Page name: Photos for Lucas [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2006-10-13 03:44:57
Last author: Sebhar
Owner: Sebhar
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Photos for Lucas

pictures taken for Lucas's birthday


1. Shadow
"And my soul from out that shadow which lies floating on the floor..."

2. Jar of Change

3. Self-Portrait
I like this picture.

4. Brickflower

5. Tomates

6. Sun, House and Tree

7. The Tree Outside My Bedroom Window

8. Desktop

9. Green Splat

10. Work Folder

11. Echo and Cynarra

12. Wee Canadian Man

13. Famous Mouth


15. Good Advice from a Punk Rock Girl's Doorway

16. Beware!

17. Trombonist

18. View from My Bedroom

19. The Heart of the Jolt

20. Lucas?

21. Yellow

22. Wall of Glory

23. Glory Wall at an Angle

24. Stealthy Wig Shot

25. Cynarra, Echo, and My Left Foot

26. In Nomine Patris...

27. Elijah

28. Safety Pin and Hair

29. Hair 1

30. Hair 2

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