Page name: Ravenwood Estates 1 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-09-21 23:59:16
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter One

In this chapter we are with the Ravenwood family as they go through their life and their troubles.

Flint looked at ALehial, "I don't think I can go through with this marriage." He knew he could have this discussion with her and she'd try to be supportive but, truthful in her answer. She always had been, except how his father really died. Uncle & aunt had told his mother that Galin died helping to save Altair. In truth his father had only went to betray them and try to claim Alehial for himself, and Altair thought he killed his brother.

Alehial sighs and takes one of Flints hands. "You don't have to. You do have the right to deny this. That's why it is called a proposal hun." She says smiling gently to him, she was worried about him too. Angry with Gareth for putting this to Flint while his father... no while Galin was still in the city.

"I can't marry someone I have no interest in." He said looking at floor. "I'll just have to anger the king by refusing." His tone had an air of already having decided what he was going to do. Flint knew had he said wha he really wanted to do or who he wanted to marry the conversation would slide in a different direction.

Alehial smiles squeezing his hand gently. "then there really isn't any problem. If he demands a reason give the one you feel is best. If he is still angry send him my way okay?" Alehial says giving him a sly knowing grin. She had a few tricks up her sleeves to help if this became any kind of a problem. But she wanted Flint to be happy. She was willing to fight to make him that way. The same she did for her own children as well.

"He won't accept it Aunt Alehial. All I can tell him is that my heart belongs to someone else, who refuses to let love happen." He doesn't say Lierial's name knowing her mother may still try to steer him away from the drow druid.

"I can certainly understand that myself... I was engaged to Altair when my mother arranged another marriage to a more suitable person for me to wed. The only thing I can tell you is to follow your heart. For a Ravenwood it's more dangerous but always the right choice." Alehial says smiling sadly, shaking her head a little. Her words were the truth and it still hurt to realise the cause of Altair's problems pains and even occasional deaths were because of her.

Flint understands what she says, all the children of his generation grew up with the stories of Andor's greatest heroes. He doesn't have the heart though to tell Aleihial that if pressed into a lovless marriage he will simply leave.
"Should I even bother trying to bring Lierial around to accepting us?" His tone belays that he needs the truth badly.

"... Lyrial... Is in a very complicated situation right now... She's not yet a full mature adult... in the way that elves mature... But I raised her the only way I knew how. I think... She does love you... But she doesn't know what to do." Alehial says torn between wanting to help her adopted daughter and truthfully helping the heartbreak of her nephew. One of the closest dearest men to her.

"So, no matter what I do I may still lose all I ever want?" Flint asks as he stands. "I don't want to push her away or into doing something she isn't ready for, but, I can't even get close to her." He places a hand on his temple. Between a resurected father and everything else, stress, like with Altair is taking a heavy toll.

A knock on the study door interrupts what Flint had intended to say next. As Altair openss the door, and upon setting eyes on his wife, "My apologies I was unaware that you had company." He then starts back out of the door.

"Might as well come in now that you've ruined it... I think he needs advice from you more then me at the moment. I need to go see Lai anyways." Alehial says standing up giving Flint a quick kiss on the cheek. "Remember what I said about Ravenwoods. It applies to all of us." Alehial says with a small smile before walking near Altair. "Be nice and try to help him out please." She asks seriously giving him a quick peck on the lips.

He holds her close, "I'll try my best, and Rand has sent a missive for you." hands over the small messanger scroll.

"I'll read it on my way up." Alehial smiles taking it from his and deftly worming out of his grip and out the door. Closing the door behind her she only hoped Altair could help his nephew. Meanwhile she turns down the hall and opens the missive her brother had sent her. Curious as to why he had sent her something.

The parchment scroll served two parts, one to confirm that indeed Flint's arraigned marriage was real. And, the second to inform Lord & Lady Ravenwood that with all due haste his majesty wants the perspective families to meet. Her elder brother, Rand added his tidings to the fact that the once brash army officer was in love with his adopted cousin.

' Rand... you are a moron... But you probably figured I knew all this...' Alehial thought to herself shaking her head. Her talk with Lai about Lyriel would have to be postponed for yet another day. She needed to speak with her brother now. She was sure he was still awake since it was after dinner and he had sent the missive. Turning around in the hallway she heads to the stairs leading down to the front door. She would go visit him now. He was sure to be home because his wife would hate him if he didn't return what with five children three newly born girls. "Bowers!" Alehial calls once she's at least halfway down the steps.

"Yea, my lady?" Bowers the second man to carry that name in this house responded. And just like his father he had an uncanny knack for being where he was needed as soon as you thought of him.

Alehial had to smile at that. Though she often times missed Bower's father, she was glad that the son had taken up the role to keep watch over the house. It gave her stability she needed. "Call for the carriage I will be heading to Rand's home. If any of the children need anything, or Altair of course, I shall return once the matter at hand is finished." Alehial says desisively. She was nothing if not a noble born and bred. Once reaching the bottem of the stairs she turns for the cloak closet to pull something on. She didn't often wear cloaks they posed too much a threat for her to feel comfertable wearing them often. But after Galin had been in her home it had left her chilled with apprehension and a trace amount of fear.

"Shall I call for a guard or two to escort you Mistress?" Bowers inquired. He had heard enough stories of Galin Ravenwood to know that if Alehial feared him, he should also be concerned.

"No need Bowers, I'll escort Lady Ravenwood." Was answered by Lucas. He had just entered the house through the double doors, and still had not only his armor & sword on, but, his cloak. The young paladin, and ward of the Ravenwoods, she knew would not take no for an answer.

"Lucas?! I wasn't aware you had gone out... Is B'Tani with you?" Alehial asks shocked to see him enter through the door. She smiles walking over to him holding out her hands to him. "I would love for you to join me of course." She smiles warmly up at him. "Thank you bowers please call for the carriage now." She gives a quick smile to Bowers.

"I urgently requested that she go for a flight, my angel spends too much time on the ground." He says with a intentional pun. Lucas' wife B'Tani, a half-celestial cleric, was responsible for restoing his paladin status & claiming his undying devotion and love.
"Besides, I've heard from a couple teachers the boys have been acting up in classes." Lucas always believed it was everyone's right to be educated, they just had to want knowledge.

Alehial smiles widely at Lucas. While B'Tani didn't like being called an angel it was still too cute to hear her adoptive ward refer to her with so much emotion. "What classes? Are the two of you teaching now? Besides Lucas... she stays on the ground so that she can stay with you. Come let us talk more in the carriage on our way. I'd rather not stay out later then necessary... not... not tonight." Alehial says taking Lucas' arm not waiting for him to offer it. She loved hearing him talk about his day. Compared to hers it seemed he was having adventures everytime he left the house.

"No, not teaching. B'Tani and I have been spending more of our time tending to the needs of the less fortunate, especially the sick." Lucas informs her. "But, I still have eyes & ears about the temple." Lucas looks at Alehial, she is in everything his mother, it was she who found him after his whole house had been destroyed, and she & Altair provided him with a loving home & family. He knew in his heart after Altair, he'd fight hardest to protect her.

"Don't look at me with those eyes Lucas. Tani is the one you should protect first and foremost." Alehial says having seen the protective look in his eyes that Altair too got. She holds his arm and smiles at him even through the slightly harsh tone she had used. "You sound like your almost ready to make up a sect of the church all on your own. One that solely helps those who need it..." Alehial smiles more leading him then he was her to the front door and out to the carriage. She let go of Lucas to gather her skirt in her hands to steop up into the carriage. She missed her children being small. Including Lucas, the boy who covered in blood and soot had come to her house, to her during the invasion.

As she stepped up into the carriage Lucas remembered a time when she was so tall compared to him. And her reference to him getting a look like Altair actually pleased him. Growing up inm a family of heroes, gives you a unique perspective. As other children said how lucky they were to have Alehial & Altair as parents, the children knew between one another that sometimes a famous parent made the younger generation a target. But, he banished the idea from his mind. And hauled himself into the carriage to sit opposite his mother.

"I'm sorry about... everything that has been happening recently Lucas... I'm not really angry with Altair... I... it's just hard for me sometimes... to face his mortality..." Alehial sighs adjusting her dress a little before tapping the side of the carriage to let the driver know to start off. She settled easily with the sway of the carriage in motion. "I know I'm mortal as well. It's just that he risks himself everytime... almost like he doesn't care what happens after that..." Alehial chuckles and shakes her head. "I speak nonsense!" She mutters rubbing her forehead lightly. She needed to speak with Rand and then she wanted to sleep.

"Mother, he takes his risks to protect what he loves, you,us kids & even our families. But, he loves you more than any bard could put into words or song." Lucas tells her. He takes her hands, and squeezes gently, hoping that B'Tani never worries about his mortality enough to make herself so sad. He remembers Altair always grabbing up, holding close Alehial, it always made him seem so invincible, even though he knows he isn't.

"I know honey... I know all of that." Alehial says blushing about the remark with the Bards. She hated being reminded of that. It was just plain embaressing. "Don't listen to me okay? I think I must have caught some bug or another. Don't you worry. We'll all be okay, I promise." Alehial smiles brightly to Lucas squeezing his hands back. Pushing back all the fear and repidation, all the worry and pessimism she lived with almost constantly. It was easy for her after so many years of practice. Sometimes she even convinced herself of it. "oh we're here... Come in and see the babies. I shouldn't be long talking with Rand." She smiles brightly kissing Lucas' forhead.

"Mother," Lucas began, "I'm not a child, I've seen people deal with fears & doubts. Please share them with Father, things never change unless those involved know." He spoke this with truth, he hid the fact he lost his connection to Pelor, up until B'Tani and her blessing that lit the beacon bringing him back to his faith. He knew she hadn't said all of these to Altair, and he wondered if it kept them from being truely as happy as they could be.

"You're father... Altair... Just doesn't understand Lucas... He's almost innocent... It's one of his charms. I know your not a child anymore... but you can't keep me from lavishing attention on you. Don't worry about us. We'll resolve it. We always have and we always will, I love your Father, Altair, more then I love the world itself. That is why I fear. For he is human and humans truelly know the meaning of evil better then any other creature." Alehial says smiling sadly at Lucas. Brushing his hair back a little. she let out a shakey breath and shook her head once. Clearing her thoughts of such things. "Now then I want to see babies and you're coming with me!" She says opening the door to the carriage and stepping out quickly.

"So, think Uncle Rand & Aunt Cyndil will have anymore children?" mused Lucas, "Or for that matter will you and father?" He raised an eyebrow to her and grinned. For a long while thats almost all Alehial was PREGNANT. This would only be confirmed by the amount of children the couple had. All in all they were a right proper army almost, seven biological kids, four adopted that no one needed or wanted, and of course two wards. Yule was a horrible game of I got my present, now wait for yours.

Rand Morenisen, leader of the kings blades, head of security, and Alehials brother lived with his family in a well appointed house not more than 15 mins from both Blades HQ and of course the castle. And as Lucas and Alehial approached, he probably guessed Rand knew they were here.

"Oh I'm sure they will... in another six or seven years. Your father and I... Well We'll have to see won't we?" Alehial smiles pulling the bell pull, waiting to be allowed in. She didn't want to stay out after dark to long. The dark was making her worried. Of course having Lucas near was helping. she wanted to speak with Rand and see the babys and get home. Fidgeting with the clasp of her cloak, it was a sure sign of her nervousness.

The double door opened and Jelik, Rand's newest servant peered outside. "Ah zee lovley Lady Ravenwood how goode it iz szat you hev coom," He greeted her. "And I zee Uve brought a guest!" Lucas nodded at the mention of the one extra person, meaning him. "Please do com inzide." The foyer wasn't well lit, but warm and comfortable. "Arre you ere for Masser Rand or Misress Cyndil?"

"I need to speak with Rand, Then I am going to visit with my neices and nephews." Alehial says not shuddering as she wanted to from the servants voice and how he spoke. Pulling her cloak off of her shoulders once they were inside of the house. The rate the house went through servants still amazed Alehial even after all these years. Even though she was the one who often helped the family out. Rand was such a mess, everytime Cyndil pulled herself over Rand, Rand was always in deep trouble.

"Oh, I had a feeling I'd be seeing you, only I thought it'd be tomorrow!" Rand commented as he came down the steps, carrying a sack which he passed off to the butler. The butler to his credit sniffed twice, then with all haste left the foyer. "And with Lucas," Rand hugged Alehial then grasped his adoptive nephew's arm, "never knew you sister to need back up." Lucas squeezed just enough so Rand winced. "When has mother ever needed 'backup'?"

"What can I say brother, I wanted to see you that badly." Alehial says dryly after watching the men prove themselves. "He wanted to come with me Rand, If you don't wish to speak on things until tomorrow very well, I will see the babies and then leave." Alehial says adjusting her hair a little. It was still up from dinner and she wanted to take it out. It could wait if she got to hold the most adorable little girls that were her neices.

"Well, I know what you are here to discuss, I've had my ear almost torn off when I said something to Cyndil. So, we can do both at the same time. Please follow me." Rand replied, gesturing to the stairs behind him. A short climb and walk later the three arrived in the nursery, where Cyndil, Rand's wife was cooing over the triplets. "Alehial," cried Cyndil coming over to hug her, "Can you believe what Gareth wants Flint to do?"

"Cyndil! Yes I heard. Flint is in a tizzy let me tell you!" Alehial smiles brightly hugging the other woman tightly. Looking over to the cribs. She was itching to see the babies. She was missing her own something aweful and wanted to see these three little ones. Letting go of Cyndil she leans over the crib. "Who's the prettiest little girls?!" She coos happily smiling down at the three little girls. "Flint is still completely infatuated with Lyriel..."

Rand attempted an answer, but, Cyndil cut him off. "Of course he is, she is beautiful, and is full of firey passions." Cyndil loved Alehial's children as they were her own. In truth, when she was taking care of them as Lilly she knew peace and contentment she had yet to in her life. Now she a wife and mother and loved every second, thanking which ever gods brought the Mornisens and Ravenwoods into her life.

Rand, holding one of his daughters, waited for the conversation to die down before speaking. "Sister, I take it you either want my opinion or information to help figure this out, right?" He looked at his wife and sister, knowing the answer, and hoping what he'd tell them wouldn't have him sleeping in his office for the next month.

"thank you Cyndil I know how she is... young!" Alehial says with a huff before picking up one of the little girls. "Aww who's gonna give your daddy a heart attack! You are! Yes you are and Aunt Alehial will help you, yes she will." Alehial says tickling the young girl making her giggle. Looking over at Rand and giving him one of his 'I'm a pain in the ass' smiles. "I want to know what's going on. Nothing more nothing less."

"well, any particular aspect of Gareth's request that you want your information on?" Rand moved over to kiss the little girl Alehial is holding. "And no, these young ladies will be the model of behaviour." He then quickly leans over to Cyndil & the baby she holds to also kiss.

"Of course they will look at their brothers." Alehial snickers rubbing noses with the little girl. " I just want to know what is going on. This doesn't sound like something he would pull. Flint is confused and angry right now. His family was murdered and his father came back to practically rub it in his face. Then while that phsyco path is still in town he demands Flint mary the pass along of the court?" Alehial asks shaking her head. She was keeping the anger out of her body language and her voice but not her eyes.

"The situation is almost elven complex, dear sister. With Flint's stepfather's death there is a vaccum left amongst the king's merchant supporters. Not to mention the fact that Poppy's father has been making complaints against taxes." Rand explained, "Given the other problems between Galin's 2nd or 3rd coming & his own lunar problems, no matter how small. Gareth hopes the marriage will iron out some problems."

Cyndil stared open-mouthed, she could not believe what she was hearing. Rand looked at her and shrugged, this was what he had to put up with. He sought to understand the king's mind, and in some small way influence him. Now confronted by two of the most influential people in his life, Rand hated that he wasn't going to win, no matter how he played his cards.

Alehial gently puts the baby back in the crib. Smiling softly at the little girl and handing her a toy to keep her occupied. "Flint is the man of the house now. With me running his shares until he can get a hold of them. The king has NOT lost a supporter, The other merchants are simply to greedy. With Galin at the port with his schemes and plans and new commerce all they see is the profit he will bring them. A forced marriage has never before made things work smoothly. Not in the human histories, something has always gone wrong." Alehial shakes her head folding her arms. "Whatever he's doing... It's really bad. I can feel it." Alehial says hugging herself a bit tighter.

"Well, I tried to gently nudge Gareth's way of thinking, but, he's believeing this is the best course." Rand shifted as he spoke, "Perhaps the timing is wrong, but, Poppy's father wants the two of them to start seeing one another to make this work." He laid his other daughter into the crib, made a slight bow, and headed for the door. "I don't want to see this happen, Flint is a good kid, and I love Lierial as much as the other kids. To change his mind might be more than your famous family can do."

After Rand left the room, Cyndil looked at Alehial and simply said, "Maybe there isn't anything you & Altair can do. But, if they feel so much for one another they should guide their own destineis." She also placed her 3rd daughter into the crib, then hugged Alehial tight. "Cause if you told me I was going to lose Rand to another woman..." She didn't finish her sentence.

"No Cyndil... She's young... To young, for something like true love. She's confused and doesn't know what she's supposed to do. It's my fault... Everything happening now is my fault! I raised her wrong! I gave advice I shouldn't have..." Alehial says shaking her head, she wasn't crying but her throat was tight and constricted. "Now... Now Gareth brings this up... He's such a child still... There's nothing we can do against Galin the way he is working now.

"STOP IT!, Cyndil ordered shaking Alehial, You did as you thought best for Lierial. And you let that monster Galin show his colors, and you know what'll happen." Cyndil hugged Alehial fiercely again, perhaps thinking she could wring all the sadness out of her friend, and sister. "Hasn't Lia dealt with this type of situation before twice? She'd be the better one to help you with Flint & Lierial."

Alehial braces herself in the hug. It already somewhat painful in her best friend and sisters arms. Hugging Cyndil back tightly, she was scared of what was happening and she didn't like what was happening between Flint and Lyrial. She didn't like her children leaving her. She didn't want Galin back again, not after everything that had happened already. "I keep planning on talking to her but things keep popping up. Why did Galin have to come back Cyndil?" Alehial asks finally getting choked up quiet a bit.

"Who knows why, I would (Rand does too) suppose it all has to do with Galadried." Cyndil confided, "All I can offer you is that deal with all the children first, then you and Altair and everyone else can deal with Galin." Cyndil knew what she said wasn't really going to help but, she hoped Alehial would find something she could use.

Alehial nods her head. "Yes... of course. I know what I have to do. Thank you Cyndil... I've got to go home and contact Lyrial. I promise I will visit when I have the time. Take care Cyndil." Alehial smiles before walking out of the room. Intent on gathering Lucas and heading home. She needed to speak with her children, all of them.

Upon coming down stairs, Alehial saw something she never thought she would. Lucas was holding the twins each by an ankle, while they professed they would behave in classes. Rand watched from his office door, shook his head and said something about whatever works. Lucas looked up, then lowered the boys to the ground. "Ready to go mother?: he asked, "I think the guys and I have an understanding now.

"Yes I am Lucas. I hope you do. I would hate to have you do something else to them." Alehial says pulling her cloak on and fastening it tightly over her shoulders. Her expression tight, she was thinking deep thoughts to herself. "Let's return home Lucas." She says softly heading to the door. Opening it herself she walks out and gathering her skirts in her arms steps up into the carriage.

The ride home was quiet, Lucas knew his mother was deep in thought. He also knew that however much he would try to alay those thoughts, it would do no good. "Mother, do you think father could step in on Flints behalf? I mean, the king owes you and father so much." Lucas asked. Hoping the question may pose an escape route for the family.

Alehial turns her head to look over at Lucas and gives him a soft smile. "We didn't do all we did just for Gareth Lucas. What we did was for the good of Andor and the peice of the world. We are loyal to the King and we are his loyal subjects. No matter what happens we will remain loyal and do as he decrees." Alehial says shaking her head only a few centimeters. She was sitting perfectly as any lady of Andor's upper nobility. The only thing that gave her away was the tenseness of ehr body and that she wasn't wearing gloves to hide just how hard she was gripping her own hands.

Lucas again took her hands, interlocked his fingers with hers. Then in his mind & heart pleaded with Lord Pelor to ease the turmoil she felt. Then said nothing else the rest of the ride to the estate. Once home, the coachmen opened the door and offered his hand to Lady Alehial.

Alehial takes the hand climbing down. She waited for Lucas before continueing on to the house. Opening the door and walking in. She unclasps her cloak and sets it on a chair nearby. Sighing as she surveyed her home. It had never been this grand in the begining. Now it was a beast of a manor, though they had needed it at the time and even now that the children were older. Still it made her heart ache each time one of her children left the house. "I can only hope Altair isn't waiting for my return." She mumbles mostly to herself. That man was over dramatic some times. Though lately it'd been annoying her she felt she wanted the comfert he always gave her.

Bowers takes the cloak from her, and placed it inside the closet near the door. The house is quiet most everyone is asleep, except for the elven members of the house.

"Thank you Bowers." Alehial says softly, deciding she should just go to bed. It would take her some time to get her hair down and out of the dress anyways. Sighing again she heads up the stairs, opening the door to the bedroom and looking around, wondering if Altair was here or in the study waiting for her. Either way she wanted to take her hair down and get out of the dress. She was tired of being so dressed up.

Altair was sitting on the balcony, looking out over the city of Baerlon. He had been sitting there for a little while, a bottle of firewine and a head full of questions without easy answers. The divide between him & Alehial bothered him, she ment so much to him. After his discussion with Flint, he was pretty sure Gareth might be less than happy with him. It was at these times he missed his father, Conner most. He heard the door open, only Alehial would come in without knocking.

"You've been drinking?" Alehial asks somewhat surprised, as much as she had always told him that he could drink if he wanted to. But he'd always refused so now to see him drinking was a bit of a surprise. Sitting down at her vanity she takes off her earings and neckless setting them down carefully. Looking at herself in the mirror, her hair up in an elaborate bun and makeup very subtle and still on. It made her seem very small and very elegant, almost like a doll. She sighs softly and reaches up pulling pin after pin out of her hair, slowly letting it down until her waist length hair was fully down.

"Two half pulls, since a half hour after you left." He answered. Turning his head he watched her at the vanity, she was still every bit a beautiful as when he married her. But, the years of dealing with constant wars both public & private weighed on her. When she released her hair, he watched it cascade down her back, he realized he was holding his breath. Finally, he got up and came to stand behind her, he placed his hands gently on her shoulders and leaned down. "Rand have anything to add to the situation?"

"Nothing helpful at least. Apparently Bearlon has taken a few pages from the Sildean book of how it deals with things now." Alehial sighs softly before smiling a small smile up at Altair through the mirror. she could see what the years had done to him. He had crows feet around his eyes and very faint laugh lines around his mouth. It wasn't much but compared to when she had met him almost twenty years prior. Seeing that she hadn't changed except for a bit of maturity, and what having eight children did. It was sobering. "I love you Altair." Alehial says softly turning in the seat to look up at him face to face.

"And I you Alehial, with all my heart." he whisper back before kissing her. After all they had been through together, the moment they kiss always takes him back to the first time. All that had been happening lately had kept them apart from these little moments, and truly he missed having his wife in his arms. When the kiss ended he looked at Alehial, he could see how tense she was and what he should do. His hands started rubbing her shoulders, he had learned long ago to use his hands and a little pressure to relieve tension in muscles, and Alehial had always enjoyed his attentions.

Alehial sighs softly, relaxing into his hands as he worked out the tension in her shoulders. She loved it when all his focus and attention was on her. It was vain and petty considering how many children they had, but she loved it when she seemed to be the only thing on his mind. After only a few moments she shakes her head and puts her hands on top of his to stop him. "If you want to help, undo the back. I don't want to wear this dress all night." She says with a small smile. She reached back and gathered her hair over her shoulder braiding it deftly and quickly into one large braid to keep out of the way while undressing.

He began unlacing the dress, over the years he had gotten better at doing this. He watched her in the mirror braid her hair, he was a lucky man and he reminded himself of this daily. Once his mission was accomplished he bowed down and kissed her shoulder that he massaged just a few moments ago. "I'm going to talk to Gaerth tomorrow, without Flint. There is more to this than anyone is letting on."

"As you wish. I need to make arrangements for the children to begin their journey home... Mother is being driven up the walls or so I hear." Alehial says softly standing and carefully getting out of the dress. Once out of it she lays it across the divan for the servants to put away later. Changing for bed behind a screen she then reamerges in one of her favorite silk chemis's. "Do you want me to stay up with you?" She asks softly tilting her head to the side while asking it.

"RIght now," he began as he came to her, "I'd rather spend time with us holding on to one another before we sleep." He took her hand in his, while he grazed her cheek with the other. Altair was happy the children were coming home, but hoped it wouldn't add more strain to her. Lately, when he touched her or sought to be intimate with her she shied away. He honestly was concerned she'd try to pull away again.

"Alright... But don't be mad if I fall asleep." She says looking serious even though she was joking with him. She knew he wouldn't be angry. She doubted he could ever truelly be angry with her. Leaning into his touches minutely she takes his hand in hers and draws him to the bed, climbing in first and letting him get situated before she got comfertable against him, where they could hold one another. Her head was on his chest and she listened to the steady beating of his drum. It made her relax when she didn't know she had been tense about hearing him alive and whole in a physical manner.

The second that Alehial laid her head against his chest Altair knew part of her tension, him. He encircled her in his arms, and slowly, gently started to stroke her spine. She had a love/hate realtionship with this tatic, since it worked so well. When she took his hand at first he thought about the two of them making love. But, she needed this more otherwise she never would have relaxed and shared herself with him. "I'm not going anywhere Alehial, not without you beside me."

Alehial relaxed further her eyes closed as he stroked her spine. "That's cheating Altair..." She sighs out softly relaxing fully in his arms while laying against him. "You've already left me several times..." She says in responce to his promise. She didn't hold it against him, rather she had said it remorsefully, because she hadn't been able to go with him those times. She couldn't work herself up to being tense not while she could hear his heartbeat and feel his hands stroking her back.

He remembers those times, and though he never told her, she was the last face he saw. And the last time he died, during the dragon war, it was Galin's threat against her that made him remove the ring of levitation to fall to their deaths. But, whenever he was pressed by anyone why he always came back when the cleric raised him the response was simple, Alehial. "Shh, no more thoughts of death or loss, not tonight....", he soothed.

"Okay... Not tonight." Alehial nods in agreeance. Comfertable against him and with him, he was right they shouldn't talk about his deaths and sudden disappearances. Not tonight after having to cater to Galin for dinner. Shuddering lightly, she feared what Galins plans were. If he was still gunning after the family, she had children, young children and she wasn't good enough to defend them all. Her own children had babies or pregnant wives. This was the worst time for something to happen. Especially Galin of all people after what he had done the last time.

As Alehial fell into sleep, Altair inhaled her scents. She always, except for when armed for battle, kept herself clean & perfumed lightly. As strong and as hard as she could be, but, still a woman always. He started to drift off as well, hoping his advice to Flint would do some good. As a father he didn't think it was right for FLint to pursue her. But, as with ALehial, no one could sway him.


Flint paced about his room for a long while after speaking with Altair. The elder man's words both comforted & confused him at the same time. He loved Lierial, and they risked so much to protect each other over this last year. Even in his current state he knew what his heart told him, and the road he would follow. So, he went to Lierial's chamber and knocked.

"What do you want?" She asks through the door, she was in her most comfertable leather pants with a fencing tunic on, she liked that type of shirt best, it accentuated her and was still loose and comfertable. She was currently cleaning all of her weapons and oiling them. Making sure all of her equipment was taken care of. She had been doing it most of the night.

"Can we talk? He asked, "And inside if you don't mind." He felt a little exposed in the hallway talking through a door. He wondered if the reason she wasn't just opening th door was that she was concerned what would transpire being face to face.

Lyriel sighs and sets down one of her daggers standing and opening the door. "Come on in." She says with a negligent wave of her hand, to let him have entrance into her room. Her weapons were strewn about and so was the oil and cleaning supplies. She was barefoot and her hair was in a loose thong tied back to keep out of her way while she was working.

He found himself watching her move, he found her so enticing. He kept getting distracted as memories flooded back to him. He was loosing his confidence to do this. He swallowed hard, remembering truth was what he needed. "It's about this arranged marriage that the king wants." he started.

"Alright what you're going to say no right? It IS Sloppy Poppy after all." Lyriel says sitting down on the floor again and picking up the dagger she had been working on before he had interrupted her. She wanted to make sure nothing was rusty or dirty, she had been needing to do it since the last time she was kidnapped. She just hoped that her grandfather wouldn't come for her yet again.

"Yes, "he admitted as he picked up her raiper, "Gareth wants the families to meet." He checked the tip very sharp, and Lierial could use it to perfect advantage. "I've had to do a lot of thinking about it." he lied, agonizing over it was more the point. At one time everything assualted him, everyone telling him that he and Lierial couldn't work, the truth about his father and him coming back to life. Lierial was the only constant in my life, his guiding star, and that was one of the reasons why he loved her.

"You're the only one of your family unless you want the eniter Ravenwood family shows up of course." Lyrial says oiling the dagger carefully. She used two different oils one for the wooden handles and one for the metal blades themselves. she didn't understand his obsession with her. She wondered if all men had one or did that to women. Sure for ALtair and Galin it ws true but... She wasn't sure for everyone else.

He moved towards her and knelt down, gently putting his hand on hers. "Lierial, I need to get this all out at one time." He began. "I'll lose my nerve otherwise, so please don't interupt and let me get everything out, ok?" He watched for her answer, Lierial could try a saint patience sometimes and this he felt was to important.

"Very well, I will sit and listen to what you have to say." Lyriel says softly nodding her head once. Taking her hands and the blade from his hands she gently sets the blade down on a clothe set down on the floor, where all her blades were laying. Setting it down she stands and sits in the only chair in the room, forcing Flint to either stand to speak or sit on her bed. Setting her hands demurly in her lap enfolded around each other she sits perfectly still waiting for him to let out whatever it was he needed to get off his own chest.

Flint took a deep breath, he looked deep into Lierial's eyes. "I'm not going to marry Poppy, I don't love her." He started. "And when Gareth asks why I'm going to tell him that I love another." He knew what was coming next and prepared for it. "I don't know if there is anything between us, much as I want there to be." "If Gareth won't accept my answer, then I'm going to leave Baerlon to sort out my options."

"Where will you go? If you leave Barlon?" Lyrial asks surprised, and it showed. That was a very extreme measure to take against an order of the kings. She sits up a bit straighter and leans forward. "But if the king decrees this... You'll have to leave the country, and you've got your business to think of too." She says looking at him with a confused look on her face.

"One direction would be as good as another," Flint conceded the point. "Instead of transferring my business back to me, I figure Elsa & Fael can keep an eye on it with some help." "I hope to not be gone for long, at least until Gareth's anger fades." He watched her face for reaction, hen reached out and touched her face. "I figure that if I have to go, it'll give us time to figure out what's between us," he finished the sentence by kissing her lightly.

"You're giving Elsa and Fael ownership of your companys?" Lyrial asks pulling back away from the kiss. She looked confused and somewhat angry. "And you just expect to leave on your own? With only a little money? Gareth is the King Flint his anger won't go away for a long time!" She says standing suddenly enough that the chair fell over. She felt locked in all of a sudden, like she had been backed into a corner.

"I've thought out a couple of things, I'm going to scout Galin, if I can bring back information I may pay my way out of this," Flint explained. "I'll have enough and set up with Elsa & Fael on how to get more if and when I need it." "This isn't going to be easy, I can't find a better alternative, if you need me for anything Lia's missive spell will find me." He hated to upset her this way but, with all options disappearing, he'd have to take this one.

"Flint if you start snooping around Galin will hear about it! He will hear about it and find you!" Lyrial says stepping directly in front of Flint meeting him at almost eye level even with her standing and him sitting. "Flint... think about this please! You can't just... leave us." Lyrial says looking down at him worriedly, her hands in fists at her sides as she fought the urge to hold each side of his head.

"Us? You and me, Us? Or family us? If I want Gareth to call of this pretentious arraigned marriage, I may need to take a risk," he reasoned. He couldn't lie the idea of facing his father with no one to stand by him was awful. He reached out and placed his hands on her hips. "If I'm going to do this, I might need a hug and a couple wishes of good luck." He knew any chance of being with her again most likely wouldn't happen, but, he couldn't stay away.

"Flint be serious a minute... If you go to your father... You'll never come back! He'll make you tell him about the family... About the house, he'll use you!" Lyrial says finally grabbing Flint's face between both hands. She was very worried about this, it was a serious situation and he didn't seem to think about it properly. "He'll make you believe him and what he does..." Lyrial says softly, sadly and very worriedly.

He placed his hands on hers, and slid them to her elbows. "I have to much to gain to side with him." he responded. "Freedom to choose to pursue what & how I want, without others trying to influence me." He gazed at her silver eyes and pulled her toward him. "I need to find another way to contact the family if spells don't work." he mused. "Before I start scouting, I'll find a secure base of operations, then messages can be left & picked up." He nodded his head, it sounded like a good idea.

"Stop it! Stop it Flint! Don't go! Don't go to him! Don't leave me!" Lyrial says tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of him leaving the family to go with his father. To possibly betray and kill members of her beloved family. She couldn't stand the thought of him possibly becoming swayyed by Galin against her. Leaving her alone and completely outcast from the family. He was babbling nonsense now, as if all they had done together and talked about meant nothing at all to him.

He pulled her into his arms, wiping away her tears. "Lierial, how can I stay if I'm forced to marry someone I don't love?" he asked. "I'd live with regret for the rest of my life." He felt awful making her cry wanted to tell her everything would be ok. "What would you have me do, give me another idea."

"I don't know! I don't have any idea's! I'm not a real Ravenwood!" Lyriel shakes her head more tears spilling down her black cheeks. She didn't want him to go because he understood or she thought he had. But now... He wanted to seek out his father. "I'm not really part of the family." Lyriel says covering her face with her hands. She hated that her family was breaking apart. They were all leaving her behind. Even the younger children no longer called her sister just Lyrial.

Flint grabbed ahold of her hands and pulled them down, "You are a Ravenwood, real breathing, vibrant one!" He softened his tone, "I don't want to go, I fear what we have will slip away while I'm gone." Flint again wiped away her tears, he knew his decision was hurting her, but he had no choice. "Lyriel, I will never leave you. He brought her closer, You and the family are all I have." He kissed her cheek lightly and wrapped his arms about her again, he wanted to ease her suffering.

Lyrial wrapped her arms around his and buried her face into the crook of his shoulder. Moving her legs up into his lap she sits on his legs and wraps her legs around his hips. Still crying and hating herself for being so weak. Hiding her face as best she could while taking comfert in the embrace they were sharing.

He was at a loss, what he was doing made her feel that he'd never come back. But, she had told him time after time that the love they felt would only lead to pain. "Lyriel, would you stay?" he asked her. Temptation got the better of him and he set his head against her neck. He knew that even if he dodged the marriage, the question of him and her, might never find an answer.

"S-stay? where?" Lyrial asks not sure exactly what he was talking about, sniffling she doesn't move her face out of the crook of his neck so her words came out muffled, she also didn't mean to make his shirt wet with her tears but now she was feeling embarressed and was not going to raise her head. Besides that he smelled like nature to her, with just a hint of metal and city.

"If you were being forced into marriage, would you stay?" Her muffled response to the would you stay question almost made him laugh. Now, he had a worse problem, the closeness they now shared was awakening his desire for her. His hands slowly slid from her shoulders down until the rested on her hips. He knew he shouldn't even try to illict a response from her, but, part of him wanted her to prove there was still something between them.

"No... No I wouldn't." Lyrial says with a small shake of her head, still not moving it from his shoulder. Sniffling again, she sighs softly as his hands gently caress her back. Loosening her arms grips from around his chest so she wasn't holding him so hard and in more of a loose hug. She knew his shirt would be wrinkled from her clutching onto it, and would have a strange water mark on his shoulder from her tears.

He knew what he was about to say may upset her but, he hoped they would come to an understanding. "Lyrial, if my leaving must happen, you set the conditions. When I report to you or anyone else, and how close I get to Galin's operation." He hoped giving her a measure of control would keep everyone from being trapped. He slid his left hand lower, and his right back towards her knee.

"That's not even possible Flint. Galin will want you by his side so he can convince you of whatever he wants. He won't let you go so easily that you can run wherever you want. He'll have you watched and followed and kept track of!" Lyrial says pulling away from his neck to look at him. It was like he wasn't actually thinking of what was really going to happen to him. "He'll try to sway you and keep an eye on you." She says trying to look him in the eyes, trying to ignore the fact that her eyes were puffy from crying, she never had to worry about compexion however. Her skin being black sort of made blemishes and everything else a null and void kind of event.

Flint watched her, everything she said had merit. "Ok, then I'll stay away from Galin, but, I'll watch his operation. Maybe turn one of his disciples against him?" Flint mused out loud, he knew staying in Baerlon could be bad if he upset the king. He took the opportunity to turn the tables and buried his face against her neck.

"You... You are absolutely mad in the head..." Lyrial said in exclamation of his so called plans. There was no possible way anything he proposed was possibly ever going to be able to work. She shivered lightly at his face being on her shoulder. She was fully clothed and almost felt indecent, the conversation they were having was very serious and what they were doing didn't match the conversation. It made her think all of a sudden of things Alehial and Altair did together and how close and in love they wer and it scared her.

"Lyrial, I hate telling you I'm leaving cause it upsets you. But, I can't get out of this situation with out one of two things, information on Galin or I'm already married." He knew leaving things down to two options would put him on course to maybe help stop his father. He didn't move his face, if anything he inhaled her smell it made him happy. He could remember hiding in the cave with her, when she'd take her reviere, he'd watch her and find himself wanting to be beside her.

"Well I'm not marrying you! You're so stupid Flint! Going to your father won't solve anything! He'll use you and ruin you and you won't come back... you won't ever come back." Lyrial says Struggling a little against him trying to stand. First she was trying to untangle herself from him, and then she wanted to be alone. She needed to feel nature, she needed to calm down and be surrounded by things living that didn't have the problems she did. She was struggling with herself and Flint was not helping.

"I wasn't saying to get married you doorknob." Flint knew if she got away now he'd never get to get her to understand. "You give me no credit that my devotion to you and the family will keep me loyal?" He softened his tone, "I care so much for you, Lyrial, this isn't going to be easy at all." He waited a second hoping he'd smoothed some of this misunderstanding.

"I am NOT a doorknob!!" She scowls at him, she didn't know what she was supposed to do with him. No one told her what she should do. They kept telling her it wasn't a good idea but follow her heart, Lai kept telling her she was too young, and Alehial just seemed sad all the time. "Why do you make this so hard!?" Lyrial asks Flint praying to any god that would hear her for help. She didn't know what she was supposed to do and she needed guidence. Anything that might help her.

"I make this hard!?, he countered. "All I ever hear from everyone is that loving you is going to do nothing but hurt you." He felt a sharp twist of anger mixed with sorrow and hopelessness. It showed on his face, trying desperatly to find a path & a life that "he" wanted, to be told no at every turn. "I wish I was an elf," he said choking back some emotion, "that way we could be together with out angering, or saddening everyone. Don't worry about me going anywhere now, not until I have a foolproof plan."

"Flint..." Lyrial says putting her hands on either side of his face. She looked upset for making him so upset. Aprehensive about what she was doing, since she was still in his lap she leans forward and kisses his lips softly. She wanted to console him, she wanted to find a way to make it work. But she was a dark elf. A drow and he was only human. She could never have a family with him, it would be to painful. To watch him grow old and love him still. To be at his funeral still young and beautiful, she would never have children for fear of watching them grow old and die as well. It was a doomed situation, what they had between them. But right now his pain was to visible and she was not strong enough to be able to resist trying to make him feel better, more at peace.

With her lips against his, something happend to Flint, his tears started to flow. He hadn't found time or a way to let his anguish and despair out from the loss of his mother and family. And know, letting some of those emotions out, he found he couldn't stop them. He held her tight, feeling like she was a rock keeping him from being swept into a dark and violent sea. "I need you Lyrial, I don't want Gareth to seperate us."

Lyrial nods her head, thinking she had done something to him to make this happen. She felt aweful, she wasn't the only one suffering he too had a evil father who was trying to do very nefarious things to the world. His whole family had been killed and his father had shown up out of the blue. Holding Flint tightly Lyrial could only think to hold him and rub his shoulders lightly to try and sooth him. She knew he would never really get over the death of his mother or siblings. She hurt from knowing her mother was dead and she never knew her. She couldn't imagine how he felt.

He returned the hug, here in her arms is where he felt safe. He knew this, his saddeness, love, and remorse set him apart from his father. He also knew as long as Lyrial loved and cared for him that he could never be lost. There was so much he needed to tell her and should tell her, however he couldn't form the words now. Anything else he wanted to tell her while she soothed him simply escaped as a tired groan.

"I'm here Flint, and I will be as long as you live." Lyrial promises almost in a whisper of a voice, her mouth next to his ear. She didn't want to speak loudly, not when he was grieving for possibly the first time since his family was murdered. All she could promise was that she would live. She did love him but she didn't know if it was true love or a love born of having been raised as family first. Sitting in his lap and holding him close to her small body, arms wrapped around him and rubbing his back soothingly. She just wanted to sooth the terrible ache and pain of the loss he had already suffered.

Flint felt drained of energy, as the tears finished flowing. Lyrial's promise and her tenderness felt like a balm on his wounded heart. It felt good to allow her to comfort him in this time. Guilt kept gnawing at him though, she would be with him until he died, but what then of her. If only there was a way to prolong his life like hers.

Just because he finished crying out tears didn't mean he was done grieving. Lyrial continued to hold him close in a hug and rub his back. She hated what Galin had done to Flint, the boys entire life and even his mothers had been tainted by the things that man, no that beast had done. Of course her own father had done so much more dangerously intimate acts of evil to the family. There just seemed to be no way for either of them to be able to really be proud of anything.

"Lyrial, have you rested today?", he asked. Sleep was pulling at him, but he didn't want to leave her. The thought came to him just for them to just rest near each other, well at least until he nodded off. While he was trapped between wolf/werewolf and man the place that brought him the most peace was beside her. He owed her so much and he wanted to be there for her.

"No... But I usually take it very late, or early as Alehial likes to say." Lyrial says shaking her head negatively. She had an idea of what he might want, after all questions like that in this family did not have so many answers that you didn't know what was coming. Though this one night she thought it might not hurt or either of them to simply lay with each other. When in stress or away from the family she tended to give in to him and his advances, while she was home she ran from him. It was like sanity leaving and then returning again. But right now he was hurting and she didn't want to turn him away. "Let me finish my blades and we'll lay down alright?" She asks softly. Not wanting to leave the care of her weapons too long. After all they were all one had between life and death when not in a city or town and protected.

"Alright." He said with a faint smile. He knew her desire to keep her fighting edge, and shared it. He released her from his grasp so she could finish her weapons. He stood and turned down her bed, with the funny thought that because she was an elf and didn't sleep she still kept a bed. Most elves unless they had lovers of aother race never used beds.

Lyrial oiled and dried her blades and their sheaths before putting them in her armoir and locked it. They would stay there until she geared up again, always locked so the younger children couldn't get to them. Not watching him do the homey smiley she has a bed and getting it ready for bed thing, she simply starteds undressing and pulling on looser cotton pants and a shirt she'd taken the sleeves off of as well of most of the lower half, it almost bared her stomach, but not quite. Just because she was sharing the bed didn't mean she would wear more clothes then she usually did.

He didn't watch her change, he always tried to act like a gentleman. He instead sat on the edge of the bed removing his boots then shirt, he'd keep his breeches on, in case they weren't alone when they woke up. He turned back to see if she was done yet and reminded himself that he always thought she was a stunning beauty. Stifling a yawn he asked, "You ready Lyrial?"

"Just grabbing a book to read while you sleep." Lyrial says softly rummaging through her small private library, deciding on a book of plants and what their names and uses were she pulls it out and walks over. Sitting down she sets the book on the nightstand that was right beside the bed. All the candles had been blown out but for one on her nightstand. That was for Flint's sake really, she didn't need it. She prefured leaving her room dark to see and work on whatever she wished.

When she settled into bed he moved closer but didn't wrap his arms around her, just settled one around her waist. He knew she only needed 4 hours of rest, and didn't want to pin her down. He never could pin down the exact moment he knew that his love for his adopted cousin became more than as family. Lyrial had always been there for him, as a boy and now as a man. But, it was the ease that they interacted, bantered and had so much in common, that made him realize he truly was in love with her.

Lyrial sighed trying to get comfertable laying down. Frowning she sits up and grabs his arms and arranges them so they would be spooning with each other, and he had both arms wrapped around her. She barely if ever actually laid in her bed when she took her reverie. She more often then not simply sat in the comfertable chair in her room. But if they did this right she could stay comfertable, and after her reverie read her book without disturbing Flint's sleep. She didn't understand him, and didn't think she wanted to.

"We could always try this sitting up, Flint said sleepily, You could sit on my lap and then I could wrap my arms around you." He gave her what would be considered a grin had he not already started nodding off. He gave her a squeeze, burying his face into her hair. Sleep was washing him away, he kissed her on the neck, "Goodnight Lyrial, and thank you." He had more to say but, he couldn't keep his eyes open.

Lyriel grins listening to his breathing get deep and come in longer spaces as he fell asleep. Feeling his human heart beating against her back, smiling a little as she listened to him breath and felt his heart. At least this was something no one could take from her. This one moment where not even Flint himself could intrude on her. She was content and happy in a way she'd never been before and it scared her. It scared her but also relaxed her, loosing tense muscle that she hadn't known had become tight when he had shown up. She was tired of being apprehensive about him being aorund but, she enjoyed his company when they weren't fighting.


The next morning when everyone woke for the day, human's, half elve's, elves and dwarves alike, Alehial had bowers make something quick to eat for everyone and was busy figuring out the marching order of who would go on the trip to Sildea. As things were at the moment either she or Altair needed to stay in Bearlen, and the other travel to go pick up the children. Of course at this time Elsa could not go, she was far to pregnant for Alehial to allow, nor would Lai. Convincing her would be the real chore. Seeing as she was only showing a little by now. Arten was deffinetly not going, in her place was Tani, the girl had seemed delighted to help the family in any way she could. Already Alehial had contacted the gaurd and had a platoon set with orders to march out at least two hours before noon, when the caravan arrived that would carry the children back home. Alehial was at the breakfast table, she hadn't been sleeping the best and had been waking up early to do prayers, to both the sun god and the forest gods. Sitting at the breakfast table sipping her tea she was going over everything in her head. Waiting for everyone to rise for the day or at least come down.

Altair was first, his meeting with Gareth would most likely be tense. He was wondering how Flint did talking to Lyrial. He leaned over the chair and her shoulder to kiss Alehial on her cheek. "You were up early." he said. In truth he wasn't suprised, she was up early when they took the kids to Seldea. He wasn't sure who was all going to Seldea, but knew she had a plan.

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep well." Alehial says with a smile looking up at him. "I've decided on almost all of who can not go... I'm leaving it volunteer still... But I can't figure out which of us would be better...." She sighs softly sipping her tea. Her hair was pulled back in a simply single braid this morning and she was wearing her regular pants and shirt, with her belt. she'd left off the weapons because inside the house you didn't just walk about with them on your hip. Still as simply as she was dressed much of her family's blood showed through, while she looked more like her father, she still had the elven grace and softeness around her the Rand simply didn't seem to possess.

In short order the rest of the family migrated down from their rooms, all except Daryyl and Asper. Being nightowls, they'd have went to bed not long ago. Asper was not going of course with her being pregnant, and Daryyl could catch up in an instant. Lyrial came down, followed a few minutes later by Flint. Lilly came down, she'd been practicing with her father so much in the last couple days she almost didn't have time for anything else. And finally came Conner, still stifling a yawn.

Lyrial walked over to Alehial and kisses her cheek softly. "Good morning mother, Your prayers this morning were lovely." She whispers with a small smile, before turnign to Altair. "Morning dad." She says kissing his cheek as well before sitting down smiling brightly as she poured herself a cup of coffee and put cream and suger in it. She was almost completely normal this morning. except she was leaving her long white hair down, loose around her shoulders and back.

Lilly kisses Altairs cheek with a small quick "Mornin' mum and dad." Before kissing Alehial's and taking her seat pouring tea, she moved slowly as if her muscles were sore, which was what happened every morning, of every day she trained with Altair. Or trained by his orders. Still toughening up from the training she was getting almost used to the constant soreness and blisters, though she still applied lotions and oils to take care of herself, her hair was up in an elaborate bun held tight and secure.

Everyone knew that Alehial was planning to leave to get the younger kids from Grandmother Sirrius' the question was who was mother going to ask and who really wanted to go. With Mathius, Cybil and his companions gone they were short warriors. The trip would take several weeks to complete, and almost anything could happen. The entire family waited for Alehial to outline the plan or start asking for volunteers.

"I know you are all expecting me to come up with this great plan, something tight and well planned. But the truth is, I am not telling any of you to go. You can only join this if it is what you want to do. If not don't." Alehial says simply with a small shrug of her shoulders. "Altair, I know the king wants to speak with you today... But if you want to go and gather the children, I will stay behind and take care of things. If not... I'll go and you can stay." Alehial says standing up with a shake of her head. "I need to think more and pray." She says softly, she wanted to give them all time to think about any of this.

"I'm in! I've been working on some traveling songs." Piped up Conner, always willing to try finding adventure and trouble.

"I will also go to retrive my children," Came the response from Fael.

Flint looked at his uncle, "Anything to delay this troll dung marriage talk!"

Daryyl at the end of the table spoke to Asper then added, "Me too...."

"Wait," said Altair apparently coming up with a plan, "Daryyl will delay leaving by a few hours, that way he can bring me to the group after I speak with Gareth." With all the male members of the family willing to go, all that required to happen was those female members that decided to go. Rand could assign blades to watch the house.

"Well you are certainly not leaving me behind! Count me in on the children gathering." Lyriel says nodding her head as she looked around at her family.

Alehial smiles softly. "Altair we cannot both leave the house full of pregnant women with no fighters. We need fighters at home too." Alehial says softly shaking her head. "I will go to the temple and ask Tani to join us in gathering the children so we have a cleric, but I'm afraid Lucas will need to stay behind..." Alehial shakes her head, she was afraid Galen might try again to just pop inside of her home, if neither she or Altair were there then there would only be pregnant women.

Lily waits for Alehial to finish speaking. "I'll stay behind... I can fight and I'll be here for everyone." She says softly, knowing they hadn't really let her fight before, but perhaps they ould trust her this time. Which made a twinge of guilt run through her as she thought that she was only doing this so she could run off.

Altair considered this offer, Lucas would be a handful for Galin to deal with being a holy warrior. And Lilly's skill with the blade was only growing, she could handle underlings as Lucas would cross blades with the leader. Not to mention the amount of magic in the house could seriously make an invader think twice before popping in. Add in at least four or five blades and he felt the house could hold its own for amount of time they'd be gone, besides with Asper here Daryyl would bring Altair home if she was in danger. "Are you sure Lilly, I know that you enjoyed the trip last time?"

"Well mom was right... Everyone wants to go... so we'll need some to stay behind... Since I'm not the most talented and wasn't even used on the road to Sildea last time I might as well stay here. Where I might be of use." Lily says shrugging her shoulders. She had thought about this before hand, and had planned it out logically. "Besides Conner wouldn't want to share a horse with me again I'm sure. and I don't want to ride in the carraige for three weeks." she says scowling at that idea. She genuinely hated being stuffed into those carriages.

"How many Carriages are we taking this time?" Conner asked. Last time there had been 4 with 1 lost along the way. "Especially if dad and Daryyl are gonna do teleporting, then we'll need another 2 horses." Lucas coughed at the end of the table. "B'Tani and I will fly some, so father could use Sunburst some of the time." He offered.

"I would offer my horse but... I don't have one... Sorry." B'tani says looking apologetic at everyone one. She was usually etierh flying or sitting in the open wagon that held supplies so her wings weren't hindered. Even though she told Lucas time and again she didn't mind binding them down, or even using the hole. He always insisted, while thinking about him she slips her hand in his gently. She liked having him nearby.

"Well, if you figure we'll need one person in each carriage regardless and mostly this time we are taking warriors and no passangers, we can rotate the horses, switching out who get's to ride in the carriages with the children." Lyriel says sipping her coffee as she listened to everyone. She was right under Lucas when it came to how much all the children had Learned from Alehial and Altair, it wa almost like a military ranking in the house, and she was beneath Lucas.

"Children you keep talking a bit and enjoy breakfast. Altair and I will talk." Alehial says wlaking towards the back door, stopping before going through she turns and waits for Altair to follow her. This was after all something they both needed to discuss together. And right after the discussion she was going to pray again and commune with nature a little longer then she usually did.

Altair got up and followed her, he figured she wanted to talk logistics of the 3 week there and back trip. The children would of course argue out the riding order & rotation in the carriages. All the children needed the trip, fresh air & chance to use their skills. His attention flitted back to Alehial and last night, it was the closest they'd been lately. "What's on your mind my love?" he asked when they were alone.

"One of us have to stay home Altair." Alehial says still walking through the small woods she had created towards the glen. She touched every tree upon passing them. It was the same kind of touch she used with the children, gentle and a small caress. "We cannot both go, as much as we would like. It leaves the city open to the en... To Galen." She says with a small shake of her head. "We cannot leave Lucas and Lily and three pregnant women alone, and the two 'Greatest Heroes of Andor' simply can't be absent, not when things have changed so drastically in the world." She sighs softly, she was still walking to the glen and had yet to stop. As much as she wanted to look at Altair she really felt an overwhelming need for the peace the glen brought her.

He frowned, and while there was a measure of logic to her arguement, it didn't set well with him. "I'm more concerned if Galin targets you or the caravan with the kids aboard." he told her. He didn't want this to turn into a fight or arguement. He slid his hand into her free hand and considered for a second his response. "The trip there I'll stay here, the return trip Daryyl can bring me to you all." he offered in compromise. It would hopefully solve all problems.

"The house cannot lose either of us for as long as the trip would take..." Alehial says before going quiet thinking of something, turning to look at him she smiles. "But... once I reach Sildea... Darryl can bring you there we can spend a few days together, say to maybe three while everything gets put into the wagons...Then I'll return with Darryl and you can travel with the caravan and our children." She says hoping this would be suitable. she didn't object to using Darryl's powers knowing Darryl himself wouldn't stay away from his pregnant half drow wife for long. That meant intervals where Altair could come visit and vice versa without really leaving the house unprotected. "Darryl can ferry us occasionally between the days to travel together as well." She says out loud what she had been thinking. She started to walk again, still touching the trees as she went, pulling Altair behind her.

He pondered the response to her counter offer. "I suppose that will work, as long as Daryyl has no objections." He wondered how far Alehial was going to have him accompany her. It wasn't often they had the chance to just walk together. "The last trip was enjoyable though, minus the fighting and losing Lyriel & Flint for part of it." He squeezed her hand gently.

Alehial laughs, a happy sound, that was soft and pleasent. Something she hadn't done in days. "that could be said for all of our adventures, they were wonderful minus the death and battles and fighting." She chuckles looking back at him, her green eyes sparkling with mirth. She was happier then she had been in quite a while in this moment. though she still missed her young children, just being alone with Altair in a place that was hers, that she had created, it was what she had needed to lift her spirits. Not letting his hand go she walks backwards the rest on the way into the glen. There were small purple and white flowers low to the ground in the somewhat tall but lush grass. There were some more wildflowers growing around the big rock and the small stream she had made as well. The place had a feel on cententment and happiness, of fresh earth and growing things.

"If the stream was a river, it'd almost remind me of our first time." he said remembering that evening. He suddenly laughed and said, "Without the wood upside my head and that idiot who thought I was going to rape you." Everytime he thought of that night and how amazing the gift they shared with one another, that man was the only dark spot. He moved forward and kissed her, picking up on her good mood and laughing when their lips parted. "You always were the first best thing to ever happen to me you know." he always knew that to be the truth, and never recalled if he told her, but now was the best time to.

"I know... and I know... that you will always be the one I love most... after the children of course." Alehial laughs teasing him. altair would always be her first love, and he was her true love, they were soul mates and nothing would ever be able to change that. Smiling while in his arms she was reminded of all the fun things they had done together, yes dangerous and yes sometimes they didn't seem fun at the time, or were embaressing. But she would never regret marrying this human and starting their family. Briefly Alehial wondered if the Wisdom and Lai both had planned things to happen. Leaning down kissing Altair gently she didn't think they did. "I modeled this after those woods... the grass and flowers are different, but the same trees." She admits in a soft voice. She didn't want him to ask how they were the same trees because it would be silly to tell him she'd gathered their seeds and planted them into the trees they were now.

He gathered her up into his arms, again sharing another kiss. He knew better than to question his lady and the secrets of nature she harbored. It occured to him that they had been missing this, nature and how it affected them. "I can't ever imagine my life before you," he whispered in her ear. He breathed in the smells of nature and his wife, the smell of his life and happiness.

Alehial smiles and holds him close. Comferted beyond what she had been in days as she wallowed in the love this man had for her in this sacred place. She had been offering her prayers here in this glen since she had made it. Though made was a little inappropriete the stream had run beaneath the ground she had only encouraged it to come up, the rocks were all there previously and the trees she'd helped along with their growth. But she knew Tani liked coming out here and Lyrial gave her prayers often from here as well.

He lifted her off the ground almost like carrying her over the threshold, and sat on one of the larger boulders. Placing one arm about her waist and the other under her knee, it was a little forward & he hoped she didn't mind too much. And he watched her, her beautiful and soft skin radiant smile and deep green eyes. He smiled at her before placing kiss after soft kiss along her neckline. Altair sought to absorb some of this life-affirming happiness to sustain him during her abscene.

"We'll be seperated for days not weeks Altair." Alehial giggles, still very sensitive and ticklish despite the years she'd lived. Here in this peaceful place filled with life and dreams and memories, Alehial was happy and not thinking. when she wasn't thinking she was happy. It's when she started thinking of all that had happened and all that ould happen and all that would hppen further on, that is when she wasn't. But right now she thought only of Altair, and of nature and the peace of this moment.

"Never matters." he murmurs, nuzzling her neck. He used to love to make her giggle, it was a light bouncy sound he adored. "A day may as well be a month," he continued. His hand rubbed her leg gently, she took excellent care of her self. They wouldn't have a long time before they both needed to take care of responsibilites before the trip.

"A month indeed, surely you would fly again to be by my side like the fool you are." Alehial snorts shaking her head, running her hands through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp with her fingernails. Like a cat. Grinning at the mental image she giggles softly and kisses his forehead still running her fingers through his hair. She was happy at last, truelly content to be with Altiar. It felt as if it had been months, or weeks, and now now none of that mattered. She was there and he was with her and all was well.

Altair erupted into laughter, "Did you just snort?" His grin from ear to ear. He hugged her closer, knowing she might get annoyed by his pointing that out. "I just realized something, you are leaving me with Lia, Arten, Elsa, & Asper all pregnant! You are going to owe me for this one." he declared teasingly. He loved his family and didn't mind standing guardian over them but, 4 pregnant woman might test the limits of his pateince.

"Well, Lucas is staying behind and Lily, so I'm not leaving you completely, besides Elsa is good at handling her pregnancy and Asper will barely bother you I'm sure, as for your mother you have to make sure she eats but she's not even really showing very much just yet." Alehial scoffs shaking her head, hugging him as an apology though she knew he was teasing. "And don't let it give you any ideas!" She says pulling back and giving him a hard look. She was not going to be getting pregnant for a good while, she had been happy they had twelve certainly but the Wisdom telling her they were going to be all twelve of theirs was a shock.

"I learned long ago not to press you about the children," he assured her, "I'll wait for you to tell me when you want to get pregnant again." He smiled, Alehial had been so shocked hear she would birth twelve children to Altair, besides the adoptive ones. Altair wouldn't lie he loved seeing Alehial with child. Nothing showed more his hope for the future more than his wife with their newborn child.

"Oh no wipe that look off your face!!" Alehial says frowning and pushing both her hands into his face. she hated seeing that Sappy look on his face, it meant he was thinking something sweet and tender... like her pregnant, he almost always wore that look when she was pregnant. "you may not do it verbally Altair but Dammit I am not getting pregnant until our enemies are dead!" She says grumpily still not moving her hands. Sitting on his lap still, she could easily be overwhelmed and yet nothing was serious between them and everything was taken seriously.

"Didn't I say I'd wait for you to advise me when the time was right?" he quizzed her. Continuing his thought with a reassurance, "We'll kill the bad guys then retire to continue our family agreed?" He hoped it would calm her a little. He would not apologize for remembering how happy everyone was when a new family member was born. He groaned inwardly, about the time they'd leave he'd have an audience with his cousin the king.

"You'd better promise me you will live through this... So that... you can keep your word." Alehial says removing her hands and kissing him deeply. wrapping her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist. She wanted a proper goodbye and the kids always teased or poked fun that they still acted like newly weds. Besides he was just darned cute when he looked all confused and puzzled over something she did. It made her want to confuse him all the time.

Altair returned the kiss, carressing her neck with his hands. With her like this, he had to restrain his desire to go further. His supply of cassil root had run out. And since you had to be a bard or wizard to cast magic to prevent pregnancy, he would have to abstain. Knowing this however he slid one hand from her neck to rest upon her bottom.

Alehial snuggles in close to him and continues the kiss, they had gotten the hang of it years ago. She knew he had run out and she didn't carry a wand around like her daughters. So heavy petting and nothing else. It would be fun and disapointing all at the same time. Not to mention they were completely alone now and had privacy, Alehial was sure the trees would understand and that they couldn't really go blind like they often said they would if one more person had sex in the glen. That caused her to giggle and break the kiss. Blind trees. really kissing altair made her go crazy.

Altair used the hand behind her neck to untuck her shirt and rub along her stomach and side. He kissed along her neck then, returned her deep kiss this would hopefully be a precursor to the time either on the road or in Seldea. "I always love and hate this part, but wouldn't trade this for anything." He whispered. A mental checklist formed in his mind and at the top was to buy cassil root. How far Alehial would allow this to continue, he had no idea but would not complain.

Alehial kisses him back her on hands sneaking up underneath his shirt. Not undoing it or pulling it off, just teasing him with her hands under his shirt. She was hoping they'd have time on the road to be alone a little. She beleived th same way Altair did. Though to be out on the road in the open, would be a releif to her. Staying shut up in this city, in society as human's knew it were almost stifling to her. A least elves were one with nature most of the time.

As they break the kiss Altair tugs her shirt up just enough to kiss plant four kisses above her heart then swiftly pulls it back down. He gives her an impish grin, darting his eyes about seeing just how much trouble he got in. An he quickly racked his brain for something to say that Alehial wouldn't protest too much. "Tender kisses over a tender hearted lover." he cooed at her. Looking about he saw a spot that if she was receptive he'd lay her on the grass for more.

"Not as tender as my bleeding hearted husbands." She grins back at him, nuzzling his shoulder, her hands wrapping aorund his chest beneath his shirt. She was enjoying their time alone and uninterupted, it took away at least ten years for her on Altair's face. When they were in the house though or at court he always seemed to be so much older. Out here with her he almost seemed twenty five again. Though the physical appearance couldn't be taken back a certain kind of vibrance of life filled him and seemed to almost rejoivinate him. This time with him was very precious for her.

He took her over to the spot he'd seen and laid her down amongst the flowers and lush grass. He started at her neck moving to her ear then to her lips. All the time he inched her shirt higher touching her stomach, hoping he had the time to please his wife. Everytime they did this together, being playful and loving he felt more alive and powerful. He started tugging the laces of her pants, she probably knew what his plan was and would stop him if she wanted to.

"Altair... can we elope?" Alehial asks softly, against his lips and in between kisses. One hand running through his hair gently, carressing the silken strands, from her efforts he was clean and freshly bathed, unlike a lot of humans Alehial bathed Daily and most of her children did as well. She let him have his fun, besides she would enjoy it too. HEr other hand was relearning the curve of his jaw and the muscles in his neck and shoulders. A soft caress of her fingertips as they traveled ticklishly light over his skin.

Through his smile he managed, "Anytime, anywhere, as long as it's you and me." He continued to touch and carress her skin taking enjoyment in listening to her breathing. Her lowered his kisses taking a path down her chin to neck and lower. Their realtionship had always been full of passion, fighting, loving, even expressions of grief had been strongest when they were together. As he started kissing her lower stomach he curled his fingers around and started to tug the pants lower.

After a good hour at least of reveling in each others bodies and simply being with each other in solitude Alehial pulled out of Altairs arms and grabbed her discarded clothing. "I had better begin packing... I've already sent for the carriages and military men this morning. It was simply up to who would stay home, that was left." She says softly, washing her face and hands in the stream, pulling on all of her clothing. She needed to gear up after packing, she knew her armer would fit perfectly as before, though it was perfectly cared for it made her smile ruefully that she could keep her one set of armer while Altair needed to replace his almost every battle.

"I'll discuss the situation with Daryyl and the others." Altair told her as he did the same. "Then after seeing you off, I'll prepare to go visit with Gareth." He took her hand with a slight squeeze, he knew no one else could hold his heart like Alehial. "I am concerned that he will prove inflexible, but I might suprise him." Altair confided, he had been brushing up lately on ettique & courtly procedures. He'd been reading more when Alehial wasn't around, trying to be more civil and there by stalling out fights before they began.

"I've noticed bookmarks in the ettiquette books and court procedures. Look's like I'm not the only one studying for the human royal court of Andor." Alehial smiles softly, in truth she was very proud of Altair for his accomplishments. "I beleive in you Altair, you'll do all you can, you always did like to fight." She chuckles softly kissing his cheek, just a soft brush of her lips. Adjusting her clothes slightly so she looked a little more normal, and not like she'd just had a semi romp through the woods. She was already preplanning what she was going to pack in her head, it didn't take much thought for her to do a few things at once.

"I think I'll caution you, Conner has been learning his traveling songs at Rand's knee." Altair informed her, "So, I suppose he'll get some nasty looks and a curse or two." Altair knew the boys well, Conner loved to pick some of the worst things to use as song fodder. At the door to the kitchens, ALtair opened the door for her. He planned on telling Conner to not to badger Flint or Lyrial, but it my be a forgone conclusion considering his own link to Flint betrothed Poppy. "I'm trying to figure out who he will fear more, Flint or Lyrial or you?" He told her with a slight smile.

"It had better be me." Alehial says with a soft scowl on her face. Rands travel songs were nothing but horrors. If her son did not improve them then he was in for a talking to. His instruments were also going to be confiscated. She hoped he would leave Lyriel alone, she was known to break his toys when he got out of hand. Though she often helped him with work on songs and dances and lyrics she was also rather unforgiving. Glad to be on the road soon but not looking forward to the bickering she sighs as they walked through the kitchen. Taking the steps up to their room.

Only a short time later the wagons and soldiers arrive at the estate, the rest of the escort would be waiting just outside the city. In short order the equipment was packed and the horses made ready. Fael and Elsa spent almost the entire time discussing the twins & saying goodbye. Altair voiced his concern that the little ones; Xeph, Caitlin, Aiden, Kylar, Alura and possibly Sirrian if hey could pry him away from Flint should be magiced home. He knew it would make the mothers who could not travel less nervous.

Alehial oversaw the packing and the arrival of the carriages. She was already fully armered and weaponed, she looked very much so in charge as she always tried to be. Alehial agreed the much younger children should be brought home magically. Sirrian was another story, it was all depending on how he took seeing everyone again. Which Alehial almost knew already. She oversaw her children saying goodbye and disscussing their own children. Altair at her side and Lyrial on the other. "Alright one last check and then we head out!" Alehial calls out.

"I should be goin with 'em," grumbled Arten coming out to see everyone off, Lia not far behind with Elsa and Asper. "Shouldn't have gotten yourself pregnant then!" chidded Lia. Altair shot Alehial a look which spoke he was thinking of changing his mind. As the trio bickered and said farewell, Daryyl came to see Asper. "If you need me, for anything call ok?" he half advised and half implored her. Not to be outdone, Fael pulled his mask low and kissed and held his wife before mounting his horse.

"Nonesense Aunt Arten. We are needed here, and the babies will be coming through the teleportation spells..." Elsa says smiling as she watched her man mount the horse with ease. She gently rubbed her budding, rounding belly. "And Grandma Lai... don't worry, I'll be here to help dad." She smiles at her family that was pregnant until she looked back over at the family packed and begining to mount their horses.

Asper sighed, her hands resting on her own bulging stomach. She only had three or four more months until her baby would be born. She was simply looking up at Darryl, "If I need anything... I will. Stop worrying so much." She says looking up at him. She was wearing something loose that Darryl had picked up for her. It was a lilac color, and was a color very similar to her own skin, Her hair a bold relief and tan like flesh. She was only down the stairs because Darryl didn't want to leave her. she had to show him she was fine.

"You'll be fine and Darryl will ferry you over a few times. I need you home with the ladies. If anything should happen, especially to Asper, after all she was pregnant after Lai and is due relatively soon. I'll contact you soon. I love you and take care." She smiles comfertingly at him, walking over to the horse she saddles up quickly with practiced ease. Leaning down with a grin on her face she kisses him. "Try to comfort them Altair... I know you are amazing with pregnant women." She smiles and carreses his face.

Altair returns her kiss & carreses before telling her, "I'll leave you to send Daryyl for me ok?" He hoped that wouldn't be very long into the trip, as he had made several mental notes about picking up cassil root among his discussion plans for Gareth. He also figured that several other of the men leaving would want to swap places to see their wives for a couple hours to a day or so. Alehial would most likely have a perfect plan for Fael, Daryyl, & Lucas to come and go. Flint was he guessed the lucky one, Lyrial was only a couple feet away if they had talked which he earnestly hoped they had.

Conner came over to Lilly, give her a tight hug, "Guess since I have no wife and you no husband." He laughed for a second then turned serious, "You sure you don't want to go? I'll swap you places a couple times that way you can stretch your legs and maybe that sword arm?" He knew that Lilly had been feeling lonely since everyother woman in the house was involved with a man or a family member. And minus the fight that they had the first trip, he wanted this to be a true olive branch.

Flint looked over towards Lyrial on horseback, last night ran through his mind again. He had agreed that he wouldn't leave her, but the nagging thought if Gareth didn't budge what would he do. Plans kept whirling about in his head, could he get close enough to Galin to do something. His problem was everytime now he would bring it up, Lyrial would grow upset. Perhaps he could find time to finalize a plan on the trip, find every twist & turn so that the end result would let them decide their own future.

"I understand but we need to leave now. The trip there will be short enough, we are traveling very light, but the trip back will be longer. And we need to begin to get back." Alehial says sitting up on her horse. Looking over everyone she nudges her horse into a walk and heads to the front gate. The children would catch up. She knew that. She would see Altair again later, She just hoped that the women would all be okay without everyone here. She knew Bowers would do what he could and Altair could do a lot, but it would be hard.

Lily hugs Conner back and smiles up at him when she pulls back. "It's okay, besides if I stay home I might get to see more action then if I went this round." Lily smiles stepping back from him a little, grinning her usual confident grin, the same one he had. "I promise I'll be fine! Don't worry about me alright?" She smiles before punching him in the arm.

Lyrial looks over the caravan and grins, going on this trip with a large group made her happier then she had been since the last time. Besides going adventuring b yourself was never as much fun as in a group of people you trusted. She only spared a glance at Flint. She didn't like the seriousness on his face so she looked away. Wolf was coming, and it seemed like Alpha was tagging along too. The two wolves seemed to have really hit it off. Lyrial wondered if they would meet Percy, After all Alehial's wolf now lived with grandmother Sirrus.

As the caravan rolled out of the estates gate enroute to the main gate, Altair turned around and returned to the house. There were still a couple more court rulings he need to look at before his meeting. Lucas put his hand upon Lilly's shoulder, "You really think you might see more action here than with them?" Bailey Stoneshield snorted behind him, "Let them come here looking for trouble, with our magics they suren won't be leaving!" Lia simply rolled her eyes then started back in the house, she stopped long enough to invite Elsa and Asper to have tea with her.

Elsa smiles brightly at her grandmother. "I would love to have tea!" She says trying not to feel angsty or forlorn about Feal leaving her behind. Oh she knew she shouldn't be traveling but it didn't make her missing him any more bearable. The thing that did console her is the spells she could use to atch over them. Of course she'd be using those tomorrow. After all he needed some space.

Asper sighs and rolls her eyes. "I hate unsweetened tea...and Darryl told me I'm no longer allowed coffee. So no thank you." She says politely, even though the tone she used wasn't very polite, more whiney then anything. She was getting sick of being pregnant, she had passed the nine month mark only a few weeks ago, she was still resentful of Darryl for that. She just wanted to go back to their room and lay down or sit down and take the heavy weight off of her feet. Now that Darryl wouldn't be around to do her running and fetching, she was resolved to do it herself. She'd be damned if she let herself be pampered by servants.

Lily looks up at Lucas and grins. "Well... There's four pregnant females in the house and one's a dwarf and two are wizards... A different kind of action maybe." She grins, she was having a hard time keeping her cool and kept fidgeting. Though she was in her dress, she wondered if Altair would let her wear her pants all the time now or not. After all Alehial was gone... and she was the one who really enforced the rules. "Besides your wife and you haven't said goodbye yet." She says pointing to the helf celestial woman standing between the pregnant women and himself.

Tani had stayed behind because they simply rode slow enough she could catch up to them easily enough without any trouble. Besides she wanted more time with Lucas before they seperated. They hadn't before and she was a little nervous about it. She was after all a princess of the church, and a Noble lady, rouching it and roughing it alone were two seperate things. "I can wait my turn with patience Lily." Tani says in her soft lilting voice. It was true she had been quiet and watching the intereactions of everyone closely.

Altair poked his head outside the door, he had been listening and grinned when he said, "Lilly, I want you back in the training circle and archery range to continue training." Lucas looked back then smiled to Lilly, "You should get a move on and change into pants." He than went over to Tani, bringing her close, sleeping without her would be different now, but, he hoped she'd have fun getting close to the family. "I love you 'princess' with all my heart." he teased with the name Malkierian church goers called her. The area between her wings ran from soft feathers to skin, and he couldn't help but rub his fingers around that spot.

Lily grins and runs into the house pausing only a moment to give her father a kiss on the cheek before taking the stairs two at a time rather easily, heaidng up to her room and suiting up. She had passed the other women on her way up already.

"Don't call me that 'My Lord'" She teases back, leaning into the gentle touch, she was very sensitive there and only Lucas knew that. She had never told anyone, it made her leaning into his body and she wrapped her arouns around his chest under his arms. She still disliked being almost idolized by the Malkirien church and it was even worse now because the Andorian church was also treating her similar to royalty. For no reason other then her wings, it was something she strongly disliked, though the teasing from Lucas she could handle. She didn't mind him calling her a princess in the least.

Asper walks up to Altair and raises an eyebrow. "Don't you have something to do other then loiter around and spy on your children old man?" She asks with a rather smug look on her face. She had after all denied having tea with the other pregnant women because that was rediculous and there was no way she was hanging around Arten and her foul temper.

Altair smiled looking at Asper, "Just good to see the peace they found in each other. I have somethings to discuss with you before Jacob returns." He then turned and headed upstairs to first change then to review the law & court books. Lucas stared into Tani's eyes, "I hope that Orissa won't give you a hard time on the way back." His little sister had been rather stand-offish when Tani came home with him. Lucas wanted them to be friends, especially since Tani had no brothers or sisters.

"What now or later?" Asper asks following up the stairs, going a bit slower then him, she hated stairs recently. that and she realized how much she had begun to depend on Darryl for everything and that made her unhappy to the point she actually felt grumpy about it. She had been completely self suffiecient before and all of a sudden now she was getting winded from this?

Tani smiles at Lucas, "I'm sure she will sort out her feelings soon enough... Your mother told me that girls at that age latch on to the male they like the best or that others like and are determined to marry them. She told me some embaressing stories about your sisters that I won't repeat to prove the point." Tani giggles covering her mouth with her hand. It was rude but she couldn't help but remember and it was very funny.

Altair looked at Asper following him, now was as good a time as any. "Meet me in the study please Asper," he requested as he headed in to change. He guessed if he was going to start making the pregnant women angry may as well start with Asper. As he opened his wardrobe, he picked out a linen tunic and matching brown surcoat and breeches and finishing it with his better leather boots. Wearing all this made him feel silly, but if it might help Flint then, what the hell. He then entered the study, knowing he was going to have to handle Asper very carefully.

Outside, Lucas still held onto Tani except he was intermitently brushing her cheek with either his hand or lips. "Altair said that on the trip, they'd have Daryyl switch Fael and myself for a day," he continued, "That way Elsa can see him, and I can see you." He froze for a second as if a heavy thought suddenly crashed upon him. "Tani, are you happy with me? I've drawn you into a war that isn't yours," he started to apologize for the awful things he thought might happen down this road. If Tani was every hurt he'd never forgive himself.

"What are you talking about Lucas? I love you more then life itself. Pelor blessed me when he sent me to find you." Tani says smiling at him with a gentle look on her face. Caressing his cheek with her hand gently. "I'm a big girl Lucas, and with the help of Palor and yourself, I've become a stronger more skillful one as well." She assures him, unfolding her wings to partially enfold him in a cuccoon of the almost unatural warmth she radiated.

Asper had made her way into the study and was sitting on Alehial's favorite couch, with two pillows behind her back. Though she was sitting rigidly straight, it was clear she was uncomfertable though weather it was because of the baby she was holding or because she was in the study it wasn't exactly clear. She was sitting and waiting her hands completely still on top of her belly. Though she made a face every now and then, obvious the baby inside was moving around.

Engulfed in Tani's wings and the warmth they created Lucas kissed her deeply. "You are the blessing and when this is over and you agree I want us to start our family," he confided in her. "Unless, all the pregnant women in this house have scared you away from bearing a child?" Lucas was serious he hoped she wanted to start a family with him. Since he grew into the adulthood he hadn't been truly happy, living with ghosts of his family, until the night Tani blessed him.

As soon as he entered the study, Altair could see Asper's discomfort, and set to making her a little more comfortable. Once that was done, he grabbed a hand written book from the shelf and brought it to her. "Alehial wrote this awhile ago, its some excercises she did while pregnant and other helpful tips. With everything going on I apologize no one got it to you sooner." He grimaced, that was the easy part now would come the harder part of their discussion. "Jake's father is here in Andor," he was blunt about it, Daryyl had told him long ago Asper didn't like being coddled, "In prison. The question I'm posing to you is do we tell Jake?"

Asper looked up at Altair, after having taken the book though she still hadn't learned how to read properly, she would use the glasses she had to read it later in private. Maybe even try it to see if it would help. She simply looked up at Altair, her face wasn't surprised, she did look thoughtful however. "I am not Jake. But... I have never told Jake anything other then the truth... That he was a hard man, who was hard on his mother and myself. I told him his father left before he was born and has never been heard of before." Asper says struggling up until she was on her feet, she hated being so awekwardly pregnant, especially when her life had once depended on her being light and quick on her feet.

Tani stops a moment startled by Lucas' suggestion. "I thought... you had wanted to wait Lucas... Until Galin was... I mean until the infraction was over." Tani says putting both hands on the sides of his face. She was searching his eyes and his face. "Do you want that? Really want that? If you want a child... and Palor blesses our union together, then it would be my greatest pleasure to birth you a child, but it should not be a descision based on seeing others and wanting what they have." She cautions gently.

"I do want to wait my love," Lucas smiled, "With Galin this family will need warriors and healers in no short supply." "And the decision has nothing to do with anyone but us. I wish to see you holding our beautiful child, while I thank Pelor for the both of you." Lucas rubbed her forearms back to her elbows. His smile was warm thinking back to their wedding night, and how everything fell into place.

"Asper, you have been looking after Jake longer than Alehial and I," Altair began, "While we thought to allow you and Daryyl to start your family by making him our ward. We value you opinion, and in this case I feel you know best. Will anything good come of Jake meeting his father?" He stopped her long enought to put a small bottle in her hand. "I have a friend who found this, it's sweet like sugar but, shouldn't make you sick. Just a couple drops in tea should suffice." He smiled at her, Daryyl was happy with Asper and sometimes she showed that she had some of the same feelings for the young psion.

"Lucas... You're not making any sense... You just said yes to the child and no." Tani grins and shakes her head, sometimes her husband was such a very silly man. Folding her wings around him completely and pulling him close into a hug with her hands on the back of his neck. "I will abide by your descisions, if you want to have a child... Then we shall." she says rubbing her forehead against his. She would have him no other way.

Asper looks at the bottle and then looks back up at Altair, her face carefully blank of all emotions. "I don't think Jake has ever been interested in the man. Honestly I didn't know he was still alive. I just assumed he was dead, like all adventurers who don't become hero's." Asper says walking to the door, stopping after she had opened it with her hand on the doorknob. "I may have raised him alone. But you are parents, not I. If you want to introduce Jake to a woman and child beater then by all means do so." Then she turned and walked out closing the door behind her softly. It was the closet to an opinion she'd given on the dealing with Jake issue. She always scolded him if he was doing wrong but since he was such a good child she really didn't need to do anything.

"I'm happy that you want to start a family like I do, but we'll need to consider waiting until our extended family is truly safe." Explained Lucas, he sometimes sounded contridictory. "I shouldn't keep you here much longer it'll take you longer to catch up." He smiled broadly when she hid them inside he wings, he remembered hiding inside bushes with the other children in the gardens. He gazed at Tani and knew she should go, but couldn't release her from this embrace.

After Asper left, Altair sat at the desk and pulled his books near and started reading. If he had any hope of helping Flint laid inside these books, he just had to find it. As far as Jake's father went, perhaps it would be best for all that the man never knew his son or Asper where here. As he was skimming the pages, he couldn't help but think about the circumstances of life. His brother, at one time he looked up to Galin wanted to be like his older brother until that role model murdered their father. "Well, hell! I could just simply kill him, declare it avenging my father." It'd never work though, everyone knew he considered the avenging his father finished long ago.

A soft chuckle filled the room, Asper walked back in. "I came back to grab something but that was amusing. Why not kill him and say you were doing it to prevent another war? After all the man has been evil since the begining and his fourth death would leave no one to truelly mourn his death." She offers her suggestion as she walked back over to the book shelf. Pulling out a few books she pulls out the papers he had 'hidden' behind them. After replacing the books and putting the papers inside another book she turned and grinned at Altair. "Everyone knows you are far more viscous then your wife after all." She smiles, and it was a smile that was made from living on the streets. Tough and ruthless and unmerciless, it was a smile she was careful once coming here to keep to herself.

Tani laughs and kisses Lucas quickly before pulling her wings back carefully. Tucking them behind her back with ease. "Then my love, you should let go so I can see your family safely to Sildea, after all I didn't get to go the first time, we stayed behind to watch the house." She smiles brightly, she'd always wanted to see the home of the Elves. Having met
Alehial and Lai and Sirrus, Teran-gail too for that matter. She wondered what it would be like to be surrounded by elves and to see their buildings and culter all around her. She loved seeing new things and learning.

Lucas chuckled pulled her close for another kiss, then released her. "May Pelor bless your travel with sunshine and favorable winds." He knew she'd laugh at his blessing, but he'd still placed it upon her. "I do hope though that Orissa will be more approachable, because honestly, I'm thinking of suggesting that her and Samantha be the first baby's godmothers." Lucas had been thinking of a way to get the two of most many important women in his life to get along.

Altair frowned, Asper was right he had been known as viscious and aggressive. He had given over to that when he was held in Illian as a gladiator, the only thing that kept him from completely falling to that was Elsa. If he killed Galin would that stop his disciples? And if others knew then what would happen to his family? No, he wouldn't become a killer, even if his motives were pure, he'd just become as bad as Galin.

Tani laughs and strokes the side of his face gently. "Let us wait until the child is conceived and perhaps your sisters will change their opinion on their own. May Palor's blessings shine on this household while your wife is away." She blesses him back, smiling brightly at him she gives him a quick kiss and hug before stepping back several feet so she could take off. Bending her knees she stretches her wings out before prepping for launch with a few trial flaps of her wings. Blowing a kiss to him she spreads her wings and lifts off. Hoping there was little dust to throw up she quickly gains height and finds an updraft of warm air to carry her up further into the air.

Asper groans and rolls her eyes. "Alright Alehial, enough of the innocent act. The Good Lord Duke Ravenwood would never commit murder." Asper says in a sickly sweet tone of voice batting her eyelashes and clasping her hands together near her face. "If I wasn't pregnant I would kill him for you." She says picking up the book she had grabbed and heading to the door again. Shaking her head at the foolishness of morals and a place of power in a kingdom.

Versus an enemy like Galin, if you stooped too far you might never come back. Every move would now be planned, everything had to go perfectly or all would be lost. Altair knew that he would need more than visciousness and more than will to win this conflict. He would have to watch his brother and strike in such a way that his family would remain safe. His eyes narrowed on the chess board on the low table between the couches, he'd have to outplay his brother and Alehial's uncle.

"Just remember Altair, not all efforts are in vain and you must lose some things to gain them again. Some things that are lost... that you might think are lost forever, or that you've never had." Asper says softly rubbing the bulging belly hidden by her gown. "You can get back... or renew." She says softly not looking up at him. Shaking her head she walks through the door and closes it softly, even silencing the click of the door closing. she makes her way burdened by the small body she carried with her, walking just a touch awekwardly. she made her way up the steps planning on heading all the way up to her room.

He wondered sometimes if Asper sometimes tried to put forward that she didn't need anyone, when in truth she needed them despretly. Alehial was against the two of them from the minute she laid eyes on the half-drow, until Daryyl himself pleaded his case, and love for Asper. All the kids deserved the chance for happiness, more so for Daryyl and how he came into their care. He revisited that day again in his mind for a few more minutes then packed up and prepared to leave. Families, kids and love, those things that fighting until the last breath was truly the only reason to do what he did.

"Asper, dear," Lia called out to her, "coming for tea?" The elven 'enchantress' (Conner used to call her that when the were alone) called. She missed Conner bitterly, she had for years secretly mourned her lover and husband while caring for his son. And when he had been brought back to her, she knew joy and now having birthed him two and soon to be a third child she had all she wanted. Alas, not everything worked so well, and Conner returned to the land of the dead to wait for her. So, she'd care for this glorious complex and loving family in her own ways.

"I'm not a dear and I'd rather read alone." Asper says softly in reply, she hadn't gone more then one flight up. She was already just a touch out of breath. She now remembered why she liked staying upstairs. Too much physical effort always made the baby move and fuss inside of her and it was already starting. She'd be damned however if someone or anyone offered her help or assistance and pitied her in any way. She was going to miss the pampering though, and she suddenly didn't know how she could have let herself get so carried away with Darryl pampering her.

Lai caught up to her easily, "If you change your mind, I was also going to offer to help you with your discomfort.." She had lived many years already and knew better than to force help on Asper. But, the headstrong woman was Daryyl's wife and Lai would do what she could for her. Elsa had been rather receptive to the plans Altair had given her from his teacher. The young lord learned how to use his hands to eliviate pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.

"I am not in any discomfort, misstress Lai. I don't like tea, I like coffee but the wisdom said no and Alehial's cut me off. No alcohol, no coffee, so sugar... I hate this house." Asper says before gasping and holding her ribs. "Gods above child I will beat you black and blue if you break something in there! and I fucking mean it!" Asper says pounding her fist aginst the railing and wincing. Her hand immediatly began to ache, the child was still pushing against her ribs and now tears were gathering in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with her all of a sudden. "Dammit! Dammit!" She whispers harshly blinking fast to keep herself from crying. She was glad her back was to Lai, she didn't want the elf to see her like this. To see her so weak.

Lai knew the baby was pushing hard against Asper, her own children had done the same to her and she learned a trick or two. She placed her hands on Asper and with a little persuasion got the baby to move away from that spot. "Asper, I wish you would understand all I want to do is help you." Lai sighed, the headstrong young woman would probably never give the family a chance, due to her life before Darryl. "My offer is always open Asper or not if you prefer." Lai wouldn't force her to accept help, Elsa & Arten would use theses new tricks to lessen any discomfort from their pregnancies.

Asper sniffles just a little, tried to compose herself some and turned around to face the elf woman before her. "Look... No offense but my mother died a long time ago. I don't need a new one. I certainly don't need a replacement either. Jake needs someone and I gave him to the family for that reason." Asper says calming her breathing, trying not to get upset at all. She had come thinking since everyone had been adventurers they might understand but, instead they tried to mother her or conform her into 'domestic' life. She didn't want domestic life at all. They just didn't seem to understand that.

"I never said I wished to be or replace your mother," Lai informed her, "No one here wants that." Lai looked at her with all sincerity and truth when she spoke, "You expect everyone to have an angle for helping and when they don't you seem confused." Lai didn't want to upset her, but Asper needed to know that this family wasn't the enemy. "Give us a chance to be a family, we only want whats best, whatever you and Darryl decide that is." Lai smiled at her to reassure her, again invited her upstairs to try some of the new ideas for handling pregnacy.

"You say such pretty things and fool everyone around you elf. Everyone has an angle. Everyone uses everyone else. Don't think I'm fooled as everyone else is, this family... so perfect. Ignoring the flaws that created you all. That exsist around you. I am no fool and I wish to be alone." Asper says turning once again and gripping the railing makes her way up the steps again. Hoping the elf would not follow her again, to try and pursuade her. She was the same as any other Asper had ever met in her life. They all lied and they all wanted something, something she didn't have. They would punish her soon enough for that. Everyone eventually hurt her, she had learned that lesson the hard way.

Lai sighed, how could she be so mistrustful of everyone? It seemed to her that only Darryl was immune to this worldly view of hers. But, dismayed as she was she'd again not force Asper to participate. She turned her attention as Altair came to the landing to leave for his meeting. "I think your wife would be proud, dressed for court and comfortable at the same time."

He could see the disappointment in her face even though her tone was bright, and he saw Asper top the stairs. "Tried to reach out and she wasn't interested right? Well, hopefully she'll come around & thanks for the compliment."

"Oh father, you're going to court?" Elsa asks walking down the stairs, she had a thoughtful look on her face. "What's wrong with Asper?" she asks after a few moments of thought. She simply couldn't really figure it out. That woman was stranger then Darryl even, or Feal and herself. " As long as your going out extend an invitation to the Queen and Princess to join us for tea soon." Elsa says before smiling and kissing her fathers cheek. "You look dashing father." She smiles before making her way down the stairs to the sunroom/sitting room. The real sitting room was still the scrying room after all.

"I will but, somehow I think with everything going on they may be busy." He also thought depending on how the meeting went the Royal family might distance itself from House Ravenwood. He then headed downstairs and out for his meeting, Lia and the rest would keep the house in line until he returned. He looked quizzically at a crow sitting on the wall, thought that it was watching him. He dimissed it, the bird was probably waiting to see if Lilly had anything to eat at the training circle.

Lily was practicing her sword drills in the courtyard alone. Fully geared up, her armor and boots her sheaths and even a light travel pack on. It had been the drill Alehial had said she needed to do every day if she wanted to be serious about this. Since Her mother had given the order it would be upheld by the entire household. Lily knew she'd get in trouble if she didn't. She did however have her actual travel pack filled and in the supply shed. She'd hid it there the night before during all the chaos of getting the waons and everyone leaving.

The afternoon was still warm & bright and she could still hear the sounds of people traveling up and down the road outside the estate. Everyone was pleased with how far she had come in her ability for swordplay. The crow lighted down on a bench nearby and watched her intently. Gerard was glad those infernal wolves were gone, he was unable to get near Lily while they were around. He didn't change form just sat there and watched her movements, she was an amazing beauty and as long as the plan held up he'd be a very happy man.

Lily who wasn't paying nearly as much attention around her as she should have been, didn't even notice Gerard land on the bench, nor did she notice as he stayed in his crow form and watched her excersize. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail high in the back of her head, and it bounced with each thrust and spun around her with each reverse parry. She was already sweating from the sun and the heat of the day. So intent on going through the steps without missing a step or letting her form drop. Lily was a stickler for doing things as they should be done. She was an all or nothing kind of girl, so she was concentrating solely on her training at the moment.

Gerard continued to watch intently as Lily worked, he wasn't so sure if she'd seen actual battle experience. He kept watching and making mental notes. He would speak to her and gauge how much more time until she would leave with him. If he felt at all guilty for persuading her to run away with him, no one would know it. Finally, he had waited long enough after just a few more minutes he opened up with a caw, not figuring how focused she was or that she might jump.

Lily hearing the caw turns and flings a dagger in the direction of the none human voice. Her aim with a dagger wasn't neccesarily the best but it wasn't bad. After being so focused on her drills the knife seemed to have just flown from her hand, after only a glance in the direction she'd taken aim and let her blade simply fly. While she hadn't fought very often she had a few battles with orcs, and she fought enough with the soldiers during their training classes, as well as her own family. She was more then fully battle ready. she only lacked the actual experience of battling.

Luckily for Gerard he had was hopping about when he cawed, so the dagger sailed to the spot he had been in. He tilted his head, regarding her differently, did she know what he was planning? The druid thought it must be impossible, he never let anyone but Rolizo in on his plans. Her back had been turned, so that could explain the quick maneuver. His feathers ruffled and he gave her another caw.

Having turned to follow the throw her mouth open in a very surprised o of astonishment she dropped her other weapons and hurried forward, jumping over the fence to reach the bench. "Gerard! Did I hit you?! I'm so sorry! I wasn't even paying attention! I should have been paying attention around me but I wasn't and I just threw it on reaction like I was trained to do, I had no idea it was even you! I wasn't expecting you hy are you here? Omigosh are you hurt anywhere?!?!" Lily asks all in a rush. She hadn't even paused for breath between all the questions. She saw the dagger in the bench and quickly pulled it out and resheathed it in the small of her back. It wasn't where it had started out but she wasn't as good putting her blades back fast and easily without accidently ripping clothe or cutting skin. So for now it would have to do.

He looked around quickly and once he figured out they were alone changed back to his human form. "I'm just glad I was in motion." he managed to smile at her, "I'm almost willing to bet you'll be protecting me more than me protecting you." He reached out and touched her face, moving a sweat lock of hair behind her ear. Her skin was so smooth and unblemished, her green eyes looking for acceptance and love. Maybe that's why she was so quick to agree in going with him. "I watched the others leave, just you, Lucas, and Altair here?"

"Oh no of course not... Asper is here and Grandma Lai and Aunt Arten and Elsa. Not to mention Uncle Rand will be sending at least ten Blades here to cover the house and all the pregnant women." Lily pauses a moment to giggle. "And of course Uncle Taren-Gail is next door, So really the place isn't as empty as everyone thinks it is not to mention there will be extra patrolment coming and going more frequently. But Gerard why are you here now? It's still dangerous for you to be here... If Lucas comes out right now and he finds you... We'll be in a lot of trouble!" Lily says speaking a mile a minute as always, now assured he wasn't hurt she leaned forward and hugged him tightly. she missed him a lot, and she suddenly wished she looked better for him. In a dress and her hair done properly with maybe a little makeup. But it was to late for that now, she was the way she was and he was here and that for her was enough.

"Well, the pregnant ladies wouldn't be coming out." he reminded her. He returned the hug and kissed her cheek gently. Anyone and everyone would find her an exotic woman even covered in sweat. He knew better than to underestimate the Ranger or Palidan, but the blades were a glorified watch he could avoid them constantly. "I've missed you terribly my love," he looked her in the eyes, "I had to see you, I have been so lost without you." His eyes adored her, he needed Lily so bad and he got what he wanted. "Have you missed me, Lily?"

"Or course! I've been waiting so patiently! I decided to get really serious about my training for the day you would come. The Blades are better then the watch but only just. Mother says they should just hire adventurers and have done with it." Lily says before leaning forward and kissing Gerard on the lips. Hugging him tightly with her arms still, she didn't want him to just rush off and leave her again. They rarely had any time together! Her green eyes sparkled with love and excitement for him being there with her right this moment.

"Well, I'm here now, when do you want to go on our adventure my love?" he asked. If they waited until the house was almost empty then there would be less to worry about. "You are all I dream about Lily," he confided in her. He again looked toward the house, making sure nobody was watching them. When he could get her to commit to their leaving he'd have to make arrangements to head for Illian, then on to Valusia.

"Soon... It would be best after the children came back... Amongst the confussion and the reuniting I could slip away into town and meet you somewhere. then we could be off and they wouldn't be any wiser nor for a little while at least... Unless you think I should go before hand..." Lily says thinking about it. Her cheeks gaining a soft pink color as she blushed at him professing he dreamt of her. Usually when Conner said such things it meant something entirely different. Not in a good sense at all, flattering but not good, in any case. Looking down demurely she was rather embaressed at being so pleased about all this.

"I'd leave it to you, you'd know best when to slip away for us to leave." In truth 2 to 3 weeks would be best, so he could make arrangements. "Very well my love, I'll make arrangements in 3 weeks we'll set sail to adventure and wedded bliss." he whispered in her ear. "Until then you could sneak out to see me?" He knew the idea might be a bad one, but a friend of his good with a charcoal was going to sketch her.

"yes of course... no one will think it odd if I leave for only a little while. Not today though... Father went to court today and well the ladies will be scrying on and off today." Lily said thoughtfully, speaking slowly and deliberatly taking the time to think it through. "Perhaps in two or three days I might be able to manage it without suspiscion." She says smiling, brightly at him while still holding onto him. She loved the intamacy of how he treated her. Like a person like someone special. It was one of the reasons she loved him. He was normal and he treated her normally, and she loved it very much.

He mockingly frowned, "Two or three days? I thought you've been practicing all of your ranger skills." Gerard knew sometimes to push just enough to keep Lily close to him. He let the frown vanish quickly, keeping her happy and in love was all he needed. "I have a friend who I want to make a sketch of you, so I can send it ahead so my family can see the beauty I'm bringing from across the sea." He squeezed her in his arms, "However if I have to keep waiting, I might keep it until shortly before we leave. Since I'll still have to wait to see you so much."

"Well... Perhaps for a few hours I can maybe slip away..."Lily says frowning looking up at the house. Thinking of what she migh be able to say to get away. "Alright... but where do we meet? and when?" Lily says looking up at Gerrd gain, a smile on her face her eyes sparkling now with mischeif and love. The blush still on ehr cheeks lightly. She almost didn't want him to leave at all. She wished she could say in his arms all the time.

He smiled again, knowing she'd do exactly as he requested of her. "The market, Sami-el the artist, as soon as you can be ready. Then I'll show you where I'm staying, as long as you promise not to tell anyone." Hard to believe he was asking this of her, harder still to believe she was going to do it. "Will you wear something amazing? Although to be truly amazing.." he let the sentence trail off, just to make her blush.

Lily blushed bright red, her eyes going down to stare hard at his chest again. "I can wear one of my Elven gowns... everyone says I look almost just like Mother when I wear it..." Lily says softly laying her cheek against his chest and inhaling his scent making her smile. "Where in the Market will I find you?" She asks softly looking back up at him with a small smile on her face. If she used the right excuse she wouldn't even need an escort... she'd have to think carefully and maybe run an errand to grab things for Elsa but it was doable.

"Perfect, but I think you'll be more beautiful," he whispered to her. When she looked back up he knew there was no turning back. "I'll find you, a brilliant gem amongst common stones." One of his greatest joys was flattering Lilly, how she blushed, her chest swell with desire for more loving words. His hand gently slid down to her thigh and gave a gentle squeeze. It had been so hard being near her so long without taking liberties, but soon everything would pay off.

Lily did keep blushing but she smiled brightly up at Gerard this time, not so much embaressed and pleased. "Then I'll make sure I sparkle as bright as I can... Just for you." She says softly, her voice laced thick with love and adoration of him. He was exactly the man she had always imagined herself with. Older and smarter, with patience and was the perfect gentlemen who didn't mind her want or need to become a Ranger like her father. she was already planning on taking a bath and doing her hair up, not to much or everyone would get suspicious. Thinking quickly she thought up a good excuse, a plan perhaps good enough to take the carriage and then be dropped off at the market and not have an escort too.

"Then I shall let you get ready, and wait with fervent anticipation." He squeezed her once more than released her. "But, if I stay, you'll never be ready." He gently rubbed her cheek, then transformed back into his crow form and flew off. The winds lifted him aloft and he watched the estate grow smaller and smaller. His trips to Andor would soon pan out, even better than he could have hoped.

Lily sighed softly watching him fly up and away from her. Grinning she picked up her weapons and put them away, after making sure the arena was clear she headed into the house. She needed to bathe and get ready quickly as well as speak to grandmother Lai about leaving. She didn't think she would be gone overlong, a few hours at most. So what she had in mind was almost perfect for what she had spoken of with Gerard. She only hoped she could pull it off without getting caught. Perhaps she could get aunt Arten... no that would be a bad idea. Walking inside the house she hangs up her weapons belt and lets her hair down from the pony tail she prefurred keeping it in. In only an hour she was bathed and ready to go. Having picked up a peice of paper in her room before leaving she quickly went back downstairs and to the sunroom where most of the pregnant women in the house were.

Arten, Lia and Elsa were all chatting about how quiet the house was. "I still don't understand why I couldn't go!" Arten complained. Everyone knew that her prgnacny would be the hardest. Lia sighed and shook her head, first she dealt with Asper and now Arten. With the sound of Lilly coming downstairs she saw a glimmer of positive energy into the house.

"Oh Aunt Arten be reasonable! None of us have ever had experience with a dwarven pregnancy before if something went wrong... Well none of us would know how to take care fo you properly." Elsa said sipping on her tea, this was always a sore topic with Arten and she was being stubburn as usual. She did notice when Lai perked up a little and she hoped it was Lucas or Lily come to join them.

Lily knocks on the door before opening it, smiling at the ladies inside. "Hi Aunt Arten, Grandma, sis." She says brightly, hoping no one asked immedeitly why she was wearing makeup and had her hair up and in her best dress on. She had an excuse but she wanted to actually lie as little as possible if she could help it. Stepping inside the room she closed the door behind her and sat down in a vaccent seat smiling at them all.

"Why you all guessied up for?" quiered Arten. It was no mystery that Arten hated dressing up. Actually, she avoided it as much as possible.

"Arten, don't pry so much, she'll tell us." Lia looked at Lily and smiled. "Done with training for the day? Its nice to have you come to visit this small group of mother to be's." In truth Lia was curious about Lily being so dressed up but, knew the young woman would fill everyone in as far as details. She handed Elsa her tea and offered Lily some as well.

Lily sighs and thanks Lai for the tea. "Well... yes I did finish for the day... That's when I got a message from some of my friends from court, they want me to join them in the market place. They were wondering if they could see my best dress and if they could get something modeled from it... I promised they could make some sketches." Lily says softly sipping the tea, concentrating on putting sugar and cream in her tea. Hoping without the eye contact and the facial expressions she might get away with it. "Here's the letter." She says handing the paper over to Lai.

"Lily... you don't have to show off like that. That's irresponsible and not exactly what mom and Dad have been trying to teach you all these years." Elsa says shaking his head and sighing stirring sugar into her own tea cup. She wasn't really paying attention, to Lily's face, she smiled as she put cream in and missed her husband.

Lia causally looked at the paper, "It's not showing off or irresponsible Elsa, if they want to try a new fashion it should be encouraged, blending of human and elven elements." Lia handed the paper back, "I think it'll be fine, however except for Lucas there isn't anyone to go with you." The limited number of non-pregnant people in the house was unnerving. "Will you be able to go by yourself? Althought I want you back in less thamn 2 hours or I'll start scrying for you." Lia intended for this to be non-negotiable deal, and she had a lot of experience with non-negotiable.

"But Grandmother... I was thinking I could pick up some things for you while I was in the market. You know since there isn't really enough people to escort all of you to the market to pick it up yourselves." Lily smiles softly, trying to keep the negotiation open just a hint, she didn't want to rush or push it or it would fail. After all Lai had a long time dealing with her parents so she would have to do this carefully. "I know Elsa needs a few spell components she always uses up, if you make me a list I'll be sure to pick them up. Just give me another hour or two to make sure I have everything... If you give me a list." Lily smiles sipping her tea, trying her best to seem only helpful and with the best interest of them all. "I'll still be armed with at least three daggers too." She added for them.

"Well... I do need more spell components..." Elsa says frowning a little paying more attention to what was at hand. She hated being scolded even as small a thing as it was. "Perhaps we could send one of the household security gaurds with her... Surely nothing will happen to us the day our warriors left home?" Elsa adds as an idea. Not realising it might be the perfect time for an ambush of some kind. She was still rather naive in the regards of war.

"Bah, call for our resident psion, that way after seeing Lily about he can deal with his wife." Arten scowled at Lia and Elsa. The house gets pregnant and all common sense goes out the door. She was certain that anyone going to attack Lily would make short work of a guard.

"Setle down Arten," Lia cautioned. Keeping everything under control was paramount now that only a few people were home. "2 hours and you need to be home with everything on Elsa's list." She told her with finality in her voice. Elsa's spell components were needed, especially if they were invaded. Lily except for the Gerard situation, was completely dependable. "Be careful and be back before your father," She cautioned and let the matter drop.

"Yes grandmother. And Aunt Arten Asper isn't all that bad... She just kinda hates most of us." Lily says smiling brightly. "I promise I'll be back in about two hours and I'll do my best to return on time and with everything Elsa asks for. I mean it won't be hard at all for me to do this job and thanks Grandmother Lai for letting me go out. I love you all very much and I'll see you later alright? I'm gonna go finish getting ready while Elsa get's her list together for me!" Lily says talking a mile a minute now that she had succeeded and she was very excited about going. She loved the market anyways really, so her excitement shouldn't be overly suspicious. Rushing out of the room to get ready.

Elsa sighs and pulls the inkwell pen and paper closer to her she began writing down what she needed. "Do you really think this will be such a problem? She's been behaving well and we haven't seen or heard of Gerard for several weeks now." Elsa asks the other women, she was still writing eve nas she spoke. She didn't want to dissapoint Lily by taking up too much time for her. Besides Lily was only really excited about a few things, she'd been somewhat strange the last few days too.

Arten mused for a minute, "Perhaps in going out she'll work off some of her league a minute talking." She went back to contimplating her teacup before Lia could scold her. Both women loved the children with all their heart, but sometimes the children worried them. Arten, knew that her baby would have loving and great cousins and that comforted her. As it was, Lily was Arten's biggest concern. She was young and pretty, but yearned for attention that sometimes she didn't recieve.

Lia watched Arten, the stodgey dwarf was as hard as diamond, but could be warm and comforting as velvet. "Lily is young and is given to excitment, just like her elder sister." She commented watching Elsa busily scribbling her list out. Her greatest wish for Lily was that she found someone before Gerard decided to try coming back to see her. And for everyone else knew if Altair ever came face to face with the druid again, Gerard would die.

Elsa looks up with a frown. "Are you speaking of me Grandmother?" She asks with a slight frown and a hard look. "Besides I promised Feal that after this child, we would take a break. And Aunt Arten... that's simply ho Lily is... She gets excited and doesn't really have very many things that let her get rid of that energy." Elsa says finishing her list and sanding it dry. Sitting straight again she sighs rubbing the side of her belly a little on the side. Checking over the list she nods her head.

Lai looks at Elsa with a look that begged the younger woman to debate the fact she could be exciteable. "I just hope that your children have an excellent nanny, one part Elsa and the other cat-like curiosity of Fael." She watched Elsa rub her stomach, "Is the baby moving much?" Never would Lia admit it she had been sad lately, she was dealing with her pregnancy without her mate. And try as she might there was no solace in her books or in this house.

"He just doesn't like me cramping him." Elsa chuckles softly. "He likes pushing... This is after all the side Feal is normally beside me on." Elsa says softly looking down at her stomach with a fond look on her face. She didn't like that everyone made fun of her so much but she couldn't blame anyone for doing so. Suddenly everyone was speaking but not about Lily anymore. The conversation had changed to the babies now. Elsa knew Lai must be going through a very hard time, not only pregnant but with twins and her husband was dead.

Bowers entered the room and waited to be acknowledged by one of the woman. As always he waited with patience that belayed his years, just as his father had taught him. And in this house, serving this family there was always a time to practice his lessons. Although considering the situation at the front door, patience might be about to go out the window.

"Yes Bowers? Was there something you needed?" Elsa asks looking up from her stomach to look at the double doors Bowers had come through. Altair and Alehial had taught all the children, that servants were there to serve but you never made their job harder then neccessary. If they were there then you paid attention, if they spoke you listened. You respected them doing their job to take care of you. As such Elsa as one of the older children, was quick to pay attention to the servants. She was worried though Bowers usually didn't look so... Tense to be noticed, as if there was something he was waiting for.

"We, have a," Bowers paused, "mulititude of visitors." "In truth, the blades have arrived as well as Master Juddean with Poppy, a messanger from the Guild and a Master Brightaxe." he finally managed a breath and waited.

Lai blinked twice as her mind reeled, "Um, send the blades around to the training circle and advise Lucas." Arten began shifting in her chair attempting to press herself through the back to escape. "Master Juddean and Poppy show them to the study and stay with them." she instructed. "I'll speak with the messanger forthwith, and the Master Brightaxe." she trailed off looking at Arten.

"I'll not see him!," Arten bellowed. "You tell the bearded goblin kissing-hind qaurters of a hippogriff to dig himself a hole to the center of the planet." She started to get up, still muttering. "I'll be in my room and if anyone tells him where I am, I'll....I'll....." she stamped from the room and up the stairs. Leaving both women blinking in her wake.

"I am at a loss as for that one Grandmother... I can keep Poppy and her father suitable company however... In mothers stead while you deal with the rest. After all you are now the head female in this house..." Elsa grins at the still beautiful Elven woman sitting across from her. The smile letting her know she did not envy the position at all. "Please have some tea put on for Poppy, as for lord Juddean we shall have to see." Elsa says getting to her feet carefully. Once stable and on her feet she checks her gown and unwrinkles it just a bit before smiling at her Grandmother.

"Master Juddean, Lai corrected, Do not give him an honor he has never earned." Lai considered how to deal with the rest, getting the messenger out of the house was first on the list. "Bowers when we leave the room please have a maid show Master Brightaxe in here and offer him food and drink." "Elsa, make sure you give Lily your list, she doesn't need to be held up." She composed herself then exited the room well after Bowers left. Passing Master Brightaxe and the maid, "Master Brightaxe I beg pardon for asking you to wait, but I'll speak with you as soon as I handle the messenger. Is that acceptable?"

The dwarf looked at her with some amazement, "Why that'll do fine I reckon."

Elsa giggles before heading out as well. Smiling at the dwarf. "Hello Master Brightaxe! Lily!" Elsa calls softly after curtseying just slightly for the dwarf. She needed to give her little sister the letter so she could go upstairs and keep their guests company until either her father or Lai could take over and conclude whatever business it was that Juddean wished for.

Lily walked in then a small bag ready at her shoulder and already dressed and prepared to go out. "Have you got the list? Oh good! I don't want to be late for the girls so, thank you for this. See you later sis I love you!" Lily says hugging Elsa and taking the paper out of her hands. Kissing Elsa's cheek quickly and giving her belly a rub before she was to the door and out, there and gone like a hurricane. Just as quick really, the fast talking, quick movements and then the way she was gone.

Elsa blinks a few times and shakes her head. "Alright bye Lily love you too..." She says to the door closing, before she turns and begins her way up the stairs. Knocking on the study door to announce she was there before walking inside. "Master Juddean, Poppy how good of you to come. Can I get you anything to drink?" She smiles brightly walking inside the study.

"Where is Flint?" Master Juddean wasted no time in asking. He was a squat unpleasant little man. Only ever interested in what he or his faily could use. And the way he looked about the study was like a poorman just entered the king's treasure vault. "We were told to start him and Poppy seeing each other."

Poppy started as soon as her father last spoke, "Or at least where are his quarters, so that I may see in what fashion I may live." In contrast to her father, Poppy was taller and fuller of figure but leered about the study much like some nobles at court. "And what do you think the stipend I'd have to decorate my new home?" Poppy looked forward to what she'd precieved would be a fantastic opportunity. "So, what can you tell me about his interests, and for that matter where he is?"

"Well I can see there is much you both wish to talk about. Please have seats. Make yourselves at ease. Shall I have coffee sent up for you Master Juddean? Tea Poppy? I hear you quite favor elven." Elsa says smiling brightly pulling the servant bell pull, before walking over to a seat that had three cushions on it. It was wide and deep, it was something Alehial picked up and was always stocked with cushions for any member of the family who was pregnant and needed use of the study. "Now where shall we start exactly?" She smiles pleasenly at them both.

"Where is your father and no I don't want anything." Talis Juddean questioned, " Or Lady Alehial or even Lady Lai?" His eyes continued to rove the book shelves. He eyes were drawn to the desk and sheaf of papers left on top.

"Where is Flint?" Poppy again questioned, "I was to understand I'd see him." The entire Juddean clan most have picked up the same annoying tone from Talis. "I hope he doesn't plan on having as may children as Alehial, cause I really don't think it will happen." She sounded more like making demands of someone who wasn't present to tell her no. "And if he left with the others perhaps I can join him using that magics you Ravenwoods hoard."

"We hoard nothing Poppy. Oh we Ravenwoods firmly beleive in life... but a dozen may be to hard for you to be able to manage... Perhaps only eight or nine might do though." Elsa said actually looking thoughtfully at Poppy looking her up and down as if seriously considering such things. "I'm afraid my mother and cousin are on their way to Sildea. As most of our magic users are with them we are conserving our spells. The safety of the children is paramount to our own lives I'm afraid. As for father Talis, he had an audience with the king. My mother is with the group traveling to Sildea. Grandmother is indisposed at the moment. I thought I would keep you company until she has finished with her business and can come to speak with you Talis." Elsa says smiling gently at Talis and Poppy. She wanted to really strangle them both now, how on earth could Lily ever stand that little girl.

"Why weren't we informed? I would have sent along a representative since the Ravenwoods are the only trading family to deal with the elves." Talis was working himself up. "I also find it hard to believe that Altair would stay away from his wife for that amount of time. How does he intend to join them, my Poppy could go the same way." Talis didn't ask if this would happen, he was demanding again.

"I'm sorry Master Talis, you seem to be confusing my mother for some soft willed lady as often frequents the courts. My family are going to retreive our children. We informed no one because it is not anyone elses business what Family does when visiting family. As I have said before Poppy going would be useless. There is no reason for her to travel and weary herself out in the dirt and mud and accompanied by the soldiers who are with them." Elsa says calmly smiling brightly when a servent came in with tea. Thanking the woman before preparing herself a cup, sitting back in the chair more comfertably, now ith the tea she was prepared to deal with them both. Something she hated but would do for the family.

Shortly after the maid left, Elsa could sigh an easy breath. Lai entered the room and after a slight apology for the chaos, and a reassuring smile to Elsa she sits behind the desk. "So, bring me up to speed on this visit." Lai encouraged. Master Talis wasted no time in rehashing he complaints and even veiling them in Poppy's concerns. During his rantings, Lai watched him, smiled and shook her head. After he fell silent she turned her attention to Elsa, "Dear one, you did explain the situation to them, that they are only going to get the younger children and Poppy would have to camp just like everyone else and of course keep watch?" The look on Poppy's face was one of horror and disgust.

"Oh I also told them that there were regular military soldiers traveling with them grandmother. Master Talis quite insists that Poppy should be traveling with them however. Of course we couldn't let her go without protection, I was about to suggest a complete overhaul of her woredrobe, britches, tunics, armer and weapons too of course, magical items and I'm sure Master Talis would spare no expense seeing at the frequency of Bandit and orc attacks that happen on the way down." Elsa says feighning complete concern over poppy and the cost of the outfits ticking off the items on her fingers and then reticking fingers when she ran out. She knew the shear expense of all of that for a month long trip would make Talis unhappy. "they seem to think it is some sort of business trip as well, Grandmother. Some sort of political move to send Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren to see their family from another land when visiting is so severly limited." She said before sipping her tea and resting her feet up on a stool. She was calm and composed and even softly smiling now that Lai had come into the room.

Sitting behind the oak desk Lai lamented the fact she was about to use two spells, that energy could be used later in an emergency. "Poppy please stand up over there a second, I want to give you and your father an understanding why we aren't willing to send you to the convoy." Poppy looked at hr father then, stood smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress and stood where Lai indicated. Once in place Elsa could hear her grandmother start casting an illusion spell and immediatly the air before Poppy is filled with the bulk of an Orc. Of course having tangled with orcs so many times he is a perfect specimen, and Poppy shrieks and backs away.

"What is the meaning of this?" screams Talis, jumping to his feet. He gathers up Poppy who is shaking and looking fearfully at the orc before her.

"Calm yourselves!" Lai snaps, "This illusion can not hurt you. He is however what Poppy would see on the road." With a wave of her hand the illusion shimmer and its furs disappeared to show what was beneath. "And I assure you it would not hesitate to use it 'Orchood' on your daughter, over and over for hours on end." Lai wasn't smiling, she knew this may be the only way to get them to back down. "Rape by orc isn't pretty because it would be him and his friends, and his chief to gain favor. And after they would finish Poppy would most likly be pregnant." With the casting of another illusion spell a half-orc appeared, looking like a cross between Poppy and the Orc ilusion still standing naked. Elsa knew this spell was more advanced for it looked at Poppy and opened its mouth, "Mamma?"

Poppy began to cry, "I don't want to go, I don't care what happens, I don't want that ugly thing touching me!" She clutched to her father pleading for him not to send her. Talis was angry, Lai did this to prove a point and now that Poppy lost her nerve he couldn't do anything. "This isn't over." he said to Lai as they left.

"Grandmother... Is everything alright?" Elsa asks softly getting up and standing at the side of the desk nearest Lai but not so close as to be in her personal space. She hadn't thought her grnadmother would be so blunt and forcefull with the two. Though Elsa had a far lesser opinion of Poppy and her father now, elsa had met several half orcs who were plenty nice, and one had saved her mother before, she had read that part however.

Lai dismissed both illusions with a wave of her hand & looked at Elsa, "I'm fine sweetheart, if I let them continue this line of demands it would go on until your father returned." She didn't finish the sentence letting Elsa's mind run rampant. Altair was well known for his short tempers and Poppy & Talis would be no match for him. "Its for their own good, now if you will excuse me I think I'm going to have a soak to relieve my tensions." Her eyes said that had fate not been cruel she'd have gone to find Conner to help her.

Elsa sighs softly. "Let me at least give you my salts, and my lavender incense." Elsa says softly, worried about her grandmother, she was taking the second death of Conner hard and she was pregnant as well for another two years then. Elsa wished there was somthing else she could do for her teacher and grandmother. Lai had of course taken Elsa in among the first since she had come to the family.

"Its not nessacery Elsa," Lai got up. She headed into her chambers and looked around. Conner left so much behind when he left her again. As she disrobed she looked amongst the things she could not bear to be parted with. She reached out and took up one of Conner's shirts and she slid into it. The fabric against her skin evoked just as many memories as his scent on it. She remembered when they first shared a touch and a kiss then each others passions, and a tear slid from beneath her eyelids. She knew that Lyrial might face the same situation, but couldn't fault how much better Lai's was for loving Conner. She was too wrapped up in those thoughts and tears to hear Elsa enter.

"I can't imagine how much it hurts Lai..." Elsa says softly, she couldn't bear to leave her grandmother alone, not right now. She had brought her incense anyways, and upon thinking about it sage as well. She knew the lavender would sooth the body and the sage would ease the headaches Lai must have had. She had been keeping her greif bottled up for some time. She was also a little teary eyed just from seeing her grandmother like this. She wanted to throttle Poppy and Talis for so disturbing one of the most important people in her life.

Lai realized her state of undress and with one had pulled the shirt closed, "I didn't hear you come in Elsa." She also quickly wiped her eyes, there was no reason for Elsa to see her like this. "I apperciate the incense although you should make sure that you have it for yourself." The elf knew she must look ridiculous, standing nude, except for her husbands shirt which extended down past her knees, and crying before Elsa came into the room. She thought quickly, "I was just looking through some of his things and trying to decide what to do with some of..." she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

"I have plenty if I should need any, I always have several sticks prepared at anytime I might need them. No... you don't have to say it, and you don't have to hide it either Grandmother. I love you and if you want peace I'll let you have it." Elsa says softly shaking her head, she didn't need her grandmother to be the strong woman she was when she was a child. She still had Alehial for that. But she was all grown up now with a family of her own, she didn't need them to be strong, she was strong. Setting the things she brought down on the table in the room Elsa smiles sadly at her grandmother. "Lily will miss him a lot too. She was always bugging him to train her, so she could be just like dad." Elsa says softly.

Lai shook her head, she knew that Conner's death affected them all differently, but profoundly none the less. She hugged Elsa close and kissed her cheeks. "How did I ever get a granddaughter like you?" She teased. "Go and brief your father, he should be home soon." Once Elsa left, she removed the shirt and put it back. She then used her magic to fill the tub and lit the incense, she needed to take care of herself and the babies.


Lily wandered around the market place, she'd been there only a few moments now. But she was getting some attention drawn to her, after all she had half her hair up and curled, the other hand down straight and silkenly smooth. Wearing her best elven dress that was a little low cut in the front but nothing shameless, the fact that it was elven and not daily elven wear was enough to draw glances and whispered conversation about her. She hoped Gerard would find her soon.

Not far off he watched her, gods the looks she got from passing men and a woman or two as well. Desire welled up inside him, perhaps after the sketch he'd take advantage of the situation. He left his perch and quickly caught up with her. Once he found a quiet spot to approach her, "I said to look beautiful, not to make the gods jealous." Close up, she was even more alluring, he let his mind wander what lay beneath the dress.

Lily blushes softly making her look innocent and sweet even as her body filled out the dress proportionatly. "I just don't have the practice of it yet, give me some time and I'll be able to be as beautiful as the goddess's themselves." she says back before bursting into giggles. She didn't know how he could say such things with a straight face because she could not. She knew she was pretty, hard not to know when it's rammed into your skull by the entire family. Even though she had brown hair and tan skin, it was still smooth with no flaw's and her hair was taken care of and shined in the sunlight.

Gerard took a second to look up either side of the avenue, it was packed with vendor tables outside shops and shoppers milling about. He leaned down and slid his lips over hers, and was glad he took the time to clean up and shave as well as change clothes. "Are you ready for your portrait, my love?" he knew the sketch would drive those at home into a frenzy. "How long do I have the pleasure of your company?" he asked hoping it would be enough time to keep the plan on track. He then started guiding Lily down a small tree lined to the artist's home. When another fantastic idea that would only make this situation even better. "Lilly, would you consider a second sketch just for me?"

Lily looked around at her surroundings she wasn't quite familiar with the area but she knew it. She knew the entire city at least from the maps of streets she was pretty much forced to study by her grandfather. "I only really have two hours... I hope it's enough time... and why two sketches? I have to do some shopping for my sister too, though that shouldn't take to long since I know the one shop that has just about everything I'll need to get for her really. Now why are there going to be two sketches... different poses or something?" She asks curiously, wondering what he was up to with wanting two, and what he meant by just for him, wasn't the first one just for him? While she was glowing with happyness from the kiss and the tender words and gentle touch he had for her, she was wondering about that second sketch he spoke of now.

"How would you feel about one in a little less clothing, just for me?" he asked her, gently stroking her cheek. "This artist, she is very skilled and very professional. And since I still have to wait for the time to be right, I'd have a beautiful piece of art to remind how happy we'll make each other." His other hand carresed the small of her back, Gerard knew this was a risk but, he just had to know before the left how she looked. He brushed his lips against Lily's, not wanting to muss the color she had applied to them. "If your not sure though wait until you meet Kufta."

He turned her and walked down the tre lined street, the homes were simple and quaint. More than half way down they turned to a beautifully carved door with a nature motif, Gerard knocked anda minute later a middle aged woman opened the door. She wore her dark hair loosely tied, and had deep brown eyes. She was wearing a apron stained with a multitude of paint colors almost a piece of art itself. "Welcome, Master Gerard and Mistress Lily?" she quizzed. When they shook their heads, she quickly ushered them inside. "Can I offer you something to drink?" she asked, her tone wasn't Andorian, possibly more Thurian in nature.

"Oh no thank you, it was very kind of you to offer refreshments though and I really do appreciate them. You have a lovely house! please just call me Lily miss Kufta was it? I'm a little nervous about this... I've only sat for painting with the family and all." Lily pauses a moment catching her breath and blushing softly. "I'm very excited about all this though and Gerard really wants this done so I thought I'd give it a shot though I'm not very certain about the other thing he's asking for, but you being a woman if very much so a releif to me right now miss Kufta I'll tell you, it wasn't easy doing up my hair right, and I thought about it while I was getting ready too, do you think I look alright for a sketch or painting?" Lily asks and talks and tells as they are ushered inside. She actually didn't sound nervous at all, it was the way she normally talked, excited and all at once, asking any question that popped into her head in the moment that she was speaking. She was glowingly happy however, standing there holding Gerards hand standing in this womans house she had never met before.

Kufta smiled, she enjoyed when her subjects were excited to be drawn, painted, or sketched. Thank you, I keep my house modest, and Lily, I'm glad to have you here. You are stunning for my sketches, from your hair to the beautiful color on your lips and cheeks. As far as your posing nude for me, I'd be honored to do the sketch, but only if you are comfortable. She took Lily by the hand and led her to the spot already set for her.

A Divan was set in a well lit corner along with a few other items to use along the backdrop. She set Lily into place and began to pose her, "I want you very natural, I find a woman is most beautiful when she isn't worried how she looks." She placed Lily into a comfortable posture and placed her hands before asking Lily if she was comfortable. She also continued to compliment Lily, "You have beautiful skin, you must take excellent care of yourself." She also pressed Lily's skirt up her legs towards her lap to show her legs but, stop when the Ravenwood woman started showing discomfort.

Gerard gasped, Kufta had a tendency to put models at ease and her attentions were not lost on Lily. He looked at Lily and looked at her, she was as beautiful as a woman her age could be. "Perfection." he commented a little too loudly, Kufta heard him and Lily must have too. Kufta smiled at Lily, "I believe, Master Gerard loves what he has sen of your body. After I finish this sketch, perhaps we may find a balance between you being completely nude and this?" She smiled at Lily to reassure her, and hopefully would secure her agreement.

Lily blushed more and kept herself still, she was actually sitting in the divan much like she did in her fathers office. "Do you mind if I lay just little more? I usually lay on my side a little, I can show you if you don't like it then you can move me back I promise! I don't want to be a nusance or anything, it's just we have a divan at home and I promise I'll stay completely still! I don't know how I'm going to do a nude um... I've never done it before so I'm not sure what it'll be like or anything. You're very sweet though! I mean you're very kind and I feel perfectly comfertable... you know there's a slit in my dress too, if you want to use that, You don't have to be overly cautious cause I'm a woman and you are too... um maybe Gerard wouldn't mind if for the other sketch he wasn't present I might be able to do it..." Lily says softly her blush a bright pink color, she was waiting for a reply which she knew might take a few minutes while everyone digested all the things she had said.

With a smile and a nod Kufta allowed Lily to decide the major pose, using a mirror to let her see what the artist saw. "If you don't mind Lily", She began, "I'll move you just a little bit." Kufta's hand slid along Lily's leg baring almost to mid thigh, she was using the slit in the dress to make Lily look even more attractive. By the time she was done Lily understood what the sketch would look like. "Now when we do the nude, It will be the same pose, just with your hands hiding some areas or just allowing a peek of you. "I also agreein two cases, Master Gerard will step outside for your second sketch, and I will disrobe so you'll not feel alone in your state of undress." she finished with a smile.

"this is great! Very comfertable and I think it'll work out just fine! Thank you so much for understanding and letting me stay in this position miss Kufta. I really do appreciate it very much, you don't have to disrobe if you don't like to... It's just I am only ever nude while bathing in the common bathhouse with my sisters and sister in laws. You know how it is with almost six girls in the family there is only so much room in our own house bathrooms, sometimes it's just easier so I can be naked there's no problem with that. I'm sorry Gerard about not letting you stay it's just... Well... I want to save it... Um... For later." Lily blushes brightly at the last thing she spoke up. Staying where she was which was actually very comfertable for her, she blushed brightly making her cheeks almost a rose red color and she nervously tightened and loosesn her hands. Kufta had brought the dress up to the point it was almost showing the hidden sheath where Lily had one of her silver throwing daggers. Thankfully it was still hidden and out of sight, other then to the trained eye.

Kufta began to sketch Lily, all the while talking to the young noble as if the had known each other for years. "Please keep your hands loose, fingers pointed." was the only chiding she used, her subject was true to her word about not moving. In short time she showed Lily and Gerard the finished product. "Excellent and breath taking," was his adulations for the piece of artwork. She turned to see the nobles opinion, before preparing to ask Gerard to leave.

Lily hoped it looked good she was sort of worried whether or not she looked any good. Of course she beleived Gerard and yet he seemed to always praise her in some form or fashion, which she loved about him of course but she wanted to see for herself if it was really good or not. Getting up she stretches first before walking over to the two. Leaning up she gives Gerard a kiss on the cheek and a soft smile. She smiled at Kufta as well. "May I see please?"

Kufta shook her head and allowed Lily to see, the picture was one of Kuftas best. And in truth, she worried that drawing Lily would be a masterpiece, and was excited to draw her nude. Gerard, hugged Lily and kissed her neck, he hopped she was not so nervous anymore. After letting Lily see the picture Kufta asked, "Are you ready for the second sketch?" She moved to get Lily a glass of water. She returned and handed the cool water to Lily, "I can get you some wine if you prefer."

"Oh no I'll have to stay with water I'm afraid! If I drank wine my entire family would jump down my throat! If mother found out or even Asper I'd be in sooo much trouble! They wouldn't let me live after that! So water is just fine thank you! it's delicious too... very refreshing, Um so I suppose you have to leave now Gerard... So I can do another sketch." Lily smiles over at Gerard giving him a coy look peeking at him through her thick eyelashes. It was a very innocent and cute yet alluring movement. She did like the drawing of her a lot though it seemed like she was showing a lot of leg in the sketch, she supposed it was okay since it was only for Gerard anyways.

Gerard gave her a mocking hurt look, "Very well, perhaps I shall go buy you something pretty." He bowed and left thereafter, leaving the women alone in Kufta's comfortable house. Almost immediatley, Kufta locked the door and checked all of the windows. She returned to Lily and asked, "Are you sure no wine to mellow your mood?" She then began making preparations for the next sketch.

"Um I would like to but I really can't... See my sisters and grandmother really don't know I'm getting sketches done in the first place so... I can't drink anything with alcohol in it... Besides my family is very strict about alcohol... It's been banned from the house you see... There are um four pregnant women in the house and some of them like alcohol a lot. So to keep things fair no one is allowed to have wine or mead of any kind. Um... so will this sketch um... it won't be dirty will it? I mean my brothers have some dirty pictures and I know I bathe with other women but some of the sketches are downright lewd." Lily says just talking amiably while Kufta ran around getting things prepared. She wasn't completely at ease but she didn't feel threatened at all at least.

"Here is what we will do, my friend." Kufta began, as she satrted to remove her clothes, she was the same height as Lily but, not as well trained as her body showed. "I will assume the same pose I place you in, if you don't like it we'll try again until we find one you like." She had used this tactic with a great many other female models, if they felt the artist in the same pose was ok, then they were more apt to assume the pose. She watched Lily to see if the young lady was about to follow suit. It ammused her to think what laid underneath the nobles dress, she figured Lily would be breath taking with or without garmets.

"Well... Alright that sounds very reasonable to me... Thank you miss Kufta for dealing with me... I know I'm probably being really difficult right now so I apologize it's just with this being for Gerard and all ahaha just a little nervous of him seeing everything even if it's just a sketch you know? You know you really are very pretty too. I'm glad it would kind of bother me if it was like a sixty year old woman was doing this with me." Lily giggles softly, the way she spoke and acted most of the time implied she was a bubbleheaded young woman, it was the way she watched everything with her eyes that told otherwise that she might be something else. Pulling the gown off carefully she reveals not only a slim figure but toned as well. She was wearing peach colored underthings, it accented her skin tone which took after her fathers family of being tan rather then the elegant paleness of the elves. That was conner. Lily had an eight pack, her stomach had no fat, her breasts were on the small size but they were well proportioned as well. Her butt was firm and round and her thighs thick with muscle. She wasn't overly muscled but she wasn't as soft of most court women were. She was blushing a bright red and had yet to take off the last two articles of clothing.

Kufta waited, allowing Lily to become used to this new situation before continuing. "I can't see why you blush Lily, the gods created a prefect piece of artwork." She watched Lily's reaction and took a seat to begfiguring out the pose she'd place Lily in. "Lily, have you ever just walked about in your room naked? I'm very proud that you think I'm pretty without clothes, will you do me the honor of seeing you the same?"

"Um no... I am always dressed at home in some fashion or another... After all you never know when an attack might happen so it's best to take precaution in everything you do." She says as if quoting something someone had told her. She was glad she had taken off the belts that held the throwing dagger sheaths she HAD been wearing, and his them all inside of the dress. She undid the top and put it with her clothes but was very hesitant to take off the bottems. "Um... Can I keep the bottems on until you know where you want to put me or how you want to? I'm sorry I'm just not really that comfertable nude that's all. I mean I know I'm a twin but, I'm sorry I'm rambling right now aren't I? I'm sorry about blushing if it bothers you." Lily says earnestly looking the woman in the eyes and trying to see nothing else. When her eyes started to focus lower she would shift her gauze around the room to find something to look at.

Kufta chuckled and sat on a chair indicating Lily to do the same. "Your blushing tells me of your innocence, and why do you think I sent Gerard away, You and I have all the same parts, so it will be easier to allow the other to see them." Kufta stood and approached Lily, and kneeling before her, positioned her so the corner of the chair was between her knees, then spread her legs and put her left hand on the chair. "There, even when naked your maiden-hood isn't completely visible." She then moved Lily's shoulders forward and placed her other arm below her breasts, and tilted her head slightyly. She then went back and copied the pose for LIly to see, "Is this agreeable? I don't want a big smile, just a little coy one." The artist was amazed how sensual the young woman looked, truly a seductress who didn't understand the power she weilded.

"It's very um... embarressing... but I... I uh suppose if it's for Gerard..." Lily says blushing brightly. She was stuttering and looked embarressed and shy. Looking very uncomfertable with her legs spread like they were. Swallowing hard she pictured Her mothers glade. That was the place of peace and love, memories and prayers to be carried up unto the gods. While seeing the pose did indeed cover her most precious area, it left the rest of her body exposed and naked to the open eye. Thinking of the glade and of sword drills calmed her to the point she wasn't blushing so badly and her body relaxed making it look like a very natural pose. A second deep breath in through her noes and out of her mouth slowly, before taking on a coy smile and looking through her eyelashes over at Kufta. She hoped it was good enough.

Kufta smiled broadly at her, "Master Gerard is a lucky man, he has found a goddess of nature to love him." Kufta moved from the chair again kneeling by Lily, looking closely around her slender arm. "Perhaps I will not need to have you remove these, at least not for long or all the way." She returned to her chair and began sketching, looking up and smiling before going back to her sketching. What was truly amazing what that Lily's coy smile and eyes, were exactly what she hoped for.

Lily tried hard to keep as still as possible and to keep her smile exactly as it was, but the compliment made her very happy, in the courts her mother was known as natures child. Almost like a Fey, was how they discribed her mother. So to be told she was also as a goddess of nature was a compliment unlike most even Gerard had told her. So she held as still as possible and kept the look on her face as well as she could.

A short time later, Kufta finished a great deal of the sketch needing really only the upper thigh and precious area. "Lily we are now almost at the end, would you be so kind as to stand and remove your bottoms and sit back down." By her estimates Lily would only be nude for 5 minutes at most and the sketch would be perfect. Sweat beaded on her brow, between the focus and the fact the entire house was almost boarded shut increased the temperatures inside. She snapped back to what she was doing and back to her beautiful model.

Lily nods taking a deep breath again, standing up she takes a deep breath and pulls down the bottems. Blushing brightly she pulls them off of her feet and sets them down with her dress and her other things. Walking back over to the seat she sits back down as she was, covering herself as much as she could while still being in the pose that was set. She was much more embarresed now that she was fully nude, it was hot enough she was starting to sweat a little. Lily was glad her face didn't have to be the same coy smile she didn't feel like smiling, she was very aware Kufta would be staring somewhere only her husband should see.

It only took Kufta about 5 mins to fill in the area of the sketch she had avoid until now. Lily was truly a breathtaking woman, both in mind and in body. Kufta stood and brought the sketch to Lily, she would not declare it done until Lily thought it was. "What do you think, beautiful daughter of nature?" as she turned the sketch for Lily to see. "I only wish now that we had done this somewhere out of doors, so nature could have enhanced what I've seen." She gathered a rag and water and before Lily could protest gently wiped the sweat from her.

Lily blushed brightly as Kufta wiped her body with the cool rag. It felt wonderful but was very embarressing, She helf the picture and it didn't even look like her... well it did but... it was like she was looking at some perfect image of her. Something she didn't see herself as daily. "It's... Breathtaking, not like me normally at all! But very... Beautiful. A lot like my mother..." Lily says gazing at the sketch. She wasn't even thinking of anything else as she studied the lines of the charcoal that made her body and the divan she posed on top of. It reminded her of the pictures of the original tale of Father carrying Mother with the two wolves at his sides. It had been etheral and unreal, hard to beleive it was her parents and now hard ot beleive it was her in this sketch.

As Kufta sat behind Lily and started wiping her forehead, neck and begining lower, she asked, "Does it meet with your approval Lily?" She had never seen such a profound change in someone from seeing their sketch, it affirmed her choice to be an artist. "I believe you should allow yourself to appreciate your body. It has been the complete basis of my work today and deserves to be given attention." She quickly finished wiping Lily's body and drying her before handing her a robe as a knock came from the door.

"Um I do like it very much... and thank you..." Lily says pulling on the robe and tying it quickly, she didn't know if it was Gerard or not but even if it was right at this moment with the image of the sketch in her mind she wanted covered up. It made her feel more like a woman and less of a child as everyone treated her at home. Less of a little girl, more of a self assured vibrant life living and loving woman. She wished she was like the picture of her. She didn't realise she was both already, that she was a doughter and a young girl, but she was also a vibrant and life loving woman. Someone who couldn't wait to go out and live on her own. She looked down at the sketch again and smiles a very small and soft smile.

Gerard smilied when Kufta opened the door tying her robe shut. Honestly he wondered if the two women were sharing something more than artist and model. She welcomed him inside and showed him to a seat, then left the room back to assumidly Lily was. He sat and looked at the first sketch, she was amazing the sketch was perfect. He let his mind run wild thinking about the second sketch.

Kufta entered the room and smiled at Lily, "Gerard is here and wants to see you." She undid her robe and began wiping herself off, since she had shut the entire house up to make Lily comfortable she had been sweating profusly. Something about Gerard struck her as odd, between his look at Lily when he left and how he looked at her when he arrived, it unnerved her. As she continued to wipe the infused water across her skin she allowed herself a small indulgence. Lily was a most entertaining and interesting subject for her art.

"Um... Hi... She's... I mean we are finished... um right Miss Kufta?" Lily smiles brightly as soon as Gerard walked back into the room. She wasn't dressed and she wished she was. She just wasn't comfertable so nearly nude at the moment as she looking in the painting. She held out the sketch for Gerrard to see and take. She hoped he liked it. She felt like this painting was the way he saw her all the time, like he had special vision that let him see her as no one else did.

Gerrard shifted, the sketch was amazing, he felt a smile grow on his face. "You are beautiful Lily, absolutly awe-inspiring." he kissed her cheek. In truth, he wished there was somewhere to be alone, the young Ravenwood just handed him a sketch that excited him to no end. He'd have to make sure to pay Kufta twice what was agreed upon. "So, anything else that needs to be done?"

Lily smiled happily, her face and eyes filled with love and happyness. She had heard the perfect words out of the man she loved lips. It made her thrilled and filled with love. "I need to get dressed and I don't know how long I've been out yet... so I should probably get my shopping done quickly, and get home... I wish there was more time we could spend together..." Lily says softly, her voice thick with her happyness. She saw no ultierier motives in him, ad she had none herself either.

"If you do not mind Gerrard, please step back into the kitchen so that Lily and I may dress." Kufta directed him. Once he was out of the room, she untied her robe and started to redress. "So, Mistress Lily what are your next plans for the two of you?" She was geniunely interested in Lily and had she been of a higher social class would have loved being friends. Once she finished she waited to see if Lily needed anything, and to give her a gift.

Lily smiled happily putting on the leather straps and buckling them into place. One around her right thigh holding three small throwing daggers, one around her waist for a back draw where the dress gathered with another knife there and yet another two knives placed on each side of her breasts that hid in a sheath she worked together to fit with her underthings. Once weaponed and fully comfertable in her underthings she puts the dress on and makes sure the weapons couldn't be spotted. She looked once fully dressed like a perfect elven maiden, no weapons visible at all, her hair was perfect and so was the small amount of make-up she had on. "Gerard and I plan on taking a trip, hopefully soon actually, my family isn't exactly thrilled with him so we're going to wait a little while before we go. Thank you so much for doing this, I feel like I should pay you something, your work is amazing and so is your talent! I will deffinetly tell my family about you, I'm sure they would love to have portraits done though if you do come to the family house please don't say anything about me and Gerard having been here okay? " Lily says happily chatting away with Kufta as if they were really good friends. Lily was after all a very friendly person and she was very easy to get along with.

"I would be honored to sketch your family Lily." Kufta responded. She smiled at her broadly and finished dressing herself. "I will of course show the upmost care when discussing you with them." The idea that a young unmarried woman would be taking a trip with a man like Gerard made her curious. And in truth hearing that Lily's family didn't care for him made her nervous. Before they exited the room, she placed a small silver charm bracelet on her wrist, "For luck and protection."

"Thank you miss Kufta you are so sweet! I will have to tell my sister and mother of you especially, Elsa would love to have a picture of her husband for while he's away... and Mother for Father..." Lily goes quiet for a moment before smiling again. "Father beleives the man my mother makes do our portraits is somehow cursed." Lily laughs softly checking her hair and makeup in a small mirror from her handbag. Smiling at the chrm on her wrist. "Well I really must be going thank you so much for the wonderful day Miss Kufta!" She smiles hugging the other woman tightly in a good natured very friendly kind of way.

"Be careful Lily, and I'll pray the gods protect you." Kufta whispered in her ear. After they seperated, she escorted the young lady out to Gerard, who still looked bewitched by the sketch. "Your lady Master Gerard" Kufta announced, "Take very good care of her." Gerard jumped to his feet and secured the sketchs. He handed Kufta a sizable sack of coins with a broad smile. She took the sack and bowed respectfully before showing them to the door.

Lily smiled and waved happily, she looked positively glowing standing beside Gerard and waving at Kufta. Turning and walking beside Gerard, Lily was excited and releived about the sketches being over now. She knew the time was getting shorter and that pretty soon she would have to hurry to buy what she needed for Elsa and Lai. She would probably have to hurry to find everything on the lists. If she was late she knew it wouldn't be dad to punish her it would be grandma Lai, and that wouldn't be good. But she was enjoying her time now with Gerard beside her.

"You should have given me your lists, I could've shopped while you were being sketched." Gerard was in such a giddy anticipation of those wonderful sketches he'd not even notice a dragon ravaging half of the city. He took her hand and steered her through the market to quickly get everything on the list. As they passed the streets he talked to her about what would happen when they would leave. After a time he asked, "Have you any better time when we will leave, my love?"

"I told you.... after the children arrive home. That's still at least another week and a half, I'm sorry Gerard I love you really but that's the best time for me to slip away." Lily says softly holding his arm tightly and sitting on her tippy toes kisses his cheek. After picking up almost everything on her list she had only one or two more shops to go. She wished she had more time and the anguish showed on her face. She knew he was truelly excited to be with her now. after today he seemed so much more real to her.

"A week too long, everything considered Lily." he smiled as he said it. Time was getting close and Uncle Gregor expected results, he already spent 4 times the normal time with Lily. Although, he'd have a week and a half to maybe break a couple more issues Lily had. He checked the street before kissing her neck and taking her hands. "You have my heart twisted around your little finger you know." he whispered then kissed har again.

Lily giggles sofly holding his hands in hers. She too checked the streets when he had, in her life you could never be to careful of who or what might be around. Though she had complete and utter faith in Gerard, because she was very and deeply in love with him. "And you have mine in the palm of your hands." She says her voice somewhat breathy and soft, with love and thick with emotion. she didn't think he had any ultior motives or designs in him. He just seemed so perfect, there was no way she couldn't trust him. HEr family always mistrusted the people she befriended.

"I guess you have to go, they will be missing you." Gerard prompted. He did hate just letting her go home. He embraced her after looking about again and let his hand wander down her back. "You should go before I drag you back to my room, little lovely one." he teased. He squeezed her tight and shared another kiss before leting her go.

Lily smiled brightly at him before blowing a kiss as she turned and hurried off. One last shop and then she'd have to grab a common carriage home. Otherwise she would be late and in trouble as well. After purchasing the last of the bundles she needed she hailed a Carriage and paid to be taken to the Ravenwood estates, once there she waves at the front gate gaurds walking in as if she wasn't cutting it very close to the time limit she was given.

Altair watched his little girl, looking all grown up coming home from a solo shopping trip. "Find everything you went looking for, Lily?" he asked looking at all the bundles. Lily was growing up faster than he wanted, he allowed himself to remember the day she and Conner were born. Life had sped up to a amazing rate, and in the whirlwind of life he fought to keep her his little girl. And after his meeting with the king he felt very much his age and lost without Alehial.

"Hi daddy! Yes I went out to have tea with some friends so they could sketch my dress, Grandmother Lai and Elsa had me pick up a few things for them while I was out. How was your day?" Lily says smiling brightly at her father. She set the parcels from shopping on a small table by the front door before hurrying over to her father and giving him a hug. She had a great morning practicing, then she got to see Gerard and now her father was home. It was such a nice day outside today I thought it would be wonderful to get out, I was practicing this morning and doing my drills, then I got a missive from my friends. I asked grandmother so I got permission, Elsa is awefully grouchy today. So is aunt Arten but again being a dwarf and pregnant I guess I can't really blame her. At least her neice is here to keep her company though." Elsa rambles while hugging Altair.

"My day, my day wasn't quite as good as yours," he said as he squeezed her, "But now it seems a little brighter." He smiled to himeself guessing that no matter how old a woman got, she was still daddy's litle girl first. A momentary anger flared when he got home and found she had left to go by herself. Since the night she lied to him to protect that no good troll dung faced Gerrard, he didn't want her away from the house or his sight. All of his children, adopted or biological were precious to him, and right now nothing could change the fact Lily made him feel like a success as a father.

"Aw I hope it get's even better for you then Daddy! Besides tonight at camp mom and Elsa and Grandmother will be sending out their spells so you can all talk to everyone, I know you've been missing mom. I miss Conner a lot too, don't tell him I said that though because I don't want him to know that. He'll think I'm still jsujt a little girl and I'm not! I'm far more skilled then he is in fighting, do you want to spar or practice with me? That usually get's your spirits back up. OH!! We could go to Finn's!!" Lily says jumping and clapping her hands having stopped hugging Altair somewhere in the whirlwind of her speaking to him. she often got carried away when she was happy and for her this day seemed to not be able to get any better for her.

Altair shook his head, she was as bright and bubbly as ever. "How about after we speak with everyone, you and I go to Finn's?" He did want to talk with Alehial, to find out how the trip was going. "Right now though, I'm going to see how Asper is doing and if she wants dinner brought up to her." He stood and brushed off his pants, looking at Lily then quipped, "pants are required for Finn's I don't feel like beating back dozens of men after my little girl."

"daddy you know I could take on at least four of them on my own, skirt or not." Lily giggles before bouncing up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, picking up her skirts she runs up the stairs to get everything off and change. Once she reached the first landing however she let out a little. "OH!" and ran back down the stairs and picked up the packages blushing softly. Turning around she giggles nervously and runs back up the stairs headed for Grandmother Lai's workroom, where Elsa still worked as well. It sort of became a collaberate workroom. Knocking on the door softly she waits wondering if they were even going to be in there. She knew Elsa liked to stay busy when Feal wasn't around though.

Altair made his way upstairs to Daryyl and Asper's room, pausing to steel himself against what would assuredly be an onslaught of Asper's comments. He knocked on the door and waited for Asper to grant him audience. "I believe Darryl may be coming to visit you tonight, would you like me to have your dinner sent up with instructions to make it for two if he shows up?" The young lady had been having troubles with her pregnancy, sweet things even made her sick. "Or is there anything you need or want?" he hoped the question would still not be answered with an acidic remark.

Asper groaned and rolled her eyes, this was great just what she needed, the Duke of being in her business pestering her now. Walking over ot the door she opens it, not in the least embarresed about the slave outfit she wore. The tube top with the vest over top and the somewhat loose pants tied on the sides to stay up but of course open the entire length of the pants on the side.It was tied beneath her stomach. She had found this much referrable then wearing dresses all the time. "Altair if there was anything I'd want I'd call for the servants myself, unlike everyone else around here I can actually take care of things you know. Being alone and all doesn't affect me like it does the rest of you bleeding hearts." She paused eyeing him, she could see he was tense, either he was stiff because he expected her to be rough or he was having a pretty bad day. "Rough day? Can't function without your lady love at your side?" She asks leaning in the doorway, she hadn't offered to let him in, and she wasn't going to.

He didn't know what what anyone had to do to get under that prickly demeanor. How Daryyl got her to let him get close was an amazing feat of caring and headstrong stick with it. "Don't concern yourself with my day, Asper, I just wished to check on you because I know Daryyl would like me to make sure you have everything you need or want." He turned on his heel and went back downstairs to his room to change then to the study to continue research. He had hoped his family would remain a tight group, but as Asper continued her way, he doubted that would happen.

Asper sighs softly and closed the door behind her. Honestly she envied the ravenwood family, and she hated them. dependiong it went either way. Right now she was sick of them all. Sick of them bothering her and getting in her way, tired of them treating her like she was a freaking decoration that had to be handled carefully. Now that he was gone she did want something, and that made her angry. She really didn't mind Altair but apparently he hated her. Alehial was a given for hatred of her, while the others just avoided her altogether. the baby within her certainly didn't help. And for once in her life she was feeling lonely. She missed the closeness of Jake or Darryl being around her. Opening her door and walking she sighs at seeing all the stair but she grabs the banister and begins the journey down the steps. She only had three more months until the baby would come and the stairs had become an obsticall for her.


Lai heard the soft knock and knew Lily was home. "Come in Lily," she called looking at Elsa, "Let's see how she did." With an idle look to her right she saw Lily was still had a little time before her dealine ended. Her study was rather large and the area her and Elsa generally used had her desk, and several leather bound chairs and a sofa, surrounded by bookcases. Her alchemical lab and other supplies took up the rest of the attic space. The space was warm and nothing was wasted, Lai couldn't take all the credit however, Conner helped her with the design and she vowed never to change it.

Lily came inside closing the door behind her like Lai prefurred, Walking inside she looked at the list before going to Lai's desk first, setting down the three small parcels that held all her grandmother had asked her to get on the desk. Then walking over to Elsa's and setting everything down on hers as well. "That's everything that was on the list, and how it was put on the list in the order it was on the list." Lily anounces smiling brightly her hands on her hips letting both women know that Lily was very pleased with herself for all she had done.

Elsa raised an eyebrow before opening the packeges and taking stock of everything, it seemed to be all there and in the amount she had requested as well. "All right everything I needed you got, for you as well Master?" Elsa asks of Lai, after all in the study Elsa was the pupil still and unless told otherwise it was rude to speak to the master of the craft you were learning by first name. Elsa rubbed her stomach then a look of mild discomfert on her face. This time around the first movements of the baby weren't a hand or foot but a shove and a stretch, which was much more uncomfertable.

"Perhaps your body bounced back from the twins too well Elsa," Lai noted her uncomfortable look. Lai looked at Lily, then rose and went around the desk, and hugged her granddaughter tightly. "You did very well, and in less time than I thought." Lai praised. Her robes whispered as she escorted Lily to the chair then sat with Elsa on the sofa. She watched Elsa and was momentarily envious that Elsa would be seeing her child before Lai even was to her halfway point.

Lily sat down as directed and stayed put, she worried about Elsa and the babies. Actually she worried about all the babies, the children, her brothers and sisters. Elsa shook her head and stood up. Hoping that the change in position would make the baby stop moving so difficultily. The bby moved a little more and then stopped. "Sorry... He's... much more active then the other's have been." She says softly rubbing the side where the baby had been pushing so hard. Really the others hadn't been so bad. Even though there had been two inside before, this one seemed far more troublesome.

Lai smiled, "He'll be more like his father I'd suspect, all the fighting bare handed and deftly dodging blows." In truth Fael was a weapon upon himself, causing the only true damage when Galin popped into the house and attacked Daryyl. Had her granddaughter's husband not been there she shuddered to think where Galin may have stopped. And she noted with a rueful smile if all felids would have a healthy drive for sex like the father and mother, there would be no trouble in the race digging into societies as a whole. "Lily, how are your friends doing? I suppose they haven't seen much of you since your confinement?"

"Oh I image he will be very much like his father. I just hope I'll be able to train one of my children as an apprentice someday." Elsa smiles ruefully rubbing her stomach, she however didn't beleive it would be any of the one's she had yet or the one she was having. She wondered how big her babies had gotten, she missed them terribly. She ached to hold them in her arms and rock them to sleep, to cuddle their chubby soft cheeks against her own. She didn't think them all being taught by their father would be a bad thing. Actually she prefurred them to do so, especially after the attack from Galin.

"Oh yes! I mean no! ahaha no they haven't not really, they were very glad to see me, we talked the whole time! Until they finished with me! It was a lot of fun hanging out with them. I had a lot of fun, a whole lot of fun. We had tea though I had water, and we talked about things like usual really! It was a lot of fun, being drawn, or a poser to be drawn of really is what it was! After the confinement the other parents don't like the girls coming here because of the strange ways mom and dad teach us all. They seem to think I'm the only acceptable one out of everyone in this household which is just silly if you ask me really!" Lily says laughing and talking, the fact that Elsa felt better made her feel easy about talking really. Though soon she would have to go clean up and get ready to go to the bar with her father which made her even more excited really.

"Well, I am glad you had fun, my dear, so what are your next plans?" Lai asked, relieved to get a work in edgewise. Lily was young and trusting, which for the Ravenwoods whose enemies number in the hundreds if not more it was dangerous. "Have you been working on what the Wisdom suggested, about quieting your mind and enjoying silence?" Lai knew better than to question what the ancient elf ever told anyone, for it almost always came to be. She remembered Alehial telling her all about the wise womans predictions about the young half-elf and her human lover.

She turned her attention to Elsa, "How soon until you cast your missive spell to speak with Fael?" For a long moment after she felt a pang of loss, for there wasn't Conner to speak with. "I wonder who is going to teleport home and who will stay with the group." She figured Daryyl would go back and forth as he so chose to be with Asper. The rest except Alehial would be up, so to speak, in the air.

Lily smiles brightly, "Oh I have been working on being quiet I really have! I do it while I'm going through mothers Steps and when I take a bath! It's so weird though because if I'm quiet I can hear the bird and people on the streets and then I realise just how many people are gone from the house and then the house just sort of feels empty and our house is a really big house isn't Grandmother Lai? So without a lot of people being in it, it's kind of lonely. I did have a lot of fun and Father and I are going to be going to Finn's place, but I have to get out of this first and get some pants on, Dad seems to think I really can't handle myself, is't that funny! Well I love you both but I have to go." Lily says standing up and hugging both women kissing their cheeks before she rushes out the door careful to close it without slamming it.

Elsa smiles at Lily and shakes her head "I don't think she get's it yet. I can cast anytime, I haven't used any of my spells at all today, it's just I was going to wait until camp was set up. We don't want to be a bother while everyone else is working hard to set up for the night. So probably another hour and then we can send out our spells. I know Father will want to switch, and Feal too, I miss having Feal near me... I think we are too spoiled." Elsa says softly, she had stopped rubbing her stomach and was resting her hands folded lightly on the top of the still somewhat small bump that was the baby inside of her stomach.

Lai sighed inwardly, Lily had so much to learn about life and what truly enjoying silence meant. "So, trade your father for your husband?" She knew that even pregnant Elsa desired Fael's touch. Not that anyone would fault them for giving into desires, they were in fact creating a new race on Glaeron. Having single handedly kept the only remaining son of Conner's house alive then birthing Conner three more children, she felt a deep kinship with her pupil-granddaughter. In fact it was her children as well that she missed, and hoped that this trip to retrive them would be quick.

"I may miss him but I am willing if need be to let someone else come home. After all Lucas must miss Tani very much, they fought so hard to be together, and are still working on changing the veiws of the church." Elsa says with a somewhat sad look on her face. It seemed the Ravenwood children couldn't help but fall in love with those who had very tragic pasts. She looked up at her GRandmother then and stepped forward quickly, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman. Elsa really needed comfert when she thought about all the bad things that happened in all the lives of the family and how Alehial and Altair never stopped and never gave in. Of how somehow in the end it was okay again. "Oh grandma! Why can't everyone just leave us alone! WE only want to live in peace!" Elsa says blinking hard trying to hold back her tears.

Lai blinked back her tears and hugged Elsa tightly, "Some people will never understand peace or of love. Now, go and settle yourself before casting the missive spell to speak with your husband." Grandmother than gently kissed her grandaughter's cheek and wiped away a tear. "Leave everything where it is for now, I'l ask Bowers to bring your things to your room." Once she was alone, Lai honestly wished she could smite Galin down with every offensive spell she knew, but as began to cast holding Altair's message to Alehial.


Lily got cleaned up, her hair in it's regular high bouncy pony tail, she was wearing a shirt and tunic and brown pants. She had her city boots that were knee high on and her belt with two pouches and a dagger on it. She knew it would be acceptable, she wasn't wearing makeup but it in no way made her any less pretty. She was downstairs waiting for her father now. She hoped he would come soon so they could hurry to Finn's she was hardly ever allowed to go there, it was always exciting for her to go to the rowdy Tavern.

Altair came down to find Lily waiting for him dressed as he had requested. "Very well, little one, to Finn's we go and after dinner and one drink for you, I'll be coming home to find out what your mother wishes of me." He offered her his arm and they lefgt the house, chatting along the way about training and the families trip to Seldea. Altair was dressed in a white shirt with his customary leather overcoat, breeches and boots the came to just under his knee. Of course strapped to his waist was his long and short swords and coin pouch.

"She'll want to see you that's for sure Daddy, I bet she misses you so much." Lily giggles happily holding onto his arm. She was completely at ease walking with her father. She was so happy today had been absolutely perfect for her. The only thing that would have been better was if everyone accepted Gerard and liked tham all. She suddenly missed her mother and her mothers acceptance of the world, well other then Gerard and Asper that was. She smiled brightly when she saw Finn's.


Few things about the city of Baerlon had changed in the years since the wars. And first on that list was Finns, it had always been a place where everyone was welcome, and of good food, drink, fun, & when it could be found good music. After Sheamus Finn's death in defense of the city, kingdom and crown, the inn and tavern became the responsibilty of Lyle Tosscobble. The long tables and benches years ago sat warriors and common men, now served their sons, using the clay plates and flagons that where replaced every few months, but looked the same as when it opened. The hearth stage was the focal point of the tap room, as always a fire always burned creating light, heat, and shadows for bards to weave into their stories.

Admist the hustle and bustle of the room, like a conductor before his troupe, stood Lyle. Still short of stature and much greyer at the temples than he was when running with the Ravenwoods, his eyes showed how much he missed his wife, partner, and mother of his son and daughter. Myrna had infuriated Lyle and the two fought constantly until they both admitted there was something between them, love. After her death he busied himself providing a home for the kids and a thriving business. And thrive and provide Finns did, and without having to be financed by the Ravenwoods, his other family.

As soon as Altair and Lily entered, "Oh! No! No! that little one isn't old enough to be in here!" Lyle's eyes brightened a bit to see his old friends, "I'm telling your wife if you even order anything stronger than sweet tea for her." He flagged one of the serving girls and directed her to make sure one of the better tables was cleared. After he escorted them to the table he pulled out Lily's chair and got a chair for himself. "So, what brings you two here? Not looking to filch my cook are you? Or did Alehial kick you two out?"

"Uncle Lyel don't be silly! Mother left to days ago to go fetch the children from Sildea, since then the house has been so empty! And I am to old enough to drink! I'm eighteen same and Conner and don't think I don't know he comes here and drinks because I do! He tells me everything! I'm his sister his TWIN sister! We came for food and drink mind you. Because your food is almost as good as ours at home! Besides that Unlce Lyle I OH!! Hey wait!" Lily says jumping up out of her seat and dashing across the room mid sentance to go and pester Lyle's daughter. Lily hadn't taken in one single breath while she had spoken to the Halfing who had so kindly pulled out her chair for her. She'd never known Lyle when he wasn't running Finn's, she had heard all the stories however because Altair told them to the children as bedtime stories. She wasn't gone long before the little female halfing sent her back to the table however.

Lyle looked at Altair and blinked, "Is she like that all the time?" He took another seat and waited for Lily to come back, before starting his pitch. "For your dining pleasure, we have chicken, beef, and our famous fish. Add to that our special vegetables, and fresh bread and desert." He smiled, for he already knew Altair's order and figured Lily would follow her fathers lead. And was shocked to see that Altair defered to let Lily order first.

"Beef please Uncle Lyle, and why are you acting like this is some fancy place? I mean there are dwarves over there quaffing their Ale. That's never pretty, I don't think Aunt Arten ever does that does she? I mean no now, that would be stupid because right now she's pregnant and she can't have alcohol in the house because Mother made Bowers get rid of everything because Asper is pregnant too, poor Asper though she can't have anything sweet, not at all! She lives in the old tower room and she's really pregnant now, I don't see how she manages all those stairs." Lily says taking a sip of water and smiling at the two men.

Altair, smiled and told Lyle he would have the same, that Lily was a expert at informing anyone that needed information. "And wine for Lily and ale for me, Master Tosscobble." Lyle procedded to get up and tell the cook what the orders were. He then went about checking about the other customers, as he always did. Altair watched him head about his job and remembered they way Lyle was long ago.

"You look sad Daddy." Lily says reaching across the table and taking his still much larger then her own hand in hers. She looked worried about him, she wished she could do something for him, it was then that she realised that he was getting older. There was some gray, not much just a little, in his hair. His hands were colloused and thick with sword handling. There were quiet a few scars as well, Lily had never thought of her parents as old buit she suddenly realized they both were in their forties. another twenty or thirty years and her father would have white hair and wouldn't have the stregnth to ride to the rescue anymore. It startled her to think such things because she hardly thought about such things at all.

Lord Ravenwood smiled at his little girl, the look on her face was the same one Alehial gave him. "I'm fine, just looking back into the past and remembering." He enclosed her tiny hand inside both of his, and he saw her as the blonde little girl with her hair in pigtails chasing after her sisters. In truth he'd been watching all the children, even their husbands and wives, back in time to younger ages. "Don't you even think about me not being able to defend my home of family." he said with a hint of a smile.

Lily grins at him and holds his so large hands tightly. She was almost as small as her mother, though she was a bit bigger all around, it wasn't by much, she had more looks of her father but stature of her mother and Conner was the opposite. Though they were both blonde. "Don't remember to far in the past Daddy, you'll go right past the best times." Lily smiles brightly at her father. SHe was very happy to have him all to herself for once. She couldn't really ever remember having just her father with her, especially not angry or in the training circle. IT made her smile even wider.

"With so much time to look for your 'best times' dear one, I couldn't ever pick." He took a drink, in truth laughs, cries, smiles, births and birthdays, all made their lives fuller with more meaning. Snapping back into the present he was aware of all the young men's eyes on Lily, not that he would blame them, but as her father he could demand one that would respect and care for his little girl. "Have you been practicing, quieting your mind and body? It is important for many things Lily. Self control is paramount in life.."

"Lily had laughed at his words before he had sipped his drink. Sometimes her father was just to silly. She did notice him scan the room which made her do so as well, but really she saw regulars and out of towners, nobody to threatening. "I have plenty of self control Daddy, as for'quieting'" She moved her fingers to show the quotation and mockery of the word as she deepened her voice to almost match his. "I do when I practice. I mean that's what it's for right being able to practice so I do try when I'm going through my drills and such and it's really odd because everyone is out of the house and I can't really hear anything! I mean there are bugs and birds and of course the wolves or there was the wolves until they left too. The estates are just to quiet... oh I'm out of my drink... I'll be right back I'm gonna get more!" Lily smiles brightly jumping to her feet and grabbing her cup walking over to the bar, not bothered in the slightest when she moves into an open spot between some men.

Altair watched her asking for and recieving another wine and talk to some of the assembled patrons before returning to the table. Back at his side was Lyle, "All my little girls are growing up, Lyle, they aren't going to need me anymore." Had he gotten so old, Alehial always treated him so frail lately when they were together. He thought very hard of the last time they had been together, and the time before that. They had agreed no more children until this trouble with Galin's return was over, but how long did he have?

Lily laughed brightly at something someone had said to her. She waved them off and started to turn to go back to her father. A man's hand crept in the direction of her rear end, just inches before he reached out and actually made contact Lily had a dagger in her hand and had trapped his wrist between her wrist and the sharps edge of the dagger. "Try it again and it won't be a warning next time, drunken sod." Lily's stern voice carried across the entire tavern. Even though the tavern was noisy, her stern voice was enough to carry through it all. Her face was turned away from Altair and so was most of her body but, from her posture which was exactly like Alehial's in these situations, it was obvious what she was doing. "Apologize and go sleep off your drunken haze." She commands, it was every inch the aritrocat she had been raised to be.

Altair didn't jump to his feet, Lily had it all well in hand. He was, however prepared to intervine if this went any further. By the way things looked the drunk was just someone who let the laughter get the better of him. The young man was babbling about how sorry he was and asking for forgiveness. And at some point he knew the children would have to stand on their own. "Because I won't rise again the next time I fall." he whispered to himself, so no one heard.

Lily nodded her forgivness and let the man poose, sheathing the dagger in her boot, not where she had grabbed it from in the first place. But now people knew where it was and that she was armed. Smiling over at her father she bounced right over to the table as if nothing had happened at all. Though she did frown once she sat down. "Daddy you look so serious! What's the matter? Is everything okay?" Lily asks concerned, wondering if someone was speaking to him or calling for him with magic or what was going on. Of course sometimes her father was simply very serious, which was rare enough considering it was most usually Alehial who was the very serious one.

"Nothing Lily, so did the young man have something to say when he sought to lay hands on you?" He smiled at her, trying to erase any thoughts she had that something was wrong. He then went back to his meal and changed the subject. "So, if I change places with Fael or Daryyl, will you be able to help out? It may not be for long a night or three at most, but, if you think it'll be difficult, I'll stay."

"No, he was just a little drunk and caught up to much by a pretty girl walking past. Difficult? Nothing happening now! Galin is gone from the city now and most of our warriors are off getting the kids. But leaving the wizards at home where the most action normally is. There is no difficulty Dad. REally... you act like I'm completely incapable of defending myself or anyone else! I'll have you know I've been practicing very hard lately and if you want to spar I'll take you on right now!" Lily says her face very serious even as she was cutting her food and taking bites of it. Speaking only after each swallow and wiping her mouth after each bite. Aristrocracity ran through her very strongly.

His face went unscrutible, her tone was getting close to one he didn't tolerate. "I never said anything about my thoughts on your abilties, I asked for you to tell me 'your' opinion on 'your' abilities." Altair wanted his children to be proud of their skills, but never would tolerate boasts or bragging. All to long ago he learned there is always someone better or bigger. Lily wasn't finished with her comments, and if she crowed her skills more, perhaps they would spare before he left.

"Oh... but... That's not how you said it!If I think it will be difficult. There is nothing difficult unless you count being the gopher of three pregnant women, then yes it's very difficult as for my fighting skill, if someone would let me go out and practice in live combat more I'd be more then battle ready. Besides don't think you can goad me into a heated battle, I remember what you do to Mathious when he starts bragging. Just because I'm engry at you treating me like a girl instead of a warrior like I want doesn't mean my mind has been currupted like my brothers." Lily says with a soft snort and tilting her head up arrogently, it was true though, She did know what he did to the boys and he often treated her far more gently. She did use her head more, and that was thanks to Alehial's influence. Though she used her mouth even more then that.

Altair sighed inwardly, he knew that the descision to keep her from more hardened combat could turn badly. But, the snort and arrogant turning her nose up, disheartened him. "Then I guess it's my place to apologize for angering you, since nothing I say will explain it to you, not until you become a parent." He stood and went to pay Lyle, right at that moment he felt that the life he fought so hard for, no longer wanted him to be a part of it. Upon his return to the table, "Are you ready to head home? Or do you plan on staying for awhile?"

Lily sighed softly and stood up. Taking his hand she shakes her head and leads him out of the door. She wanted to show him something. Something she snuck off every once in a while to go see. "I know you want to protect me. I know I'm your first blood born, well me and Conner are anyways. But you let Conner be a man and decide his future. You let me after years of argueing and me doing everything you asked of me. He's alowed to go free and I'm still kept here in the city. I love you Daddy I really do but... I don't want to be kept here, protected and wrapped in silk when I really want to save lives and be the hero my parents are." Lily says her voice soft, for once her tone was even and measured. There was no rush of words just the sincerity in her eyes and the truth in her voice. She was taking altair into the middle of the city to where there was a tower, it was the tower Conner often went with his lady friends. But Lily just liked the view.

Altair knew the spot when he saw it, having retrived Conner from here more times than he wanted to count. "Lily, your brothers path leads him for now to taverns and trips with soldiers. The path you desire is the path I walked with only your mother, Lai, Arten, and Lyle to walk with me. And it is more dangerous than you can imagine, so I took more time to assure you're ready." He looked out upon the city after he said that, Baerlon was a place he loved and hated.

"This city Daddy... is the only thing I've ever really known... the small freedom of traveling to grandma Sirrus in Sildea is the only time I've ever been allowed out of the city. I've been kept like a beloved pet, pampered and loved and never allowed out of sight for a moment. Do you know how aweful I felt when I snuck away from you to feel free? When I had to hide what I was doing to get one ounce of freedom? I wish just once... I had your blessing doing what I loved so much with the freedom I wish you would give me." Lily says hugging herself as she leaned against the wall and looked out the window at the city below. It sparkled from the fires lit through windows and on the streets, the city was at it's most beautiful in that moments. Lily had a look on her face of longing and desire. She really did wish her parents would trust her like they had everyone else. She had been praying for an answer and she feared the only one was to run off with Gerard without letting her parents know where they were going or when she would be back. IT saddened her a lot.

For a moment Gerard's face filled Altair's vision, "And he would have not dishonored everything and everyone by being truthful about his intentions. But, that matters little now Lily, perhaps we have been overprotective when it comes to you." He placed his hand upon her arm, wishing that the subject was coming up when Alehial was present to help him. "I was the same with Elsa remember, and the threat of Galin was nowhere around then." He knew something would have to be done and in short order. "Let your mother and I deal with the current situation of the children and we'll talk about this. Together as a family, the three of us."

"...Okay Daddy. I know you don't do so well with the emotional girl stuff and I'm sorry for springing this on you... It's just I never get to have you to myself. I love you Daddy, so much. The last thing I want to do to you is make you worry or fear for me. I promise I'll be strong enough to to take care of myself." Lily says turning to him and hugging his her arms going around his chest to give him nice firm hug. She couldn't help but notice he was smaller and thinner then she remembered as a child. Or maybe it was that she was bigger and longer. "Let's go home, so you can go to mom and Feal can come home to Elsa." Lily smiles brightly pulling away and after one more glance at the city and a heavy sigh she heads down the stairs.

Altair glanced at the city, it was a so, progessive compared to some, but made people weaker. He would have to discuss this with Alehial, because what would happen was bigger than himself. He smiled though remembering Lily when she was younger complaining that he could wrap his arms around her, and she couldn't do the same. As they walked he considered all the children and how he should handle their desires to be independant adventurers. By the time they reached the house he had resigned himself to the fact his ways weren't perfect, but, they had experience behind them.

"Don't think about it to much Dad. I know it's hard to let go, I've watched all my older brothers and sisters go through it. We'll just deal with it as it is. I'm going to... go do something..." Lily shrugs she really didn't know what to do with herself. She sighed and resigned herself to practicing her spells. She needed to do it more often anyways. And everyone would be switching places and she'd still be alone.

"Lily...." his words failed him at that moment, "I want you to be happy and perhaps we should switch you and Conner as well." It was only fair and in truth he could keep an eye on her too. "I'll speak with your mother and have Daryyl bring you to us, for some field work. Ok?" He wanted to see that bright smile and excitement she seemed always filled with. He turned his attention as Lai and Elsa came down the stairs, and Lucas emerged from the basements.

"Daddy you don't have to, I mean Conner hates being trapped in the house all the time. I really don't mind at all. I can stay if you need me to!" Lily says fast, she hadn't even really thought of the possibility of her being allowed to go at all. She just assumed Conner would get the privalages and she'd get the shaft as it were. It was the way things always went. Even though she was the older of the twins, Conner always got more privilage and freedom then she ever did. And she was the one who paid the most attention and followed orders much better.

Elsa smiles brightly, it was obvious there was some deep conversing going on between Lily and her father. Altair looked so serious and worried his brows drawn together a little and his jaw tight. Lily was so beautiful, sometimes Elsa was very jealous of her little sister, because she was the rightful child of the legendary couple. But she rarely did actualy feel jealous of Lily and especially not of Conner. BEsides she loved her husband more then her own life and her children more then the world.

Lucas came up beside Elsa carrying a sack that could only be holding a suit or armor inside. "Sometimes I remember our conversations with him, trying desperately to get him to let us go adventure." Lucas smiled, It seemed father had the most trouble letting his girls go and tempt fate. "I'm glad I get the honor of returning Fael to you, just try not to hurt each other." he winked at Elsa. He chuckled remembering how it was growing up in the house with brothers and sisters coming, now it would be nieces and nephews.

Lai looked at Lucas and his burden, "For Flint I take it?" She had gotten the information from Alehial about the Ettin attack. And had hoped he'd ask Altair to bring the armor, but Lucas was home and available. "Altair, I will speak with you before you leave." She kissed Lucas on the cheek. "And you be safe, son-of-Pelor, I don't want to hear you causing trouble." She then looked around to see if Asper might make an appearance for Daryyl's retun.

Asper was standing up at the first floor landing looking down at them all. They were overly sentimental and treated each time they left the house like it would be the last time they ever saw each other. "If any one of you start crying... I'm walking back to Valeria." She says watching them all. One hand beneath her bulging stomach. She knew she was due after the trip was supposed to be over but she hadn't paid attention to whn exactly. She just knew her stomach was bigger and heavier and it hurt more when the baby stretched. That and she could sometimes actually see the foot and it freaked her out a bit.

"Oh we won't hurt each other or at least he won't hurt me!" Elsa laughs softly hugging her 'younger' brother. "I agree with Grandmother, don't get in trouble and look out for your wife okay? She doesn't seem to have the hang of normal street people yet. Or soldiers." Elsa adds before kissing Lucas' cheek. She was disregarding what Asper said. The half drow female was getting more and more viscious with her barbs the further her pregnancy got. She wasn't taking much of what she said seriously anymore.

Lily sighed and after giving Lucas a big hug turned to head towards the stairs once more. She would like to go but, she was worried it might overstress Lai and Elsa, that and Conner wasn't usually very happy to see her in the first place. Always the annoying sister out of the twelve children. "Asper you couldn't walk to Valeria if you weren't pregnant, a small time city theif like you wouldn't last in true wilderness and adventures." Lily said back snidely. For some reason that comment really rubbed Lily's fur the wrong way and got her a little wriled up. Lily was getting sick and tired of being the good little girl all the time. And taking crap from everyone in the house was something she was more then ready to be done with.

Lucas sighed, Asper he just could not understand, how did Daryyl love her so hard? She only seemed to care about keeping herself safe and didn't even show any affection for her own growing child. "Peace be with you Lily, Asper, Elsa, & grandmother." He returned Elsa's hug then embraced Lai, he would have given one to Asper but knew an acidic remark would follow. "Does anyone know when Daryyl will be popping in?"

Altair watched Lily head up the stairs and called after her, "Lily, You know you are in charge now. And I'm counting on you to show me how good of a leader you can be." He smiled at her letting her know he had the upmost confidence that she'd do the job well. He looked at Lai and she chiomed that it was a good idea that way she could look after other concerns. He crossed and hugged Elsa whispering, "I hope you are not offended, Lily needs more to keep herself busy."

"Oh great perfect put the youngest member of the house in charge of everyone great plan. Real genius Altair. Why not tell her to throw a wild party in the house while your at it!" Asper calls down the stairs. Standing straight up again she scowls down at them all. "I've had enough of this... DARRYL!" Asper calls slamming her fist against the banister. she wanted out of this house. Not only was she hot all day long up in the upper room but she refused to use servant to fetch her food and her feet were killing her every night.

Elsa sighs. "Guess that answers that question... Don't worry Father We'll help Lily if she needs any... as for keeping busy... you do realize if she didn't start training on her own neither you nor grandfather would have started teaching her and she would have had a lot less during the day to keep her busy. She'll be fine, if nothing else we'll send her to the courts again. She's a pro there." Elsa smiles trying to ease some of Altair's fears and worries. She hoped it had worked.

Altair glances up towards Asper, "Who I leave in charge is my decision and since we see so little of you, Lily is the logical choice. And also since I figure you have days to a week until the baby comes, I wish you luck." He smiled at Elsa, thinking about how Asper would try everyone's patientence when the time came. In truth he hoped the daughter soon to be born would temper Asper's moods and she would accept them. He started upstairs to get his bag for the trip, as Daryyl would be here in seconds.

The audibal pop 4 feet away from Asper, Daryyl arrived, "You called for me Asper?" He looked about seeing his family milling about, but focusing in on Asper. He could never put into words why he loved her but he did just the same. And he moved forward to her with his arms opened, meaning to take her into his arms. He saw father heading to his room, to gather his things he assumed.

Elsa sighed and shook her head. Asper was really in a foul mood lately, Elsa had been approached by two serving girls about the half drow woman, what they had to say was not very nice and in the end Elsa could do little but suggest they ease around the agitated woman as best they could. Elsa was so proud of Altair then, even though she was loud and snide and bite like a... well Asp, Altair still wished her well and truelly meant it. Elsa walked the few feet over to stand by Lai's side. "What are we going to do when it comes time to Aspers birthing Grandmother?" she asks softly a little worried the woman would refuse help or any kind of midwifery.

Asper scowls and folds her hands under her breasts. "I did... I'm tired of this place and these people!" She sneers the word people, her unhappiness very clear, on the matter and what she thought of those who lived in the house at this moment. She hated that small part of her that wanted to take the few steps that would put herself in his arms. She hated the way she had been longing for him beside her while she slept and how she missed him constantly following her around and always touching her. "I'm tired of carrying around our... the baby." She says the last which came far more whiney then she had wished and hadn't quite caught herself in the words she used to describe the child within her belly. Though she did gasp as the little girl inside began to kick and push against her stomach. She leans over a little and puts her hand against her stomach, everytime she thought of Darryl this seemed to happen in the past two days. She didn't know why and she didn't like it.

"I will not allow a great grand-child to come to harm because of their parent. And I think Asper's tune will change when the time comes." Lai was pretty sure the young woman hated pain and discomfort enough to accept help. Lai like most of the family, wondered sometimes how Daryyl could stay with her. But, watching his face when he was near showed Lai he truly loved Asper and accepted her.

Daryyl walked to Asper and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. He had hoped she was letting the family in, but Asper apparently needed more time. "Hello little one, are you telling mother you are almost ready to see us?" He grazed his hand against her stomach to feel the baby move. "After I move Lucas and father, we can talk and I'll see about helping you, ok?"

"I will follow your lead then Grandmother because I don't think I could win a fight in the state I am right now. I'm so antsy I'm afraid the bby will start squishing my bladder! I would hate to not be here when Feal arrived!" Elsa scowld just thinking about it. But her baby was moving like it normally did, almost constantly and subtly. She was very worried about Asper and the birthing but if Lai beleived everything would be alriht then Elsa would too.

Asper scwoled deeply at the oh so overly public display he was putting on with her in front of everyone. Though the baby did stop moving about so violently she was now pushing against where Darryl had his hand gently. Asper however had automatically moved her hands to let Darryl have access to her belly. Something she hadn't realised she had done at all. "Fine." Asper says grudgingly, she didn't want anyone to think she was weak willed in any way so even discussing the fact that she NEEDED help upset her a little, but she knew that now she really did need the help.

Altair signaled Elsa to come to him quickly, "Those techniques you wished to show Asper to help her, shpw them to Daryyl." He whispered low enough that his daughter-in-law wouldn't hear. He knew Daryyl would use them to ease Asper's discomfort and from what he just saw, she would let him. "I suppose I'm going to let Daryyl take you first, Lucas your wife must be waiting with baited breath." He looked up to Daryyl and Asper, "At your leave son." He inwardly hoped Alehial would be feling better than she had in recent months.

"Sure thing Daddy, I'll do what I can. I'll also let Lily know of your descision on letting her be the head of the house while you are gone. Be careful Dad you and mom are big targets out in the real world." Elsa says kissing his cheek with a small smile before she rubs her stomach. Stepping back to stand with her grandmother she wished she had the strength and the knowledge to cast the teleporting spells. With a small smile she looks over at her grandmother and then back to everyone else.

Asper sighs and steps away from Darryl, he had work to do and he'd be back soon enough. Besides that she hated seeming to weak and soft in front of everyone. Everyone else was made of legend material. As if when they were born the gods had favored them. But she on the other hand had been spit upon, by everyone she had ever had near her other then her brother.

Lai smiled back knowing Altair had some plan he imparted to her, and with luck ELsa would bring the plan to fruition. "Do you have everything Lord Ravenwood?" she called out and giggled when he gave her such a quizzical look. She remembered him younger and smiled again, then watched Daryyl come downm to stand with both men. ALthough, she wasn't prepared for ALtair to tell Daryyl to take Lucas first, then bring Fael back.

Daryyl, kissed Asper's cheek before coming down to his father and brother. "Are you sure father? I could try taking both of you, but if you wish, I'll return quickly." He looked up at Asper as he took Lucas's arm and smiled at her. His powers swelled and he focused on moving himself and Lucas, and with an audible pop, they vanished. Next thing he knew, he was standing back at the camp looking at everyone.

Elsa chuckles softly. "Father you are getting so sweet in your dukely ways." She says hiding her smile behind her hand. It was very sweet of him to let the boys go first and to bring back her husband but she didn't mind waiting a few moments more. Besides Asper almost always had one of Darryl's power filled crystals on a neckless around her neck. Still Elsa was glad that Asper had almost mellowed out so much just by being in Darryl's presence and having him touch her, it was kind of amazing to Elsa really how much Asper had changed.

Asper grumbled a little but was placated for now, especially that the baby girl in her womb had calmed down and was no longer a bother on her body. She really just wanted Darryl to herself so he could talk the same stupid idealic way he always did and just give her some peace and quiet from the rest of the stupidly silent house. She couldn't stand the constant shifts of activity to stillness and boisterous loud noises to hushed whispered silence.

Altair paced about for a few minutes, he was a little anxious to get out of the city and just be with non-courtly people. The ranger side of him strained in these confines, but as a noble he'd have to do his duty first. He didn't have to wait long though for Daryyl popped right back almost with Fael. Altair smiled as even Fael had to collect himself before looking for Elsa. "When you are ready for my turn, Daryyl, and thank you for doing this."

Fael wasted no time, once his vision cleared, to go to Elsa and take her into his arms. "I've missed you, my love" he declared as he kissed her. Anyone nearby might claim they heard him purr, but the language of his tail told the story better than a bard could. When he released her, turning to Altair he was quick to reassure him. "I will help protect the house to the best of my ability." Altair nodded his head that he appreciated all Fael would do.

Asper growled a little at the display and the demand on HER husband. They treated him like a dog sometimes and she was sick and tired of it! Sure they said thank you and sounded appreciative but Asper had seen the truth of people and knew what was in peoples hearts and they didn't mean it to the extent they should. It didn't matter that she abused his powers but she was his wife and she'd do as she please. Just like she always had.

Elsa fairly melted into Feal as soon as he wrapped his arms around her. The kiss was pure heaven and she cuddled close to his chest as it rumbled just slightly with his purrs. "The house will be completely safe Daddy I promise." she says her arms around her husband, her swollen womb up against his taunt, firm muscled abdoman. The child within her pushed against the hard intrusion against it's space, pushing with it's feet against Feal's stomach, letting it's father know it was unhappy at being so pressed. It didn't make Elsa loosen her grip however, she had missed Feal and hated being seperated from him even for two days.

Lai smiled as Altair and Daryyl disappeared, heading to Alehial and then back home to them. "I don't know sometimes what we would do without Daryyl. I still remember when they rescued him from the odious cleric, how he could melt your heart and make you smile." She used to go to the nursery and steal him away for hours on end. She had feared that she would never know the joy of holding one so little again, due that Conner was gone.

Fael moved a little allowing the baby to have room, he wanted Elsa and the baby to be comfortable. He leaned down to Elsa's ear "When Daryyl returns I can go unpack and we can discuss the last couple of days." He smiled incling his head to Lai and even to Asper, even if the dalf-drow never returned the greeting. He did take Elsa's declaration that the house would be completely safe with the utmost seriousness. He locked eyes with Altair, and conveyed he would protect them all with his life.

"When Altair... or Lan found me... I used to hate that everyone accepted Darryl easier then me. That and he always wanted to follow me around and do what I did." Elsa sighs speaking to her grandmother, turning her attention back to her husband she smiles. "Okay, I'll help you unpack." She smiles and kisses his cheek nuzzling just a little against him. She knew she had still two months and some days before her child would be nearing the birthing, she hoped it didn't hurt her grandmother too much being around Asper and herself, the babies and the husbands. Elsa often worried about her grandmother very much, though she never said anything out loud.

Asper nods back, if anyone out of this house deserved respect from Asper that was Feal, he put up with so much and had lost a great deal. Somehow the strange man was comfertable in this house and with these people... and all of his numerous children. Asper was half afraid that Darryl would want a large family like that. She never even wanted the child that was in her own womb, of course that didn't mean she wasn't going to birth it but beyond that she just didn't know. She didn't like it and she didn't want to be a mother or settle down in any fashion. She wanted to be free to do as she wished, but ever since she had met Darryl it seemed she was more and more restricted.

Daryyl was only gone minutes and then returned back alone. "Whew, that can be a little draining." He wiped his brow and yawned, he was glad to be home and back with Asper. He smiled again at grandmother's look of concern that he over extended himself to move everyone back and forth. He continued right up the stairs to Asper, "We should find somewhere for you to relax and put up your feet." He enjoyed doting on her and could remember when he was sick how everyone doted and showed him affection.

"I'm fine!" Asper snaps scowling at him. Putting her hand to his forehead with a look of slight concern on her face. She pulls out the crystal she wore around her neck, out from under her top. "At least take some of the energy from this in case something happens. I'm going to get something to eat." Asper says putting the crystal in Darryl's hand and walking towards the stairs. Ignoring the offer of pampering. She felt like she was getting soft, it had been a full year since she had actually stolen anything, trinkets around the house didn't count.

Elsa grins watching them dispite the scowling and angry tone of voice Asper was using to speak with Darryl. It was obvious she worried about him, which measnt she cared for him. It made a little part of Elsa relax a little. "Do you need me for anything grandmother?" Elsa asks not wanting to just run off with her husband right away.

"I will speak with Darryl in private and instruct him your father's wishes, you go and enjoy your reunion." Lai dismissed Elsa quickly. She knew that if Conner was her she'd want nothing more than to lose herself in his arms and kisses. She motioned to Daryyl that she wished to speak with him, and waited until they were alone. "I wish to show you a way to lessen Asper's discomfort, are you willing to learn these to help her?" With his head shaking enthusiactly, she began to tell him exactly what to do.

"Very well Grandma." Elsa says before smiling up at her husband and taking his hand heading for the stairs, walking up them at a rather sedate pace, she didn't want to rush to much. Besides her baby always fussed at being pushed or bounced at all. While she wanted to be alone with her husband they really couldn't do anything to intimate. She just wanted him to herself, and honestly she wanted to hear what had happened, her mother had left in a pretty okay mood, but lately her mothers moods were rather fickle.


Still downstairs Asper was in the kitchen looking around for something to eat that wouldn't upset her stomach. Resigning herself she grabbed a bun and got some butter, looking in the cabinet and the fact that she was alone she grabs the strawberry jam as well. "Maybe... just a little won't bother me." She says out loud to herself softly. Cutting the bun in half she butters it and puts just a very thin layer of jam on top. Her mouth was watering for the taste of it, she hadn't been allowed anything surgery by Darryl since they found out it upset her stomach.

Daryyl now armed with the tactics Lai had just imparted him with came to the kitchen to find Asper and her bun. He smiled at her, "has sugar stopped making you ill?" He feverently hoped that was the case, Asper had given up so much because of him and their baby. He walked up behind her and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Can I interest you in possibly going to our house tomorrow? Since time maybe short before the baby arrives."

Asper's first bite into the bun made her close her eyes in delight of the sugary jam in her mouth. It had been almost a full year since she had had anything with sugar in it. It was heavenly, after Asper had finished off the bun she licked her fingers. So far so good, not upset stomach at the smell, to queasyness from the taste of it. "What does that mean? Is she coming early? Do Psion babies get born early? Is there something wrong with her?" Asper asked her eyebrows drawn together her hands holding her distended belly. It was obvious she was worried and sounded maybe even just a touch frightened. She wasn't aware of the difference in her behavior at all, but she did know she worried about the babies safety now.

Daryyl felt the surge of concern about the baby, he wrapped an arm about her and placed his hand over hers. "She'll come when she is ready Asper, perhaps we can ask Aunt Arten or her niece to check on her." Daryyl hoped that she'd accept the help and offer of care from those who lived here. "It has occured to me we haven't discussed a name for her." he whispered into her ear. Cook entered the room and busied himself with some mundane task, trying not to bother them.

Asper stiffened as soon as the cook entered the room. "Fine... but only because I don't want this any worse then it has to be." Asper huffed giving in. After all after the very first time she hadn't let anyone check on the baby. "I'm going to our room." Asper says more then a little uncomfertable being in the kitchen with the cook there to listen. Pulling away from Darryl's arms Asper leaves the kitchen and walks through the dining room going straight to the stairs.

Daryyl followed a moment later, but stopped at Arten's chambers to inquire about help. He had felt the baby both in body and developing mind, he was sure the baby was healthy. After a short explantion he and the younger Stonshield cleric followed Asper's trail. "I apperciate the help you are offering mistress Stoneshield." He opened the door to the room for Bailey, to enter.

Asper was sitting in a pile of cushions on top of the bed. She no longer could get to the floor and back up on her own. She was winded after the stairs as well, so she had made herself comfertable as she could get. She didn't like the idea of someone using magic and touching her at the same time. But she was as good as she was going to get. "I don't like this... I just want you to know this." She scowled at them both.

Bailey ignored her almost bounding onto the bed to get to the pregnant woman, "Oh shut your gob, this ain't bout you, it's bout her." Bailey wasted no time in casting her spell and placed her hands on Asper's belly. She shook her head once or twice and whistled low, out stretching her fingers which the baby pushed against. She smiled, placed a hand on Asper's forehead and cast another spell. "The baby is fine, she'll arrive possibly up to a week early and be healthy and strong, and to make sure I've placed a blessing spell on you both."

"Early!? I had four weeks! What do you mean early!" Asper says sitting up. Her hands behind her supporting her on the bed fro her to sit up properly. She was more then a little panicked at the idea that her time to prepare had been cut down by one week. "NO! I don't want that! I don't want this! I'm not a mother! I was never meant to have children! I CAN'T DO THIS!" Asper says tears falling down her cheeks, she thought she had more time, she thought she could get ready. Choking a little on her words she covered her face with one hand. She had never cried so violently, not since she was a very small child and still beleive her mother would save her from the beatings her man gave Asper. In that one moment Asper didn't want the child. Didn't want to give birth didn't want to be there as who she was and dealing with what she was. It didn't matter that Bailey was still there to see this happen or that it might hurt Darryl. Asper was scared. More scared then she had ever been and she wanted it to stop. She was terrified of having this child and of trying to be a mother.

Daryyl sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her, "Alloura was early remember? And she is just fine. You will be a good mother, I know." He looked at Bailey and was reassured when Bailey shook her head as a sign of encouragement. "And Bailey said maybe early, she may still decide to wait." He tried to sooth her more, wanting to elevate her anguish. "We'll be fine Asper, I promise you everything will be ok."

Asper grabbed his arms tightly in her hands. "You don't know! You Don't know that! Don't promise me the impossible! I don't want to hear your lies!" Asper says using both hands to cover her ears and shaking her head. She remembered rather vicously some of the things her mother used to tell her when Lash used to come. She remembered those same words being used as she was still a child after a beating.She remembered blindly believing it would happen and her hope that her mother would love her someday. Aspers tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to stop remembering as she wished this whole situation away. She was hunching over her belly and could feel the baby kicking and pushing obviously distressed.

Daryyl's eyes flashed, his powers allowed him a great deal of understanding others. He focused a power into calming her, he hated to manipulate her like this, but the baby was distressed. "Asper, calm down those days are over it won't happen again." Tears began to flow down his cheeks as he stole the pain away from her and the baby, but still he focused on protecting them. "Please forgive me for intruding in your mind and memories."

Asper stilled the violent shaking of her head. Her hands dropping from the sides of her head, no longer covering her ears. With her anxiety and fears being dampened and her memories released, Aspers breathing returned to normal and she laid back on the bed. Relaxed and calm. She lay back sniffling only because her earlier tears, Laying a hand on her belly as she lay back. A few tears still left her eyes, as though she was calm, he was still forcing his will over hers. She was calm again but no longer becuse she was keepiong herself as such.

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