Page name: Part 5- A Witches' Sorrow Part 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
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Part 5- A Witch’s Sorrow part 2

Memo: Hey everyone we are now up to witches sorrow part 2 out of three parts. So everyone knows there are only three chapters left to Blood Drop.

“ We should be there in two to three hours. I said to Damion and James. I knew that they could tell that I was a little on edge. As we moved through the forest I thought about Andrew. He is a pure blooded vampire whom is thousands of years old. It meant that he had never been human. What I wonted to know was how James and Damion knew Andrew.
“So the child’s name was Conner?” Damion asked.
“Let take a break.” I said. I was very tired at this point, and they had a right to have their questions answered. “I will answer any questions you have, except I will not tell you were we are going.”
“Could you tell us about the baby?” Damion asked. I thought about what I could tell him.
“The child that died was a little boy. Since Cassandra was died and I did not know who the father was Andrew and I named the boy Conner. That is all there really is to tell.”
“What did he look like?” Yet again Damion was the one who asked the question.
“He had small amount of black hair and had a different shade of green then his mother for eyes.”
“Hmmm.” Damion mumbled something. I laid my head on the back of the tree behind me. “You must really be emotionally connected to this.”
“Why do you say that Damion?”
“You have not said one sarcastic, random, or weird thing since we started this journey.”
“How are you connected to Andrew?” James said before I could remark on Damion statement.
“And why do you care if she has some type of relationship with me?” I looked over to the side of our camp and paled.
“Andrew!” I said with wide eyes. I paled for two reasons. One I didn’t think that we would run into him this soon. Two he was covered in blood and some of it was his. “What the hell happen to you?” I rushed over to him and collapsed. “Andrew?”
“I’m fine. Just set me down.” I set him near a tree so he could lean on it.
“Andrew what happen? You look awful?” I said as I wiped blood off of his face. We set there in silence for ten minutes when I finally noticed the tension between the three men.
“I ran into Michael yesterday.” I said trying to break the silence.
“And the fool let you go.” Andrew spoke with his eyes closed.
“Andrew one of the are…” I never got to finish because James interrupted me.
“Shut up.” James growled at me. “It is non of his business to why we are here.” That was it. I had had enough of James’s stupidity and attitude.
“Can you sit up by your self?” I asked Andrew he just nodded his head. I let him go and stood up to face James. I raised my arm and flick my wrist in the direction of James. James suddenly went flying through the air to hit a tree and stay there. “You know of nothing. You weren’t the one who found Cassandra. You aren’t the one who was there when I had to bury each member of my family. He was there when my parents died and when Cassandra and Conner died. So yet again don’t talk about things you have yet to understand.”
“You will tell him nothing.” James demanded. I raised my eyebrow at his demanded.
“You’re the one stuck to a tree. What makes you think that you can give me orders? I don’t know what is going ton between you and Andrew, but I won’ let it hinder my plans or life. Plus we can’t go any further unless Andrew lets us.” I flicked my wrist again and James fell to the ground. “Now Andrew you are going to tell who and why someone or thing attacked you.”
“Someone miss took me as my younger brother.” Well the fact he has a younger brother was news to me.
“Okay, that tells me why, but not who.”
“I didn’t see there faces. However the guys who attacked me had the tattoo of a high classed immortal.”
“Well it seems that your brother pissed off a couple powerful people. Well at least you are alive.” I saw that Damion and Andrew looked at each other then start to laugh. “What?” I asked. It was a very innocent question.
“James has pissed off almost every single powerful immortal or human that there are.” Damion said. I tilted my head and tried to make the connection. When I finally got it my eyes grew to the size of saucers.
“You two…he’s your…you two are.” I said in semi English as I pointed back and forth between the two. I finally just sat down and laid out on the ground were I had been standing.
“Um, Ryan?” Damion asked leaning over me.
“Are you okay.”
“I’m just peachy Damion. I just found out that two of the hottest vampires that I have ever met are related. I’m just in a bit of shock. This has been a weird two months, even to my standards.”
“Care to elaborate?” Andrew asked.
“The witch council has appointed me an apprentice, I found the father of my died sister children, I was cased by a werewolf who is the most logical thinker on the planted, and every guy who I happen to fall for has anger issues. I am very overwhelmed.”
“WHAT!” Andrew screamed, then grunted in pain.” You have an apprentice? Who is it?”
“Oh Ryan.”
“I know you had to have something to do with that Andrew. All I want to do is get this trip over with.”
“As both you and James are pure bloods I can let the two of you continue, but not Damion. That is the law.”
“One of them are the father.” I didn’t have to say any more for him to get what I was talking about.
“Fine I will let you pass; however, remember the conversation we had before.”
“Fine.” And off we went.

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