Page name: Normal Teacher's Lounge [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-11-28 01:45:24
Last author: Flisky
Owner: Blood Sucking Beauty
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Normal High Teacher's Lounge


Day Of The Week:Monday

When Ellie Calaway walked into the teacher's lounge she saw that no one was present, giving her a quiet place to prepare her lecture for the next period.

Oni walked into the lounge and immediatly paid for a snickers from the vending machine. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Ellie. "How is everyons favorite History teacher today? Beautiful as always i see." he happily nibbled his favorite candy.

Jared walked into the lounge and went over to the coofee machine to pour himself a cup, he noticed, Ellie and Oni and smiled "getting a quick sugar buzz there Oni?" he asked with a small chuckle.

"Like always! My mini fridge under my desk is out of monster." Oni smiled, his unique youthful attitude made him stand out quite a bit.

Jared smirked "I see" he chuckled as he took a seat "try not to let it go to your head, or worse, your waistline"

"Nah, i hit the gym to much for that." Oni laughed sitting down next to Ellie. He leaned back and finished off the drink.

Toru Nikki walked into the lounge, his newspaper under one arm, his cell in his hand. "Yes, hun. I know. We'll bring her to the doctor if she gets any warmer........Okay.......No, no. Don't do anything that-......Okay.......Yes, darling, I understand........Bring her to the hospital if she gets above-.....Yes. Okay, I love you too. Tell her-....Hi sweetheart.....Yes, daddy's at work....Okay, just be good for mommy.....I love you.....Bye, sweetheart." He hung up the phone and sat in a chair, tossing both phone and paper on the table and running his hand through his hair.

Jared glanced over at Toru "the little one still under the weather?" he asked with a slight tone of concern.

Toru rubbed his eyes with one hand and nodded. "She's getting worse. Was running a fever last night and was still sick this morning." He gave Jared a small smile. "But I'm supposed to tell you that the kids really enjoyed the candy."

Jared nodded "I'm glad to hear it" he said quietly "and I hope she feels better soon, if there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to let me know alright?"

"Before you leave you should ask Ms.Kurani for any advice." Ellie said sweatly. "And if it helps my grandmother use to put honey and a small shot of whisky in my tea to help me feel better." She laughed, "Well the whiskey may have just been an irish thing. I do hope she gets well." Ellie smiled and said her goodbyes as she left the room.

Oni sighed and turned his attention back to the conversation. "Poor thing. The chicken noodle soup cure is a go getter." He hated to hear little ones in trouble.

Toru smiled at the group. "Thanks, you guys." He looked at Ellie. "And girl." He stood and got a cup of coffee, liberally dosing it with creamer.

2 hrs later

Toru picked up his paper and coffee, headed to his class.

Normal High

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