Page name: Ravenwood Estates 16 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2012-10-24 04:14:56
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Go back to The Andorian Chronicles

"I was... six at the time... She was captured by... the Ravenwoods during the war... She was mean to us kids. Always chasing us and hitting some of us. I was afraid of her... and Mathius was stupid... He played pranks on her with some of the others. It made her hate us kids more. Now... She's afraid... we're lying. That we are here to get her. Get close, and take her out. We're not... I... I'm still afraid of her. I remember her... and now she... She runs an entire country... one I thought we could start a life together in." Cybil says setting down her fork. She didn't want to remember... and she didn't want to start thinking about it now and worrying... not in front of Helene.

Helene set her fork down as well, it was obvious the subject was making her nervous. "Dear one, there would have to be some proof that you and Mathius are here for subversive reasons. Our courts don't convict without evidence and you would still be able to defend yourself." Reaching across she patted Cybil's hand and smiled reassuringly. "Have you talked to Mathius about your concerns? We could always take you to one of the libraries to look at our laws."

"You... You'd do that? to help me? Would they let Mathious come with me? I... I haven't really spoken to him about everything... I told him who the matron was... but... I didn't know what to say... what to tell him." Cybil says softly giving Helene a big wounded eyed look. Cybil was good at things like this. She'd been doing them her whole life... being small and innocent and defensless and slightly wounded was what got her noticed with the Ravenwoods. She was so different from the usual for the kids people had to pay attention to her. It was honed... she'd even fooled Lyle a few times... not of course while training because he was paying attention then.

"As far as the doors, they would look poorly on it if he was seen flipping through books. The library is of limits to most men except for a select few with permission to handle the the books and scrolls. And yes, silly I will help you, I just want you to be comfortable here." She let go of Cybil's hand and picked up her fork again. She looked at Cybil again studying the younger woman's face, before she took another bite.

"I... I understand thank you HElene... Um... I think I'm going to... call it an early day... I'm sorry." Cybil says standing and giving Helene an apologetic look, she still looked bothered from what all they had been speaking about though and she wanted to go back to her rooms. To Mathious in her rooms presumably. Cybil didn't want to be a bad guest but she didn't feel she could be a good one any longer and so the best course was to excuse herself.

"I take it you might wish to have some food for Mathius, I know he works up an appitite in service to you. The cook should have something ready when you leave here. Get some rest dear guest, I will make myself available to you tomorrow." She stood and embraced Cybil and smiled, it was too bad such a horrible tea destoryed because of the past. After she departed the butler approached to tell her that she had another guest.

"Thank you Helene... for being so understanding and helping me so much... I'll see you later." Cybil had told her host before leaving, she hurried to her rooms and was wanting to be with MAthius quickly. She wanted more comfort and wanted to speak to MAthius about their plans now and how they were going to handle the problem they were faced with.

Mathius finished his exercises and even found enough time to get cleaned up. He was sitting on the floor by her bed focusing his thoughts and working on a plan to get everyone out of Pachuca. When the sound of the door opening caught his attention, quickly he stood and found a placed to ambush an attacker. This place was reawakening his survival skills, but he had to keep them in check otherwise he would become paranoid. Cybil might still be at dinner or it could be her back to see him.

Cybil walked through and closed the door behind her, leaning against the door and sighing heavily. She didn't know how to keep up this act with Helene. It was wearing her out... not only that but she had to deal with the Matron again soon she was sure. Wearing these embaressing clothes... dealing with this short hair... weird make up and shoes. Cybil just wanted to go home... maybe she wasn't cut out for adventuring at all. Like Mathious said... she was meant to stay home and take care of a house as sad as that thought was.

MAthius peeked from his hiding place down to the door and saw Cybil had returned with food and a very distressed look. He started down the stairs giving her a smile that would hopefully lift her spirits a little. COming to her and wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up. "Welcome back mistress, I missed you!" he declared to her. He could smell that she had brought him something to eat, but it felt better holding her close to him.

"M-Mathius!" Cybil squealed, startled out of her thoughts and suddenly grabbed in a big hug by a large man. Calming down after she heard his voice though. "I brought food home!" She says with a soft smile and pleasent look on her face. She wondered why Helene offered to take her to the parties... why she needed a new wardrobe to go to a party and what the Matron would do. Surely she would retaliate in some manner or fashion or something. She knew it would happen eventually.

He nuzzled her neck and smiled at her, "My thanks for the food, how did dinner go?" Mathius continued to hold her close to him the smoothness of her skin and the warmth pressed aginst him. "So, will I be allowed to eat or do you have something for me to do first?" Setting the bundle of food aside so that they could hold on to one another longer. SOmething was on her mind and if it made her concerned then he wanted to know what was wrong.

"No you eat I know you must be really hungry. I'm going to get into something far more comfertable so I can relax. We can talk later. I want to wash this makeup off my face as well. You eat!" Cybil smiles brightly. She made no real move to get out of his arms though, she loved being held by Mathius, his big muscles and broad shoulders. He was a mamoth of a man and she was a petite tiny little woman but... he had her heart in his hands, she didn't know if he really knew that or not though.

He set her down but didn't release her, "So what are you changing into?" Mathius admitted since she had been dressing in native clothes he noticed every curve. If the men from Andor could see her, Mathius would be fighting off potential suitors constantly. He opened the bundle and began to eat watching her move about. She was growing from the quiet young girl she was back home, and he found her even more fasinating now.

"A night shift silly." Cybil says blushing softly as she noticed his eyes following her everywhere she went. Unfurtunatly Helene had designed the night shifts too. So they were low cut and breast cupping, while still covering enough for Cybil's sake the material was semi shear and it stopped at ther knees, it even had a little bit of lace around the bottem and the sleeves and in the peices between her breasts. The part that made a vee right between them showing all of her cleavage. Almost all of the new shifts were along these lines and it was embaressing. Though they were very comfertably and pretty until you realized you could almost see through them.

"I like them, you always look nice in them. You look nice all the time actually." he complimented. "So, am I sleeping at the foot of mistresses bed or on the floor tonight?" He hoped niether was called for, but they needed to keep up some appearences. Cybie could wear anything and Mathius would find her attarctive and seductive, it was her person that entranced him. He continued to eat his dinner and wonder what tomorrow would bring them.

"You will keep me warm in my bed tonight. thank you for the compliment though... I don't really like it very much... I'm much more used to fuller more covering clothing to bed. It was... all these clothes they are all... small and tiny and not covering and it... it's all very strange I'm not sure if I like them very much or not." Cybil says softly looking down at her clothing. She hoped there were no repurcussions from what happened early that afternoon. It also frightened her to think that the Matron had other ideas for her to try out on her.

"As you wish, but you know you are a vision even if every inch of you was under clothing." After a bite of pie he smiled at her, holding her eyes until she would look away. Mathius found even Flint, Darryl and Altair did that with women. Especially women that they loved dearly, father joked that grandfather Conner passed it though the bloodlines. And the idea of sleeping next to beautiful Cybil made him warm just thinking about that.

Cybil blushed brightly but smiled and looked down demurly. His gaze and the heat it contained told her what he was thinking. It also made her sad that she could not comply... that their bodies... simply wouldn't allow them to join as well as they should. Or at least to her liking as well as it should. Cybil finally fidgeted a little before slipping the house slippers off and crawling into the bed before laying down and pulling the covers over herself. Waiting for him to be finished with his meal and get ready for bed. She was tired though from all that had happened and all that would happen and the worry she was having over everything happening and not yet or could possibly happen.

Mathius finished up his meal and headed up to join Cybil in sleep, he did however wedge a chair under the door. "I'd prefer no surprises tonight." he quipped as he climbed the stairs. Then removing most of his clothes he got into bed beside Cybil and pulled her close to him. "Good night Cybie, I love you." he whispered and kissed her neck. This felt normal and natural to him, in bed beside her their heartbeats slowing as sleep began overtake them.

Cybil stayed awake long into the night hours, thinking of all the things that had been happening in the last two days. About the changes between her and MAthius's relationship. It wasn't for a long time until Cybil finally let herself fall asleep.It certainly meant she wasn't going to be the first to wake in the morning.But she couldn't rest with all the thoughts floating in her head until she had thought them.

He watched them for a long time, the obvious couple from Andor. It was unclear if they were truly lovers, but the tenderness the warrior showed the woman was obvious. This was an assignment that belittled the skills he possessed. Turning his head he noted the activity inside the main house, this was a stupid idea they had. After all the activity earlier in the day, they should avoid this situation all together.

The morning came way too early for Mathius's liking, but he got up and dressed quickly. Then went downstairs and headed across to the house and entered the kitchens. "I need breakfast for my mistress, something she'd enjoy." The cooks looked a little lost at his request, and he decided to do it himself. So, after instructing the cooks to make tea, he sliced potatoes and other vegetables and cooked them with eggs and put it on plates with warm bread and butter and departed back to his mistress, whistling as he went.

Cybil continued to sleep. She had been up late last night mulling thigns over and hadn't gone to bed until at least half the night had gone past. She rolled into the empty space still warm that Mathius left behind in the bed when he left. Covers pulled up over her shoulders and tucked tight under her chin. She was ever the lady even in sleep, Mouth shut and breathing even and calm. The sunlight did nothing to disturb her nor did the noises of MAthius leaving or returning.

He set the breakfast down and returned to the bed and nuzzled Cybil before kissing her. He didn't want the food to get too cool, since he took at least an hour and a half to get everything done. "Good morning mistress, I have breakfast for you." he whispered into her ear before kissing her cheek again. His hand slipped underneath the covers to stroke her side and he smiled feeling the shift against her skin. Mathius removed his boots so that he could lay back down beside her to relax a little before they ate.

"MMmmm just a few more... minutes." Cybil moans softly burrowing deeper into the bed and the covers. She moved a little as his hand stroked her body through the silk like see through material of her shift. She was still tired and wanted more time to sleep in. She was up late and tired. But the smell of food was getting to her, and his touches were making her more aware though she didn't want to be, she wanted to stay asleep and dreamsome more because it was a good dream, a nice dream.

"Its all warm food and after you eat we can snuggle back under the covers for awhile if you wish. In truth is you wish we can snuggle as long as you want today." He followed her side down and gently cupped her behind in his hand and playfully patted it. Alehial had them up a little early most days, and when he began to train Altair frequently had him up and working out very early. Suddenly he missed Baerlon and his family very much, but this is where Cybil was and his place was beside her.

"Oh!" Cybil opened her eyes a little startled from tingling of the pat to her rear. His touches left a warmth along her skin but the pat stung just a little. No one ever did that to her before. Even when Lyle was being tough on her it was legs or back or shoulders or stomach. "Matty!" She exclaims softly, sleep muffled voice and a blush over her cheeks. How it had felt good to her she didn't know but she was deffinetly waking up now.

Mathius smiled at her exclaimation of his nickname and gently grazed his fingers over the spot he patted. "I made your breakfast today and hope you like it." he whispered in her ear. Then kissed her neck playfully, he could not get enough of Cybil. It was fun sharing the bed with her and he honestly looked forward to doing so at home. Wondering how mom and dad, hers as well as his, would take their desire to marry was anyones guess.

Cybil blushed more and nodded. Her butt still tingling just a little from the pat, that had excited her a little and his affections were making her very shy this early in the morning. That and she couldn't beleive she'd let his nickname slip her lips. She hadn't called him that since she turned eleven and they were too old for little kid names. She had to admit though... if he was like this when he wasn't her slave... she would fall forever deeper in love with him until there was no escaping it for her. She sat up and stretched, arms going wide before she yawned largely. Back going straight and pushing out her chest. Unaware of her tight nipples and the slightly see through material, she was always thinking she was home when she woke up and she just wasn't used to having Mathius with her in the morning so she never even thought about behaving decently in front of him. Or misbehaving for that matter.

He couldn't miss her nipples when she stretched, but reminded himself to behave and instead wrapped her in a hug. "Did you have sweet dreams my love?" he asked. Mathius liked the feel of her skin under the silky material under his hands. Rubbing her back and sides, moving the material around made him smile broader. Maybe breakfast could wait a little longer, while they enjoyed each others comfort.

"I did... I dreamt of a party at the palace... the one where you were all dressed up and your voice was still cracking and someone said something and you punched them and tripped on the skirt of one of the ladies and fell right onto the drink table and landed in the punch bowl! Only this time it was the matron's skirt you stepped on... and the ocean you fell into. But I was acrossed the room just like back then when it happened when we were younger. But I couldn't move in my dream or speak. It was... a little frightening." Cybil admits softly, she'd been having lots of dreams of the past mized with Pachucca and what was happening now around them. It was a sweet memory but not so much of a sweet dream. "Maybe I should have said I didn't." She muses softly after a moments thought about it and she trembled lightly under his hands as they moved the silky material against her soft skin.

He chuckled and kissed her neck again, "Good thing I can swim huh?" Her skin was soft and she always smelled nice. Sliding his hands around some he brought it up under her arm and touched her bare skin. "I like you in these shifts, all satiny and lacey makes me want to keep runing my hands across you." Mathius almost longed to slip her out of it and ease her mind like he did at the tavern park earlier in this visit.

Cybils breath hitched when his bare skin finally touched her own bare skin. And her breath hitched again when he told her his wish to touch her. "Very good thing you can swim." She says softly her voice a little breathy a blush on her cheeks. First awoken with a kiss and a naughty spank... now this. Cybil didn't know if she'd get anything done today or if she'd be to busy with Mathius all day. "I..." She had to swallow for her mouth was suddenly all dry again. "I command you then slave to... to touch me." She says blushing bright red as she gave the command, even though she wasn't holding the wand. She was getting excited and nervous and... breathy with anticipation.

Mathius looked deeply into her eyes and slid his hand to her chest rubbing his thumb lightly over her erect nipple. "Yes mistress, as you wish." he answered before brushing his lips over hers. His other hand continued to rub in a circlular motion lower on her back. After pulling back from the kiss he began to kiss down her neck to her cleveage. Her command took him a little by surprise, but there was a begining kernel of confidence growing there and he liked that.

"Oh!" She exclaimed as he'd brushed his thumb over her hard nipple. She enjoyed the kiss and his large warm hand on her back made her push forward just a little, it felt good and knowing it was him was even better. She was blushing brightly and yet she let a soft half moan half sigh escape her as he traveled to her cleavage with his kisses. She didn't know if her body would accept him again, but she ached more out of... anticipated pleasure then anything else right now. She... She thought he might play a bit or tease her some more... She... she was really happy she had the courage to give him the command she thought they both wanted to hear.

"More mistress?" he asked between kisses then took her shift covered nipple into his mouth. He then began to pull up the shift so he could touch her bare skin. For a long few minutes he began to pull the shift higher and released her nipple. Being with Cybie was unlike anything he had dreamed of and he longed to taste her body again. In one fluid motion he pulled the shift up and off of her and searched out her mouth for another kiss.

Cybil would have answerd but between holding her breath... moaning softly and then his mouth she couldn't. She kissed him back she was really starting to get goor at this part. Being bold once more and licking his lips lightly with her tongue. She wondered if... if he wanted to spend the day together. Intimatly again. He always seemed up for it. She blushed at the random bad pun that went through her mind at that point about him being up and all. Her skin was covered in goosebumps as she was now nake dand he was fully dressed having gone and gotten breakfast and all. It was... titilating actually.

He parted her legs with his hand and rubbed her thigh, then he began to kiss down her body. Gently her rubbed his thumb across her nipple several times, then began to recline her as his kisses travelled lower. Kissing he lower stomach before he paused to look up at her face. Pausing just a moment before nipping at her nethers. Then he rubbered her thigh a little harder and placed his mouth to her nethers and poked his tongue out some.

Cybil spread her legs wide for him. If he wanted to then she would give him anything he wished to take. So laying on her back she let him have full and complete access. Moaning and gasping in surprise at the touch of his hot wet tongue on her sensitive parts. The touches to her breasts made her moan and she was panting just a ltitle because she wasn't watching him. She wondered for a moment... if this was something akin to being blindfolded. Not being able to see where he was touching her if she was flat on her back and he was between her legs. Commanding him like she had... had embarresed her and yet it... it was amazing.

Mathius knew that Cybil didn't get much of a chance to be in control back home. And he always loved the way mother and father's relationship was when he was growing up. Both could be aggressive and submissive, but they were dedicated to one another completly. So, here between his lover's legs he endevoured to make her climax better than he did that first day. He would focus on a particular area for a couple of lashes of his tongue, then move to another area hoping to raise her levels of excitement.

"AAH! AH! MA! MATTY!" Cybil cries out her fingers gripping his hair tightly as her body sent her through throws of passion. Grinding her hips against him as her body trembled and she couldn't keep the cries to herself. He was working harder today on her then he had before. HEr pleasure at the highest since well... since they figured out how to join together without harm.

Her cries only caused him to preform better to make her happy. He placed a hand under her bottom and raised her a little to him. The other hand roamed and stroked her heaving chest. Mathius said not a single word and groaned low against her calls of his name. More than likely she would order him to stop before he drove her passions too high.

Cybil panted hard, her body shuddering and trembling as he continued to tease and please her with his mouth and hand. She was small and light enough Mathius wouldn't have any problems handling her. Keeping her legs apart for him even as her body began to get just a little hot and a few beads of sweat rolled down her temple and then down her thighs. Her fingers in his hair tightening as she wasn't given a chance to recover and he was still working hard to please her.

Her shuddering could be felt in the hand underneath her and he marveled it was because of him. Lessening up just enough to let Cybie catch her breath, before starting to bring her upwards again. Her reactions and everything about her body was making him excited. Mathius wasn't sure if they could couple again, but hoped his mistress wouldn't leave him unfulfilled. Once she seemed to get her breath he rasped his tongue across her clit.

"AAH! MATHius! Uh! P-please!" Cybil moans her hips gyrating even as he held them. Her body ached for something inside, something to fill her and give her pleasure where she wanted it the most. But she coudln't vocalize it now, not with the assult she was receiving on her body from him. If the guys were here they'd never carry on like they were now. In fact if they had any less privacy Cybil would have been far too embaressed to be able to do much of anything really.

He finally spoke as his finger took his tongues place, "Yes, mistress what do you wish of me?" Mathius wanted to get Cybil to tell him her desires, be a little more bold. Perhaps if she was more excited then coupling would not hurt as much. While he enjoyed what they did together, the pain it caused her bothered him greatly. She loved him and wanted to please him, but just being with him was enough to make him happy.

Cybil moaned and her hips once again ground against him as well as they could. She was feeling so much pleasure it wasn't really fair. But his finger wasn't enough she wanted more. More than his finger... deeper. She shivered a little as a slight breeze came through the gauzy curtains covering the windows on the balcony. "Please I... I need M-more!" She begs her face flushed with pleasure as she could feel herself building towards another orgasm with him using just one finger and teasing her with his tongue and his words.

Moving back up her body he planned to give her what she had asked him for. The coupling would go slowly so he did not hurt her, even as he placed himself just inside her and kissed her chest. After the last couple times when they were together he learned the exact speed to us and most of the cues she would give him. "Oh, Cybie you are simply amazing." he whispered into her ear then kissing her neck. Mathius could tell that while she was excited like this he entered her easier, and made a note to always excite her before they coupled.

Cybil cried out and clutched his shoulders with her own hands. Him entering her... it was amazing and it was wonderful and he was so big! But it felt... easier. He moved a little better, it was still tight and it might make her sore again but she wanted this as much as he did. He was amazing to her, he made her feel so good about everything and yet she was alaways so uncertain and he always did his best to take care of her and make sure she was okay.

Mathius loved listening to her, knowing what they were sharing with one another. He continued to enter her using their earlier times as a guide to how deep and fast to go. Continuing to kiss her neck as he held her hips with his hands. Being here with her was always enough to make him happy and he cared so much for her. Not saying a word he kissed her deeply as he began to withdraw and thrust back into her.

Cybil moaned and cried out again as he began to move, thrusting into her again brought sound from her lips and the withdraw brought a moan. She did worry with how often they were doing this she might end up pregnant, but by now she had the special Tea almost every afternoon or every morning. It didn't taste the best and she wondered if he was taking the stuff they had bought at the market to stop himself from being so... potent. But those thoughts soon scattered and he really began to make a pace with their bodies and they began to make love more earnestly.

He could not believe that she was finding her voice and growing while they were here. They were enjoying each other with almost wild abandon, and at times he found everything she did was enticing to him. Cybil might climax again, Mathius wasn't sure if he would during this coupling or not. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and massaged her tongue. His hand continued to hold and stroke her body as his pace continued.

Cybil moaned into his mouth and leaned up against him. He was so large and overwhelming... in fact everything about him was large and overwhelming, it all felt amazing and wonderful though and only after a few more moments Cybil reached her peak and breaking from the kiss and cry out as she came. "MAAATTYY!" SHe cried his childhood name spilling from her lips in a near scream as she thrust her own hips up against his own. Driving them closer together, as her body gripped him tightly and her body arched up as pleasure ran through her body.

Mathius was wrong as her body closed around him, he felt his climax arrive and his seed spilled forth. Leaning down he sought out her mouth and pressed his lips to hers. His thrusting slowed and he felt drained as he turned them so they were laying together. "I think Baerlon may have heard you, my love, my mistress." He felt himself begin to lessen and her body began to release him from her firm hold.

Cybil twitched and shivered just a little. "D-don't be m-mean." She pants heavily blushing brightly at his teasing. It wasn't fair that she was all sweaty and breathing heavy and he barely was. But she treasured the warmth inside of her abdomen hoping that some day... they wouldn't have to take precautions and it would be a baby... and eventually... their son or daughter. Cybil snuggles close to MAthius's chest and closed her eyes panting heavily still trying to get her breath back.

He stroked her body and held her close to him, "My apologies Cybie, I'm sure no one heard. Cybil now more than ever meant so much to him and since they were all each other had here right now. Mathius heard the lower door open and seperated himself from Cybil quickly and looked about for a weapon. Not really having armor or even clothes he hoped for a little intimidation of this interloper. He was a little more surprised when Helene came to the top of the stairs and smiled, he quickly tried to cover himself.

Cybil grabbed the sheet and covered herself with it while Mathius looked about. But she smiled in relief when it turned out to be HElene. Though a large blush stained her cheeks instantly afterwards from what was leaking from between her thighs onto the bed and how it would be impossible for HElene to not have noticed or... well figure it out. What they had done and all. "H-helene what brings you out here so early?" Cybil asks trying to be polite.

"My sincere dismay I was not a little earlier!" she said with a grin after watching Mathius for a second. He had since got back into bed with Cybil, a slight blush on his face. "I came to make sure that you were not disturbed last night. It had been a bit of a hectic day around here, and I didn't want to ignore my guests." Helene sat down on the edge of the bed, seeming either tired or sore this morning.

"No we were not disturbed... and I am glad you did not... I would hate to embaress myself too much more then I already have in front of you HElene! But... are you well?" Cybil asks softly she could see some kind of tension in her host and friend. She hoped it wasn't because of her and Mathius or that it was from the fainting spell getting worse. That would make her feel trully terrible,

"I tripped last night on the way to the chamber pot." she shook her head and made a bit of a face. "And nothing the two of you to have done would be embarassing to me." She did look at Cybil more directly than Mathius, the large man while not violent, was a Ravenwood and she knew they noticed things. She picked up Cybil's shift and laid it on the bed, "Don't you think they are so nice against the skin? Like a lover's caresse in the night." she smiled lightly before she stood again.

"You are acting very oddly today HElene..." Cybil said shaking her head. Taking a deep breath she then gathered her courage and let the sheet drop away from her body. Standing up flinching only a little at the well the mixed... Cybil blushed bright red all over before calmly walking over to the washbasin to clean herself. "I'll be heading to the baths after I clean up a little and eat breakfast. My... Slave made a bit of a mess." Cybil says hesitantly, she was trying to be brave and act like she should and be confident and it worked usually. But right now she was having to work at it while she was cleaning the... mixture from between her thighs.

"I see he has at that, but it might be expected considering what he carries." Mathius shifted just a tad uncomfortable as Helene looked at him, but noting there was something she was hiding. Unfortunatly, she carried a rod like Cybil's and he had no doubt that hers could affct him as well. They would have to discuss the situation when they were alone again, Helene was hiding something. "So, are you going to order Mathius to arise and go with you to those baths?" she asked curious.

"He is also dirty... but no play I think... I think I've had my fill..." Cybil says though she blushes and once she was done wiping herself clean she walked over and sat at the table fully prepared to eat breakfast nude. Though she was uncomfertable doing so to do less was to make Helene think she was regressing. "Are you sure you are alright HElene? You seem stiff... why don't you come soak in the baths with me?" Cybil asks softly wondering if she could coax the truth from her friend and host here in this strange land.

Helene looked back at Mathius and took a seat on the bed watching Cybil. "Oh, I'm sure you'd rather soak with Mathius here instead of me. I just came to make sure you and I were still going to the party tomorrow night, before I accepted the invitation. We will of course have dinner brought for him." she indicated Mathius. Smiling however seeing Cybil naked and being comfortable in front of them both.

"If you'd like to go as well then yes I would love to see what a party is like here in Pachucca!" Cybil says with a bright smile. She was fervently hoping Helene wouldn't stay long because Cybil was fighting the blush wanting to raise over her cheeks as hard as she could to pretend to be nonchalant while eating. It was taking everything she had and she knew sooner rather then later the blush would come anyways.

Helene smiled and watched the muscles in Cybil's jaw and smiled. "Mathius I suspect you haven't ever watched her eat like this, entrancing isn't it to watch a woman eat while she is nude?" Mathius nodded but could not keep his attention on Helene. His eyes continued to shift back to Cybil and watch her move. "I suppose I will have to go send our RSVP." she said and stood up heading towards Cybil and hugging her, before heading for the stairs.

Once Helene was down the stairs Cybils blush came out full force and she stood and ran to the bed plopping right down on her stomach to hide her face. "Of all the embaressing things I've done!!" She says though it was really muffled it was clear her embaressment was too much to bear at the moment. Worse was the fact that Mathius watching her and the lust she could see in his eyes. He was... really fascinated in watching ehr and she still didn't know why.

He chuckled and ran his hand down her spine to her bare bottom, "very convincing my dear." Turning to look at the stairs he kept going over everything in his mind. Helene was hiding something from the both of them, and he knew it might be serious. "So, does Mistress wish me to go to the baths with her?" he asked still grazing his fingers over her. Hoping it would draw her mind away from the embarassment.

"I have a distinct feeling that Helene is hiding something from us. Make sure to keep your wits about you my love." If the feeling in his gut was right then something happened last night. Helene was either protecting them from or manuevering them into danger. "Cybil, do you trust Helene and yes to answer your question, with our lives." he didn't mince his words to her.

"I... My first answer would be yes... but... she is a woman of Pachucca... and they are... from what Helene told me... always looking out for a way to gain more power and rank. So... the asnwer should be no..." Cybil says softly cuddling up to Mathius, his touches her calming her down and yet becoming more sensitive at the same time. She was still blushin from having been walked in on but... she pulled it off well she hoped. At least Mathius said so.

"Get her to soak in the bath with you, be wary of any marks or injuries. If it seems like someone hurt her then we should lean to the protecting us." His fingers continued to stroke her, trying to calm the blush from her skin. "You did very well making her believe that you were shedding the more uptight upbringing of Andor. And I have to admit, I was more than a little awe struck watching you." he said before leaning over to kiss her back between her shoulders.

"She refused me... maybe tonight or tomorrow morning. I... MATTY!" Cybil blushes harder realizing she was still sitting there just nude. She bends over and covers her breasts with her arms, her blush renewed on her skin. Everytime he started calming her down he embarresed her again by saying something so... manlike. So she sat huddled and blushing, trying to stop thinking how her skin tingled where he touched it and how much she really was in love with him and more of Helene and plans and things of importance.

"Will you flush like this on our wedding night my love?" he teased kissing the spot again. He smiled and slowly stroked her skin again, keeping her relaxed would benefit them both. "Maybe you should ask her advice or ask questions to convince her to go with you." He gathered her onto his lap and continued to run his hands over her body. Mathius wasn't interested in sex again so soon, just to relax his lover and build her confidence.

"Only if you gaze at me too long without words or touches of comfort." Cybil says snuggling against Mathius's broad chest and breathing deeply the scent that was unique only to him. She loved him so much it scared her and she lost the sense of how to take care of them all and how to get them out. It scared her that she might not be able to get them out like they had planned then what? What was going on... what was going to happen to them.

His thoughts were similarly troubled but he kept his attentions in keeping Cybil calm. Dragging his hands lightly down Cybil's back, he knew to always treat women differently than other men. "I like gazing at you and sometimes words won't do justice to the beauty I see in you." Mathius smiled knowing she would like hearing him say how pretty she was. And he was less concerned about the situation here as he was about keeping her and the guys safe.

Cyils giggles softly and snuggled closer against Mathius's chest. She loved his words of endearment and his compliments. She lived and breathed on his love every day. Now more so then ever. She needed to do her best to get him and his friends out safely. "I love you so much Mathius... we had best be wed soon once things settle down." She whispers into his ear in a low tone so as to just in case not be overheard. From her training with Lyle she even barely moved her lips as she said such a thing, as if they were being watched or something. never be too careful... rule number something or other.

The rest of the day was spent discussing the party and how best to deal with the people. He felt she was quick enough on her feet to handle herself with anyone from Pachuca in courtly matters. "Remember tomorrow to convince Helene to soak in the bath with you so we can discern where her loyalties may lie. I don't think we should use her unless we have to, she will still have to live her after we return home." They also took some time to stroll around Helene's garden and enjoy the warm day and exotic flowers.

The next morning Mathius woke early again and went out to exercise a little before making Cybil's breakfast. She was still asleep and there was almost no activity in Helene's house. The kitchen staff ahd grown used to seeing the huge warrior cooking for his mistress. Once done he carried the large breakfast, enough for himself as well up into her bedroom. Leaning over her sleeping form he whispered, "Mistress, I have our breakfast, would you like me to wash you before we eat?"

"Mmmm yes.... and then the puppies too." Cybil moaned in her sleep rolling over and pulling the sheet over her, accidently uncovering her bottem, wearing the flimsy little gowns they used here because they got rid of hers. Cybil often didn't make sense in the mornings and today was no exception. With all she had to deal with today, in her sleep it certainly wasn't affecting her one little tiny bit.

He smiled figuring he could slip her out of her shift and from under the sheet and wash her. With a smile as he began to get the water and rags ready, unless she snuck them in there were no puppies in the room. Gently pulling the sheet aside and her shift higher he gazed at her beauty. Then he wrung out the rag and started at Cybil's neck, he had another one for her face. The water was warm and scented with roses and he pressed it and washed down to her shoulders.

Cybil giggled softly and squirmed before moaning softly as the wrag went lower over her chest. "MAttie..." She moaned her voice deep and sleep laden as she tried to roll over and sleep longer. the warmth was nice but then it got cold and she was just trying to sleep and then she realized she was naked and she wasn't covered and her mind was fuzzy with sleepyness. "Mathious?" She asked softly looking around, almost sure that he had been in the bed with her. She was still a spoiled young daughter of an embassador. HEr training was fading a little with the pampering that was being forced on her here in Pachucca.

He continued to wash her body taking great care in not hurting her, "Good morning mistress, I figured I should wake you by bathing you in scented water. Did I make a mistake?" he teased and gently kissed her cheek. She could smell breakfast and could tell he had been awake for some time. He continued to draw the rag further down her body until he hit the area between her legs and stopped there for a second. "So, my lady you plan on soaking with Helene this morning before the party tonight?" he began to rub down her left leg after he asked.

"Yes... I will need her to help me review what I must know for the party. Not to mention the tiny material she calls a dress I'll be wearing." Cybil said moaning softly at the soft touches of the wrag on her skin. She yawned and hid it behind a hand as her training from life required of her. Letting Mathious handle her completely. She was getting completely spoiled y this place she knew that. Too used to the daily pampering. She needed to remember her skills and her teachings.

He smiled and again began to wash the top of her right leg, "And you'll watch out for bruises or anything we might need to guage where Helen's loyalty lies. And if it isn't too much trouble mistress, could you inquire about the others?" He set the rag aside and dried her throughly and nibbled the tips of her fingers playfully. "Will mistress roll over or have I done enough? For I am more than willing to bathe you this way every morning until you dismiss me." He smiled at Cybil and rinsed the rag out again and waited for her answer.

"Enough I want you to feed me now." Cybil smiled coyly before sitting up and stretching happily. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, not completely comfertable with the open curtains but she had to act like she was. So she put the little see through night dress back on and sat at the table waiting for Mathious to peel her fruit and other small things.

"As you wish, my lady." he said going to sit with her at the little table. He picked up the knife and peeled and sliced a local fruit and offered her a bite. While she enjoyed that, he spread some butter on a slice of bread. "May I ask what my breakfast wil be, is my lady going to offer me breakfast as well?" He teased her and drug his fingers along her thigh with a warm smile.

Cybil grabbed a particularly juicy fruit and pressed it to Mathiuos's lips. "You may share from my table, you've been a very good boy." She said blushing brightly at the words she said and the sultry way it sounded coming out. She wanted to leave this place soon and get back to something normal... something she understood better... she wanted to get married and live with Mathious and not have this slave master thing hanging over her head.

He accepted the bite and licked the juice from her fingers with a smile. If he knew no one was going to walk in on them he would take his lover back to bed and shower her with attentions. Mathius continued to feed her and rub lightly on her legs and talk about the situation. "Alright, the party is going to be a huge trial for you tonight, more than likely the Matron will be there. Just don't let them rattle you, I have faith that you will do fine."

"I will do fine if Helene will go over everything with me again in the baths. Speaking of... I'm full and am going to ask helene to go soak with me." Cybil said leaning down and 'rewarding' mathious with a kiss. "you did well this morning Mattie and if tonight goes okay... maybe you'll get an even better reward?" She made it a question before stroking the side of his face softly and grabbing a robe that would make everything less see through then it already was.

Helene was sore this morning, almost as bad as last night, but she brightened when Cybil arrived. "Good morning my dear guest, what brings you to my table?" She was drinking a cup of jasmine tea and some poridge for her breakfast. Surprised that Mathius was not in tow behind his mistress, she wondered if she left him sleeping after a night of sexual experiments. The thought made her smile and remember the sights and sounds the night he caught them together in bed.

"Yes I wanted to go over the things I need to know for the party again and I need to get clean so I was wondering if you'd like to soak in the hot springs with me? I haven't exactly been the cleanest of girls lately." Cybil said with a small secretive smile. She sat at the table and shook her head no at the servants nearby. She didn't want anything to drink or eat.

Helene smiled and patted her hand, "Of course, but you don't have any other clothes with you unless you want to come back and wait until your new ones are ready." Then she stood and advised the servants to clean up the dishes. Cybil could see that Helene was still moving rather stiffly, even as they got to the hot springs. "Why don't you go ahead and get in, I'll have one of the servants bring something for us to drink." After which she undressed behind the screen and enetered the bath across from Vybil and sank into the water with a slight groan.

"I thought you told me they finished the party dress for tonight?" Cybil asked getting closer to HElene it was weird having the woman stay so far away from her now after she was so close and intimate all the time before. "Anyways I wanted to go over protocals and what is allowed and not allowed." Cybil said almost groaning herself she loved these hot springs, they were lovely... just perfect for soaking and letting your body relax.

"A few last minute things to finish." she explained with a smile. Then she began to tell her all about the ins and outs of party politics in Pachuca. At one point she stuck out her arm to say something and Cybil could see a bruise near her elbow. "You'll do very well tonight, many people would love to talk with you." She did scoot a little closer and put her arm around Cybil's waist and put her head on Cybil's shoulder.

Cybil smiled and put her arm around Helene's waist. "You'll be there with me won't you Helene? To help me in case I forget something? You're my teacher here after all... my hostess." Cybil said softly gently running her free hand over Helene's leg. Trying to see anymore bruises on her body. Something had happened to Helene... but what she wasn't sure. "Oh How are my men doing on the farm?" She asks almost as if she'd forgotten.

Helene jumped a little at Cybil's touch, but smiled and mimiced her touches. However once Cybil reached a spot on her thigh where she hit a bruise, she grimaced. "nh, They are doing well fitting right in with the other servants. I must admit Cybil you've made some wonderful strides growing as a woman since you've arrived." She moved not realizing that Cybil might see the bruise running on the far side of her breast.

"Helene... was it my fault?" Cybil asked softly looking at her friend. "Was it the meeting with the Mistress that made them do this to you?" Cybil asked gently touching the arm and breast and leg bruises. So lightly so that it wouldn't hurt, barely a brush even. "Was it because of me?" Cybil asked hating it if it was. Why would Helene get punished for something like the meeting? It didn't make sense.

"Its nothing dear one, just a little sex that got out of hand." Helene smiled and placed her hand on Cybil's. She hugged Cybil and kissed her neck, overcome with the thought that the young lady was concerned about her. "You are a very good friend, even though we haven't known each other very long." They couldn't be right about the Ravenwoods and their reasons for coming here. Even so they couldn't be evil or tricksters, especially not Cybil.

"But Helene! Those look like they hurt at least let me put some healing lotion on it!" Cybil said hugging her friend still worried about her and all the bruises. These were not sexual bruises. She'd seen such bruises on her brothers and father after fights... after brawls. Those were fist marks. "they must hurt Helene! You should have used a healing potion or gone to a healer!" Cybil said still hugging her friend.

"I really didn't want anyone to see them, it's very complicated Cybil." Helene said trying to choke back some tears. He had demanded answers about them, and she refused to betray her new friend. Then the strikes came, just like before she came here only not to the face. Unable to stop them, Cybil felt the tears on her shoulder as Helene sobbed. Her arms held Cybil tighter to her, the younger girl was bringing her a sense of comfort and security.

"Helene! It's okay now... I'm here... Let's wash up and I'll send Mathious out for some healing potion and some numbing cream. Then we can modify a dress in a somewhat Andorian Fashion that way you can still come and they'll be hidden okay? It's alright Mathious and I will take care of you from now on." Cybil said softly gently running a hand down Helene's hair and back even under the water. HEr poor friend there was deffinetly something going on that was not good nor in her and her friends benifits.

She still clutched Cybil tightly and let her tears fall, the hug was what she really needed the most right now. This delightful woman from Andor who shared a bed together, was comforting and reassuring. "Cybil I don't know how to thank you for being here for me. Most people from Pachuca would be using this to either gain something over me, for power or pleasure. I don't think you'd do that to me, and that makes you so dear and special."

"I wanted to be an embassador here Helene. I'm not like The other Pachuccans. You've helped me a great deal and I am in debt to you. I can only pay you back with loyalty and helpfulness. You practically saved me Helene... how can I not do the same for you?" Cybil said, she was disliking the way the blue lady had rearanged things here. Someone should really take her down and let things go back to the way they had been, if that was any better.

After a little while Helene calmed considerably and loosened her hold on Cybil. She rubbed her eyes and managed a small smile at her friend, before sitting back down into the water. "Since you and the others arrived I have been questioned several times about you all. Only recently when I told them that I would no longer try to get any information for them. I hope you aren't mad that I only now tell you about this."

"It's okay helene, we were stranger and pissibly dangerous to the country. I can understand it. I can't say I'm not a little dissapointed that you being nice was all because you wanted information but I really did think of you as a friend. It sounds like you still need a friend so... how about we put the past behind us and we talk to your dress maker about a dress that coveres you and me a little more in anforian fashion! It'll be a rage I can tell you something no one has ever seen before!" Cybil smiled brightly offering a hug to start thibngs off new with Helene.

Helene smiled again and hugged Cybil even giggling as she reallized her friend hadn't blushed once. "Cybil, we may not have time to have a new dresses made in time for tonight. Perhaps a healing potion will make them fade before the party. But, what about them? They will most likely be back." Not paying much Helene didn't realize her hands had slipped a little low on Cybil, she was suddenly afraid what would happen when they came back.

"Helene who might come back? Mathious and I would protect you? Not a whole new dress Helene just some additions. A little bustle, a little pretend corsetting... waist cinchers you'll love them. Then a little fluff at the shoulders and a little bit of sleeve down to the elbow. They can all be shear. MAthious and I have some healing stuff over at my place. Come to my rooms Mathious with wonderful at applying the medicinal cream and it should heal the swelling a lot. And take care of the color. IT'll still hurt a bit but with the little additions to the dresses such as a longer ength in the back but not the front and the bustle I mentioned. I can even help with the sewing. After our bath we'll get to work on it though." Cybil said with a smile gently petting Helene's hair gently.

"I never was told a name, he always refered to himself as my 'contact'. I suppose he is some sort of military interogator, wanting to know what you are really doing here." Helene held Cybil close and felt much calm in the young woman's embrace. "You'd allow Mathius to touch me and tend to my wounds?" she asked a little amazed. Cybil struck her as a little jealous of others interacting with her favorite.

"Of course. It's your well being we are talking about Helene. Can you give us a discription once we go back to my rooms?" Cybil asked softly as she continued to hold Helene and gently rub her back up and down. Helene seemed like she really needed a friend and right now Cybil was the best kind of friend to be. Honest and on a mission. Only to get information. Getting some soap and a wrag she bregan to very gently wash Helene. Starting with her arms. A little hesitant around the breasts but then the stomach and shoulders and back. Being gently and using circular motion in her scrubbing she knew it would sooth Helene it always worked on her brothers, That and Cybil began to softly sing an elven lullaby.

"What I can remember of him, Cybil what will we do if he comes back?" Helene asked relaxing to the gentle handling by Cybil. After a quick description including his lack of style in dress and the way he wore his hair, they finished bathing. And then they dressed in robes and headed back to Cybil's apartment. Mathius was a little surprised to see them together and in markedly good moods. He however was rather irritated in the fact another servant had come to get the dishes and linens and was arguing with him.

"MAthious let him change the bedding. We have more important matters to attend. Hurry up and get them out, do not return until you are sent for do you understand?" Cybil said sharply to the other servant. "Mathious I want you to get some ointment and lotions. Some oil as well. We have a big night tonight and you will attend to us both." She says in front of the other servant so he thought nothing would happen.

He stood down and let the servant change the bedding and bow before taking his leave. "As my lady wishes, greetings lady Helene." Mathius said with a low bow. Apparently Cybil's mission has produced a bit of fruit, he smiled at her. "Mistress you wish me to go shopping for you?" surprise painted his voice as he considered his options. Helene laughed lightly and wrapped an arm around Cybil's waist and gave her a squeeze.

"No. We need to use healing ointment and some cream to cover Helene's bruises's. Apparently some sort of Contact has been trying to pump her for information about us and when she didn't get give them what they wanted... they got testy. You and I are more used to bruises and other things. She doesn't want anyone to know. I've got some minor adjustments to the dresses to cover bruising." Cybil said hugging Helene back gently, petting her hair gently as well. Helene needed the comfort.

He nodded and began to prepare to leave to find a priest that sold healing balms. "Mathius tell the priest at the temple that it is for Helene, he will provide you with whatever you like." Helene smiled again and nodded to Cybil, it would give them time to alter the dresses. "Contact will most likely come back tonight after the party to question me." She shivered slightly worried what he planned on doing to her if she again did not cooperate.

"Tonight you will not leave my side, If you go outside I will follow and be discreet about it. That way he won't notice me and perhaps we can better figure out who he is and why he's here. If he does hurt you Helene I swear I will protect you." Cybil says promising the slightly olderr woman, she didn't want to give herself away but she did know how to defend herself and draw attention if need be to the place they would be at. Finally she'd be able to do something to help and not get in the way of Mathious and the plan to get free.

Mathius said a quick goodbye and promise he would return quickly. Helene smiled at Cybil after he had left, taking a seat and breathing a slight sigh of relief. "Contact will most likely not approach me at the party, he always comes to the house. But, I do believe he won't approach me if I am with you, so how do feel about sharing my bed tonight?" She fiddled with her control rod then smiled back to Cybil. "The seamstress is coming along with a bottle of wine to help us with the additions to the dresses."

"No... you will stay with us here. That will confuse him make him think you are getting closer to us. Let him know that we are getting closer and that I really am here just to find out what happened why communications stopped and all trade and to be an embassader from Andor. That's really why we are here Helene... I've never lied about that." Cybil says softly as she spoke to helene. Mathious is my lover... not my slave. While I treat him as a slave... he is still my lover and I wish to marry him someday.

Helene's smile faded a little, "Wait the three of us staying here instead of my chambers there would be more room. And I doubt that Contact would try much if I was not alone in my rooms." She sat on the bed and looked around, it would be tight quarters and the thought of the three of them in the already cozy bed made her chuckle. If Contact tried to get at her while Mathius was around she figured one peep from Cybil would make the warrior tear him apart. "Cybil I must say I am a little discouraged, the idea that you and your lover and those in tow were here for spying or looking for something sounded horribly erotic."

"We really are here to leave my family and be embassadors. All communications stopped so suddenly and I couldn't take it from my father any longer! Mathious is the only one who really understands and his friends... well some farm work will maybe give them the right mind of who is in charge. If you really want though I can spend the night in your bed Helene." Cybil says shaking her head no to her friend. "We are no spys and we certainly are not here to do anything other then try to understand why communications stopped and maybe find a place for ourselves. even if I own a farm on the edge of the country... at least it would be my own." Cybil said softly hugging Helene.

Helene hugged Cybil back and they waited for the seamstress and her assistants arrived. "Now how do you think its best to go about making the additions to the dresses? You seem to have many wonderful ideas for the alterations, I believe they are all worthy of being done." She poured to glasses of wine and handed one to Cybil with a smile. Her spirits seemed lifted knowing her friend wasn't mad at her and even willing to protect her.

"Like this." Cybil said drawing out the modifications on the papers brought in by the seemstresses. "It will be just a little andorian and still be Pachuccan as well! It'll help me feel more comfertable and hide some things for you. IT's a win win situation." Cybil grinned it would probably start a whole new fashion craze and infuriate the blue lady.

"If this is to Lady Helene's approval I can have both ready one hour before you had instructed that you would leave." the older woman said looking over the plans. "Yes then, I agree that Cybil and I shall make a new statement in Pachuian fashion tonight. You have my leave Tulba, and my thanks for altering the dresses." Once they were alone Helene sat and watched the house waiting for something. "Cybil can I tell you something very personal?" she asked looking over her shoulder and pulling a strand of red hair out of her eyes.

"Of course you can Helene. I'm here for anything you wish. As a friend I will never betray you. We are lucky to have suck good seemstresses at our disposal. It's wonderful." Cybil said softly with a bright smile. She truely beleived that Helene wanted to be friends and not be like the other women of Pachucca even if she had been wronged in the past.

Helene sighed and took another sip of her wine before she spoke again. "I was a almost coinless woman in Shadizar, who became the woman you see now. The picture of the man in my locket was my lover who found the money to bring us here. ALthough he betrayed me to some powerful people there, if it had not been for the ship's captain I would have been turned over to them." She sniffled slightly and used a handkerchief to daub away a tear, then took a steadying breath.

"Then I'd say you are one of the strongest women I have ever met Helene. But this is no real place for a life... or a home. Men are course and dull witted but I found Mathious in all the world and I think you can find your's as well. But not here. Here there is nothing but greed and philandering lust and anger and revenge. That's all I see here. The Blue Lady was not a good influence. Enslaving men only makes you powerful as long as you have the stick to control them." Cybil sighs softly hugging HElene and pressing the wine glass to her lips.

"And where would you suggest I go? Maybe back whence I came or somewhere else?" Helene countered. Not all of her money could be moved easily, and starting over again somewhere new was a scary proposition. All the hugging was making her feel like Cybil was warming her up to something. A short time later Mathius returned carrying a small parcel and smiling at them. "I have everything mistresses sent me for, with father Bale's regards."

"Oh Helene I'm just saying... if your getting hurt here... then here is not the place to stay. You did also say a prayer in our regards and leave an offering as well didn't you?" Cybil asked. She hadn't really been able to go to the temples very much so when she did or Mathious did she left a nice gift for the church. "Now take off your clothes and let MAtthious put the healing ointment on you. I don't have ultierer motives if that's what you're thinking Helene. Remember I'm not like everyone else. I just can't stand to see a friend willing stay somewhere where she is abused." Cybil sighed shaking her head. Cybil really did feel bad for HElene but being here for so long and warped how she thought a little too muh and she was suspicious of everything now and everyone it seemed.

Mathius and Helene both gapped at her, she having overcome the surprise first dropped her robe. "I take it you have a gentle or healers touch Mathius, else Cybil would have decided to do this herself." For his part Mathius was very slow to unwrap the ointments giving Cybil a chance to change her mind. Was his lover honestly wanting him to but his hands on a nude Helene, she not only openly shared sex with men and women. But, at one point she had touched them both sexually, Cybil more than once matter of factly.

"Look at your faces! Mathious I'm not telling you to... do anything to her naughty. Just cover her bruises with the ointment! And Helene Mathious has a very gentle touch his mother taught him how to use ointments and how to rub them in to ease pain. This is not sexual. MAthious is mine for that." Cybil says taking a sip of her wine. She had to be careful how much she drank, one glass should do it. She didn't want anything else to happen. And really she had bruises on her back and stomach and arms and legs. What else was Cybil supposed to do, she could only use potions she wasn't very good unlike Mathious.

After a short time of Mathius's tending, which included giggles, wincing, and a couple gasps of pain, Helene lay as her bruises dsappeared. "Cybil gives you great praise and I see why you are a good healer. Thank you Cybil for having him tend my wounds." Mathius washed his hands and returned to the chair near the door to wait for another instruction. Helene for modesty sake covered herself with her robe again and hugged Cybil for her help.

"You're welcome but you should thank him as well. It was his hands that did the healing not mine. BEsides it's almost time for us to get ready for the party. Now let's go to your room and see how the dresses are getting along and we can go over things again. Mathious... wait up for me." Cybil smiles at Mathious. She had a feeling she might feel a little frisky after this party and she wanted him to stay alert besides. Helene and her would be gone again and there might be another attack.

"Of course Mistress, anywhere I should pay special attention?" he said with a smile. Helene smiled and took Cybil's arm, "I shall rescue you from the slaves randy transgressions." Giggling they went acrosss the lawn to the main house and climbed to Helene's chambers. Both dresses were on display, both looked truly amazing and Helene beamed at the seamstress's ability. Again throwing modesty to the wind she cast off her robe and did the same to Cybil, "we have no time to waste."

"Helene!" Cybil laughed before getting into her own dress. IT was... well something alright. She felt her breasts might spill out of the top... and her waist felt the familiar snug of the waist sinch being tied tightly. Enhancing her shapely hips. The skirt was almost to her thighs in the front but the back had extra bustle and a long trail that only just reached the floor. The sleeves held the front up... barely in her opinion but had a little gather of material and then a qaurter sleave with shear material draped from. Helene's own was much more daring. A deep V in her dress stopped by her own waist sincher. HEr own skirt longer but with side slits that went up to her hips. And the top was off the shoulder. Thank goodness Cybil talked them into letting her cover just a little more of herself then Helene. But still Cybil would walk like a goddess among the people.

The party was lavish, taking up the host's entire courtyard probably the size of the royal gardens back home. Several lectus's were about the area near braziers burning exotic oil and wood and food and wine all on tables. Dozens of eyes, women, men, slaves and masters all gaped at their arrival, truly all eyes were on them. "I believe I have enetered with the most exotic beauty this country has ever seen." Helene whispered in her ear. Then wrapping her arm in Cybil's began to take her to meet the influential people of Pachuca.

"The two most exotic." Cybil whispered before smiling brightly and introducing herself. This was her game. Just like court at home she could already see the circles and those of importance and those of lower rank. Being new she was outside of the ranking for now until they could see how well she played the game. Cybil was a champion at the game though. She sat most times with the queen until she sent her out to find some news to talk about. At home she acheived peek rank. Here she was sure with Helene's help she would soon reach the inner circle. She traded witty remarks and said soft playful remarks, and while she accepted compliments on her dress she pointed it toward her partner never leaving HElene out of any of the compliments. Often Cybil herself complimented Helene on showing her around Pachucca and showing her what Pachucca really was.

Less than an hour after their arrival the Matron appeared gaining a lot of attention. After some small conversations she found her way to Cybil and Helene. "So good to see you back on your feet Lady Helene, and with Cybil getting her first taste of Pachuca. No, Mathius in tow behind you my dear?" she asked her eyes looking for her old nemisis. A nearby slave brought a tray with several glasses of wine for guests to take.

"Mathious hasn't the skills to be able to handle himself in a place like pachucca My Lady. Lady Helene has been introducing me to the most interesting people, she was right parties here are much more relaxed then at Andor." Cybil said still holding her game face. In a position like this Cybil had the confidence in herself not to be thrown so easily as she had at the tea. Even now she took a glass of wine and sipped it lightly. "The hostess is a lovely woman, Her dress was quite nice but I see you really made an effort in your appearance my LAdy and may I say you look dashing." Cybil said with a smile, it was a small insult disguised in a compliment. Dashing was for men... even here in Pachucca, but then The blue lady had always looked more masculine to Cybil.

"Why thank you, I find that strength is sometimes better than cuteness." she retorted slipping a finger into Cybil's cleveage. Moving closer to Cybil so not to overheard, "Maybe I should show you in my bedchamber, what strength can truly do." Helene quickly interjected herself into the meeting, Matron have you ever seen a nicer night for such a gathering?" She wrapped her arm in Cybil's and set her othe hand on the Matron's elbow. The Matron let her finger slip out of Cybil's cleveage and regarded Helene like she had been offended.

There wasn't much cleavage there seeing as Cybil wasn't a large girl, her hips larger then her bust. But she did blush at the boldness of the blue lady. "I'm afraid I do not enjoy the female body as much as I do the male one yet My Lady. It truelly is a lovely evening... a soft breeze to cool us down on this warm night." Cybil said sparing a scorneful glance at the blue lady for such a public display. Cybil was also what half her age. talk about ew. "Matron surely you can introduce me to more guests? I'm sure the ladies would be happy to see you here." Cybil said an excuse to keep the blue lady busy.

As they moved about the party meeting several influential people, mostly women and only a couple men. The Matron kept Cybil within arms reach, and therefore Helene was on the other arm to seperate them when needed. A great many people had questions about Andor and the world beyond Pachucca's borders. Doing her best to squash some of the more troublesome questions. Later reclining on a lectus Helene took note of the Matron's abscence, "The two of you are rather passive aggressive with each other my dear."

"I told you of our past together. Is it any surprise? I am glad so many of Pachuccan women are interested in Andor... It's changed a great deal since I was a little girl. They are much more open about women and women's rights now. In great part thanks to Lady Ravenwood and the queen as well. the Matron shouldn't try to hinder peoples curiosity... it's what makes a society grow." Cybil says with a sigh and another sip of the first glass of wine she'd had. It was almost gone but... well she was taking it easy tonight.

"Well, she had to stablize the country after taking control it took a little time. Not everyone was happy about woman having the power around here, she just never bothered to reopen the borders." Helene understood the situation between the Matron and Cybil, it all boiled down to Mathius and what happened in the past. "So, at one time she was a fellow soldier beside Lord Soth?" she asked suddenly curious. She got a second glass of wine for them both, she decided tonight was a good time to drink in moderation.

"She was one of the five dragons that attacked the city before the great black dragon came. Lady Alehial, My 'step-father', Lord Altair and several others rode on dragons of light. She earned the name Blue lady for the Blue dragon that was her companion. He was killed during the battle and she was taken hostage. She got free but the older kids played mean pranks on her while she was there and she was always trying to seduce Lord Ravenwood. I can't help but wonder if perhaps by not opening the border she's hiding things for Soth once again now that he has returned. Or if she'll allow the guild of Soth to come here..." Cybil says finishing her old glass and sipping from the new one.

"I see well, it might help to find out if anyone had seen this Lord Soth here in the city. Usually newcomers are the talk of the town, and subject to a lot of scrutiny." The Matron was heading their way again and Helene raised an eebrow and looked at Cybil. "Why would she ask you to her bedchambers, she has only had one lover in all her time in Pachuca. Hence the father of her son, and no one even remembers hearing his name before."

"Beleive me when I say I have no idea. But I am going to continue to refuse. But Helene the attack on your house... and this man who comes to you. I simply can't leave your side! You are too good of a friend to me now for me to leave you behind without a thought." Cybil said as the blue lady walked closer to them. It was a warning to Helene and Cybil telling her she wouldn't leave if Helene was in danger. If Cybil were to go out then it would be with Helene.

The Blue Lady took the seat across from Cybil and picked up a glass of wine. "I wish to make a purchase of some vegetables from your farm Cybil. We should meet tomorrow to discuss terms, how about lunch at Helene's house? That is if Helene doesn't mind being host to us?" she asked leaning forward. Her eyes held onto Cybil's and she smiled a predatory smile to both women.

"It would be an honor to sell you my harvest Madame. I'm afraid we didn't get the largest harvest but I only just started and I'm sure the vegetable's will taste delicious. Of course If Helene doesn't mind, why we could even make a small day of it. Just image the LAdy of the country visiting your own little villa. What an honor! MAthious will be honored to serve you along with Helene and I I'm sure." Cybil said with a bright and happy smile, she fluttered her eyelashes innocently and continued to play clueless, or rather not clueless but sweet and as clever as the Blue lady herself. Cybil would make it a girly affair, she and Helene would act the perfect female role... something that should piss of the 'Matron' of Pachucca to no end.

"I think that would be lovely, perhaps I will bring a couple of servants as well." She drained the glass and smiled coyly at the women before her next comment, "Will tomorrow be too early? I have several things to attend to early, but have a great deal of time free around the time of lunch and after." The Matron was still in fighting shape and the dress she wore showed that off to everyone in attendance. Helene looked at Cybil with a look of concern, she didn't know if the house could be made ready for the Matron's visit so soon.

"Of course Matron, But I'm afraid it's more then a days ride to the farm so the vegetables will not be able to arrive tomorrow for your inspection. I will personally look over every bushel and box that comes in however! You will of course have to pardon the state of the slave housing, After all the attack from the rebels has caused Helene some distress so if you could pardon that Milady then we would love to host a Luncheon for you right Helene?" Cybil smiles brightly at Helene. If they refused the blue lady would surely come anyways. Or send more spies.

Helene blinked a couple times and looked between the two of them before speaking. "Of course, we will recieve you and your entourage tomorrow for lunch. I will instruct my cook to make something suitable for you, m'lady." she said taking Cybils arm. Cybil could notice her stare off to the distance and that Helene was almost shaking. Following her line of sight she could see a man keeping a close eye on the trio.

Cybil looked to the side of the Matron to see if she couldn't get any details from the man. "There it's all settled and I'm sure you have many more important people to speak with then Helene and I. After all we wouldn't want you showing favoritism especially to a foreigner." Cybil smiled softly in a courtly war and Cybil took Helene's arm into her own. "Unless you had some kind of other business with us Milady?" Cybil asks politely and inquisitively, she really wanted the woman to leave them be but it seemed the blue lady was deteremind to keep track of them during this party.

He wasn't hard to miss being about Litor's size, but slight in build keeping his eyes kept to them. "Of course, Cybil I will see you both tomorrow, have a good night." Then she left walking through the crowd talking to other people in the crowd. Contact noted everyone's movements both the Matron's and Cybil and Helene. Cybil felt Helene's grip tighten on her arm, "What are we going to do Cybil?"

"Get some air on the balcony. Dealing with the Matron gives me a foul smell I'd like to be rid of. But don't fear Helene... Remember I'm here with you and he can't do anything to you while I'm around. I think I may have drunk a little to much wine as well." Cybil smiled at Helene taking her arm in her own still and leading them to an empty balcony. Helene might not like what she was about to see... if it came down to that.

Contact did not follow them, as Cybil had surmised he would keep his distance and more than likely try questioning her later. Helene breathed a little easier when they got away from the courtyards and could overlook the city around them. "Do you think she has something devious planned for tomorrow? She seemed adament that Mathius was there for her visit." she said turning to speak quietly with Cybil. Everything was changing so fast around her and her house, perhaps coming to Pachuca had been a mistake all those years ago.

"for all I've learned she is never anything but devious Helene... Tomorrow we shall give her a grand Luncheon and MAthius will serve the food. She will like to see that. But really I don't know what she has planned, but I beleive that cream dress you had made for me will be the one I wear tomorrow." Cybil said treating it indifferently. If the blue lady wanted her to tremble she would not. If she wanted to bow to her will... she would be quite surprised to find how much the shy little girl the others pulled along with them had changed. " MAthius and Conner were the two that came up with all the plans to degrade her. A bucket above her head on a door. Grease on the first step of the stairwell. Toffee on the banister. All kinds of things." Cybil said softly, breathing deeply the exotic air around her. She really wanted to go home.

"Perhaps we should head back to the house, I feel a little exposed here." she whispered with a little chuckle at the word. In truth many a woman marvelled at their dresses and asked who had designed them. The two women might need to get back to the warrior to keep them safe. She didn't take her eyes off of the balcony door, afraid Contact would show up. "The cook would almost faint dead away hearing she would have to cook for the Matron tomorrow."

Cybil gave a high giggle at that. "Let's tell her tonight then so she can get a little head start." Cybil said holding Helene's hand before walking back inside. Wary of the Contact and keeping her eyes searching. She warded off the questions by saying it was a mixture of Helene's genius and a little bit of Cybil's home thrown together. Cybil was wary coming out of the balcony though just in case. Besides they needed to thank the hostess of the party and beg their early leaves to prepare for the next day.

The hostess hugged her guests, letting her hands linger a little on both of them. Helene looked to Cybil as they wove in and out of the revelers to their litter bearers. "She has always been a little grabby, even of those she doesn't really know. More than likely she will wind up having an orgy with those that remains." The men lifted the litter and pointed them in the direction of Helene's and set off.

"Ew..." Cybil said grimancing slightly. Glad they had gotten out early. "Now then we'll have a lot on our hands to prepare for the Matron, so if we take a job or two we'll have nothing to worry about." Cybil smiled brightly at Helene. Cybil being a hostess was a serious thing. The table had to be set just right the napkins pressed and folded perfectly, the food on the right trays and displayable. The grass raked and the pool gleaming blue. Mathius would need clean new pants And a tunis with no sleeves as befitted his role as slave to Cybil.

They arrived home and the litter was set down, Helene and Cybil went back inside to tell the cook about the visit. The poor woman looked stricken for a short time until she started coming up with a meal plan and settled into work. The others were advised their roles and given instructions for the morning. "So what now my friend, time for bed or shall we let Mathius in on the situation?" She wasn't going to admit that she feared Contact followed them home from the party.

"Now we check the house and make sure everything gleams it's so clean. We tell the cook to put everything on platters you could use as a mirror! We put the table under the umbrella's by the pool and make sure the pool is freshly scrubbed. Dress the boys in clothing that isn't offensive to the senses, of smell or sight. Then we pick out outfits that make us shine and yet do not give ourselves away and we relax and wait. We do not worry about the linens and the hallways. Not after we have already checked everything." Cybil smiled taking Helene's arm and links them with her own. "Let's bathe and get ready for the night, then we will do all these things." Cybil said with a smile. She wanted the make-up off and she wanted to be done with the revealing dress and wanted to relax and get comfertable.

Once free of the dress and into the water, both of them began to relax a little more. Helene called for some soothing tea with honey and lemon, and sat against the wall of the bath drinking quietly. "Dearest, will Mathius be presentable to the Matron? I mean if they have such a history of dislike and all, wouldn't that be bad?" She set the cup down and grabbed a jar that would help remove the makeup from their faces. Concern still lingered behind her eyes, if Contact appeared now, they would be in serious trouble.

Cybil smiled. "She won't like it at all and he won't either. But he'll behave properly... and I'll make sure of that. The only thing I'm concerned about is the Matron. She alone can do as she pleases... which means he'll be in danger just because she is vindictive and harbors hatred for the Ravenwood family name whether he is a blood child or not of that family." Cybil says leaning againt the edge where she had a dagger hidden. Since it was at times like these when the people Helene was afraid of usually showed up. She thought it best to be prepared.

Helene smiled at how prepared Cybil was, how suddenly she became so sure of things. "So, what will we do after the Matron's visit? I assume she will keep an eye on us." She looked quizzically and set her cup down before looking about, almost wondering if Contat was going to suddenly appear. The water didn't feel so warm anymore as she remembered the man in her room asking questions and threatening her. Could Cybil and Mathius free her from the fear she felt everytime she remembered that night, or would in trying the harm themselves.

Cybil smiled softly. "Don't worry Helene... After She takes her leave we will watch the clean up and, Then we wll both get messauges and relax while Mathius keeps an eye out for this Contact. I promise Helene... That I will help you if I can." Cybil said with a small smile, this she could do. If she had to she would take Helene with her and set her up for a new life... but she had to have an ally in Pachucca.

Later after Helene had parted company and Mathius made sure her room was secure, they had a few moments alone. "And you two suggested she come here for lunch where I have no weapon to defend myself." he asked with a quizzical look. Cybil was brave and he feared a little too sure of his abilities. However, she was in charge and he waited for her orders rather than lay out across the bed. The idea of seeing the evil pain again after all these years made him wonder what trick he could play and not get in trouble.

"No I want her to see... How well you listen to my commands and to see how much I've taken up with Pachuccan culture, someone is accusing us of being spies I want her to see how much we are trying to make a new life here. I want her to see how earnest we are and going to parties and going out into the market and working towards this goal by rubbing elbows with the upper class here will show all of that. It will throw doubt towards whoever is trying to pursuade the council and the matron... even if it is the blue lady doing it." Cybil says brushing her short hair until it was dry, something that used to take hours now only taking minutes. She still missed having her long hair but she was slowly growing used to her hair being such a short length.

"Cybie we are talking about the same lady that imprisoned Altair and pretty much tried to terrify us at every turn when we were kids. I mean where in the world do you think anyone else has to smile and rub elbows with their nemisis from years ago?" Mathius was a tad more indignant than he truly meant to be, he proved sometimes the little boy from the street wasn't truly gone. He sat down with a frusterated 'harumph' and watched Cybil, the short hair framed her face rather nicely and now he could see her full back without hair in the way. "I never noticed how flawless your skin is Cybie, especially in those dressing gowns, being they are rather sheer." he said with a grin.

"Thank you... But we are trying to show them we want a life here. We came here without knowing the Matron was here. Why would her being here make that much of a difference to us wanting to make a new life. So she used to be enemies with Aunt Alehial and Uncle Altair, so they did bad things back and forth. Maybe she grew tired of that Matty. Maybe she just wanted a life of her own too." Cybil said with a frown, she was quite used to dealing with little boys seeing as her three little brothers the little half elven lot were a wild bunch she often was the one watching over them at home. "We are also talking about a woman who would watch Aunt Cyndel holding the babies with longing and regret. Who watched Lyriel run around as a child with something like happyness until you all started to play pranks on her!" Cybil said trying to draw his attention to other places. If this ruse was going to work, they had to be working their best.

Mathius recovered and fell back onto the bed becoming the older Mathius again. "Cybie, by the divine, you ask for me to forget that she is evil and will most likely be in cahoots with Galin." Concern tinged his voice, they were cutoff from the others and going to invite a woman who most likely still could fight like the old days. He looked up and watched the material move with Cybil and smiled. "Alright, I will go along with your plan, I might not like it, but I trust you."

"And you should. Besides I've met her... I don't think she wants to fight anymore... at least crossing blades of any type. She seems more content to try and control this world she lives in now. I don't ask that you forgive Matty, just that you put it aside for now." Cybil said softly sitting on the bed beside him and rubbing his knee. She usually wasn't quite so touchy feely. But for some reason after they had been together she felt much more comfertable around him. Not so much other men still but she was much closer to Mathius now after all that had happened.

"So what are we doing tonight, are you staying with Helene and I awaiting the enemy? Or are we alone tonight, awaiting an enemy?" Mathius reached out and placed his hand on the silky material on her back. Being this close with her made him happy and even more receptive to her plan. "Alright Cybie, I will swallow my urge to spike her drink with fish oil or put too much pepper on her food." Mathius hated to admit it, but the plans had merits.

"Staying here... And you had better not because our lives are not the only ones in danger from us being here Matty. Helene said she has been getting threats lately." Cybil said softly scooting closer and laying her head against his shoulder. "I can't help but feel we are putting her at great risk... and if we leave she may be executed." Cybil said softly letting her worries out, finally wanting his input on this. She had been holding it close to her chest and to herself for quite a while now.

The thought had occured to him once or twice, now as Cybie said it out loud it compounded their problems. He wrapped his arm around Cybil and held her close, "We'll figure something out before we leave, either a way to absolve her of any guilt or find a way to take her with us I guess." Mathius tipped her head up and kissed her quietly, too much worry and he hated to see her so upset. What they would do with Helene when they left here was anyone's guess, maybe they'd set her up working for ALehial & Altair. Maybe she'd find a good noble man and raise a family loyal to the crown.

Cybl melted in Mathiuss kiss, how he was so good at it she didn't know. He had always been a very good kisser. Cybil was very releived to get this information off of her chest and maybe he would come up with a good idea. Cybil was actully terrified that without Darryl as a back-up they might not make it out of this place ever. If that happened... well she didn't know what she would do she only knew that she was worried all the time and afraid most of the time and she sorely wished they could go home now. But with all th things in their way how could they?

He started to stroke her body with firm strokes, to work the tension out of her. She was going to have to be a top notch actress tomorrow and she needed to be pampered and kept relaxed so she could sleep. "Tell me what you want Cybie, I will do anything to make you more comfortable and relaxed."
 Already he had slipped his hands against her bare skin and was letting them roam everywhere. All his lady had to do was inform him where to touch or how to touch her and he would gladly make her relaxed.

"I want to go home Matty. I don't want to be here now that we have the information we sought." Cybil said softly leaning into his touches. She was so glad he was there to keep her strong, to give her something to protect. If he wasn't there she didn't know what might have happened to her. But then again it was sort of her fault for letting their identity's slip that they were in such a precarious position at all.

"I know, believe me Cybie I'd rather be touching you in a small room celebrating our first night as husband and wife then being here. Just keep that thought in your sweet mind, sharing a bed like this and knowing we don't have to be careful, that we can start our own family." His hands began to rub just a tad harder before coming to rest at the small of her back and pull her a little closer. Lowering his mouth he kissed along the cut of her shift and hoped she began to relax. If she was upset about not going home yet, everything could blow up in their face and no one could afford that.

Cybil moaned softly, he always made her feel better and she trusted him completely. She knew she had to be strong but it was Mathius who gave her any of her strength. It was Mathius who made her want to make him happy and work hard. But she could easily tee them in a house together with her pregnant and him a doting loving husband. Just like aunt Alehial and uncle Altair, or Uncle Rand and aunt Cyndle. Cybil didn't want to wait, they hd the informtion and she wanted to go home... but Cybil mused it must be like aunt Alehial is always saying adventures aren't wonderful until they are done. They never seem like adventures until you've either won or lost.

He nuzzled her warm skin and whispered like he had countless times in the grove back home. They were together on the road and stuck in an unorthodox adventure. And with the other men gone they would have to depend on one another not only for comfort, but strength. "Cybil how many children would you like, I figure none of us children will ever have the amount that mother and father do. For we would need to adventure for many years to amass that amount of fortune."

"I do have a dowry you know... I want three I think... what about you MAthius?" Cybilo asked in return shivers running down her body from the soft press of his lips speaking such words. There was nothing more important to Cybil then when Mathius spent time with her and she ws the sole focus of his attention. She let her worries melt away while she spent time in the comfortable peace called Mathius's arms.

"I believe three will be just fine as long as we have one boy and one girl, the third can surprise us. Besides I find it will be more interesting to help you make them and then we raise them." The sounds of the city around them flitted through the window and helped lull them into sleep. Mathius smiled and whishpered, "Good night Cybie a love you. And I will always be here for you."

The next morning, Helene awoke to a distressing sight, there on her dressing table was a note from Common. She read it quickly then headed directly to Cybil's chambers not really even bothering to knock. "CYBIL, MATHIUS look at this, its awful I do not know what to do!" she wailed and sat almost sobbing at her friends side. Her life was falling apart and there would be no way to stop it from happening. It was almost like the problems she faced at home had just been magnified one hundred fold.

"Helene what's the matter?!" Cybil asked getting up quickly and rubbing her eyes. She was tired but she refused to yawn or do anything rude. So she sat up and tried to figure out why Helene was so upset, if there was anything Cybil could do to help she would, because these last weeks Helene had done so much for them even if she hadn't known about it. Cybil wanted to repay her if she could.

"Common left this on my dressing table, its horrid and there is nothing we can do." She handed the letter to Mathius and fell to embrace Cybil, she was at a loss and was so afraid for them all. Mathius read the note then again out loud. "Greetings Helene, the Matron will be bringing several men for a little sport with Cybil's man Mathius. Most likely he will not survive and his friends will follow suit at the farm. The Matron will either then make you and Cybil her servants or decide a different fate.

Cybil went white from the news of the letters contents. "She wouldn't do that... She wouldn't!" Cybil said looking at Mathius she held Helene in her arms tightly and she prayed Mathius had an idea of some sort. The only thing they could do was try to take off the collars and leave... at least to Cybil's way of thinking that's what it meant nyways. She was terrified more now then she had been yet. She would die if Mathius did and it was all her fault.

He sat silent and wondered how they would attempt to kill him? Poison or just beat him to death? "They will try to say it was an accident, I will not eat or drink anything before the fight. And I will watch them closely for weapons of any kind. Helene can you send word quickly to the others, hopefully they can get their collars off and meet half-way I think our welcome is worn out here in Pachuca and you'll come with us too." He smiled at Cybil, this would not be easy but niether would it be impossible.

"Mathius she means to kill you!" Cybil said horrified that he was so calm, what if this didn't work? Did he have a plan why wouldn't he share the plan with her surely that wasn't the whole plan. "What are we going to do Mathius?" Cybil asked voicing her concerns and her thoughts. She was still hoplding Helene tightly hoping the woman would relax and agree to go with them. Cybil didn't want her to be left behind to be abused again.

"If I defeat them then we prepare to leave as soon as Helene can get our equipment, we will meet the others about halfway and make our way to a friendly country or until Darryl can hear my calls and go home. If I lose then you will have a couple days in which she will leave you to grieve. In that case you will get the equipment and meet the others and nightly call for Darryl to take you and the information home. I'm sorry to lay it out in such a manner, but that is how it will have to work, these collars have to come off soon." He looked at Cybil and held her gaze, everything was a gamble right now and without a better idea this would have to work.

"I would rather die then leave you behind. I can fight... if it looks like you might not win I will come to you." Cybil said, she refused to deal with his death. No matter in what manner. But she prayed hard that the gods would have mercy on them both and let this all work. While she hadn't been able to come up with any kind of plan herself she was simply glad he had a plan that might work at all. Especially when she had none at all.

Wrapping her in a hug and kissing her lightly, "You will have to play the host with the Blue Lady, and besides it will be quick if I begin to lose." He knew that the guys would flee the farm soon and he hoped the group running to escape Pachuca would be successful, never once did he think what if they have dogs and trackers. Cybil would soldier through the best she could, Helene made him a little more concerned she didn't seem the outdoors type. "Cybie you need to prepare Helene for travelling away from here and that might mean running across ccountry to another ocean. It will be rough and tiring, and we'll all be tested possibly too much in some cases."

"I won't leave without you. I beleive Helene can make it if she wishes to. I will help her as much as I can." Cybil said holding tightly into him and kissing him. She was adamant about that though. SHe would do her best. Playing hostess would kill her if she had to watch him fight and possibly die. Cybil knew she wasn't that strong, she knew she would never be able to live after witnessing such an aweful act.

"And I will not go without you either, I'll pull this country down stone by stone to keep you with me." he said. Helene came into the room and watched them quietly before making any noises. It was odd that she had been so unwilling to help any of her other guests, but these two made her hopeful for a better life. "Ah, I only hope I find someone as good and true when we get back to Andor." she said with a comical sigh. Coming close she reached out and touched Cybil's arm, "Dearest our guest will arrive shortly is there anything we forgot?"

"Just us being prepared and waiting. As asked." Cybil said softly, kissing him again not leaving his embrace yet. She was waiting for doom to come to them all but she never let go of the hope that the god of luck would favor her first adventure. either way the outcome of this would determine what happened next. Whether they ran or Whether she sent Helene to the men to all run.

Helene went to check on the cook and last minute details leaving them alone. Mathius bent low his hands slipped under her backside and squeezed lightly, "How long do you really think we have before she arrives?" If he was going to fight and possibly die, he wanted to touch her skin again and hold her close to him. He kissed her neck and squeezed again, she was so important to him and he wanted her safe, no matter what happened to him. He had written a short letter not only to her but to his parents and one to his friends, it was only smart to share what was in his heart.

"Only part of an hour. I can't make Helene do all the work though. I too should check things over... and you should get ready for the fight..." Cybil said hugging Mathius tightly even as she said those words. She didn't want anything to happen to him. But she knew she had to be there to support Helene as well. Helene wasn't as strong as either of them. She was a strong woman but this would mostly all be new to her. Not to mention frightening and fast paced.

He nodded and released her from his grip and smiled, "I'll chalk it up to the brawl when that guy tried to steal Asper from Darryl long ago." He smiled remembering how good it felt knocking that arrogant jerk right in the mouth. He would have to be a bit more cautious though, they were looking for a way to kill him. Hopefully this would remain a fist to fist fight, if weapons started showing up, he'd have to change styles of fighting. "I think I'm gonna set some imporvised weapons in the area where we are fighting, just in case."

A little while later the Matron and her retinue arrived with two slaves Cybil thought must be the ones Mathius was to fight. Pleasant words were exchanged and Helene showed them all to the sitting room while the slaves were taken out to the courtyard. "I must say Helene that you have made this house very impressive from its last owner you have come a long way." Helene curtsied and smiled at the compliment, "I thank you Matron, and I hope you enjoy mine and Cybils hospitality today during your visit." The Matron looked to Vybil and smiled, it was like a predator smiling at frightened prey before it devoured them whole.

Cybil didn't let it phaze her too much though it did frighten her and she was still aftraid for Mathais but all she could do was play host with Helene. She worked hard to keep the servants keeping up with everything and seeing that the Matron was served and happy. She tried to stay a little quiet so that Helene could handle things, seeing as she was far more familiar with the way things worked in this country then Cybil was at any rate. Cybil was finally somewhat used to the clothing and her short hair now so that wasn't making her nervous just the fact that the blue lady was here at all was making her nervous especially since they knew what her plans were... sort of.

After lunch the Matron smiled, "The meal was very good how about now we enjoy some spectacle." Helene nodded and they all went out to the courtyard where Mathius and the other men were waiting. It would be two against him and Mathius was working out stragety when he noticed what was going on the man with them was adding something to their hands probably something posionous. When the women came out and had a seat Mathius found the great equalizer in this fight and planned accordingly. Sitting on the middle chair the Matron called for a glass of wine and settled in to watch the end of that little pain from her past.

Cybil instantly knew there was something fowl affoot. The way the men were standing and their hands... the way the Matron was so relaxed and pleased with herself. They were going to do something underhanded. Cybil also took a glass of wine and she hoped it would help hide her nervousness and her apprehension over the whole ordeal. She especially didn't like Helen being on the other side of the Matron. Or herself being so close to the foul hearted woman who wanted Mathias dead.

The fight began and one man decided to charge at Mathius, now was part of the time to put his plan into motion. Side stepping the man and grabbed his arm tossing him forward into Helen's pool and splashing the crowd. Before he turned the other man was coming in and he caught that arm and took them both in to make a larger splash. When he came back up he pounded his fist into the second man's face with a resounding crack. Hopefully the water would wash away the powder and make life easier.

Cybil squeeled when she got dowsed and she blinked the water out of her eyes. "Oh...." She said softly as she watched the battle continue. She certainly hoped the battle went Mattie's way, after all it wouldn't be good at all for him to get caught in the water. Cybil wanted to join and to help him but she sat still in her chair, it took all her power to do so in fact. She even called a servant to bring towels for the Matron Helene and herself.

The other women had similiar reactions to being soaked, Helene who never wore underthings had her dress stick to her chest just as Cybil's did. The fight continued in the pool as one man tried to get his bearings Mathius dove under water and pushed off the bottom driving his fist into the other mans groin. Once he surfaced he slammed his elbow into the man with the broken nose's kidney. The men had a problem adjusting to the new fight area and Mathius used it to his advantage. Before hitting them he would splash water into their eyes and drive his fist home.

Cybil covered her chest with her arms and hands, as Helene insisted that she not wear underthings... And she deffinetly refused to just let the now sheer material be the only things obscuring her body from sight... which it didn't. The fight was deffinetly going to Mathius but that was really no surprise... He had been trained by the finest of warriors. The fight was almost over and it had only been a few minutes, how the Matron would handle that Cybil wasn't sure so she was keeping an eye so to speak on her as well. Hopefully Helene couldcare for herself for now.

Mathius currently had both men in a choke hold and was close enough to the edge when they lost consciousness he levered them up onto the side where the trainer pulled them out. He climbed out himself and knelt before Cybil dripping water on her lap. "Mistress I hope my victory pleases you." he said in a deep respectful tone as his station directed. The Matron scoffed, "Had I known my men would be so ineffective I'd have found something else to bring for entertainment." Helene shurgged, "Some men just are better at fighting than others I guess and Mathius seems to have been trained well.

"I'm sorry if he won too quickly, I suppose he has been too well taught." Cybil says softly and leans forward to kiss MAthius on the forehead gently. "I was very pleased by it Mathius." Cybil sauid before leaning back and still covering herself a bit trying to seem a little nonchalant about it. She hoped that the Matron didn't have any bad tricks planned... Her nerves might nt be up to it... not to mention Mathius's stamina.

"So very Andorian of a reward for his skill little Cybil you should give him something better for who you are and his station." the Matron said with a smile. Standing she walked behind Cybil and placed her arms around Cybil, "Let me show you how a native of Pachuca would reward such a servant." Her hands parted Cybil's legs and began to pull the dress up, "Mathius as a proper reward for winning you may please your misstress." If either refused then she'd get her proof they were not here for a fresh start and not embracing the ways of Pachuca. Mathius looked at Cybil and at the Matron before moving closer to Cybil and preparing to do as he was ordered.

"H-HERE?! In front of e-everyone?!" Cybil went bright red, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She knew there had to be a trick to this from the Matron. There was always some kind of trick. So much to Cybil's embaressment she had to let Mathius do this. Cybil didn't fight the matron opening her legs nor pulling up her skirt. "Do it Mathius. Claim your p-prize." Cybil said trying to keep her embaressment down and gather her courage. She felt like she would just die of embaressment with everyone watching this happening and her exposing herself. Cybil grabbed the matron's hands, she had to hold onto something while this was going on.

Mathius knew about the trick and lowered his mouth to Cybil and began to lick her, as he did he let everything fall away and focused only on his lover. As she watched the display the Matron thought of how odious she found the young Ravenwood ward and how he was powerless here in her realm. "Does his tongue please you Cybil?" she whispered in the lovely blonde's ear. Helen was a little taken aback at how things had transpired here in such a short time. The slaves were forgotten as the Matron again tested Cybil, Mathius, and even Helen to find a guilty party.

Cybil clutched at the MAtrons hands. She whimpered and tried to hold back her cries. Mathius was a talented lover and any time Cybil made a noise he responded directly, and she was having a hard time trying to keep her calm. "Em!!AH! M-MAttie!" Cybil panted heavily as her feelings began to grow. She didn't want this to happen in public but there was nothing that she could do about it. With each skillfull stroke of Mathius's tongue Cybil was losing the battle.

It was very odd to be doing this in daylight in fornt of the ruler of this country, but Mathius knew if he didn't not pleasure Cybil to completion then the Matron would make some cock & bull decree about them being spies. drawing on recent memories of their times doing this he made sure every spot she enjoyed was touched and then she was sure to climax. Helene watched and felt a sudden shyness, not for herself but for Cybil and Mathius having to do this in the open. Andor was a very different place and sex there seemed different then sex here, more intimate and private. Suddenly, she wished she could easily take them home and away from the Matron.

"NN! NO AAAAHHH!!" CYbil cried out as she orgasmed and her body twitched and she got goose bumps on her skin. She clutched tightly at the Matrons hands and panted heavily as, she slowly began to recover. She was out of her mind in pleasure still, and if she came down and got her mind back then she would die of embaressment. Cybil's body was exposed and she lay trembling on the seat, as MAthius finished and Cybil was given a short time to recover. She still hadn't had time to think everything completely through with her yet. Cybil was just hoping that the Matron had nothing else up her sleeves.

The matron looked very happy, "Mathius I believe you are no longer needed, unless Cybil wishes for your member. You may go back to your quarters and stay until after I leave." Mathius stood and bowed, "As the Matron desires, mistresses." Cybil could tell he was really trying to hold a cutting remark in as he took his leave of them. The Matron touched Cybil's sex briefly before covering her back up, "Does he always drool so much or is a great deal of that you?" she asked without the slightest hint of blush. Helene had a seat, this day had already been so nerve racking.

"I... I couldn't say ma'am." Cybil said still panting and still flushed from the pleasure Mathius had pretty much forced on her. Cybil had enough sense to close her legs and stay covered but she was wrestling with her emotions as well as her body for control and it was no easy task. She was so proud of Mathius for doing all that he had and holding himself together like he had. Hopefully they wouldget through the day with no problems. But the day was not over yet and Cybil was certain the Matron had one trick at least in her sleeve still.

A short time later the Matron left and Helene shut the door after the re-entered the house and leaned against it. "I think we have survivied another day Cybil. Only now what does she have in store for the day after?" Helene would protect them the best she could, but honestly hoped they would get no more visitors this day or the next. "I need a bath to ward of the chill of the evening, shall you join me?" she asked. The stewart had come into the hall looking very concerned, "Um, mistresses, I think there is something that you should both see."

Cybil nodded she was so very tired and it was still only the afternoon. She felt drained now that the Matron was gone and yet she had to stay strong for Helene and the others of the household. SHe prayed that this was nothing serious and so she motioned for the stewart to show the way. She wanted a hot bath some warm tea and Mathius to hold her until she fellv asleep and awoke feeling not so dirty. She was successful in not thinking too deeply about what happened in the courtyard but only by thinking around it very very hardf.

Laying in the slaves quarters was Contact, unconscious and tied tightly he looked like he had been beaten with something. Mathius was nearby with the man's weapons and a dented chamberpot at his feet. "Dirty rotter tried satbbin me in the back." he declared before winking at Cybil. "He had this on him, any idea what it is Helene?" handing over a small cynlinder object. Contact stirred a little and Mathius whacked him with the pot again.

Cybil made a slight face at the mess and the fact the chamber pot was the weapon. "Helene do you know what that is?" Cybil asked curiously, leaving the man alone for the moment, she didn't know who he was or what his purpose was other then to kill Mathius but surely Helene knew more and could possibly help them further. Hopefully it wasn't something else from the Matron. Cybil already needed to relax and calm down and digest what all had happened.

Helene stepped forward and pressed the end of the cylinder to Mathius's collar and it 'clacked' open and fell to the ground. "Well, that answers what it is, and that dearest is Contact the man from the party. More than likely the Matron ordered him to kill Mathius and make the collar explode, killing him." Unable to resist, she kicked him hard remembering how he mistreated her. Mathius put his hand to his neck and smiled at Cybil, this would change everything.

Cybil smiled brightly and then looked down at 'Contact' Before she though more of it she balled her hand into a fist and punch him square in the jaw. A loud pop was heard and she held her hand tightly, but she had hurt him good at least. "Ouch... that hurt... a lot." Cybil says after a moment of satisfaction. She also quickly began to plan out a strategy, if Contact was sent to kill mathius maybe they should play him dead for a while... and perhaps that would lesson the eyes watching them... so they could sneak out of the capital and to the farm... then perhaps make it to a border and travel far enough for Darryl to hear them. It was a long shot but it might work.

"So what do we do with him, mistresses?" Mathius asked taking Cybil's hand and looking for damage. If the Matron depended on Contact's report that Mathius was dead there might be problems. But, considering the damage done to him already he might have an idea of what to do. Helene considered kicking the unconcious man again probably in his sac or someother tender area. "Shouldn't we kill him or something?" she supplied trying to be helpful.

"Any idea's Mathius? You are more of an adventurer then... well I've never been... what do we do?" Cybil asks smiling softly at him for the tenderness he was showing her. She was at a loss of what to do with Contact however... maybe make him spill something or well Cybil was at a loss because she didn't know what to do in these kinds of situations.

Mathius let go and bent picking up his old collar and clasping it around Contact's neck then hefting the man onto a table. "Miss Helene could you send a man, a trusted one to get a few lengths of rope or some chains if you have them." He then picked up the chamberpot in case he started to come back around before the rope or chains arrived. "We will question him then make a fake missive to the Matron saying I'm dead, but had injured him a fair bit and he will not be available for at least a week while he heals. That should give us all the time we need."

"What will we do in the mean time... plan our escape? Go about our business as if you are dead?" Cybil asked still nursing her sore hand a little. "How... How do I act as if you are dead?" Cybil asks also wondering if she could pull something like that off. Or what he would do... how he would hide form the Matron and her spies. Cybil wasn't sure she had the ability nor could she hope the same from Helene. WHile they were friends Helene had no formal or informal training for anything of the like.

"Everything goes through trusted servants who we free right before we leave. You will sequester yourself to come to grips with your grief and Helene being a dear friend will be at your side to comfort you. I will only move about when we are sure there is no chance to be caught. And then we make our escape." he said smiling at Cybil. Contact began to stir again and Mathius promptly bashed him again with the chamberpot.

"I... We'll give it a shot okay? I'm trying really hard to do everything I can." Cybil said after wincing at the bang and the clanging. she didn't want to mess anything up and she certainly didn't want to be the one to get them all caught. So she would do what he suggested and stay indoors until they could safely run away. Get their friends and leave getting the information back to Alehial and Altair. with everyone in tact and capable. That was the real goal.

Helene managed to ask after the din, "Won't hitting him on the head like that cause premenant damage?" Mathius almost fell over laughing, "Helene, you were the one who wanted to kill him remember?" Cybil saw the blush on Helene's cheeks, but before she could say much else the servant arrived with rope and chain. Mathius took them and secured them around Contact so he could not escape then gagged him. "There that should suffice until we decide if we kill him or leave him for the Matron to deal with." Mathius said taking a seat and going through the man's belongings.

Cybil smiled softly and hugged Helene from the side. "Don't worry Helene if he has a little damadge they can't be blamed because, Mathius is really good at fighting... he was taught by the best. He is one of the best." Cybil said finally happy things were turning out and turning for the better. Things were going to happen and They were going to get to go home and her first and last mission would happen and finish on a good note.

"If you have some ether or spirits I could keep him quiet without the bonks to the head." Helene looked at Cybil for a second not sure if she wanted to keep hitting him or find a better way to handle it. "We will also need a great deal of blood and a body or what passes for one, a pyre is the best idea, as my people always have. That will be the most believeable, and fun considering we will make the Matron look like a doofus." He smiled remembering the nicknames the kids had for the vile woman when they were younger.

"Then use the spirits Helene and we do need a body double... I think... one of the dead fighters might work... and we may need to sacrifice some animals..." Cybil said softly, she was worried about everything still, but there was still more they could do and soon they would all be in the clear and she would finally stop having to worry every moment of every day that they were here in this country.

Helene left to make the arraingments for everything, leaving Mathius and Cybil alone with the man. "I think if needed we could always use Contact to replace me on the pyre, I'd do it quick and then we don't have to worry about him anymore." Putting his hand in a pouch, Mathius swore and pulled his hand back out, "Something inside here poked me!" Putting his thumb in his mouth he emptierd it and turned it inside out and a pin fell out of it. Picking it up he looked at it for a few seconds before dropping it back inside, "Wonder if it has any meaning or if it is just jewelry?"

"Let me see it." Cybil said getting closer, she wanted a good look at the pin. There was something fishy about the goings on here... and it was their mission to gather information. If they were real spies they would be there for years but as it was they weren't and only had a short while to try and find clues to what information they could gather. Cybil tried to not be bias. That's what Lyle had told her anyways. While she would leave the pyre and the blood and such to MAthius she could deal with information.

He let her see it, "Think it is something important my love?" Continuing to rummage throught the rest of the man's belongings and not finding too much. "Well, the clothes won't fit me, but if I can't get the rest of my gear back, then I'll at least use his sword and dagger." It somewhat depressed him as the equipment had been hard fought for and his ring was a present from his parents, as all the children recieved. But, if he got home then they could get married and his adventure days were over. Cybil was his future and if war reared its ugly head, to protect his family would be the only reason to touch a sword again.

"I think... We should take this with us... Unless someone looks for it intentionally... we keep it." Cybil said deffinitively, she wasn't sure what it was or what it meant but it was a clue to something and she would bring it back as evidence. They needed all they could get and their word would only go so far... which was another reason why Cybil was trying to get Helene to come with them so badly. An eye witness would convince his majesty the king what they spoke of was true and not treason... hopefully.

"I didn't think about this as we have been looking into everything, but if we report the blue lady is here it could cause a war between Pachuca and Andor. But, I leave the decision about the evidence to you." he said putting the rest of his things out for her to look at. Contact began to stir again and Mathius thought long about just killing him, but the more information they could take home the better. "Cybie, you may want to go to either the guest quarters or the main house, this is gonna get violent and messy."

"MAtty... I love you." Cybil said softly before fleeing to the guestroom she used most often in the main house. She was to report to Alehial first... and Alehial would decide but... maybe Cybil would edit a little of what she told her aunt figure. Cybil washed her face first and set the pin on the table taking a seat in front of it. She wondered what the pin was for and why someone would have it in their pocket... especially thug/spy. As far as she had seen no one in Pachucca even used that much magic... or much magic at all so why keep an ordinary pin in a pocket? Cybil wanted out of the dress and so she requested a servant to fetch one and her robe from her room. She would bathe soon and then retire for the day.

Helene showed up looking a little sickly, "Do you know what Mathius is doing out there!?" She sat on the chair across from Cybil and oured a small glass of spirits to calm her nerves. "It is a very wierd things you people have brought here, first I find the leader of this country is a war criminal? Then trying to keep us all safe from the prejudice she holds against Mathius's parents." She let out a big breath and looked like she needed another drink.

"I'm sorry Helene I truly am... But... She is... and we appreciate all that you've done for us and we will make sure you are taken care of one way or another. I don't know what he is doing exactly... but I trust Mathius and I love him. Whatever it is he is doing is to benifit us." Cybil says going to her friend and holding her hand trying to help calm her a little. Cybil didn't want HElene breaking and running, especially not to the MAtron. Not that they had given anything to Helene she could report to the Matron other then they were trying to run.

She took hold and smiled at Cybil, "I know dearest and I do trust you. So even if I continue to lose my will, just remind me that I committed to this course of action. That and I might find a very nice man in Andor and be your neighbor." Helene set the glass aside and looked at Cybil with a wry smile, "So shall we compose the missive to send to the Matron that Mathius has expired and you are heartbroken. And that I as your dear friend am preparing the services and comforting you?"

"Yes please... should we fool your staff do you think? I could probably throw up a good scene... if you have sour salts or an onion to help me get the tears started that is." Cybil said thoughtfully, she wasn't sure how great it would be but she could do it. Staying enclosed would be the really hard part. Cybil was rather used to the freedom she had now being able to do just about anything she wanted at any time... that would end she would be in the room the entire time.

"I think we will wait on the tears for now I will handle most everything else on your behalf. We only have to do this a couple days then we will flee and never look back, yes?" She went and got a parchment and pencil and began to write then recited the missive to Cybil. Dearest Matron, with a heavy heart I must inform you that Cybil's man Mathius was found dead by the two of us shortly after you left yesterday. Cybil is in a deep mourning and I am doing my best to comfort her, she asked me to let you know that she understands it was some divine will that took him.

"...sounds good. To me... we'll just need to get supplies and clothing ready for our get away. But I shall stay in the room and act gloomy whenever the door is opened... speaking of which... my quarters or here?" Cybil asked curiously. She also wondered if Mathius would be keeping her company or if she would be alone other then Helene for company.

"I can handle that as well as we have the equipment you were brought here with. Once I make some arraingments we'll be ready to go, I assume under cover of night." She walked over and hugged Cybil, "I am so sorry for your loss, but remember there are plenty of slaves you can have fill his place." She knew that Cybil would possibly have to hear that several times before they left Pachuca. "I'm going to get a bath, would you like to come along?" Helene asked untieing her dress, as she got ready to leave.

"Yes... and there won't be another slave like MAthius... not ever." Cybil said following Helene to the baths. She hoped she got to see Mathius and be with him a little while she was in 'mourning' otherwise she would get lonely indeed. But it was good to know that Helene was going to help them as much as she could. It was wonderful news and heartening to Cybil certainly. She couldn't have hoped for a better response from ehr new friend then this.

Awhile later they were in the baths and still not talking much before Helene call it a night and go to bed. Cybil was there only a little while before Mathius came in and washed his hands in a basin before coming to have a seat. "My it seems I got here in plenty of time to visit with you." he said smiling, it was nice not to see the collar anymore. He gathered up a towel and waited for Cybie to exit the water.

Cybil got out quickly and almost ran to him and hugged him tightly. Without the collar on he was her Mathius again her Mattie. "I'm so glad you came! I was just thinking about you and how this was all going to go with you keeping low as you said." Cybil said while still hugging him tightly. She had also been thinking about what the matron had made him do in front of everyone at the poolside and she needed the comfort of his embrace.

Mathius wrapped his arms about his naked lover and smiled, "Nothing could keep me away from you for long. Not this place, not the Matron, not even a dragon." He began to dry her with the towel and dropped it away when he got what he could of her dry and continued to hold her. "How about we have a seat for a little bit, you need to get dreid off before you catch cold." He moved them over towards one of the benches and had a seat, pulling her into his lap so he could keep drying her.

Cybil giggled at the ticklish feeling but she submitted to him drying her off and sitting in his lap obediently. While she didn't want to get sick she also wished they could discuss some of their plans but she let the matter be left alone for now as she wanted to soak in his pressence here with her. How she would ever have gotten through her life without him as her love and her beloved she didn't know.

He made sure everywhere was dry and in the end wrapped his arms about her and held her against him, "I do love you so much Cybie. And even knowing what happened, I'm glad I came with you here." Mathius was unsure of where he was sleeping tonight, but figured it may not be with his lover. He still had a few things to do with Contact before the funeral.

"Can we spend... some time together... you and I right now?" Cybil asked softly, shyly as she leaned forward to kiss his neck and then his cheek and then lightly placed a kiss on his lips. HEr hands on his chest she moved her legs and her rear end so she could put her hips and rear end over his private parts and she could perhaps entice him to play with her a bit. She needed the comfort from him and th closeness.

Mathius returned the kiss and his hands gently began to touch her, "Of course, but would you not like to go to your chambers rather than here in the baths?" He had seen the redness of bashfulness cover her when the Matron had him pleasure her out in front of everyone. While porbably not too shocking to the evil witch and Helene, Cybil was more dignified than that despite what Andorians might think of he hair. His maleness was begin to react to having her so close and with her kisses. He began to kiss back even as his fingers brushed across her chest and down to her bottom to squeeze gently.

"Please... Matty... I just want to be with you... you and me. I don't care where... I just... I just want to be with you... please. Matty I love you." Cybil said not wanting to remember the rest of the day and that she just wanted to drown herself in Matty and have him reasure her and she wanted him to take care of her and to be with her. She needed him and she was terrified of what might happen next and how to manage herself and how they were going to escape.

Mathius smiled and began to touch her not yet sure if she wanted them to join. "Always Cybil and you know I love you too, and when we get home I will make sure our parents agree to our marriage." He tipped her head up and kissed her deeply running his left hand past her cheek and to the back of her neck. They would have his 'funeral' and then a couple days later the women would head to the farm to get the others. He just had to figure out how he would get out of the city to join them.

"I want to go home Matty, I want to go home... I want to go home and be safe and for all of us to be together and safe and untroubled again." Cybil said kissing Mathius between every few words. She wanted all those things and she was terrified that none of it was going to happen. So at least this was something she knew they could do and with their own wills. Cybil didn't want to leave things to the wills of the gods. As much as she beleived in them and believed they would take care of them all there was still a little bit of doubt inside of her and it scared her that she even had those doubts. So she was glad that she was who and where she was.

"And we will dearest, we will get the group of us home safetly and then we will have to work at the untroubled part." Mathius held her close and continued to touch her feeling her skin beneath his hands and wanting desperately to call on Darryl's help. To take Cybil and even Helene home while he strove to free his friends, but knowing she would not go without him. He rubbed and squeezed the inside of her thigh as he continued to hold and stroke her body, wanting to calm her. He remembered wanting to abandon his first adventure away from home and wanting to return to Baerlon, but this was important and their friends needed them.

Cybil calmed down a lot while in Mathius's arms and while his hands stroked her flesh soothingly. She was still scared but the simple fact that she was there and willing to hold her hand and guide her was a big releif to her. Especially since this turned out to be quite the high risk adventure. No one could have foresaw this coming though and Cybil only hoped she had brought honor to her family and his as well by holding out and doing as well as she had already.

His hands travelled her while he spoke calming words to her, it was all he could do at this point. Mother and Father had taken on some questionable missions in their day for king and family. To him it made sense that their children would follow that path and more than likely marry people that shared that path dear little Cybie joined that path to try being closer to him, and it brought her here. "So tell me, what kind of wedding do you wish for? Something quiet an cozy or more of a large affair bringing people from everywhere to see it?" Getting her to talk about anything but the next day or so was important, if not she would dwell and that would be worse for everyone.

"It'll be large simply because of your family you silly man. But yes it will be in court. It can't not be sweety, after all you are the nephew of the king even by name if not by birth. Alehial and Altair are duke and duchess... It will be a big affair I think they all will be." Cybil said grinning just slightly, she snuggled against him and tried not to think too much on their plan after all the less she worried the better for all of them it would be.

"And what shall be served for food at the celebration feast?" he said still gently stroking her skin. It was a dirty trick he had gleaned that Altiar used on Alehial that worked brilliantly. "Who will stand as your maid of honor and how many will you have? I am a little unsure who would be my best man." He hoped by talking about the future the would get home and the planning would be a simple affair. Mother and Father would be overjoyed that he decided he truly loved and wanted to be with Cybil.

"I don't know what food... All of your sisters of course and a friend of mine from court. As for my maid of honor... well I suppose it would have to be Elsa wouldn't it? I'm sure your mother would help me plan the food and the rest right? Or did you just want us to do that? I wonder how Daddy will feel about this?" Cybil said giggling softly as she stayed on MAthius's lap and began to picture home and everyone she missed and even a little bit of the wedding itself taking place.

She was calming and letting her mind begin to go homeward, Cybie would drive herself into a tizzy thinking about the situation. "Any time you feel overwhelmed come back to this plan to the wedding." he explained trying to keep her calm. "What about our first night together, how would you like to spend it? Visiting someplace or just finding a place to be alone and enjoy ourselves?" The hour was going to get late and he needed to find a place to hide for a little while until they could make their move.

"I want to be alone... just us together and I want to spend it nice and quiet. I think I'd like that for the rest of my life..." Cybil said softly snuggling up to Mathius, her mind was far enough from the situation she wasn't even worried about his plan at all. She would simply finad a way to make it work. She would make it happen no matter what so that she could make it home with Mattie and his friends.

"Just us then, alone in our little love nest and a quiet life until we are old and gray surrounded by our children and grandchildren." he painted the picture quietly. They would spend more time like this except he knew they needed to rest, it would be a long trip. "Cybil, you need to go get some sleep my love. Tomorrow will be a long exhausting day for all of us." Mathius wanted to carry her to their room and make love to her again, but if he did then he would stay with her.

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