Page name: Peachirach's Poetry [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-26 06:51:49
Last author: farawaygone
Owner: farawaygone
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Hello and welcome to my wiki... My name is Rachael my username is [farawaygone].

Poetry is something I feel very passionate about so I have listed here a few of my poems that I have written over the past few years... Please feel free to comment
and thankyou for taking the time to visit. Could you please not copy my poems without asking me first. Thanks.

[#Queenredieval][#I stumbled upon myself][#One person one difference][#Shine]

Other pages in my wiki click on the links to open the pages.
Peachirach's Poetry 2
Peachirach's Poetry 3
Peachirach's Poetry 4
Peachirach's Featured Poem
Other Member's Poems


In a valley all alone
Past a path of cobblestone
Lay a castle near a glade
Built from boulders all hand made

Past the drawbridge and the stair
Sat a lovely maiden fair
Trapped behind a heavy door
In the penthouse the top floor

Guarded by a dragon mean
A spell cast by an evil queen
Trapped the princess in this state
She was getting quite irate

One morning peering from her sill
She saw a prince across the hill
She screamed "hey you yes you my lad
Come save me I am oh so sad”

Amadeus looked up high
There he saw the maiden cry
Since he was such a manly prince
Saving her would be a cinch

He rode his horse up to the door
He took his jocks off so unsure
He wore his jocks over his pants
And then he did a hero dance

The stupid dragon he forgot
He must have left the door unlocked
Amadeus went inside
He left his noble horse untied

He climbed the stairs without a care
And freed the maiden oh so fair
She said “you surely took your time”
He said “oh great she’s learnt to whine”

She waited to be carried out
The prince looked sad began to pout
Why did he leave the path of cobble
He could have been in much less trouble

He picked her up and threw her down
She screamed so loud and bounced around
“You’re much more heavy than a bag
Walk yourself you lazy slag”

The maiden glared and yelled at him
Amadeus kicked her in the shin
“Shut your trap ungrateful slob
Go and get a paying job”

They walked together past the dragon
He locked the maiden in his wagon
He sold her to his servant boy
Then kept on walking full of joy

Amadeus walked alone
On that path of cobblestone
With no baggage to be dragging
Best of all there was no nagging

He was free from the maiden scrub
So he sat down at the pub
With the money from the sale
He bought a beer and ginger ale.

I stumbled upon myself

I stumbled upon myself last Autumn
Somewhere between the ground and all the trees
I lay in the shadows in shades of grey
Staring up to the sky at falling leaves

I felt the leaves like a kiss on my cheek
I thought of those days when that kiss was real
Somewhere far away in a memory passed
How I miss the love my heart used to feel

I closed my eyes and listened to the leaves
They rustled and crackled with the fresh air
The breeze died down and then the silence fell
It was so quiet like nothing was there

I stumbled upon myself last autumn
Somewhere between the ground and all the trees
I was at one with myself last Autumn
There in the shadows where nobody sees.

One person one difference

1 thousand summers rolled into one day
1 million strands of gold lost in the hay
1 billion lonely hearts waiting for love
1 trillion angels are soaring above

1 person walking to their own beat
10 people waiting but none of them speak
100 strangers who could have been friends
1thousand people who's life this day ends

1 person walking along to another
10 people talking about one and the other
100 strangers have now found a friend
1000 people have started again

1 person walking on a summers day
Stopped by and admired the fields and the hay
1 lonely heart is no longer alone
His faith in humanity has found it a home.


When the day is done
And the night must fall
when the sun goes down
You shine most of all

Though it's dark outside
Trees are making sounds
The breeze is blowing softly
Through the leaves upon the ground

Let me shine so brightly
Let me shine like you
You don't even know it
But there's certain things you do

You love me when I'm sleeping
Hold me when I'm awake
You gave my life its meaning
With every breath you take

You make me feel emotion
With every word you say
You are my hearts desire
You are my night and day

You've made me feel so special
I love you this is true
You are the stars the sun and moon
I shine because of you


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2005-04-11 [farawaygone]: Thanks red

2005-04-11 [Ulaan]: :D

2005-04-11 [farawaygone]: :)

2005-04-14 [Ulaan]: YEY!!! best poem ever!!!!!!

2005-05-01 [maup]: you are very talented ....keep up the good work....

2005-05-01 [farawaygone]: thankyou same to you maup your poems are wonderful... :)

2005-05-01 [FaST2HaMMeR]: :D

2005-05-01 [farawaygone]: hello cheeky man

2005-05-01 [FaST2HaMMeR]: hello sweety

2005-05-01 [farawaygone]: what ya up to?

2005-05-01 [FaST2HaMMeR]: ım bored ım at home now and ım alone

2005-05-01 [farawaygone]: sounds interesting I am going to have to go shortly neco.

2005-05-01 [FaST2HaMMeR]: oke mucksxx

2005-05-01 [farawaygone]: goodnight neco :)

2005-06-04 [Koffles]: One person, one difference and Shine I think are your two best pieces, but the others could do with some revision, just try looking for words that would fit the rhythm more exactly, but other than that, keep up the good work!! xx

2005-06-04 [farawaygone]: thanks koffles I have only just started recently worrying about the sylables in my poetry. So they should be a bit better from now on.

2005-07-02 [farawaygone]: Thanks for your help with the links [Ultiem]

2005-07-06 [Ultiem]: welcome ^_^

2006-01-21 [Pink_Pixie]: Hey everyone if you write poetry checkout my new wiki *Yours and Mine: ET Poets United*

2006-09-01 [pegasus1000]: your poetry is very nice. I like your poen "I stumbled upon myself" the most on this page.

2006-09-14 [farawaygone]: thankyou pegasus, that is very nice of you to say so :)

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