Page name: Naro [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-09-22 13:42:47
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Character name: Nicolie (Naro) Radak 
Race: Half French and half Russian.
Age: Unknown (His story is on going so it changes)
Height: 6'2''
Eye color/shape: Dark blue. Wide.
Hair color/style: Black. The style changes at different points in his life. He's had it very short and long enough to tie back in a pony tail.
Face specifics: His face is masculine with a square jaw and a strong handsome brow. His lips are thin and he as a sharp, slightly crooked nose (it was broken when he was a child). His eyes are evenly spaced and slightly deep-set, giving him an intense solum air.
Body specifics: Naro has broad shoulders with a narrow waist and hips. his legs and arms are proportionately muscled and he has long spidery fingers. He's very pale and a several old scars running across his torso and back. He's tall, which adds to his rather imposing nature.
Occupation: Mercenary and expert tracker. 
History: Naro was the son of a French soldier and the daughter of a Russian merchant. he was born out of wedlock, and shamed by the dishonor to the family the Merchant gave up the child to an orphanage. Life there was cruel and abusive, and at the age of seven he was taken from that horrible place by a Mr. Morte' and a Mr. Blanche. They were traveling mercenaries and were looking for an "apprentice" (servant). When the saw him the were drawn to the child's sullen, quiet nature and they bough him for a cheep price. For the next 8 years Naro traveled with the two men, learning the art of been a good killer for hire. It was not a good life. he was often beaten and Mr. Blanche had a taste for young male flesh, and Naro was often his play thing. However, he took to killing like a duck takes to water. He grew into quite the formidable young man, but he bided his time until the age of 15, when he was certain he could overpower Mr. Blanche. One night after he had spent himself inside Naro, the boy took advantage of his drowsy state and stabbed him, killing him cleanly and swiftly. 
Personality: Despite his job, Naro is very soft spoken. Not in a gentle way, but in an aloof almost uninterested sort of fashion. He doesn't like to make scenes and is one for blending into the shadows. He really doesn't know how to interact with people and this accidently lends him a mysterious air. Some people are attracted to him and it really freaks him out. Emotionally he's a mess, but you would never know that. He has abandonment issues and dislikes being touched. Also, despite being attracted to the opposite sex, he's rather untrusting of women because of the abuse he received at the orphanage..... But when it comes down to brass taxes he really doesn't trust anyone. He closets his emotions and doesn't show weakness if he can help it. However under all this, he really isn't a bad person. Yes, he kills people for a living and doesn't seem to bat an eye, but he won't kill if it isn't for a job or in self defense.  
Sexual preference: Women, but he doesn't trust them.
Relations: None

*Naro is one of the Beloveds. He came from a story that has long since faded away due to immature lameness. But he survived and remains one of my favorite characters. I've changed and he's changed, but I still love him. Half the time I don't know what to do with him. He's a mystery even to me. *

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