Page name: Normal High: M1 P1 [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2009-11-03 16:17:22
Last author: Flisky
Owner: Flisky
# of watchers: 1
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Damion Horogashi was waiting for his first math class after graduating from college. "I hope this goes well."

Christina walked into her first class of the day, math, she sat down in the second row without even looking at the teacher.

Damion smiled and walked over to her. "Hello whats your name?"

Evelyn was a few feet away from them, sitting on the stair well, reading her Biology book, holding it close to her face, her blonde blonde hair falling into her eyes every now and then.

Jared stood near the door of the class just out of sight, he had been examining the files on the new students and was curious as to how they may treat each other on their first day so far so good he thought to himself with a smile as he continued to watch while pretending to review the file in his hands.

Damion still looking at the girls in the room. "You can come in now. No need to stand outside the door."

Evelyn walked in, she kept her eyes to the ground, ignoring the looks and mutters she got. Why is that kid in here was one, followed by She looks about 11!. Evelyn scowled and took a seat, she glared at the front as if to try and be imposing.

Damion looked at the kids. "Now that is enough. There will be none of this in here."

Jared watched and made a small note have Evelyn meet with me he knew she might want to speak with him in the near future, and he might be able to help her feel a little more secure about being here. 

Damion walked over to the young girl and said. "Its ok. They wont make fun of you in my class." As he smiled at her.

Twilight came in as well and took a seat in the back of the class. Goddess this class looks like it's gonna suck many bland, tasteless eggs. She thought boredly.

Damion closed his eyes and looked down. this is going to be a long year.

Jared chuckled quietly at Damion's expression maybe HE should make an appointment too? the first day was also hell for new teachers as well as students, but it made for interesting 'coffee talk'.

This time Damion looked at the door. "You can come in now."

Jared came around the corner and leaned against the doorway "don't mind me" he said in a friendly voice "I'm just making some notes" he held up the file folder in his left hand, before continuing to check and rewrite his notes.

Damion smiled at him. "Are you a student? Cause if you are come sit down."

"actually" Jared said with a small smile "I'm part of the Faculty, I'm Jared Bryant, the student Counciler, we didn't get a chance to meet proporly at the morning staff meeting"

Evelyn was reading through her math book, already writting down the answers to the questions.

Damion blushed. "Im sorry. You where acting like a new student."

Jared shook his head slightly "actually I was doing my job" he explained "I was observing the new students, and the new teacher while I was at it"

Kathy entered the room, smiling. Wow i can't believe school is here, she sighed softly. "Good Morning!" She said, "Are you Mr. Horogashi?"

Twilight looked up startled. She didn't know there was a teacher in the class. "I assumed that this would be a webcam class." She said with an embarrassed look on her face.

Damion walked in front of the class. "Yes my name is Mr.Horogashi and no this is not a webcam class."

Takato scrambled into class stripping his headphones from his ears down to his neck and skidded into a free seat in the middle of class. "Whew thought i was late." He had already taken this math class but he had already blown out the required credits for graduation in his junior year so he decided to take a class with a fresh teacher as they are generally more fun.

Twilight blushed and tilted her head up to face the teacher head on. "Well then Horogashi-sensei, I look forward to taking this class and I hope you can teach me something worthwhile because I warn you now, I hate math with a passion." She said with a grin.

Damion smiled and looked at her. "Don't worry you will learn one way or another." Then he looked at the kid who ran in. "So whats your name and why are you late on your first day?"

Two abnormally beautiful twins wandered into the class. Their hair was an identical brown and their eyes an identical dark brownish red. They wore their uniforms the same and they walked the same. It was nearly impossible to tell the two apart. They both looked at their old buddy Takato. They had so many classes with him that the twins trusted him most of all. They walked into the back of the classroom not caring for introducing themselves to the teacher or whether they were late or not. They sat in their typical seats in the back near a window.

Twilight ached one brow and smirked. "I wish you luck then sensei." She said cheerfully.

Evelyn was ignoring the chatter and busy doing her work.

Jared smiled as he made notes about what he was seeing, something told him this would be an....interesting bunch.

Damion smiled and walked over the young girl doing work. "Well aren't you a wierd student. I never thought I'd see a student do work before the class ever even started, and on the first day."

The twelve year old looked up at Damion, she stared at him."This is easy". She closed her book."When are we going to move onto the more challening stuff sir"?

Bella walked into Damions class, trying to be quiet and took a seat in the way back. She had a hood on and her feet up on the desk.

damion smiled. "Well we have to go through the basics first. And you hood off and feet off the desk."

"Oh ok". Evelyn nodded slightly, he blonde hair bouncing around her face as she put the work to one side, ready to take notes.

"So where to begine?" He thought to himself.

Bella stayed in the same postition. She had her head phones in her ear, and her ipod on full blast. She hated school with a pasion, but she was being forced to go anyways.

Damion walked over and pulled her head phones out. "Will you be joining us?"

Bella rolled her eyes. "Im here arent I? So i guess I am joining you..." She sighed and began to put her head phones back in.

Damion glared at her. "Then take out the head phones."

Bella smiled "Or what? Your gonna give me a detention, send me out of the room?" She put the back in and stared at him.

Damion smiled. "I could give you extended's till the end of the year."

Bella did a fake yawn, and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep.

Damion looked at her. "Listen this is my first day and I really don't wanna deal with this. If you want I'll just call Mr.Jared."

Bella sighed again. "Just. Teach." She didnt care what he did. As long as he let her stay in her own little world in the back of the room, not near anyone, and she didnt have to move or answer questions or go up to the board. She could care less if he got her suspened. She would love it. She may live alone in an apartment, but for her to live there, she has to go the school and graduate.

Damion smiled. "Ok then, you can take your thinngs and move to the front row."

Bella glared at him "What!?"

Damion smiled knowing he got to her. "Either you pay attention and work, or you move to the front row. Your choice."

Bella looked at him. "You can walk away now."

"Fine go to the front row. If you behave I'll let you sit back here."

Bella stared at him. "Im not moving. I can learn back here."

Damion stared right back. "Then follow the rules of my class like everyone els."

Bella laughed "Like everyone else. Everyone else is a zombi and incase you havent noticed. Im not like any of them. I have a mind of my own. Its not like i WANT to be here and im sure you dont WANT me here either. So if you leave me alone then i will leave you alone and i wont have to cause you any trouble."

"Do the work and well have no prob."

"Well then stop chattering with me and start teaching." Bella stated.

Damion laughed. "Ok fine."

Kathy took a seat, not too close to anyone. she softly figited in her seat, she messed with the collar of her shirt, which was unbuttoned and the tie missing.

Damion walked to the front of the class. "Well the first day and so ment students are late to class. This is not a good way to start the school year now is it?"

Takato waved at the twins, and quickly hoped desks to sit next to them. "Ok lets get this going then, start calling out Bueller over and over again." He kicked back wanting to judge the new teacher.

The twins sighed at Takato's typical antics. "We aren't late." The more 'proper' of the twins stated. He pointed to the clock. "We still have two minutes till the bell rings." His voice was very nonchalant and uncaring. The other twin leaned back in his chair and kicked his feet up on the desk as if finishing his brother's gesture.

"Well your not late." Damion looked at the clock.

"Than don't yell at anyone else." The senior twins said in unison. They grinned identically and would look as though someone was drunk and seeing double.

Damion looked confused. "Im not yelling at anyone, Im just saying. And do you two always do that??? Its kinda creepy."

Phoenix and Kenji hurried off to class just as Phoenix said, "I told you that you should have drove faster Kenji!"

"Oh shut up Phoenix...." Kenji mumbled as they both stumbled into the class room.

Damion laughed. "You better get here in one piece. I don't want people dying trying to get to my class."

Kathy sighed, what a long year this shall be.

Jared looked up from his notes looks like things will be even more interesting than I thought he mused as he looked at Bella and the twins, as he scanned the class.

Kathy sighed once again, then opened up her band and grabbed out her art kit and her sketchbook. She opened up to a clean page and began to use her pastels to draw something.

The twins looked over at Takato. "What ya say we ditch next class?" The 'polite' one said. The other twin's attention was distracted. He pulled his feet off the desk and crossed his arms over his chest squinting his eyes looking intently on Pheonix.

Damion overheared them and said, "Even though it's not my class, I would still have to notify your teacher."

Rei walked in, carrying a file folder which she had her nose stuck into. Two dark haired students followed her closely, their uniforms perfectly pressed. They looked out of place. Rei nearly collided with Jared as she made her way across the room. "Oh, Mr. Bryant. I have the file on our two newcomers. This is their first day of school ever. Homeschooled. Just moved here from Australia." She handed over the file, then stood back so Jared could see the students.

Trinity stood slightly ahead of her twin brother Tristan. She was looking at the other students, her eyes practically glowing. Tristan was staring out the window, a bored expression on his face. Since their father had brought them directly to the office, they hadn't had much of a chance to meet anyone else.

"Wow so meny new people." Damion laughed.

Phoenix moved the hair out of her face for it just to fall back into her face. She sighed and looked up at the twin that was looking at her. Kenji shot him a glare while Phoenix smiled at him.

Twilight put the buds of her Ipod into her ears and turned on Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

"Sir can we start the class now". Evelyn raised a hand, looking around her with a glare plastered across her face.

Damion smiled. "Well we can if this is everyone."

Takato nodded to the ditching question to where damion couldnt see. "I like this class already, so much chaos." He fiddled with his wireless headphones to wear it was just loud enough for him to hear.

"I think we should start and anyone who is late has to catch up in their own time". Evelyn scowled and nodded, getting her pen ready to right.

Damion nodded. "Ok then, turn to chapter 1 and do the first 2 sections."

Jared took the file "ah! thank you Rei" he said with a friendly smile, before glancing at the pair "Trinity and Tristan Collix?" he asked them as he glanced over their file "before we get youu to your class pehaps we should talk in my office" he turned and motioned for the pair to follow him.

Tristan grabbed Trinity's arm and pulled her to follow Jared. Trinity wasn't paying attention and was almost knocked off balance. She stumbled, but smiled as she nodded and followed as well. She took the lead easily and looked back at Tristan. "I knew we shouldn't have asked father to come with us." Her accent was strong, but not as strong as her brother's when he answered. "I agree."

Jared smiled as he opened the door to his office "I must admit, I am curious as to what compelled the two of you to attend regular school after all those years of home schooling" he asked kindly as he stepped aside to let them in "the last time I spoke with Dr. Collix, he didn't seem interested in entertaining the idea"

Trinity sat down, but Tristan stood behind her, still not really paying attention. Trinity spoke up first. "Father agreed that now that we were in high school, we should learn to socialize with other children. But since we both are actually about to graduate, he wanted us in a lower grade to give us time to make friends." Tristan blew out air as he glared at the wall. "He could have told us he was demoting us three years, though."

"I see" Jared said as he set his files down on his desk and sat down "that might explain the slightly sour looks on your faces" he smirked "don't worry too much, it simply means that you should do very well in your classes so you can have more time to work on your social skills" he wanted to point out the bright side.

Tristan pulled a face and Trinity smiled. "Yes, well, I'm not sure how similar the curriculum here is to what father taught us. But it shouldn't be any problem," Tristan said quietly. Trinity swung her legs slightly in the chair. "The problem will be socializing. Alot of people don't appreciate us because I don't have much socialization skills and Tristan isn't straight." Trinity didn't seem ashamed of what she had said, but Tristan turned red.

Jared nodded "I had a little trouble socializing with other kids when I was in high school as well" he stated "my family moved around alot because of my fathers work, so I didn't really have a chance to make lasting friendships" he leaned foreward and rested his elbows on his desk "but when my father finally decided to set down roots I started meeting lots of kids but I felt akward, all the stuff that seemed new and strange to them about the differant cultures I'd met, it all seemed like common knowledge to me, I felt out of place, that is untill my father told me what he claimed was a universal truth" he smiled at them "he said 'true friends will accept you for who you really are, so be yourself and they'll want to know you'"

Tristan calmed down a bit. He nodded and looked at Jared. "Father said something like that once." Trinity giggled. "Yeah, after you got into a fistfight with your best mate." She turned back to Jared. "Speaking of which, if we get into trouble with the other students..." She trailed off, not sure what she was trying to ask.

Jared smiled "I'll make sure to speak with the pincipal and see that he gives you some slack" he said as he stood up and walked around his desk "I'll let him know not to be too harsh on you if something happens" he gave them both a wry smile "but don't think you'll be able to get away with blowing up a restroom or anything alright?" he chuckled quietly

Trinity's eyebrows rose. "Students actually do that? I thought that was just rumors and such." Unlike his sister, Tristan saw the humor in the statement. "We won't, promise. Can we get back to class now before it's over?"

Jared smiled and did his best not to laugh "lets get you back to class then, Hopfully nothing too bad has happened while we were gone"

Trinity stood and waited for Jared to lead the way. Tristan picked up Trinity's bag and added it to his shoulder, her messenger bag sitting over his own. He nodded at Jared and opened the office door.

Jared made a slightly dramatic and silly gesture as he let them out of his office and began to lead the way back to the math class.

Damion sat at his desk waiting for the students to finish there work. God I wonder whats going with Tristan and Trinity? He thought to himself.

Bella stared at the clock, waiting for the class to end.

Damion dazed off into space at his desk.

Twilight started reading a book instead of doing her work. She didn't actually have to pass a math class. She just had to graduate.

Zim walked into the classroom, sneaking in with dramtic cat-like skills. She crept up to Damion's desk and slammed her hands on it. "HIIII BROTHER!"

Twilight didn't bat an eye at the loud sound.

Damion jumped and fell to the floor. "Geez Zim, must you always do that to me?"

Zim grinned cutely. "Yes, oh dear brother."

Rei smiled while reading one of the files in her hands. "Mr. Horogashi, your aid is here." She handed Damion his finished student roster and smiled. "I'll be in the office should you have any questions regarding the lists. If there are any changes required, I would like to have those completed before the end of the day." She walked to the door, but didn't make it all the way there before one of the stack of files slipped out of her hands and hit the floor, papers scattering. She set the pile down to retrieve the papers and only managed to kick the rest of the files over as well.

Kathy looked up from her drawing, and got up to help the Math aid. She picked up some of the files and handed them to her, "Here you go." she said quietly, almost a whisper.

Zim trotted over and helped Rei to pick up the papers and file. "Need some help bringing these back to your office, Ms. Nanako?"

Damion walked over. "So are you telling me Zim is my teachers aid?"

"Yeah! Isn't this awesome, bro!? We're guna be working together!" Zim said cheerfully.

Rei thanked Kathy then looked up at Damion. "Yes. Unless you would prefer her to work with one of the more experienced teachers." She gathered as many of the files as she could and stood slowly.

Kathy nodded, then went back to her seat,she picked up her black pastel and began to work on her art again.

Damion smiled. "No its fine I just didn't think I'd be working with her."

"Yay." Zm clapped excitedly. "Honestly, I didn't think I'd be working with you eithier, Dami."

"Well," Rei said, "she's going to be your aid for the first half of the day. Mr. Nikki wanted an assistant for his advanced classes today. Then she is to work in the math department for the rest of the year." Rummaging through the stack, she handed Zim a file as well. "That's what Mr. Nikki wanted you to have." She lowered herself to the ground to pick up the last few files and add them to her stack. "I have to deliver the rest of these, but I'll be in the office if you have any more questions."

Zim took the file and bowed her head in respect and thanks. "Thank you very much, Ms. Nanako."

Damion jumped forward. "Wait, could I request that Zim stays as my assistant."

Zim meeped as Damion stated this. She looked over at him and smiled softly. ~ Awww...~

Rei bowed slightly to Damion. "That would be acceptable. As of today, she is your assistant, then must work with Mr. Nikki. Though after that she is simply scheduled under math department. She can stay with you unless there is a special request."

Damion smiled. "Isn't this great Zim?"

"Great? Are you kidding? It's awesometacular!" she threw her hands in the air and hopped.

"Well, if that's it," Rei said, looking at the door. "I'll need to see you both in my office so we can finish the paperwork. And Mr. Horogashi, we must discuss your intended use of her while in class." She nodded at them both before exiting the class and starting on her rounds.

Zimia nodded happily. "Understood." she looked at her brother." We'll go at the wnd of class, kay?"

Damion smiled. "Ok but what are you doing about a house nowadays Zim?"

"This class sucks. I'm out of here." Twilight said boredly as she gathered her things and started stuffing them in her bag.

Damion bowed his head in defeat. "My first day and they already hate me."

Zim looked at him and walked over to Twilight. "Hey, what's up kiddo? Why does this class suck already?"

Kathy ripped out the drawling she was doing and crumpled it up,damn it i can't get it perfect! she thought to herself.

Damion sat at his desk.

"Um......My name is Twilight. And this class sucks because we're not even learning anything." Twilight mumbled.

"Well, Twilight. We'll be learning things soon. So just sit tight and enjoy." she smiled. "Mr. Horogashi, start teaching so people can learn and I can help." she smiled.

Damion looked up. "I gave them sections 1 and 2 to do."

Takato sighed. The class was expected, straight teaching with a straight edge teacher. He had already finished everything. Now he was simply lounging.

Damion smiled. "But we have to go by the lesson plan."

Trinity and Tristan came into the classroom again, following Jared. They each took the two free seats and Tristan handed Trinity her bag. They both looked expectantly at Damion and Zim, waiting for lessons to begin.

"I'm here to mostly help with filing and other things. You gave them a section to do, now wander and help." Zim smiled.

Normal High Monday
Normal High

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