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2006-08-05 20:20:26
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Myths of Christianity

Please note: Some of these may seem silly, though they are valid issues and myths that have arisin over the history of Christianity.

Myth #1

Christians are cannibles.

Yes, there are many who accuse us of being cannibles. The thought comes from the Lord's Supper, inwhich Jesus states that the bread symbolizes his body, and the wine symbolizes his blood. Well, needless to say, we are not cannibles. We use bread and wine/grape juice, not real flesh and blood. The reason we do this is in memory of Christ's sacrifice for us and the symbolizing of the New Covenant he made with us. We do the Lord's Supper, or Communion, to restate our participation in, and faith in, the New Covenant in Christ. (If you are unsure what the New Covenant, please refere back to Religion 101 for an explanation.)

Myth #2

You Are Not a Christian Unless You Attend Church Every Week

Ok, I know this one is going to get me in some trouble with people from stricter denominations, but no where in the Bible does it say that in order to be a Christian you have to attend church. It does say that fellowship with brethren (spending time with other Christians) is essential in spiritual growth and stregth, but just becuase someone doesn't go to church doesn't make them a non-Christian. Atteding church is not necessaryfor salvation according to the Gospels, only faith and belief in Jesus is.

Myth #3

Any good person is a Christian

This is a common misconception. Just because someone is a good person doesn't make them a good Christian. Just because someone does good deeds doesn't mean they are going to heaven. This may seem harsh, but it's the truth. Think about everything bad you've ever done in your life. Every mean word you've ever said, even the smallest thing you've stolen, everytime you've lied, cheated, hurt someone physically or emotionally; can anything you've done in your life make up for all the times you've done something like this? By saying that 'because you are a good person/do good things you will go to heaven' is saying you can buy your way into heaven. Jesus himself said "None come to the Father except through me" It is only through Jesus alone that one can be forgiven of sins and enter into Heaven.

Myth #4

Since we are forgiven of our sins, we can sin whenever we want!

Again, another dangerous misconception about Christianity. Yes, as Christains we are forgiven of our sins but only through the acceptance of Jesus into our hearts. We understand that we are only forgiven for our sins because of Jesus death, through his blood. This is 'written' on our hearts. Therefore, everytime we sin, we know that we are crucifying Jesus all over again in our hearts, especially when we conciously do something we know is sinful. When you truly accept Christ into your heart, you really don't want to sin anymore because you know and are thankful for Christ's death for you. Think of it this way; you are charged with a crime you didn't mean to commit, and the punishment is the electric chair. You protest that you didn't mean to do it and beg for another chance. The judge tells you that only if someone is willing to give you that chance, by taking your place in the electric chair, will you be given that chance. The fact is that you still the act was still done and that doesn't change the fact that you are sorry it was done. There has to be some accountability. Then, someone you don't even know, tells you that if it means you will take that second chance and turn your life around, they will take the punishment for you. So they are eletrocuted in your place. Are you (personally speaking as an individual) going to allow that person's sacrifice to be in vain? If someone dies to save your life, are you really going to go out and do that something over again? That is only a weak example of how Christians view forgiveness of sins. It's not that now we are give a 'get out of jail free card' to sin, we don't want to anymore because of this second chance we have been given.

Myth #5

I'd rather go to Hell than Heaven. Heaven will be boring, at least things will be interesting in Hell.

. . . If anyone were to say this to me, I would personally slap them. Seriously! It is beyound my comprehension how someone could argue they would prefer to go to Hell over Heaven because Hell will be more interesting! (If you don't believe in Hell or Heaven, well, um . . . That's another issue all together) The Bible only gives us some indication of Heaven, though we do know in the end (that is after Christ's return), we will no longer dwell in Heaven but on Earth in a new, or recreation. So, picture everything you enjoy in life, like art, music, literature, story-telling, playing like little kids, being around animals . . . all the simple pleasures in life. How's about meeting up with Christians who were long dead before you and being able to talk with them? Being able to talk to Jesus, to God Himself, ask Him the questions you've always wanted to ask Him? Ask Him why he created elephants with such big noses or why He created a platapus the way He did. How he was able to create the complexity of the human eye or the elements in creation. How he was able to create the perfect balance for gravity so we didn't spiral into the sun, or why He created such a huge Universe for us to explore? You could even ask Him the most pressing question of all; why are hotdogs sold in 12 packs and hotdog buns in 10 packs? Imagine a place where everything you've ever wanted to do is possible, where there is no war, no disease, no poverty or hurt? Can you imagine a place where you'd never hit your funny bone??? Or get a paper cut?? How about a place where there is no pain, no suffering, sorrow, despair, doubt or death? Where there are no tears, no crying. That is Heaven. If God created such an interesting world for us to live in for the short span of our mortal life how much more interesting will He have made our eternal lives?

Myth #6

Christianity promotes Homophobia and discriminates against Homosexuals

*Sigh* I really hate this topic, but it's one which I know needs to be addressed. (I know I'm going to get hate mail with this one) Here's the thing; the Bible does tell us that homosexuality is a sin and it's wrong. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. But, here's where alot of people are wrong; many think that the Bible tells us we are to hate and persecute homosexuals. Before I go any further with this, I want to make it clear that I am not in any way homophobic. I have a gay uncle and have been around him and his boyfriend since the time I was little. One of my ex-boyfriends are now gay (please no smart comments about this. I've heard about everything there is), and I have quite a few gay and lesbian friends. Just like the Bible tells us, I don't hate these people, I love them all very much. It's just their lifestyle I am opposed to. I live by the philophy, as all Christians are called to do, to love the sinner but hate the sin. We love the people, just not the path they have chosen in their lives. There are alot of arguments and debates about how love shouldn't be discriminatory or anything like that. Love isn't the point here (from a theological perspective), it's the point that God tells us that He created man and women for each other. If God intended His creation to be homosexual, why then did he create woman as man's companion? So yes, Christians believe that homosexuality is wrong, it is a big sin, but it is not up to us to condem those who pursue that lifestyle. Christians are called to seek those out who have strayed from the path and guide them back, not kick them further from the path. (I so know I'm getting hatemail about this one!)

Myth #7

Christians are not allowed to have/enjoy sex.

*Blinks* This one I've always found facinating. First of all, Christians are allowed to have sex. If we weren't, how would be reproduce? There's a reason God created Adam with a penis and sperm, and Eve with a vagina and womb. So, in answer to the objection that Christians are not allowed to have sex, I'd suggest taking Biology 101 to learn about human anatomy. As to the second myth about Christians not being allowed to enjoy sex . . . why not? God created us with these pleasure receptors and the capacity to enjoy sex. Sex was meant to be a beautiful thing, a union between a man and a woman where they bind themselves body and spirit to one another. The Fall corrupted this and turned sex into something bad and perverted, but it was origionally meant to be good. Now in saying that, God also intended sex for husband and wife. Adultry is strictly rebuked in both the Old and New Testement. Sex was created as an expression of love between husband and wife, and only when it is used in lust and pleasure is it a bad thing. God meant for us to get pleasure from sex, but not to have sex just for pleasure.

Myth #8

Jesus never claimed to be God

*Opens Bible to the New Testement and hands it to the reader* Just count for yourself. Jesus himself states that He is the Son of God. Multiple times actually. Anyone who argues differently, message me with your proof and we'll go from there. Jesus tells us He is the Son of God and it is only through belief and faith in Him that we are to enter Heaven and God's presence.

Myth #9

Since Christians believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, isn't that three Gods/Deities instead of one?

Ah, the great question of the Trinity. Well, here is something that theologians have been trying to explain in a complete and comprehensive sense for none-believes since the formation of Christianity. . . . Needles to say I'm not sure a first year University student can do what no theologan has ever been able to do. But think of it this way; water, steam and ice. All are basically water, or H2O, just in different forms. It can be in only one form at one time, or in two or all three. It's the same essence, just a different form. All three are distinct, but at the same time, are the same. It's the same with the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are three seperate 'entities' (if you will) but all are the same essence. Just like water is the basis for steam and ice, God is the essence of the Spirit and the Son, but at the same time, can be and is seperate in itself. So no, we don't worship three Gods. We worship one God who appears to us in three forms.

Myth #10

Myth #11

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2006-05-05 [~Ithika~]: i dont get the trinity thing. I beleive that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are three totally different beings, in no way connected to each other. Jesus and God have bodies of flesh and blood because they are resurected and have recieved their bodies anew, also because they are father and son, whereas the Holy Spirit is just that...a spirit. It makes sense this way to me. On a different note, I have never heard that first myth before, very interesting.

2006-05-05 [Child of God]: The Bible never really tells us that God has a body, only Jesus. It does say that God walked with Adam and Eve, and fought with someone in a dream in the Old Testement, but it is also suggested that He does not have a physical body, or at least physical in the humanistic sense.

2006-07-07 [VCNightGoddess]: Well, my uncle is a bible professor... We often get into many conversations about the bible. What he came up with about the trinity is an interesting topic. Whether or not people chose to agree with him is a different story, but what he said is this. There is the Father, or God, the Son, or Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, which my uncle believes to be the angel of truth. All of which are in fact, as said, entities of the same essence.

2006-07-07 [VCNightGoddess]: Another thing is with homosexuality. The Bible doesn't say it is wrong. In fact, there are many verses in the bible that suggests there was some homosexuallity. Such as when it talks about the Rapture. It says that there will be two women in the field, one taken, the other left. Two MEN in a BED, one taken, one left. It said that there was one deciple whom Jesus LOVED. The Bible was talking strictly of one man, who is often refered to as the deciple whom Jesus loved. Nothing goes to say that he didn't love ALL his deciples, but only one was refered to as loved...

2006-07-08 [Child of God]: I will answer your response in Questions About Christianity

2006-08-05 [Fizban]: Myth 4, is not a myth, it is a matter of personal opinoun. Since no one truly knows, how can one say that heaven wont be boring. Even if people will know, people still can say its boring its not a matter of knowledge, its just an opinoun.

2006-08-05 [Fizban]: also you have two 4th myths...lols

2006-08-05 [Child of God]: Oops, thanks again for pointing it out again!

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