aquila blushed.

"It's weird, but really great for everyone!"

Eos giggled. "Yeah... I am half thinking that I should have been the virgin goddess...."

"Well, the more we have on our side, the merrier!"

Eos nodded. "Very true...."

"How are things going, besides all the love that's in the air?"

"Just fine... many of the zodiac are showing up...."

"That's good. Are any unaccounted for besides the thirteenth?"

"We still don't know if Scorpio was ever killed in the past... Libra is still a is Pisces......"

"Oh, well, I'm sure they'll show up sometime soon. But that's more than we'd found the last time I checked in!"

"I just know that more are out there because of Oracle's little hints...."

"I think we'll find everyone soon. We have to!"

Eos nodded.

"I'll help...any way I can..." Aquila said, moving closer to Aria

Aria smiled at him, "I'm glad. I wasn't going to ask, but I thought you would."

Blushing, Aquila kissed her. "Always...."

Aria blushed, too. "I'm glad we found each other. I know it's only been about a day or two but I know that you are who I've been waiting for my whole life."

Aquila nodded.

Eos smiled. "It was a truly long wait wasn't it....?"

"Yes, but he's here now, and that's what matters!"

Aquila blushed deeper.

Eos giggled. "You know... he is cute when he blushes...."

"He is a sweet heart, that's for sure."

Aquila wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, and gently kissed her neck. "You are too...." he whispered.

Aria giggled. "We should probably go see my brother now."

"Go on in...I was just getting some information from the achieves."

Aria went into her brother's office, "Hey, is anyone home?"

Epsilon looked up from some work on his desk. "Aria...welcome.... how are you?" he asked getting up, smiling at her.

"Oh, okay, I'm still a little unsure, but I think I can handle it!" the clouds started to disappear.

Helios smiled. "Forgive me...." He leaned down and kissed her.

The clouds disappeared completely and when he pulled away, Kenda had a slightly dazed look on her face.

"Kenda....?" Helios said softly.

"Hmm?" she said, still kind of dazed.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, yes," Kendaleigha said, her eyes clearing and her cheeks pinking.

Helios kissed her gently.

"That's...different than anything I've felt before."


"Well, yeah, I've never been kissed before, for one thing. Everyone always thinks I'm weird and so they don't want anything to do with me. But that was a little more than just a kiss, I know."

"I truly feel love in my heart for you...I knowit is love.....I want and will protect you...." he said softly.

"That sounds wonderful," Kenda sighed. ((The funny thing is that Josh and I had a conversation a couple nights ago about how he knows he loves me and he said that any time he thought about losing me, he started crying.))

((Awwwwwwwwww that's so sweet))

He hugged her close to him. "I will.... I promise...."

Kenda smiled. "Did you happen to see where my father went?"

"I am right behind you...." came his voice. "I was listening to the wind... from news...."

"Ah. Hi, Dad," Kenda said, blushing quite a bit.

"You know...I have been here the whole time.... it helps being the Air...."

"Oh...Right...Well...wait, does that mean you've been keeping a closer eye on me than I thought?"

"You're my baby girl.... though I know when not to look..."

"Well, that makes me feel a little better, I guess."

He hugged her. "I love you my daughter...."

"I'm glad you're my father, even if you do spy on me," she said jokingly.

He hugged her more. "I just worry about you..."

"now, I should get going... I have to make sure this evenings shipments get in alright...."

"Sounds good to me keep me up dated on how it goes tonight."

Mani nodded and disappeared.

Serapis's ears twitched hearing Siria in the other room and stood walking off into the other room seeing Siria on teh phone.

Siria looked over towards Serapis, smiling. "Bye..."

Serapis watched her hang up "Whats up babe?" he asked curiously.

"Arcadia is pregnant...."

"Wonderful news I'm happy for her" he smiled but then frowned a little bit. "Are you alright sweetheart?" he asked worriedly. "If you need to go to her thats alright I understand."

"It's only been a few days since I have seen her..."

"She is a wolf goddess you never know what that could effect" he said thinking of all of it. "But anyways if you need any help sweetheart I helped my wife deliver our children I can help out anyway I can." he said smiling.

"Thank you Serapis... and if you've forgotten I am too... it's Delta that's needing the help..."

"Thats right you are full blooded goddess" he said shyly remembering this but then regain his composer. "I'll come I can be a help to you and him as well" he walked into the livingroom and found Neafa looking at one of his photography books looking at all the beautiful pictures. He needed to do so much for her buy toys and clothes and so much more.

siria nodded. "Thank you..."

"Your welcome sweetheart, I'm going to get changed then we can head out" he smiled and turned walking off towards the bedroom.

Siria nodded, looking at him as he left.

Serapis came out a few minutes later dressed in a pair of jeans and a t shirt from a nightwish concert he had gone to, one of his favorite bands. He pulled on his other boot as he came out. "Ready to go babe" he smiled.

Siria nodded. "Neafa?"

"She's coming with us of course" he said walking over and picking his daughter up in his arms.

Neafa snuggled into Serapis.

"Are you alright with that sweetheart?" he asked looking at Neafa. "Your going to hear alot of noises where we are going but you'll be safe Papa and Siria will both be there for you" he said holding her close as he leaned down and picked up the book to take with them.

Neafa just held on.

Siria smiled softly. "All will be fine..."

"Yes it will, now come lets get over there who knows when she'll go into labor" he grabbed his car keys and wallet and they all headed out together.

Siria stared out the window as they drove.

"You alright baby?" Serapis asked putting his hand on her thigh as he drove.

"Yes...I am..." she said with a smile to him.

"Alright if you say so" he smiled at her a moment before looking ahead again as he drove to her cousians place.

When they got there, Siria got out, and waited for Serapis to get out with Neafa. She was looking up at the window that would be Arcadia's.

She suddenly heard a howl come from the room and some how like instinct she knew Arcadia was going into labor.

Siria ran into the apartment.

Neafa looked at Serapis.

"Its alright baby, do you remember when we went to help your auntie deliver your baby cousian thats whats going on up there. Siria is helping Arcadia deliver her little ones" he smiled stroking her hair.

Neafa nodded. "I...what are we going to do....?"

"We're going to sit in the livingroom" he kissed the top of her head as they headed inside and sat in the livingroom on the couch. "Look at the pretty picture book; daddy is only here just in case they need help other then that I'm all your's princess" he smiled putting her on his lap and put the book in her lap opening it.

Neafa nodded, and held the book reading it. There were sounds in the bedroom.

Serapis kissed the top of her head as they looked at the beautiful pictures

They heard a small whine. Neafa looked at the door.

"its alright sweety." he stroked her hair.


"yes I'm sure" he smiled.

Siria came out of the room. "Four...four pups..."

"Wonderful" Serapis smiled. "So everything went ok?" he asked curiously.


"Wonderful I'm so glad to hear that" he smiled.

Siria sat down on the couch.

Neafa snuggled into Serapis's arms.

"So since everything is over shall we stay here?" he asked giving Siria's cheek a little kiss.

"You two can head back if you want.... I need to make sure that Delta can handle this...."

"We'll wait darling no worries" he said sweetly. "That ok little one?" he asked looking down at Neafa.

Neafa nodded looking at Siria.

"Alright...if you wish to..." Siria said softly, leaning against him.

Serapis pulled her close and kissed the top of her head as they enjoyed each other's company.

Neafa fell asleep in Serapis's lap.

Serapis smiled happy that she was relaxed enough to rest and snuggled with his family

Siria closed her eyes.

Serapis sat there letting his girls rest.

Siria looked up at Serapis.

"Something the matter sweetheart?" he asked softly so not to bother Neafa.

"Nothing...nothing's wrong Serapis...." she whispered back.

"You sure? you've been very out of it today since your cousian called you earlier" he kissed her cheek gently.

She smiled at him gently, " no worries...."

"If your sure" he nuzzled her softly.

She nodded. "I, I am...."

"Alright baby" he smiled sweetly.

She kissed his neck, softly petting Neafa's hair.

Serapis shivered loving the feeling.

"You cold?" she asked smiling bigs....

"You know thats not the reason" he whispered softly.

"Yeah....I know...."

Serapis smiled and kissed her softly and lovingly.

"I love you...always...."

"I love you always as well my darling" he said lovingly.

Siria smiled. "You are a wonderful person.... and have a lovely little one..."

"Thank you my darling, I hope that in time you could I don't know consider her like your own daughter as well, You are such an amazing wonderful woman I do not know ho lucky I am to meet you."

Siria just leaned against him silently. "I do...I was before we discovered who she was...she had saved my life...."

Serapis smiled down at her and snuggled up with her.

"" mumbled Neafa.

"Oh sweety" he whispered stroking her hair gently.

" are a wonderful, caring father...." Siria said softly.

"Thank you my love" he said with a smile

She nodded, and leaned more into him.

He held her close and curessed her hair as they enjoyed each other's company.

"I hope they are fine in there...."

"I think they are fine" he said softly.

Siria nodded. "Alright, love..." she whispered, sleepily.

"Sleep you need your rest" he whispered lovingly.

She nodded against him. "Yes love...." She closed her eyes, laying against him.

Serapis smiled and let her sleep.

Serapis himself soon fell asleep on the couch with his girls on or leaning on him.

It felt so wonderful to have a family again.

He dreamed of losing Siria.

Serapis snorted waking up

Neafa snuggled up to him, but Siria wasn't there.

He looked around wondering where she could have gone.

He didn't see her from where he was sitting.

He gently cradled Neafa in his arms and stood up as he began to go look around the apartment for her.

He found her in the kitchen, holding a cup of coffee in her hands as she stared out the window.

"Hey sweetheart" he said lovingly as he held Neafa close.

Siria looked over her shoulder at him. "I..." She had tears in her eyes.

"Oh sweety. Hang on I'll be right back" he whispered and went into the other room laying Neafa down ont eh couch covering her with a blanket making her comfortable then went back to the kitchen. "Whats the matter my love?" he asked softly putting his hands on her shoulders.

Siria had sat her cup down on the counter while he had left, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, burrying her face into his chest as she cried softly.

"Siria whats wrong?" Serapis asked worriedly holding her close to his chest.

"I...I just...I just don't know if....I...can give everything you....two deserve...." she whispered into his chest.

"Siria you give us more then we deserve just by having you in our lives, why are you thinking like this?" he was so confused he thought she was happy with him and his daughter.

"I love you so much...but...what if I can't give you what you want....waht you deserve to have....." she whispered.

"Siria you do and you will give us so much more, why are you thinking like this?" he asked so confused.

Siria looked up at him. "I...what....what if I can't...give you....?" she looked back down hiding her face.

"What if you can't give me what?" he asked softly. "A family?" he asked realizing thats where she was probably going with this. "It would hurt to know that I couldnt share creating that new life with you but its alright, I love you with all my heart Siria and nothing will change that." he said gazing down at her. It made his heart ache at the thought of not having a family with her but that could happen. But he loved her and nothing would ever change that up.

"I don't want to hurt you...." she whispered.

"Siria I love you thats all that matters to me" he said gazing down at her.

Siria nodded. "I...know... I do... I just want to make you happy..."

"You do Siria you really do" he said hating she was aching like this.

" have such a loving family....I....I'd be intruding...." she muttered, Serapis only knowing she had said something because he could feel her lips move against his chest.

"What was that?" he asked softly.

She repeated what she had said, whispering it a little louder.

With his wolf hearing though he picked it up. "Sweet heart, seriously you would not be intruding at all, before you and Neafa came I had no family what so ever I've been alone for a very long time Siria" he made her look at him. "Seriously my love what has you thinking these thoughts because its breaking my heart" he said and she saw his eyes glistened wiht tears.

He saw that Siria had tears in her eyes too. "Serapis...I.... a dream...I...."

Serapis hugged her to his chest. "I promise on my life I will not let anything happen to you" he whispered his heart aching at the thought the dream he had would come true, the fates were sick and twisted if it was true.

"It's...what would happen to you....I...couldn't protect you...." she whispered.

"Siria I'm a big wolf you don't have to worry about me" he said looking down at her.

"But... but...I..." Siria then just nodded. "I know you are a big wolf...."

"we're in this together baby" he curessed her cheek "we look out for each other, not just you watch me or I watch you we do this together. We're mates baby" he nuzzled her lovingly

Siria nuzzled back. "I know love I...know.... my was so real....."

"Oh Siria" he said softly.

"Please...I...I didn't want to break your heart... my heart was breaking just seeing it....just thinking it...." she whispered.

Serapis cuddled her close stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry...." she whispered. "I...I didn't want to hurt you.....I...."

"Its alright sweety its alright" he said sweetly stroking her hair.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, and then leaned up to kiss him.

Serapis leaned down kissing her softly and lovingly.

"I....I'm sorry for all this drama.....I...I was never one for drama...and here I am causing it...." she said shyly.

"I love you baby" he said nuzzling him cutely.

"I love you so much..." she whispered.

"My mate" he said softly.

Siria hugged onto him. "I...I..."

"What is it baby?" he asked softly.

"" she started to whisper.

Thats all he had to hear though. "Your?. Really? thats wonderful!" he said excitedly picking her up and spinning her around in the air then setting her down. She didnt look happy about it though which worried him.

Siria giggled lightly. "I think it's wonderful's just...Neafa...."

"Siria.." he was about to say something when suddenly he heard the door in the other room open and close. He went tense and went into the other room to see who it was worried about his little girl.

Loki came into the apartment, stopping when he saw Serapis.

"Lord Loki" Serapis dropped to one knee seeing him.

"Serapis... I did not expect to see you here...why is that?" he asked curiously.

"I am here with your grand daughter Siria we were here to help out Arcadia and Delta" he said standing keeping his eyes down.

Loki looked at Siria. "Siria...what's happened to Arcadia and Delta? I am sure that Delta would have called me if something serious had happened...I am his guardian..."

Siria nodded. "They are was that Arcadia just gave birth to Delta's children..."

Loki froze. "What?! Oh that boy...if I didn't know Delta, I would be more protective of Arcadia...."

Siria smiled nodding.

"You can stand Serapis...." said Loki.

Serapis nervously stood up but still did not meet the god's eyes.

"Serapis...look at me... why do you not look at me?"

"I don't deserve to look at you sire" he had been there when fenris had been taken in the final battle of the wolves. He had been badly injured with his bretheren.

"I do not know why... I would have been chained to a rock somewhere having poison dripped on me...."

He kept his mouth shut, he remembered that violent battle when Fenris was taken. He remembered as one of the warriors of Vallhalla grabbed Fenris throwing the chains on him Serapis had fought with all of his heart trying to fight him trying to free Frenris but he had not been strong enough just like he had not been strong enough to keep himself from harming his family. He knew what it was like to loose family so he stayed silent not looking at the god. Siria could see the pain on his stoic face.

"Serapis..." said Siria softly, placing a hand on Serapis's shoulder.

Loki looked into Serapis's eyes. "If this is about my son....he is fine....and free once least his immortal wolf soul...."

"I am glad to hear he is alright" Serapis said softly.

"Whatever happened in the past, Serapis happened in the past....things in the past happened because of me...though I did not cause the things that I was accused of..." Loki said softly.

"Lord Loki..." came Delta's voice.

Loki nodded. "It is good to see you are well, my young charge..."

Delta nodded, closing the door behind him.

"Is..." Siria started.

"Yes, Arcadia is doing just fine...."

Serapis took this chance to escape into the other room without them noticing right away.

He found Neafa sitting near the window, looking out.

"Hi sweety" Serapis said walking over and sitting down next to her.

Neafa looked up at him. "" she asked softly.

"Is Siria what princess?" he asked gently pulling her into his lap looking down at her.

"Is she my new mommy now? Or do you not want me now that she is going to have a baby....?" she whispered.

"Oh sweety how could you think that?" he asked looking down at her. "Your my little princess and I will always love you and want you in my life; I hope that you can think of Siria as your new mommy. Daddy loves her very much just like I love you." he said looking down at her.

"I love you too daddy....I...I just don't know if she'd...."

"Trust me princess Siria is just as nervous as you are she loves you like a daughter already she's just nervous if you'll feel the same about her in return if you'll come to love her like a mother."

"I want to be...pretty like her and mommy...."

"You will be sweetheart" he hugged her close and rested his chin ontop of her head. "I promise you'll be beautiful just like Siria and your Mommy." he made it a promise to himself that he would find a way that she would be able to age into the full grown woman she deserved to be after so many years as a child.

Neafa hugged back, and they heard the door open. "Serapis...." came Siria's voice softly.

"Siria come sit with us" he said sweetly looking over at her.

Siria walked over. "You...just disappeared on...I wasn't sure if you.....Neafa...."

"I'm sorry for vanishing like that I just get uncomfortable around Loki" he said looking at her. "And don't ever think we'll leave you Siria we love you" he said sweetly.

Siria nodded, coming over and sitting beside him. "I love you both too...Loki has actually changed compared to me memory of him...."

"Really now?" Serapis asked curiously.

"He had been more he knows that if he messes up, he will loss everything he has started to rebuild...he started with Delta, taking on guardianship of the him yet another person to call family... then Loki found me and Arcadia....and then now Fenris....I don't know if he's seen Aunt Hel....He is not wanting to lose his family again...."

"I deffinantly understand that feeling" he said looking down at Neafa then at Siria.

Siria nodded. "Me too...."

"Shall we head home or would you like to stay here a little longer?" he asked curiously.

"Head home....everything is okay here......"

"Alright sounds good to me" he picked Neafa up in his arms as he stood up with Siria as they then headed out together.

Siria walked with him, close, ready to lay down.

They left and they got into the car and soon ended up back at their place. "Home sweet home" Serapis said letting them in holding Neafa in his arm as he opened the door walking in.

"You go lay down my darling" he said lovingly to Siria

Siria nodded. "Alright love....." She headed off to the bedroom.

"Something's wrong...." Neafa whispered.

"What is it sweetheart?" he asked worriedly then looked after Siria wondering if it had to do with her.

"There's something wrong with her...."

"What do you mean sweetheart?" he asked worriedly.

"She's sad...and in pain....." she said softly, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Serapis's heart ached that his mate was feeling like that he felt like it was all his fault.

"Papa...." she whispered, hugging him. "I'm sure it isn't"

"No Neafa its not you at all" he said sadly. "Its not you at all."

Neafa hugged him. "I love you papa....she loves you's not you either...." she whispered.

"I just hope we can figure it out" he said softly, he didnt know what he could do. "I'm going to make her some tea. would you like me to find you some more books to look at?" he asked looking down at her.

She nodded.

Serapis carried her to the living room and sat her on the couch he went to the bookshelf and picked her out some nice books before handing them to her. "Their you go" he said lovingly before going to the kitchen making some tea for Siria then he walked to the bedroom with it for her.

He found Siria laying on the bed, curled up, face in the pillow.

"Siria I have some tea for you" he said softly walking around to the side she was facing.

Siria looked up at him, tears running down her cheeks. "" She curled up more.

"Oh god Siria" he said worriedly, he grabbed the phone and dialed Mani. "Mani I need you here soon Siria its Siria..." he said worriedly in tears.

"I'm coming...." came Mani's voice.

"Ser....apis....why....does it hurt....?" cried Siria softly.

"Thank you mani please hurry she's in alot of pain" He then hung up "I don't know sweetheart I don't know" he said stroking her hair trying to comfort her but he knew he wasnt doing anything.

Siria grabbed at him.

"Daddy....mommy...." Neafa said in the hallway worried.

"Neafa stay out there baby" he said not wanting her in there if this is what he thought it was, if Siria was having a miscarriage.

"Your father is right," came Mani's voice. "Head back to your room..." Mani came in. "Oh Siria...."

"Mani...." she whispered. ""

"I don't know.....I just know that Arcadia went through the same thing...."

"Deep breaths my love deep breaths" he said praying she would be ok.

"" she whispered.

Serapis pulled her close in to his arms. "Mani don't leave" he begged as he hugged Siria to him.

"I'm not....just hold should be over soon...she is not going to lose what she is carrying.....but I don't know why there is pain to begin with...."

Siria gripped onto Serapis, snuggling close.

"Siria said this was happening to Arcadia also" Serapis said hugging Siria and stroking her hair.

"I said that it happened..." Mani said.

Siria's breathing slowed.

"I'm sorry I know that its just I'm so frazzled by all of this" he said softly.

"it looks like she is calming down...which is good...I have to go investigate was strange for Arcadia to be palgued with these pains....but for more than one to be....something is wrong..." Mani said. "I will be in touch...." Mani then just disappeared.

Siria held on to Serapis shirt, slowly breathing.

"I've got you sweetheart" he said lovingly strokign ehr hair.

" you...." she whispered, closing her eyes.

"I love you to" he said lovingly stroking her hair. "I love you to" he said softly.

The bed shifted. Neafa had come into the room, and was crawling on the bed.

"Hey there sweetheart" he smiled at Neafa lovingly seeing the worry on her face for Siria.

"Mama..." Neafa said softly, crawling up, and snuggling against Siria, who weakly wrapped an arm around her.

He wrapped his arms around all of them as they all laid there together.

Siria and Neafa both soon fell into a deep sleep.

Serapis laid there watching them sleep worried about what was going on.

He felt Siria's head shift, her eyes opening slowly to come staring up at him. "Love..."

Serapis looked down at her. "You should be asleep darling" he said softly stroking her hair.

"You should sleep too...I feel better now..." she said softly.

"I'll get to sleep I promise" he said softly nuzzling her lovingly.

SIria looked down at Neafa. "Did she....really call me....?"

Serapis nodded. "She really does love you" he whispered.

"And I love you....and her...."

"and I love the two of you, well I should say all of you" he said softly putting his hand on her stomach gently.

She purred. "I just want to give you all I can...."

"You have given me more then I deserve and I will cherish every day and everything we have together." he said softly rubbing her stomach gently

"As have you....." she whispered.

Serapis smiled snuggling against her curessing her stomach loving this moment between them like this.

"You are wonderful...."

"as are you" he said lovingly.

Siria blushed, snuggling against him more.

"Lets get some sleep baby" he said softly.

Siria nodded, and smiled softly as Neafa snuggled more into her side. She closed her eyes falling to sleep.

Serapis laid there watching them for about another hour before he to joined them in sleep.

Many hours later, Serapis woke up with Neafa snuggled into his side, with no Siria in sight.

"Siria?" he whispered wondering where she had gone this time he looked down at Neafa with a smile.

He heard movement out in the main room.

He climbed out of bed gently and tucked Neafa in then headed off into the other room where he heard the movement coming from.

He found Siria finishing settling herself down on the couch, a fresh mug of hot tea in her hands. She didn't notice him as her concentration was on not spilling her drink.

Serapis smiled watching her from the hallway as she made herself comfortable and turned on the TV. She looked so cute sitting there.

"You know....spying is never nice...." she said, sipping her tea, looking back at him with a smile.

"I'm not spying I'm enjoying the sight of a gorgeous woman" he said walking out of the hall and sat down on the couch with her.

Siria giggled, leaning against him, holding her tea in both her hands. "Oh...a beautiful woman...and who is this beautiful woman....?"

"A breath taking wolfette that seemed to magically come into my life" he said playfully and gently nuzzled her.

She purred. "I think I like this wolfette...."

"I think you would to, she is sweet, she is super sexy, and an amazing lover and mother" he said looking down at her.

Siria smiled up at him, setting her mug down, before running a finger up his chest. "I'm sorry hun...I don't go for want me to...."

Serapis turned red and grinned. "Mmmm no I like you going for men, because if you didnt then I wouldnt be here now would I?" he asked playfully

" want me all to yourself..." she purred, happily into his chest.

"That I do" he growled playfully into the curve of her neck and gave it a little nip.

"Oh...." she giggled. "Such a Neafa?"

"She's still fast asleep in our bedroom right now, she doing great" he smiled.

"I'm glad...she deserves to be happy with her papa...."

"And her new momma don't forget that" he said leaning down pulling her up into a kiss.

She kissed back. "I love you so much...." she purred.

"I love you so much as well" He purred back looking down at her.

Siria smiled. "I can't wait...."

"For what?" he asked playing adorably stupid

"For our family to grow...."

"Neither can I" he said with a smile and playfully got on his knees infront of her tugging up her shirt and laid soft kisses on her stomach. "I have to admit I hope we get a good size litter I want a big family with you and I want Neafa to have lots of siblings" he said laying more kisses on her stomach. He was excited for when he would see his lover filled with the life of his pups.

Siria nodded, smiling softly. "Oh love...."

Serapis suddenly playfully gave her stomach a big lick.

Siria shivered. "Serapis..." she giggled. "What are you doing now, silly wolf?"

"Nothing" he said playfully as suddenly she saw his wolf tail sprout out and begin to wag as suddenly he gave her stomach another lick then after drying off his slobber he gently nuzzled her stomach playfully.

Siria giggled. "They're not going to grow any faster, love..." she said giggling more. She reached out and grabbed her tea, drinking more of it.

"I know its still fun to do this" he said playfully looking up at her.

She leaned forward, and kissed him. "And it feels good too..."

"Does it?" he asked playfully climbing up on the couch next to her again.

Siria laid against him. " does...." She was cut off by a scream from the other room.

"Neafa!" Serapis shouted with worry and bolted for the other room.

Siria rushed in behind him. They found Neafa tossing and turning in the bed, crying. Siria hurried past Serapis, scooping Neafa up, holding her against her chest. "'re safe...." she whispered, rocking back and forth.

Serapis went over and pulled them into his big arms.

Neafa cried into Siria chest, as Siria leaned against Serapis, rubbing Neafa's back. "'re're safe....papa and I are here..."

Serapis hummed softly as they comforted Neafa together.

"I...I was scared...." Neafa cried. "They....they were and mama.....!"

"Shhh we're here baby we're here"


"Listen to your are safe...." said Siria.

"Your safe here with us Neafa." Serapis stroked her hair looking down at her.

"But...but....I don't want him to hurt you...."

"he's not going to hurt us baby" he said softly stroking her hair.


"It was a dream baby Mama and papa are here" Serapis said sweetly stroking her hair and cuddling her and Siria close.

"He killed mama..." she whispered into them.

"I'm was just..." Siria started.

"No...mommy...he killed mommy..."

Serapis went still behind Siria he knew what was going on. Neafa some how knew he killed her mother.

"He...the silver hair...the bolt....he killed mommy..."

Serapis was confused he looked at Siria nervous. "Baby its alright" he said stroking Neafa's hair. 

Siria looked up at Serapis fearful, even as she stroked Neafa's hair. Neafa soon cried herself to sleep.

"I don't know what to say about all of this" he whispered scared. The thought of that bastard Zues taking his siria away it broke his heart

"I'm scared....Serapis....Zeus....your wife...she....lived...but he...."

Serapis didnt know what she was talking about

Siria looked at Serapis. "Zeus has silver hair and a bolt...his lightning bolt...."

"I know that darling I have the branding mark on my back to prove it, but I don't understand... about my first wife."

"Remember... I said to her that mama is fine...that I'm fine...and she told me no mommy...he killed mommy...she's been calling me mama this whole time...mommy is your first wife..."

"But he couldnt have.. I remember..." he looked down at his hands. "I remember taking her life" he whispered softly.

"Love...what if that was the point..." she asked softly.

"No but it couldn't have been I was only hours turned it was the blood lust" He whispered putting his face in his hands.

"Power mad god care not for mortals...." whispered Siria.

"that bastard" he whispered softly.

"Zeus is one of the worst...along with Odin..." Siria growled softly.

Serapis bit his bottom lip a deep dark growl rumbled in his throat. She saw his skin ripple threatening with change.

"Not now..." Siria whispered, stroking his cheek gently. "Neafa...."

Serapis took a deep breath calming the anger inside of him.

"You know this means that it was possible that your other two had been a live too...when you passed out...." she whispered.

"No I know their dead" he shivered his eyes haunted he remembered their bodies ripped to shreds when he awoke, claw marks covered them as they were gutted on the floor as he was covered in blood. "I need some fresh air" he climbed out of the bed then went to the livingroom. Then out on his balcony to take in a deep breath of air.

((^_^ *evil laugher from the GM* ^_^))

Gentle arms wrapped around his waist. "I'm" came the whispered.

((I'm guessing lol))The voice didnt sound like Siria's,he turned facing the voice to find.

The 'thing' that stood there looked like his first wife, but only as he had seen her when he awoke, bloody, clawed, and...burnt. "Serapis..."

Serapis threw himself backwards away from her. "What the hell is this?" he was flat up against the railing looking at her his heart thumping away.

"What's wrong, my love? I have missed you..." it said.

"Your your dead... your not her..." he said as his body shook as he tried to keep his distance from that thing.

It started to walk towards. "Serapis...I love you...why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you've been dead for over three thousand years" he said shaking badly. He didnt have anywhere to go.

"We're together again after so long..." it seemed to purr.

"Your not her!" he shouted. He suddenly jumped up on the railing and jumped over it running inside closing the door behind him locking it to keep that thing from coming in.

The thing disappeared.

"Serapis?" came Siria's voice from behind him.

Serapis dropped to his knees trembling from what had just happened.

Siria rushed to his side, kneeling on the floor beside him. "Serapis...Serapis..." she said softly. "What happened?"

"That bastard... he brought her back... he brough her back to life... as a fucking corpse" he sobbed kneeling there.

"That's not possible....unless he had a god or goddess of death, either by force or it for him....." Siria said softly, hugging him.

"Do you not believe me?" he asked hearing the doubt in her voice.

" I do believe you...I'm just telling you that the only one that could would be a death god or goddess..." she whispered still hugging him.

Serapis was still shaking as he buried himself against her.

"I love you...I love you...I'm here for you...."

"just like that morning she looked just like she did when I found her dead" he sobbed.

"Serapis...I'm here....we'll figure this out together...I promise...." she whispered, rubbing his back as she hugged him.

"We have to move its its not safe here for you and Neafa" he said calming himself down. He didnt care about himself he was worried for his family.

"I...have a place..." she whispered.

Serapis looked up at her.

"You don't seem happy about it. I'm sorry for bothering you Siria I can call someone else its alright" she said feeling like she was pestering her cousian's new life.

"What? you're not bothering me... you are my cousin... I am coming right over... no matter what..."

"Alright Siria if your sure" she giggled. "I'll see you when you get here."


"Bye" and with that she hung up. "well there we go Siria will be here soon" she smiled up Delta. ((Serapis?? LOL Delta is going to go mate nuts...))

Delta hugged her.

((Ooops)) Arcadia hugged him back. "I'll be alright baby."

He nipped her ear.

Arcadia giggled at the feeling.

"Love much..."

"I love you so much as well" she sighed as he nipped her ear again.

He rubbed her belly.

Arcadia made a wolf noise of happiness as he did. "Mmmm that feels so good"

"Did she say when she'd be getting here?"

"Soon but not an exact amount of time" she said looking up at him.

He nodded.

Arcadia nuzzled his chest and snuggled up to him.

Delta stroked her hair.

"Delta you seem so tense are you alright?" she asked looking up at him.

"I... am fine... I'm going to be a father....." he whispered.

"But your body your so rigid" she said looking up at him.

"I'm sorry.... I'm fine...just nervous...."

"Awww sweety" she nuzzled him lovingly.

She felt her water broke.

She yelped and gasp she cradled both of her hands on her belly. "Oooh their coming" she blushed and began to take deep breaths.

Delta jumped, running to get the towels and blankets.

Siria ran into the room as Delta came back. "Arcadia!"

"I'm alright Siria just going into labor" she smiled showing her fangs then gasped as another contraction hit. Siria noticed how Arcadia's skin rippled on the verge of the shift.

Delta moved into help as did Siria, helpping her as she labored.

Arcadia suddenly snarled viciously as the labor progressed and they watched her suddenly shift over into her full wolf beast form. She took deep breaths as she laid on her side and calmed down as she continued giving birth.

Delta stroked her fur, and whispering calmly to her.

"Come on Arcadia... you can do it..." Siria said softly.

Arcadia whimpered as she pushed, suddenly they saw the first one breech its head and soon she gave birth to the first pup. she lifted her head and panted watching as they cleaned the pup and it began to whine.

Siria wrapped the pup up, laying it in a crib as the next pup started to come.

The pup in the crib started to whine wanting to nurse from his mother. Arcadia whined as well as she suddenly pushed the next pup out.

After a while, all the pups were out and Siria was replacing them next to Arcadia so that they could nurse. She had four pups.

Arcadia gently licked her pups and nuzzled them as they nursed and happily wagged her tail gently.

Delta shifted into a large coyote, licking and nuzzling Arcadia.

Siria left the room.

Arcadia wagged her tail nuzzling and licking him back lovingly happy to have her family together. She gently nuzzled him then looked down at their pups, you could obviously see the combination of wolf and coyote in them and it made both Arcadia and Delta so proud to see their little ones in the world.


Ours.. she returned lovingly as she licked his cheek.

Delta smiled, shifting back, and stroking her fur.

She gave a little playful yip nuzzling his hand before she laid down wrapping her tail around her pups as they finished nursing and snuggled against her.

"You're fathers are just going to kill me, but they are just so cute..." whispered Delta.

"I think my fathers will forgive you sense you helped bring in such adorable little ones into this world" she replied looking up at him with those big gorgeous amber eyes of hers.

Delta kissed her forehead. "Thank you..."

She wagged her tail and licked his cheek happily. "Your always welcome mate" she gently nuzzled the little ones lovingly as they slept happily against their mother's warmth.

"You are going to be a wonderful mother..."

"you really think so?" she asked gazing up at him.

"Yes... you can be nothing but a good mother..."

"Aww thank you sweetheart" she licked his cheek and laid down cuddling with her pups.

One of the cubs shifted.

"Oh my well isnt that exciting, will you take that one since I don't want to startle the others but suddenly shifting on them." she asked lovingly as she gently nuzzled her little baby cuddling it close.

Delta nodded, scooping up the baby, rocking it.

Arcadia laid down again watching the scene with love in her heart.

Delta gently held the baby, smiling at Arcadia.

Arcadia let out a big yawn feeling exhausted from giving birth and soon Delta watched as her eyes fluttered fast asleep.

Delta smiled and laid down beside her, holding their child close, falling to sleep himself.

They dreamed of happiness of their pack and their love for one another. But both of them were shocked from their sleep as the child who had shifted to human suddenly began to cry.

Delta scooped that child up, rocking it. "Shh... it's okay....little one...."

Arcadia slowly shifted to her human form so not to scare the pups as she gently curessed they're baby's cheek. "Hush now your parents are here little one" she cooed out softly to their baby as their pups slept soundly against her legs.

Delta smiled and took that moment to kiss her.

Arcadia giggled and sighed happily kissing him back.

"We make beautiful babies...."

"Yes that we do my mate" she said gazing up at him and nuzzled him gently.

He nipped her nose. "Of course..."

She giggled and nuzzled him and gently nipped his lower ear lobe. "Our own little pack" she said sweetly.

"Yes, our pack....mmmm...."

"Mmm yes my big sexy alpha male" she nuzzled him gently feeling so happy with him.

Delta laughed lightly. "Alpha male of my one and only pack..."

"Mhmm with your Alpha female by your side" she nuzzled him lovingly.

Delta smiled at her. "Alpha female...where?" He laughed. "I love you so much...."

"I love you so much as well you silly man" she pulled him down kissing him softly.

"Yes yes... I am a comedian...." he said smiling, after kissing her back.

Arcadia giggled and snuggled up against him. "Why don't we bring the crib in here for awhile just until they're doing alright on they're own" she said softly.

Delta nodded. He slowly got up and went to go get the bribs.

Arcadia gently stroked her pups little heads since Delta had taken the one who had shifted with him. "thats my beautiful pups" she said softly and lovingly.

Delta came back with all the cribs, then carefully started to move the pups.

Arcadia moved her legs when all of the pups were moved. "they're all so beautiful" she said lovingly going over.

"Just like their mother..."

"Oh Delta" she blushed and smiled up at him then looked bac down.

He nipped her neck when she did.

Arcadia squeeked and giggled happily.

"Now..." he started and kissed her.

Arcadia sighed happily kissing him back

Delta pulled her ontop of him as he continued the kiss, laying there on the bed.

Arcadia kissed him back deeply running her hands down his gorgeous body.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked softly.

She nodded, "Yes my were, and goddess healing has made me feel alot better now its just a dull ache from giving birth" she said playfully.

Delta licked her neck. "As long as the pain before is gone...."

Arcadia shivered and made a wolf sound of pleasure as her wolf ears and tail grew.

Delta nuzzled her.

Arcadia happily wagged her tail as she nuzzled him back lovingly.

"Mmmmm...are you sure you are not a coyote or perhapes a fox?"

"Why do you say that?" she asked playfully laying against his chest watching him with her just shifted wolf eyes.

Delta stroked her hair. "I was just" he whispered, then kissed hr.

"I know you were and I was being playful and asking why" she said lovingly kissing him again.

Delta kissed back. "Because of your playfulness...."

Arcadia giggled nuzzling him and kissed him again wagging her tail happily.

Delta grabbed her tail gently, stroking it as he kissed back.

She sighed happily at the feeling as they laid there making out with one another but suddenly they were interrupted by the pups whimpering for a feeding. "Aww our little pups" she said sweetly pulling back.

Delta got up gracefully, and brought the pups back over to Arcadia. "You have to rest still..." he told her in explaination.

"I know sweetheart doesnt mean I can't feed my little ones though" she said sweetly as she shifted over to her full wolf form and laid down on the bed on her side for her little pups.

"I know that...I just wasn't going to let you get up...that I was going to do that...." he said, as he laid each pup up beside her.

Awww your such a sweety thank you she said lovingly looking up at him then down at her pups as they began to nurse gently.

Delta picked up their pup that had shifted into a baby, and he encouraged it to shift back, which it did, and he laid it with the others at Arcadia's side.

Arcadia gently nuzzled her pups as they fed then looked up at him. You should join us papa coyote she said playfully.

Delta smiled, shifting into a coyote, and currling up around them.

Arcadia lovingly nuzzled her huge Coyote mate as they laid there together like a loving family.

I love you mama wolf...

I love you to Papa Coyote she nuzzled and licked his snout snuggling happy with him feeling so content in that moment.

Arcadia... he said, and started to lick her furs.

Arcadia laid her head down relaxing loving the feeling of his tounge running over her fur. Mmm what? she asked in a happy tone.


Yours.. she said said happily lost in the bliss of what was going on.

One of the pups started to crawl over them, and started pulling at her ear.

Arcadia giggled. Well arent you a little adventurer? she asked her pup playfully as it gently tugged on her ear.

It whined and tugged on her ear more. More of the pups joined it.

Delta laughed.

Arcadia laughed laying there as her pups played on her. Your all so silly she nuzzled one that had crawled under her head and rolled over on its back playfully as she nuzzled it.

Delta snickered.

Arcadia giggled laying there.

Two of the pups started to play with her tail.

Arcadia giggled and moved her tail gently letting them play with it and pounce on it having their fun.

Delta laughed adding his own into the mess.

Arcadia laughed cutely as they played with each other having a wonderful family time.

A girl pup shifted, crawling over her.

Arcadia laughed and turned her head so she could keep an eye on their little girl as she crawled over Arcadia then onto Delta.

Delta caught the little girl in his arms, snuggling her.

Arcadia shifted into her werewolf form instead of just her beast wolf form and gently stroked one of her pups as the other two kept playing with her tail pounceing for it. "Its a good thing we have such a huge bed" she said playfully before gently grooming the pup that was curled up near her head.

"I was thinking that we should get a house out in the mountians, where the bedroom was just a big bed....." he said with a smile.

"The bedroom was just a big bed?" she asked curiously looking at him over his shoulder then looked down giggling as their other three little ones crawled up and played in the curl of her body. "Be nice" she said sweetly as they wrestled.

"I'll talk to Vulcan then...about it..."

"Well I'm still not sure what you mean is what I was saying baby" she said playfully.

"You'll have to see then...."

Arcadia giggled and licked his cheek. "But that does sound wonderful a place big enough for these cuties and... More" she said sweetly looking up at him.

Delta looked at her with a looke of mock-horror. "What? More?" Then he laughed, smiling.

She whaped him with her tail, "Your so bad, besides we don't know how fast these little ones are going to grow up" she said as she gently nuzzled them as they yawned and curled up next to her again happily.

Delta laughed. "I know..."

The door to the apartment opened and closed, and footsteps could be heard.

Arcadia's ears twitched wondering if it was Siria since she knew her cousian hadn't left yet.

Delta watched the door to the room cautious.

"I don't like how quiet it is out there" she said softly.

Delta nodded. "Neither do I..." then he looked thoughtful. "My guardian....Loki...your grandfather's out there...."

Arcadia wagged her tail then looked down at her pups. "You get to me your great grandpapa" she said sweetly as she nuzzled them. "You should go greet him." she said looking up at delta.

"What!?" They heard Loki's voice.

"I...don't know...." he said laughing nervously.

"Sweetheart he's your gaurdian and he loves you like a son already" she said lovingly.

"It was the was either of surprise or anger...."

"Wont know until we talk to him."

Delta laughed lightly. "You....are right..."

"Now go and greet him" she said lovingly giving him a whap with her tail.

Delta growled playfully, before standing up and heading for the door.

Arcadia gently pulled her other child over into the curl of her body letting her little ones sleep in teh protection of her body.

Delta closed the door behind him.

The child curled up closer.

"Sleep well little one momma has you" she whispered nuzzling her child with her snout lovingly and keeping her warm against her fur.

After a while, Delta came back into the room, followed by Loki. "Arcadia..." Loki started.

"Hi grandpapa" she said wagging her tail happily. "Meet my little ones" she said lovingly moving gently out o fthe way showing him her pups.

"They are beautiful, sweetheart...."

"thank you grandpapa" she wagged her tail happily. "What brings you here by the way grandpapa? just for a visit?" she asked curiously as she snuggled against her pups and child again keeping them warm.

"I wanted to see you...and tell you...I and your mother....your mother reborn have found and freed the immortal wolf soul of your father...of Fenris....but we still have to find he's mortal body...."

Her tail stopped wagging as she looked up at him. "Do you have any leads?" she asked looking up at him. She didnt remember her parents at all but she was glad that her father was free now and that they were on the trail of his mortal body.

"Not yet....but I could think of one place to look...."

Arcadia was still nervous about her parents she remembered some of the memories of them but not alot. "Oh? is it a good chance?" she asked curiously.

"Not when it involves dealing with the one person that tore our family apart..."

"Oh my" she said softly and worriedly.

"I'm going to be going to look for Oden.... to see what he most likely knows...."

"Grandpapa no! you can't go to him he will lock you up again" she whimpered worriedly.

"I was only going to be watching..I'm not that crazy...."

Arcadia still whimpered worriedly.

"I will be safe, Arcadia...I promise..."

"Alright if your sure Grandpapa" she said looking up at him with those big Amber eyes of hers.

"Plus I have a friend that I think will help...."

"Well thats good I'm glad to hear that as long as you make sure to stay safe Grandpaa, I want my little ones to know you" she said in a soft tone looking down at them as they slept happily together.

"They will know me...." Loki said with a smile.

Delta came up and sat down beside Arcadia.

"Take good care of her, Delta..."

"I will..."

"Be careful Grandpapa" Arcadia said looking up at him.

"I do the same...."

"I will, I promise"

Loki lened down, and kissed the top of her head. "Til another time, young one...."

Arcadia gently nodded wagging her tail again. "Til another time" she said softly.

Loki nodded, smiling, before just disappearing.

Delta pulled her closer.

Arcadia snuggled up against his side. "I hope he'll be alright" she said softly.

"I do too...." Delta said softly, holding her close.

Arcadia snuggled against him and yawned gently tired.

"Sleep well...."

Arcadia was soon fast asleep cuddled up against him.

Come to

I am no one's pet she thought back to the voice growling darkly.

I am your lord, little wolf....all gods and goddesses of the northlands are mine...

A chill ran down her spine... She knew who it was... Oden.... I will never serve you she said darkly sheilding her mind from him as much as she could she was scared. she could feel something dark coming from just his voice dark and.... Filled with lust...

You will be mine, as are all the rest...

Arcadia yiped waking up from her dream trembling. Whimpering softly she saw her pups were gone as was Delta. She shifted to human. "Delta?" she called out nervously.

Delta rushed into the room. "Arcadia? What's wrong? Love...."

Arcadia jumped into hsi arms in tears. "where are the little ones tell me their ok" she begged looking up at him she was truely scared of something.

"They're fine.... I was feeding them...."

"I'm sorry its just Oden he he was in my dreams he wants me and the kids" she sobbed.

"Oh god..." Delta said quickly.

Arcadia buried herself against him crying.

"I'm moving us now....we need to...I'll contact Thor....he'll help...."

"Yes of course" she said softly rubbing her eyes. she didnt know how they were going to move everything so fast though she didnt want to leave the beautiful furniture Vulcan had made for them and so many other things that she had collected over the years.

Delta took Arcadia out to the living room where the pups were playing. "I'll mke the call..."

Arcadia nodded gently. "Alright" she went over and sat ont eh floor with her pups and smiled as they ran over pouncing and snuggling with her. "hi there my cuties" she giggled petting them and showing them love.

The pups tackled her.

Arcadia laughed shifting over into her wolf form and playfully laid there in defeat as they climbed all over her.

A tall, muscle built man stood in the room, looking down at her. "Is that little Arcadia I see there?"

Arcadia yelped jumping to her feet and growled at the mysterious man holding herself above her pups protecting them.

"Has it really been that long, young wolf? By the thunders, I don't mean any harm...."

Arcadia lowered her ears and stopped growling at him looking up at him confused.

Delta came into the room, moving straight for Arcadia. "Thor...what happened?"

"It would seem that I had the reverse effect that I normally have on women...."

Delta hugged onto her. "It's alright love....." he said softly, stroking her fur.

She licked his cheek and looked back up at Thor as she sat down, her pups hiding behind her. She didnt have any memories of the god.

Thor knelt down offering a hand to her.

Arcadia gently sniffed the hand then lowered her head under his hand letting him pet her.

He began to stroke her fur. "I have to say that your grandfather and I never did get along...until he became Delta here's guardian...."

Arcadia relaxed a little bit as she let him continue to pet her.

Thor looked at Delta. "So you need to be moved? I can help move you to the one of the condos that Epsilon's company owns so that you will know that guardians and fellow Zodiac are watching over you...."

"Thank you Thor....thank you..." Delta said, with a slight smile.

Arcadia gave Thor and lick on teh cheek in thanks then walked around sitting behind her pups letting him see them. a sign of trust.

The pups went up to Thor slowing, Thor having stuck out his hand for them. The pups started playing all over him.

Delta smiled, "Arcadia, you make a beautiful wolf... though you can show him what a beautiful woman you are..."

Arcadia shifted to her human form sitting there. "It is an honor to meet you Lord Thor sorry for the snarling welcome." She giggled.

Thor smiled at her. "I remember when I first met Delta...he had attacked me..."

"Well had attacked Loki..." laughed Delta.

"I hadn't known he had changed...can you blame me?"

"Nope..." Delta laughed.

Arcadia giggled as she listened to them.

Thor looked over at Arcadia. "Those eyes...his eyes..." he said softly.

Arcadia calmed. "You mean my father dont you?" she asked softly.

"Yes...I friend Tyr had been the only one really besides your mother to be able to tame him..."

"I see" Arcadia nodded looking at Thor, he could tell though she didnt have any true connection by the way she reacted to his words.

"You will remember one day little one...."

Arcadia tilted her head to the side confused.

Thor smiled. Arcadia had a flash of that smile, a storm off in the distance, over rolling green hills.

"I remember now, My father used to let me go running with you across the rolling hills. I remember the thunder in the sky above as I played in the grass. It was one of the only times my father let me play out in the open."

"At least without him near by..." Thor said with a smile.

thats what I mean" she giggled. "You were a good friend of my fathers"

Thor nodded, and smiled. "Shall we get ready...."

"Yes, wait umm should I stay here with the pups?" she asked Delta.

Delta nodded. "I'll gather somethings up...and ready it for travel...."

Thor nodded. "Shall I take them to the condo?"


Thor nodded.

Arcadia scooped up her pups. "Time to go little ones" she said looking down at them as they snuggled in her arms.

Thor placed a hand on her shoulder gently, and they disappeared, reappearing in a gorgeous condo.

"Oh wow this place is gorgeous" she said with a smile looking at it all. "What do you think my angels?" she asked looking down at the pups as they looked at it all wagging their tails.

The pups started to wip happily. Thor laughed.

"I'll take that as a yes" She giggled, she didnt want to put them down though she didnt want them running all over the condo getting into who knew what she wished they had a playpen for them.

"Would you like to see the room I'll be transporting your pups furniture to?"

"Yes I would really like that" she smiled as thor lead her off to the room. "Oh wow its so big!" she said looking at it all. 

"It gives room for them to share the room for a good while...."

"Yes it does its great" she smiled seeing it all.

All the furniture appeared. "Delta just spoke to me....he thought this would be best to do first so...."

"Thank you Thor" she smiled adn carried her little ones over to the big playpen in the room and gently put them in.

Thor nodded. "I shall get Delta and everything else...."

"Thank you thor" she smiled at him then turned looking back down at her pups as they began to play again.

Thor disappeared, and the condo became quiet except for the playing pups.

Arcadia stood there watching her little ones play with love in her eyes. "My sweet little ones" she said softly.

"Arcadia..." called out Delta's voice. "Come see...."

"Coming" Arcadia called. "I'll be back my darlings" she said to her pups before turning and heading into the other room to see how it all looked.

Her sight was hit by a finished condo, everything in its place.

"Oh wow! this place looks amazing" Arcadia said happily looking at it all.

Delta came up pulling her into a hug. "I'm glad you think so..."

Thor laughed from off to the side.

"I deffinantly think this is wonderful" she said lovingly kissing Delta then looked around. "This is truely beautiful"

"It's all of the furniture from your apartment....." Delta started.

"And some pieces to finish off your new home..." Thor said.

"I just love how you've laid everything out and I love the new additions as well." she smiled then saw the big circle playpen in part of the large livingroom. "Aww this is perfect" she smiled seeing it and filled with toys as well.

"Pups can't use their parents all the time as playthings," Thor laughed.

"True and thank you again this is all lovely Thor" Arcadia smiled at him.

Thor nodded. "Epsilon lives just in the condo above you...if you need anything..."

Arcadia nodded remembering talking to Delta about all of the different Zodiac. "Of course, thank you again" she smiled.

"I'll also remember to tell him to make sure that security is at the highest for the building..."

Arcadia nodded in agreement not knowing what else to say about that. She didnt know to much about that kind of stuff.

Thor then nodded and just disappeared.

Delta rushed Arcadia, pulling her into a hug, spinning her around, laughing.

Arcadia squeeled laughing holding onto him.

Delta laughed, setting her down. "I'm so happy...." ((I meant Happy))

"As am I my darling as am I" she said snuggling into his chest cutely.

He stroked her hair.


Arcadia spun around not expecting to hear someone call her mommy, her pups were still so little.

A little three year old girl stood in the doorway, rubbing her eyes, a little wolf tail wagging behind her.

"Hi Princess" Arcadia just melted seeing her daughter she went over and picked her up cuddling her close. "Are you sleepy?" she asked curiously.

"A ah...yes...mommy...." she said through a yawn.

"Awww your so cute" she smiled seeing her daughter's little fangs, she turned and looked at her husband worried they didnt have beds for their little ones, they only had their cribs.

Delta lead her back to the nursery. One of the cribs had changed into a child's bed.

"Oh wow" she smiled seeing it "Lets get you to bed cutie pie" she said lovingly to her daughter and carried her over to the bed tucking her in. "sleep well baby" then she went and scooped up her other children who were still wide awake and playing and carried them out to the play pen int he livingroom so not to disturb their sister. After which she then plopped down on the couch. "we havent even given them names Delta" she said watching her pups play with the toys.

"We were distracted..."

"Yes we were" she giggled and snuggled into his side. "Now lets think of names"

"Aira? For our little sleepy one...." Delta suggested.

"I like that" she smiled and kissed his cheek. "How about Deamon for our little bruiser?" she asked pointing to the largest of the puppies who had a alpha type feel to him as he laid in the play pen nawing on a teddy bear while watching his siblings.

"I like it...Raiel for our little helper there..." he said, pointing to a smaller female pup that was licking at another pup who had bumped his head.

"Aww I like that and for our little man I think should be" she thought about it looking at him. "Odion" she said with a smile looking up at her Mate.

"You know...I like it... just as long as you keep the 'o' sound in his name... because I don't think you want Loki or anyone to think you are talking about Odin..."

"Oh you have a good point.. I really like the name but with the family we have maybe its not a good idea" she said laying across his lap as they watched the pups.

" about Vali?" ((Whether she knows it or not...that is one of the names of the twin wolves))

Arcadia smiled hearing that name it was the name of one of her deceased uncles it would be good to honor him that way. "Yes Vali I like that name" she said lovingly looking up at him as she looked cute and sexy laying across his lap.

Delta nodded. "I'm sure that Siria would feel honored too..."

"I hope so" she said in a soft voice as she watched little Deamon walk over and nuzzle Vali and Raiel then watched as they cuddled up together ont he pillow that was in teh play area.

Delta laughed gently. He snapped his fingers, and Aira appeared in the pen with the others. "All of our little ones together...."

"Their all so cute, can you put them in their pen in the kids room?" she asked cutely looking up at him.

Delta nodded, snapping his fingers again. They were alone. "There you go..."

"Now momma wolf needs some lovin'" she said playfully laying there across his lap.

Delta laughed, looking down at her. "Shall I find a ball or a stick...?" he joked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest looking at him playfuly.

"You just looked so ready to play...that's all..."

Arcadia giggled looking up at him, "Your silly you know that" she said pushing herself up into a sitting position.

"Shall I be serious then?" he asked.

"Well it depends on how you want to play with your Momma wolf" she said sitting there cutely.

Delta laughed, and scooped her up. "To the very large bedroom..."

Arcadia squeeked and giggled as he carried her off.

Delta took her into a huge bed room, but the floor moved under Delta's feet. "I told Thor my idea, and he did it to this room..." There were pillows of all sizes around the room, as well as blankets and sheets.

"Oh wow" she giggled and jumped out of his arms onto the floor and giggled as she bonced a little bit "I do have to ask though where do we keep all of our clothes and everything?" she asked curiously.

"See those doors to the side, they open in on a walk in closet...."

"Oh wow how neat" she said as she fell backwards onto the bed "Oh wow and its so soft." she said happily laying there.

"I thought you'd like it..." Delta said, falling backwards beside her.

Arcadia giggled and rolled over ontop of him. "This is just a marvelous idea."

"I'm glad you liked it..."

"Can't wait to try it out" she purred out playfully.

"I can't ever...I'm thinking that all rooms should have this type of flooring..." he joked.

Arcadia laughed. "If you want to clean all of the floors in the house if we did that then be my guest" she joked.

Delta laughed. "That would be just a simple snap of the fingers, love...."

"Oh well arent you just mister high and mighty?" Arcadia growled playfully and suddenly pounced on delta pinning him beneath her.

Delta played dead.

"Awww your dead, let me see if I can bring you back" she smirked playfully then grabbed one of the blankets pulling it over herself and most of his body. Suddenly next thing Delta knew his pants were gone and he was feeling immense pleasure.

Delta gasped loud. "OH my goddess!"

"Shhh you'll wake the pups" Arcadia giggled from under the blanket as she continued with what she was doing.

Delta started to squirm, and Arcadia could feel his hands running over her head as his body moved.

Arcadia was happy she could pleasure him like this he deffinantly deserved it and so much more.

There came a soft knock somewhere in the condo. "Ar.. cadia... Arcadia.... have to...I...."

"Oh your so close though" she sighed getting out from under the blanket. "I'll be back" she giggled then went to go find where the knock came from leaving her mate squirming from so much pleasure.

Another knock came from the front door.

Arcadia looked through the peep hole to see who it was.

There was a tall, lean man standing on the other side with dark hair and glass. He looked kind.

She opened the door. "Hello sir how can I help you?" she asked looking up at him.

The young man smiled at her. "I should be the one asking that, ma'am...My name is Matthew...I am the CEO of Epsilon Archer..."

"Oh its an honor to finally meet you mister Matthew my Husband has told me alot about you" she smiled "Unfortunately you caught us at a little bit of a bad time if you don't mind waiting here for a sec?" she asked with a blush as she went off to the back bedroom. "Honey Its Matthew he's come to welcome us." she said and found Delta where she left him in bed but now with a happy look on his face and she knew he had finished himself off.

"Get over here, miss...." he growled.

"Honey Epsilon is here to greet us" she giggled seeing that lusty gaze on his face she had started something that he really wanted to finish.

"Oh my lady it is truely an honor" Tavia bowed to the thirteenth.

She smiled. "We are all family... it is I that should bow to you.... for allowing the Zodiac to call your home ours...."

"My home? I don't live in this place" she said gazing at the amazing architecture of the temple.

"This is the moon palace..."

"But I visited the moon palace this doesnt look like the one I visited." she said shyly.

"Not all of it...."

"Oh I see" she said standing there feeling so nervous infront of the thirteenth herself.

She looked worried. "Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm alright its just I'm a little nervous, seeing as here I am standing infront of the thirteenth herself when pretty much no one else knows who you are." she said shyly.

"And Tavia you can't be so sure that this is how I look either..." she said smiling. "I want to be your friend..."

"I want to be your friend as well my lady" she said with a soft smile even though she didnt know how she could be the thirteenth's friend if she didnt even know if the woman really looked like she did infront of her.

"This is a dream.... you see me as this..."

"Right of course my lady, I'm sorry its just I'm still getting used to being around so many higher beings in this realm" she said shyly.

"You are a higher being..."

"I am but I'm not all at once and remember I'm from another realm in this body my lady"

"This body, that body... it doesn't mean anything when it comes down to family and old friends...."

"Right of course" she smiled.

She smiled back. "Time to wake..."

Tavia then woke up curled against Erebus as he was still fast asleep. She smiled softly to herself as she nuzzled his chest.

We will meet soon...

Tavia smiled to herself happy to have another friend in her life.

"Tavia..." came Erebus's voice softly.

"Hmmm? what is it sweety?" she asked looking up at him sleepishly.

"I love you..."

"I love you to darling" she snuggled against his chest.

He nuzzled her neck.

Tavia giggled and made a happy sigh.

"How did you sleep?"

"Wonderfully my darling" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

"I'm glad...." he kissed her cheek.

"How about you?" she asked curesing his chest and sliding her hand down over his washboard abs playfully.

"I slept great...because of you..."

"Because of me?" she asked sweetly still curessing her fiance.

"Yes...because of you..." he kissed her.

Tavia sighed melting into the kiss with him curling against his body as they kissed.

He curessed her body.

Tavia sighed into the kiss as he did, she always loved the feeling of it.

"My love..."

"My darling" she stroked his cheek.

He pressed against her. "I'm never letting you go...."

"Good I don't want to go anywhere" she said lovingly burying herself against him.

Erebus nodded. There came a knock on their door. "You two didn't die did you!?" called in Rasu.

"I can't promise anything!!" Tavia called back jokingly.


"Nothing nothing were alive we'll be out soon" Tavia called to her daughter then giggled looking at Erebus.

"I wonder about you...."

"What?" she asked not liking the tone of his voice when he said that.

He nuzzled her neck. "I love you..."

"I love you as well sweety" she giggled softly still wondering why he had said I wonder about you.

He kissed her deeply.

Tavia squeeked and sighed melting into the kiss.


"sorry!" Tavia said pulling from Erebus. "I'll be out in a minute" she kissed him softly again, "We'll pick that up later" then she climbed out of bed to get dressed for the day.

"Of course..."

She giggled and changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt. "I'll see you out there" she gave him a soft little kiss then left the room to find her children.

Rasu and Yomi rushed her, laughing and giggling.

"Woah whats going on?" she squeeked as Rasu grabbed one arm and Yomi grabbed her other arm.

They smiled, and pulled her down the hall. "Nothing....nothing...."

"Your intent on taking me somewhere" she laughed letting her children lead her away.

"Yes, and no...." they giggled.

"Yes and no?" she asked confused.

They pulled her to a room. They smiled at her. "You have a surprise...behind that door...."

"Behind that door?" she walked over and opened the door.

They closed the door giggling. The whole room was a paradise.

"Oh wow this place is beautiful!" she gasped gazing at the sight of the tropical paradise before her she walked through the lush grass beneath her feet looking at it all.

She was lifted up, and twirled around. "Love..."

"Oh Erebus.." she said giggled looking down at him lovingly. "Was this your idea?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes it was...."

She giggled as he set her down. "oh this is a truely amazing idea my darling" she said sweetly looking up at him with love in her eyes.

"It's your's...."

"It's mine? really all of this is mine?" she asked looking around at it all.

"'s your garden....."

"Oh Erebus" she kissed him deeply then began to look around walking through the soft grass looking at the enviroment, it felt so wonderful in this place.

"Every flower, every plant has a special meaning...."

"Do they?" she asked cutely.

"Yes... all involving you...."

"Involving me?" she blushed.


"What do you mean by that?" she asked confused.

"Each flower or plant has a meaning...and each meaning is specially meant about you..."

"would you tell me about the meanings?" she asked curiously looking up at him.

"These for love...hope....passion...compassion..."

She still didnt get how they specially meant for her that just seemed like simple flower meanings to her but she just stayed quiet and let him continue.

"The feelings I have for you...and your child have for you...."

"Awwww" she blushed bright red hearing him say that.

Erebus pulled her against him, kissing her passionately.

Tavia wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back just as passionately it felt so good to have him like this.

"You are just so perfect to me....." he whispered.

"As you are to me" she whispered back gazing into his eyes as she held her arms around his neck.

He kissed her more.

Tavia sighed happily melting into his arms and his embrace feeling so right.

"You're not the only one that work on the garden..." came twin voices.

Erebus laughed lightly.

Tavia turned and smiled at them. "Thank you both of you this is all so beautiful" she went over and hugged them

Rasu and Yomi hugged her back. "We love you mom... and we weren't going to say no to Erebus when he asked us to help with this garden...."

"I thank you all of you, this is so sweet of you all." she smiled at them then over her shoulder

Erebus smiled. "I'm glad you love it...."

"Now I want to explore some more" she said sweetly as she began to walk around the giant garden some more.

The whole garden appeared to be magical, all the colors, scents, and species of flowers, many she had never seen before in this realm. There were even flowers and trees found in the other realm.

"Is that?...." she saw a flower, it was one of her favorites from the other realm, "Its a Star lotus" she whispered to herself as she kneeled down by the pond looking at it. "Oh wow thats so beautiful" she said happily gazing at the Deep dark blue lotus with small places that sparkled like the stars.

"Yes it is.... Rasu and Yomi remembered them from when they had lived in that realm..." Erebus told her, kneeling beside her.

"I havent seen one in so long" she smiled sweetly at him. "I remember long ago during one of the winter balls my mother did my hair up in a beautiful style and placed Star Lotus's cascading threw it. My dress was that rich dark blue as well it was one of my favorite outfits of the other realm." she said remembering it.

"I know...the shadows have told me...." Erebus said softly, with a smile. "Look over there...."

She turned and suddenly she saw it, the dress from the winter ball with the jewelry and everything. "Oh my heavens" she felt the tears of joy come on. "Oh Erebus" suddenly she pounced on him hugging him tight. "Thank you thank you thank you!" she said lovingly. She had no idea where she would wear such a thing but doesnt mean that she wasnt happy.

"You are very welcome, love...."

She pulled him close kissing him deeply unable to help herself.

Erebus's arms wrapped around her, deepening the kiss.

Tavia giggled and playfully pushed him over onto the soft grass as they made out with one another.

He moaned as he settled into the grass, holding her on his chest.

She giggled pulling back gazing down at him. "Any place we could go swimming around here?" she asked cutely.

The twins ran off, and Erebus smiled. "Of course..."

"Mmm sounds good" she said playfully and got off of him.

Erebus went with her, smiling. They found a lake pool.

"Wait I don't have a bathing suite" Tavia said looking over her shoulder at him.

"What are you talking about?" asked Erebus with a sexy smile.

"Well what if someone..." she blushed and melted into his arms when suddenly he kissed her deeply. She groaned in her throat loving the taste of his lips.

"Look down..." he whispered.

She looked down and giggled, she was wearing a cute green bikini with pink flowers on it. "I like it its cute" she said adorably kissing him again.

He kissed back. "I thought you'd think that..."

"Now lets go for a nice dip" she giggled and skipped off towards the water.

Shadow arms quickly grabbed her, lifting her above the water. Erebus laughing.

Tavia squeeled and laughed being held above the water. "Erebus!" she laughed.

The shadows dropped her.

"Oh Shit!" she tucked into a ball trying to do a cannon ball unfortunately how she fell she hit the water with her back, Erebus heard the Slap against the water when she hit it.

"Shit!" Erebus rushed to her, pulling her from the water. "Tavia...Tavia... please be alright...Tavia...."

Tavia coughed and hacked up water as he dragged her out. "Ow" she grunted out in pain.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't mean for that to happen...."

"Its ok baby it was an accedent" she said laying there in his arms looking up at him.

he held her, kissing her neck, arms, shoulders, and head.

Tavia gave a little giggle. "Now thats what I call good healthcare" she said playfully laying there on the grass as he continued.

((LOL just imagine if the congress suggested that we did that....))

Erebus smiled. "Then maybe you need a full body check up...."

She suddenly turned bright red remembering when she had come to earth and she had seen that naughty nurses outfit. "Why doctor I deffinantly would appreciate such a indepth examination" she said playfully liking the idea of playing doctor with him.

He smiled, and started to explore her all over, kissing here and licking there after making some doctor comment.

She squeeked and giggled giving soft sighs as well loving what he was doing to her.

He then draw her into happy hour in the garden.

After they finished they basked there in the sunlight as they curled in each others bodies. "That was amazing" she said happily.

"And we had no interruptions...."

"Mhmmm" she purred out in her throat snuggling up to him loving the feel of the sun on her body.

He licked her neck.

Tavia squeeked adn giggled loving the feeling

Darkness covered them, as a blanket fell on top of them.

She giggled burying herself against him

She felt the ground under them disappear, and then felt the softness of a bed.

"Your so good to me" she said lovingly curling against him.

"You are my love...of course..."

She giggled "I love it when you call me that"

"You will always be me..."

"As you will always be that to me" she said nuzzling him lovingly.

He began to nibble on her neck, lovingly. He stopped as if listening to something.

"What is it?" she asked looking up at him.

He smiled at her, and kissed her. "Nyx has been found and freed from where ever she was being kept...."

"Thats wonderful I'm so happy to hear that" she said lovingly.

He kissed her again.

Tavia sighed happily and lovingly kissing him back.

Erebus pulled back, smiling down are her.

Tavia giggled looking up at him and yawned softly. "Mmmm you wore me out" she said playfully.

"Perfect...." he mumbled into her skin.

"Perfect?" she asked curiously and sighed happily as he kissed her skin.

"You are perfect...." he whispered.

"Your so wonderful and sweet, your the one who is perfect" she said lovingly.

"Then we are put perfect.....for each other...."

"that we are" she said sweetly gazing into his eyes then nuzzled him gently and lovingly.

He leaned in, kissing her.

Tavia happily kissed him back. after a ew moments she pulled back resting her forehead against his. "I had a theory, Eros must have dropped all of his golden arrows on us" she giggled playfully as she rolled him over onto his back gazing down him

Erebus laughed lightly. "If he did, he over did it..."

"Oh would you not want to be this deeply in love with me?" she asked tauntingly gazing down at him.

"Oh I love it as it know I do..." he kissed her again more most passionately.

She made out with him passionately loving this moment with him. She blushed feeling his hands slide over her body.

"I will never leave you...." she heard him whisper into her ear.

"I will never leave you either" she said lovingly burying herself in hsi arms.

He nibbled her neck.

Tavia squeeked and giggled, suddenly her stomach growled in hunger. "Oh I didnt realize I havent eaten all day" she giggled adorably.

"Then shall we get dressed once more....I'll take you out...."

"That sounds lovely my darling" she said lovingly kissing him softly before climbing off of him to go get dressed.

Erebus disappeared into the shadows, reappearing by the door dressed.

Tavia slid on some of her new underwear sets then slid on her pink dress with her heels she bought to match then put on all of her jewelry. She did her hair up in a nice bun and giggled as Erebus came behind her wrapping his arms around her waist as she did.

"My gorgeous lover...." he whispered into her neck.

Tavia giggled. "Why thank you my handsome prince" she said lovingly.

Erebus spun her around, resting his lips on her lips.

Tavia sighed happily kissing him back wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Ready love??"

"Yes darling" she said kissing him gently then grabbed her purse ready to head out with him.

Erebus lead her out of the mansion and into the city.

Tavia hugged his arm as they walked along together enjoying the sites of the gorgeous city. They were walking by a shop when Tavia stopped noticing a string of pearls that caught her eyes, they burned like the fire of sunrise. "Oh wow those are beautiful" she said infatuated by the gorgeous necklace.

Erebus smiled, and kissed her neck, then headed inside.

"Wait Erebus!" she squeeked blushing that he was going to buy that for her. SHe went into teh jewelry store following him.

He turned around, the necklace already in his hands, ready to place it around her neck, a smile on his face. "Turn around love...." he said softly.

"Oh Erebus' she blushed bright red smiling at him and turned around for him moving her hair out of the way.

He placed it around her neck, connecting it. "Beautiful...."

"Oh Erebus their gorgeous" she said looking at herself in the mirror "You didnt have to get these for me" she said sweetly turning and looking up at him lovingly. "Thank you they are beautiful" she kissed him lovingly.

"I'd get you the world...."

"Oh Erebus" she kissed him softly. "We should get going and grab our meal" she said gently as she pulled back. The pearls seemed to shimmer with beauty but also with an unknown magic to them. (I have an idea I'm going to do with them ^^)

((Cool ^_^ ))

Erebus smiled, kissing her. "Yes... let's go..." He walked with her to a lovely restuarant.

Their meal was fantastic and soon they were walking along together. Erebus normally had lusty thoughts about his love of his life but for some reason at that moment as she was cuddled up to his side. His mind was getting extra lusty thoughts of her that he hoped he could fulfill very soon.

He hurried them home.

"Your in a rush" she giggled as they walked in the main doors. Suddenly she blushed bright red as he dipped her in his arms kissing her passionately.

"Mine...all mine..." he mumbled against her skin. He scooped her up, traveling through the shadows to the bedroom.

She gasped as she found herself under him on their bed. "Erebus" she purred out feeling that lust seem to boil off of him running across her skin it all felt so good.

"I love you...."

"I love you to.." she whispered pulling her down kissing him down deeply pulling him into an amazing happy hour that evening that lasted through out the night. The next morning Tavia was the first to wake up. she went to the bathroom to take a shower as she gently rubbed her eyes. When she opened them she squeeked at the sight of her. Their was beautiful markings on her skin that seamed to shimmer the colors of day and night. they were wrapped around her wrists and ankles curled around her breasts and her stomach and curled over her thighs as well. "What in the world?" she whispered to herself. looking at herself in the mirror before gently putting her hand on the pearls on her neck. As she stood there she suddenly began to feel a little hot and bothered. What she didnt know was that the pearls had changed her into something more. Looking behind her in the mirror she blushed bright red as she suddenly saw Erebus standing there looking just as turned on as the night before if not more. "Erebus" she whispered her body craving him so badly.

Shadow whipped up around her, pulling her to him, as he dragged her back to the bed for some more sex.

The hours seemed to fly by again. when she woke up though this time something was very different about her, she felt whole. This time she went into the bathroom to shower and wash up. As she stood there though a pressure built low between her legs deep inside of her. She felt her magic warm inside of her curessing her. "What the?" she blushed bright red as the marking on her body glowed. "Erebus!" she squeeked out confused.

Erebus ran to her. "What is it...?"

"I don't know" suddenly a pressure began to build and Erebus watched as Tavia's stomach began to swell. He instantly sensed life growing inside of her. They both realized then that the pearls had turned Tavia into a fertility goddess.

"My bright goddess...." he wrapped his arms around her.

Tavia blushed and buried herself against him as her stomach stopped swelling at about five months pregnant.

"It looks like you are no longer just a moon goddess, love..."

"Yes I do believe so" she giggled adorably. "Well we're probably going ot have a big family then" she said cutely as she pulled back resting her hand on her belly.

"Oh...I'd say so...." Erebus said with a smile.

She giggled adorably then sighed as he gently put his hands on her belly. "Are you happy with this?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yes I am....aren't you?"

"Of course I am sweetheart" she smiled up at him. "I'm just nervous is all, I may have my children from my previous life but i'm not that old in elven years in thsi body and this is going to be my first child I'm nervous" she went out into the bedroom holding Erebus's hand as she sat down on the end of the bed and laid her hand on her belly again.

"I'm nervous too, me......"

Tavia snuggled against his side. "I love you Erebus" she said looking up at him.

"And I you..."

Tavia suddenly squeeked and giggled. "The baby kicked" she said cutely.

"Our strong little one..."

"Strong like their daddy" she giggled cutely gently taking his hand and putting it on her belly. he cloud feel their baby inside of her.

He then pressed his lips to her's.

Tavia softly kissed him as he curessed her belly carrying the life inside of her, the life that was both of them. She knew they would do well together she knew deep down that everything would be ok.


Tavia jumped as if she had been struck hearing her father's voice in her head.

"" Erebus jumped up, and pulled her close.

"I'm sorry its just I heard him in my head again he wont leave me alone" she sobbed into his chest.

"He can't get to you..."

Tavia snuggled in his arms calming down. "I love you so much Erebus." she said softly.

Powerful daughter...

"erebus" she whimpered burying herself against him. "he's still there" she said clinging to Erebus.

"Tavia...." Erebus said protectively.

"Why wont he just leave me alone?" she whimpered curling against him.

"I don't know....but I'm never leaving...."

Tavia nodded burying herself against him "Can I get some clothes on real quick?" she asked cutely. Then she sniffled. "None of the new clothes I bought are going to fit me" she said with a cute little whimper this one not one of fear thats why it was cute.

Erebus nodded.

Tavia sadly went over to Erebus's clothes and grabbed his shirt. "I look like a whale" she cried as she looked at herself in the mirror now that was deffinantly cute. While she looked sexy in his shirt pregnant belly and all.

"YOu are not a whale...and no you are not fat..." Erebus said coming over, wrapping his arms around her, before kissing her neck.

"You really think so?" she asked lovingly with a giggle as he kissed her neck and held her lovingly. It felt wonderful to be held like this

" are just so sexy...."

"Awww Erebus you always know teh right thing to say" she giggled as he kissed her neck and cradled her belly.

He gently rubbed her belly. "I know because of having a sister that could give the bougy man a run for his money," he joked, laughed lightly.

Tavia giggled in his arms. "Well I think its also because your such a romantic" she said lovingly.

He snuggled her neck.

"Mmm your so cute" she nuzzled him gently and sighed happily as he rubbed her belly. "That feels so good" she said cutely.

Erebus nuzzled her. "YOu are so cute right now...."

Tavia giggled nuzzling him back lovingly.

He nibbled her neck.

Tavia giggled at the feeling as he kept going. "Your so good to me baby" she said lovingly.

"Should I stop?" he asked playfully.

"No I really like what your doing" She said playfully back. Gently she tugged him over to the bed again to cuddle.

he cuddled with her, licking and nipping her ears and neck, rubbing her belly gently.

Tavia giggled and purred happily at the feeling melting into his arms. "Mmmm just like that" she sighed out.


"Yes really my love" she said looking at him over her shoulder.

"I think is time for a celebration...."

"Celebration?" she asked confused looking up at him.

"You have become a goddess onto your well as being the goddess of the bright have evolute as all gods and goddesses do...."

"Well then I wouldnt want to dissapoint and we should celebrate, but I really can't do anything looking like this" she said looking down at herself in his t shirt with a giggle.

"Really?" Erebus asked laughing.

"Erebus!" she smacked him on the chest. "Unless you want your future wife and mother of your unborn child to walk around with no panties on for the world to see" she said playfully.

"Or..." he said smiling. Her clothes changed to that of a long green dress that fitted her just right, even at the size she was at now.

"Oh wow Erebus its beautiful!" she said looking down at it happily, even the gold in the dress seem to shimmer and just ad to the beauty of her new markings on her skin. She climbed out of bed and stood there. "Oh I love it" she twirled gently around for him.

"I thought you would...."

"Oh come here you" she giggled pulling him in a hug when he stood from the bed . "Now to go tell the twins the good news" she said sweetly taking his hand and leading him out of their room to find the twins.

When they found the twin, they were in a secret conversation between them two, heads low in deep talks.

"You know its not nice to keep secrets" Tavia suddenly said getting there attention.

The twins spun, pushing something behind their back. "Hey mom!" they both greeted.

Suddenly the twins noticed their mom looked different, the beautiful marking on her skin and also the fact that she had a baby belly. "Hello you two" she smiled and giggled as their eyes lit up seeing her.

The twins rushed up, hugging her. "Oh mom....oh mom...."

Erebus laughed.

"Careful now not to hard" she said with a little giggle as they pulled back and she smiled at them lovingly.


"Well your father bought me these pearls last night and next thing I know I'm a fertility goddess and you have a sibling or siblings on the way." she giggled blushing. She hadnt even realized she had called Erebus their father it had just been so natural to say that.

They smiled, and hugged them both.

Tavia giggled hugging her daughter who was hugging her. "You two are so silly."

"You look so different...."

"I don't look that different, the only things that have changed is that I have these funny markings on my skin and I'm pregnant" she giggled.

"They're not funny markings, mom..." Rasu said.

"They are pretty..."

"You really think so" she asked looking some of the marking on her arms.

"I know I think so..." Erebus said lovingly.

Tavia giggled. "I know you do" she said and gave him a little kiss then pulled back and rested her hand on her belly. "Now what was that I saw you hiding when we came in?" she asked curiously.


"...We..." Both twins looked at each other. "Nothing..."

"Alright if you say so" she giggled then turned walking off down the hall heading towards her garden.

Erebus ran up to walk beside her. "So, may I ask, my love when your birthday would be..."

She stopped and blushed "Your going to make fun of me, in my world our way of keeping the date is different so I lost track after the first couple of years... I I don't remember when my birthday is" she said shyly looking down at the ground.

"Well...I should tell you that when we discovered that Phoebe...that your old self was their mother, we had told them when your birthdate was here....and every year, they placed a gift for you in your temple...."

"Oh thats so sweet" she said thinking about it all.

"The day is tomorrow...."

"Really?" she asked excitedly looking up at him.

Erebus nodded, wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh how exciting" she giggled wrapping her arms around his neck gazing up at him.

"You now have a birthday...forever..."

"This is just so wonderful" she said happily pulling him down kissing him deeply.

He kissed her deeply.

Tavia kissed him back lovingly then suddenly squeeked as she felt a kick in her belly.

Erebus knelt down and kissed her belly. "Calm my children..." he whispered, before kissing her belly again.

"Your going to be such a good father" she said lovingly looking down at him as he kneeled there rubbing her belly gently.

"And you will continued to be a wonderful mother..."

"you really think so?" she asked lovingly as he stood again and they continued walking along together to her garden.

"Yes...I really do think so...." he said leaning closer to kiss her neck.

She sighed happily loving the feeling.

Soon they were at her garden and cuddled up together in a little gazebo they found filled wiht pillows. Tavia didnt notice but Erebus did that went Tavia walked passed all of the plants seemed to bloom and grow more beautiful.

Erebus stroked her hair, lovingly and protectively.

"how many do you hope for?" she asked curiously as she snuggled to his side.

"I don't know...we have time to build a big family...." he said sweetly into her neck.

"Yes that we do don't we" She sighed as she moved to hiss his neck.

He moaned, with a little purr in his throat.

Tavia giggled. "You like that?" she asked playfully before kissing his neck again.

"Yes....yes I do..." he growled.

"Oh well then" she turned strattling his lap and playfully kissed his neck.

"Oh you are a bad bad girl...aren't you...?" he growled playfully.

"That I am my shadow god" she purred out playfully before she went back to kissing his neck.

"You are going to make me do something...." he growled, she could feel his body strech and shiver.

"Lets take this powers out for a test drive" she thought to herself playfully. "Would that be a bad thing?" she asked as she kissed him softly making sure he closed his eyes like he normally did. Then she used her magic to make something special. When he opened his eyes he found himself in a beautiful temple covered in lush plants and flowers on the walls. They were in a bed together he was dressed in black tribal garb and jewels that made him look like a king. But Tavia looked gorgeous she looked like a queen in ehr own tribal garb and golden jewels her gold jewelry with gems that glistened like sunrise. "I am here to serve you my shadow god" she purred out looking so sexy with her belly filled with life in that outfit that made her look like some sort of ancient queen.

Erebus purred with power. "Oh my earthly moon goddess...come here..."

"Yes your highness" she purred lovingly as she crawled over to him and kissed him lovingly.

Erebus kissed back, wrapping his arms around her. "You are so gorgeous right now...."

Tavia kissed him in long luxurious kisses. "Do I? it kind of just poped into my head" she giggled before she began to kiss ehr way down his chisled body.

"That is wonderful...a truly wonderful...beautiful idea...."

"I'm glad you think so" she smiled kissing him. "Now my god" she playfully moved him so he was laying down on his stomach. "You need a massage" she said playfully as she got to work on rubbing his bak. She used her magic and one of the vines grew down and a flower bloomed from it. from that a sweet smelling oil dripped onto Tavia's hands as she rubbed it into his back making the massage feel all the better.

"Oh my lady.... you have magic hands indeed..." Erebus said sexily.

"All the better to please you my handsome god" she said lovingly as she rubbed his back getting all the knots out of it.

She discovered that he had alot of them, those he never acted truly stressed. "You know...I'm thinking that you should be the one getting a massage......"

"Why do you say that mister I hold all of my stress and don't let it out?" she asked playfully as she got a really big knot on his back. he could feel her baby belly rub against him here and there as she rubbed him.

He purred. "Because you deserve it...."

"And you don't my big hunky god?" she asked cutely rubbing one big knot out. "You always worry about me I want to do this for you" she smiled. "Besides you can't give me a back rub like this with our little one here" she said playfully realizing he liked the feeling of her belly against his back here and there.

"I could always try," he purred as she worked another out.

"You could but its your turn first my sexy shadow god" she said with a seductive purr as she continued to work his knots out.

"Yes my you wish...."

"No this is as you wish you silly man" she said with a sexy purr as she worked him. The next hour passed and soon he felt so good and relaxed all the knots gone from his back.

"If a shadow could just completely melt away...I think you'd have that gift....."

"Oh do I now" she asked climbing off of him lounging there on the pillows in a way that made his mouth water.

"It is very enjoyable music I must say, very soothing after much stress." he said sitting there.

Ihy walked over. "I am Ihy, the god of music... and this is my mother Hathor..."

"It is truely an honor, Hathor, Ihy" he bowed his head to the two of them.

Hathor nodded, smiling. "You as well, sir..."

"Marek and this is my little sister Nyxia" he smiled at them.

"It is wonderful to meet you too..."

"your home here in the sphinx is truely beautiful" he said looking at the chamber.

"This is Bastet's... we are just visiting... we live in the pyrimad of Gaza..." Hathor said.

"How exciting" Marek smiled.

hathor and Ihy nodded.

"Do gods live in all of the pyramids?" he asked curiously.

"No, not all..."

He gave a nod in understanding.

"How do you know Bastet?"

"My love is good friends with her and brought us to hide here for protection."

"From what?"

"Our father and many other people who want to harm us" he said hugging his sister close.

"I'm so sorry...."

"Its alright no need to be sorry" Marek smiled.

Nyxia looked at them, then yawned.

"Tired sis?" he asked looking down at her.

She nodded.

"Lets get you to bed" he picked her up in his arms as he stood. "It was nice meeting the two of you" he bowed to them before he left with his sister.

Nyxia fell asleep in his arms.

"Sleep well little one" he carried her off to her bedroom where he laid her down and tucked her in for her nap.

Nyxia curled into her bed.

He kissed the top of her head then left the room going to his bedroom to relax.

Something grabbed him from behind.

Marek whipped around read to defend himself depending on who it was

Chyrosa jumped up and kissed him.

Marek gasped and wrapped his arms around her and melted into the kiss. "Mmmmm" he groaned happily and pulled back. "Damn woman you know how to greet a man" he said lovingly.

"Dad had the woman he is in love with move in with her little boy...the apartment manager was going to avect them..."

"Awww well that was very sweet of your father" he smiled lovingly down at her.

"Yeah... I'll be running around like a child for a while..." she said softly.

"It's alright I understand my love you do what you have to" he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you so much..."

"And I love you so much as well Chyrosa" he said lovingly holding her close. It made him wonder that with the new people with her father how much time she would have to come and see him. The thought of not seeing her made his heart ache.

"Father hasn't told her and I don't know if he's even seen if she is something else..."

"You mean about you?" he asked confused.

"Me... and my father..."

"Oh my, is she pure human or do you just not know?" he asked curiously.

"Don't know...and I doubt she'd tell us right now....she told my father that she was only in town for a bit, and then we show them didn't think father was true in his feelings..."

"Well as long as the two of you take it easy with her I think it will work out" he said gently leading her to the couch in the room and sitting down pulling her to sit on his lap.

"Papa will have to say something... oh... I'm not going to school any more..."

"Your not? how come?" he asked curiously, she had been in school so long that he thought she must have enjoyed spending time there.

"I get to try homeschooling... she asked papa if she could...before she found out she was going to lose her apartment...."

"Oh that must mean I wont be able to see you that often anymore from now on" he said in a sad tone knowing this woman, being around all the time would want to spend time with Chyrosa and be motherly as well as being a teacher.

"You'll be able to see me.... don't worry..."

"But not as much though since she's going to be around you more and if you suddenly go missing she'll probably freak." he said sadly.

"I always find a way..." she said as she suddenly kissed him.

Marek jumped slightly then melted against her as they made out sitting there on the couch together.

I love you so much... she thought to him as she continued the kiss.

I love you so much as well my star he thought back as he slid down on the couch so he was laying there under her while they kissed with such fiery passion.

You are so wonderful.....

Not as wonderful as you my shining star

I will be here for you always....

My Chyrosa he whispered softly into her mind as their lips danced softly together in passion for one another.

Merak... my love....

Marek pulled back from the kiss and nuzzled her. "I love you so much" he whispered seductively softly curessing her cheek with his thumb gazing deeply into her eyes.

She blushed, smiling down at him. "I love you too, my love...."

Marek smiled and nuzzled her lovingly.

"I have all night...what do you want to do....?" she asked with a smile.

"Well I discovered a beautiful garden in the sphinx today with Nyxia would you like to go and walk it with me for a little while and then we'll see from there?" he asked playfully.

"I'd love too..." she said smiling.

"Wonderful" he helped her up and the two of them headed off together.

Chyrosa leaned against his arm, holding it as she walked with him.

"I wish we could be like this forever" he said lovingly nuzzling the top of her head as he lead her along.

"Soon love...."

"Soon doesnt feel like soon enough" he said softly as he walked with her into teh gardens enjoying they're beauty together.

"Oh's so beautiful..."

Marek smiled "I thought you would like it" he said holding her close.

Chyrosa smiled up at him. "You are just so wonderful..."

"Am I?" he asked playfully looking down at her.

"Of course silly boy...."

He laughed and kissed her cheek softly.

((You forgot here)) ((I know...I had to post some and run lol))

She blushed. "Love you...."

"Love you to" he said lovingly.

"I promise you... You will not lose me...."

"I better not I would hunt you down till the ends of the earth to find you again" he said romantically as he picked one of the white lillies and put it behind her ear.

"That's wonderful...." she whipsered.

Marek smiled lovingly gazing down at her. "You look wonderful" he said sweetly.

She blushed. "I...I do.....?"

"Yes you do" he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

She hugged against him. "Thank you..."

"Your welcome my love" he said lovingly stroking her hair.

"I don't want to leave you..."

"I wish you didnt have to either but you have responsibilities" he said softly stroking her hair as he lead her over to a swing he had seen earlier and they sat down together.

Chyrosa leaned against him as they sat on the swing. "You are so good to me..."

"Its just the way I am" he said playfully.

"I'm glad that you are.... never change....."

"Never" he whispered lovingly holding her close. "I love you so very much."

"And I love you just as much..." She leaned up, kissing him.

Marek curessed her cheek as he kissed her back.

Chyrosa smiled up at him, as they pulled back. "I... you are so wonderful...and kind....I...want to...give you a family..." she said softly.

"Oh Chyrosa thats so sweet" he said lovingly, "But you still have so much to do, you have your fathers and your new family." He nuzzled her neck. "But I do have to say the thought of a family with you is so wonderful." he purred into her neck. "Having you as my wife and our beautiful little rugrats running around in this world. Heavens that would be a dream come true" he said lovingly. 

"We will have it...I know it...." she said softly and lovingly.

"I know it to" he whispered snuggling happily with her.

Chyrosa kissed him. "Love...?"

"Yes my love?" he asked curiously.

"How would you react if... you had found out that the woman you feel something for is not the mother of the child who calls her 'mommy'...finding out that that woman had murdered that child's family?" she whispered.

"What?" he whispered confused, "Ok if I'm confused. The woman that your father loves killed her son's family in order to be his mother.." he whispered horrified.

Chyrosa nodded.

"I would probably make sure the boy wouldnt hear and ask her wy the hell she would do something like that and try to understand it." he said truthfully since he came from the greek times and spent many years in their world and life style. Sometimes people did what they had to. But it still didnt make it right.

Chyrosa nodded. "She was scared that father would leave her, and have nothing to do with her because of that.... she is protective of the little boy...."

"Does he know now or is your father still in the dark?" he asked curiously.

"She told him....scared he'd leave because of that...."

"And what happened?" he asked curiously.

"My father hugged her to him....she truly loves the little boy...."

"I'm glad he is taking it so well" Marek said happy to know his teacher was doing well with his love even though this new thing about her was off kilter.

"She did it to protect the child...."

"I see bad family it must have been" he was still trying to figure out why Chyrosa had brought this up to him in the first place.

"You're confused aren't you?"

"Yes I am confused on why you are telling me all of this, this seems like something I shouldnt know about" he said truthfully.

"You should when she is your aunt...."

"My aunt?" he asked confused all the more.

"Your mother is Nyx, and her brother Cancri married is a sister of Selene's that my father is in love with....who killed a child's family to take the child...."

"Its not that I have anything against my family or anything its just I've never been close to them Chyrosa. No one other then my mother, I'm glad that your father is happy." he said pulling his leg up to his chest.

"You couldn't have been close to your uncle Cancri anyways...or to Selene... for they had been murdered.... and Helios, Erebus, and Eos just found out that Nyx had...a child....had another child..." Chyrosa pushed her hands to her mouth. "Merak....." she muttered, looking close to tears. "I...I...don't know where that came from.....I..."

Marek pulled back looking at her confused. "Chyrosa what are you not telling me?" he asked sitting there. He was confused on what she was say spurting all these personal things about her father's love life and now something about his mother having another child.

"I...I don't know how...but somehow...I know that you are not Nyx's first child....." she whispered.

Marek shrugged, "I didnt know but that is really alright Chyrosa, my mother's business is her own." he said looking out over the view of the garden.

"But....your sister's father.....fathered the one....that....who is...."

"Chyrosa now your not making any sense again" he said looking down at her as she babbled like this.

"Marek....I don't know what's going on...but I keep getting this information that I just can't stop saying.....that's because I'm giving you that information to tell Marek...." A new voice had come out of Chyrosa's mouth. "Oracale?....Yes......."

"Wait what?" Marek's eye twitched as he grew all the more confused.

In Marek's head, he heard, I thought it would be better for me to tell you something through Chyrosa, but I guess not.... first...your mother is fine and safe at my temple..... a young found her...he was one of a very few that could get to where she was....and he needed to go because I wanted him to go though he didn't know that......second, my boyfriend, Tashi...would be your nephew...will your 2nd nephew....third, your mother had been raped once Zeus himself.....which is how the moon goddess, Artemis came to be.... no Artemis's twin is not your brother.... they are not true twins.... but they do share a father.... everyone had known about Artemis, unlike with you...that is because Zeus wanted to have more control over the moon....and Selene was not going to give him, Artemis, the virgin goddess was raped around the time her mother....your mother....was raped....and both were raped by the man that fathered you and Nyxia.....and just like you, Artemis's son was taken from her..... but she never had a chance to find him like your mother had you..... it is Artemis's son that is Tashi's father......

Marek didnt like people he didnt know in his head like this and he didnt know who the hell Tashi was. He knew Zues was a raping bastard and he didnt know why this woman was telling him all of this, he knew that his family was screwed up but other then worrying about his mother and Nyxia, he didnt need to know all of this.

Chyrosa looked up at him. "Oracle is an oracle of Delphi....she...knows that I am the Thirteenth.... but knows that either I must tell someone or they figure it out themselves.....she is telling me that she is sorry for invading your mind.... that had been why she was trying to speak through me...."

"Its alright no need to worry about it I understand she was just trying to get me the information..."

"It's great though....your mother's been found....and you have a sister and a nephew...."

"Yes it is great" he smiled and gave her a little kiss

She kissed back. "I love you..."

"I love you to" he said gazing into her eyes.

She smiled up at him. "You have a growing family...."

"I guess I do indeed" he chuckled and smiled.

"It's good..." she kissed him.

Marek sighed kissing her back gently.

" know what?"

"What sweetheart?" he asked curiously.

"You'll make a great father...."

"You really think so?" he asked curiously not thinking anything of the statement.

"Yes I truly think're kind and loving....just look how you act around is like a brother...but... your love for her is giving her a father's love too...."

"That is so sweet of you my love thank you" he smiled and kissed her cheek. "and you will be an amazing mother" he said lovingly.

Chyrosa blushed, smiling slightly. "Thank you....."

"Its true" He said lovingly curessing her shoulders.

"I hope you are right..." she whispered, blushing.

"I know I'm right" he said lovingly kissing her cheek and nuzzling her neck.

She whispered into his ear, "Good...."

He suddenly began to gently kiss her neck and collar bone playfully and lustfully

"Mmmm..." she murmured softly. "Now we just have to make sure father doesn't go on the attack....." she whispered.

Marek pulled back confused by that. "Now why would you say something like that?" he asked confused.

Chyrosa blushed, looking down.

"What is it sweetheart?" he asked worriedly.

"Would you.....want a boy or a girl....?" she whispered.

"Either really I would love to have one of both in the end even more if I could I never had a family so I've always dreamed of having a large family when I finally decided to have one I have no preference of Sons or daughters because I would love them all the same with all the fatherly love in my heart" he said in a voice that was filled with love and devotion.

"That's wonderful...." Chyrosa replied softly with a smile.

"How about you?" He asked curiously gazing down at her.

"Both... "

"Wonderful" he said lovingly "You know you still havent answered me about why your father would go on the attack" he said playfully stealing a kiss from her.

She kissed back, blushing. "I...well...I am..."

Marek sat there with a loving smile on his face waiting, he still wasnt sure what she was going to say.

Chyrosa snuggled into him. He heard her whisper into his neck, "I hope for twins....."

Marek jumped and stared down at her her. "Does that mean? are you really?" he asked feeling so happy and ecstatic.

Chyrosa nodded, slowly. "Yes....."

"Oh Chyrosa thats wonderful" he stood and picked her up in his arms spinning her around.

Chyrosa giggled. "Oh Marek...."

"Oh this is truely a wonderful day" he hugged her and kissed her deeply. Just that feeling knowing she was carrying his child or children. 

"That was....why I had said that father would go on the attack...." she whispered.

"Oh my your right" he said worriedly, "and your not going to be able to stay as a young child anymore" he said worriedly as well.

"Not after a while...."

"What are you going to tell your father?" he asked worriedly now feeling nervous for his throat.

"I will figure it out....he knows that I'm a grown's dealing with his new love...."

"Alright my darling if your sure" he said lovingly stroking her hair.

"My father loves know that...."

"I know but still I'm the man who took his daughter's innocence and got her knocked up" he said playfully and dodged as she tried to smack him playfully for the knocked up comment.

"I am not knocked up.... and I hope I will be more than just a daughter..."

"I know your not your pregnant with my child or children I was just making a joke like the mortals like to" he said playfully kissing her and snugglign with her.

"I know....but you should do one thing...."

"Yes my love and mother of my children?" he asked playfully.

She looked at him, as if to say 'you know...'

"I'm having a stupid moment baby" he chuckled rubbing his head.

Chyrosa knelt infront of him. "Marek, will you marry me?"

Marek smiled lovingly and got down on his knees with her. "Of course I'll marry you" he said lovingly and pulled her into a kiss.

She kissed back. "Does this mean I'm the guy and your the gal?" she giggled.

"I guess so I'll be sure to start wearing my hair in pig tails" he said playfully.

She giggled. "Like they are now?"

"What?" he put his hands on his head and laughed finding his hair like that. "Your so bad" he laughed pulling his hair out of the pig tails and back into its regular loose ponytail.

"What? You did say....pig tails...." she giggled.

"Your so cute" gently he picked her up in his arms. "Now my wife to be shall we go relax and bathe in the springs?" he asked lovingly.

"Yes my husband to be...."

Marek smiled as he carried her off to the springs in that romantic way. "I love you so much" he said lovingly kissing her.

"I love you too, hun..."

they undressed and climbed into the bath together. "So when did you find out you were pregnant?" he asked curiously as he stroked her back.

"I just know...."

Marek smiled and gently ran his fingers across her stomach lovingly.

She giggled. "Love you...."

"Love you to" he said snuggling against her, he had to admit he liked the thought of her with a swollen belly pregnant with his child and couldnt wait for it to happen.

"I won't ever leave you, love..."

"And I won't ever leave you" he said lovingly stroking her hair.

She tackled him into a hug, laughing, then kissing him.

Marek chuckled in his throat kissing her back holding her close feeling so happy.

"Marek...." came the familiar voice of Nyx.

Marek turned hearing his mother's voice. "Mother its so good to see your alright" he said with a smile.

Nyx smiled, nodding.

"Nyx..." Chyrosa said with a smile.

"Hello Chyrosa...I'm am glad to see you two safe and sound..."

"Thank you mother" Marek smiled. "How are you doing?" he asked worriedly it was his way of not asking what had happened knowing she would tell him when she was ready.

"I don't know what happened...I wish I did....I was awoken by....a young man...Tashi...I have to locate Artemis...she needs to know that the little one that had been taken from her had a little one himself...I" Nyx looked at him. "Artemis....Marek, Artemis is your older sister.... she didn't know I had you because I didn't want her to know what happened to me....after it happening to her.....I'm so...shameful....Artemis had told me....what she had been forced to do....I didn't want her to hurt herself for hurting her baby brother...."

"Mother its alright I understand" he said looking up at her.


Marek nodded. "You did what you had to for your children" he said softly.

"I had lost track of where you were and when...Artemis had come crying to me about what she was made to do...I knew...." Nyx rushed him, hugging him, crying.

Marek hugged his mother as best as he could being have in the bath and naked. "Its ok mother its ok" he whispered rubbing her back as he hugged her.

"I'm sorry I was distrubing you...but I knew you'd be worried...."

"No mother your never disturbing me I always love to see you" he said with a smile as she pulled back

Nyx smiled gently at both of them. "I will let you two get back to your bath...." she giggled.

"Thank you mother, and please be back soon I can't wait for another visit"

Nyx nodded. "Soon, my son..." she said as she disappeared.

Marek smiled then snuggled against Chyrosa again. "I can't wait to tell her she's going to be a grandmother" he said playfully.

She nodded, snuggling into him more. "Me too...."

"My angel" he whispered lovingly stroking her hair.

"My knight..."

Marek nuzzled her lovingly. "Mmmm My sexy soon to be wife."

"I liked all of that...but the 'soon to be' part...." giggled Chyrosa.

"Well we can change that when ever you want us to my darling" he said playfully looking down at her.

"As soon as possible...."

"Yes my lady" he said lovingly.

" formal now..." she giggled. "You silly man..."

Marek chuckled and leaned her head up to face him as he kissed her.

She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Marek passionately made out with Chyrosa as they relaxed in the bath together.

He felt something slither against his leg in the water.

Marek yelped and was out of the water in seconds kicking the feeling off of him.

"What's wrong?"

"Something in the water slithered against me" he shivered.

Chyrosa felt around the water. "I don't feel anything...."

"I swear I felt something in there" he said looking down, if it was Wadjet again he was going to be pissed.

Sorry to disappoint you... came Wadjet's voice in Marek's head. I didn't do it.... though I can tell you....there are others connection to seprents and in being, connected to could have been any of them either wishing to talk to her or just passing through....very few stick around because they guard Chyrosa....

Marek shivered sitting there he didnt know if he could ever get used to all the serpents.

I am only one of two able to be balisks at all....You'd have to talk to Seth...

That felt like a snake though not baskilisk He admitted it to himself snakes did make him nervous.

And you have seen me as a snake....Seth is here....I know a fellow Egyptian god....

"Chyrosa sorry for the silent I think its time to get out of bed" he smiled lovingly. Why would he be in teh baths?

Because I came out of the wrong serpent image... came a male voice.

"Okay love..." Chyrosa said, grabbing a towel.

Marek grabbed a towel "Its alright" he said back to the male voice "Sorry" he said kissing Chyrosa after she got her towel on.

"For what?" she asked with a smile.

As her your job well...for death can not touch you...

"For jumping out of the bath tub like that" he said with a chuckle. What do you mean death cannot touch me? he asked the voice confused, death could touch anything

Chyrosa nodded smiling. "I'm going to go get dressed..." She kissed his cheek and then headed back into the bedroom.

Seth seemed to just step out of the shadows. "Death can never truly touch gods of death..."

"I'm not a god of death though, I was created from two gods of darkness yes but neither of them held the powers of death." he said looking at the other man confused.

"Then why do you have the same eyes as...." Seth shook his head. "You may be may just be the light....til another time, good knight..." Seth said softly seeming to be deep in thought. He then just disappeared.

Marek stood there confused. "My eyes?" he asked himself trying to figure out what Seth meant by all of that.

Chyrosa came back into the room. "Marek? What's wrong?"

"Its nothing baby" he smiled lovingly at her.

"You said something about you....eyes?" she just stared at him, then a big smile crossed her lips, and she rushed him into a hug.

Marek laughed hugging her back. "What are you up to your little minx?" he asked playfully looking down at her.

Chyrosa smiled up at him. "It's your eyes.... they've if they had been hidden...look in the mirror...their kinder and stronger...."

Marek looked at her curiously then after letting go of her he walked over to the mirror and looked in it to see...

The person in the mirror, the Marek in the mirror did indeed have different eyes. They didn't seem as dark, they weren't 'His'... they were.... ((Hades....he'd know they were because he's seen lol ))

"Impossible how how can this be?" he asked himself softly looking in the mirror thinking that it was a dream, what he was seeing.

Chyrosa wrapped her arms around him from the side. "I like these eyes...they seem more.... natural..."

Marek was still freaked though the eyes he was born with and grown up with were gone and now he was staring into the eyes of another man in his head. He had to speak to his mother about this.

Chyrosa looked up at him. "I love you..."

Marek smiled looking down at her. "I love you to sweetheart"

Chyrosa smiled. "You know who you look like right now...?"

"Hades?" he asked knowing thats what she was going to say.

Chyrosa nodded. "And your Nyx and Hades together...."

"That can't be possible though my mother said my father is... Nyxia's father" he said looking at himself in teh mirror again.

"There is suppose to be a medical thing...where.... a pregnant woman can get pregnant again by another person, but have only one child...."

"What does that mean? She got pregnant by hades then by whats his face then I was born?" he asked confused.

"What if your mother...what if Nyx had become pregnant with you through making love with Hades....she did say that they had been together.... well...what if before she could tell that she was even pregnant, she was raped by Zeus's son.... and you ended up not only being born with a mix of your mother's and Hades' powers...but with 'His' powers too...As in...what if 'He' has no right ever to have called you his child... that you are truly Hades's son, and not even Hades knows..."

"Holy hell no wonder Seth said I was a death god" he said thinking about that thing that he had turned into when he had seen what happened to Nyxia. He carried the powers of three of the most powerful Deities of darkness.

"Just be glad that you have the good side affect of having zeal...unlike Zealus..."

"I've never understood what Zeal is" he said as he turned her and lead her off into their bedroom so he could throw on some sleep pants.

"I don't really know either... just that Zealus is just like Nike, the goddess of victory...a god over a small part of a person's self...I far as you're concerned, you should just say that you are the son of two powerful deities of of night and one of the dead....with zeal thrown in there..."

"So true you do have a good point" he grabbed his silk sleep pants pulling them on as he thought about it.

"Hades hurt said something to that point before..." she whispered.

"Oh that man hurt me alot while I was growing up" he said as his eyes grew dark with memory of the things Hades did to him.

"Don't blame him..." she whispered. "He had no control over his added to his already deep hatred of Zeus...Dad and him used to talk all the time...about my mother...he would never want to leave the underworld... the same with Bastet...."

Marek sat down on the bed and leaned back letting out a sigh. He wished he could say it was ok but he didnt know.

"I know that you won't forgive him...but you should give him a chance..."

"I'll try for my mother" he said leaning back against the pillows. "Do we have to keep talking about this?" he asked wanting just some quality time with her.

"I'm sorry..." she smiled "...I love you..."

"I love you to darling" he pulled her against him. "You and all your worriness" he chuckled.

"I'm glad...because I'm going to continue to be worried about you..."

"As I will be worried about you" he said playfully.

She snuggled into him, and nipped his neck playfully.

Marek growled playfully laying there. "Mmm that feels good"

"Good...." Chyrosa purred, continueing.

Marek laid his head to the side enjoying the feeling.

Chyrosa started to kiss and lick up and down his chest.

Marek sighed happily letting out a deep gutteral growl.

She giggled. "Oh, have I awaken the monster?"

"Oh you know you have" Marek said playfully looking down at her.

Chyrosa giggled, then just moved up to snuggle against him.

"Your so bad" He chuckled.

"You know I am..." she said kissing his cheek.

Suddenly his stomach growled.

"Looks like we need to go get something to eat...." giggled Chyrosa. "We should go get Nyxia..."

"Yes we should" he smiled climbing out of bed he materialized a tanktop for himself then went to Nyxia's door.

"Love... I think should should wear something more to your stature..." Chyrosa said lovingly. "YOu are my knight...the captian of the knight of the Zodiac..." She headed over to the bathroom. "I'll see you in a minute..."

"We're just grabbing food" Marek said confused but shrugged and materialized his clothes into more of a noble garb. Black with gold piping and designs on it. "Hope she likes this" he smiled.

"You look pretty...." came Nyxia's voice.

"Thank you Nyxia, Chyrosa asked me to look pretty for her." he smiled at his little sister standing at her door. He walked over and scooped up. "You hungry munchkin?" he asked curiously.

Nyxia nodded. "I want to look pretty too...."

"Alright lets see here" he thought about it then set her down on the ground gently he took her hand and twirled her around changing her clothes. When she came to a stop she was wearing a beautiful green dress with gold embelishments all across the fabric. "You look so pretty" Marek smiled picking her up again.

Nyxia snuggled into him. "You are the best big brother ever...." ((Awww...they are even more not related than they had been when he thought he was fully Zealus's son...))

Chyrosa came into the room, smiling at them. "Don't you two look so wonderful..." she said softly, smiling. Chyrosa was wearing a long floor length gown of a mid-night blue with silver embelishments on the rims of the sleeves and around the bottom of the gown. She had her hair done up, with silver ribbons and flowers in her hair. She had silver bracelets on both her wrists as well as silver anklets that Marek could see when she walked as well as he could see that she was bare foot. She also had a silver snake cobra choker on.

((He still see's her as his little sister and nothing will ever change that to him.))
Marek smiled "You look breath taking my lday" he smiled gazing over her. "Now it must be something special if we're all so dressed up." he chuckled.

"It is dinner with's tradition..." Chyrosa said with a smile.

"You sneaky minx you" he kissed her a quick little one.

Chyrosa kissed back. "She is our host silly... we have to..."

"I would have liked to be informed on the matter" Marek chuckled.

"I did..." she giggled. "Your stomach growled, and I told you that we were going to go eat.... come on..." She smiled sweetly up at him.

"Again thats not telling me we were having a proper dinner" he chuckled and smiled down at her.

"I'm sorry...I've had dinners with Bastet before...they're all formal..." she said as she walked down the hall with them.

"Its alright baby I'm just playing with you" he said gently taking her hand in his as they walked while he held Nyxia with his other arm.

Nyxia snuggled against him. "You're silly brother...."

"But it makes me all the more fun" Marek smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Hel was always a quiet woman when I met her during my time with Fenris and Hades I didnt know him to well but the times I met him he seemed like a cheerful man." he remembered when he had gone to Hades palace a few times for the festival of the dead Hades was always a showmen and a good man making sure his guests were always happy.

"Hades is now as the mortals think of him... an evil person...however it is because Zeus is using something to control him, he tries to fight it.... but he loses the fight..... Hel was exiled to never walk the surface of the earth for very long before she must go back to her realm in the underworld....She has become two sides of a coin... she can be truly evil at times, showing no mercy and at other times can be very loving.... she has lost herself especially with what happen to Loki and her brothers...."

"In the Name of the father Rah" he suddenly slapped his hand over his mouth, he hadnt used that curse in a long time he really was bringing out his old Egyptian ways and he had to admit it felt good.

"This mysterious evil is destroying lives..."

"It effects us all one way or another" he sighed. "Has anyone been able to trace the source at all?" he asked curiously.

"No...just back to either Oden or Zeus...."

"Well I'm here and I will fight and do whatever is needed I will run no longer" he said sitting there looking at seth.

Seth nodded. "As far as I have been able to see, this evil may be connected to alot of things bad that has happened..."

"Yes I have discovered that as of late" he said thinking of his sweet Bastet.

"But not all evil..."

"I know" he said softly closing his eyes gently.

"Can I help you with your whore problem?"

Randulfur looked up at him. "What did you have in mind?" he asked curiously.

"I feel like acting like a little evil..."

"Oooh I like that, and maybe" he let his magic coat him making him look like he did years ago when Shayia's mother had drugged him. "Bringing up an old ghost of hers" he chuckled.

Seth laughed too.

"So what should we do? their was alot of people there when I went by" he said looking up at him.

"Scare them out..."

"Oooh fun" he grinned wickedly.

"I thought you'd like that..."

"Oh you've always been such a bad influence on me Seth and I do have to say I love it" he said with a wicked smirk as his eyes glowed with his egyptian power.

"I'm proud of that..."

Randulfur laughed a deep hearty laugh. "Well my friend" he stood "Let us go the night is strong and I'm feeling a new" he grinned.

Seth smiled. "Good... I liked the old you..."

Randulfur grinned. "Its good to be back" he said as teh two of them then headed off into the night heading back to the mansion.

Seth walked with him, smirking. "A hunting we will go..."

"A hunting we will go.." he said in a sing song voice jokingly.

Seth laughed. They saw several cars come and go on the road to and from the house.

They used their magics to hide in the darkness as they walked along. "What the hell? its like that place has a damn revolving door" he rolled his eyes.

"It looks like this is their main income..."

"Ridiculous just ridiculous" he stayed in the shadows as he walked the side of the road of the gardens. He peered in a window and saw many of teh people guzzling wine down. "Remember what we did in rome with their wine that one time?" he asked set with a grin. he was talking about the old egyptian herb that they used and placed in the wine causing hallucinations to the mortals that drink it.

"Anubis... of course I do..." Seth said with a smirk. He snapped his fingers. "It's done..."

He looked in the windows watching curiously and chuckled as they began to freak.

Seth smirked. "Let's go..."

"Knowing her she would probably want the huge bedroom so I would say back of the house over looking the garden, if you get rid of her husband I'll have my fun with her" he growled playfully.

Seth smirked, and then before Anubis's eyes stood a female version of him. "How's this...?"

"Perfect" he chuckled and hid in the shadows making his way to find Shayia's mother.

He found her having sex with three guys.

Anubis stood int he shadows, he began to use his magic to place thoughts into the mens heads that they needed to leave, that they needed to leave and never come back.

The men just stood up and headed out of the room. "Where are you going?" the woman cried out.

When the door closed behind the men Randulfur walked out of the shadows. "As much the whore of Babylon as I remember from years ago" he said standing there smirking as she looked at him like he was some creature from a B horror movie.

She screamed. "What the hell!?!?!"

"Oh naughty sweetheart is that the way you greet the father of one of your children?" He grinned showing his fangs. she heard all the windows and doors close and lock.

"What the hell are you talking about!?! Freak! Monster!"

"Oh you don't remember, 18 long years ago, seattle washington, the Blue Moon Bar and hotel. I looked just like this when you drugged me and took me up to my room that night then nine month later popped out Shayia." he said crossing his arms over his chest. His body prickled wanting to shift over into his anubian warrior form but he would wait.

"you bastard! Stay away from my children..."

"Me the bastard? I'm not the one who is using her own grand children in her whore house!" he snarled at her. "I only recently found out about my biological daughter and how she's been tormented by a woman who has no right to call herself a mother." he growled standing there.

"I am not using my grandchildren! They are my children!"

"Don't lie to me." he snarled. "I know you send Shayia's twins out to go pick pocket for you and once the girl comes of age you'll probably use her for the darker things as well" he snapped. "I do not take kindly to people harming my family." he snarled out.

She smirked. "What do you mean 'when' she comes of age...?"

"You sick woman" he snarled and let the magic come. "I'll show you who you messed with" he shifted forms into his anubian form, he towered a good seven and a half feet tall, in this form due to the wolf inside of him his muscles were thicker ad his body even more chisled then in the past. his eyes glowed with the fire of the spirits of the dead. He clicked his claws together as he opened his jaws panting showing the rows of glistening white sharp teeth. He summoned his fake golden armor so it wouldnt burn his skin but it was made so well no one would know the difference. his clothing had vanished into his egyptian garb as well showing the grace that was one of the gods of Egypt. He snapped his jaws with a thick Clack. "And by now your dear hubby is 'enjoying' himself with my fellow god" he said in a deep beautiful voice that seemed to lull you into relaxation and unknown to her a scent filled the air that lulled her so comfort as well. It was part of being one of the gods of death. That the smell and sound of their voices comforted their victims to do anything they pleased.

"I.... my hubby...I..."

"Your hubby what?" he purred out in a sensual tone pulling her more into his power.


"The man that helps you run this place" he said walking over and gently ran the tips of his claws across her skin and smirked as she shuddered in pleasure at the feeling she was his to do as he pleased under his control.


He gently put his finger on the tip of her nose. "No you do not order me around." he purred out. "You be good and answer my questions and we'll see what gifts you get in return" he said letting his voice curess her to her core.

She nodded slowly.

"Now tell me, why are you so intent on having Shayia's children as your own?" he asked curiously.

"It's...about control....and Robbie is my husbands son...."

Anubis made a throne form in the room out of nothing and sat down lounging there like a king watching her. "Why did you let your husband rape and impregnate my daughter? Why not give him children yourself?" he purred out and let the shadows of teh room curess her gently.

"I can't have children any more thanks to Shaiya....because of that she has to give him children....."

"What did having Shaiya do to you that made you unable to have children?" he asked confused, if he remembered she was in her twenties whens he had raped him.

"I don't know.... she was born and then I was told I don't have a uterus anymore...."

"How odd" it greatly confused him. "But why your own daughter? why not another woman?" He moved his fingers and she felt a soft curess over her breasts and she shuddered happily at the feeling.

"Because she is my blood...."

"I see if you could not bare children for your husband you still wanted your blood to carry on his name..." he felt his claws ache to rip her a new one but he would hold on. "Why me then? all those years ago?" he ran his fingers through his long lush black hair looking gorgeous in his anubian form.

"You were cute..."

"Thats it you thought I was cute so you drugged me and raped me?" he growled softly.


"Oh you are a sick woman" he growled to himself softly.

She tilted her head.

Suddenly e heard the door opened and turned his head to see the female Seth walk in. "Oh welcome to the party my friend did you have fun?" he asked playfully lounging there.

Seth smiled. "OH yes I did....."

"Good I'm so glad to hear that." he smirked showing his row of sharp teeth. This woman is insane, supposedly when she gave birth to my Daughter her Uterus went missing. Who knows what the hell happened there and so she had her husband she married later on fuck her own daughter just so her blood line could carry on and combine with his. this woman is fucking sick, she Drugged and raped me because I was cute. he said in that rich Egyptian accent of his as Shayia's mother sat there like a good little girl.

Her uterus seems to truly not be there....and yes she is sick....

What should we do with her? he asked curiously

Take everything that is her's....

What do you mean? he asked confused.

The children she took from Shaiya....

Well that one I deffinantly will be doing I mean what else to do

((You forgot here))((Same as other))

Seth laughed. Whatever you want...

"Its been awhile though he chuckled.

Seth just looked at him. What?

I was thinking with Osiris's blessing of course we could take her on a little walk of where her soul would go for our underworld. he said playfully I mean if she keeps all of this shit up he twirled his finger to the room.

Seth smiled more, nodding.

Can you get in contact with Osiris? he asked curiously.

I can... its a matter of will he want to hear from me....

Tell him I'm the one looking for him Osiris had always been like a big brother to him growing up and he had heard that Osiris had taken it really hard when Anubis had vanished.

Seth nodded. Have fun while I head out to find him...

"Now that we are alone" he said looking at Shayia's mother as he stood, "What should we do?" he asked playfully.

"Oh please.... take me...have me...." she begged.

He walked over and gently pushed her down before he ran his tounge up her neck, that touch was all he needed. He didnt want to do anything with her but he made her believe he was as he used his magic to fill her mind making her think he was seducing her about to use her and have sex with her.

She moaned, her eyes closed as her mind was filled with those images.

Anubis rolled his eyes as he walked away from her and went to the window looking out at the moonlit landscape.

He saw a shadow climbing out of a window from an upper floor.

Anubis looked out the window curious on who it could be.

He could just make out the girl from before.

"Damn it" he growled, he really couldnt open the window and go after her, but then he suddenly remembered something, gently he opened the window and standing back he summoned magic into his chest and slowly blew out a breath, the breath was a thick dark magic which collected on the windowsil forming into a Jackal. "Follow the girl outside make sure she stays safe, report back to me threw the darkness when you can" he said to the spirit animal

The spirit jackal nodded, then headed off to follow the girl.

The woman moaned louder.

Anubis rolled his eyes and shifted human summoning his MP3 player, sticking the earbuds in his ears he put on some of his rock music turned his throne towards teh window and sat waiting for Osiris and Seth to show up.

A scream tore through the music of his MP3 player.

He pulled his headphones out and turned looking behind himself at the bed where teh woman was wondering what the hell was going on nothing he had put into her mind should be making her scream like 'that'.

Osiris stood over the woman, Seth standing back from the god. The woman was thrashing in the bed.

"Osiris" he whispered seeing him standing there hatred was in the other man's eyes as he looked down at the woman on the bed. Osiris had always been such a good friend to him he was surprised though to see such dark hatred in his eyes.

Osiris looked over at Anubis with kind eyes. "It is good to see you again old friend..."

"It is good to see you as well old friend" he said with a soft smile then went over and pulled him into a hug.

Osiris hugged back. "You had better not just disappear again..."

"I promise Osiris I'm not going anywhere any time soon" he pulled back looking at his old friend then at the woman. "Did Seth tell you my idea?" he asked curiously. He knew Osiris and Seth didnt get along for more then a few reasons but after he had left on the wind he had heard news that Osiris partially blamed Seth for his dissapearance.

"Yes...he told me..." he growled, his growl not directed at Seth, but directed at the woman.

Anubis figured this out. "I didnt want her touching me so I just put her into a lust filled fantasy until you got here" he said looking at the woman.

"And I changed it to one of torture...."

"You have always been such a badass" he grinned.

"I hate rapists...."

Anubis didn't comment to that, he knew that Osiris probably blew a gasgut when Seth had told him Anubis had been raped. "Shall we kill her and bring her soul to the underworld?" he asked curiously.

"We will in time..." he growled.

"Ahhh I know that look" Anubis said seeing the fire burn in his friend's eyes and smirked, it had been a long time since he had been apart of a good torture.

The woman looked between them.

Seth laughed nerviously.

Osiris smiled. "You should...ready?"

"Its been awhile but yes" he smirked.

Osiris stalked over to the woman, who looked at him in fear. "I...I..." He laughed at her stuttering.

"What you've never seen three gods before?" Anubis asked with a chuckle. "You'll see what you get for all the pain you have caused so many people over the years" he said standing there.

Seth had all the Egyptian mummification tools appear. "How does a living mummification sound? Just with out the reanimation curse...."

Osiris nodded, smirking.

"Oooh fun I haven't done one of these in awhile" he chuckled out.

The woman tried to escape.

Anubis caught her by the waist and threw her back to the bed he then used his magic summoning chains from the darkness Chaining her to the bed tightly so she couldnt escape. "Naughty naughty" he shook his finger at her as he let his eyes glow with that ethereal power.

She started to cry.

"No one will come to help you..." growled Osiris.

"You see you've lived your life taking and tormenting the lives of others, this is how the fates have decided you get your punishment" Anubis said standing there.


"There are no 'but's for the will undergo you live...."


Anubis chuckled seeing her squirm. "Your just getting what you deserve." he went over to teh tools and gently ran his thumb over the blade feeling its sharpness without cutting himself. "Shall we being my brothers of the sand?" he asked with a heavy egyptian accent to his voice.

"Of course," they both said, each picking up an ancient tool. "Now....we begin..."

They then got to work the hours passed as they tortured her.

In the end, the woman was dead, dying painfully.

Anubis washed off his hands of blood i the bathroom, he looked at hmself in the mirror he hadn't seen himself look so.. normal in so long.

"Thinking on the past?" asked Osiris.

"Yes I am" he smiled over his shoulder at the other man in the doorway "Its been a long time since I've felt like my old self.

"You have been missed...when Seth told me you were back...I knew I had to come..." he said smiling.

"I'm glad you did I was at a loss of what to do and you've always been there to help me in the past" he smiled.

(( Did you know that in Egyptian mythology, just like in Greek/Roman mythology where Zeus was brother to Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia-a goddess never really talked about..... Osiris is the brother of Seth, Isis, and Nepherete{spelling is off}-another goddess never really talked about.... well, Osiris married Isis, and Seth married, still comparing, Zeus had cheated on Hera impregnanting Demeter with Persiphoine who would marry Hades..... unlike Zeus, Osiris only cheated once, Osiris had slept with Nepherete, who then gave birth to....*drumroll* Anubis! ^_^ just giving some fun facts from mythology ^_^ ))

Osiris nodded. "Always...."

((Lets do it! lets say that Anubis doesnt know that Osiris really is his father but Osiris knows anubis is his son))

Anubis smiled and finished washing up. "I just wish that I could find a cure to my gold allergin I miss being able to wear my egyptian garb." he said mainly to himself but to Osiris as well as he dried off then turned looking at the other man.

"There always is a way, you just need to know where to look...." Osiris said.

"I've traveled the world from bangkok to new york I havent seen anything" he said leaning back against the counter.

"Have you spoken with Nepherete?" Seth asked walking up.

"My mother and I havent been on speaking terms for a long time even before I left egypt." he sighed.

"Tell him Osiris...tell him should have told him years before...the real reason why I attacked you and did those things...." Seth said softly, eyeing Osiris.

Anubis looked between the two men. "What are you not telling me? what havent you told me?" he asked Osiris worriedly.

"Did your mother ever tell you who your father was?"

"No she told me he was a backstabbing liar who used her for a one night stand" he said getting paranoid.

Osiris looked like he had been slapped. "I must go...." he said hurriedly, turning to leave the bathroom, heading back into the bedroom.

Seth looked after him. "Osiris..."

"Seth? what are you two not telling me?" he asked confused by the whole situation.

"You should know that your mother...Nepheret is our sister...and that like Osiris and Isis were matched up by unknown forces, so was Nepherete and husband and wife.... though all four of us loved each other as siblings, we did not love our matches as a husband or wife should... I had later started to love Nepherete as my have taken a lot of time...I was lonely for the love of another...a love that was not that of a sister or brother.... but....when I went to talk to Nepherete about it...she.... had bedded with.....Osiris...." Seth paused, then continued. "...She explained soon after my murderous attack on Osiris that she loves Osiris with all of her heart....I knew that I could not have her...but I was happy for her....but then Osiris spoke such hate filled words to her...that I killed him again...."

Anubis began to tremble hearing this he didnt know how to take it, no wonder the other gods had looked at him with such hatred in their eyes why he and his mother had always lived on the outside of their society. Why Seth had attacked Osiris... from so many years of not using his magic it took on a heart of its own as the emotions ran rampant. Hi sbody suddenly shifted into a small Jackal he whimpered utting his tail between his legs and suddenly bolted out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom just shimmering threw walls needing to be out of there.

Seth appeared in front of him. "You need to let me finish my story..."

Anubis slid to a stop and backed up whimpering looking up at Seth having a feeling he wasn't going to like the story at all.

"Isis had been standing behind Osiris when he had told me that he didn't care about Nepherete outside of her being his sister....but Osiris's eyes...they were sad....but I still killed him again....but that was so that I could let him whisper how I truly felt to me......" Seth sighed. "He said that he loves Nepherete and hopes that the child she bares will be strong and be kind like Nepherete.....I later show Isis confront your mother telling her that Osiris only used her....that way so that Osiris and her could never get back together...."

Anubis didnt say anything he just wanted to be let alone he needed to be given time to think all of this over

"I have to go take care of going to be okay?"

Anubis nodded gently but he wasnt telling the truth he didnt know if he was going to be ok this was all just so much.

Seth nodded, and disappeared. Anubis heard footsteps in the large house's hallway. Child steps.

Anubis shifted to human, his pain would have to come later. he looked at the body of the woman who raped him then listened in the hall he wasnt sure what he was going to do.

An envelop slipped under the door, and the footsteps headed away from the door.

Anubis picked up the enveloped and opened it reading the note inside.

'Mother.....Here was tonight's earnings for sister and I....' There were several hundred dollars.

"Heavens be merciful" he whispered softly seeing all the money. He snarled barring his fangs. "Atleast she is gone." he whispered. He stood there trying to figure out how he would convince the children to come with him.

There was the sounds of several cars starting up, and then leaving.

Anubis looked out the window at the cars he wanted to burn this house to the ground from all the sin that was in it. He stood there thinking to himself about how he was going to get the kids to go with him.

"Brother..." he heard the girl's voice say somewhere in the hall. "Why did you give her that money...?"


"We could have used that money to get away.... or is it you want us to end up like our sisters...."

"I don't want to end up dead...but we have to be honest....stealing is..."

"Stealing is the only way to get what we want...."

Anubis shifted into darkness and went through the wall, Hiding out of sight he stood there holding the envelope watching them.

"Lyra and Shaiya are in a better know that... but I don't want to be killed too..."

"Stop being a goody-goody....sometimes you have I know where dad has the keys hidden...."

Anubis watched this with interest.

"Let's getting going bro... I want to get away from the smell...."

"Just for a bit?"

"No.....for good... come on, help me with the backing.... you take care of your things and Lyra...go...I'll get mine and the things that are Shaiya.... we have to keep going for them..."

The boy nodded, and ran off. The girl for the cafe, turned and headed towards Shaiya's room.

Anubis followed the girl silently. In the room he watched as she packed Shaiya's things. "Hear me child, Shaiya lives and misses you and your brother will all her heart" he spoke softly into her mind giving her images of Shaiya as she was now.

The girl shook her head, and turned her head as if seeing where he stood. "My sister is dead.... and has been dead...." she said aloud as if to no one.

"Your sister lives driven out by your mother, she has been in hiding for many years trying to protect her little ones from your mother's wrath" he said mind to mind not giving himself away where he was.

"You are telling me a falsehood....I know...I know that my mother....our mother is not the woman that called us her children...."

"you know what" he walked out of the shadows. "I'm the grandfather of your real mother Shayia and I'm was trying to make it easy. Shayia is alive and well she is protecting your brother and sister missing you and your brother wanting to have you in her life again" he said crossing his arms over his chest.

"You didn't have to be so rude just then....sir...." she said glaring at him. "You don't think I didn't know our mother was one of the sisters we were told was dead! I protect my brother! I always am.... it's what our aunt did...protected our mother....I's in Shaiya's diary....Don't be like they say in books!"

Anubis didnt answer that last remark. "I can take your brother and you to see your mother she misses you alot" he said in a kinder voice as he tossed the envelope full of money over to her.

"No matter what I said to my brother.... that money is blood money....I don't want it....and I know he doesn't.....we would...." she looked down. "We would hide out up here in our mother's room or Lyra's room....please.... we can't go to our mother yet....I...she'll hate us... we are a disgrace...." she whispered.

Anubis went over and hugged her gently. "She will not see you as a disgrace, she loves you both so much she misses you and she worries for you" he said softly. "Trust me she knows what goes on here and she did not want that for you."

"That woman....won us in custity...." she said softly. "Lord...." she then whispered.

"The woman is dead, My fellow gods and I wayed her soul and that of her husband and she is no more" he said looking down at her.

"So I was right...I was trying to steal from a god....I also know that we are gods too... I am Laverna, the goddess of thieves, and if I trully had wanted to steal from you....I would brother is Nomos the god of justice...."

"You would be surprised child of what I can do" he smiled as he stood. "Now do you wish to go see your mother?" he asked curiously as she went back to packing her stuff.

"No....not now...I....can't....we can't...."

"You can stay with me if you like" he said standing there. He was staying at the temple and he had alot to do buying a new house and seeing his mother and things like that but he wanted them somewhere safe.

"With you?"

"I'm family you'll be safe and you'll have free reign of the temple I'm staying at and then the house I plan on buying." he said standing there.

"No one but temple priests have free reign in a temple....everyone knows that...granddad....." she whispered the last part.

Anubis chuckled. "I meant the parts of it that We could go to" he patted the top of her head. "How much more do you need to pack?" he asked curiously.

"I'm done..."

"Laverna! Are you done?" came Nomos's voice.

"You should introduce me it will be easier on him" he said shifting into teh shadows once more but she knew he was there.

"Nomos, get in here..."

Nomos hurried in. "I...what's up?"

"You remember the guy I tried to steal from?"


"He's our grandfather...."


"And Shaiya is our mother...not..."

"not our sister....I knew that, was obvious...we have her eyes....neither father nor 'Her' had our eyes...."

Anubis stood there in the darkness just waiting he didnt want to freak the kid out.

"You should come out grandfather...." Laverna said.

Anubis shifted out of the shadows. "It is an honor to meet you Nomos" he bowed gently to him.

Nomos looked at him. He then ran to him, hugging him.

Laverna looked like she had lost control of her emotions and joined Nomos in hugging him.

Anubis kneeled down and hugged them both tight. "I'm sorry I didnt know sooner you two but I'm here now" he said softly and lovingly.

"I knew that they would see justice...I just knew it..." Nomos whispered.

"I am one of the keepers of the scales of justice so its part of who I am" he said holding them cclose. "Come let us leave this hell hole" he said softly.

The twins nodded. "Yes grandpa..."

He vanished them and their things to the temple to his room. "Stay here for a minute you two" he then vanished back to the mansion. He summoned his magic summoning two huge fireballs and threw them at the house.

The house started to burn.

He made sure the surrounding forest did not burn then vanished returning to teh temple. "Its late I'll get you two settled into your room" he said looking down at his grandchildren.

"YOu have really taken to your role," said Laverna.

Nomos nodded at that.

"Let me just say I know what you went through more then you know, and your my family I want the two of you to know you have me here and I'm not going anywhere" he said kneeling down to be eye level with them.

The twins nodded. "Thank you...."

"Your welome" he smiled standing. "Come I know you two need some sleep" he said leading them to the room next door, the room was huge with a divder in the middle their was two beds in the room one on each side.

Each twin headed to a different bed. ""

"Good night Nomos, Laverna, Until the morning." and with that he closed the door and returned to his room. He laid down on his bed thinking about the past remembering his life as a child in Egypt.

He remember her telling him that his father was a backstabbing liar, but he didn't notice it then but she had looked like she didn't believe the words that came from her mouth.

"mother" he said softly as he turned on his side looking out the window.

He saw an image of her walking through her garden.

He laid there watching the image of his mother in his mind. She looked so sad and lost it hurt his heart but the thing was he had hurt her badly.

He felt that her thoughts were on him and what was happening with him.

"I'm sorry I'm such a horrible son" He whispered to himself sadly.

"No you aren't....I am a horrible father...." came a voice from the window.

Anubis jumped sitting up and saw Osiris sitting there in the window. "What brings you here?" he asked gently looking at his father not ready to give him that title yet.

"I was coming to check on you...again...." he said softly. "I... have an important letter I must write....."

"And why are you telling me this?" he asked looking up at the other man.

"Because the only letters I have ever writen have been about you...."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked confused he didnt understand.

"You disappeared, and I followed you....writing back to your mother.... I'd have to come back because of....Isis....but I'd always find you again... if I couldn't be a father to you openly....I was going to do it in secret.... though I had started writing to your mother before that to find out how both of you were...." Anubis remembered how his mother would get letters for an unknown person to him, but that the letters had always made her happy.

'But why though? you had Isis, you had Horus you had your family" he remembered long ago when he had been a child how many of the other dark gods had beat anubis to a bloody pulp and dragged him behind a horse in the desert. He had been left out there for days with no one. He had been all alone crawling trying to get to safety. He had been almost ten at the time, where had his father been then?

He then remembered a cloaked figure that came up to him, who had tended to his wound. The figure had appeared and reappeared during his training.

"Horus was born through Isis having sex with my dead body....not from love...."

"Thats right I remember hearing about that..."He looked down for a moment then looked up at him. "You saved me in the desert that time when the dark gods had come after me, when they had punished me?..." he asked softly remembering the figure, remembering moments when he would wake up while he was healing seeing that figure. He remembered that same figure watching him as he grew up in his training, watching as he learned to be a werewolf.

"Yes... which is why.... I...had...worked on making...these for you...." Osiris said softly, pulling a box out from behind his back. " for you...."

Anubis gently took the box in hand and opened it.

Inside was a set of shining, solid gold arm bands with the same markings as his own that he hadn't been able to wear for so long.

Anubis also noticed something else though markings on the arm bands that were the markings of the son. Osiris was truely claiming him as his son not even Horus truely was aloud to wear this mark. His hands trembled as he looked up. "Father" he whispered as the tears of joy filled his eyes.

"That only belongs to my children...Horus is but the son of my sister and a dead have forever been my only son...." Osiris said, softly. "I....also worked on making those special for you to wear forever...look at the mark on the inside of each negates what prevents you from wearing or touching gold...."

Anubis put the bracers on the cool metal felt amazing against his skin as he looked at the beautiful designs "Oh Father" suddenly Osiris found himself in a big hug. "Thank you father"

Osris wrapped his arms around him. "I love you Anubis...and always have...."

"Oh father you don't know how long I've longed to hear that" he said softly as he hugged Osiris.

"I'm just glad.... that you haven't asked me to leave this whole time I've been here...."

"I was tempted when you first appeared" he said as he let go of his father "But trust me when I say that I will never think something like that again" He chuckled.

Osiris nodded. "I saw what you did to that place...and how you handled those children... have a child? I...didn't see that happen....if I had...I...."

Anubis sat on his bed and sighed softly. "I actually have two daughters father, one by Bastet and the other by that woman from tonight" he said looking up at his father.


He nodded "She's my daughter" he said softly.

"I knew of her....I...oviously couldn't say anything.....I wish I could have...."

"She is well she is staying at one of the other temples in the area" He smiled softly. "She's grown into a strong woman and I'm proud of her" he said sitting there looking at the floor. Osiris saw himself in Anubis in that moment hurting fromt he fact he couldnt be a father.

"You will be a father to is what she wants....and I am sure the same can be said for your other daughter....and your son...."

Anubis's head whipped up looking at Osiris. "My son?" he asked confused.

Osiris just looked at Anubis. "I'm sorry....I guess I was just asuming.... that you loving would be also wishing to be as a father to her give him something he has never had....just as your't have...." Osiris's voice had slowly become softer as he spoke.

"I hope I can try to have something with him" he said resting his elbows on hia knees. "It will be hard though." he said looking at the floor. "I will try though I want something with all of my children and bastets"

"You will do will be with the one you love and your children...."

"Thank you father" He smiled softly up at him.

Osiris moved to him, pulling him into a hug.

Anubis hugged him back. 

"I'm here to getting rid of me...."

"Thank you father" He smiled hugging him back.

"Now...I do have to get the letter to your mother....she will want to hear of this..."

"Could you tell her I say hi? and that I miss her?" he asked as he pulled back from his father.

"Of course I will...of course my son..."

"Be sure to come back soon father I can't wait to introduce you to your grand children and great grand children." he smiled.

Osiris nodded. "Of course son..."

"Until later father" he smiled then watched his father vanish into the darkness. He looked down at his bracers with a smile. He felt happy he truely felt happy at that moment.

A knock came to his door.

"Just a sec" he put his bracers in their box and put them in their hiding place with the bracers that Bastet had given him then went to the door opening it.

Byakko stood there, in front of the door. "May...I speak with you?" Anubis could notice that the silvers and whites in Byakko's outfit stood out in the Genbu temples' greens.

"Of course Byakko please come in" he said and stepped out of the way letting Byakko in.

Byakko walked into the room, turning to wait for Anubis.

Anubis closed the door then walked over sitting in the chair in the room. "Whats up?" he asked curiously wondering why Byakko was coming to him this time of night.

"You will portect her, right? Right f...Anubi...."

"Of course I will protect your sister and you if the need is there" he said thinking he was talking about his sister, he didnt like these guessing games. But he did like the fact that Byakko had almost called him father.

Byakko nodded. "Having you around, years ago....gave me hope....a hope for a true family...." he whispered.

"I wish I could have known you back then, your mother never spoke word of you to me, but I think she was just trying to make sure you were safe" he said sitting there.

"She....didn't want you to leave because of me....she didn't want me to blame myself if you left..."

"I can understand you were still young then while I was with your mother" Anubis said sitting there. "I have to say though thank you for watching over your sister and mother."

Byakko nodded. "I needed to...." he said softly, truly looking like the child he should have been able to be longer.

Anubis went over and pulled Byakko into a hug. "I'm proud of you kiddo, I know you don't know me that well but I'm proud of you and everything that you are and that you've done in life."

"It....was my destiny even before you and my mother fell in love..." he said softly.

"You are a good man and I am honored to know you Byakko"

Byakko nodded. "As are you...Anubis...." he said softly.

Anubis smiled at him. "You seem like you have something else on your mind as well Byakko" he said looking at the other man.

"Are you...ever going to come back...? To mother...that is...." he whispered.

"I hope one day she and I can be together again, I miss your mother alot, even after what happened I ached for her. I really do hope one day we could try again" he said sitting there next to Byakko.

"She needs someone...she's..."

"She's what?" he asked worriedly.

Byakko looked down. "I couldn't tell Tamesis...I had Oracle swear a vow to not tell her...she is...dying...she is running low on energy..."

"No..." he whispered horrified at the thought of her dieing. HIs heart ached at the thought of her leaving this world but he couldnt leave he had his grandchildren in the other room. His hands were trembling at the thought of her weak and losing strength.

"I can read that look...go..I will stay at the temple...I have to stay anyways....Oracle asked me to..."

"Thank you Byakko, my grandchildren their in the room next door please keep an eye on them they've been through alot and I don't want them to think I ran off." he said worriedly as he stood.

"I understand..." he said. "The Sphinx...just like before..."

"Thank you Byakko" he said and vanished.

When he reappeared he was standing outside of the sphinx he coucghed and shifted his clothes into some old egyptian garb to cover himself from the whipping sandstorm that was on him. He didnt appear in the sphinx because he didnt want to scare bastet but he was nervous what was he going to say when she answered the door.

He found the main door.

He gave three large knocks ont he door knowing she would hear it.

The door opened and a young man stood there. "Hello?"

Anubis came into view "I am Anubis, I am here to see Bastet" he said pulling his hood down.

The young man smiled up at him. "Lord's been so might now remember me....I was but a child then...but...I am Ihy....the god of music..... son of Hathor..."

"Ihy! I havent seen you in forever he shook off the sand as he walked in then he pulled his cloak off and gave him a big hug as he stood there in his old royal egyptian garb.

"It's good to see you again too have been missed...." Ihy said hugging back.

"As I have missed many of you, now I promise to catch up later but I am here for someone in particular."he smiled.

"Bastet..." Ihy said matter-afactly. "Mother and I came to stay with her when Byakko's and Tamesis's duties took them across the water...Bastet has even taken to using her home as a safe haven to gods and the Zodiac...."

"Thats my bastet" he smiled. "do you know where she is right now?" he asked curiously

"Yes...she is actually in the dining hall... she wanted to have a dinner for her guests...I've met two...but there is a third that she wishes for my mother and I to meet..."

"Thank you Ihy until later" then with a nod of the head he headed off down the hall towards teh dining room. He remembered the sphinx so well. He found the dining room and opened the door his breath caught in his throat seeing her. Bastet still looked as breath taking as she did all those years ago. "Do you have room for one more?" he asked. It wasnt good but it was all he could think of to introduce himself.

Bastet spun on her heels, gasping. "Anubis? that you?"

"Yes its me I'm sorry I've been gone so long Bastet" he said softly, she saw tears glistening in his eyes.

Tears started to stream down her cheeks. "I'm sorry...I'm the sorry one...I...I was the one...that...I..." Her legs started to give.

Anubis ran over to her catching her to his chest. "I've got you my love. I'm here, I'm sorry I left. I know now that you had no control over yourself. I've got you my darling." he said stroking her hair as he held her close.

Bastet held onto him, crying into his chest. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry...I'm sorry....."

"Its alright baby its alright" he stroked her hair. "Its forgiven and in the past" he said lovingly.

Bastet looked up at him with her tear staned face. " sure? I..." she started, and then looked down. "I...I...have to tell you...I..."

"I know about Tamesis and Byakko" he said softly curessing her hair and whiping away her tears. "You raised the children well my love" he kissed her softly then pulled back looking down at her with nothing but love in his eyes.

" know about Tamesis... and Byakko...oh my babies..." she whispered.

"Their doing wonderful my love both of them are doing so well you would be proud" he stroked her hair.

"That is wonderful....I...I'm sorry...I never told you....about Byakko...I...didn't want to lose you...and then...I...and then Tamesis..." she whispered.

"Shhhh my love its alright" Anubis whispered against her hair. "I understand about Byakko you were nervous that I would be scared away you were also nervous that if I did leave he would blame it on himself. and with Tamesis I wish I could have been here with her growing up I'm sorry for leaving you like that."

"You had a reason...I....I was...trying to kill you....I...Tamesis...her eyes... she was....not born without her sight..." she whispered. "It's my fault...I...I tried to stop it...but...I couldn't...I was made....I..." She started to cry again.

Anubis figured it out Tamesis must have been born with his eyes thats why Bastet was driven to blind her own daughter. "Shhh I've got you" he whispered holding her close.

"I...I didn't want to...but....she..." he heard her mutter into his chest. ((^_^))

Anubis didn't say anything and curessed her hair letting her get it all our.

She started to mutter so low that he couldn't make out what she was crying. The only thing he could make out was "....Isis...."

Anubis went rigid. "What about Isis?" he asked looking down at her getting her to look up at him.

"She...she scares me...she she.....I don't know how...she was...she...."

His back rippled with anger knowing what had happened Isis had hurt him using the woman he loved. "Its ok baby its ok" he whispered stroking her cheek looking down at her, he pulled her into a soft kiss with him.

Bastet kissed back, and he felt the fresh tears that were running down her cheeks.

"I love you bastet" he said softly as he pulled back from her lips, "I always have and I always will love you" he whispered kissing her deeply.

"Please....forgive me....please....." she whispered.

"Of course I forgive you" he whispered softly and stroked her hair.

"He went looking for your father... he had gotten taken himself by....I can't tell who... just that they had white coats, and he's been in a test tube this whole time...."

His eyes widened in horror. "Where? How can I help him?"

"I can't see, I'm sorry..."

He looked down sadly

Oracle hugged him.

He hugged back. "Thank you for what you could do."

Oracle kissed him.

He kissed back

"I'll try again..." she said softly.

"Do you have the energy for that?"

"After I rest...."

He lead her over to a seat than turned to his great grandmother. "So...we are family."

Nyx nodded.

He hugged her

Nyx hugged him close.

" glad I could free you."

"Thank you..."

"Of course. But I think Orocle helped...was that you who sent me the message?"

Oracle smiled. "Yes..."

He hugged her."Thank you."

She hugged back. "I want you happy..."

"I want the same for you."

"Thank you love..."

He held her close

Nyx place a hand on Tashi's shoulder. "Just know that you have a very large family.... I have two brothers...I'm a triplet....then there is my brother's wife's family...she is apart of a triplet.... then there is my son..."

"" He told her about his siblings. "One of them died..."

"I'm so sorry..."

"So am I, I don't remember him that well... He died when I was little."

Nyx hugged him.

He hugged back

Nyx smiled down at him. "You have all the family you could need...."

"Thank you."


He hugged them both

Nyx pulled back and smiled at him. "I'm so happy to be able to meet you Tashi...."

He blushed. "I am glad to have met you too great grandmother."

"You can call me Nyx...."

"But...that would be disrespectful..."

Nyx smiled softly. "Tashi..... what a good young man you are..."

He blushed deeply. "Really?"

"Yes you are...a gentleman...."

He blushed, "Thank you."

She gently kissed his forehead.

He blushed and smiled

"And I know you will take care of our oracle here...."

He nodded

"I have to go find that daughter of mine to tell her that she is a have an uncle...."


"Your hair is like a rainbow...."

"Huh? Really?"

She pulled out a mirror.

He looked

His hair was reds, yellows, greens, and blues.

"Wha? I didn't mean for that to happen..."

"You're so cute when you are confused..."

He blushed

She kissed his cheek.

He smiled and kissed her

She smiled, and continued to dance with him.

He danced with her the best he could

A slow dance started to play.

He tried to do his best

He did wonderful.

He blushed

She blushed then kissed him.

"Thank you for everything."


He held her close

"I think I will nickname you rainbow..." she said cutely in a whisper.

He blushed. "Wha?"

"You don't like it?"

"It...sounds strange."

"Okay...I'm sorry..."

He held her close. "No don't be. I've never had a nickname before that's all."

She kissed him.

He kissed back

"I'll nickname you all the time now..." she giggled.

He smiled and kissed her. "Ok lovely."

"Mmmmm...I like that name...."

He smiled."

She kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

"I love you so much...." she said.

"and I you."

Hekate kissed him.

He kissed back

Hekate smiled. "You want to head into the back?"


Hekate smiled, leading him into the back apartment. "I just thought you'd like to be someplace less noisy...."

He nodded. and looked around. "What if they come here?"

"They know that I will get after them if they do...." Hekate said softly.


"Yes...this is private apartment..."

He smiled happily. "What if they come to the club though?"

"The club is fine as is the cafe....that is free to everyone..."


He kissed back snuggling into him

"I love you..."

"I love you."

Atrox nibbled his neck.


"You like that?"

He nodded.

He did it again.

He purred in pleasure and removed his shirt

They disappeared and reappeared in the room. Atrox removed his shirt and started to kiss and lick Nilus's chest.

He gasped in pleasure

"I love you..."

"I know and I love you."

Atrox took them into happy hour.

he went with it happily

Atrox nipped his neck as they did it.

He moaned in pleasure

"I will always be here..."

"Thank you."

Atrox kissed him, then took him whole in the mouth.

He gasped in pleasure and called out his name

Atrox took his cock deeper.

He moaned in pleasure

You like that.... asked Atrox's voice in his mind.

He nodded.

He then came up and kissed Nilus's lips, his dick entering Nilus's ass.

He gasped in pleasure. "A...trox....mnnnnnmmm"

"Yes..." he purred.


Atrox purred against him.


"I love you...."

"I am glad.'

"I want you happy...." He nipped his neck.

He moaned in pleasure. "I am as long as I am with you."

"Good..." he whispered, gently kissing him.

He kissed back

Atrox smiled. "My Nilus... my river god..." he whispered.

He blushed. "I love you,:

"I love you..." he murmured into Nilus's skin.

Nilus shivered in pleasure. "I love you too."

Atrox pulled Nilus into another happy hour.

He went with it gladly

"I love you Nilus...."

"I love you too. I never knew anyone would love me...I am glad you do."

"We continue looking for our loved ones...."

He nodded. "Where should we start?"

"The Oracle of Delphi..."

" do we get there?"

"We go to the shrine to the north of Ashland..."

"Lets go than."

Artemis smiled

"Shall we go now?"

Artemis nodded.

"How do we get there?"

"We head down the mountain... and into the city..."

He held out his hand

She took it.

He headed that way telling his mother where they were going.

"Bye..." she called.


Artemis held his hand as they walked.

"I am glad I met you."

"Same here...."

He smiled and walked with her

Artemis walked with him heading towards the opposite side of the city.

He walked with her

They came up to a statue of a giant tortoise with a snake wrapped around it, one on each side of a gate that lead to a path up the mountain.

He smiled. "I hope she can help."

"Oracle is the seer of many things...."

"Do you think she will be able to see that?"

"Yes I do..."

"Do you think she can find my sister?"

"Yes I do..."


She kissed him.

He kissed back

Artemis smiled. "We have to head up the mountain a ways..."

"alright." He lead the way

Artemis smiled. "Race you..." She started to run up the mountain.

He rushed after her

Artemis laughed.

He smiled feeling happy

Artemis stopped running at the top of a long path, looking at a shrine. "Here we are..."


"All the temples and shrines are beautiful... all have items made of precious stone...."

"I still think you are more beautiful."

Artemis blushed. "I..thank you..."

He blushed and kissed her

They made it to the north temple.


He nodded vigorously

"Show me?" she said with a smile.

He started to meow like a cat

"Awwww....that's cute..."

He grinned

Nemi kissed Sanzo.

He kissed back with a grin

Nemi smiled at him, and then at Isaac. She splashed them both.

They splashed her

She giggled, and splashed back.

They got in a splash fight

Nemi giggled having fun.

After awhile they were all getting tired

"Head back to the club apartment?"


Nemi grabbed a towel from a bag, handing one to both of them.

They began to dry off

Nemi walked with them back to the car.

They both got in thanking her

Nemi smiled, and drove back to the club. "Any of the food in the club floor is up for grabs if you're hungry..."

"That sounds tempting. Thanks."

"You're welcome..." she said smiling.

"Thank you for everything."

Nemi smiled. "Let's go change into some clean clothes...the closet in your room, Isaac, is you should be able to find something...'

"Thank you.'He said heading to his room.

Sanzo followed Nemi

Nemi headed back to Sanzo's room. "Your closet is the same way..." she said.

He smiled. "It is?"

" is...."

He ran off when he came back he had a shirt with her picture on it that said: '#1 Fan"

Nemi giggled. "That's cute...."

He smiled. "I mean it."

"thank you..."

He smiled and kissed her

Nemi kissed back. " you...."

"Sanzo loves Nemi too."

"Say: I love you..." she whispered.

" you?"

"I love you too...." Nemi said with a smile, softly.

He kissed her

Nemi kissed Sanzo back.

He hugged her

Nemi snuggled against him.

He held her close with a smile on his face

Isaac laid down to rest.

He heard howling again.

He sat up trying to reach out to it.

My body...


We will be one....


"Of course....I want to do this for you...."

"Thank you."

Ambisleo smiled, and lead them out of the apartment.

She followed

He took them to a condo.

"This is yours?"

"yes it is... and it's your home now if you'd like..."

"Thank you so much."

He nodded, showing them around the two floor condo. "You may have this room, and Delthion can have this one over here..."

"Are you sure we aren't putting you out?"

"I'm very sure,..."

"Thank you so much."

He leaned down, and kissed her gently.

She blushed kissing back


She blushed deeply.

"Chyrosa go help Delthion with his things..."

"Yes daddy..." she said taking Delthion's hand, and walking away with him.

"They act like..."She stopped afraid of saying they were acting like close siblings. "They get along well."

"Like siblings?"

She blushed and nodded

"I'm glad..."


"Because I don't want to lose you...."

She blushed. "You...really care for me?"

"Yes I do... I really do....Lyra... I do care about you...I want you to be with me..."

She blushed. "I...feel the same.If I...were to tell you he isn't biologically mine...what would you do?"

he kissed her. "What would you do if I told you that I could sense that you weren' are a great mother to Delthion...that makes you his mother...."

She looked down. "I...killed his father." She whispered

"Killed his father?" he asked kindly.

She looked down and told him in a whisper everything about her past

He pulled her into a hug.

She held on to him. " sorry..."

" is the past....." he said softly, holding her.

"But...I am a monster..."

"You are not...." He kissed her

She kissed back holding on to him

"I love you...."

" you too,"

"Lyra...thank you for telling me... now..."


"Now I have something I should tell you...and I hope you won't run away...." he said softly.

"What?" She said worry and fear filling her

"I am older than I appear...."

" old are you?"

He smiled and started to drink it. " you think we will see them again?"

Vann smiled. "Yes I do..."

He smiled and yawned. "OK now I really am tired."

Vann tucked Falcon into bed. "Sleep well..."

He nodded. "You too."

He stroked his hair.

He snuggled against him falling asleep

Vann sighed.

He fell asleep. When he woke Falcon was nowhere to be seen, where he had lain there was a teen about the age of 16 with blond hair streaked with white. He was beautiful and he felt drawn to him

Vann carefully moved from him, eying the young man with lust.

He rolled and slowly opened his eyes blinking. He sat up and frowned "Huh? I..." He looked confused when his eyes fell on Vann he looked at him like a confused child. "Vann...why does everything...seem different? I...seem bigger." He whispered. His eyes looked like Falcon's

Vann shook his head. "I...Falcon?"

"Yes Vann?"

"You're sixteen..."

"What? How?!" He said dashing to the mirror. His eyes widened. "What happened?!"

"I don't know...I woke up and you were like this..."

"Do you still love me like this?" He asked looking scared

" you? In...what way?" he asked softly.

he blushed. " protected me and....I feel different toward you now..."

"I have always loved you..."

He blushed. "In...what way?"

"I was willing to wait forever for you..."

He blushed deeply. " you Vann..."

"I love you Falcon..." Vann whispered then kissed him.

His eyes went wide and he made a strange sound. He turned scarlet. Hesitantly he kissed back

"I'm sorry...I..."

"I...liked it..."

Vann smiled, kissing him again.

He blushed kissing back

Vann smiled at Falcon. "I love you...."

" you too."

"This is not going to be easy to your friends...."

He looked down. "Sorry..."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for... you didn't cause this..."

"I...might have...I wanted to be older."

"I can't say that I didn't want you older...."


Van nodded. "Really...."

He hugged him

Vann held Falcon against him. "Thank you for wishing to be older...." he said softly.

He blushed and nodded. "I don't know how it happened."

"It doesn't matter you are the way you are now...."

He nodded.

Vann kissed him gently.

He blushed and kissed back hesitantly

Vann looked down at Falcon. "I have been wishing to do that for some time....."

He blushed deply. "Really?"

She leaned against him. "I wish he listened to me." She said with a smile. "Will you...stay the night love?"

" go help Luscious...."

She smiled and did so, after he was done with his bath and his teeth were brushed she put him to bed and told him a bedtime story. "Goodnight." She whispered kissing his forehead and leaving his room. She went to Oden and kissed him

He kissed back, laying her on the bed taking her into happy hour.

She smiled and went with it. "I missed you."

Oden smiled, and nibbled at her neck, continuing the happy hour.

" you." She moaned as she kissed his neck

It continued for hours, until they both fell asleep.

She snuggled into him

When she woke up, she was alone.

She sighed sadly

She heard noises.

She frowned and went to investigate

Luscious was trying to fix up a tray of food.

She smiled and helped him."Is this for me?"

"Mommy.... this is breakfast in bed..."

She smiled. "Should I go back to bed than?"


She went and waited

Luscious then came in with a tray full of food. "Morning mommy..."

She smiled. "Morning baby."

He gave her the tray of food.

She took it and smiled. "Thank you angel it looks good. Want to join me?" She said kissing his forehead.

Luscious nodded smiling, climbing into her bed.

She hugged him and gave him some of the food eating some herself. "Did your father leave?"

"I haven't seen him..."

"Oh. I see." She said hugging him

"Its okay mommy..."

"Thank you for breakfast sweety."

"You deserve it mommy...."

"Thank you angel, have you eaten?"

"No mommy...."

she handed him some. "Than we share."

"Okay mommy...."

She smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept good mommy....I had a really nice dream....."

"What was it?"

"You had a big wedding...and I had a baby sister...."

She smiled. "That sounds wonderful..."


She hugged him. "Of course. I want to be married sweetheart. And I wouldn't mind more children."

"YOu going to marry the man in my dreams?"

"Was it your father?"


"What? I...who was it?"

Zanos pulled back slowly.

She was beat red. "I...liked it..."

"I did too...."

She blushed deeply

he kissed her again.

She kissed back

Zanos smiled at her.

she continued to show him around

"Your home is so lovely..."

She blushed. "Thank you. If daddy allows it...will you stay?"

"Yes... for you..."

She blushed. "I want you to have a home."

"Thank you...."

She smiled

Zanos kissed her. "Thank you..."

"I want you happy."

"I am happy..."

"I'm glad."

"Alaria!" called her father's voice.

She blushed. "Come." She lead him down stairs. "I'm here daddy. This is Zanos."

Her father looked at him. "What was he doing upstairs with you..?"

"I was showing him around dad. Daddy...can he live here. He lives on his own..."

"What do you want with my daughter?"

"I want to give her the best...."

She blushed. "Daddy...he is a gentleman."

"I have to be sure..."


"Alright... but if he tries anything..."

"Can he stay here?"

"In the guest room and only in the guest room...."

"Of course daddy.Thank you daddy!" She said hugging him tightly

he hugged her tight.

She smiled. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too sweetheart...."

She smiled. "He really is nice so be nice."

He nodded, and invited Zanos to dinner, and Zanos thanked them.

She smiled and hugged her father

Her father whispered to her. "He better not try anything...."

"He won't."

"Good....why don't you go get changed....."

"Ok. Be nice daddy'

He hugged her again, and then had the two follow him to the dinning room.

Zanos followed

She did as well

"Sit..." her father said, sitting in his seat. Her mother was setting things on the table, and Zanos pulled out a chair for Alaria.

She blushed and sat down

Zanos sat down. Her father started to talk to Zanos about his life.

She smiled happily but listened closely for her father's drilling

The drilling wasn't as bad as she thought Zanos would have gotten.

She smiled a little glad of that

Zanos and her father seemed to be getting along alot better than it first appeared.

She smiled happily. "Told you he is a gentleman."

"Shall we continue our walk?"

"Yes of course."

Tamesis gently squeezed his hand.

He smiled and walked with her

"There are many shops..."

"I see that. Do you like it here?"

"It's nice....."


"It's not home...."

"Do you miss your home?"

"Yes... I do..."

"Where is it?"


"Do you want to go now?"

"What? Really?"

"I will take you if you want."

"Oh wow...thank you..."

He kissed her. "Anything for you."

She blushed.

He took her to Egypt

"The sun...the you..."

He hugged her. "Where do you want to go?"

"The pyramids..."

He walked with her

"It's beautiful....right Jarmanger...?"

"Yes it is. So this is your home?"

"Yes... my mother is a Goddess here...."

"Who is your mother?"


"Oh. Where is she?"

"In the sphinx.....she stays there for the protection of everyone...."

"Do you want to see her?"

"I would.... but I....."


"You never know when.....she'll lose control...."

"Does she have a temper?"

"'s...she's...." Tamesis looked down.


"The evil that framed your father....that is granting Zeus and Oden and many other gods power is trying to corrupt our mother....she is just one of many more that are fighting against this evil....but aren't strong enough to completely fight it...."

"Is there a way to help her?"

"We have to destroy the evil..."

"But we can't help her until than?"

"Supporting her is how we help.....making sure that if we are here, she is locked in a protected room...."

"Oh...and we can do no more?"


"I am so sorry, it must be difficult."

"I...don't know how to read..."

"I will teach you...." he said kindly.

"Ok. How?"

"I have a library in the attic...and I will teach you...."

"Can we do it now?"

"Of course Alaric..." Ares said with a smile. "the library is this way..."

he followed

Ares lead him to a beautiful library with wall to wall books.

He looked around in wonder

Ares lead him over to a table, pulling a book off the shelf as they went.

He sat down

Ares started to help him with his reading, being kind.

He was a quick learner

"You're doing great..."

"I am?"

"Yes you are... a very quick learner..." Ares said with a smile.

He smiled. "I want to learn as much as I can."

"That's wonderful...."

He looked around and selected the hardest book he had. "I want to learn this one next!"

"Really? It's pretty hard..."

He nodded

Ares smiled, and started working with him on it.

He learned fast and seemed to understand it

"You are doing perfect Alaric..." Ares said. He started to sense out Alaric's being.

He seemed to be human but there was something else, dark and shadowy. He also seemed to have some sort of curse on him.

Ares knew what he was going to do, but that was later. He continued to help Alaric.

They finished and his stomach rumbled.

"Ready for lunch?"

He nodded

Ares smiled, taking him back to the kitchen. "What would you like...?"

"I don't long as it doesn't come from the trash."

"I wouldn't feed you trash.... how about corn dogs?"

"What are those?"

Ares smiled. "I'll make you some, and you can try it...."


Ares started to cook up some corndogs, and when they were done, he gave one to Alaric.

He took a bite. " good."

"I'm glad..." Ares said with a smile, setting plate of corndogs in the center of the table. "Eat as many as you want...."

He began to eat

Ares smiled, eatting some as well.

"Do you like them too?"

"Yes I do....I wouldn't feed you anything that I myself won't eat...."


He tilted his head at Alaric.


"I'm just enjoying having more than just me in this house again...."


Tyr kissed her.

She kissed back.

Tyr hugged her.

"I like you allot..."

"I love you..."

She blushed deeply. "I love you too..."

Try held her close.

She closed her eyes and smiled

Tyr continued walking with her. "Movie?"

"Yes please."

Tyr kissed the top of her hair.

She blushed and walked with him.

Tyr took her to the theater.

"What movie?"

"Fantasy, action, drama?"

"Fantasy or Action."


"Sounds good."

"Great..." tyr got them tickets to a fantasy movie, and found them seats.

She sat next to him and leaned against his shoulder

Tyr wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You alright?"

"Yes. I am wonderful."

Tyr kissed the top of her head.

She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you as well..."

She smiled

The movie started and Tyr held her closer.

She blushed and hugged him

When the movie ended, Tyr smiled down at her. "How did you like it?"

"I liked it and you?"

"I did too....." Tyr kissed her cheek. "I like you more...."

She blushed deeply. "Thank you Tyr."

Tyr smiled. "Anything for you....."

"You need to meet my parents."

"You think so....?"

She nodded. "They are nicer than my sister."

"Your sister, I do have to say is a shrew..."

She smothered a giggle. "I agree..."

Tyr kissed her neck.

She blushed

"Back home?"

"Sure. Ready to meet my folks?"

Susano-O smiled, nodding. He looked at Sybil. "Would you both like to join me for dinner?"

She blushed. "Are you sure we wouldn't be a bother?"

"It would be no bother at all..."

She blushed and nodded. "Thank you sir."

"Please call me Susano-O...." he said with a smile.

She blushed. "Ok Susano-o. Thank you very much my daughter and I would be honored."

"Mommy...your face is red..."

She blushed deeply. "I'm just a little warm." She whispered

"You sure mommy?"

She nodded

Susano-O stood up. "Shall we three get going...?"

She blushed and nodded. "Oh wait...umm...can we take a picture of us with the band?"

He smiled "Of course..."

She blushed and lined up with them holding Brianna. She smiled as they took the picture

"Alright guys....see you around..." Susano-O said to his band mates.

She smiled at them. "Thank you all."

They smiled and nodded.

Susano-O smiled, and lead her off.

She followed

He lead them out to a limo, and even held the door himself. "In you go, both of you..." he said with a smile.

She blushed and got in with Brianna. "Thank you for everything."

"You are very welcome..." he said with a charming smile.

"You didn't need to take me out but I appreciate it."

"I would like to treat you...away from the band...."

She blushed deeply. "Thank you..."

The limo started off. "You are welcome Sybil..." he said smiling.

Brianna looked outside as it went.

"What got you into music if I may ask?"

"The freedom and the craziness...."

She smiled. "Is it stressful sometimes?"

"Yes it helps that I have my brother and sister that are very supportive..."

She smiled. "I hope we aren't a bother..."

As Brinna looked out the window at the night life, Susano-O leaned over to Sybil, and gently kissed her. "I'm sorry if you didn't want...."

she blushed deeply her eyes widened. she hesitantly kissed him

Susano-O wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing back.

She blushed and leaned against him.
"I am not fast or easy...I...feel something for you...that's why..." She whispered not wanting him to think she was a slut.

"I wasn't thinking anything bad about are perfect as you are....just as your daughter is...."



"Thank you. I...never did anything...I'm not sure how I had my beautiful daughter. My parents didn't believe me and my boyfriend thought I cheated...I was living on my own and the only reason I survived is because of my boss."

"He must be a very kind man then..."

"He is, he is like a father to me. And his children are great."

"That is wonderful...."

She nodded, "I...concieved without being with anyone." She whispered

You're safe here, Sya...

"I know I just wanna see." She said exploring her new home.

"What do you think of the apartment?" came Hel's voice.

She turned and smiled. "Much better then the shadowy place."

"Shadowy place?"

She told her of her dream

"That is my realm..."

"I felt safe with you there."

"I'm glad... all my friends and family are safe down there..."

"Why are they there?"

"What? Oh no they are not down there.... they can't be down there without me down there..."


Hel hugged Sya.

"Love you mommy."

"I love you too little one..."

"I like this home."

"I'm glad..."

She smiled. "Do you like it too?"

Hel nodded.

She smiled.

"Any questions?"

"I don't know..."

Hel looked at her soft.

"Tell me about you?"

" see those pictures?" She started to tell Sya about her father and all of her brothers.

"Where are they now?"

"I don't know about my father nor about Fenris or Jarmanger.... but the twins... they were killed....." she said sadly.

"I am sorry."

Hel hugged Sya.

She hugged back. "I am here for you mommy."

Hel kissed Sya's forehead. "Thank you..."

She nodded. "I want you happy too mommy."

"You are so sweet...."

She smiled

Hel held her close. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"I'm glad...."

"What now mommy?"

"Are you hungry or would you like something else?" Hel asked softly.

"I want to do something fun with you."

Hel smiled softly. "Anything you wish to do...."

"I want to go somewhere fun."

"There are games...and music....and movies...."


"Moving pictures...."

"I know what it is...can we see one?"

"Of course....I have a collection over can pick something out...."

She went over and looked

There were movies of all sorts...

She picked up a copy of The Last Unicorn.

"Gods and goddesses don't have a specific look...."

He looked anywhere but at him. "I...don't know how to be one..."

"There are alot that have been reborn that don't...I'm here for you...."

"I...why do you like me?"

"I feel it in my heart, Drake.... a pull to you... I want to protect you..."

"I...feel it too." He whispered

Zaku walked up to Drake, wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a close hug.

He blushed deeply and fainted

When he woke again, he was laying on a bed in another room decorated in rich reds and golds.

He blushed and sat up carefully looking around

The room had a tapestries with phoenixes on them and statues.

He got up and looked for Zaku

Zaku walked into the room. "'re awake..."

"Yea...thanks...I guess I have been stressed sorry."

"I'm here... please know that..."

He nodded. "I...have never felt like anyone but Zaharie has seen me as a person...and than I met you and..."

"I will protect you...whether by your side or at a distance..."'

He blushed. "Thank you...I am sorry for all the trouble."

"You are no trouble at all..."

"I passed out...I cost you your job..."

"It's fine... I know that principal... he'll win me back..." Zaku said with a smile.

"You...will come back and teach?"

"Yes... the principal is already trying to get me back..."

He smiled. "Please...take the job again."

"I long as you are happy..."

"I am trying to be..."

Zaku walked closer to Drake. "Forgive me...." He kissed him.

His eyes widened and he blushed deeply. He hesitantly kissed back

Zaku looked down at him. "You kissed back..."

He turned scarlet and tried to hide his face. "S...sorry..."

Zaku gently turned Drake's face back to his and kissed again.

He blushed and kissed back

"I love you Drake...."

He blushed. ""

"Yes I do...."


Zaku kissed Drake gently.

He blushed and hesitantly kissed back

"I will come back to the school to teach.... and I will keep this a secret if you wish...." he said softly.

He blushed and nodded slowly

Zaku kissed him again. "As you wish..."

" terrible...sorry."

"Why?" he asked calmly.

"I want you to keep it a secret..."

"I want you happy... it is fine with me..."

"Is it really? I...feel I am being selfish..."

"YOu are not being selfish at all...."

"I...I'm not?"

Zaharie smiled. "I am one of a family that worked at the Earth Shrine.... Drake is one of my brothers...."

"I mean your interests..."

"I like the occult...amulets...stones...."

"Neat. I do too."


"Yea. I like history too."

"I do too...I like to go to the museum..."

"Is it a nice museum?"

"Yes it is..."

"Can we go there?"

"Okay...I'd like to go with you..." he said blushing.

He blushed. "I would like that."

Zaharie stood up. "Let's go..."

He blushed and got up

Zaharie took his hand. "Art or history museum?"


"Alright..." Zaharie said walking with him to the art museum.

He blushed following him and telling him about himself

Zaharie told Kyo about himself.

He blushed and smiled. "We have things in common."

He nodded. " well do you like it at this temple?"

"I like it. It is the only place I feel at home. The only place I am able to be happy..."

"The only place...."

He nodded


He told him softly

"Oh...." Zaharie kissed him.

He kissed back

" show me around.....?" he asked softly.

"Of course, tell me when."

"We could.... now if you're not busy.....that is..." he said.

"Aren't we going to the museum first?"

Zaharie blushed. "I...yes....want to head out?"

He nodded with a blush

Zaharie offered him his hand, smiling softly.

He blushed and took it with a smile.

Zaharie headed out of the temple with Kyo, and started walking down the pathway towards the city.

Kyo followed with a blush hesitantly asking about his past.

"My parents are protective, but they are mostly protective of Drake... for he was born with the mark of the gods...."

"Really? And do you like Drake?"

"He's my brother... of course I do...."

"That's good."

Zaharie kissed him. "What about you? Your family?"

He bit his lip and slowly told him of his past.

"I....." Zaharie started slowly. "I...I'm sorry...."

He shrugged. "I've grown used to it..."

Liam dropped his phone in shock and Miach's mouth dropped. "B...but..I flirted with so different!"

"I know... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you...."

"Why didn't you?"

"I wanted to surprise you two..."

"You did that well."

Jezza looked down. "I'm sorry..."

They hugged her. "It is fine. Glad you are here sis." Liam said.

Miach blushed. "Umm sorry about flirting...don't tell mom and dad."

Jezza hugged back. "I won't tell them... I lead you on...I'm sorry..."

"it's ok." They said with a smile.

Liam smiled more broadly. "Maybe you can help me rain him in on occasion."

"Of course I'll help you...." she said with a smile.

Miach growled, "No teaming up!"

Jezza giggled. "But Miach..."

"It wouldn't be fair."

"I thought you'd like me telling you who likes you? And who likes Liam..."

"What? What do you mean?" Maich asked'

Liam looked at her. "No one likes me."

"I'm telling you that I will tell both of you that... and help Liam keep you in check...."

Miach shook his head. "Great...a tag team..."

"Don't worry..."

"How can I not?"

Jezza hugged Miach then Liam. "Don't worry... you're fine..."

They hugged back

"We have to get back...class...." she said.

They nodded and followed

When they got to class, Jezza headed to a seat, and got ready.

They sat on either side of her

"Awww my protectors..." she whispered.

Liam blushed and Miach smiled. "A pity your our sis though."

"Are you wishing that mom and dad hadn't adopted me.... who knows where I'd be then.."

"No! Of course not but...why did you have to grow older and more beautiful?"

Jezza blushed. "What...I?"

"You were...well...kinda geeky looking before and now your gorgious!"

Liam smacked him upside the head. "She looked good before Miach, maybe she wasn't your type but everyone has their own form of beauty."

Jezza blushed. "I... really think so Liam?"

he blushed and nodded

Jezza looked down at her desk, still blushing.


"What are you sorry for.....?" she asked him.

"He isn't used to getting complimented by a girl."

Jezza nodded, blushing.

Liam looked down. "Even though we are twins girls tend to flock to Miach."

"I've....always thought that you were cute Liam....Miach is cute too....but I really like your cuteness...."

Liam turned scarlet. "Wha? What?"

Miach smirked. "You're making him blush, careful or he will overload on compliments."

"You don't need them, do you...Miach....?" Jezza said still blushing.

"Need what?"

"The overload of compliments....silly...."

He smirked. "No I earn them."

"You are crazy...." she said with a smile.

He smiled. "Be that as it may, I need your help finding a girl for our shy brother."

Liam whirled to look at Miach. "Waa?"

Jeza blushed. "Okay...."

"What?! No..."

Ai and Aiko hurried to school. "Oh....we're going to be late!" Aiko complained.

"That's your fault for turning off the's going to kill us if we miss opening ceremony! We could cut through the cemetery"

Ai shivered."No way!" Aiko grabbed her hand and raced through the cemetery, she knew her sister hated it but it was the quickest route. She bit back her curse at the school skirt she wore catching on the fence. She undid it careful not to tear it

They spotted the school, and then a boy rushed past them into the school.

They rushed in to heading for the entrance ceremony

The ceremony was long, but in the ended in a fair.

They tried to enjoy themselves. Aiko went to more boyish or Gothic booths and Ai went for girlly things

Aiko found a Celtic cross that seemed to call to her. Ai found a pendant made of rubies.

They both bought the jewelry and put it on.

They saw each other, and the jewelry they had.

"Look what I found." They chimed at the same time. They both examined each other's find

Ai suddenly got a headache.

she massaged her temples. "Oh...."

"What's wrong Ai?" Aiko asked in concern.

"Headache..." Aiko lead her over to a picnic table away from the noise from the fair.

The headache went away just as fast as it came.

"It's gone."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded heading back to the fair. Aiko followed

They found booths for different clubs at the school.

Aiko tried to find an anime one and Ai looked for a dancing club

Aiko found a large anime club and Ai found a dance club that was sponsored by a large dance studio in town.

They signed up for the clubs they wanted

All the students were released early.

"How are you feeling Ai?"

"I'm fine."

The guy that they had seen earlier on their way to school headed pass them.

Ai went over ands started to flirt with him.

Aiko sighed in anger.

The guy shot Ai down pointing at Aiko.

Ai looked at him in confusion. "You have a crush with my sister?"

"Yes... I do...."

"Wha?! But she is boyish!"

Aiko frowned and started to walk over to investigate.

The guy blushed as Aiko walked over.

"I am sorry if my sister is bothering you sir."

Ai growled in frustration. "He likes you sis."

Aiko looked at her sister in shock than looked at the boy. "W...what?"

The boy nodded. "I...I do, miss...." he said softly.

"But why?"

"I....feel drawn to you....." he whispered. ((Yes she feels the same))
((She likes girls though...))(( ^_^ heehee... exactly))

She stared at him in surprise. "I...but...."

He blushed. "I...I'm sorry if I ran into either of you....or caused you to drop any thing earler"

"You didn't...but...why me?"

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