Page name: NLS Page 3 [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-12-04 06:06:52
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Comics 21-30


Yay for shitty coloring jobs! -dies- Sorry, I wanted to see how well I could color it in a matter of seconds...obviously...not very -shrugs- Oh well!


I'm having me some fun. Heh.


Welp, here we go. The story continues.


Does everyone love my coloring job? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *ahem* Yeah...I need to learn to color, don't I? lol.



Well here you have some...filler art. Why? Because I'm still working on the next strip. HA HA!


Here we go! HA HA! Another comic! I'm really beginnig to enjoy this...are you? ALSO! I've got a site up (and yes it's kind of crappy) for my comic outside of Elftown! Go visit it and sign the forum or the guestbook! Whatever floats your boat! WHOO HOO! *ahem* Ignore those yours in there...I forgot the e and the '. So yeah...heh...


Heh. Okay, this isn't a NLS comic. It's a Daily Havoc comic. I created it for my friends at school. The person thinking of pie is my friend Mike. He's major hilarium. And then the person getting high off of tea (which is what it is) is Sean. He's crazy. I lurve them both. Lol. And the lady with the horns and pitchfork is my old World Civs. Adv. teacher Ms. Barlow. She is EVIL! We even made shirts at the end of the year that said "We thought we were toast on a post" on the front. It was one of her sayings. "But to be blunt"(another of her sayings)"We survived" That was on the back. But yeah, Daily Havoc was supposed to focus on the crazy life of my friends and I. I did this one and started a second one. But never finished the second one or continued them. Oh well. Maybe i will one day. Lol.


Well FINALLY I have updated. SO HA!


LOOK! The 29th comic! WHOO HOO! -dances- Righto, welp, it may take me a while to start another one...yeah...erm....yeah....-runs away-

I lied. Lol. This is ACTUALLY the 30th comic, it's just saved as the 29th because one of them is NLSrandom. Heh. Yeah. Done now.

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