Page name: Pierce United [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-12-23 03:54:39
Last author: kay-chan
Owner: kay-chan
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Pierce United

Shining doors and marbled floors embody Pierce United, a multibillion-dollar corporation involved in everything from soft drinks to heavy artillery. You will not get past the secretary's desk without an appointment. If you try... Don't try. They have security out the wazoo. The metaphorical, rich-as-fuck wazoo. If you have an appointment, please wait in one of the plush leather couches.

Mission statement:

Pierce United, under the firm and traditional leadership of the Pierce family, strives to make the world a better place through innovative commercial products and multiple charitable organizations. As a company, we recognize the need to strive to greatness, towards a better future for all.

Day 1

"Oh, wait!"

The two large men in fitted suits stopped to look back at the secretary that stopped them in the lobby. She was smiling and looked your typical, perky blonde. "The meeting location has changed," she chirped, holding out a memo note. "And the boss says he needs the folder, and not to drop an envelope inside. Apparently it's important."

One of the men plucks the note from her hand, smirks at what's written on it, and heads out. 

perfect bounty

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