Page name: P.A.B. Members [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-06-25 16:39:40
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Of course this is where you put your name if you're against bullying, so please add your name.

1. [~Crimson Angel~] Bullying is deplorable, it is hurtful and cruel and can cause horrible things to happen and it needs to stop!
2. [Iruvielle]. All my life, I was bullied. Even now, I'm still bullied but I've learned not to let it bug me. It really needs to stop before we lose any more young people to suicide because of bullying.
3. [XxTsomexX] bullies suck. Legit. Happened to me for all of my school years, mostly elementary and middle. High school I just learnt to stick up for myself and to fight, and/or to yell them to shut the f*** up.
4.[Ghost the Hybrid] Been bullied most of my life and had gotten a bad selfesteem, thanks to my lovley boyfriend I'm slowly getting it back
5.[American Revolutionary] been bullied, its hurtful, it needs to stop
6. [The Dizzy Raven] was bullied all my life and I still get bulled even at age 20... Bullying in general really needs to end. Gotta blame the parents (mainly for poor child-rearing) and the child's actions.
7. [Koho Ai] Wasn't really bullied, but gangs and bullies provoked me enough to cause me to act out and therefore resulted in the bullies and gangs to meet my fist of rage. Self defense in anycase.
8. [SunCloud]
9.[xXTwilightXRose Xx] I was been Pick by a Bully over two to three year of High school my nightmare was bad until she got kick out school.

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