Page name: Old farts: RP rules [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-10-09 16:44:04
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Old Farts: RP rules

Welcome to what i hope will be a helpful and insightful page for new RPers or people that struggle with RP terms and such like. As a fairly experianced RPer i want to help you guys out as much as possible so i hope to outline some basic rules and expectations of RPers like myself who call themselves Old Farts in the RP world.

Terms and RP lingo

RP - Roleplaying (Rper = roleplayer)

Mary-sue - A character who is amazingly beautiful, cannot be defeated, basically the perfect RP character.

God-modding - giving your character god-like powers which means that they cannot be defeated by anything.

Bunnying (aka Power playing~Thanks [windowframe]) - taking control of another players character e.g: Bob and lisa are in a room bob attacks lisa: bob ran forward and threw a kick at lisa's head followed by a knife thrust to the stomach, the kick hit her hard and the kinfe plunged deep into her flesh killing her. Bob would be bunnying Lisa in this case.

OOC - this stands for out of character and is used at the start of any sentence that is not part of your character's action in the post. Brackets are sometimes also used e.g: OOC: we are in the palace aren't we?

IC - Stands for in character and is used after OOC to let the reader know that what you have written is again your character's action as part of the RP Note:IC isn't needed if OOC is in brackets as the brackets signify that only what is inside them is OOC

Basic Rules

These are the basic things that an Old fart expects from any RPer

1)NO God-modding, Bunnying (without written permission) or mary-sues (all of these CAN result in an instant kick depending on the RPer who started the RP)

2)Spelling: many people have problems with spelling but this can easily be solved by running your post through a spell checker like on MS word or even asking someone in the RP to check your post over for you. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

3)Tense, Grammer and Other related things: Tense can switch and RPers understand that but try to keep it clear whether you are going back to a memory, forward to a premonition or any other tense change. This can be done by using italics, bold or paragraphing. Stick to either 1st or 3rd tense. I recommend 3rd (refering to you character by name or as he'she) but 1st is also acceptable unless stated otherwise. Proper sentences and paragraphing please. It makes it so much easier to understand your posts. Again ask someone in the RP to check over your post if your unsure, most people will give help to those that ask.

4) Try not to always direct the plot let other people have a go, if you make a big change like summoning a monster let someone else decide how they tackle the monster. Or if the plot seems not to be including yourself try and involve your character in what the other characters are doing rather than trying to influence the plot so the other chars are forced to do certain things e.g: fight a monster during a training part of the RP. If you want to do something major check it over with the owner of the Role play.

Sound daunting? If you want a tutor to help you with the rules or just to improve generally go to RP farts: apprenticeship

Old fart RPer members can be found here: RP fart: members - a place for expeianced RPers to meet and help less experianced Rpers, we may also get a page up for apprenticeships.

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2006-10-09 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: ahh yeah! thanks! XD i'll add power playing in brackets then.. i'm used to another site for my RPing so i didn't realise! ^^

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