Page name: Mystic Zodiac Chapter 9 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-03-28 23:33:58
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
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Mystic Zodiac Chapter 9

Back to Mystic Zodiac

"Do I hear in your voice my Gemini friend that want to see the weapons room?" Thoth asked smiling at her.

"Yes!" Tallia's eyes lit up.

"Come this way then..." he said, leading them through the garden.

Genbu laughed, and kissed her cheek. "You are so cute...."

Tallia giggled, and was kind of surprised at herself, there's never been anyone in her life like Genbu.

Thoth lead them into a weapons room that cause Tallia's heart to jump.

Tallia couldn't help it, she just stopped and could do nothing but stare at everything.

"Thoth it looks like someone's been sneaking into my collection..." joked Genbu.

"No...not at all..."

"There's so many. They're so pretty!" Tallia said.

"This is Bastet's son's collection..."

"I kind of wish I could meet him. With so many weapons, he must be interesting."

"You will, Tallia..." Genbu said. "He happens to be the Priet of the Khan Temple in the western area of Ashland...."

"Oh, are all the guardians like you, Genbu? With a love of weapons?"

"We all have our special collection of weapons..."

"Really? Weapons still seem like something that doesn't belong in a temple."

"We are no normal priest, love..."

"True enough, I guess. Are there more weapons?"

Thoth nodded. "There is another room..."

"Okay, but I'm not done here, yet!"

"COntinue looking..." he laughed. "We will leave when you are ready..."

Tallia went over to the most interesting looking sword in the room and asked, "Where's this from?"

"That would be the sword of Osiris..."

"Really? It feels powerful."

"It is...his blood runs through it..."

"Wow. That would make it powerful! I think I'm ready to go to the next room now."

Thoth nodded, and Genbu wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They came to another weapons room.

Shaiya looked at him. "'re visible...." she said softly, smiling.

"I am aren't I!? Quick, do you have a cell phone? I don't remember."

Shaiya pulled out a cell phone. "Here..."

He dialed his home phone number yet again.

"Hello..." came his mother's voice.

"Mom? Can you hear me?"

"Vander!?! Is that you!?"

"Yeah, Mom, it's me. I've been trying so long to talk to you but I haven't been able to. I'm sorry and I love you."

"Oh Vander I'm jsut so glad that you're alright...we...your father and I....thought you were dead..."

"I'm not, Mom, I'm very much alive. One day things went a little strange and I was unable to talk. I'm so glad to talk to you again! How's Dad?"

"He hasn't been the same since you're sudden disappearance...."

"Is he there? Can I talk to him?'"

"Yes....hold on..."

"Hello...?" came a soft male voice.

"Dad? I've missed you so much!"

"Vander! On God, Vander! Where are you?! What happened to you!?" there was alot of worry in his voice.

"I'm in Kentucky. I can't quite explain what happened to me. I don't exactly know completely myself. How are you, Dad?"

"I have been having heart problems...."

"Oh, Dad! How bad?"

"I...had a heart attack last year...."

"I don't know when I'm going to be able to get home, but I promise, I will get there as soon as I can. Keep your heart healthy so we can play catch again like old times, okay Dad?"

"I'm just so glad to hear you...please...please call soon..."

"I will Dad, I'll keep in touch. I'll call every day if I can. And as soon as I can, like I said, I'll come home for a while."

"That would be great..."

"I have to go, but I'll call again soon."

"Just stay safe..."

"Oh, wait, yeah, I want it just like we used to you have to chop the vegetables!"

Semreh smiled and laughed.

"I know something's probably coming, but I am so glad to know at least partially who I am!" Cornelia told them as they walked home.

Semreh nodded. "Me too mom..."

WIlliam nodded still confused over what was happening but glad Cornelia was alive and ok.

Cornelia smiled, and took her son's hand and her love's. She had them grasped between her fingers and knew that they were both real.

"We're real mom..." Semreh said, smiling.

"I am here..." William said gently hugging them both

"I am glad. I shall tell you what you don't remember and you'll tell me what I don't remember...and we'll be happy again."

"Of this life or the past one?"

"Of both, of course. You do not remember the past one, and I don't remember this one."

He hugged her. "I will try..."

Cornelia smiled as they walked home. "Do you know what happened to me?"

He looked down. " was my fault....I killed my master and his men came for revenge...they took it out on you and my family..."Tears rolled down his face

Semreh hugged his papa.

"It wasn't your fault. Not really. If you killed a man, he deserved it. It doesn't matter now, we're together again. I know the man I knew wouldn't kill anyone unless they deserved it."

"He...ghouled me...and used me as a slave....made me do things I didn't want to..."

Del smiled, "I hope they haven't missed me too much this time."

They are you family.... it is what they do...

"Yeah, you're right. I'll probably have to chat with them a while." Del said as they got into a part of the forest that she knew rather well.

Fenris walked close to her side.

"We're almost home now, I know it. It's just through these trees." Del speed up, she really wanted to see her parents. She had changed and learned so much in the last couple days. Could they really stay the same?

Fenris nodded his large head. Go on ahead...

Del went up to her back door and walked inside.

"Del! Oh where have you been?" called her mother running up to her, and pulling her into a hug.

"I was just sleeping in the woods, like I do sometimes, what's wrong?"

"These men came by looking for you...and I didn't get a good feeling from them..."

"Oh no! Did they say why they wanted to talk to me?"

"No they didn't... they said they'd come back you know what's going on?"

"I'm not sure. If they come back, do not fight against them. Try to tell them I'm not here, but if that doesn't work, I'm going to need protection. I made a friend while I was in the woods, but he's rather large..."

"Rather large? Del....who is your friend?"

"He's a rather large wolf. But he's very gentle, unless something happens to me. Do you want to meet him?"

"A...a....wolf? What? I..."

"Mom, Dad, it's okay...he's a tame wolf. He's very nice. I don't think it'd take much to housetrain him. And I think there might be people after me, so having him around, would be good, right? If those creepy men came round again, you'll appreciate me having Fenris nearby."

"Fenris? You already named it?" her dad asked.

"Yes...but he's a very nice wolf."

"I don't know, sweety..."

"Mom, you know I'm good with animals. Besides, I have a feeling those men will be back again and there's no better protection for me than Fenris!"

"If you think that it will be safe..."

"I know it will. He would never hurt me. Do you want to meet him?"

"I...don't know...I....okay..."

"He's big, but don't let that fool you." Del said as she lead them outside. "He's really just a big teddy bear."

Her parents stopped int eh doorway at the sight of the very large wolf, who just loked at them.

Epsilon nodded. "That he is...I'm happy for you sis..."

"Thanks. I heard that love was really going around..."

"You are right....sis...I even think our good friend Abmisleo is in love too..."

"Really? Love is a strong power. I bet that's what we needed over last time. So many more people are falling."

Many had in the past... Leo had a wife in the past remember.....the mother of his little girl...."

"Yes, but there were many who didn't. Like me."

"I know, sis...I know...but that was because you had to wait for him..."

Aquila was standing back letting the talk.

Aria went over to Aquila and took his hand. "It happened fast, but I love him."

Aquila hugged her. "I love you..." he whispered.

"He'll help us too, he said."

Aquila nodded as did Epsilon.

"Would you like to see your room while you're in Ashland?" Epsilon asked with a smile.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

Epsilon lead the pair to the company elevator, and down to the company parking where a large luxery car waited for them. "Hop in..."

"I always love riding in your cars!"

Epsilon smiled, getting in with Aquila. "I know sis..." He then told the driver to head out.

"How far away are we going?"

"About ten minutes...we'll be there soon..." he said with a smile. "How was the trip over...?"

"It was okay..." her voice sounds unsure because she doesn't quite know how much to tell her brother.

Aquila looked away.

"Seiyuu said that you two helped him?"

"Yeah, we freed the World Snake!"

"Congradulations...." he said with a smile as they pulled up to a very tall and large condo building. "Welcome to your new home..."

"It's so big. I know I'll miss the desert sands."

"The top few floors are suit condos, each being as wide as the building....I have the top floor...."

"Wonderful. I know I should say something like 'I hope we won't be a bother,' but I know we won't be!"

He laughed. "Thats wouldn't be a bother..."

Helios smiled at her. "I hope that I will make you happy as well..."

"I think you will. Have you always known...about us?"

"I knew your father...but I hadn't know of you....I had lost contact with your father..."

"Oh. Well I'm glad you've regained contact with him, then!"

"And brought me to you...." he said lovingly.

Kenda just smiled. She felt wanted by someone other than her family for the first time in a while

Helios wrapped strong arms around ehr waist, and gently kissed her.

"This is wonderful!"

Helio kissed her cheek. "I would have to agree..."

"I'm glad we've found each other. Do you think you can help me learn about what I can do?"

"Of course, Kenda..." he said with a soft smile.

"I always knew there was something odd about me. I didn't know I was part goddess."

Helios held her in a hug. "You know now..."

"Knowing now will probably help quite a bit in learning everything, right?"

"Yes...yes it will...and I will be here to help you..."

"Why do you think my moods affect the weather so bad? Couldn't it have been my dreams or thoughts, just as easily?"

"You can control it with your dreams and thoughts too, have to learn to do it with your thoughts.... it happening with your emotions is an unconscious thing... and your dreams have protection around them just as everyone does thanks ot the god of dreams and sleep..."

"Really? I'm a little overwelmed, I must admit."

"I understand, Kenda..."

"Just...just let me sit down a bit..."

Helios helped her over to a bench, having her sit down.

She leaned against him for a while, thinking about her new situation.

He kiss the top of her head.

"I'm so glad to have found someone special. I was being swallowed alive by loneliness."

"No more loneliness for you...."

"Well his name is Dr. Suess and he wrote this story." he said with a smile pulling his daughter into his lap then began reading to her.

Siria currled up on the over side of Neafa, wrapping the little girl in love.

The story went wonderfully and by the end Neafa ended up fast asleep snuggled against Siria. "So beautiful" he said lovingly.

Siria reached out, resting a hand on his cheek. "Wonderful...."

Serapis smiled at her lovingly. "Lets let her get her sleep" he said sweetly and tucked her into her bed before climbing downstairs.

Siria followed, and hugged Serapis's arm as they walked.

"Now my darling how does a bubble bath sound?" he asked sweetly.

"That sounds wonderful, my love..."

He kissed her as they went into their room then headed for the bathroom and began to get the bath ready for them.

As he leaned over the bath, readying it, Serapis felt fingers run up his spine.

Serapis chuckled and looked at her over his shoulder. "Excited to take a bath with me?" he asked playfully.

Siria nodded, and was standing there in only a see through robe.

Serapis felt a lusty growl escape his throat. "Keep wearing things like that and I'm just going to have to claim you if you know what I mean" he said in that sexy voice of his.

" you're going to claim me more than you have....?" she asked cutely.

"Oh yes" he purred out in a sexy tone. "First the bath though" he turned and faced the water again.

The seethrough robe was tossed over his head, followed by a giggle.

Serapis gave a lustfilled growl

Siria stepped into the bath as Serapis was finishing up. She sank into the water purring.

"Is it to my lady's liking?" he asked playfully.

Siria nodded, purring. "It would be more to my liking if a certain someone was in the bath as well..." she smiled.

Serapis slowly stood and undressed himself for her. "Scoot up just a bit so I can slide in behind you" he said lovingly.

Siria did as he asked of her, scooping forward in the bath.

He slid in behind her putting one leg on each side of her and let her lean back against him as they relaxed in the hot water. "Mmmm now this is what I call a bath" he said happily.

Siria sighed, resting her head against his chest.

Serapis sighed happily gently tracing circles on her stomach lovingly.

Siria place a hand on his hand, leaning back more.

"I love you" he said lovingly curessing her stomach.

"I love you so much...." she purred.

Serapis buried his face in the curve of her neck

She purred more. "Serapis..."

"Mine" he purred

She shivered happily.

he massaged her and lounged there enjoying this moment together.

" good..."

"Mmm so how many pups do you think we will have?" he asked playfully curessing her stomach lovingly rubbing it.

"I... four...five..." she muttered happily.

"Wonderful just wonderful" he whispered happily curessing her stomach nuzzling the curve of her neck.

She purred softly, leaning back more against him.

They enjoyed the bath for a long time until the water grew cold against their skin. When that happened Serapis got them out and playfully dried his Siria off. after which the two of them headed off to bed for the night just lost in teh magic of the moment.

Siria snuggled against him.

"Sleep well my darling" he said lovingly stroking her hair.

"You" she whispered.

Soon enough Serapis drifted off fast to sleep with dreams of Siria and his pups inside of her.

Some time later, he felt a tipping on his head, as if something wet was slowly dropping on his forehead.

"What the?" he groaned waking up.

Water dropped into his eyes.

Serapis grunted opening his eyes and lookig above himself.

A man was smirking at him dripping water on his head still.

Serapis snarled jumping up "Who the hell are you?!" he shifted his hands to claws as he snarled glaring at the man feeling like his home was violated.

The man laughed softly, then placed a finger to his own lips. "'ll wake her up...."

Serapis snarled. "who are you?" he said darkly once more he knew his eyes had shifted over from the anger and protectivness coursing in his veins.

"It's nice to see you're so protective of my granddaughter..."

Serapis felt the aggression instantly drain. "Granddaughter?" he asked looking up at the strange man on the roof.


He knew Loki very well he did not know this man. "Tell me your name who are you?" he asked again for some reason he wasnt believing the Grandfather line from this guy.

((I have to look up his name))

"Marduk..." he said simply.

"Marduk?" he asked confused he had never heard that name before, he figured if this man was who he said he was he was from Siria's mother's side of the family he new nothing about that side of the family.

"Yes....Marduk...Siria's grandfather..."

"I do not wish to wake Siria, can we speak out in the livingroom?" he asked still looking up at the other man on the roof he still didnt trust this man.

Marduk nodded, and disappeared, reappearing in the livingroom.

"Love you as well" she said lovingly looking up at him. "Where are the kids?" she asked with a little yawn.

"Their room playing...."

"Mmmm that means I have you all to myself" she giggled burying herself against his chest.

Delta's arms pulled her closer to his chest, kissing her forehead.

Arcadia sighed happily

"You will never lose me..."

"and you will never lose me" she said lovingly.

Delta licked her ear.

Arcadia giggled and growled playfully suddenly she was ontop of him holding his shoulders down. She had her wolf tail formed and wagging behind her cutely.

"Oh what do I have here...." he said playfully, looking up at her.

Arcadia growled playfully looking down at him not saying anything.


"What I'm being playful" she said climbing off of him and sitting next to him.

Delta flipped her down on her back, and growled playfully.

Arcadia giggled then growled playfully and suddenly flipped him over onto his back wrestling with him.

Delta quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her down on top of him, and then rools so that she was completely pinned, and kissed her passionately.

Arcadia made a sound of joy in her throat as she melted in his arms kissing him deeply.

Delta then bit at her neck.

Arcadia gasped and made a happy wolf sound in her throat she squeeked as she suddenly found herself on her stomach with her mate above her his teeth in her neck once more right in that spot she loved. "Delta" she sighed out happily in pleasure as she felt his hand travel down her side.

He ran a hand over the butt, as he started to kiss her neck.

Arcadia made a happy sound of joy.

"Mine..." he growled. She felt fabric move,and then Delta had entered her from behind.

Arcadia gasped and moaned happily. "Delta" she gasped out as she dug her fingers into the bed underneith her.

"Arcadia...." he whispered, as he pushed himself in and out of her deeply.

Arcadia bit the blanket under her as she moaned deeply in pleasure.

As he worked her, he bit into her neck claimingly.

Arcadia just melted under him loving every moment of it.

He climaxed strongly into her, his teeth digging more into her neck, but not too hard.

Arcadia cried out as she climaxed with him feeling so goods

Delta fell away from her, holding her close.

"That was amazing..." she sighed happily.

"Wonderfully amazing...."

She giggled snuggling against his chest happily just wanting to lay there forever.

He ran his fingers up and down her body.

Playfully she stuck her tounge out between her lips and sighed happily in pleasure. "Just like that" she said with joy in her voice loving even his simplest touch.

He moved them over her more.

"We should check on the kids" she said looking up at him sweetly as she sighed in pleasure once more at the feeling.

Delta nodded and stood up, helping her up.

She found a pair of panties and shorts and one of Delta's big T-shirts and headed out of their room to go check on the kids looking so cute and sexy.

As she left the room, all of the pups attacked her in hugs and kisses.

Arcadia laughed and hugged them all. "Hello my little ones" she picked them all up and spun them in a circle then set them back down as she gave them all kisses.

"We were worried....we thought something happened to you...."

Arcadia smiled "We're alright my little ones I promise Mommy and Daddy were just having a fun mommy and daddy wrestling match" she said kissing their foreheads.


"Ewww what?" she asked looking down at them.

"You and daddy...."

Arcadia giggled "You'll understand when your older little ones" she said lovingly.

"Okay....if you're sure....." they seemed to in unison.

Arcadia giggled. "Now come lets play a game together" she said sweetly.


Arcadia scooped them all up in her arms carrying them off to the livingroom. "So my children what are you in the mood to play?"

"How about dragon? ROAR!" came Delta's voice.

"Ahh!" Arcadia pretended to be scared. "Run away so the dragon doesnt eat us!" she said running off with them around the apartment.

Delta soon had them cornered in the master bedroom. "Roar!"

"Run my children! I will protect you!" she giggled and lept through the air pouncing on delta getting the surprise on him knocking him to the floor.

Delta's head hit the ground just outside the door, off of the matress floor.

"Oh no Delta!" she cried out scared she pulled him up and checked his head. "Oh Delta I'm so so sorry" tears glistened in her eyes.

Delta leaned forward holding his head. "'s okay Arcadia....ow..."

"No its not I hurt you I should have been more careful" she whimpered and ran out of the room for a moment. She came back with an ice pack in hand. She gently held him close and held the icepack where the bump was forming.

"Arcadia....I've been hurt worst remember...Zeus....I'll be fine...ow...but thank you for helping me..." he said softly.

"really?" the twins asked.

Byakko nodded. you needing help with two children? or is it that you need my help keeping you calm...?

Both.. Anubis admitted in his mind. "Yes really" he smiled down at them. "How does that sound?"

Laverna and Nemos smiled. "Th...ank you....grandfather....." they said slowly and softly.

"Your welcome my grandchildren" He smiled. "Now lets get going" he said as they got up. He formed a coat on his body and his wallet in his pocket

Byakko slipped on his sandals, looking royal in his white and silver robes.

With that they headed out to do some shopping.

Nemos and Laverna looked around as if everything would break if they touched, which it seemed to be out of character for Laverna.

"Its alright your aloud to touch, I want you to have fun" Anubis said with a smile putting his hand on each of their backs.

The twins ran of into the aisles of the store they were in.

Byakko just watched.

Anubis chuckled watching. "You think it was a good idea I let them go like that?" he asked Byakko curiously.

"As long as Nemos is with Laverna, I think we are safe from her stealing...."

"I hope so" he smiled as he walked through the store looking at stuff trying to come up with ideas for stuff.

"Thank you for all you are doing now...."

"Their is no need to thank me" he said looking at Byakko with a smile

"I want to...they appear happier than before...."

"I'm glad to hear that, I'm their I'm trying to give them the life they deserve from here out."

Byakko nodded slowly.

"Now lets figure out some nice things to get for them" he said as he chuckled and smiled seeing Nemos and Laverna walking through one of the isles looking at everything.

Byakko nodded, watching.

Laverna was looking through some clothing that would be tight against the skin, perfect for a thief.

Nemos was looking through some books.

Anubis couldnt help but smile at them. "Pick out what you want kids" he said as he walked over between where the two of them were.

"Really?" they asked.

"Anything you want at all kids trust me I want you to have whatever you want" He smiled at them.

Laverna and Nemos started to pick out clothing and items that caught their attention.

Anubis quickly vanished for a second and came back with a shopping buggy he walked over and had them put their stuff in it as they shopped throughout the huge store.

Nemos looked around.

Anubis watched the boy curiously.

"Where'd he go...?"

((where did who go? i'm confused why would Nemos say he?))

((Byakko is gone...))

Anubis looked around and realized Byakko had vanished. "What the?"

Laverna shrugged. "He looked sad...."

"He looked sad?" he asked Laverna curiously.

She nodded.

Anubis wondered what could be wrong. "he might need some alone time for now so lets leave him be, now kids lets go do some more shopping" he smiled at them as he lead them off to the toy section.

"R...really?" they asked looking around at the toys.

"Anything you want children trust me money is no object" he smiled down at them as they grew super excited.

The children ran through the toy section.

Anubis smiled happily seeing them so happy. As they looked at the toys he pulled out his phone and searched on the internet for house listings in the area, he kept looking up and checking on the kids as they looked.

They looked happy.

"What are you doing? came Byakko's voice.

"Well for one thing wondering where you went" Anubis said with a chuckle looking up at Byakko. "Then for the second thing I was just pulling up house listings on my phone, with these two I'm taking care of now I want to be sure to get a place sooner for us here in teh city."

"I do have an idea..."

"Oh what might that be?" he asked curiously as he quickly glanced over at Nemos and Laverna for a moment to see what they were up to then back at Byakko.

" be a...surprise...?"

Anubis smiled at Byakko. "Of course Byakko" he said in a proud fatherly way.

Byakko nodded, with a slight smile.

Anubis put his phone back into his pocket then looked back watching the kids with a smile.

"You are already in love with them."

"I just see so much of myself in the that Iwant to give them everything I didnt have."

Byakko nodded his head slowly.

"Are you doing alright?" Anubis asked Byakko worriedly.

"Yes..." he said softly.

"Alright if your sure now" e said and looked back at the kids. After a few more hours in the store they had many many items. He was glad that he always had a car of his here since his daughter lived here. So they loaded everything up in his SUV he hated it because it was such a gas guzzler but he needed the room.

"Anu....father....head to this address...." Byakko said handing him a piece of paper.

Anubis looked at the address. "I believe I know where this is." With that he headed off out of the parking lot he knew the city pretty well from visiting his daughter.

The address belonged to a large manor house.

"Wow this place is huge" he said gazing at it all.


"This is your home? its truely beautiful I can see the care you put into this place" he said with a smileto Byakko as he pulled around the circle driveway stopping infront of the set of stairs leading up to the front door.

"It is mine and Tamesis's...but we stay more at the temple....that is why it is as nice as it is..."

"Well I thank you for letting us use it" he smiled.

"It's for family..."

Anubis smiled at Byakko that fatherly smile of his for a moment before climbing out of the car to start bringing all of the kids things in, he would call his pack back in colorado to have his other things shipped.

Byakko showed them around the huge home.

Erebus didn't, but he did walk over to her. "Really? And why may I ask?" he said with a smile, pulling her into a hug.

Tavia squeeke and giggled in the hug. "And I want you to put them down so I can play with them to" she said lovingly gazing up at him.

Erebus had his shadows set them down, and smiled as they swarmed Tavia and himself.

Tavia giggled and smiled. "Besides we have to give our little angels names Erebus" she said sweetly.

"Name us!" they giggled happily.

Erebus laughed. "Yes it is time to name you children..."

"Alright lets see here" Tavia thought about it looking at her children she had (I know they five children but what is the ratio of boys to girls?)

((What was the ratio for Arcadia?))

((Arcadia had four kids, two girls two boys))

((3 girls/2 boys))

"Lets see my princes and princesses" She stood there thinking about good names for her children.


"Yes, and how about Alania for this little one?" she asked putting her hand on the daughter she thought it fit.


"Wonderful I love it" she clapped her hands. "Now how about... Oki for our other little man?" she asked as he seemed to like that.

"And our last little one, Baird....?"

"Wonderful just wonderful. So our girls, Jace, Alania, Satsuki, and our boys Oki and Baird just marvelous what do you think children?" she asked sweetly.

The child tackled them giggling.

Tavia laughed hugging her children lovingly.

Erebus sent out shadows that pulled the children from them. The children then started to play amongst themselves.

"Our children are truely wonderful" Tavia said lovingly snuggling against Erebus's chest.

"Just like their mother..."

"And their father"

Erebus kissed her neck.

Tavia giggled. "Naughty man" she whispered.

"You know you love it can't be too naughty of me..." he whispered.

"So true" she said sweetly. "But now with my new powers you and I are going to have to be good and unfortunately not be as naughty as we used to be."

"You could...stop yourself from becoming are a fertility goddess and moon goddess...."

"Oooh... I never thought of that" she said cutely.

"We'll wait though...for our little ones..."

"yes exactally" she said lovingly and snuggled agains him watching their little angels

The children played a game of tag.

Tavia giggled as they ran around the large room after one another, she couldnt believe she had given brith to such beautiful children.

"Maybe five more...." she heard him say.

"What?" she asked looking up at him.


"What was the five more comment about? five more kids?" she asked curiously and playfully.

"Yes... exactly..."

"But not for awhile though and I do have to add I am a goddess now so you and I will be alive together for a long time so we have plenty of time for more children, and out love" she said sweetly.

"I know love...remember I am a god too..."

"I know I'm just saying" she said cutely.

He nipped her neck.

Tavia giggled and gave him a playful little smack on the chest.

"What was that for?"

"Cause I felt like it.... Tag your it!" she squeeled and tapped him again then bolted out of the room.

Erebus laughed. "Powers or not!" he shouted.

"Not!" she shouted back.

"That still won't be fair to you...." he laughed. "But if you say so...."

Tavia didnt hear him chasing her a she boltd down the hall and rounded th corner.

Erebus raced through the halls after her.

Tavia giggled and sped up using the magic of her elven people to give her extra swiftness as she bolted through the halls.


Tavia laughed, he had an unfair advantage being just him so she decided to cheat just a little bit.

Erebus rushed faster. "Get back here..."

Tavia squeeled and giggled. "Gotta move faster then that big man" she laughed as she continued to run.

Shadows grabbed her.

"Ahh! No fair!" She squeeled hanging there in the air now.

"Says the cheater..." he laughed.

"Hey I'm not a cheater it is a part of Elven anatomy to be able to boost out speed" she said playfully crossing her arms over her chest looking down at him.

"And I am the shadows, and you have a shadow..." he laughed.

Tavia giggled as he lowered her down and she wrapped her arms aroudn his neck. "Your so cute" she kissed him softly. "Now we've had our fun lets get to the kids." She said taking his hand and leading him off.

He pulled her into a hug, and took them through the shadows back to the children.

When they reappeared she giggled as her children ran over and hugged her legs. "Come my little ones lets play" she said with a smile.

The children giggled, and smiled.

"Down girl" he said in a playful tone.

"I'm not a dog..." she said playfully.

"Dog?" Nyxia asked.

"You don't know what a dog is?" Marek asked curiously.

She just stared at him.

"Alright come with me" he said playfully carrying Nyxia to the other room. There he sat her down on the couch then went to his bookshelf looking for a certain book.

He found it.

He grabbed the book and walked back over. Sitting down he pulled Nyxia in his lap then opened the book. "This is a book on all sorts of Dog breeds int eh world" he smiled as he began to go through the book turning hte pages showing her the pictures of the dogs.

"Cerebus..." she whispered when they came to dog that looked like it could be a one headed version of the guardian of the Underworld.

"Yes that does look like Cerberus" Marek said looking at the dog getting the idea to get Nyxia a puppy.

"Cerebus is a nice doggie...."

"Yes he is indeed" he smiled, "Would you like a puppy of your own?" he asked curiously.

"Me? A puppy?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yes a puppy for you" he smiled sweetly.

Nyxia then hugged him.

Marek smiled and hugged her tight.

Chyrosa smiled.

Marek smiled looking over at Chyrosa as he hugged his Sister.

"It's getting late...." Chyrosa said softly just as Nyxia yawned.

"Yes it is, come lets get you to bed Nyxia" he smiled picking her up carrying her off to her bedroom.

Chyrosa watched from the doorway as Marek put her to bed.

"Sleep well princess until tomorrow" he kissed Nyxia's forehead then left the room as she cuddled up with her black panther and went to sleep.

Chyrosa had moved away from the door as he was walking out, and was now sitting on a large L-shaped couch.

Marek joined her sitting next to her. "So what do you think of the puppy idea?" he asked curiously.

"I like it, love..."

"Now to figure out where to get a puppy of the breed she wants" he chuckled pulling Chyrosa playfully against his chest.

She leaned against him. "You should have asked her what one she liked from the book...."

"Oh I know what breed she wants" he snapped his finger for the book to appear in his lap then turned to the page to show her.

She looked at the dog breed.

It was a sleek breed, large muzzle powerful build, its fur was short and black while the eyes of the dog in the picture was a bright blue. It had big pointed ears like a german shepard and a long strong tail that just seemed to fit the beautiful animal.


"Yes it is a very beautiful animal, its just going to be hard to find its a very rare breed" he said looking down at her.

"We'll be able to find it....."

"Yes we will" he smiled and leaned down kissing her softly.

Chyrosa kissed back.

Marek pulled back and smiled down at her. "So my darling will you be staying with me for another night or do you have to get back home?" he asked curiously stroking her hair.

"I can stay, but I may not be here when you wake..."

"I understand" he said sweetly gazing down at her.

She kissed him deeply.

Marek sighed happily kissing her back just as deeply.

She kissed his neck.

Marek sighed laying his head to the side letting her get to his neck better it felt good.

"All your's..."

"All mine" he purred sliding his hands around her waist as she went back to his neck.

She nibbled, licked, and kissed his neck.

He sighed happily. "Mmmm angel" he purred as he pulled her up in his arms and carried her off to their bedroom.

She giggled at the sudden movement.

Marek sat on the bed with her then playfully kissed her.

She kissed back, then leaned in and licked his neck.

Marek sighed happily in heaven at the feeling.

"Love you..."

"I love you to" he said lovingly curessing her hair.

Chyrosa snuggled into him.

Marek laid down with her snuggled to his chest. "Sleep well darling" he said lovingly.

"YOu too...." she mumbled.

Marek soon drifted off to sleep with dreams of his family.

When he woke again, Chyrosa wasn't there.

Marek sighed softly sad that she wasnt there with him. He sat up and ran his hand through his hair then headed off into the bathroom to shower and start the day.

He heard something fall.

Marek went to go check out where the sound came from.

He found a sleeping Nyxia, or unconscious, on the floor. She had fallen out of the bed, her legs tangled in the sheets.

"Oh heavens" he gently pulled her up off the floor back onto the bed and checked to make sure she was alright.

He found she was unconscious, with a nice sized bump forming on her head.

"Oh hell" he whispered and began to try and get her to wake up. "Come on Nyxia you need to wake up" he was hoping she didnt have a concussion.

She moaned.

Tashi remained silent wanting Oracle to be able to help them

"I'm trying to see..." she whispered.

Sol waited silently

Oracle then slowly said the name of the school.

"Does anyone know where that school is?"

"I think Eos goes there...though being the Dawn she really doesn't have to..." said Nyx.

"Can we get a hold of her? Maybe she has seen my sister."

Nyx nodded, then spoke out the location.

"How close is that?"

"It's outside the city....outside the country..."

"How can we get there?"

Artemis looked at Sol. "How? How did we get here...?" she asked smiling.

"Oh...can we do that to there too?"

Artemis nodded. "Yes..."

"Let's go then."

Artemis hugged him tightly. "Oh Sol....We'll find her....let's go...."

he nodded

They disappeared.

Nyx hugged Tashi.

He hugged back. "I hope they find her."

Nyx nodded. "Tashi....I hope that Artemis and I can make up for anything that has happened to you in the past...."

"It wasn't your fault or hers...I just want to get to know you."

"I'm glad...." Nyx said, smiling.

He smiled and hugged Oracle. "And thank you for helping me meet them."

" love..." Oracle said softly hugging back.

He smiled. "What now?"

"Now you two rest...and I go do my job as the Night..." Nyx said with a smile.

"Goodnight than."

Nyx smiled, and kissed his forehead.

"Be careful."

"I will I have you and my children to watch over..." with that Nyx disappeared.

He smiled

Oracle hugged him. "I'm so happy for you...."

"And thank you for helping."

"I love you...I will always help you..."

He gently kissed her

She kissed back.

He yawned

"If you wish, I can send you home...."

"I am sorry...just tired..."

"It is okay, Tashi..." Oracle said with a smile.

He hugged her. "Can I see you tomorrow?"

"You can see me everyday...."

He smiled and kissed her

She kissed back. "I love you....see you tomorrow?"

"Yea. I will see you after work."

"Of course...."

He kissed her goodnight

She kissed back. He then reappeared in his mother's home.

He checked on his mother

She was sleeping peacefully.

He went to his room to sleep

He dreamed of his new found family.

He smiled

He woke up in good spirits.

He got ready for work than made breakfast for his mother and he

Artemis and Sol appeared in large garden outside a large private school

"This is the one?"

"It looks like it...." Artemis said softly. "We should find Eos first.....this school looks huge..."

"Any idea where Eos is?"

"I have an idea...let's head this way..."

He followed

They crossed the grounds to a building that looked like it was for art students. They say a young woman working on a beautiful painting. "Eos!" called Artemis

The young woman turned and smiled. "Artemis...oh Artemis! How are you?"

"I'm good..." she said. "This is Sol...we're looking for his sister...."

"Oh....what does she look like? What's her name?" Eos asked.

"I...she is my twin but it has been so long...I don't know what she would look like now..."

Eos laughed. "So she'd look like you if she was a guy... I'm a triplet...I have a sister and a I know..."

Artemis looked at Sol. "My mother is a triplet too...she has two brothers...."

He nodded.

Eos smiled. "You two can walk with me, and see if anyone seems familiar..."

He nodded and walked with Artemis following her ((typo))

Eos lead them across the campus, and Sol could see that it was a huge school.

He looked around carefully having missed out on the chance to continue his school

"Sol?" Artemis whispered.


"What are you thinking about?"

"It's so can we find her?"

"We will...." But that wasn't what I was asking didn't get to go to school did you.....? her voice was gently.

He looked down and shook his head

Artemis kissed him. You can tell me anything...

"I...stopped going to school after me father..."

"I'm sorry, could go back...." she said gently.

"I was real little..."

"I can help you...."

"Really? But we need to find your son."

"Yes really...and we need to find your sister..."

He nodded

She kissed him.

He kissed back

"Let's find that sister of yours and then get you back to school..." she said softly with a smile.

He nodded and walked with her

Eos acted as if she hadn't heard anything for his privacy.

Artemis squeezed his hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too..."

He kept an eye out for anyone who may be his sister

He thought he saw someone that did.

He headed that way

"There are as many as there are Zodiac, though Gemini is actually two people...and then there is the Thirteenth...he or she would have a Knight to... and the Knight would most likely be the Leader of the other Knights...."

"Wow...this is allot to take in."

Hecate nodded. "I know...." she said softly. She kissed him gently.

He blushed kissing back

"What's wrong?" she asked smiling.

"Nothing...In fact...I am just thinking how happy I am that I met you and my life has turned around."

Hecate kissed him.

He kissed back happily with a blush

"You make me so happy..."

"And you make me happy. Thank you for getting me out of that old life..."

"My pleasure...." she said with a kiss to his cheek.

He smiled and hugged her

She hugged back.

"I love you."

"I love you so much..."

"It's strange due to us knowing each other only a short time...but I am glad we met."

"I wanted to kiss you when I saw you that night..."

"What night?"

"When we first met..."

"Oh...I...felt the same..."

Hecate kissed him deeply.

He blushed deeply but returned it

"I love you...."

"Love you too." He said gently kissing her

"Would you like to...stay up here tonight?"

He looked around. "Really?"

She nodded. "If you want to ..."

"It's not everyday we get to sleep on the moon..."

She giggled.

He smiled

She lead him to a very large bedroom of white marble with a huge bed in the middle of the back wall.


"You like?"

"It's gorgeous..."

She walked over to the bed, and laid back. "You coming...." she giggled.

He followed looking around in wonder

She jumped on her bed, and just smiled at him, waiting for him.

He blushed deeply not sure what to do

Hecate then just sat in the middle of the bed. She patted beside her. "You coming over here?"

He blushed and sat down on the bed

She leaned over and hugged him.

he blushed hugging back

"I love you Gabriel..."

"I love you too." He said kissing her

She kissed back.

He hugged her close

She pulled him back so that they were laying down.

He blushed deeper

She snuggled against him.

He blushed and held her

She kissed his neck.

he shivered in pleasure

"You okay?"

"Yes...I am just not used to this..."

She nodded against him.

He tried to calm down

"But what should we do with her body?"

Atrox waved a hand, then kissed his neck. "She will be waking in her bed..."


He started to nibble on his neck again.

He moaned in pleasure

Atrox's hands caressed Nilus's body.

He gasped softly

He started to rub Nilus's manhood.

He gasped and panted

"Please tell me if you don't want to do something...."

"I like it."

Atrox pressed a finger against Nilus's asshole.

He gasped in pleasure

He slowly added another finger.

He arched

He pushed the two fingers in and out slowly.

He gasped

A third was pushed in.

He arched

"You...okay...?" he asked softly, wiggling the fingers gently in him.

He panted and nodded

As his fingers worked his ass, his other hand started to work Nilus's shaft.

He maoned. "I...think going to..."

Atrox seemed to swallow Nilus's manhood.

He gasped and arched

He continued to suck him.

He turned red and grew warmer

Atrox sucked more.

He came hard

Atrox swallow, and smiled at him. "Delicious..."

He blushed

Atrox kissed him.

He kissed back than wrinkled his nose in distaste. "W...what is that taste?"

"That is you..."

"I...don't taste good..."He said looking down

"I found you delicious...." he said, tilting up his face, just smiling at him.

He blushed deeply

"Very delicious indeed..." he whispered and kissed him again.

he blushed kissing back

"I love you, my Nilus..."

"I love you Atrox."

Atrox deepened the kiss.

He kissed back

Atrox moved the kiss to his neck.


"I will protect you..."

"I know."

Atrox held him closer.

He snuggled against him

"I love you...."

"Love you."

He stroked his hair.

he closed his eyes

Nilus fill to sleep, and dreamt of Atrox, but he was locked up in a tiny box with another person who he could see.

He bolted up

He hugged her and shook his head. "Can you be my dream?"

Nemi hugged him back. "I will be your dream... but I am also your reality..."

He smiled and kissed her

She kissed back. "Thank you..."

"Love you."

"I love you too, Sanzo..."

He smiled and looked around the room. "What should we do?"

Nemi nibbled his neck. "You make me so happy..."

He purred happily

"You were a's so cute..." Nemi said sweetly.


Nemi kisses him. "Yes...your purring..."

He smiled. "Do you purr?"

She nodded shyly.

He smiled. "What makes you purr?"

"I..." she blushed, and tried to get away from him playfully

He looked at her sadly. "You don't like me anymore?"

Nemi looked down at him. "I....Snazo I love you...I...I had thought you'd try to get me so that you could find those spots......" She looked down.

" you still love Sanzo?"

Nemi rushed him, coming to lay next to him as she hugged him. "Yes I love you Sanzo....nothing can change that.....I'm sorry....I...made you think that...." She buried her face in his chest. "Forgive... me....?" she whispered.

Sanzo kissed her gently. "I forgive you."

"Thank you...I was just trying to be playful..." she whispered.

He nodded. "What's that?"

She explained.

" when I acted like a shark?"

Nemi nodded giggling.

"You liked it?"

"Yes I did..."

He smiled and gently bit her shoulder. 'Tasty"

She purred. "You think I am?"

he nodded and smiled. "Now you are a kitty."

Nemi smiled, and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and kissed her

She kissed back, purring into his lips.

He tickled her neck

She giggled.

He kissed her neck and nibbled

She purred again. "Mmmm that feels good..."

He smiled. "I wanna find more purr spots." He said kissing and nibbling over her whole body. ((and I mean whole body since he wouldn't know better)

Nemi gasped and purred. "S...san.....Sanzo...." she whispered.

"Ohh I like those sounds.' He did it again

"Sanzo...." she gasped, with a purr in her throat.

One hand accidentally slipped under her shirt and he smiled. "Your skin is soft." He said as he began to caress her stomach.

"Mmmmm...." She mumbled, blushing.

his hand touched a press and he looked confused. "Huh?"

Nemi looked at him. "hmmm?"

"What is this?" He asked gently squeezing

((I'm slightly confused))((he squuezed her breast since he doesn't know what it is))

"It's my breast..." she whispered.

He started to pull her shirt up to look

She blushed, and watched him.

he started to poke them curiously

She giggled. "Careful...."

"But mine aren't like this..."

"But....I have to find the thirteenth zodiac...I don't know how I can do that when there are only twelve..."

Only twelve? I many have forgotten the promise... the prophecy.... so many have forgotten the Serpent-bearer....

"What do you mean?"

The Bearer of Serpents is the Thirteenth Zodiac...the one erased from history...

"Where can I find this person?"

I hear things....around Epsilon Archer Inc....


It's a famous company...

" work for them?"

((Epsilon Archer Inc. is a rival to Oden's company...))((0k))

The mouse nodded. In a way...

"What do you mean?"

I'm a spirit friend and guide...

"I see...."

Tell Nemi of what I said... the mouse just vanished.


No answer.

He sighed more confused then before

"Yay!" Delthion shouted.

She smiled and hugged him

"I have a daddy! And a sister!"

She smiled happily

Abmisleo scooped him up and hugged him, then pulled Lyra into the hug.

She hugged them both. "Where is Chryrosa?"

"I don't know mama..." Delthion said.

She looked concerned. "I hope she is ok..."

Chyrosa walked out of the bathroom. "I'm here..."

She smiled. "I...if it is ok with you...I...want to be your mother want..."

The little Chyrosa walked over to Lyra and hugged her legs. "I'd love that.....mama...."

She smiled and gently hugged her happy to have another child

Chyrosa continued to hug her.

"I am glad to be a mother to you."

"And teacher..." giggled Chyrosa.

She smiled. "That too."

"I can't wait to learn..."

She smiled and kissed her forehead

Chyrosa yawned.

She took her hand. "Where is your room angel?"

"Over there....Delthion can have the one next to mine...." Chyrosa said, hold her hand.

Delthion smiled and ran off to that room to look around.

She smiled and gently took her to her room and tucked her in. "Is there any story you want to hear angel?" She said kissing her forehead

She shook her head. "No mommy....I'm okay tonight..."

She smiled and sang her a lullaby she had written for Delthion than kissed her forehead. "Sleep well angel." She said leaving and checking on Delthion.

Abmisleo was just leaving Delthion's room. He smiled when he saw Lyra. "An angel..." he said.

"He is. Is he asleep?"

He nodded. "I sang him a song that I would sing to Chyrosa...."

She smiled. "I did the same for her...a lullaby I made for Delthion."

He pulled her gently into a hug. "Thank you...."

She blushed and nodded.

"Shall you to your room?" he asked softly.


Abmisleo lead her down to a room that looked to be the master bedroom.

She blushed deeply

"You can have the master bedroom..."

"Umm...can you...stay?"

Abmisleo looked down are her kindly. "You wish me to stay into there with you?"

She blushed and nodded

He nodded and headed into the room with her, closing the door.

She blushed looking around

The room was large, with a nice sized bed and beautiful furniture, there was a large ceiling to floor window were a comfy chair had been placed in front of it, facing out the window, an open book laying in the seat.

"it's beautiful."

"Thank you...." he said and moved over to the chair, moving the book and sitting down.

She smiled. "What book is that?"

"Oh....'Snow White, Rose Red' has many stories that are based on the original versions of many popular fairy tales...."

She smiled. "Oh."

"I...will sleep in the you may have the bed...." he said softly.

"But...the bed is so big...I don't want to make you uncomfortable..."

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable, Lyra..."

She blushed. "It's...ok..."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded

He walked back over to the bed, and sat on it, leaning back against the backboard.

she snuggled into him

He held her. "Lyra...thank you for staying here..."

She blushed. :Thank you for letting us"

Chyrosa giggled. "I...really? I love the color of your Falcon... I have different abilities... just as I know you must.... your's are your's alone... I have the abilities of some friends...two friends, they're twins... have the ability to change their appearances...."

"Oh...but...I don't have any abilities..."

Vann kissed his forehead. "You do...powerful abilities...."


Vann nodded. "You do....they just have to awaken again...."


Vann nodded, not wanting to say more, but just held him close.

Chyrosa smiled gently at them. "I have to father is calling me..."

"Ok...see you later?"

She nodded. "Of course....we are friends...." She then disappeared.

He hugged Vann

Vann hugged him closely, rubbing his back. "She is a kind person....a good friend for you...."

He nodded still hugging him

"I promise you....I will protect you...."

"Thank you...I love you..."

Vann slowly and gently kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

"I'm sorry Falcon for just taking that kiss..."

"I...liked it."


He blushed and nodded

Vann gently kissed Falcon again, holding him close.

He snuggled against him

"It's getting late...."

He nodded

Vann took him to his room. "I..will see you in the morning....okay...." he said softly.

He blushed and nodded. "Goodnight...and I love you."

"I love you too....goodnight..." vann said softly and headed to his room.

He laid down to sleep

Falcon started to have terrible nightmares.

He screamed as he bolted up

Vann ran into the room. "Falcon??"

He shivered. "N...nightmare..."

Vann moved to Falcon's side, pulling him into a tight hug.

He hugged back. "Don't leave me...please..."

Vann laid back holding him. "I won't..."

He snuggled into him

Vann stroked his hair as he held him silently.

He snuggled into him more closing his eyes

Vannn continued to stroke his hair.

he fell asleep against him his lips slightly parted

"My Falcon..." he whispered, and gently kissed his lips.

He blushed and kissed back.

Vann's tongue started to explore the inside of his mouth.

He opened his eyes panicked than settled and blushed

"I'm had kissed back...."

He blushed. "I...was asleep..."

"I know now...."

He kissed him with a blush

Vann deepened the kiss.

He turned scarlet

"You're so cute right now..."

He blushed more

Vann deeply kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Vann then just held him close.

He snuggled into him

She smiled happily

"We're heading home..." Oden stated, and arm wrapped around her waist.

She frowned slightly. "Is something wrong?"

"I lost something....important....."

She looked concerned. "I am sorry, what was it?"

Oden ignored her, and lead them inside. He sent Luscious to his room telling him to play in there. Oden then lead her to the bedroom.

She followed growing a little uneasy at his behavior. "Oden...please talk to me love..."

He suddenly pushed her down on the bed, holding her down as he kissed her forcefully.

She winced. "Oden...that hurts..."

Oden looked down at her. "What did you say?"

"That hurts..."She said looking up at him with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

He kissed her forcibly.

She winced and struggled. "Oden stop! Why are you being so rough."

"Because you belong to me..."

"I am your don't have to be so rough...." She said confused by his actions

Oden pushed himself deep within her.

She screamed in pain and tried to get him off. "STOP IT!"

Oden looked down at her. "Don't lovely one....I am upset...."

"I know you are upset...but...that hurts." She said gently putting a hand on his cheek. "Be more gentle."

"Don't tell me what to do...." He thrust into her more gently.

She gasped and moved with it but was growing concerned with his behavior. "Oden...please...what happened? What did you lose?"

"An important person in my life..."

"What happened to this person...?"

"He was kidnapped."

She looked worried. "When?"

"Not long ago..."

"Any idea who?"

"No..." ((What a liar))((I know))

She looked concerned.

"Is there a way of finding this person?"

"I've been trying..." he growled.

"Is there something I can do to help?"


She looked concerned

"All will be as it should soon...."

She stroked his hair

He pulled her close and kissed her.

She kissed back concerned

"I have to go..."

"Be safe."

Oden nodded and left her alone.

She cleaned up and dressed than went to look for Luscious

Luscious was on his bed, his legs curled up to his chest, his face hidden in his knees.

"Sweetheart?" She asked in concern

"Daddy was hurting you...."

She gently held him close. " was the tv..."She said not wanting to scar him.

"Yes it was...." he cried.

She held him gently. "It was an accident...."

He cried into her.

She held him gently. "I am here angel..."

Luscious stopped looking to the door. "Someone is here..." he whispered.

"Wait here." She said and coutiously went to the door. She looked through the peephole

"Thank you..... for...not slapping me away...." he said softly.

"Why would I? I love you."

Zanos kissed her again.

She kissed back

Zanos held her in a hug. "I...will protect you..." he whispered.

She smiled happily

Zanos continued to hold her.

She smiled happily. "I love you."

"And I you..."

She smiled. "Now what?"

"Rest...I am sure you must have had a busy day before coming back to the theater...."

"Ok. I will see you later." She said kissing his cheek

Zanos then kissed her cheek as well.

She smiled. "Love you."

"And I you..."

She hugged him

He placed a hand on both of her cheeks and kissed her.

She kissed back

"Good night...."

"Night." She said going into her room

Zanos was on her thoughts.

She hugged her pillow happily

She felt herself get wet between her legs.

She blushed and looked down. This had never happened to her before.

She was wet, and it only increased as she thought more of Zanos.

She blushed and cleaned herself up trying to get clean

She got cleaned.

She laid down again still blushing

He floated into her mind again.

She blushed not sure what to do. She never experienced this

She fell asleep dreaming of him.

She blushed

She was woken by something slippery.

She jumped and looked

She was wet between her legs again.

She blushed and went to the bathroom cleaning up and changing

Her panties were complete soaked and her inner legs ran with wetness.

She turned scarlet. After she was clean she went to find her mother afraid something was wrong with her.

She found her mother in the kitchen getting a drink.

" with me..."

"Tell me sweety..."

She told her. Tears in her eyes

"Oh sweety..." she said, hugging her. "You are fine..." her mother explains it to her.

She turned scarlet. "W...what should I do to stop it?"

"It's natural....honey...."

"B...but why is it happening now and not before?"

"I don't know sweety..."

"What should I do about it?"

"It naturally happens if you feel extreme feeling for a special someone..."

She turned scarlet. "I...dreamed about...Zanos..."

"You did? You must love him alot..."

She turned scarlet and nodded

She kissed her forehead.

"I'm heading back to bed..."

"Sleep well, sweetheart..."

"You too." She said going to bed

"Thoth...." he simply said.

"I see....It's not your business..."

"It is when I know all knowledge...."

He growled.

Tamesis placed a hand on Jarmanger's arm. "Love...."

He gently hugged her

Thoth watched them.

Bastet smiled. "Come all of you...."

Jarmanger followed with Tamesis.

Thoth followed behind.

Bastet lead them into a dinning hall where a man was sitting at the table. The man stood up, smiling to Bastet. The man then walked over to Jarmanger. "Welcome to Egypt....I am Osiris...."

"Thank you. I am Jarmanger."

"Ah....Jarmanger....welcome to Egypt...."

"Thank you."

Osiris nodded.

He gently hugged Tamesis

"You want to help don't you..." asked Bastet.


"I'm glad that I have you as my daughter's Knight..."

"I am her knight?"

Bastet nodded.

"I intend to protect her..."He said (ok)

She nodded. "I'm glad."

He held her close

"Would you two like to stay here tonight or are you heading back to the temples...?"

"That is up to her."

Tamesis hugged Jarmanger. "I'm fine with either..."

"I want you to have time with your mother."

"Thank you..." Tamesis hugged her mother.

Osiris smiled. "Shall I show you to a room?" he asked Jarmanger.

"Yes please."

Osiris lead him off to a very nice bed room. "You can sleep here..."

"Thank you." He said

"I'm sure that Tamesis will come join you.."

"She can take her time since she hasn't seen her mother."

Osiris nodded. "Yes... I do wish that my granddaughter could see her mother more..."


Osiris nodded. "My son is her father..."

"I didn't know."

"It is actaully a new realization for many....because of forces that have been playing with the people of Egypt, Greece, your homelands....the world..."

"What do you mean?"

"You must know something of the Zodiac...yes?"


"And what is that?"

He told him what he knew (Unless you think otherwise it would be the standard info)

"The Zodiac is also the only force that can stop this evil as old as the universe that has been playing around with the lives of immortals and mortals....."

"Is there a way I can help?"

"You have been involved since before the punishment, and you are helping by being Tamesis's Knight...."

"I see..."

"You don't know what I'm talking about, do you..."

"I am her knight because I love and want to protect her. It involves me because the evil involves everyone."

Osiris nodded, then added, "You are also her Knight because all of the Zodiac have Knights that help them to survive the battle, they work with other Knights to protect all of the Zodiac, because if not all of the Zodiac are alive to work together, the evil will start to win the world over. Without the Zodiac, the Thirteenth Zodiac will not be strong enought to bring together the Zodiac powers to defeat the is the Knight of the Thirteenth that leads and is the Captian of the Knights of the Zodiac...."

"I see....but...who is the thirteenth?"

"I can not say...they have to either tell you or you have to recognize them..."

"Hod do I recognize them?"

"Being a god yourself, you will be able to feel it in the air..."


He looked relieved. "I never want to go back there."

Ares nodded again. "You can call this home....come and go as you please.... but you are still young.... and there are laws about that so please be back inside by eleven at night....for your safety...." he said kindly.

Alaric thanked him in relief

Ares smiled at him. "Would you like to do anything special...?"

He stiffened in fear and slowly took off his shirt

Ares quickly grabbed Alaric's hands gently away, and pulled his shirt back down. "Alaric.... I wasn't meaning that at all....I don't want that....I wouldn't do that...." he said gently.

" asked if we should do something special..."

"Something like that is special between lovers....I meant special like a concert or movie....something like that..."

He looked confused. "I never did anything like that..."

"Then doing things like that would be special wouldn't it...a new experience....."

He slowly nodded

"Why don't I take you to the movies..."


Ares smiled and took him to the movies.

He looked around wide eyed

"Taking it all in?" he whispered.

He nodded

"I'm sure you will enjoy this..."

He waited for them to get there ticket wanting to know what they would see.

((there is a chance one of Alaric's many clients would see him lol))

((Yep...just a second to that...))


"Which sounds interesting to you Tooth Fairy or Alice in Wonderland?" Ares asked with a warm smile.

He looked confused by both titles. "Umm...what is a tooth fairy?"

((I saw Tooth has the wrestler The Rock in it...))((I know I want to see it))

"A tooth fairy is said to be a little fairy that visits children when they are young and are losing their baby teeth..." he explained the rest.

He frowned. "I never got visited when my old dad knocked some teeth out..."

"Alaric..." he said softly. He bought tickets to the movie, and took him into the theater, choosing some seats. " like something to drink? Something to snack on?"

"I'm allowed?"

"Of course..."

"Yes please..."

"Wait here....alright? I don't want you to miss any of the movie...."

"Ok." He said and watched the movie

Not long after Ares had gone to get the drinks and food, did a hand reach down from behind, gripping his manhood. "Fancy seeing you here, cutey..." came a familiar voice of one of his past clients.

He whimpered, scared but feeling he had no choice. " have to pay..."He said pushing his hand away

The hand gripped tighter. "I don't feel like paying...." He neck was nipped.

He moaned softly but tried to pull away. "I won't go with you unless you pay!" He said kicking him

He was gripped around the neck by the man's other hand. "I don't think you have a choice...."

He started to struggle

He felt the man get pulled from him, and heard the soft crack of bone breaking. "Stay away from him..." came Ares's voice. Ares's arms wrapped Alaric, gently pulling him into a hug. "We're going home...." he whisperedd.

He nodded shaking

Ares helped Alaric out of the theater and into his car. As they were driving, Ares said softly, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, Alaric....I shouldn't have left you there...."

He was silent still shaking. "H...he...was...client..."

Ares placed a gentle hand on Alaric's shoulder. "You don't need 'clients' anymore....I will take care of you... I'm so sorry I left you there alone..."

"I...couldn't watch...the movie...I'm sorry..."

"We can still watch a movie...I have movies back at the can be our private does that sound?" he said softly.

He nodded

They drove up to the apartment, and Ares got out.

He followed

When they got inside, Ares smiled gently to Alaric. "There is a shelf...why don't you pick out a movie that looks interesting...."

He looked through them

He found many interesting looking movies.

He grabbed some

Ares came back into the room setting down some drinks and snacks on the coffe table. "Find anything?"

He held up the movies

"You have got taste...which would you like to watch first?"

He shrugged Ares sighed, but smiled, taking the movies. He put in one of the movies, and sat down on the couch. "Come sit down....and I'll starte the movie..."

He sat down quietly. ((he is regressing back to his submissive state without realizing it ))

"Ok." She said hoping her sister wasn't going to try some of her old tricks

"I have to get some work done..." her mother said.

Tyr nodded a goodbye to her mother.

"Love you mother."

"I love you too, my darling..." her mother said, and left the room.

She smiled and hugged Tyr

Tyr wrapped his arms around her. "Love you...."

"I love you. And mom doesn't seem to mind you."

"I'm glad....I'd hate to be a bother..."

"You are no such thing! Besides you saved me."

"No man should treat a woman as they did you...."

She hugged him

He hugged her tightly to him.

She closed her eyes happy to be with him

"Do you have any interesting movies?"

"Follow me." She lead him to their entertainment room where the DVDs were

"Hmm...what movie do you think we should watch?"


He smiled. "Up it is..."

"Is it ok with you?"

Tyr nodded. "I haven't seen I'm interested...."

She smiled and sat next to him

Tyr wrapped an arm around her as the movie started.

She blushed and leaned against him

He kissed the top of her head.

"Love you"

"And I love you..."

She smiled

He tilted up her head, and kissed her.

She kissed back

He rubbed her back.

"That feels nice.' She murmured

"Really?" he whispered.

She nodded

He continued to rub her back, and kissing her neck.

She moaned in pleasure.

"It's okay..." he whispered...."

"What is?" She murmured

"Every thing...." he said.

she smiled and snuggled in

Tyr kissed her.

She kissed back with a smile glad her sister wasn't there

Tyr pulled back. "Should I let you sleep?"

"No...I want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too..."

She smiled and kissed him

He kissed her back, holding her close.

"Like the movie?"

"Yes I did..."

She smiled and kissed him

He kissed back, then kissed her neck.

She purred

Her hair got pulled by someone behind her.


Tyr growled pulling her close to him.

Her sister was glaring at her.

She rubbed her head. "What?"

"It's...getting late...and the little one is fast asleep..." he said gently, holding her close.

She nodded. "We took a bus anyway and I think they stopped running...could you give us a ride back? We live on Brookfield lane."

"I'd love to....faridat...." Susano-O whispered into her neck. The last word sounded foreign even in his mouth, definitely not Japanese, though the word seemed to hold so much love behind it.

"What's that?" She whispered

" are my faridat... my treasure....." he said before kissing her.

She blushed kissing back. "Thank you."

Susano-O had the driver take them to where she was living. "I would hope that you will see me again..."

"I would like that very much." she said with a blush. ""She wrote her phone number down and handed him it along with a schedule of when she had free time. She was blushing deeply

He kissed her. "Thank you....for your schedule..."

She blushed and nodded. "Good night." She said and gently woke Breanna. "Sweetheart."

"Mama..." she whispered, yawning.

"Say goodnight sweetheart." She said picking her up and smiling at Susano-o

"Good night..." Brianna said softly, with a yawn.

Susano-O got out of the car, and kissed both of their cheeks. "Good night and sleep well...both of you..."

"You too and thank you for everything."

He nodded, and then his car drove off once she was inside with Brianna.

She smiled and readied Brianna for bed


"Yes angel?"

"I liked him..."

"So do I."

"Are we going to see him again?"

"Yes...we are, at least that is what he said."

She tilted her head to the side. "You don't think his lying?"

"Why would he?"

"I don't know mama...I just want to see him again..."

"So do I...he makes me feel safe..." She said as she tucked her in and read her a bedtime story

Brianna soon fell to sleep.

She smiled and went to her room

He was on her thoughts.

She smiled and hugged her pillow

She fell asleep with nothing but him and her little girl on her mind.

She smiled happily

She felt something snuggle against her.

She opened her eyes

Brianna had crawled into her bed.

She tucked her in and held her close

She snuggled closer. She closed her eyes happily

The next time she woke up it was to her alarm clock.

She turned it off and changed. She let Brianna sleep as she worked on breakfast.

She checked on the boss' children

The boss' children were sleeping well.

She smiled and worked on breakfast. After it was done she set the table and began to wake the children. "Come on precious ones, time to get up." She said

"Too tired...." they moaned.

She smiled. "I guess you don't want chocolate chip waffles."

They bolted awake. "Chocolate!"

She smiled. "Get dressed and come to eat." She said heading to wake her daughter.

Brianna was bouncing on the bed.

"Morning angel, ready for breakfast?"

"I heard Chocolate!"

She smiled and took her to the kitchen than fixed the children plates with glasses of milk

the boys came in. "Yummy!"


"Good morning..." came her boss's voice.

She smiled. "Morning."

She smiled. "YAY! I get my favorite!"

Hel smiled gently at her. "Really?"

"I love them with powdered sugar and syrup..."

Hel giggled was whisper-like. "And when did you learn this little one of mine?"

"We had it once at the orphanage"

"I'm glad that I can make something you really enjoy...."

She hugged her

Hel carried her to the kitchen where french toast awaited them.

"How? I just told you I liked it..."


"Oh...can you teach me?"

"My magic is due to what I am...but I feel some deep hidden magic in yes I can..." she said softly.

She smiled. "YAY I get to learn magic

Hel hugged Sya. "Oh my little one..."

She smiled

" before they get cold..."

She smiled and began to eat

Hel started to eat as well.


"It's good?"

" delico...Yummy!"

Hel smiled softly. "Delicious..."

"del...deliciou....s? Delicious? I got it right that time!!!"

"Good job, Sya...."

She smiled and hugged her, "GLOMP! YAY! I LOVES MY NEW MOMMA!" She yelled

Hel hugged her close. "" she whispered.

She smiled. "Can we go to the park today...than the zoo...and then the carnival and than the beach, and shopping, and the movies, and chuckie cheeses...and ...hmm...other places?"

"We have to save some places for other days....little one..."

"Oh...than where?"

"Pick one things...." she said kindly.

She looked thoughtful. "Zoo?"

"Of course...." she said smiling.

She smiled and jumped up and down.

Hel laughed lightly.

She smiled. "I love you."

Hel kissed her forehead.

She smiled/

"Go get dress..." she said gently.

She nodded and ran off. When she came back she was wearing green pants with a purple skirt over it and a red top. She had yello bows in her hair and mismatched shoes. One sock was orange with green pocka dots, the other was purple with orange, red, and green stripes. (she has never dressed herself lol))

((LOL it's cute...))

"Aww don't you look so cute...." Hel giggled.

She smiled and twirled around. "Oh wait!" She rushed from the room than came back wearing a tiara and a lemon yellow boa. "There!"

Hel laughed a bit more. "Oh Sya....I think you were perfect before...."

"Should I take it off?" She said removing the boa and tiara

"Yes..." she said softly. "You have a fun style...."

She smiled happily. "Thank you."

Hel took her hand and left with her to head to the zoo.

she followed happily

They made it to the zoo, and Sya saw so many animals.

She ran around excitedly

Hel followed. "Don't run ahead too far, Sya..."

She slowed down. "The're are so many animals!" she pointed them out for Mr. Ursa making up new names for them since she couldn't read

Hel told her the names.

"Oh those are funny names..."

Hel giggled. "As are your's..but your's are also cute..."

She smiled. "Do lions lie?"


"Well they are called do they lie?"

He cried into his pillow when he woke

A knock came to the door.

He dried his tears and went to the door without opening it. "Who is it?"

"It's Jamie..." came the priestess's voice, the sister of 'him'.

"Just a moment..." He said as he scrutinized himself in the mirror, once he was convinced he looked happy he opened the door. "Morning." He said with a smile

"I have breakfast ready in the main hall...."

"Oh...thank you, let me change and than I will come down. He said with a smile

Jamie nodded. "See you there..."

He nodded and got changed than headed to breakfast

Jamie was sitting down at the table drinking from a cup. Zuka wasn't there.

He looked around and than sat down. " Zaku?"

Jamie looked at Drake. "A woman came and needed a prayer so he went to pray with her..."

"Oh...and where is your brother?"

"In the main temple..."

"Isn't he going to eat?

"Yes...I am going to be eating..." came Zaku's voice as he walked in. "Morning Drake...."

"Morning..."He said trying to hide his blush. "Umm...where is my brother though?"

((You had writen "Oh...and where is your brother?" so lol))((I originally put where is mine but I think you read it wrong so I switched it to that))

"I believe he spent the night in Kyu's room.." Jamie said.


Jamie nodded.


Jamie giggled. "It would seem that your brother is in love with our temple's priest, Kyo....."

Zaku was looking down at his plate in thought.

Drake fell silent and pushed his plate away. He lost his apatite and knew he hurt Zaku...he felt horrible. "I am not hungry...I umm...I will be back..." He hurried outside and began to walk. He had never been allowed to roam before but he wanted to clear his head. He sighed not sure what to do as he headed away from the temple.

"Are you a priest here?" came a strong male voice.

He looked up. "Umm...I transferred here recently and I am a priest in training..." He said.

The man had long gold hair and very broad shoulders. He smiled at Drake. "Could you help me?"

"I can try." He said coming closer. "What is the problem?" He asked in concern

The man grabbed his wrist then covered his mouth. "The problem is...I want you..." They disappeared, reappearing in a large bedroom. Drake was thrown to the bed.

He scrambled off the bed, "Let me go..."He whimpered in fear.
((Holy crap is this Oden or someone else?))

((Zeus ^_^ ))((OH SHIT!))

The man rushed him, pushing him down on the bed. "You are mine, cutey..." he whispered menacingly. He's hand shoot down his pants.

He screamed in pain and fear and struggled. "Stop!" Tears sprang to his eyes and he frantically tried to get free. NO PLEASE SOMEONE .... ZAKU!!!

A great heat filled the room as a bright red, orange, yellow, and blue fire sprang out of no where in the room. The man was pulled back, and strong familiar arms wrapped around him. "Leave him alone!"

Drake trembled and shook scared but finding comfort in Zaku's arms

"I will have him, fire bird..." the man said, smirking.

"No you will not!" Zaku shouted holding onto Drake. "Don't think you can have everything you want...Zeus!"

Drake's eyes widened. "Z...Zeus?"

The golden haired man smirked.

Zaku growled. "You are not going to touch a hair on his head, Zeus!"

Drake shivered in fear. "C...can we go back to the temple?"

Zaku disappeared with Drake, appearing in the room that Zaku had given Drake, setting him down on the bed. "Drake..." he said soflty.

He was still very shaken and looked down his hair falling into his face. "He...tried to..."

Zaku sat down beside Drake, wrapping his arms around him in a protective hug, one hand resting on the back of his head, stroking his hair, soothingly. "Drake....oh Drake....I just so glad that I was able to get there before he could do anything to you....I don't know what I'd have done if he had....." he whispered into Drake's hair.

He buried his head in his chest shaking. "I am so horrible....I am so sorry..."

"I will protect you better....I're not horrible....please....I was so scared that I had lost you.... I was so afraid.... I love you Drake...I will do everything in my power to protect you....." Zaku whispered, hugging him closer.

"B...but...I'm a guy...I want to...but...I am a guy..."

"And I told you before that it didn't matter and that I would still protect matter what..."

He looked down. " can together...?"

"Do you wish to be with me? Truly with me....? I love you Drake....."

He blushed wanting to say yes but afraid to as well

"I am not going to force you..."

"I know..."

"Drake...." Zaku hugged him close. "I love you....that will never change.."

He blushed. ""

Zaku gently kissed Drake.

He blushed and slowly kissed back

Zaku held him closer, resting his chin on his head. "Drake...."


"I won't do anything unless you want me too....I don't want to hurt you..."

He nodded

Zarahie laughed lightly. "Really?" he asked, and did it again.

He purred in pleasure

Zarahie blushed.

"Feels nice..."He gently did the same to Zarahaie

Zarahie made a noise in his throat that seemed to scream that he liked it.

He did it again

He purred, caressing his cheek.

He smiled and kissed him on the lips

Zarahie kissed back, wrapping arms around his waist.

He blushed kissing back

"I love you..." he whispered, blushing.

"I love you."He whispered

Zarahie buried his face into Kyo's chest, hugging him.

"I love you."

"I love you..."

He smiled.

Zarahie smiled back, and quickly kissed him.

He smiled happily. "Are we going to the museum?"

"I don't know if we will make it there at this rate..." he laughed.

"Should we try or should we head back and do it another day?"

"Why don't we do the museum tomorrow...? We'll have more time...."

"Ok. What should we do now?"

"I..." he hugged him and kissed him.

He hugged him back

"Can I....snuggle with you?" he whispered very softly.

He blushed and nodded. "I would like that."

"I don't know where the rooms are...." he whispered.

He lead him to his room. "Here is the room you were assigned."

Zarahie pulled him into the room, and kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

He pulled back, and asked him shyly. "Stay in here with me....?"

He blushed and nodded

Zarahie hugged him. "Thank you..."

He kissed him

He kissed back, wrapping his arms around his neck.

He leaned into it and they toppled onto the bed. He blushed. "S...sorry."

Zarahie blushed. "It's okay...really..."

He blushed and kissed him

He kissed back, smiling into the kiss.

He smiled and snuggled with him

" you..."

"I love you."

They both fell to sleep.

He snuggled closer

They dreamed of each other but a dark shadow fell around them.

he bolted up

Zarahie was holding onto him tighter.

He held onto him looking around

There were just the normal shadows.

He held him close

"Dream...." he whispered.

"I guess..."

"Don't let go of me..."


He snuggled into him.

he held him close

They both hugged them.

Rasu lead Aiko, while Yomi lead Ai into the restaurant that looked to still be empty, but was preparing for that night's dinner group. The twins held out chairs for the girls.

They both blushed and sat thanking them

Rasu and Yomi took their seats. "You two can have anything from the menu..." Rasu said, smiling softly

Yomi nodded, "That means any thing...."

"Really?!" Aiko said excitedly

Ai looked more hesitant. "I don't want to take advantage..."

((Why is Ai the hesitant one? She is the one that is with Yomi and the girly one lol))((She is hesitant of taking advantage of people))

Yomi nodded to her. "Go ahead...."

She looked at the menu

Rasu watched Aiko, waiting.

Aiko smiled. "Can I have the lobster?"

Rasu nodded with a smile.

Yomi waited for Ai.

Ai ordered something cheap

Yomi shook his head and went to go take care of telling the kitchen himself, then came back, and flirted with her as he had done back at the school.

Rasu blushed, smiling softly at Aiko.

Ai smiled flirting with Yomi

Aiko smiled at Rasu.. "Thank you for inviting us..."

"You're welcome..." Rasu said.

Aiko smiled relaxing and examining the place

Ai was to busy flirting with Yomi and showing off her perfect hair and clothing

Yomi flirted back with Ai, and even started to play with her hair himself.

Rasu watched Aiko. "You like it?"

Ai giggled and kissed Yomi on the cheek

Aiko smiled. "It is a neat place. I can't believe you guys opened it."

Yomi kissed Ai on the lips.

Rasu nodded. "It wasn't very hard...we had alot of support..."

She blushed and kissed back

"It's so nice." Aiko said

Rasu kissed her.

she kissed back with a blush

Ai noticed.

"Oh...what happened to your whole lecture on not being dateable?"

"Shuttup." Aiko said with a glare at her sister

Yomi pulled Ai into a kiss. "Rasu has a magic touch..."

She giggled and kissed back

Rasu leaned over. "You want to sit somewhere else....?"

"Yes please.'

"Looks like they wanted privacy..." Yomi said with a smile.

"Yea. It's strange though...I thought Aiko would never get a boyfriend."

Yomi looked at Ai. "Boyfriend?"

"Yea....wait...are you saying...he is...a...she?"

"Yes...Rasu is a girl...." Yomi said patiently.

"A...are you?"

Yomi laughed. "No...I am a guy...through and through...."

She sighed in relief. " sister with a girl...I gotta go...I'm sorry I will see you later.' She said hurrying toward her sister. ((Think, family of extreme Republican far right Christians lol, she follows her father and Aiko is the outcast))

Yomi grabbed her wrist. "What's wrong?"

"She can't be with a girl. Father would kill her!"

"You thought she was a guy before I said anything... couldn't it be a secret? Love..."

"But...that's so unnatural..."

"Nothing in this world is natural..."

"My father would kill her."

Yomi pulled her into a hug. "Please don't say love..."

She sighed. "But..."

He kissed her.

She blushed kissing back

Rasu took Aiko to another table a ways away.

She smiled. "They are mushy."

"Yomi has always been a lady killer..."

She shook her head. "And my sister has always been a flirt."

"Perfect couple..."

She sighed and nodded.

"We are a perfect couple too..."

She smiled and nodded

Rasu kissed her.

She kissed back

Rasu hugged her.

She hugged back. "I am glad we met."

"I am too..." Rasu said smiling.

She smiled. "What do you like to do?"

"I like to cook, and dance...and the"

"Martial arts, singing, the beach...allot of other things."

Rasu smiled. "That's great..."

She smiled and told her about herself

Rasu returned the talk but about herself. " could say that Yomi made fun of my bikini...." ((bikini....guy...???? lol))


Liam looked at Miach. "You ok?"

"Of course, we should get to our next class." He said turning away

Liam looked unconvinced. "You never suggest going to class...what's wrong?"

Jezza smiled gently at Miach. "Yes, Miach we did....I think it had something to do with Liam reading my notebook," she said softly, answering Miach. "Miach...Liam.... I really don't want to be late.... though I do have the excuse that I'm new.... you two are... Miach is right... let's get to class...." She gave Liam a soft look that said that they would talk about this later.

Liam nodded and followed as did Miach

When they got to the class, Jezza sat in between Miach and Liam. Once the class got started, Jezza slipped Miach a note.

He took it and looked at it didn't seem to like her flirting with you, or even kissing you....please talk to me.... I told you what was on my mind...please talk to me too...~

He hesitated then wrote. ~I can't...I would be hated~

~You're my brother....blood or not....please....Miach....I love you....please tell me....~

~Really? Anyone special...?~ She wrote, she watched him out of the corner of her eyes.

He hesitated than wrote ~No.~'re lying...I can see it in your face...who is it? Please tell me...~

~Pay attention to class...just drop it...please, it will never be possible~

She past the note back to him. ~Liam~

He stiffened and wrose his hand.

The teacher looked at him. "Yes?"

"May I please be excused...I am not feeling well."

Liam looked over at him in concern

"yes you may...."

He got up and hurried out of the room.

Liam looked worried

Jezza passed her note to Liam to read her and Miach's conversation.

He looked at her in shock. ~That...isn't possible...!~ He wrote

~It's the only explaination for him just running from the room and having wrote and acted as he did....~

~He...loves me?~

~That's the only answer that I can guess to make....~

He shook his head not sure what to do or think

Class ended. Jezza stood up, and went and hugged Liam.

He hugged back, "We....should find him...if that is the case he probably is feeling guilty."

Jezza nodded. "Let's go..."

He nodded following

They saw him talking to a young woman with long straight black hair.

"Flirting again?" He whispered

" you not see the dead man at her feet...." whispered Jezza.

He stiffened and looked wide eyes. "Oh my god!"

"What could have happened...?"

"Miach...he wouldn't have killed...I fed him..." He said to himself

"Fed him?" Jezza questioned, looking at Liam confused.

"Promise you won't tell anyone...not even mom and dad?"

Jezza looked pale. "I...won't...I...."

"He is a vampire..."

Jezza looked thoughtful. "Oh..."

"You aren't surprised?"

"I had thought something was up...."

"Please don't tell."

Jezza hugged him. "I promise..." She looked back to Miach and the woman. "She's staring at us...."

"Oh...should we go over?"

Jezza nodded. She took his hand wand started to walk over.

he followed in worry

Miach hurried outside the school and sighed in relief as he hid in the branches of a tree

He heard movement.

He stiffened and looked

He saw a woman with long black hair, in a long black dress, walking across the grounds. She had a sad look about her face, but that was the only emotion he could read. She stopped, and just stared at the man that had just came from the school.

he studied the man as well

The man didn't look well, as if he'd drop at any moment. He saw the woman walk over to him, reaching out a hand to the man as if to help him. The man took her hand, and then he just fell to the ground dead.

His eyes widened and he sniffed the air

The area smelled like death. The woman looked down at the man as if sad, and then knelt beside him.

"What did you do?" He growled

The woman looked at him. "You...can see me?"

he leapt down and walked toward her. "You are death?"

"One of many forms...."

"I...should have died awhile do vampires escape that?"

"Vampire...." she whispered. "All vampires are...children of one that was not truly of death..."

" can't help cure me?"

"Why do you wish to be cured?"

"I am afraid I will hurt someone..."

She more over to him. "You are strong will be safe...."

"I won't age...and my brother...he risks so much to get me food..."

"Do you wish for him to stop aging?" she asked plainly.

"No...I want him happy."

The woman looked at him sadly. "Sadness is coming..." she said cripticly.

"What?" His eyes widened in horror. " can't have him!"

"I was originally the one that helped to people pass on...but I was unjustly punished... there is time...and there is one that no there are two that can save him...."

"W...what danger is he in?"

She looked at him, and then just off from them, looking at something.

"Please...tell me..."

"A great evil is covering the world..."

" involves Liam?"

"As well as you...and your adoptive involves the whole world, but there are choosen that will stop helping the Thirteen..." she said softly.

" implied Liam is in danger...that he has limited time and only two can help...what do you mean?"

"He is...for you and your sister are not in as much as danger because of what you are.....but the evil that threatens him, threatens the world..."

Jezza walked up with Liam. "Miach...what's happened?" she asked pointing to the man.

"I...had nothing to do with it."

Liam looked concerned

"I wasn't saying that you did..." Jezza said softly.

He sighed. "Should I tell them?"

The woman looked at them. "He was dying and I took his life..."

Jezza took a step back.

Liam looked shocked

Takarii walked up to the door of the address his father had given him and rang the door bell. He had just arrived in the U.S. and was curious to see what his father's bussiness partner was like

A tall man with long gold hair answered the door. "Yes?"

"Umm...I am Takarii Yagamii. My father sent me to live with Lial I at the right address?" He said in English

"Welcome to my home..."

"are you Lial?"

"Yes I am...."

"It is an honor to be able to work alongside you sir. Thank you for allowing me to stay with you and allowing me the opportunutiy to learn more under your guidance." He said with a bow of respect

"I am glad to welcome you...I was actually on my way out...just head on inside, and my...assist will assist you...I am sure the trip was long..."

"Ok...thank you.' He said heading inside

A young lady greeted him. "Hello there sir..."

"hello." He said with a bow

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