Page name: Ravenwood Estates 11 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2011-04-15 06:43:55
Last author: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Eleven

In which we now follow the children in sildea and the hardships they are learning about growing up and being different from each other, and even everyone else. It is a hard lesson and no one feels it more keenly then the Twins, Orissa and Samantha themselves.

Sirrus was in the middle of changing her great, grandson Xeph when the first inkling something was wrong came to her ears. Craddling the litte felid close to her, she turned to see another servant enter the room. "Is there something wrong Sulisia?" she enquired in high elven. She only spoke elven to family servants and since she had human servants and her grand and great grand children here. The maid seemed out of sorts and more than a little nervous.

"Mistress, I came from the girls room and I saw something rather disturbing. A set of glowing eyes that winked at me, then disappeared, I verified there was nothing else was there." Most elves understood magic in all its forms and they had been told that one of the twin girls possesed magical ability. Many other servants in the house reported the same kind of encounters. Whatever they were there was no stopping them from showing up when they wanted or once she needed them to appear.

Xeph giggled and yanked at Sirrus's hair, it wavered so temptingly in front of him, that he just had to reach for it and once in his hand he yanked it over and over as it brushed his face and made him laugh. As such a small child his eyes couldn't focus across the room yet but he contented himself with his grandmothers hair. He just understood the gentle touches and being clean was better then having the dirty cold nappy against his tender young flesh.

Sirrus looked down and smiled briefly at him before removing her hair from his hand and giving him one of her fingers. "Did you wake the girls or allow them to sleep?" she asked the maid. Crossing to her desk she sat at least for a little while maybe Xeph would nod back off before she took him back to the nurse. It had been a great many years since she had one so little, just her own son Drake. He was always moving now wanting to learn to weild a sword and spend time with youths his age. "Please go again and wake the girls, the phantasms can't hurt you or the girls."

Sam rolled over and sighed softly. She'd been awake after the maid ran from the room and closed the door so loudly. She was becoming much lighter of a sleeper, unable to just sleep deeply and ignore small things that went on around her. Ever since coming to Sildea and learning her sister was a sorceress, someone born of magic and with it, someone who learned to control it and it simply was. It wasn't fair, they were twins, she should have the same things her sister did. Now all she ever heard was her sisters name. It wasn't fair. She was probably still sleeping too.

Glowing green eyes blinked out from under Orissa's bed, watching Sam. "Blah, Blahhity blah bum phbbbbb!" it called towards her then laughed. They never spoke except in gibberish that only they understood. No one knew how many there were, some were male others female and all of their eyes glowed different colors. Sometimes they were around all day hiding in the shadows, other days you never saw them.

Sam frowned and threw one of the stuffed animals Grandma Sirrus had given her, it hit the floor and skittered forward under the bed exactly where the green eyes had been. "Shut up!" Sam whispers angrily sitting up in the bed. Her long hair was loosely braided to the side and it hung over her shoulder. Her long silk elven dressing gown was loose and billowy and she hated it. She hated being treated like such a girl all the time, it wasn't fair that Orissa was loved like she was and treated like a perfect little princess, or the fact that she loved being treated like that. Then there were the imps. Overly affectionate, boring, bothering, menaces is what they were, always trying to cheer her up in some fashion or another. Meanwhile, Sam had to dress like all the girls and behave like all the girls, she wanted to wear pants, and learn to use a sword it looked fun!

The eyes changed color, meaning another one came about. "BUURRRPPPPP!" came the belch from under her bed, and Rissy stirred a little. A chubby hand with fat fingers sneaked out and felt around looking for another errant toy to swallow up. Finding none it slipped back under the bed, and promptly broke wind. They had tried once to figure out how to understand which ones would show themselves and when.

"HEY! That was my favrite!" Samantha says before her bottem lip stuck out and tears gathered in her eyes. She hadn't wanted the toy eaten, Grandma Sirrus had given it to her because it was her mothers old toy from her grandfather, who she had never met. Samantha hated to cry but, the tears fell down her cheeks regardless, she tried to be quiet so Rissa wouldn't hear her and wake up. But today had been full of dissapointments and Sam wasn't a child who forgot them overnight.

Underneath the bed another weird noise was happening, one set of eyes became two. A gurgling sound was heard and what sounded like a laugh, another new pair of eyes emerged into the room. The white-eyed creature walked across the room and handed the toy back to Samantha. "Purbo coli, tuto umbaka." it said stroking her hair. It smiled and patted her hand before returning under the bed.

"Thanks you." Samantha says before clutching the little stuffed toy tightly against her chest with both arms. Laying back down she curled up under the big fluffy blankets, today would be another long day filled with long boring lessons and no fun. Too many rules and not enough playtime for Samantha's like, and then of course there were the private lessons Rissa was in. Alone. Without anyone else. For her control Grandma always said.

Quietly the door opened again and the maid returned. She looked about to see if the eyes had returned before entering. Croosing to the windows she pulled the curtains aside letting light flood the room. "Good morning, young mistresses, your grandmother sent me to waken you for breakfast. Your brothers are already up and preparing for the day, we'll need to square you both away."

Sam groans and grabs the pillow burying her head underneath it. She hated the way the servants always just opened things. She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to get dressed in another aweful dress, she didn't want everyone to coddle Orissa again today. Sam clutched the toy tightly and lay still, with any luck the maid would leave her be.
Orissa rubbed her eyes and yawned softly, opening her eyes slowly and blinking a few times She looks over to Sam's bed and smiles seeing the lump that was her sister. As long as they were together nothing bad would happen to them. She fervently believed that, it was going to be another great day and she couldn't wait to eat the wonderful breakfasts here and play again today after lessons.

The maid turned and sighed, Samantha would be difficult again, but Orissa seemed untroubled and even happy. "So, who is first to be bathed and dressed today?" she moved over and deftly plucked the pillow from Samantha. Moving over she smiled to Orissa and patted her cheek. Twins in face, but polar opposites in other things. "We have reports that your parents are bound here to bring all of you children home."

"I wanna bath! please. g'mornin'." Orissa says shyly with a sweet smile for the maid, she just loved all the elves, they were nice and sweet and treated her nice and gave her candy or food. Orissa got up from under the covers and sat on top of the bed, she began to pull her hair out of the braids it was kept it. Since it was so long the twins would braid each other's hair to keep it from tangling while they slept.
Samantha grumbled unhappily but perked up when she heard the good news. "Mum and Daddy?! Are we riding horsies with Flint?!" Sam asked carefully setting the stuffed animal down with care and then watching Orissa blushed. In a fit of anger last night once the maid had left she had taken out her braids, now her hair was well all over and of course messy as well. She liked it when Orissa would fuss over her though and pay attention to only her for long enough to get rid of the tangles.

The maid frowned when she saw the mess of tangles, "Miss Samantha, that will take forever to straighten out. Why did you remove your braid? Good thing I am paitent with a brush and comb." She crossed and used a wand to fill the tub with warm water for Orissa. Then picked up the brush and comb to undo what had occured that night. "Miss Orissa go ahead and bathe while I attend your sister then you two can switch."

"Kay Thanks Srvanica." Orissa smiled brightly, once her braids were undone she pulled off her sleeping shift and got in the tub slowly. She smushed up her face at how hot it was but got in like she had been told. She giggled though at the sour look on Samantha's face, if Sammy thought for one minute Orissa would keep doing her hair for her well Rissa was tired of doing it all the time. And Srvanica, though the name was mispronounced badly, offered to do it Orissa was going to let her.
Samantha scowled heavily and sat there her arms cross and her legs too. Looking down at her lap as the maid pulled the brush through her hair. Nothing was going right today, nothing at all. First the special treatment and then the restrictions and then Orissa being taken away from her and now Orissa was refusing to be with Sam. It wasn't fair that no one liked Sammy as much as they liked Rissy.

Arastania had told them constantly to use the shorter version of her name Aras. she said to the bundle of messy hair, "Oh, miss Samantha why always such a sour look?" She wrapped her arms around the scowling child and squeezed her tightly. Having learned much about humans and the use of affection. "I have it on good authority that some of the children think you are so exotic looking when you smile."

"I'll only smile when Grandma Sirrus let's me play with the swords with the boys. I's not fair I have to wear dresses and be a girl." Sammy says in apouting tone of voice. She did hug the maid back though, after all attention was attention was attention being paid to her and not Orissa. "Or when Flint comes and rides me around on his pony." She amends quickly, "Or if Lucas comes and plays with me." She secondly amends. "Or if Conner comes and plays music for me." She amends yet again. "Or if Lyriel brought wolf with her." She finally ends her amending of everything. "And when mummy and Daddy come to get us." She says a moment or two later.
Orissa frowns, that was lies Sammy smiled all the time. She got dirty all the time too, there was nothing wrong with dresses they were nice and fun, they didn't look a thing like back home. What did the children think of her if they thought that about Samantha, did they think she was prettier? She would show them, she'd get extra clean and wear a really pretty dress today. Resolved she dunks herself and grabs the soap scrubbing her body clean and washing her hair, carefully to make it thorough and to make herself look very pretty.

Aras continued to draw the brush through her hair, "So many things to make you smile although none of them are in Sildea right now." She looked over and smiled at Orissa both girls were bright and lovable. "Not to rough on yourself Orissa, you need to let Samantha use some of the soap as well." It was hard to imagine that Lady Alehial had so many children with her human husband. However they all seemed so very happy and loving towards one another.

"I will! I just wanna be clean." Orissa says rinsing herself off and climbing out of the tub once she was sure she was clean. Grabbing the towel and wiping herself off slowly and deliberately. Orissa was deffinelty a little lady already, obviously taking after Alehial's mannerisms in cleaning and taking care of herself. Once she was dry she walked over and got a new under dress on, after putting on some panties. When the underdress was on she waited cause she needed help with the other dress being put on.
Samantha sighed heavily. "I know." Samantha then yawns widely and stretches out her arms, not covering her mouth or bothering to hide it or anything. once her hair was untangled she'd tangle it up when she washed again anyways. She thought it was stupid bathing so often and brushing your hair so many times. If she cut it short like Asper always tried to keep her she would be fine with that.

"Alright time to switch, you Samantha into the tub and wash. And you Orrisa come here so I may brush yours." Aras smiled still at both girls, the were so very cute, and if hers someday would act like them, that day couldn't come fast enough. She began to sing a little while working the brush through Orissa's hair. "So, which colors are you girls going to wear today? Samantha I think the blue dress would loook very nice and Orrisa I'd say green today."

Orissa skipped over and sat on the bed sitting prim and properly, though she smiled at the compliment about the dress colors. "Can I wear a blue-ish green one? I want to match Sammy." Orissa said softly, even if she was going to be petty she wanted to be close to her sister, they were after all twin's of the exact face. Though their hair color differed just slightly they had the same eye color as well. Orissa tended to be more pale then Sam did but some could say it was simply because Orissa while she liked to play prefurred tamer more indoor type of games usually.
Sam got in the tub and dunked herself before scrubbing half heartedly and washing her hair quickly and not as thoroughly as Orissa. Once she deemed herself done she got out and wiped off as half heartedly as she had washed. She was only going to get dirty again anyways. So it didn't really matter how clean she was, at least if Mummy wasn't around she got away with it.

There maid brushed out her hair as well before commenting, "tomorrow or tonight, I believe your grandmother intends on bathing you again." She then stood and found almost identical dresses for them. Aras smiled and quickly helped them dress and opened the door to take them downstairs. "I hope the boys didn't help themselves to your breakfasts." The smells of cooking food wafted up the stairs to the girls.

"I'll beat them bloody if they did." Samantha said before hopping on the banister and before the maid could grab her slid down it. Jumping off at the end so as to not run into the pole thingy at the end she lands and runs into the dining room for breathfast. Always the hastier and deffinetly not evenly tempered one, and as often as she could get away with it crass one, Sam had run right into the room to check on the food.
Orissa sighed softly and with her hand on the banister rapidly decended the stairs but careful not to fall by keeping her hand on the banister. "Come on Svranica!" Orissa giggles softly waiting at the bottem of the stair's, she wanted to eat but she wouldn't be alone it was proper to be unescorted.

Arastania took one last look at the space under the bed. Before she closed the door and took her hand. One of the girls was the reason for those little creatures, but which one? "Has Samantha always been like this?" she asked with a smile. Orissa was very grown up and still cutely young, if all the Ravenwood girls acted like her, they must have many people wishing for their hands in marriage.

Orissa smiled brightly taking the maids hand in her own tiny little one. "Always, Mummy says she knew right away she would have a fighter because Samantha broke one of her ribs when we were inside of her. Will you be eating with us Aras?" Orissa asked using the nickname finally. while it was fun it wasn't nice she knew that because Daddy had told her. So to be nicer now after the many days the elf lady had been watching over them, Orissa used the name she had asked for.

Daniel and Jake were in the dining room enjoying their breakfast and talking with Sirrus. The twins were being tended by their nurse maids, and nannies saw to the other younger kids. Sirrus always drew interesting paralles between the young and older children. Everyone looked when Samantha came barreling through, noting that she had either run ahead or came without her sister. "Good morning," they noted cheerily to her, raising their forks in mock salute.

"Morning!" Sammy smiles brightly running over to Sirrus and climbing up a little kissing her cheek before going to her seat and filling her flate full of food. Not waiting for a prayer or anything she grabbed her fork and started eating. She loved food, and Gramma Sirrus had the best food next to Uncle Lyle's of course. So she relished the food as always and would figure out a way to sneak some of it to lessons to eat when it got too dull. Like usual.

Sirrus accepted the kiss and returned in kind, before letting her climb down. "Samantha were is your sister and the maid?" she asked taking a sip of her tea. Drake had enetered before Samantha and was talking to Jake and Daniel. "Young lady she continued your prayers?" she asked expecting the young girl to pray before another bite. She saw the defiant nature of Altair in Samantha.

"mmm... kay." Samantha said resignedly. Bowing her head she said the simple prayer for a meal then looking at Grandmother for permission that it was good enough she picks up her fork again and takes another bite. "Upstairs." She says putting more food in her mouth and chewing it up. She didn't really care for all the things Gramma thought were so neccesary but she had learned not to object or skimp if Gramma meant it.

Orissa pulled Aras into the room with her. Upon entering the room Orissa curtseyed to Gramma and came forward, smiling sweetly she stopped beside Sirrus and waited, she wouldn't scramble up the side of the chair like Sammie had probably done, she waited to be acknolwedged and for Gramma to lean down a little. "Good morning everyone." She says softly to them all, her voice was much softer then Sammie's was usually but that was more outlook on life more then anythiong else really.

Sirrus smiled and bent to accept Orissa's kiss, then returned her attention to Samantha. "You should begin to use your manners again, your mother will be apalled at your antics." Sirrian, the girls younger brother was waving at Orissa and laughing as he nanny tried in vain to keep him in his chair. The other children laughed at Sirrian's activities, while he turned his waves from Orissa to Samantha. Daniel spoke up next, "Do we have any idea when the caravan will arrive?"

"In a week... mmm I think." Orissa says softly walking over quickly and kissing Sirrian's cheek. "Morning little brother." She giggles before sitting in her chair and putting a napkin over her lap. Tugging Samantha's arm to make her sit and putting her napkin over her lap to. "Close your mouth when you chew Sammie you look like a goat." Orissa said primly before loading her plate and taking small bites.
Samantha sat and closed her mouth. Blushing brightly at having been brought to a heel by such small simple motions. But Samantha sat and took smaller bites and closed her mouth to chew. Sirrian was so funny he always wanted to be with Sam and Rissy. But that was okay cause they were so great after all. But what Rissy said didn't make any sense.... cause how would she know if even Sam didn't and they shared everything together.

Sirrus looked quizzically at Orissa, ahd she been listening to her conversation with Lai and Lily? "She is correct Daniel, unless the weather force them to camp longer. One week, so you all should think about making sure anything you wish to take home is ready." Sirrian looked up and quickly started, "Home? Mummy & Da, we goes homes?" There would be no keeping him in a chair now.

"Not right now Sirrian! In a week! That's seven days!" Samantha said after swallowing her mouthful. Leaning up against the table. Until Orissa touched her elbow and Sam sat back down shoving another forkfull in her mouth as to shut up. She too wondered how Orissa knew, they were playing yesterday when Gramma wasn't supposed to be disturbed. It had rained recently and playing in the puddles.
Orissa just continued to eat calmly, she had everything she wanted to take with her. She was always very orginized and was prepaired just like mummy always told her to. But she knew she would have to help Sammie pack because Sammie didn't even clean or anthing. But she remembered looking in the puddle and seeing Sissy and Grandma to grandmother.

Jake, who always seemed a little reserved around the elves spoke up. "Who is coming to get us, I doubt my sister Asper could travel, but what about Darryl and Lucas?" He hoped that he could see both of them, but even Lady Alihial and Lord Altair would be good. Since arriving in Sildea he didn't quite feel like he belonged, not because the elves weren't nice or hospitable. Unlike the other Ravenwoods and their wards, he could not speak elven.

"Lucas brought Tani... And Conner is coming... Mummy is too... Lyriel and Flint are coming too." Orissa said softly taking a drink of her tea, She didn't understand any of this but she did know who was coming. "Asper has to stay home..." Orissa said before reaching over and taking Samantha's hand. Holding it tightly. Sammie squeezed her hand gently in return. "Did... You want Asper to come Jake?" Samantha asked curiously. She wanted to know why Jake was so hung up on such a stupid lady. She never understood anything and then she got to have all the fun.

Jake retorted, "I miss her like you guys miss your parents. It would be good to know how she is before they arrive." Daniel wondered what Orissa's thoughts were about Tani coming with Lucas. His little sister had a funny thought when it came to their Palidan brother. Sirrian not to be outdone started his dragon sounds from the end of the table before asking, "Fwint coming?"

Orissa giggled. "Uhuh, Flint is coming!" She smiles brightly at Sirrian, Still holding Samantha's hand. Orissa looked over at Sirrus and smiled. "you can make Jake talk to Asper can't you gramma? Cause of how old you are?" She asked innocently. Samantha squeezed her hand and laughed a little bit before putting more food in her mouth. Chewing though she swallowed and took a drink to clear her thoat. "I can't wait to get home!!" She says smiling brightly at Sirrus.

Sirrus smiled back at her granddaughters, "I'm sure your room misses you too. And you are correct, Jake I can cast a missive spell so you may speak with your sister. If any of you had wanted to speak with those at home you only needed to ask." She was surprised none of the children had really asked for her to use maic to contact their family. Her comment echoed about the room until little Sirrian asjed the simple question, "Me talk to wulf? Or Kitty man?"

"Wolf can't talk to you Sirrian, you aren't a druid. Why do you want to talk to Feal anyways?" Samantha asked rolling her eyes at the 'stupidity' of little boys. she hadn't wanted to talk to anyone at home because the most important person to her was with her. She thought Orissa would think the same. So Samantha held her sisters hand and contonued to eat.
Orissa smiled "You can talk to anyone you want Sirrian, just like Gramma said! But let Jake have the first turn okay?" Orissa says sweetly as she too finished off the food on her plate. Drinking the water before just sitting and holding Sam's hand until she was done eating.

Jake blushed, everyone was being so nice to him. He loved living at the estate and learning at temple. "Maybe later today if you aren't busy, Lady Sirrus." Many times the rest of the children tried to get him to call her grandmother, even Sirrus said it was ok. I made him a little embarassed because he saw the other children hug her, and he desperatly wanted to do that too.

"I bet... You wish Asper... was more like our mummy huh? But she's just your sister." Sammie said looking over at Jake's blushing form. He was so pale the blush showed right up. It was wierd.... he was pale and super blonde... and blue eyed and nothing at all like Asper, they didn't even act alike or anything. It was stupid and wierd and it wasn't like she was a normal big sister to raise ehr baby brother.
Orissa sighed Sometimes Sammie was such a jerk. "I bet she misses you too Jake... Cause she loves you like our Mummy loves us. Sam's a jerk don't listen to her." Orissa says smiling brightly at Jake, she knew she often felt like he was intruding and didn't belong which was pretty funny cause from what they knew most of their family wasn't blood related.

"Children why is it that you have all seemed to forget your manners?" Sirrus lamented. Sirrian looked down the table then at ALura and said, "Jerk!" She shook her head and groaned, this would be a long week. ALura made some babling sounds and smiled at her brother. "Enough of these horrid manners, all of you get ready for your lessons!" Sirrus roared at them with a smile.

Sam looked at her plate and then Orissa's and sighed. She had wanted seconds but they had gotten in trouble, again, which meant no seconds... again. "Sorry grandma." "Sorry Grandma." Orissa and Samantha said together in unisen. they both got up and together still holding hands walked out of the room to go to their lessons. At least they hadn't gotten punished this time. Jake though hadn't gotten in trouble even once. And he was learning elvin... something Samantha and Orissa only just started with the more complex higher elven.

Jake and Daniel also got up and left the room. Jake had training with the sword and Daniel was meeting with the artisans who were teaching him engineering. The young Ravenwood had been returned to Sirrus with the express information that he would not be trained in swordsmanship. Daniel was a little disheartened, but even he admitted he was a bit of a klutz when it came to swords. He did however like the crossbow and could even use it fairly well.

Minutes later all the kids assembled for their lessons. Daniel, his bag briming with pencils and parchments was chatting brightly about arches. Jake armored and weaponed with his practice weapons, was being polite but the subject seemed to bored him. The rest of the children would remain with the nannies. Lissa was waiting to escort Orissa to her classes with the Ancient One.

The twins came down fresh and ready for classes though they hald each others hands tightly. More Samantha then Orissa, Orissa actually liked going to the Ancient One, he sputtered a lot when she played around and turned purple and a vein would bulge and it was just humorous. Orissa was smiling brightly, almost skipping she was stepping so lightly.
Samantha was dragging however. A dour look on her face, the boys getting to train even if they didn't want to... like she did. Orissa being taken away from her. Making her go to the female group to learn stitching and heraldry and manners and writing and ready High Elven, math and sciences. It was boring and dull and stupid and she wanted to by with Rissy or learn how to use a sword.

Sirrus came into the entry and surveyed her grandchildren, Sirrian at her side. "Samantha, your dress will be very out of place at the practice ring. I must have forgot to tell you while the word "jerk" was flying about the room. Go change and Jake will wait for you, the rest of you go and have a good day." Smiling down at Sirrian who carried his favorite toy under his arm.

Samantha blushed at being reprimanded but smiled brightly at her grandmother. Letting go of Orissa sha ran forward and hugged Sirrus's legs tightly before running to Orissa and hugging her too. She then picked up her skirts almost above her knees and ran up the stairs to go get ready. She didn't care who saw just that she was going to get her first lesson with a sword ever!
Orissa smiled brightly too and walked up to her grandmother and gave her a softer hug. "Thanks granma, Bye Bye Sirrian." She said giving him a kiss on the forehead before going to Lissa and reaching out her small hand for hers. she didn't like being in the city without Samantha to protect her but Lissa did an okay job at it too.

All of the children departed, leaving Jake alone with her and Sirrian who kept rubbing his forhead. "When you return, clean up and come to my study, we will see about contacting Asper." she said softly. His smile was all the thank you she needed, but did not mind when he came forward and hugged her, "Thank you, grandmother." Sirrus put an arm around to return as Sirrian joined the hug. Together the three of them waited until Samantha returned.

Samantha returned and was wearing briches, and a shirt tucked in, a little belt around her waist to help keep the pants in place, and her travel boots. "Ready!!" She smiled brightly literally flying down the stairs as fast as she could. Her hair was in a messy bun that was already falling out of it's ties. Being only five she didn't know how to do it herself but it was clear she was eager and had tried. She knew you had to have your hair up and down so you could put on a helmet and not leave any hair to get caught. "I'm ready can we go?!" She asks excitedly. she had done everything as Alehial did, exactly, except for the hair of course. But Samantha had always favored her fathers looks over her mothers. Lily was the one who had gotten mummy's looks. She had gotten Daddy's, she had seen baby portraits of her father and she looked a lot like him. Orissa looked like mummy and daddy, but Sammy was glad to look how she did. Like a hero.

Sirrus smiled, she saw a young female Altair but with Alehial's enthusiasm. "Come here and let me fix your bun, Samantha." she said as she took a seat. As she undid and fixed the bun as she told her, "Listen to what you are told, no talking back, and follow their rules, understand?" The swordmaster had agreed only after hearing she was a daughter of the Ravenwoods. So, Samantha carried her family name into the training ring.

"Mm-hhmm... but... what if they are wrong? Or say something bad?" Samantha asked as she sat still. She liked it when grandmother helped her with things. When she paid her attention like she did everyone else. But Samantha never stood for badmouthing her family. And she always argued if someone said something and it was wrong. She swung her legs as her grandmother fixed her hair. she smiled at Jake though, she was happy to have someone going with her to the training rings. Though Mummy set up the training rings the same way at home, this was different and different was always scary.

"The swordmaster taught your mother and even gave your father a little more polish for his forms. And he has nothing but respect for them and for me, so there will be no reason for you to take offense about." Samantha needed a firm hand and instruction, else she would go her own way. Further showing she was the daughter of Altair and Alehail. "Now, stay with Jake and return here when he does, understand?"

"Yes." Samantha said softly, she didn't like being chastised, there was no argueing with grandmother though because she always won, or found a way to win and then punished them. Which was unfair, butshe was smarter and knew how to do things. Standing up Samantha kissed Sirrus's cheek before going and standing by Jake. "Ready?" She asks softly a little sullen as well from the chastising she had gotten.

They left grandmother with Sirrian climbing into her lap chanting "Story!" And winding their way to the training areas, past the archery ranges to where the swordmaster waited. He bowed and greeted them in elvish then in common, "I am glad to finally have you in my training circle, Samantha Ravenwood. Jake begin your warm ups while, we get her some training materials. Shall we young mistress?" he held out a arm directing her to where the training arsenal was.

Samantha bowed in return and then greeted him in kind. She knew all the greetings in high elven, Alehial often spoke english and Elvish around them all when they are very tiny. so with perfect formality she greeted him. "Yes um... Thank you. you can call me Sammy." Samantha says softly, shyly. though she had met the man several times before she had always been rather intimidated by him, he had a harsh look on his face and wasn't family to boot. But she wanted this and wouldn't back down. Even if she was scared, she also didn't know what she was supposed to do with the training stuff.

Together they entered the arsenal and he let her look around. "Have you any idea what sort of weapon you would like to begin using? And I believe there is a set of training leathers in your size, over there." He then went to a chair to wait for any questions, or to give advice. There were several long and short swords, and even a greatsword and hand and a half one too.

Sam went immediately to the leathers and picked the one that was her size. She put it on a little clumsily, the ties not as tight as they should be, but she did it correctly. She had watched all of her brothers and sisters and mother and father many times. But she put on the leathers and once that was done she went to the swords. She couldn't resist it. She went for the greatsword, just like Mathius. She wanted to be big and strong and protect her sister. She had the greives and the arm guards, the chest peice and the now she had the sword.

The weapons weight was amazing to her, "Perhaps we should start with a lighter weapon and move up. In the end however, I believe the hand and a half sword might be best." He walked over and retightened a couple of her straps, "You need to be a little more conscience of what these hold together." He stood and handed her a longsword, size wise it was a greatsword for her. "We will start with this and work up, I'm sure your family will continue training you."

"The chest peice that covers my back and my front, my calves and my arm's. My shoulders and sides, all the soft weak tissue that are easy targets." She said, reciting from memory what Mummy said, not knowing Sammy was watching hidden. The greatsword she'd barely been able to lift and this sword while able to lift it was still heavy enough that she was shaking a little, just a little though. It was as tall as she was, almost anyways. But she at least knew she used to right knots and had gotten them all together the right way. She was proud of that.

He looked a little bemused, "Very good you have been taught well." He took the longsword from her and chuckled good naturedly, "perhaps a short sword to start with." Testing the balance he handed her the practice blade, and then escorted her back outside. Jake was already going through warm ups with sword and shield against another teacher. The swordmaster watched him as well, the boy had some raw talent that if he continued to work would blossom.

Sam followed him out and when he looked at Jake so did she. He wasn't very good yet, in fact it looked really easy. When Lily would play with them that's what it looked like. Sammy though didn't like the idea of a shield. She was sure she would have to learn how to use it though, even her mommy knew how to use a sword, she liked the big sword Mathius used though. She wondered what the swordmaster would teach her today. It was sure to be exciting because he made her get into armor.

They continued to an empty circle and he began to show her how to stand and hold the sword. "You will find as you get older and as you master weapons that sometimes, improvisation works better. Your father uses this skill and he is a powerful swordsman. Do not, though try to jump right to this, Samantha." He began to instruct her, taking his time and going half speed if not slower.

Samantha knew many of the very basic of things, how to hold a sword properly one handed and two. The first and second stances, the defence and the attack. Things Lily had shown her and things she had learned watching the others from the bushes. Samantha was determind to impress the swordsmaster, to leave a good impression. She wanted to be resognized as a swordswoman even from young so that Mummy and Daddy had to teach her when they went home. She had to be the one to keep Orissa safe. No one else was allowed to do it.

After a good lesson her teacher signaled it was time to stop. "Very good for the first day. Now Jake is waiting and you will need time to adjust to being so active. Go home and soak in a hot bath, every good warrior deserves that and a good meal." He saltuted her and moved to confer with Jake's teacher. Jake sat by the entry and was waiting for her, so they could return to the house.

Samantah smiled brightly and took off her armer setting it on the bench beside her until the entire thing was off. she ran back to the storage room and put it away. Just like her mommy showed her, once everything was away she ran back out to jake. Taking his hand immediatly and smiling brightly at him. "Jake did you see!? He saluted to me! I did good job today." Sammy says excitedly smiling up at him as they began to walk back to the house. She wanted his praise too and for him to have seen her doing everything right. Though her arms kinda hurt, she was far to excited to notice much.

"I saw and heard, I think you have learned a great deal Samantha. You will be a top notch warrior and a credit to the family name." He knew she would be happy hearing he was impressed with her work. He wanted to hurry and get home so he might get a chance to talk to Asper and see how the baby was. Most boys his age hated holding hands with girls, but he took the job escorting her home seriously.

Samantha beamed smiling even brighter. She glowed with pride and happiness at having been praised to highly by Jake. "Call me Sammy Jake, kay? Cause you're like my brother now right? Daniel's no fun he won't let me draw or play with him... But you always do." Sammy said rambling happily. She liked holding his hand too, it was bigger then Orissa's, but not as big as Mommy or Daddy's. Plus Jake was always nice to her and Orissa, sam wished Daniel and Jake were in the opposite position, cause she really liked Jake as a brother.

"Daniel doesn't play like we do, and even his drawing isn't like normal kids." he explained. Sammy was fun if not a little over bearing sometimes, and it was nice to feel like a family. He only wished Asper felt the same, he missed his sister terribly. But, as all the adults told him, their coming here was for their safety. But, soon that would change, Lucas and Alehial and even Flint were coming to take them home.

"Your face is all crinkly. Yer thinking 'bout Asper again huh?" Sam asked watching his face, usually he was quiet but he smiled a lot but lately... as time went by... he had become even more quiet, and had stopped smiling as much. "How come you like her so much?" Sammy asked curiously. They didn't even look related to her, nothing was similar about them at all, in fact they seemed more like polar opposites then anything else. Not that Sammy knew what that meant but she'd heard people using it and liked it so she used it to. Even if it was only in her own head.

"Asper raised me, my mom and dad left us alone and she did everything for me." He smiled at her and kept walking, "Not everyone is lucky to have your mom and dad to care for them." As they passed the houses and drew closer to Mistress Mornensin's he thought more about what would happen when the baby did come. Would Asper and Darryl forget about him and never try seeing him except when the family gathered? But, as scary as the thought was he wouldn't say anything to Asper, he didn't want to upset her so close to the baby coming.

"MMMmmm... But mummy and Daddy are taking care of you now. Isn't it better? Having a room and stuff? Getting to have books and clothes... getting lessons and learning how to fight and going to church every sevenday? Getting good meals from Chef and Bowers to take care of us?" Sammy asks confused as to why he would think living as poorly as he had was a good thing. Asper could have done better, she should have married a rich man to take care of them. That's what she should have done, Mummy didn't like Asper and Daddy always said he was frustrated, which actually meant angry and no one but Darryl and Jake seemed to actually like Asper, though Lyriel sometimes would talk to her and not get mad.

"Asper raised me until your parents took over. She was there for so much of my life and even went without for me. It is hard to explain, while everything I have now is great, I can't forget my past and what Asper did." He wished that she and Alehial got along better, most of the Ravenwoods for that matter. But, only time could tell if that would get better, he hoped it would.

"Went without what?" Sammy asked deffinetly not understanding, her five year old mind just wasn't good enough to pick up these kinds of things. But Sammy knew that sometimes... especially some months ago... When Asper was outside she would play with them a little... and she had saved the family twice too. which meant she wasn't a bad person like Mummy thought, but she didn't know why Mummy didn't like Asper. It was strange and if she did there was a reason and it always made Sammy cautious around the half drow woman. they were taught that drow were to be feared and if at all possible to be escaped from captivity, Lyriel was a good drow and she was safe because she was their sister but other drow weren't like Lyriel and shouldn't be assumed to be nice.

"EVerything that we take for granted sometimes like food, good clothes and a safe roof over our heads. Asper made sure I had those things, even though she suffered for it." Jake had decided that at somepoint he would repay Asper for caring so much for him. And once he began to go to classes at the temple he began to see a path his life should take. "It's that funny 'complicated' word we keep hearing about."

"I don't get it... you mean she didn't eat or get dressed everyday?" Sammy asked thoroughly confused and unable to follow or understand all of what he was talking about. She didn't know what taking for granted meant. and she didn't know why it was this complicated word he was using. He was so serious and looked almost sad though as he spoke. She was a little worried so she held his hand tightly and just looked up at him to see if he would explain or not.

"SHe dressed in clothes that weren't always clean or mended, and no sometimes we didn't have much to eat so she made sure I always ate." He smiled at her and kept ahold of her hand. "And to better explain it, It would be like shring a bed with Conner everynight." The came to their grandmother's house and went to the front door. He knocked at the door and waited patiently for the doorman to open up for them.

Samantha stayed quiet, she still didn't understand, sometimes when she and Orissa had nightmares they did share a bed with Conner, cause he would sing them lullaby's until they fell asleep again. But instead of asking more questions she just accepted that she didn't get it and let it go. Once the door was open she released his hand and ran inside. She wanted to tell Grandma Sirrus the good news of her lessons and how well she did. Since they were inside she was safe and no longer needed to hold Jake's hand anyways.

Sirrus was in her study having just helped the nanies put down Xeph, Kaitlyn, and Ethan. Finally she could go over her notes and reports in peace and quiet. Included was a note from Gareth, the young king hadn't sent much correspondence since finding out about Drake. Why was it that humans affected her so, Heran had taught her things her elven husband couldn't. And of course Gaerth's attentions had awoken the dormant desire to have a lover share her bed.

Samantha knocked on the door and before recieving an answer twisting the handle and opened it. It wasn't locked which meant it was okay to come in. She ran in and to the desk an excited look on her face, her little outfit dirty from the days excersize and training. "Granma! Granma! Guess what?!" She asked excitedly, standing four feet in front of the desk as she had learned from her mother. But the look of excitement faded a little seeing how serious Sirrus's face was, meant she was sad... she looked so sad in her eyes. "Granma? you okay?" She asks softly worried now.

"Fine Samantha, just remembering people I have not seen in years. How did your first lessons go, I am very excited to hear." She pushed back all of it into her mind. She needed to be grandmother first, and protector of her charges. She set the letter aside and folded her hands in front of the green dress she was wearing.

"Like Granpa?" Samantha asks softly, Sirrus made the same face as Mummy did when thinking about her daddy. she didn't like the fake happiness her grandmother showed though, or rather the interest she was faking. Samantha knew she didn't know a lot of stuff but she knew granma was hurting and she wanted to make her feel better. suddenly her lesson wasn't as important as making Granma happy again, or at least smiling for real at her again. "Mummy will be here soon and... and I know she misses you." Samantha says softly trying to cheer Sirrus up a little the only way she knew how... to see someone you cared about the most.

She did smile at the little girl, "And then my house will cease to shake from running feet of children. I look forward to seeing your mother, but will miss all of you when you return to Baerlon. So, no more stalling, how did the lessons go, or do I need to ask Jake?" Kaitlyn fussed a moment before getting comfortable and going back tp dreams. Sirrus looked to the bassinet and held a finger to her lips, "quietly though I do not wish to try putting them back to sleep."

"Um really good! He said he was impressed with how much I new... and that... that I should deffinetly continue lessons and he saluted me!" Samantha said in an excited whisper. She was bounding on her feet as soon as she finished saying it all. She was so excited to have gotten so much praise. "Jake said I did really good too!" She added quickly since Granma Sirrus had brought him up. She couldn't wait to hear what she said about it too.

"I am glad everyone thought so highly of you, now I know you must be sore so find the maid and have her draw a very warm bath for you to soak your muscles in. And perhaps some peppermint tea as a treat." she finished and allowed her to leave. Once Samantha was gone she took out the letter again and read his words. Gaerth wanted her to convince Alehial not to argue Flint's arrainged marriage. She at first could not believe he would order Flint to marry for an alliance rather than love.

Samantha nodded and ran from the room. She would do exactly as Grandmother Sirrus had asked her to do and with delight. Besides Orissa's lessons were always really long and she often didn't come back until right before lunch was served, sometimes after. They both often took a nap together in the middle of the day after lunch, but today Samantha might be tired enough to take her nap alone, besdies Jake would get to talk to his sister and Granma Sirrus was busy and well it seemed no one had any time for her right now.

A little while later after having cleaned up, Jake approached Sirrus' study. He knocked gently and waited to be admitted, which Lady Sirrus did personally. "Welcome Jake come have a seat and I will cast the spell." The spell was easy and since she had learned it from Lai Ravenwood, made for easy communication. "Asper? Can you hear me its Jake." he said quietly hoping he wasn't bothering her.

"JAKE?!" Aspers voice asked sounding very startled. She certainly hadn't been expecting to hear from Jake. She instantly worried though that something was wrong, as soon as she heard his voice. " What's wrong? Are you okay?!" She asked clearly sounding worried. It was clear she had jumped to a conclusion, like she always had while they had lived in Venir. She always had been overprotective of him and taking as much of the blame for anything as she ever could.

"I'm fine, Grandmother Sirrus, she says its ok if I call her that, thought it would be nice for me to get to talk to you. How's Darryl? And the baby? Do you know if its a boy or girl yet? And how about everyone else still in Baerlon?" His questions flooded from his mind, he missed his sister and hoped she missed him too. "Has Darryl finished the house yet, I know he wanted to make you something special. I'm learning how to use a sword and shield while I'm here, and when I come home I might be able to learn to be like Lucas."

"Darryl's fine. It's a girl, we've decided on a name as well, she's due about three weeks from now or so Bailey tells me. Everyone is fine. Darryl is going to buy the last few things to get the house finished so everything will soon be taken care of. Like Lucas hm? Well... if that't what you want to do... I can't help you Jake... I'm the opposite of what that church stands for. But I will support you the best I can." Asper says in return. She really missed Jake being with her suddenly and could only think of him by her side always until she had met Darryl and the ravenwoods, then they had been seperated for a long time.

"Um, will I be able to come and visit? I mean I know that my room is at the Ravenwoods, but I still wana see you and Darryl and the baby. I can see about haivng someone send a missive to ask if its ok. Has there been any problems, I mean that's why you guys sent us to Sildea to keep us safe." He was hoping Asper would let him visit, or maybe even might stay with them. But, he didn't want to upset her or even hint that he wanted to cause trouble.

" Of course you can visit. Since when have we needed permission to do anything hm Jake? If you want to visit you let me know and Darryl will come get you. It's as easy as that. There... yes... There have been problems. Nothing we couldn't handle though. I am glad you weren't here, you were safest in Sildea. Darryl say's hi by the way." Asper sent in thought, she was still very worried about Lash but was glad for all of what had happened Jake was in Sildea protected by the strongest magics and warriors the elves had to offer. She missed him terribly and hoped he would be there for the birth, not actually to see it but certainly to hold his niece.

"I don't want to be a bother though, I know you are going to be busy. I would have liked to been there to help you guys. Will you tell me what happened when I get home?" Sirrus patted his arm and told him that time was short. "Grandmother says the spell will end soon, I love you Asper and everyone there too, and can't wait to see you."

"I will tell you what I can... I miss you Jake. I wish you were here with me. I want you to know that. I care about what happens to you and in your life." Asper responded, it might have been the closest she had ever come to saying she loved him. Or admitted she loved anyone for a matter of fact. She was sad he had to go already but she understood there were limitations on spells and such. She really did mean what she had said though, if she wasn't worried about Darryl draining his energy she would ask him to get Jake for her and bring him home... to her.

The spell ended and Jake was aware that a tear escaped his eye. He sniffled and tried wiping it away. Sirrus came forward and offered a handkerchief for him to wipe his eyes. "I hope the conversation was good Jake, how about you catch up with the others and play." He nodded and after apologizing got up heading out of her study to go find the girls.

Samantha had finished bathing and was playing in the entrance room where the staircase was. She had a fireplace poker in her hands and was apparently pretending to do battle of some kind, she wasn't yelling or even speaking as she jemped around and rolled and played at being the hero. she had gotten yelled at many times for being to loud or vulger with her language so now when she played alone while waiting for Orissa to come back she often played in silance with the dialogue in her head. she had no idea she would get caught for the fourth time using the poker as a weapon... again, any minute by Jake.

Jake appeared a distance behind her and watched, she was having a great deal of fun. "Perhaps we should go outside before you break someting and lose dessert." he suggested. Knowing that she was always loath to be denied the sweet treat, Grandmother had for them each night. "I saw it had something to do with berries and cream when I came down from putting away my things." The elves enjoyed cooking with a lot of vegetables and fruits, Grandmother made sure they had meats and such, but everything was always delicious.

Samantha jumped and dropped the poker with a loud crash onto the stone floor. "AAH!" She yelled in surprise and fell over from the lunge she had just been performing into the belly of an orc. Panting hard and sitting on the ground she quickly looked around and grabbed the poker to run it back into the room she had gotten it and put away before she could get into trouble over it. Standing in the doorway of the library she peeked red faced out at Jake standing at the bottem of the stairs.

"So, are you wanting to go outside and explore some before dinner? Or are you going to keep fighting orcs and goblins?" He shifted casually from one foot to the other. The lands about the city were safe, patrolled by groups of druids and rangers. "I heard and think I know where your Mum's grove is, and I plan on finding it."

"Grove? what grove?" Samantha asks instantly curious and wanting to see it. The only grove she knew of was the one at home. the one with the big stone that was mummy's holy place to Obad-Hai. She came out of the library and closed the door carefully and silently behind her. Walking over to Jake with a large smile and a face full of interest and curiousity. She did sort of want Orissa to come but if Mummy had a secret grove Samantha wanted to be there.

"I heard Elsa and Fael talk about it, Alehail used to go there when she was little. It has a waterfall nearby and a little alcove like cave, I think it would be neat to find it." He smiled, it would give them a chance to work off some more energy before dinner. Elsa had told Fael how they once went there, and Jake felt he could follow the path easily. "So, you wanna go see or fight invisible enemies all day until Orissa comes home?"

"Mmmm!!! I... I want to go!" Samantha said hands on her hips and a hard look of concentration on her face until she made her decision. It was obviously very hard as it took a few minutes while she hmm'd angrily sounding. But finally she obviously couldn't wait forever for Orissa and decided to go with Jake on an adventure. She was excited and wanted to know about it. She didn't want to go alone and Jake was older and was offering to let her come. So of course she was going to take it.

Jake smiled at her, "Alright if we go it won't be for long, we'll have to be back for dinner. And we keep it a secret, only telling those that come with us." With that he offered her a handwanting her to shake on it. It would be a great fun adventure, and it was theirs. Together they headed for the front door, bound to find the hidden grove Elsa told Fael about.

Samantha smiled and shook his hand excitedly. It was going to be a great adventure, looking for Mummy's grove here in Sildea. It would be a secret one something Jake and she knew about only. she couldn't wait to go on this exciting secret adventure with him. "Let's go come on!" She smiled excitedly heading for the front door. She wanted to go and see it. She wanted to hurry up and find the grove with just her and Jake.

Almost an hour later, using landmarks he gathered from listening to Elsa's story. He felt sure they were close to discovering the grove, Samantha had proved to be a good explorer. Looking about for the rock shaped like a bowl, he wondered why some of those landmarks were not in the right directions. "Is Elsa good with directions?" he turned and asked her seeing the rock far to their east not south. On occasion he kept getting a feeling someone or something was watching them.

"She doesn't know her right from her left!! East or west! She knows up and down and that's about it!" Samantha laughs softly also looking for each clue once Jake told her what they were looking for. She was having the time of her life going on this adventure, half because they had to refind the clues and half because it was exciting and she would get to see a place she had never seen before ever. So it was deffinetly a good day for her today, getting to train with the swordsmaster and now going out on this adventure in the forest.

Looking out from behind a nearby tree, he watched the children moving about. They weren't being very quiet, her could follow them for a very long time. However he did believe the boy might have seen him, he couldn't be quite sure. These were Ravenwood's, that much was easy to see, humans were not very plentiful in Sildea. Now all he had to do was follow his orders, and keeping them under a watchful eye.

Samantha kept walking and talking about Elsa's lack of direction as they moved towards the bowl shaped rock. They were having a heck of a time looking for all the clues with only Elsa's directions and Jake had said it was safe so Samantha didn't worry about being overly quiet like she would if it was dangerous. She was happy as a skylark in a meadow, as she moved through the old forest looking for her mothers special spot.

Surely enough, twenty minutes later they found the waterfall and grove. It was were ALehial and Altair had visited once during a rain storm. And she had even brought Elsa and the others once. Jake gave a whoop of victory and hurried towards the small pool. He felt like they had done won the actual DragonWar themselves.

Samantha shouted happily too and she ran towards it. Putting her hand in the little waterfall and then cupping it taking a drink from it. It tasted good and clean, and she laid back on the moss and looked up at the trees and the light coming through the trees. This place was beautiful and so pretty and reminded Samantha very much so of her mother. If her mother was ever a place or a spirit of a place this would be that place. It was perfect, the moss, the grass a few flowers the water, there was a rock that sort of overhung a little and gave shelter, a small pool the waterfall fed and a stream running from that too.

Jake went and explored the alcove looking at the stone walls. It was amazing that such a place existed for so long. Then he went back out and got a drink himself. "I think if we exclude the fourth landmark we could get back here faster." he said. Smiling at how Samantha so full of energy seemed at peace here.

Samantha smiled brightly looking over at Jake. "How come you always think of that stuff? I mean this place so cool!" For Samantha this place was... as peaceful as being in her mothers arms and listening to the elven lullaby that always soothed her. This place was so peaceful and nice and calm and beautiful. But for some reason Jake was remembering the way out and how fast it would be to get out. As if there was any danger here in this little grove.

"Not going home, but coming back sometime." he said to her. He continued to look about the grove itself it was easy to pass by if you weren't looking for the entrance. Looking back he could have sworn he saw something white at the entrance. "Sammy, look." he said in a low tone to her, moving forward to stand beside her. Whatever it was it was watching them probably before they ever got to here.

Sammy turned her head and rolled onto her stomach, looking at what he told her too. Him being quiet made her be quiet too. It was white but Sammy didn't exactly know what she was looking at. In this quiet and peaceful place, where nature was around them, grass and trees flourished and the animal's scurried around was something, something that Sammy didn't know about. Sammy got to her knees sitting and reached out taking ahold of Jake's pants though, it wasn't that she was afraid but she wasn't certain and Jake was older and more experienced then she was so he was safe.

Creeping forward they finally saw it a white wolf entered the grove. He looked at them both quizzically. Then began to trot forward, but stopped at the stream and drank some water. "Behind me Sammy!" Jake instructed her, "And if it attacks you head for the city." Being glad he did bring his sword with him, but lamenting the fact his armor was back at grandmothers.

"It's a wolf!" Sammy smiled brightly, she didn't have the same reservations that Jake did about the animals. "Mummy says wolves ain't bad creatures and never run, if you have to climb a tree, they can't get into trees. Just... no threaten it." Sammy says sitting on her heels, just watching the wolf. Wolf and Alpha often played with her and Orissa, Jake never had been comfertable around them but Sammy felt no fear at being near a wolf. Yes it was a strange wolf to her but the grove was a peaceful place and if she didn't threaten it they would be okay, it obviously wasn't hungry or it would have come after them.

He moved forward playing at being aloof with the children. The boy was wary of him, the girl seemed interested in him however. Sitting and pondering what his next would be, looking at her he decided to wait for their next move. Jake watched warily, looking at Sammy and noting she wasn't scared of it. "Sammy, maybe we should go back to Sildea its getting late." he said.

"You think Rissy will be back?" Sammy asked curiously, if she was then they deffinetly should go cause she wanted to tell her sister all about this! Sammy looked at the wolf and supressing the urge to smile widely, because to bare teeth is a threat to wolves she slowly got to her feet. "Just don't be afraid and don't move really fast." She told Jake with a smile wide enough to show she was happy and confident but not show any teeth. Sammy didn't think the wolf would hurth them, it wasn't mean or growly. Besides Mummy told stories of her best friend who had been a wolf who had a litter of puppies and lived in these woods with her pups. For all Sammy knew this might be one of those puppies or something.

"She might be, but will she keep our secret?" he asked. They gave the wolf a wide berth as they went to the grove entrance. It watched them head to the entrance and leave. Once outside and on the trail Jake felt a little better. "Come on Sammy, let's get back to grandmothers, cleaned up and ready for dinner."

"course hse will if we bring her along next time! Besides it wasn't like the wolf will follow us back to grandmothers house you know they don't like cities even if it's the elven ones." Sammy says following Jake. He was hurrying and she was having a little trouble keeping up seeing as he was older and therefore much taller still then she was. In her dress she had to lift it a little and more then a little jog to keep up. he really didn't like that white wolf. But it hadn't done anything to them and a lot of wolves were campanions that just roamed until called on.

He slowed a little and looked back toward the grove, with no wolf in sight. Not noticing that he almost left Samantha behind her, he took her hand and smiled. "I didn't feel right about it, I can't explain it." he apologized.
After a little bit of walking the city was visible in the distance, it would be another twenty minutes of walking before they would get back. "Ok, you can tell Orissa, but get her to promise before you do not to tell."

"Of course I'm not stupid! I'm not like Daniel!" Samantha says holding his hand happily thnkful that he had slowed down at last, the white wolf was really pretty she didn't know why Jake was so afraid of it. It was silly to be afraid of animals. Even if they could eat you up. She was excited though about telling Orissa about their adventure even the wolf and everything! Wouldn't she be jealous and surprised and wished she ad gone with them!Sam was very excited for all of that.

Once they arrived back to the house he released her hand, "Ok, go get ready." HE went to his room to get ready for dinner and would have to avoid Daniel's questions. Samantha got to the room she shared with Orissa and and could hear her talking to the maid. The dress had a couple grass stains on it and she'd have to change.

Samantha opened the door without so much as a knock and shut it behind her. "I'm back!!" She says smiling brightly clearly excited.
"Where were you! You always wait for me!!" Orissa says jumping to her feet from the bed and waving an angry finger at her sister.
"I was out playing with Jake! I get lonely always waiting for you alone!" Sammy says getting a little angry at being yelled or questioned at.
"you know it doesn't take me long! I hate it when you aren't here!" Rissy says frowning too.
"Well get done sooner!" "I can't!" "Tell them you have to then!" But I don't havefta!" "Yeah huh you do!" "Nuh uh!" "Cause I'm not important?!" "you are but I hafta learn this stuff." "you like it more then me!" "I do not!" "Do too!" "Do not!!" "You're my sister I love you!" "You don't act like it!" "Cause neither do you!" "You... are such a jerk!" "I Am not! You are spoiled!" "I HATE YOU!" Sammy finally yells before running out of the room in tears. Rissy too had tears falling from her cheeks. Orissa turned and hugged the maid and cried. It wasn't her fault she had been born like this. But Samanha had promised she would always be there. then she hadn't been and Orissa was scared and lonely too.

Aras barely understanding the fight between the girls, embraced Orissa and was trying to understand what the fight was about. "Little one, how long have you and Samantha been fighting like these things? And was it about your lessons and learning with the Ancient One?" She was trying to calm Orissa enough so that she could find Samantha and bring her back so they could make up. "Orissa you must understand, Samantha needs things to do while you are at your lesson, and we can explain to her together ok?"

"S-since gramma made me go to the lessons. She hates not being with me. I hate it... I hate being magic!" Orissa says still crying. The real problem was that they were identical twins... but Orissa was born magic and Samantha was told she had no magic at all in her. They were different, and neither one of them liked it very much at all. So when it got in the way between them they often fought and became upset. Even at home over the little things they would get upset. This was the first time though that Sammy had run off and left Orissa alone after something they were told needed done. Samantha had gone off and left Orissa behind this time.

"Well, you will need to understand, Samantha though she loves you will need to find a path for herself when you two are parted. I think you and her need to talk about respecting what happens when you both can't be together. Shall I go bring her back to speak with you? You just need to remember that if she did something fun to be happy for her." Aras stood and wiped Orissa's face and waited for the her to tell her what was wanted.

"O-okay." Orissa sniffles wiping her face with her hands too. she didn't want Samantha to have adventures with anyone but her though and she didn't want Samantha to find someone else to be her sister or best friend. Orissa didn't want to be happy for Samantha if they weren't happy together, about the same thing. Orissa climbed onto her bed and picked up her favorite stuffed toy and hugged it close to her chest. Still sniffling and crying a little bit. But she wanted Sammy back now and not to be mad at her.

She heard the little creature before she saw it, sniffling as it climbed out from under her bed. Blue, tear filled eyes came into view, "mwhahh coluh leffes mos phw?" It then crawled up and wrapped it's arms around her and began cried a little too. "Moy rava kulee es bava lorto." it stroked her hair just like her parents did when she was upset. They seemed to respond to her moods the most, but on occasion reacted to Samantha as well.

It took Aras a little time to find Samantha, "Are you alright Samantha?" She gently took the twins shoulder and drew her close to her. "I know Orissa didn't mean everything she said and you didn't either. And I can understand wanting to do everything together, but sometimes it isn't possible. Please you and Orissa need to talk and makeup okay?"

"It's not my fault! Rissa was born special mummy and daddy said so! But I'm not! I'm not special! Not like she is! She gets a special teacher and special attention and even the bad guys only want her and not me!" Sammy says throwing her arms around the young elf's shoulders and crying. It wasn't fair that everyone loved Rissa better then they loved Sammy, But Orissa got so mad at her for having fun and doing something for herself for once and it wasn't fair at all.

"But you get to learn how to use a sword, and special can be scary Samantha. And your parents love you both with all their hearts, and perhaps it falls to you to fight those bad guys to protect her. Orissa just believes that you will forget about her and the bond you share as sisters. Why don;t you come back and talk to her, make up before going down to dinner." Aras continued to rock the girl a little bit, hoping she could bring the girls back together.

"Not true... she knows she specialer then me. An we'll never not be sister." Sammy says not really wanting to go back but she knew she'd get in trouble over the grass stains at dinner, at least changing her clothes they wouldn't be discussed until breakfast... maybe. but it wasn't fair still that everyone loved Rissy more even Lucas did. Cause Rissy got scared more. Even if it was herself that was scaring her and not something real. Cause Rissy was dumb!

"Well, I think you both are equally special young ladies. And if you go back and patch it up, I'll take care of those stains rather than let you get into trouble. Orissa needs you and deep down you know you need her too. I only wish I had a sister to share things with. Someone to be strong when I wasn't and someone who at times needed me too."

Samantha didn't say anything she kept hugging the elf lady and sniffled. She still felt that way and didn't really want to make up with Orissa now. she wouldn't tell her about the grove or the adventure either. But she was deffinetly rubbing in the fact that she was getting sword lessons and had been complimented by the swordsmaster, Jake and grandma. that would teach ehr to yell and tell her means stuff again.

"Come along, we need to let you guys make up and get ready for dinner. You have my belief that you are being a good young woman." She stood and offered Samantha her hand. She knew it wasn't quite fair to bribe the young girl with hiding the grass stains from everyone. But, with humans it was all about keeping the peace.

Samantha took the woman's hand, she did so sullenly though and she wiped her eyes with her free hand. She continued to sniffle but she didn't want to make up with Orissa if she was going to be as angry and nasty as she was before then she didn't want to do it. She knew she needed to clean the dress though and change cause Grandma Sirrus would be upset if she saw them especially at dinner, which was a very formal occasion here. Though Mommy maid them all dress formally for dinner at home to it seemed that here it was... non negotiable and mandatory to look ones best no matter what.

Aras led her back to their room, it was a little silly that these two would become so angry over a trivial matter. Once outside the door she knocked, "Orissa, Samantha and I are coming inside now." She then entered the room and immediatley turned to unlace and remove Samantha's dress. "Get in the tub while you two talk alright, Lady Sirrus is expecting you both at dinner soon." She then took the dress over to a small table, removing a wand she chanted softly and removed the stains, it would still need washed.

Samantha took off her underclothes and got into the tub, she didn't say a word to Orissa as she did so, she laid her clothes on her bed and then clambored into the tub and sank all the way up to her chin when she did get in. Dinner was going to be... tough, lately they had been fighting more and more, not anything like a real fight but little spats certainly. Because now... Now they were different.
Orissa took off her own dress and underdress and climbed in as well. She dunked herself and came back up getting the wrag and getting it soapy. She looked at Samantha's scowling face and sighed softly. Moving closer and turning her around Orissa began to scrub Sam's back, even though they might be angry with each other, they were still twins and wanted to touch each other and be near each other.

Aras looked back at the girls and smiled, "I don't hear much in the way of talking young ladies. And I believe everything will be solved if you just talk plainly with one another." Lady Sirrus had informed the household staff about the children's quirks before they arrived. The girls loved each other and were fiercly protective of each other. And the boys had just as many uniqeness to them.

Both the girls turned and looked at Aras, their gazes intense even though they remained silent. They both turned away at the same time too, Orissa continued to wash Samantha and after a few minutes when she was done Samantha tookthe wrag from her and they turned, switching so that Samantha was now washing Orissa's back. They remained silent, just being together and continueing what they were doing normally together. Small touches and closeness was already lessenign the anger towards each other. Once Orissa was done washing Orissa She turned aroun d and they embraced each other. Just holding each other tightly.

Well perhaps for twins the way to work out a problem is just to be close and realize how much the other twin means to you. "So, are you both back to being loving sisters again?" as she gathered Orissa's clothes. Grabbing two towels she made a motion for them to get out of the tub and dry off. "Besides it will not be long until your mother arrives to take you home, and I must admit I will miss you both." Elves of Sildea tried to be very formal, but as most said Ravenwood's had a talent for gaining your love or respect.

Neither girl said a word but they helped each other out of the tub. Samantha got out first and helped Orissa get out. Likewise she let Orissa go to Aras and get dried off by her, taking her own towel and roughing it over herself to dry off. "When will Mummy be here Aras?" Orissa asked softly as the elf helped dry her off. "Is Lucas coming in the city this time? Or is he staying out cause his ugly wife?" Sammy asked secondly, neither girl liked Tani very much still.

"Last I had heard they are a week away from us in Garrison." she explained. "Why do you not like Lucas's wife, I understand she is a half-celestial or is it that they will be making a family as well? Jake told me that she offered to take you both up to fly with her and wants to be friends." She stood after finishing drying of Orissa then getting the spots Samantha missed. Crossing she brought the girls clean garments to wear and with another smile she said, "I also heard she is quite beautiful."

"She ugly! I don't wanna fly with her, I don't wanna be her friend!" Samantha said angrily getting her dress on quickly before hurrying to help Orissa get dressed too. Samantha was constantly trying to help Orissa in anything she did and likewise when Orissa was perfectly settled she took care of what Samantha didn't in her hurry, though with Aras there most of the time the twins did what she did not, or they got to something and let her help them finish. They always included her in whatever it was they were doing, which was rare enough for them. They usually never got along with women, only their sisters and mother and grandmother Lai. They didn't like the servants at home to help them, they didn't even like Cybil to help them. "She takes Lucas far away... and he no longer wants to play anymore." Orissa says softly using better words because she was simply calmer then Samantha, the lessons she was having with the Elder were certainly paying off.

"Most young ladies I know would love the adventure of flying among clouds and tree tops. And sometimes Lucas's god asks that he go places to do his will. I would imagine those journeys may be lonely, you two wouldn't want that would you?" Aras had not thought that she would at some point be trying to make peace between two sisters and the wife of their brother. But, she found herself fond of them certain she would miss the girls when they were gone.

"Well we don't want to, Lucas's god should tell him to stay with me. I mean us." Samantah says pouting and crossing her arms as Orissa made her sit down and began taking care of her hair. Orissa hummed softly while brushing letting Sammy to do all of the talking, she really had nothing more to add that Samantha wasn't already saying or could say next. Orissa didn't mind waiting to do her own hair once she was finished with Samantha. Aras would do her hair quickly enough, besdies Sammy needed help to do this.

Aras sighed, she knew there would be no more discussion about the subject. She sat behind Orissa and did her hair as she did Samantha's, they were both very sweet girls. As she stroked the brush through Orissa's hair she began to hum a elven tune, one her mother used to sing to her. It was always calming to her and she hoped the girls would find it as well. Humans and their short life spans had always seen tragic to her, but like these girls it seemed more full when you loved and were loved in return.

Once Orissa was done with Samantha's hair she pulled it half back and tied it off. Simple things always suited Samantha the best, though since they had the same face the same could be said of her too. "Done Sammy go get the necklasses." Orissa says softly standing still to let Aras finish her hair too. Samantha nodded and stood up walking over to the desk, opening the small box on the top she pulled out the two necklasses inside, they were identical cuts of emeralds that daddy had gotten them. Taking them back over to Orissa the little girl took the one with an S marked into the gem and put it around Samantha's neck.

"Girls, can I ask you both a very frank question about your family?" Aras was curious and still a little concerned that the girls didn't accept Tani as family. In a family like the Ravenwoods it must be lonely if you were shund it must be very lonely. And she hoped that logical Orissa and good hearted Samntha would see another point of view. Truth be told she hoped to see the half-celestial when they came to get the children.

"YEs." They said in unisen together, turning to look up at Aras. Samantah had been helping to put the necklace with the O engraved on it around Orissa's neck. Once it was one Orissa grabbed Samantha's hand and they stood in front of Aras waiting for the question. Orissa was smiling softly happy and calm and clean. Samantha on the other hand was neutral at the moment, not angry per se, but not exactly happy either. Rather she felt good enough to not be very angry anymore, but wasn't completely not unhappy right now either. They were both waiting for Aras to ask her question a little curious as to what she was going to ask.

"How do you know you will love a new sibling when your mother is pregnant? Did you immediatly love Sirran or Alura before you ever saw them outside of your mother?" She stood and made sure everything was straightened and clean, before walking the girls downstairs. Her own dress was still clean and unsmudged and she ushered the girls to the door. They saw the boys hurrying down the stairs to get their usual seats in the dining room, Aras was in no hurry that way the girls could answer her question.

"Course we do! Cause it's from Mummy and Daddy just like we were... and Sirran and Aloura need big strong sisters to teach them and protect them and keep them safe! Mummy says it's our duty to protect those weaker and to protect those that need protection." Samantha says smugly, she and Orissa both had tightened their grip as they held each others hands. Samantha was secure in her knowledge of how things should be, being only five and this being what their parents had told them after all.
"Because Daddy said that everybody needs lots of love when they are born. It doesn't matter what they look like because as they get bigger that will change, but the need for love never does. When mummy is pregnant it means our family is going to get even better because we've got someone new to give all the fun we had to." Orissa says looking up at Aras a moment before looking at the stairs, the twins rarely seperated their hands when they didn't need to, and even though it would be easier to manage the stairs holding the banister they prefurred to hold each others hands instead and help each other.

"What about those brothers and sisters that are not born from your mother and father? Elsa, Lyriel, Jake, Lucas, and Mathius what about them, did they need love when they came into your family? And you say that because of a new addition to the family needs love & inclusion into the fun of being a Ravenwood, that you need to give that to them? I find your words very interesting young ladies." She hoped the girls came to the conclusion she was aluding to, that even Tani needed a chance for love and acceptance too.

Unfortunately for Aras she had failed to take into account the fact that although they were smart for five year olds... they were well... five. Which means the round-a-bout way she was trying to convince them confused them horribly until they gave up trying to figure out what it was she had said in the first place and moved on. Even being a Ravenwood had limits and Aras had reached them for these two at least. But they knew that next it was dinner and they were dressed to the nines and so were the boys because that was what was expected for dinner.

Before admitting them she figured it was time to let the girls in on what she meant. "Tani is like your sister now, you share your brother Lucas and that she could use that love and inclusion. Remember she grew up not knowing how much fun brother and sisters can be, and she must have been terribly lonely." Aras let that sink into the girls before she opened the door. And Sirrian shot past them all screaming like a banshee, "No PeAs!! Me No like PEAS!!"

"GOT HIM!!!" Samantha hollered and took off after him, it didn't take long. She scooped him up in her little arms and dragged him back. Her arms holding him around the chest, as she dragged his little kicking legs across the polished wooden floor. Orissa clapped, it was one of Sammy's best timed captures of Sirrian yet. She tugged Aras's skirt though "He's to heavy please help." She requested gently, after all Sirrian was two and that was only... Orissa held up three fingers counting slowly, three years difference which wasn't very much at all.

Aras bent low and grasped him, "I have him Samantha and very good catch." The little boy struggled then promptly gave up, he found the elf women pretty. "She pretty!" he said to his sisters with a smile. "Like birdy lady!" THey all went back into the dining room where Sirrian's escape had caused quite a stir. Sirrus was busy trying to get everyone calmed down and dinner served, she smiled at the girls and Aras who had the escapee.

"Samantha's best time! Seven fingers!!" Orissa states loudly for them all to hear, she was very proud of her twin sister for the speedy recovery of the prisoner. She was holding Samantha's hand again, they were right now in a mood where they didn't want to be seperated for much.
Samantha beamed proudly, she had been doing well all day today, it had been better then she thought it would turn out too. IT was funny to see the boys getting back in their seats and the servants holding food and looking so shocked. Even Grandmother Sirrus looked a little frazzled and worried.

Aras put Sirrian back into his seat and kept a hand on him smiling at the girls. He wasn't being overly helpful, trying to get up and escape again, "NO peas, No, no, no Peas! I hates peas!" Aras finally decided to take his seat and put him in her lap, holding onto him and humming to him. When the plate came she took his fork and began to help him eat, despite his cries against peas. A servant place a plate in front of Orissa and Samantha and smiled to them.

The girls both began to eat after putting their napkins on their laps and getting into their seats. The dinner table had quieted down now and Orissa and Samantha continued to hold hands, they had thanked the servants for bringing them food and for pushing in their chairs for them. But other then that dinner seemed to be smooth and calm other then Sirrian yelling his hatred and rejection of peas. To which Samantha sniggered at a few times.

Aras put some peas onto a spoon and tried tempting Sirrian with them. "NO! was his response and she had to think of something. She tickled his cheek and asked him nicely he giggled and opened his mouth, and shut it the minute the spoon got close. Next she mixed them with the potatoes and tried and this time he ate them. "Mmmmm, me like potatoes! more pwease?" he smiled up at his sisters then at Aras.

Boith the girls smiled and finished their food, holding each others hands and waiting.

After all of the children finished their dinner, dessert was brought out for all to enjoy. Sirrus watched the children gathered around the table even Darke had managed to appear. He sat with his cousins and spoke about weapons training and courtly things. ALthough she noticed that he paid particular attention to Lai and Conner's daughter. It was only a matter of time she guessed, even though both kids were half-elven.

Orissa and Samantha finished their dessert quickly and they had scooted their chairs together, currently they were watching everyone talk with drowsy little eyes. Red and being rubbed their eyes were always the dead give away to when they were sleepy. That and they were leaning against each other, even their heads leaning against the others. They were worn out from a long day and the adventure they had and then the fight too of course. Samantha was almost dead tired, after learning sword and then the adventure in the forest with Jake. But both Samantha and Orissa wanted to spend time with Drake, cause he was hardly ever home and they liked being with him.

Drake looked down the table, "Mother I think Rissa and Sammy are tired, with your leave may I escort them to their room?" Sirrus nodded and motoned to Aras who had a similarly sleepy Sirrain wrapped around her. "Yes, mistress I will see to them and to little Sirrian too." Cousin and servant stood, her holding Sirrian and he came to collect the girls. "I hear you both had a long day, come along then up to bed with you both."

"Kay..." Orissa said softly getting to her feet, she tugged at Samantha's hand and Sammy sat up. Even though Sammy was always the most active of the two, today with her new lessons and the outing in the woods and her usual play she was exhausted. She rubbed her eyes and yawned widely, sliding off the seat slowly. Orissa while being sleepy wasn't as tired as Sammy was and she smiled before looking up at Drake, "She's too sleepy." Orissa whispers softly.

He smiled back and put a hand on each of their shoulders and pointed them to the door. Grandmother said goodnight and that she would check on them in a little while. Jake and Daniel were trying to not be seen so they could stay up a little longer. Both boy's did however say goodnight to them both before they left the dining room. It didn't take long for Aras and Drake to usher the girls upstairs and to their bedroom, Aras would put Sirrian to bed after she got the girls squared away.

Both girls now in their nightshifts said their special prayer that Lucas had taught them, and laid down but, once the maid and Drake left and their hair was braiden nd they were tucked in... Orissa got out of bed and climbed into Sammy's and snuggled up close to her sister. Sammy was fast asleep, she wouldn't be waking up for much tonight probably, but Orissa still upset about their fight wanted to be close to her sister and so they snuggled together in Sammy's bed until Orissa began to fall asleep too.

"Ngur bepo Shundapa?" it said with a slight lisp. The creature looked at the sleeping girls with curisoity. Usually they shrieked or threw things at them. Getting closer he sniffed their skin and hair, "Wabba du sini polir, gabba?" Hearing no response it shrugged and clambered into Orissa's bed and pulled the covers over it's head.

The next morning Sulisa entered the room, peering around first for glowing eyes. Having found none she went to Orissa's bed to wake the girl first. "Miss Orissa time to wake up. Come along now, you need to wake up, a big day ahead." She pulled back the cover and shriked, waking the girls and then fainted. The little pink monster in Orissa's bed hopped down and began to inspect the unconscious female, "Ooooo, rumma huphup, Luta reemfa."

Samantha jumped up into a sitting position and was looking around, that was when she saw the pink imp or whatever it was near the elf lady.
Orissa opened her eyes and sat up tightly holding onto Samantha's arm. She too looked at the servant on the ground and the little creature poking her.
Neither of the girls were sure if they had seen or met or whatever this one before and so they didn't know if it was like the red on and angry and would destroy things nad throw them around. They had both learned to be rather cautious of these things.

Instead this one leaned down and started to poke the elf's breasts. "Ohhhhh, nunub seeseeli." It looked at the girls and seeing that they did not have these thing went back to looking at the elf. He paced down to her feet and lifted her skirts to peer at what was under them. "Ohhhh, moni sote jummi roomi, eh tik tik." it said in tis language. Sulisa didn't move and the imp dropped the skirts over itself and was looking around inside.

"Hey! Get out of there!" Sammy said jumping down from the bed Leaving Orissa up under the covers still. She lifted the skirts and grabbed the creature and pulled it out from under the skirts. She didn't just defend her sister from these things she defended anyone. Cause she was a hero like Mummy and Daddy were and she didn't care if anything happened to her.
Orissa hugged the covers tightly, worried it might do something to Sammy, hoping it didn't do anything to the nice elf woman.

It squirmed and writhed in her hands, "BOT DOGA ROKI TUUTI! sPARAGA dimiy lubbgub." Finally he came out with Sulisa's undergarments as it's prize. It hopped up and danced around placing the on its head. Then it stopped and looked at Sammy and stared hard at the little girls nightshift. "Booga wondid lubbgub?" it slurred as it started towards her.

"Stop that! give those back! They aren't yours!" Sam said stepping over to it trying to get the panties off of it's head. She was blushing though cause she didn't know if she could get them and then what put them back on or wake her up. She was focused on saving Silisia's underthings from it she didn't notice it was coming for her now.
Orissa sat on the bed and watched, she too was blushing because of the panties and poor Sulisia for getting caught up in all of this. Orissa was deffinetly rooting for Sammy to win though.

It dove and popped up under Sammy nightshift, "Ohhhh, bubba Byher lubbgub!" And he wrapped his fingers around the edges of her panties and began to tug. Swinging Sammy around as he forgot to pull down instead of horizontal like Sulisa's. Orissa saw another set of eyes appear under her bed, these were yellow and a hand emerged from underneath. "Nuhuh, Vortis fown domom. NOMOR!" this one sounded cross.

"Sammy!" Orissa exclaimed climbing off the bed, she was really worried about her sister now. Seeing the pink one under her shift and the other one coming. She didn't know what to do or how to stop them.
Sam blushed bright red. "NOO!" She yelled before falling onto her butt, she pulled her shift up and grabbed her panties with her hands to keep them on and kicked the pink one in the face with her little foot. She hadn't even noticed the other one yet, she was fighting with the pink one so hard. they had never before been this troublesome to the girls or anyone else, and it sort of worried both the girls.

Suddenly the yellow eruppted from under the bed and growled. The pink one who had Sammy panties to her knees shrieked and let go. But, too late as the bigger yellow snagged it by the neck, "Orfo, dible Nija don farga!" Then turned and skipped it like a stone back under Orissa's bed. Then it looked at the girls and bowed, "Poth linke duba rin, polo jin."

"Oh wait! He had Salinia's under garments!" Sammy said and she hurriedly pulled the panties back up and in their proper place. She was still blushing bright red after being exposed as she had been, but she wanted to at least get Seleina's panties back. that was the least she could do since it was Orissa's fault these things exsisted in the first place.
Orissa ran to her sister and pulled the shift down to cover the panties she was exposing. she wished she knew how to control them, or at least to make them listen to her or something. she was told they were because of her magic, they were because she didn't use spells or anything and had so much magic inside her that it escaped.

The yellow one snapped his fingers and the panties flew out from under the bed. It picked them up and handed them to Orissa, "Nuli trad pime Gorld, lubbgubs." Then it went back under Orissa's bed and disappeared, leaving the girls and Sulisa alone. "Wha-what happened?" the elf asked as she regained her wits. She noticed that Orissa had he panties in her hand and turned bright red, "Orissa what are you doing with my underthings?"

"UH!?" Orissa squeaked in surprise and dismay, what aweful timing for the elf lady to wake up. Sammy took them from Orissa quickly though. "Cause we wanted to see how big they were compared to ours." She lied quickly before shoving them in Selerina's hands and grabbing Orissa made her sit in the chair and unbraided her hair so she could start brushing it.
Orissa blushed bright red and almost looked ready to cry at being caught. She still did, but she was hugging the stuffed bunny Grandma Sirrus was letting her borrow from her mummy's room. Hiding her face as Sammy took care of her and took the blame for her too.

Sulisa looked around for the thing that had been in Orissa's bed, but first quickly slid her underthings back on. About that time Aras came into the room and immediatly knew something was wrong. Sulisa left without a word, but the embarassment was plain to see. "What happened girls?" as she bent to pull them both into a hug. She stroked both girls face and held them tightly, "whatever it is we'll handle it together ok?"

Orissa burst into tears once Aras asked and Sammy was trembling struggling not to cry like her sister was. Samantha because she hadn't been able to protect Sullasa or herself either from the magic monster that attacked them, and Orissa because she knew she was the one who was responsible, it was because of her that these bad things kept happening. They were scary and she didn't want them to happen but they kept happening over and over and even going to lessons with the Elder wasn't stopping it from happening. Both grils clung to Aras who had become their friend and close confidant while living with Grandmother Sirrus. They were afraid everyone would be scared and hate them or send them even further away or worse seperate them from each other.

Aras felt her heartbreak with their anguish, "Shhhh, hush now it's alright. No body was hurt just a little embarassed, and you know we elves blush at the drop of a hat. It wasn't either of your faults, sometimes these things happen. And you were very brave to try protecting everyone in the room. And you were also brave for wanting to help your sister, I'm proud of you both."

Samantha couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her cheeks as they finally broke through her tiny control and she sobbed as hard as Orissa was. She clung to Aras tightly and wept. She was so afraid and worried her little brain and bod just couldn't handle it.
Orissa continued to weep softer then her sister but just as distraught. It was her fault these things were happened. It was because of how she was born and she had no control and they cam all the time and always did bad things! She made Samantha cry and everybody was scared of her and worried they would show up and Orissa didn't want to be alone ever and both girls wept and they clung to Aras tightly for support.

Aras looked and saw the eyes under the bed, there were many of them. And a few began to exit and she saw something amazing. "Girls, do not be frightened but look I think they understand you. Even though you don't yet understand them." The one in the lead looked familiar to her and actually made her smile. They were tied into the girls emotions for the most part and that is how to control them.

The twins were far to distraught to stop their tears and look, they were both far to afraid to do anything other then hold onto Aras and each other and weep. they were so scared and worried and anxious and a million other feeling and their five year old little minds and bodies couldn't handle these things yet. "I-I-I w-w-want m-mmummy!!!" they cried at the same time, tears streaking their face as they both cried as hard as they could.

She continued to hold both girls and whisper calming things to them. She was worried that they would continue until they got sick. "Sweet little girls, everything is ok. We will speak to your grandmother and perhaps see about finding a way to help you." Aras looked at the imps that had appeared at the first sign of tears, one looked like ALehial, Altair, and one she guessed was Lucas.

The girls continued to sob as they clung to Aras. they felt so alone and they wanted their mother, they were scared and nothing was making things better. Aras could only hold them and promise to help she couldn't actually get things done and they wanted their mother or father, someone who could and would save the day and save them. Just like before, mummy and daddy would always save them and they wanted mummy or daddy right now, they wanted someone to make everything better because they couldn't and no one else here could either.

"Girls please you have to believe me and try to calm yourself, before you get sick. Your parents are coming and we will not let anything harm you, while you wait for them. If you trust anything else I tell you it is this, we will find a way to help & protect both you." Aras began to sing to both girls and stroke their backs, praying it would calm them. She would find a way to make the last days of waiting peaceful for these little girls.

Both Samantha and Orissa continued to hold onto her tightly and cry, they simply were too distraught and too young for anything to stop it or calm them down yet. they were so afraid that after all this that Orissa would be taken away and she would be alone and that Samantha wouldn't be allowed to see her ever again or that they would both be taken away and not allowed to see anyone they loved ever again. They were so afraid that these goblins would hurt them and they wouldn't be able to stop them.

Aras didn't say anything else, it would be pointless to even try. Instead she would sit, sing, and do her best to sooth her charges. Later however she would go to the Ancient One and get better answers about the magical monster that seemed to have no rhyme or reason. She would discover someway of helping them, even if it meant watching over them every minuite until their parents took them home. Having helped care for Drake, she had learned and remembered several lullabyes and other soothing songs.

The girls continued to cry, they cried until the time for breakfast came and continued to cry until it went. They calmed down enough to stop actually crying but they still clung to her and each other tightly. Obviously still distressed they didn't want to let her go yet. Just because they weren't crying didn't mean they weren't okay yet. It wasn't too much longer after that, that Orissa exhausted by everything and feeling a drain, fell asleep against Aras. Samantha however stayed awake, she was too worried and to afraid someone would take Orissa away from her when she wasn't looking to let her fall asleep yet.

"How about we put her to bed and I stay and watch over you both?" Aras asked quietly. SHe was soaked in the girl's tears and had to let someone know to make apologies to both of their teachers. "I will lay down with you both, after I summon a maid and give her information for your Grandmother and your teachers. We will remain in here until the two of you feel like venturing outside alright?" To calm them would require patience and tenderness, not to mention a good deal of knowledge about them lately.

"Okay." Samantha agreed softly, her throat sounded raw from her crying, but she held tightly onto Ara's shoulder and had her arm around Orissa as well still. She didn't want to sleep in case someone took Orissa away but she was very tired and laying down sounded like a very good idea to her. As long as Aras wasn't going to leave at least, then maybe she could trust her and relax a little, rest until things were better then they were now. Samantha still looked worried and sad and she held onto Orissa tightly just as in her sleep Orissa still held on to Samantha.

Aras laid both of the girls in Orissa's bed and then scribbled several quick notes and summoned another maid. "Here take these to Lady Sirrus, she will instruct you further." she told the girl who scurried away. Then she turned and after removing her overdress climbed into bed with the girls. "Shall we put Orissa in the middle to keep her safe?" she asked. And she wrapped both of them in her arms and began to sing in a low voice again.

With the warmth of the three of them in one bed, and with the soft lulling song being sung, an old elven lullaby. It wasn't very long at all until Samantha arm wrapped around Orissa's stomach fell asleep as well. With Aras taking care of them both and watching over them, and with the song their mother sang to them to ease their fears at night, it was hard for Samantha to stay up much longer then Orissa. They were both sleeping soundly and relaxed in Ara's embrace.

She smiled and moved the hair out of their eyes and made sure the both were comfortable. Was this what having a baby felt like? she cared for them only a few minutes in elven time. Her song was old and she knew the words without thinking ahrdly at all. She was still young barely one hundred, and she thought so highly of them. "And the pity of it all that I won't become a mother myself until after you are both grandmothers." she whispered snuggling close to her girls.

Samantha cuddled closer to Orissa in her sleep as they were both spoken to by Aras, and that in turn made Orissa snuggle deeper against Aras bring Samantha into the arms of Aras while Orissa was cucooned between them both. They were epaceful now, but their eyes were red and so were their noses and cheeks from all the tears they had shed and for how long they had shed them. It was a lot to deal with while still only being five years old, but they were doing an admerable job of it.

The whole time the three of them remained snuggled together no noises came from under the beds. Monsters apparently did not appear when Orissa felt safe and peaceful. While the girls slept she did hear the door open, Lady Sirrus must have decided to check on them. "If you are uncomfortable Aras I will take your place, you have done admirably with my grand-daughters." "I apreciate your offer Lady, but I am also trying to find triggers to her phantasms."

Both little girls continued to sleep, despite the talking happening in the room, they were too tired from all their crying and worry to wake up after only a short period of time. Though at the sound of the door, Samantha's grip got just a little tighter on her sister, as if the need to protect her wasn't just while she was awake but in any situation or at any given time.

Sirrus nodded and smiled at the three of them, "you have my respect and thanks for caring for them Aras." She leaned down and kissed each girls forehead and left the room. Once the door closed Aras resumed her song for a little while, hoping to relax Samantha a little more. She smiled at them again and stroked each of their faces softly and moved stray hairs from their faces. She felt very happy, Lady Sirrus gave her thanks and respect nothing could make her happier.

It was some time before Dinner that Orissa awoke, her bladder was telling her it was urgent and she was only two years out of a diaper. One year out of soiling the bed at night. She squirmed between the two people on either side of her. Samantha held her tightly but that was normal, she just tickled her sides a little and her twin sister rolled right over and curled up into a ball to protect herself from the phantom ticklish touches. It was how Orissa always got away from her sister when they slept together in the same bed. Aras was beside her though and she couldn't climb over Samantha, which meant either Aras had to move or she was going to have an accident.

Aras wasn't asleep and heard Samantha giggle and opened her eyes. "I assume you need up little one." she said as she moved to allow Orissa up. Samantha was facing away and curled up, she had heard her giggle some, probably Orissa needing her to move. It was nearly dinner time, she knew the girls must be very hungry. However she would let the girls decide if they were hungry and wanted to join everyone for dinner or eat here in their room.

"Please... I need to use the fasclilities." Orissa said trying to still sound mature and as if she were more grown-up, while usually she was very mature for a little girl, even she at five had hang ups on words and fits of chilish emotion she couldn't control. Once Aras moved Orissa climbed out of the bed and quickly went to the restroom area and releived herself, once finished she washed her hands dutifully and came back over to Aras. She wasn't tired anymore but still worried and a little frightened and she wanted to be near her two protectors and trusted people. She didn't want to wake up Samantha though because she wanted her to sleep more if she was tired.

Aras picked her up and sat her on her lap, embracing her young charge. "When you are at peace young one they do not appear. We will have to work over a lot of things to gain control. You are very brave young lady and I am glad to take care of you, and Samantha." It was a little odd due to the fact she had removed her overdress, but she cared more for the girls than modesty. "Do you think you'd like to go down to dinner, or would you rather I ask to have it brought up?" she asked quietly not to awaken Samantha.

"I wanna eat with everybody... but I'm ugly now." Orissa said hugging Aras tightly in return. Orissa didn't care whether or not they were in nightshifts because Mummy still bathed with them sometimes, so a female body wasn't a problem at all to be up against. She had seen herself in the mirror, big red splotched under her eyes and her cheeks red from rubbing and crying. Her hair was a mess too now, and she didn't want anybody to see her a mess and because Dinner was the one very formal meal of the day there was no way she would be ready in time. "Aras... I love you." Orissa says softly hugging the woman tightly and resting her head above Aras's chest.

"And I you and Samantha too." she had never used love so quickly to anyone. But, she held a deep love for these little girls and it made her heart swell to hear that Orissa loved her. "I will then have dinner and dessert brought up for you two. Then baths and we will wash and braid both of your hairs." She looked over and rubbed Samantha's back as she snuggled under the blankets.

Orissa smiled happily, feeling content and safe now that Aras had assured her of her love for them. she was happy to be in the elf woman's arms and have her taking care of her. Samantha sighed softly and relaxed no longer tense for the tickling touches. She was still sleeping, after all she had fought the little creatures and used more physical energy then Orissa had. Orissa was happy to have Aras looking after them, the mistrust and teasing from before she felt a little bad over now since this elf was working so hard to keep them safe and happy and together.

"Shall we go back to bed for a little while, or would you rather stay up. I need to summon a maid to instruct them to bring dinner up for you and Samantha." Aras set her back into the bed and kissed her cheek, then went to summon the maid. The maid had dinner for all three of them when she arrived. After the shock of seeing Aras and the girls in shifts she explained, "Lady Sirrus figured that the three of you would not be down tonight."

Orissa clung tightly to Aras when the other made come in. Afraid something would happen when she came in. Afraid the goblins would come and attack her or she would faint or run screaming... like all the others except for Aras. The little girl didn't care if she was nearly naked or if she was completely naked and Samantha always thought it was so funny when the maids blushed and stuttered and fumbled. It was really cute. Samantha groaned and rubbed her eyes looking around, waking up slowly and wondering what was going on. She heard lots of voices.

Aras pulled Orissa up into her arms and sat on the bed, in case Samantha too wanted to hold onto her. "Thank you, I will summon when they are ready to be taken away." she made no move to get up. The maid curtsied and left quickly, once the door closed Aras let out a breath. "Orissa, you can lossen your grip so I can breath." She touched Samantha's face and smiled, drawing them both into a hug, then sending them to the table in their shifts to eat.

Orissa let go of Aras when she asked and when she was put down she hurried over to the table. she was glad Aras was here taking care of them, they just couldn't quite take care of themselves just yet. Orissa climbed into the chair and sat down fixing her twisted shift around her until she sat primly in her seat at the table. Waiting patiently for the other two to join her at the table.
Samantha smiled at Aras, the soft touches reminded her of Orissa which meant she cared about her and she relished the hug Aras gave them. Samantha yawned getting down onto the floor. She walked over to the wash basin and washed her face and hands. Because Orissa was watching and then she walked over to the table and she too climbed up into the chair and fixed her shift and sat down waiting.

Aras smiled and did the same washing her hands and going to the table. Both girls had a roasted quail and vegetables on there plate, Aras had more vegetables and only a hlaf of one. There was bread and three glasses and a tankard of cider, along with cake covered in berries with syrup. "Well, shall we say grace my young charges?" she said holding out her hands. Everything looked wonderful and she knew the cooks did their best for these children.

Both girls held each others hands and then hers and bowed their heads. Normally they said prayers quietly at home so they could pray to the gods they chose to give their devotion to. The girls though said a basic prayer out loud softly, almost in unisen to all the gods of the light. Since they weren't old enough to have chosen specific diety's even though Orissa was told there was one goddess she would worship as a sorceress, she liked to thank them all. Samantha didn't pay much attention in her lessons of the dieties and so the generic was good enough to cover her and let them know she knew they ere there without having to know the specifics.

Aras smiled having discussed the dieties with the girls before. At least Samantha decided to cover all the pantheon of good just in case. Orissa was still very young to pray to the red lady, but in time she would start. She wondered if contacting a servant of the red lady might help Orissa. "Well, does everything look good to you girls?" she asked after the prayers.

"Yes very good may we begin?" Orissa asked softly looking up at Aras, now that they prayers were covered and now that the girls were washed up and rested. Samantah grinned and picked up her fork though she paused when Orissa pulled hte napkin out and put it on her lap for her, then she forked some vegetables and popped them into her mouth, though she wasn't waiting for an answer, she prayed and was clean and she was ready to eat. Orissa was to set on the idea of rules for Samantha's pleasure, though she did follow them to, she followed them more like they were a nuisance.

Aras nodded and smiled in Samantha's direction, she understood the differences in them and never chastized them for expressing them. "So, what will we do after dinner and the dishes be taken away? Sit in front of the fireplace and talk about your futures? Tell stories and sing songs or just relax?" she wanted them to feel safe and secure here in this house with her. The idea of being in shifts all day was a little odd to her, but she was comfortable with the girls. She was very predictable eating her vegetables first, just in case either girl wanted more in the way of meat which she didn't eat much of.

Samantha true to her human nature ate all of her meat first and ate some of the generous amount of vegetable but not all of them. She personally wanted to play a little ith the toys, being inactive always made her grumpy, but stories sounded good too though.
Orissa on the other hand ate in equal parts both the veggies and the meat, eating one bite of each at a time and of course taking sips of her drink everynow and then instead of a full minute drinking like Samantha usually did. "I think stories sound nice..." she said softly, neither of the girls wanted to talk about the future because they were afraid of what might happen in the future.

She nodded, "Well, we will have time so I think all of the above might take place. Since the girls had slept through much of the day, she figured they might be up for a good while. While they talked a little more she refilled Samantha's glass and reminded her to take her time and to share. The cider was of the best quality made this year and was crisp and sweet. "Would either of you like more quail?"

"No thank you Aras." Orissa said softly and sweetly she was done with her food and her stomach was full, she sort of wanted to listen to stories while laying down now, she didn't like playing with such a full stomach after all.
"Nope." Samantha said shortly drinking more of the cider, she had left her carrots on the plate uneaten as she usually did. Though she had eaten two or three of them like her Mummy always made her, she on the other hand wanted to play right away, not minding the fullness in her stomach in the least.

"Let me summon the maid to take away the empty plates and while Samantha plays and you and I sit, I will tell stories and talk, alright?" When dealing with the girls it was important to make compromises. She gathered them and put them on the tray, leaving the glasses and dessert sit until later. And let them get up before summoning the maid, but wishing that she had a robe at least here in this room. Perhaps she would get a blanket from the closet and wrap it about her shoulders, for modesty and to ward off a chill.

Samantah jumped up and ran over to the toys and began to play alone. She had fun with it and was happy enough to play alone with the toys silently over in the corner, While Orissa got some blankets and cushions and made a little nest like area by the fireplace for her and Aras to snuggle and cuddle under the blankets and on the cushions to listen to stories being told, Samantah would probably get interested and listen in but play for now.

Aras sat down with Orissa and held her close, "So, what would you like to hear about little one?" She kept a vigilent eye on Samantha and dark spaces where the creatures born of magic sprang up from. When the knock came at the door she quickly motioned to Samantha to come to them quickly. The girls were afraid something might happen if they weren't close to each other. "Count to five then enter please." she called to the door, it would give Samantha a chance to get dettled.

Samantha held the toy in her hand and rushed over wiggling into Aras's lap and then under the blanket too. Orissa held tightly onto Aras and both girls watched the door sitting against each other and on Aras's lap. They waited with apprehension to see who it was that was coming in, still rattled from that morning and what had happened. They were worried that here in Sildea where Mummy and daddy were so far away that they might be seperated or... or something bad might happen to them, where their big brothers and sisters couldn't protect them like at home. They put all their need and hope in Aras to protect them here.

The maid enetered and looked oddly at the trio under the blanket, then went and collected the plates. "MIstress Sirrus has instructed me to bring some willow tea for the girls before bed, to help them sleep." "Make it three cups then." Aras countered her remark and squeezed the girls tightly. "And also have someone bring up some of my clothes, for I will not be leaving my charges this night." She was unsure of how everything would play out with her countermanding the lady's instructions, but after they went to bed she would bathe and change into a new shift.

"Are you staying the night Aras?" Samantha asks softly looking excited about the prospect of this happening. She held the toy in her arms tightly and wiggled firmly into the young Elf's embrace. It felt just like Mummy's when she held them both. Well except Aras had a smaller chest, but she hadn't had any babies so it was okay, but really she was small like Lily.
Orissa smiled brightly and hugged Aras tight, she wanted her to stay. It made her feel much better knowing they wouldn't be left alone all night and have another maid come in and bad things happen to them all.

"Yes my little ones, I will remain with you both through the night." she told them. She would take her reveree later after they fell asleep and she bathed. The maid took the dishes and left the room closing the door behind her. Aras smiled at the girls and kissed the tops of their heads, "Samantha you may go back to playing, but hurry back when the knock is at the door." She knew the little girl had only brought one toy to them when she hurried over.

"Kay! Thanks Aras!!" Samantha says happily kissing Aras' cheek before running off to play again by herself with the toys. She liked playing alone besides it was a hero game, where Lucas was defeating the dragon army and riding on a unicorn to aide Her and her sister in defeating their evil uncle from another future.
Orissa smiled and snuggled into Aras's lap more fully once again and handing her the book opening it to the correct page so she could continue with the story to her and they could stay warm and close together.

She picked up the story where she had left off, on occasion she would touch or hug Orissa. Then when Orissa would ask a question or recieve her affections, she would look over to Samantha and smile. If this was what being a parent was then she could not wait to be a mother. The Ravenwoods showed these girls love and affection openly and that was different. After she finshed the story she looked and Orissa, "And what next little mistress?"

"Tell me a story Aras... a made up one... please." Orissa asked happily looking up at Aras with a bright smile on her face. This had been their first day off since coming to their Grandmothers house here in Sildea and they were loving it dispite how it came about. Grandmother Sirrus beleive every day was a good oppertunity to learn and while that might have been true they were accustomed to having at least one or two days off from lessons at home and they were really happy to have this time and spend it with Aras.

"Well, who should we make the characters? And maybe we should include Samantha in the planning of this story." Aras began to weave a story in her mind to tell them. Waiting to see if Samantha would come over to join them in front of the fire. A knock sounded at the door followed by a small voice, "Rizza? Sammma? Me wan inn!" Aras looked at Orissa a little shocked that Sirrian had made his way to his sister's room.

Oriss got to her feet and walked over, beaten by Samantha who ran forward. "Sirrian! Where's your nanny!? Why you here all alone?" Samntah asks her fists on her little hips. Orissa came over and smiled hugging him anyways. "How come your here Sirrian?" She asks too taking his hand in hers. She loved him and so did Samantha, they both realized they were to little to help keep him safe though, they had learned that lesson last year when they tried to take care of him alone and he fell and broke his arm.

"Missud sissies, mee comme finds yous." he said as he hugged one then the other. Aras looked at him unbelieving the baby escaped his nanny, "I find it difficult to believe he simply walked up here." Sirrian pointed and giggled, "Ras is in swift, so is sissies, bwed tyme?" Aras smiled and got up to call for a maid, but wondered if the girls wanted him to stay with them. The three of them seemed very happy together again, as had the younger children had years ago.

Orissa and Sammie hugged him between them both tightly smiling. "Not bed time yet but soon uh huh.""You know Mummy and Daddy told you to stop sneaking away from the maids!" Orissa and Samantha both said, Sammie picked him up under his butt and carried him over to the fireplace to the nest of blankets that Aras had left. both girls settled into the blankets with Sirrian and all three snuggled up together. "Aras please tell us a story." Orissa said softly from the snuggly pile they were all in.

She cleared her throat and began to tell them a story of three special children. A wise young sorceress, a strong swordswoman, and a quick little rouge were the characters. And how they traveled all over protecting the people and seeing wonderful things. That no matter what stood against them they continued to triumph and grow more powerful. Until they met people who loved them and made them happy until the end of their days.

Samantah fell asleep by the time the end of the story came about, snuggled against Aras and Sirrian, hand held across Sirrians stomach with Orissa's. Orissa was drowsing not quite asleep yet but not entirely awake yet either. Warm and with people she loved all around her she was happy and content. The warmth from Sirrian being in the middle of Samantha and her, not to mention the blankets wrapped around them and laying on Aras's lap.

She leaned over and stroked her head and began to sing another lullabye just to Orissa. "Sleep darling child, release the wild thoughts of day, leave peaceful ones take root." She continued the song until Orissa slept and she could move away long enough to shed her shift and wash. Standing behind the screen she washed every inch of her body. Peeking out once to make sure they were still asleep, not sure if any of children had ever seen anyone but family nude.

The girls slept both of them curled around Sirrian protectively and holding onto each others hands over and around him. They had moved a little when Aras had left them but all three were firmly sleeping now, dreaming and wishing, living their fantasies while they continued to sleep. Neither one moving much from their spots around Sirrian, it seemed they were rather accustomed to sleeping with him though the way they curled about him and were at ease with it. He must often sneak away from his nanny's or nurseries to sleep with them.

In her clean shift she rejoined them after adding some more wood to the fire. The nanny that allowed Sirrian to wander off need chastizing, it was lucky he sought out his sisters instead of outside. Relaxing she allowed her mind to float, but would waken the minute anything happened in the room. Sirrian moved and stretched, but did not waken himself or the girls. In her mind she played out how she would be with her own children, and wished they would be as sweet and loving as the Ravenwoods.

After her time in meditation, she awoke and watched the children sleep. Sirrian popped his eyes open and began to fuss, possibly needing to relieve his bladder. She picked him up before he could wake the girls and took him behind the screen. After he was done they washed their hands and she attempted to lay him back with his sisters. Finally, she held him to her and began to sing again, in no time he fell back asleep.

In the morning Orissa woke up and untangled herself quickly, releiving herself she washed her hands and face, and then changed her shift. All before she noticed Aras. Smiling brightly she went to the closet and picked out a dress for herself, handing it to Aras to help her get in it Orissa was hungry and tired of not being properly dressed finally. She didn't feel bed leaving Samantah in the bed with Sirrian, they both slept really late anyways so it wasn't a problem at all.

"You look very pretty in this one dear one." Aras complimented her. Then she stood and went to Samantha's and took out a pair of pants and more male clothes since Samantha would be going back to lessons today. She would take Sirrian down to the nursery to get him in acceptable clothes, having hours earlier advised the nurse where her charge was. Then she went and retrieved her own dress and changed before really thinking that Orissa could see her. "My apologies if my actions offend you little one, I wish to be dressed before they awaken it will be less chaotic to get them prepared.

"Thank you... you look pretty too Aras. Just like mummy but with a lot less scars." Orissa said softly not in the least bothered by seeing Aras change in front of her. She was sitting on the stool in front of the vanity brushing out her hair from being braided all of yesterday. She wanted it clean and pretty when she went to lessons today, after all she needed to make up for the day before... that's how Mummy always taught them at home anyways.

She finished dressing and help Orissa finish her hair. "Thank you for the compliment young lady." she praised her. Looking back to the other two still sleeping curled up under the blankets. Sirrian stirred and rolled even closer to Samantha, "Sissy warm." Aras laughed lightly and looked at Orissa, "Are they normally so close at home?"

"Uh-huh, cause the nursery is right next to Mummy and Daddy's room and ours is on the other side of the nursery... so He'll sneak in with us and... sometimes we sneak into Mummy and Daddy's room." Orissa told Aras with a smile, once her hair was done she got up off of the stool. Walking over to the bed she pulled back the covers. Being careful she grabbed Sirrian and began to hoist him into her arms. She was going to take care of him first and then Samantha. Cause Samantha could wake up and everything herself. "Wake up Sirry, morning now." Orissa said softly holding him under the butt and across his back.

He stirred and opened his eyes, "Morning Rizza, Luv you." Then he kissed her cheek and snuggled against his sister. Aras thought the scene was cute, "Do you need help with him Orissa. She crossed the room and picked up the clothes the nurse brought to them. "While you handle Sirrian how about I rouse Samantha and get her started this morning."

"Love you to Sirry. Uhhuh thanks Aras." Orissa says softly taking Sirrian over to the other bed and putting him down on top of it and grabbing the clothes for him. While he was still sleepy she quickly dressed him and picked him back up. He was heavy for her to handle but she was working hard to take care of him. She was heading to the door to take him to the Nanny for the day to get him the rest of the way ready for breakfast with the family.

Gently she shok Samantha's shoulder as her other hand moved her hair, "Time to wake Samantha. Come along, its time to get dressed and ready for your lessons after breakfast." Not waiting long to get a response she began to tickle the bottom of Sammy's feet. This twin was the hardest to waken sometimes, but she was probably still tired. "Are you awake little sword-wielder? Or shall I tell your teacher you prefer to learn to sew today?" she smiled knowing that would wake Samantha.

"Uh-uh! I wanna learn." Samantah says sleepily, rubbing her eyes and squirming away from Aras and her ticklish fingers. She looked around quickly for Sirrian and Orissa, and when she didn't see them she looked up at Aras. "Where's Sirry and Rissy?" She asks slowly getting off the bed and stretching her entire little body, once on her feet and full stretched she quickly ran to the chamber pot. While she was busy Orissa came back and was alone, "I had to promise him fruit at breakfast to get him to go with the Nanny." She giggles softly, before getting the brush, waiting for Samantha to finish washing after she was done.

"I was instructed to dress you in pants when you awoke Samantha, since you and Jake will be leaving for lessons as soon as breakfast is over. Orissa I will be going with you to lessons to speak with the ancient one. Then I will check on Samantha and after that I have something else to attend to." She smiled at Orissa and sat long enough to await Samantha to finish and get ready to go. Today would begin to help the girls with the problems with the little phantoms that kept popping up.

Samantah got dressed in the clothes Aras left out on the bed for her and once everything was on and adjusted properly she sat down for Orissa to do her hair. Though she left it brushed down and not pulled back. Orissa didn't know how to do anything but the simplest of hairstyles, or rather couldn't. Being only five the twins often struggled with a lot of things though they tried to be grown up to help the grownups. Sometimes they could only be five year olds.

Aras touched Orissa and took her place behind Samantha smiling at the good job she had done with her sister's hair. Her long fingers worked quickly, braiding Samantha's hair so it would not impeed her lessons. "Orissa would you like me to do yours as well?" She ran her cool fingers across Samantha's neck, hoping to get a giggle out of her. If Orissa wanted something special she would oblige her with a smile and make the both pretty as a picture.

"you did it wrong!" Samantha giggled and half turned to look at Aras in the face. "I have to have a tight bun so the helmet can fit over my head!" She informs strictly, she wanted it to be right for when she had to leave. She had tried the other day and grandma had fixed it for her, but she wanted it right this time for the first time.
Orissa smiled, "two braids?" She asks softly tucking in Samantha's shirt into her pants quickly and fetching a belt and putting it around her hips.

"A bun is not always the only way, elven warriors have braided like this for years. And yeas, Orissa I will put yours in two braids if you like, it will look nice." She finished Samanthas, tickling her neck to chase her away and making room for Orissa. She hummed as she worked making Orissa's braids look very cute. Once, complete she gathered both of her charges for a warm hug, then opened the door to escort them to breakfast.

"Mummy always puts hers in a bun... or wraps her braid around in a bun... I don't have enough hair to do that yet though." Samantha sulked a little even though she gladly hugged ARas back tightly. She knew the way her sisters and mother did it and that's the way she wanted to do it too. But she folded her arms across her little chest and walking with them downstairs to the breakfast table.
Orissa giggles and hugged Aras tightly before kissing Samantha's cheek, checking them over one last time before they walked out the door. SHe swung her head back and forth to feel the braided on her head, she rarely got to have braids like this done and it was fun.

When they arrived downstairs, Sirrus greeted them, "Good morning, I hope you all slept well." She hugged both girls and kissed their cheeks, complimenting the braids. Even the boys said they both looked very nice with them. Sirrian began to fuss some, "Me hair too, me's hair too!" wanting to be like his brothers or sisters. The nannies could barely keep up with him or the others, however Aras seemed to rise to the challenge everytime.

Samantha and Orissa curtseyed before Giving their grandmothr a kiss on each cheek at the same time. They thanked her for the compliment and gave her one back. They both stood back then at Aras's side, they had gotten very attatched the the young elf very quickly. Now they stayed by her side and held her hands. Afraid of what might happen again. but knowing she was safe.

She was shocked when the girls returned to her, but she led them to their seats, then went to a chair against the wall behind them. Breakfast was brought out including poridge, bread, fruits and cooked eggs and meat. The boys looked at the poridge rather suspiciously but ate everything else with relish. Sirrian got more poridge on him than in him, refused the eggs, but everything else disappeared into his mouth. The cooks brought out the food to the girls which also included tea for Aras.

The twins had pushed their chairs together and sat shoulder to shoulder holding hands fingers entwined. When the food came it was a good thing Orissa was left handed because it might have been awekward otherwise. They never let go of each other as they ate the porridge and a little fruit and one egg a peice. They still had their appetites they just didn't want to part yet.

Aras was a little worried about the fact the girls held onto each other so tightly. If they didn't learn to be seperate then they would only seperate themselves from others. Perhaps they would speak on it later, if there was a problem with the lessons. She drank her tea slowly and absorbed a lot of the breakfast conversation. Sirrian decided that his bowl would be better as a hat and therefore tipped it over his head.

Once Sirrus released them to get their things for lessons the girls hugged Aras and then each other tightly. Orissa taking Ara's hand and holding it instead. Samantha walking over and taking Jakes. She didn't even look up at him just took his hand when she stood beside him. Both girls seemed a little down and a little worried. But they were going to their classes and doing what they were told.

Jake walked with Samantha, not asking any questions about what had happened. "The wolf is still there in the glen." he did tell her before they arrived at the circle. Other than that it is al still the same, you think we could take Orissa at some point?" He bowed to the master and waited to hear what he would do today. It would be a busy day today for him, most like sword and shield.

"Maybe tomorrow." Sammy whispered back before she too bowed to the Master. She didn't know if she would get in trouble for missing the lesson yesterday or not. She hoped not. In fact she continued to look at ehr face not wanting to look up to see if he was unhappy with her or if she was in trouble. She wanted to learn but she wasn't as jubilant as she had been two days prior, what with the altercation in her room that had taken place an all.

"I was dismayed to hear that you weren't able to be here yesterday. But, it is alright, we are merely teaching basics, the rest will be done by Lord Ravenwood. Take a few minutes to stretch and prepare, then we will go over your styles again." Jake was already praticing with another teacher, using both the sword and his shield. Other elves and half elves were doing the same and the teacher was coming back to begin working with her.

Samantha had stretched like she always saw everyone doing at home and prepared. She was curious why there weren't other kids her and Jake's age around being taught. At home there were at least like more then twenty kids learning in the temples and classes. But there only seemed to be a handful here in the practice rings at any time and they varied in ages a lot.

The Master approached, "Alright little Samantha we will begin going slowly until you understand the movements, then we will get progressively faster." He began to spar with Samantha only going half speed and less than a quarter of his strength, but she was doing quite well. Her parents would be very happy with the natural talent she was showing. "Are you looking forward to going home soon Samantha?" he asked. Not far away Jake was sparing with another teacher longsword and shield.

Sammie was panting and already sweating pretty hard, but she wanted to do good. She wanted to be trained when she went home with Lily by Daddy. She wanted to actually be able to save Orissa and protect her like she always promised. "Yes... I miss mummy and daddy. And Daddy is gunna train me when I get home." Samantha said, every two or three words puncuated by blocking or attacking. It was hard work and they weren't even doing very much. She knew her hands would begin to blister soon and knew thanks to Lily what to do to help take care of her hands and keep them nice, but keep them tough.

He regarded the little warrior with some respect, many children this young would prefer to play and not even touch a weapon. And this one only had to have a few corrections. If her training stayed on course then she would be a skillful warrior. "Do you not like doing what other children your age do little Samantha." he asked moving fluidly. Ravenwoods were famous for picking up the family duty to king and country, and family early.

"I do. But Orissa is the only one my age who plays, Jake and Daniel don't like playing Hero's and Dragons. Besides Rissy can make flashes that look like fire in the air and she can make a dragon roar." Samantha says pantingly, she was working hard, He was very skilled though and the sword still felt a little awekward in her hands. Big and clumsy. Nothing at all like the sticks she usually played with. This was a real practice sword and it was heavy. But she wanted to be like Lily and Daddy and Mathius and protect Rissy.

Aras and Orissa arrived at the Ancients tower, it was a massive tree tower probably one of the oldest trees in Sildea. She rang the bell and waited for an apprentice to admit them. Looking down she squeezed Orissa's hand to reassure her that she was safe. "I hope you have not fallen too far behind Orissa, since you were not here yesterday." After she talked to the Master she would head out of the city to request a different kind of help from an old friend.

"Can't fall behind... there's no scehdual of my work. It's not measurable in... paper?" Orissa says, she knew what she meant to say but since she had a limited vocabulary and didn't know all of hat she was talking about meant it didn't always come out right. But her work here was concentration and small spells. Can't fall behind on things like that because no one recorded things and she didn't do it like lessons from the church.

The apprentice opened the door and smiled at them both warmly. "Welcome back mistress Orissa, mistress Aras this is highly unusual for you to be here." The conversation aburptly ended when the Ancient exited his study and smiled at the little Ravenwood, her aunt was flourishing under his tutolige. "I was surprised to hear you were not feeling well my young pupil, I take it today is much better." He then looked contemplative at Aras's being at his doorstep with his charge.

"Yes... I'm sorry about yesterday... Um but I'm ready to learn more today." Orissa says softly, the Ancient always was a little frightening to Orissa but... it was probably just his manner, he was a nice elf... just scary. But he was very powerful and knew a whole bunch of things. Hugging Aras tightly she then lets go of her and stands beside the Ancient one. Ready for her lessons. She felt safe with him.

"I will have you go with Darius and go over the spell ingredients while I speak with Aras." he instructed Orissa. And once they both went into the workshop he turned to speak with Aras. "You have something you wish to express with me young one?" Aras waited a second until she spoke, "I am going to request a fey friend to help Orissa. Her magic is that of natural birth, not found in books and ingredients, only the fay and other mystics can help her."

Orissa left with Darius and sighed softly. She hated working with all this silly stuff. It was much more fun to just make things happen on her own. Like playing Hero's and Dragons with Sam. She was always the Dragon cause she made the fire looking lights and the dragons roaring. Though it always broguth the family around until they got used to the twins playing outside with such things. It had only started happening just before they left and here in Sildea.

The Ancient smiled at Aras, "So, your interaction with Tobias continues even as you got older young lady. Very well the brownie might be able to help the little girl more than I can, how will you convince him?" Aras considered his words before she spoke, "Tobias owes me a favor or two, not to mention he likes interesting things and people. I believe he will willingly go with Orissa and see that she recieves proper training to use her magic." She waited for the master to agree then bowed going into the study to speak with Orissa.

Orissa was working on learning the compounds for spells. A dreary thing to be doing. She much prefurred to see spells in action and try them on her own... Though sometimes they blew up right in front of her which wasn't fun at all. She just wished it didn't take so long to learn how to use all of her magic. Was this why those imps still showed up all the time and caused so much trouble? was she doing something wrong?

Aras entered the study and gripped Orissa's shoulders lightly, "I am about to leave to take care of something, will you be alright to go with your aunt back to the Lady Sirrus's?" She then stood and hurried off to her meeting in the woods to the south of Sildea's proper. It was here that Tpbias would appear and she needed to get his permission before brining Orissa to meet him. Walking twenty minutes outside Sildea's walls she encountered the little fey sitting on his usual place drinking from his flask. He saw her and waved, and Aras came and sat before begining to speak.

Samantha panted and got a drink from the water fountain, fed from a small stream that ran right beside it. SHe didn't know how it worked but there was fresh water to drink from it and she needed it. She was only halfway through her lessons, but the Master had given her a break to get her breath back and to ease her parched throat. She had the sword in her belt while getting the drink, the braid was distracting her though, she didn't like it. She'd prefur it in a bun.

Jake came to get a drink as well, and also let his shield arm rest a little bit. "The braid is new, looks nice on you Sammy." he commented after getting his drink. "Are you heading back to Grandmothers after the lesson, or would you like to go back to the grove?" He had wanted to go back yesterday, but really not go back alone. However he got close enough to see the wolf was still in the area, however not inside the grove at the time.

"I'd rather if it was wound up in a bun... but it's not long enough. Um... Maybe will you go with me to pick up Rissy? I don't... want to leave her behind." Sammy said softly getting another drink. She was glad Jake was here with her, Daniel never understood and everyone else was so much older they were on a different schedual of lessons and their daily routines were more filled with activities. So they didn't want to spend what freetime they had with the little ones. the cold clean water tasted really good and Samantha always loved coming here to watch when she wasn't allowed to practice even just to drink from the fountain here.

"Of course, do you think she'll keep it secret?" he asked getting another quick drink. He was older than them both, but enjoyed doing active things with them. Daniel liked to read and play chess and the like, but enjoyed swimming and hiking too. "We'll have to get somethings for the trip, I brought a couple of coins I can buy some treats." All of the Ravenwoods had been so nice to him and Asper, he liked to do nice things back.

"Yes. Um... we've got some coins too... if you want." Sammy offers, the girls always saved coins. They bought things rarely and only if they could share it usually. They both were very quickly becoming attatched to Jake and soon they would be fiercly protectice of him as they were of Lucas. Their favorite big brother. "I better go back... the Master is waiting." Sammy says with a smile at Jake before she jogged back to the training circle the master was waiting for her in.

He nodded and gestured she sit a few moments and crouched low to talk with her. "We will now switch to a short sword and shield, while you may not use it when you get older, you should be proficent with it." The Master began to tell her about shields and how they were used. Then they began to use them in practice. As they made contact the repeated hits made Sammy's forearm go numb.

Samantah did her best to use the sheild and attack back. But she just wasn't any good with a sheild. She'd never before used one in her life, but she ground her teeth and tried to keep up until she tripped and fell into the ground. She was panting hard and her whole shoulder was numb and it kind of hurt. She refused to cry though even though it did hurt and her eyes were watery. Through the fall she had dropped the sword and used both arms to catch herself and the sheild banged down on her wrist and jarred it. It hurt all the way up to her shoulder but she was out of breath and sweating again heavily.

He did not advance on her, though an enemy would in battle. "We should stop for a little while, let me help you up Samantha." Sheathing his sword and setting his shield down her helped her up. "Men like Lucas, Flint, and Jake use shields to protect against a secondary enemy. Your Father, Lily, and Mathius make sure their tatics do not require a shield."

"And Mummy too." Samantha said softly, groaning in pain when he used her sheild arm. A single tear falling down her cheek. It really hurt when he moved her wrist though. She didn't like sheilds at all. She never wanted to use one for real. She knew he hadn't meant to make it hurt and she knew she should have told him if it did, but she wanted to get good at it. She wanted him to be proud of her and praise her. She wanted to be really good now... She wanted to be able to protect Rissy no matter what.

He noticed the tear and knelt to check her arm and wrist for damage. "I believe we will not use a shield again you are still too young for the heavier training." He produced a small vial of healing draught, and uncapped it and placed it in her other hand. "This will take care of the pain Samantha, you have showed a great deal of courage in not quitting. We are done for the day, I do not want to injure you or you to injure yourself."

"Kay." Samantha says softly rubbing her face to be rid of the tear and stop anymore from falling. She looked at the vial and tipped it up between her lips. It was bitter and she didn't like it but she drank it all and felt much better, She was angry though that she couldn't keep up... That she had to stop long before anyone else did. She hated being so weak. She hated being so young. She didn't say anything else, she almost didn't want to cry anymore. She needed to be strong, she had to be strong for Orissa.And for Mummy and Daddy.

"Do not be in such a rush to grow up Samantha, for your age you have made great strides in so few days. You will be a great swordswoman in time, but enjoy being a child and a little girl." He touched her shoulder in a sign of respect from one warrior to another. Truly she was the product of two parents who were at the height of skill with a blade. And in time, her enemies would fear her leathel skills.

Samantha nodded and sniffled softly rubbing her eyes with her hands. Unable to stop herself she hugged her Master's legs tightly as she could before letting him go. "I'll put everything away." She says softly, she needed to be stronger then she was to save Orissa and help her. they were so different it wasn't fair. Rissy was a part of her other then their hair color they were completely identical girls. With Sammy having brown hair and Rissa blonde, it was the only marked difference physcially between the two of them. But Orissa was Magic. That't what mummy said. Orissa soaked up all the magic from Mummy and Daddy when they were in Mummy's stomach that she also soaked up all of Sammies and because of that... she was a magic person while Samantha never would be.

He nodded and allowed her to clean up and told her to get a drink and relax until Jake was ready to go. Jake was just about finished with his trainer, he would train with Lucas when they got home and maybe Flint and Altair. Samantha would train with her Father and who knows else, possibly even Mathius when she got older. The idea of training her early was to give her options as she grew into adulthood. Watching her return everything to the training building he turned his vision to Jake.

Sammy got the drink and sat down on the benches and watched everyone training. There were some elves that looked at old as Lissa and some that looked as old as her mummy. But they had to be older cause she knew Elves were only allowed weapon training at a certain age. So she just watched them all and tried not to worry about Orissa.

After a little while Jake cleaned up and came to join her on the bench. "Why did you stop training, Sammy." he asked a little concerned that she had gotten hurt. However the masters rarely ever had any accidental injures in the circles. He reached over and took one of her hands, Lucas had told him when people were upset a friendly touch could help. "If you want we don't have to go to the grove today."

"No I wanna go! The master tried training me with a sheild... but my arm went numb... and then I fell on it. He gave me a potion in case and told me to rest until you could take me home." Samantha says once he took her hand she scooted over right next to him and hugged him. She was worrying about her sister so far away even though she had to be safe where she was after what had happened a few days ago she would probably worry anyways for a while.

"Ok, we can still go, are we going to get Orissa and some stuff to take with us?" He returned the hug, Samantha and Oriisa always tried to include him in anything they were doing. And the three of the enjoyed spending time with Lucas. However, he was a little more accepting of Tani, she helped Lucas find his way back to Pelor. "Come on then, we need to go get Orissa and get going."

"Okay!" Samantha says hopping up and grabbing his hand, not letting it go. Once they got stuff they needed and then gathered up Orissa they would go again to Mummy's special place. Sammy really wanted Rissy to see it. It was pretty and with Jake there it would be so much more fun to be there. Sammy loved being surrounded by people who loved them very much and wanted to be with them and play. It was the best thing ever.

They arrived at the Ancients tower as Lissa and Orissa were coming out from lessons. Jake still had on his sword and was walking hand in hand with Samantha. He smiled at Lissa, he had always found her very pretty she had hair the same color as Altair, deep green eyes and the features of a half elf. For a second he thought about inviting her to go with them, but it was Samantha's decision as well who they told. "Are you both done with your lessons as well?" he asked when they got up to them.

"Yes and they took forever!" Orissa says complaining running over to Samantha dragging Lyssa with her, so she could hold both of their hands. She was happy to be with her sister and even happier to have Lyssa and Jake with them as well. Not only that but Samantha had said they were going to the grove today... Mummy's special place. Orissa couldn't wait to see it she was so excited she could hardly contain herself.

Lissa went along with a broad smile, she loved spending time with her nieces and Jake. Although she spent a great deal of time studying her lessons, she had to make mother proud. "They didn't take forever, it is the same amount of time as always, silly." she playfully chided. "So, what are the plan today, I heard that Samantha and Jake went out exploring the other day. Where did the both of you go, and why do I assume you might be dragging Orissa there now?"

"Cause we are! You wanna come? Is it okay Jake? Can Lyssa come too?" Samantha asks curiously. She wondered if he would think the more people there the safer or if it wouldn't be a good idea cause they would attract too much attention or something. Samantha wanted to play with everyone there.
Orissa made a face at Lyssa and stuck her tongue out then giggled softly. "It's a special place... I haven't been there though. Sammy said there was a wolf there too a big white one!" Orissa says softly excitedly she also wanted to see the wolf. She too was wondering if it was one of Mummy's old wolf friends puppies. Percy they heard stories about the wolf... the best friend of their mother since she was a young girl and the one that helped her with father.

"If Lyssa wants to come I don't mind." Jake said smiling at her. It would make for a lot of fun the four of them out enjoying the ancient elven woods before going home. Lyssa thought a moment and nodded, "As long as we are back for dinner. If Grandmother has to summon Master Talloaks to track us we will be in serious trouble." Alehail's friends were living back home with their families, and would search out the children if Sirrus asked.

"YAY! Now we need to change and get our stuff and go!" Samantha says happily, she was very excited about going out into the woods now. They were back for dinner last time so she was sure they would be back for dinner again this time too surely.
Orissa smiled brightly, this was going to be a lot of fun but Sammy was right she needed to change her clothes into something that could get a little dirty without being ruined completely. She didn't want MAster Talloaks to find out about them being in Mummy's special place though... it might ruin it.

They all hurried back to the house so the girls could change clothes. Jake and Samantha would wait outside, for Lyssa and Orissa to hurry along. Once inside they headed to their rooms to change, "I'll see you in a minute Orissa and make sure you wear pants." Once in her room she stripped out of her dress and grabbed up her pants and loose shirt, boots and traveling cloak. She also grabbed her spell pouch, she didn't have a lot of spells, but you never know what could help.

Orissa changed quickly and once she was dressed ran outside and waited for Lyssa with Sammy and Jake, She was excited and couldn't wait to go on this adventure with everyone. It was like a big adventure now... two fighters a wizarad and a sorceress. How exciting it would be to go exploring in the woods with everyone. Orissa and Sammy were talking about it amonsgt much giggling.

Once they were all together they trooped to the martket place and seperated to buy their treats. "We should each buy something we like and something to share with the others. Its how you form good comroderee from the stories I've read, then meet back here." Jake told them. Lyssa smiled and went with a nod in another direction leaving the twins to look for a market stall to buy supplies. They saw Jake enter one of the baker's stalls and Lyssa walked into one where she could purchase fresh fruits.

"Sweets!!" The girls looked at each other and grinned before running off to find the sweet shop. They both chose two different candies a peice and Orissa figured out how much they could buy without spending all of their money. Orissa wanted to buy cheese too. So Orissa bought some chewy taffy, and candied fruits. While Sammy bought some rock candy and sugar berry jam for the break Lyssa was buying. They took their purchases to the counter and set them up on it, they weren't even tall enough to see over the edge yet.

The elf behind the counter smiled and figured exactly how much they needed. "Three coppers little mistresses, and I'll add an extra piece of taffy and rock candy." He bundled everyting up and handed it to Samantha while waiting for the coins from Orissa. It wasn't rare to see the Ravenwood children in his establishment, they were like their mother. "It looks like you have enough for a trip, going somewhere special today?"

Orissa counted out the money and handed it to the top of the counter, then she put the money back in the pouch and back away just like her mother taught her to. Samantha grabbed the package and held it under her arms. "Thank you! We're going on an adventure! Even Jake and Lyssa are coming with us!" Samantha smiled brightly and happily answering him without any qualms. Orissa wanted to get cheese too and after that they would meet up with the others and go of on their adventure together.

The exited the shop and crossed to the other one that sold both milk, cheeses, and some cured meats. A female elf stood behind the counter in the coolness of the shop. "Good day young ladies, how I may be of service today?" she came out from behind the counter to wait on them. Several cheeses and meats lined the shelves and milk was kept in a cooler cabinet. A great many people had been in all day and these young ones were new and seemed very pleasant.

"Some colby cheese pleese... um only a small one, like two or three coppers worth. And some meat please... miss." Orissa says softly with a smile. She had plenty to cover what they needed because she and Samantha often saved all the money they got for use later if they ever really wanted something. Samantha smiled and waited holding the packages of sweets. She was content to let her sister do most of the work for her.

"Of course for six coppers I will get both for you." she nodded and went to get the cheese. She sliced off several pieces and counted an equal amount of jerkied beef for them. Once done she wrapped them into a bundle and brought it around to Orissa. "Here you go young one is there anything else you would like?" The little girl had very good manners for one so young, the other one was quiet, but also was well behaved.

"No thank you... um..." Orissa said softly handing the two new packages to Samantha. "I'll hold it, you pay." Samantha says softly, taking the packages from Orissa and adding them to the ones she was already holding. Orissa smiled at Samantha and then the woman, getting the money pouch and getting out the coppers to pay for it all. "Thank you ma'am." Orissa said with a bright smile.

Lyssa and Jake were waiting when they got done. "You both didn't have to buy something, it looks like we are planning to occupy not visit." Lyssa teased. Jake had a couple things from the baker and she had some fresh fruit to share. Once they were all together they set off for the glen, using Samantha and Jake's landmarks to guide them. There was some discussion of their marhcing order, Jake belived he should go up front and keep the magic users in the middle, cause it made sense.

"We bought some candy and cheese and meat." Orissa told them all. Samantha was still carrying it all and she was hanging behind because... if spell casters should be behind a warrior... then they also need to be in front to be protected. "I'll take the back and protect the rear!" Samantha offers. Besides if Jake took front and she took back then Lyssa and Orissa were in the middle safe and surrounded by people who knew where to go and how to get back.

Lyssa rolled her eyes, "We are in Sildea you two, we have almost nothing to fear here." But she trod along behind Jake taking in the beauty of forest beyond the city. After a little while she stopped and turned to Samantha carrying the bundles. "If you are our rear guard, put your bundles in my backpack, you can't fight with your arms full of packages." Taking off her pack she opened it showing the fruit she had bought and the small loaves of travellers bread Jake bought.

"Okay, but if it gets to heavy let me know." Samantha says puttig their bundles in the back and smiling up at Lyssa helpfully. Samantha was always trying to be like the older kids and strong and in charge like their parents too. Samantha was taking this all very seriously. Orissa smiled and was very proud of her sister, she walked behind Jake and in front of Lyssa. She ws enjoying being out of the city very much. It was so beautiful and quiet and they were all together.

They continued for a long while until they reached the opening and Jake crouched low, "Let me check and see if that wolf is in there." He then moved forward and peeked around inside and swept the area quickly. With no sign of the animal he stood and waved them forward. "Doesn't look like it is here, maybe it moved on." They then pursued their course into the little grove.

"Isn't it pretty in here? We found it the other day! Elsa was telling stories about finding it when she was our age, cause it's the special place mommy always went to with her wolf Percy when she was little too!" Samantha says excitedly twirling around with her arms spread happily. Orissa smiled brightly and looked at the the cave wall, grinning at the Berry painted handprint on the wall, it must have been made by her mother when she was a young lady. Her mommy was the best, even when she wasn't their mommy.

Lyssa set down her pack and roamed around the grove even getting a drink from the small brook. "I must say that Alehial found a wonderful place for solitude. And Sammy, you and Jake found this from Elsa's stories, that is amazing." Jake was happy with the praise, he felt it was Pelor's will the two of them found this place. "It wasn't easy considering Elsa has a bad sense of directions."

"The worst ever!" Sammy and Orissa said in unisen, the twins both got a drink from the small brook after Lyssa did too. Sammy was showing Orissa around the cave and telling her about the big white wolf and where it was and all that too. Orissa was excited and fascinated listening to Sammys stories and she could just imagine their mummy here with a big wolf of her own. Though Mummy looked as old as Elsa did... so it was hard to imagine her younger or even older for that matter.

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