Page name: OceanBorn's Application [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-06-01 14:45:04
Last author: sky fox
Owner: OceanBorn
# of watchers: 12
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D20: 15
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A little about [OceanBorn]

- I am otherwise known as Lauren, I'm currently living in the UK as a full time art student and next year will major in Photography.

- In my spare time I can usually be found with my nose in a book! I enjoy all forms of art; writing, painting and taking photographs.

- I enjoy good debates and absolutely adore conversing with new elftowners, I think ET could definately be considered one of the most diverse and open minded art communities I've found so far!


My past in Elftown

- I'm a member in various wiki's, and am familiar with formatting and understanding how a wiki can be used and editted.

- I've supported copyright rules during my stay in elftown, and have often in the past reported any stolen or unacceptable images (I think as an elftown citizen this is without doubt one of my duties).

- My writing has been featured in The Daily Poem three times now showing that I have a good eye for poetry and skill for writing, punctuation and grammar. My english is also second to none it is my mother tongue!

- Lastly, I'm currently taking part in the ECM Vampire Photo& ECM Vampire Art contest!


My aim as part of the crew

For quite sometime I have been interested in helping behind the scenes here in Elftown, and when viewing other's pages have often noticed their many badges and labels. Really, I don't want to be crew just to portray a badge in my house although it would make me proud to inform the world that I help out! - but my aim is to help where and when I can, as I know all great things don't come easy. If there are any small tasks need done I'll be glad to take the challenge. So all in all, I just want to help make sure elftown is a nice safe and welcoming place, by:
Helping in the daily poem if possible,
and patrolling or by any other needs!


Why me?

Why [OceanBorn] you ask? Well, it is entirely upto you wether you see me as fit for crew! But I can guarantee I will be on Elftown for years to come and that I'm a nice person and feel that I can get along with people. I've been a member of Elftown for a few years now and understand the site well, and am friends here with many people. I am very committed and try to be level-headed about things. So, please just consider me, I feel I could be of good help! Thankyou! :)


Please feel obliged to add your name if you think I'm suitable as crew, even a comment if you wish ^^
[lusso] - I hereby support [OceanBorn] on her quest to become a crew member on the grounds of her having big eyes thus allowing her to keep a watchful eye on elftown. O_o

[FLAMAND] - wait...this isnt the kareoke bar :s...Ow yes,i support [OceanBorn] because i think she is worthy to serve the crew!
Ofcourse,my vote and the one from the guy above me will be pointless because i'm sure there will be no need to persuade the doubtfull,for they will not doubt verry long i'm sure!
Just talk to the girl,you'll see what i mean;)

[Cowell] - I support [OceanBorn] because she pays a lot of attention to detail... or something like that... where am I?

[Fear the Reaper] i support [OceanBorn] because she pays attentino to detail

[Tepi] I support [OceanBorn] because she's just the greatest ;) She really pays attention to details and would do great in the crew. She is devoted for the things she really wants to do. You can't choose a better person there :)

[Wilde Card] [OceanBorn] is quite the special person. Open-minded and intelligent, but still quite funny and charming. Gorgeous, too. Like a female Hedda. (See what I did there?) Bring balance to ET, hire her.

[spletje] [OceanBorn] is the kind of person who you can truly trust, without her judging you. I'm confidant she would be up to the task, doing a great job. Go for it!

[Findecano] - I know her, and I love her tooooooo death! She could do the job better then anyone else!<33

[Vampire Akis] - You love me, I love [OceanBorn], she loves Elftown. She deserves to be crew-fied. Just read her application!

[BornFromSilence] - spends a long time here and is quite committed :)

[Little Victories] - Far from it being my place to give any real instruction to the crew, I would vouch for [OceanBorn]. You people need someone like her right now, in my very humble opinion.

[sky fox] A familiar face, and a presence on elftown since before i was here many years ago... so there's no question about loyalty to the elftown community.

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2007-04-05 [lusso]: I hereby support [OceanBorn] on her quest to become a crew member on the grounds of her having big eyes thus allowing her to keep a watchful eye on elftown. O_o

2007-04-05 [OceanBorn]: Yes indeed, nothing escapes my gigantic green eyes o.O

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