Page name: Paths of Epiphany [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-27 16:18:10
Last author: Barock
Owner: Barock
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Paths of Epiphany

-As a child everyone is told the tale of the Duke and how the Lords banished him.
-Everyone knows there are seven Lords of Epiphany
-Everyone knows that two reside in Ghelt
-The Lord of Wisdom and the Epiphinites of Wisdom are well known and respected
-No-one is really sure if the second Lord in Ghelt truly exists at all and neither do you
-You know that Rogues are real, though you’re not sure what they are.
-Rogues are people who are said to ‘defy Epiphany’ any who are found are killed immediately.
-No-one really knows how you can defy Epiphany, but everyone automatically detests rogues, except you.
-Everyone knows that to walk the paths of Epiphany you must first be inducted by a high powered Epiphinite
-Most people have seen Acts of Epiphany performed
-Most people desire the abilities of Epiphinites but are also scared by them.
-Everyone recognises totally blue eyes (no whites) as a sign of Wisdom
-Everyone sees glowing golden features as almost holy.
-Most people understand that the further down the path of Epiphany you are the more powerful you become.

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