Page name: Nyru [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-09-20 17:43:00
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 14
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Name: Nyru
Age: 2100 years old
Race: Dragon -- Ice
Kingdom Born in: Mountains of the 4th Kingdom
Good/Bad Guy: Neutral
Personality: Withdrawn, quiet, seemingly cold-hearted, lonely
Discription: See Image Below
History: Nyru lives in the high peaks of the mountains of the 4th Kingdom. He lives in isolation, occassionally flying out over the kingdom during winter snow storms, though high above within the clouds. Nyru has been alone for most of his live, though once he tried to be down from his mountain top home when a man had wondered into his home and befriended him. However the man betrayed him, leading Nyru into a trap set by dragon hunters. Since, Nyro moved his home to another peak and has closed himself to all.

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2010-08-11 [Eyden13]: Sweet. When you have more info let me know then you can put it up/

2010-08-11 [Gypsy Mystik]: any special info I should consider when finishing the dragon?

2010-08-11 [Eyden13]: Just the stuff in the Bestiary.

2010-08-11 [Gypsy Mystik]: alrighty ^_^

2010-09-20 [Eyden13]: You can just create a new list for neutral inthe cast of fairytales

2010-09-21 [Gypsy Mystik]: Great! Thanks Eyden ^_^

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