Page name: Ravenwood Estates 12 [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-09-14 22:58:27
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Twelve:
In whish though much of this chapter we see the domestic lives of many of our hero's. Alehial is once again forced with keeping secrets and more worries to carry. Lily too was hiding a secret of her own. Then an attack on the house. Foreworned by the enemy himself, followed by the begining of Asper's labor a week long process to take place.

"I have to go Gerard... my family will be expecting me soon, Father will be back and we may not have a chance to sneak away like we are now until I can sneak out completely in two weeks time. I will try to think of something though even if it is only coming to the market and losing the guards to see you for a little while. I love you." Lily says leaning down to give him a proper and somewhat bold kiss of her own. He would have to help her relace her corset, and then help her with the dress as well, it was the only problem with Andorian clothing, it was so complicated it took more then one person to put on for women anyways.

He accepted the kiss and rubbed her gently, "I will have to accept what I can get until we leave, I guess." He got up and retrived her corset and dress from the table. "Alright my love, let's get you back into your courtly attire." As he waited for her to join him, he noticed his mirror shimmer briefly. Mario was waiting for an updated report on how quickly they would be departing to join him in Valusia.

Lily smiled brightly and positioned herself in front of him. The only reason she wore the corset was to plump up her breasts, she was still one of the smaller girls in the house in that regard, not flat of course but she was barely a handful for a man like Gerard. Thus when wearing the corset it appeared to have a lot more flesh there. She also picked colors of dresses that would emphasis her brown tanned skin, so much exposure had gotten her to a dark golden color and Gerard often commented on how much he liked it.

He held her top with the corset and dress, drawing the object of his desires close he rasped his tongue against each of her nipples and soft skin. "A loving taste to remember you until we are together again." he whispered. Gerard then replace the top and corset, which he laced all the while not taking his gaze off of her. "Our wedding night is going to last three nights, just to forewarn you now my love." He then stood and helped her into her dress, which he also laced up.

Lily shuddered and gasps loudly at his licks to her sensitive and virgin breasts. After she was laced up and refitting into her dress, she adjusted it perfectly into placve again and turned around wrapping her arms around him she kisses his lips with her own, though chastely still after all she hadn't much practice when he was the one dominating the kisses and her body all the time. She would miss the time they spent together very much, especially the parts where he would sit and actually listen to her when she told him her fears and thoughts. No one else listened to her like he did.

He smiled then walked her to the door leading out to her path home. "Do you want me to escort you, or is my tough future wife going alone?" Silently he hoped she would go alone, he had several things to do before turning in tonight. Holding her hand in his, he again painted that grin she told him she loved so much. Of course if she would prefer he would walk her back to a safe location so she could walk to the estate alone.

"No I think it best if no one catches us together still. Besides I am tough! I'm still in training yes but I know I can do a lot! And even though I wish you could walk me home it really is best this way so I'll have to say goodbye here and I don't want to prolong this or anything but I will miss you and I love you so much Gerard. I know it will feel like forever until we get to go but I promise we will! The second day my siblings are home... I swear it on my Ravenwood name, I will meet you at the port and we can leave." Lily said all at once, she leaned up and kissed him gently before she fled. If she left faster it wouldn't hurt so much right? So she hurried down the steps and out onto the street, her heart racing at the short time they had had together and the long wait they would have until their lives together started officially.

Minutes after she had left he turned and gave his report to Mario. "Everything is still according to plan just a little longer and with more patience." he finished. The knock at the door finished his report, and he crossed to open the door. Gerard truly smiled as the girl he paid earlier in the day had arrived. "Right this way and I hope you have a profelatic, it's been a long day." he told her as he began to remove her clothes.

Elsa sighed happily before getting dressed, she had just finished a nice long soaking warm bath and with the robe securly around her and over her burgeoning stomach she was ready to go upstairs and get ready for dinner. Lily had gone to court today and Lai had been in a rather foul mood, not exactly the best of days but she didn't let it worry her too much. Lai had told her that Darryl had taken his half Drow wife to their house and were not coming back for a while probably.

Fael was still asleep having been on patrol around the house last night. He had come in the house and shed his clothes before crawling into bed beside her. The charge Altair left was one he would not falter on, his children were safe and he would protect his wife and family as long as need be. Before going to be though he had been briefed by a very angry Lai about Poppy and her father. It was a subject he didn't understand or figure was his place to comment on.

Elsa smiled as she walked in quietly, she loved when he slept like this. She stood for a moemnt and studied his face, h was so handsome... it nearly took her breath away even now. She had to smile softly as the tip of his tail would twitch now and then in his dreams. She loved that about him, his tail and his sensitivity to her touches. His almost timid and wary way with everyone other then her and their twins. She went to her vanity and oiled and lotioned herself up and down. she had a little trouble getting to her feet but she was pretty flexible and managed without putting too much pressure on the baby inside of her. He liked the gentle scents and she used those for the lotions and the oils she softened her skin with even now. After that she brushed her hair slowly, she wanted to give him time to wake up to the gentle soft sounds of her grooming.

He shifted under the blankets, her scents traveled to his nose and began to make him wake. Stretching he tried every now and then not to sleep in such a soft bed. But, he always wanted to sleep beside Elsa, he loved the smell of her skin and hair. "Elsa, did I wake you? I tried to be quiet when I came in." he said rather unaware of the time. She was nearing the end of the pregnancy soon, and Xeph and Kaitlin would have a brother soon.

"No... you didn't wake me. I was surprised and happy to see you beside me on the bed when He woke me up. You rarely join me when I nap... I was really happy Feal. I didn't want to disturb you. You've been working so hard to keep the house safe... you deserved a rest, so I bathed while I gave you time. Did you sleep well Darling?" Elsa asked softly turning to regard him with a smile. She was still brushing her hair but now she sat facing him instead of the mirror. She had a shift on beneath the robe but even so the color of her skin was visible beneath the shift and the robe parted from her movement, it only covered her breasts and shoulders now. Leaving the rest to be obscured by the shift.

He stood and went close to kiss her good morning, "I like sleeping beside you as wel, but your father put the defense of the house in our hands." He then kneeled and kissed her stomach, he always liked talking and touching the baby. Fael did them same when she was pregnant with the twins as well. "You always smell so good my love, soft, clean and irrestiable." he smiled as he kissed her again. As he stood and went to the basin to clean himself there was a knock at the door.

"I know... You are just so very serious about it all. Thank you... I have to admit... ever since those times in the woods... when Bailey told me I was travel nasty... I have been wanted to be clean and smell good for you then... since then I've been bathing every day and I never wear anything you've ever said you don't like... and I use oils and lotions to soften my skin for you... I want to please you so much... I'm sorry I went baby crazy... I promise I'll use profelactics until YOU want another one okay?" Elsa says softly with a smile. She ran her fingers through his hair gently and scratched his scalp lightly. He loved it she knew that. But more then that she loved how much attention he gave the babies inside and out of her stomach, while never forgetting to give her love seperately.

He took her hands, "My love you always smell good to me. And while I love the fact you use those things, if you don't like them then you shouldn't use them. You please me, everyday we are married my love, and you being baby crazy doesn't bother me. I just want a little time for us to raise the three we will soon have." He kissed the insides of her forearms and smiled at her, a sense of peace stayed with him when he looked in her eyes.

"No I enjoy having the soft skin... and the smell is very nice, Lily introduced me to the man I go to now... a wonderful little shop. I was just... I was so worried about you and about what had happened I wanted you to feel like hope wasn't lost for you and that you do still have a family and they will always be here for you and love you and surround you. But you tell me what you want us to do and I will do it. Not because I'm trying to prove anything... because I love you and I want to." Elsa said softly in return with a soft smile, she continued to stroke and pet his head and hair, she was content and happy the way she was right now, pregnant with his child and the sole attention of his love at the moment.

"I find hope every time I look into the eyes of my wife and children, and this family has embraced me so fully I could never feel alone. I am proud to call myself Ravenwood, and happy to be with my wife. I love you too Elsa and I believe we will have a long happy life ahead of us." He kissed her stomach again and stroked her sides softly. There was nothing about Elsa he didn't love, she and the children were his entire world.

Elsa blushed softly at his kind honest words. She fell in love with him all over again everyday. Everyday she fell more and more in love with him, his honesty his abilities... his charm even and his devotion made life and everything in it feel safe and wonderful to Elsa. She continued to studies most days but more often then not she took afternoon naps in the hope he would take a break and join her. So they were together not just for the meals and for bed but also for a short time during the day where she could bath in the heat of his body and the love he had for her. "Then I can consider the job I have tasked myself with... as being accomplished and continue to be digilent in my work." Elsa said softly closing her eyes and smiling softly, she continued to pet his hair with her hands the small motion all she could do as heavily pregnant as she was.

He smiled and continued to stroke her sides, "I do need to wash up before I do much else today. What are your plans for today and this evening, if I may be so bold to ask." Fael was partily a creature of habit, he made rounds about the estate in cat form and checked in with all guards and Blades assigned to protect the house. Somedays and even hours he changed the routine, any attacker would be unable to predicit when he would be moving about. Otherwise he would take time to lay with Elsa or be otherwise available to the household to help out.

"Some light excersizes, a little more study with Grandmother, dinner together with everyone who will come to the table and then here to write in my diary and then sleep I suppose. I haven't decided officially yet and of course if He'll let me excersize is up in the air as well." Elsa smiles with a soft chuckle as she stroked her stomach beside Feals hands. The baby inside moved a little and pushed against their hands, more Feal's then her own because his were warmer and more consistant. It made Elsa smile softly, she loved spending evening with Feal though, as he meditated or took care of the end of day things and she wrote in her diary before they lay down together.

"Well, light excersize is alright and everything else sounds good. However if you feel like a light nap, I might join you." he teased. The baby pushing at his hands he began to move them and see if the child would mark the new locations. He smiled up at Elsa and nuzzled her stomach and kissed it again. Then rose and kissed his wife deeply, in his mind he longed for the day that he could roll over in the morning and they could kiss and even couple being close without a pregnant tummy in the way.

"Yes dear." Elsa teases back with a soft giggle as she leaned up kissing him again. She was so at ease with him here with her, so much more comfertable then she ever remembered being though it still felt somewhat odd having moved out of her old room and into the new one. The way the house was set up though the fourth floor for families, the third for well... adult but not married children and the second for all children Mum and dad and their office, with the main floor being the practical living floor of the house. Still she loved it, and she couldn't wait for Kaitlyn and Xeph to be home again and then to have their new baby too.

He crossed behind the screen and stripped, beginning to clean himself for the day to come. Elsa was so loving and good natured, anyone would find peace with her. Her reation to the druids appearing and wanting to further the felid race was interesting to say the least. They both were very jealous and protective of each other, it even was a little shocking that Lyriel shared their bed once. Though after the incident, he made Elsa understand she was all the woman he ever truly needed.

Elsa smiled softly and then scowled heavily, standing up and closing the robe over her body she walked to the large window and covered it with the heavy curtains she had Bowers bring her. Just before she closed it she scowled heavily at the birds on the sill. The damn women didn't leave them alone! Once the curtains her firmly shut and completely covered she lit the lamps. She didn't care if they wasted money by burning them during the day, she wasn't about to let those women ogle her damn husband. Going back to the vanity she finished her hair and pinned it up to the back of her head in a careful knot. She put on her normal shift and then an overdress, one of her wizarding ones, they covered her easier and better, and she tied it above her stomach. Now she was ready for the rest of the day.

Fael finished and redressed, then noticed the curtains he sighed. "Let me guess they have returned to study me?" he asked. They were an annoyance, one he chose to ignore, they however bothered Elsa and had been asked to leave the estate grounds. He crossed and hugged her, hoping to ease her mind about the subject. "Even if they look, dearest Elsa, I will never touch, I have my princess and great love in my arms now."

"It's not you touching I'm worried about... my Daddy once told me girls aren't the only ones who can be taken advantage of or overwhelmed. I told you before the only person I am willing to share you with is Lyriel and only if I get to play too." Elsa said hotly and wrapped her arms around him tightly, possessivly. Feal was hers, her husband, her lover, the father of her children. Screw those harpy women and their wanting him and her children coming from him. "I swear I'll summon a cat monster to chase them down if they don't leave us alone!" Elsa scowls holding his tightly.

"You do forget I can turn into a speedy, agile cat. And would be off like a shot if anyone other than you or a authorized person comes after my manhood." It might have sounded like a joke, but Fael meant it, he was strong fast and agile. For years he ran and jumped around the oasis and when he left the cities of Shadizar, in both forms. Wrapping his arms about his wife he returned her hug.

"I don't care you shouldn't have to run! I'll protect you! I'll make sure none of those... Those Snakes! Get their grubby little dirty hands on you! I swear by the gods and goddesses of magic I will not let them even so much as get a peek of your divine and sculpted, filled, broad, strong body ever!" Elsa said fervently still holding him tightly though she licked her lips slightly and ran her hand up his arm and squeezed his muscles lightly. The bad thing about being pregnant now was she was so late into it she couldn't play anymore and boy did she ever want to. It was around these times she would play with Feal... a lot. She knew he tolerated a lot and that he also sometimes made sure he was busy when she hungered to do something and usually to him.

Fael was fighting the urge to smile, it wasn't very successful. Instead he kissed her deeply and while not able to hug tightly, he gave meanigful touches to display his affections. "Elsa, you can not get worked up over them, it is not good for you or the baby. I am sure they would not do anything to anger you, being the mother of my children." Gently he stroked her face and neck, while gently rubbing his lips against hers.

Elsa moaned softly into the kiss and his soft touches. She was sure the baby would be fine but he was marvelously calming her down with his hands and his wonderful lips. Pulling away with a slight harder breathing adding to her words she told him. "Like hell they aren't, I already told them to leave their very presence upsets me! I'm half tempted to send them on fools erands telling them we need certain hard to get herbs in order to get me pregnant. Or even spell ingredients!" Elsa said hotly as her hands ran down his washboard abs and down his sides to his thighs and then beack to his perfectly sculpted dairy-aire. giving his rear a heart squeeze before she gently reached around to begin stroking his tail gently, not yet playing aat the base, she'd save that for later, if he wanted to let her play with him.

He enjoyed her touches but wished she would forget those women. "Elsa, forget those women they are here because they wish to be remembered in history of our family. They are not going to get that chance, I will take guards and tell them to leave again. Please, just relax and trust me that they will leave us alone." Fael tried to hold her and calm her, this reaction worried him. Anger wasn't his way, and being angry and upset was bad for mother and baby.

"They won't leave Feal... They are fanatics. they beleive they were set on this path by their diety's and that this is their will and they will do good. They are stupid women. but if you think it will help... I'll try to calm down and try to talk them in to leaving again. I'm not the one they waant to taalk to and I'm afraid the more attention YOU give them, the more they will stay around." Elsa sighed softly, poor Feal, this calm and rather easy going man had been thrown in with elsa Ravenwood. Stubburn, angry and absolutely no sense of direction, soft and feminen with an apparent unending sex drive, for a man who was well... rather lazy when he had no ddirect need of him. Much like a cat, and she was almost a very typical human woman of the age. Laying her head on his chest she took a deep breath and calmed herself, from the want to play with his body, AND the anger from having to deal with those 'extinction prevention' blah blah blah whatever they called themselves hussies.

He held her close and rubbed her back all the way down to her bottom. "Just let go of your hostility towards them. Between everyone in this family who loves us, they have no chance in swaying my devotion." Fael began to purr lightly as she played with his tail. She learned how to make him powerless in her hands.

"It's not that... I don't want them treating you different just because you are! In this family differance is life... it's normal. It's hell it's expected... and because it is... it makes us all normal together... but them bringing attention to it... it makes me so mad! You... hated your difference and got treated badly and I don't want you reminded of the past, or feel like you did in the past. I know you love and will forever because if you don't I'll fillet your tail and nail it to the eastern gate on our estates, but thats not why they make me so mad... you are MINE!" Elsa says angrily taking another deep breath to try and calm down some more, it was just so... hard. Anytime those women were brought up Elsa wanted to scratch out their eyes and pull out all their hair. It was ingrained in Ravenwood females to be possessive of their men. Elsa scowled as she tried to calm down, in trying to do so she petted Feal's tail some more, like he was wit her back, from base to tip. One long stroke after another. His purring was helping her not be so mad, it always made her feel better when he purred, the deep rumbling against her body as she snuggled up to him soothing and sweet.

"My past is behind me, me present is in my arms and Sildea, the future is ahead of us." He would always be comforting to Elsa, trying to keep her happy. The rumble in his chest was getting louder and he slipped a hand down to stroke her bottom, while the petting calmed her it began to arouse him. "My love, ummm, I uhhh, really...should...patrol, nnhhh the grounds." he tried to control his urges. His hand began to squeeze her bottom and move her dress up a little.

Elsa sighed softly, his big warm hands squeezing her bottem felt so nice and his purring was soothing her like nothing else could. His words eased the tightness in her chest and made her feel warm and happy. The little struggling noises and hitches in his breath made her smile though and she let him move her dress without interferring. The desires that had died down in her anger flared back up and she wanted to play with him once again. Now her petting of his tail was focusing closer to the base just above his thick, tight muscled ass she loved so very much. Soon enough her fingers were rubbing and petting just the base of his tail her other hand trailing over his braod shoulders and the feel of his arousel against the underside of her swollen belly made her very happy indeed.

He got his hand upon her bottom under the dress, and squeezed again. "Elsa, are you wanting my attentions right now?" he asked her. If she would tel him that she wanted to play he would indulge her, that made him happy. Suddenly he moved his hand from her bottom and pulled the lacing of her dress. He began to smile broadly, a cat with a string, he didn't stop until her over dress was completely unlaced.

Elsa couldn't stop the girlish giggle from errupting from her throat. Everytime he undressed her he had to chase that string the entire way out of her dress until it was off. Still she stroked the base of his tail and palmed his meaty shoulders. He wasn't overlarge like Mathius, in fact he was rather copact but she loved it all the more, lean and tight with muscles and so deliciously hers. "I want to please you and relax you, and touch you and taste you." Elsa whispers after her giggles, her voice deep with lust as she nuzzles his neck and teasingly licks at his pulse a few times. While she couldn't orgasm safely anymore, seeing as she only had a month and a week give or take to go... she loved the taste of him and when he let her play she feasted on him and his essance greedily.

His purr stopped for a second, replaced by a groan of desire. She could play him like a lute, getting anything she wanted from him. "I wish I had more control when we first met, so you never would have learned about that spot." He began to undo her underdressings wanting to nuzzle her bare skin and feel her beneath his hands. "And how long will you tease me dear wife?" he asked panting.

"You don't have control now over that spot... a little longer sweet husband." Elsa promised softly once she was fully naked she pressed against him once more, not to hard though she didn't want the baby to get upset. Her hand still gently petting and rubbing that spot on his oh so sensitive tail, her other hand which was been rubbing and stroking firm muscles traveled lower to stroke something else that was begining to get very firm indeed. Meanwhile she kissed and licked his chest and neck, she loved him so much she loved showing him just how much she loved him like this too.

"If this is an attempt to keep my devotion, you have not to worry. My heart belongs to you and our children only." he whispered to her as his hands began to gaze over her curves. Her hands had a certain confidence, she knew how to drive him into a wild lust. "You realize after the baby and you recover, we will be able to make love at any time you wish." Hoping the admission that when she wasn't pregnant he planned on making love to her when the whim hit him.

"As long as we can keep the promise you wanted from me and no more children until you want them. Any time you wish to have sex my love." Elsa says softly, before moving down, carefully getting to her knees. "Sit down Feal and let me really make you purr." She says her voice deep and sultry. Once he was seated she could have all the fun with him she wanted to. While she was so close though she used her hands on him and fondled him. Licking the very tip of him lightly.

He did as she told him and began to purr again as she began to touch and play. "OUr first attempt, I plan on repaying all these attentions and you know how I like to lick." Ever since their first time together he knew how much he loved this woman. The thought did occur to him that everything happened for a reason and being with her was the best reason. "Oh, gods Elsa, you are truly amazing."

"You haven't seen nor felt anything yet husband dear." Elsa warned before taking him into her mouth and swallowing his member whole. Pulling back to nibble gently along the underside and each side of his manhood before swallowing half of him and sucking hard. HEr fingers the whole time her mouth was working him over were busy petting his balls and rubbing them. She was not a merciful lover, and she seemed insatiable when it came to his body.

He groaned as she took what she wanted, suddenly he had a humorous thought. Once they were having sex on a regualr basis, he would never have a chance to ever think about another woman. "Oh, oh, Elsa....Feels so wonderful." he panted. The women of this family were all very possesive of their men, with the single exception of Elsa and Lyriel. She was going to take his climax rather than wait for it to happen.

Elsa would have smiled happily but her mouth was rather full at the moment. She took him deep into her mouth again and swallowed around his length and gently rubbed her tongue along the underside of his base. He always took his time with her when she wasn't pregnant but she always stole his orgasm from him when she was pregnant. Sometimes he needed something to be forced on him, and ultimate pleasure from the one he loved the most was the perfect thing to be forced on or rather out of someone. It helped that she loved him and the taste of him, no matter what and it helped when pleasing him, because she loved his taste and she loved pulling it from him when he had trouble relaxing and letitng it go sometimes.

Fael was trying to control his breathing, but Elsa was making that very hard indeed. He switched between moans and growls, in between long throaty purrs. She was making feel better than a beam of sunshine to nap in he almost was on the verge of losing control. "Oh, gods Elsa, why do you do this to me? Uhhh, it feels so nnnn, good." He could no longer resist, she was again proving that she could steal from him, and he could not stop her, and he arrived at another climax.

Elsa hmmed softly as she swallowed around him thickly. She felt him tense and saw his tail lashing behind him, then felt him twitch in her mouth and when he finally couldn't hold back anymore. She held onto his thighs with her hands as she concentrated on swallowing and pleasing him still. She didn't have to answer his questions because she loved him... That was why she did anything at all for him and everything too. To hear him so helpless and at the whim of her... simple little somewhat dim Elsa. And he was helpless to her right now.

Already he was planning his revenge upon her as he looked down at Elsa. She would recieve a slow meaningful rise to climax from him. "My love I can not believe you did that again." he said with a exhausted sigh. Fael wanted her up beside him so that he could cuddle with her. "Gods even if they wanted my seed, it has all been taken by my wife, and not a drop probably remains."

Elsa gives him a sultry giggle and using his legs to help her get to her feet she sat on the bed beside him and snuggled up against his side. "Damn straight, there isn't enough in you for two women." Elsa says happily at his side. She knew he was very cuddly after sex or release and in truth she was always cuddly. So what if she was possessive of him, they were married it was her job besides they had three babies to raise together already.

Fael raised up and kissed her cheek and neck, then licked apprecatively at her breasts. Giving each nipple a couple rough passes from his tongue, as if to tell them and her nethers when the time came it would not be fast. "Have we heard anything more from Darryl and Asper, do you know?" he asked. Since having moved out to their own home, the estate had not seen very much of them at all. Hoping that was a good sign for the younger couple, Asper could be difficult, but Darryl had patience and love for her, hopefully it was enough.

Elsa moaned, she knew as well as he did that if he paid to much attention to her breasts or even suckled them... he would get the taste of her milk. seeing as both her twins were still at the breastfeeding age she continued her own production for when they would be home and for when the new baby came too. "Nothing... I think Grandmother had spoken to them but I'm not completly sure though. Would you like to go and visit them?" Elsa asks smiling softly down at him, it had been much more quiet since Darryl had taken Asper to their own home.

He made another lick and smiled at her, "If you think they would welcome a visit. I'm sure that it just being the two of them, might make Asper a little lonesome for company." Lai since they had moved out spent a great deal of time resting and allowing Lily and them to control the flow of people in and out of the Estate. Fael liked his family even when they got a bit overbearing, they were good people. "Would you like to visit them and see how they are getting along?" he licked again wanting to hear her moan again.

Elsa groaned softly. "You know they are sensitive! And yes I would like to see how the house looks and how they are doing in the house together now." Elsa says she missed the noise of a full house and of the slew of babies in the nursery and even the noise of Conner and Lily fighting and the practicing in the circles on the grounds. the last time it was quiet was... in the Oasis with Feal in the woods and in the library. She had loved those peacefull times but... she was accustomed while at home to hear people all around and her family most especially.

He looked at her and smiled, "Well, you know cats and milk." Fael liked to tease Elsa, but he was almost an equal part man and cat. "Then let us contact them and see if today or this evening would be good to visit then. Perhaps we could visit for dinner, it would seem more like we just wanted to see the house rather than check on them." He gently rubbed her bare leg and nuzzled her chest, exhaling over those sensitive nipples.

"I like that plan." Elsa said breathily before moaning softly again, her nipples puckering tightly. It was almost painful after his rough tongue had licked them to feel his hot breath and then the cold aftermath of the room around them. She would have Bowers send a message to Darryl's new house to see if they could come to dinner, maybe bring Lai too if she had a mind to come. Elsa rested her head back on the bed, almost wishing she wasn't pregnant so they could have fun again together... but she would wait the two months until the baby arrived.

Fael decided not to tease her too much, but did lick other parts of Elsa. "I will ask Bowers when I head out to patrol, you can relax or ask Lai to come with us, maybe Lily and the others as well." Kissing Elsa deeply he allowed his fingers to graze of her before he had to force himself to go. "I will return shortly, alright my love or do you prefer I stay a little longer? But I warn you I may continue to bathe you." Leaning down he kissed her again enjoying those soft lips like he did every morning and evening.

"Go... I ache already and will take a hot bath to try and ease it... tease." Elsa grinned pulling away from him and getting to her feet. "I think inviting granmother is a good idea but... I don't know about Lily... she might be a little too much for Asper to handle still. She couldn't stand the teasing anymore. She loved him to death but she wished for more. This was deffinetly the last time she got pregnant for a good long while. That was she could have a long time to love her husband properly.

Fael stood and helped her into the tub, "I will be back in a little while to help you out alright?" He didn't want her to try getting out and harming herself or the baby. Then he left finding and relaying the request to Bowers and moving to all his normal patrol areas. And much to Elsa's fears, one of the druids appeared trying to coax him with her nude body. Fael changed forms promptly hissed at her and ran far away, leaving her to be escorted from the estate by a member of the blades.

Bowers had dispatched a runner to come to Darryl and Asper relaying if they could visit for dinner. As he waited Darryl came to ask Asper if it was alright, "It would be our first guests here?" Already he was thinking about what he could cook to share with his family. But, if Asper didn't feel like the company then he would make apologies. "I could roast a chicken and vegetables, and talk to Lyle about getting your favorite for dessert."

"I don't care. Didn't you say Lai wanted to come and stick her nose in our business already? Why not then." Asper says rolling her eyes. She was happy enough away from all of them in that house. She liked having a big quiet house actually. Though she wasn't sure how to receive people if it was her house... she usually only kicked people out of places.

"I'm sure Grandmother and the others only want to see that we are well settled in here. How about to keep you sweet I get an extra sticky bun from Lyles and maybe a little wine?" He smiled and embraced Asper and gently rubbed her stomach. He nodded to the messenger, "Tell them we will be happy to recieve them at dinner time." The young man nodded and hurried off to the Estate.

"Fine... but it better be damned good wine." Asper says begrudgingly bribed by the delicious dessery and her favorite thing in the world... alcohol. She leaned against him a little in the embrace, because it was awekward not to she often told herself. And only winced a little when the baby kicked or punched or whatever it did to meet her fathers hand on her mothers stomach. The child within was getting more sensitive to changes against the stomach, it jerked at cold air after a warm bath, even a hand resting on her stomach make it kick and fuss. Lately too Asper had been having to pee a lot more... and the weight of the child felt lower, almost heavier.

Darryl was excited, his family was going to see how nice the house was. And even better how happy they were here. "Will you give me your advice while I cook? I will have to go to Lyle's first and get the sticky buns and wine." He smiled at her and kissed the end of her nose, hoping his excitement would be a little infectious. 

"What do I know about cooking?" Asper said deffinetly grouchy, he was so happy and excited about all of this that it was driving her crazy and it had been maybe ten minutes since the footman had come. She was hoping he would leave her to actually get dressed and then prepare for their coming. She wasn't sure how this all was supposed to work in the first place so this would be interesting.

He leaned over and kissed her, "Maybe nothing, but I like your company and to look at your pretty face." Darryl could see that she was concerned about the pomp and circumstance of the visit. "Unless you need to go look through the wardrobe for something nice to wear." He smiled at her and waited for her to yell at him along the lines of trying to impress the family. "I will however wait for you to give me leave to get the dessert and wine."

"I can't stop you, and instead of walking around in a shift some clothes would probably be needed.I want to impress no one. I just want to actually be wearing clothes." Asper says pushing against his chest, he needed to go and get back and cook and she wanted to go upstairs and put on an actual peice of clothing. She turned away from him and made her way up the stairs to get to their room. She still wasn't completely comfertable with him being all over her again like he used to... before he invaded her mind but she was working on it hard.

Quickly he jumped to Lyle and after procuring everything he needed, returned to the kitchen and began to cook. He whistled a cheerful tune as he set about getting everything ready. Soon the baby would come and they would have a real chance to be a happy family. Maybe Elsa would give him some hints on making the marriage work. Remembering his promise, he made up the diluted wine for Asper.

Asper brushed her short hair and put on the simplest overdress. She didn't much feel like getting all worked up over this. That and it was two weeks until the baby was apparently coming early. Something she thought of and discarded as quickly as she could. She didn't want to go through the pain and suffering like that. Like her mother.

COming upstairs to see what was keeping her, he sttod for a long minute and watched her. He knew she didn't want to hurt like her mother did, and he wouldn't leave her side. Clearing his throat, "I have your glass of wine and you look very nice." After a little bit he crossed and put the glass in her hands. "I have the sticky buns and am waiting for rest of the food to cook.

"you say that when I look like shit too." Asper says taking the wine with a small smile. "Isn't that something you're supposed to keep an eye on?" She asks raising an eyebrow at him, as she tipped the wine glass and took a drink. She hated that it was watered down but happy to have any at all. She was basically as ready as she would get and would just go downstairs.

"I am a young man of many talents," he smiled, "some better than others." He too kthe glass and offered her his hand, he knew the food still had a little while before being done. "Would you like anything else before I change?" Already he knew what he was going to wear, not wanting to be too stuffy a simple shirt, pants and boots would be fine. "And if I thought you need something else instead of what you are wearing, I would suggest it." he kissed her cheek.

"And it would be promptly disgarded now give me the damn glass back!" Asper says not taking his arm at all reaching instead for the glass he had taken from her. She had taken a few sips and that was all. She was by no means done with it and wanted it back. She could care less what people thought of her and told them as much every time she saw them. The fact they continued to expect her to was stupid.

He gave her back the glass and smiled at her briefly. Then he stripped down and washed himself quickly. After he was finished he grabbed the clothes and began to get dressed. "You wouldn't even think about my suggestion?" he wondered if she ever did. "Wouldn't matter though, I'd still think you look lovely."

"If it wasn't comfortable and still as close to a shift as this is... then maybe." Asper said softly, with a smile watching him change. HE was fit but not overly muscled like Lash or MAthius. It was nice actually. He looked good. For having to marry him and give up her virtue the only thing she could ever actually hold onto. He wasn't too bad at it... well what she remembered anyways of sex. Seeing as it was a year ago she had any. And maybe two or three times. At that.

Her comment made him smile, she was being Asper and he cherished her for that. Crossing the room and taking her hand he brought it to his chest, "I'm glad I met you andin truth you stole my heart, Asper." There wasn't a morning that he didn't smile realizing she was there in bed with him. Or a night he didn't reach out to lightly touch her face just to affirm she was there. "Tonight will be wonderful, you heard yourself they miss us at the estate, both of us."

"No they don't they want to see the house and they want to see what you've done and if you aresettling in okay and if I'm still as angry and nasty as usual." Asper scowls taking her hand back and downing the last of what was in the glass. She hands him the empty glass and turns heading for the door and going to go downstairs. She didn't want to eat burned food and he needed to hurry up anyways so... it was a nudge or a hint rather.

He walked down to the kitchen and checked on the food, it was still doing fine. In his mind he ticked of how many time Asper scowled today, he told himself that most of her life was not easy. Darryl hoped that someday the number was tiny, maybe nonexsitent. However she didn't comment on what he had said about meeting her. Perhaps things were begining to change, perhaps she was trying like she said once, to just love him.

Asper goes and get's comfertable in their own sitting/reception room and made herself comfertable. By now she had some pillows and a blanket nearby, just where and how she liked it to sit there. On the loveseat. Which she let Darryl hold her feet in his lap. There was a couch and a seat that stood alone too... which was fine by her. She wasn't getting all fancied up for Dinner like Alehial demanded for her house.

Darryl was alerted that they had arrived, and hurried down to the steps looking in at Asper to smile before hand. Luckily he had contacted Lai earlier and reminded her to tell Elsa and Fael to dress casually for dinner. As he arrived at the door he took a deep breath and hoped that tonight went well. He opened the door and was pleased to see his family on the other side. "Good evening and welcome to our home, Asper is upstairs in the common room." he didn't call it a sitting room because it was were almost everything in the house happened.

Asper rolled her eyes. Yippee the whole family was here. He was so excited. Was it really that bad staying here in this house with her? Why was he... keeping her around if he wasn't happy with her and wished he still lived with his family. At least he had gotten her a really good bottle of wine... and dessert, oh god she could almost taste it now... All that sugar... all that flakey bread. she couldn't wait. and maybe it was just worth it to deal with the almost always pregnant Elsa and the preachy Lai.

"Darryl! It looks beautiful! Look at that detail!!" Elsa gushed as she walked in first, being to heavily pregnant and all she hugged Darryl tightly and continued to look around. this place was amazing, Dark polished wood, greens and deep reds for drapes and accents. Green glazed brown pottery holding flowers and bowls. Elsa was amazed at what Darryl had done and couldn't believe Asper had thought of all of this for a house of her own.

Lai entered next and waited for Elsa to finish before embracing Darryl. "I think you and Asper have thought of a lovely place to live and raise your family. I bet she almost ready to give birth." she told him beaming. Fael was the last in and shut the door behind him. "I concur with them, the house is very nice Darryl, you two should be proud." Almost wistfully he wondered if Elsa and his family would ever live in such a nice place.

"Thank you all for your kind words, please come up stairs while dinner finishes." He turned and led them up to the were Asper was sitting, "Please sit anywhere you like and would anyone like something to drink?" He smiled at Asper and walked behind her and gently squeezed her shoulder. "Do you need anything?" he asked. For a second he let one of his powers activate to check on the food again.

"Wow Asper you got even bigger in just a week! you almost look like your having twins! My goodness she must be a very healthy little girl already." Elsa says happily greeting Asper, she wasn't going to say hi or long time no see or anything, Asper wasn't that type of woman. What Elsa said was true though, and she could see that the baby was much lower as well. There was only a week or so left and Asper's body AND the baby were deffinetly getting ready for the birthing. Whether Asper knew it or not. She deffinetly needed to talk to Asper and Darryl about this and soon.

"Another drink would be loved." Asper said softly nodding her head after Elsa was finished. She knew she had gotten bigger. Her hips were getting sore lately too and she wasn't sure why. She didn't appreciate the comment that it looked like she was having twins though... she felt like a giant... whale or something already. This was going to be a trying ordeal having them here. WEll... playing nice would be trying. Them here she could care less about.

Darryl nodded and went to get what the others and Asper wanted to drink. Lai leaned over and kissed Asper's cheek, "It shouldn't be long now, is there anything I can get you in the way of liniment for any soreness?" She held Asper's hand briefly, knowing the young lady hated too much contact before sitting down. Fael nodded to Asper, "Your house is very nice, perhaps you can help Elsa when it is time for us to leave the manor." He then helped Lai into the single chair and Offered Elsa the same for the couch.

"Why would she want my ideas for a house if it's YOUR house. I really don't have much... Except my hips ache. But not really on the outside. My back too a lot when I stand." Asper wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. It was weird and creepy how much this Family touched each other. Feal she would understand, Darryl she was pretty much forced to accept, but all the women wanted to hug and kiss and touch all the time. "I didn't do anything though. I told Darryl what colors to use and he asked if everything was alright or not. Though I did pick out the bed." Asper says with a wry grin, it was a large four poster canapied monster. Though it didn't have drapes, she loved the huge monstrosity. With it's dark wood and nice ivy carving all over it.

Lai smiled, "I think it was meant because the color choices you made work very well together. And I'm sure the bed is something special. the liniment will help with the soreness no matter where it is. I will make up some when I get home and have Darryl get it for you." Fael sat and held Elsa's hand, Asper hadn't changed much even in this place. Darryl reappeared and began to hand out the something for everyone to drink and took his seat beside Asper.

"Like a forest... Thought that's where you were going to live. Go with wood and stone. It'll be great I promise." Asper says flippantly before lifting her legs so Carryl could sit down. Once he was sitting she put her feet up on his lap and relaxed back. Sipping from the cup of watered down wine, it wasn't as good but it was as good as she was going to get. Snuggling into the seat and settling her legs on Darryl's legs, it often helped ease her hips. Almost laying on her back with her legs half a foot apart on Darryl's lap. It even made the baby settle easier inside of her. She didn't know why though. "I... suppose that would be nice." Asper says almost poutingly accepting the help from her. She was being as nice as she almost could be to everyone without it beig a total farce.

Elsa grinned, Asper would propably never soften up only because of her apparent loathing of their life-style and their way of living. Though Elsa did agree, she liked the natural kind of settings. Tan's, greens and browns and stonework. She liked it all. She was sure when they finally did get their own home It would be perfect and natural and somewhere near the forest for her husband and children to run through.

Fael thought for a long second, "With only a week or so left, Darryl will you return for the rest of the trip to Sildea?" He knew they would have to trade places again with Lucas and Altair again. Darryl blinked and looked at Asper, he had not thought about swapping places again. "I don't really know I guess we'll have to figure something out won't we?" he said to Asper. Jake was hoping that he was coming to get him, but with Asper so close to birthing the baby and being in the house alone it might not happen.

"Why not ask Lucas if he would be willing to stay there so you can stay here Darryl? I wish Feal could stay but I want him to see to the babies first. Since I can't be there one of us should be for their sake." Elsa says softly but she was watching Aspers face more then anything else. She was holding Feals hand and it was so nice behind here. It was beautiful though scarcely decorated and the furniture was so comfortable, some of Mother and Fathers was more for looks then comfort. Though they entertained every few days from court so it was expected.

Asper blinked a few times, working hard to keep her face neutral and no loner the scowl it had been. She hadn't thought he would return to the caravan, she just assumed he'd stay with her. Though when Elsa suggested the switch between Darryl and Lucas stay the way it was she smiled a little, maybe no one would mind it. Maybe they would agree, she sure as hell didn't want to go back to the Ravenwood house though. "Maybe you can go to Sildea when they reach it and bring Jake back. Then they can make the trip back without you?" Asper asks softly, looking up at Darryl, her face stil very carefully nuetral.

It was too late Darryl saw the smile and was grinning a little, "I already intended to contact mother and father to relay that I would jump to them the day they arrived at Sildea. I know Orissa and Samnatha would like to see Lucas as much as Jake would, so it would work out better." He rubbed Asper's legs in an attempt to reassure her a little bit. "Perhaps Bailey or Lily would be good enough to come and stay with Asper on that day while I'm gone." Darryl then realized the food was ready for them to enjoy it, "If you don't mind I will go get the food if you all will go to the dining room."

Asper nodded and took a drink, she didn't want Lily that was for sure. That girl just grated on Aspers nerves, Once she moved her legs and he left quickly, she sat up and with a huff pulled herself to her feet with the help of the couch arm rest. sighing softly at how hard it wa to stand up now, she looked at them raised an eyebrow and then walked to the door. They would follow if they wanted to eat.

Lai caught up with her quickly, "I saw that you are happy that he wants to remain here with you. I think that you'll both find this house can make you happy." Fael and Elsa followed behind, he wondered how Darryl would set the table with so many people going to eat. The conversation in front of them continued. "So, is the bath the way you like it, I know he was working on the design for a long while."

"It's a bath yes it's fine. And a House is... just some place with a roof to keep out rain." Asper says scowling, she didn't like the fact they saw her smile. She had tried to hide it... Damn these people were too perceptive. If they saw it it meant Darryl did too though and now... he would be walking on the moon probably. Dinner was going to be aweful Asper just knew it. The topics would be horrible the asnwers obvious... and they would be gloating.

As they sat down at the table all of the food appeared in front of them and Darryl appeared as well. Everything was hot and had come from the oven and everyone inhaled the scents. "Everything looks very good Darryl the two of you have made wonderful looking dinner." Lai complimented. Darryl refilled the glass and sat down, "Asper has inspried me to learn to do for ourselves." They passed the food around and filled their plates, and Fael included his praise as well.

"I don't know what me and Feal will do... I'm not very good at cooking and I'm certainly not going to make him cook all the time... I suppose I should start learning how to cook from our chef at home huh?" Elsa said filling her plate. She was very hungry and Darryl was almost as good as their chef at home. Even though all the kids learned to cook a little bit because mother demanded it if they were to adventure. Elsa was much like Alehial in that cooking just didn't really agree with her.

Asper filled her plate or passing it to Darryl to put things on her plate Rather seeing as she couldn't really lean forward over the table to get anything. Being this pregnant sucked... a lot. "I never told him no servants though. I think we should have two and a cook. but Darryl seems to like to cook and he doesn't pester me so it's fine I guess." Asper says taking a sip of her watered down wine again.

Lai smiled at her comments, "I don't think that is a outlandish number to have, a maid, stewart and cook is a bad idea. If you like Asper, I helped find the servants helping around the Estate and am willing to help you two as well." She smiled as she also got food onto her plate, "It all looks wonderful Darryl." Fael nodded his agreement as he also filled his plate and helped Elsa. Darryl looked at Asper for a second, he thought she hated the idea of servants, "If that what you'd like to do Asper, I suppose we could look."

"Well someone needs to clean the house and do the laundry... clean the dishes and close the curtains. I lock all the doors and windows but you have to tend the fires when we go to bed and there's a list Darryl of things I'm not doing. They don't have to live here... in fact I'd rather they didn't." Asper says with a shrug. There was a lot of work keeping a house this size up and running and clean. While Darryl could clean with his powers she didn't want him using his powers all the time every day in case they needed him for something important. Lately that was almost everyday.

Darryl smiled, she was participating and didn't reject Lai's offer to help find trustworthy people. Everyone took a few bites of the food before any discussion continued. "So, will Jake be coming here to live with the you or staying at the Estate?" Fael asked. He genuinly liked the young man, he was polite and tried to help out if he could. Lai also took an intrest in this question, she felt like Jake was a grandchild even if Asper was her grandsons wife.

"With Lash still alive it's to dangerous to live near me or Darryl. I don't mind if he visits... but I can't take him to lessons. And I can't teach him what he wants to learn the most. My days of caring for him are over. I am no longer able to get what he needs. No longer needed to care for him." Asper shrugs eating still, she was suddenly ravenous. She'd been getting like this the last few days. Not hungry at all until she began to eat and then she was starving.

Elsa kept taking even amounts of small bites of her food. Feal asked the question she had and so she continued to eat. She was very hungry since she had only a light lunch and this food was wonderfully cooked for her Baby brother having done it. She was so proud of Darryl, Asper even seemed better tempered and easier to talk to now. And she wasn't biting their heads off, she was engaging in conversation and even being very polite. It was surprising to see the changes this woman had gone through since coming to them all.

Lai listened to Asper, she was very intelligent in her comments which truly showed how much she loved her brother. "I believe you will still see him almost everyday, he loves you very much." Fael nodded his agreement to her remarks, "He was very unhappy about leaving you behind, Asper. He spoke at length to me about it on the trip to Sildea." Darryl looked at Asper and smiled, Jake wanted to be grown up, but still wanted to cling to the woman who raised him.

"None of you must tell him about Lash. He has never known who his father was and he never knew it was the same man that gave me those scars on my back. I don't care what Jake says about me, or wants. What he needs is protected and lessons and teachings I can't give him. He can visit for a day or so but he is NOT going to be staying here and he is NOT going to be around all the time. Once this child is out of my body I train again... This time to kill Lash." Asper says before going back to eating. She was almost done being polite to these nosey, dreamy eyed, flower and tree loving lunatics. She wasn't going to keep speaking about this either, Jake had what he needed most which was the Ravenwoods money and connections. There was no longer any need for Asper to be involved in his life.

Darryl reached out and touched her arm, "It is your decision about what Jake is told about his parents. And if you want to train to stop Lash, I will help were I can." He hoped the family was in agreement with these wishes, he saw Lash's evil when they trapped Asper in her memories. He knew however, she would need some help if Lash had gained powers like his. Once everything was pretty much eaten, he went to get dessert.

Fael looked at Elsa, he had not even considered the fact Asper would conceal from Jake about his father. "Asper, do you believe that Lash wants to reclaim Jake. I mean if he serves the discpiles then with Jake's interest in serving Pelor, he would have no desire for him. You know more of the man than we do, and we will do everything to protect him." Lai nodded her approval of his comment and smiled when Darryl returned with the dessert.

"Lash wants to make Jake just like him. A master of the whip and an evil man. If Jake refuses... Lash will punish him, it doesn't matter that he is his son. He will whip him and beat him until Jake began to learn out of neccesity to survive and even if he continued to refuse... Lash would rather him dead then here or a preist of any kind of way. I know exactly what Lash wants. The arrogant bastard can't keep his thoughts to himself when there is prey in front of him." Asper says pulling a peice of the dessert apart and putting it in her mouth. Her eyes half closed and she almost moaned. Sugar. There was sugar in this. And it was marvelous.

Elsa was shocked to hear what Asper told her of Lashes plans and what he was capable of. She would never be able to lay hands on her own children for anything more then punishment for their own safety. It was horrible to hear that Lash not only was capable of such but WANTED to do such things to his son. "Then... we won't tell Jake anything... and he'll continue to live at the house with all of us. With Lucas and Tani there... they can teach him outside of lessons anyways." Elsa says waiting patiently for desert.

Darryl handed out the dessert and again placed his hand on Asper to assure her that Lash would get nowhere near her or her brother. "I haven't said really anything, but I would like to find a way to give both Jake and Asper protection from him in case he seperates them from the family." Lai began to think of magical spells that could help keep the monster away. "I assume you were going to ask Elsa, Arten, and I for some magical assistance." Fael after taking a bite of his bun and looking at Elsa, wholly agreed.

"I wasn't going to tell anyone anything. Darryl is enough to keep me and the baby alive, but Jake is safest with the Ravenwoods house watching over him. Lash wants to kill me for what I did to currupt his son, and I've always been his favorite victom." Asper says shrugging, she really didn't care, soon enough they would feel for Jake as if he was family and so would Jake. Then it didn't matter about Asper and that would be a year or so after the baby was born... plenty of time for her... to get things in order.

Lai leaned to make what she said next be taken as the truth, something Asper usually never believed. "There is not a person living in that house or that shares this family's name, that we do not protect or love. We protect our family minus Galin of course." She popped a piece of roll into her mouth and sat back to enjoy the taste. Darryl had heard the stories enough of when Galin went with them to Illian and tried to seduce his mother.

"And Flint, apparently." Asper says as a soft input of downtrodden faithlessness. She was almost done with her bun, and the little noises she made while eating it were inaudable to any other then Darryl who was right beside her. The fact that there was an extra one for her after they left made her very very happy, and she was behaving the best she could without outright lying to them. Or faking it. So she thought or hoped she would get that second bun. She desperately wanted to eat how SHE wanted to eat, but the pregnancy had been robbing her of that for a full year almost now.

"The situation with FLint wasn't the design of his aunt or uncle, that is from the king and hopefully will be handled. From the moment he came into our lives we loved him like any other child." She looked at Elsa, knowing the young lady had her own opinions on his arranged marriage. Everyone in the family had two opinions on the subject. Darryl managed to look at Asper and smile at her enjoyment of the roll.

"Sometimes it really is as you say Asper and everyone uses each other for some purpose or another. WE are only trying to make it easier so that instead of using each other we can help each other with mutual agreement instead." Elsa says softly, though this time it wasn't going to work out that way. Or at least Elsa didn't think Mom and Dad were going to be able to do anything bout it.

Fael agreed with Elsa's words as did Lai and Darryl, no one really wanted Poppy in this family. In Lai's opinion better a thousand ill tempered Asper's than one Poppy. "Darryl I do not want to overstay our welcome, and I also wish to make that liniment for Asper so we will take our leave when dessert is done. Once I have it finished, I will have you bring it to you so Asper can benifit from it now." She smiled at Asper, hoping that it would ease her soreness.

"Great!" Asper says smiling brightly at them. She was glad they were leaving early. Though she wished they would hurry up and leave... cause then once Asper helped Darryl clean up and took her upstair... he was going to let her have the second bun!! Seeing as the first one was already finished she was just waiting for Else and Lai and DArryl to finish theirs and be done and leave.

Darryl smiled broadly knowing why she was in such a hurry, "Here I'm full, you can finish mine if you like." Lai looked at Elsa waiting for her, "Fael and I can return if you wish and Darryl could bring you when I have the liniment ready. As long as it is ok with Asper and Darryl." she offered with a smile and she finished her wine. Fael looked at Elsa to see if she wanted to follow her suggestion. Darryl looked at Asper, of course it would be ok with him, he loved his big sister.

"That's a great idea Grandmother! Feal has another round to do before bed anyways, he can do that while I help Darryl and Asper clean up!" Elsa said with a smile as she continued to break the bun into small hunks and eating it. Elsa smiled at Feal and gave him a kiss on the cheek and offered a bite of her own bun since he was finished. she was also drinking a glass of watered down wine and she had to admit she missed the taste of it. She was glad to have had the chance to have it.

Asper rolled her eyes but perked up when Darryl gave her the last of his bun. She gave him a small smile in thanks for it and quickly began eating it. "As long as she's offering to help I suppose there isn't really a problem with it." Asper says shrugging as she finished her drink and continued eating the bun happily. She didn't care as long as she was going to help.

Fael and Lai left shortly after and Darryl gathered the dishes and took them to the kitchen. He didn't want either wooman on her feet very long, besides he cooked, clean up was part of that. "If you both wish to come sit in the kitchen to talk while I wash up, or are you wanting to talk without me here?" he asked. Smiling at them he headed to the short flight of steps to the kitchen. Dinner was a success and even better that everyone told Asper how nice of a hostesss she was.

Asper huffed. "I'll wash she can dry and you can put everything away." Asper says pushing her chair away from the table. She wasn't in the mood to talk and besides if she did nothing she always felt like she owed him something. After tonight she still wanted him bribing her with good stuff. At least they both got something out of it that way. As for Elsa being here... she was a guest but Asper wasn't about to let a capable pair of hands get out of a fair share of work.

Darryl gave ground a little, "Only until either of you get tired then I'll finish, while you keep me company." He heated the water washing and rinsing with his powers. It was almost the end of the day and he needed to bleed a little of his power off. "So, Elsa, are those women still milling about for Fael?" he asked. He had not heard anything mentioned and they were there when they had left.

"YES! And FEal won't let me teach those hussies a thing or two either! I'm doing my best to keep him occupied and with full thoughts of me and the kittens and yet they sit in animal or human form on or near the fence to plead with him while on patrol to take their bodies so they can help the 'species'! Those Whores!" Elsa growls angrily even as she helped, with Darryl taking care of the dished themselves Asper and here were wiping the table and cleaning the countertops.

Darryl was a little stricken at Elsa's outburst, he never thought she'd get so mad. "They make that big of a scene and grandmother hasn't thrown a lightning bolt yet? What do you think Asper, I think they should respect that Fael is committed to her." He had rolled up his sleeves and was scrubbing pots and pans before rinsing them. Looking at Elsa and Asper together he hoped they didn't go into labor at the same time, that would be very disconcerting.

"If he doesn't like them and they are bothering him... why not let him punch one or two. Or kick I guess it doesn't matter... as long as he shows anger at them getting in his life and making his wife angry and punishing them for it they'll stop. Their good guys they'll get the hint with some physical violence." Asper says shrugging her shoulders, that's how wives dealt with whores in Venir anyways. It was common to see a wife beating a whore away from her husband. In fact some considered it healthy and did it on purpose.

Darryl began to laugh, picturing Elsa beating the druids with her staff and calling them names. It was very funny and while Fael might hurt them, in her states Elsa would scare them away. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help seeing that in my head. Would you both like any tea or anything else while we wait?" he asked. The dishes were done and put away, now they just waited for Grandmother.

"Oh yes please! I told him to chase them off... but he's so kind and respectful to everyone he never gets the clue to be more forceful with them. When I have had my son... and am well enough to move around I very well may take it into my own hands baby brother. So laugh all you want until you see them thrown out of the cities gates!" Elsa huffs ready to sit down, though she was still standing for now.

Asper was seating in one of the chairs her feet up, her hips were aching a lot for doing all this work... and her feet were swollen too. HEr back also felt stiff and very sore. She was suddenly getting rapidly sleepy, it had been happening along with her appetite changes. A little bit of work and she was ready to sleep for a few hours. she was feeling more and more useless every day of the pregnancy.

Darryl noted her look and came over drawing a cushion from the other room to him. "Here Asper you should get a little more comfortable until Lai informs me that the liniment is ready." He was a study on her and began to understand what she needed by her facial expressions. Perhaps he should try to speak to Fael about getting rid of the druids for Elsa. Leaning over as he presented the cushion he pecked Asper on the cheek and smiled.

"Feh! I'm fine." Asper grouches though her eyelids were drooping and she sighed softly at the slight releif the cushion gave her, relaxing back onto the chair once he'd placed it for her. She pushed him away not wanting to be seen as weak and needing special care by Elsa of all people. Asper stifled a yawn though and was waiting as patiently as she could. She scowled when she realized she was far too tired to be able to have the other bun tonight though.

Stepping away Darryl looked at them both, "would you like to go to the common room the chairs are more comfortable. I figure Lai will probably have the liniment done soon, its been almost an hour now." He sat at the table and looked at Elsa hoping she wouldn't think poorly of Asper's reaction. It wasn't easy waiting like this, he knew Asper wanted the baby to come and was restless. Perhaps then everything would be much better, looking at Elsa and smiling.

Elsa smiled and nodded, she understood, she had been the same when the twins were getting ready to be born. Tired after using her energy and always thirsty, needing to sit often to get the pressure off her feet. Asper was so stubburn though she'd have to be the one doing the ill feeling to get her to move. "My legs are sore from standing so the couch would be nice to relax on actually... and my back could use to the releif if you don't mind baby brother." Elsa says softly smiling.

He looked at Asper, "Would you like to come along it would be easier on you. Or if you like to go to bed, I'll take Elsa back and if you wake up I can help with the liniment." Both ideas had merit, but if Asper was tired he wanted her to get her rest. She might argue the point, believeing he was doting on her. His concern was that she would be more sore if she didn't get comfortable soon.

"I said I'm fine Darryl, fuck! I'm not incapable of anything you know! If I'm that tired I'll go myself!" Asper says angrily getting up to her feet. She was very tired and she hated it, he didn't have to bring it up in front of his sister either. Point out her weakness and shove it in her face... she was so tired and her body was so sore that these days even the slightest thing was starting to grate on her nerves. Tonight especially after all the moving around and working around the house. All the effort and restraint she had used today. Turning she headed for the door to the main room and the stairs. She was going to bed. She'd had enough.

Elsa sighed softly and rubbed her stomach gently. Staying in her seat she gave Darryl a reasurring smile. "Don't worry about it Darryl, go see that she's settled and ready then take me home. I'm sure grandmother has the liniment ready by the time you finish with Asper. In a week or two... Asper will have this baby and you will be taking care of her full time. Right now your job is to keep her pacified and you are doing a good job of it little brother." Elsa says encouragingly, she knew he was struggling with Aspers personality right now. How difficult the woman normally was and now how difficult she was in pregnancy which was even worse then usual.

Darryl nodded, Elsa's reassurance made him feel a little better. He got up and followed at a safer distance to let her do as she wished. When he arrived at the bedchamber he simply waited outside the door in case she called for him. Inwardly he hoped Elsa was right and that when the baby came, Asper would mellow just a little. He loved Asper with all his heart, he just wished she could let down those defenses like she had when they were trapped in her memories.

"Stop following me and get in here and help me." Asper says sitting on the edge of the bed. She had tied the dress on but she couldn't get it off. She was so tired she couldn't stretch anymore to reach the ties with both hands. So she was stuck in the dress and shift and she wanted out of them. Her body was sore and her breasts were getting tight and way more sensitive. Lately she'd been noticing she was waking up and there were spots on the bed... from breastmilk. She couldn't stand to wear clothes to bed any longer though and right now she hurt and was tired and couldn't get undressed.

He came in and without a word began to untie the dress and then the shift. Once he helped her out of them he returned to see if she needed him for anything else. Right now he wouldn't say too much, everything just seemed to upset her lately. "Do you need anything before I leave to take Elsa back and get the liniment for you?" He waited to help her up to the chamber pot or help her into bed.

"...I hate all of this... Just come home and sleep with me." Asper says before stopping and looking at him and then away, her cheeks going bruise purple as she blushed. "Help me... use the chamber pot too..." She says softly, a request though she didn't word it like one. She hated needing help to even do something so simple as releiving herself. But she was tired and sore and after using the restroom she was planning on going to bed though she never could sleep until he was there in bed with her... his warmth was what she needed... at least that's what she told herself.

"Ok, I'll help you first then drop Elsa off get the liniment and be back before you know it." He gently brought her chin back so he could look her in the eye. "Don't be upset, everything will be ok, you'll see." he touched her face. Then helped her up and to the chamber pot, trying to make it comfortable as possible for her. And then helped her back to the bed to tuck her inside.

"Don't take long... I don't want to be alone in this house." Asper says softly her cheeks staying purple as she admited the fact to him. She hated feeling so needy... Not wanting to be alone in this large house all by herself. Feeling a sudden urge for contact she pulled him down by a hand grabbing his shirt and leaning up a little kissing his lips. She just... Wanted it. Wanted to feel his kiss, his lips against hers and his warm skin.

He came down to her and wrapped his arm around and pressing his lips against hers. When they broke the kiss he gave her a second more chaste one, "I promise that I will be there and back as soon as I can." Her admission that she wanted him back quickly made him happy. Darryl nuzzled her neck and kissed it gently before smiling. "You relax and I'll be right back, then I'll use it to relieve the soreness so you can sleep."

Asper looked up at him with an oddly vulnerable exression on her face, even since Lash had come back and gotten to her... he hadn't left her... but now... now he would be gone again and it scared her. A lot. She liked the attention he gave her... She liked how he doted on her and bribed her to be good to people. She liked how he was always helping her even though she never liked the same things he did... and sometimes... sometimes when... she wasn't feeling the best he... never made fun of her or took advantage of her.

"I love you Asper." He whispered like it was something just between them. Then released her and stood, "Just call if something is wrong alright, I'll come right back I swear." Quickly he went back to get Elsa and take her home, his steps were light and he felt like he could fly. Helping her up he smiled and hugged her lightly, "Are you ready?" Waiting for her to nod before her would jump them to the Estate.

"Yes?" Elsa responds keeping the hug, it was easier traveling like this when she had a firm hold on him. She saw him nearly bounce with each step and his smile was large and he was deffiently in a very chipper mood. Something had happened and Elsa really wanted to know what... What had put her baby brother in such a good mood so quickly? Elsa waited to be taken to her husband and hom so she could get ready and go to bed. But not before she asked him what had happened between grumpy agitated ASper and him in their rooms.

The first stop was Lai's chambers to get the liniment and the instructions on its proper use. Tucking the bottle into his pocket with her reassurance, he took hold and jumped Elsa to her room. "I can't be gone long, she asked me to hurry back to her. And I promised to be prompt." he explained in a style that remind one of Lily. Fael had opened his eyes when the audible pop happened at their arrival, hoping his wife did not get sick.

"Let us know when, the baby is coming Darryl." Elsa says kissing his cheek and stepping out of his area. She wanted to know but he wanted to get home and she wasn't going to delay him. Though the other reason was her stomach was rolling and she felt like letting everything out and didn't want to do it on Darryl. She wished him luck with that... woman at home.

He nodded and smiled at them both and jumped away just outside the bedchamber door. That way he could walk in and not startle her, and knealt beside the bed. "See, back in a snap with this, Grandmother says it will work on anything that is sore just to rub it on." Darryl smiled and gently helped her pull back the covers so he could rub it in. Asper was beautiful to him, and no matter what she said he would alwyas think her that way.

Asper smiled very softly, and held up her feet. "Ankles and hips, then my back from the small up to the middle." Asper instrusts softly, she had almost fallen asleep while he was gone and now that he was back she was hoping this whatever it was helped releive the pain she felt and would let her sleep better, especially with him near her in the bed keeping her warm.

Nodding he placed some on his hands and rubbed her ankles then added a little more for her hips. It warmed a little and eased the pain quickly, once he was done he moved to the small of her back and rubbed slowly to the middle. "Is it working Asper, I can feel it warming up my hands grandmother said it would take care of it." Darryl was enthusised greatly that it seemed like the pain was subsiding. He understood that most of the family didn't understand Asper, but he did and knew it would take time.

Asper moaned softly, her ankles stopped throbbing from being on her feet so much today her hips for once felt wonderfully... of nothing. Her back stopped hurting and as he rubbed the tight muscles relaxed a little as well. It felt blissful to Asper, this was almost better... Then rich wine and a good heist. Better... then sugar. She sighed and moaned as his hands eased her sore body and he comforted her with his mere pressence, giving her ease of mind at being safe and well... comfertable.

Once he was done he set the liniment bottle on the floor so he could get to it if she needed more. Then stripping down he returned to her side kissing her shoulder and wrapping his arm around her. "Goodnight Asper, if you need more just wake me alright." NOting the faint chill in the room he used his power to warm it up to keep her comfortable. Darryl was happy that she was measurably comfortable now and he kissed the back of her shoulder again before settling in.

Asper leaned back into him, before turning on her side so his front was up against her back. With his arm around her and his warmth behind her she fell asleep qucikly. HEr body was relaxed and eased of the pain finally, and he was there to protect her and keep her safe. After today having to tell the family all those things... she needed this comfort. Though she knew he was... probably a little amazed at how much she had depended on him today. How much she counted on him taking care of her.

When Darryl had disappeared, Fael brought her the container they threw trash into in case she needed to vomit. "So, was everything ok after we left with all of you?" he asked curious. He knew Asper was uncomfortable with so many people, but the Ravenwoods were notorious for being close knit. "I'm glad you are home though, you need your rest my love." As he spoke he began to undo her clothes in preparation to put Elsa to bed.

"She demanded I help work with cleaning up and then... when she was falling asleep she got real nasty... no I'm alright, thank you I love you. But then Darryl followed her up the stairs and when he came back downstairs he was all smiles and hugs and jumping and more hugs and bright smiles and here I am and he left within minutes of jumping us here. I am so tired, Even with Darryl doing most of the work with his powers and his own body and me and her working together." Elsa says kissing Feal for helping him and letitng him help her out of all of her clothes and finish her nightly ritual before helping her into the bed.

"Perhaps it would have been better if Darryl would have brought Lai here, and I satyed to help clean up. Perhaps it is all to do with the nearness of her due date. It sounded like whatever happened upstairs made him very happy though." Fael helped her finish and escorted her to the bed to tuck her in for the night. Leaning over her kissed her deeply then went to his side to undress and join her.

Elsa smiled brightly at his helpfulness and watching him undress. He was so sexy she wished she could do something fun with that body. Maybe he was right and they needed a nice long break from... well baby making. "I don't know if it would have been better but I had no chance to ask Darryl what happened to make him so excited and happy. It is true though... I heard Aunt Arten and Bailey argueing again through the house about Bailey staying with Darryl and Asper. I think maybe, Aunt Arten is worried about being alone finally." Elsa giggled softly.

"I have some concern about what your parents will think when Darryl tells them he is not switching back with Your father or Lucas. Maybe he will tell us later or tomorrow what transpired. Arten is much like Asper and the idea of being alone does frighten her." Fael snuggled close to her and nuzzled against her neck. Sleeping next to Elsa was his most peaceful place in all the world, that would never change.

"I think mother... didn't really account for how lonely us pregnant women would get without our husbands around. But... Asper might start giving birth at any time... Considering Bailey isn't over there to check on her as much as she'd like. Now that Asper's moved into the new house... I don't think Darryl will leave her. I'm sure she won't come back into the main house either." Elsa says snuggling back against Feal, she loved the feel of him holding her and touching her. She liked the way things were right now, she wondered why Mother wouldn't want to keep father with her while they traveled.

"Your mother was focused on the defense of this house and those in Sildea, with her going your father made the logical choice to defend the home. Of course he could not do it alone, so it broke down the way it did. Do you wish to be present when their baby is born? I figure that Lai will and am curious if your mother will want to be there." He kissed the back of her neck a couple times and smiled.

"No... I think Asper... would prefur it if only the people that needed to be there were there... which doesn't inculde Mother or me. Besides... I'll be having ours soon enough..." Elsa smiled softly as she put her arm around her burgeoning stomach. She loved cuddling with him and being so sweet with each other. "I'm sure... things are fine the way they are now aren't they Feal?" Elsa asked oftly.

"Yes, and when eveyone is home, it will only be better. The defense of the kingdom and our futures will be close at hand. And we can focus on our children and each other." The warmth of them laying together made the bed toasty and warm. Fael stroked Elsa's side and stomach and thought about how they would be able to do more once their son was born.

"That sounds soo good... Our families, will all be safe... and close... and we'll be able to... to love to." Elsa said softly dropping off at the end until she she was asleep. The heat and his soothing touches and their closeness dragging her eyelids further and further down until she was fast asleep. She was always fast to sleep first, and today was no different. Even though they wee talking all the work she had done tonight finally caught up with her and she passed out now that she was relaxed and comfertable and warm.

Darryl woke the next morning and checked to see Asper still asleep, or playing convincingly. He stretched out his mind to touch his parents so far away, wanting to get the bad news out of the way early. "Mother, father I hope I'm not disturbing you." he asked before fully touching their minds, he didn't want to intrude if they were busy. Long ago he learned to be patient, because some people needed time to adjust to his voice in their head. As he waited he gently stroked Asper's stomach wanting to keep her and the baby relaxed.

"Darryl? What's the matter sweety? Alehial asks fully awake but not quite ready for Darryl's voice just yet. Is there something wrong? She asks, unsure if there was a problem, danger or if it was just him ready to change people over.
Asper laid sleeping still, the hard work from yesterday really tired her out, and in fact she had been getting even more sleep lately then usual. She was just getting more and more tired and now after helping to clean, and working hard at being nice she was even more exhausted and was comfertable and warm so she was resting.

"Darryl, something wrong?" Altair asked as he was beside Alehial when the thoughts came to him.

I wanted to talk to you before all the changes were to take place, I won't be coming to take my place in the trip. Asper has asked me to stay with her, and I agree, she is too close to giving birth. I will jump when you arrive at Sildea's outskirts since I want to see Jake. I'm sorry if this makes you both angry or upset. Darryl didn't want them upset with him or Asper, but he couldn't disappoint her.

"No I understand Darryl... You're the only one she lets around her without sarcastic barbs and quips. I suppose... we can keep Lucas and Feal and Your Father can switch." Alehial sends back with a mental sigh. SHe had thought it might happen but she was hoping Asper didn't actually give birth early. She was hoping Asper stayed closer to the full term.

Altair echoed his wife's words and wondered how long this had been brewing. "How is everything going with Asper? I assume well since she asked you to stay with her."

<i>"We had Grandmother, Fael, and Elsa for dinner last night it was very nice. Asper did get a little tired and cranky, so I helped her get comfortable and took Elsa back to the Estate to get liniment from Grandmother to sooth some aches."
 He looked at her again to see if she had woken while they were talking. Watching her sleep and the baby at rest also made him feel peaceful. "I will switch father and Fael when you want me to though, I can do that much at least."

" Am I missing something Darryl? Shouldn't you be having dinner with them everynight? Living in the same house and all. I'm glad you are taking care of her Darryl... and thank you for offering to do the switch still for us. I wish times were easier for you Darryl... for the entire family." Alehial thinks strongly in return to him, she wished he had found someone else... someone who could admit their love for him, but he was set on Asper and now the world was once again under threat of curruption from Galen. He had yet to show any interest in Alehial this time, but she worried that he was planning something... something worse then he had come up with yet.

"I finished our house and moved us into it, she is a little more comfortable here. But, I am just a jump away in case anything happens, I promise." He knew his mother didn't care much for Asper, it was his fondest wish that these importnant women in his life could learn to get along. He broke contact with them apologizing again, and assuring them he would be there when they needed him. Then he got closer to Asper and stroked her stomach again.

Asper groaned as the little girl inside of her pushed out against his hand rubbing against her. Rolling a little to the side to look up at Darryl Asper groans. "What are you doing?" She asks groggily, still very sleepy. It was too early in the morning, she didn't normally wake until afternoon so she was curious as to the reason he was disturbing them. Though she did kind of have to pee again.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you both." he apologized. Leaning over he kissed her gently and touched her face. "Would you like to go back to sleep or I could make you breakfast?" he tempted her. He would do whichever she wished, but the idea of cuddling back under the covers sounded beter to him. Darryl hoped as he did most mornings that this would be a good day.

"I need to pee... and then I AM going to go back to sleep. Help me?" Asper asked softly at the end of her demands. She was very tired but now that she was semi awake she really needed to pee. "You can make me breakfast later when we wake up in a few hours." Asper grins cheekily at Darryl, peeking at him from the side. She scooted slowly to the edge of the bed and pushed herself to sit up. From there she was going to need a little bit of help.

Darryl met her and helped her to her feet and behind the screen and placed the chamber pot. "Of course I will make you breakfast, what would you like? And I'll even bring it to you in bed if you like." He helped her clean up and then back to the bed. He smiled at her and took in her beauty, and he leaned to kiss her stomach then rose and kissed her. Once she was back in bed, he walked around it and got back inside before her.

"I don't know... I don't really care either, But I want to go downstairs to eat it. I'm not a weak willed girl to be pampered and coddled. I just... need a little bit of help right now." Asper says yawning widely as she got comfertable again in the bed. Snuggling up against him with her back once again. Warm and releived and happy she was feeling much better, and as long as he didn't make her talk a lot she would fall right back asleep once again.

"Actually I was thinking if I brought you breakfast here, then if you needed more liniment it would be on hand." He snuggled against her and kissed her neck and rubbed her back a little. "And your will is only weak when it comes to sweet rolls from Finn's. That's right I didn't give you the extra roll last night, I could bring that and something else and tea." Already he was thinking ahead to the day and what it would hold for them.

"Ooohh... Don't tease me I'm too tired to be teased!" Asper says grinning as she turned and playfully struck his shoulder with her fist. She wanted it bad but she was very tired still, even after a full night of rest she was tired. "Maybe we can eat... Then nap?" Asper asks hopefully, begging just a little and kissing his lips. She really wanted that warm sugery cinnamon bun from Finn's. She continued to kiss him softly and quickly and down his jaw and his neck then back up.

"I'll go warm it up and bring it back, ok?" he said between returning those kisses. Slipping from the bed he hurried to the kithen and grabbed the roll and a plate. On his way back he focused his power and made it oven warm again, just as she liked it. "Alright one sweet roll and then you can get some more sleep." He tore a little piece off and offered it to her, playfully.

Asper sighed happily at the smell of it and opened her mouth. She had sat up a bit more and stuffed her pillows behind her back. She wanted to eat it but was willing to be fed the first bite. SHe was still very tired but if she had food in her stomach she'd sleep even better so it was great. She didn't wonder how fast he had warmed it up... she knew... she dissaproved but... didn't mind at all in fact she really liked it. So for now it was alright for what he had done.

Darryl smiled, Asper would allow him to use his powers sometimes to benefit them. He wasn't quite as hungry and didn't know if he would go back to sleep when she did or not. Perhaps he would go and practice downstairs or spend some time conversing with Grandmother about getting some help around the house. "Not too hot is it?" he asked not wanting her to burn her tongue. Letting her have the plate and roll he cleaned off what remained on his finger and thumb.

"No ohhh... it's ppeeeerrrfect." Asper moaned with each small bite she took of it. She sucked the fingers until there wasn't even a trace of sugar left on them at all after each and every small bite she took. She was leaning back and in almost heaven eating this bun. She was loving getting sugar again... though why no one wasn't letting her have it in surplus was because they were stingy and she was going to have a baby in a few days. Though... she wanted bailey to check again and tell her she had more time... even if that was unlikely according to everyone in the family said.

Darryl closed his eyes, his name was being called from a slight distance and he needed to focus to hear it beter. Then his eyes popped opened and with a slight grin he announced, "Aunt Arten is having her baby, Bailey thought we should know." He quickly closed his eyes and began to touch others minds to advise them of the news. Mother would be cross that she wasn't here for the birth. And very soon local Dwarves would be flocking to the house to see the newest Stoneshield.

"Wow that dwarf is finally having the kid huh? Good thing she's going first. Your mom is going to be sooo dissipointed... You should go get her and bring her. I'll be fine... go take your mother to help them... Arten will want her... she'll need the support. Do it for the family Darryl. This is important." Asper says softly. He was so excited... too excited. He was more excited then... well... then the first time they had had sex or... he found out she was pregnant. When she told him she liked him... when she was nice to him... caring even. This was more important she could see that. "Go... Take her home to her friend... to her family." Asper says softly looking up at him, setting down the plate with the bun on it.

"I'll only be gone a moment or two, its very selfless of you to give me leave to make them happy. I know why I love you so much, you really are an amazing woman. And when I come back, I'm gonna do a bunch of nice things for you." He leaned over and kissed her deeply and lightly touched her face. Then stood and winked out to Garrison to bring mother home.

"Yay... and then Mummy doll will lighten up and stop being such a bitch... and maybe just maybe Asper will get the good stuff and will be let around... once you come out little...little girl. Then Asper can hock some of Gramma's things for some cash to save up for later." Asper says with a grin. She rubbed her stomach softly and took another bite of the bun waiting for Darryl to come back. She didn't mind if it took him five minutes or so... but any longer then that and she was going to get worried.

In response to her talking and soft touch, the baby pushed lightly against her hand. The quiet of the house seemed to swallow the bed up, anyone passing by wouldn't see anything special. A few minutes later Darryl reapeared, "I'm back see not gone long." He smiled at her noting how she was working on the bun. Sitting on the bed he rubbed her leg, "Thank you again for being nice to let me bring her home."

Asper relaxed when he showed back up. While she liked being alone... with LAsh alive... with new powers... she was afraid of being alone for longer then five minutes. "that's me a very good girl." Asper mocks with a fake cute smile before taking another bite of the bun. She smiled brightly though after her mouthful, a genuine smile. She rested back to chew the bite and releive the slight pain holding herself up was causing.

He smiled back catching the mocking tone, "I still think it was nice of you. Bailey said she would come stay with us for until the baby comes in a couple of days. Once she made sure Arten was ok, I thanked her in advance for doing this." He ran his hand over her stomach and smiled as he felt the baby push back. Then he got up to stoke the fire to keep it warm inside the house.

Asper smiled a litlte and opened her mouth to say something but the only thing that came out was a large yawn. SHe'd only gotten half of the normal amount of sleep for the day for her. She was almost done with the bun though. "I was gonna say hope it comes out okay." She says with a sly grin after she yawned. Though the wakefulness from before was leaving her. She was getting tired now... really tired. she took another small bite but she wanted to lay down more and close her eyes. It felt like all the energy she'd had for a moment, was all gone now that Darryl was back.

Coming back to the bed he took the plate and set it aside and tucked her back in. "I'm sure it will turn out ok, you should just get some sleep." Tucking her back into bed he kissed her cheek, "You rest some more and I'm gonna do somethings around the house. If you need more liniment or anything you call ok?" With Arten giving birth it made him so much more aware that their daughter was coming soon.

"Can you stay...till I'mma sleep?" Asper asks softly looking up at Darryl. She knew he might want to go do something but she couldn't sleep if he wasn't with her... or laying behind her. In fact she only ever napped on the couch when he was in the room or slept on the bed with him behind her. She was worried too... that maybe the baby would come even earlier... even though she had six more days since Bailey first said... it was scary to really think about and so she wasn't... really hard.

"How about I just stay then until you wake up and you can rest in the sitting room while I take care of stuff. Including dinner, which I thought I'd make a stew with chicken and vegetables." He stripped back down and crawled in beside her wrapping his arm around her and giving her a peck on the neck. He had left his mother just outside Arten's door and told her to summon him again when she was ready to go back. He was very proud of her and the way she sent him to get Alehial for Arten.

It was only a few moments and Asper was fast asleep. She didn't say a word to what he had said because she was too tired to understand what he had said anyways. She just knew she was relaxed and comfertable and warm and... held. That is what was important, that was what she needed right now. He was taking care of her... and other then invading her mind and taking away all of the power of self control she was safe and... content. Being cared about was nice... it made her miss Jake though. Actually a lot of things were making her miss Jake recently.

Alehial knocked softly on the door. "BAiley?! Darryl brought me let me know what to do to help... please let me be in there." Alehial calls softly, she didn't want to disturb Arten but she knew the labor was going to be long and hard and painful... just like everything about dwarves almost. But Alehial needed to be there for Arten like Arten had always been there for Alehial.

Arten's voice called out from behind the door, "THEN WHY IN THE HELLS AREN'T YOU IN HERE?!?!" She had once told Alehial that dwarven births were painful, and she had drop the usual dwarven dourness once it had started. Bailey opened the door and ushered her inside, "I hope you can handle some of the language she has been using." The cleric of Moridin was laying on her back with a sheet covering her lower half and sweating. Bailey again took her position waiting and checking the baby's progress, Lai was sitting beside and dabbing Arten's forhead.

"Oh Arten! I'm so excited! Let me see Bailey... hmmm looks like your coming along nicely! Just try to relax a little right now... No need to push for a while yet it looks like!" Alehial says talking excitedly. She smiles softly to Arten and squeezes her shoulder gently. Knowing she would never accept a hug and holding hands was dangerous to Alehial's bones right now. "Altair can handle the group left behind so you have me for all this time alright?" Alehial says smiling brightly at Arten and Lai.

Lai returned the smile, but Arten wasn't smiling. "How in the hells did you biorth so many? I think one might be my undoing!" She had another contraction and screwed up her face and gripped the bed sheets tightly. But, true to her dwarven roots she did not cry out or begin to cry, just clench up through the worst of it. Bailey lifted the sheet a little to check again and Arten shouted, "WILL YE QUIT AIRING ME NETHERS YOU DURN FOOL GIRL!"

"Oh Arten she's just checking you did it to me all the time with all... um... eight?... no... seven of my children? I had Altair to beat while I was having them all you know. But now you have Bailey and Lai and me here with you. I also waited until I was married you know." Alehial teases softly, before walking over and kissing Artens cheek. "The trick is to breath in and out evenly and and concentrate on where it hurts the most when it's happening. If you need to bite on something I suggest a dagger scabbard, You can use one of mine if you want?" Alehial says supportively, giving all the advice she knew from dealing with all of her births to try and help Arten.

Arten grumbled and huffed as the contraction passed as she relaxed a little. Bailey lowered the sheet and nodded, "I agree Lady Ravenwood, it looks like this could be a little while. Me mother's last one was two days of labor before the birthen. Auntie, how long you been havin the pains?" Again Arten made an annoyed face and grunted out "six hours". Lai shook her head, "As always, stubborn as stone Arten."

"I'll stay by your side for as long as you need me Arten. Whether you ask for me or not... I will be here by your side. Altair can handle a few days travel to Sildea in my stead. My place is here helping you right now." Alehial says with a soft smile, poor stubburn Arten. Pregnant and giving birth and still refusing to see the man she had been fooling around with to get in this condition in the first place. Alehial loved Arten dearly though and she would stay until the baby was born and healthy and Arten was healed a little after the birth. After all it was Artem at every birth that helped her... except for Alloura... that was Asper but Arten was there still just in the other room.

Hours began to pass as Arten would have contractions on and off, Bailey would check and then would sing another dwarven birthing song. Which with a grin Lai mentioned it was also a male drinking song, causing Artin to laugh. Bowers knocked to inquire about food and drink, of which Arten only wanted water. "Tis too bad the other non-child havin' daughters aren't here, you could scare them to wait until after marriage." Arten quipped during a break. Bailey during Bowers's quick stop was asleep in her chair waiting for the next birthing chant and progress check.

"Oh Arten, Lily has already seen two births and in a year or two I'll have the twins come and help, bring wrags and water and wipe foreheads. That's what I've done with them all. That's what you told me to do. But hey at least now we have a non Ravenwood child running around the house finally right?" Alehial grins at Arten, still sitting my her side and being supportive. If she knew any dwarven past hello and help me or the formal greeting she would help with the chanting and such things but as it was she was only good for support really.

Arten found a chance to nap between another contraction, leaving Alehial and Lai alone to talk. "Did Darryl tell you he and Asper moved out? It seems like Asper is doing a little better in the new home. They had Elsa, Fael, and myself to dinner, Lily decided to stay here. Is Altair angry about his decision or better yet are you angry?" Bailey snorted and stirred a little and Arten murmured before putting her hand against her stomach.

"No... I didn't know... I... wow... my baby left the house... I... wasn't really expecting that." Alehial says taking a moment or two to mull over that fact. It certainly explained a few things but still... If Darryl left... how long until Lucas... and Mathius... elsa and Feal. Even Lily? Alehial was lost in thought of her children getting older and growing further away from her and moving away from her as well. She had to deal with Lyriel leaving but.. Lyriel came home and it was good for a Druid to travel the lands and get a better knowledge by experience. At least Conner could never really leave. Though her poor baby boy was striving for freedom so hard. Alehial barely heard anything else Lai had said.

Arten stirred and grimaced, "GAWDS, WHAT IN THE HELLS IS HE DOING IN THERE CARVING HIS NAMES!!" Bailey snapped upright and lifted the sheet, "Well, I hope no one has plans for the next couple of hours." She then began another low chant into another song. Arten looked and in a shocking turn held out her hands to her friends. "If either of you tell I'll deny it until me dyin day." she tried a slight smile.

"Won't tell a soul Arten." Alehial promises taking the dwarves hand and smiling brightly in return. she was blushing softly, Arten had never trusted her like this before and she felt... elated. She was so happy to be here and help Arten give birth to her very own baby. "We'll be here for you the whole time alright? WE'll always be by your side because we're a family." Alehial says softly holding Artens one hand in both of her and hugging it gently.

Lai took the other and dabbed the dour dwarves forehead, she felt honored as Alehial did that they were so trusted. "Have you thought of a name yet Arten? I mean I know dwarves have everything pretty planned out." Bailey looked up and smiled at them. Her aunt had picked out several names, and was moving them about to see how they best fit. She finished the chant and gently checked to see his progress to being born.

"Tell us the names you have chosen so we know what to call him when he joins us in this world." Alehial asks softly holding Arten's hand still and smiling softly at the dwarf. She was so excited and so happy and so... well she was just loving this utterly and completely. It was good though that Bailey was here, without her things would have been much worst and abosultely more painful for Arten. The poor dwarf had been through so much, but it was worth it. Otherwise there wouldn't be a whole race of them.

"Kerk Essar Stoneshield, and don't be givin me grief for naming him after the old king. He was a right good king and hopefully his name'll bring the same to me son." Lai smiled broadly and nodded, "I think that is a good name for your son." She knew that many dwarves would not understand, but behind the scenes King Essar had spoken with Arten and valued her point of view. It seemed that most everyone who lived in this house had the king's ear at one time or another.

"I think it's a great name Arten and the king where-ever he is would be proud of the honor you are giving to him. But Arten... He is your son and that alone means he will become a great man someday." Alehial says with a soft smile still. She didn't know the old king... in fact she didn't know almost anything of Dwarven society. But it was important to Arten and Lai understood so it meant that Alehial understood too and would support Arten in everything she was doing for the baby, Alehial would be there to help Arten in anything she needed. She felt like... Arten was family. Sometimes Arten was sort of her father like figure. Alehial liked to think Arten thought like her father did.

Bailey checked again and smiled at them all, "I think he might appear sometime before dinner. A normal twelve to fourteen hour labor, most dwarves are like that. Which means another four hours, and only two chants left, anyone need to do anything?" This wasn't her first delivery and thank goodness for that, she had drank and used the chamber pot at least four times for her first delivery. Her instructor was very cross and made her clean the birthing chamber twice as punishment for unprofessional behaviour.

"I'll stay with Arten while Lai has a break. I know she needs to stretch her legs and get circulation going again. Especially being in the present condition. But no dear I'm fine thank you though for offering. I will stay with Arten... By your side Arten." Alehial says giving a meaningful look at Lai before a soft one at Bailey and then an even softer one for Arten. Alehial wouldn't leave the dwarf. Not for anything. She was by her side for the whole thing and she wanted to be the family that Arten needed around her for this birthing. But Lai had to get up and move around and eat something and releive herself Alehial was sure of it.

"I will not be gone long maybe check on the house make sure everything is in order." She stood and squeezed Arten's hand affectionately before departing. Bailey smiled and began another chant at which Arten rolled her eyes. After Lai left Arten turned her attention to Alehial, "She didn't tell you about that trollop from court King Ninkompoop wants Flint to marry did she?" She had a soft spot for the little boy who she had the unfortunate responsibility of proclaiming Galin Ravenwood's son.

"Yes I did... There seems... to be no legal manner in whichwe can force things to a stand still though Arten, and if we still refuse and put up arms... we are enemies to the king and have betrayed him. We are stuck between a hard place and a drawf as my husband might say.I don't know what to do for it Arten. I'm afraid he had very few options left to him at this point." Alehial says softly, sadly, her poor nephew... so much was resting on his shoulders so much were people expecting of him.

"It's easy to see where his heart lies, and how will it affect Lyriel?" Arten asked. She suddenly tensed as another contraction happened, screwing up her face and taking deep breaths. "Wonder if the Queen knows anything about this decision, or could help slow it until a loop hole could be found." After a few minutes she managed to relax a fresh sheen of sweat covered her forhead. "I don't nee to tell you how much I do not look forward to pushin' out them huge shoulders!" she said with a grimace.

Alehial smiled before laughing softly, "I don't know how things will unfold but I am afraid Galin may try to persuade Flint to join him. Lyriel is determind to help the family this time round. she feels like if she doesn't help the family in one of our turmoils she will forever be in our debt I fear." Alehial says wiping Artens forehead and the sides of her neck. "It's not so bad. It hurts but the moment you get tosee him all clean and screaming it'll all be worth it trust me Arten. In this I would never lie to you."

"The boy hates his father, ever since he found out the truth about him. And I know he wants to blame Galin for what happened to his mother and family. But to push him inta the arms of the bed-hoppin' Poppy is insane, and will only push Flint either away or into someone else's arms. What will happen if he refuses the kings orders?" she asked, pretty sure she knew the answer. Nodding her thanks to Alehial for taking over with the rag.

"He will refuse... and he will run... and Lyriel will go with him and stay in contact with us returning when need is had of her. Don't worry about such things now Arten. You worry about this baby and how healthy he'll be coming from you." Alehial smiles softly not wanting to get Arten's spirit down while in labor for a child. That was something no one needed. They needed a safe delivery with no complications. Alehial sent up a small prayer to the gods that the baby would come out safe, and unharmed.

A little while later Lai arrived and looked rather unhappy, "I think one of our maids informed that the lady of the house has returned. Poppy is at the door wanting to talk to you & possibly see her soon to be home. I had Bowers show her into the sitting room, we'll make her wait ubntil after the baby comes." As if on cue Bailey looked under the sheet, "Might actually be in the next two hours he seems to be in a rush." Arten made a grumbling sound, "How about we tell her to come up, and tell her she has to have a dozen to be part of the family."

"That spoiled little brat. She'll wait indeed until matters are finished and be greatful she is even allowed in this household while I have returned home." Alehial says hotly with a scowl. She was here for one reason and that Reason was family. There was no reason to interupt her travels to gather her children for any other reason. In fact Poppy may well learn what it means to be a Ravenwood indeed if Alehial had her way of it. Right about now some nasty plans were running through her head to show the little gold digging harlet a lesson or two. "Don't you worry Arten I've got a thing or two I will be saying and using by the end of today. Now don't you worry none about that. If he's in as muchof a rush to come out as Bailey says your going to need some water getting boiled and clean dressings and clothes ready for this baby. I'll just go get the staff on alert, Lai will stay here won't take me more then a few minutes." Alehial promises and despite what protests it might bring gave Arten a kiss on the cheek before getting up and walking out the door, headed for the kitchens using the servant staircase.

Inside the kitchen the cook was already cooking and talking over the dinner menu with Bowers when she arrived. "M'Lady Ravenwood." they both said almost in unison. Tolly the cook smiled broadly as he stirred one of the pots simmering above the fire. Bowers was folding napkins and checking the flatware. "Is there something you need mistress?" Bowers asked as she noticed a stack of clean towels waiting on a serving tray.

"Yes Bailey says only another two hours or so before the baby comes. If I know anything about having babies... and I do... It'll come earlier or later then she thinks so we need the clean linens sanitized and sent up. Also we'll need hot water the closer we get. Something light for dinner I think and has anyone seen Lily? I surely thought she'd be part of this learning more dwarven and helping out." Alehial says in her normalgood mood, not so much ordered just telling what needed done withthe implication of her thanks in her tone already. She'd been in Arten's rooms the whole while she was home and thought it strange Lily was not in the room. though if she was patrolling the grounds it made sense, Elsa too she hadn't seen while she was thinking on it.

"Lady Lily is either training or patrolling, Lady Elsa was in her chambers last I saw her. The linens are ready my lady and we have several buckets worth ready to be heated." Bowers knew in this house being a step ahead was part of the job. His father taught him to anticipate their needs, and Bowers prided himself on being a good student. Tolly nodded that he understood what was needed of him.

"thank you Bowers. You're doing a wonderful job as always. I just thought I'd come and tell you rather then summon you. Also when That girl in the sitting room asks tell her there is previous business at hand and I will get to her as swiftly as I can finish. Don't let her leave." Alehial says with a soft but not kind smile. "thank you Tolly, for being so good to this family." Alehial says in thanks before departing up the stairs from where she had come. Knocking on the door lightly before anouncing herself and going inside. "Back!" She says happily moving to Artens side immedietly.

"Ye weren't gone the durn long." Arten said with a slight smile at her. It was obvious that she was in another contraction and was trying to hide it. Bowers had told Alehial before she left he would send Lily & Elsa if he saw them. Lai looked across and asked, "Did you scare Poppy away? I do hope so." Arten grunted her agreement, "Are you gonna grant he fondest wish and let her in Flint's house?"

"Both of you settle down. I'll take of her. That little girl has a lot of growing up to do and I will see to it that the road to the one thing she really wants will be harder then she ever thought possible. If nothing else I'll break her spirit." Alehial says with a bright happy smile on her face. Sitting on the stool and taking Artens hand again. She knew though that Arten was happy she hadn't taken very long. She could see the strain on the Dwarf and Alehial was very proud to have been adopted by Arten into the adventuring family they had been in... and sometimes still were.

Bailey was chanting again then peeked and her eyes went a little wide. "I must declare he is in a heck of a hurry. Aunt I believe we can start the birthing now, he seems ready to go." Aretn nodded and began to prepare to push as Bailey finshed the chant and got prepared. "I wish Lily and Elsa were avaialable to help, Were'd be nice to have them with us."

"Hold that thought!" alehial says jumping to her feet. She ran to the door and rang the bell, Bowers should pop up in a few minutes. She opened the door and stepped out and closed it behind her she was hoping this would take no more then a few moments. She was right. the baby was coming faster then they thought he would. She had an intuition for these sorts of things. Having developed them from her own many birthings. "Come on Bowers hurry up." She says after a few moments pass by.

Soon Bowers followed by Tolly and an maid came upstairs with the linen and the hot water. "My apologies Lady Ravenwood the water was not quite ready yet." he told her. "Is there anything else you or mistress Arten needs of us right now?" All of them were laden down with their burdens, not wanting to fail in their tasks. Downstairs she could hear Poppy asking a maid what was taking so long in her best whiney tone.

"take them inside now and hurry please. I'll just be a moment." Alehial says with a soft smile that quickly took on a hard edge and a menacing gleam in her eye. She turned and doing something she hadn't done in a very long time slid down the banister until she reached the bottem floor. "Poppy! Just the girl I was looking for! How small are your hands perfect! We need them just in case the baby needs help getting pulled out." Alehial says grabbing the young ladies wrist and practically dragging her up the steps. "So sorry to have kept you waiting but you see we wanted to wait until the baby was coming so you could see how you'll help in the future and what'll you'll be doing for the rest of your life dear. After all WE ravenwoods have a lot of the world to save so every hand counts and as many children as we can give out is as many as we need!" Alehial says happily dragging the girl further up the stairs.

"Wha-What? I haven't even seen my soon to be home yet. Isn't this a little early to thrust me into helping?" She didn't fight Alehial, but it was easy to see she wasn't enthusied. Bowers and the others exited Arten's room and took positions waiting for other requests. Poppy looked at Alehial again, "I'm not against helping, but could we later see the house, I haven't even spoken to Flint yet. He mounted up and rode off to go to the elven kingdom, when I tried the last time."

"Oh enough of that later right now there's a baby to deliver! Besides you'll be doing a lot of this currently Elsa, Lai and Asper are all pregnant and if you get married you will be to very soon!!" Alehial says with a bright smile on her face as she pulls the girl into the room. "Now wash your hands thoroughly and get that perfume and lotion off your hands! I want you to scrub. Arten, I'm having Poppy help if you don't mind. Let her get a taste for birthing so she'll be ready after all Ravenwood seed is potent enough she might have twins on the honeymoon night!!" Alehial grins at the others winking. It should be gory enough a little princess like Poppy should faint appropriatly. Then Alehial can really get on with the birthing and take care of her later.

She blanched a little but went and washed her hands as she had been told and came back not very near the table. "Umm, exactly wha-what am I supposed to do, I mean shouldn't a priest or midwife be doing all this?" Lai looked at Alehail like her daughter-in-law had lost her mind. Arten in turn pulled the sheet aside so Poppy could see her condition. "Naw, the best ways to understands is to be right there in the thick of it, Bailey give Poppy some room and start gettin her ready."

Alehial handed poppy a steaming white linen clothe. "Now you help catch the baby when he pops on out. Get between the legs there with Bailey. See that there? That's the very top of his head coming down out of her womb. Don't worry dear I'm a midwife and a healer and so is Bailey. Arten too for that matter." Alehial says patting Poppy on the back happily. She took Poppy's shoulders and brought her around Arten to see between her legs. Showing her the begining of the birth of the newest member of the family. "This is Artens first but no less then five out of each woman is the best way I say." Alehial whispers into Poppy's ear. "Now when he comes out there'll be fluid and a little blood and a bunch of goop so be ready for it all Poppy, and don't worry about the pink fleshy cord that comes out too Me and Bailey will handle that." She says encouragingly.

Bailey moved aside and when Poppy went to get into position, she just nudged the girl enough so her shoe got into the pot. Poppy squeaked and almost dropped the linen but kept ready. Arten looked quizzically at Alehial, unbelieveing that Poppy was willing to help. Lai was eqaully surprised at the turn of events. Poppy looked unsure, "I don't really know how this all works."

"Don't worry I'm right here and Bailey will be here as well. Bailey needs to be the first to lay hands on him so you must use the linen, you hold it beneath where he'll come out, he'll fall into your hands quick. Don't mind the mucas and slime and such hold the baby. After he comes out Bailey will take him. That's when the fun stuff happens. While she cleans him and checks him over after I cut the cord and tie it off, you'll be in charge of catching the afterbirth sac. Now don't drop it or squish it. IT's very important to keep it undamadged and in a clean linen clothe." Alehial explains her own hands scrubbed and she was holding a linen as well. If Poppy couldn't manage then Alehial would be there beneath her. "Arten you need to put your heels on the edge of the bed here... He;d coming fast and you'll need to push with the contractions." Alehial coaches with a gentle tone.

"DID I ALWAYS SOUND LIKE THAT?!" she retorted in kind as she began to push. Poppy watched and made some odd faces but tried her best to do as she needed. But as the baby got closer her face began to become greener, Bailey nudged Alehial and nodded that direction. "Um, Poppy are you alright?" Lai asked in a concerned tone. As in response the young woman fell to the floor and didn't move. "OH TO THE NINE HELLS!" Arten bellowed.

"It's alright I'm right here Arten. I knew she couldn't handle it. Don't worry just push with the pain. Bailey and I are here, WE'll take care of you and get him out just fine. We're right here Arten don't worry just push He's coming through!" Alehial says soothingly, not wanting the dwarf to think because Poppy passed out there was no one there to handle the baby. Alehial had everything well in hand and pushed poppy aside with her foot. Getting her a little out of the way for herself at least. Having put Poppy in a place where she wouldn't fall in Bailey's way.

A knock and Bowers's voice came through the door, "Lady Ravenwood is everyting alright?" Arten was pushing and trying to breath through the delivery and Bailey was doing an admirable job as the midwife. Lai was holding Arten's hand and wiping her forehead. "If she couldn't handle it, I wish she hadn't tried." Arten said. Out in the hall Bowers sent a maid to inform Elsa and a butler to find Lily.

"Just breath Arten. Breath and concentrate on pushing. Save your strength!" Poppy was a foolish stupid little girl, and Alehial would show her even more after she woke from her faint. Alehial had no time to spare details at the moment. The baby was coming faster and faster. Almost his whole head was clear, soon was to come the hard part now. "Breth Arten and push, he's almost here. Just a few more good ones and you'll be done. He'll be out and he'll be here. Just a few more Arten. you're doing so well!" Alehial guides and offers trying to encourage Arten and staying where she was to get the baby. "Bailey you must tie his cord and cut it... then clean him. Yours must be the first hands to touch him. Then It is up to you to take the afterbirth to save or leave it to me." alehial says hurriedly. She was calm but needed to be sure how they were going to be proceeding about all of this.

"I'll handle the little guy, while you try not to drop anything on our unconscious friend." Bailey answered. "Alright Auntie, a couple of pushes real hard and you should be done." Then she placed the knife to cut the cord near to grab when she needed it. Her training made her focus on the situation before her. Arten's face twisted up and she bared down trying to expel the baby.

Five minutes pass and more pushing... another fifteen and suddenly the baby came out, Alehial caught him and wrapped him quickly, While Bailey tied the cord off close to the navel and cut it off. Once that was done Alehial handed the baby to Bailey. "Wash him make sure he cries, Quickly now!" Alehial syas before she once again grabs a new clean linen and crouches. "Almost done Arten just the after birth just push when the contractions happen. Bailey has him, Bailey's got him and he will be fine she'd got him and he'll be fine! We need to take care of you now as well." Alehial says softly encrouaging Arten as much as she could.

Bailey took the baby with all haste and wiped him clean, immeadiatly he opened up his lungs and cried. Lai smiled and wiped his mother's forehead of sweat, "Very healthy sounding lungs my old friend." she whispered to Arten who was trying to push still. Shortly after Alehial had her second issuant to catch from Arten's nethers. Bailey finished by casting a couple spells in rapid succession and at the end wrapped him up in a clean towel. She brought the baby to his mother and offered, "Arten Stoneshield, may I now place Kerk Essar Stoneshield into your arms, may he live a long and happy life guided by his family, this first blessing given by Bailey Coorin Stoneshield."

Alehial smiled brightly, wrapping the afterbirth carefully. Once it was away she walked back over and cleaned Arten carefully, wincing a little at the sight of a tear she casts a quick spell over Arten and let her lower her legs. Laying flat and hopefully more comfertably, Alehial walked around them to join the little groupd of women. "Conradulations Arten, he's adorable." Alehial says softly smiling brightly at Arten and the baby Kerk.

Kerk favored his father's dark hair and some facial features, but his eyes, mouth, and skin tone was all Arten. Arten smiled and held him close and smiled at everyone around her. "Ya did good Bailey, and thank ye Alehial for bein a second set o hands. And you Lai for encouragin & keepin me going, I'd thank tha Poppy girl, but she left fore he even show'd up." He gave a little yawn and opened his eyes to look around at them.

"Arten... I will always be here when you need me. As for Poppy when she awakens, well I have more work for her to do... things I do hope she understands very quickly how hard it will be to try and get into our family. If I cannot convince her to give up... then I will send with Flint all the money and all the gear he could need to be safe and be well on his journeys in life. For now let us get you more comfertable and you need to feed that babe Arten. If he does not take milk now he will never, take it easily." Alehial says softly urging Arten quickly.

Arten busied herself feeding Kerk, "Perhaps you are onto something, but what if the girl doesn't give up? And why the hells is she here now anyways?" Lai looked at Alehial and smiled, "She probably wants to see the house." Arten huffed a little at the mention of the house and Bailey moved off to clean up the room. Poppy laying on the floor made a small wounded animal sound that drew everyone's attention. "Is she comin' round?" was Arten's only question before focusing on Kerk.

"If she doesn't give up as I said I will send enough supplies and set up mettings with him to see him taken care of for as long as he needs it. Not only that but, I know Lyriel would go with him to make sure he would be safe. Until the family had need of her. There is always more then one hat of disguise as well though Arten." Alehial says with a smile before walking over to the frilly lump on the ground. Alehial leaned over and smacked her cheek rather hard. She didn't beleive in using smelling salts. Just more weight to carry and a glass vial that might shatter. A smack worked just as well anyways. "Poppy. Wake up dear it's all over you missed the birth and the clean up. I'm afraid you were rather useless but don't worry... There are at least two more going to happen reletively soon!" Alehial tells the young girl as she rouses.

"Ow, why did you hit me?" she asked sitting up and rubbing her cheek. "I'm not a midwife and this was the first birth I was ever present for." She pouted as she regained her feet, while rubbing ALehial's hand print. "When my father heard you returned, he wanted me to come here to ask to see the house Flint & I will share. Congratulations on your son Mistress Stoneshield." she said with a small smile at Arten and Kerk.

"Poppy sweety we have no smelling salts so we would have had to use water and ruin your pretty dress or a leave a mark for ten minutes on your pretty face. Besides being a Ravenwood even the wife or husband who marries into the fmaily means you will have to deal with the unusual and out of place every day. If you can't handle it... well... maybe you should convince your father a different merchant prince is better then a Ravenwood one. It'll be a little more time here taking care of Arten and the baby then we will go to the house I promise. I have big plans for you and I being there." Alehial smiles brightly getting the girl a clothe that was cold from water and not very wet for her cheek. Alehial was a mother and she knew just what to do and she was very gentle as she handled the young gold digging wench.

Bailey shook her head and went back to cleaning up her equipment and removing her vestment. "Well this goes in with the other soiled linens for a good washing. I wonder where Elsa and Lily are? The news a new baby in the house should've brought them outta the walls." She figured the Ravenwood girls were being polite before mobbing Kerk with attention. "Shall I send a message home about the blessed event Aunt?" she asked moving to the unrolled family tree on another table to scribe the newest arrival to the sizable clan.

Indeed it was only another ten minutes or so of the so called peace in the room before Elsa knocked hurriedly and then came in anyways followed quickly by Lily who was in her pants and tunic, obviously she'd taken off her armer and weapons and changerd clothes so she was clean to enter the room with the newborn and Aunt Arten. "How did it go?!" Elsa asks excitedly rushing over. Though it was more of a waddle now, she was still much quicker and smaller then Asper as of yet.

"What's he look like the Dad or Aunt Arten?! Hi Mummy! Poppy..." Lily says before kissing her mothers cheek and also moving to Aunt Arten's side to see the baby. Though Lily blushed at Aunt Artens naked breast Elsa only had eyes for the baby. Lily was excited though and she said the ceramonial words of congratulations in traditional dwarven to her Aunt. She'd been practicing a lot of her dwarven for this event and was sad she was on patrol of the grounds when it was all happening.

The baby released Arten and looked at the newest voices before him. A minute or two listening and he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Lai smiled, "I hope he doesn't snore like his mother." Arten shot her a unamused look then smiled, "He won't snore." Even the incident with Poppy being her wasn't going to dour her happiness at having her son in her arms.

Elsa cooed and oohed and aawed over the baby, she was smitten and well like always it made her miss her own babies very much and in want of the new one had her rubbing her own stomach gently. "He's perfect Aunt Arten. Absolutely perfect." She says hugging her gruff older aunt. Knowing the old codger couldn't protest now because it would disturb the baby if she did. Elsa just couldn't help it though, babies made her happy and snuggly and affectionate. She'd always helped Alehial with all the babies too. She was a natural born mother.

Lily grinned. "He's kinda fat though... and squishier then mums." She announces though she wondered at how tiny he was, would he really get big and broad and short as the others? He looked so tiny... all round and purple and squished. He looked a lot different then her younger siblings. All square-headed though it was rounder then usual and all curled up tight in the blankets he was in. It was... curious and he was very cute she admited just she hadn't ever seen a Drawf baby before.

Lai hugged Lily, "Be careful, Aunt Arten will start telling baby stories about you." The girls were well recieved and added some mirth to the room. Poppy had moved aside and took a seat when Lily and Elsa arrived. She would do as Alehial said and bide her time. Trying to figure out how best to get around Lady Ravenwoods prickly demeanor about her and this marriage the king ordered.

"Oh please don't! I don't think hearing any of those will do me any real good! I mean he's pretty handsome... well... more adorable then handsome I'd say but that's because he's a baby right? And they are supposed to be cute and adorable and sweet and loud and smelly and cleaned up a lot. Besides there are so many babies from Mum how can you remember all of us as babies? I really wonder about that you know. How you keep us all straight in your head." Lily says speaking very softly to as not disturb the now sleeping newborn but ust as excitedly as she always did. A mile a minute and a tongue that could never get twisted as some people said about Lily.

Elsa giggled softly at Lily and her talk and gazed at the baby while still hugging Aunt Arten. She hadn't coplained yet and Elsa missed the random hugs from the dour Dwarf. But not she'd get to see her more, after the birthing Dwarves while keeping the babies close and together with family were very proud of them like any mother should be Elsa thought to herself and kissed Artens temple softly. Then she too offered her congratulations in dwarven to her aunt.

"I remember everyone of the children I helped your mother birth. Even you who I didn't, that story would come from Elsa. I was in exile at the time of the occupation." Arten smiled at the kind words in Dwarven and she kept Kerk close to her to keep him warm. "And I hope I'm on my feet for Elsa's next one, if she finishes hugging me before then." she said with a gruff smile.

"I wasn't much help... I just handed towels to Father and Grandma Lai. I was only what... ten at the time? I was a prisoner too and Mummy Let herself be a prisnoner to keep me safe from Galin." Elsa says not letitng go of the dwarf. "And shush aunt Arten if I keep hugging you I won't want to steal your baby." She says knowing the old Dwarf would never give up the newborn. "I hope your there for the birthing to Aunt Arten... I feel safe when your there to deliver my babies." Elsa says softly.

Lily giggled and lookd at her mother. Alehial had joined the hug on Lily with Lai. "Was it hard... Birthing me and Conner Mum... when un- er Galin had taken over the castle?" Lily asked " Cause I think it would be really hard cause you had thought dad was dead but then he was in disguise and you know about A bunch of things at the time and I bet it was a real shocker when you threw things at Galin and chased him out of the room hee hee hee I bet theres no woman on earth he's afraid of except you Mum." Lily said proudly to Alehial. She didn't notice the darkened look on Alehials face or the fear in her eyes that she quickly squelched.

"Damn straight there isn't any other woman as tough as your mother! No other woman could become a leitenant and dragon rider while pregnant with twins... or win a battle as many times as your mother has." Alehial teases tickling lily just a little bit to make her giggle more. Alehial hardly ever spoke of that time. Or the time before that when Galin had... or was a werewolf. There were just things in her past she did not speak about around her children... or around her husband for that matter.

Lai remembered those early times and knew some of the thoughts that Alehial hadin concern of Galin. She had once knocked him unconscious when he attempted to seduce Alehial. Altair loved the half-elf and she returned that love and the petulant werewolf would not threaten that. Galin, as a younger boy he forced Conner and her to seperate before he murdered him. And orphaned his younger brother to be cared for in secret by his stepmother.

Arten looked across at the group of women, "Well at least it is only one hug I gotta deal with." She knew the interaction of this family and she loved them all. Bailey as always was perplexed why her aunt wished to remain here then going home. It was breaking from tradition and that was odd, even for Arten. She poured the sand over the name to dry the ink and let it set for a second before shaking it off.

"Silly Aunt Arten... You'll make them come over here and hug you if you keep commenting like that!" Elsa said with a happy giggle. One last soft kiss to her Aunts temple and Elsa got up. The position was too awekward for her to handle this long anyways. "I've got another month almost to go so you had better be up on your feet and ready Aunt. I know Bailey is taking Care of Asper who's got what one week to go?" Elsa asks bailey trying to include the other Dwarf. She knew the family was hard to understand sometimes but if they included her more maybe.. she would understand?

Lily giggle and got away before sighing. "I still smell like Leather and sweat I'm going to go wash up. You did great Aunt Arten sorry I wasn't here for the whole thing." Lily says softly walking over an dkissing Arten on the otherside on her cheek. She smiles and waves at Elsa and Grandma Lai and Mum before leaving to go wash up. Once she was gone Alehial sighs. "Do you want me to send the offering to the gods in the morning or do you wish Bailey to do it?" Alehial asked, once that was out of the way Alehial would take Poppy to the abandoned house and she had plans for that as well.

Bailey spoke up, "It is usually a family ritual, but I offer you and any of the other daughters to join me." Arten considered them part of her family and that was good enough for Bailey. Lai nodded and smiled at the dwarven priestess. Poppy didn't say anything, she was content to sit and wait for Alehial to find the time to take her to Flint's house. She hoped it wouldn't be long and that Lily wouldn't tag along, their altercation at court was still frsh in her mind.

"I would be honored to be part of it." Alehial said with a large smile at first Bailey and then Arten. This was a female only sort of ceremony as well and Alehial was honored that Arten and Bailey would let them do this. Elsa too smiled brightly. "YEs please" She asked too. She hoped she could make it out there to Mothers glen to do this. As heavily pregnant as she was it might be a bit of a stretch for her to make it but she should be able to. She wanted to be able to. "You can take Poppy to the house now Mother." Elsa says softly, the whole family had ignored Poppy this entire time. "Alright. Poppy come with me." Alehial says softly turning to look at the silent girl in the corner.

She stood and smoothed out her dress and waited for Alehial to lead the way. Knowing that the Ravenwoods soetimes were traditional other times they thumbed their noses at it. "I'm ready whenever you are m'lady." she said demurly. Walking out of the door with ALehial she allowed herself a little smile. She didn't know Flint very well, but he was strong and part of this very wealthy family.

"Good girl. Bowers!" Alehial calls softly as she left Arten's rooms. Only once the door was closed did she call for her butler. She wanted one of the maids to go with them and needed the carriage pulled around. She wasn't changing her clothes but she did unroll her shirt sleeves. She's need some of the training bracers to keep the large sleeves out of her way though. She prefurred buy small mens shirts rather then womens shirts. The mens were more durable. And already made which meant cheaper then getting a custom female shirt made. But she was stopping herself from grinning at what she was about to put Poppy through.

Bower's was outside the door waiting to see if anything was needed when she called. "Yes, m'lady?" his usual response anytime she called almost anywhere in the house. Poppy was following close to the Lady Ravenwood and was growing impatient with all the waiting. She was unsure about how they would fit together physically, but Flint was handsome enough. It was the power and wealth that the marriage offered that she and her father looked forward to.

"Call up one of the girls We'll need the help at Flint's home. Call around the carriage as well. Little Miss Poppy wants to see her future home. Also Altair didn't tell me if the papers for the deals I had procured for Flint's business have come in or not. I will need to talk to Flint. the way he was talking he wanted to sell it all of and stop the businesses. If that's the case he may just give it to us for good. Let's see... Flint has been staying with us for a month or so... and been traveling which means the house had been left unnattended for... Oh well. We'll see what it looks like when we get there." Alehial says softly to herself. She turned after instructing Bowers and headed down the stairs. It was... getting really cold. Winter was almost to the city so Alehial went for her winter traveling cloak. No need for duchess wear not when she wasn't doing anything and visiting a families house.

"Yes m'lady, do you wish anything else?" he asked before heading to make all of the arrangements. "I believe the paper's are being reviewed by the local magistrate and should be ready tomorrow for a signature." Poppy was listening and was more than ready to see her new home. "I hope you can give me more insight to Flint, although I thought his name was Galin? My father made sure I learned a great deal about taking care of a household that a husband may do his duty to king and country."

"Yes. Let Rand and the king know of the safe delivery of Kerk Stonesheild. We'll be home later. Thank you for letting me know though I'll have to use a missive spell to speak to Altair to let him know... I'll sign them so he won't have to worry about them or anything." Alehial informs bowers before she finishes securing the cloak around her shoulders securely. "Flint is who he has always been and if you do not want to be disgraced publicly by your fun little endeavers with the courts men I suggest Poppy you use Flint's name and properly address him as Flint. Your father knows nothing about a woman taking care of a Ravenwood household." Alehial says calmly with a little ice in her tone speaking on the subject.

Her cheeks flushed and her pout returned, but she held her tongue from retorting. "I meant no disrespect to him, but is it not true in legal matters he has to sign Galin Ravenwood the second? If it be his wish I will call him whatever he wishes." She gathered her own cloak, as Juliana the maid approached to go with them. She curtsied to Alehail then to Poppy, "I hope you do not mind, I finished my duties in the scullery early."

"his mother thought his father a different man. And for a time... Galin was a different man. In fact at the time he was a beast. Tamed only for a short period of time. Then he became insane and eventually joined with the dragons. Juliana I'm sorry if I'm taking time away from free time or if you were wanting to go home early. I promise there will be overtime involved for this. I appreciate your coming with us my dear." Alehial says softly, She had been crisp if not distant when speaking directly to Poppy but talking to Juliana she was honey voiced and sweet intentions. Alehial pulled out Lily's travel cloak and offered it to the servant. Alehial was always very kind to the working class and treated them with respect.

"Oh, m'lady I wouldn't think of wearing mistress Lily's cloak. And I am glad to be of service, I only hurried cause I thought I might get a chance to see Mistress Stoneshield's baby." she admitted. Poppy seemed to ponder what Alehial said and wasn't paying a great deal of attention. Bower's arrived with one of the nicer servant's cloaks that Altair made sure was available when the weather was less than favorable. Poppy saw this as a chance to show she could treat others, even servants, like Lady Ravenwood. "Thank you, um, Bowers." she said tripping over his name, but he bowed just the same in response.

"I'm sure she will introuce Kerk to the house before she introduces him to anyone outside of the household Juliana. Thank you Bowers. Poppy will be taken home after we visit the house. I'll bring Juliana here or take her home if she likes. I'm sorry I don't know your schedual dear, and Bowers please try to help Bailey with all the cleanup." Alehial says with a bright pleasant smile, before she sets Lily's back. It was one of Alehial's old cloaks she let Lily have so it wasn't the best condition anyways.

They brought around the carriage and waited for the three women to be ready. Poppy shuddered and wrappered her cloak tighter around her, "This winter may be the roughest in years around here." She knew from her father there had not been a harsh winter since her mother died when she was four. "Juliana, you don't live here in the Ravenwood house?" she knew the Ravenwoods gave their servants a great deal of freedom but never this much. The maid sat near the wind side of the carriage and nodded, "I stay with my brother's family while he is with the army."

"Yes... It will be good for the land and for the sea. Human's can adapt and compensate for the change. WE don't make any of our servants live with us if they don't wish to. And those who do wish to we have ample room for in our home. Humans and animal's are not slaves Poppy and we do not control their every action." Alehial says softly giving Juliana a smile. Alehial hand't had a lot of time as of late to check up on the servants and if they were all doing okay. She often talked to them and made sure things were going well. While she trusted Bowers during the period of time that his father was retiring and he was Training she was often overseeing some things just in case. She had gotten used to it and liked getting involved with the servants.

Poppy fell silent feeling like no matter what she said Aehial would twist it back at her. "Mistress, can I ask what we will be doing at Master Ravenwood's house?" Julianna asked meekly. She had never been to Master Flint's although all the maids talked about the tragic history. She had to admit that none of those that knew Poppy cared for her. And to think a good man like Master Flint would have to spend his life with a woman like this.

"Miss Poppy would like to have a look at it is all. I figured while we are there we can check a few things and perhaps clean up an odd thing or two." Alehial says with a smile. "Isn't that right Poppy? You said I beleive it was 'you wanted to see your future home.'?" Alehial asks having quoted Poppy's earlier statements. No one had been in the house for a few months, by Alehial's estimates and she hadn't bothered paying anyone to clean up the inside. Oh the gutters and the yard yes but not the inside. not when there wasn't anyone living there. Flint always stayed with them at the estate so it never mattered much.

"I hoped to have some idea of where we would live when we are wed, and how best to make it an easy union. And since he is far away right now, I feel I need to try to find something to do while I wait." She fidgeted in her seat uneasy with Alehial constantly saying her name like that. Poppy told the truth, all she knew of Flint was his name and family and what was known by public record. Learning more before he returned would be the real challenge, since she figured that she would still not be allowed to travel to Sildea with him.

"Then you will have some idea of what awaits you Poppy. After all Flint is a man of bare neccesaties and he leaves most business desicions to Altair and myself. there will be a lot of waiting. As soon as he can again, he will enlist in the army once again and be gone. He does not want to live in that house after what happened and he does not wish to be forced into a marriage unlike some who prefur to get the benifits of such marriages." Alehial says softly looking out the window as they got closer and closer to the house. It had been shut up and she had some people go and clean the floors once a week or so. Other then that no one went inside the house. People took care of the garden and the yard but there was nothing else Alehial had done to the house for Flint. He had told her as much.

She felt the blush sting her cheeks, "Then perhaps we could find a house that would work better to start our home. And The King ordered this union, not I, with all due respect." Poppy hadn't been thrilled with Gareth's decree, but she could have done worse with an arranged marriage. Alehial kept treating her like poorly and it was begining to chaffe. Already she had heard whisperings that Flint had been known to frequent Lyriel Ravenwood;s bed.

"Flint would not get rid of the house and if anyone was to live in it and he had to be wed he would do so. He does not wish for a family at this moment after losing his own. Flint took the death of his mother and her husband and his brother and sisters very hard in fact he is still greiving over it. IF you trully didn't like what the king Ordered Poppy you would put a stop to it. Don't think I don't know that Flint is one of the few who has refused your advances." Alehial said again looking this time directly at the younger woman, her green eyes sharp and watchful, but cold as if she was withdrawn emotionally. Alehial had to be otherwise she might snap at the girl and then there would be problems. Alehial supposed she was still young after all, and with much to learn of the human ways yet.

Poppy scoffed and folded her arms under her breasts, "I am aware how the other people of the court refer to me. And it is not all true, but those who have not had a single indescretion not with traditions cast the first stones. I suppose if I had my mother or an aunt to provide some guidance I would have avoided certain promises made by young men looking to notch their bedposts." She at times envied Lily for all of the women she had to learn from growing up. Turning to stare out of the window at the moving city instead of her soon to be aunt-in-law.

"Have you been tested to make sure you are safe? I will not subject my nephew to possible harm if I can help it Poppy. My pointed ears are more then just decoration by the way, while in court I have many sources of information and I beleive even if you had a mother you would have done the same if not worse. In the Ravenwood household Traditions are fallowed as best they can be. In some cases the circumstances prevent tradition from reigning, somehow I do not think the same applies to you Miss poppy." Alehial says once again looking out the windows and no longer at the promiscuous young lady sitting across from her in her own carriage.

"Of course I have!" Poppy said in a shril voice her face becoming quite red. The wagon continued until it arrived at the house and the footman opened the door. Once they clambored out and laid eyes upon the house Flint had inherited. The workers Alehial sent had done a wonderful job caring for it. After a quick look around the front of the house, Poppy was more than ready to go inside and look around there as well.

Alehial smiled, she was sure the girl was clean. A reaction like that meant she had checked. And the reaction to the house that got her hopes up... well a weeks worth of dust would soon see what other kind of reaction she got out of Poppy. The house was unlived in and untouched. Flint's plans were to rejoin the army as soon as he returned. Even if he accepted the marriage which Alehial was almost positive that he wouldn't... he would stay as far away for as long as possible and let the business fall apart or sign it over to Altair and her immedietly. There was no future for either of them on that road. No children... no love... and no money.

The footman unlocked the doors and turned to Alehial, "Shall we wait for you mistress? I will light a fire in the main fireplace and any others you deem." He then waited for her to advise him of what she wanted him to do. Julianna looked at Lady Ravenwood unsure momentarily since there had been all kinds of rumors about what happened here. Poppy waited for Alehail to enter the house first, since it was yet not her home.

"Go ahead in and light the main fireplace and a light or two in each room. I'll be giving Poppy the full tour and Julianna dear just follow along and if there's anything needed done we'll get it done together." Alehial smiles at both the girls before she climbs out. Skipping the steps altogether and just hopping down onto the ground. She was afterall still wearing pants and she didn't need the two small steps out of the carriage, she was... as young as Poppy to most elves minds. Though all she'd been through gave her a lot of say so when it came to things of importance.

The other two exited the carriage, Poppy allowed Julianna to go first then followed. Rodiergo entered the house and went directly to the main fireplace and quickly laid and lit a fire. Then began making his way along and lighting several lamps. "Did Flint's mother handle decorating the house Mistress Ravenwood?" She was glancing about and even lifted a sheet covering a couch that Tess told Alehail was one of her favorites.

"She was the lady of the household Poppy of course she decorated. Though a few things like the office and the den upstairs her husband got to choose most of it all. WE'll go from the front hall to the living room, to the dining room and the kitchen, servants qaurters and so forth and so on. Then I figure a good dusting is in order for the floor and shelves and mantles at least. " alehial says with bright smile. Though there was a shadow over it, Alehial too was still greiving at the loss of Tess and the children. They were good people and hadn't deserved to be killed. It was yet another sin she would add to Galins considerable tab he owed.

Julianna looked about with slight apprehension, "M'lady has anyone figured out what happened here?" She felt bad being skittish here, but so many had told stories about what they thought happened. Everyone knew the Ravenwoods took care of those who put trust in them. Poppy looked at Alehail, curious as well if there was a hidden danger here that she had not been told about. Rodiergo re-entered the room from the kitchens and nodded that all was clear and he would continue through the house.

"What did or did not happen... is not either of your concern. Don't let it worry though my dears. I can garentee what did happen isn't very likely to happen again in the future... Not in this house at least. Unless Flint goes after his father to join him and become evil like his father was to try and take over the world and rule it as the kings of course." Alehial says then laughs as she goes to the supply closet to get the cleaning supplies for the three of them. Three aprons and brooms and dustpans and buckets and wrags and feather dusters. "Now then Poppy.... You will get yto see everything in each room very clearly won't you." Alehial laughs softly putting on the apron.

"Cleaning!? If I had known that was your intention, I would have changed to more appropriate clothing." She felt it was below her, but could see the test for what it was. "I only hope you will not become angry if I ask for help, my father did not make me clean. And anything I learned was from our maids, and that was a long time ago." She picked up an apron and a duster, and made a smal smile to Lady Ravenwood.

"that's fine dear, Flint will only hire two maids... one if he can get away with it, He also might have to be talked into a cook or a butler. I'm not sure if he is too keen on the idea of that many servants in this house... or that many people period. You may be doing a lot of things you never knew how to do before if you become his wife. Now then let's start with the living room. No need to uncover the furniture or anything we are just dusting and then cleaning the floors of every room in the house is all." Alehial says with a grin, though she did feel bad for the girl... not enough to lighten up however. Alehial was a hard woman and she beleived in hard learned lessons.

Julianna took the other apron and thanked Lady Ravenwood taking a bucket and rag. Poppy didn't wait to terribly long to begin dusting everything not covered. The mantle was her first stop, and as she dusted it she puzzled over Alehial's words. Could Flint become like his father, she didn't know much about Galin Ravenwood other than what the history books said. If he had not been very bold, Flint would be Duke Ravenwood being the only son of the elder son of Conner Ravenwood.

"Even in the corners Poppy dear, we want it clean not just wiped." Alehial chastises as she saw scheming Poppy's mind going over everything she had said so far tonight to the young girl. Alehial hoped by hearing that Flint might search out his father... and from the history books and the evil deads his father had done it might make Poppy reconsider. After all... Flint would never become the next Duke being illigitamate and having no desire for the tital meant he never would go after it. So Alehial dusted and cleaned like a professional almost, she had learned the gruesome details from the house itself.... The walls had been moaning and weepy sounding in retelling of it all. But Alehial would never tell a soul not as long as she lived.

Short minutes later Poppy sat on the hearth and puled off her slipper to rub her foot. It was rough, but she would do her best not to complain about it to Alehail. She doubted that Lord and Lady Ravenwood would allow Flint near their family if he might be dangerous and while he lost the ability to be a duke because of his father, together they would become wealthy from the merchant accounts. Her father was going to give them a couple of his as a dowry and added to Flint's they would survive well. "Is there any possibility of some water? I'm a little parched." she asked quietly.

"Of course Julianna dear why don't you take a break and make up some tea and bring out some water. The glasses and cups and pots are all in boxes clearly marked. Poppy and I shall continue dusting until you come back." Alehial says with a smile. While she didn't mind poppy taking a break to rub her probably sore feet, they were only on one room and she wanted to get as much of the house done as possible. "Now then we are done with the shelves and things and can sweep the floor and we'll move on to the hallway, then from their to the sitting room, and dining room and kitchen." alehial ticks off rooms on her fingers, they wouldn't be going to the second floor. She would be impressed if Poppy managed to do all these rooms without a single complaint.

"Of course Lady Ravenwood, shall I bring the water out as the tea heats up?" She was glad to get a chance to be away from Poppy for a little bit and smiled. The fire made her feel a little better and seeing another kitchen would be a good change of scenery. As they had began to work, she for a split second wondered what it would be like if Master Ravenwood(Flint) were to marry a girl like her. The Ravenwoods were a passionate people and she had no doubt he was like them. It would be a wonderful fantasy, but one that could never be, all the maids knew about his deep infatuation with Lyriel.

"Yes do please dear." Alehial says softly with a smile, Jullianna was such a sweet girl, she was a wonderfully hardworking girl too. If only Poppy could be more like that. But she wasn't... She was a merchants daughter and she was always looking to gain a higher position. It was who she was, and it was who she was told to be from when she was young. It wasn't her fault but Alehial needed to make the girl give up on Flint. If both parties didn't want it then Gareth couldn't make them both go through with it.

"Lady Alehial, is this a test to see if I will declare that I don't want to marry Flint?" Poppy had consigned herself to the fact that Lily, Alehial, and probably Lia hated the idea of the wedding. "I do not know if Flint and I are compatable, and with his being away we haven't even had time to talk. But, can you tell me that Lord Altair had your heart from the first second?" She replaced her slipper and went back to work, she would take a second for a drink when Julianna returned with the water.

"Your assumptions are partially correct Poppy, but I had hoped you would grasp the rest of the situation a little better then what you apparently have. In this house was Flints family. His mother and step father, his step sisters. They were all murdered in this house without a trace of the killers to be found once his fatehr returned to court to let us know once again he was not deceased. Do you really beleive that a man who has done mutiple evils in his life such as killing his own father betraying his own country and trying to take over this country would stop from trying to make his son return to his side by killing all those around him? This is a test... to see how much nerve you have and how well you face adversity that may eventually lead to your death. it wouldn't benifit you nor your father then if you were dead now would it? Normally I wouldn't have told you this Poppy but I don't want to see more innocent people die if I can stop it seeing as this is my family we are dealing with." Alehial says looking Poppy straight into her eyes and facing her dead on, her face all too serious as she told Poppy these truths.

Poppy heard what Alehial said and went back to her work, danger had not even really entered her mind. As she had said they hadn't even talked about anything pretaining to being married. In her mind if she became pregnant soon after wedding then she would be safe if his father was the monster she made him out to be. So, Lady Alehial wanted to test her resolve and she was sure the rest of the family would do similar tests, she would put on her determined face and plow through them all. As long as they would let her get away with not wielding a weapon like that Darryl's wife, she was just a petty thief.

Poppy hadn't listened... Alehial knew she wouldn't... In fact Alehial knew that Poppy was trying to figure some ploy... to keep herself safe from Galin. The problem was... unless Galin had a purpose for you in his plans... then it didn't matter what happened or what you did or who you were... he just killed you. That's who and what Galin was. A murderer. This was Alehial trying to make Poppy quite for her own safety, to keep the young stupid little slut alive to whore around as long as she pleased. Marrying into the Ravenwood family promised a short life and a bad end.

The afternoon kept moving, Poppy not to the speed Alehial might have prefered. And soon it was begining to get dark and even Julianna seemed to be getting tired. "You should take a break Julianna, I will go empty that dirty water in the scullery." Poppy offered. Taking the bucket and hurrying from the room before Alehial could say anything. Maybe at some point she could convince Alehail to let her see and speak with Flint, so they could come to an understanding.

Alehial was surprised, Poppy was holding in there... but they were not finished. Alehial would string this out for days if she had to and leave it in the hands of her brother or her husband if she must. But Poppy would be put through the wringer to get off this case of the marriage between Flint and herself. If she even dared to call him by his full first name then so help her Alehial would take matters fully into her own hands. "An hour or so more Julianna and then we're done for the day and you can take the rest of the day off." Alehial says with a smile.

Julianna nodded and began to get back up, "Of course M'lady, thank you." Poppy returned with the bucket full of water and set it down and went back to her duster. "Lady Alehial, can you tell me some things that Flint likes. I had seen him at court so rarely, all I really know is he was in the army for a time." Keeping conversation going made her forget how demeaning she found this work.

"He likes to take care of his armer.... He likes things to be in their place. He likes meatloaf in tomatoe paste... he likes being in the army and he likes fighting." alehial says with a soft smile on her face while she clean as well. She was remembering the little boy who would come and play at her house... the little boy that Lyriel would watch over and take care of. She wished he was that little boy again. "He likes cotton over silk, and he hates dressing up. He likes slightly cloudy days and the color black and sterling silver. He also likes brown, seeing as that's almost the only color he ever wears.

"Anything else that I would be well to note?" she asked still going over the shelf she was at. "What kind of child was he, why was the truth hid from him about Galin? I would suspect it was harder to hear as an adult than a child." Poppy didn't understand why Alehial would fight so hard against Flint and her, it wasn't like Gareth ordered her to marry Conner. If this marriage happened would she accept Poppy at some point, or hold every little thing against her?

"His mother was not aware of what kind of man he was when she became pregnant and she thought it best he not be told until he was of an age he could make his own decision about it. It was her descision not mine and not Altair's. Galin is a very good actor. But he will never be human. He is a monster and as much as we do... he never stays dead." Alehial says her hands had stopped moving and her voice had gotten deeper, her throat tighter. "That's enough... I'll ask Rodiergo to take you both home. Clean up girls and leave everything behind to me." Alehial says before walking out of the room to find Rodiergo to send the two girls home.

Julianna went and got Rodiergo and he returned to the Lady's summons, "Are you sure lady Ravenwood. We could drop them off and return for you, or I could even remain." He had heard the rumors as well and didn't feel right leaving her alone here. Poppy had removed her apron and set the duster down, willing to follow Alehial's orders. Julianna was a little unsure as Rodiergo was standing nearby and questioning the orders from Alehial, but they all cared about her saftey.

"No I'll get home fine on my own. Rodeirgo the girls are to be safe and make sure they are taken home safely. Now go." Alehial says the apron taken off of her as well. Her voice and body language was filled with authority and power, and the ability that let her command at one point in time an army. She wasn't just telling them to go she was commanding them to go and to be safe and making sure Rodeirgo make sure they were safe was his first priority. Leave me here.... I have something to do." Alehial said at last. She was finished with the girls for the day and servants. And people being around her, she needed time alone now.

Rodeirgo bowed repectfully to the mistress, Julianna followed suit and he went to get the carriage. Poppy came before Alehial, "I will think long about what you have said, but I feel I need to find out more about the man I am to marry to form an opinion." She then curtsied and headed to go get her cloak so she could go home. Shortly after the carriage and its occupants rolled out of the gate, the quiet of the house seemed endless. Above the mantel the painting of Tess and her husband looked down on the empty room and the half-elven noble.

"Tess... I'm so sorry I wasnt able to protect you like I promised... I'm so sorry. But I don't think there is anything I can do to protect Flint any longer... That bastard Galin... Filthy peice of shit! I would gut him here and now in this house if only to avenge your deaths Tess. that man is a coward... and I... I'm the reason you were killed. Gods! I don't know what the fuck that sick bastard is up to but I swear to you Tess I will kill Galin Ravenwood and so help me I will do it once I'm given the chance whether he has people convinced he is a good guy or not! Galin Ravenwood will die and finally be put to rest even if I have to scatter his bones all over the world myself." Alehial says angrily, tears running down her face, the regret heavy in her for the loss of Tess and the family. The blame all resting on Galin. HEr hatred and her anger and regret they all were aimed at Galin for everything he had done. She stood only a few feet from the mantel and the picture of Tess but Alehial needed this time.

A few minutes passed and she heard footsteps behind her in the entry hall. "Such hostility and all pointed in my direction Lady Ravenwwod. Once before we had been so close, I remember our kiss fondly below decks. I wasn't even in Baerlon or Andor when they died, and from discussions with others even you had been told by the house it was a man fully dressed in armor. My thoughts that your uncle from the other world may have sent a disciple after them when I turned my back upon them." Galin only wore only his sword and a normal shirt and cloak.

"How dare you... HOW DARE YOU COME HERE!" When Alehial turned around it was with a dagger in her hand, her tan face showing the tears she had cried, but she didn't care she was just... so angry and here he was the reason for her fear and anger and frustration and the reason she had pulled away from her family. She would kill him if she could here and now in this house. It was his fault everything had happened. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!? WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT NOW!?" She screams as she attacks, swinging the little blade feircly, she was blinded by her hatred and anger right now and she knew she was sloppy. But if he still had plans after her he wouldn't hurt her.

He waited until she was too close to change her mind and snapped his hand to grab the dagger hand's wrist and force her back against the wall. Remembering her close quarters fighting he turned so his groin could not be a target. "I was hoping to find those who serve your uncle, I have an enchanted item that keeps me apprised of the comings and goings here. Just as I have instructed the Guild here to rally to the defense of your house should it fall under attack. The protection of those children you hold dear is a priority while Galadrid and his disciples live."

"Don't you fucking lie to me! Don't tell me this bullshit! Don't try to be the hero!!Don't you fucking dare!" Alehial yelled using her one free hand to go for another hidden dagger, he wouldn't be able to fool her, he never would. He was evil and he always would be and she knew that better then any other. She would always fight against him, though if she really wanted to hurt him there was any number of spells she could use or call forth, as long as she had them for the day she could use them, she didn't even need to speak them out loud any longer. She knew he was watching the house... it was too dangerous for anyone to come to this house any longer. To dangerous for Poppy too dangerous for Flint and Lyriel. Far to dangerous to let Elsa and Feal move in like Flint thought. Pretending it was men who were with her uncle as if he wasn't connected to it at all Alehial knew it was a lie. She knew Galin.

"Why would I come here to offer you a perfect way to protect ALL of them then Alehial. If I was a monster wouldn't I tear through them like reeds?" he commented. Quickly using his other hand to pull her free hand to join her dagger hand in his. "Come along Alehial, I know all your tricks, as I know Altairs as well. If you don't calm down I can't make the offer and keep your precious children safe."

"You mean a ploy to use them against us. Just like last time, with Elsa. You ARE a monster you've just FINALLY begun learning from ALL of YOUR previous mistakes. Now release me!" Alehial says twisting against his grip. She had more blades but he was holding both hands firmly in his grip and had her pinned in a way she couldn't do harm to him, and against the wall pinned which made her very uncomfertable. Considering his past with his obsession of her anyways.

"I killed orcs attempting to slay you while Flint fought for his life versuses Vennis. Why would I do that and leave you untouched if I had other ideas? Your mirrored uncle and my mirrored self were worse than I had proven to be. And Galadried is still about, since he brought me back from the dead. And I believe his anger was tremendous when I told him to go to the nine hells and take the disciples with him."

He continued to hold her arms, only a fool would release such an angry druid. She was an easy read the daggers hid all over would either fly towards him. He made a look back at Tess in the portait remembering that night when he bestowed Galin into her. "I suppose it is to be expected, my son believes me evil, and I wonder who he learned that from. How about I begin to prove the change in my ways, trade information for the right to leave here unmolested by your knives?"

"You STABBED MY SON THROUGH THE CHEST! You think I"M going to fucking BELEIVE YOU AREN'T EVIL!?" Alehial screams angrily twisting hard in his griping and pushing aginst him. If she used a leg to try and hit him and he grabbed it she would really be in a bind. this was a bad time to leave her vipers at home. If he seriously thought she would just sit and have a nice conversation with him he was insaane. HE'd have to tie her down or something to make her not try to harm him. After all he had done to her and her family and what he had put them through. "What information could you hve anyways for me!?"

"Mathius and Cybil." he stated raising an eyebrow.

Alehial inhaled sharply before scowling and twisting against in his grip. "What do you know of Mathius and Cybil! I swear if you've done anything!!" Alehial warns struggling in his grip and against his weight. Her first thoughts were that he had some plans against them or had them hostage or something already. She was worried about them from the begining but him mentioning it drove her crazy with worry, her chest was tight and she had to know what he knew. these thoughts drove her to kick out with her leg aiming for his side with her knee, enough to get him to move off of her or to free a hand or something! She hated being held down or tied down, she hated it and faught against it feircly.

He caught her leg and proceeded to 'flip' her over onto the ground and sliding his knee up against her crotch to hold her still. "NO, information until you swear I walk out of here with out a dagger in me." Galin and Altair shared the same gaze, deep and intense. "Swear on your children and I will release you Alehial Ravenwood." Something about the color of his skin indicated he had been somewhere a great deal warmer in the past weeks or months.

Alehial bucked and shoved against him as she could and was soon panting but the glare never faded. Though a blush rose to her cheeks. The same happened when Altair stared at her like that. "I swear I will not." She says unwilling to swear on her childrens lives when she was liable to do it anyways if he said the wrong thing or tempted her... which he often did. But she gave her word... and it ws as good as he was going to get. "GET OFF!!" She growls angrily, if nothing else she could shift and maul him to death in her animal forms.

As he began to move he pushed his knee against her body and was tempted to kiss her. Standing he offered her a hand up to her feet, trying to prove he found some manners. Turning his attention to the room about him while waiting for her to make up her mind. "I suppose I should be curious if my step-mother is waiting in the wings with the spell of shocking hands again. I think this house had seen enough violence or at least tragedy don't you think, and I must say after the offer of tea months ago I didn't expect the dagger."

"Well you were here in peace at the time and Gareth would have had my head for killing you when you have so many loyal followeers so ready to pick up arms. I've gotten a lot more powerful since the trip to Illian and I can handle you myself Galin. Now tell me what you know of Mathius and Cybil!" Alehial says having stood without hi help and brushing herself off in a huff. She was watching him very carefully though, any quick moves and she'd use the dagger in her hand. For now she tucked it into her belt where it wouldn't cut through anything.

"They are in Pachuca, although times have changed there Cybil is now Mathius's 'owner'. Women have taken control of the country, led by an old friend of ours. Kitara is the new leader of the country and knows that her young nemisis is there." He left the information sink into her head, taking a seat and actually picking up a tea cup and trying the liquid inside. "So, other than that, I was unable to recover Vennis's corpse, but all scryings show he is no longer alive."

"We know he is dead..." Alehial says softly rubbing her forehead with one hand her eyes closed as she thought. the news was not good news though she hadn't excepted it to be good news coming from Galin... It was troubling and she would say extra prayers and try to get into contact with them somehow to help them or advice them or something. anything to help if she could. This wasn't good if Kitara was in charge. In fact it was worse because she hated MAthius as a small child the hatred would have only grown wouldn't it? Alehial was lost in thought eyes closed messaging her forehead thinking. Thinking for the moment she was safe with Galin exploring the tea.

"I have been there, to Pachuca recently and met with Kitara. Time and motherhood has not tempered her. I could have some of my people get a message through although that would be asking a lot from them. And my offer will stand for sometime, a way to safeguard all the children of the family name." The choice would be Alehial's of course, his course was set and nothing could change that.

"I will find a way to contact my own children thank you! And What exactly is the price for this so called protection of your Galin?" Alehial said his name like it was a curse, full of venom and hatred. Her question sarcastic she could think of a few things he might ask for already actually. She didn't want to accept help from him... but Aloura was only months old... Sirrian a year or two at most. There was no way she could protect them all all the time not with the older kids looking after their own families.

"No, you do not wish to accept my help even if I laid it out to you now." He stood and handed her a small pin, looking at her in the eye as he did the very deliberate movement. "When you feel there is no other way to protect your family and I mean ALL of your family, you will call for me. I have turned the pins used by the disciples into those now carried by my top Guild members. And you have my word on Flint's head that it will not be used to spy upon you."

"How do I know you even care about Flint. It's not like you were around to take care of him and it's not like you tried to reconcile with him when you were here." Alehial said but she was argueing mostly because he had told her what to do and in the end she was accepting it. She hated it... but her children came first. "What do you want from me this time Galin... Why so much more secrecy now?" alehial asked her tone of voice tired now her look earnest. She was tired of all of this not knowing... reacting to his action... she was tired of pushing away her husband for fear of his brother.

"I was dead Alehial, remember the emporer version came back with your mirrored uncle. And I have reached out to my son, and I will tell you the conditions when you call to me. For I know it will be when you will be desperate for an answer." He then stood and headed for the entryway his boots echoing off of the stone floor. Alehial would call for his protection, this he was sure of and he would come when she called for him.

"Galin! Dammit don't walk out on me!" Alehial says after a few moments of thinking she growls and quickly runs out the door to the hallways. Intent on making him answer her questions. Questions she very desperately wanted answered. But that was probably part of his tricks... HEr children... and her unreasonable wanting to know what he was up to. Again though he hadn't discussed wanting her or even... made a move toward her indecently. IT was really really creepy when he did that.

He had stopped with his hand on the door and his cloak in his hand when she pursued him. "I am leaving this place, I still am prohibited from being in Andor. But, catching the Disciple responsible is high on my list of things to accomplish. When you call for my help, I will come, but I would hope you do it without my brother present." Trying to help her only to be attacked by his brother didn't sit very well with him.

"Why didn't you just run off and try to live a peaceful life somewhere no one knew the ravenwood name? Why the plotting and political movements and the disciples... what are you getting at this time Galin. Tell me. Just tell me." Alehial says her voice sounding tired as her shoulders slumped, she was tired of chasing after him and trying to stop him... tired of saving the world... tired of being afraid and on edge all the time.

"I have been a destroyer, now is my time to build be a beacon for those to look to. Can you honestly say that Altair becoming a statesman is a good thing? I'm still fit enough to wield a sword and my guild will do great things for this world." He gave her a pitying look, always trying to be so strong was killing the force of nature inside her. For a long second Galin wondered if he dared try to lay his hands on her, but until she wanted hm and his help, Sarah would fulfill his needs.

"That is a lie and we both know it. You are no more a hero than Altair is a destroyer like you. Altair... is...none of your concern he is doing just fine and is as healthy as he ever was! Your guild will eventually become a mob that you will use to destroy things and rebuild them to your liking no doubt. Leave... Go I won't be calling you. I will protect my children even if I must make the Manor a fortress to do so." Alehial says pulling her shoulders back up and straightening herself giving him a defiant glare to prove tht she beleived the words she spoke.

"Your uncle plans on restoring the elven kingdom to its prior glory, and to do that he will destroy Andor and its heroes. Keep the pin, you may need it later on and I wish you well." With that he opened the door and left into the chill air of the night. At that time Conner's missive came to Alehial his tone was one of urgency. He wasted little time in informing his mother what had transpired and Altair's orders for them in the field.

"Shit!" Alehial grabs her cloak and after quickly blowing out all the lights and dousing all the fires she runs out the door after locking it. Transforming into her leopard form she races home changing just before the gate and rushing past the guards. Running down the road that led to the main doors and hurrying inside. She needed to make sure everyone was safe and since everyone was around Arten and the new baby well... Alehial had to be the main defence for right now and she would defend her home and family with her life.

The house was still Bowers was coming down the stairs while Lai remained on the landing. Fael was not far behind dressed simply as always in case of battle. "Would they be so stupid as to come here looking for trouble?" Bowers asked. Granted there wasn't many people here in the house, but master Darryl could be here in a moment and lay waste to most of them. Just that idea would cause almost any attacker to turn and flee Andor with all best speed.

"they shouldn't but WE need to sent a message to the king right away and have him be on the ready too just in case their plans aren't against us this time. Lai can you handle that?" Alehial asks before dropping off her cloak on the nearest table or chair and heading up the stairs to her room to get her extra set of weapons. Just in case she needed to be ready and she hoped Altair could handle whatever might be happening down their way as well.

"Of course, what about Darryl and Asper?" Lai asked without hesitation. She began to cast a missive spell directly to Rand, he would alert the right people. It was obvious she was concerned for her children as well as grandchildren's saftey. The rest of house would be hearing the news from Bowers or one of the maids. "Do we have an idea WHO might be planning this attack, Alehial?" trying to get more information before said attack happened.

"Galadrid." Alehial says before calling to Darryl with her thoughts. He almost always was listening out ust in case and she hoped he was right now. They might need his help and he would want to move Asper here to the manor where it wa safe. She also asked bowers to send on of the servant boys to run over to Tarin-Gails and inform him. Then to hurry home. She didn't want more people there then was neccessary.

Darryl standing not far away from Asper suddenly grew wide eyed. "Oh, no, there is an attack coming. Asper we need to head back to the Estate to make it safe. I know you don't want to go back to the house, but they also want to make sure we are safe too." He summoned his staff, which appeared right beside him.

"The hell?! I don't want to go back! Why can't we just stay here?" Asper asks her hands instantly on her belly that was bulging. She was only three weeks away from her due date according to Bailey and she couldn't really moev around too much without her feet swelling a lot or her back hurting. It seemed to her that the baby inside of her had gotten huge in only weeks. But she didn't want to go back to the mansion after having finally gotten away from it.

"Asper they are our family and they would come here to protect us, I will put you in the same room as Elsa and help safeguard the house. As soon as everything is safe we will return here, I promise." He held out his hands to her meaning to jump them to safety. Darryl had been through this once before and knew what it would mean. And since father and most of the others were going to Sildea, he would need to help at the house.

Asper scowled but took his hand anyways, She really didn't beleive his promises ever since he had broken a really big one. Taking his hand she braced herself for the jump and put her other hand over her stomach. She didn't want to do this and wanted to know why they had to do this... there was no reason he had told her about but... when did anyone speak to Asper about things in the first place... it was why it would be better when she made plans to leave.

Darryl jumped them into Elsa and Faels chambers as a maid was informing them of what was transpiring. "Can Asper remain with you Elsa while I help prepare the defense. I want her to be safe." he said with a small squeeze of her hand. If anything ever happened to Asper, Darryl had no idea what he would do. Even when she was threatened the darker side of his personality showed itself.

"Yes that's fine! I'll be here with her Darryl, I'll make sure she rests and is safe." Elsa promises, she had jumped when he enteredd the room so abruptly but underrstood. She was under orders to stay in the bedroom and be prepared. So it made sense to put both heavily pregnant women in the same room safely inside the house. Safe and protected.

Asper scowled but said nothing. Already she felt the weight of gravity pulling her stomach as she stood and her lower back began to ache from the pressure of the baby inside of her. the baby was moving a lot. She was a agitated, must have picked it up from her mother or something. But Asper just wanted to sit down until this whole thing was over nad she could go home.

Both men touched their wives before hurrying to rejoin the defense of the house in the entry hall. Once down in front of Alehial they advised that their wives were together in Elsa and Fael's chambers. "Do we have a gaurantee they are headed here, mother?" Fael asked. Darryl was already stretching out his mind to feel for unchecked magics or powers being turned towards their location. Lai still stood on the landing waiting for any invading force, numerous wands and spells at the ready.

There was a knock at Lily's door one of the maids was coming to alert her. "Mistress your mother is home with information that an attack might be imminent. And your brother Darryl is here with miss Asper as well, they need you downstairs." She did not know what else to say, Bowers had simply told her to summon miss Lily. She was a little panicked and it probably showed through her voice.

"Seriously?! Okay head down to the safety room and I'll join them as soon as I can!" Lily says jumping to her feet, he had been practicing magic again even though she wasn't supposed to do it inside and was already in her under armer. So she ran to her armor and began to hurriedly put it all on. Once fully armored she grabbed her weapons and put them on and ran downstairs to join the rest of the family.

Darryl turned to regard his little sister coming downstairs and smiled slightly. Even though their defense force was tiny, he knew they could do plenty of damage to anyone attempting an assualt of the house. A sharp rap at the door broke his concentration and forced him to aim his mind to the person at the door. "Mother, I think it is a member of the guild, a fighter not really a threat to us from what I can feel. He was sent by his commanding officers to help with the defense of our home."

Alehial went to the door herself and opened it. Sword out and pointed directly for the neck of whoever was behind the door. "What can I do for you?" she asked though it was far more demand then question. More of Galins tricks no doubt. After her meeting with him she was mrore wary then ever. HE was promiseing to protect her youngest children. That was never a good thing. He never offered anything unless he got something in return nd he was just as ruthless if not more so this time around. She still remembered what he had done when reborn unnaturally. In fact it often gave her nightmares so that she was nervous and wary about everything that had to do with him.

"My name matters little, my comrades and I are under orders to protect this estate in whatever capacity you see fit." He carried a shield and longsword and wore chainmail, all the trappings of a professional soldier. Alehial noticed he wore a pin of the guild on his collar, just like the one Galin put in her hand. Behind him at the gate she could see about ten more men, all similar in equipment. Almost immediately she could feel Darryl and Fael behind her, in case she needed them.

"I didn't ask your name. We also don't need your assistance, so thank you very much now leave the premises immediatly. If you really want to help, stay outside of the gates and the walls and protect those from enemies outside. WE can more then handle anything inside." Alehial says her voice left no room for arguement nor any emotion other then leadership and anger were in her voice. She held back the wave of anger that rolled through her at the reminder of th lies she was holding just by holding onto that stupid tiny little pin.

"As you wish Lady Ravenwood, we will take positions outside your gates and wait. If you change your mind I was informed you can contact us." The last part was said more quietly between them. He turned and rejoined the other men at the gate. If they ordered him to watch out for the Grand Masters family home then so be it. Touching his pin he conveyed the orders Lady Ravenwood had given him.

"Mother what was that all about?" Darryl asked when she closed the door. The strangers were not soldiers of Andor, neither were they blades either. He was nervous for Asper and for Jake and the others so far from home during this time. Fael noted the tone in Darryl's voice and agreed with it, he had concerns for the family here and those farther away. From her perch upstairs, Lai lowered her wand and sighed heavily, she knew the man had something to do with Galin.

"Just some outside assistance is all, nothing to worry about sweety. It's been handled." Alehial says twith a soft smile of reassurance to the two men. It was a familiar smile for Darryl to see, one she wore when Mommy was taking care of things. But then she threw a side glance up to Lai and knew the woman was perceptive enough to have realized it involved Galin somehow. How much of it Alehial didn't know she could keep from her, but she absolutely had to keep the pin a secret from everyone... including Lai.

"What now, any idea how to prepare for a possible attack?" Fael asked unsure how they should procced. He felt there might be something more to the arrival, but focus on the now rather than a mystery. Defending his home and family came first, and then came the thought to safe guard his children in Sildea. The other servants arrived and reported that everyone had been advised of the news and was taking precautions. Lai stood on the landing taking in everything that had been said, Conner used to say her ears could pick up thoughts and she was very concerned now.

"Usual way Feal, wait and respond to the attack at least we had forewarning this time. I want Lily up with Lai, DArryl you on center Feal take the right and I'll handle the left. Darryl keep an ear open for Arten and the other two in their rooms. Bowers you take the boys and girls and take them to the safe room downstairs. Then... We wait and see what happens and who's going to attack." Alehial says giving out orders. She wanted a fighter with Lai for sure and an ear on the pregnant women. Other then that it was the three fighters herself and her step son and adopted son. She knew it should be enough to handle anything coming their way.

Darryl without hesitation concentrated and brought two crystal looking orbs into being and sent them away. "There they will keep tabs in the rooms and alert me to any trouble. As long as Asper doesn't grouse at me for using my powers like that." He smiled, her protection was important to him and if someone was after her then he needed to stop them. He took his place as instructed and waited for some kind of enemy to attack them again.

Lai continued to watch them and even smiled as Darryl sent the constructs to check on the pregnan woman. She also turned to Lily who was taking her position, "I am honored that you will be watching my back granddaughter." So saw so much of Altairs spirit in Lily and knew how well she would do in a fight. Bailey would remain with Arten and the baby and be their defender. If only she knew what had transpired between the man from the door and Alehial.

"I'm still fairly untried GRandma... But I promise I won't let anything harm you or Grandpa's baby... I can at least be a good enough fighter to do that for you. I love you grandma, you think we're really gonna be attacked?" Lily asked excited and nervous and almost afraid all at once. She had her hands near her weapon, and she knew she was more then battle ready not that her dad ever saw it. Still if there was going to be a fight she wanted to be useful, but she didn't want anyone too close to GRandma seeing as she was pregnant too.

Darryl felt the pressure before anyone else and managed to yell before they materialized in the foyer. At least a count of four of them to the three defenders, then it happend again bringing four up to the landing. All of them were well armed and equipped. None of them bothered to talk as they came on, pressing their numbers against the defenders. And emblazoned on their armor was the mark of the Disciples of Soth.

"FEAL!" Alehial yelled before nodding her head up towards her daughter. she and Darryl could easily handle the four downstairs but Lily and Lai might not be able to. Drawing both of her blades Alehial litterally ran towards the four men blades gleaming. She was ready to draw blood against any who stood to harm those of her family. After having seen Galin and seeing the members of his guild now... she was especially angered but kept her fighting calm and with two quick slashes she dispatched the first of four men. Her special blade something she left home usually now coming in extra handy.

Lily however pulled her sword out of it's sheath, she was still only able to fight with her longsword as of yet but she ran forward and made a good long cut on one of the four men. Four was maybe one or two too many for her to handle easily,or very well, that and she didn't know what kind of fighters these were all.Lily would never give less then one hundred percent in this fight though because she was a ravenwood and she needed to prove her worth in protecting her beloved grandmother, and her house.

As Fael turned to hurry up the stairs, Lai turned and used her wand blasting the four headed her way with a long swath of multi-colored light. Darryl swung his staff and upon contact with a intruders breastplate sent him flying into a nearby wall. A noise from upstairs that sound like a something was coming through the door, before Darryl called out there were two in Arten's room and two in Elsa's. Fael made the top of the stairs and forced two of Lily's attackers to turn and face him. Using his strength he hip tossed one over the bannister to one of the small tables below.

A loud crach from Elsa's room told them she was probably handling herself just fine. While Lily took advantage to finish off the man she had wounded. That was at least one to her point! While Alehial ran to the next man and parried a blow before landing a good sized wound to him, this one seemed a little more skilled but she would dispatch him in quick succession to work out her anger. It was strange to Alehial though to be splattered with red human blood and not some kind of monsters blood.

Darryl vanished for a split second then returned, Elsa and Asper's attackers would have a long swim for the middle of the ocean. One of the less equiped men hit him squarely between the shoulders and he dropped the staff. Fael above hit his opponent with a dealy flurry of blows then jumped over the banister to help Darryl. Suddenly more noise came from Arten's chambers and Darryl in his position did what he could do, pulling the attackers out with his power and sending them up. Shouts of panic and terror followed by thuds echod in the house before the attacker slammed the club against Darryl's head, knocking him to the ground.

Alehial took no time dispatching the other's, using her flurry of blows to kill them all and checking her son. Once assured he was fine she Ran up the stairs to assist her daughter defend her grandmother, all four dead down stairs Alehial splattered with blood watched at Lily killed the last man on the ground. Lily's face was grim... the darkest Alehial had ever seen but She had protected Grandma Lai. Lily too was splattered in the men's blood and she was breathing heavily, she hada lot to handle but did very well. All the men were dead in the house. Feal having killed the last attacker the one who had hit Darryl, which made Alehial jump the banister and cast a healing speel over her son, though a light one knowing him using his power was more affective then her healing magics ever were.

Darryl moaned lightly and turned over and opened his eyes, "That was a dirty trick." He also hoped that no one told Asper about this little issue for she might be cross with him. Both women in Elsa's room were safe, their attackers sent straight up only to fall to their deaths. Fael came down to help Darryl to his feet. Lai looked on with some concern to her grandson, "Lily will you go check on ELsa and Asper please."

"Yes it certainly was... but not as dirty as the mess I made protecting my baby though... Do you have enough power to heal yourself Darryl?" Alehial asks softly of her beloved son. She was cradling his head, she was clearly still worried about him. But she was glad this was all that had come. But she was far more worried about Sildea, her family there and the ones traveling towards there. If they werte attatcked surely there would be an attack on Sildea as well.

Lily nodded to her grandmother and hurried over to the stairs running up them quickly, Knocking on the door proclaiming her name before she opened the door only to be faced with a grim faced Asper and an angry looking Elsa. "Burned a hole right in the carpet! Look at the cracks on the wall from their impact too!" Elsa complains loudly from the bed where both pregnant woman laid.

Darryl's eyes glowed a quick second before becoming the normal glowing blue. "All better, and I can fix that table Fael broke too." he proclaimed. Fael looked kind of sheepishly at the body laying in the remnants of the table. Suddenly all of the bodies disappeared from the hall and landing. He then started towards the stairs after giving ALehial a slight hug.

Lai from her Vantage point could hear Elsa and smiled, she was nothing if not consistent. She turned and saw Bailey exit Arten's room a smattering of blood on her hammer. "I know they were dead but were in the pit did they get off to?!" Arten's voice followed her, "I told ya was Darryl who wisked them away, probably for burial at sea." When Darryl got up the stairs she nodded to him and patted his shoulder.

Alehial laughs softly, she didn't mind one broken table as long as everyone was alright. She knew Darryl would go straight to ASper and with good reason, her due date according to Bailey's last check was in a week. Which was early but well within safety room for the child. Though the child seemed heavier then any Alehial had birthed. PErhaps...because of the unique nature of the parents... the child would be equally unique even in birth.

Elsa was muttering and standing scowling at the cracked wall. If they fixed it the room would smell like the construction and wood and putty, instead of the warmth of Feal and the soft fragrances elsa used. Meanwhile Asper who was on the bed held her stomach with a slight confused look and a soft grimance of pain every now and again. Not only did she hate being weak and completely useless, but now for some reason her stomach kept hurting in waves.

Darryl walked in and noted the large crack and with a smile used his powers to knit the house back together. Then he noticed Asper's look, "Are you alright?" concern crossed his face. He hurried over to her and began to check for injuries, hoping it was just how she was sitting. "I'm sorry I left you alone, I should have stayed closer in case they tried coming in waves." He glanced at Elsa and let her know that he felt something was wrong.

"Elsa hit them. Just a twinge I think... or a cramp." Asper mumbles looking up at Darryl, still frowning because she didn't know what it was other then a little bit of pain. Nothing like the fake or false labor she'd had a while back. But pain none the less. She wanted to ask what had happened but when she opened her mouth she felt the pain again and she snapped her mouth shut and got a confused look on her face again. The amount of pain was like getting pinched but... it was in her... well... where the baby was supposed to come out.

"Bailey!!" Elsa called though she didn't hollar or sound to upset there was just csomething going on. She peeked her head out the door. "No one's hurt but something funny is happening to Asper and Darryl's going to wig out if you don't come fix it and if I'm on my feet any longer I'm going to shove him off my bed!" She says in only a little bit of a whiny tone. She hated dealing with badguys while pregnant. And while she wanted to thank her baby brother for fixing the wall, she almost complained about the carpet but held her tongue. She was trying not to be the annoying pregnant womman who could never be appeased. She could do that. Really she could. Honest.

Bailey came stumping down the hall Fael in toe to see what was wrong. "All right now where's me patient?" She moved right up and cast a spell and closed her eyes to understand what she would learn. "Well, I'll go pack up me belongings and we can be on our way." She looked at Alehial when she left the room, "She is about to be in for a lot of pain for about a week, just so you know."

"What's that MEAN!?" Asper yells out the door after Bailey left the room. "BAILEY!!!" Asper yells angrily before wincing lightly again, she wanted to know why it kept hurting like that every ten minutes or so. sometimes longer. "Darryl make her tell me what she means! why is she packing a bag?" Asper asked frowning hard looking up at her husband, in times like this she trusted him to make sure she was safe and she didn't know if she was safe and it scared her and the evidence was the questions she kept asking and the fact she was holding his hand so very tightly.

"what do you mean Bailey? Why will she be in pain? If you don't mind explaining it to me that is... I thought you wanted to be with your aunt given the baby just being born and all." Alehial says confused, why would it hurt for a week. Unless there was a problem births were generally rather easy... except for Elsa's they were a little hard... and Artens was very painful. She knew you could have hours and sometimes a day or two of the birthing process but she didn't understand what was going on now. and with it being about a birthing Alehial wanted to learn as much as she possibly could.

Pulling Alehial aside so no one else could hear Bailey set into telling Alehial what was happening. "She as begun contractions, however her hips are not widening. Not uncommon a problem for some elven females, and given she is half drow and weaker Venirian stock." Bailey felt that she could handle this birth and do well. "I am unsure exactly how to tell Asper and Darryl about this, and would be grateful for your assistance."

"Maybe we should call in a human midwife... she might know more. About things of this nature. Being half elven myself I've never had particularly hard births. weell... hard but not... not lasting more then a day at the most! Even Elsa lasted a little more then one full day's rotation. Take care of them Bailey... I can't afford to leave the house now. I'm afraid... Altair and I may be stuck in our roles for a while." Alehial said shaking her head. While she had read much on human pregnancy to take care of her daughters she hadn't read much of the differences between nations and how that might change how birthing is handled by different women, though it made sense. Alehial knew she still had a lot to learn about human.

Bailey gave an almost offended look, "I may ave majored my training in helpin birth Dwarves, but have don me faire share o learnin to help Humans and Elves too. I might jus need a wee bit o help keepin Asper in bed to rest and Darryl not ta lose h'is mind." She re-entered her room and began to pack up some clothes. "Will ye com visit when ye get a chance and maybe make some peace with the gal." Bailey knew that Alehial and Asper had a bit of distaste for one another.

"I didn't mean to offend... I just... " Alehial scratches her head and then sighs. " I screw things up when I get tense or nervous or worry. Forgive me Bailey... I will try to visit." Alehial offers in repose. while she didn't think she and Asper would ever really get along there was the hope that they could at least be civil and mean it someday. "Please keep us updated... I'm not sure I like the idea of this... prolonged labor you spoke of and good luck with them..." Alehial says with a small smile, she then headed inside to see Feal and Elsa, she needed to speak with Feal before letting Bowers know it was safe and she was going to the castle to check on everyone.

Fael was attempting to make Elsa comfortable while Darryl and Asper waited for Bailey. Having the hearing of a cat Fael knew what was going on and waited for what Alehial wanted to say. He was concerned about Asper as in far as she was his sister-in-law and truly liked Darryl. There would be several prayers tonight for the health and safety of both mother and child. Nothing else mattered to Darryl just Asper and what he needed to do for her.

"Feal if I could speak with you out in the hall?" Alehial asks softly seeing that Elsa was mostly just wanting Feal to herself because she was worried about what was going on with Asper as well. It was funny how Asper tried to make enemies of them all and how they all still worried about the half drow creature anyways. But alehial was putting Feal in charge of the house before she left for the castle. She needed to see if it was just the ravenwood house that was being attacked again... again.

"I will be right back Elsa." Fael stood and came directly to her as he had a feeling something was happening. "Mother what is it you need of me?" he believed in being direct with Alehial and Altair both. More often than not he spent a great deal of time talking with his father-in-law about what the future could hold. If there was anything he could do to make sure this family was safe he would do it without hesitation. And now that there maybe something wrong with Asper, Darryl might be less able to help defend them all.

"I'm leaving the house to check on the castle and Rand and his children. I leave the house to you to be in charge of. Bailey is leaving with Darryl to take care of Asper she's in very good hands so don't worry too much about them like I will." Alehial smiles softly before hugging Feal. Usually she touch the man too much unless he was willing of it but she just needed the contact for the moment ishe didn't linger and it was only a quick light hug. "Just take care of everyone while I check on the rest of the world." She smiles softly before turning and walking towards the servants qaurters.

"I will not fail you." he reassured and turned to go back into his chambers seeing Bailey on her way anyway. Bailey presented herself in front of Darryl and Asper. "Right, now I 'ave some less than enthusiastic news for the two o yea. So, choose to hear it now or when we get back to yer house, makes no nevermind." Placing her baack on the floor she turned to wait to see what the decision would be.

"Home... I want to go home." Asper said instantly. She hated having to return to the house in the first place and now with this small pain happening she wanted to be in privacy when she heard the bad news. wouldn't be so bad if she was more comfertable and at ease rather then on edge and in someone elses bed. She was tired of being scared which is what happened since she got into the house, she wanted to go home and feel a little safer again.

Darryl took hold of both, wrapping his arm around Asper's shoulders and jumped them home. Fael looked at ELsa and hugged her close, "I heard that Asper is going to give birth soon, but it will be painful her hips have not widened yet." He knew that Elsa would be driven mad not knowing what was going wrong in her brothers house. Moments later Lai entered their room with a look of concern. "Was everyone ok? I heard quite a bit before Darryl started sending people straight up into the air."

"Apparently Asper is going in labor??? Can you explain sweety?" Elsa asked of her husband wanting her husband with a pleading look, getting more worried by the simple manner in which he explained and left everything open and unanswered at the same time. She loved the man but sometimes he needed promtping.

"It is all I know my love, I only heard that much and Bailey is confident everything is alright." He sat and stroked Elsa's stomach lightly, it frusterated her not to know things sometimes. "I'm sure your mother plans on visiting and she will more than likely fill us in. Until then we should practice being patient." He leaned over and kissed Elsa softly on the lips to keep her from asking more questions.

Elsa softly leaned into the kiss with a moan, how this man could really distract her sometimes. All thoughts of Asper's labor and her questions there of were all but forgotten in the moment that Feal tenderly stroked her stomach and kissed her lovingly. Elsa was easily distracted by the right kind of distraction anyways. And Feal would always be the right kind of distraction for Elsa always.

Lai smiled and shook her head then turned and left them alone. It was always her fondest prayer that all her grandchildren found the person who made them happy. She and COnner had been so happy when he had come back to her. "Please keep a vigilant sword to protect your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren safe my love." she whispered to COnner in elven. Gently she stroked her own stomach, feeling the baby shift slightly and smiled.

They popped into the house and istantly Bailey grabbed the nearest stationary object. "How do ye all do that so often? I think I mighten I might evacuatates me stomach." She breathed in quite a few deep breaths before righting herself. "Right, now before we talk, Asper should get comfortable and I'll need to know where to set me things." SHe left no wiggle room in her instructions, she was in charge of making sure the baby came as smoothly as possible.

"It gets easier each time." Asper answers dryly before wincing just slightly. It hurt but... not much just enough for her to show it. Which meant enough that it hurt , and she wanted someone to stop it. As for the getting comfertable part Asper didn't think that was going to be possible what with the pain every couple of minutes. between ten and fifteen if she counted. But she said nothing else and waited for Darryl to do as he was tasked.

Darryl moved to take Asper's arm, "How about we get you laying down in the bed with some pillows. Then I'll show Bailey to the guest room and we can get back to what is going on." He could feel her pain and discomfort and it bothered him. It would be a simple thing to use his powers to lessen them, he promised her not to manipulate her again without her permission. And since the last time it happened there had been such a strain on the marriage, he would not dare do it again.

"Fine... this just means I get another sticky bun tonight at dinner." Asper grumbles taking his arm and leaning a little on it. She would need the help with the stairs, she was having to manage the pain and do everything else . She did not want to be bed ridden though unless this was the actual pregnancy. Besides laying down with pillows appropriatly placed sounded very goodd to her right now.

"Of course, we will get you comfortable, find out what is going on and I'll get your sticky bun." He went at her pace and allowed her to lean as hard as she needed on him. Darryl loved Asper and their little girl fiercely and he would support her with all of his strength. Once in their bedroom he patiently made sure she was comfortable before even thinking of leaving her for a second. "Do you need any more pillows anywhere or anything else?" his tone was trying to convey that everything would be ok.

"God it hurts! Not bad but... I want it to stop!" Asper complained loudly settled in comfertably. Resting easily except for the small jolts of pain she felt through her body every now and then. She groaned softly and held onto her stomach she felt tired and she was in pain and she didn't want to be anymore. She just wanted everything to stop, she wanted to sleep and not be in pain all the time.

Darryl showed Bailey to her room and hurried back to Asper's side. "Bailey will be right back and she'll explain everything that is going on. I'm sorry it hurts and I'm sure we can do something to relieve it." He wished he could do more for her, in truth he was scared that because of his psionic nature this was happening to her. "I wish Bailey would hurry up and tell us what is wrong and how to fix it."

"You and me both... mm.. I wanna know when it's gonna stop!" Asper says letting the old venirian accent drop into place, most of the time she covered it or tried to sound more Andorian people would treat her better. But in her own home she alwayhs dropped it and right now she was scared and worried and hurting and not liking it one bit. Besides now that Baieley was in the house it scared her more thinking the birth was gonna happen soon.

Shortly Bailey returned and folded her arms over her chest, "Thanks for the very nice room and now onto was is goin on. Within out much fanfare or whitewash yer contractions ave begun. However, your hips aven't widened far enough for the birth to happen smoothly. It will be painful, but we'll do what we can ta help ya." Darryl placed his hand upon Asper's shoulder and waited to hear what options they would have.

"what do ya mean it's begun! There's s'pposed ta be water an stuff an You told me I 'ave a week left!!" Asper accused the dwarf with her own arms folding atround her stomach. She just wanted the damn baby out without the pain and blood and suffering that always happened. Alehial's baby was the first one she'd ever seen that didn't involve a lot of blood or a whole lot of pain. Or what she had seen with her mother.

"Well, that's the simple to it, part of the pain is you'r hips tryin to play catch up. And believe in me there will be water an' stuff as well." she said with as tender a voice as a dwarf can manage. "We can give ya some alchemical things to dull the pain, but this is what is gonna happin until the baby is ready. Some elves and slight humans have this happin from time to time, and you are one part drow and one part smaller Venirian. But, again I'm stayin here an Darryl is here an we got access to Lai and Alehial, so you shouldn't worry too much."

"What's that s'pposed ta mean?! BEcause I'm half drow my pregnancy is as fucked as I am?! Ya think I wanted ta have a fucking child?! Ya think I wanted to be married and a wife and all this bullshit everyone has been layin on me? I'm no fucking 'hero' I don't want ta have a baby I don't want ta be married I don't want ta be anything but free! Mother fucker!!" Asper grimanced as the baby picked up her angry tones and shifted and began pushing and moving in side of her causing her a lot more pain then she was suddenly in the right mind to deal with. Gasping in breaths instead of even breaths to deal with it she wished she hadn't yelled and she wished she wasn't in this position and then the tears just began to fall from her eyes without her consent and soon enough sobs followed. She was a lot like Alehial and nothing at all like the stronger fighting mother. Asper grabbed Darryls hand an pulled him down, she didn't want to cry in front of Bailey and he always calmed the baby down.

Darryl could feel the waves of stress coming from Asper and quickly began trying to sooth both of them. He hoped her angry outburst was from pain and fear, but he couldn't dwell on those words right now. "Shhh, it's alright we will do everything in our powers to make it alright Asper. She didn't mean there is anything wrong with you or the baby, just that because you are smaller it will be a little difficult." Gently he stroked her stomach and he hair hoping to settle both of his loves down.

Bailey gave the two of them a look of sincerity, "He speaks the truth Asper it is going to be difficult, but you'll be fine. I've been well taught at how to birth babies. And I'll not fail you in delivering your little un." she knew that showing her confidence would help some. "Now, when you calm down enough we'll discuss dinner and Darryl going for some of those buns you were craving. If'n its ok I'll let you relax together and I'll make me mother's chicken stew."

Asper tucked her face into Darryl's collar bone and cried for a good few moments before calming down into a very tired kind of state. But the pain wasn't helping with the almost falling asleep thing. While the baby had calmed down, the pain had yet to ease up and it was hard to sleep when your pelvic area felt like someone was pushing it apart from the inside. She was tired though and worn out and resting against the bed thouigh she had yet to let go of Darryl just yet After the fighting and being weak and useless there and now the pain of all this and Bailey having worked on dwarves and not half drow monsters like herself Asper was still terrified. But more tired and a tad hungry then anything else.

"Thank you Bailey, the kitchen is down stairs you can't miss it." he said watching her go. "Asper, I love you and I'll help make it all ok I promise." he said still stroking her hair and stomach. He would have to ask for as much help as he could to help Asper. Even if he had to go to Acheron and ask the healers there if needed. "You were saying something about me getting you sticky buns, how many would you like?" inwardly he hoped to get her to smile even a little.

"A little one... I don't feel really hungry just a little bit." She sniffled and hated herself for it. More then anything she hated showing weakness but she wasn;t like Alehial, this was completely new to her and she didn't know ho to handle it. Physcial abuse she could hande though it scared her, but this this actually trrified her like Lash did. She just hoped Jake wasn't home to see her like this weak and crying and in pain. That would be the worst. She could ponly hope the baby girl would come before he did. She was still the big sister who took care of him and didn't show pain or weakness.

He kissed her cheek and continued to stroke her stomach to keep the baby soothed. "I'll find the perfect one for you, we will be fine, I promise." he promised her. Darryl really wanted her to let him lessen her pain, take it into himself so she could rest. "Is there anything else I can do to make you comfortable." He hoped that she could get a little rest, today had been tiring for everyone.

"A pillow beneath my hips but other then that no... maybe a small nap before dinner. If I can manage it. Dont; be gone long okY?" she says softly clinging to the sleeve of his shirt in her hnad. She was always worriwd when he was gone and now was no exception. Especilly with all the pain she was feeling, not that it was a lot right now or anything but still she didnt like feeling pain when she didn't have to and she didn't want him gone long in case something scare her again.

"Only as long as to get what you want and back here again, I promise you." He said picking up another pillow and using his power to levitate her up to put it under her. Darryl kissed her cheek and then gently put her back down and made sure she was comfortable. As soon as she was comfortable he waited to see if there was anything else she wanted. Asper would get her sticky bun and they would do everything to see her through this situation.

"Kay." Asper said pulling the thin sheet over herself. She felt a little cold seeing as she was sweeting a little from her confusion and fright earlier. Before he even left the room her eyes were drowsily slowly closing. She was really very tired and everything that had happened to her today. But she stayed awake not comfertable enough to fall asleep without Darryl with her to keep her safe.

It didn't take him long to get the sticky buns and return back to the house. Jumping back to the kitchen and dropping off his package before walking back into the bedroom to see Asper. Darryl could feel her discomfort and wanted to try to ease it. Activiating his powers he changed the pilows supporting her to comfort her perfectly. She might complain about his use of powers for something like this, but he didn't care.

Asper grumbled but didn't make him stop. "Lay with me?" She asked softly for once needing comfort and showing the fact that she needed it. It happened just not very often. Right now she was still a little afraid and the pain coming made her uncomfertable and a little pissed and that made her cranky and she just wanted peace for a moment like before. Everything kind of hurt.

"Of course I will." he said getting into bed beside her and getting close to comfort her. He felt a pang of guilt, he was the cause of this pain and there really wasn't anything he could truly do to help her. Taking her hand in his, he kissed it and squeezed gently. Again he used his powers and made a soothing song Alehial sang to him when he was little surround them in the air. Dinner and everything else could wait until Asper wanted it, right now she and the baby were his entire world, and he needed to be beside his loves.

"Stop that. I don't know what the words are and lullaby's have never been anything other then a lie to me. Asper didn't want food she just wanted to sleep for some reason, all of today just made her excessively tired. She just hoped her water wouldn't break and make a mess because she really couldn't clean it and she didn't want Darryl to see it because it was embaressing. A mess she'd made and being a woman and it being her first pregnancy Asper suddenly was becoming very much of a different person almost. No longer mad at the world just cranky in need of support and comfort. Embaressed by small matters and sleeping a lot more.

He removed the words and replaced them with more comforting sounds, "Trust me, Asper they will help relax you." Leaning close he kissed her neck and stroked her skin again hoping to calm her and provide her a chance to sleep. "Don't focus on so much, just let it be as it is, I know you've heard a lot and it's frightening. Just remember you aren't alone now, and you don't have to hide your feelings from me. I love you and will always want to be here to comfort and support you."

Lash's words suddenly were brought to mind. ' He's breeding you just to get more of his kind for the family. Why else would anyone ever want a creature like you?' Asper kept her mouth shut but she tensed a little more. She knew it was just her remembering but... what if it was true. What if after he had two or three he didn't want her anymore. Yet another reason to prepare. She closed her eyes and tried to tune out the stupid noises and focused on the soft touches. they calmed the baby and eased a little of the discomfort.

Darryl continued to touch her and talk calmly trying to get her to finally nod off. But he felt her tense up, "Asper I know something is wrong, what is troubling you?" He would do anything to help her and even if it took everything he had. She had her troubles believing that the Ravenwoods were exactly as the seemed. And that sometimes caused problems especially with his mother, his fondest wish was for them to find common ground.

"Nothing just remembered something was all. I'm tired Darryl... please I jjust want to sleep." Asper said softly, if she told him he'd go on all night patrol to watch over her and that she did not need. She needed his warmth and his touch to calm the baby. She needed sleep was what she needed. All this excitement and going into labor early shit was no fun. Nor was almost getting attacked and all that other shit that was happening.

He knew that he wouldn't get any better answer from her tonight. Darryl continued to comfort her and the baby. Bailey looked in for a second and seeing as they seemed trying to rest let them be. She would look about the house and feed them later when they were hungry. Asper would do well, she would check her later with Darryl there to offer his wife care and support.

Soon enough Asper was asleep, though she'd grimance now and then from the twinge of pain she felt. With Darryl's heat beside her and his soothing touch on her skin she slept. And would probably sleep through the night. She felt so tired before and she still did. Laying on her side to ease the wweight of the baby so it didn't hurt her back and squish her to much. Still Asper reached out and clutched onto Darryl's shirt holding it tightly.

Darryl was at a loss, he knew something she remembered was bothering her and she would not tell him. Perhaps she was afraid something she might say would make him mad or upset with her. Mother, am I interrupting you? I could use some advice. He knew they didn't see eye to eye and the only things the women in his life shared was him and at one point the same location in Andor. But, he desperately needed some help to first relieve Asper of this emotional pain, then deal with the problem with the baby.

"No your not sweety going over paperwork is all. What do you need advice on?" Lyriels thoughts came through, she hoped they had a fight or something... no really she hoped nothing bad had happened to the baby or Darryl. And a little about Asper. She'd never had a birth last more then sixteen hours herself. usually they were pretty fast so this ws entirely new to her.

Something is bothering Asper and I fear it is causing more stress than she needs. But, she will not tell me what it is, how can I help her if she won't tell me? She wants me near and even is holding my shirt so I can't go far. Do you have any thoughts on what it could be or how I can reassure her? Suddenly, he hoped his mother, who never got along with Asper would be moved by his plight and the future of her granddaughter.

"Could be something you said reminded her of something that man with the whips said... or it could just be that she is scared and there is no explanation for that Darryl. Think for a moment what she has always told us... think about what happened recently that Lai told me about going into her mind. You'll find an answer... you already have it my baby, you just have to find it." Said Alehial, she had spoken to Lai and learned of the mental attack and physical attack on Asper and was not pleased one bit. But the fact that everyone was safe consoled her that she didn't need to be every where to protect everyone. They were very capable on their own.

"Thank you mother, I hadn't thought of going back into my memories and reviewing what happened." Darryl settled back and slowed his breathing, he could enter into his own memories. The answer maybe inside like Alehial said, he would just have to observe and see what that answer was. There would only be enough time to either focus on what he saw in her mind before they attacked, or while he was inside her memories as the neighbors dog. Ultimatly, he chose to see those aspects of Asper they saw before the attack it would be the place to start.

Bailey had a very nice meal and set the rest aside for them in the morning, a couple glasses of wine and one of those sticky buns settled it all. She made a brisk fire in the living area and grabbed several of her tomes she brought with her. In all the Stoneshield's knowledge of childbirth extended to sharing with other races, including dragon and even giants. Humming lightly a birthing tune she opened up to the chapter dealing with problems just before birth. "I will make sure to know just what to do and exactly when the time comes."

Fael was restless, he had slipped out of bed and into a pair of breeches and was going through excercises to calm his mind. Something about those men were wrong, like they had no fear of death. Could he protect his family, it was insane to think he could do this alone, they would have to stand together. A slight tap at the window broke his concentration, there was a firling watching and tapping as if to be let in. The bright blue star on its head told him it was one of the druids that were obsessed with helping the felid race get off to a good start.

Elsa groaned softly Feal's name. "Feeal?" She groaned softly the warmth from bed gone and an annoying tapping sound rousing her a little. That and the constant movement of the tail she loved so much wasn't there to comfort her. She rubbed an eye and yawned begining to wake a little, thinking maybe something might be wrong or something. After the fight that afternoon she was a little worried, that maybe it was something else was going on.

He walked over and nuzzled her neck, "I'm still here my love. I will rejoin you in a moment, I just have need to take care of something." He kissed her before making his way to the window quickly opening it and snatching the bird. Bringing it close to his mouth he said in no uncertain terms his extreme displeasure at the disturbance. "You and your friends will avoid this window or I will summon guards to arrest the lot of you." he growled before squeezing and tossing it back out the window.

Elsa moans softly and waits for him, her mind fuzzy with sleep she wasn't paying much attention to what he was actually doing. Groaning again softly as the baby moved around inside of her bereft of it's fathers warmth and it's mothers sleeping state. It pushed until Elsa groans. "Great... now I have to pee." She growls in a sleepy deep thickened voice. She hated when she had to pee in the middle of the night. it disturbed her not to get a full night of sleep.

He returned to the bed and waited for her to return, he would bring the problem of the druids to Lady Alehial. Being a senior and revered druid, the others would listen to what she told them. As she returned to bed he slipped out of the pants and back under the covers. "I apologize my love I was calming my mind after the problems of the day." He pulled the covers aside so she could get back in and comfortable.

"Warn me next time so he doesn't squish my bladder." Elsa moans cuddling up against him quicky and wiggling under the covers. Though she smiled as soon as she felt the twitching tail of his across her legs she settled her face near his neck where she could inhale his masculine scent the better and was almost instantaniously asleep. In fact Elsa slept a lot at the end of her pregnancies. Though she could remain active she usually took one to two naps a day.

He kissed the side of her neck and encircled her in his arms, "I didn't want to wake you, I'm sorry." Fael never understood her fasination with his tail, sometimes it drove him to distraction. Not to Mention needing to have his pants altered to accomidate it. All the family seemed to love the small tails on Xeph and Katlin. It was his fear that people wouldn't except the children, but after they were born that all changed.

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