Page name: RP Lunch Room! [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-09 01:47:31
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: Dark Shiva
# of watchers: 8
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Return to Naruto:Konoha High

Trapper came in and yelled loudly "I dont like this place" he growled, rubbing his backside and standing over in a corner. It wasn't his fault there was now a psyco robot running around. He'd have been able to get rid of it in a second but he didn't exactly feel like helping the teachers right now.

Tenten walked in grinning, "Haha, the bell saved me from losing to Tsome chan~ Man this place is GREAT~"

"I just got drop kicked by two teachers. This place is NOT great" Trapper grumbled.

Tenten flung a arm over Trapper's shoulder, "C'mon, it can't be that bad. What were you doing that the teachers had to kick you around the place?"

"Just... realesed a deadly killer robot by accident" Trapper mumbled, scratcching his cheek with his bandaged hand and looking to the side so Tenten couldn't see his blushing "It wasn't complete though so they'd probably beat it really easily."

Tenten blinked, "Why did you do that? I mean, the school isn't that bad, that you'd want to set a killer robot on it... Did it have any nice weapons equiped though?" Tenten let go of Trapper to get food from the buffet. "What's your name anyways?I'm Tenten."

"Im Trapper. I was designing it when Iruka made me jump and cut my hand. I got blood on my carvings and it sorta came out without me wanting it too" Trapper said, walking over to the buffet as well "It had a ball and chain with spikes on it's outside and blades inside it. It was like a blender with wheels."

Tenten winced, piling on the salad, "Sounds kinda crude."

"I made five minutes before and it wasn't finished" Trapper sighed "Though it wasn't that strong."

Tenten looked at him, "Ah... Well, I guess you'll do better next time. Erm, but maybe you shouldn't do it in the middle of school." She grabbed a bunch of grapes and made her way to a table. I wonder where Tsome chan went off to? The toilet?

"Yeah, you're right. Or maybe I should not bleed on the scratches. Or maybe not use the school desk" Trapper sighed, grabbing a cup ramen and siting down a little way away.

Tsome appeared behind Tenten. "Boo."

"Kyah!" Tenten swung around, "Tsome chan!"

Tsome chuckled. "Miss me?" she grinned.

"Nope!" But Tenten was grinning. "Go get some food and join me~"

Tsome traced a finger down her cheek twice, meaning crying. "Yeah, food sounds good... what is for lunch anyways...?"

Justin casually strolled into the lunch room and plopped a brown bag down next to tenten and tsome. "Yo." he flipped his hait out of his eyes as he sat down. Guess i sat down next to good looking ones.

Tsome grinned. "Hallo! Whats your name?"

Justin grinnd making sure he gave a dreamy impression. "Justin, Justin nakini. What may i ask is your names ladies?"

Tsome chuckled. "I'm Tsome Uchiha, Sasuke's sister." she held out her hand to Justin.

Tenten grinned at him, "I'm Tenten. Just Tenten~"

"Im Trapper, Im not a lady" Trapper said from a little way away. He was used to being ignored so it didn't bother him much he'd been over looked.

"Haha! Trapper stop being emo. Come join us." Tenten grinned at him from her seat.

Trapper looked over at the seat beside her, shrugged half heartedly and slid over to her side. he grinned slightly nervously, people actually LOOKED at him here.

Earoluim entered the lunch room and got a tray of good, he looked around for a moment and then headed towards a booth that was off by itself that was sitting under a window.

Tsome stood up, walked over to Trapper, and patted him on the back. "C'mon! We won't bite." she grinned.

Trapper grinned embarred and stood up, walking over with Tsome to their table.

Tsome walked back to her table and poked Tenten.

Trapper grabbed a cusion, beat it into fluffyness and put it back on his chair. His backside was hurting from being drop kicked so much.

Tsome looked over at Trapper. "Are you alright?"

"The teachers like to kick me" Trapper sighed, settling down onto the cushion carefully.

Tsome chuckled. "Oh dear... thats not very good..."

"Well... I did sorta set free a killer robot by accident" Trapper said, toying with his food boredly.

"Robot?" Justin enquired trying to stay in the conversation. "Like circuts and wires killing mode kind of robot?"

"Yeah... I make them with my own special summoning jutsu. I control them with chakara wires usually." Trapper said carefully, not letting anyone catch onto what he could actually do "Sometimes they escape wild though."

"So you control them like nija puppets but the can move on their own?" Justin took a mental note just in case he had a rumble with Trapper in the future.

"Yeah but the one I made back there was pretty crude. Some rely on me to guide them, some do it themselves and some only unlock their full potential if Im out of action.. sort of like a kamekaze robot." Trapper said. He hadn't given much away really, people knew he used robots after all.

Robotsare pretty cool but I have this guy pwnd "Cool." Justin said. He casually went to munching on his peanut butter, banana, and jelly sandwich.

"What do you do?" Trapper said, smiling at Justin.

"A parlor trick some would say." Justin alughed not letting anyone on. He leaned in close to Tenten. "So whats your specialty beautiful?"

Sai walked in plopped down and started skeching on justins bag. "Hi Tsome-san"

Trapper dug in a pocket and tossed a crumpled up piece of paper at Sai "Use that and not the furniture. I learnt that the hard way."

Tenten blushed and looked away from Justin. "I don't do anything special... Sorry Tsome chan, I'm full so I'm just going to the courtyard ok?" She left her untouched lunch and left quickly.

Tsome blinked. "O...kay...?"

Justin looked down dissapointed. Damn strike one. "So what about you, Tsome is it?"

Sai gratefully grammed the peice of paper and drew justin with a dunce cap. He flashed it to Trapper so as not to let justin see his master paice.

Tsome smirked, "Yeah. My specialty is my stamina... its very high... and my determination... but I dont fight unless its needed."

Trapper looked round and saw what Sai had drawn. He let out a snigger threw clenched teeth, trying not to let justin hear.

"Cool" Justin looked a trapper and his odd expression. "What are you drawin Sai?"

Sai gulped then quicly sketched the cap into an intacate headpiece. "Um just designs for the new costumes for the design class."

Justin laughed, "Thats pretty cool, hey you used me as a model awsome." Justin beamed.

Trapper grinned widely at how fast Sai turned the the dunce hat into something else. It would be strange to fight him... it would probably turn into a draw off.

Tsome chuckled softly. "I like to draw too, but I'm defidently not as good as Sai..."

Sai gave his his trademark smile. "Thanks Tsome-chan."

"I just do technical stuff... Im no good at actual drawing" Trapper mumbled, leaning on his hands.

"Well you have to plan and design them somehow." Sai pointed out.

Trapper shrugged half heartedly, closing his eyes as he took a mouthful of ramen from his cup. He didn't really know how he did it. He just drew down long technical wiring and somehow when he summoned it it turned into a working robot.

Tsome finished off her food and stretched lazily. "Well, back to class then... and maybe we'll get to do some sparring..."

Trapper nodded and got up as well, streaching his back and clicking it a few times "Atleast with sparring you learn stuff."

Tsome nodded and grinned. "Exactly."

Trapper began to click his bones individually, his fingers and neck popping loudly "Maybe you against me? Your stamina against my robots?"

Tsome smiled. "That sounds fun..."

Trapper grinned and began to walk back to the class "Hmmmm... you'd probably win."

Tsome shrugged and walked with him. "Meh, who knows..."

Iruka slipped in. Now where did Zim chan go off too? He was so certain, she was infront of him... Ignoring this he moved over to the buffet to get food, happy in the near empty lunch room. Relative peace.

Zim was under a table with Hinata,eating an apple and going through many yaoi pictures.

Trapper rushed in, looking around for Zim and Hinata before diving at the table.

Zimgiggled."I drew most of these,but they are life like arent they?"She meeped at Trapper.

Trapper blinked and stared at the pictures before sliding off the table and landing on his head.

Zim blushed.She had drawn a picture of Trapper and Gaara that Trapper saw.

"THAT POSITION IS NOT HUMANLY POSSIBLE!" Trapper yelled, still standing on his head.

Zim laughed nervously."S-so?"

Trapper seemed to melt onto his head, finally ending up on his side "Dont do any more about me... ever."

"Aww..But their fun..."

"Please..." Trapper whimpered, staring at Zim and then at Hinata "No more"

Zim crossed her arms and growled.

Trapper whimpered "Fine, just no showing them around here."

"Only to Hinata."

Reluctantly, Iruka brought his plate to their table. Ordinarily he should be going to the staff room to eat but he REALLY was uncomfortable there. Besides, it's amusing watching Zim's antics. Not that he would admit it of course.

Zim giggled and waved at her uncle."Took ya long enough."

Iruka just smiled at her. He sat down next to her and plucked up a butterroll from his tray. "Ah well. I didn't see you."

"SHE IS EVIL!" Trapper declared from behind the table, waving his hands madly over the edge for Iruka to see.

"So?"Zim looked at Trapper,boredly.

"So... evil is bad" Trapper said, blushing out of embarresment.

Zim threw her apple core at him.

Trapper flicked a fingers and the core split in half, both pieces whizzing right past him.

Zim stuck her tongue out at him.

Iruka sighed again. So much for peace. Absentmindedly he considered going to another school. He shrugged to himself, he wouldn't be able to look over Zim chan then, and he'd probably still take Zim chan with him. And then, she would disrupt his peace still. He placed his head on the palm of his hand studing  Zim. One day she'll grow up and leave him. He grinned ruefully.

Trapper peeked over the edge at Iruka "I could teach the class for a day" he said, whispering loudly at him "Except the headmistress might not like it."

Justin piped in, "I could teach the class the original kekkei genkia and their corrosponing clans histories!" He was a wizz at all the clans pasts.

Iruka blanched. Students teaching... Shiva sama will have his head for sure, He smiled at the two of them, "Thanks, but no thanks. I really appreciate the offer."

"You look like you want to scream" Trapper muttered over the edge of the table, only his eyes and over visable. "Is Shiva that scary?"

Iruka waved a dismissive hand. He tried to hide his discomfort behind that gesture. "Shiva sama, Trapper kun."

"scary Shiva sama" Trapper mumbled, his eyes glinting grey for a second before going back to normal "She yells alot."

Merc came up behind them and gave Iruka a hug."Ya. But not as scary as me, right Iruka-kun?"

Zim grinned and the principle. "You should date my uncle.

Merc blinked and looked at Iruka. "Naa..Hes to innocent to corrupt."

Iruka's face turned a series of pink, from magneta to an almost dark violet. Without a word he closed his eyes and quietly bonked Zim on the head. "You matchmaking demon. When are you going to quit your devious ways?"

Zim rubbed her head."Ow..."She grinned up at her uncle."NEVAH!"She chuckled.

Merc hugged Iruka."Aww,let the kid have her fun.And remeber when we were friends when we were in highschool?You has a crush on me if I recall."

Trapper poked Zim with a toe "You better be careful or he might try and set you up with someone."

"Heh.Like anyone would like a freak like me."Zim grinned.

Trapper blushed gently and put his head over the side of the table and out of Merc's sight.

Iruka desperately tried to untangle himself. "Merc san. We were only kids then. And besides..." He pushed her arms off him, "You rejected me outright... Three times."

"Thats because I was dating someone. But I'm single now." Merc shrugged. "Bye." She waved and walked away.

Zim grinned."She was sooo flirting with you!"

Iruka gave her the evil eye. "One. She was not flirting with. Two. Even if she was I'm not interested. Three. You, my dear Zim chan really need to find a new hobby. Even if it's for my own sanity."

"LIES! You so dig her." Zim grinned. "Come on, just go out with her for one day. Please? For me?" She gave him the puppy face.

He looked at her. Not in the least amused. "No. At this point in my life, I'll go out with no one. Female or male. I swear to it to all of the dang Kami's I know in existence. Now will you stop? You are going to turn my hair white soon."

"I won't stop until I see you dating someone."Zim crossed her arms,

Iruka stared at her for a full five minutes. "OK then. The one I choose to date is you. Not happening right? Now if you'll just let me get on with my lunch and try forget about any nonsense about me dating anyone but you." Resolutedly he went back to his Salad lifting a slice of cucumber to his lips.

Zim tapped her foot."Some one besides me or I wont stop bugging you!"

Iruka smiled smugly. "Nope. That's my ultimatum Zim chan. Now go off and enjoy the period. I heard they were seperating my class into three others."

"Im in your class still."Zim grinned.

"There is no way I subjugating you to any of the other teachers. You will drive them insane trying to get them to date me."

"Yup."Zim said proudly and hugged Iruka.

He smiled ruefully at her and patted her head, just as he used too when she was younger. "When are you going to let me live in peace Zim chan?"

"When you date someone."Zim smiled cutely.

"Not happening." Iruka looked up at the sound of the bell. "Ah well guess we got to go to class."

:Okay sensei."Zim hugged him and jumped onto his back.

Trapper got up and scuttled out of the room, blushing gently and trying not to catch Zim's eye.

Hinata nodded.

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2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: ticthboy Zim isn't even in the room TT_TT Please READ next time >_>

2007-10-24 [twitchboy]: if you would forgive me all the rp's im tend to blend some times...a thousand pardons<img:44166_1164145197.gif>

2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: lol tis ok ^^ Sorry if I sounded rude ;-; Been on edge with the real world lately ._.

2007-10-24 [twitchboy]: its ok

2007-10-25 [Asalli_Angel]: Lol! Sai's funny~ haha~

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