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Pagan Chants

- a part of the Guild Book of Shadows

Four Elements

Fires light and fires eyes,
In the hearth is where they lie.
Reveal to us the fires eyes.

Waters cool. Waters deep.
In the night we hope to sleep.
Water comes from everywhere,
To help us calm and make things clear.

Air is soft. Air is strong.
It sings to us unearthly songs.
Reveals times of every age.
Helps us see without futile rage.

Earth is strong. Earth is green.
She helps us when we have need.
She gives us life when we have none.
She helps decide what's right and wrong

These four elements I call upon.
Grant me peace, and make me strong.
Oh Goddess grant me what ye will
Blessed be. Do as ye will.



I call upon the winds of change
To help ease the pain of time.

I call upon the fires of purity
To purge my thoughts of malice.

I call upon the earthen mother
To shelter me in my time of meditation.

I call upon the waters of truth
To help me follow my chosen path.

Oh great Goddess,
Make me harm none,
And help all.
Blessed be.


Chants of the Goddess and the God

The God
I am the glorious Lord of the sky; I soar with the great eagles and falcons; I run with the strong boar and the swift stag; I am All and One.

I am the Young Lord, my power newly growing. I am life, love, and youth. The rising Sun is what I am, I am the misty morning. I create, I make. I am All and One.

I am the Father, my power strong and steady. I am strength, joy, and music. The noonday Sun is what I am, I am the heat of day. I sustain, I keep. I am All and One.

I am the Ancient One, my power slowly leaving. I am wisdom, rest, and seclusion. The setting Sun is what I am, I am the evening twilight. I leave, I send away. I am All and One.

I am the Sun and sky, the boar and eagle. I am life and death. I am All and One.
I am the God!

The Goddess
I am the wonderous Lady of the earth; I fly with the wise owl; I leap with the sprightly rabbit and climb with the great bear; I am All and One.

I am the Maiden, my power just discovered. I am joy, life, and beauty. The waxing Moon is what I am, I am the quiet evening. I amke, I create. I am All and One.

I am the Mother, my power fully grown. I am peace, love, and hope. The full moonis what I am, I am the dark midnight. I keep, I sustain. I am All and One.

I am the Crone, my nearly settled. I am age, knowledge, and companionship. The waning moon is what I am, I am the end of night. I send off, I leave. I am All and One.

I am the Moon and earth, the owl and bear. I am death and life. I am All and One.
I am the Goddess!


[Fireblade K'Chona] Here are three poems I found...


Before time was, there was The One; The One was all, and all was The One.

And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One, all-wise,
all-pervading, all-powerful, eternally changing.

And space moved. The One molded energy into twin forms,
equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and God from The One and of The One.

The Goddess and God stretched and gave thanks to The One, but
darkness surrounded them. They were alone, solitary save for
The One.

So They formed energy into gases, and gases into suns and
planets and moons; They sprinkled the universe with whirling globes and so
all was given shape by the hands of the Goddess and God.

Light arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns. And
the Goddess and God, satisfied by their works, rejoiced and loved, and were one.

From their union sprang the seeds of all life, and of the human
race, so that we might achieve incarnation upon the Earth.

The Goddess chose the Moon as Her symbol, and the God the Sun as His symbol,
to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their fashioners.

All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath the Sun and Moon;
all things come to pass there under, and all occurs with the blessings of The One,
as has been the way of existence before time was.


Bide the Wiccan Laws ye must,
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about,
To keep the evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time,
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak little, listen much.

Desoil go by the waxing moon,
Chanting out the Witches' Rune.

Widdershins go by the waning moon,
Chanting out the baneful rune.

When the Lady's moon is new,
Kiss the hand to her, times two.

When the moon rides at her peak,
Then your heart's desire seek.

heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind come from the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the West,
Departed souls will have no rest.

When the wind blows from the East,
Expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree,
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.

When the wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.

When the wheel has turned to Yule,
Light the log and the Horned One rules.

Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,
By the Lady, blessed be.

Where the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone and truth you'll know.

When ye have a true need,
Hearken not to other's greed,
With a fool no season spend,

Lest ye be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part,
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law you should,
Three times bad and three times good.

When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star on they brow.

True in Love ever be,
Lest thy lover's false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' ye harm none, do what ye will.


Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny's pathway,
That now we bring forth into light.
Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air.
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And will and keep silent and dare.

The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the magickal ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns,
And the witches are seen,
At Lammas and Candlemas dancing,
On May Eve and old Hallowe'en.

When day-time and night-time are equal,
When sun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,
Again witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array,
Thirteen times at esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.

The power was passed down the ages,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and the ages began.

When drawn is the magickal circle,
By sword or athame of power,
It's compass between the two worlds lies,
In Land of the Shades for that hour.

This world has no right then to know it,
And world of beyond will tell naught,
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The Great Work of magick is wrought.
For two are the mystical pillars,
That stand at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature,
The forms and the forces divine.

The dark and the light in succession,
The opposites each unto each,
Shown forth as a God and a Goddess:
Of this did our ancestors teach.

By night he's the wild wind's rider,
The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades.
By day he's the King of the Woodland,
The dweller in green forest glades.

She is youthful and old as she pleases,
She sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver Lady of midnight,
The crone who weaves spells in the dark.

The master and mistress of magick,
They dwell in the deeps of the mind,
Immortal and ever-renewing,
With power to free or to bind.

So drink the good wine to the old Gods,
And dance and make love in their praise,
Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us,
In peace at the end of our days.

And Do What You Will be the challenge,
So be it in love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment.
By magick of old be it done!

So by the water, the earth, the fire, the wind and by my own spirit

please make me pure and see through the night

please make me see what needs be done

please take these words and see I ask for help

The deed I ask is now done.

so mote it be.
[eyes of frost]

Gods of might
Hear my plea
lend your strength
and set me free


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