Page name: Pictures Dealing With Racism [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-02-05 18:56:19
# of watchers: 1
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D20: 11
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Just upload your art that has symbolic meaning about racism. It can be a painting, an internet doll, a drawing, a collage, even abstract art.


By [Blaze the Nameless]

Reutrn to Down With Racism

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2005-08-05 [~Second.String~]: Wah!! I can't see the picture... is it just my computer?

2005-10-04 [Lakayana]: i can't see it too

2005-12-21 [moonscale]: I cant either

2007-06-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: it says the image doesn't exist

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