Page name: Ravenwood Estates 13 [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-04-09 02:40:42
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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back to The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter thirteen

Lucas stiffened as Darryl made contact with his mind, "Arten is begining to give birth. Darryl just advised me and is going to let mother and father know now. Conner smiled, "About time, I thought she was never going to get the little guy out. And I wouldn't make fun Tani, I think honestly you are very perceptive. And even better that you are honest about your observations, we should have a toast when Lyriel and Flint get back."

"Don't say anything about what I've said... there is a reason they are struggling and they already know it. I hope everything goes well... Lucas... I... I'm going outside...I need to do something... I need to pray for safe delivery." Tani says before setting the cup down and moving quickly going for the door. The sun was still out outside and she needed to pray for a good delivery and a healthy baby. She needed Pelor to see her... his special daughter.

Darryl popped in before she made the door, he smiled at everyone and looked about. "Where is mother? Asper told me to come get her so she can see Arten." He looked around again and quickly said, "I'm sorry, Hello everyone, can you believe Arten's baby is coming?" Lucas smiled, "I will go get her Darryl, how about you have a seat." He kissed Tani's hand before she went outside, she truly was special.

Alehial was dressed once again, pants and shirt. Belt around her waist and she was pinning her hair up in a braided bun. She wanted to do something... sword practice, even the laundry with the womn. She just needed to do something, she'd been resting... or rather on the bed not resting, Altair was... rambunctious lately. She wondered why it was that she always withdrew... why it was when something dangerous was happening that she went to Altair but... when it wasn't she kept trying to... do everything on her own.

A few minutes after Darryl advised her of the impending birth Lucas knocked on the door. "Mother, Asper sent Darryl to bring you home for the birth of Arten's baby." His tone was a little awed, finding it very hard to believe Asper was doing something very selfless. Maybe Darryl was rubbing off on his wife a little, it would certainly be less tense around the Estate that way. Altair after catching what he said looked puzzled at his wife.

"Y-yes I'm coming! I mean come in! Altair cover yourself your sons don't need to see that." Alehial says standing and knocking over the stool before leaning over and picking it back up. She was grinning largly though. Finally she'd be able to help arten with her baby like Arten had with all of hers. "I'm coming! I mean going! Altair I love you." Alehial says kissing him before heading for the door. She was very excited and rushing which made her clumsy... always had. But she was very happy, to get to help... she was having her baby... everything was making her happy right now.

"Wish her the best from all of us who stayed behind and tell Darryl to thank Asper." He stood and began to get dressed as well, they would not get a chance to have dinner together, but that was ok. When Alehail got downstairs Darryl stood and smiled warmly. "Asper told me quickly that it would be nice to bring you home that you'd want to be there. I'm ready to go as soon as you are mother."

Alehial grins brightly and practically runs forward hugging Darryl. "Tell her thanks and take me home Darryl... Take me home so I can help Aunt Arten have her baby. " Alehial says with a big smile for Darryl. Any day she was allowed to hold her babies in her arms again was a good day, even more so now that she was going to help Arten have her very own baby. Alehial was more excited then she probably should have been but she was giddy and happy and excited.

Darryl returned the hug and popped them back to Baerlon in an instant.

Flint kept walking and looked back at Lyriel, it had been a little while since they had had sex. After spending a little time in each others arms they dressed and began to walk again. "So, where to next, back to Garrison?" he asked. Sometimes it was hard to remember that even though they had enough feelings to be together, they couldn't be. He knew he didn't love Poppy and had no interest in the young woman, Lyriel was the one he wanted, and no king or power could change that.

"No... I... felt something... Some... I dunno... I can feel nature everywhere around me and for a moment it felt... dead. I'm trying to see if I can't find that space." Lyriel says with a shrug. The forest was always moving and was never still or quiet. But in one area she could see movement or hear any sound. Then all at once it returned again. She was curiou and was looking for it. After her dalliance with Flint she was going to use his strangth and skill if there really was something. IF not a little bit of walking never harmed anyone.

He didn't say much in response, if it was something to do with a problem with nature he would defer to her. "Our first challenge to face together, sounds like fun." he commented in a low tone. Everytime they headed for Sildea something seemed to happen. He began to pay attention to any sounds coming from around them, in case of ambush. Flint trusted her senses when it came to nature, hopfully she trusted him to watch her back.

"Maybe it was nothing... Just some kind of predator." Lyriel said though she didn't really beleive it. The way he phrased the sentance though it sounded like he thought they were always going to be together. Something she wanted to discourage seeing as she didn't want to be tied down... to anything but family and sometimes she even got away from family. She continued to keep an eye out and be wary of what was around them but it had only been momentary that she had noticed the disturbance and so she stayed on alert but they should be getting back to the town.

Suddenly the forest opened up for them to see what was ahead of them. The unnatural prenscence was an altar. Flint's eyes quickly found the symbol of Hextor and could feel the evil waving from it. "Now isn't that disturbing as all get out." he commented to Lyriel. He began to look for the cleric who built the altar this far out here.

"Disturbing is one word for it." Lyriel says walking closer to inspect it. AS a child of nature the god of destruction being here made it far more then unpleasant to be around for Lyriel but she needed to check it out, human or otherwise and what it was doing so close to Sildea and the town and the path between them. This was her duty and she was ready to do it to it's fullest extent. Much more wary now then she had been before she began to check it all out.

As Flint moved around the altar he noticed something else another symbol. "Grumsh, just perfect, the smelly god of the orcs teaming up with Hextor." His sword slide from the sheath and he kept his eyes open scanning the woods for the terrible duo. Looking at the altar and noticing the symbol Vennis had worn, the symbol of the Disciples of Soth. "Lyriel, if they were here could they be heading to Sildea?" he asked aware Galadried was supposed to be leading them.

"It's very possible. Galadrid might be planning to attack while we are being receive or even right before. This... is not a good sign in the least. We have to get back to town and send a message to Sildea and one back to the house in Bearlon quickly." Lyriel says looking around carefully, if she noticed any extra detail like an offering or incense or anything then that would be good too.

The only incense on the alter looked to be days old, meaning whoever burned it was on the move. As they turned to follow the track back three orcs emerged from the trees. Flint turned to Lyriel, "Go, get the word out, I'll follow after I deal with them." He then stood between her and the orcs and motioned, "Come on you cousins of goblins!" The insult really made the orcs hostile and they squared to approach them.

"Like I'm going to leave you here to deal with this alone?! Think again!" Lyriel says drawing her blade and leaping forward. Dodging the first swing from the goblin on the far right she quickly slashes with her scimitar from hip to across the shoulder. Before rolling to the side and getting to her feet again to stab straight in at his side planning on skewering him. Flint could distract the other two while she took out the first. Besides she needed to see blood and gore right now. she hadn't had a good fight in a long time.

"The family is what matters you stubborn twit." he shouted as the other two charged in. Luckily one carried a double axe and it slowed his swing considerably. Flints sword wound around and bit deep into its shoulder drawing a sizable wound. The other swung its sword under bringing it up between his compatriot and Flint who jumped back. The other orc gave ground in front of Lyriel, her slashes may not have been deep but scimitars caused fiercely bleeding wounds.

Lyriel came again regardless of Flint's words and aimed for the throat with this stroke. "Don't call me a twit dumbshit!" She retorts back as she cuts and hacks with her scimitar at the orc. She'd win, she always did, besides one more slash straight across the gut and then she'd go after the guy with the axe. She knew what she was doing and she was more experienced then Flint when it came to orcs and such and fighting freely she often went out and did it on her own.

Her orc attempted to block most of her attacks without much success and soon holding his injuries as his blood welled out. Turning she saw Flint had the axe holder laying on the ground holding his throat and was backing the other against the altar. Brutish orcs never were capable of finesses with a sword and this one was no different. "Well, considering our enemies could be at the gates of Sildea or knocking on the door of the estate. Get a move on, alert them of the possible impending danger."

"IF yu need help call for it!" Lyriel says eventually before she turns and shifts into her feline form and runs full out back to the Garrison town. In this form she could outron and or dodge any orcs, but Flint was right the family had to be told and then Sildea had to be warned. This was not a good sign, especially since the incense was only a few days old. It meant whoever was traveling had been following the caravan or waiting out until they got to the garrison city.

Her arrival back into the city was met with some curious stares from the guards. One held up his hand to stop her, but another guard cautioned him, having seen the Ravenwood women turn into all manner of animals. He had never seen this cat form but, figured it was a Ravenwood none the less. The bigger question was were was the attack to happen. For any force to enter Sildea was near impossible, and the Estate had several capable defenders as well.

Lyriel changed back and barely remembered to put up the hat of disguises disguise before running to find Altair. "Dad!! DAD!" She shouts checking the house first, if he wasn't there then he was with the troops and she knew where they were. Someone had to be told though that things were happening that shouldn't be allowed to go unnoticed and Flint was out there fighting orcs ON HIS OWN the dimwit. She had to hurry so she could go back to him quickly.

Altair and everyone else came into the entry hall from the dining room. Conner made an off hand comment about Aunt Arten giving birth before Altair could see her closly. "Lyriel what is wrong?" he took her by the forearms in an effort to calm her a little to tell him what is going on. Lucas and Conner almost immediately noticed she was by herself. They both said in almost unison, "Where is Flint?"

"Fighting orcs by an altor to Hextor and Grumsh! There was incense only days old and orcs attacked. Only three, I took down one and left Flint the other two. It might be Galadrid. We have to warn Mother at home and Grandmother in Sildea right now!" Lyriel says she was calm and orderly though for her this was close to being upset as it came. She was worried there would be an attack and right now she wanted everyone on high alert and ready just in case. Then she wanted to get back to Flint.

"I can fly straight to Sildea... It'll take me the whole night but I can get there by morning I'M sure and I can tell them of what Lyriel has seen." Tani offers also having come out of the room, she had never seen the drow woman so... agitated before. Clearly it was because she had left flint behind while she came here... or it could be as bad as they thought and it was their 'evil' uncle that Tani had yet to encounter.

"Conner alert your Mother and Grandmother to the possibility, Tani I agree but I want Lucas to fly with you. As of now no one is alone outside of city walls, Lyriel and I will head back to Flint." Conner looked to argue then nodded his agreement and went to begin casting missive spells. Altair hurried to gather his weapons and head back out with Lyriel. Lucas went to gather his cloak so he and Tani could get their gear and leave for Sildea.

Tani went to gather her flight pack and get her weapons on. A few essentials in a small pack that fit just above her wings on her back so that it didn't hinder her flight and her weapons were all she needed. She helped Lucas with his stuff once she was finished with her own. Besides suiting each other up as well, they needed to be prepared.

Lyriel nodded her head and waited for Altair before turning and running down the street. She had used her animal spell of the day and didn't have anymore but she was fast on foot and knew the way back easily, for a druid like her and for a girl who paid attention to detail like she did she had them closing in in about the same time it had taken her to get to the Garrison city if not five minutes more.

Altair kept pace, before reaching out and casting upon Lyriel, aspect of the wolf would allow her to take a wolves form. Then he cast upon himself and surged to catch up to her. It did not take long for them to reach the spot where she left Flint. The altar was demolished and several more orc bodies lay about. Kneeling over a soon to be dead attacker, Flint was speaking to the creature in its language, questioning it.

Lyriel made sure Altair could follow her the entire way and once in wolf form relished the feel of dirt between her paws and her hearing. Which rather easily picked up Flint and the orcs words in the foul language it used. By how many dead were about Lyriel guessed it was party left behind to kill any inquisitive enough to get near the altar. But Flint surely knew more.

The orc said just a few things before it's breath failed, and Flint stood to give his report. "They were brought together by an elf and part of the group waited here and the rest left with the elf and a human. The altar was erected to their hopeful victory." An orc fist sized bruise was showing on his jaw, but Flint either did not notice or care. He grabbed the altar cloth and cleaned off his blade before snapping it back into the sheath.

"Conner is sending word to Mum and Grandmother Sirrus. How many were in the group do you know?" Lyriel asked looking around. they could just leave the bodies here it wouldn't be a shame or a waste. Nor would it hurt anything, they were far enough away no disease would carry back to the villagers. But Lyriel wasn't sure what to do next. "Dad... What's our plans?" She asks he was the leader while Mother was home.

Flint's response was to shake his head, the dying orc could not count. "Lucas and Tani are leaving for Sildea and will be there by morning, we will have to move quickly to join them. However the soldiery will slow us considerably so unless the attack begins we hold our course. At the point if a battle breaks out I will ask Darryl or Lai to expidite us." He was concerned about the estate and those behind them, but Sildea would be the wiser choice since the children were there.

"Then me and Flint will gather our things and head straight for Sildea." Lyriel says nodding her head, she and Flint could act as scouts and feel out the path on the way, she could leave markers to let the soldiers coming to know if it was safe or not. Conner might have to stay behind... or travel with the soldiers. He was after all the Heir to Ravenwood name.

Altair grimaced, they still weren't sure if he and Alehial would be switching back now or not. "Do not take foolish chances, EITHER of you, COnner and I will follow with the troops." Not being at the front lines was rough on him. "Go, and be careful both of you." he bade them before casting aspect of the wolf and running off. It showed he realized they were no longer kids, but he still would have rather went with them.

"Time to get your stuff for travel and then we leave. I'll get travel rations and you just grab your things Flint. Then we leave and head straight for Sildea, we'll be traveling off the path which is a straighter more direct route but close enough I can leave markers for Altair." Lyriel says to Flint as she began to loot the orcs bodies. She learned from Uncle Lyle that sometimes bad guys might surprise you with what they have on them.

None of them had anything interesting on them, other than fleas and bad odors. Flint turned and headed back to get their equipment, "Not much in the way of gear just rations, weapons, and water. Forced march means very little sleep, just like the old days." His tone was almost chipper like he was looking forward to chasing down those that planned attacking Sildea. To Flint it was a chance to beat his own personal best of three days march, with no sleep and minimal breaks.

He considered using the pin and having his father cut off the attackers. But, knew it was betraying the family he swore that he wanted nothing from Galin. They began to trek off along the direct route Lyriel pointed out, taking a brisk pace. Flint knew they were well matched for this, his legs were long and she was light and nimble. It would be only a slight possibility to catch them before Sildea, more than likely they would arrive just as the attack began.

Lyriel's mind was blank, she had an enemy in front of her and was preparing for that. She moved through the forest at a very fast pace, she knew these woods, they knew her. She just had to concentrate on the easiest and fastest route for Flint to also travel through. She hd no problems with the smallest of openings and ran as if the forest would just open for her but it did slow her down a little looking for the paths a soldier could take. Still though they moved quickly, she prayed they made it in time.

"So, how big of a force could Sildea rebuff before they would seriously need Andor's help." It had been a long time since they had seen the military forces of Sildea. It would be several hours until they would slow or even stop to catch their breath. He watched Lyriel's body make its way through the woods ahead of them. She truly was an amazing woman and a proficient firey warrior.

"they have both magical and physical units in place all around the wall of the city, not to mention the gaurds that go out regularly to patrol the surrounding forest. It would have to be an army of incredable size before Sildea asked for any help at all. And since there are hero's on the way already, they might not need any extra help at all." Lyriel said having to think about it. "Save your breath for the break." She said sharply remembering as a human he needed more recovery time then she did and he had a more difficult time then she did in the forest.

The forest continued to stretch on before them, and the trail was obvious to both of them. When they could no longer keep their quick pace they stopped to catch their breath. "I guess it all depends on what they intend on hitting the city with now doesn't it." Orcs and the Disciples of Soth were one thing, goblins and or giants could start tilting the odds. "Could it be possible we aren't considering the true target, the city proper would be suicide."

"That it might be to split us all up and attack us seperatly. Thought of that. won't work. We're all Ravenwoods." Lyriel grins at Flint, she was leaning against a tree trying to gain her breath. Once she got her breath slowed down a litle she controlled herself a little more. She was a little better off then before and once more conrolled she readily got her breath back. Soon enough she'd be ready for the run again. She just hoped her father and the other two figured it out s well.

"You realize Tani and Lucas will find them first, that view from above might be helpful." He fought to bring his breathing back under control, they would need to get beck on the trail. He opened his waterskin and took a long sip and as a force of habit offered it to Lyriel. One could feel the forest looking down on them, he had felt the sensation before and did his best to keep it from bothering him. "What if the target is too young to defend itself, and doesn't have a large enough force to defend itself?"

"What do you mean?" Lyriel asks unsure of what Flint was trying to explain. She took the waterskin and took a small sip before handing it back. She knew that if there was real trouble Tani and Lucas would both figure out a way to signal them and let them know of it. Besides she was shortcutting most of the road in. Going a more direct route. But they weren't far from the road if you could call it one leading to Sildea and out of it.

"One of the children, perhaps if the object was to kill some of our kids and demoralize us." He took the waterskin and reafixed it and started moving in the driection they were going. "If it is Galadried and he is wanting to punish our family then the children would be his target. And I'll be damned if I'll let him harm any of them, so let's get a move on." Flint knew he must be showing that grim look of determination all Ravenwood men shared.

Lyriel didn't like his explanation at all and as such she hurried in front of him to lead the way once again. Hoping to speed them along, and perhaps save many lives. With Tani and Lucas rushing ahead to warn them... they would protect the children as much as possible... he shouldn't be able to harm them at all. He shouldn't be able to get in Sildea... there should be nothing, but... because this was a Galin from a different time and with a collection of unknown men and women in his company they didn't know what he could and could not do.

They continued on several hours leaving a marker or two before needing to stop and take at least a few hours break. Flint puled off his boots and took another drink and a bite or two of food.  "Its getting dark, we might need to slow down so I don't break my neck or an ankle." The woods were overgrown enough so it wasn't like travel by road where it was an easy march, roots and hollows could pop up underfoot and send one flying. And neither of them would be much use without at least a little sleep.

"Let me take my revery before it gets really dark then. That way I will be a better gaurd for you to sleep safely." Lyriel says softly, she too ate and drank a little. Taking off her travel pack and her weapons she settled down into a nook by a large tree. They had gotten to the part now that as thick as the underbrush was the trees too had begun to get bigger and thicker and larger overall.

Flint nodded and whispered just loudly enough, "Rest well." Even though he might be getting cold he didn't dare start a fire inside the tree line like this. Once his feet relaxed enough he put them back into his boots and wrapped his cloak about him to stay warm. He studied Lyriel until the setting sun stole all the light from them. This wasn't his first cold night wrapped in his cloak, but he couldn't help but remember the nights when he and Lyriel shared the cave in the mountains.

Lyriel took her revery and as soon as she was done she opened silver eyes and took a good look at their surroundings. Once assured of safety she stood slowly and put her hand gently on his shoulder to let him know she was finished and he could sleep. She could scout around anyways, and check the length of the space between the road and where they were. It shouldn't be too far but still she wanted to check things.

"Don't be gone too long, need them pretty eyes to see any sneaky orcs." he teased patting her hand. There was nobody save Alehial and Altair he would want out here doing this with him. He hated the fact he couldn't see half as well as she did, it would be useful to them. He shivered a little, and wrapped his cloak tighter and hoped rest if not sleep would come quick. "Not too long, we'll need to be on our way as soon as any light appears."

"Get some sleep, you need it." Lyriel says softly gearing back up quietly. Once she had everything on again she quickly made a quick round around them and then towards the road. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary she went back and kept watch over Flint's sleeping form. He needed a lot of rest and would get much of what he needed before it even got light enough for him to move again.

Flint had his chin against his chest and cloak pulled tight against him. Even an orc scout might not have noticed him unless he was right on top of him. Hours began to creep by as she sat vigil over him when after a small time she heard something land on the branches above them. Flint didn't wake and just shifted about a little and mumbled something. Then she heard a small voice above them in the tree, "Lyrieel nos enjoysys Fwints like they dooes in woods?"

"Not right now we don't. There is an attack going to happen soon. We are rushing to the aide and protection of our loved ones in Sildea. I'm glad to have you as company though little devil." Lyriel says with a grin holding up as arm and offering to let him close, or even on her lap. She was drinking some water and eating a little more trail rations. She didn't want to have to stop and eat later. or be dehydrated to soon.

He flitted down from the branch and landed on her arm then clambored down into her lap. "Iss muuch warmmy heree." he announced and quickly curled into a ball. "Soo, hows wee helpsy elveeny lands?" he opened an eye and looked up at her. Looking at Lyriel and trying to figure out why only the two of them where on there way to Sildea. "I iss soms hungree, any foody toos sares?"

"Yeah I have some, I'm not sure but I"m thinking a surprise attack at the flanks should be a good distraction and Flint and I can flee into the woods and attck again randomly until Altair arrives with the others. At least keep them dissoriented depending on how many there are." Lyriel says handing some jerky to the little imp as she gengerly pet him a little before just sitting and thinking about battle plans.

He devoured the food and began to purr as she petted him, Xibix found the attention intoxicating. He probably could not help with this defense since he was so small. "Whatsy happens oftar youses beatsy baddies?" he asked through closed eyes. Humans and elves had a lot of plans for their time here on Glaeron. He knew that Flint was still being sought by his father and was fighting for control of his own future.

"After we beat the bad guys... we come up with our next plan. If it still isn't safe we have to get the children back to the house, And with our lives we will protect our children... the future. There are no, There is nothing but the future and we must do what we can to, protect the future at all costs. That is what the Ravenwood name means." Lyriel says softly, still petting the little imp. She found him oddly adorable. He was the cutest thing to her, more so then Wolf. Her usual companion.

He smiled up at her then looked towards Flint, "Manys peopless wantss himss wees takess himss wiffs uss?" The human and Lyriel had a interesting habit of falling into one anothers embrace. And Xibix found them intriguing and even fun to watch. Even when he first met and prodded them into giving into desires, it didn't take much. "Howsa boutsa you fightys girl whoss wantss to marryies himss?" was his sincere question.

"She couldn't hold a blade to save her life she's utterly useless unless you want someone seduced. She even bad at that. But yes I was thinking of Taking Flint with me. See what the guild is up to all over the region perhaps. But who else wants him other then me and his 'fiance'" The last word was spoken with venom in her voice, clear that she was still unhappy with it and didn't like the girl at all. But the way xibix told her many people wanted Flint meant more then two didnt it?

Xibix rotated his around to look at her, "Yousse papaaa wanteed hims deady, youse likes rollins bout wits hims, and enothey wansa marriages hims. Was bout she resty offf familiessy?" He curled closer and began to bite at his talons while paying attention to the sleeping human and Lyriel both. If she wanted him to go with them then he would, but would Lyriel keep him a secret from Flint? "Mees es kindsa hungryies, gots ani foodsie?" he asked with a hungry gleam in his eye.

"I just fed you Xibix!" Lyriel sighed before giving him more dried meat. She didn't know what the last comment meant but she'd be damnded is she let the imp knew that and continued to pet him and stroke him carefully. Eventually she'd have to let Flint know she was a companion of sorts with her. Something other then a creature of the forest. But it didn't feel wrong to her and that must be her Drow side showing up in her. She did want Xibix around still. It was nice to talk to someone who didn't care less. In fact it was a new experience.

"Youse lookey likes hers." he said as he greedily chewed the meat and swallowed. This drow was much better than the master, he almost never gave him normal food. Xibix would have to hunt mice and other creatures and eat them raw. And he even shuddered to remember the water he used to drink, since he was in the lower level of the tower it was from the cistern. He stared at Flint and wondered why the Master hated this one so much.

"So he told me." Lyriel said softly wiping at her eyes. She opened her water container in case Xibix was thirsty too. it was habit after taking care of so many ravenwood babies. Lyriel pet Xibix with her free hand. She wondered if her father had remained normal and in love and her brother and mother lived how things might have turned out. instead she had her grandfatehr and cousins chasing her down, the ravenwoods to protect and herself to figure out as a whole. With no one to really help guide her.

Flint shifted and Xibix head swiveled back around to study the human. He hadn't removed his armor and pulled a side of his cloak to form a pillow for his head. "How's onesy sleepsy likes thats?" mused Xibix watching him then looking to Lyriel. It seemed funny to him that anyone could sleep dressed like that. Wherever they were heading is must be very important, and Xibix was always interested in important things.

"We're going to try t head off an attack by ,y adopted step uncle, I only need four hours of revery but Flint needs more especially wearing armer, or most of it. We have to stop him from doing any damadge or hurting the rqavenwood children which we beleive is his main goal. Either way... Mother advised up an attatck was going to happen and Flint and I can travel fast without the others tagging along. Hopefully Daniel and Tani get there in time to warn the Sildeans." Lyriel explains softly, knowing how nosey the little imp could get at times.

He shook his head that he understood, and went back to enjoying her attentions. Flint shifted again and began to wake up, it was about time for them to get going. Xibix vanished and Lyriel could feel him take flight from her lap. "How long was I asleep Lyriel?" he opened his eyes fully and started to stand up. He began to strap on his sword and pack and took a drink of water.

"Seven hours or so. Eat some rations as well I'll help you strap on the armer." Lyriel says not wanting him to be too run down by the time they got there. Besides he was her tank and she was just a light fighter. Without him she wouldn't be able to do very much damadge alone and she had a few spells just in case to be cast should need come. she was glad Xibix could become invisible it was quite the trick that was very useful for keeping him a secret from everyone. She knew no one would be happy with her having an imp following her around.

"Alright, thanks." he said with a smile bending down to get into his pack and pull out some salted meat. The seven hours let him get a second wind and now putting a little food into his stomach was even better. Gripping the piece of ration in his teeth, he started to strap on his greaves. Looking over at Lyriel he was glad they were doing this for the family. "I hope Altair isn't too far behind us, otherwise we are gonna have our hands full."

Lyriel bent over and began putting his grieves on while he ate. With him working one one and her the other his time to get ready would be cut in half and they could be on their way once again. Perhaps they might might it and she'd be able to scout throughout the night while he slept. If not it would take another two days to catch up to the army but the tracks she'd found seemed to get a little fresher.

Once that was complete he put the rest on and began fastening everything into place. For a second he caught her hand and whispered his thanks with a smile. Once complete he grabbed his weapons and judged the time of day, "We may not catch them in time, so this fight might take place inside Sildea's borders." Flint knew what was at stake and would not let harm come to anymore of his family. He couldn't live with himself if any harm befell any of the children, and he was too late to die protecting them.

"We passed the Sildean border a while ago. I am taking us to the most likely area they would launch their attack. We will at least be there a few minutes after they begin their attack. Even a small distraction can buy time if need be Flint. Haven't you learned that in this family yet?" Lyriel smiled softly lifting her pack and settling it. then offering his to him. She would hurry them along. So they had time to judge the enemies movements and act accordingly and gain back their rest. She had eaten with Xibix and in fact was eager to be off, but it was a fact that Flint was only human and had to have eight hours of sleep and could only move as he was trained.

"Then lead on daughter of nature, we have family and friends to help protect and enemies to rout." He wouldn't show concern about the numbers they my find awaiting them. Lyriel was helping him along just like the old days, and he wished to prove he was capable. Taking his pack and motioning for her to lead him on. Flint would keep pace and when the time came he would enter battle fresh enough to hopefully turn the tide.

"that we do." She said grimly but with a very small grin on her face. She was going to love the flesh under her blades ripping and tearing, the bright green and red blood covering them. She had once worried about things like this but Altair told her it was her nature to enjoy battles. So they trained her and she became what she was, leading Flint forward folling the relatively clear path but not on the path in case there was some kind of magical booby trap or something the tracks got slightly fresher and fresher. They were making good time or something had slowed the enemy down somewhat. Possibly an outer patrol or something.

As they exited out of the cover of the forest they found out that the enemy had found an outer patrol. All five elves lay dead and only three orcs, they had been outnumbered and had not stood much of a chance. Flint knew that the enemy had continued on into the forest and away from the city. If only they could catch up a little quicker to the enemy and see where they were going. He looked up hoping to catch a glimpse of Tani or Lucas they should have made it to Sirrus's when they were just waking.

Lyriel said an Elven prayer for them all and examined the tracks. "Their heading for the area I thought they would. It's mostly residential and easy to go through once they get through the wall. With the people screaming and running it'll be hard for the troops to get in without harming their own. Tani and Lucas should be there anytime now so hopefully they'll be able to see... if not... we may be on our own to soun a horn." Lyriel says taking a horn off of one of the dead elves. It was a call to arms and she knew the tune. She'd heard it often as a slave child. If need be she would sound the first alarm.

"Lyriel look another group broke and headed into the forest that direction. What lays in that direction, I don't remember anything from my summer's here with the family." Could the attack at the city be a ruse for something more nefarous? "We have to get to the city and alert the guards first, then we can head out after the other group." He checked that all three orcs were truly dead and not playing possum, to ambush when they were unawares.

"There's nothing just more forest. The temple isn't even that way. Come on we're wasting time by standing here we aren't far behind them... the plants are still oozing slowly. It couldn't have been more then a day or less since they came this way. Tani and Lucas were sent to warn the guards all we can hope to do is catch them unawares behind them! So come on!" Lyriel said impatiently checking the tracks and looking at him. She then stood again and without looking back followed the larger trail. they had gotten a good distance closer then when they started but Altair and the Legion wouldn't be there for another two or three days.

They began to follow along the trail and a few hours later nearer the city they found the first inklings of the invading force. "Gods be merciful, that is a large battle group." Flint whispered. The group numbered at least three hundred, the city would be hard pressed to bring enough defenders against them. And by the time the outlaying elven soldiers could return, many people would be dead. "We might have to wait and pick a time when we can cause enough chaos to give them a chance to turn the tide."

"Don't concentrate on the numbers look for the leaders. Grandmother and a few others as soon as they reach the gate can cause spikes and fire to keep them at bay or to harm a great number of them. What we want to do is kill Uncle Galadren. Him and whoever else is in charge. A mass of orcs with no orders is a slaughter waiting to happen. Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies afterwards." Lyriel said pulling out a small looking glass and climbing a tree to better see. They were still a good few miles away and she wanted to see if she could see who was in charge.

"Most Orc war cheifs have the double axe, as far as Galadrian, we may need Altair or Alehial." he retorted quietly. Finding a leader in that knot of evil would be easier with Lucas and his supernatural abilities to sense greater evils. He kept watching in all directions looking for a patrol that might come across them. The druids could conjure defenses for the city, and as long as there weren't many mages or priests it should hold standard soldiers at bay. He looked up and still marvelled how quickly she got up the tree to look across the enemy.

"I see the warcheif... But no Galadrian. Wait! Damn should have known! There's an elf... not Galadrien but he bears the symbol..." Lyriel sighs. The symble of Flint's father. Of course he was involved. But elves fighting other elves?! Alongside orcs?! that was unheard of. Climbing down and jumping the last ten feet or so she lands softly and shakes her head. "Orcs and Elves... The Warcheif is in the middle but I couldn't see Galadrian. Just elves with the crest of..." Lyriel didn't want to say it. Such things... she now had an inkling of how Alehial must feel sometimes.

"The Disciples of Soth." Flint finished her sentence for her. "So, now we find a place to hunker down and watch for an opening. Either we strike in the moments when they reach Sildea or find the warcheif by himself." He had noticed a nice area they could turn into a blind with minimal work and keep an eye out for Galadrian. And it was an excellent chance for them to get a chance to rest from the break neck speed in which they used.

"I say we take down the scouts... and the outer watch slowly. One or two at a time. They are still on the move but we can travel at their speed now. Leave my kitty cat claws to make marks and make them think it was a wild beast in the begining." Lyriel says keeping her eyes on the enemy. There were so many of them. She just hoped what feeble magic she knew could help distract them and that Flint and she could do as they were trying to kill the warcheif at least. Galadrial would stay in hiding most likely.

"If we do that the scout parties would get bigger, I think we should get an idea of where to strike and just avoid them unless we have no option." He noticed a group of them getting ready to depart for a patrol, four orcs and three elves. Seven in total and while he had confidence in them, a fight might get too large and they'd be captured. Suddenly Lyriel felt Sirrus touch her mind through a spell. "Lyriel are you somewhere close dear granddaughter?" Sirrus asked in a slightly worried tone.

"We are grandmother right behind the enemies. We traveled hard to catch up to them. There are many Grandmother." Lyriel replies worry traveling along with her message as well. Traps maybe that was what they needed then. invisible wires they could see tripping them so they could be killed more easily. Lyriel too noticed the company and pointed up into the tree to Flint. It was dense enough if they got high enough quickly they wouldn't be found.

He groaned, climbing a tree in armor was one of his worst skills, but he started up. "Lyriel, I hate to tell you this and inform you to watch them and keep me informed. Orissa, Samantha, and Aras are outside they city meeting with Orissa's new teacher. Lucas is here and is already outside the gates enroute to find them." Flint was looking down and noted something Sirrus said might be disquieting.

"Damn! Sorry Grandmother... we noted a trail leading off the main group... I pray Galadrian who I could not find in the mass of fighters is not in that group. I pray her teacher can save her from our uncle from another time." "Climb faster dammit or we'll be seen!" Lyriel hissed at Flint as she quickly found a way around him and up further. Pulling out her scope again she looked the direction the other path had taken but she couldn't see anthing. They must be much further on the other side of the city.

Flint grunted and heaved himself just underneath her and swatted her backside. "Get up another branch or two, I think my sword is poking out!" he whispered back. Once settled he really needed to ask what was going on, something was bothering her. He had never seen Alehial's uncle, but knew he was dangerous and probably figured out how to bring his father back to life. Clearly there must be a reason for the Disciples to join with these orcs and bring them to Sildea, but in truth it was hidden for now.

"Granmother there is at least one regiment of elves to the legion of orcs. Perhaps more I am unsure... There were tracks of at least a dozen moving the direction that must have been the girls." Lyriel responds putting away the scope and easily climbing much higher in the tree. "Thank you brother for sheilding us in our time of need." She whispers softly to the tree laying her palm flat against it. She couldn't do magic but sometimes acknowledging them made them help... especially in highly magical area's like the Sildean woods.

"That saddens my heart to hear that we have been betrayed, I think it best you go to the weeping tree and use that as a place to watch from. It is sacred to druids and rangers, so the orcs should avoid it." The acient oak not far from their current location was a mystery all to itself. Somewhere in the top was a spring that flowed down the face of the tree making it look like tree was weeping. Lyriel knew that there was a large flat, dry space they could observe from.

"We will grandmother... as soon as it is safe. I will try to help when the chaos of battle begins. I may be young and I may be an as of yet low level druid, I will do what I can to help turn the tide." Lyriel told her adopted grandmother. She saw then the gaurds pass close but not under the tree. Once they were gone she could slip to the weeping tree and ask it to hide them and give them shelter from their enemies. She just had to wait. See how far the scouts would go first. she needed to learn their ruetine and fast. Sometimes if you could sneak in and ruin food supplies or other needed materials those beseiging would give up.

The scout party wasn't in a rush, a bad sign when they look at several things before moving on. Then they moved off to circle the camp, and almost the middle of the hour another group passed. It was obvious that the orcs were not in full command of this group. Flint looked up and used some of the old hand codes they came up with as children. eight to sixteen total, we find a hidey hole to await chaos? he signed.

weeping tree, she'll hide us and let us see clearly no one will bother her. Lyriel signed back in silence. They only had a little time to go unnoticed to get to the tree and Flint needed to be extra careful not to leave any kind of trail or marks on the tree as they climbed back down. He was cumbersome at best being a soldier but his gear might give them away in nature just as easily as the orcs smell to a feline druid.

He began to drop from the tree taking care of his route, any sign of someone being up there could spell doom. He'd been to the weeping tree before although never had climbed it. the way is clear, we need to be careful our direction. He secured his shield under his pack and waited for her to join him. He could only hope Altair and Conner would be along quickly, the elves may depend on the Andorian military to rout these servants of evil.

Lyriel was light and quick and silent as she dropped to the dround and then moved to the dtree taking care to hide behind cover. She was too noticable as dark as she was with her hair the color it was. But she took care and once reaching the illow thanked the tree for hiding them and for taking them into it's sheltering branches.

They picked their way to the weeping tree, avoiding two other patrols on the way. Flint made sure he was between her and any beams of light, he stood out less in with his cloak. Finally they arrived at the weeping tree, he was only one of probably four living humans who had been here to see this beautiful druidic site. At the bottom of the tree was a pool and small brook of water heading towards Sildea. Even with such a available water source, the orcs and humans avoided this place.

"This is... almost a holy place. It can be felt and so repels those it chooses as unworthy without their knowledge." Lyriel whispered to Flint in a quick explanation. She quickly put her hair in a braided bun and pulled on her cloak to cover herself even better before climbing the tree's limbs to spy on the enemy. "Stay down there and keep an eye out. This is where we stay." She whispered softly before swiftly climbing the tree with ease and agility.

He watched her climb and found a spot to stay out of sight but still see any patrols. The tree was a high spot that they could watch the enemy encampment, and hopefully the combined group could force them away. The climb wasn't too hard and Lyriel could see the surrounding area and the camp. Some of the smaller trees had been cut down for small cooking fires, she could see some of Sildea in the distance. Flint was in a small copse of trees and very well hidden.

They could only wait. She didn't know any helpful spells but at night... she could set fire to the main tent. In feline form it would be hard but she could get a torch... or something... and be in and out. But you can't lock a tent. that wouldn't kill the warlord Orc. Thinking in her tree watching them move around. She was disgusted that Topside Elves were working with Orcs.

Flint wondered if he could get a flaming arrow into the largest tent and looked up into the tree again. At some point they would have to make camp and rest. He wondered why the tree wept and how it really happened, he unpacked his shield and some rations. Lyriel would either come back down or point him in the direction on where to go. The camp was quiet for the most part and that was good, hopefully Sildea was preparing defenses against this invasion.

She couldn't do much but.... she could... set a small diversion. Climbing down the tree she quickly outlined the camp to flint in a whiser. "If we set the fires to the oil I'll be placing on the eastern side they'll retreat to the western side where we can put pit falls. filled with spikes." She said softly. It would take a day or two but the pitfalls only had to be two feet or so deep and maybe three feet wide. While at night she could soak the tents with oil which wouldn't bother the orcs because everything smelled rank. She could scent some of the oil with certain leaves to trick the elves as well.

"What if they start moving in the morning, to get closer to the city? Our plan has to take short setup time and maximum effectiveness. Besides I don't want to risk setting the forest ablaze if we miscalculate, better we rest and recouperate and hit them when the start attacking the city. Less chance to set anything but them on fire." he said holding up some leaves. If she felt like nothing would happen he might try lighting the camp ablaze now.

Lyriel sighed and nodded her head. She climbed back up the tree to keep an eye on them. Flint needed more rest and sleep then she did so she would watch. She could use some idea's. She had limited spells. That were themselves limited, how was she going to help when everything she said when Flint was around was stupid. She needed to focus and think. Not just act rashly and decide foolishly.

Flint finished and bedded down for some sleep, he couldn't see in the dark and lighting a fire would blow their chances. Part of him wished Lyriel was snuggled up close for some warmth. WHile high in the tree Lyriel got a visitor, since she was alone he could pay her a visit. "Why youse sleepin up heres, whise knott, snuggly with Flints?" Xibix showed himself stretched along a branch to her right, out of sight from below.

"Keeping watch is what's important now Xib. He can sleep fine with his cloak and blanket. Weeping Mother's roots are very comfertable and embrace most. She reached out and petted him gently. "Besides I've found I've become a little stupid around him as of late in the tacticle department." Lyriel told the little imp. As she continued to watch the encampment. The longer they stayed and did nothing, the better the chances for Altair and the legion to catch up.

"Haps youse thinks of betters things to does with hims?" Xibix asked rolling onto his side to let her continue petting him. He thought about pushing her back towards Flint, but it was a matter of safety right now so he thought better of it. The big tree was comfy however Lyriel needed some help and perhaps it was a chance for Xibix to be of use. "I's could goes scoutsy around for youse, finds leadersys. Maybes evens knocks overs a lampsh or someshin?"

"You'd do that for me Xibix? Knock over the leader's tent lamp and light it on fire?!" Lyriel asked picking up the little imp and pulling him close. She was amazed she thought the imp was only out for what it wanted but to help her... maybe it could be counted as a friend. I promise the heart of the next rabbit I catch for you then!" Lyriel says giving him a careful hun and petting down his backside. She didn't ever think Xibix would help her out.

"I's can tries, nose promiseses, buts I's tries." he said muffled against her. He never would have said yes until she hugged him and he felt a warm fuzzy sensation. Her hand petting him made him give a throaty purr and he stretched and nuzzled up near her neck. The idea of sneaking into the enemy camp and setting fire to it was a little disconcerting. But, a heart and some of the drow females attentive rubbings might be adequate payment.

Lyriel continued the hug and pet the little imp. He was such a wonderful little imp... a little evil... but not by much. He really hadn't done much that could be counted as evil around her while they had been together. "I'm sure if anyone can do it a little mischeivious imp can. Especially named xibix." Lyriel said softly scratching under Xibix's chin. If it all worked then they would think it was one of their own. It often happened and if the cheiftan warlord died all the better.

Xibix purred and then focused his beady little eye's on her, "Youse knoses justy whats buttons to pushy. I's goes does youse biddins, cans I's getts somes dried meats fors mes troubles?" Without waiting for her answer he opened his wings and lighted into the wind and disappeared. The new plan was to glide into the camp and sneak around a little, maybe start a fire or two then escape. Then get back to Lyriel and have something to eat, and maybe some more attentions.

Lyriels eyes watched the camp intently. Waiting for any change... trying to notice anything at all that might be Xibix. She'd give him all her dreid meat rations and live on the fruit of the forest if need be. She didn't care much for meat and was ususally why she ate rabbits and small things with only a little meat. She waited in silence all but hidden in her tree but for her silver glowing eyes. Those she could not hide no matter what.

Suddenly one of the few tent's fires got brighter and it burst into flame. A warning cry went up amongst the watch as another tent began to burn, more of the invaders began to run brining water. It was too far away for her to see what real damage was being done. Below she could see Flint was also hearing the ruckus. He was moving around to see what was going on in the camp.

Lyriel grinned brightly and settled easier into the tree watching everything go on. Xibix was a little genius, She'd pet and coddle him everytime Flint was asleep if he wanted. And could have her dried meat. She continued to watch with a grin on her face. IT was always good to see you foes die. IT was something... about her heritage she wondered. But the chaos made her happy and warmed her inside. She knew it should worry her but Altair had always said never try to change who you are on the inside. And be that person on the outside as best you can.

A little while later, the imp climbed up into the tree and huffed, tugged his tail up showing her a blackened end of his tail. "Mes needsy to pays attentionsy to wheres mes tails is." He stuck the barb in his mouth and chewed a little on it. "I hopes everythings iss worthes its." he said around his tail barb. He circled around looking down several times before climbing into her lap.

"Aw did you get hurt?" Lyriel asked in a soft whisper, she cuddled him up into her lap and scratched under his chin and down his back carefully. After he had done all of that for her she was going to give him the pettings he could wish for more so then ever imp may wish for it. SHe pulled out some dried meat and handed it to Xibix, and continued to scratch under his chin. Poor thing got it;s tail hurt because of her request. But really that was wonderful, Xibix was wonderful for an imp.

He grabbed the meat and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed, bulging out his little cheeks. Wiggling his head around so to better get her scratching the right spots. "I did nots sees anys elvy wars chiefy, butts mmmmmm, mightsy haves cokkied mes a orcy." Anything else he had to report was lost in a low rumbling purr. Xibix began to push his forelegs against her legs as he began to really enjoy her attentions.

"I have to go down and check with Flint. We'll need to discuss this." She put xibix in her spot and quickly with one final patting she climbed down the tree. "Flint." She whispered softly to gain his attention as she got behind him to see the view from where he stood on the ground. She needed to talk to him let him know that The fire's were accidental, then it just spread. At least that's what she was going with for now.

"Shhhh, look at them running around trying to put it all out." he whispered to her. Moving back just a little and taking her hand, so he knew he wasn't alone. "What did you see? An attack team from Sildea or just an orc with a piece of burningvtinder?" Flint almost chuckled out loud as a thought struck him funny. Under his breath just loud enough for her to hear, "And here at some point I hoped we could spend a night by a fire."

"Orc scuffle over food or something I couldn't tell... but they knocked over a lamp and it just sort of spread. People rushing to put it out knocked over another and so on. I saw four go down." Lyriel says softly holding Flint's hand, it was almost as if he had thought she'd left him alone in the darkness. She would never do that to him no matter what. She would never abandon Flint.

He gave it a gentle squeeze and turned to look at her, "Sorry, since all I can really see is the fire. So, have you had anything to eat since we arrived, I'm not looking forward to causing chaos with a weakened druid." The camp was slowly starting to get back under control, and the shouts were dying down. They had to squat down as another patrol came close by, the orcs complaining about no one could have gottent close enough to start those fires. Flint looked over her way and smiled, they had no idea just how close someone was.

"No but I will get some Berries and eat some bread. They won't find me on patrol I promise." Lyrial smiled, a little white flash of her teeth before she closed her eyes. She would eat the bread first here with him and she knew of some bushes neaby she could hide in and eat. IT was better then the travel ration jerky anyways. Flint was always worrying though it was so like him to mother hen her. Even when in this situation she was more in control then he was.

"I wonder what else is gonna happen to this family in the next couple of months?" Flint wondered if this would be a very hectic fight between the good and the bad. As Lyriel moved off to the bushes he heard Galin's voice in his mind. "Dear son, I hope you are not in Sildea right now, there is a force of Galadrid's men enroute there." He grabbed his head not ready for the voice to sound out, he hoped that Lyriel had not seen him otherwise she might worry.

Lyriel was watching the base and had her hood low to sheild her bright eyes a little. She was picking berries and eating them watching the camp a small sadistic smile on her lips at the chaos that had happened. she loved seeing enemies in panics or frenzies and she loved the final killing blow. She always had. It was the most satisfying of the battle. But she waas careful to keep low in the bush, even though she was completely invisible.

Beside her Xibix became visible and popped a berry into his mouth and looked up at her. He knew it might be a bad idea, but he was a creature of chaos and he wondered if he should push Lyreil and Flint together again. They made fun noises and now with her taking a perverse smile on her face, he could push them together again. "Ifs youse goesy backs to Flinty, I wills causes some moresy chaos in the campsy." While they may not strip to bare flesh, some touches and the like would be perfect as he set more of the camp either abalze or another wicked idea.

"the socerer hated Flint being near me... why do you push us together so? Besides I must eat enough until he is satisfied. He's worse then a mother." Lyriel whispered softly, she loved the chaos still happening and the shoating and the orders and confusion. It was all so wonderful. Maybe she would take some berries back t flint. She began to gather them in the corner of her cloack and ponce had a good amount snuck back over with ease. "Flint." She whispered in the dark not having adjusted her cowl she was just darkness in the night.

He jumped a little and turned offering her enough room to watch alongside him. "The patrol went off back towards the camp, mumbling about dinner should be ready soon." Almost thirty minutes later another uproar happened in the camp, several of their numbers were getting sick and another fire flared up. "Gods above they are gonna destroy themselves before anyone lays a sword on them." Flint looked over at her and smiled, he was a little more reassured now that chaos was hitting the camp.

"Look's like they caught a bit of dumb bad luck." Lyriel giggled and scooted closer to Flint. "Leave them for now... sit with me... it's a little chilly by the water." Lyriel said, it was a lie it was almost too hot for a cloak but she wanted him close. Safe... she wanted him to stay alive and well and She just needed to know he was safe and okay. She didn't know why but she did.

"Very bad luck, and if we are any closer you might as well sit on my lap." he returned the chuckle and made room for her. He put his hand in hers and interlaced their fingers. He used to do this as a child and it caused him some comfort. Another fire lit the sky and it seemed that several elves were blaming the orcs for rotten food. Flint looked over and could only imagine the smile spread across her face as the camp began to descend into chaos.

Lyriel sat between his legs and got comfertable, she smiled brightly in the darkness. The sound of chaos was so.... gut warming. So satisfying... almost like sex.... in an animalistic way it just sounded and made hr feel so good. But she didn't fight it. She did fight the urge to do anything with Flint though it was risky and way to dangerous.

He was a little surprised she got so close with what was happening. But, throwing a little caution to the wind he wrapped his arms around her middle and held her close. The second fire grew in size and the enemy couldn't put it out so it would have to burn out. Several of the group were yelling loudly how this invasion was the worst one ever. And a couple minutes later the sky opened up and rain began to pour.

"Tsk... I was enjoying their yells." Lyriel said softly burrowing back against Flint, still comfertable and happy at the chaos. She'd become a druid because anything could happen and she liked that. Here with Flint felt right... primal and good. So she let herself soak in the comfort of this moment and sitting here eating berries listening to the rain and their enemies cries of sabotage.

"Looking at hiding inside me, I don't think we could get much closer while still clothed." He set his chin upon her shoulder and looked to see how many berries she had. The weather was probably a gift from Lady Sirrus to those who thought to attack her home. Maybe by morning most of them would flee back into the wilds. Part of him wanted to find a little cave or something so they could be alone.

"where'd that come from?" Lyriel asked looking up at Flint, it was strange to hear him randomly let thoughts out of his head when that was a dangerous place to be in the first place. His thoughts were probably dirty minded... they always were when it came to her she was finding. She popped the last berry into her mouth and snuggled down. "Revery." She said softly comfertable and supported She only needed four hours and now was as good as any time.

"Then rest while I hold you safe then, and you can keep me warm when I get some sleep." He commented before pecking her cheek with a smile, lowering his hands so he didn't hold her so tight. The rain continued and was punctuated by a little lightning. Yep, awful time to be an invading force with no tents. Flint remembered a time when he and Lyriel had tried staying up to see if Mathius was sneaking coins from FLint's hiding spot.

Lyriel smiled and closed her eyes. Deep breathes in and out and she dropped into her revery. She only needed four hours, so there was plenty of time while the camp was in chaos for her to take revery. Thanks to her little imp friend. causing so much chaos all for her. It was so sweet and some bribing and some of course foul play on her part. But soon when the army came they owuld be able to make their move.

Altair and Conner were riding along with the army, marching with all due haste to Sildea. They would scout ahead of the main body and come back to report to the Sargent. "Father there has to be a quicker way to get there, Orissa and Samantha need us." the young man was chaffing at the idea his sisters and their nanny were alone against the entire invasion. "I can well understand COnner, I want to get to them as quickly as you do." Altair was nervous for his entire family.

He turned to say something else to his son, and Conner was gone, just his horse remained. "Now where in the hells did you get to?" he called aloud to the air. A short time later he heard Conner in his head informing him of what just happened. "What in the nine hells, you sent my son ahead and left me here!" he called towards the sky with a shake of his head. Turning he took the horses reins and headed back to the army.

Four hours later Lyriel came out of her revery to find the rain was continuing. Flint still held her close and had moved his cloak around them both to keep them dry and warm. His hands rested on her thighs and she could tell he was awake, but holding still watching the camp for movement. All of the fires in the camp were out and even from this distance she could hear the comlaining invaders. It was late, possibly close to moonrise, if the clouds hadn't covered it.

"You need to sleep... I'll keep watch now..." Lyriel said softly looking up at him, turning a little to see his face. He looked just like his father but a little softened about the edges. That was thanks to his mother. But she needed to check on the damadges and the camp and let Flint get his sleep. He needed his eight hours. The enemy did not.

Flint smiled and nodded, "Ok, but you be careful out there by yourself." He leaned forward and kissed her, not really knowing why it just seemed like something he needed to do. She had been camped out on his lap for four hours and that got a little tense off and on. While it wasn't the best place for any kind of interlude, the chaos in the camp caused a little excitement. He broke the kiss and smiled a little sheepishly, "I'm sorry, Lyriel, I know I shouldn't have done that."

"Don't fret, we've done worse. Now sleep." Lyriel said putting her index finger on his lips to stop him from apologizing anymore. She once again cimbed the tree to her resting/watching spot. She wanted to see how the camp was faring that was for sure and she knew Altair was moving quickly but a day and a half behind... this was only recovering perhaps the half day or a little more. Lyriel would do what she could though... perhaps a few animal traps to catch the scouts.... the elves could athenticate them. Just animal snares. Maybe.

"Dids youse see whats Ise dids?" came a small squeek from a branch nearby. Xibix had hurried back after doing his mischief and became visible when she arrived. Lyriel could see he had what looked like a burn on his tail and stinger. Waiting until she invited him to return to her lap, which he liked because it was warm and soft. He sighed wistfully, it would be so nice to be in a comfy inn bed with a fully belly of chicken and a fire nearby.

"You did fantastic!" Lyriel said giving him a kiss and scratching his chin and petting his back. "Can I heal your tail or will it hurt you more if I use a spell?" She asked concerned about his tail, he had done all that for her and she wanted to do something in return. But was unsure what she could do for him if she couldn't heal him. He'd already had one of her daily rations of meat. She couldn't spare to much.... maybe she should put out snares for rabits and the like, Though they had no way of cooking it.

"Youses coulds triesy, Ise burneds its whens Ise lets a bunchy outs intos theys foods." He arched his back like a cat enjoying the scratching before flattening his stinger so not to hurt her. Flint was down below and they could easily see the camp and what the invaders were up to. Without much thought he jumped to her lap and curled around, sticking his tail up so that she might attempt healing him. The rain had quit and most of the enemy were trying to rise into some sembelance of ranks, they were still going to set out at some point.

Lyriel said the enchantment softly and the glow from her hands tranferred to his tail. Hopefully it wasn't holy enough and just full of nature that it didn't hurt little Xibix anymore then he had already been hurting. "You did such a good job I am so proud of you Xibix!" She told him softly while the healing hopefully was taking place. It had given them hopefully half a day to a days worth of time to slow down this army of the dark, and that was enough for Altair to catch up som... hopefully, it was going to be daylight in only a few hours.

He curled around as much of Lyriel as he could and practically purred at the wonderful warm feeling. It occured to him that he might be becoming used to the good treatment that the drow was giving him. Would that make him soft? The idea was a little sobering, but the scratching made his mind a bit fuzzy at that moment. "Isss Xibixs gonnas stayss withss youse whens thiss overss?" he asked looking at her. Hoping he would live better than he did when he served his former master.

"I hope so Xibix. I'd like you as a traveling companion. You do such good things for me!" Lyriel says softly petting him some more and holding him lighty. She hadn't any idea imps were like this well any other imps then the ones Orissa's latent magic conjured up. But Xibixs was so helpful to her in almost every way it was hard to say she wanted to part with him, they made a good team the two of them did.

Down below the camp was being miserable, but suddenly it began to take shape and lines began to form up. Somehow the leaders managed to get them back into some sort of organization. They planned to move out soon and it looked like they were leaving a great deal of the ruined equipment behind them. Flint from his vantage noticed in the pale light the elf giving orders, and he took up his bow. One shot, one clear shot and he could end the leadership of the disciples and leave just his father, he prayed and pulled back.

The shot hit the elf between the shoulder and spine, he yelled out and fell to the ground. Those closest followed the direction it had travelled and spotted Flint. He knew they would be coming and turned to flee, hoping enough would follow that he could thin the herd without putting Lyriel in danger. A group of ten orcs pursude Flint until she could no longer see them, Xibix turned his head around to look at her. "Fwint goings tos gets himy swef intos troubwes? Youse go saves hims?" leaving her lap in a small huff.

"No he'll be fine if you go look after him and cause some micheif. I'm going to finish the kill and do more if I can. There's always a second in command in the camp... my bets are he'll be thrilled about this..." Lyriel said pulling out her bow and looking down at all the chaos, the leader was down but not completely dead yet. But if she could find the second and get him then she could sneak in, in cat form and take care of him on her own hopefully. They didn't have any dark elves with them and if she put out the lights no one would be able to see her. Even if there were a few lights she could blend into the shadows and be hidden. only a theif or a person with uncle Lyle's perception could notice her.

As she made the forest floor Lyriel could tell that the elf shot was not Galadrid, the injured elf was much younger and was complaining. A priest of Hexter was seeing to his wound and telling the young man he was lucky the shot did not kill him. Far past them she could see two cages made from strong wood and had sturdy wheels and emitted a roaring sound. As close as Lyriel was she could hear comments from the keepers of the cages. "That Calaban is just to wierd, those were regular orcs and what we got back is way past inhuman."

Putting on her hat of diguise she made herself look like one of the hextor helpers. Grabbing a jar of water and making her way to the leader. Calaban... not who they needed in the ranks against them. Deffinetly not something to mention to Flint. "Xibix... do you think you could release one of those creatures in the cages?" She asked hoping he was close enough to hear her. IT would help her greatly to kill the young second in command. She knew Galadrid was somewhere here but... not in this encampment or wearing a disguise like herself.

"Mes does nots thinks sos." he responded quietly. The cages looked very sturdy and the locks of the finest quality. As she neared she heard the elves talking. "Damn, human must be one of the Ravenwoods, doesn't matter we will only must keep Sildea from flooding into the forest to find the master." He looked with an impatient glare at Lyriel and motioned to her to give him the water.

Lyriel quickly leaned over to help the 'commander' drink. A nice little package of tasteless poisen having been put in the water to kill the man off and give her time to leave. They'd assume it was poison on the arrow at best because she opened a vial of some snake venom while helping the man sit up and let a few drops run down his skin and the tip of the arrow. Flint was strong enough the arrow had gone cleanly through but not out of the man's body. Easy to take out and heal. Not if there were two poisons in his body. "Shall I get water to bath the wound once it is healed?" She asked deepening her voice since she was taking the guise of a male elf. If she could release one of those beasts perhaps... it would go after everyone in the encampment... but how... a large rock would be far to noticable. and she didn't have the spell to make wood move to her will like her mother.

"Yes get some water, gods know I don't trust an orc to do it." he snapped irrateably. She noticed a group of what had to be druids away from the others, they were discussing something over a map of Sildea proper. They were strangly dressed and one even carried an axe that the longer she looked at it made her feel ill. Another man came up and roused the group to its feet and they got ready to march. Within less then an hour Sildea would be under attack.

It would be useless the elf commander would be dead before she returned thanks to her poisons and only the druids would be able to figure out what poison it was. A simple bark from a tree dried and crushed into fine powder. Deadly to ingest. "Well Wish me luck then Xibix cause I'm setting fire to the cage and hopefully it will madden the beasts and they can break free." Asper whispered befor changing the guise once finding a nook into that of a guard She walked around shecking things over like she saw others do and as soon as she was close enough.... she muttered the words and fire was instantly caught to both cages. She walked away from the scene in no hurry as if she saw nothing and it was in the back anyways. She changed her guise again and got ready to leave on patrol, It would be easy to slip out of that.

The fires caught and several soldiers cried out, a bald man stood out from a tent and called to the soldiers to release the creatures. As they did his eyes glowed like Darryl's and the newly freed things knelt like servants to him. "It is time we attack, follow the army harm only those that dwell inside Sildea and their allies." the psion ordered. Obediently the creatures, something born from nightmares followed the army to the walls. Quickly the army moved not bothering to even think about the warriors who chased Flint away.

"Shit... I hate psions." Lyriel scowled before slipping out of the troup and into the forest. Turning to her cat shape she ran off to find Flint. He might still be fighting but hopefully be would be alright. She needed to see if he would be okay. They had to many leaders in this damn army. You kill one another takes it's place. They left their dead and burnt things behind in the forest as well. It was like a taint she could feel on the forest itself being unhappy. Neverthe less she trailed Flint's smell to find him.

It was simple to find the orcs who chased after Flint they lay almost in a line leading up to the last. Flint himself lay a few feet ahead of the last against a tree covered in ichor. Lyriel couldn't smell his blood, but he wasn't moving. The last orc's weapon had only a faint trace of blood upon it, all the others were clean. Flint had taken all ten with a minimum of trouble, just like Altair would have.

"Flint... you alright?" Lyriel asked changing back to herself. "Do you need healed?" She asked walking closer carefully. Walking over the dead orc bodies. She needed to let him know the elf was dead but they had a psion and some other stuff and were on the move again. First she had to make sure he was okay. She was worried SHe could detect poisons but she hadn't studied her cure of poisons today. She hadn't thought she'd need it with orcs.

"Just taking a slight break, I've been busy if you didn't notice." he said with a smile. The fight had been rough and at first the idea of ten on one concerned him, as the numbers were whittled done his confindence grew. He held up his arm where she could see a shallow slice had been made from a sword. "I hope you didn't have any trouble like I did, I had to take that shot." Standing up he wiped his sword off on one of the orc's cloak and put it away, "No tactical abilities, these orcs."

Lyriel walked over and gave him a healing spell to fix his arm. "I killed a few and found out they have a psion in their group... Who is now marching the army to the front gates of Sildea." Lyriel said as she wiped away some of the leftover blood remaining on his arm. They have Dr. Callaban making them creatures to fight for the psion to control." She said after a moment. looking around before checking all the pins the Orcs had on them. None of then that of Soth's.

"Caliban? I don't think I've heard of him, but a psion is bad news considering Darryl is tied up right now." He nodded his thanks and helped look for anything of interest in among the bodies. "So they have set out for the gates, think we slowed them long enough for Uncle and the army to catch up some? Because if not Sildea may be hard pressed to defend against such a force, even with just us to attack from behind." Without meaning to Flint gave her that same look when as a child he ment to misbehave, the same one Altair gave Alehial from time to time.

"Yes and no... The orcs are much more wary now... and the druids on alert. They have begun preperations to march and will probably begin in a few hours. But I think there are a few things we can do... after all... an army marches on it's stomach as Altair says... So if we can take out a wagon wheel or two... it should slow them down a lot. They wouldn't leave food... Not if the elves and druids have anything to say about it." Lyriel said reporting on the last she had seen of the camp. Not to mention her idea's while the druids may hunt... Sildea had been warned and would have sent warnings through the forest so food would be scarce for the attackers.

"Greater question how are they being supplied? The big a force needs a lot of food to move. I always thought magical transportation was impossible in Sildea." He agreed with her and Uncle, hamper a enemies supplies and you take their will to fight. The quiet of the forest swallowed them up again, it was odd how the druids of Sildea could convince the animals to move away or hide all togther. "We won't have much choice on our next plan of attack, other than whittle the numbers down when we can."

"Even if it's all we can do it's still doing something. They have a psion remember. Psions are outside the realm of what we refer to as magic. Either way hurry up so we can continue to follow them. They seem to have some kind of schedual they are wanting to keep it seems." Lyriel said watching him, they wouldn't be far behind but they would have to watch out for the patrol if they got too far behind.

"Lead the way child of nature, Sildea will show you a short cut or two I hope." Flint gathered himself and set out behind her, the fight with the pursuing orcs had bothered him a little, and got his adreniline running. If Altair and Andor didn't hurry Sildea was in danger of being overrun. The bigger question is what they would do about the psion, they were dangerous. If he had the choice between a psion or dragon, it would be very close on which he'd rather face.

"Be silent man of civilization." Lyriel teased back but did take a short-cut or two. They were behind but not by much. "I want to take out one of the supplies wagons. I have an Idea but I need you to be further back... and I'll need to run like hell to get away if the psion does a search." Lyriel said stopping a moment and picking up a few things from the forest floor. Speaking the words of magic to make them as she wanted them. "Alehial always said an acorn bomb came in handy at the oddest of times. So I'm going to march in as an elf and slip them into the supply wagon then in the panic run the hell away back through the forest to meet you back a little ways along their trail." Lyriel says with a grin.

Flint nodded his agreement, but patted her on the fump and motioned on her way. His bow came out and he got ready to line up a shot in case anything happened. Lyriel only had to go a little way before she saw the wagons, moving slowly beind the force. They were in a single file line behind the 'creatures' the psion led behind the force. The first and second wagon was already past, but the third was just in front of her.

Lyriel dropped all five in, got to the very back and side of the line before uttering the destructive words. The explosion was beautiful, the cart flipped and the blast took out several Orcs and elves walking nearby. Lyriel got the shock of it then she slid into the forest and ran through it, zig zagging and changing her route just in case. She didn't want to take a druid to Flint... once she thought it safe though she ran to where she had left him.

He was waiting for her return, and smiled when the explosion happened. "Well, I see your mission was a success." he lowered the bow and put the arrow back inside his quiver. Truly he was in awe of her ability with the spell and the damage it could cause. He himself possessed no magic, like his uncle and aunt did. "So, what is our plan now?" he asked trying to come up with something to add to her's.

Hide and follow I only have one more of those acorn bomb spells. But I doubt I'll get close to the other two wagons not with the Psion so close to them. So we go with your plan. We pick them off a few here, one there, two over there." Lyriel shrugged but grinned, besides They were both good shots. It was not getting caught would be the thing. Especially for Flint who left tracks and was hindered more by the forest then she was.

As the day began to wind down they watched the army outside the walls of Sildea and even the bravery of young Jake using the balista. "Young guy shows the courage of a Ravenwood alright. Makes you wonder if it was what we were born with or did it come to us sleeping in that house." Digging through his pack he handed Lyriel half of the last of his dried rations. "Might be beneficial to slip into the camp and steal some rations, instead of hunting or foraging while a siege is going on." he said tearing off a small chunk of travelers bread.

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