Page name: Ravenwood Estates 10 [Exported view] [RSS]
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Last author: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter ten

Where we are once again across the ocean and at Pachucca facing the many dangers of what should have been a simply mission for Cybil and Mathius and co.

"I may not have gone through it myself. But I have been close to those it has happened to before. Betrayel is never simple. Or plain, that much I do know. You may think I'm blissfully happy and unaware of what might go on aorund me when I'm with Mathius but... I fear he might tire of me, that I might be to plain or boring for him. We rean away to be together, I wanted to prove to him I was capable and not just a lady that needed pampering. I'm sure he wanted to prove to me how much he loved me by protecting me too. I'm sorry you were hurt Helene." Cybil says softly her face and her eyes were filled with remorse for Helene's sake.

"Everything about him was hard and abrasive, that is why I enjoy the touch of a woman. Women are softer, but have a strength men could never match or understand." Her eyes glistened with moisture and she moved her hand to rest on Cybil's stomach. "Even your wizard friend for all his refinements was good only until he could no longer perform. And that was no where the amount of climaxes we shared, so women are better."

"Then why not take a female companion rather then a male one, I would assume since Pachucca is so open about relations no one would object to it?" Cybil said softly, Alehil had told her that it was acceptble for Elves to explore their prefference though many of them were Druidic many Elves too had time to dabble in many things before deciding on ny one thing or liking any one particular person more so then any others. Cybil wondered if Pachucca might be similar or if they would let it happen. She did wonder where all the children were though, for country open in sexuality there didn't seem to be very many at all.

"I haven't found one that really excites me, so playing is my form of release." She again brought her fingers to check the skin around the balm, smiling to realize it was not overtly hot and so her muscles would benefit the extra time. "I think this might be your last treatment, dear guest, you'll be taking that monster of Mathius's into yourself again." Helene rolled to her back long enough to wipe her finger on the towel. Turning her head before she rolled back over, and letting her gaze reaffirm what she had said about females.

Cybil blushed brightly at how Helene refurred to Mathius's.... manhood. She felt bad for Helene, but she could understand, many women at court sought out other women who had also been wronged. Though many times they were young and had no choice in who they were married to through their fathers and potential grooms parents made all the choices. It was rare in Andor that anyone married strictly from love. She and Mathius or rather the whole of Ravenwood men seemed to have inherited the trait however the rest of Andor was still steadfast in old traditions. "I can at least... be your friend Helene, whenever you wish to talk, I'll listen." Cybil says softly, it wasn't right for a women to not have friends. Or a close and trusted person to speak with.

Helene giggled and nipped her shoulder while snuggling up to Cybil again. "You're seducing me Cybil, before long I'll be refering to you as my loving friend. And sneaking to your room to have long talks in the middle of the night." She hadn't had many friends and if Cybil was talking about being her first close friend here, she was seducing her. Mathius wa a lucky man to have Cybil, and Helene hoped there wasn't any deception on his part to coming here.

"Seducing?! What do I know of seduction? So what? Can you not have friends here in Pachucca? Are you not allowed to speak to each other?" Cybil asked even more curious about the country of Pachucca then she had been before. She new most of the regulations and rules of it from before but from when the information stopped coming in... everything seemed to have changed dramatically.

"Being innocent is sometimes the most tempting aspect you possess." Helene teased back. Nuzzling back against her with a contented smile, "Of course you can have friends and speak to others, it is sometimes hard though to know who to trust." Cybil was truly a sweet, innocent soul and as much as Helene wanted to enjoy her guest again, she wouldn't. At least she wouldn't unless Cybil asked her to. "People of Pachuca sometimes open their mouths at the most unoportune moments."

"Anywhere you go it is the same Helene, who to trust never becomes easy. Besides it's the true reward once finding one to trust so fully in the trust you gain yourself. Everyone everywhere have a hard time doing so, at least that's what I beleive. But if everyone works together then anything can be done. Don't you think so Helene?" Cybil smiles brightly happy to finally be talking on a subject of which she was fully comfertable and somewhat knowledgeable on.

She smiled and slid/her leg against Cybil's and nipped her again. "So, miss how do you know who to trust and who to let pass by or fight? Hasn't anyone told you to trust them and then betrayed you? Even tyhough they look so decent and good, they can perform the most evil against you." That specter of sadness tinged her voice again as she averted her eyes.

"It takes a lot of time and practice to learn all that. People will often tell you exactly what you want to hear, and those who are blunt often oversimplify things and make them out to be much worse then they actually are. It takes a lot of time to be able to make friends, and you have to have experiences you work together with and on. You can't decide anything on looks Helene, it's phe person and your feelings you have to trust ultimately. Sometimes people can fool you but you can't shut yourself down because of that. Um... it's gotten quite warm now." Cybil says blushing quite fully, at the attention of skin against skin.

Disentangling herself to get a rag and the towel, she expertly cleaned the balm from Cybil's nethers. "And it looks perfect as normal, how does it feel?" she quiered. Returning to Cybil's side this time just sitting beside her. "The Matron informed me by decree that we shall go visit tomorrow at what is considered tea in Andor." She watched Cybil to see if there was any panic setting in on her friend.

Cybil who had been smiling let it drop a little, not a whole lot but enough. "I... I uh it feels fine, but... so soon? It's only been three days, since the inquiry began! That's rather sudden and I-I don't have anything to wear do I? I mean how do I... I don't know the rules of a social engagement here or for with the Matron, Helene you have to help me!" Cybil said sitting up after speaking so quickly. Turning and grabbing Helene's shoulders with her hands.

Helene embraced her naked friend in a warm hug. "Of course I will help you understand everything, and when I say tomorrow I mean it is early today now. We have all day today when we awaken, and then the next morning before the tea." While Cybil could not see it Helene was smiling, enjoying sharing this feeling. "So will you be staying the night still? Or are you running away again?" she asked.

"No I will stay I just... Helene you must inform me how to act what social obligations I must obey, there is so much I will need to know and not a lot of time for me to learn them. tea is around three in the afternoon, so there might be time but... I suddenly feel rushed now knowing when it is the Matron wishes to see me." Cybil said hugging Helene tightly, almost unaware of her nude state, she hoped she made progress with Helene enough so that perhaps the women had given up lusting after her. Really though this news took precidence over nudity or so Cybil felt in the least.

"It is much the same as Andor, no touching the Matron unless she touches you. And of course use your impeccable manners, being a guest you'll be poured your tea first, but wait for the Matron before you begin to drink." Helene loosened her tight hug allowing her darker colored skin to lay in stark contrast to Cybil's. "Your next question about tea in Pachuca my little friend?" she asked intranced with helping her. The invite was very strange, but if there was a possibility that Mathius and his friends were here to spy, they would need to be dealt with.

"What do I wear? Will Mathius be present? Is there any Andorian action that is forbidden? Shall I address or as Matron? Do I bow or curtsey? Am I allowed to look her in the face?" Cybil asks rattling off question after question. She wanted to be sure she did nothing wrong to anger the Matron, after all it was this women they had to convince more so then any others. It was her that had the information they sought as well.

"Any dress is fine, no this is for you only, not that I know of, Matron, curtsey, yes but if she shows anger avert your eyes." came the responses. Helene giggled and kissed her cheek still enjoying the embrace. "You'll be fine Cybil, a young woman like you of character and breeding." The young woman was full of panic and questions and she would answer what she could. "We'll get a good bath the morning of the tea, and apply lotions and color befitting what outfits we will wear.

"thank goodness you'll be by my side Helene, I'm sure I'd make all sorts of mistake and look hideous the day of the tea without you by my side. I mean what if my character and breeding are upsetting to her? What if... I look at her wrong or say the wrong things? This could very well be very very bad." Cybil said hugging Helene against her tightly needing some kind of reassurance. At home in Andor she was never so nervous meeting the Queen or the er well Queen. Even the King and the princes Cybil got along well with.

"I doubt she'll have any problems with that, you are a beauty and intelligent. She'll see your assets and eagerness to join our little country. The only thing she'd appreciate more is if you wore nothing, since you are very striking." Helene returned the hug and again kissed her cheek, letting her fingers rub her muscles a little bit. "Have I set your mind at ease a little dear one?" she asked innocently.

"little isn't the word for your country Helene! and yes... a little. I wish more so but I fear I've got myself all worked up now." Cybil said blushing brightly at the compliment and the fact they had been clutching each other and she was still completely and totally nude. Since Helene hadn't pushed anything or made any jokes though Cybil hod gotten comfertable around her and while not completely forgetting, put it aside for a little in her mind. But it flared again to the front of her mind and she blushed brightly and covered herself. "Sorry um... may I get dressed now?" Cybil asks softly, wondering if she needed checked again or something.

"Do you wish me to check you again, or help you with your oversized problem?" she countered. Helene was eurphoric feeling Cybil's naked body against hers. The young woman made her forget about the rough treatment and betrayal she faced long ago. She would have enjoyed sharing herself with Cybil again, the memory exciting her a little. "Or of course we could sleep like this or put on shifts if we must."

"Do you not think you ought to check? I mean... you have had to every other time... I just thought you would need to again after this session as well. But I sleep in a shift, I just cannot seem to sleep without wearing one." Cybil laughed slightly trying to ease her discomfort, she didn't know if Helene would want to check or not but either way Cybil wanted a shift to wear to sleep in at least. Picking up the wine glass on the bedside table she sipped more of it, there was maybe a third left and she still felt nothing from it. Besides she could handle one glass easily.

"I should, you begged off my checking the last time, so lay back little one." Helene stood and went to get another towel and rag incase she needed cleaned again. She climbed back onto the bed and got closer to Cybil, she was begining to trust her now. "Well, I shouldn't say you're completely healed up, but you're on the right track. Have you ever pleased yourself Cybil? It may help with your problem."

"I have before but... um never very often. I mean I didn't think it was neccesary now and Mathius and I... are um intimate." Cybil said softly laying on her back and spreading her legs, keeping them apart by placing her feet on the bed. She wondered if Helene was going to use that goop that she didn't want her to know what was in it. It had eased the entrance last time, and Cybil wasn;t exactly drunk enough to get horny or find pleasure in this kind of act so readily with a woman.

"You can even do it while entertaining Mathius inside you. That way there is less time that he may painfully stretch you." She did produce the goop and applied a little to her finger. "Same thing applies, if there is pain tell me immediatly." she instructed. Helene moved up between Cybil's thighs and gingerly inserted her finger inside. Slowly and deliberatly, she began to press and wiggle it inside Cybil, while watching her face for reaction.

"While inside of me? I mm no not pain just... just uh... feeling." Cybil said blushing brightly, her muscles twitching inside as Helene wiggled her finger inside of her. Cybil tried to keep her feet apart to keep her legs open but she wanted to close them feeling Helene's finger wiggling inside. It felt much like what Mathius often did to her, which made her react. She hadn't felt Helene checking her like this the last two times.

Helene sat for a second and thought how best to explain, finally giving up it would have to be bluntly said. "Well, I have my finger inside you, try touching your little nub and you may understand." She moved her finger a little deeper and pressed out some. Cybil was nervous, it was easy to tell, she probably would never willingly allow another woman to touch her again. "There is your wine if you need it. I understand you still have some hang ups about this."

"No I understand... I... think. I won't need the wine thank you though." Cybil says blushing harder as she reached down and did as Helene asked. If she said it would let her know then she would of course. Rubbing it gently she blushed harder as she gelt pleasure and she closed her eyes to try to not be any more embaressed by this ordeal. She knew Helene was just trying to help her after all so there was no need to make this into something sexual, when it wasn't.

Watching Cybil touch her nethers as Helene was checking for soreness was an arousing experience. "Now the next time you allow Mathius to thrust in and out of you, try it. When you climax it will squeeze him into climax more than likely." She smiled and watched Cybil's finger, "Do you enjoy Mathius's finger as much or as I would imagine rougher then ours? Any pain or discomfort yet I'm almost as deep inside you as I can get?"

"Mathius often does this for me.... Yes I do enjoy it. No... I mean... a little like tenderness but not as much as it had been before. It feels... almost fine." Cybil said softly panting just slightly at the pleasure of her own fingers pleasing herself and Helene's finger inside of her wiggling around still. Cybil kept her eyes closed but the blush stayed strong on her face regardless. She was becoming aroused and slick with her own wetness.

She could smell Cybil's excitement and continued to press against her. "Which area is more tender, I would have guessed both sides equally." Helene finally decided to withdraw the finger a little and push back in near the area she said was tender. This would be the last time Cybil would need her help like this. Once they finished she was going to snuggle up to her friend and drift off to sleep.

"MMmm... yes that, that is quite a bit more sore... It's better then yesterday but still sore." Cybil says lifting her hips a little, the rubbing not painful but certainly tender. She continued to rub herself with her own fingers as Helene had not told her that she should stop. Panting lightly still the blush continuesly covering her cheeks as she continued.

It suddenly occured to her why Cybil was still playing with herself. "Cybil are you excited, I didn't mean that you had to continue. But, if you don't really want to I won't complain you're quite beautiful." She quit pressing against her so hard, but still moved her finger. Helene had to fight an urge to kiss Cybil's legs again.

"Oh! No I... uh... Sorry I got carried away a little." Cybil said pulling her hand away suddenly. Blushing brightly and looking to the side. "No no I... If you're done um I should clean up and we should sleep." Cybil said covering her face with her arm to hide herself and hide Helene from herself. IT was crazy, what in the world had she been doing? So much time she had spent just with Mathius he must have had an affect on her or something.

"Yes, I beleieve so." Helene said with a slight pout removing her finger. She rolled away from Cybil's legs to her side and moved back up the bed. "I think you'll find a shift in the wardrobe, if you still need one." Personally, Helene hated wearing them and had not worn one in ages. But, Cybil was still very Andorian and shy.

"Yes I... uh... sorry about that Helene... I... sorry." Cybil says softly climbing off of the bed and quickly washing up before donning a shift she found in the wardrobe. Once clean and dressed sort of she, climbed back into the bed and crawled under the covers. Settling into the bed she smiled at Helene a little, "How is everything Helene? I've never shared a bed with another woman before." Cybil giggled softly trying not to be so nervous.

"It's ok, I'm comfortable how are you handling this arraingment?" she returned the question. She yawned, trying to stifle it behind her hand for fear of being rude. "If you don't wish to stay you don't have to, I wouldn't dream of forcing you." She did feel like maybe she had hoped for something she shouldn't have. Cybil noticed that there was a pocket in her shift and something poked her from inside.

"No no it's fine! Reminds me of the childhood sleepovers I used to have, that's all." Cybil smiles before reaching down into the pocket. Pulling whatever it was poking her out so she could see it. She smiled softly at Helene yawning though, it was such an unladylike thing to see the other woman do and it was funny. But she didn't want to laugh at her or make her feel bad it was really funny.

Helene wasn't paying attention, she had turned on her side. Inside the pocket was a locket with a small painting inside. It was Helene and a man in uniform holding hands. He looked like a soldier or noble of some sort and she was watching him with adoration. Helene still facing away said, "Goodnight Cybil, we'll continue our talk in the morning."

"Goodnight Helene." Cybil said softly turning so her back was to Helene and she could continue looking at the picture. It was obvious Helene was in love with the man... but... who was it? Eventually she put it back in the pocket and fall asleep quickly. She needed rest so she could think properly to confront the Matron and hopefully not get them all killed anyways.

The next morning, light filtered into the open terrace doors of Helene's room. During the night she had snuggled closer to Cybil and had put her arm over her. As Cybil awoke she could feel her warm breath against her bare neck. Already the sounds of the city were filtering through the windows, indicating the markets were open. The tea with the Matron was later and there was a good deal of preparation to do.

Cybil stirred the moment sunlight filtered into the room. She had lain a few moments just listening to life in Pachucca, and letting Helene rest as well, she was a lady of a different country and therefore kept her own hours. But eventually Cybil lifted her arm gently and sat up. She was nervous already about today and her stomach fluttered like butterfly's, but it promised to be a very nice day out regardless what inner turmoils she was having on her own.

Helene sighed and rolled over, "It's too early Marius, come back to bed." She said nothing else and her breathing never wavered, she was still asleep. A soft knock came from her chamber door before a servant poked her head inside. "Beg pardon, shall I bring breakfast and tea?" she asked in a low tone. Outside she heard Mathius and the others talking while they were practicing.

"Yes please, for two." Cybil says with a soft smile, turning back and looking at Helene, the poor girl... Cybil was beginging to understand a little bit what was going on. But she didn't quite know yet. She hoped nothing went wrong today, she hoped... no she decided hoping wasn't good enough, what she needed was prayer. She she got to her knees and prayed to the family gods. Perhaps they would help even if no one else did.

When breakfast arrived, Helene opened her eyes and stretched. Then she exited the bed and put on a robe. "You had Civelt bring breakfast and tea, how thoughtful." Splashing a little water in her face and then drying it with a towel. "Are you ready to get a bath and decide what we are wearing today?" she asked.

"I did yes... and I believe I am yes. I hope you don't mind Helene but there was something in the pocket of your shift and I didn't want to lose it. It's on the desk." Cybil said softly showing Helene with a wave of her hand. She was sitting at the table and had a plate of breakfast on the table before her. She hadn't started eating yet. She was waiting for her hostess. If nothing else Helene knew the proper way to behave as a guest somewhere.

Helene looked at the locket with a mixture of nostalgia and saddness. "Thank you for being so concerned about my locket Cybil." she said almost emotionless. Then without any further discussion about it she sat and began looking over their breakfast. The cook had made omelettes with cheese and wild mushrooms, for them. "I believe we should dress you in a very nice blue or green, and I will dress in the other color."

"I'll just give you a... little while then to choose everything and to prepare. I'll go take a bath." Cybil says smiling softly, she had finished most of her omlette by now already so there wasn't much need to stay. It seemed Helene needed some time to compose herself as well. Cybil didn't want to get in her way and so she decided bathing would be a good way to give that time to Helene.

"I would think, you should go find Mathius. I'm sure he misses you and would like to know that you are safe and feeling better." Helene's tone was less friendly than usual about Mathius. But, before anything else could be said she turned and went to a wardrobe. "Be back here after your bath, I will lay out the green dress for you."

Cybil left quickly, she had changed already into the dress from the day before and grabbing the wand into her hand she summons Mathius. "Meet me in my room Mathius. Now." She orders suddenly feeling rather cold and lonely, Helene had left her much well dismissed her much more abruptly then she had before. Cybil didn't mean to bring up a sore topic but it seemed that was what she had done exactly. Cybil just wanted to make sure nothing happened to the locket.

Mathius was waiting in her chambers when she arrived, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Greetings mistress, you called for me to come to you?" he asked looking at her. Waiting a few minutes in case anyone might be watching magically, "Is something wrong Cybie?" Her look seemed that something was amiss and that could be bad. This place was driving the guy's crazy with inactivity and him more concerned about her well being.

Cybil walked up and immedietly leaned against his chest and wrapped her arms as far around him as she could. She needed a little comfort and to know Mathius was safe. "I have plans this afternoon... so I won't be back until maybe dinner. I have to take a bath... But I needed some comfort." Cybil says softly holding him and taking deep breaths after explaining some things. She was worried and now she had upset Helene and she needed a little comfort.

"I'm always here when you need comfort, CYbie." he told her as he wrapped his arms around her. Her announcement about plans made him a little curious, hopefuly it would solve some of their concerns. "Is this something you need me to go with you? The others are departing in a little while for the farm, so I am free." The dividing of the troops made Mathius a little concerned, if anything happened they would need to find a way to find each other.

"No... They think you are a spy Mathius. The Matron doesn't want you to meet her. She just wants to meet me. Talk to me Helene said, I can only assume they think me a spy too. We have to convince them that this isn't the truth. I just wish there was more information about the sudden change and if the guild has come here at all yet. Though I sort of doubt it. I... I just needed you suddenly." Cybil says softly still holding him tightly. She knew she needed to bath but more then getting clean she wanted to be able to be held and cared of. Just for a little bit at least. Then she really did have to go and bath and get ready.

"Well, I guess we will have to do what we can. I intend to mew around here like a lost kitten until you return. Just be careful, alright my love?" he was concerned more about her safety then the others. The rest of their group could help each other after figuring how to remove the collars. If anyone attacked Cybil, they would have to take care of themselves.

"I'm always careful Mathius. In court or in private, I always tread carefully. You just be careful not to mew so loudly they have to use the collar to shut you up yes? If they did anything to you... I'd do something incredably stupid I want you to know." Cybil says softly before going on her tip toes and kissing his chin. Unless he stooped down a little she couldn't kiss his lips. But he would get the message and bend down some, he always did.

He bent low to kiss her while bringing his hands around to her bottom and squeezing playfully. Sometimes he used to wish she was taller, but getting to place his hands on her when he bent to kiss her was fun. Mathius gently pushed his tounge into her mouth to caress hers. Her reassurance put him at ease, she could hold her own with anyone in court. His forte was handling the brawling and if anyone was going to come for him, that is what it would be.

Cybil groaned softly into his mouth, his move pushing her hips forward and she pushed her tongue around his. She found herself wishing she had more time to be with him, but she couldn't let that distract her from what was important. She needed to keep calm and collected. She needed to keep using the facts she had built on and to the best of her ability persuade the Matron they were not spies but left Andor to be with each other. Right now however most of those thoughts were gone as she felt Mathius's large warm hands on her rear, and his warm wet tongue in her mouth. His broad frame against her own small one. She was shorter then Alehial even, but broader as was the Andorian blood running her though her.

He broke the kiss long enough to ask, "How long before your meeting?" Then began to kiss her neck and clevage. Once she returned the kiss he began to desire her with a hunger. "It would be nice to share attentions with mistress, so I do not mew so much when she is gone." Mathius then began to pull up her dress to place his hands against her naked rear.

"Tea-time, Andorian fashion and time. So... three hours, for bathing and dressing and makeup and s-some time." Cybil stuttered lightly her stomach pressed again his hips. She could feel his hunger she saw on his face so clearly. Once his hands contacted with her flesh she panted, his attentions with his mouth to her neck and breasts. Now his hot hands on her cool flesh, was driving her absolutely wild with passion.

He parted the cheeks of her bottom and squeezed one in each one of his hands. "A great deal of time for us to share attentions then, mistress?" he breathed heavily in her ear before gently catching her earlobe between his lips. Mathius sometimes was amazed as forward as he was with her so far from home. It was if the rules that governed them had been let loose, allowing them to be uninhibited. Dragging one hand from her bottom and bringing it around to massage her nethers.

"S-some time y-yes." Cybil stuttered as her chest heaved a little more air then before. She spread her legs a little to let his hand have any access it wished. Her face tilted upwards to his own. Her hot breath in his ears, she was helpless to his whims, and she didn't have the will to deny him anything he might wish of her. He was voracious and unstoppable of his appetite of her flesh. She had to admit she was the same for him. HE set her on fire and she couldn't hve enough of it. If they ever got home, she didn't know how she would be able to live for long without his touch, and without their shared passions. It would be a scandel to return and be wed right away though.

His index finger wormed up into her as his thumb began to mainpulate her clitoris. Releasing her earlobe her sought out her mouth again, wanting desperately to taste her lips. Mathius released her bottom and began to undress her to rub her breast. THey were enjoying each other with abandon, not caring who knew. It would not be the same when they arrived home, at least until they were wed.

Cybil kissing him deeply, opening her mouth immediatly to him. She wanted everything he could give her and she knew they needed to stretch her first because he... was large but she wished she could take him easier. That they didn't have to be so careful of her small body all the time. She moaned deeply as he touched her and undressed her. Her legs trembled as he handled her clit, she thought they might give out if he was to rough and wonderful to her.

He felt them tremble and shifted around to lay her on the bed, then resumed sharing attention. "I would not like mistress to fall while I'm loving her." Instead he decided to lean over and run his tongue over her nethers. His Cybil always sweet and warm, he relished her as he rubbed her thighs. Mathius hoped she would still have time to bathe when he was done.

Cybil moaned and held his head, letting his hair wrap around her fingers. Her legs spread to give his broad shoulders room to please her. If he stretched her quickly, she would have time to bath and dress and anything else she might need. But for now all she knew and all she felt was Mathius's heated touch. She knew passion and desire and he only fed that flame. She wished she could do something for him but, she could not, not until he was sure she would not be hurt or become hurt from his attentions again.

He began to lick at her clit roughly and slipped his fingers back inside her. His other hand moved higher and began to gently pull her nipples and rub her breasts. Nothing else mattered to him right in this second, then her pleasure. It excited him to no end and he was erect, which was trapped inside his pants leg. Mathius groaned though she was amazing and he knew why Helene wanted to pleasure her too.

Cybil cried out softly her legs quivering, her body was sensitive already and he was skillful in his seducing her body to open to him. She trembled at his touch and panted from the state of desire he left her in. she would cum soon from his touch if he continued to concentrate on her clit as he was. while it was nice she needed stretched to accept him into her body sooner.

He wanted to make her climax before he tried to enter her again. A third finger joined the second, as he took her clit into his mouth and sucked lightly on it. The quake of her legs teamed with her cries steeled his resolve. Moving his other hand to play with the other breast, wanting to make her even more excited. She would need that bath by the time that he was done pleasing her.

Cybil moaned at the feel of being stretched by three of his fingers, it was a little tighter now, she could feel a slight resistance as he worked on loosening her for him. But then he began to sick her clit again and with a soft cry she climaxed, her entire body trembling as she arched her back. Holding his hair with her hands in fists as she came from his hand and his mouth. It was cruel that the gods would give them each other and make it hard for them to couple. Cybil was certain Mathius was her soulmate however and would make sure they could be together for a long time.

"Does mistress require more, or do you need to get your bath?" he asked licking her again. He wouldn't press the issue and would just handle his excitement by himself. Loving Cybil would mean he needed to be patient, she was smaller than him. And Mathius found out long ago that one needed to be patient for what you wanted. Once again he began moving his fingers in and out of her.

"mmm No... I,.. need more." Cybil pants softly, her body shivering lightly as his fingers continued to move inside of her, stretching her, caressing her. She had had the treatments and it should make it easier to take him and for him to stretch her. She left herself open to him, to let him either prepare or use her body as he wished. She wanted to finish with him before the tea, but with enough time to bath. He would have to hurry a little but she wasn't paying too much attention. It had taken less then half an hour to get her to climax once but to share together they needed to hurry just a little more.

He withdrew his fingers and stood dropping his pants and allowing his manhood free. "Ok, Cybie if you want more, but we have to be careful." he said full of desire for her. Placing his tip inside her he began to work inside her slowly. He let out a low passion filled moan as he continued entering her. Only so far in he stopped to wait for her to give him the go ahead to keep entering.

Cybil had her mouth open breathing steadily, her face showing the slight strain of her body accepting his large member. When he stopped she opened her eyes and looked up at him. "It's okay, doesn't hurt just... stretches." She gave him a half smile, she was working hard on staying relaxed and he slid in rather easily thanks to having made her orgasm once already. "More." She says softly her voice breathy and deeper then normal, she nodded her head to let him know it was okay, it didn't hurt and she was a little more adjusted to him inside of her.

He pulled back out a little then continued to press in deeper. Her seductive call for more made him excited and he began to withdraw and press forward. He wanted to make her happy again, and also share that sensation. "Oh Cybie, you still feel so good!" he said breathing heavily. Still if she would ask him to stop he would do so.

Cybil moaned softly wrapping her legs around his waist. Letting him sink deeper inside of her while she opened up easier for him. As he pushed further inside of her she stretched out again, finally he hit her tender spot and she grimanced jut a little, she wouldn't tell him to stop though. It still felt good to her. It just meant she needed a day or so between their coupling she supposed. She wrapped her arms against his own and her hands grasped his shoulders tightly.

He began to slowly thrust, smiling down at her, delighted that she wasn't in pain. Mathius reached out and began to play with her breasts, hoping to get Cybil even more excited. Whatever she was doing that helped her accept more of him was working. Cybil was holding him tightly and he returned holding her as well. "God Cybie you are amazing." he moaned.

"Me?!" Cybil gasps as he thrust inside of her. She was filled with as much of him as her body could take. Deeper then before, but not quite to the hilt of him. Not yet. She was panting for breath, even going slowly the act was so passionate and he was filling her so much it felt so good. So full of her beloved, she accepted him into her body as much as her body allowed. She loved him and even if she had to hurry bathing she wanted to savor this and savor him.

He continued to thrust into her being careful not to push too far. "Yes Cybie he are so warm and I feel so good inside you." he groaned. If this was what being patient got him then it was worth the wait. Hoping this would be the first of many joyous cuplings between them. "OH, mistress aren't you worried that you'll be late?"

"Silence slave. Make me feel." She ordered with a playful if not throaty voice, she would have laughed had he not been making love to her so tenderly and so.... deliciously. She felt as if she were going to climax any moment. He always did that to her though, he filled her so much that even just a few strokes of his flesh inside of her made her climax. This time he was deeper inside of her though and she knew she wouldn't last long. She just hoped he could find pleasure in her, even if he had to wait through a few of her own.

Her body gripped and squeezed his manhood tightly, amazingly her warmth was making almost spill his seed. He continued to thrust and began to build up a little speed. Still watching her closely as he did so. "Cybie I don't think you will be waiting long." The climax was building and there wasn't much more before her climax would cause his own.

"NNAAAH!" Cybil cries out leaning her head up and bites down on Mathius's shoulder. Her body clenching tightly around him as her climax ran through her. The speed seemed to have tipped her over the edge and to stifle her cries she bit Mathius. Though not nearly hard enough to do any damadge. It might not even bruise. But her body clenched around him tightly and she held onto him tightly. this was the best coupling they had had yet.

Her climax clenched down on him and triggered his own, his manhood twitched and his seed emptied into her. He held her close and kissed her neck as she came down from he climax. "Cybie, oh my there is no words to express how good you felt." As they came down from their sex, there was a knock on the door. " I think they have come to take you away to the baths, I apologize if I got you into trouble."

"No it's okay... I'll just hurry a little. I'll still be clean." Cybil whispered before kissing his lips. "You need to uh... pull out and... let me up." She whispered blushing brightly looking up at him. Her body still trembled beneath him, her hips aching a little now that the euphoria of climax was wearing down a little. She knew she would be a little wobbly and she was hoping the hot baths would help loosen her up, though she was very limber everything they did together put a different kind of strain.

He kissed her again, "Oh, sorry, but now I know how to keep you in bed after we get married." Pulling back he removed himself from her body, and fought not to push back inside. He crossed the room to get her a wetted rag and towel. Returning he smiled at her and offered them to Cybie, he did want to be helpful. "So, how long do I wait before I come looking for you?" he asked with a teasing smile.

"I'm not sure... I was told it would be a tea and those can last almost up to two hours. If it does take that long... I will probably be having lunch as well, so don't get worried until just after the lunch hour." Cybil says wiping herself clean, with the wrag and towel he had brought her. She grimanced a little as his seed seeped from her body and chilled but she would be taking a bath soon and she would clean better then. "It might be another day or so before we can... go again... I think we need to take this a little slow, it seemed to help." Cybil said softly before standing and kissing his lips quickly and grabbing her dress putting it back on herself so she could go bathe.

"As you wish mistress, does that mean I may not please you other ways?" Mathius loved teasing Cybil, but even he was a little surprised in his tone. He could only chalk it up to finally realizing how much he truly loved her. Physical pleasure was only part of it, Cybil meant so much more now that she was willing to do this. "I must hurry and speak to the others before they leave, any orders to pass along?"

"To be careful and be on guard. I don't know if we will be able to send word or not to them. If there is no contact within two weeks they should know something has gone wrong and should work on escape. Mathius... you can play with me however you wish." Cybil says with a small smile and a blush staining her cheeks before she quickly left the room. Unable to face him after uttering such daring words. She needed to bath quickly, she also needed to know how much time was left before the tea. She hadn't thought they had taken more time then she had thought it would take. She hoped it hadn't anyways.

He saluted her in mock style, but said nothing else. He then went to talk to the guys. Two weeks, and then look for a way out, it was a troublesome time table to enforce. Leaving her quarters he hurried to the slave huts. Once he arrived he drew his friends together and in code gave them their instructions.

Cybil hurried to the baths and quickly undressed and sank in. She washed her hair first and then scrubbe dher body. Not wanting to take too much time in case she had lost track of time with Mathius she bathed quickly and got out. Drying off her body and then drying of her so much shorter hair. She was still regretful about it. She really was afraid of what those would say in Andor when she returned with it almost two feet shorter. There was nothing she could do though and for now it was faster to clean and dry, which was helpful right now. Wrapping the towel around her body she stopped a moment when she realized she didn't bring any clothes with her, that Helene had said she would arrange for a dress for her to wear. she hadn't brough any under clothing either for that matter.

"Mistress, I came to fetch you to Mistress Helene's chambers." a servant bade from a doorway. It led into the main house and more than likely it was from where Helene watched her and Mathius. The young woman smiled and averted her eyes while waiting for her. Helene had told the servants unless asked to the would not look anyone in the baths in the eye. They were a place to relax and more than once there was a clandestine meeting there.

"Oh! Yes thank you very much! You have prefect timing!" Cybil giggles softly, wrapping the towel a little more firmly around herself she tried not to blush to hard. Walking around the edge to meet the girl to be able to follow her to Helene's chambers. Cybil blushed harder realizing it would be simple to stand here and observe the bathroom whilst not being seen. this was deffinetly the place Helene had been while watching them be so intimate together. That was embaressing and a half.

She led Cybil up a couple of short flights and through the door into Helene's chambers. Turning around Helene smiled, "Welcome you look quite refreshed." SHe crossed and kissed Cybil's cheek and gently tugged at her towel. "We haven't much time, so here is the dress I know you will look darling in it." Then crossing the room she picked up a pair of sandals and the colors for Cybil's face.

"Sorry I lost track of time!" Cybil apologized quickly as she dropped the towel and taking the dress, pulling it on she adjusting it here and there and blushed brightly. "Helene... it's got slits up the sides!" She says her cheeks red, the cuts traveled all the way up to her hips, there was no way she could wear her under things underneath it without it showing. The dress hit her around two or three above the knee and was a soft blue. It tied in a loose criss cross pattern in the back and in the front showing ample cleavage as well. All in all it felt like she was only wearing a small scrap of cloth instead of a dress itself properly. she quickly strode to the mirror and upon seeing herself in the dress her blush became a bright red the lit up her neck and the tops of her shoulders too. "I can't go out in this! Not for Tea!" She exclaims.

"It looks fine dearest, I am wearing pretty much the same as you. Actually it is the perfect example that you have accepted Pachuca." She smiled and could only wonder how delicious her friend looked to anyone who saw her. She still needed coloring and of course the sandals and perhaps a quick lesson on how to sit. "Come here and have a seat so I might help you with these and the your makeup."

Cybil sighed and walked over sitting down she kept her knees together tightly and made sure the skirt was down aorund her legs. The sandles strapped all the way up her calf, and were flat leather on the bottem with straps covered the tops of her feet. The make up she was leaving to Helene to take care of but she was glad the woman was in higher spirits now then she had been only a few hours before hand. Almost back to normal, but Cybil couldn't help but feel... well fat almost. In the dress it showed off just about everything she had and left little to the imagination, She was broader and had larger breasts and hips and thighs then most Pachuccan women she had seen. She almost thought to ask for a guard to walk with her since she couldn't take Mathius. She was afraid of being hassled looking like she was.

Helene went and sat across from Cybil, making sure she could note how to sit in the dress. If she felt so uncomfortable then maybe she might have her wear something else. "Just like I am Cybil, and believe me you look like you have lived here all your life." Cybil had very nice legs and the sandals teamed with that dress made her look exquisite. Helene hoped she wouldn't balk about the dress.

Cybil fidgeted a little before she rearanged her legs so she sat as Helene sat. "you all are... so much thinner and .... tinier then me." She says blushing softly, not wanting to say outright that she felt overly fat around all the other Pachuccan women. Only a few were as large as Cybil herself was and even rarer were larger as she had seen. She was glad she was fitting in but... she didn't FEEL like she was fitting in no matter how she looked. But for today she would have to just get through this, Helene knew best and was on her side. She would help Cybil not to mess anything up.

"If you really feel that uncomfortable in that dress, I suppose I have one that covers a little more put is a tad deeper clevage. Would that be better, if so untie that and let it drop. We will have you step into the new one and pull it up." She stood and headed back into the wardrobe, it disappointed her a little, Cybil looked so sweet and seductive in that. She returned with the new dress that Cybil may not disagree with so much.

Seeing Helene's dissapointment made Cybil feel ashamed. "No... I... I just meant... I'm not used to it. I... I will though... I mean... I'm exotic here right?" Cybil said trying to fix what she had said and undo any damadge. Helene always made Cybil feel a little jittery whether because of the outfits she constantly put Cybil in or... because of the hungry looks she gave her while in them. But Cybil didn't want to dissapoint her and would work hard and not being so uncomfertable being so nude under so little material. "Can you please apply my make up I'm afraid I still can't do the style quite right yet." she asked softly.

She shrugged and moved closer to begin applying the makeup. Straddling Cybil's lower legs so she could be closer to apply it. "If you aren't sure I wouldn't mind if you went in the other dress." Other than that comment she focused on making Cybil's makeup look amazing. Time was getting short, soon the sedan would be here to wisk them away to tea.

"But you chose this dress first. I wouldn't want to... lower your expectations of me." Cybil says softly, it was very relaxing to go through all of this. Much like at home with her own mother teaching her how to do makeup by applying it for her. Though with differenced, being nude other then a little peice of cotton for one. Not wearing proper underthings for second, and being in a foreign lands trying to convince a matriarc she isn't a spy when she really was and trying to get information out of them at the same time of course.

"I chose that because I think it shows off your beautiful legs. But, I would rather have you comfortable, besides I think many people would rathe ogle your breasts." She finished the make up and reached around to pul the tie lose. Cybil would not be calm during the tea if all she thought about who was eyeing her nethers. She then began tuggin the front down exposing Cybil's breasts.

Cybil gasped and using her arms and hands covered her breasts once the clothe had fallen around her waist. "Helene!!" she exclaimed her face blosseming red in a bright blush once again. though she couldn't do much, Helene was almost like a force of nature, nothing anyone did could stop that woman from doing what she liked and what she thought was right. Cybil wasn't quite used to her yet, even though it was fun and more then a little embaressing. It was new and exciting.

Teasingly Helene whispered, "Do you know why the dress is slit on both sides so high?" She lowered to her knees and flipped the front up covering her lips and nose from Cybil. "So, you can't really see who is eating at you." she lauged before standing and fetching the dress for Cybil. It was the same color with a slit along one side to her hip, but would show more of Cybil's beautiful breasts. "If this one doesn't work, I'm taking you there naked and that is it!" she smiled again in her teasing way.

Cybil blushed a deep red, all the way down to the breasts in mention. Cybil didn't think she would ever be okay discussing such things so openly. Not even amongst her cousins and family were they all so open. It was crazy to think that a woman she didn't even know very well was teasing her about this and laughing all the while. Cybil did though pull the dress on and adjust it here and there as best she could, she didn't want to ruin the makeup but she didn't exactly understand how the dress worked completely yet either.

"Well, I guess you look very nice no matter which dress you wear." Helene helped her tie the back and did notice that one could see Cybil's bosom from prbably twenty paces. "Well, I believe the sedan is here by now, are you ready to go my friend?" She turned and headed for the doors leading further into the house. Once open, both women could hear the doorman speaking with a footman.

"Ready or not here they are." Cybil said softly taking Helene's hand fora moment and squeezing it. "Thank you." She says softly before letting her go. She didn't want to hinder her or seem to nervous or anything, even though she really was. The dress didn't actually make her feel much better but it covered a little more which was better, but it revealed much more in the front. Now was the time of Truth. Meeting the Matron, and convincing her she was here to be free of Andorian rules and their parents and trying to just be together in the world.

Helene looked back and smiled, "You'll be fine." She turned and started down the stairs to the foyer. "Gentlemen, I hope you haven't been waiting long for us." The soldiers at the door both bowed and stated the had not been waiting long. They both motioned and a sedan carried by six men and a group of guards approached, to bear them to the Matron.

Cybil walked, swinging her hips with her head held high. She strutted as if she was fully comfertable in what she was wearing and with who she was. She smiled at the soldiers and thanked them for the escort before she walked up to Helene, smiling sweetly at the other woman, she was hoping she was doing alright because she needed to be able to keep up her courage for all of this. Having learned to deal with such things from the Andorian court, she only hoped she would behave properly and not offend anyone.

Once on the sedan, the women were escorted quickly to the palace and their appointment. "Any last minute questions before we arrive?" Helene asked her arm linked with Cybils. She had been impressed with Cybil's walk to the sedan, almost like she belonged there. And during the trip she noticed several people stare at her guest. Hopefully CYbil was charming and honest with the Matron, if she was everything would be good.

"Is there anything I should not comment on or avoid? anything that might anger her?" Cybil asks softly holding onto Helene's arm securely, for all that she had strutted about and threw around smiles she had been excessively nervous about tripping or falling or while getting into the sedan showing off her entire rear end. Not only that but more then half of her breasts were just about falling out of the dress if you could call it one, that she was wearing.

"Just be pleasant and allow the Matron to bring up topics. But, be fore warned she may ask about Mathius and the others. Most of the topics will be about your life in Andor and reasons for coming here." She held onto Cybil's arm that way it was more stable, and pulled the fabric of the dress a little to cover her breasts better. Then smiling turned and enjoyed the trip further into the city.

"Your city really is beautiful Helene. Just like you, full of grace and dignity. Thank you for warning me... I'm just glad you were here with me for all of this." Cybil said with a small smile not having noticed what she had done, or how Helene had fixed or adjusted it. Cybil looked around at the city, she felt bad for the eight men carrying the sedan with them in it but it was their job and Cybil couldn't very well tell them to stop she would walk. It was against their rules she was sure.

For the next hour they wound their way through the city past the markets and temples. Helene pointed out places of interest and told stories of parties and the like. "I think there is a gala the night after tomorrow we should go and enjoy ourselves. Once the Matron agrees and some time goes by we should really find you a house to call your own. But, not too far away so I can see you often."

Cybil listened to the stories with rapt attention. It was amazing sounding and fun too. Everything was simplistic and pleasurable, even the architexture, though some of the temples had statues doing wildly inappropriate things to be seen by public eyes. "Yes that sounds amazing! These parties really do seem to be the highlight don't they? I do hope I get invited to a great many of them! I do hope the Matron doesn't beleive Mathius and I are really spies." Cybil says a little worried ojce again.

"You concern yourself about things that should be simple." she chastized lightly. Helene looked at Cybil and smiled again, if she was truthful about not being a spy then she had nothing to fear. And one could very much believe that most of the higher class would love to have this lovely young woman attend their parties. Rounding one turn Helene grabbed ahold of Cybil tightly when the sedan pitched a little. The guards yelled at the people who caused the jam up, and had to stop to work out the problem.

Cybil, who had quickly adjusted for the tip of the Sedan clutched Helene as if she hadn't the reflex to catch herself. "What's going on? what happened?" Cybil asks trying to see what had been the reason for the tipping Sedan, and the shouting guardswomen and men. While sitting at ease on the sedan it was easy to think she was completely comfertable but she was all too aware how easy it would be to topple or throw down the sedan while they were riding in them.

"Just a little traffic congestion, we will be through it shortly." she said absently. And true enough the sedan and its entourage continued along its route to the Matron. "Over there is the Assembly, representatives of the districts come there to meet and hear of the changes in policy, from the Matron. Beside it is the courts, an appointed magistrate hears complaints and judges criminals." Up ahead atop a hill sat a large mansion, which could only belong to the leader of Pachuca.

"Oh my! So there are magistrates here too? Much like Andor? what districts? How many of them are there? what do they do in each district? How does your system work? Is this all just for this one city? Is that mansion where we are headed?" cybil asked all of a sudden questions flooding from her mouth as she wanted to know answers to all these questions she had been keeping inside of her. No one had wanted to tell her how the government system worked other then the Matron made the rules and had created this 'utopia' if one could call the enslavement of men a utpoia.

Helene laughed and launched into explaination, "Most of the major cities govern a district. Each does their own things, fishing, boat building, ironwork. But each send a representative here to the capital, to speak for them. And yes the mansion is the Matron's and our destination today. I suppose if you like we could visit the Assembly during its next session."

"Oh yes please! I would love to sit in and see how it all works. If that is alright I mean, I wouldn't want to upset anyone. This is fascinating though Helene I've never heard of such a thing before! Each city specializing in one trade and sending one person to reprisent the entire town for all the workers. I'm completely taken by this idea! You will need to tell me more! how it all works what the law is like and how it is carried out, the chain of command I want to know it all! Is there a guild system? the gladitorial fights do you do it the same as Illian or do you have different rule sets for such things?" Cybil continued to ask, it seemed answering one question opened Cybil's need for three or four more to be answered. Cybil really was interested in these kinds of things the most.

"The games sometimes are strange, if it is man vs man then they take place even at parties. If it is versus a beast or monster then in the arenas, most alway s to the death. Not all the cities have only one trade, but no matter how many trades there is only one representative. The districts are goverend by a governer who is also the leader of the major city." Helene watched Cybils excitment grow as she was asking her questions.

"what does the representative do? what is his role exactly? what power does he hold in the government? what does this guvorner do? what is his use in ruling the city? Are there guilds here in Pachucca?" Cybil asks as equally excited to be finally getting some information on the gvernment and how everything was run and how the political systems were as well. This was her mission and this was her hobby, it was why she had trained so had to come on the mission and finally she was getting some answers.

Helene laughed and began patted Cybil's leg, "Later my friend for the answers would cause more questions we have no time for." The men began to lower the sedan when they reached the mansion. More guards and a steward met them. "This way please, I will take you to the garden where you will await the Matron." They escorted them through several rooms and hallways until the were in a courtyard with a table set for tea.

Cybil found herself terribly nervous now that Helene wouldn't speak to her of the government. Without anything to distract herself she was getting a littl worked up. But outside she was confidently walking beside Helene and marveling at the beauty of the gardens and he splendor of the building. Everything here was so beautiful it was amazing. Cybil didn't do anything HElene didn't however as she had learned in the Andorian court it is better to do as others do then to do what you think is the right thing to do.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a man carrying a little boy. Cybil would have guessed to be about the same age as Alura. The man looked pretty much like a nurse-maid or whatever they call them in Pachuca. They were shown to comfortable seats to await their host. "The Matron was beset by an affair of state and will be here soon." the steward explained.

"Thank you." Cybil said softly in return to the steward, manners were never an ill thing to be looked at and as she sat on the seat she tried to get another look at the man carrying the baby, she wondered who it's mother was that it was here in the gardens. The Matrons maybe? Cybil knew how to be patient and to look without actually turning your head to see. So she sat demurely, though her back straight and shoulder back, in the dress she was rather stunning she still felt like fidgeting but didn't let herself, Helene wasn't so there was no need for her to either.

The baby and man passed again, he had dark brown hair and she couldn't see his eyes. The man was wearing a collar like Mathius, but his eyes showed that he had given up trying to fight his master. Helene looked at the child and thought for a second that Cybil's look was wistful. "Have you and Mathius talked about children?" she asked quietly. She heard footsteps coming from the balcony above, and knew soon the matron would grace them with her prescence.

"We want a lot but... no more then I can handle!" Cybil laughed softly, turning away from the man and child. It was sad to see someone simply give up like that. Be it man, woman or child, no one really had the right to take away free will. but hearing the footsteps Cybil instantly became a little more stiff and sitting properly a little more then before. She was suddenly nervous again wondering who this matron woman was and wht she thought of her. Helene seemed rather relaxed still but Cybil couldn't shake this almost foreboding feeling.

"Well, I hope I haven't kept you ladies waiting very long." came the voice from behind them on the stairs. It was familiar to Cybil, like something from the past. Suddenly moving past them to take the chair facing them was a face from the past. Kitara Uth Matir, the blue lady and now The Matron of Pachuca sat before Cybil. "You have changed so much since the last time I saw you Cybil." she said.

Cybil went absolutely rigid and her face went white. Her eyes were open wide and she looked terrified. her mouth was even open to form a slack o of surprise. She took a shuddering breath and tried to think. The blue lady... the armer, the anger, the threats to them as children. Cybil had never been a fighter and had been afraid of the lady so many years ago but now to see her sitting across from ehr in ornate revealing clothes and... the ruler of the land they were in and the one to suspect them of being spies was all... was all the... the blue lady.

The Matron looked at Cybil with a sly smile. "Are you alright Cybil Damodried? You look stricken, perhaps some tea?" Taking her own glass she sipped some before setting it back down. Helene looked a little confused, not having been well versed in the Matron's past. "So you brought Mathius Ravenwood with you to my home, how has he been al these years?"

Cybil covered her mouth with her hand and finally blinked, and swallowed. "I... I'm sorry, that... was rude of me." Cybil says very softly, bowing her head in apology. She was trying to think trying to figure it all out. "He has... become a fighter to... provide for himself and me. He's... well." she says softly still, so much was going through ehr mind it was hard to figure it all out. Mostly Cybil now feared what would happen to them, with Katara as the Matron, they might not make it out.

"I look forward to seeing how he has grown, you seem to have filled out nicely. And your mother Kara, Taringail? And of course Alehial & Altair how are they these days?" She kept a close eye on Cybil, it was interesting they should meet here. "Try the sandwhichs and of course the pastries, they are particularly good." she offered. THe Matron was smiling, this day could not have gotten better.

"Good... They are all... well. Mathius is much taller now. Six foot or taller." Cybil put her hands in her lap, better to hold them together so no one would see her trembling. she slowly looking at Katara and then away again picks up something small that could be eaten in one bite. If the Matron told her to eat it was best that she did so. but this really scared her, Katara the Blue Lady was the Matron of this entire country and... accusing her of being a spy that she really was?! This could only go badly.

"Maamaa!" came the call from the little boy, the caregiver unable to keep him quiet. "Bring him here Wulf since you are incapable to keep him quiet." she ordered. The little boy once in her arms pointed to several things on the table. She picked up a biscut and let him chew on it, as she kept watching Cybil. Helene was unsure if she should comment given the new amount of tension in the room.

Cybil was not only worried but now completely shocked as well, but this time her hand came up to cover her open mouthed surprise yet again. While at the Ravenwood house she had tried to seduce Altair to have a strong child a few times but... could this really be her child? what was going on?! what was going to happen and how much trouble were they really in. cybil had read the book of the ravenwoods but to see her here with this baby and in control of the entire country was terryfing.

"So, Helene has Cybil been looking into improving the farm we so graciously offered?" Helene nodded and commented that she sent orders with the wizard, priest and thief about improving things. The Matron smiled, "And Cybil, what of Mathius have you plans for him while the others are away? I would like to see him take place in a gladiator fight, maybe five nights from now at the Lumios party?" She refilled her cup then offered Cybil more tea, the little boy continued to bite on the biscut and smile at Cybil.

"Ah I... don't really understand the rules of everything yet..." Cybil said shakily, dropping her hand once again. She was behaving poorly at best and she knew she was just on this side of offensively staring but there wasn't much she could do. Katara had planned all this from the start and had her cornered, Cybil couldn't refuse and her stalling tactic was mediocre at best. Leaving her so unknowedgable about everything this country ran was what her plan had been. That was why Helene had said she really wasn't allowed to tell her much. She wanted to tell her... that Galin had been brought back again... but she didn't know if she knew that too or... better to hold that back.

"I'm sure you can get the information from Helene. And we can even have a healer there if you think he might get hurt. So, to the real questions though Cybil. Why have you come to Pachuca? Looking for a fresh start, with none of either of your families moneys?" She was pretty sure that her questions would be answered with a lie. But, she would need proof or to catch them red-handed.

"No... I mean yes... I... Tarin-gail... didn't want me to marry Mathius. Mathius gains no inheritance and is a common fighter not even in the courts eyes. while I am the daughter of a ambasseders daughter, even though I'm human and not from his blood I'm important enough to gain him access to certain trade for Sildea. I love Mathius. As he loves me! So... We took the money we both owned and came out to make a place for ourselves. If we took money from his parents Tarin-gail would... find out and become angry and things might have gotten tense between Sildea and Andor, with The ravenwoods right in the middle. We couldn't do that to them... so we left. Yes they knew we were leaving together and supported it but we didn't take any money or anything else from them!" Cybil says even afraid of Katara as she was she was earnest is her beleif's. "I chose Pachucca... the way it was before and how we didn't hear anything from it... I thought it would be the best place to hide but... I had no idea... I mean... that." Cybil stopped talking, the Matron would understand why though.

"That I was here or that women now controlled the country and its decisions?" she prompted. The little boy fidgeted until she put him down, and he sped away to his overseer. "It's true that when I was first here, men still held the reigns of power. Now, women through me are the mistresses and we are the ones who keep Pachuca strong." The MAtron was apparently very proud of this fact.

"Any of it actually. Almost all communication stopped and Pachucca became very secluded very quickly. How did... you overthrow them?" Cybil asked softly almost afraid to ask how all of this happened and to find out exactly how badly The blue lady had damdaged everything. It was terryfying to see the reality of one warped person could do to an entire country. One you were trapped in as a spy trying to convince them otherwise of to boot.

"They valued my ability as a warrior, raising through the ranks until enough people realized a woman was doing more than the leaders. So, with enough backing I took control and began to reshape this country. Little by little I replaced male leadership with female, until there was nothing the men could do about it. Pachuca is at peace, let the rest of the world do as it will." She took another sip and watched Cybil for reactions.

"Oh... a-and the child?" Cybil asks softly, if Katara had answered that calmly enough would she about the baby too? Cybil was frightened but she was trying to pull herself together as much as she could. A lot of time had passed but by the looks of it Katara continued to train and not live lavishly like a spoiled queen might. That scared Cybil because if she continued to train and held this country tightly in her grasp it meant very ill news for her and Mathius. Especially for Mathius.

"He is mine, although because he is male he can never follow far in my footsteps. I plan on trying again soon, with some minor modifications to the process." Cybil was having a problem finding her words, that didn't bode well for her. "So what is the real reason you and Mathius came here, learn about the military strength of Pachuca. Or perhaps you both came here following leads from the rumored return of Galin Ravenwood."

"Eat acidic food when you try the next time if you want a girl. We came here because of me!" Cybil said looking her straight in the eyes this time. She was going to convince her of this. "Tarin-gail wanted to marry me off to a merchant of good connection, someone who would do best for Sildea. He knew I loved Mathius... As much as Mathius loves me! No one had heard what happened to Pachucca... I thought if anywhere... at least the ravenwoods wouldn't be troubled to look for us on his request if they really didn't know anything about where we had gone! The fact that we came here after Galin's return had nothing to do with it! Unless he is here and then... then we will run. We just wanted to go somewhere that we could be together where Tarin-gail wouldn't try to follow to marry off the only female for contract with some merchants." Cybil says fighting the urge to stand and yell. She was keeping her voice steady as much as possible. She was trying not to raise her voice or even try to slam her hand onto the table. She just was afraid she might get in trouble and she was trying to behave but this was the worst thing that could have happened to them.

"Indeed the acidic food figures into my plan. And we will truly see in time how your story rings. And how has Helene treated you since your arrival, well I hope. Many of our newest citizens have been very happy being her guests." Cybil's reaction to her question did not wipe away her suspicions, any spy would be able to show outrage at being questioned.

"Uh... well, very well. I mean, she's shown me... ehm... shown me a lot... uh that... I've not known." Cybil says blushing brightly and begining to stutter a bit more as she remembered all of what Helene showed her. not much of the city but more of the experiences. "Like these dresses and the hair, even the makeup and some of your... uh... customs." Cybil says her hand automatically reaching up to touch her very shortened hair. Helene had told her she would cut it just past ehr shoulders and it was touching her jaw, that was a lot shorter then what she had promised.

Helene smiled and patted Cybil's hand, "Her haircut was a little shorter than what is in fashion, but I feel it makes her look exotic." The matron smiled looking at Cybil closely, "Yes, exotic and almost pixie like. I'm sure you've opened her eyes in ways she never thought possible." Helene silenced a little at her comment, ws the matron unhappy with her? Kitara reached out and siezed Cybil's hand and checked it over and over looking to see if it was a pampered woman or used to working.

Cybil pulled a little against the Matrons grasp on her hand but only out of shock. She sat straighter and her muscles tightened but she gave her her hand to look at. She had been very careful with her hands and while they had toughed some out of her learning to use a blade they had continued to stay soft and supple from her use of lotions and soaps. Cybil heard the tone that Kitara had used commenting back to Helene. This did not bode well, if Helene fell out of favor that meant Cybil was going to have to work double over the two handicaps she already had. The compliment of her hair almost scared Cybil then made her feel better about it, the way Mitara spoke was... well the woman herself was terrifying.

Kitara noted Cybil's reaction, not exactly a indication of guilt just worthy of note. "Cybil, did Alehial tell you or any of her daughters about our interaction in Shadizar so long ago? That we bathed together and I pressed my hands against her, probably less than Helene has touched you." She thought to embelish further, prehaps tell Cybil her and the half-elf shared a bed and pleasures together. But, Alehial would not touch any other except Altair, and she just wanted enough to pique the girls interest.

"the candle group used magic and extortion until Alehial and Altair relented and let them have the entire story. It was published as books of which they baught every copy and the rights to it. they burned them all, but not before letting those of us old enough to be able to read it to do so. I am aware of how much you touched her and how she refused you. I am aware also of how you terrorized us as children though I don't remember too much of it. I also know you wanted his child... and even raised Lyriel for some time. Alehial made sure all of her children understood they were free to try whatever they pleased as long as they took precautions." Cybil said pullmng her hand out of Katara's grip, she didn't want her touching her anymore. Cybil was already frightened and worried and working hard to not tremble.

Helene was concerned about Cybil's reaction, was the Matron as bad as she said? "So what now Cybil, will you request that we deport you and your friends. So, you'll be free to return to Andor to report what is happening here in Pachuca?" This little nothing should have learned from the book that the blue lady was no one to triffle with. Kitara noticed Helene was trying to gauge what was going on between them.

"You would never allow sqch a thing. You want no one from the outside learning of this until your hold is complete even with the succesor being trained to follow you. I am aware of your situation. I am also aware of how difficult it is to maintain a country and as outsiders Mathius and his companions are a threat. We were looking for a peaceful place to live to get married and live freely. If you don't wish to beleive it that is your business 'Blue' Lady. I have no dilusions you will be nice or even easy or helpful in any way. I just ask that you do not harm any of us, we came trusting that Pachucca was still a safe country." Cybil said strongly, she wasn't an idiot she understood everything now. How complicated it all was and what exactly they had walked into unknowingly. "I will not lie. I am afraid of you Matron, that is without a doubt the truth. But I will not be bullied more then neccesary. I am not some sniveling court girl to be intimidated just because I know of your old ways. You too are bound by the laws here."

Her eyes narrowed looking deeply into Cybil's eyes, "Interesting your reasons to flee here, and yes I am tied to the laws here. We should all just hope that Clan Masquer chooses to leave you and Mathius in peace." Looking between the women she sighed lightly, "Helene did not tell you about them? They hate allowing new arrivals to live here in peace, I have been trying to stop them from harming new arrivals. But, I doubt/you will trust what I tell you, since the history you, me, and Mathius all share." Kitara took another sip of tea and held Cybil's gaze.

Cybil looked worried after hearing that. "what is... the Clan Masquer?" Cuybil asked warily, she didn't trust this woman in front of her but... Neither was this her land and her ways. She didn't know very much at all about the New Pachucca at all so even if it was the truth that she didn't trust Kitara, equally she needed information no matter where it came from. Cybils voice trembled as the question left her mouth, she really was afraid of Kitara and what she might do but knowing she had more enemies then just the woman who ran the country was a very bad omen indeed.

"Dissedents, people who object to some of the changes I made. They prefer to do wage war against newcomers and their own people. I have been trying to do what I can to feret them out." She made no excuses that some of her policies weren't popular, but she cared little for that. Looking over the edge of her cup she met Cybils gaze, "I'll double my efforts to protect my newest guests."

"I... I see, Well, I wish you luck on that front." Cybil was having a hard time keeping up, she was off her game right now. Kitara had deffinetly thrown her off the loop, she was scrambling to keep up with the game but it was clear she wasn't doing her best now. She kept her hands in her lap under the table to keep Kitara from seeing them shake and tremble, her grip was also knuckle white and she hoped Helene didn't comment on anything about it, it would make her crack and let Kitara put more pressure on her.

Helene watched the entire conversation tight-lipped, answering only when she was supposed to. Pachuca had some history books from the time of the Dragon wars, it hadn't really affected Pachuca. But, it was clear that the Matron and Cybil knew each other from long ago. And somehow it was upsetting Cybil horribly, and while she owed allegiance to Pachuca she needed to do something. And she did it quickly and without another thought, she fainted and fell from her chair to the stones courtyard.

"Helene!!" Cybil turned getting to her feet quickly, and going to Helene's side. She leaned down and wasn't aware of the shortened skirt showing more skin then what was proper even by Pachuccan standards. She leaned over Helene and checked on her. She couldn't heal at all or anything but being in the andorian courts you saw a lot of fainting from girls who tried to get thinner by tieing their corsets tighter or dehydrating themselves or... something else sometimes. Cybil was worried about Helene though, she was her friend or as close as she had one here, and she didn't want her to get hurt or become ill.

Kitara took note of Cybil's body with a mild interest, she had grown up to be very pretty. But, she motioned to her own healer, who came forward with smelling salts. As she waved them under Helene's nose, the other woman fluttered her eyes opened, "Ohhh, what happened, I felt so strange." The healer checked and asked Helene if she had eaten or was pregnant then helped her back to her chair. "Beg pardon Matron, perhaps we should return home so that Cybil may dote on me until I fully recover, she is so sweet to be concerned about so many people."

"Helene! If you felt to overheated you should have said something!! This is no time to be fooling around with your health!" Cybil said softly, putting her hand on Helene's arm. Her face said she was still worried about the other woman. "Matron, please let us continue this another day, you will have my full cooperation at the time I swear it." Cybil says looking over at Kitara, she was very worried about Helene, maybe she was ill or fatigued in either case it was obvious she needed to rest.

The healer helped Cybil get Helene back up on her feet. "Really I will be fine, maybe just a little rest and Cybil will assuredly look after me. Again my apologies Matron it was a lovely tea and I hope to see you soon." The guards brought around the sedan and once seated they began to take the ladies home. Helene laid her head in Cybil's lap and closed her eyes, people looked quizzically but then hurried off.

"Really Helene if you were unwell you should have spoken up! what if you had fainted while on this Sedan and fell off?! You might have hit your head or worse cracked it open!" Cybil said gently petting her friends hair and head, the other hand gently ran her fingertips over Helene's forehead and cheek and nose in soothing soft touches. She was secretly glad of Helene's fainting attack however because it cut the time short of the meeting. Cybil felt she would have dug herself into a hole if she had stayed much longer in front of Kitara. That woman was no less terrifying ten years after the war then she had been during.

She shifted around a little and was looking up at Cybil and tok her friend's free hand. A smile crept across her face, "Your touches are so nice Cybil, I think someday you'll make a wonderful mother." If the Matron knew she had been deceptive, how horrible would be her wrath. "Remind me later I have something very important to tell you." Helene however wondered how long she could play sick to recieve Cybil's doting care.

"Thank you Helene... I cannot wait for the day I get to carry Mathius's child inside of me. But that won't be for a long time coming I'm afraid... Now you don't worry about that, you just rest until we are back and we get you something nice and cool to drink." Cybil said with a gentle and sweet smile, she held Helene's hand as long as she wished and continued to gently stroke her hair and comfort her. Cybil had spent a lot of time with her own three little half brothers being sick. As half elves their constitution was still weaker then humans and so as children they were often sick, she was the one to stay with them and nurse them back to health most of the time, her mother had other duties as the wife of a diplomat. She didn't always have time to take care of them, so Cybil did for her, though caring for her brothers had made it possible that she would wait a few years before becoming a mother, unlike Elsa Ravenwood and her husband.

"Do you realize that in your dress the way you went to me, I think the Matron saw your bare bottom?" she said with a renewed grin. Settling back her head cushined on Cybil's lap, she didn't notice the wisps of smoke above her house. It wasn't until closer that either of them saw anything amiss, except a group of people looking onto the grounds of her house. As the guards set down the sedan the servants ran out al in a tizzy. "Lady some men where here and they destroyed the slave hovels."

"W-what?! Mathius... Where's Mathius!?! Helene you stay here! Don't move you need to rest I'll be back!" Cybil promises before freeing her legs and literally jumping off the sedan and running to the door to head to the back where the hovels were. She had to find him, after hearing the warning from the Matron and then returning to find out what had happened. She would die if anything happened to Mathius, so she had to find him, he had to be okay. Even though she was desperate she hadn't wanted Helene to go anywhere because she had fainted and wasn't well, all her training with Lyle kicked in to help with the jump and the highheels, though she was stumbling a little. It was obvious she wasn't very good at running in these unfamiliar shoes but she had to find Mathius no matter what.

As she rounded a corner the hovels were in disarray, Mathius and the companies hovel was destroyed, laying on the ground was three bodies all dressed in black garments. Two of the other hovels were burning and would most likely need repairs. Nowhere in her vision was Mathius and she didn't hear him either. None of the dead men had any weapons marks it looked like they had been killed with barehands. That's when his hands pulled her back into a shady area away from prying eyes.

"AH!" Cybil cried out in alarm and surprise, she had tears running down her cheeks as she had searched furiously for him. She turned as she was pulled back and her fist was ready to connect with the Jaw of any man who grabbed her. Even so surprised Lyle's training was meant to keep her safe and it had been repeated over and over to the point that now it just happened when she was panicked and afraid. Mathius wasn't one of the dead men, they had all been far to small to be him but she just hadn't been able to find him at all and she was so scared they had taken him away.

Mathius caught her hand and quieted any cry with his mouth, but the kiss also was relief that she was safe. He released her hand when she knew it was him and he didn't have to worry about being struck. "Hello Cybie, how was tea, and you will never believe the day I had." he quipped. Looking over her shoulder at the chaos over where he used to hang his hat. The only regret he had was that he didn't lose the collar during his attack.

"MA-Mathius!!" Cybil burst into a fresh set of tears and hugged him tightly, clinging to him as she sobbed. She had been so afraid and so worried so suddenly and here he was safe and unharmed. She couldn't beleive he was making jokes at a time like this but she was too releived to do anything but cryagainst his chest. Her legs trembled and she sagged a bit to try not to collapse or anything too embaressing. After all she was still crying and she just couldn't beleive that while the matron had spoken of it this was going on at the exact same time!!

He held her up and close, "Ok, I think someone doesn't particularly care about new peoples. They were saying something about new people & overturning the Matron. Then started the attack, which ended with the fireball into the hovel. Luckily I broke out through the back wall, and took out the wizard then the others." He kissed her again, happy they were seeing her again.

Cybil hiccuped a little as she tried to calm down so she could tell him, but the tears kept running down her face and she clung to him him tightly. She couldn't beleive he was still alive and with her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her and after kissing him listened to his heart beat. She couldn't beleive how scared she had gotten. "D-don't ever l-leave me!!" She commands between the shakey breaths she was trying to use to calm down.

"No matter where I am, I am always with you Cybil. Besides they weren't that tough." He rubbed her back and kissed her again, before wiping away her tears. "What else does this place going to throw at us? I mean other than the collars, and crazy xenophobics?" Mathius was concerned about her safety here in Cumba. "Where is Helene and how well did you sell our cover story?"

Cybil nodded that she understood he was curious, keeping her arms around him she finally calmed down. It was tough but she was holding him and that was much better. "The Matron... doesn't beleive... Helene is in the Sedan she fainted that's why I'm back so soon... She... She knows who we are Mathius. I don't think there's much chance of us getting out of here. I tried I mean I really did but... Mathius she... She really scared me I.. I might have messed up but I'm I just don't know... Helene might have saved me from making a bad mistake or something..." Cybil said looking up at him concerned and worired still.

"She knows of us? How other than the fact the family is famous." He comforted her, wanting to alay her fears this was getting out of hand. "Ok, we'll have to watch our steps from her on out. Go on and see to Helene, we will need all the friends we can get right now. I'll go hide in the guest house until Helene is back on her feet, be careful my love."

"No wait... Mathius The Matron is... The Matron is the blue lady, Kitara." Cybil says softly still holding him tightly, she didn't want to release him yet until she was over her fears of him being gone. "Wait why are you hiding Mathius?" Cybil asked softly she was worried once again, it seemed today was full of worries and anxiety. Cybil was just about in need of a nap here soon, otherwise she might be far to tired to last the whole day. She hoped he would take the news of Kitara well, after all she really hadn't.

"The Matron is....WHO?" he asked slack jawed and wide eyed, "Holy SHIT!" It was obvious he never in a million years would have predicited this. "I am keeping a low profile in case more of them are out there. It was four on one, and when the dust cleared one stood, 1 fled, and three died. Do you think she sent them to kill me? Oh, Cybie this is bad, really bad."

"thanks I hadn't realised it yet!! No... She said there was a group of radicals trying to get rid of newcomers... including her still actually. But Mathius... she has a son." Cybil says softly wanting him to know all she had found out, she had been having a hard time not being to surprised or even running away when she met the woman face to face but... by how scared Mathius was Cybil didn't know if she could handle this as much as she thought she could. They needed to find a way to get out and soon.

"Wait...repeat that over again....SOMEONE 'willingly' slept with that....that...trollup? I think the abyss has frozen over and the balor's are playing that game with the sticks and the hard circle....." He figured Father would breath a sigh of relief, Mother too for that matter. The blue lady had disappeared after giving Lyle a nasty thump to the head during the last battle. But, really a son, it was hard to fathom her as a mother, or even an aunt in reality.

"But this time instead of wanting the boy... she wants a girl, to rule after she does here in Pachucca. She really thinks we are here to spy on her, not live together and be happy though. If... If Helene hadn't fainted I don't know what would have happened she was... using my shock to draw me out and I think she was winning." Cybil says softly hugging him again, she needed the comfort and support before going back to Helene's side. Besides she needed to tell Helene MAthius was okay and would be staying in the pool house with her from now on.

"Well thank goodness for our host then I guess. And it is weird that now she wants a girl after all that time about having Father's baby. Hopefully the crone moved on." Mathius could recall how they all hated the blue lady, knowing what she had done ALehial and Altair. "Cybie you need to go see to Helene, I'll be fine and waiting to talk to afterwhile."

"Alright, just please stay in the pool house and stay safe okay?" Cybil says before pulling him down and kissing his lips with her own. After the kiss she turned and walked back towards the front to meet back up with Helene. Once she got her situated then they could figure some things out surely. Perhaps now Helene would also tell her more of the lega system and how the government was running, that way they could have some knowledge at least how to defend themselves from Kitara.

When Cybil had left Helene had gotten up and went upstairs with the servant in tow. "Ow, I think I dinged my bell a little." she complained as she slid out of her dress and laid on the bed, "Do be a dear and get some linen cloth and cool water. And if Cybil asks, we had help getting up here." "Of course my lady, is there anything else you wish?" "No Nomi, that is all for now, I will ring if we need anything else." she responded.

Cybil was directed by the servants up to Helene's room, she hurried up the stairs and knocked on the door gently. Opening it slowly. "Helene? Are you in here? are you alright? I'm sorry I left, I found Mathius I told him to wait in my room. You didn't come up here alone did you?" Cybil asked quickly coming over to her bedside and putting her hand on her forehead and gently caressing her cheek.

Helene opened her eyes and smiled, "No, I'd have likely pitched over the bannister. Nomi and Kijin helped me and she removed my dress for me, and I must say I feel much more able to breathe like this." She wiggled her toes to divert Cybil's attention to the fact she was again naked. "Nomi is being a dear and fetching some linens and cool water for compresses. It is good to hear that Mathius is alright and unharmed." she smiled again at Cybil's touches.

Cybil smiled softly and brought a chair over, sitting on it she ignored the nudity of Helene's and focused on her face. It was easier to talk to her this way and a lot less embarressing too. Though her cheeks were pink because she had looked Helene over, she was naked and laying on the bed it was impossible not to, as nice as she looked though Cybil was desperatly in love with MAthius and he was the only one she really wished to sleep with or even fool around with. "I'm glad your servants are so quick to help, I have to confess I don't quite know where everything is even in the rooms you've given me, I'd be helpless downstairs I'm sure." Cybil smiles jokingly and continued to stroke HElene's hair gently. Touch was important if one wasn't feeling well it was always best to be there for them.

Helene giggled a little, "You have such a gentle touch, its one who will be a wonderful lover." Nomi returned with the Linen and cool water in a basin. She smiled and sat the basin on a short table with the linen strips near it. "Is there anything else you ladies desire?" she turned and left when neither spoke. "If you don't wish to stay, I'm sure I'll be able to manage by myself."

"Don't be silly Helene you need me right now! Mathius is unharmed! You lay and rest! I will have them bring tea and some soup for you later when I do leave but for now rest because I'm here and I'll take care of you." Cybil says shaking her head and frowning at the woman on the bed. She stood and dipped the clothe into the water and wrung it out to get the extra water out of it then dabbed Helene's head and neck and the tops of ehr breasts. It would help cool her down a little and hopefully ease her, with whatever had made her faint.

As the cool cloths made contact, Helene let herself relax and lay almost unlady like. "Gods, perhaps I becam too warm because the water feels good." she moaned enjoying the attention Cybil lavished on her. "So you knew the Matron years ago? The first time I ever saw her was at a party held by her commander. I thought at the time he was diddling her on the side along with his wife, but have come to find out he preffered the enlisted men."

"The only time I ever met er the Matron... was when I was six or so... At the time she was known as the Blue Lady, in the dragon wars. She was the rider of a blue dragon and she was as... well as evil as you can imagine, she chased Altair and Alehial trying to kill Alehial and bed Altair to have a male child by him. she was captured and was under house arrest in the Ravenwood house. She often chased up children and twice she beat Mathius as a child and one of the other boys. Lucas. She terrified me, she was always angry and mean and trying to hurt everyone. She escaped during a fight with the Emperor Galin and we hadn't seen or heard of her since." cybil said softly as she continued to gently cool down Helene, blushing at her almost lusty words of how good it felt.

"Well as she said there is a group that would prefer everything return to the old ways. But, they are small in number....Ohhh, right there....and not well organized. Although, I have never heard of them going to such extremes before." Helene took one of the cloths and attempted to sit up to dabb at her legs. "I'm not doing such a good job as you do, in a second would you do my back dearest."

"What was Pachucca like before Helene? What was it like when the Matron wasn't in control... what to they work so hard for? why would they become so violent now? Don't you move, I'll take care of everything." Cybil says getting the clothe rewet and cooled down before dabbing her legs as she had tried to do. "Okay you can turn over now." She said softly with a smile for Helene. Cybil wondered if Helene ever had any of her servants take care of her like Cybil was doing now.

"Ohhh, that one was really cold!" she exclaimed and rolled onto her stomach. "I don't know much I arrived only a few years ago from Taramis. I know that the women had some rights and powers, but the Matron is the first head of state. And the majistrates are mostly female with only one or two men. For the most part the legal and governing system work well together."

"then you too are still a newcomer aren't you? ISn't it lax of the Matron to just let these fighters run around and attack people like this? what if they got organized and because you don't even know where they are or who they are they could do real domadge... In fact... they could be a very real threat to the government." Cybil says dabbing the shoulder blades and then down Helene's back. Her mind turning and spinning if they could convince these freedom fighters to let them help them... they could potentially damadge the state enough they could escape?!

Helene let her head almost touch the bed, Cybil was such a soft touch and the water felt so good. She was becoming aroused and even though Cybil wouldn't she wished that her guest would touch her. Again her legs parted and she pondered what Cybil said. "They blend into the population and attack then are silent for months. No one knows who is the head of the organization." she explained before groaning.

Putting her hand on the small of Helene's back Cybil looked at her friend worriedly. "Are you okay Helene? Shuld I stop? Do you feel ill again?" Cybil asked worried, she was afraid the cold water was making her feel sick to her stomach with the sound that she had made. that was the last thing Cybil wished on Helene so she set aside the clothe of cold water and instead rubbed Helene's back gently. Up and down her spine, careful to get close to but not touch her prostirior.

"Umm, no it feels really good, dearest." she panted a little and felt her legs open a little wider. Cybils hand was still cool from the compress and it felt heavenly. Her body was reacting to the coolness of the water and it also felt nice. She wanted to beg Cybil to go lower, but remembered what she had said once. Turning her head into the pillow she bit it trying not to moan or make Cybil uncomfortable.

"If your sure you're okay Helene." Cybil says softly worried about her good friend and well only friend. Cybil picked the cool compress up again and began dabbing her back once more. From shoulders to shoulder blades mid back to lower back. Helene's skin was silky soft and the water beaded and ran down her side onto the sheet below. But Cybil only thought Helene was still feeling sick and was trying to make her feel better and more comfertable. She was completely unaware that she was making poor Helene pant and heat with the need for sexual release.

"ummm, you are doing something amazing, but maddening at the same time Cybil. Please do not be mad at this request, touch me please lower than you are now, you know where. You have gotten me so aroused Cybil, I just can't stand it anymore." Helene turned her head and was practically panting with desire. And she left her legs open wider in the vain hope that Cybil would not deny her release.

Cybil dropped the cloth in surprise. She blushed bright red quickly at Helene's words. She hadn't known what she was doing was at all arousing in any way. Closing her eyes tightly Cybil nodded and moved to her lower half. "D-don't look." Cybil almost whispered, she was so embaressed but... it was her fault wasn't it? She was making poor Helene suffer so much. She really didn't know what she was doing but she reached both hands down HElene's rear and touched each thigh before she opened her Nethers and reached around trying to find her clit. She was also trying to not look at what she was doing which made it harder as well.

"Ohh, let me turn over please, it'll be much easier." she pleaded and turned over to Cybil's hands. Her hips arched trying to get closer to her guests fingers. Her breasts were heaving as she was still aroused, and she bit her bottom lip. "Oh Cybil th-thank you...Gods knows your touches were so seductive and heavenly. You can do anything you want to me, ju-just please let me reach climax." she pleaded with her.

Cybil kept her eyes tightly shut but when HElene turned over it was much easier. Her face and neck and shoulder were cherry red but Cybil let her fingers reach down and gently pinch Helene's clit, her other hand rubbing her entrance and she was indeed very wet and very excited. The blush went deeper, no longer so bright it was deep and Cybil was panting from her embaressment more then anything else. Gently she pushed her finger inside Helene as she continued to rub and pluck her clit.

Helene cried out, "Oh gods yes, use me please....I'll do anything for you, to you just name it Cybil." She was rubbing and teasing her breasts as her hips continued to thrust against Cybil's fingers. "So-so-s-sooo good, feels so good!" Desperatly she wanted to have Cybil's clit in her mouth to pleasure her friend like she did that night. Helene reached down, grabbed CYbil hand and held it still as she climaxed.

Cybil blushed even harder as she felt the slickness completely coat her fingers and hearing the words Helene was crying out and promising was even more embaressing. There was no way she could ever do this again it was far to embaressing. She hoped Helene would finish soon and then, Cybil would inform the servants to bring cool drinks and take care of Helene and to check on her frequently. She wanted to go see Mathius and wash her hands. In fact she was sort of wanting to leave right now, or five minutes ago.

Helene lowered to the bed panting, "Oh Cybil, I'm sorry to have begged for you to do that. I appreciate that you did this, and it was wonderful and special to me." She held Cybil's hand and looked at her friend with thankful eyes. "Now, I'm sure you'd wish to go and check on Mathius and forget about what transpired just now. Go and tell him that I am glad he wasn't seriously hurt in the attack."

"No problem Helene... I'll let the servants know you need a sponge bath and to bring some light foods and then of course I'll ask them to check on you. I want to check on you later too but for now I am going to go... feel better Helene okay?" Cybil said with a smile before she did flee. She hurried down to the base floor... Hurrying out and across the yard to the second house. She hurried up the stairs and once in her room she went straight to her water basin and washed her hands with soap quickly. She was still blushing brightly.

Mathius was sitting crossed legged in front of her bed and opened his eye to look at her. "Something wrong mistress?" he asked, closing his eye again. Fael had him try to focus his mind and calm his emotions this way, and it worked most of the time. More than likely Helene had put her hands upon Cybil again, he wished they had put a less amorus host in charge of them. But, Cybil and her had a friendship of a sort and he wouldn't complain, considering his friends.

"No not wrong really just... I'd rather not talk about it. What are you doing? Sitting like that on the bed? I'm sorry I took so long." Cybil said a little rushed, she was worried about what she had done, not only that but now she was worried about what Mathius was doing. What were they going to do now that The Matron was the Blue Lady? Now that there was another group wanting them dead or gone. Of couse she did have an idea if she could just figure out how to execute it then maybe it would work.

"Fael showed me how to do this, it is supposed to center your mind so you can think. Except all I can think about is how the Blue Lady runs this godforsaken country." he opened one eye and smirked. He held out a hand to her and smiled, hoping she would calm down a little. Mathius tried to think like Altair, don't let anything rattle you that much, be able to smile in any enemies face. It served him well, and hopefully it would work while he was protecting Cybil here.

Cybil took his hand and let him draw her to him. She climbed p onto the bed and she at that moment realised the outfit she was still wearing. "Oh wait! I need to take off these shoes Helene lent me! I don't want to get them on the bed." Cybil says pulling away from him and leaning over she began to unlace them. Again she was unaware of sticking her rear like she was was showing off everything but a hint. This skirt was so tiny it showed a hint and just barely covered what it wasn't hinting at.

Mathius popped an eye open and smiled, gods was Cybil beautiful. He placed his hand on her backside and lifted the dress a little bit. "Mistress has such a beautiful body, may I see more?" he teased. Drawing his fingers around he slid them along her nethers playfully, hoping to seduce her out of her dress. Once he got her a little excited, he spread her lips and rubbed the tip of his finger inside her.

Cybil blushed again from his words and what his hands were doing. She moaned unable to really form a proper answer for him to say yes or give him the proper permission he was asking for. When he let his finger enter her even jest a little she had to brace herself with her hands on the floor and her knees quivered. She only had one shoe off but he was distracting her to the point she really didn't care what she was wearing anymore. Her body was almost instantly wet for him and her nipples tight beneath the dress now pushed up a bit and loose, it was rubbing them and felt good. "L-let me... shoe and... b-bed!" Cybil moans out finally, not exactly a sentance but she wanted to give herself over to Mathius right now and have him help her to ease the embaressment of what she had done to HElene.

With a deft move he slid more of his finger inside her and used his other hand to draw her back onto the bed with him. Reaching for her shoe and slipping it off and dropping it on the floor. He withdrew his finger a little bit then pushed it back inside. She was wet and excited, and in turn he became very excited. Leaning close he kissed her deeply and his free hand gently kneaded her breast.

Cybil moaned at his skillful handling of her, the move onto the bed and even the continued use of his hand to please her body. It felt so good, his large hand and his thick fingers, rubbing all the right spots inside of her to make her arch and gryate her hips against his hand. she was freely giving herself over to him, accepting him and his touch without even a sigh of protest, though her moans od delight was more then likely a good indicater she was really enjoying his touch and his movements.

He released her mouth and latched onto her breast, savoring the taste of her soft skin. "I'm going to devour the mistress now, I hope you don't mind." he teased and began to undo his pants. After that he released her again and made his way to her nethers. Mathius smiled up at her before he parted her legs and began to lick her. Cybil would get excited and later if the coupled, it would be easier.

Cybil lay back on the bed, her eyes half shut with pleasure and the color dark with lust. She spread her legs further knowing the added room for his shoulders helped to make him more comfertable and better able to please her. Since Lyle had taught her she could pull out a full straddle or spilt but he wasn't that broad in the shoulders so she was very comfertable as he sat between her thighs. She groaned and thrust her pelvis against his mouth however at his licks. She was already damp from his hand giving her pleasure and if was quick or sure how and where he licked her she would climax in no time at all.

Licking and thrusting his tongue deep inside her and rasping it against her clit. Which after a few licks against he gently nippled on it, and increased pressure. His hands reached up and rubbed and kneaded her breasts, tweeking her nipples and pulling on them lightly. He was erect and wanted to thrust up inside her. Mathius wanted Cybil to climax at least once before he did that however.

Cybil screamed and shuddered her body almost convulsing, her legs tighting over his shoulders and her back arching. Her body tightened and her eyes were wide with almost surprise as the climax overcame her. His skill was intense and overwhelming to her she didn't know how he was so skilled but she beleived him with her entire being that she was his first just as she was before he took it from her. As she had given it to him trustingly, and she trusted that in his arms she was safe.

He allowed her to come down from her climax as he nuzzled her stomach. "Has my attentions pleased the mistress, or shall I continue to bring you to climax?" he said as he blew across her nethers. Mathius decided as he waited for her answer to licks and kiss the skin around her nethers. He hoped she was wet enough so he could make love to her. Earlier he had found a chance to escape long enough to get the powder so he wouldn't get her pregnant.

"I am w-well pleased, a-and ready to con-continue." Cybil said panting and smiling softly downat him, her body was flush from her climax but she seemed to glow with happiness instead of embaressment like earlier. She was soaked in her own juices, he was always so carefull when he pleasured her with his mouth not to partake too much to leave her wet and ready for him. She was more then ready now, she was waiting for his embrace, she wanted to feel him inside of her and next to her. this was the man she loved, the man she was going to wed after their adventure here, the man she was going to help through this next warring with Galin Ravenwood.

He moved up and ravished her breasts for a few seconds then moved up her neck, his tip entered inside her. Mathius kissed her deeply and moved higher sliding inside. As before he pressed inside then pulled fack out a little. Fighting that urge to plunge ahead into his lover and have her body envelope him in a warm embrace. "Oh, my love, my mistress, I live to serve and make love to you."

Cybil winced slightly, they had made love earlier and while she was stretched now and wet enough taking him twice was a bit of a leap for her chaste flesh. Still she wanted this... she wanted him, and she wanted them joined together. "Be gentle... and go slow but... love me Mathius... Love me please." Cybil pleaded softly looking up into his face, pleasure was written on her face but so was the tenderness and the need to feel love and be loved. So much had happened this day to shake her up and scare her, but perhaps in his arms she could gathar the strength she needed to think everything out and figure a way out.

He followed her request to go slow, and used his hands to show his feelings for her. "I do love you Cybie, more than stars in the skies, or words in all the worlds books. Together we will outlast any trouble that comes our way." The news that the blue lady was running this place took them both by surprise. And right this minute they needed to hold on to one another to feel they weren't alone.

Cybil moaned as he slowly slid himself inside of her, somehow this felt more... intimate then when they really got into it... it felt like he was trying to connect with her like he could bury himself inside of her and stay there. Unconciously it made her loosen up for him further, and the feel of his hands and his manhood sliding into her made her slick and wet still. His words touched her heart and threatened to make her tear up and yet she loved him so much, if their bodies fit better she would have clung to him but unfortunetly Her body had a lot more to go before she could freely accept all of him without hassle.

It occured to him that they would be more compatible if he wasn't quite so large. And he couldn't go fast or hard without harming her and if he ever did it would kill him. Mathius continued to stroke his hands along her skin, and kiss her rather chastely. Waiting for him to tell her that she could take no more of him, he continued press forward as she innstructed. When they got home he resolved to sit done with their parents and profess his desire to marry Cybil.

Cybil moaned at the feeling of being so full of Mathius. He was so sweet, she knew how hard it must be to go so slowly into her. She knew it must be hard for him to feel so much pleasure but move so slowly, he was so strong and so controlled it was amazing to her. "M-mathius... g-good... s-stop." Cybil said breathlessly, she took him deep but still not fully, she was still unable to take him fully. But she felt him deep inside of her it almost felt like he was in her lower stomach, though she knew it wasn't completely true. But she took as much of him as she could stand now, already it was tight still, and she felt the twinge of her muscles stretching to accomodate him and his girth. Her legs were against his hips and her arms holding onto his, though she was holding him above the elbow as he continue to comfort her with soft touches and gentle kisses.

Mathius began to pull back and push forward, still going slowly and not past the point where she told him to stop. He was breathing heavily and groaned several times wondering how long he could last like this. Several times he called out her name and how much he loved her. If they continued to do this often more than likely they would be going home pregnant. They needed to find a way to make sure that didn't happen, it would only make an escape harder.

Cybil clung on to Mathius as he rocked in and out of her, he was so warm and felt so good inside of her. His sweetness in being gentle and his moans and words of love made her happier then she had been this morning when they were in each other's arms then as well. She couldn't do much more then hold on to him and moan as he moved inside of her so gently. Her mind was filled with Mathius and the sensations he was causing to her body, no longer were the worries that surrounded her the top priority in her mind, it was all overriden by their love making.

He continued to kiss, stroke and make love to her savoring her noises and the warm which surrounded him. Could there be a more perfect woman for him, he doubted it they found so much love together. The sounds of the people outside and the warmth of the day went almost unnoticed as everything fell away until the world was just them. Mathius knew she would depend on him for protection and he was fine with that. He would need her to give him love and support through what might be a long road ahead.

It didn't take much longer, though it never really tok very long for Cybil's body to tighten quickly around his engorged flesh inside of her. Clmping tightly onto him she threw back her head and cried loudly the pleasure as her legs tightened on his sides and her fingers dug deeply against the flesh of his arms. Her climaxes were always rather quick, seeing as he always made sure she had one before they started and he was so big the friction rubbed everywhere inside of her and just felt amazing.

As she clamped on to him with her climax he also reached his. Groaning and kissing her neck, there was no greater feeling than coupling with her. Taking a few moments to recover he pulled himself from her silken embrace. "Shall I get mistress a wet cloth to clean herself now, before we cuddle together?" he asked stroking her body. They always napped after making love like this, it kept everything feeling wonderful between them.

"Mmm-Hhhm." Cybil replied drowsily sounding, the uephoria of the aftermath and the lethargic feeling was nice, she knew that Alehia and Altair often got... energized from coupling and Cybil wondered if it was because they were so new at it that they slept right away instead of feeling energized. Either way her thoughts were slow and sluggish and she felt warm and content and happy, albeit just a tad sore now that the climax had faded some. She loved bathing in his warmth and cuddling afterwards until they fell asleep together.

He gathered the wet cloth and one to dry her and brought them back to the bed. "Do not fall asleep Cybie until you clean up some, unless you like to explain our soon to be born child upon returning home?" The prospect wasn't horrible however, begining a family with her. Mathius would just rather do that where they both were safe. And with recent developments it was a little unsafe here in Pachuca.

Cybil looked up at him surprised. She hadn't thought of that. She had just sought comfort from him and hadn't really paid attention, She took the wrags and cleaned as thoroughly as she could. She would drink the tea later with dinner, that should cover everything, after all you could drink it up to twelve hours after and it was still useful to stop a pregnancy. Did Mathius think it would take up to nine months to get out of pachucca? Or did he estimate six and the other three the boat travel on their journey back? Or something along those lines.

He got rid of the used rags and got back into the bed to hold her. They were going to be done for at least a day or so. But, she was here and they loved each other that was all that mattered. "Is mistress happy with me, I hope so or else I will do beter next time." he asked. His hands rubbed her back before wrapping around her stomach.

"you're the most wonderful man I couldn've dreamed of better." Cybil said his heat instantly making her sleepier then even before. She lay naked in his arms and against his chest, his arms wrapped around her keeping her entire small pale body warm. It was only a few moments until she was completely asleep and peacefully so. Her own arms holding his around her small plump body. Wore out and exhausted she deffinetly needed the rest she was getting right now.

Mathius smiled and pressed his lips to her shoulder and smiled sleepily. The bed was a warm safe place for them to enjoy each other, and not to be caught up in the world. He resolved to make any bed they slept in the same, no harm would befall her while they laid together. As he yawned he put each and every family member, including his friends in his mind and asked the pantheon of light to protect them. In his absence they were down a warrior, and that worried him.

It was a little before dinner that Cybil woke up, she had to relieve herself and she was hungry, after all she hadn't eaten anything for lunch at all. Upon waking she felt the warmth of Mathius around her and the feel of his skin against hers. Smiling brightly she turned her head and looked up into his face, she loved watching him sleep. But soon the need to relieve herself and the slight throbbing in her hips from their second coupling of the day. Carefully crawling out of the bed wriggling out of Mathius's grasp she took care of her needs before stretching at the end of the bed and watching him, blushing when her eyes wandered down to his groin.

He hadn't moved much when she got up, having turned more onto his side. Outside the noise of the people had died down, most of the merchant traffic was done. Downstairs a knock sounded twice, probably a servant from the main house had arrived to ask about dinner. Mathius stirred a little, but did not wake at the sound. A few mintues later the person knocked again, then opened the door, "M'lady? My name is Sandur, Mistress Helene sent me to inquire about dinner."

Cybil upon hearing the knocking scrambled for the dress and quickly put it back on. By the time he peaked in she was clothed again. "Yes! Um... Hi... Was she wanted me at dinner or would she be all right if I ate alone here in my rooms? I'm fine with either, what ever she pleases. If she's not up to dinner I completely understand of course." Cybil says blushing brightly stepping down the stairs. She was trying not to wake up Mathius by talking to loudly but she was walking down the staairs to speak with the new servant.

"The lady left no special instructions about wether or not you were to dine with her. So, it would be your preference, Mistress dinner can be brought here to your chambers or I can ask Mistress Helene if she would like to dine with you?" He was shorter then Cybil by six inches with slightly graying hair. Curiously he did not have a collar and was dressed very well for a servant. Behind him candles began to light in the windows of the mansion.

"I think Helene should rest more but if she would like company... I will come to her room to have dinner with her. Thank you... for asking and doing all of this. It can't be easy having a foreigner like me around who doesn't know anything." cybil says with a bright smile, truly thankful to this stranger for helping make this smooth and putting up with her and her men. Cybil after all was a thoughtful Andorian girl bred to take over a house and it was important to be on good terms with the help.

Sandur nodded, "The mistress said if you were interested to come to the house in one hour." He bowed respectfully to her and departed walking back to the house. Already the bodies and the destruction from the earlier fight had been cleaned up. Mathius woke up shortly after she returned upstairs curious how long he had been left by himself. "Cybie, is something wrong?" he asked, concern staining his words.

"No nothings wrong... Helene wants company for dinner is all. In apparently one hour. I was hoping I could share a meal with you... I know what kind of food you get to eat... I do wish I could give you better food. After all we still need to talk about the blue lady being here." Cybil says softly with a sigh, she walked back up to the bed and kissed him on the lips softly. She had to start getting clean and dressed soon but right now she wanted his comfort again. though she would deffinelty NOT be able to have sex for a day or so again. She was already sore and a little achey already.

He pulled her close and deepened the kiss, knowing they couldn't share passion again until tomorrow or the next day. "And the food isn't that bad, as long as I can whet another appetite, that tastes wonderful." Cybil would not be able to miss the intended meaning. The blue lady made him uneasy, so did the attack yesterday, but as long as they were here everything was fine. Playfully he broke the kiss, "Why don't you get cleaned up and come back so I can whet my appatite?"

"Mathius! I am not cleaning up for you to mess me up to have to be cleaned again!" Cybil says blushing but sitting on his lap and cuddling up against his chest. Being held in his arms was... the most wonderful feeling. Knowing he loved her and would protect her made her light and giddy, though the knowledge from today made her heart heavy it was an odd feeling switching from extreme's like that.

He chuckled and held her close, "Then I will wait until later then." Mathius loved her so much and he wanted to feel like there was nothing to fear. "So, any idea if Helene knew about the attack or anything about our link to the Matron?" Cybil was knowledgeable about court and its intrigue, he was just good for hitting things. Not sure though if his honor code allowed for him to hit the Matron, he should have asked mother and father the ramifications about that.

"She didn't... I don't think. She seemed shocked anyways. It seemed Helene was unaware the matron was even part of the Dragon war. So No I don't think she knew of her run ins with the Ravenwood family. I just wish... this had gone as smoothly as we had spoken to Altair and Alehial. It was crazy... how different it was and seemed to have changed so radically from how it was before the wars. Not to mention with the threat of Galin being around.

"Well, I never truly told you, but almost none of the groups plans ever go as expected." He began to stroke her body lightly as he began to think about how this had changed. "So, is Helene still on our side, well, your side anyways. Mainly because she kept you from remaining anywhere near the Matron, must say she's growing on me because of that." Mathius slid his hand along her leg and drummed his fingers on her thigh.

Cybil sighed softly. "I think she is still on our side. I don't think her fainting was because of the heat... or possibly just the heat between that vicious woman and myself. Or not all of it anyways. I feel bad for her son though... what a mother to be born to!" Cybil says shaking her head, relaxed in Mathius's lap and in his arm even as they stroked her through the robe and his fingers were inside the slit on bare thigh.

"If ever ther would be a reason to run away from home." he kidded. Moving his hand he noted she had not put on underthings yet, as his finger tips touched her closer to her nethers. "I'm surprised, pleasantly you are letting yourself be like them. Although no bending over in front of me Mistress, for I would either attack you with my fingers, tongue or manhood." Risking her ire, he began to stroke her upper thigh, grazing her nethers every couple of passes.

"Math! Mathius!!" Cybil exclaimed with a gasp, She had to agree though and wondered if the boy would ever want to leave growing up. Would he be treated fairly probably not. Mathius's boldly spoken words made a blush rise to her cheeks and her thighs twitched under his fingertips. they had just coupled.

He smiled and drew her lips to his, parting them and drawing her tongue into his. Cybil just being near excited him, and he realized that all his life he desired to touch her. Their wedding night he would pleasure her with his hands and outh for a long time before thrusting into her. As his mind floated to them home in Andor and making love as man and wife, his hand paused on her nethers lightly stroking it. Everything else started to fall away, just the two of them and loving touches and moans of desire.

Cybil moaned deep in her chest muffled by their kiss and she responded in kind to his fervor and passion. She didn't know what he was thinking of to make him as such at the moment but she wasn't going to complain at all. He was bent on touching and tasting her recently and she didn't mind but it certainly did make her curious as to what it was he thought of to make him this way.

His hand rubbed her in a slow way to build her pleasure, Cybie was amazing. And he wondered why he denied the joy of knowing her, pulling her robe open he began to kiss her neck. "The Mistress needs to be cleaned up for dinner, would she like some help bathing?" Looping a finger around her robe and pulling it open. "I must admit I find Mistress's body intoxicating." lowering his outh to her stiff nipple.

"Yes... YEs please... help." Cybil said breathlessly. She was splayed on his lap and was moaning at his hands and mouth on her body. It felt so good she almost couldn't stand it any longer. the slow build of pleasure was aganizing
She couldn't turn him away and she didn't know why. This felt amazing and even though she was sore she still loved every minute of it.

He loved the fact she was so open to him, loved hearing the breathless tone. Releasing her nipple he dressed then kissed her before carrying her to the bathe. "I will take great joy in washing mistress from toes to head, and stoppping only once or twice inbetween." Once in side Mathius removed everything she was wearing, kissing her skin here and there as he went. Stripping down he took her hands and helped her into the hot water and kissed her deeply.

Cybil returned every kiss and caressed him just as much, moaning in releif sinking into the wonderful hot water that instantly soothed her sore body from it's slight pain. She was expecting a lot more from Mathius mostly because he kept teasingly hinting at it himself. So she sank into the hot water and relaxed waiting for him to undress and join her and do what he would to her.

After she got in the water he stripped and got in as well. Smiling at Cybil, he picked up the rag and soap and began to clean her body. As he washed her arms and kissed her chest and licked her. As he got to her legs it was her stomach that he teased. "Does the mistress like how I bathe her?" he asked kissing her deeply.

"I do. But I only have a little less then an hour left until dinner Mathius." cybil moaned softly at his gentle touch, even his lips and tongue laving her was gentle and sweet. As much as he teased her he was always so gentle to her and caring of her. She loved it. She couldn't imagine herself with any other man in the world. He was utterly perfect and even in this dangerous time and place he was taking such good care of her.

Once her nethers were clean, he sat her on the edge to wash her feet. "A perfect amount of time." Each toe got indivual attention, before the rest of the foot. And as he washed up her leg he began to kiss and lick her upper thigh. "I can make you very happy with only a hour left before dinner." he teased.

"I can think of better uses for your lap other then talking." Cybil says blushing brightly, looking to the side and not at him as she said those bold words. SHe didn't know what had come over her. She really didn't but he was so sweet and he wanted to please her apparently. So she was eager to feel it and all this teasing was getting to her.

"We can't join my love, I would not want to hurt you again." he said nuzzling her nethers. He looked up at her face and licked playfully before sliding it inside her. Cybil tasted sweet and good to him, he stroked her thighs and her breasts. Making noises like she was the tastiest thing he ever had, he continued to feast on her. It was a little unfair that they could not couple as they wished, but even finding other ways to pleasure each other was still them being together.

Cybil moaned and writhed beneath him. What he made her feel ws bliss. It was amazing and she loved him so much. She wished she were able to take him more often, but as it seemed to be she couldn't yet. She took heart that she would be able to someday, and for now he was amazing and all over her and he took such good care of her it was incredable.

Mathius kept pleasing his lover until they needed to get out so she could prepare for dinner. "Mistress, we need to dry you off so you can dress and head to dinner. Will you be sending my meal to you quarters, or will I have to wait for you?" The marble she was reclining on was slick and he would have to take care neither of them slipped while leaving. Quickly he ducked under the water and washed off any sweat the was covering him.

"I will send food to you in my quarters. I will tell Helene you will stay in my rooms from now on. You have been a lot lately anyways." Cybil sighed softly. She didn't think he could make her pleasure peek so high as much as he had. She slithered back into the water and rinsed her body. Washing the sweat off her skin and scrubbing lightly and quickly. She never got her hair wet and there wasn't much hair to get wet anyways still. She got out of the water and grabbed a towel quickly drying off some. They had to go to her rooms so she could get her dress anyways.

"I'm glad that you are taking care of me like this Cybie." he said. Then he dried and dressed. Then he escorted her to her chambers and waited while she dressed. "Shall I walk you to dinner or would you rather I remain here?" he asked in mock teasing. Mathius needed to do something, he was begining to feel anxious not having even practiced lately. He took Cybil into his arms and kissed her deeply, waiting for her answer.

"Wait here and I'll see if I can't haggle Helene into letting you have a practice blade. that way you have somehting productive to do. Though correct me if I'm wrong I thought Alehial always said if you have nothing to do... practice or excersize? Squats, runs, something heavy lifted repeatedly? Isn't there a few elven practices that don't use a sword at all? I don't want you getting flabby or anything." Cybil giggles softly as she pulls on one of the looser fitting dresses.

"Well when you come back how about I lift you several times perhaps up to a kiss? And I have been sneaking to swim in the pool every night that I can, care to join me next time?" Mathius would be very happy to get his hands on even a practice blade to work with. He sat down and everytime CYbil passed him, he would pat or rub her bottom, it was a great way to pass the time. Flabby would not be in his cards, their food was not as lavish as that which the mistresses ate.

"Mathius! I have to go now... Behave." Cybil said as she had finished her make-up, still a blend of Andorian and Pachuccan. Wearing a soft green dress clasped on one shoulder and hung just above her knees but with slits up to her hips. She couldn't wear underthings with this. In fact she realised all of the new dresses Helene had gotten her... she couldn't wear underthings with unless they were blatently seen. Helene was sneaky and Cybil had to stay on her toes around the woman but she was so nice and sweet still.

"I was behaving myself, if I wanted to be bad I could slip my hand under there to stroke your nethers again." Standing up he kissed her chastely and smiled at her as his embraced her. "But I will do as Mistress commands, go and have fun, just don't let the host try keeping you too long." He didn't mistrust Helene, just didn't understand where her allegiances fell. I great number of people that once were trustworthy proved that faith was ill placed.

"I'll try but she can be very persuasive you know." Cybil smiles softly kissing him in return and embracing him tightly. She loved him so much and she was so afraid with the blue lady as the MAtron they would never get home. But she was being as brave as she could, she just prayed Soth did not come here. Or get a foothold here, this would be the worst place for him to gain access to.

He knew she was worried, and while he was too, he wouldn't show it. Mathius playfully patted and squeezed her bottom to interrupt her fears. "You should go Mistress, I would hate for you to be late to dinner with our host." Falling back to calling her mistress and be submissive to her was rather fun most days. "I am going to poke around while you are gone, and I will stay out of trouble I promise."

"Alright I'm going! Please don't get in trouble. If not just for your sake then mine too... there ARE female slaves here too Mathius." Cybil warns him softly giving him a kiss before turning and getting out of his arms. Giving him a small wave she left quickly. She wasn't going to be late per se. It just she might arrive when the food was put on the table too. So she hurried across the yard and over to the main house knocking on the door.

Sandur opened the door and bowed respectfully ushering inside, "Welcome my lady, the mistress is in the dining room already." He led her to the large dining room where Helene sat at the head of a long table. There was a place set beside hers and a glass of wine already poured. Helene smiled at her and raised her glass, "Welcome Cybil, are you hungry?" The smells of dinner wafted out of the kitchen it was a local fish baked with lemon and spices.

"Famished actually Helene. Are you feeling much better now? I do hope you are well, I would hate for another fainting spell like this morning." Cybil smiled brightly at Helene and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek before taking her seat. Sipping from the wine glass she sat patiently and properly in the seat, upright and noble.

Helene returned the kiss to her cheek and smiled, "I'm fine Cybil and how was your day?" The young lady still did not know that the fainting spell had been a ruse. Dinner came quickly to the table and it was colorful and smelled wonderful. Sandur sat by the door as he was supposed to, the cooks served both women and then left the room quickly. "I'm glad you aren't cross at me for earlier, I really could not control myself."

Cybil's cheeks instantly came to life with a bright red spreading across them and down her neck quickly. "No... I... it's fine. I got Mathius's account on what happened to your um... slave quarters. Then he... helped me relax a little." Cybil says softly she was trying to become more accustomed to speaking freely of what personal things had taken place but this was the best she could do because she certainly wasn't able to say it outright just yet.

"I'll bet he did just that." she said with a smile and wink. Helene could not blame Cybil for having Mathius pleasure her as much as possible. The man was a amazing specimen of manhood. "I'm sure he gained as much as gave to his mistress. The local guard removed the body and I told them it was probably due to the new arrivals in my house.

"Mathius told me they told him they would kill him because he wasn't leaving. That because he didn't belong here he had to die. I can't help but feel it was somehow my fault in coming here that such misfortune happened to you Helene... especially when it happened whil you and I were away speaking with the Matron." Elsa said softly taking another sip of wine. She did hope they served the food soon though because she as famished.

The cooks served everything and left them alone with only the stewart nearby. Helene did not waste much time and began to eat, the fish was excellent and her cook did not disappoint her. "Yes, I find it odd though that they came here. Only a select number of people know that you and Mathius are staying here." She mused at what ramifications that would hold, someone had told the clan that newcomers were here.

"Maybe... one of the Matrons people who know you are here are part of this clan? If it is a revolt then... often someone is a spy on the inside." Cybil says also not wasting much time. The flavors of the fish and how they cooked their food here was still amazing to Cybil even now a few weeks into their stay. She liked this place a lot but she wished the slave situation wasn't what it was.

She shrugged the idea that the Matron had a spy in her cabinet was laughable. No one had access to her plans, she barely wrote anything down from what she had heard. Although she had heard someone say a delegate of some sort was going to meet with her in private soon. Taking a fork full of rice and vegetables she gazed at Cybil for a second. "You really are learning to live here like a natural citizen, I'm very pleased."

"Parden?" Cybil asks finishing her bite and dabbing her mouth with the napkin she didn't exactly understand what Helene meant by the comment she made about her being like a natural citizen. How was she acting any different from before? HAd she changed? Was there something different about her other then her hair getting lopped off and the clothes forcing her to go without underthings and having no other clothes other then the new ones Helene had gotten her. Seeing as the other dresses had gone missing shortly after the new clothes were made.

"You just seem less easily embarassed, and your enjoyment of Mathius. You are growing and changing." she laughed and explained. She hoped that Cybil would like everything. "Do I need to have some food sent for Mathius?" she asked sipping her wine. It was hysterical some of Cybil's reactions to everything Pachuca.

"I asked your manservant to send some back for him... I don't know if that was proper or okay but... I'm sorry I already did it. Not that I know if he actually did send something back or not actually." Cybil said blushing softly at how Helene laughed at her about her becoming more used to MAthius's attentions and well everyhitng else too. Which wasn't true. usually Cybil was trying very hard to act that way... and Mathius still embaressed her to no end.

"I suppose everything in moderation, and you are just catching up on the time you two missed." Helene took another bite of her fish and savored the flavors. "So, I recieved an invitation for me and my guest to a small party the night after next. Would you like to go along with me?" she asked really unsure if Cybil would accept. She was fine here at her house, but in public could be another matter.

"Well if your going to be there, I suppose I can't do something too terrible... Unless you don't want to go of course. I can't go on my own... I'm not... I don't know how to behave at a party here. Especially if you aren't there to be with me." Cybil says softly eating as well, she was loving this food, she was sorely going to miss Pachucca for their cuisine once they were gone and back at home. Maybe she could convince someone from Pachucca to come to Bearlon and open a resturant or something.

"If you wish to meet and make some new friends then by all means we should attend. Perhaps if you like we could go find you something new to wear, the clothes are generally sumptious and exotic. Maybe silk or something that feels wonderful against the skin." Helene liked trying on clothes with Cybil, she was almost always awe struck with the native fashions. Taking another bite of her vegetables she hoped her guest liked everything.

Cybil ate and listened to Helene's suggestions, they sounded good though she didn't know why she needed ANOTHER new dress when she had at least five or six more she still hadn't worn yet. The food was wonderful and tasted delicious, she was be sad to leave this wonderful place... other then the slavery and rules and the matron of course. That she would happily leave behind for real safety.

Dinner faded into dessert and that was a pie made with nuts and spices dabbed with a little cream. Helene smiled, "This is one of my favorites especially the sweetness." Cybil needed to see how wonderful everything here was, and she had another wonderful idea. "Is there anything that you want Cybil, anything that is within my power to do?" Hoping the question would allow her guest to share more with her.

"What do you mean Helene? MMmmm! This pie is almost amazing! I mean it's fantastic!" Cybil says looking surprised the fork still in her mouth. It wasn't very graceful or elegant in the least. But she was smiling brightly and she looked... as young as she was instead of... when she usually tried to look older and more mature. She wasn't worried about it now though not with such good pie in front of her. She quickly took another bite and savored it... you could tell by body and face how much she was enjoying this perfectly sweet pie.

"Something you want, more privacy a chance to get out more perhaps a chance to see the rest of the city?" She smiled at the reaction to the pie, it was one of the cooks specialties. "Perhaps when it is time for you to get your own house I can have the recipe sent to your cook." Everything was new and fresh through her guests eyes. And she loved that and in truth would miss Cybil if and when she left her house.

"I would love to see more of the city... I... I'm not really used to this kind of openess about everything... but I'm adjusting I think..." Cybil says softly blushing a little, before taking another bite of pie. SHe couldn't stop the sound of delicious taste on her tongue from herself though. "Do you really think the Matron would trust us... me?" Cybil asks softly, she didn't think she would be given trust. She thought Katara would take her in in irons actually. She was surprised she wasn't.

"You are a guest in my house, and have given me no reason to suspect foul deeds. Besides, you've done nothing wrong and have been attempting to fit into society here. I find it good that you are sincere and sweet." she said taking another bite. Helene then motioned for her glass to be refilled and indicated to Cybil's glass as well. Why would the Matron fear this young woman and her rather impressive lover, she herself controlled the country.

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