Page name: On the Hydra [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-06-18 17:37:37
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Onboard, Captain J, Kay the first mate, Ahab the artilerist, Luke the quarter master and Hiuko the smith have a small fight over some rum. They later find an Imperial ship heading towards them with no one onboard. Hiuko goes onto the ship and after a small accident with some cannons, the Imperial ship begins to sink. Hiuko quickly scans the ship and finds a drunkard in the Captain's Quarters of the ship. The Imperial ship is rigged and after the crew finds the Imperial captain, he ignites the fuse on the other ship, making the crew retreat to the Hydra and the Imperial ship, along with its captain, is destroyed. J is devistated when the explosion destroys the Hydra's biggest cannon but Ahab creates an even bigger cannon to replace it. Shortly after, the crew gets stuck in a hurricane.

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2007-06-13 [shiro tagachi]: not quite i dont think we actually got him on the ship it blew up first

2007-06-13 [Silas the Albino]: Yah I do need to change that cuz [Zapinc] didn't want to play the character.

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