Page name: Once Upon A Summer Moon - Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-01-08 21:38:22
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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Once Upon A Summer Moon - Characters

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[Silver Moon]
Race:Succubus/ Dryad
Class:Princess and Priestess
Abilities:Racial and healing magic.
History:Seanna was found by the royal family as a baby. Her throat had been slit and they barely saved her. Unknown to them her mother a dryad that lived on the grounds had been forced by her father and her mother tried to kill her after she was born.
The royal family took her in and love her as their own. She is blind and occasionally has trouble speaking due to the wounds her birth mother inflicted, despite what the healers have tried. She is loving and caring of just about anyone she meets and is unaware she was adopted. When she turned 12 her father had magical earrings made for her that protect her and suppress her succubus ability (after her birthday he noted the ways males acted around her). Her father instructed her not to remove them. Her mother gave her a amulet that contains healing water, it magically will refill. Her father also had a special headdress made for her, while she wears it she is able to see but if it is removed she loses her sight. He has been trying unsuccessfully to have an item made that is harder to remove.
The prince (23) is protective of her and believes they are biological siblings but the princess (20) is jealous of her and angry at the attention that is focused on her.
Unknown to her she has a dark half that is evil, her evil side is not blind and wishes to destroy her so she can be out all the time.

[Silver Moon]
Race:Vampire/ demon
Abilities: Shadow manipulation, class and racial.
History: Erra witnessed her parents deaths at the hands of some of the royal guards and believes the royal family deserves death. She became an assassin at the age of twelve after her parents' deaths and longs to bring harm to the royal family believing they are evil.
She has been hurt many times by people she believed she could trust and thus has trouble trusting others or letting them in. She also as a result of her past believes love is a falsehood and to survive she must take what she wants.

[Silver Moon]
Age: 15
Class: Thief
History:Kii was abused and neglected by his family from from the age of two when he grew his tail and ears. His family was human and yet he was born a werecat. No one is sure how he became a Werecat but the majority of his family views him as a freak.
Kii has been used as a slave by his four older brothers and his father. His mother tried to protect him and one day she vanished, unknown to him it was soon after she argued with his father about how he was being treated. He believes his mother abandoned him. His brothers and father continued to drill it into his head that she didn't want him because he was a freak.He is distrustful of other people and detached from his emotions.
He has nearly been killed by his family on several occasions and blames himself for when his sister was hurt trying to protect him from the abuse. He has been blamed for it as well by his brothers and father. His father recently married a woman who delights in torturing him. He has a scar from where she stabbed a knife through his hand when he failed to put all of her jewelry away (he overlooked one earing).
When he gets a chance, which happens rarely, he will still extra food due to being malnourished. His sister has brought him food but he made her stop after she was nearly caught.
The only reason he keeps himself alive is to protect his little sister who loves and adores him. she is his twin and was born human, but she sees him as her brother and not a beast. She is the only thing that brings joy to his life. He longs to take her and leave but he is shackled at night and kept under close watch by day.
Abilities:Racial and the ability to drain and give life

[Silver Moon]
Class:Blood Knight
Abilities: Necromancy spells
History: Jahariss was forced into being a blood knight when he was four. His father had been one but went against the order's wishes trying to protect he and his mother. When they found out about their existence they forced his father to bring him to them. There they killed his father before his eyes and forced him to be one of them.
He is distrustful of others and hates the Blood Knights for killing his father and taking him from his mother. He has a collar on him that prevents him from turning on them and it ensures he follows their commands. In addition the object will also cause him to manifest an evil personality when the other Blood Knights believe it is needed.
He was forced to be one of the leaders' adopted son ( who is a king) and his adopted father is trying to arrange a marriage between him and Seanna's sister.

[Silver Moon]
Name: Celestia
Race:Human/ Swan maiden
Class: Healer/ princess
Abilities: Healing and life spells, racial, Lunar magic
History: Celestia was born the only child of a king and queen. There was a sorcerer who was trying to steal her mother away. Her mother continued to deny him and when she was born she proved to be a beautiful baby blessed by Luna herself.
The Sorcerer decided to kidnap her and wait till she got old enough so he could make her marry him. He kidnapped her and made her parents believe she was killed. He than hid her away in a hidden glade with a small cottage. When she turned 16 he announced he was going to wed her. She refused him viewing him as a father due to him being the only one she knew. In anger he turned her into a swan. She can only assume her elven form when it is night.
She is highly distrustful of others due to what happened to her and she is constantly harassed by him for her hand in marriage.

[Silver Moon]
Race:Rare Winged werewolf
Class:slave/fighter unknown to him he is a dragon rider prince by birth.
History:Sekar was bred to be a fighter. He was born a slave and his mother tried to kill him to save him from the life of slavery. She was stopped and he was taken away. He was than raised to be a fighter but recently due to his beauty his keepers are considering other uses for him in a sexual sense.
He has never known freedom but longs for it, he hates inflicting pain on others and watching some of them die. He was told he wasn't wanted by his parents and believes it.
He is convinced he is a beast but he still desires freedom. Unknown to him Seanna's adopted sister secretly watches his fights and desires him. He is rare and exotic and that is another one of her attractions to him
His wolf form that he is sometimes forced to fight in

[Silver Moon]
Gender: Male
Class:Mage thief
Abilities:storm and nature spells
History:Merak was found laying on the alter of the Water Temple in the capital as a baby. The priests knew he was special by his strange appearance and the mark of the gods on his back. They began to raise him and teach him the ways of a priest but it was soon evident he wasn't interested in his lessons. He began to play pranks and cause trouble for the priests and other apprentices.
When he was eight they discovered he had a unique ability. He was able to caste spells without aid of a spell book. In fact he was able to caste a spell he had never studied before. The priests sent him to the Magi Tower were he was apprenticed by the Arch mage. He still liked to play pranks but was taught more in the way of discipline.
The reason he still puts on a front and plays pranks is because he is unsure how to be himself and he doesn't know who he is. He went from being a novice of the church to being the arch mage's apprentice. He never had much of a chance for making friends so he puts up the front to protect himself from hurt.
When he was 15 he came back to the Arch mage with Thringa the Pegasus who befriended him. He has been able to shift into a pegasus' form and is stronger in that form when Thringa is present.
He unknowingly likes rough sex because he can feel it. He likes being dominated.

[Silver Moon]
Abilities:Class and racial, his magic is dark in nature and leans toward necromancy and shadow manipulation
History: He was born a noble to a family bent on keeping the peace and practicing justice. As he grew and aged he grew tired of the strict teachings and being good all the time. He started to steal and hid it from his family not wanting to hurt their feelings.
He found a tome in the ruins of an old tower on the outskirts of town and began to study its content little knowing it was dark in nature. As a result it has come to taint him further making him more corrupt. He is related to Guiless but hates him and wants him dead. Recently he has seen Harasia and desires her for his own. he plans to court her and wed her. He also desires the other royal children. He is bi and convened he can have anyone he pleases. When he is around his family he acts kind and compassionate. He cares only for his family and himself and is very protective of his younger sister (16).

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2009-10-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: I had been out at stores today helping my grandmother.... but I have the ideas in my head....

2009-10-19 [Silver Moon]: ok ^-^ I'm angry at myself I didn't start the washer which means I probably won't be able to sleep tell about two...

2009-10-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: I'm sorry hun...

2009-10-25 [Silver Moon]: it's ok

2009-10-25 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol ^_^

2009-11-13 [Gypsy Mystik]: AWWWWW!!!

2009-11-13 [Silver Moon]: I know I like him

2009-12-08 [Gypsy Mystik]: WOOT!

2009-12-08 [Silver Moon]: like them?

2009-12-08 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yes ^_^

2009-12-08 [Silver Moon]: i'm glad

2009-12-08 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yep ^_^

2009-12-11 [Gypsy Mystik]: Sekar's pics aren't showing.... but I like the character

2009-12-11 [Silver Moon]: is it showing now?

2009-12-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: The winged wolf image is... not the human pic

2009-12-13 [Silver Moon]: different pic but I like it

2009-12-13 [Gypsy Mystik]: Pretty ^_^ I likey

2009-12-13 [Silver Moon]: ^-^ I wanna play with him

2010-01-09 [Silver Moon]: do you like me bad guy?

2010-01-09 [Gypsy Mystik]: yes I do ^_^

2010-01-09 [Silver Moon]: ^-^

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