Page name: Planet of the Apes!!! [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-08-13 13:29:01
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Planet of the Apes!!!


In 2001, Tim Burton followed up his re-imaging of one classic story ("Sleepy Hollow"), with another re-imagining, this time of the sci-fi cinematic landmark, "Planet of the Apes." Burton's film took the premise of the 1968 original film and novel by Bridge on the River Kwai author Pierre Bouelle, and ran with it. With the film, Burton wanted to take a new look at old material; the results, however, were generally not perceived to be up to par with Burton's previous work, despite the inclusion of some thrilling action sequences and one hell of a surprise twist ending.

Burton's film included various nods and homage to the original film, but told a very different story. Gone are the themes and undertones present in the original film in favor of a more straightforward action-adventure flick of the highest and slickest Hollywood caliber.

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2005-08-28 [Frankly, Mr.Shankly!]: not this film...NOT one of Tim Burton's best! but hey ho his ova films rock !!!

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