Page name: Pics With No Home 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-08-21 16:58:14
Last author: Cillamoon
Owner: Cillamoon
# of watchers: 8
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2009-08-21 [AROCKY80]: Nicely said sky

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: @Sky & Chris: Indeed, nicely said!!! 

@Jane: Totally lmaoz!!!! We are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!! Every time I think about Christmas now I know I'm getting the bestest present ever: getting to see you! YAYZ! :D :D :D Not to mention it's also like my bday present, lolz.

@Sky: I can see us laughing our asses off to doing that exact scenario!

@Chris: You will soooo not be there! :P

2009-08-21 [Viking]: I think I just heard [AROCKY80]'s heart break.

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: LMAO!!! He knows why he's not invited, there's a very good reason for it. :P

2009-08-21 [Skydancer]: To do a proper job as a photographer you have to be able to maintain a professional separation from the shoot, unless your actually involved in the situation, and then its not being a photographer any longer but a participant.

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: And he fits neither description, sorry Chris but it's true. You are my friend, and I know you well enough to know that...professional separation in this case you would not fit the bill. But mesa still wuvs you, lol.

2009-08-21 [AROCKY80]: Ouch cilla *tear*.
[Viking] it's in a Zillion peices right now.

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: lol

2009-08-21 [Viking]: No wonder it was so loud! That's going to take a lot of glue to fix...

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: Damn, where's my super glue? Although knowing my I will inadvertently glue my fingers together. XD Yes, it's happened before! And not just once either!

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: Okay all, I'm reuploading the images so they are edited now (meaning cropped). This turned out to be a fantastic bunch so I will be trying out manipulations for them, as well as yesterday's batch too. I'm curious to see if anything cool comes out of it. ^_^

2009-08-21 [sweet.tx.tea]: Wow guys...I can't help but wonder what it would eb like if we all got together. HAHAHA.

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: :P It would be insane!!! You will have to come to work with me one day and find out! XD

2009-08-21 [Skydancer]: Well, it would for one, be a heck of adventure, we could visit waterfalls every day for a couple of months and never do the same one twice for instance.

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: Waterfalls *dreams* How fantastic that would be!!! I've been wanting to do a white cream flowing dress under water shoot for the longest time! Almost like a ethereal shoot, or a drowning/floating dead woman shoot.

2009-08-21 [Skydancer]: Perfectly possible here, there are several falls with good clear pools that would work for that.

2009-08-21 [sweet.tx.tea]: Seriously? That would be so much fun! Cilla, I can do some for you, if you like. :D

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: Jane lovely, you know you are always welcome to do manips on my stuff. ^_^

2009-08-21 [sweet.tx.tea]: Fantastic. :D

2009-08-21 [Cillamoon]: Squee!!!! I'm so excited! XP

2009-08-27 [smakeupfx]: so much fun :D

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