Page name: Quick Note on Posting [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-09-12 14:07:24
Last author: Igorina
Owner: Igorina
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Generally this follows the standard style of your typical story RPG. Here's an example:

[Igorina] The moon was full over the ocean as a ship came sailing silently through the waters. She watched the dark clouds hurrying across the sky.

[WhateverYouCallYourself] He came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck.

" How are you? " he asked quietly

[Igorina] " I'm Queen of The World " she said as she spread her arms out. Then they made out and he painted a picture of her nekkid. The End

Yeah pretty straight-forward there :)

Feel free to play with dialect and try to make what you write sound as authentic as possible. I mean I don't expect you to sound like you landed on Plymouth Rock yesterday and you have buckles on your shoes but just know what you're writing about is the bottom line;action=index This is a great source of information on all things piratey, Check it out for inspiration :)

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