Page name: Ravenwood Estates 17 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2012-10-24 05:10:31
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Lily sat in the house. Mother had arrived home not too long ago and after getting updated on Asper and Darryl's situation Lily was on patrol, but right now she stood leaning against the wall of the house and looking at the walls surrounding the property. While she may have looked bored in reality she was just very lonely, everyone here was married or pregnant or something and they were all together all the time... Except for Lily, who was only sixteen but she was fine. They all thought she was perfectly fine nothing bothering her and no real reason to check in on her too much. Lily was lonely, but soon her brothers and sisters would show up and she could slip off to be with Gerard. Finally she would get to have her very own adventure.

"Copper for your thoughts young Lily." came a voice behind her, Rand had come to see how Sildea was faring. He noticed his niece and followed her patrol route and approached. "So, wanting to stay away from all the happy couples inside the house?" She had always been quiet and it worried him sometimes, Alehial had been quiet and when she entered into the world beyond Sildea a lot shocked and surprised her. "Any word from your father or anyone from Sildea?" he asked giving her a hug.

"Hi Uncle Rand!! It's not that everyone is happy... more like they are all to busy for me you know? I mean yes Elsa and Feal and of course Asper and Darryl not that they are even in the house anymore, but now Aunt Arten has her son and Bailey left the house and Mum's all worried about everything all the time and I'm just kind of left in the dust you know? Daddies on his way to Sildea last I heard nothing else was really happening but no one has really been telling me much lately about anything important." Lily says hugging her uncle tightly and talking mile a minute like always.

"Well, then come with me to hear what is going on and I'll share a little of something I just bought in this bottle." He produced a bottle with an amber liquid inside and offered his arm to her. "Come let's go see your mother Lady Ravenwood and get some answers on our family." Lily was always a fast talker, understanding everything was the real challenge, something Conner could do easily. A skill that evaded most of the rest of the family.

"Okay!" Lily agreed taking her uncles arm. He was one of the only people who actually liked being around her and spending time with her, out of the whole family. Oh sure everyone loved her and they were all close... but given the option even Conner prefered hanging out with his friends or going to the pub instead of hanging out with her most of the time and they were twins! Being invited in on things instead of having to barge in on her own made her feel warm and loved and included.

"So, ANy suitors arrive here seeking this pretty little hand for marriage yet? Because I will have to have them throughly checked out and most likely threatened about breaking my favorite nieces heart." Rand told her that everytime he came to the house and saw her. "Your aunt would love to see you sometime soon. She spent so much time cuddling with you when you were little, she reminds me everytime I tell her I saw you."

"Of course not Uncle Rand I haven't been able to go to court because Mummy is terrified of us getting caught or trapped. The most I'm allowed to do is patrol, and that's only because there are already so many men around the estate and other soldiers around. I would love to see her too I miss her a lot." Lily says walking close to Rand as she spoke and hugging his arm even though she was in full armer and had all her weapons on her.

Once in the house they got three glasses and headed to the study. After knocking and proclaiming it was Rand with the lovely Lily they went inside. "Good day sister is there any news from Sildea? I hope Altair has arrived and is helping protect our home." He set the glasses down and opened the bottle pouring three glasses of the amber liquid. Handing one to both women and then picking up his own, "To your health and the strengthing of Sildea and Andor."

Alehial who had spoken to the family and Altair not too long ago simply watched her brother. Once he had toasted however she raised her glass and took a sip as well. "Mother is fine... somehow those who were attacking had powerful enough magic to turn the walls to dust... they got into the city and the fatalities are substatial. The children are fine though... They went after Orissa again... I'm afraid Aras... gave her life to protect them when they had gone to lessons in the forest and Conner saved the girls and kept them safe until the seige was over." Alehial told her brother grimly, she stood and hugged Lily then because well... she needed at least one of her babies in her arms. That and she wasn't one for alcohol... though she did appreciate it, it was something she went without these days, feeling it best to deal with her emotions with a clear mind.

Lily drank for the toast as well but seeing her mother so upset made her feel less happy then she had been with Uncle Rand here, when her Mother stood up Lily knew what was going to happen. Setting down the wine glass and accepting her mother into her arms Lily hugged her mother tightly. "It's okay mommy... Now that Daddy's there everyone's safe... and I'm sure They'll stay safe for a long time, just like before... once the enemy is defeated. Right uncle Rand?! Cause Sildea is full of the smartest and strongest elves in the world and no one can beat our family, nobody! Besides Darryl will wanna bring home the twins and Sirry right after his little girl is born I'm sure of it! Right?" Lily spoke fast worried and trying to sooth her mother, though not the best at soothing Lily spoke too fast all in one breath looking for Rands help with her mother.

Rand set his glass down and smiled at his sister & niece, "I believe that very thing and Conner should be given great congratulations for saving his sisters. Pity about poor Aras, she was very good at caring for the little ones placed in her charge. I will ask Gareth to spare as many of those men to remain in Sildea until the walls can be repaired and the other cities can render aid." He gently patted Alehial's shoulder trying to reassure her, Ravenwoods took care of their own. And now it seemed the enemy would think twice before trying to do this again.

Alehial took a step away from her daughter and turn an angry glare upon her brother. "Pity about POOR ARAS!? Why is it Rand that once you became the head of the blades suddenly you are some sort of of unfeeling ungrateful wretch!? Aras had been caring for the children since She was old enough to be entrusted with that duty! She gave her life for the girls! She deserves to be honored not pitied! Petition for help... you've fallen low Rand... lower then I ever thought before." Alehial said her jaw tightened in agitation, Aras had given her life for their family and all Rand could do was pity her and commend Conner?! What sort of insanity had taken her fiery willed and spirited brother and left this... court dwelling man in his stead.

Lily's mouth hung open in an 'o' of surprise at her mothers outburst. Usually mummy was calm and collected but lately she seemed to be either in tears stressed out or angry all the time... It was true that uncle Rand hadn't really sounded much like himself... but then again uncle Rand sometimes sounded more like a business man then he did Uncle Rand. So Lily was often used to this odd turns of phrases... though she saw him in court more often then any other members of the family, so she was used to seeing the political side of him. She was far more surprised with her mother's inability to control herself... Not even when things had gone badly when they were children had Lily seen her mother so agitated.

"I know how much Aras cared for the children and how well she did her job. I do mourn her loss, but now I have to consider the fact that those that attacked Sildea may be moving across Andor and threatening others lives. And in truth I have always told you and Altair that Conner is more than a skirt chasing child. So inside I'm turning flips that you both have seen he can be every bit the man you both never thought he could be." Rand had been stung by her words, and moreso that his sister never thought the pressures upon him and how he had to hide certain things from everyone he loved.

"Conner is capable... but he never does anything to show us! He constantly goofs around and stays out and hangs out with those.. boys! Stop acting like someone else Rand! I know who you are and this is not it! You are more elven now then you have ever been! But you should never pity anyone who gives their lives for another! You were the one who taught me that!" Alehial continues, she knew what she was saying might hurt Rand but she couldn't stand who or what Rand had become in the last ten or so years. He was so... almost cold about things now that he used to show great care or concern over.

"Believe me I celebrate Aras for deciding to put the girls above herself, I pity for the life she lost and those who never get to meet her. It is a common site for me, sending people to put another's life above their own. In truth it is something I face everyday serving the king." He sat heavily on the nearest couch and let out a long sigh. He never wanted to admit that everytime a blade died it was his duty to inform the next of kin, and it bothered him as much as the first time.

"Lily go see to your grandmother." Alehial orders waiting for her daughter to leave, once she had and closed the door behind her, alehial sat down next to her brother. "No more secrets Rand... not unless you are sworn to them. Just as my worrying does no good... neither does holding everything inside for you... we all miss the way you used to behave and we all know you have great responsibility's now... that doesn't mean you have to shoulder everything on your own." Alehial said hugging her brother tightly, Alehial especially had missed her brother. Not that she would admit it completely but these last years she had noticed how he dragged on doggedly continueing to do what he thought best and keeping the rest from his family.

"Gareth fears that these Disciples of Soth will begin striking against the people. And more and more requests for blades come to my desk every day, Flint's proposed father-in-law demanded twenty blades for security around his home. I cannot fill such a number, we are stretched thin protecting nobles and areas that these Sothites would look to exploit. I personally had to check on a tip Lyle turned into us, didn't end well and I needed some minor healing. All in all sister a matter of time before." he let the end of his sentence trail away.

"Well he should... You do know... that there is an easy answer don't you? It may not be the best but if Gareth okay's it and the nobles want to be safe they too will go for it, despite the cost." Alehial said softly she knew times were hard. "If you need... take a few more blades from here. We needn't protect the entire manor... seeing as we only use the house and not the grounds. Drink your glass of wine Rand... I'm going to get a few papers to check something... I may have an idea." Alehial smiled softly giving her older brother a gentle kiss on the cheek before standing and going to the desk. She rummaged around for a few moments before surveying a few documents.

Rand looked at Alehial, "I appreciate the offer, but considering the state of pregnancy in this house Gaerth would lose his mind. He still has been asking about Flint and meeting with Poppy to set everything. I told him that Flint was still with the army and they were fighting to protect Sildea. It still bothers most of the family that he will force the issue of marriage." He winced remembering how Cyndil railed on last night about the situation.

"Yes well he's lucky he's the king or otherwise he would have been the one to have such tongue lashings rather then you. This is one political marraige that will benefit no one. I wouldn't be surprised if Flint turns his family business over to the kind and rejoins the army. Then he won't have anything anyone will want. AH! Here it is! LEt's see now... It says here that the adventurers in the Frontier are getting antsy... those who aren't listening to the whisperings of Soths return are lamenting the lack of orcs that usually frequent the area." Alehial read out loud from the letter she was holding from one of her close friends in Frontier. "In other words brother... Pose to the nobles the idea of hiring their own bodyguards from those men and women who are getting restless already, two problems solved I'd say." Alehial shrugs elequently before sitting down beside her older brother once more.

"The only problem falls that they want those that have sworn allegiance to the crown and Andor. And even if I screen all prospective hires, I'll swamp some of my spellcasters. The idea does have merits though, I'll see what I can do. The army for Flint won't be an option, handing over everything and refusing could still get him banished or imprisoned for treason." Rand hated being put in position against his family even though Flint wasn't a direct relation; the boy was a nephew and well thought of by his family too.

"That's not what I'm saying at all Rand... I'm saying... perhaps he gives all his money all his family assets including the house and land away. He hen rejoins the army... Not refusing the marraige he possibly could then insist that Poppy's father house both Poppy and himself, and while he would no longer have any money or any type of income other then that of the military and no proper standing other then that of a soldier... why then would Poppy or her father even desire a match?" Alehial asked almost getting excited about this idea, it was taking form even while she was speaking.

"I understand your plan sister and as I said Gareth may consider it a way of refusing a command of the king. It would have been the same if a druid would refuse the council or just found a way to not do what they were told. Believe me if the my girls were of age, Cyndil would marry one of them to FLint just to block Poppy. Even if he does this he must be made to understand, this could make him a man without a country." Rand took another breath and shook his head, the young hero didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

"But then it wouldn't be HIM backing out of this, it would be Poppy and her miserable father refusing! Besides Flint's will already states should anything happen to him everything of his goes to Fael and Elsa. The house the business everything. If he plans on it anyways why should anyone stop him? It's not treason if he wishes to continue to support the king in his own way." Alehial said with a small harumph and putting her hands on her lap to stop herself from folding them. She was getting more and more restless as time went on, she wanted out of the city and back in the wilds. Where things were new and exciting. but with Galin loose there would be no such thing.

"And if Poppy's father decided to be a stickler and still force the marriage. Flint is good for more than money and his land, by blood he is of the king's bloodline. The pedigree more than makes up for the money, and he can use it to his advantage. 'My daughter is married to the second cousin of the king, buy my wares at the prices I demand!'" Rand mimiced the man's tone. There were times he thought of resigning and taking his family to Sildea.

"Flint would if he were to be there during the deal talk them down to a reasonable price... it's just the way he is. HE doesn't care for business. The only thing he's cared about was proving himself and being part of our family. But how would Poppy feel to be even more limited... surely she even as a lady of the court would be unhappy with the arrangement?" Alehial said hoping it was so, the father couldn't be that stupid surely that just to say his daughter was wed to a relation would mean anything considering the relation is a military man of middle standing.

"Poppy fears her father, but sees Flint as a man she can have or get money from. And if he joins the military she'd have her husband when he was home and who knows how many others when he is away. Believe me there are a great many twist and turns and none with a certain ending." Rand looked at his sister, she was well versed in law and could use it to her advantage. He was just worried that Gareth would not be dissuaded, and force this issue.

"Then perhaps it would be wise as overseer of Flint's property to have Poppy investigated to see if she would be a faithful wife and mother to my nephew." Alehial said crossing her arms anyways and looking very stubborn. As overseer of Flint's holdings it was Alehials right by law to make sure no one would sabotage his property and name by human law. While she had not been wanting to publicly go against Gareth... this was still the wrong descision and she would do her best to pry his mind away from it. There had to be other solutions.

"Publicly challenge her motives and 'purity' in court? That hardly seems like my prim and proper sister, it seems your husband has brushed off on you. Well, the purity could be debated as a moment of weakness and I doubt we want to know who claimed her maidenhood. As far as motives, it could be done quietly, but everyone knows she spends money and treats others like dirt." Rand remembered when she thought to speak to him as a underling, and how quickly she watched her tongue when the king was near. And honestly wondered who could stomach her long enough to claim the little shrew's maidenhood.

"You forget your sources are great but mine are greater. Lily was friends with Poppy once... and Poppy infatuated with Conner. So I was told Poppy came unto Conner and being a young boy with urges how was he to refuse her. I already know her impure. That's not what I wish to be shown. It's the capability of staying faithful. You think for one moment I would give my Nephew over to someone who would not respect him? Gareth is a fool if that is what he beleives. He himself tried to run from his own marriage, until he knew what a sweet and wonderfully caring women his wife to be was. It is not the same for Flint." Alehial says a flash of anger could be heard through her voice, she was very dissapointed with Gareth.

"Gareth is trying to keep the kingdom from devolving into chaos, the merchants are trying to squeeze profits to keep paying soldiers for caravans. And most nobles think they may becomea target for the disciples not to mention with the central prison destroyed. Can't get much closer to the brink then that, sister dear." Rand chuckled ruefully. Many people in late had questioned the king's decisions, and it was chaffing on the rulers nerves. Rand had witnessed first hand some of the horrid fights between queen and king, and king and his majesty's sister.

"The Ravenwood Family has already stopped some of it's caravans and sent workers to help with the construction not to mention we are covering their wages on our own. Who else does as much for the kingdom?! Flint isn't nobility and isn't even related to the King or the Queen. Why is this marraige so important to Gareth when there will be no clear benefit other then shutting up a merchant who never keeps his mouth closed for more then a few days!" Alehial says exasperated with all of her attempts being foiled to make Gareth see reason. If he would even consult with Alehial and Altair who were advisors they could think of some way to help she was sure of it.

"Dear sister, remember who Flint's father is, Galin may not be allowed to have a claim should the horrendous ever happen. I mean I understand my having to know the linege to the throne, but I thought you knew it as well. Your husband then Conner, then Flint in that order if the king's family met a terrible end." Rand had been made to plan for the eventuality that something like that could happen, Gareth insisted. But, the idea of informing Altair and Alehial that they would be king and queen made him almost giggle.

"No... at most we would regent. There is no way you nor anyone in our family would let anything happen to the royal children. It is why I visit the Royal gardens. the better the trees know me as friends the quicker I can use them as paths from which to travel. I know the line... But also do I know that Conner would do everything he could to protect Flint, The whole family would. Alehial said frowning, she always hated that idealogical thinking of court women, always thining that they would get to be queens if only they married Ravenwoods. Regardless of the demands that would be put upon them.

"I will admit that several young ladies have asked knowing I am Conner's uncle. I fear that your soon and heir may shortly be pursued by several young ladies using the legends of his parents as a reason to become his beloved. Although, I don't quite see him as rough as his father and easily embarassed as you were." Rand chuckled, in truth a lot of ladies and their parents asked about Conner. Lately a young man or two had made quiet inquries about young Lily as well.

"Conner has always flirted with the young women in court. Lily has stopped going to court to help around the house. Surely none of the young nobles think this is nothing but coincidence? That times are dire enough this is not the most important thing they need to be worrying about?" Alehial sniffs rather unladylike. She thought the court children were silly and their parents weren't doing much better. Serious matters they never took serious until it meant harm to them. Humans were selfish and greedy and cared mostly for themselves. Alehial made sure her children knew better.

Rand smirked like he used to at his sister's comments, "The evils of the human city rear their ugly heads. Galin Ravenwood again lives, our...well, is he truly our uncle running wild as well. I believe he is responsible for the attack on our childhood home." He tilted the bottle towards her to offer a second glass to her. As bad as she had been upset not long ago she might actually need it.

Alehial took the bottle and took a swig. it wasn't ladylike and not appropriate for a Duchess, but she had been so much less for so much longer. "These aren't just human evils. In fact I'm not sure they are human at all... neither do I suspect is Galin entirely. Why are humans so small minded that they think naught of that but their own gain?" Alehial sighs taking another drink before handing it to her brother again, she was trully thinking of retiring out and away but not until Their uncle was taken care of and so was Galin... and she wanted her babies in her arms again.

"Everyone wants something sister dear, remember had your husband not wanted directions to Sildea, I'd most likely be dead now. But, some people have a more honorable intentions then others, like aforementioned husband. The world has never been black and white, even a heroic person can walk in shadows." Rand never liked waxing poetic, but in this case it fit the situation perfectly. He reached for the bottle and took a sip as well before offering it back.

"Altair is a man unlike any other I have seen before Rand... you should know that. Like Galin is the most evil of any being I have encountered before. I know how the world works... it is why I haven't restricted Conner as of yet... I fear however that will soon change, what with Gareth forcing this marraige onto Flint's young shoulders." Alehial sighs taking the bottle back and taking another good drink, though before she said she wouldn't and she knew she needed to keep sharp in case Asper went into real labor or someone needed something she couldn't help taking the drinks. She had missed wine and she was still young and she knew that but for all her years she still only felt twenty something... or how her children often described it.

"Conner will chafe if you restrict him too much sister, think about the strict rules mother laid out for me before I left." Rand wanted to be free and run everywhere and see all there was. Baerlon was about as far as he made it, but here is where he met Cyndil and that was as far as he had to go. "I would figure you'd rather imprison Flint or try harder to scare Poppy off to halt the proceedings." Rand laughed imagining Alehial sliding a tray of food under Flint's bedroom door and letting him outside for a hour a day.

"There must be some... he has always known he is the heir... it's almost time he begin his training to actually become that man. Also he may be skilled with a blade but he is not the best and he needs to recognize this. There is much that needs to be done and I have given him plenty of freedom as it is." Alehial sighed as for Flint there was really nothing she could do. It was all up to Flint. It was true what she said about the will however and Flint had spoken about giving his things to Elsa and Feal. While it was sweet it left him with nothing and that worried Alehial very much.

"Altair was much older before taking the duty up that you wrangled for him. In truth he had been almost halfway around the world before becoming a duke. Conner has not been given that time or chance to adventure and see amazing sights, he also has not had to fight for his life. Rich decadent lifestyles do not breed heroes, and our children have been raised on our stories and hardships." Rand knew even his five children would be raised here in the city, maybe see his mother from time to time.

"Conner has been given his chances to go out and see the world... but mostly he has been running around from that bard school he just had to go to. He cannot have the life I had... not with those villans still running around. I would have all the Ravenwood children know a life of adventuring at least a little. But we must face the fact that our children... are their own people." Alehial sighs softly handing the bottle back to her brother before she got too carried away with the drinking. Almost half the bottle was gone already.

"And the difference between Conner and Lucas or even Mathius is the circumstances of birth. And that the elder boys had begun adventuring before a hated enemy resurfaced and terrified you. Believe me I empathize with your situation. Better Conner start learning to play politics then risk coming face to face with Galin." Rand unlike some others agreed with his sister that Galin had not changed one bit.

"Rand you do think Mathius and Cybil are alright don't you? I'm so worried... I'm terrified Galin will do something while Sildea is weakened, and that something has already happened to Mathius and Cybil... we haven't heard anything from them and nothing has changed for the trade or anything... Mathius get's into such trouble I swear. What if he needs help and he can't reach anyone?" Alehial says the mere mention of her biggest boy making her worry about him and his loved one come out into the open, not only that but Tarin-Gail had asked on behave of his wife who worried over her daughter.

"I think the giant knows how to handle almost anything and he'd get word to us if he was in trouble. So, the only thing I think you and our cousin needs to worry about is will they come home married and pregnant." Rand said with a chuckle. He knew how much Cybil loved Mathius and pined after him, and try as he might to hide it Mathius doted on Cybil. He hated to admit it, but it was a relationship much like his and Cyndil's. Taking another swig he replaced the stopper and handed it to Alehial, "For later to help you sleep some."

"I've drank more then enough thank you. But I'll have Bowers hide it away. Mathius and Cybil are very appropriate. Mathius would never push Cyndil and I know that young woman is far to serious and level headed to ever let that happen. " Alehial said firm in her beleif that at least some of her children would remain virgins until their wedding day, unlike her and their father... or older siblings. While Lucas had... it was because of Tani that he had returned at all and now had a reason to continue. But while she knew there was truth in Rands words it did nothing to stop her from worrying.

"I must get home to my loving wife, for she welcomes me home with a kiss then asks if the king changed his mind. Then at some point she ceases complaining long enough to tell me about her day and ask about mine. Dinner with the children and then putting them to bed and I get to hear more. In truth I think behind you she is the most staunch supporter of Flint not marrying Poppy." Rand stood and stretched waiting to see if Alehial had anything else to talk about or was willing to let him leave.

"One of these days brother you'll have to bring your children over here for me to watch so you and Cyndle can have some time to yourselves again. I'll be patient though I know those three little heartbreakers aren't going to be let our of her sight until they are at least ten. She and I took Flint and his mother in. We helped her and together we raised all of our children Rand. Of course Cyndle feels strongly about this, she sees Flint as another one of her own beloved children." Alehial said standing as well. While she didn't stretch she waited until Rand was finished and she hugged her brother tightly.

"A druid, a half-dragon, and beloved Tess, what better mothers could one young man have. He was truly lucky to have such amazing woman in his life, and to continue that being near Lyriel. I will bring them one day and even let you keep them over night, but best lock the boys in seperate rooms." he said with a grin and returned the hug. If he hurried he could file his motions to Gareth and be home earlier than normal, and maybe Cyndil might let one night go without the afore mentioned tongue lashing. Saying again his good-byes, Rand left Alehial alone in the study and left the house.

Alehial sighed softly and set the wine on the desk before going behind it and sitting down again. She began to reorginize the desk and get back to the paperwork. She often did the lions share to let Altair be with the children more While being cooped up did make her a bit tired she had a little more good luck with this and a little more patience as well. So it was right ow just a way of trying to stay occupied and still keep up the household and Flints and the businesses. Alehial did much to help many different people and she never did think it a burden. It was one thing that made her so different from other noble wives. She actually cared and did her best for everyone.

The study door opened and Lai, still pregnant came in and had a seat before speaking. "Have you been out to the grove today?" she asked knowing the answer most likely was no. Alehial needed her connection to nature, it is what made her such a formidable druid. And the study was getting almost oppresive lately, so much saddness and confusion hung here. With a quick incantation the room began to clean and freshen itself through her magic, "There much better."

"I go every morning Lai. Just like I have since we began living here. I just haven't had anytime to sit out there Lai... I worry to much working and staying busy is the only thing I can do." Alehial sighed softly putting the feather pen away to focus on Lai. She knew she was going to get a talking to, Lai was always trying to convince her that she needed to calm down. Alehial couldn't help but worry, when her family was spread out like it was she just couldn't calm down.

"You'll start jumping at every sound soon if you don't find a way to relax. Or you could at least perhaps be doing something to facilitate getting the children back to you. "Why not go see Daryyl and Asper and see if he is willing to get the children and most of the protecters and bring them home? I'm sure even Asper would like to have Jake back in time for the babies arrival." Suddenly, Lai let out a very unlady like belch, "Damn this indisgestion."

"you should drink some ginger tea. I hear the women in other countries do that to help with indegestion. As for Darryl, As loathe as I am to admit it, Asper is right... we ask him for far to much. Besides there are wizards in Sildea that could send them home." Alehial sighed. "Or for that matter I could hire some at the collage to cast the spell." Alehial said softly, while she prefured to save the money for when they would need it most they did have ample to spare.

"I thought it was impossible for magic to penetrate Sildea, that is why Darryl is one of the few that can get in, since his abilities are not magic." She did make a mental note to ask Bowers about ginger tea, anything to make her stop belching like this. "Well, if you won't ask one child to help get the rest home then go hug them and release some of your worries. I think Darryl and Asper would do well if you went to inquire how she is." Lai knew neither woman liked one another, but they shared somethings in common, most importantly Darryl.

"If they go outside of the forest it will work just fine. Asper is already quite stressed I don't dare push her further... As for the other children... there's Elsa and Lily.. and Elsa is missing her children badly as well. I can tell you miss yours as well Lai not just Altair either." Alehial said with a sharp look at her mother in law. Alehial being the only non-pregnant woman in the house other then Lily knew that the women were having a pretty hard time with things right now. Especially with their children still away.

Lai returned the look with a slightly softer one, "Of course I miss my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. But, I knew sending them to Sildea was for the best." She gently stroked her stomach and suddenly having a very far away look, she missed her Conner terribly at times. "I believe I am going to visit Darryl and Asper today, I have something she might like. Would you care to come with me, perhaps we might decrease some of her stress."

"I would only cause her more stress Lai and I would really rather prefur that. After Bailey had told her she would more then likely be early, for a half elf anyways I feel Asper needs to depend on Darryl a little more... I know some of what she's feeling... but she's even out of my understanding most of the time and she tries my patience something dreadful." Alehial says sighing softly, she could still get the odd vibe from Asper... something that kept her on edge around the theif and something that made her distrust the girl, though Alehial was trying especially lately.

"Why not sit with her and just ask her to speak plainlyh with you, nothing can be achieved on either of your parts like this. And in turth if you two can't exist in one working family, sooner or later the only one getting hurt will be Darryl." Lai mused for a long second on what she said and smiled, "Their was a time when your mother was appalled at the idea of you and Altair being together." With some effort she stood and came around to Alehial and put her hand on her shoulder. "Sometimes the oddest pairings turn out to be the strongest and best the world will ever see."

"I pray for that Lai. But there is something in me that simply... rejects this woman. I don't know why. I will do everything I can to help that family but the best course might be for her and I to simply agree to dislike each other. Go have your visit, I think I will check on Flint's former home and perhaps go see the queen. I may not agree with Gareth but that doesn't mean we aren't still family in a way." Alehial said softly putting her hand over her mother in law's. Alehial missed her children and from the recent events knew that the only safe place was there with her where she could see them and keep them safe. But for Flint even that wasnt enough and she needed a physical reminder.

"Alright, but I would prefer you not go alone to that house, far to much evil took place there that night. Perhaps the Queen has an idea to help save Flint from the horror of marrying that insufferable girl." She moved back across the room and out the door to get ready to leave. The silence of the house seemed to seep into the study behind her. No children running on the stairs or down halls or laughter and taunts floating through the air; just silence.

Alehial gathered herself up and finished the paperwork for the day. Once finished she rang for Bowers, she needed a note sent to the palace to the queen requesting time for tea and she would ask for a blade to accompany her to Flint's home. She wanted to keep the place in good condition even if no one was living there. for Flint's mother's memory it was the least Alehial could do. She had taken the woman in and promised their protection. Promised she would help take care of them no matter how long it took. Alehial had broken that promise by letting the arrival of Galin to ruin her concentration and make her paranoid.

Bowers took the note and told her he would have the Blade awaiting her when she was ready to go. Sure enough the young man was awaiting when she appeared at the top of the stairs, he was speaking with Jessa the maid who went with Alehial and Poppy to the house the last time. She curtseied to Lady Ravenwood and looked at the ground, it was obvious she wanted to say or ask something. The page had left long before she had ever gotten ready to leave and had instructions to bring any response to Flint's home for her. Bowers had little concern that the response would be negative, the crown made every possible chance to see the Ravenwoods.

"Good afternoon Jessa." alehial said with a smile. She was aware of all the maids and servants, She let them have their opinions and she always listened to them. She tried to be very faire with them all. "Is there something you needed Jessa?" Alehial asked as she adjusted her dress. She was dressed well in case the queen could see her. But not pretentiously. she was going to the house to visit an empty building and memories. So the dress waas a darker tone.

The young lady curtsied again and looked rather shyly, "M'lady I was unsure if you were going back to the house to clean, but if so may I come and tidy up some more? I felt I did not do all I could because.." she let the last words trail off, not wanting to get in trouble for disparriging Poppy. The young noble whined so much that they barely got too much done while they were there. All the staff of the house worked quickly and with no complaints, because they were treated well and with respect by the family. In truth the smaller children, especially dear little Sirrian would hug her when she did something nice for them, Sirrian would just because he could though.

"If you'd like to come Jessa I would be glad for the company. I was just going to tidy up a bit. It doesn't need to be cleaned thoroughly." alehial said with a smile, it was a small smile and tinged with sadness but she held most of it back. no one liked Poppy it seemed and everyone still greived for Flint's family. "We will need another guard to escort you home after I leave the house then." Alehial said banishing the sadness until she could work in the house to clean up.

"If you like M'lady I could accompany you and help if I can, beggin yer pardon for talking out of place." She was a little aghast that she pretty much told Alehial she would act as her lady in waiting. Whatever Lady Ravenwood decided would be just fine for her, she was afraid her speaking out of turn would get her dismissed from the house. Many servants wished they could work in the Ravenwood house, many of her friends told her how lucky she was and she agreed. Not every noble family was as 'noble' as the Ravenwoods and the idea of being dismissed was almost enough to make her cry.

"You mean as my lady? I... well I didn't think of that. Most noble women do have one don't they?" alehial said softly thinking about it. They didn't have such in Sildea. She hadn't thought she was doing wrongly by not having one but perhaps she was. "I suppose for a time being that can be arranged. Though I should think a meeting with the queen would befit a better gown... I think Bowers can find you something of mine that would be suitable... or perhaps Lily... you might be closer to her size." Alehial said looking over to her butler for a moment. She had no problems having a companion, she was only afraid if she were to take one the girl would be injured and it was easier to defend oneself instead of two.

"I believe I can find something quickly if I have permission to go to miss Lily's room." Bowers said. Once he got her permission he took Jessa upstairs to change. The young Blade bowed low, "Crispan, M'lady I am honored to accompany you." Rand had picked all of the men for the estate duty himself, so Alehial could be certain they could handle themselves. As he passed Alehial her cloak she felt something poke her hand, the pin Galin had given her.

Alehial frowned deeply but banished it with a smile. "It will be your duty to protect Jessa Crispan. Unlike myself i don't beleive she has ever lived through combat. Nor has she been trained for it. So she will need the real protecting. I know what my brother has said and unless I need the aid she will be your first priority understood?" Alehial said watching him sharply, while she thought it silly to have guards Rand and Altair had both ganged up on her for this and she could do nothing but agree. Especially with most of the house in Sildea.

"yes, m'lady, Master Rand informed me I was to take your lead implicently. I will make her safety my utmost concern." he answered quickly and not holding the truth from her. A short while later Bowers and Jessa came downstairs, she in one of Lily's last years dresses. "I hope this is ok m'lady, I'm a little bigger than Lily..." she stopped remembering that she was in the prescene of men. A deep crimson blush covered her cheeks and the top of her cleveage.

Alehial giggled softly walking over to the young woman. "That is why I suggested my daughter who takes after the human blood rather then the elven. you look wonderful Jessa quite fetching. Now then perhaps two aprons for us while we clean the house and you can borrow a shawl if you like before we leave. Have the carriage pull around please Cripsan." Alehial said with a smile, in fact Jessa was quite lovely in these clothing.

"I have already taken the liberty, Lady Ravenwood." Bowers said handing over the shawl and bag with the aprons. His job was to anticiapate anything they needed, it was his father's way as well. Once they were ready the carriage took them to Flint's house taking the nicer roads to arrive at the front gate. Alehial was aghast to see servants milling about outside planting and cleaning the outside of the house. Sitting underneath a small tent was Poppy and her father, overseeing the clean up project.

Alehial didn't even wait for the carriage to stop she swung open the door and marched out. opening the gate she remained calm... but it was a visible effort. "Stop what you are doing immediatly." she spoke to the head worker, it was easy to spot him giving orders. while composed she looked small and mild but only those who trully knew her what was going on beneath that. How dare this upstart and his whoring daughter invade and uproot everything that was here. A place they were not given permission to be. a place that was in Alehial's holding as she was the godmother of flint and therefore caretaker of his things when he was away.

"My pardon m'lady you would prefer we left the gardens like this?" In truth his men had not been working long, taking care to remove only what was truly dead and working to make nutrient rich fertilizer to help bring the sickly plants to life. He had done his homework and knew that the famous druid was involved here and didn't wish to anger her. Poppy's father was currently sleeping and even his daughter was having a little trouble rousing him from his sleep. The head man continued, "I will stop what they are doing, but oin truth he is the man who hired us."

"I apprecite your efforts goodman but this property is not his, it is in holding under my name. Nothing here will be changed. Nature shall takes it's course until the rightful owner returns to take charge or throw it away. If you could stop while I speak with the man who charged you with this task you may all rest and be refreshed for now please." Alehial said softly, she had made sure the flowers that Flint's mother had planted herself were still in good order the rest would become fertilizer for those flowers. Alehial turned to the tent set up and began to stride over.

Jessa followed as did Crispan in her wake, Poppy redoubled her efforts to wake her father before Alehial made it there. With a snap and snort he opened his eyes and saw his future in-law heading his way, "Ah, Lady Ravenwood come to see what I've decided to do to help my future son-in-law?" His tone showed he didn't give a damn that Flint and Poppy hand't really even spoke yet. He had a bottle of fine wine and food waiting for him and Poppy the others got what he borrowed from his stores. "Unfortunatley, I had to send the maids away as we were unable to get inside." he began to say, Poppy took a step away from her father.

"So not only are you standing on property not your's and rooting a garden that belongs to someone else you also tried to break into the house of a member of my family? This help you are doing sir, was it supposed to be against the law or just supposed to be an insult to my people?" Alehial asked standing over the man, her hands were calmly folded and her eyes were darker then usual, Poppy might realize from the times Alehial went to court that this meant something bad was going to happen to someone. "I do beleive Cripsan you need to alert the guards that there is a trespasser destroying the property in my holding and that I would like him arrested." She said softly gently even.

Crispan nodded and quickly went to the gate to summon the city watch, Poppy looked rather unbelieving at what she just said. "I am doing this is for my soon to be son-in-law, since when he returns he'll be marrying my daughter they deserve a clean place to begin their lives together. You and your people have nothing to do with this, she is marrying Flint Ravenwood not one of your children." He turned and dug around in a small chest by his chair looking for something and making an 'ah ha' sound when he found it. "I consulted the King's gardener for exactly what was needed to do right by the house, no need to upset him by changing it totally from what he was used to."

"I'm not sure if you understand exactly what I just said...sir. This property is in my holding as I am the godmother of Flint Ravenwood. He has left it in my hands legally for the time being. This being said anything that happens on said property that I disaprove of is well within my rights to put a stop to. This house was Flint's Mother's, Everything inside and outside is not to be changed in any way until HE decides what he wishes with it. IF he is forced to marry your daughter she then will be a Ravenwood and you still have no say in what happens to her. IF she is wed she will more then likely be put in another housing area and he will turn to adventuring possibly handing all contracts over to my family. Or he might very well ask that Poppy become barren so she might not bare any children. Whatever HE decides you will have no say once your daughter is married, you will have no more rights then you ever did and you will lose your only child to a man you know nothing of. As for the Gardens I personally come and make sure everything is fine, while a noble woman I am also a very powerful druid I might remind you and as such this garden is perfectly healthy, while it might not look pretty to some even the gardener here can tell you nothing is wanting in this garden. As for the house if I ever find you trying to enter it again without invitation it will not be the guards I summon but magic instead. Now get off of my property. if it please you." Alehial says her tone acidic her bearing stiff her face contorting into grimances with every nuance of what he did wrong. It was obvious to Poppy at least and Jessa Alehial was being rather delicate handling this so far.

"Speaking of my soon to be son-in-law." He began his tone changing, "He has not come to meet with me and Poppy. I understand he is out taking or bringing your children home, but I find it tedious that we are still waiting to meet with him. Lady Ravenwood, I wish to speak with him wether by your 'magic' or in person, as the king has commanded. And as far as my daughter Andorian law states that no husband my force a wife to give up her right to bear children. I don't care who his father really was or the clout you and your husband has with the crown!"

The stillness after that conversation was broken by many footsteps as the watch and several others rounded the gates with Crispan. Alehial noticed the second group was wearing the pins of the guild, like the one she had in her pocket. "'Ere now whats going on?" the guardsman in the front said looking back and forth between everyone now on the property. The members of the guild had stopped a little further back from the crowd and waited for the watch to sort things out before coming to speak with Alehial. Poppy rolled her eyes as she knew this was going to devolve into a much larger arguement.

"And if my Nephew may request whether or not your daughter is still pure We shall see exactly where the crown will set it's sights! I suggest however that if you do not begin to move your things from my property I will remove them!" Alehial said speaking low for a moment before one of wooden chairs unter the tent was suddenly sprouting vines and taking root in the dirt. "As the temporary owner of this property I command you to leave! And Never step foot upon it again. Or I will take things into my own hands! Guards please escort this man to the cells I want him arrested for attempted break in, theft and tresspassing. I will speak to the king my self. And trust me when I say this to you and your daughter. I will never allow anyone to rule this family unwisely. If you ever threaten myself or my family I will use all my power to shut you down." Alehial said getting up in the man's face before turning away, she was livid and the sight of the guild showing up was not helping her to keep calm one bit. In fact the chair had sprouted lovely pink blossems and while still being chairlike was almost a tree again so much had she put her force into the spell.

The watch began to try moving the men along before leaving and the guild began helping them move their things outside the gate. Poppy and her father complained there was no carriage for them. The leader of the guild turned and looked at them, "Yer legs ain' rudden broke getta walkin, works fer those not so 'igh an mighty!" Her soon to be in-laws finally, still complaining left and the guild stayed by the gate waiting to either be motioned closer or at least be addressed by Lady Ravenwood. Crispan waited for Alehial to say anything and Jessa stayed close to him in case these men decided to attack.

Alehial glared at the men before motioning Jessa and Crispan to stay back. She walked to the fence but stayed out of arms reach. "What do you want I didn't ask nor call for you." Alehial said well aware of what happened the last time she had come to this house and Galin had met her inside. She had hoped it was a one time thing. She hoped they had nothing to do with Galin now. She was leaving a lot to hope lately. Deep in her stomach however she knew Galin was up to something still and she knew it was getting closer she could just feel it. He had been quiet too long.

"The Guildmaster order us to come in case things got out of hand and bade us to remain if you so to safeguard the property." The leader said without even stopping to have to think about his orders. He was a very intelligent looking young man with grey eyes and a small patch of facial hair. Most of the guild members were wearing chainmail and wore the guild colors over top, even the wizard had what looked like a uniform as well. "Lady Ravenwood shall we remain here to make sure no one attempts to enter the property without your permission again?" they all looked at Alehial hoping their first mission would be a success.

"Do as you wish!" Alehial snapped before walking to the door giving them her back. She walked straight up to the door and scowled at the scratched at the door before pulling out the key and unlocking it. Opening the door she swallowed her anger and silently bid welcome to Flint's mother. "Crispan if you want to watch the door you can we won't make you work." Alehial said softly, making sure to keep her anger in check. She pulled out the aprons and handed one to Jessa before putting one on herself.

"If it's all the same m'lady I'll stck closer to the two of you they can keep an eye on the gates." Jessa smiled at him he seemed very focused on doing his duty. "Mistress where would you like me to start today?" she asked quietly. The house was so empty it must hurt Master Flint greatly coming here, Jessa wondered if anyone would find out what really happened here. The painting of Tess was still on the wall with a single red rose laying beneath it, showing Alehiail that someone had been inside since the last time she was here.

"We'll get a vase for the flower, then begin in the den. We'll work out from there, I will take care of the childrens bedrooms so you take care of the kitchen and we'll call it even." Alehial said with a small smile trying to make Jessa not feel so glum, though it was hard being here without Tess and the children or Flint. It was still hard on Alehial loosing people and knowing she would loose many more before she found herself at peace near the end.

They spent a good amount of time cleaning and even though she said they would not make him work, Crispan pitched in where he could. Flint's room had largely unchanged, he couldn't even bear to take anything from it when he moved into the estate. Alehial could see the family crest he had been carving, now left undone and even the last book he was reading still beside his bed. It was like everything about his life ended here and a new one started when he left his house. Lai had come to her and Altair telling them she feared that Flint would be consumed by grief or rage to find out what happened and avenge them.

Alehial almost wanted to weap at the sight of Flint's plight. She knew they could never tell him exactly what happened... or why. She cleaned his room and replaced everything where it was. She knew he couldn't stay... it was something she understood very well. He would never live here again, not while knowing his mother had died leaving this place to him. Tess' presence was still very much around in Flint's room, he would be completely overwhelmed by grief if he even tried to stay here. Everything in the house was the way it was before and that's how Alehial intended to leave it until Flint could face the tragedy and decide on his own terms what to do.

The other bedrooms took very little time and she met Jessa who just finished with the kitchen. Crispan was waiting in the foyer and had just opened the door for the young Ravenwood page. "I..I..ha-have a message from the Queen for Lady Ravenwood." he puffed out handing the message over. Turning Crispan handed the boy his waterskin, "good work being so prompt, take a breather while I give this to the Dutchess." He showed up and placed the message in her hands before heading back to his post.

"Thank you Crispan." Alehial said taking it from him and opening the letter, reading the contents very carefully. They were almost done with the house and only had probably one room left to finish. "Jessa why don't you start on the last room while I deal with this." Alehial said softly with a smile at the young lady.

Jessa curtsied and went to begin working on the final room to be cleaned. Dearest Alehial, I so look forward to seeing you today and have freed up some time if you care to come to tea. With warmest regards, Alecia. The note was very short, but Alehial could easily tell the Queen wrote it herself. Crispan was waiting to see if she had any orders for him, otherwise he kept a vigilant eye on the Guild members just inside the gate. Most of them had set aside an area to lay out their packs and another brought a small wagon with some supplies, apparently their orders were to remain until they were dismissed.

Alehial smiled softly, then after a moment she tucked the note away and went to help Jessa finish up the last room. Cleaning this house was Alehial's task that she took on very seriously. She made sure to keep it as well as she could. She did not regret chasing out Poppy and her horendous father. News would reach Gareth soon enough and then Alehial was sure she would be summoned. She could only give Gareth the truth no matter what he wished to hear. IT was a duty she had told him when he was a child she would always fulfill, as she had his father, she would serve to the very best she could. She was still carrying out that duty and would for as long as she was alive.

"m'lady, are you going to let them remain here after we leave?" Jessa asked noting their preperations. She didn't understand these guild people and why they had shown up or began setting up a makeshift camp. She was chaning some of the linen that remained out in the open and set it aside to be taken back and laundered. Even though she was worried around here, Lady Ravenwood and Crispan said they would protect her and she believed in them. Once she finished dusting a few things then she would be done and she could go with Lady Ravenwood to her next appointment.

"As long as they do not try to enter they can stay if they wish." Alehial says softly, somewhat flippantly, She knew Rand would keep an eye on the guilds movement. Finishing up with her last chore she rolls up the now dirty aprin and sets it aside. Brushing off the dress a little Alehial smiles at JEssa. "Pay them no mind Jessa, we are going to see the queen so best behavior please." Alehial says walking over and cleaning a smudge of dirt from the young girls face.

She blushed deeply, "Of course m'lady, I would never do anything that might reflect poorly on you or your house." Jessa meant it wholeheartedly to, she loved working for Lord and Lady Ravenwood and in times of attack she had even before went to the nursery with a dagger prepared to defend the children with her life if needs be. This would be her first time meeting any of the royal family, much less Queen Alecia. She also took off her apron and placed it with the other linens to be washed. "I had not noticed the smudge, will I look alright to still act as your lady in waiting mistress?" she asked a little nervous now.

"My children used to wrestle in the mud with the prince, you will be fine my dear. Just remember to act with dignity and let no one belittle you. I will take care of the rest." Alehial said with a small laugh before smiling gently at Jessa, she understood this might be the girls most important meeting in her life and Alehial would help her through that.

Crispan helped the ladies into the carriage and secured the dirty linens in the area for cargo before climbing up beside the driver. The men at the gate saluted and the leader spoke to Alehial, "We will make sure nothing happens to this property until you inform us our mission is complete." Then they left with all due speed towards the castle and Alehial's meeting. Jessa was both nervous and excited, her mother had always told her to serve well and she would be rewarded. And hopefully Lady Ravenwood would let her go with her in this capicity again if she did well today.

Alehial said nothing to the guild members. More then likely they were only pawns in this latest plot of Galins... She knew there was a plot. Evil was evil no matter how many times one thought to be rid of it. It was Galin's nature to do evil and Alehial stood by that beleif. In the carriage ride Alehial was silent watching out the window. Stopping the carriage now and then to hand out a few coins. Buying a gift of sweets for the queen and a few other things for the other members of the royal family. Alehial was always generous with their money, from her and Altair's adventuring days there was plenty to go around, not to mention from their profits in trade.

The guards stopped the carriage at the castle gate and verified who was inside before sending it along. When the carriage finally came to a stop Crispan hopped down and helped them out then took up his position behind them. They were led to Lady Alecia's sitting room where the Queen and her daughters were waiting. Maria was a few years younger than Daniel and Tessa was six motnhs older than Orissa and Samantha. Both girls smiled brightly when cousin Alehial came to visit and Alecia did too and more so noting it looked like Alehial had finnaly promoted a lady in waiting.

"MAria! Tessa! My how you've grown!" Alehial said sweeping both girls in a big hug lifting them off their feet. Alehial laughed softly kissing their cheeks before setting them down. "What little ladies you've become! I think I was right in choosing these gifts for you!" Alehial said pulling out a hair pin for Maria and a pearl neckless for Tessa. They were both simple trinkets but beautifully crafted none the less. Even if they were on the cheaper side Alehial knew how to spot talent. "Ah that's right Jessa these are the princesses Maria and Tessa and the queen my dear friend Alecia." Alehial said with a smile. "Prinsesses Your highness this is my lady in waiting Jessa."

Jessa curtsied very low, "A pleasure to be here m'lady and young mistresses." Alecia smiled and inclined her head, It is very good to meet you as well Jessa. I believe that Lady Alehial has made a fine choice for a lady in waiting. Come my cousin sit and have some tea and talk, it has been so long since we have seen each other." She ushered Alehial to a chair and the girls both gave Alehial a kiss for the lovely gifts before taking their own seats.

"Yes it has been oo long... I'm very sorry about that. I suppose with everything going on I've let things slide I shouldn't have... Time has a habit of getting away from me." Alehial says before opening her hands and handing over a small hair clip of a flower from Alecia's hometown, it was something she had for a while. "I remember you had these in your room when we first met. Time has passed since then but I am glad you still trust me."

"I will always trust you and Altair, for you brought me Gareth and a new home to care for." One of her ladies in waiting poured several cups of tea and passed sugar and cream which the girls used quickly. The queen rolled her eyes but smiled to Alehial, "I believe I need to send them to you for ettiquete training, since everything I've done hasn't worked." Both girls giggled, the idea that their mother would send them away to learn manners, especially to Lady Alehials house where something was always happening made them smile. "Girls if you wish you and the ladies can go into the other room while Alehial and I talk about courtly things." she knew Flint was foremost on the Dutchess's mind.

"WE can visit later I promise girls." Alehial smiled as she prepared her own tea the way she preferred. She knew the queen would want caught up on things happening in the family. IT was true however... no matter how wild Alehial's house was all the children had exceptional manners. Even her wilder children had excellent manners. Alehial wanted her children ready for anything and taught them that accordingly.

Once they were alone again Alecia took a long sip and set her cup down. "So, which subject do we discuss first on this your first visit in a very long time." She had learned long ago that her knowledge of politics from Malkier proved of great use in Andor. Wanting to know what Alehial was dealing with and even possibly finding an answer to the problem that she knew her entire house felt. They would spend a good deal of time talking today and if Alehial wished to catch up on family things then the more pressing court matters would wait.

"Gareth has told me where you stand about Flint. I will tell you now that today I found Poppy and her father was on Flint's property. I had the gaurd arrest him. THe lock had been messed with they tried to force their entry into Tessa's house. I cannot overlook this. They must wait until FLint arrives back into Glearon, he is pushing my patience." Lyriel sighed softly taking a sip of the tea.

"The man eyes me like a piece of meat, I have told Gareth I find him a disgusting nuisecence. As far as his daughter goes, I would not want her a part of my family especially young Flint. To be honest Gareth and I have been at such odds on this subject that he hasn't graced our bedchambers for the last three nights." Alecia was most distressed by this, they had not in a very long time slept apart due to anger. She picked up her cup and took another sip and smiled looking at the dear present Lady Ravenwood had given her.

"You should never seperate that much! Love is what keeps you strong! No matter how you see things differently, the love the two of you share brought two warring countries together." Alehial sighed softly. "What is he thinking... honestly for things to become like this... Alecia worry not about this... instead invite him to bed to sleep in your arms once more. Even if you cannot understand his mind as long as you stand with him he will be willing to see reason. You may not be an adventurer but your path crosses a very similar line as the other does. Poppy's father I beleive will push the line sofar not even Gareth can allow him to get away with things any further. WE just have to weather it out until that day comes. Now dear tell me... since you have not been sleeping in the same bed how is your sex life doing? It must not be thriving certainly, you've only had three children. I've heard it is popular for queens and kings to have near a dozen in the human side of things. Was this not so?" Alehial asks curiously, for certainly Gareth was an only child as far as she knew and Alecia was as well. Alehial knew that elder elves usually had two or three children by the time their prime faded. Her own mother was an example of that.

Alecia smiled and shook her head, "I know Gareth's sister Camilla would be agast you forgot her. She and Jhen are still in Grondar helping keep that country on an even keel. My brother is still learning at my father's knee and even though he is now married and has several children the throne isn't his yet. Joshua has sent missives to his uncle asking to come visit for a time and even perhaps learn from a wizard here in Andor, I know he misses the time he spent in your house. As far as the king and myself and our sex life in recent years has fallen victim to the needs of the country, just the girls and James of course may be our only children."

She never felt odd talking to Alehial about what went on behind the doors of the royal bedchambers. They along with Tess and Camilla spent a great deal of time discussing the men in their lives. Even though she missed Gareth beside her in bed, she could not understand this insane order that no one understood. "So, how are you and Altiar doing in the bedchambers and of course the children took up your antics. I understand Asper and Elsa are both nearing the end of their pregnancies, you must be excited."

"I did forget... I've been so preoccupied I must write them I think. Altair is charming as ever and has always been able to coex me into response. Our love has not faltered. Elsa is excited, as if Feal for the birth of their third child. Els hs promised Feal that the next child will be when he wishes it this time." Alehial giggles softly at the thought of that conversation, it must have been somewhat difficult for her strong headed daughter to accept defeat. "Asper... I cannot say much on, she has been having trouble and is already begun the labor process... as for when the child comes I have no real idea. Arten's neice stays with them and will call on me when the time has come... I've been studying what I can to hopefully be able to help." alehial said softly taking another sip of her tea.
"Gareth I think needs a little nudge in the right direction, you at least need another male heir to the throne... Perhaps you should wear some of your engagement gowns... the low cut ones that showed your figure ever so nicely." Alehial says with a small knowing smile on her lips. If Alecia made effort for it Gareth would concede.

"Gareth most nights falls asleep with a report in his hand, not watching the line of my cleveage." she answered ruefully. "It is good that Elsa and Fael are that strong to give into one anothers wishes and I hope the situation with Asper changes for the better. What is Flint's position on the arranged marriage to Poppy and her 'family'? I would hate to think everything being done is making him and his beloved miserable." Alecia was like most not inside the family unaware Flint had given his heart to Lyriel.

"That would change if you had him come to you with an invitation most nights. Men are like children, they need to be shown the way every once in a while. Don't lose faith in his ardour for you Alecia. I beleive you know the answer to that. But I beleive Flint might do something extremely foolish. I am afraid of what Gareth will do about this." Alehial says softly refilling her cup with more tea. Alehial was worried about that too, Gareth the way he was behaving was very eratic.

"How will Altair react if Gareth gives Flint no other choice, Andor depends on the Ravenwoods as a line of defense as well as being a voice for diplomacy. Would Greth's decision make you and Altair less willing to help the crown when needed, these are all things I asked him to consider." Alecia also refilled her cup and sat back looking inside as if waiting for an answer to show itself. In the other room Alehial heard the girls chatting away with Jessa, who was trying her best to accomidate. "I doubt that inviting him back into our bed right now will be seen as anything but an attempt to get him to relent.

"He will be disappointed but no... it will not make us any less loyal to the crown. I think you are making this more then it should be. Intamacy isn't a poker chip or money to bribe someone with. It's simply what is between two people." Alehial said reaching across the small table and taking Alecia's hand in her own and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry just stand beside him and things will work out." Alehial said encouragingly, she hoped it would work out. After all there was only so much she could do. With Gareth being so obsessed with this marriage lately Alehial didn't wonder if there was something else going on, but there was nothing she could really do.

"I appreciate all the words you have offered Alehial, it sometimes is so lonely here in this castle. It was so different all those years ago, coming to Andor with all of you." She set her cup down and folded her hands in her lap, Alehial thought it would be a good thing to put the disagreement with Gareth aside she would listen. Perhaps she would arrange for dinner tonight, just the two of them and see how it went. "So, where are you planning to spread your wisdom next my very good friend and cousin?" she smiled wondering who Alehail would visit next.

"In truth Lai was chasing me out of the house... I hope to speak to Altair and the children again tonight... Sildea was attacked and is now recovering, I do not know who the attackers were or what their goal was... but I have a few ideas of who it might have been." Alehial said softly with a sigh,she didn't like discussing dark matters with Alecia but the younger woman could handle it certainly. " Nothing has changed other then the amount of people we have to love now Alecia. Just remember the man you fell in love with and then you will see him again beside you." Alehial said with a smile.

The tea went rather well and both women took turns making one another smile. They discussed Prince James and his request to join the army to earn some sorties against some of the local monsters. "He wants to live up to the legend of his father and uncle, even though he knows how badly I'll worry. How is it that your children have done so much and you still do not fear losing them?" Gareth had once teased her saying the reason Alehial let the children adventure was because she was powerful enough to go and retrive them if they got into trouble.

"If they need help there are brothers and sisters to help them... Altair and myself as well of course. But other then that I trained my children myself and was there to make sure they can handle themselves. I in no way worry free when they adventure however and it nearly killed Altair to let Elsa go, but look at what it produced. Besides Flint went into the Army and Tessa asked us help to watch over him. You have wizards at your command Alecia, let themcast some spells and give your son some protection and some freedom. BEsides it might distract Gareth a little until you can worm yourself back into the peaceful place called his arms." Alehial teased soflty, remembering when the young Alecia waxed poetic about her warrior prince husband. Alehial when she married altair didn't have anyone other then Arten and Lai then she rather suddenly had Elsa and the rest of the children simply came one after the other.

A small commotion in the hall announced the arrival of Prince James, who had the looks of his father, but his mother's eyes. "Someone told me that Lady Ravenwood had arrived, But I've heard no cries of mercy from my father's study." He smiled and bent to kiss his mother's cheek then Alehial's before snatching a sweet from the tray and waiting to be chastized. Conner and James had been the rowdiest children during their youth even disrupting court on multiple occasions. Now both young men had grown into fine young men thanks to the teachings of their families.

"Use a napkin you'll get jam all over your silk vest!" Alehia admonished quickly handing him her own napkin to prevent damadge to the prince's clothing. She had thought that between Prince James and Conner she would be run mad for certain, but both boys were steadily growing out of those habits and into responable young men. It made Alehial sorely miss the times when she could hold all of her children on her lap in her arms. "Alecia tells me you want to join the army James." Alehial said motioning to a chair in invitation, ignoring the little tease about how she usually came to fight with the King.

"I just feel I would be a better king if I rode out to face threats to the kingdom like my grandfather and father once did. It is too easy to make proclimations and decrees when you are safe inside a castle. If the people are to accept me as their king someday, they should already know the kind of man and prince I was before gaining the crown." He blushed a little bit speaking with so much conviction in front of his mother and cousin Alehial. "Besides, I've learned to weild a sword well enough over the years, I need to put lessons to a practical use."

"Then I suggest more practical lessons are in order before becoming a soldier. Perhaps you should speak with Flint about it?" ALehial said with a bright smile for James words. She had heard a version of his speach from every child she had to go adventuring. Only Conner and Lily hadn't given her the speech, but she knew Lily had given one to Altair already she was after all his student not Alehial's.

James had never thought to speak with Flint, he knew from talking with some younger officers that Flint was only a sargent and turned down a promotion because of his family name. "Perhaps I shall ask him, but do you know his mind when he returns and my father presses the issue of marriage?" The young prince was mildly concerned that if Flint would have to marry then he would be unable to help him in any way. "I wonder if I ask cousin Darryl to take me to see him before they arrive back in Baerlon so I could speak with Flint." Absently, he bit down on the sweet he fliched from the tray and made a funny face, it was apricot something he personally didn't care for it much.

"I am afraid I do know his mind James. and as for Darryl now is not a particularly good time... His wife... Asper is in the begining stages of labor... Their child will be coming anyday now, I am waiting on the call myself from Darryl. I've been doing as much research as possible in fact to help deliver the child from Asper and Darryl safely into this world. Asper has not taken well to this pregnancy, and I fear how she will do during labor. But you could always as a wizard from the court to help you speak to flint while he is in Sildea." Alehial says with a soft smile at the prince. She handed him a strawberry tart instead. She had wondered how long it would take him to realize what it ws he had picked up.

He nodded his thanks and smiled at his aunt, before taking a bit and wiping his mouth with a napkin. Alecia spoke up more to her son than ALehial, "I do not mind you talking to your cousin, but you will not try riding out to join him unless it's with an escort to bring them into the city. I will not have you be rash and impulsive and rob this country of it's future ruler young man." James rolled his eyes, but with his mouth full nodded his agreement. It was Alecia's words about future king that made Alehial think of her younger brother Drake.

Alehial smiled softly at alecia and James interaction and wondered for a moment if Drake was helping her own children the same age with the work in Sildea. She and Rand had grown up together and it was odd for her to think of having another brother expecially when he was the same age as most of her older children. She would have to ask her mother about Drake later... Especially considering the legacy Drake was carrying around in him.

"Mother, I believe the time for Asper to give birth is near. And as much as you two don't agree I think Bailey can use your help." Darryl hated invading anyone's mind, but time might not be on their side. Asper and the baby's saftey was foremost on his mind and that trumped any dislike they held for one another. James noticed her change and commented, "I think either Darryl or Conner is contacting you am I right?" He took another bite and waited alonside his mother for her answer.

"Asper is begining her labor early... Bailey asked Darryl to contact me for help. I'm sorry to cut this short Alecia, I know we haven't been getting together often, James dear you can visit anytime you know that." Alehial says before standing up, she would gather JEssa and send the girl home to get her midwife's bag and send it to her while she went to Darryl's home. "I will send word of ther anouncement to you first before the christening." Alehial promised earnestly, if Darryl had gone to the trouble of speaking to her this way he was very worried.

"Of course be safe and pass along the crown's good wishes on their first." Alecia said standing up to hug her. James nodded at his mother's words and also stood to embrace her. "Shall I call a second carriage to take your lady in waiting home, or will she go with you?" From the other room the two little girls peeked in, they had heard that Alehial was going to be leaving and wanted to see why. Jessa was a few steps behind with the girl's nanny and too was wondering what was going on.

"Call a carriage for me, Jessa cn have Crispan escort her home please look after her James. I will send you both the news and I will let them know Alecia I must go. Remember my advice my queen." Alehial said giving them both warm tight embraces before she gathered her things. Darryl might get impatient and try to bring her to his house himself and Alehial wanted to be prepared if that were to happen.

"M'Lady," Jessa asked, "Might I come along if nothing more than keep the house tidy while all of you see to Mistress Asper?" It was a rash request, but better than returning to the estate and waiting for something to do. Without the children and even the older ones around the maids didn't have much to do. She remembered her place however and lowered her gaze and curtisied, "But, I will obey if you send me back to the estate." James smiled at the slight outburst and then embarassed recant, the girl was quite fetching and he wondered why Conner wasn't trying to persue her.

"Very well Jessa... if you wish to help... We will need a constant supply of hot water and clean linens anyways it would be good to have an extra pair of hands." Alehial said with a soft smile at the girl. She thought it better that she had spoken out... it showed courage, and inner strength. it was obvious the girl was shy about it, she was probably schooled into servitude at a younger age but alehial wanted women to be strong and she allowed such tendencies in her household even from her staff. "I will send word soon." Alehial said with a smile before taking young Jessa's hand and leading her out quickly. "My son will be panicked and Asper will be difficult, I must caution you that anything you hear or see is to be kept between those inside the house nd no others do you understand Jessa?" Alehial asked gravely, she know next to nothing about scion births and only her studies about how Drow birthed.

"Of course M'Lady I will 'keep my hands busy and my lips sealed' as master Bowers has said from time to time." She helped Lady Ravenwood with her cloak and smiled as Crispan helped her with hers, he was very sweet. For his part he doubted the lady would want him along, "M'Lady Ravenwood your orders for me at this time?" Blademaster Rand had told him to always make sure to use his manners and defer to the lady if it seemed like a blades prescence began to try her nerves. "My dear sister can be more feriocious than a dragon protecting her eggs, and more destructive than a Illian hurricane." Most of the men laughed, Crispan made a note not to test if that was true.

"Yes to the house inform Bowers and Lady Lai. Then come to Darryl's home and help Jessa she will need to have someone with her. That house has seen a lot of violence and blood it is about to have some trouble I am sure." Alehial said crisply before rushing out the doors and down the hallways until she came to the courtyard. She was waiting for Jessa to get inside the carriage and for Crispan to either get another one or borrow a horse. Alehial needed to hurry the more worried Darryl got maybe the more nervous Asper would get of his powers and that would complicate things very much.

James followed in her wake with the others, "Crispan you will take my horse and ride fast for the Ravenwood estate and advise them of what is going on then bring him to me at Darryl's residence." Crispan nodded and got on and rode off, James opened the door of the carriage and offered his hand to both women and followed them inside. "I would like to offer my congratulations in person to my cousin and his family." The coachman wound through the streets on the way to the house and after a little while they arrived at the house. The were admitted by Darryl who looked relieved and they could hear Asper and Bailey upstairs.

"Don't worry baby, I'll take care of her. You let James take your mind off of it. Jessa will heat the water an clean linens for us to use. I'll be borrowing your room darling, you just stay calm and don't worry." Alehial said hugging Darryl and handing her cloak to James. She kissed Darryl's cheek and then gathered her skirts in her hands and headed up the stairs, She knocked gently on the door. "Bailey it's Alehial."

"Oh thank the divines, come in Lady Ravenwood and I hope you have some help to heat water and be handy with the linens. Oh hush girl, you haven't a reason to be catterwallin like that yet." Bailey was obviously in a fine mood being the third ababy delivered in the house in as many months. Jessa was in the kitchen already getting the water ready and James was talking to Darryl who looked worried. She smiled, the young Ravenwood was very sweet and she hoped everything worked out for them.

"Bailey how are things? Asper I know this is going to be difficult you just have to hold on and try to help us." Alehial says softly, pulling on an apron. She walked over to Bailey and gestured for the dwarven woman to fill her in. Asper was breathing quickly and heavily, that much was good, but she was moaning and clutching the bedding. "Let me get all the details so I can do my best." Alehial said to Bailey, she needed to know how Asper was doing so she could think it over how to best help the young woman birth the baby inside of her.

Bailey wasted little time or language in filling Alehial in, "I hope Darryl is brining the water cause if we have to run back and forth this could take a little while." Asper was on schedule, if there was an actual schedule for birthing a quarter drow-human-psion baby, and if not someone should write one. A little while later Jessa came upstairs with hot water and some cold water for Asper, "My apologies M'lady, I needed a little help with the kettle. She put the kettle near the fire to keep it hot for when they needed it. Quickly she took up a position to get or do anything they needed to help Asper.

"Just get it out! It hurts! I've been in pain for weeks!!" Asper cried at the three of them. Alehial was just standing there not doing anything and Bailey was not doing anything to help them at all. It wasn't really something Asper wanted. She wanted the baby out now not more pain and not a lot more pain first. It was killing her she knew it. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she only ever felt this much pain when Lash had nearly beaten her to death as a child. But Asper wished Darryl was there.

Bailey sighed, "Perhaps Darryl should come up and hold her hand she might gain strength from his prescence." Most men waited outside when women gave birth, except Ravenwood men, they had no trouble rolling up their sleeves and helping deliver the young ones. Jessa waited for a second, prepared to race back down the stairs to fetch him. She did however wet a rag and dabbed at the sweat forming on Asper's brow it was all she could really think of doing to help. Downstairs Darryl kept hearing his wife and wished there was more he could do for her.

"That's not a bad idea... at least until things get dirty... Darryl can handle some things... I do not want to make him try to handle more then he can. Asper put up your legs I want to see how far you've come and it should relieve some of the pressure you are feeling to your spine." Alehial softly spoke to Asper, she wanted to calm the girl down a little and she wanted to check how far along the birthing Asper was going. Alehial helped Asper put her legs up despite the cry from a sharp pain Asper felt at the movement.

"I'll go and get him M'lady Asper, I'll be right back I promise." Jessa said hurrying away to get him to help calm his wife. "Seems like you brought a good helper Lady Ravenwwod, hope she has the stamina to help for the long siege." Bailey commented also checking to see how much progress had been made. Jessa for the most part arrived a little winded and told Darryl to come up and help keep Asper calm only to have him get past her and take the stairs two at a time. She looked at Prince James who shrugged and set more water on to heat up.

Alehial sighed softly, and covered Asper back up. "It will be long and hard. According to what I read... the human in you will make this much easier. The Drow blood will make it much more painful then for other woman I've helped." Alehial said softly to the whimpering young woman. Alehial wasn't sure if she could help other then when the baby finally came. There were no problems as far as she could tell and they would simply have to wait. Drow births could take days, depending on th drow but there was no records of half drow. So alehial was determind to keep everything in mind for possibilities from both of the worst and the best.

Darryl arrived and came to Asper's side wishing he could do anything to help her. He looked up to Bailey and Alehial hoping they had some news on how best to help Asper. Jessa arrived now quite out of breath and looking apologetically at them. Darryl took over wiping Asper's brow and kept his hand in hers. "I'll stay here with you Asper, We'll see our baby arrive together."

Asper clutched Darryl's hand as another wave of pain made her cry out some more. Alehial covered Asper's lower body again. Giving a soft sigh she put her hands into the hot water and sterilized her hands as well as she could. Both before and afterword. "It'll be a long tough road. Her hips aren't as wide as most womens... humans or even half human of any breed I've been studying. Darryl keep her cool please." Alehial offered her son a cold wrag so he could cool down Aspers flesh. Alehial hoped it wouldn't take as long as she thought it very well might.

Darryl took the rag and gently wiped Asper down, his eyes flashed briefly as he used his powers to keep the rag at a temperature she needed. He looked to his mother with questioning eyes, would she be alright and how long would she be in pain like this? Bailey walked up beside Asper and tried to coach her on the best way to breath through the pain and felt a little praise couldn't hurt either. "I'm impressed with ya girl, just try to breath like I just said and it'll help. That little girl wants out just as much as you want her out, and you'll be happier when you can actually see her."

"Fuck you! Make it hurry shit it fucking hurts!" Asper said leaning against Darryl as much as she could while she was laying on the bed. She hurt and it kept coming and kept coming. From what Alehial had said it wasn't going to be easy or quick. Asper was strong but she wasn't that strong, in fact she knew this was probably going to be the worst experience in her life. "Take her out!" Asper cried as another wave of pain went through her and she breathed hard and heavy. She squeezed Darryl's hand tightly as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Darryl looked at his mother unsure how next to proceed even as Bailey let the comment slide without much as a guffaw. "Asper let me shoulder some of the pain with you and you can draw from my strength, I won't be in your mind I promise." he pratically begged her. Bailey's eyebrow raised at hearing this and she looked at Alehial before saying, "Can you really do that Darryl?" Darryl nodded his head, it wasn't a completely new idea he had, but he wouldn't go forward without Asper's agreement. He loved her and would not violate his promise to her again, even if she refused his help.

Alehial sighed softly. "I don't know Darryl, it might not be very safe around the baby... We don't know anything about Scion babies other then what I learned while raising you dear." Alehial warned after all she had gotten Darryl after he was born. Taking him in had been one of the best decision she had made in her life.
Asper panted in between the waves of pain, She wanted it to stop hurting but. "No... don't!" Asper said leaning her head against Darryl's arm, it hurt but she never wanted anyone in her head other then herself ever again. Even if it was Darryl and he had saved her.

He felt useless and wanted so much to help Asper, "Then let me open up so you can draw from me, you won't be in my head and I won't be in yours." Looking up at Alehial with a determined face, "It would be bad if Asper expends too much energy before she has to push right? Then if she can draw from me then it will be safer for her and the baby, right?" Leaning his head against Asper's he continued to wipe the sweat from her and hope she would accept his help. Shooting a look that asked for help to Bailey, who looked from Alehial to Asper finally to Darryl unsure of who to throw her lot in with, other than the baby of course.

"I don't think she wants any of your powers to interfere Darryl, and I'm not sure if they should either. I know you are worried dear but this sort of thing happens all the time, though more rarely for Drow and even more rarely for a half human drow heritage. But none the less I beleive Asper will do fine." Alehial says comfortingly, she felt bad for all of them but she stood by her firm beleif that only mothers and babies should be the ones to have role in the birth as long as there was someone to help with delivery and the father wanted to be there of course.

Darryl nodded and accepted what both Asper and Alehial thought was best he would still work to keep her cool and comfortable as possible. It made him marginally happy that mother was showing confidence in Asper even if it was only this once. "Asper how about we give Karina the middle name Volera?" he asked trying to occupy her mind just a little bit. The name came to him as a variation on the elven word wish he managed to look up at Alehial and see if she understood where the name came from. "Karina Volera Ravenwood, daughter of Asper and Darryl; grand-daughter of Alehial and Altair Ravenwood, the best of us both." he wiped Asper's brow again and waited to see what she thought.

Asper couldn't care less, abouts names or anything else. She was in the process of trying to breath and to last through all of the pain she was currently feeling. She nodded her head yes to the name, she just needed his touch and his support.

As it was they ended up waiting many many hours later the night was slowly coming to an end and it was finally time for Karina to be born.
"It's time Asper stay strong... Bailey we need the hot water and fresh towels. This is going to drain aspers strength quickly I fear so we must too act quick. Karina is crowning. Asper when you feel the pain you must begin to push with it as well. Grit your teeth girl you'll need all your strength to get her out." Alehial said ordering people about and taking her place between Aspers legs.

Asper was wet with sweat, despite Darryl drying her face. The pain brought tears down her cheeks each time now and she was trembling lightly. She couldn't speak she was so thirsty but Alehial had persistantly told her no food or drink. Asper sucked on her tongue instead, she had been unable to sleep at all and to hear that the child was finally coming was a releif and a terror filled thought.

Darryl quickly let his powers reheat the water and Jessa quickly got the towels for them, Bailey was monitoring where Asper was and after his part Darryl continued to coach Asper. "You're doing so well, she's coming and we'll be a familiy the three of us." he said daubing her tears and keeping her free of sweat. Even though he was tired, Apser needed him there to help support her and he wouldn't fail or run from his part in this event. In his mind he viewed every inch of what both his wife and baby were going through and wished he could do more for them. Watching Alehial and knowing his mother would do everything is her power to bring Karina into the world safetly.

Several more hours and Karina screamed into life. Alehial handed the squirming child to Bailey for her to conduct the cleaning and checks. "there is some wounding." She says softly before casting a healing spell. It was nothing terrible but Alehial wanted to heal it before Darryl freaked out.
Asper on the other hand, finally finished with all birthing and other matters even the umbilical cord being cut she lays on the bed exhausted and with many tears falling from her eyes. the life inside of her she had grown so used to was gone, she was alone again.
Karina screamed as she was handled for the first time. And was cold and could not hear her mothers heartbeat.

Darryl kissed Asper's cheek, "I love you Asper, she's beautiful. You did so well, I love you." Bailey cleaned her up as well as anyone ever could and whistled whenn she saw something amazing, "Lady Ravenwood if you have a second to see something awe inspiring." Little Karina cried a second or two longer and a small violet glow shown inside those eyes. Bailey looked at Alehial and grinned broadly, "I think she is truly the miracle of blending her mother and father. "Lady Asper do you think you are strong enough to hold you child for a little while? I know ye are very tired."

"Karina Ravenwood, Your mother is very tired and she misses you very much." Alehial says softly taking the baby from Bailey carefully. Kisses her forehead Alehial marvels at the difference in this child from so many others she had helped birth. Even if Asper was too tired to move her arms to hold her child Alehial lay Karina on her stomach to stomach with her mother so her little head was on Asper's chest to best hear the heartbeat of her mother. Alehial covered them with a thick towel and a sheet then. So the baby wouldn't catch a chill and so that the sweat would be soaked up.

Darryl was surprised when he saw the tiny glow from her eyes, it never occured to him that his eyes had probably glowed from birth. She was beautiful and it warmed his heart knowing that he and Asper together brought about this amazing little being. Bailey and Jessa began cleaning up the room and could not help smiling everytime they looked at the baby and Asper. "I must admit it everything went rather well and while it took some time Asper came through it better than many I've ever tended to." Bailey commented putting the last soiled towel in a sack. Jessa hefted the bundle over her shoulder and headed dow to begin washing them, no need for her to clutter up the room.

"Darryl why don't you lay next to Asper and speak with your daughter. She is still frightened even in sleep. It'll take getting used to being in the world after all." alehial said softly, her eyes were watery Karina looked almost exactly like Darryl had when he was so tiny. Both Karina and Asper were asleep now and they both deserved it almost a day and a half of delivery was sure to stress anyone out. Besides Alehial wanted to hang the afterbirth on the roof within the garden, so that it would gather any ill will and could be buried in the grotto at the estate.

Darryl nodded and laid close to them both and whispered to Karina talking about how happy he was she came today. Bailey cleaned up the last of her things and left the room as well, leaving Alehial and the new family alone. "Mother does that thing you do with the after, does that work?" he managed to ask, hope making his eyes glow a little brighter. Maybe if it did then everything would be fine and they could all be happy again. Galin was still out there and the family was going to have to find a way to continue life even against his schemes.

"It's a very old tradition Darryl, but I'm sure it will bring peace of mind and let the gods know that she had arrived to us safely. IT is a prayer. Like all prayers not all of them get answered but they are all noticed. You just concentrate on your family now Darryl. Leave everything else to mother." Alehial says with a smile wlaking over and giving him a kiss on the forehead gently. Then she gave Asper a touch to the forehead and Kissed little Karina on the cheek as well. Not wanting to bother them while they were bonding she took the afterbirth to the roof after leaving the room. After hanging it she went to the kitchen for some tea and something to eat. She was tired as well. It had been a very trying two days.

Jessa sat a cup to tea and a frsh sausage roll in front her and smiled, "Tis truly a blessed day for your familyh m'lady. The Prince did ask I give his apologies he had to return to the castle and his other duties." She went back to washing up dishes and making sure anything called for would be ready in a short time so that none had to wait. Alehial could smell that Jessa was baking honey tea biscuits in case of any company that would show up to congratulate the new family on little Karina. Bailey came down the stairs and sat and was given the same treatment and mumbled a quick thanks as she tore into the roll.

"It really is..." Alehial smiled softly and sat down gently in the seat. she grabbed a roll and pulled it apart and took small bites. She needed to keep her strength to receive the guests and keep them occupied until Darryl was ready to let people see Asper and Karina. Alehial wasn't even sure how it would go if he would be protective or welcoming of all the people coming to see the new baby. Or how Karina would react. Darryl had been a wonderful child once he had been properly nourished. But Karina was an entirely new person with her own personalitly. As most children were even at that age. While she might sleep mostly and only be awake for a short period of time it was important that her mother and father were close at hand in case she got nervous or scared.

Bailey mused for a little bit then spoke, "I think it more important that family see her first and it would show a great deal of forethought to allow mother and father decide who should see her. Otherwise I think Asper might be rather cross if someone she prefers not to see the baby pops up." Jessa smiled then looked quickly at the ground, "Shall I prepare anything for mother or father in a little while lady Ravenwood?" She went back to check on the honey biscuits to make sure they didn't burn. Having a little forethought she took an inventory of the larder and made a small list of needed things that she'd see got filled.

"She'll need some soft foods. But nuroushing. She will have to breast feed, and we need to balance and regulate her diet. I think you are right Bailey, It should be up to Darryl and Asper who can see and meet Karina. I'll send for a currier boy to send the message out to the castle about the good news." Alehial said after finishing her bun. She stood once again to take up the duty of taking care of everyone. This was something she was good at after all. Something she knew about without doubting herself. She was also going to be sending a message to the estate to Lai and the others letting them all know about the safe delivery of little Karina.

A little while later Asper woke and heard Darryl sing in low tones to Karina and her as well. The little girl slept soundly on her mother and Darryl was very proud of them despite the problems they faced. He noticed her being awake and he reached out and touched her, "She's beautiful, we made a beautiful baby. I can't tell you how much I love you Asper." He pressed his lips to her hand and smiled at them both. Karina opened her eyes and gave a small cry then settled back down and fell asleep again.

Asper looked down at the little tiny baby on her chest and then back to Darryl, HEr heart sped up and her eyes were wide, she was still exhausted but seeing this little thing on her chest she couldn't even think tears just poured down her chest. She was so... content or happy or whatever she was feeling, she grabbed darryl's hand tightly with her own and continued to weep. she didn't know why she felt this way or how this made her feel it either.

Darryl wiped her tears with his free hand and kissed the hand in his again, "We are a family now my love." He knew she didn't like a lot of words and just smiled and felt happiness and love for them both. After a short time Bailey returned to check on the family and smiled at Asper, "How are you feeling other than exhausted any severe pains?" She got a little closer and looked at Karina again a little closer, "You and Darryl made a fine, beautiful little girl Asper." Darryl had fallen asleep a little while earlier and let mother and daughter time to be alone.

"No... just my hips..." Asper whispered softly, she held little Karina to her chest and let the baby suckle. She didn't want to wake Darryl, and truthfully she wanted to sleep again but she was afraid Karina might fall... or roll off... and Karina has begun nuzzling so Asper just uncovered herself fo the little one could have what she was searching for. Asper seemed... for once serene and happy. And she was being helpful... without spite or sarcasm.

Bailey spoke in low tones not to disturb anyone, "If ye need some rest do not worry, if ye can remain awake long enough for her to fill her little tummy then I will set her in the bassenette and watch over her while you get some rest." She then cast a light healing spell to lessen any pain in Asper, "I must say you did very well, better than many I've seen." She smiled lightly and went to add a log to the fire and then to rewash her hands, her teacher stressed it above all other things. Then she went back to have a seat in case Asper had need of her.

Asper lasted only long enough to switch breasts and for KArina to fall asleep after or rather while eating. She began to nod off her eyes drooping and her muscles slowly going limp, though she held on best as she could. "Bailey..." Asper finally mumbled the dwarves name hoping she would come get Karina before Asper did any harm to her tiny little daughter. Asper still needed much rest after this and while she would have to wake to feed Karina she would rest a few days.

"I have her, you get some sleep and don't worry your daughter will be here when you wake." Bailey moved the little bundle to the crib and made sure she was safe before taking her seat. Noticing that Alehial had come to check on the little family as well. "Her mother's temperment has changed some as many parents when they have a baby. She just nodded off, actually they both have." she informed her with a dwarfly smile.

"She had a rough day I'm not surprised. Karina will let them know when she needs something. It'll be even more difficult on Darryl now then ever but hopefully things will go well. Has she tried feeding Karina it's important to both of them that she does. I only pray what Asper has been saying this year long before is only just that... words and not action. IT would tear Darryl apart to have to raise Karina by himself. Thank you for helping the family as you have Bailey, You have been a tremendous help." Alehial says checking on KArina before checking on Darryl and Asper. Alehial did indeed pray that Aspers words of leaving were just talk. Karina needed her mother and Darryl needed his wife.

Bailey looked at Alehial and gave her another grin, "Lady Asper saw that the wee one had her fill before either nodded off. I believe she will be a right fine mother and will be the wife and lover young Darryl deserves." She clucked once to add a postscript, "Now, if only the two of you could put somethings in the past and be daughter-in-law and mother-in-law that would make everything perfect." She sat on the small couch and took out her vestments and began to recite dwarven prayers to ward evil away from homes. It was probably something Darryl had never thought of building this house, it needed proper blessings.

Alehial smiled. If only it were so easy... Asper set Alehial on edge... she was a bad omen... but that didn't mean she was bad herself. And Asper well... she would probably never trust Alehial completely so there was no use trying to force her to try nd trust anyone. That never worked Alehial knew that all too well. "I will receive the quests downstairs then, and keep them fed. I'll send up some food for the new mother and Darryl. If they would be alright with one or two visitors please let me know." Alehial said softly before heading back downstairs. While she couldn't cook well at all still, she could arrange the food and wash and clean. As long as she was helping or doing something at least it kept her mind from worrying and it kept her from being afraid.

"Mother I have two little girls here who would like to speak to you and let you know they are alright." Conner popped into her head as she entered the kitchen. Jessa was in full steam keeping the kitchen and food readily at hand, "Mistress shall we be expecting many guests or just the family? Even though that constitues quite a few people in that regard." She blushed again realizing she spoke out of turn again, "Beg yer pardon Lady Ravenwood, I mean no offense." Alehail could smell the cooks handy work, apparently Jessa watched and found she could duplicate almost everything he could make. On the table was a small batch of filled cookies and a pot of tea, just in case the lady or miss Bailey was hungry.

"You are fine Jessa it's common knowledge about my large family. please just do your best." Alehial said before withdrawing to the den. "The twins? are they alright Conner? Is there anything wrong?" Alehial asks her worry and fears almost coming on full blown. She was afraid Galin had made an appearance That her babies were hurt. She was terrified that she was helpless to save her family. To protect them.

"No mother they are fine they have slept, been washed and fed, father just got done talking to them about Aras and they both wished to talk to you. They would prefer to come home immediately, but with Sildea attempting to close the borders again father is addressing the council before requesting Darryl to swap the two of you." Conner hated running down everything that happened again, it made it sound trivial or unimportant. The house around Alehial was rather interesting, Darryl had told her once that he liked some of the things that Asper had wanted in her dream house. Conner would wait for her to give permission before turning the twins loose inside her head.

"They can't be... No... it's alright darling... I am very proud of you for everything you've done and for stepping up to take care of your family. I am so proud of you Conner. I'll try to ease their fears dearest." Alehial was releived and yet the news was not the best. Now she needed to ease the fears of her children... and she wasn't sure she could do so without lying in their faces. figuratively that was.

"Very well, is there any news I should pass on here in Sildea before I let you speak with the girls?" Conner asked before giving the girls the ability to talk directly with Alehial. Jessa came to the door and quietly informed her that the King and Queen had arrived to visit, and she had tried showing them to the sitting area, but they decided to wait in the kitchen. She was a little flustered having that kind of nobility just relaxing in the kitchen while she cooked. The Queen had even asked if she needed any help, which made her blush from cheeks to probably navel.

"It's alright Jessa, just think of them... as you do me. Someone you respect but knows how to do things. I will be there shortly, please let them know I am... taking care of some family business." Alehial said with a smile. The poor girl was probably quite flustered indeed, but for right now Alehial would need some time alone to speak with the girls. "Sammy, Rissa? Babies you okay?" Alehial asked the girls, she worried about them and often they clung to her and Altair but wouldn't talk to them... tell them what was wrong... it was the Ravenwood blood she was sure.

After she finished her talk with the girls and a second time with Conner she felt them fade from her mind. Now she just had to deal with visitors and of course Darryl, Asper, and Karina.

Alehial stood and went to the kitchen. She smiled at the nervouse state JEssa was in and decided she would swoop in and save her. "I'm glad you both could make it. With the message sent earlier I thought you would be busy until tomorrow." Alehial said from the doorway. The informality a setting she hoped they would both follow. Tension had been high between the heads of Ravenwood and the king's family. "Jessa if you would take some tea up to Bailey I'm sure she would appreciate a drink right about now." Alehial said giving the girl something to do.

Her face brightened for a split second, that would mean she would get to see the baby again. "Of course lady Ravenwood shall I take some of the cookies as well?" She began to pour the tea and even got a small plate with a couple sugar cubes and cream, then a small plate and some food. Gareth turned and smiled even as his cup of tea sat for a little bit, "Lady Alecia can be persuasive when she wishes to be." Alecia looked at Alehial and winked meaning her advice from earlier did help.

"Then I am glad feminen whiles haven't lost their usefullness Gareth. I am sorry to make you wait... there was a problem to deal with... But it's taken care of now, and so you have my undivided attention." Alehial said with a smile as she took her own seat and poured herself a cup of tea. She was glad Alecia and Gareth were on slightly better terms. For one the king and qqueen should always be allies. For another they needed more children. it wasn't safe with so few. "Darryl and Asper are proud parents of the healthy and hungry Karina Ravenwood. Who is a scion like her father." Alehial informed them before taking a sip of the tea.

"Really so like her father her eyes glow?" Alecia asked very interested. She was one of the many women that fawned over the little boy with the dispostition as bright as his eyes. Gareth nodded and smiled, "So, do you figure she will be a strong in power as her father." Jessa returned from upstairs with a smile and she went immediatly to washing dishes. "Oh, I know that look, you Jessa want one of your own do you not?" Aelcia asked teasingly.

"Yes her eyes glow as well... but they glow a soft violet hue. Which is adorable! and as for strength she shows quite a lot of promise. Asper even shows signs of a disposition change. As for Jessa getting her own... first she will have to cope with being my Lady in waiting... then she can go man hunting. I can no longer depend on my daughters to do the job as they all have their own families." Alehial said answering the questions and joining in the teasing of her new lady in waiting. Alehial hoped Asper would let her bring the new family to court and be blessed by the king and the head of the churches in BEarlon.

"Well I will admit the little one is awake, but has not cried she looks about as if studying everything around her. But, those eyes will enchant everyone." Jessa said, very happy to learn she was now Lady Ravenwood's lady in waiting. Gareth looked at Alehial, "Do you suppose if her parents are also awake that we could visit for at least a second? We cannot stay long and I do want to invite them to court myself." Alecia nodded, not really caring about the court, but wanted to see the baby herself.

"It is up to them, Let me go and ask. Compose yourself Alecia I don't know how Asper will react to this so us women need to remain calm as much as we wish to ooh and aah over Karina." Alehail chuckles softly before going upstairs and gently knocking on the door. "Bailey can I come in?" ALehial asks peeking her head into the room to check if it was alright.

Asper was sitting propped up in the bed her chest bared and KArina feeding again, When the knock came and then Alehial peeked in Asper didn't even care. She was watching Karina breastfeed. She didn't know how she knew KArina was hungry because she hadn't cried but she knew she was. Although Asper was very tired she seemed mesmerized by the little one bundled in her arms.

Darryl was awake beside her watching as well his heart was filled to the brim with love for his daughter and wife. He understood why mother and father had so many children, they were a symbol of love and devotion between two people. Bailey sat on her chair and smiled before saying, "Welcome grandmother, Asper is it ok if the Lady Ravenwood comes in to visit with you?" She figured this would be the first and best test to see if they could get along. Karina blinked her eyes and continued to eat, being born really made you hungry and sleeply.

"Actually I was wondering if Gareth and Alecia might come to visit... they are busy people and well you know Alecia Darryl." Alehial said with a small giggle, for Alecia was one of Darryl's most Devout second mothers. But alehial was glad to see Asper so taken with her child... it meant things were not as they had seemed and there was plenty of hope for Darryl and her... and their family.

"Asper is it alright with you?" while he would not mind it was not his decision anymore. But, he did want the 'second mothers' to see their daughter. Bailey, thought it was very thoughtful of Darryl to ask rather than subject the baby and Asper to visitors. She then spoke up, "Asper are you hungry as well or thirsty perhaps, or you Darryl?" If it would make Asper more comfortable then Baily would leave to get food and drink.

"Thirsty... it's okay... but just the king and queen... no body else today." Asper said tiredly cradling KArina close while her baby girl fed still. Asper didn't want people taking Karina away... for some reason she couldn't explain it... it was like there was this rope from her to Karina and everytime someone else other then Darryl had her Asper was agitated and scared they would take Karina away... that pain was in her chest. But Darryl was there and she knew nothing would harm her or Karina while he was alive.

Bailey got up, "I will inform the crown and send them up with something for you two to drink if you need anything just hollar." A short time later Gareth and Alecia entered the room, she carried a cup for Asper and put it in her hands. "Oh, Asper she is so addorable I hope you will both bring her to court so the king can offer his congratulations formally and have the local churchs offer blessings." Gareth echoed the comments, but let Alecia see the little one, he did however offer his congratulations as well. Darryl was happy all the attention was on Karina and Asper, he was generally surprised that she was very calm about the visitors.

Asper was tense but leaning against Darryl in the bed she was okay. Karina had finished eating and she had covered back up before the crown came in but Asper was a little nervous about them being around Karina. "I don't beleive in gods." Asper said, it was the only thing she said and it was obvious how tired she was by how little she was voicing. Alehial sat nearby in case they needed any help. But once Karina burped Asper handed her with obvious tepidation to the queen. "For a minute." Asper said softly, taking a drink and sighing as it soothed her throat and helped quench her thirst.

"Of course." Alecia said with a genuine smile at Asper. The Queen held little Karina and cooed over how beautiful she was and that truly she was the most perfect baby she'd seen. Then she looked back to Asper and said simply, "Well, even if they don't exist you wouldn't want to tempt fate by not receiving them in case they do." Her tone wasn't putting her down or speaking down to her, just one mother to another. She then handed her back and kissed Karina's hand and then Asper's cheek then around to kiss Darryl's cheek as well. Gareth leaned down and whispered, "I will leave it in your hands Asper & Darryl to decide, but still I would like to have you bring her to court to recieve my blessing and congratulations."

 Asper stayed silent and held Karina again, before yawning largely. She was after all still very tired and now that Karina was fed... Asper was trtying not to fall asleep but her eyes were already drooping and she didn't know how much longer she could stay awake for everyone.

Alehial smiled softly and gestured for Darryl to tend to ASper and the baby. "Alright visiting time is over. Asper had a long delivery and need her rest." Alehial said ushering out Gareth and Alecia, she took them downstairs and beamed. She was really very proud of Darryl and Asper too for how they had behaved, well of course Darryl but anyways she was very proud of how everything had gone so well.

Darryl kissed Asper's cheek, "Would you like me to put her in the crib for you?" He loved the fact that Asper was willing to let The Queen hold Karina and simply stated her beliefs instead of making a cutting remark. He knew a great part of the family would arrive tomorrow and hope to see her and then a thought hit him. "When you feel up to it I will put you and Jake together so you can tell him about being an uncle."

"To tired now... " Asper said grumpily handing Karina very gently to Darryl. PAssing her over to him made her chest ache a little but not as feircly as it had when the queen was holding her daughter. Asper knew something was different.. that she was acting different but she was so tired and she wanted to rest and Karina had to be safe. Asper didn't know what had come over her but she was protective of Karina to the point where it was rather disturbing in her mind.

Darryl held their daughter close and smiled at her then Asper, "I love you little Karina and promise to try and be the best father I can." He gently set her in the crib and rejoined Asper whispering, "I love you Asper and promise to try and be the best husband I can." He then settled in for some sleep and pondered everything, if Karina would be their only child then he was fine with that. There would be plenty of cousins and family to play with and someday adventure with, and he would love Asper just the same if not more as time passed. In Asper's eyes he could see when she held Karina or talked lately, some of the sharpness was gone, but the woman he fell in love with was still there underneath.

Alehial was in the kitchen and helping clean things up. There was nothing she could do about things upstairs and she was useless just sitting there. So she was trying to do the best she could by keeping busy and not worrying or worrying anyone else. What was she supposed to do though when no one in the family needed her? She was alone... and she was having a hard time dealing with that fact. In fact she was doing everything she could to not deal with that very fact.

Jessa was putting things away and coming up with a list of things for tomorrow both in cleaning and cooking, she was unsure how long they would be here helping and she needed to make sure she did everything well. "M'lady, why don't you get some sleep you've been working so very long today. I can handle what is left before doing the same then starting breakfast and the like." Bailey had retired to her room to rest and had made an attempt to convince Alehial to do the same.

"I'm sorry Jessa you go ahead before me and I'll finish up. There are some things that I miss doing... back when Altair and I were in the camp... up on the fronteir... well... it's moved on since then a lot but there are still things I miss dearly." Alehial said with a sad smile, with every baby she helped bring into the world, she watched her family get that much older without her... and that much closer to their deaths and that was becoming the more promenant thought in her head with each passing child.

The young lady was very torn, she was tired but didn't want to leave the noblewoman to do what was left. "Lady Ravenwood are you sure, I don't want to leave you?" She had written out a list of what she could make for breakfast and would allow the happy couple decide what they'd like and decide the rest of the day's food as well.

"I will take care of everything and I promise not to touch the stove or try to cook anything. Go on to bed dear... You've done a wonderful job helping my family, you should be proud of yourself." Alehial said with a soft smile as she shooed the woman out of the kitchen. In truth Alehial had other plans for the night. But she finished cleaning up and setting things out for the morning. It was something that needed done. Then she went to the back of the house and changed her shape into her cat form. Traveling through the city and to Tessa's home. It was easy as a cat to get past people even in this city and so she was completely undisturbed as she returned to the house. Back in her natural shape she unlocked the door silently and snuck inside careful not to let the men and women gaurding the house see her. Once inside she headed for Tessa's room.

If anyone had seen her no alarm was raised, she found the bedroom as they had left it after cleaning. Tess had once told Alehial how much the room was a great sanctuary when she and her husband had argued about Flint. It had broken her heart when the two men most important in life warred so often. It was then that Lyriel had stepped forward and proved to be sent by the divine. With her help Flint and her husband called a truce to the fighting when the girls had been born, and now all that was left was this empty house.

Alehial went through the room slowly touching things here and there before sitting on Tessa's chair. It had been a gift from Alehial for the babies. She sat down and sighed softly, it seemed that time was passing on and more of her friends were dying. Would she become like Flint one day? She wondered to herself. She hoped Lyriel would help FLint snap out of this... but at the same time she didn't wish Lyriel to be tied down when she was so young, she may love flint very much but Lyriel was very very young and that love might someday fade when he gets older and possibly more possessive. Alehial didn't want that for Lyriel, she wanted her daughter to have the freedom to love and adventure and travel as she wanted. Like she wanted. But she had children... and she had let herself tie herself down. While she loved all of her children and her husband dearly she still had a need to go out into the world. See what there was to see and do all she could.

Alehial could smell the smoke and hear the children screaming, she got up from her bed and grabbed her weapons. There was fighting and calls of aid as she could hear it her family was trying to expel invaders. When she arrived at the stairs she could see the pitched battle as many bodies lay motionless in the entryway, she just could not tell who they all were. In the middle of the hall was Altair and her uncle were fighting in the center, and then she saw it. The dark figure with glowing green eyes at the door of the nursery it looked at her then darted inside and the door slammed shut and she could see the flames from under the door.

Alehial then awoke with a start, it had all been a nightmare she was still in Tess's room. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she was finding it hard to slow both it and her breathing down. Could someday this be true, would the house burn and something she could not fight take her children from her? Galin's words echoed in her head, he had a plan to keep her children safe and right now Altair did not.

Tears ran down Alehials cheeks and she stood quickly. "Gods give me strength to get through this... I can't let anyone hurt my babies... I can't do this Please let Altair forgive me fo anything I might do." Alehial prayed wiping her cheeks with her hands violently. She was going to ask what Galin was willing to do to help her keep her children safe. She simply was to afraid of something hurting her children, her children were the only thing that would last after she was gone, her blood line. Altair's blood line. Something that was physical that told the world that She and Altair had truelly loved one another. Their children would tell that tale, but only if the children survived and lived past Alehial and Altair. Alehial reached into her bodice and pulled out Galin's pin. "Galin I need to speak to you." Alehial spoke while holding the pin. Galin had already told her he knew when she was in the house, and this was how she was supposed to contact him. After the dream, after everything happening in Sildea as well.

After a short time a shimmering portal appeared and Galin stepped out in a simple tunic and dark pants, on his side was a short sword. He said nothing, but bowed respectfully to her and took a seat near the fireplace. "I'm sorry it took a little time, I was in the middle of a meeting and had to finish it. I am here, so why have you asked for my prescence Lady Ravenwood?" Galin knew why she called out for him it was all in the plan and inside he celebrated.

"Don't patronize me Galin, I know you are planning something... I also know that part of that plan involves me not being involved. The only way that you can get me out of the picture would be to force my hand with my babies. You and I both know you are still evil. A slimy evil bastard in fact, and we both know... that for my children I will do everything in my power. Even sacrifice myself. What are you proposing to help me meet that end." Alehial asked at the end eyeing him warily, she had no weapons and he did have one, that was something she did not approve of at all. The other was that he seemed smug to her, but then he always seemed smug to her as well.

He looked up at her and lowered the smug look, "I will not again go over for the hunderedth time I have been absolved of any evil by not only priests but even by my stepmother. Now are you wishing to hear my plan to protect your children or shall I return to hunting your uncle down so that I may lay Lord Soth to rest?" He stood up and headed for the door, she was desperate for an answer, but not enough to allow him to help her. He did however stop and speak over his shoulder, "My guild is stretching forth from Andor to several places all over the world and currently I have several places where your children would be safe and I suppose I could even attempt to parley with Galedrid about protecting Elsa, Darryl and those children as well. However, it isn't easy to want to volunteer such help if there is no appreciation for it.

"Stop! Stop Galin... I..." Alehial looked at the floor, she had to steel herself, she had to be able to do this... If she messed this up... there would almost certainly be nothing she could do to stop people from getting to her children. "I will not apologize for what I know and for what I beleive. But please." Alehial paused and took a deep breath so she could finish politely asking for help. "Do not let my children die for this. Whatever happens my baby's At least they have to be safe Galin and I... I'm asking for your help." Alehial said blinking quickly before wiping at the stray tears that escaped her eyes. She looked down at the floor unable to face Galin after this. HE was too smug, he knew she would break down eventually she was just that kind of woman. She was predictable enough that he could have planned this. Anyone knew about her and her children.

He turned and offered her a handkerchief, "Wipe your tears Lady, they are my blood as well as yours. Here is a couple sealed plans for where your younger children and yourself to stay until these problems can be dealt with. Read them then destroy them so no others may see them." he said handing the two small scrolls over to her. Galan then retook his seat and waited for her to read through them and decide where she and the children would go. "Shall I also place it on my list of things to do to find a way to keep the elder children out of harms way as well?" he fell silent then begining to work out how that would happen anyway.

Alehial didn't take the hankercheif but she did take the scrolls. She looked over them breifly She would actually read them a little later. "My older children have families they have to take care of on their own. I doubt Elsa or the others would try to run you through with such little ones under their care Galin. Alehial continued to stand and she looked at Galin she was obviously schooling her features, and she was not happy about this. But she had stopped her tears at least. Alehial was obviously very stressed right now and it was as good a time as any to press your luck with her. "But not putting them on the kill list would be highly appreciated of course." Alehial said trying desperately to pull herself back together. She knew if he got the advantage much more then he already had then she'd be truelly sunk.

Galin leaned forward looking her in the eye and reading her reaction, "I am not the one that has a list with our families names on it. That belongs to your uncle, tell me I lie, you know he harbors hatred for the world your husband destroyed. Too the fact I even will agree to work out a deal to keep the elder children and their families safe will prove that I have tempered my savagery." His words carried truth, since Altair had been trapped in a world parrellel to their own enable a new Galadried, Galin and a double of Taringail to appear on Glaeron. Thanks to her family now only the Galadried copy was left to be destroyed, and after doing that when next Altair died he would never return to her.

"I know how well you've set everything Galin. I am still asking for help. I am hoping and praying this will not be a horrible mistake Galin. But I really am left with no choice. I love Altair and I will die when he does, even if I still must live without him I won't be living in the same world. But while my children live I must protect them. You know this. There is nothing I can do about it." Alehial said frowning and scowling slightly at Galin. He was baiting her... he had to be, he always did try to make her angry for some reason.

Standing he then extened his hand to her, "Take my hand and we agree the hostility between us is over for the protection of our babies and my nieces and nephews." Galin knew he could protect her family well and even toyed with the idea of forcing something else from her. No, having her give herself to him would cheapen his victory in the end Alehial was cornered and now he would have to be careful how he went from here. "Call for me in a couple days when you have decided where and which children would be coming under the guilds protection. And I will avail you to my plans to hopefully protect the rest, although I ask your help to keep Flint from ruining his life with the merchants daughter." he then left her alone in Tess's room.

Alehial scowled angrily. She had shaken his hand, she couldn't not. Not with eher dreams plagueing her mind, not with the dangers in the world. Alehial gathered her things and headed back to Darryls. Once in the kitchen, she had the chance to sit down and actually read the scrolls and thinking everything out very carefully. She wanted to take care of her family but she was scared. Scared and angry, she was hoping the idea would simply come to her. What Galin wanted was the real question, that's what frightened her so much.

The first was a facility in Tessia on a small island that was almost inaccessible by boat and Galin's wizards cloaked with magic to keep disciples out. The second was an old ruin that was underground and was impregnable unless you had a guild pin and even then she and those children that came with her would be protected by scores of Guild members, Galin, and if she wished it Flint could accompany them. It would keep Galin's son from having to marry Poppy and giving him somewhere to live rather than bob along in an unfriendly world. Any other elder child would have to be approved by Galin of course. In all it looked like these two places would be harder to breach than the estate at this time, now all she had to do was choose.

Alehial didn't want to be stuck with Galin, Galin was the root of all of Alehial's problems, then again this new Galin... while trickier was more frightening then ever. But he also hadn't lied yet in his actions. Not against Alehial, while if he had still lied it wasn't exaclty, in her face. She threw the scrolls into the fireplace. She had to really think this over. Her descision would take time, and whatever she decided would change everything she knew that.

The next morning the house was in full swing with Jessa had recruited Bailey to help her some and was making all sorts of things to welcome invited guests who came to wish well upon the new family. When she went upstairs to deliver breakfast she peeked into the crib and was so struck by those beautiful eyes, "She is truly an amazing little girl mistress Asper. Is there anything I can get or do for you right now?" She knew that Lady Ravenwood and Darryl's wife didn't see eye to eye and figured she could still be helpful to Asper and in truth be helpful to Lady Ravenwood at the same time. Asper's change in mood was refreshing and the young lady in waiting hoped that one day she could be a mother as well as a wife to such a cozy little family.

"Just some tea I guess... but put real sugar in it! I want Darryl to make me breakfast... could you... bring her to me? I've been told to try and feed her every two hours and I'd like to sleep as much as I can." Asper said demanding at first but then her tone softened yet again as she spoke about her husband and little girl. Whatever had happened to Asper seemed to be sticking around at least for the next couple of days. Who knew if it would really last or if she would change back to the surly woman she had been before. But Alehial had assured Jessa having a baby changed people, and Asper was so frightened of it before that now all she had in her heart now was love for the baby and her husband who was taking care of them. Alehial had also mused with Bailey that it might be the little girls feelings bleeding over into her mother, Darryl had done some of that when he was a baby calming angry people down with his simple pressence. Alehial was positive it was a scion trait that they might not even be aware of at such as early stage.

"Of course miss it will be my honor." Jessa said before gently lifting Karina and bringing her to Asper and setting the small infant in her mother's arms. Darryl heared her request and came from the other room, "Of course Asper I will make you breakfast and your tea. Jessa would you mind staying here while I take care of breakfast in case Asper needs anything." The lady in waiting nodded and smiled at Asper, "I will tidy up a bit if it won't disturb you." Darryl leaned over and kissed Asper and then their daughter before leaving to make breakfast.

Asper took Karina in her arms very gently and kissed her head. Then she opened her shirt and guided Karina to her teat. Letting the little girl feed so she could get fed and Asper wanted to be comfertable without Darryl there in the room. Though she was a little frightened, about what was going on and what would happen, her daughter was in her arms and Darryl was there with her and he wanted to stay with her. But Asper wasn't sure if this would all last. But those fears aside she was very content to be where she was with Karina in her arms.

Karina latched on and began to suckle with no complaint or fuss and began to feed. Jessa moved about the room with a damp dust cloth and hummed a little to herself, "May I say you seem a natural with her Mistress Asper I hope I am as good when I have my own child." Darryl returned shortly with a mug of tea and one of Finn's sweetrolls on a small plate. "I thought you might like this and if you are still hungry I can get you anything else okay?" he said setting them down and smiling at them both. Jessa slipped past and went back downstairs to take care of the kitchen.

Asper grinned instantly smelling the roll and upon seeing the sweet glazing over the sugery concoction. She all but ignored Jessa not being very comfertable with her breast out even if Karina was feeding and the girl being in the room at the same time. But once Darryl had returned she relaxed further and reached out for the tea first, she would be good for him for now. "Tea please." She asked softly, after all she hadn't had a whole lot to drink after Karina was birthed the other day. Now she could drink and eat just fine, while her diet would probably still be monitered she would be allowed to have sugar again and her stomach wouldn't rebel. The only thing that stank up the whole deal was still no alcohol because she had to feed Karina.

Darryl passed the nug to Asper with a knowing smile, he had scared the chef at Finn's when he popped in to buy a roll for Asper. But, she had been so strong and brave during the birth that she deserved at lest thia roll if not more. Karina ate until her little tummy was full and released her mother and yawned, her little eyes glowed a little before they closed. "After you eat and rest how about I get the basin and help you wash up, before guests arrive?" he asked wanting to be helpful. "And there won't be many just immediate family, and when your tired they'll go home."

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