Page name: Pauly Yummy Chili [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-09-01 02:01:00
Last author: Paul Doyle
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Pauly Yummy Chili

(From a corresponding ET diary entry)

"Cooking a killer batch of chili in the new 5-quart crock pot (measurements are in US standard, so brace yourself)

---1 pound of rinsed dry pinto peans (given time to hydrate in slowly boiling water with small amounts of black pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, chopped, basil, Italian seasoning. As the water is absorbed into the beans, so is the flavor from the spices, making the beans themselves flavorful from the get-go.

---adding: one medium Spanish onion, two stalks of celery, one red bell pepper, one green bell pepper, one large carrot, all rinsed and chopped, somewhat coarsely (but not too coarsely).

---adding liberal amounts (that is, "a lot") of garlic powder (no fresh garlic in the house! >_<), cumin and chili powder. And more chili powder :P

---moderate amounts off black pepper, Italian seasoning, paprika, basil, thyme, Cayenne pepper (hot hot hot!) and just a little more garlic powder for good measure. Also, 2-3 whole bay leaves.

Bringing all to a boil, then reducing to "warm" where it will all slowly simmer as I sleep.

When I get up, hopefully there will be fresh garlic available. I will taste test the whole thing to determine what, if anything, it may need (probably garlic; the powder loses its bang rather quickly). Then adjust the dry spices accordingly.

---Brown 1-1 1/2 pounds of ground round (perfectly acceptable to use chicken or anything else instead, within reason.) As the meat is browning, stir in 1-2 cans of tomato paste, within reason. Save any excess tomato paste.

Add cooked, drained meat to the rest. Save any excess meat with any excess tomato paste, and save for Patrick's meal (add Italian spices, etc, to paste and water in a saucepan, and bingo, there's an awesome little pasta sauce, with the extra meat added in)

Cook chili on "high" for about 20 minutes to let everything (especially the tomato paste) blend in nicely.

Serve over rice (brown rice is especially good with chili) or in chili mug, or whatever you see fit, adding salt and cheese (or anything else you find necessary).Enjoy!

---no salt added, no oils added (just the remaining fat in the drained beef).

---I go by taste and feel with spice measurements, not teaspoons or tablespoons. I have been cooking since I was about 14 years old, once my mother became too incapacitated to cook. I don't cook that much anymore, but when I do I can still crank out some good stuff. No gourmet stuff, mind you, but solid, healthy and intensely flavorful stuff that's bound to please most people's palates :)

OMG ZE CHILI!!!111eleven22!

Extreme closeup?

Any closer, and we're IN the chili :P

"I never shave while on vacation, hehehe. I shower, though."


"Hey Elftown, look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


I let excess water boil away, with the crock pot cap off. It makes for much-improved consistency. No flour or starch required.

Awwwww . . . two huge reasons for my willing to soldier on, no matter what setbacks life may bring me. And yes, Patrick is that tan! That's why he isn't on Elf12 too much. He loves playing outside, with other kids at the town recreation center :)
Um, don't look at my teeth o__O Aren't Kathy's teeth purty? :3

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2006-09-01 [Daisy_Sandybanks]: Oh dear god, that looks amazingly good! I must try that recipe out sometime ... Although, I don't have a crock pot .. I assume a regular pot on the stove will work. Ahhh, but yes, that chili looks really, really yummy. I haven't had good chili in a while :/

2006-09-01 [Paul Doyle]: The (mid-level quality) crockpot cost . . . (checks Wal-Mart receipt) US$19.96. If you can buy one, get one. You let it slowly, slowly simmer. Since it's simply using an electric cord to an outlet, there is far less danger and worry than there would be, if you left something on a stove unattended for several hours. I think that's motivation right there to get a crock pot---and the stuff doesn't usually stick to the glazed ceramic, either :)

2006-09-01 [Paul Doyle]: I slept as it simmered, for eight and a half hours, before browning the meat and adding the tomato paste (and more garlic powder, since we didn't have the preferrable fresh garlic) :)

2006-09-01 [Ariandra]: Oh that DOES look wonderful, Paul! I've got a HUGE crockpot, but with 6 people to feed at almost every meal, sometimes it still doesn't hold enough.

2006-09-01 [Jewl]: Wow, Paul, Kathy looks good! (Meaning in a friendly, non-creepy way). She looks healthy and happy... and Patrick's getting so big! ^-^

2006-09-01 [Paul Doyle]: Thanks, [Jewl]. :) Patrick turns seven years old on 3 September :)

2006-09-01 [Paul Doyle]: [Ariandra], one of the great things about a huge batch of chili is that you can portion out leftover chili (in those throwaway containers which are putting Tupperware out of business, for example) and freeze for extended periods. Chili seems to hold up rather well that way, provided it is protected from freezer burn, and such :)

2006-09-02 [Ariandra]: Yeah, that's what I do...when I actually have any leftover. Chlii is very popular here, and friends and family seem to materialize out of the woodwork when we make a big batch!LOL And by the time we have chili one night, then chili salad another, there usually isn't any left. Keep in mind that I make chili in a 4 GALLON stockpot(often over half full).

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