Page name: Ravenwood Estates 18 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2013-11-16 01:03:27
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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back to the The Andorian chronicles

Awhile later after the twins were asleep, Conner and Flint returned with the body. Aras was wrapped with care in Conner's bed roll, and he was right whatever happened to Tess befell her as well. Altair informed ALehial and Sirrus then left for the elves to care for her. Flint went to find Lyriel, they needed to rest and after hearing what befell Aras he needed someone he trusted. Conner went with Altair to see the girls, Lucas was with Tani and he wanted to check on the rest of the little ones.

The twins were fast asleep in the same bed still tightly holding hands, it was obvious that they had cried after being put down, their faces were still dirty not having gotten cleaned so their tear stains had moved the dirt and smudged on the blankets and pillows. Lyriel was hauling with another elf a dead orc body, they were being piled outside the walls to be burned so as to not let any disease into the city. She was tired but she felt it was partially her fault that the fight had happened. She could have done more to stop them and hadn't. So this was her atonement.

Altair checked on the others then turned to Conner, "You did well in keeping them safe. You are a credit to our family son, now go get some rest." Conner blinked having not heard his father say anything like that lately. "If it is all the same father, I'll take up the chair over there in case they wake up. You might be needed elsewhere since you are in command of the army." Altair nodded and after kissing both girls cheeks left them with COnner.

Flint found Lyriel and shook his head and began helping transport bodies. "Alright cousin, as long as you refuse to rest then so shall I. No matter if we are both too exhausted to weild even a twig if another wave happens to arrive at the walls. He hefted one of the smelly brutes onto the growing pile, hoping a druid could use a spell to blow the stench anywhere but back to the city. He knew Lyriel's mind, she felt there should have been more she could have done, and it wasn't true, they did everything they could have done.

"I don't need sleep like you do Flint..." Lyriel sighed going to another body and dragging it over to the pile where stronger elves and men from the group Altair had brought could lift it higher onto the pile. She was serious in her work and it was true she didn't need as much sleep, she was grateful for his help though, there were too many wounded elves or dead that needed seeing to that might get infected or forgotten, lyriel didn't want that to happen so this was the least she could do... she knew Flint would dissapprove he almost always did.

He said nothing else, there was nothing to say he would work like she did until there was no other recourse but rest. Lifting another orc brute he hefted him high enough for the soldier on the pile could lift it further into place. Some elves were using rope to hoist the dead smelly things into their final resting place. Still he couldn't shake the sight of Aras from his mind, just like his family it tore at his heart. Another elf, reached out to Lyriel, "Here let me help get it up for the ropes."

"Thank you... This is probably my last orc. I need to eat and rest a while." Lyriel told the elf softly, though she promised to be back for more work, the least she could do was defend the city or clean it up. She wasn't very good with healing spells she was mostly offensive when it came right down to it. But she was tired from not eating and doing to much work. While she wasn't ready to take her reverie just yet she did need to eat for sure.

"I understand the desire to help, I was outside the walls when the invaders came, I've only been in Sildea a couple of weeks. My home is in Northern Andor near the frontier, but I wanted to become a druid. Maybe you should take the young human with you, he seems at the end of his limit." He nodded to Flint who was struggling to get Angur's body up to the others on the top of the pile. His sword belt laid not far with several others and his cloak as well.

"The road to becoming a druid is hard... but I think it's well worth that hardship." Lyriel smiled before waving her thanks to the other elf. Though Lyriel was a druid, not many of the elves were skeptical of her now... most knew she was a Ravenwood child though. Lyriel stepped over to Flint and grabbed the orcs legs helping him heave the body higher. "After this we go eat." Lyriel says with a grunt of effort from talking and lifting the heavy dead body. Flint made it look easy with the other bodies.

He nodded and after lugging the body up he went to get his sword belt. "Food sounds good where are you thinking of getting it?" asking as he strapped it back on. The other elves & soldiers thanked them for helping, the other druid smiled and went back to his work. Down in the city center, most of the inns and taverns brought food out to soldiers who congregated about fires. Further still was Lady Sirrus' house, lit up like a beacon in the oncoming gloom.

"I could go hunt but most game is gone from the area for a while... Might as well go join the soldiers at the camps and see if the Inn has more food to offer from it's storage." Lyriel said with an elegant shrug of her shoulders. In the morning she had plans to show Altair her findings on the dead bodies. Not only that but she planned on helping retreive the dead and clean up more as well. Lyriel was nothing if not a staunch supporter of the Ravenwood cree. Help those that needed it and do the job you see to spare others. Protect those that need protected and never let any naysayers stop you. Lyriel smiled at Flint. "It was a hard battle I'm proud of how well you faught." She praised knowing he wasn't feeling the greatest about all of this.

"You did very well yourself, and Altair would be proud of the way you still remember the creed." he said returning her smile. Two tents wafted smells of cooking meats and vegetables, another had kegs and barrels about and orderly lines of elves and men getting food. Taking up a place at the end of the line they began the wait to get up to the food. "This is almost preferable to what waits for me back in Baerlon." He honestly wondered if he couldn't find a way to stay here in Sildea and miss the forced wedding to Poppy.

"Then stay Sildea will need help getting back on it's feet and reconstructing the walls where the enemy got inside. I'm sure they would be glad for another pair of hands, especially a Ravenwood pair." Lyriel said softly, she too didn't care for the idea of heading back to bearlon where her dear cousin would be set upon by that vicious family. Truth be told Lyriel would rather stay here with Flint, estranged as they were there was still welcome for them here in this Elven city.

They waited until they got to the head of the line, Flint selected some chicken and vegetables for his meal waiting for Lyriel to choose before heading to the other tent. "I've thought about asking, although not really sure how Altair would react. He would have to know I was dodging Poppy and her pig of a father." The idea of being related to that man was disgusting, he treated others not of his class like dirt. And from everything he heard he taught his daughter to be like him and she picked up a lot of other nocturnal habits.

"He would be glad to have all the help offering to stay behind and help Alehial's homeland. He is sending the children home... and probably Conner and more then a few of us back as well. Silea would not turn away those who wish to help Flint... and Altair would press no one to return if they wish to help." Lyriel said confidently, even Gareth would probably agree, at least that's what Lyriel thought. Seeing as she went to court and stayed in the shadows of the hall she heard many things, and being the sole student of Alehial she learned many more things, things pertaining not just to the druidic arts.

Taking a couple flagons and finding a spot to sit and eat, Flint motioned for her to follow him. He sat down and said a prayer and then tore into the meal in front of him. All around elves and humans ate side by side and discussed the battle and glory their departed friends would reach the other side with. It would normally have been a more somber situation, but the men actually were taking heart and some even told stories that made everyone around them laugh. Flint looked across at Lyriel and smirked like he did, before taking a swig from his flagon.

Lyriel simply sat and ate. She didn't laugh at any of the stories though they were amusing and she certainly wasn't crying by any means. But she was as she always had been a very serious kind of person. So as she ate her food she thought of those who had given their lives to protect their home and said a prayer for their families still here. She herself didn't feel like rejoicing simply because there was more work to be done and until it was finished and those who had given their lives buried and appeased she would think of nothing else... except for the safety of the others. This was who Lyriel had become.

Hands appeared on her shoulders and Altair leaned forward to talk to her. "Have either of you rested at all?" he asked with that fatherly concern on his face. Flint looked up then right back down at his plate hoping he was going to avoid what was going to come next. Altair was a good leader and when soldiers found out that he was going anywhere the transfer requests were unbelieveable. He expected any soldiers best and could be stern, but he was never cruel and showed the soldiers they were important to Andor.

"No father, we just came from orc duty. Flints needs rest more then I... Did you need something?" Lyriel asked putting her plate down and giving Altair her full attentions while Lyriel was tired it didn't mean she couldn't help her father if he needed it. After all Lyriel more then anything wanted to help the family and be there when they needed it to repay the kindness and love they had given her. Ravenwood she may be but she didn't start that way and this journey for her had been a somewhat long and hard one. It was then she wondered what Xibix had been up to but she forwent the thought for the moment and refocused on Altair.

"Yes, I do need both of you, to go and rest if any orcs happen to reappear I'll need both of you at your best. So, finish your meals and find somewhere, I don't care where and rest. If I find you do otherwise, I'll get your mother or grandmother to come after you. And don't think Flint you have a free pass, they'll come after you as well." His tone carried more of a hint of fatherly concern and parental order, just in his own way.

"Yes father..." Lyriel said clearly dissapointed. She would take her reverie once she finished her food and cleaned herself up. Since it had been Altair to command it Lyriel would not disobey him, rarely had she ever disobeyed him if ever and Alehial even more so. Lyriel glanced over at Flint wondering what his reaction would be but He was very tired and needed sleep badly, Lyriel knew this already.

"Yes uncle..." Flint knew better, Altair and grandfater Conner kept him in line when he was little. He backside remembered even better than the man, was the price of disobeying was. Altair, happy they didn't argue kissed Lyriel's cheek and stood up going down the table to speak with the men and keep morale at a good place. "So," Flint began, "Any idea where we find somewhere to rest, Grandmother Sirrus's is rather full. And I figure sleeping against a tree is an idea, but not a comfortable one."

"I fins sleeping against trees rather peaceful, if you'd like to use my lap as a pillow you can." Lyriel said softly finishing her meal and tankard of pure water. They could rest in grandmother Sirrus' garden, the moss was soft and the tree bark smooth there. They didn't even need a blanket it was warm enough they could go without. The only thing Lyriel was going to change was out of her armor and into fresh clothing. After washing up of course. She hoped Flint was going to do the same.

"Well, how could I pass that up offer, however I need to wash first. I'm sure my clothes could probably stand on their own right now." He finished his plate and drink, being near Lyriel made him peaceful and after what he saw he needed peace. Standing he went and returned the dinnerware and asked about where one could wash up. "They have been nice enough to set an area aside where anyone can use to wash up, shall we head that way?"

"Yes please." Lyriel said softly, she was tired after all, and after four hours and four more of resting while waiting for Flint to sleep she would be fully fit and able. Though it made her heart no less heavy seeing the damadge the beautiful elven kingdom had taken, to it's walls and buidlings and to it's people. Lyriel only wished she could do more to help but satisfyed her desire by helping where she could doing what she did best.

They walked to the area where fires were heating water and other pots held wash water for towels and other linens. An elven maid came to them carrying towels and smiled, "Ladies to the left and Men to the right, we will also launder your clothes if you wish." Flint looked at Lyriel and smiled pulling his pack off and digging inside, "If you don't have anything one of my shirts will cover everything." Flint packed as he had been taught and had another set of clothes for himself as well. He headed to the right and poked his head around the corner, "Just don't leave without me, alright."

"Alright." Lyriel nodded setting her own pack aside and pulling out her favorite set of clothing, leather leggings and a cut off duelers shirt. It usually hung large but it was comfertable and easy to move in. Once she finished undressing she bathed quickly and rinsed her hair, making sure she was clean and fresh but not spending any more time then she had to in the water or washing considering she was getting a good amount of stares from others. Her black skin shone from the water and the washing and once dried and dressed and waited for flint near the front again. Her hair would take hours to dry and she plaited it instead of leaving it down to dry. It would only get in the way.

Flint exited the other area carrying his pack and looked cleaner than he had in days. "I must say you look very nice without mud, sweat, or blood covering you." Flint knew others stared at Lyriel because she was drow, he never could explain that it never bothered him. He always just thought his cousin was beautiful and that he loved her just as she was. Wrapping his arm in hers he smiled again, "Shall we go to Lady Sirrus' to rest in the garden?"

"Yes. You need it." Lyriel teased though it was the truth. In fact Lyriel was glad he had time to get cleaned properly, he had needed a shave as well. While some women liked beards Lyriel was not one of those women. In fct she only prefurred her men hairy on their heads and chests. Of course that could be because of her upbringing. The thought of being able to take her Reverie however was enough that she stepped lightly enough even carrying her own pack, she did wish for her hat of disguise but right now it would help no one and so she didn't use it. While she wasn't treated badly there was still hesitency in those who delt with her.

"Would've shaved except I couldn't find my razor, but Uncle had one for a little while until your mother and Grandmother Lai conspired and used that spell." He chuckled remembering that Lai took great mirth in telling the children about Alehial's refusal to even kiss Altair while he had it. The house was quiet and even the house steward was surprised to see them but smiled warmly. "Mistress Ravenwood and Master Ravenwood, Lady Sirrus had not left any word you would be arriving, but we can find room to accomidate you." The staff at Sirrus' house knew all of the Ravenwoods and had no problem with the fact that Flint was human and Lyriel was drow, they had known them all their lives and loved them.

"we only require a blanket, we will rest in the garden so those that need it can have the room and more comfertable accomodations. But thank you for the kind offer." Lyriel says with a soft smile, she worried sometimes that she might have brought an ill word unto Sirrus, but she never worried much about such things. After all Lyriel wasn't the only strange find that had been brought to Sildea over the years and she was sure she wasn't going to be the last either.

Getting into the garden FLint allowed her to pick the tree which would shelter them. He unbuckled his swordbelt and set it down then let his pack down. "So, remember the time we shared a bottle in that little thicket outside Baerlon?" he asked smiling from ear to ear. So many good memories of being with Lyriel, and not just sharing a bed & sex. Flint thought if he had to leave Andor those memories would have to sustain him.

"Yes... We did a lot around that thicket I seem to recall... usually when I snuck you out of your house and out of the garrison." Lyriel grinned at Flint while she settled against a smooth bark tree that had seen many people leaning against it. She settled comfertably and had her stuff nearby, motioning for Flint to take his place as well she closed her eyes. Lyriel thought of the many things they had done together. "Be safe Xibix." Lyriel said under her breath as she reveiwed how the little imp played into things as well. She missed the little fellow but she didn't dwell on it.

Flint took a seat and laid back settling his head across her legs and smiled up at her. "Rest well Lyriel and I will see you when I awake." he whispered to her. High above them turning a small circle was Xibix having watched the fight with great interest and enjoyment. Orcs he felt were too big and dumb, the humans and elves could wipe them out for all he cared. Now, his friend Lyriel was something else entirely; she was fun and when he thought back even when mating with the human on her lap was so much better than an orc.

Lyriel began brushing his hair, running her fingers through his short hair and waited until he was asleep, when he was safely asleep she relaxed and let out another sigh. "Another long day tomorrow." She sighed softly to herself before gathering herself and slipping into her reverie, gathering her strength and focusing for four hours until she felt well rested and woke again. She went back to stroking Flint's hair and watching his face, she would run off with him to another country to keep him safe and assure the family he was fine rather then return without him and lose part of the family that meant so much to her.

Not far above she heard a little whisper, "Does hes purrs toos when youse do thhat?" Xibix allowed himself to become visible although was ready to vanish if Flint woke up. While Lyriel and he were on friendly terms, the human may consider him a threat. In truth anyone should his kind thrived on chaos and he wondered if while talking he could push them into another interlude. Leaning down from his perch he looked into the drow maiden's eyes and spoke, "Isi youse and hims gonny snuggal? I's goes finds somewheres to bes ifs sos."

"No he doesn't purr... but it does make him feel relaxed... and no Xibix... there has been too much death, too much sadness and fear. I must do what I can to help the elves of Sildea and my family. It's my duty." Lyriel says smiling lightly at the little fiend. She reached up slowly to scratch his chin, she didn't mind the little imp. In fact she felt quite naturally relaxed around it. Probably not the best idea but still there it was and there she was.

The imp smiled, or what would pass for a smile to anyone seeing one of his kind. "Whatz weez doings nezt, stayingz herez ors goins backs to citiez?" he asked in his whispered tones. Xibix had seen many cities around the world while serving her father and his schemes. If they were going to go back to Baerlon, he'd tag along and see what would happen. Just steering clear of the divine couple and the obvious dislike of imps like him.

"For the next several days we are staying here... then... Well I suppose it is up to Flint. Alehial and Altair know I would never abandon him. I know in fact they would support us, sending us money and making sure that through contacts and business partners we were taken care of. But it all depends on Poppy and Flint. That girl... she's slept with every male that will have her that she finds attractive and yet she wished to have Flint to herself so she can scheme and plot. Even though Flint would never stand for it and probably would never even touch her." Lyriel says unhappily, she kept the calming motions of her hands though and only her voice showed her disgust.

"Whys nots Lyriels claimz the Flintz fors herselves?" he asked trying to understand. The affairs of people was something he watched and liked to interject a little chaos. Flint turned his head in his sleep, his nose rubbing against her shirt but continued to sleep. Xibix stared wide-eyed at him then glanced at her as if to see what he should do. All around them the house was quiet even though Lyriel had seen people passing by windows every so often.

"Because it would leave a scar on my heart I don't think I could recover from... as it is this is the hardest thing I might ever do in my life Xibix, but I cannot deny that our destiny's follow the same path." Lyriel says softly still petting Flint's hair, she knew he often had bad dreams, he had for a long time. She hoped to ease that if she could. She wasn't too worried about people seeing her talk to herself either, for Ravenwood children being crazy was a must.

"I's underztands, I's thinks butz popels confuzes Xibix zometimez. So's betterz loze hims thens letz hims hurtz youse?" The imp regarded the human again thinking about how people and imps differed. In one case a female that thought Xibix might hurt her would try to kill him outright or hiss whenever he drew near. Maybe Lyriel was lulling him into a sense of peace then quickly take him down.

"I would rather be close then ter see him again Xibix that's all. But yes you have the core thought of it." Lyriel said in agreement, she still spoke softly, she didn't want to wake Flint he still needed a few hours so she became silent and began to commune with nature for the required hour or so. Preparing her spells for the day and keeping herself busy with her thoughts, she didn't ignore xibix really but she was no longer paying attention to him as focused.

Xibix left her side and went up into the tree to think about what she said in its entirety. Her father at times indulged in sex with those he felt nothing for, and Lyriel and Flint indulged in each other, with a little help. But, why would she allow another female have what clearly was more fit for her? Using his magic he nudged Flint's mind and whispered to his wishes. "If you truly love Lyriel, why not make sure she is safe and maybe then things will work out." and watched as Flint shifted uncomfortably.

Lyriel gently brushed her fingers over his forehead soothingly, she hoped he was having calm dreams. Or at least dreams without their personal demons in them. She continued to remain seated and to study the garden around them. The house was very busy still, though the childrens rooms were still dark, Lyriel wanted to visit the twins and Jake but she would see if she had any time. Lyriel thought nothing of Xibix doing anything, she didn't know Imps could suggest things in peoples minds so she never thought Xibix was doing anything bad really.

He looked to Lyriel, "He needs your comfort, to feel that connection again." The thought was simple, they never needed to be for people could be nudged easily. Most of the time though wizards and the like resisted his nudges, so he quit trying to get through to them. Xibix curled up and watched, seeing how his nudge would work out. Hopefully, once everyone was up and eating that Lyriel could feed him.

Lyriel sighed softly and thought to herself as long as he was still asleep... Leaning over him she gently and softly brushed her lips over his. It was a very soft kiss, but she hoped it calmed him. It helped calm her somewhat and she hoped it calme dhim too. She continued to stroke her fingers through his hair as well though. She hoped he calmed down because once he woke she was going to go help the Elves again with their grisly work, and also go into the forest to purge the forest of the dead and evil left behind.

Flint stirred a little and pressed back against her lips lightly. Up above Xibix blinked and felt rather proud of himself, for his nudges to work there really had to be something between them both. He once tried to push a stuck up noble girl and a stable boy together, but it ended badly. Stretching out along the branch he pondered what would happpen in the next couple days. The Ravenwoods would help where they could then go home, he of course would tag along and see where Flint and Lyriel would go.

Lyriel smiled softly and straightened up, she would wait until he woke. SHe was fine as she sat still so he could rest. Talking to Xibix had surprisingly helped her a lot. Though she still had work to do after Flint was done sleeping, she would go to it better now for not worrying about Flint too much. Lyriel could only hope this was a sign of things becoming for the better, in the future and in their lives... all of their lives.

A little while later Flint opened his eyes and looked up at her, "Good morning. Did you rest well?" he spoke softly not wanting to dispel the peaceful feeling here in the garden. Knowing there was still much to do, but wanting to let her know his appreciation he kissed her wrist. "I feel like we should get moving and help out today, maybe even check in on the littler ones. Maybe see what the general has planned before we set off for home."

"Food first then we check in with the general. I rested well thank you... your dreams were peacefull?" Lyriel asked softly a little worried they hadn't been, she had hoped her presence would calm him greatly so that he might rest fully. Of course there was still much work to be done there was no doubt of that but they could not ignore the demands of their own bodies either. So Lyriel was going to make sure Flint ate and rested well, so that they could both be of better help to Sildea.

"They generally never are, but with you here they were as close as they ever get. I agree, we'll eat and see the children then speak with Uncle and see what we can do to continue to help." Flint stodd and offered his hand to her, he hadn't lied too much was happening now for him to sleep well. First the sham marriage to Poppy, Aras dying the exact same way as his family it just never stopped. He still went over and over everything until it made his heart ache and fill with the desire for revenge, to make someone answer for this.

"I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one to say the look on your face right now does not suit you at all Flint. But I can certainly understand why." Lyriel said softly as his face had darkened and his mood could only be described as dangerous. She knew very well what he was feeling right at the moment and even though her own father was dead, the family her real family still had need of her. She would greive later when she had time to be alone. Letting him help her to her feet she gathered her things and lead the way to the house. Still there was movement and more then likely everyone was helping to do something. Lyriel just hoped the twins were alright, they had a frightening ordeal... again.

They walked in to find Altair already awake and having a cup of tea (elves rarely had coffee around) and reading reports. Lady Sirrus likewise was drinking tea and watching her son-in-law, which she disagreed with doing work at the table. It worked for hi and Alehail though and she would not argue the point. Conner had relieved his father and was watching over the twins in their room. Everyone had to admit the younger Ravenwood had changed a little since having to kill to protect his sisters, he was begining to show the streak the marked him a Ravenwood.

"Father, Grandmother. We are here for a light break fast and for any orders. I would be glad to do any work that someone would have need of me." Lyriel said walking in after greeting them both with good mornings. Lyriel didn't kiss either persons cheeks. She had never been comfertable with it. and as they were sitting huggign wouldn't be appropriate so she stood between them both waiting for orders of some sort. She would check on her little sisters once they woke, she didn't want to pester them.

Sirrus had brightened a little when Lyriel and Flint arrived as did Altair although he was mainly reading. "Lyriel, Flint, we could use the both of you to help guard a large group of Druids who are going to attempt to repair the damage to our walls. I will then have to meet with the council and see what they deem so important to call an assembly." Altair looked up and blinked, more than likely the assembly would be to discuss what the elves would do next in regard to safeguarding their kingdom. Flint wondered if that was a good thing or not, when people assembled sometimes life got a whole lot worse.

Lyriel nodded. "Of course we will Grandmother. Do they think it wise to gather now while repairs and hands are still needed to calm the people and clean up?" Lyriel asked gently not wanting to upset anyone but the decision seemed a little rash to her personally. Though what they might be discussing well there were a few things on the top of her brain. She asked for some outs for breakfast and fruit, she didn't want to stretch the supply of food for the wounded.

"Even during repairs and tending Sildea's hurt leadership will have to deal with certain things. Though at least hopefully the problem with the walls we be solved soon, we can move on to other things." Flint while listening asked for some poridge and a slice of bread, he too was concerned about how much food they were consuming. Before much else could be said little Sirrian made his way into the dining room and tugged at his father's arm. Altair scooped his son up and set him upon his lap before asking if he wanted breakfast.

Lyriel smiled softly at seeing Altair with his children again. He always relaxed more when they were around. She didn't think he noticed how much he acted like Alehial but he did and for those who noticed it was cute. Endearing and sweet, though anyone who knew the man for longer then a few days would know just how rare that was as of late. Lyriel wondered when they would send the children home and who was staying behind to help. But Lyriel stayed silent and ate her food after asking for the blessings of the gods.

For little Sirrian once he got an idea for who was around he settled on his sister, and climbed off Altairs lap. Lyriel felt a tug at her side and looked to see Sirrian, "HI sissy, me come up?" Like the rest of the children he understood that even while she didn't look like them that Lyuriel loved him and he in turn loved her too. Sirrus smiled and even felt a warmth grow, overtaking the feelings this attack had summoned in her heart. Her daughter's children were all miracles and the older generation was truly blessed with them around.

Lyriel grinned and gave a small yes in reply before scooping up Sirrian. The little one was always attatched to those most different from the rest. no one was sure why but Feal and Lyriel and Elsa were among his favorites. Lyriel never minded though and sat him comfertably on his lap and gave him a mouthful every now and then from her own spoon. A few bites of fruit as well, she was very used to caring for the younger children, they had all taken liking to her and so this was something that happened when she went home a lot.

Flint decided to play a little with his young cousin and playfully reached over to stab a piece of fruit off the plate. Sirrian pushed his fork away, "No, no tha's Lyrie's fwuit. You get yer own!" Flint laughed and ruffled his hair, "I guess you told me, I'll leave Lyrie's food alone then." Even Altiar smiled, his children were protective of family and he was glad he and Alehial taught them that. As they sat more and more people flitted in for breakfast, including Conner and the twins.

Rissa and Sam were both holding tightly onto Conner's hands and kept close enough that they kept bumping him, though once in the room with the fmily they went to Altair and kissed his cheek and then grandmother Sirrus and then Lyriel and Sirrian and Flint before returning to Conner. Apparently they had no desire to leave his side for now.

Lyriel after returning the kiss and feeding Sirrian a little more finished her food and simply sat to wait and say good morning to the family before she had to go and help outside of the city. She was glad the twins looked okay, they were pale and were still obviously shaken a little still but they were close to Conner now for which Lyriel was glad. Conner had worried her for long time but it seemed now she wouldn't have to worry.

Conner was unused to being the focus of his little sisters, but would not fight them wanting him close. He did give Grandmother a kiss as well and turned to Lyriel and whispered, "No tongue I promise." Ever the joker, even while faced with grim news, he then greeted his cousin and father before sitting with the twins. Sirrian leaned back against Lyriel and smiled, this sissy was always willing to hold him. Rounding out the new arrivals were the nannies and the littlest ones as well as Lucas and Tani.

Tani while looking rested still was pale and looked a little haggard. It was obvious though that she had taken less time then usual this morning, wanting to go and help those who needed strength and heal those that still needed a healing touch. Burying the dead and saying prayers over them. There was much she felt she needed to do but was staying at her husbands request. "Good morning all." She said softly her voice a little hoarse but none the worse for wear.

Lucas pulled her chair out before taking his own, the house was now fully awake and in one room. Altair finished his tea and papers and stood up, "Alright, I will be working with the Sildean guard, if any of you need me that is where I will be." He then made his rounds amongst those seated to spend at least a moment or two before having to go. Jake asked for permission to go with Tani and Lucas to help where he could, Altair granted his request if Tani said it was ok. Conner told the twins he would stay with them if they wanted and keep them busy and entertained.

Both twins said yes and held onto him tightly, Tani smiled at Jake and nodded her head that it was fine with her if he came along. though she warned him it ws not pretty work. Lyriel kissed Sirrian and handed him off before she too stood to go out and be of use to Silea and her people.

Flint followed after draining his cup and thanking the steward and giving Jake a well deserved clap on the back. He felt the boy was going to grow up into a fine man. His sister raised him right and then left him learn and grow further with the Ravenwoods. Catching up with Lyriel they waited to escort Lady Sirrus to her appointed rounds. "So, any idea how the druids will fix the large chunks of missing wall around the city?" he asked her genrally interested.

"Probably the more powerful one's will use moving rock spells to move the rock up into the empty scape of the gap in the wall. It takes a while for it to work and even then it's a pretty big section so it might take a while." Lyriel said with a grin, she knew he felt a connection with Jake. "I have something to do I'll be a minute." Lyriel said softly kissing his cheek before walking back around the house again. She had some bread and a slice of fruit for Xibix, he probably didn't need her to feed him but she wanted to.

Xibix was stretched out on the branch where she left him, he had hoped his pushing would get the to make those fun noises again. But, alas they were too tired, perhaps later he would try again; he opened an eye as she approached and made himself visible. "Mornings Lyreils, youse brings Xibixs some foodsy, I likes foodsys." he said licking her face and waiting. "Whats goings ons todays, mores orcsys to kills or such things?" he asked standing up. He would have to be careful running around Sildea with all the familairs and animal companions about not to be seen.

"yes it's not much but this is what I brought." Lyriel said with a smile as she scratched under his chin gently and handed him the food she had brought out. "Today Flint and I are protecting the magic weilders as they try to repair the wall. If there are any orcs left we will kill them. But now protecting the city is the most important." Lyriel explains to the little creature, he was a small comfort to her,, something of her father's kind of.

"Oh's, Xibix wonders if Masters mightsy hases some-do-dah in his vaultsy thats coulds helps Lyriels?" He quickly stopped and clapped a little claw over his snout, he wasn't supposed to say anything about the vault ever to anyone. And even though Lyriel was his daughter, he wasn't sure it was a bright move on his part. It was a long moment before the little imp on the branch opened his mouth again to say anything else to her. "Xibix's wonders ofs Lyriels coulds forgetsses abouts the vaultses?" he asked cocking his head to the side.

"Sure Xibix, nothing of my father's could be of use to me.
How could it when the only time he helped me was to use me. Eat I'll be back later. Stay out of trouble alright?" Lyriel said giving him a final pat before walking back around the house to Flint, though it did make her very curious as to what exactly was in this vault that her father left behind. It waas probably a lot of stuff for wizards only. She wouldn't be able to use half of it. She smiled as she reached flint putting the vault in the back of her mind.

Flint always thought his cousin moved with a particular grace and bearing, it added to her allure. Smiling he stood up and met her halfway, "Daniel poked his head out and said 'Grandmother would be right out so we can go to the wall with her.' Still find it hard to believe the boy can't weild a sword.." The city was already alive and very vibrant even after the attempted invasion and loss of lives. A great deal of merchants even opened their shops and encouraged the humans of Andor to visit and buy from them. The coin would be used to help repair and buy things to help rebuild the city and even Flint had jaunted off while Lyriel was around the house.

"Everyone has a purpose, not every Ravenwood is a hero remember? Look at Elsa... the perpetual hostage for instance." Lyriel says gently teasingly, she was in a better mood thanks to the city and the people. Lyriel was glad the people of Sildea were so resilient after all. She wondered if Tani had already left taking Jake and Lucas with her to do the healing and buriels and such. Jake wanted so badly to help, and yet for all his intelligence and for how quickly he picked up lessons, his sister held him back a little. His thoughts never too far from her.

FLint chuckled and handed her a couple roasted walnuts he had purchased from the market. "I know you didn't eat very much after feeding Sirrian, I also have some salted venison and this." He held up a little bottle of elven spirits and smiled, while the dwarven was more potent the elven was smoother and cleaner tasting. "I figured to keep it for a special occasion, like completing the mission and getting everyone home safe." From somewhere further into the market area a group of elves and humans were trading thoughts on trade between Sildea and Andor and agreeing to meet at some point in the capital or outside the forest and keeping in touch.

"I wonder how pleased Alehial would be that the humans and elves are becoming to get more comfertable with each other now. We can always buy another bottle to take home with us after the mission. not all of us will be teleported or even zapped by Darryl home." Lyriel chuckled eating the walnuts, sometimes she found it disturbing that Flint watched her so closely, most of the time she thought it sweet, besides walnuts were her favorite.

The front door opened and Sirrus stepped out into the morning air, dressed more for her duties as a druid then that of a noble woman. "I thank you both for escorting me today, I know there must be other things you wish to do. I doubt I will need you to walk me to the council chambers or back to the house, so just as far as the wall." Flint took up a position behind them and let Lyriel take the front. The holes were still awe-inspiring to see even after the scene had mostly been cleaned up, already a large group of druids were milling about with the soldiers of Andor outside the walls perimeter waiting to see what would happen.

Lyriel took the front and moved with authority, it wasn't the first time she had been a bodygaurd and she kind of liked it. It was fairly easy to do and while the druid tried to think of how to fix the walls, Lyriel could only wish she was strong enough to help with such things. Her powers and magic she had learned while very helpful seemed small in comparison when in the capital city. She still needed much training from Alehial and to learn spells, but she practiced what she knew and tried her best.

When they arrived at the walls Lady Sirrus came beside Lyriel, "Come, I want you to add your powers with ours and be part of something truly powerful." She steered her granddaughter to join the circle of druids already looking at the area around the walls. Already several trees had been planted and the druid circle would link their magic and encourage them to grow and replace the section missing. Circle magic was old and took a great amount of druids to accomplish, even the young elf that was helping to stack the orc bodies was there speaking with some of the others. In all of Sildea's history, Lyriel would be the first and prbably only drow to ever be a part of a druid's circle.

"Grandmother Sirrus... Should I?" Lyriel asked hesitantly, she knew the theory as did Alehial but Lyriel never thought any other druids would let her join one and help to do something so great and wonderful. Lyriel was well very frankly overwhelmed at the thought that Sildea would be willing to share this moment with her a Drow. Lyriel was hopeful that they would let her join... that they would heed Sirrus and let her help them where she could.

"You have helped defend this bastion of elven civilization and a druidic way of life. Despite your difference in appearance you are a druid, I feel that will be a credit to your upbringing, come now we must begin." Sirrus held out her hand ad walked her into the circle to join the other druids. Flint smiled at her, fully believing that Lady Sirrus told the truth. Lyriel was Alehial and Altair's daughter and loved being one with nature and she would only grow in power to defend nature and the innocent.

Lyriel joined the circle with a little disbeleif at being able to do such a dead with so many great druids. She was all for it and strove to lend her powers to those who needed it. What she couldn't do to stop this from happening she would do all she could and more to clean up and protect it afterwords... now. With Xibix information in the back of her mind she wondered if after this she should perhaps seek her father's treasure, but of course it depended on Altair and Alehial and Galin of course.

Once the circle was formed Lady Sirrus used the combined magic of all the druids inside to cast upon the newly planted trees. Flint gasped out loud as the trees began to grow and replace the mising section of wall, it was something he never thought possible in all his life. All of those in the circle would feel a strong connection to nature and the primal magic flowing from each of them to influence the trees growth. For the young it felt like one was running across the plains with the animals and a northern wind whipping past them. More than a few druids began to shed tears, this was a feeling greater than any of their comunes with nature could ever have upon them.

Lyriel's heart raced as she gave all she could into the circle, she could almost feel the sap in the trees running and the leaves sprouting along her flesh. Alehial had told her once that she took to nature like a fish to water or a frog to maturity. Lyriel had always used her magic as much as her tricks in life and so she felt the magic and the trees and she gave more. She poured herself into the circle. Intoxicated by the ruh she was feeling and by what they were doing.

When Sirrus stopped casting the wall was complete in the missing area again and a great cry of victory came from the elves that witnessed it. "Thank you all for helping in this circle, we will come together tomorrow and do this again to repair the other missing section of the city wall." Some of the others moved off to speak about what just happened and how it felt. Sirrus motioned Flint to come over to herself and Lyriel. "I will have no further need of an escort, you should go rest I felt your magic almost fight to be used for the spell to raise the trees."

"It was unlike anything Mother ever taught me to use Grandmother." Lyriel said softly her voice filled with wonder, She was very tired now, though she wouldn't need to rest until a slightly later date for now she would need a slight break. "Just need to sit..." Lyriel said softly, she would do the same for the next part of the wall as well, if she could save the citizens some effort Lyriel was willing to do twice the amoutn of work if neccesary.

Sirrus then left them alone and headed for the council chamber, she had invited Altair as leader of the Andorian forces to be present for whatever the council wished to discuss. Flint moved close and lightly touched Lyriel's shoulder and smiled. "That was amazing to see, what did it feel like? Can you describe it to me?" he was full of questions for her. He noticed a couple druids walking off arm in arm and speaking low to one another. Looking up he saw that a couple druids who had not taken part were using magic to ask the trees to take a pratical form for the elves to use.

"It felt like... a rush and stillness, like cool water and hot steam... I.. I don't think I can describe it." Lyriel said with a smile softly before she sat on the ground and put her hands on the ground. Feeling the grass and the forest floor Lyriel sighed softly and closed her eyes. She needed a rest, she used a lot of energy giving her magic to Grandmother Sirrus and the forest. She only hoped it helped and made up some for what she had let happen.

"I wish I had some magic to add to the circle, you look like you are glowing." Flint said kneeling low and offering her his waterskin. It was unreal he almost felt electricity was all around him. Perhaps they should bring Orissa tomorrow since she had a great deal of magic, maybe make all the trees grow hundreds of feet high. "Since Lady Sirrus has no further need of us what would you like to do with our time?" It would be apparent that the clean up was moving along quickly.

"Thank you... We should rest." Lyriel said with a soft sigh taking a drink of the clear cool water. She loved the feel of it going down her throat. She lay on her back, and smiled softly. "For all the ill that is happened thanks to the preistesses and the preists and the druids the land is still clean... you can feel it." Lyriel said softly closing her eyes. She felt almost free of most things here in the elven forest.

Flint knelt beside her and offered his shoulder for her to rest against, it was a rare time that he got to care for her. "Do you want to head back to the house or find somewhere out of the way?" He had never seen Lyriel almost sleepy, it made him smile thinking of her sleeping peacefully. In truth he had wondered if humans could learn to take reviree like the elves, even trying once. It was a dismal failure, as he woke up stiff and with a headache.

"We need to see if anyone else needs any help with anything." Lyriel said softly looking up at FLint with a soft smile before she got up slowly. She wanted nothing more then to continue being with Nature but this was not the time. They had more work to do whether it was rebuilding on the inside or clearing the dead or any other task they might be set to. Lyriel was a hard worker and she refused to let the Ravenwood name be sullied at all.

They moved about the city and did many jobs to help out before they would return to the Mornensin house for dinner. Neither one had relented when jobs got harder or messier, Flint had helped dig graves while Lyriel helped say prayers for the deceased. More than once she was told that she was a credit to Lady Ravenwood and her family. It was good to see that everything was being handled so well taking care of the city after such an attack. The most rewarding was when Lyriel saw a guardsman and elven warrior trading sowrds and both being very happy about their deal.

"People are not so different dispite races." Lyriel said softly as she sat on a bench outside of the training area which was the temporary hospice area. Lyriel was washing linens as she sat. She was tired and in need of a good reverie but still she did what she could. Tani had long run out of magic but she continued to stich wounds and bandage them. Bed's needed airing and cleaning and soon the sun would set and another set of prayers to be led by Tani. Lucas must be very proud of his wife Lyriel thought smiling as she watched Jake do as Lucas did in everything.

While the family continued to work, Lyriel heard two druids talking in the druidic tongue. "I have heard that the council is demanding that the borders again be closed to non-elves until the city has replaced its loses." The other elf shook her head, the idea that Sildea would cut its newly formed ties to Andor so quickly was hard to believe. Lucas sent Jake back out to Lyriel with another load of bandages to be laundered. "Would you like some help washing them out Lyriel?" he stood holding the basket full of soiled linens.

"If you'd like to help then yes. I know how you look up to my brother." Lyriel says with a sly grin, she too could not beleive that was what the council was conveining for. Well she could but the alliance was still fresh if this happened then most would be for naught. Sirrus might lose her place in the council, things would turn dark without the aide or support of the elves for the humans. Lyrial set some of the linens aside until she was done with the ones in her bucket at the moment.

Jake sat near and began washing them out as well, the feelings that plagued him began passing when the invaders had been defeated. He had told Lucas and he clampped the young man on the back and told him that Paladin's could sense evil and that is what the feeling was. Walking nearby Lucas inclined his head to his sister and pupil, "I'm glad to see Jake has found a friend while doing any task." In truth many of the elves told him the younger man showed great dedication not often seen in such a young human. He looked over across the way to see that Flint's shirt and weapons were hanging on a branch and the rest of him was almost hidden by the grave he was digging.

"Jake I think would be welcomed by anyone for any task. How goes the business with your wife Lucas?" Lyriel asks not pausing in her own chore of washing. She hoped it wasn't taking to much of a toll on Tani all this work and all the deaths she was attending the funerals of. Lyriel knew digging the graves weighed heavily on Flint's mind, but Lucas was there for Tani like Tani was always there to support Lucas.

"My wife is truly an amazing woman, she gives without regard for anything and I love her dearly for that. However I will be escorting her back to Lady Sirrus's for dinner, a good washing, and bed. I would believe you and Flint may be doing the same thing." Lucas shifted and watched Flint for a few long seconds before looking back at Lyriel and shrugged. "If the King forces this marriage, he may as well start pulling the dirt in upon himself for it would destroy the man he is." he said to his sister in elven, before going back inside.

"You can go join them if you wish Jake. I will be giving this chore to another, We should all be finishing up and getting ready to head back to Sirrus's." Lyriel said softly giving the boy her attention once again. She knew Flint would never run but she knew he wouldn't accept the marriage either. Who would under this kind of pressure. It was all for the wrong reasons as well. It simply wouldn't do.

"If'n its all the same I'll keep helpin' you Lyriel." Jake said not wanting to shy away from having to work at something very important. And a short while later Lucas came dragging Tani with him not accepting any protests. "The rest of you should come along as well, it is late enough and I'm sure dinner will be ready before too long." Jake nodded and passed what he was working on to an elf maiden who smiled brightly at him. Flint had finished the hole he had been working on and had begun another, and not showing any signs of stopping.

Lyriel handed her own off to one of the elven maidens waiting for work. She gathered her things and after squeezing Jake's shoulder stood watching Flint for a moment. "Flint, we are being summoned to dinner." Lyriel said to get his attention, while she had been doing laundering she was clean FLint however was covered with dirt and needed a good washing up before they ate. Lyriel didn't mind the smell of fresh turned earth but she mourned for what would fill these holes and what lives they would have led.

"Lucas Was that really neccesary I was speaking to those that wished for pelor to hear their words... I mean I know I'm not actually a conduit but it gives them peice of mind." Tani said though her voice was soft it was just very slightly hoarse from all the speaking and praying and healing and casting she had been doing for the past two days. Her wings were drooping ever so subtly and she wasn't walking with the proud vigor she usually did but with slower steadier steps of one who had to actually concentrate on walking. Tani's clothing was stained with blood and dirt from the wounded dead and buried.

"My love it was and you will rest to regain your strength if I have to lock us behind Lady Sirrus's stoutest door. And you are a conduit of his will on Glaeron and I want you to remember what he commands his priests. My children will work to extend my holy light to those in darkness, and will take comfort and rest even as the light of the sun must rest every night." He then took Tani's hand and began to lightly guide her towards home, where food, a bath, and their bed awaited. Lucas wasn't going to take any excuse from his angel, she would rest and regain her strength and the power Pelor pleased her with.

Flint stopped after a couple more shovel fulls of dirt and set the shovel aside, it had taken a great deal of strength and he unlike the elves dug alone. The muscles of his arms burned and his back protested during the last one, but he would not complain or quit from his task. Pulling the cloth from his face anyone could see the area around his face and nose were the only ones clean. Nodding his head to Lyriel that he had heard her words, he picked up his shirt and sword belt before heading in that direction. Many of the elves he had worked with thanked the young human, he had helped them get closer to making sure none of the departed had to wait for their resting place.

Tani closed her mouth from what she might have said and instead held Lucas's hand tightly. "I understand... I'm sorry." Tani says softly giving him a somewhat bashful look and following him toLady Sirrus's home, Tani needed to rest as Lucas said and Though she was doing Pelor's will she could do it best affectively when well rested and she knew that. Tucking her wings tighter to her back she gave Lucas a small smile, she knew she would always need someone to stop her from running herself into the ground she was just lucky Pelor had chosen him for her.

"You did well Flint. Your mother would be proud of you." Lyriel said softly handing him a wetted handerkercheif to wipe himself clean a little better with. In truth Lyriel knew Tess was always proud of Flint, He was her greatest acheivement and that was why Flint was often at ALehial's home and being watched by Lyriel, Tess had wanted him to have the very best out of life and to be trained by the best so in the future he would be a just nd good man who could choose to be whatever he desired.

He took the handerkerchief, but almost stopped when she said that instead he quickly wiped most of his face before looking for a place to put the now muddy linen. "I think I need something more substantial to finish this job." indicating that he had dirt all over himself including his hair. "Don't let me hold up dinner, if I'm too late I will eat with the soldiers. Lady Sirrus is very gracious to let us stay in her home, I don't want to be a ungratful guest." He smiled lightly at Lyriel and headed for the bath area, taking the linen square with him, why would his mother be proud, he hadn't brought their killer to any form of justice.

Lyriel sighed softly, she'd rather he be with the family, she knew he was always thinking of taking revenge for the death of his mother but she had hoped telling him Tess would be proud which Lyriel knew she would be would make him feel better about what they were doing. Lyriel sighs heavily and follows flint slowly intent on also washing up and then probably getting a bite from the kitchen before heading into the garden and probably spending the night outside again.

They arrived at the bathing area to find it relativrly empty, and Flint had already went inside and hannded off his clothes to the elves washing clothes. "Greetings lady druid, I take it you are her to clean up as weel?" a older elf asked with a slight smile. A few younger females were hoping to catch glimpses of the human males using the bathing areas to settle some curiosity. The older woman shook her head and showed Lyriel to an area adjacent area to Flints and left her to hand over her clothes. A very ingenious elf had found a way to keep the waters hot and several things to help clean up.

Lyriel wasted no time and stripped before slowly getting into the hot water, sinking in she sighed heavily and leaned against the edge relaxing in the water. She had hoped to make Flint feel better... maybe on the way back they could... take comfort in each other again like they had on the way down. But then Lyriel didn't want their relationship to devolve into a pureply carnel one. She had hoped things would settle themselves eventually. Not get worse as time went on.

Flint immersed himself into the water and let the dirt and sweat wash away, his muscles relaxed allowing him to calm his mind. What if he had been there, could he have saved them or at least avenged or joined them? So many questions whirled about his head making his heart ache, but still in the very middle he saw Lyriel. She tried to always include him and even when they fought about how they meant to one another. Even if he left Andor and his family, could he leave Lyriel behind and seek out a new path, he didn't want to think about it.

Lyriel didn't take long in the bath soaking for a few moments before letting her hair out of it's braid and wshing it out. It would take a day or two to dry it was so long, but she didn't mind. Getting out of the bath and winging out her hair as well as she could she wrapped a linen towel around herself and took her leave to use the neccesity's left out for that very purpose. Soon enough her hair was brushed, and she was dry dressed in a clean darker colored Elven shift she walked out, she would take her dirty clothes with her and wash them at Sirrus's house for now she would wait on Flint. With her hair down she looked very different then usual but she was the only drow in Sildea so there was no mistaking Lyriel for anyone else.

He exited in a pair of human sized pants and picked up his bundle, the elf had warned him they needed hung up to dry and he nodded his thanks. It never bothered Flint to walk about without a shirt and he was proud of the scars he carried from battle with evil. He felt a little more at ease now that the warm water stole the tension from his body. When he saw Lyriel he smiled and headed in her direction wanting to speak again with her. "So, parading about in your shift, didn't you once saw a lady needed a robe when just wearing a shift about the house?" he teased admitting she was a lovely sight in the elven outfit.

"After the day I've had I want to be as close to nature still as I can. Besides who ever said I was a lady?" Lyriel smiled soflty glad to see Flint's spirit restored to what it normally was. She hd been worrying while waiting on him how he would come out of the baths. She easily recognized several scars, she knew where they were from heck a few of them she had been there for personally. Lyriel was planning on putting proper clothing on once at Sirrus's house anyways, pants and a top with the sleeves cut off like she liked. Though her hair was down and it made her look smaller and more fragile, she was the same Lyriel in not needing help or acting like she said others should.

When they got back to the house, Flint hung up his wet clothes and watched Lyriel move about in the shift looking for other clothes. He smiled with true mirth and walked past her and pinched her bottom and made sure he was several steps away before she turned. "Well, I can always rest easy knowing no matter what changes, Lyriel will still have the nicest backside of any woman in Andor!" He felt the corners of his mouth lift into a smile despite the sorrow that had a little while ago clung to him like death. Above them Xibix opened his eye and watched them interact, peoples were so very strange creatures.

Lyriel threw whatever clothing was in her hands at Flint for the pinch. "And everyone will still know that Ravenwood blood runs in your veins you skirt chaser!" Lyriel teases in return, not truly md but rather releived more then anything else. Lyriel found her britches and pulled them on under the shift. Taking a quick look around and not minding Flint, Lyriel pulled off the shift and Grabbed her shirt pulling it on over her head. She wondered how he had gotten so much of a good mood after how he had just been but Lyriel put that aside, at lest he was in a good mood right now.

"Amazing what a good soak in hot water will get out of you." he confessed to Lyriel. Truly he marvelled at his cousin, her easyness with him the kindred spirit that showed. "Tell, me I lie or that you didn't actually like the compliment, you do have a nice backside." he chuckled picking up her clothes and bringing them back to her. Not many people understood why they were so close and probably fewer still understood his attraction to her. They had not seen her naked in the pool that night with the moon turning everything silver about her.

"No lie, but a skirt chaser will always be a skirt chaser." Lyriel laughed softly pulling on her shirt fully, she took the clothing from him and put it away, they needed rest soon for she for one was excited about helping fix the other part of the wall. To be connected like tht ws something she was looking forwrd to. Flint back to normal she didn't have to worry about him too much any longer and could rest with ease. She wondered though, "Flint... what will we do next?" She asked curiously as she fixed her pack a little and turned to face her adoptive cousin.

The question made him wonder how to answer her with out changing how they felt about one another. He came up and took her hand, "At some point we will have to go back to Baerlon and what waits there. I guess until that time comes we weigh our options." Up above them Xibix opened his eyes and looked down, trying to figure out what exactley Lyriel and Flint were talking about. Trying to decide if they were going to sleep, get squishy, or fight then again he had seen them do all three not long ago.

"I suppose so... You should rest... I will check in on everyone... Especially the twins." Lyriel said with a soft sigh, she knew her life would never be easy but for as long as her family would need her she would be there. Now she wanted to check on the family before they retired for the night. she hadn't seen Drake around and she ws slightly worried, but everyone was so busy, Lyriel also wanted to know about the meeting with the elven council and what they were deiscussing.

Flint decided to go with her, he too wondered if he might see about remaining in Sildea for a time. As they approached the dining room they could hear Altiar and Sirrus talking. "Sirrus they can't be serious about closing the borders to non-elves, what about the trade between Andor and Sildea?" Altair asked. For her part Lady Sirrus sighed, "The council has recieved too many requests, this new threat is making my people question if they came here looking for your children. I have been out voted and the borders will close for now, trade will flow to the garrison town and then to Baerlon."

"They will undo much of what Mom has done then." Lyriel said softly walking into the room. She was worried what this might mean for Sildea if it ever got into trouble again... or for the future of the elves. though of course Lyriel couldn't say much she was a druid, but she was also well no one much liked what she was. It was why she mostly kept her hat of disguise on. Elves and humans alike were enemies of her race. Lyriel hoped Alehial wouldn't be punished for having sent her children to Sildea.

"No child, the work your parents have done is still a fond point for the elves, it is just the threat of what happened has them fearful. Elves and Elven-blooded are still welcome in Sildea, they only wish to stay out of another war until we replenish our warriors and druids." it was clear that she was quoting what the council had told her. Altair sat his arms crossed and a grim look upon his face, "Can Alehial or I speak with them to hopefully change their minds?" Sirrus thought on it for a second, "Perhaps Alehial could, I will send missives calling for the council to meet the day after tomorrow. Can Alehial get here that soon to speak with them?" she asked having no doubt her daughter would fight to keep the borders intact.

Lyriel smiled a little, Everyone knew how much of a fighter alehial was for the elven people. she herself had helped save them twice with altair's help and alehial was the one who got both the King and the council to sign a peace treaty ending violence between them. She also set up contacts for the wizarding school in BEarlon, and Sildea as well as most of the trade. Sildea was getting better and so were Alehial's new people. Lyriel thought that would be wise, but She also wondered if Alehial would be able to concentrate or be able to finish this task.

Flint's thoughts turned a bit darker and he moved to go check on the little ones. If Sildea closed its borders to humans then he could not stay here, and his impending marriage was back to square one. Shortly after he walked out, Drake arrived carrying a mug of tea and a small plate of food. He smiled warmly at his brother-in=law and his niece, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important, just got back from a patrol." He sat and began to eat while watching what all was going on.

"Nope. Only matters of state Drake." Lyriel teased picking a peice of food from his plate slyly. "I'm going to go check on the twins and everyone else. If you need anything Grandmother Sirrus, Father, just call for me." Lyriel said nodding her head at them before leaving, her hair still damp moved as she did slithering around as only truly long hair can. She had noticed Flint's dark look and could guess where his thoughts had gone, where they always seemed to go. So she was intent on following behind to keep an eye on him.

Flint had checked on the other children and Conner with the twins, all getting ready for bed. Then wound up at the nursery where he quietly ventured in and looked around. Sirrian was sleeping soundly as was Alura and little Caitlin, Xeph however was very awake and wanted picked up. He nodded off the maid and picked the little Felid up and smiled as Xeph got comfortable. "You've been away from home entirely too long little cousin, your mother and father miss you so terribly, I wish I had parents like them or even like your grandparents."

"they basically raised you anyways." Lyriel said softly from the doorway, she had given assurances to the twins and all the others. Lyriel silently walked over to the crib that Allura slept in and looked over her. "Image being actual blood children of Alehial and Altair... I wonder if our lives would be any different then they are now." Lyriel said before running her finger down the little girls cheek very gently so as to not wake her. She walked over to Flint and gave Xeph a kiss on the cheek then, she spent a lot of time with the little Felid's because she spent time with their mother and father.

Xeph giggled and his little tail began twitching, Flint smiled feeling what it might be like to be a father. The idea scared him but also filled him with a measure of pride, somehow passing on Galin's blood would his children take after his father. "I suppose if my blood was their's I'd be a ranger much like him and probably on the frontier getting into trouble and making a name for myself. What about you? Alehial would have let you still be a druid, but you'd have spent so much time at court probably be fending off dozens of suitors seeking your hand." Blood didn't always matter they were very proud of Lyriel and Flint thought of them as his parents, they had spent that much time raising and teaching him.

"If I were their children I wouldn't be who I am." Lyriel said softly, before roughly Xeph's hair ever so gently. She didn't know if she wanted children. Not if they came out bitter about, life like Asper did. Though Lyriel would never hurt her own child, she would never hurt any child. She would do her very best to be able to protect any child that needed saving. It was something She picked up from Alehial. One of the very core things Lyriel was about.

The maid came up quietly, "My pardons if I may ask a question with what we have heard that Sildea plans on closing the borders. I have grown rather fond of the small ones and wonder if I may return with them to Baerlon? I had asked miss Tani about it I was wondering if you thought it wise to ask?" She had little love for the little magical creatures that attacked her, but that was not the children's fault. Xeph proceeded to spy Lyriel's hair and grabbed at it, with his little tail slapping against Flint.

Lyriel squeaked softly, her hair was still loose and she had forgotten to braid it, of course it wasn't dry yet either. "Xeph!" Lyriel chastized softly even though she was grinning at Xeph trying to get her hair away from the little hands. "I think the decision is up tp Altair and Alehial... and Sirrus." Lyriel said with a soft smile at the Maid. "It depends if Alehial wants help with the babies when they get back as well." Lyriel said softly, still trying to get Xeph to let go, sometimes however these babies were just like kittens and their father's curiosity was strong in them already.

Flint offered to hand Xeph to Lyriel so he didn't hurt her, Xeph held out his hands to his aunt. "Lady Sirrus has already said that I may go if the Ravenwoods permit it, shall I ask Lord Ravenwood or would it be better to wait for Lady Ravenwood?" She smiled at Xeph and offered him a bottle, which after letting Lyriel go he attacked with a little growl. Flint had to smile, the elf maid knew the children very well and he was surprised Xeph let Lyriel go. "I think you owe her a huge debt of thanks Lyriel." he teased lightly.

"I used to hold Xeph... Elsa would take Katelyn, when we were together, we would rock them and talk to each other. Feal used to meditate or he was out on the land. But it's been a while." Lyriel said softly she didn't mind and she gathered her hair together and put it into a knot on top of her head. "Talk to Altair first, get his oppinion, now Alehial has a lot to deal with on her own. Good night, I hope it's quiet for you." Lyriel says before grabbing Flint's wrist and pulling him along behind her.

Flint was a little surprised that she was pulling him after her but mumbled a goodnight to the maid. It wasn't too odd to see any of the sisters with Elsa's children or even Alehial's younger kids. Quietly as they moved along the corridors he finally said, "Is it time for bed or just not wanting to keep any of the children awake?" Stepping up quickly he moved to hold onto her hand, but let her set the pace and destination. He never thought that Alehial would come until they sent Altair home, perhaps Darryl would switch them.

"Just want to be in the garden alone. Enough with the sad looks and the what if's. No more self hatred and longing either." Lyriel said holding his hand tightly, she wished she could stay with him without any worries at all. Lyriel didn't want to see the sad faces he had on his face when he was holding any of the babies. Lyriel wanted FLint's mind off of it and she wanted him to be calm and rest now, that's all she wanted him to do and she wanted to help like she had always helped him.

They got out to the garden and he waited for her to get comfortable as he tugged off his boots. Try as he might to put on the brave son face it was very hard to know so much evil that his father brought to the world may lurk below the surface. Even more distressing was the thought of having to father a child with Poppy. All Conner created nickname's aside, he felt nothing for the girl or her childish antics. She would never care for him like Lyriel would, never try to sooth his worries or make him smile.

"Stop it. I can see what you're thinking and I know where it's leading." Lyriel said tugging his hair as he was getting ready by taking off some clothes and getting comfertable. She didn't want him brooding at all, she wanted him to unwind and calm down. "Right now it's you and me and we are here in Sildea and it's safe and everyone in the family is safe so... Stop. That's an order little boy." Lyriel said before giving him a hug from the back. If she needed to she would be the physical and emotional crutch he needed. But she'd be damned if she let him marry Poppy.

He put his hand over her arm, happy for the contact that banished what was going through his mind. Turning he lowered his head beside hers and just let himself be here in this moment with her. Above them on a branch Xibix stretched and watched the scene below him, they was at it again. For as alone as each of them felt at times, they spent a lot of time caring for and about each other. "By your command, mistress Ravenwood." Flint whispered so only she and a sharp little eared imp above could hear.

"Damn right human." Lyriel teases gently in return. It was times where things settled down and they were like this again that Lyriel knew who and what she was and where she stood in the world. She didn't grasp the reasons specifically they all had to change, She was who she was but Flint seemed to change all the time... so did the rest of the family. It made Lyriel very lonely at times. But she tried to ignore that and focus on being in the moment and cherishing it all instead.

He picked her up and laid down placing her beside him so they could look up into the night sky. Placing his hand in hers and pointing to one of his favorite constellations and reminding her when they had been taught all of them. The more they spent like this the further away Andor and the marriage seemed. "So, mistress Ravenwood you seemed a little preoccupied this morning about something." he asked squeezing her hand lightly. The remarks of Xibix's earlier came back to her about the vaults of her father with all that magic.

"Something I learned a while back and hadn't put any thought into.. until for some reason this morning. It's nothing I'd like to think about until I have to though." Lyriel sighed softly, she had thought that perhaps they could find something to help defeat Galin help the war he had against the ravenwoods. Help her avenge her past. Not her father or the dead that she didn't remember... not her father... she wasn't actually sure what she just knew what needed doing and she was making it her goal to do it.

Flint nodded and didn't pursue the matter any further, he trusted Lyriel and wouldn't force her away ever. The night winds blew and rattled the branches above them and Xibix had to hold on tightly to keep from falling. If they would have been at home more then likely they would be out in the grove talking or playing cards at Finns and hoisting a couple drinks. Truthfully Lyriel was his best friend, not just his family or owman he loved, he truly trusted her with his life. "What do you think drow look at when they let their mind wander at night? There are no stars do they look at lava or glowing fungus?" Flint pondered out loud.

"Weapons on the walls. Images of death or their goddess I imagine. I only remember as a child being a slave and then the mansion. The Ravenwood estates. Now I know the stars from everywhere I can get to on my own." Lyriel said softly, she was drow but she was only such by blood and look. The rest was well she couldn't say it was like she was human but a warrior she supposed was the best option for herself to call whatever it was that she was.

"I have wished before that you only could remember the mansion and being one of the Ravenwoods, I know it would have changed you from the woman you are now. But, no child deserved to be treated like that." Flint loved her strength and who she was, he hated the fact that her father gave her away because she was female. Vennis Tryfell, he killed her father directly or indirectly he was the cause. She didn't blame him or treat hime any different then before. With a grin he levered up on his side so he could look at her and commit her to memory.

"I would change nothing in my life. Everything I have is for better or worse what has made me into what and who I am." Lyriel said softly looking up at him her face blank of emotion. Her silver eyes glowing in the starlight, as if there was nothing she could not see here in this light. and in fact there was very little she couldn't see. She could see into shadows and she could see thanks to her race.

Flint laid his head against her chest and listened to her heartbeat it was soothing, he knew it was the truest sound he would ever hear. "I promise I won't fall asleep and trap you like this it would be rude of me to do that." This felt natural for him, laying near Lyriel talking about stars while holding hands. He remembered all the times they spent together both as lovers and even when they weren't, they always tried to help one another cope in the world around them. Not only was her heartbeat soothing, but so was how she smelled, clean and good with the smells of nature mixed in.

"And you've never been rude in your life." Lyriel chuckled softly at the very idea of a ravenwood not being rude, it was too crazy to imagine. But it was once again very comfertable between the two of them. No stress and no pressure just them being together and trying to figure out their place in the world. While Lyriel knew she owed her life to the Ravenwoods and they would always come first FLint too was very important to her and she would do anything she could within her power to save him and keep him on the right path in life.

"You know there was a lot of time that I felt alone, but never once when I knew you were there. Even when my mother spent more time looking for a husband I didn't care, because I knew you were close. I can never thank you enough for that even though I wish I could." he whispered and smiled feeling her hand in his. Above them Lyriel could hear Xibix move along the branch and saw him peering down observing them. Flint knew his father could never find this kind of peace, he was always focused on conquering or destroying.

"You are far to serious. You should also be getting rest. You'll need it after all. I promise to be here when you wake up." Lyriel says squeezing his hand with hers. He needed comfort that much was obvious only she wasn't so sure why he needed it so badly right now. After all that had happened today and the last few days but... Lyriel was a little upset that everyone was being so distracted. Even the Elven council was distracted. If they all worked together and thought everything through as a team they shoudn't be having such trouble.

After a little while Flint moved his head and still laying close to her and nodded off. Xibix came down from the tree and sat near Lyriel, "Flints es verys tireds?" He sat on his haunches and watched them for a couple seconds trying to figure why sleeping beside someone else made sleeping easier. "Wills wes be heresy muchs longers, nothings likesy mes heres much." Most creatures of nature shunned imps and elves animal companions would tell their owners about him as well.

"I'm not sure Xibix. But the council is getting more and more nervous about humans again. After we finish cleaning up the city and reparing the damadge. We may very well all be asked to leave and not return. A few more days at least we'll be here for certain. If you'd like you can always sneak into the house and stay in the cellar. No familiars are allowed near the food. So long as you don't take more food then what will be noticed. Nothing likes me here much either little friend." Lyriel says softly before she begins to pet the little imp. She missed having a companion like this actually. She wondered sometimes if it was wrong of her to have a friend such as Xibix who was known to be evil when she was technically the conduit of a deity herself.

His little head bobbed as she petted him, he enjoyed the contact and Lyriel seemed to always treat him nice. Looking over at Flint he blinked and saw some of the man his master served for sometime until his demise at this one's hands. "Yous wasy nevers mads ats Flints for whatsy happeneds withs yers fathers?" Xibix understood the kill or be killed instinct. But, the relationship between her and Vennis wasn't conventional at all and that must be it. Drow were well known for fighting to gain postition and on occasion killing family or even lovers to move forward.

"Not mad no. A little upset. I can't lie that it hurts. But it's better that he's gone... he hurt too many people while alive." Lyriel said very softly as she continued to pet the little imp. She scratched under his chin as she mused over everything that was happening. Or everything that had happened as well. Lyriel wondered what would happen in the day to come... if they would all be kicked out of the country of Sildea. And what would happen in the kingdom once they got back.

Xibix let out a raspy purr and looked back at Lyriel with a look of appreciation in his beady little eyes. "Masters dids evens in hiss labsy hes dids experimentsy wits differents things, I's mostlys hids." His little body shook remembering some of the things he saw and heard while in service to Vennis. This was a nice change for him, being in cleaner air and not being mistreated by a master. After a little time he curlsed up against the other side of Lyriel and began to doze as well.

Lyriel couldn't help but smile a little at the two males around her. What a group they all made together. A man who didn't trust who he was and a little creature who shouldn't act the way he did for what he was. Then there was her a daylight walking nature worshipping drow. She sat for a while watching over them. Until she began to drift into her reverie. She needed to rest her mind and body just as much as Flint did. She wasn't being the most cautious about this but no one had come into the garden anyways so they should all be good.

Conner was still sitting upright in the chair watching over the girls when he dozed lightly. He used to think having to keep an eye on them was a little bit of a pain. But after what happened he felt they needed to have someone nearby and it fell to him while father was taking care of the other stuff. He kept going over what happened to Aras, it was too similar to what befell Tess and that meant it was the same killer. He almost didn't notice them stir he was too wrapped up in his thoughts to really notice.

Sam rubbed her eyes and looked around. Seeing Conner she relaxed a little, but the tears were still damp on her face and so she quietly climbed over to him and hesitantly tugged his pant leg from the bed. She wanted to sit on his lap but she was afraid to be loud. She also didn't want to wake up her sister if she was still sleeping calmly enough. With a little sniffle Sam waited for Conner to notice her.

Conner came over and gathered her up, "Come on you have permission any time you need to ok?" His mind went back to hearing the man threaten them and the fight between them. He would protect his family just like mother and father did, they watched out for one another without fail. "In a couple days I think mother and father might switch places so she can see you both, I know she misses you both." Wrapping his arms about her middle Conner held her and began to sing a comforting tune.

Sam snuggled up tight against Conner and held his shirt tight in her hands. She didn't want to sleep and dream about everything that had happened again... She wanted to be strong for her sister and for Daddy. But Conner... Conner would always protect them, he was like a knight in shining armor kinda. That made Sam relax and his voice was really nice and the words were soothing. Soon enough her fears left her and she soon was asleep in Conner's lap once more.

He smoothed her hair and waited until she was completly asleep and then placed her back into bed but stayed near and even continued soothing her. Checking on Orissa and finding she had been so tired, her magic had taken a great toll and she slept like a stone. It was sad that those closest to the Ravenwoods would suffer and die like this. He continued his song growing softer and softer until he could safetly stop. The morning was coming soon and who knew what was happening next.

When Orissa and Sam woke in the morning it was because the sun was shining in the window through the trees and both of their tummies were rumbling with hunger. While Sam got up to use the restroom right away, Orissa was still very tired from before and so she was very lethargic this morning. She looked to make sure Conner was still with them and breathed a sigh of releif when she saw him. She continued to lay in the bed until Sammy came back and then she went and took care of her morning duties.

Conner got the basin ready, "Come on you two if mother saw you this dirty she'd string every male in the house up by his toes. Then we'll head downstairs and get some breakfast then I'll see when we will get you to see mother, alright?" He found the towels and then pulled out clothes for them before going to the other side of the screen to wait for them. While he waited he thought about Lily and what she was doing now, if she'd have been with Conner they would have left the forest and hurried the twins home to Alehial's arms and safety. He rang for a maid and handed her the dirty clothes, "wash them if you can burn them if you must."

"The twins helped each other get ready, staying close and touching each other often. Once dressed and washed they emerged and quickly went to Conner and held on to him tightly. "Done." said Sam. "All clean." said Orissa, both girls were not in fancy clothing but house clothing, they wanted nothing more then to be close to those that would protect them because of their love. Now more then ever they looked like Alehial when she was young and would cling to her own father at times. Yet both girls had a slightly sour look on their faces. THough with their friend and nanny gone and no one having told them what had happened or why they were simply still afraid.

Conner complimented them then took them to Altiar, he knew the look in their eyes and only father could put the fear to rest. Their father was sitting in the drawing room and despite anything else he smiled and held his arms out to his daughters. "It is so good to see you both safe and clean." he said kissing their cheeks and hugging them tightly. He had spent some of the night speaking to Alehial through the mirrors and almost took it off the wall to go visit every child to put her fears to rest. "So, what would you like to have for breakfast today, I will try to stay with you as long as I can, but the others are here as well."

Both girls mumbled good mornings and clutched his chest and arms tightly. They sat on his lap both quiet. The fact they didn't want to eat... they didn't want him to leave... or Conner and they wanted to go home where it WAS safe because mummy was there and daddy never left mummy unless she made him go somewhere. But the girls were quiet instead and then Sammy yawned and Orissa jumped just a little at the suddeness of her sisters action.

"Before anything else we need to talk about Aras and what happened alright?" Altiar hugged his daughters tightly and thought for a second for the right words. "The men in the forest wanted to harm you and Aras loved you both enough to place herself before letting them hurt you. She is gone, but Corellon Larethian will have a place of honor for her and I'm sure she will still watch over you both. Before we go and eat something, I think we should pray for her and let her know how much she meant to us alright?" Conner came over and waited for them to begin the prayer, Aras was very brave in the face of such odds to protect Sam and Orissa.

Both girls nodded and held each others hands as they bowed their heads. Both the girls prayed properly but silently and they both still held onto their father tightly, this would stay with them for a long time, and no doubt an attack would happen again, it wasn't often that sorceresses were born and certainly not in such a prominent family like the Ravenwoods, born from two hero's. SHe would be very sought after, for her powers, for her blood and for her hand in marriage but both girls only thought about being safe right now, they only had thoughts of staying together and being with their family who could protect them.

After a little while Altair and Conner led them to go get breakfast with the rest of the family. Both men were concerned about the situation that was spirling out of control. Altiar would have to speak with Alehial about them swapping places again so she could address the druid's council who was pretty much unmoved by his speech about closing the borders of Sildea. Although they didn't want to overtax Darryl they really needed his help in changing places. He would have Conner cast the spell after breakfast or even use the two way mirror they had brought here many years ago.

The twins ate a little of their meal but only a few bites of everything put on their plates. They did finish all of their water and tea. they sat with their chairs flush against the other and they were leaning on each other and both eating while holding the others hands. Considering one was left handed and the other was right handed it made staying by each others sides that much easier. They stayed silent the entire time during breakfast however.

The girls watched as the rest of the family ate and began to go about their day. Then the maid which Orissa's imp attacked and who had been caring for little Xeph moved to talk with their father for a few minutes quietly. "I will not refuse your help, but it more a matter for Lady Alehial to make the final decision about the care of the children." he said before getting up and coming over to his little girls. "I must go and see about speaking with your mother or grandmother Lai about bringing your mother here to speak before the council, Conner will keep an eye on you alright?" he explained hoping his daughters still truted in their older brother for protection. Conner smiled at them from his seat, in the past he might have complained, but since seeing the bandit trying to make off with them his atitude about keeping an eye on them changed.

"Don't get lost daddy." "Don't let them bully you" The girls responded both leaning right off the chairs and hugged him tightly, they both knew he was worried and if he wanted to talk to Mommy he didn't know what to do and he needed herto come and make it better. "Conner play his gwitar?" Sammy asked softly, she had never been able to pronounce complicated words well, but well Orissa usually did much better with them.

"I can play my lyre or just sing for you it all depends." he answered. Everyone in the family thought his abaility with the lyre was good, but it was the Doweger Queen, his father's aunt who loved to hear him sing. When Gareth was planning the services after her passing he asked Conner to sing, and he did so when his mother's grandfather passed as well. Curiously he wondered if his mother would allow the elf maid to go back to Baerlon with them. "Come along my little sisters let us try to find a quiet place for me to play for you."

"Garden... In the garden." Sammy said optimistically, as long as Conner was with them both, the girls felt better about life. At least they felt safer anyways. "Garden." Rissy agreed only moments after her sister suggested it. But then again they both were holding onto his hands rather tightly with their own. Sammy seemed to be recovery quite quickly, but then Sammy was always the stronger of the twins. Rissy was more emotional, kind of emotional but logical. Her powers stemmed from her emotions however. She was studying to control it, but now it was very very emotional based.

Conner took them to an area where they wouldn't disturb Flint and Lyriel, since they had been camping out in the gardens. As he realized there was nothing for the girls to sit on, Nanny came strolling out from under a stone bench. The girls had not seen her or any other imps since they protected the girls from the men trying to capture them. She reached back into the shadows and pulled out a blanket and spread it on the ground for the girls. "Mey lippol wirl peppas." she babbled and then headed back into the shadows to disappear.

Rissy sat down on the blanket first, what was begining to happen to her imps... with her power. while they always manifested, Nanny being the most dominant of the imps was begining to manifest other things. The blanket was real. IT was a real clothe blanket beneath Orissa now. Samantha sat down on it too and she didn't mind a bit. Nanny was the nice imp. She would get her toys back from the others when they took them. So Orissa and Samantha both trusted NAnny and neither of them minded a bit when she showed up. But of course when Orissa was training she used up to much magical power and they couldn't appear. But Orissa was comfertable right now and she had magic in abundance after not training for a few days. But both girls still wanted Conner to play music for them and be with them.

Conner took out his lyre and began to play for his sisters, he stuck to the songs that entertained. He did not want to upset them or make them dwell on the last couple of days so he played songs they liked and sang with them. One of their favorites was called 'the little brown mouse' and he changed made the tavern's name 'Finns' to get them to laugh. "And all noght long the little brown mouse roared 'bring on th' alley cats!'" and he chuckled as the song ended. After a few seconds to recover Conner began to tell them a story of the 'princess and the frog' it was a song that had no violence or death in it. They would continue interchanging songs and stories until lunch time then he may have them rest for a little bit.

Both little girls ended up laying down on the blanket and listening to their brother. Occasionally Sammy sang along with him but both girls giggled at appropriate times. Soon enough Lyriel came from her reverie and left her cousin by himself to join her family. She sat on the blanket after removing her shoes and gathered both girls into her lap. She held them cose in her arms and both girls snuggled tightly with each other and against their eldest sister. It wasn't long into the story that Sammy fell asleep and Orissa was drowsing, both girls were still frought with worry and fears and with more family around them that was the only time that they really relaxed.

"I believe my powers of calming had their affect huh elder sister?" he asked setting the lyre down. Grandmothers always said he got a peculiar type of magic from his parents and a certain amount talent to talk and affect others. He picked up his waterskin and took a good swig, that much singing and talking left him a little parched. "So, are you going to help the druids fix the other hole in Sildea's wall today or just gonna hang out with the rest of us?" He wanted to go watch, he had heard from sources that it was an amazing thing to see, the magic of druids knitting the city's hurt together so well.

"Yes... I just finished my reverie so I could help. Then it's manual labor for me for the rest of the day, probably in the early night as well. It's an amazing feeling grandmother taking my magic and using it in such a way. I don't even mind the drain afterwords. I wish I could stay and help with the girls, I've been hearing about the trouble they have been having, hopefully Alehial will come soon. I want to stay behind and help the clean up for as long as the elders and council will let me." Lyriel said with a soft smile to her 'brother'. His singing and playing was always so calming it was no surprise the girls wanted him around all the time. He was exactly the opposite of his twin Lily.

"With the council's decision as far reaching as the expulsion of all humans from the forest, mother may find it hard to find safety for the younger ones. And not to mention I figured that Flint would try to stay as well considering what waits for him back home as well." It was a horrid set of events the family found themselves in and still he hoped they would band together and trounce defeat it. "How much longer will you let Flint sleep before waking him to go and help out as well?" he asked knowing the two of them were rarely away from one another. He picked the lyre back up and rechecked the strings, it was a nervous habit he had when a lot was on the horizon.

"An hour or more yet, he's been working hard he needs the rest. I'll go get something to eat for myself and check on things, when he finally wakes I will go with him inside so he can eat and I will have some tea. It just depends on when Grandmother will need me. I'm glad I can help Sildea, I ust can't help but feel though if Alehial were here we'd need a few less druids to help. She's such a strong druid... and woman." Lyriel sighed softly as she set the twins on the blanket close to her still but close to each other so they could curl up with each other. Lyriel knew how they felt and was glad they had each other.

A messenger arrived in the garden with a missive for Lyriel the druids would meet at the wall in about two hours time to repair the wall. Conner smiled and winked at the elven girl before she left, "I figure we should waken Flint as time will disappear quickly." Conner agreed about Alehial being strong, he had never met anyone than his parents, well other than dragons that is. He would wait for the twins to wake up and maybe even compose a new song for the trip here. Flint across the way stretched and sat up looking around confused.

"Good luck with the twins little brother." Lyriel said softly, she ruffled the twins hair with her hands before she got up and walked over to Flint. "Up cousin, I'm needed in two hours let's go get some food. We'll need to know where we are needed for work today." Lyriel said offering her hand to Flint as she stood before him. She was very serious in how much she wanted to do for this city. It was like a second home to her and her family and the fact that she couldn't have helped more in the begining upset her. So she would work herself over as much as she could now in the aftermath.

Flint accetped her hand and popped to his feet smiling at her, "I could eat and then we can run to help with the wall. Not like I could do much to help, but I can stand watch while you druids do your magic." He waved to Conner and smiled at the twins before they went back into the house. They sat and ate not saying much, "So, is Alehial coming soon or is the fate of the Andor/Sildea treaty in Altair's hands?" He hoped Darryl could bring Alehial, because he might see if his cousin would sneak him back to Baerlon for a short visit then bring him back for the trip home.

"I haven't heard one way or another whether or not if Father has gotten ahold of anyone. I haven't seen anyways at all today other then Conner and the twins in the garden. You missed Conners songs by the way. The twins have been keeping him rather on his toes." Lyriel said finishing her vegeterian breakfast. She often only ate bread and milk, only byproducts of animals and not the animal itself. Much like her mother. Though she did eat meat, just not as often as humans usually did.

Once finished with breakfast they arrived at the wall where Lady Sirrus and the others waited for them. The northern druid she met the day before was again there and stood beside her while they prepared. "I never before had a chance to do this back home let alone twice in such a short span. It feels good to help out don't you think?" Sirrus had given her a nod when she arrived and was giving some last minute details about what they were trying to do today.

"I do... I've never felt anything so amazing then joining with everyone to accomplish something like this." Lyriel smiled at the other elves, she was honored they let her help them with this. Especially considering her blood and all. But she was here and she would Follow her grandmothers directions. If nothing else Lyriel was a soldier of the family, doing anything they needed to the best of her ability and she was ready to give her all again today though she would heed her grandmothers adive and simply offer her power instead of pushing it to the forefront. This time.

"Lyriel come stand beside me." Sirrus called out to her, getting several looks from the other druids in attendance. "Lyriel is the daughter of my daughter and stands to my left in her mother's stead and therefore will be on my left." Sirrus took Lyriel's hand in hers and squeezed it, she was proud of her children and grandchildren and wanted Lyriel beside her. The rest of the circle began to form the northern elf took Lyriel's other hand as not too many druids stepped forward. Flint watched from his location happy that Lady Sirrus brought Lyriel beside her and claimed her as family, it was what Lyriel deserved someone to be proud of her and recognize her.

Lyriel blushed glad once again her skin hid any sight of it and gripped her grandmothers hand fairly tight. So much for holding up a little, she would be the same as yesterday now. Lyriel loved Lady Sirrus as much as she loved Alehial, but somehow things were a little more satisfying with Lady Sirrus, and when Lyriel got praised well she always gave more of herself. Not always the best option but after the events that happened on the trip down, and here if Sildea. Lyriel needed something to work towards and there was nothing better then fixing Sildea and helping it recover. If nothing else it was proving more and more the the rest of the Sildean population that Lyriel if none of the others was completely dedicated to the family and was not like any other Drow one might ever encounter.

The spell began and she could feel the connection to all the druids of the circle as easily as she could hear Lady Sirrus begin to chant the words of the spell trying to coax the trees to grow faster and become part of the living wall that encircled Sildea. The feeling of joy and the rush of excitment came in waves as the magic flowed into the newborn trees and they began to grow. The other elves and humans not helping in the circle sat and watched with awe and respect for what the druids were doing, it was truly amazing. Flint was concerned about Lyriel, he knew how much she gave away the last time and now that Sirrus called her into a place of honor, she might try that again or give more. But, if she did exhaust herself he would take her back to rest and keep watch over her.

Lyriel offered herself up once again to her grandmother and much like last time strove to give everything that was needed. But she did restrict herself a little. In the place of honor she had to share and bring the others in as part of the whole. But her place with the Ravenwood one beside grandmother and so Lyriel didn't hold back too much on herself and offered it gladly. The rush of it, the feeling of growth, of being within nature itself was heavily intoxicating and Lyriel knew she would want to do this again, no matter what spell to simply be a part of it like this again, but she didn't have time for thoughts while the spell was being placed.

And after several long minutes the spell was over and Sildea's wall was whole again. Several elves rushed to the druids to offer water or support to places where they could rest. Flint came to Lyriel and Sirrus and offered his arms, the human was strong enough to carry both elves with ease. "Truly a feat of magic and nature both Lady Sirrus and Lady Lyriel." he said giving them both great respect. The druid that had spoke with Lyriel moved off with the help of a guard and looked back long enough to bow respectfully in Lyriel's direction.

Lyriel bowed her head in return, she'd like to talk to that elf more, maybe Grandmother would know about them. Lyriel was good for talent scouting, and if the elf wanted to... well then Lyriel would bet that Altair and Alehial wouldn't refuse the help if the elf wanted to come along with them. After all Alehial was basically a princess and with her cousin the diplomat from Sildea in Bearlon then there wouldn't be any problems.

Sirrus broke the young drow's concentration, "You did very well little one, your mother would be proud of you as I am. Truly you have been blessed by nature to wield it's power." She smiled at her granddaughter even as her father approached. Altair had heard about how amazing the druids circle was at repairing the walls around Sildea and came to watch. "You speak true honored mother-in-law her mother and I could not be more proud of her accomplishments."

Lyriel looked at the ground and she knew she was blushing brightly again. "I can only be as good as I'm taught... and since mother learned from you Grandmother... it's high praise for me. But... speaking of praise... and elves... what about the rumors I've been hearing of the elves who want to go adventuring. I've been hearing a lot of talk that the younger elves don't want to stay cooped up in the city, some even talk about going north to see the other elves." Lyriel said not wanting to make anyone mad or point anyone out unduly. So she left it the way she had said it. "What will happen if Sildea closes it's borders. Inside and out?" She asked softly, worried not only for Alehial and her family, but for all of elven kind.

Altair looked at Sirrus who sighed, "It would be a step backward for a time, humans would not be allowed here, but elves and half-elves may come and go as they please. I fear this because part of my family is human, but I must adhere to the counicl for they speak for the people of Sildea and the other settlements inside the forest. I am hoping that your mother will come and try to speak on the benefits of keeping things as they are now. However now that Darryl and Asper's baby has come I believe his help will be tempered." Altair looked grim at the idea that his families safe haven may be taken away from them.

"We still have other members of the family with magic. Darryl was never supposed to be are only go to, besides there's an entire collage of wizardry in Baerlon. Surely the masters would sell us the use of a transportation spell or two.When did you and mother get so dependant on just Darryl Father?" Lyriel asked scowling a little it seemed her parents were sticking themselves deep in the mud for nothing at all. "The council may well finding the future of it's capital departing the walls then Grandmother... if everything I've heard has even a hint of truth to it. More want to leave then stay." Lyriel cautioned her family, she loved them dearly but they needed to open their eyes and stop blocking their ears.

Sirrus nodded, "I have opened the gates for the other settlements to relocate people here, both to help us rebuild our population and mix in new schools of thought. But, in the end fear of another attack mixed with pain and loss could tie the council's hands." Altair looked at Sirrus, "Can we still use the two way mirrors as we did once before? When I came to Alehial and my father went home to Lai?" He had forgotten about the mirrors, it had been so long ago and Lyriel spoke the truth, they were too dependent on Darryl to move them quickly. "I could take the little ones through, as long as I had a little help with them until Alehial was finished here."

"Would the council deny the younger elves from leaving Grandmother? I hate to say it but it almost feels like the Seperation might be happening again." Lyriel said wondering if her grandmother was aware of the common elves feelings in the city. She referred to of course the time when the elven people split almost in half and those that split off went North. To a still hidden land, where Grandma Lai had come from. "Send a message to mother if she can get some spells. To take all the youngest home, and maybe Conner with the twins, then no one will worry about the little kids and concentrate more at the problems at hand." Lyriel suggested softly.

"I do not believe we will see another Seperation my dear, there was more land at that time and most of the younger elves agree that the last time was over another matter." Altair nodded, "perhaps I will go through and find out where the mirror is now, we always believed it was safe here in Sildea so it should be out somewhere in the house. Tani and Lucas will have to return with the soldiers I fear her wings will not fit through. While I am gone I leave the soldiers and children to Lyriel's and Lucas's hands." Flint nodded, he felt it was the best idea for leadership in his absence.

"Thank you father. I hope it wasn't to forward of me to speak to you and Grandmother Sirrus as I did. It just seems you two have been closing your eyes and ears to things lately. I will do my best to ensure the men conduct themself properly. You'll have to get some details about the new baby while you're away to give us some description." Lyriel said apologetically and then grinning somewhat slyly. After all a new baby in the family was everyones business, not to mention in enother two weeks or so Elsa would be having her little boy.

"I'm sure your mother will pass along every inch of that little girl from tip of her nose to size and shape of the toes when she arrives. And I never begrudge you children speaking up, sometimes the older generations need reminded to open their eyes and ears into a new direction." He stepped forward and kissed Lyriel's forehead and smiled before heading off with Sirrus to find the mirrors. Flint smiled at her, "Wow, you are now the ranking officer in the Andorian military here. Can I submit my name to be your counselor as far as military matters go?" He knew she'd chastize him or outright smack him for the remark, but it was all in fun.

"I would hit you but I'm still tired of the rush going through me of all my magic leaving my body. I... I can't believe they actually thought what I said was useful and helpful. I mean Aspers been yelling at everyone for using Darryl almost exclusively lately. I just thought she'd kind of right. We used different magic when Darryl was a baby. Not only that but the tighter the older elves make the rules the less the younger ones will want to play by them. Like when we made games that sort of stayed in the rules Mom and dad gave us. But were ify if we ever get caught." Lyriel said relaxing in the place she sat at. She wanted to gather herself so she could continue working for the rest of the day without her magic tiring her out.

Flint smiled and offered her his waterskin, "You tend to be helpful from time to time." He fell silent thinking about what Altair said about the mirrors, hopefully no one told Poppy about this way of travel. Perhaps he might need to ask to use the mirrors as well, and take care of somethings at home before they returned. "How about we check on your rank and file, since most of Sildea is returning to normal and see how our traveling companions are faring?" They would wait however for Lyriel to regain some strength before heading anywhere, "It must have felt different being so close to Sirrus during the spell."

"No no different. I just might have oversent myself a little this time. They aren't mine yet Flint. Not until everyone leaves. Altair is still a General. something more written.

"Well, you realize that Lucas and Tani will travel with us and Altair pretty much put you in the leader position." He was silent for a little longer not wanting to get on her nerves with useless prattle. "Lyriel, I'm gonna go ask Uncle some questions, how about I see you later for dinner okay?" If she didn't mind he was oging to go take care of some questions and gain peace of mind. "I'm proud of you for doing all you can for Sildea and the family." he said giving her a nudge.

"Go be a silly child elsewhere you." Lyriel chuckled. She was getting her energy back now and soon enough she would be ready to help more wherever she could. Sildea needed any hands that could help and Lyriel was no stranger to wood and a hammer, If it came to that she would help rebuild the city.

Hours later Flint showed up again to bring her back to the family for dinner, his mood was somewhat happier than it had been. "Nature child, Altair and Grandmother request your prescence for dinner with the rest of the family." he teased. To Lyriel he smelled different, it was still Flint of course but it was like he had been somewhere else. They began to walk back to Lady Sirrus's where they family would be waiting for them to start dinner. Partway there Flint took her hand in his and smiled at her.

"What have you been up to Flint?" Lyriel asked she had to hand her tools off and she had to clean up but when she was walking with Flint she really paid attention, his smell was off, his happiness odd especially after the last two days. He was up to something and Lyriel didn't think it was something especially good, considering what blood he had in him and all. But other then the one question she asked she asked no other and simply let him lead her back to Lady Sirrus' manor. She looked at him quizically, but she let it slide for the most part, he needed to be happier, they all did but as the eldest and the one who would watch over the family for years to come it was her job to take things seriously. Of course no one asked her to take on that job but should the family ever need she would always be there.

"My talk with uncle went better than I thought it could and no I'm not discussing it any further. It makes me feel better than I'd been for quite some time." He squeezed her hand in his and they walked on to the house, dinner was on the table and the little one's were already eating. Altair and Sirrus were talking quietly and neither of them could hear it. The twins were sitting side by side as usual with Conner not far away.

Lyriel sat and waited to be served and waited again for her prayers to be concluded. Once that had happened she began to eat keeping her questions to herself. If Flint said it was because of Altair and him talking then it was because of that very reason. She would trust Flint whenever he said to. He was family with no reason to lie to her. Of all people. So Lyriel would trust her entire family as they all spoke unless they spoke with obvious distrust.

Dinner was uneventful, other than Sirran deciding he wanted to sit on Lyriel's lap then promptly fell asleep. Flint laughed lightly and said quietly, "I'll atest is a very comfortable lap to sleep in." Conner was quizzing the girls about what they wished to do after dinner and before bed tonight. Jake seemed distracted tonight, probably due to the fact he had a niece at home and he wanted to see her and his sister. It seemed everyone around the table wished to see someone back home in Baerlon.

Lyriel wondered what was happening with the council because GRandmother Sirrus did not look overly pleased even though she was trying to look pleasent Lyriel could tell the difference in her. Also Altair was looking a little strained, as if his mind wasn't where his body was. But then that was normal for him and for Alehial, both. Lyriel did however have a strong sense of something being off in the family, last time she felt something like this it was when she was still a child and things went bad.

Suddenly, Conner fell silent and became distracted from the dinner conversation with a feeling of dread. Altair noticed his son's expression and called to him, "Conner is something wrong?" Conner quickly came back to the table, "No father just a moment of flutter I'm fine." Lyriel could tell there was more to Conner's remark than he would admit in front of the smaller children. So many people in her family and they all seemed to be keeping secrets, Altiar, Sirrus, Flint and now Conner.

After dinner Lyerial got the twins to get a hold of Flint. She couldn't make Sirrus or Altair talk and Flint would never admit anything to her unless he was drunk which she wasn't willing to do here in Sildea. But Conner was another matter. Conner well she could make him talk. So once everyone had left the table and Flint had taken the twins away to do who knew what she cornered Conner in the sitting room. "Fess up Conner, what's going on? Last time you had a flutter as or that look on your face Lily had broken her arm trying to ride a horse by herself without telling anyone." Lyriel said, she was the one who had found Lily after Conner had told her something bad had happened to her. How he had known no one in the family knew but sometimes it almost seemed like their Scion brother wasn't the only one who could read minds.

Conner looked a bit relieved she had said something to him, "To be honest its just a real nasty feeling that something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it and that is what bothers me, but father and grandmother have a lot to deal with right now." He was afraid something had happened to Lily or anyone they left at home, but Daryyl would have appeared looking for help if that was the case. "I thought about casting my message spell to get ahold of someone at home, but who do you pick if they are all busy?" he also confessed. Lyriel was his older sister and so he felt pretty safe confiding in her and seeking her advice.

"If you are concerned about something go to Alehial. It's always safe to go to her. But if you are worried about upsetting her Lai is the best choice. Just never pick Aunt Arten. She'll open her big mouth to the whole house! Don't worry Conner if something happened someone would let us know right away. Besides we are a family full of hero's. Even you kids in training know not to be rash or stupid. Lily's a good girl she just wants to prove that. I'm sure you're just worried about the council and the twins." Lyriel said giving Conner a hug trying to alleviate some of his fear and worry. She didn't realise calming down the twins and being with them was giving him such a hard time.

"I knew that long ago father and mother risked alot to protect us all and until I found that man threatening them.." his voice trailed off showing the anger that still was under his skin. "The things he was saying, I found my sword almost willing itself into my hand and when I got him with my dagger, there was no remorse that I ended a life. It was all protecting the twins getting them safetly back here and then home." He hadn't told anyone about what had happened and I figured that he needed to tell someone. He wondered if the twins were okay and if the were driving Flint up the wall yet.

"And the stronger you become the more you will have to protect them Conner. You are the heir. That makes a lot of people your enemy just forbeing born. In fact the whole family is in danger. The twins more so because one of them is a sorceress. You are lucky though. Mom and dad hired the blades to protect you both when you were babies and Darryl was a young boy still. Some of them gave up their lives for you and Lily. That was when mom and dad decided to keep you both with them all the time. They were the best protectors. Family will always protect family." Lyriel said, she felt bad for Conner it hadn't caught up yet and he wouldn't be allowed to work off the anger. She leaned forward and kissed his forhead before giving him a hug. "Without you they wouldn't be with us Conner. Just remember that." Lyriel said almost whispering into his ear.

Later Flint brought the twins back, the insisted that they wanted to be near Conner again and he wouldn't fight them on that. "Oh, so my little sisters want me back huh?" he said with a smile. "Alright you two, shall I sing a couple songs before you both go to bed?" he asked. Flint smiled at his cousins and how they had grown closer, his eyes met Lyriels and he winked at her. He then left the room, in search of something to drink and perhaps a place to think before he bedded down for the night.

A couple days later everything was packed and the children and soldiers where ready to begin the trip home. As Flint and Lyriel were discussing how many problems would plauge the trip the elf maiden approached them again. "My'lady Lyriel and Master Flint, I was wondering if there had been any word on if I would be allowed to come to Baerlon and help care for the children?" It appeared that she was already packed and was anxious to join the caravan out of the elven realm. Flint shrugged, "Lord Ravenwood has not indicated one way or the other on the subject as he has been busy with plans, what do you think Lyriel?"

"I think it would be fine if you came along. I know every extrapair of eyes and ears are always appreciated. I'm sure the cook wouldn't mind a helping hand either. And of course the children need someone to keep them entertained on the way back. They will be in the carraiges mostly and it's a fourteen day trip with the carriages. It would be of a great deal of help if we had another pair of hands to help with all these children." Lyriel said with a shrug. She was once again wearing her guise as a regular elf rather then her real figure. She never went long without wearing her hat of disguise, she never stayed long anywhere lately. Soon enough the extgra soldiers would meet up with their caravan and escort them the rest of the way home to Ravenwood Manor.

Conner happened by, the twins less than a step behind, "No, I can't ride with the both of you on my horse. You'll need to ride with the other children in the carriages and I'll see you when we stop for meals and the night alright." He knew they felt safe near him and hated forcing them into the carriage, but it was true safety was inside. The elf maiden that had been asking about coming with them must have secured permission from Lyriel because she was climbing into the carriage he was escorting the twins to. "Alright, I will make you two this deal, I will take one of you at a time when father says it is alright and not dangerous."

"I wanna ride now! I don't wanna ride inna carrwage!" One of the twins said while the other said. "Fine! I ride with Flint!" Sometimes they spoke together and sometimes these twins spoke at the same time but not the same words. It was a lot like trying to understand Lily when she was either too excited about something or having a fit or crying. Something it seemed that only Conner was able to ever translate. Lyriel couldn't help but smile, poor Conner was looking downright bedraggled by the twins constant attention. Though it was normal, after all they had been through and at such a young age it was no wonder they were clinging to the stronger men in the family so much.

Flint smiled, "I will only be available when not scouting with Lyriel." He knew if he didn't then the twins would insist on not riding in the carriage at all. Altair was talking with several of the drivers and seargents before going back to talk with Sirrus one last time. It was likely Sildea's borders would stay closed until after his death and he would only see her if she came to visit. Once they talked and she had a chance to bid goodbye to all of the children he mounted his horse and they began the trek home. Sirrus managed to catch Lyriel's eye and give her granddaughter the druid's salute of good journey.

Lyriel responded with the Druidic gesture for peace and prosperity, as well as farewell and love. Lyriel knew she would see Sirrus again but it didn't mean that she was happy about the border closing anymore then Altair was. Lyriel after all traveled to many places doing odd jobs and helping out. Sometimes that led her over borders, not often but it had in the past and who was to say it wouldn't in the future as well. She adjusted in the seat of her saddle before motioning to Flint to ride ahead with her. She wanted to make sure the route was clear for the Carriages. "Keep a sharper eye this time around, we have to worry about more then Etins and my father our way home." She said to Flint almost softly, it still hurt to think of her flesh and blood father as being killed, but he had neever loved her or wanted her either. It was good that he was dead, she still felt so conflicted about it though.

"The Ettin was an isolated incident there dear cousin." he said as the rode out. The first day of travel did not take long and with Lucas and Tani watching from above it was very safe. Once Altair decided the would stop for the night the nannies had their hands full with children escaping the carriages. Lyriel noticed that Flint disappeared for about an hour when he returned he seemed more calm than he had. Conner had his hands full as not only the twins, but Sirrean had latched onto him.

Lyriel smiled and she went off to help Conner. "Sirri come! Conner needs his hands to play the pretty lullaby's." Lyriel said scooping up her baby brother. She tickled his tummy before she settled him into her lap so they could watch Conner play a little music. She made sure he was going to stay put and then she snuggled the twins close to her as well. this gave Conner a little space to himself and some breathing room so he could move about unhindered for a bit. Lyriel knew how constricting it was to have children hanging off of you everywhere, most of the kids now had all done it to her as she was the eldest adopted child.

Conner played several tunes until almost all the children, even Jake and Daniel were dozing quietly. Altair had come and said his goodnights to each child even his brother and sister, before checking the camp defenses. Xeph was curled up in the new maids arms sleeping quietly as his twin slept in Tani's embrace. Flint kidded Lucas about when his divine bride would want to bear his child. Conner watched his family talking about the campfire as the little ones slept, it was hard to believe that someone out there wished them harm.

Tani smiled she felt the heat from the darlin girl in her arms and the ticklish feeling of her tail twitching while she slept. Lyriel had become buried by the twins and Sirrian, and the elven maids seemed comfortable and happy to have the children they did. Lyriel needed to go and take her Reverie so she could go on watch but as buried as she was by little body's she realy didn't want to move, she had missed this kind of bonding with the family. Everyone together and Conner playing his tunes and Lily talking and the laughter or snores of children. Though there wasn't any laughing going on and certainly a lot more snoring, Lyriel relaxed for a moment with all her family surrounding her.

In the morning, the small lumps of sleeping children began to wake and of course the smallest ones needed changed. The cook had already been hard at work and Altair was already awake as well. Conner dozed with his back against a pine tree and his sword sheathed across his lap. Flint was a couple feet from Lyriel sleeping with his chin to his chest. Lucas had Kaitlin as Tani could not sleep easily with the babe in her arms.

Tani had woken early and already got her prayers in so that when the sun began to rise Lucas could preform his prayers as well while she held onto Kaitlin. Tani just loved holding the little ones, they felt so right in her arms but she wouldn't even begin to think of begining her own family until she got a sign from her beloved lord Pelor. So she took Kaitlin ever so gently and woke Lucas softly so as to not disturb any of the sleeping children.

Lyriel had been keeping an eye on the kids and the fire and everyone else. She had taken her Reverie when Flint was awake to keep an eye on everything and everyone. Now it was her turn and yet she knew they wouldn't have to many more of these days left to them. These calm happy days, it was like feeling a storm before it came. You knew it was building but what it was exactly you wouldn't know until it broke.

When Lyriel awoke she saw a happy sight, Daryyl had popped in to see everyone and make sure that everything was okay. Jake was pelting him with questions about his niece and Daryl was calmly answering them. Flint handed her a cup of coffee and hunkered down close, "he was here about an hour ago and spoke with Altair then the rest of us. He plans to take Lucas and a couple of the smaller ones home with him to Alehial and the mothers." It seemed that being a father was a postitve thing for Darryl as the psion's eyes glowed with excitement.

"He certainly looks in a good mood. I haven't seen his eyes do that since he was a little boy. Good, less little ones will mean less to protect. Better odds for us." Lyriel said taking the coffee she took her first sip and grimanced, travel coffee was always the worst kind, but Alehial forbid the stuff in the house so they got what they could get. Once she was used to the taste it was better and she sipped liberally on it. "I hope this helps Alehial calm down a little and help her to not worry a much." Lyriel said knowing Alehial often made herself a wreck if she was left to worry about things on her own.

By the time that they were mostly up and ready to move out Darryl began to move the little ones. First Xeph and Katilin with the maid, then Aurora and Sirrian, the twins would decide if they wished to go home or stay with them. Jake and Daniel decided they wanted to stay out the 'mission' with the soldiers. Flint smiled, "If I had the choice, I think finishing out the mission sounds lovely." Lyriel knew better, he was trying to avoid having to deal with Poppy.

"Yes until something else giant tries to kill you while you pee." Lyriel teases softly , the twins decided they wanted to stay with the most warriors. It was almost cute how they both bent down and whispered to each other and then 'decided' to stay with all the fighters. They really were very serious little girls now. Even compaired to the trip down to Sildea they had changed so much from what they were. Lyriel only hoped they got to enjoy being children a little longer before they had to grow up.

Conner grinned as well, when the children informed him that the twins were staying and only Aroura and Sirrean would be going back. Jessa also had decided not to tax her nephew's abilities and could keep an eye on Daniel and Jake. Darryl said he understood and took the two little one's back to Baerlon with him. The caravan then began to roll along towards home, Conner mounted his horse with Rissie in front of him and Flint did the same with Samantha. Altair smiled and got them all moving, the sooner they got moving the sooner they'd get home.

"You're looking in much better spirits General Ravenwood." Lyriel teased as she rode next to Altair for a little while. She had scouted ahead while Darryl was taking children back and forth and they were clear for a while. Since both Conner and Flint had a twin and Jesse, Jake and Daniel were all in the carriage with the other elven made, it left Lyriel free to roam around the caravan. She tried not to bug the soldiers when they were on duty even if they called out to her. She tried to be proffesional and uphold the Ravenwood name in every occasion. Except for a bit of gambling with the men and some drinking and laviciousness in the past. Other then that she was holding the Ravenwood name in high regard or as high as she could. To just ride and talk with Altair though was something that hadn't happened for a long time for Lyriel and him both.

"I hate the fact that Sildea is closing its borders, but the sooner we all get home the better. I heard that you were very helpful in repairing the walls, your grandmother laid a great many compliments on you for your power and ability." He smiled back at Lyriel knowing that sometimes she tried to blend into the background and the praise would make her happy. The wind was coming behind them and they could smell the pines of Sildea behind them. "May I inquire about Flint, you two spent a great deal of time and I hope his disposition has improved."

"A bit, he's thinking of running though. I only wish I could have helped more. I mean I know I did everything I could... I just wish that there was more I was capable of doing to help. If Mother had been here that battle wouldn't have lasted very long at all." Lyriel said softly, smiling at Altair happily though. She never stood for praise but when Altair or Alehial noticed and they did catch her hard work and praised her she always felt warm and loved. She rarely got to see much of Altair anyways, and she was often away making a way for herself out of the Ravenwood name.

"I hope it does not come to that Lyriel, I fear his father will try to influence him if he is not near his family. And Sirrus and I agree you are a great help and credit to your family and druids in general. I do wish however that the trip here and home would have been less interesting." Conner road up past with Rissie bouncing in the saddle in front of him and Flint right behind with Samantha doing the same. "At least they are trying to keep the girls entertained as we make our way home." he commented noting the his twins daughters having fun.

"Trying isn't the word father those girls are having fun. Even if he does run I won't leave his side. I won't let another Ravenwood fall into the hands of darkness. Interesting things keep you young Father, and give mother many long horror stories to tell all the young children." Lyriel laughed smiling widely at her father, though she was serious about not letting Flint fall into the darker path there was no way Lyriel could know that her own mother. Alehial Ravenwood had already made a deal with one of their greatest enemies. Or even that she was slowly losing faith in herself and in her husband.

Conner and Flint came speeding back past to take up on either side of Altair and Lyriel both twins panting for breath and the riders wearing big grins. Conner spoke first, "I think they'll sleep good tonight father." Flint winked at Lyriel and looked back to the rest of the caravan, "We should be able to carve a day or two off our return with the youngest safetly back in Baerlon." Altair nodded and added his own thoughts, "We shall see when we get to Garrison again, I don't want to get Lady Alehial's hopes up that we will be home quicker than expected." Lyriel looked up and saw a small form flutter across from tree to tree below Lucas and Tani flying above them.

"Hold the caravan! Stop everyone! Conner Flint take the girl and get back!" Lyriel said a feeling of instinct going through her telling her whatever that thing was wasn't good. For some reason she was suddenly alert. Everything around her seemed off just a little. If it was her imp friend he was in big trouble. She drew one of her scimitars and urged her horse forward. Maybe she was being paranoid, more then likely she was, but still she never didn't trust her instincts.

When she rode forward she did indeed see Xibix lounging on a pine bough and cleaning his teeth. "Wats is Lyriel doin nows makkes humans stoppy their trains?" He always looked at her with interest and now it was twinged with a healthy dose of confusion.

"Was that you running ahead the Caravan beneath Lucas and Tani? Answer Xibix and quickly." Lyriel said her eyes slitted dangerously, she kept her weapon drawn, right now she had everyone waiting and no one knew why other then Lyriels gut was telling her something was off. She had thought the wings feathered and Xibix's were like a bat's skin between his appendiges. She couldn't understand what gave her such a gut wrenching feeling of danger.

"Twas me, you didn'a finds Xibix's a place in all the wagonys so I follows the besty I cans." he said looking down at her. His tone was that of a child trying to rebuke a parent for not waiting to take him to the market. She could hear Altair's horse not far from their location, knowing her adoptive father would crash headlong into the thicket to help her. "Twas that youse ways of tellys me youse no longer wishy wes be freends no mores?" Xibix asked his yellow eyes dulling slightly. "Lyriel, is everything alright?" Altair called and she could even hear Tani and Lucas landing not far off.

"No I... I got a bad feeling all of a sudden it's hard to explain. Head to the wagons and make room, there should be a crawl space somewhere. "I'm fine just... just got a bad feeling about something, I think I may be getting paranoid." Lyriel calls out softly. "Go Xibix and you can live in my room and be fed meat everyday." Lyriel said before sheathing her weapons and heading back to her father and her brother and his wife. She aught to chase these feelings away but something just still didn't feel right. This wasn't the first time she had got a feeling like this.

"I don't feel anything malevolent dear." Tani says looking around, well the proper way to phrase that should have been nothing that she felt out of the ordinary, there is always a presence of evil around, not a big one a small twinge mostly. But it had been mostly consistent for a long time so Tani wasn't worried about it at all. She was glad for a small break from the flight however. She was a bit tired and her wings ached just slightly from the long flight they had already started. She kept them upright however so Lucas wouldn't know just how tired she was.

Lucas agreed and suggested the make camp for the night. Conner nodded in agreement, "I think an extra day would suit Flint just fine, no rush back to Andor's doorhandle." Flint shook his head then looked back at Conner who mouthed the words 'Everyone has used her'. In response Flint shot him a dirty look before riding back to check on the little ones. Lucas looked at Conner, "I think that was going too far brother."

"Jerk!" Tani said punching Conner in the arm what she thought was gently. "The poor boy is suffering. I don't know maybe I could talk to my people and they could set up another noble house in the trading business with daughters eligible and willing to marry an Andorian? I'm sure if I asked they would consider it?" Tani asked both men wondering if it would even work, or if the king was settled in his idea the diseased woman should marry into such a proud bloodline.

Lucas came up beside her, "My dear I don't think it'll work. Flint has eyes for another that is why he chafes at being married to Polly. And you Conner, I would not tease so, lest the king in his wisdom decides to marry the next Lord Ravenwood to someone else." Conner chuckled and shook his head, "Oh no, not me, I am too wild to be tamed this early in my life." He did look towards Lyriel, wondering if she heard the quip and what sort of punishment he would receive.

Lyriel rolled her eyes at him. She began to make camp with everyone else. Helping with the children while everyone else was working very hard. But it was the least she could do to watch the boys while everyone did their jobs. She just couldn't shake off the bad feelings from earlier and once things were all set up and she was wondering what Xibix was doing.

Flint wished he could be angry at Conner, but it was true that Polly was not a faithful young woman. He wanted Lyriel, both her mind and body and if she would not have him then his line died with him. Into the night everything around the camp was quiet and peaceful, Lyriel had seen Xibix a couple times but not approaching the camp. Flint stood up and announced he was going for a walk and would be back in a little while. Altair gave him his blessing to leave camp, but not to be gone long.

"Want me to do a sweep Dad?" Lyriel asked softly, she couldn't shake this feeling of something bad, she knew it wasn't here in this area, but where or what it was she had no idea. But she wanted to make sure Flint wasn't going to get into trouble and that the camp was safe after all they still had more elven warriors that had joined them and they had Jake and her little brother in the caravan still.

Altair looked at her as if to say, "I know where you are going.", then nodded. But before she left camp he managed to get her aside to say, "You will only be able to watch over him so long, if he marries Poppy then you'll have to let him grow up." The old warrior knew that Lyriel and Flint felt something for one another, but too much was against them exploring where that road would lead them. Much the same was against him and Alehial at one time, and he wondered what would have happened if they let things stop them once upon a time.

"I will watch over the whole family for as long as I am able Father, all of them. Besides I still have this bad feeling, you always said to follow your intuition. I feel something bad happening." Lyriel said telling her father about her bad feeling. But it was true she was going to keep an eye on Flint, he always seemed to get into trouble and get hurt if someone wasn't keeping an eye on him.

It wasn't hard to follow his trail and was more surprised when she found him sitting with Darryl and handing him something and shaking his hand. Of course if she was trying to hide it did no good with her little brother and his powers. As Darryl looked in her direction and spoke, "Hello, Lyriel why not come and join us for a few minutes?"

"Hey baby brother, sure what are you two doing out here?" Lyriel asked curiously and she wondered what had been handed between them both. She did need to finish her check but she wanted to know what was going on, she was curious and now she was hanging out with these two.

"He came to tell me about his daughter and how beautiful she was." Flint answered. Darryl's eyes glowed a little bright at the mention of his little girl, Asper had given him leave for just a little while do come and see Flint. "She does so badly wish to see all of her family, as long as everyone doesn't try coming to visit all at one time." he explained. Flint stood up and smiled at Lyriel, "How about we come with you for your check, at least until Darryl has to go home? Darryl nodded, it had been sometime since he was out in the field, since Asper wanted him near in case something bad happened.

"Sure, and you can tell me about your daughter too little Brother." Lyriel said smiling softly at her little brother, she was wondering about the little girl and how Asper was doing with being a mother. She had to feel safe to let Darryl go and get out into the field.

Once she got close Darryl lightly touched her hand and she saw the little girl being held by Asper. "My favorite memory, sister and I even chided Asper that her smile made it even better." Darryl said letting the link between them cease. Flint smiled, "It is good to see that Asper is taking well to being a mother and you to becoming a proud father." They began to walk with Lyriel, talking in low tones about when they got home and certain news that Darryl thought he should pass on. However, he did not tell them about Lily or the Blade being assigned to Conner.

They walked almost a complete circuit before Darryl had to leave them for his family. Flint smiled at Lyriel, "Well, I'm glad they are happy with the little girl. Everyone deserves to do as they wish and be happy." He sat on a felled tree and looked up into the night sky at some of the stars that were visible. "So, do you think the family will survive being all under one roof again?" he asked with a wink. It had been a long while since everyone was home, and Lyriel for a second thought about Mathius and Cybil.

"Everyone is gaining their own families now, soon enough we'll all move out and begin our own lives as parents. By which I mean not mine. Of course Alehial will have all those babies to keep her happy and of course all the grandbabies. Now of course we still have enemies of the family to deal with." Lyriel said sitting down next to Flint.

"Yeah, of course some of us will have harder times doing all of that than others." He looked up into the night sky and wondered where he would be this time next year. "So, what is your next move once we get home Lyriel." he asked. Being near her made him smile again and he knew smiles were going to be sparse in the coming months. He looked over at Lyriel and waited to find out what her plans were and he enjoyed looking at her.

"Whatever Altair and Alehial have need of me for. If they don't then I will start searching for Galin's true purpose, and what he plans to do with the Guild of his. I don't think sticking around is ever a good option, too long in one place makes you I don't know different." Lyriel said with a shrug, not to mention she wanted to have a nice long uninterrupted talk with Xibix.

Flint smiled, "You know she worries about you just as much as the ones she gave birth to. And if you were ever in trouble the two of them would slay anything and everything to come to your aid." It was good that part of his family was good and honorable even if his father was the evil and corrupt side. "You know when we get back the king will call for me and want to announce my impending marriage. It's a disgusting thought having to marry this way." he said with a tone of despair poking through.

"It's a disgusting thought having to marry such a diseased creature. Even if not in body she certainly is in mind. I say marry her and never stay home continue adventuring you are the lord of your home never touch her. If she seeks another male companion have the Blade's keep tabs on them and give regular reports to the King. I know they would slay whatever kept me or harmed me Flint that's not the point. I just... I don't want to watch all those I consider my brothers and sisters grow old and die and then watch it happen to their children and their children. If I stay away now it won't hurt as much." Lyriel said softly folding her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

"But you give up the love they can give you and the love you can give them." he said nudging her lightly. " Those who come into our lives and leave enrich and make us who we are, I know it sounds strange. If it had not been for Altair and Alehial think of how I might have grown up, especially if Galin had gotten ahold of me?" He took a small flask out of his coat and opened it taking a sip then handing it to her. "Don't hog it all long ears or I'll have to spank you." he teased.

"Says the drunkard." Lyriel makes a face at him and takes his flask taking a shots worth and handing it back. She sighed appreciatively, he never had bad tasting stuff with him. Of course she had her own fire brandy she got it every time she made a trip to the elven home, but she didn't drink that unless she needed it. She had even once used it to fuel a fire on one of her quests. She was basically a freelancer taking jobs for the wandering bladesman. or in her case woman. She did miss all the time as family, but seeing everyone get old was something she didn't want to do.

He took it and smiled at herr again, "You've been worse than I have at one point. If I remembered you wound up almost kissing your horse." he teased again. After he took another sip he handed it back to her, "So, if you have such a problem with the non-elves aging, why do you stay so close to me?" She might not be drunk enough to give him a honest answer, but he hoped for something considering what they shared. She was a fine companion and even better lover, Flint knew Lyriel was the destination his life should take.

"I can't help it he's so sweet! I don't know why but your companionship keeps me grounded. Keeps me together I guess. I don't know, honestly I don't. I just knew as a child that we were both different so we should look out for each other." Lyriel said taking another swig of the flask, she wasn't nearly as drunk as she'd like to be talking about this kind of thing with him. But he was always super serious about everything. Usually it was cute to her on this trip it was mostly frustrating.

He smiled at Lyriel, but understood what she meant they were all each other had. Flint wanted to tell Lyriel all his plans, but knew he couldn't she would stop him or try throwing a wrench in what was happening. He put an arm around her and held her hand in his and smiled. "You can finish it off if you like, but if you have problems walking then we are staying here for a while." It was funny when Lyriel drank too much, it rarely happened but something memorable always happened.

"Oh hahaha like this much would get me drunk you must have me confused with some other Dark Elf you know Flint." Lyriel said leaning against him anyways, even if he was being weird right now. Either way she took another shot and handed it back. "Anymore and I won't feel right taking the night shift for guard duty." Lyriel said, while she wasn't drunk or even buzzed she would feel bad after a little while and confess to her father she had been drinking and he would make her drink water and sit down. Even though she had tons of experience drinking not that he knew that of course. Uncle Lyle was good for keeping secrets at least.

Flint took another sip and put the flask away, "So, how long after we get home will you be heading back out for your investigation of my father's guild?" He knew that Gareth would summon him from the Ravenwood estate and want him to appear at court to announce the nuptials and he knew the answer. They sat for a while longer before heading back to camp, almost everyone was asleep and Flint stayed up to cover a shift. Lyriel did her usual resting and then up the rest of the time, Altair even took a turn even though he did not need to. "Proves to the enlisted man that not all nobles are soft little creatures." he always said.

Lyriel smiled at her father he was such an old world man. Times were changing and they seemed to be leaving that world behind more and more. Lyriel stayed sharp during her shifts, when morning came she helped with the rounds and woke Flint and Conner so they could both get some coffee and eat. They both had big days then she went to check on her father to see if he was awake, she had a fresh cup of coffee for him either way. "Dad? You awake? I got some coffee." Lyriel asked from outside the tent.

She could hear him groan as he woke, countless battles and injuries gave him pains in the morning. Sleeping in a soft bed made matters worse when he was out in the world. "My thanks daughter, are the others awake already?" he asked as he pulled on his pants, boots and shirt. Lyriel could see the scars he earned while in Illian when Elsa was a small girl. It was hard to believe that so much happened to him over the years, he seemed more tired now then ever with the problems besieging their family.

"I've seen to it that those with the most to attend are awake first. Here's your first cup of I assume a few you'll be having today?" Lyriel asked softly as she handed him the cup of still hot coffee. It wasn't the best but she often doctored it up a little with herbs and when she got the first cup for Altair she often put in a little pain killing powder she carried with her. It wasn't magic just knowledge of plants. She wanted to help her father as much as she could. He had the largest share of the burden on his shoulders after all and if she could alleviate even a small part of them she would.

He thanked her and kissed her cheek before the soldier came up and he began to outline the days trip which with luck would end them at Garrison again. They spoke for a long while before the guard walked off to inform his subordinates, and they would get everything ready to go Flint and Conner were handling the smaller children. After Lucas and Tani finished their prayers the whole group resumed the trip back home, Lyriel while checking the rear of the convoy saw Xibix climb onto the last wagon and turn invisible. The little imp must have decided it was easier to stow away rather than try keeping up by flying or running. The rear guard arrived to free Lyriel to head to the front again and scout if she so wished.

Lyriel road back to the front to report to her father that everything was status quo and they were ready to go. She was glad Xibix was on the wagon, she wouldn't have to be worried about him now. She could keep an eye on Flint so she didn't have to worry about him either. Things should go well in today's travel. Lyriel still had a bad feeling though and she was going to stay alert.

Almost an hour before Garrison came into view Lyriel noticed on the edge of the woods a group of goblins, who had seen the large convoy and decided to flee in abject terror. Flint was interested in following, but Altair said he would rather get everyone into the safety of the city. Once inside the city Altiar had Conner escort the younger children to the house while he helped get the military set up. Flint followed the soldiers and left his horse at the livery, and headed towards the tavern. Lucas and Tani landed not far from the city and entered by foot and also headed to the house.

Lyriel too followed with the soldiers, she felt more comfortable there with them then she did being treated as a Noble. She had always felt more comfortable around the common people. Samantha picked up on everything about the goblins and she told Conner she wanted a sword so she could go and kill them all, while her sister stayed quiet about the entire matter. It seemed both girls had changed due to their experience and Sammy might not have changed for the better. Tani wanted to wash her wings after such an extensive flight and that was her first priority, that and to wash her clothes properly She was a rather fastidious person, but then having wings would probably make anyone more aware of themselves and their appearance.

Flint rebuffed Samantha's desire to hunt the goblins down, "Do not always be in a rush to a fight little cousin. Where you only see the ease of slaying a goblin you never know what is waiting back his trail. In killing a group that thought better of attacking you could make things worse for the farmer nearby when the horde comes looking for payback. We will inform the military here and they will send scouts to find their camp and take care of them." Conner nodded his agreement and set a small glass of birch beer in front of both girls, they acquired their sweet tooth's from mother after all.

"Not if you follow them back to their base and kill them all." Samantha said before happily drinking the Birch beer. She loved anything sweet she loved these drinks and things and so did her sister, though her sister also sometimes really loved bitter tasting things. Like bitter chocolate and things, Lyriel often gave her presents of that sort of thing.

Conner shook his head, "Killing is never easy Samantha and should never be talked about casually." He was afraid all the death she and Arrisa saw was changing her, and not for the better. Sitting down he took a swig of his ale and pulled out his map and took a look at the route home. Jake and Daniel came in and also bugged him until he too got them birch beers and the whole group sat and drank and belched contentedly. Flint shook his head, "Amazing you can tell they are all family, and if you could do it right they'd be like a chorus."

"We done it before Rissy, me and her magic things." Sammy said softly as she stared at the map too. She didn't understand it, but she tried to really hard. Since Rissy had all the magic and the smarts and things Sammy had to be good at everything else. Rissy in the meantime ignored the map on the table and sipped her birch beer, she didn't belch but it was true they had gotten her little friends to play with Sammy once. Both girls didn't say anything to Conners last words.

Flint smiled and brought Samantha close and used her finger to trace the route. "We follow the river three days journey east, then will turn northenly until we reach Baerlon here on the coast. If you know where you are then finding connecting roads is simple. If I was alone and on foot I would try going as the crow flies." He said tracing the route back going through the woods and land between Garrison and Baerlon. It made slightly more sense as he explained it and Samantha began to understand plotting the route.

"But we gots heavy wagons, Roads're better." Sammy said sagely with a very grave and serious tone of voice. She finished her birch beer and then she asked for something to eat. Road food never filled her up like they did when she ate at a table. While Rissy never seemed to want to finish her plate of food at all. Rissy was still sipping on her drink savoring the sweet beverage.

Lyriel came inside and almost ran into Flint. "You going to stand there all night Flint or are you going to let other people into the room?" She asked curious as to what made him stop right in the doorway into the house. She was ready for a proper bath and some food. Then she would take an early reverence and talk to xibix for a bit.

Altair had all the family in the house and was shaking his head, "There may need to be some sharing of rooms for tonight." Conner groaned knowing he would get either the twins or the boys with him. Flint spoke up, "I will give up any claim to a room uncle, the barn will serve my needs well." "Might need to get used to sharing sleeping quarters with a cow." quipped Conner only loud enough so Flint and Lyriel heard him. Altair smiled, "thank you Flint, Lucas and Tani will have that room, the girls the other and the boys will sleep in the common room down here."

"I'll take my reverie in the sitting room. I don't need to lay down for that. It's only four hours anyways, no big loss for me. That'll make you worry less about me too. I can even take it early if you like." Lyriel offered so as to not worry him anymore then he had to be worried about it. Of course Conner's comment didn't help at all. Poppy was more then a cow she might as well have been a goblin wearing a hat of disguise.

Flint not sure he wanted to hear another mention of Poppy's name gathered his things and took a knee near Samantha, "You can keep my map for study tonight little one." Then rose and bid everyone a good night and headed out to the barn. Unbeknownst to Conner, Tani also had heard the comment, even though Lucas had not. Daniel and Jake went to fetch their packs so they could find a good place on the floor. Alissa was unsure where she would sleep and waited to see if her brother would assign her a spot.

Tani moved to stand behind Conner she smiled as the children left the room and moved into the bedrooms they would be staying in for the night before she grabbed Conner's arm, in a not so gentle grip. "Brother... I would like to speak to you privately please. If it wouldn't trouble you too much of course." She said politely smiling softly. "I'll be in to bed in a moment sweet Lucas." She told her husband with a loving smile. However first she needed to speak with Conner, at possible length.

Conner made his pained face, "Dear sister what did they feed you over there in that holy place. Ow, I forgot you have supernatural strength to go with your beauty." he said trying to charm his way out of trouble. Sometimes his ploys worked other times, dismal failures. Once alone he leaned against a table, "I already know you plan on lecturing me about my comments regarding Flint's soon to be. But, I have known her for quite a while longer than you and believe me given the options, I'd as sooner marry a pile of troll droppings, than get involved in that family."

"That's not the point Conner Ravenwood the point is you are rubbing this
distasteful woman and the state your cousin will be in directly into his face. Don't keep rubbing the fact this horrible woman will be his wife soon. Not only that but the fact that you constantly bring to attention her faults and the fate that he is held to. He is going to be forced to marry this unpleasant and unfaithful woman, and here you are his family who should be helping him and instead you are mocking him and bringing him down. Tell me Conner exactly which part of this should I let you 'slide' from any punishment you deserve?" Tani asked crossing her arms letting Conner loose from her grip.

Conner for the most part shrugged, "Its how us kids have always been, I mean you know how mother has a razor sharp wit and father always speaks his mind. That's probably part of the reason I, Lyriel, Flint, Mathius are the way we are. I know he doesn't want to marry Poppy and I'm more than willing to bet that by the time we get home that mother will have found a legal loophole and he'll get free of the horrible fate." Conner turned his head knowing Lyriel was listening in the shadows, unless she followed Flint outside. "We Ravenwoods, you included have a tendency to be in the worng place at the worst time and still get away with the mission and loved one's intact."

"Not all Ravenwoods have come out so lucky Conner, The man who's namesake you carry for one. Your uncle for second and your grandmother thirdly. Fourthly almost all who you have named have gone through or are still going through very difficult times, times that are uncertain and full of doubt. you and your sister may very well enter these times at any time now, since you are almost of age now, what would you do if something were to happen to her? Or to the twins who are no doubt already asleep. Already Young Samantha is struggling with what happened to her and her sister." Tani said her arms still crossed and she herself looked very angry.

Conner took a stern look, "I could not help what happened to the twins, but I sure as the abyss stopped them from being taken. We fight hard for our family and friends, I guess that tempers the mind that wields that wit. And I know what uncertain times are and the history of my name, more than anyone I get watched and prodded to be my father and that is a scary thought considering what he has been through in his life." Conner knew that while other nobles were allowed to have fun and be aloof and sleep around, he could not, he had to be a Ravenwood a beacon of heroism to all Andor. He stood up and left the room telling Lyriel when he passed her, "I need some air."

Tani sighed deeply her wings even stooped a little under the weight of her worry and grief over this family and their lack of communication with either the gods or each other. "I do not think he will listen to reason... not until something happens to him other then social pressure and the pressure to be himself and a good man." Tani said to Lyriel, she knew she was there and listening but what she thought Tani didn't know.

Lyriel sighed softly, she agreed with Tani. "He's young he just feels the pressure of what we all want. What we want him to be. He hasn't found out who he is and what he really wants. Of himself let alone for everyone else. He will as we all did though. Eventually. Do not worry so Tani, just your presence in the family helps a great deal. It is a sign that the gods still favor us." Lyriel said encouragingly, after that Tani smiled a little and headed to bed and Lyriel went to the couch to take her revery.

When Lyriel awoke she found that Jake and Daniel had both already went to bed, they were asleep in their bedrolls both with books laying open. The house itself was quiet and Conner had not returned yet from getting 'air'. So much was happening, changing around them for every enemy they lost it seemed that more popped up. And teaming that with the loss of the sanctuary of Sildea meant they would need to plan a new safe place for the children. Tani's words about how Flint was handling things the closer they came to his impending marriage and home.

Lyriel sighed softly and got up getting into the kitchen and getting herself something hot to eat. The whole family seemed to be separating and not because they wanted to... or because it was planned either. Lyriel knew though that right now Alehial would be pacing up and down the halls worried about the children. Altair would have a fight to calm her down and she would sequester herself with the children once they did arrive. Jake would probably go to stay with Asper and Darryl and the new baby, who knew what would happen for the rest of the children, Lyriel wouldn't be at all surprised if Alehial hired body guards for every single child. Wouldn't that be a sight the normal parade of Ravenwoods followed by a military parade of their personal body guards. Lyriel chuckled and went outside to find Xibix, she checked near the wagons first.

Xibix was under the wagon he had ridden in all day, now he lounged picking a piece of chicken from his teeth. When he saw Lyriel he suddenly realized she could do something very special for him. He grabbed his stomach and wailed quietly, "Ohs nos I'ms soos hungries, Mes mights passsways froms hungeries." It was a ruse to hopefully get something to eat, but it had been a little while since he had eaten. And if she wanted more information about her father than she needed to bring him something, that was the way things worked at least he thought.

"Shut your Razor filled gob!" Lyriel hushed fervently before shoving some cold meat and some bread at him, and trying to get some in his mouth to shut him up. He was so greedy and she already knew he wanted food, he always wanted food. He was like a food leech on her life. "I'm sorry about the wagon situation I thought I'd best come and check on you." She said by way of apology.

Xibix took the food and munched happily and stuffed it into his mouth, "Afologis ifs excaffted." He chewed quickly and swallowed the offering before coming to rub his head against Lyriel's palm in a gesture of appreciation. "Mes seens Flints head to barnsy earliers, you twos not having funs-funs?" he said sitting on his haunches looking at her. He thought about trying to influence her like he did that first night and sending her to Flint, they were fun to watch. He went to say something else, but stopped as they watched Conner coming back from getting air.

"Quiet." Lyriel ordered her tone as hard as steal her expression mild, her voice a whisper. She wondered if Conner was going to apologize or get into trouble. Both were viable options when it came to him, but then Conner was sometimes a mystery to the whole family, a rat scallion and then in the next turn honorable and loyal. Lyriel for one held him to nothing, he was his own person and would be whoever it was he was destined to be. But she watched him now.

From where they were Conner didn't even see them and walked to the house and entered. Xibix looked up at her expectantly, for permission to speak or at least an apology for odering him to be silent. Then he shrugged and curled himself around her leg and looked up at her. "Sos, ise wes goings to Baerslon and I lives with yous?" he asked wondering what it would be like living with the Ravenwoods. At least things would be more interesting than what he was doing before this, working for Lyriel's father.

"I think I'll have you travel with me... I don't know how long we'll be in Bearlon but stick close to me and you'll be fine." Lyriel said scratching Xibix's back and under his chin. She was looking thoughtful at the house and at the barn both. She wondered what was going to happen to them all when they finally reached home. She wondered where they would go form there... and what Flint would do.

Xibix could not resist influencing her just a little bit, "Yous, knows its mights be one ofs the lasty timesys yous and Flints can bes that close agains." He smiled, it wasn't much but she cared for him and it was just a little less than he used the night the clung to each other in the woods. "Maybes ifs youse goes to hims, he'lls tells yous about his plansy." he offered trying to be helpful. The little imp had been in her father's service for some time, seeing the lusty interactions with her mother that culminated in the birth of Lyriel and her brother. Drow sex could be beautiful and brutal in much the same way, so much breaking of things and of course all done in the darkness.

Lyriel bit her bottom lip and glowered at Xibix. "You little dirty rat.... I knew I felt someone watching me. Well us. Wait... what plan? Have you been spying on him and not telling me what you've found out?" Lyriel asked her interest certainly peeked on Flint the whole trip home so far he had been withdrawn and seemed to be holding himself back. Lyriel couldn't keep leading him on but he was the best sexual partner she had ever had that much was true. But he was doomed to a doomed marriage by the King's hand and what could she offer, that he would get old and die while she stayed young and beautiful forever. Okay not forever but still for a much longer time then he would. But they were glorious together and she had a suspicion Xibix liked doing more then Watching like... instigating perhaps? She needed to research what all imp's could do.

He gave her his best 'What I'd never do anything like that' look and shook his head. "Alls mes knows is thats nots the firsty times yers youngers brothers cames to sees hims. Others thans thatsy coulds nots tell yous mores, maybes youse should asks hims?" He would not really want to try putting the idea in her head again, he realized that she knew he was about the last time. There was still a great amount of time until morning, so she had hours and a couple more days to question him about what he and Darryl were up to.

Lyriel really was curious now, about what Flint was doing, perhaps she had a bad feeling because he was planning something and it didn't have anything to do with Xibix at all. Or it could be a foretelling of something to come when they finally reached Bearlon. Lyriel didn't know but if she wanted to find out there was always alcohol and seduction to use to get the information out of him. The trick was to not let him know that she was trying to ply him for information. Not only that but Xibix was right they both needed comfort and he was headed towards a doom of a type, what better comfort then each other.

Xibix watched her mulling over what he told her, Drow by nature planned and schemed a lot so he wanted to see what she was capable of. His little yellow eyes flickered with interest, "Woulds Lyriels likes Xibix's helpsys with Flints?" His words brought back the curiosity of him instigating what was going on between them in the forest. She saw a light inside the barn and knew that Flint must still be awake. The best time to set her plan in motion would be now or never.

"What kind of help you little imp? What could you of all the small evil things possibly do to help me in my plans?" Lyriel goaded the little devil she scoffed at him and adjusted her clothing having taken her armor off for her reverie in the house. She was only wearing one of her cropped tunic's and her well fitting britches. She was barefoot and her hair was a long braid down her back instead of a bun she liked to keep it in like Alehial often did. But her silver eyes gleamed in the dark and her white hair shone almost like a beacon, though she was in a shadow of the darkness, her clothes were always on the darker shades of anything she wore. She stood as if to leave Xibix and not believe he could do anything for him. For that was the best way to goad any prideful creature.

He made a clicking sound almost like a hiss at her turning her back on him, "Whys I's don' knowsy ifn's I's shoulds helpsy Lyriels nows. I's coulds haves if's me's wantsy toos suggestys thats hes tells yous abouts hisy planss." Xibix narrowed his little eyes on Lyriel and watched her next movements very closely. Being a familiar he knew lots about Drow and quite a few of their tricks, because Lyriel was raised differently he needed to be careful for different tricks.

"Thanks for the Offer Xibix But Flint is my problem, if I fail you can get him next time... I promise." Lyriel says turning back around with a coy smile on her lips. She blew a kiss to the little Imp and then headed back for the barn. She had a man she wanted answers out of and possibly a very nice night in the hay with. It all depended on what he was going to do with her plans. Using Xibix and his suggestions wouldn't feel real to Lyriel so she preferred doing things her way. Not that she wouldn't use him if she failed however. She knocked on the barn softly, "Flint? I know you're awake." She called equally soft toned.

She entered and could see the hooded lantern up in the hayloft which cast soft light, Flint had taken his bedroll up there to sleep. When she climbed up into the loft she found him looking at his sword, a commission in the army and his family crest ring that Altair and Alehial had given him as well. All the children had them as they also conferred a protection spell in case of combat and a way for Darryl to locate them with ease. He turned and smiled at her, "Welcome to my quarters for the night, please pull up a bale or section of bedroll." Flint smiled as he offered his hospitality to her. He had a bottle of wine and some food up there and offered her as any good host taught by the Ravenwoods would do, they were almost a week away from home and he was reflecting on his journey up until this point.

Lyriel sat down on a bale of hay nearby but not in his space. She watched him for a moment not taking his offer of food or drink. "Tell me the truth... What's going on in your head Flint. I know a mind preoccupied with a plan when I see one and it's either I ask you... I beat you... or I seduce you into telling me. While I'd love to make love to you I don't want to use that to get something out of you." Lyriel says figuring the honest way was probably going to be the best way to handle this. While she wasn't positive she did have major suspicions and Xibix only re-enforced them.

Flint looked her in the eye and raised an eyebrow, "Do I get my choice of asking, seducing, or beating? We are getting closer to home and that means closer to having to answer the king's command, I'm preoccupied with finding a way out of this and still remaining who I am. Does my answer satisfy you or shall I prepare for the beating or seducing?" He got up and walked over to her and leaned down until they were face to face, "You know I want you too, always in the worst way." He kissed Lyriel softly, waiting to see if she would rebuff him or she was serious about being together again.

"It is more fun then beating you... and it certainly leaves you feeling inspired... but only if you are being honest Flint... I don't want to have to sneak you out of prison. or worse the dungeons." Lyriel said wrapping her ams around Flint's neck. After saying that thought she attacked his throat with her tongue and with small gentle nips. Yes seduction was almost always preferred, She'd never met a man like Flint, and she wondered if she ever wanted to try. But she never wanted to be held down anywhere, like a home or family, she didn't want to have to stay there, she wanted her freedom too much.

He knelt and let her have her nips as his hands unbuckled her sword belt and began to work upon her pants then shirt. Once he felt he had things well in hand he stood up with Lyriel wrapped around him and took her to his bedroll. Flint undid his pants as well as his shirt and wasted no time in finishing stripping Lyriel bare and tasting her flesh. Many looked with curiosity at her dark skin as being strange, Flint looked upon her naked skin as the most amazing thing he'd ever seen and took his time from her lips to her breasts then began to work down her body. Kissing down her stomach until he reached the area between her legs and spread them so he could pleasure Lyriel with his mouth which he loved to hear her enjoy his attentions.

Lyriel was always a sucker for a man who was good with his tongue, and Flint was one of those men. He tasted her like she was a fine dessert he wanted to memorize the taste of. Before he got too carried away however she spoke the spell of protection from her wand. She kept it on herself just in case. A case she was really beginning to have need of more and more often. But then she was driven to glorious mindlessness by his touch and his tongue. She was soon holding his hair in her hands and crying her release begging for him to take her.

Flint knew when he had her lusting for him to be inside her and when she begged he began to kiss back up her body, until her reached her lips and his manhood nudged her sex. Her legs knew exactly how to wrap around him as he pushed deeply insider her, there was never a time he ever wanted to forget the heavenly feeling of Lyriel's body allowing his entry into her. Kissing her deeply his hands held her hips as he continued to thrust into her as he kissed her neck and everywhere he could. There was no way anyone, this Poppy or any other woman could feel better or respond better to him than Lyriel could and he knew it. Knowing her love for being in control, Flint brought his mouth to hers and rolled onto his back so Lyriel could be on top and he could thrust up into her.

Lyriel nearly growled in bliss and pleasure. She adjusted her legs and drive herself hard onto his length and scored his chest with her nails. Over and over she lifted herself and drove herself deeply onto him. He was fantastic as a lover and it only got better between them. Lyriel opened her eyes to look down at Flint her silver eyes glowing in pleasure, his skin seemingly so pale next to her own, his hair so black where hers were white.

He raised himself up to first kiss her then suckle lightly upon her breast enjoying everything about them being together, the only things he wished was that this was taking place in a proper bed in an inn somewhere. Flint's second was that this would be the time that something more blossomed between them. They didn't bother much with talking, just the sounds lovers make while being joined so intimately as the night moved along around them. Her eyes shown silver like the moon and brighter every time he thrust deeper inside her, and the contrast between them.

Lyriel cried out as she came upon him. She rocked her hips while grinding his erection deep inside of her. She tightened around him and her hands grasped his shoulders desperately. Everything about this man was fantastic and amazing except maybe for his judgement most of the time. Lyriel however in this moment knew only Flint would bring her utter bliss like this, for now for a long time... maybe even her entire lifetime.

As she ground against him, Flint climaxed deeply inside her his manhood pulsed each time adding more and more inside her. He reached up and drew her into an embrace and kissed her deeply as he covered them in his blanket. More than likely she would not stay the night with him, and they would not do anything like this again for some time. It made him sad about that, but glad that she wanted him tonight as badly as he wanted her. As they came down form their orgasms he stroked her skin cuddled up against him. "I never tire of you Lyriel, every time feels like the first time we were ever together."

"No it feels better each time, now shut up and lay down and cuddle with me." Lyriel shakes her head and smiles, she kisses Flint deeply and holds him close, just being with him like this is a big help to her and she wondered if it did the same for him or if it just hurt him more and more. Lyriel might never know but that didn't mean she would be selfish about their time together, she kept giving him time so he could think without her influence.

"Yes." he whispered as he stroked her skin with his hands as they lay under his blanket. This was what he wanted in life, to fight beside this strong fierce warrior by day and feel her warm soft skin at night against him. This was his Heaven and that made her his angel, he smiled and committed the curve of her cheek to his memory. So much of her he could draw from memory, if he had any talent with a brush or bit of charcoal. Almost as an after thought to her order to lay down he kissed her neck and whispered, "Bossy".

"Damn straight." Lyriel slurred sleepily as she nestled back against him. His hands roaming on her skin made her drowsy, she was simply wonderfully comfortable and he was keeping her warm in the barn. It was spring now but still chilly the further north they were getting. She disliked cold weather, but she was with him now and that was okay. It was only moments after her comment that she fell promptly to sleep. Something she hadn't done in a very long time. Real and actual sleep.

She woke and the barn was dark around her, Flint was asleep beside her and she could feel the warmth of his breath against her shoulder and his arms around her. He had remembered many times how she hated to be restrained after sex so he held her loosely so she could leave if she wanted. From higher in the rafters Xibix watched them and noted how despite everything said otherwise Lyriel and Flint could not stop being attracted to one another. He had snuck in shortly after they had begun and found a spot hidden from view, his old master would be angry indeed to see his only surviving child in the throes of passion with a human, and a Ravenwood at that. He smiled remembering giving them that nudge the first time that brought such a strong reaction in them both and how it replayed this time without his assistance.

"Xibix how long have I been asleep?" Lyriel asked very softly, she didn't want to disturb Flint while he slept but she noticed the sway of Xibix's tail that was the only reason she knew he was there. "Also if I find out you watched me have sex every single time with Flint. I will skin you tail and treat it with holy water from Lucas and his divine wife." Lyriel threatened calmly. She didn't mind the little creature but of course she had to keep some lines from being crossed and threats could easily be followed through with actions from Lyriel.

"I's do not knowsy how longs Lyriels was asleepsy. Its hasy beens many hoursy since yous cames insides this barn. I's was checkings to sees ify I coulds seeys what Flints was ups tos." He fluttered down a little closer to the sleeping pair and came to sit upon a bale of hay and watching for any sign of Flint being awake. If he was lying it was a convincing one as many imps were masters of the glib tongue. "Dids yous haves funs with Flintsy mistressy?" he asked with a small smile on his face.

"Little bastard you were peeping. Oh well, but if I ever catch you. Your precious hide is mine understand?" Lyriel asks narrowing her eyes at the little imp. "I'd better go and check the gear. Might as well check outside of town as well while I have the time with nothing else to do." Lyriel sighed and very gently and carefully left Flint's embrace. It was pretty rare if she stayed with him all night long, and awefully rare if she slept. She was thinking about that now. She couldn't be pregnant because they used the wand every time. Perhaps it was stress and overthinking things. Or because she had used all her energy in helping to repair Sildea.

The little imp took flight and hurried out the way he came in, leaving her to dress while Flint slept soundly, she would need to come back and wake him or else someone else might get an eyeful. Getting outside the barn she saw the guards making rounds among the wagons and they saluted her as she passed them. The whole caravan seemed more relaxed inside Garrison's walls and several campfires were burning low, the men at them dozing comfortably. The cooks wagon always had someone awake keeping food and coffee hot for those on patrol, in case of hunger or thirst. Not far off she saw something truly curious, a white owl was sitting on a shop sign watching everything going on in the camp.

Lyriel watched the owl for some time. She knew it wasn't natural but it was someone with a high enough level to use that spell. But she moved on to go and check on the elven guests that joined their group headed north. She wanted to make sure they were doing okay so far on the trip. She had some coffee while patrolling outside and returned the cup before heading inside the inn. She wanted to make sure the elves were doing alright and honestly she was a little lonely for company.

Sure enough of the four elves coming with the caravan they were all awake and doing a multitude of tasks. The girl wanting to help care for the little ones, had already left going with Darryl and the twins to meet Elsa. A couple of them were reading and one was checking the lacing on his leather armor. They turned and smiled, all of them remembering her from the defense of Sildea and invited her to join them. Once the four of them were sitting at the table the elves quit talking in common and instead went to elven only.

"How are you fairing in the travels so far? I hope the pace of the group isn't tiring or boring for you all. I don't imagine there's too much similar to this in Sildea, and you will have to forgive me but I am there for short visit and rarely got the chance for those." Lyriel said trying to open the door for conversation. She wanted to make sure no one was suffering from the pace and that no one was terribly bored by it either as she often was. Caravans took so long to get anywhere that she rarely took jobs to guard them.

They all said the pace was fine and they looked forward to arriving into Baerlon soon as they all were interested in the world beyond the forest. One was coming to learn about the cooking and delacacies of Andor and the other two were coming to take spots in the ambassador's office. All three were surprised that Lyriel would not be home for an extended amount of time, they wondered if not said out loud if she was unhappy with her family or the government. They continued to talk until the conversation had been exhausted and they bid her good night as they were going to rest.

Lyriel left them and it was a few hours until sunrise. She decided to take a guard shift and let one of the men off early. She picked the one looking the worst and let him have the rest of the night shift off. She figured she might as well seeing as she had nothing else to do and she still creeped the townspeople out if she wasn't wearing her disguise, but the soldiers were all pretty much okay with her. Besides she gambled with them and didn't cheat so she was pretty well accepted.

Once the sun came up and the camp around her began to waken she was released with thanks from the men, she could either wake up Flint or go into the house and see if anyone was awake from the family. She no longer saw the owl anywhere and wondered if it was just a bird or someone following them. She did see Xibix though stealing a cooling roll off of the baker's window sill, it was odd though to see it float up and disappear in a couple bites.

Lyriel decided waking Flint and letting him get dressed was probably the best answer she could go with. Xibix was occupied and that was well... good wasn't really the word but out of her hair at least. Besides with him awake and dressed they could go back to the house and she could get her hat just in case she needed to go out into the town for any reason. She couldn't blame them for being nervous around her. Everyone always was.

Flint looked up and smiled when she woke him, "Back for more Lyriel?" He reached up and ran his hand along her thigh, he was teasing at least a little. Sitting up cast the blanket aside and looked around to find his clothes which he discarded over where he and Lyriel began their little interlude. It was early, but not much more than when they used to wake up when he was younger when she'd slip into his bed and they'd talk until it was time to get up. By his figure, they were four to five more days until they would be back in Baerlon and if Lyriel wanted he'd spend every night with her.

"Just didn't want anyone else waking you and finding you naked. As for more I doubt I'll ever get a real 'fill'." Lyriel laughed it off as she stood watching him get dressed. she was getting hungry though and seeing or rather not seeing Xibix eating a glazed bun made her hungrier then she thought she'd be. "C'mon the ladies will have some breakfast done by now and we can eat!" Lyriel said tired of waiting already for Flint to get dressed besides she knew he's want to use the restroom as well before anything else.

"Keep yer shirt on." he teased as he finished putting his clothes on and quickly wrapped up his pack and dropped it from the hayloft. Flint made the gentleman's motion to let her go down the ladder first. Once on the ground he took his pack to the wagon then went with Lyriel to the house where the ladies truly did have breakfast ready for them. Altair was awake and nodded to them both when they walked in, "Good morning, fill a plate before the others get to everything."

"Like the ladies will let the food run out ever for our family." Lyriel scoffed gently, she put plenty of greens and some sweet glazed buns on her plate and at least one egg for Altair and Flint's sake of her eating meat. She honestly liked meat, but not for break fast. But those two were stubborn and if she didn't eat then oh man what scolding she got and they lasted for ever. "So what's the plan General?" Lyriel asks of her father.

"Same as the days before and several after, we head for home and hope the path before us is clear, child of nature." he responded opening his map so she could look. A little while after Flint began to eat Conner made an appearance and began to get breakfast for himself as well, then Lucas and Tani arrived at the table. Altair left them to talk about the trip and anything else while he got the younger children up and around, the women fussed over all of them as usual. Conner didn't feel very talkative to anyone after yesterday and kept to himself, once Flint was done he went outside to check on the horses. The young Ravenwood lord had been chastised by Tani and would probably sulk another day or so before returning to normal.

"Did I do bad by confronting him the other day? Should I go apologize for my behavior?" Tani asked worriedly, she was sitting on a stool at the table and her wings were tucked in but she looked apprehensive and worried. She thought it was perhaps her fault he was moping or angry? She really couldn't tell which and she felt bad that she was the reason for this long unusual behavior of her step brother. So she wondered if she should go abase herself to make things right again. She was of course Asking Lucas because she had no idea what she was supposed to do with family. She always thought the elder family corrected the younger ones.

"You pricked his conscious dear wife, and he learned his jokes might make his life with our cousin strained there is no fault in that." Lucas said kissing her hand. Conner indeed worried that Flint was seriously upset with him and could not imagine the ramifications of a strain in their relationship. They had fished together many times and on more than one occasion snuck into Finn's to listen to a traveling bard and sneak a few pints. "He will sulk until he asks Flint for forgiveness then be back to his usual self and by then Mother will be keeping him in line." Lucas added with a wink to Lyriel. The women laughed and said that Lord and Lady Ravenwood needed to arrange a marriage for Conner and that would straighten him out.

"Rather he needs a babysitter someone like aunt Arten I think would do the trick!" Lyriel joked on finishing her breakfast. "No Tani the only reason he is listening to you is because you married into the family. Therefore you are an outside perspective on his jokes. HE probably didn't realize how bad he was getting. He'll get over this sudden bought of thinking in no time. I'm going to go rub down the horses and take a few out for a stretch. I'll see you all later for Lunch." Lyriel said smiling as she left the table and the house.

Tani smiled still looking troubled but not nearly so much so. "Well as long as I didn't hurt his feelings or make him think ill I suppose..." She said taking everyone's advice that Conner was alright and she needn't worry so much about him. Tani wondered what the family was like when there was no Mother Alehial or Father Altair and the other parental figures around. When it was just the children. But then she figured maybe one day she would get to see how her own acted. Then Tani blushed brightly. "I'm going to go wash my wings." She said getting to her feet and kissing Lucas on the cheek.

Lyriel's plan didn't last very long, the caravan was ready to pull out less than an hour later as Altair was concerned that any more time wasted would bring bad weather and slow them down. The ladies bid them all good journey and gave the kids one and all something to eat on the road, then they buttoned them into the wagons and sent them off. Conner rode beside his father for a long time discussing the merits of leaving now versus another day, Altair was patient explaining to his son that trying to get a caravan moving in rain or snow with children aboard was much worse than a hasty departure now. The children were having a fun time chatting about getting home and what they were going to do first when they did, Jake wanted to go see his sister and niece and Daniel wanted to see Alehial and Lai and Lissa wanted to see her mother too.

Lyriel shook her head, not only was this her family but they all loved each other very much even though they all went through very troublesome times recently. But then Lyriel began to ride ahead to begin scouting ahead of the caravan, someone needed to be aware of what was going on and be able to warn the others. Of course the wolves had left a long time ago, Lyriel didn't mind they had wanted to go off together. They would start a fine pack, but now she didn't have a companion and she kind of felt lonely because of that. Still she rode in front keeping watch and alert for any danger. She found a good spot to camp. She started a fire, though she didn't stay at it. She figured some hunting for fresh meat would do herself some good. By the time she came back with a decently sized Doe camp was almost completely set up. She took her kill to the cook. "I can get another if you think we need it." She offered her kill to him.

He took it greatfully, "No miss I will cut it up and add it to some vegetables for a fine stew." Conner was keeping the children engaged and out from underfoot of the men. Altair was looking over the map and setting the watch for the night all the normal things they did setting up camp. Lucas and Tani were speaking to Flint over near the horses and it looked to be quite the conversation as all three were talking quickly and gesturing. Lyriel then noted that Xibix was sitting on the opposite side of camp on a semi exposed branch, only a druid would have noticed him. Two more days and nights of travel and they would be back into the city and everything would go back to what passed as normal.

Lyriel walked over and sat beneath the tree Xibix sat on the branch of. She watched over the camp silently, she still had her hood up and her cape over her. They had all switched to long sleeves and full pants. It was the end of winter still up north so it was chilly here. But Lyriel honestly didn't mind a bit, she had her legs crossed and her arms folded under her chest as she watched her family. Only her silver eyes really giving her away. She wasn't the least bit tired as usual and she had no job to do now that the camp was up.

Xibix, invisible made his way down the tree and curled up in her lap, as an imp he despised the cold and Lyriel was warm and he made himself comfortable. "Ahhhs, youse is warms nos wonders Flints likes being against youse. Yours bodys is warms." he whispered to her. Flint and the others finished the conversation, as Lucas shook his head and walked off. It wouldn't be long before dinner would be ready and then they would bed down for the night.

Lyriel rested her hand on Xibix's back, careful incase his spines might prick her. She rested her other hand on her thigh. She wondered what Flint had said to Tani and Lucas. Tani just looked kind of weary but she wandered off after her husband, obviously to help sooth him. Every one had something to do in the camp, but not Lyriel, it was the same at home she never had anything to do. So she often went out on adventures to keep herself busy and moving. She disliked sitting still so often or for long periods of time.

Xibix rolled, flating his spines so Lyriel's warm hand was on his belly and he began to make his happy sounds. Time passed and the cook gave the call to dinner and everyone began to head that way. "So, are you coming or just gonna watch the camp mill about?" Flint called to her. He had removed his armor and washed up a little bit she could see his bedroll was near where she had left her gear sit. Her sisters were walking hand in hand with Conner towards the cooks tent.

"Yes I'm coming. Just taking my time today." Lyriel said as she carefully shifted her hand to nudge at xibix without making look like that was what she was doing. She slowly got up and stretched out while doing so. Before she looked at Flint. "What made Lucas so mad?" She asked motion for him to follow her to the mess area, she was curious and he had finally made his way over to her. She was trying to enjoy the last few days outside while she could.

Xibix huffed when she got up and left him, then climbed back up into the tree to hopefully stay out of the wind blowing around. Flint smiled handing Lyriel a bowl, "He offered pre-marriage counseling, which I promptly rebuffed politely mind you. So, sore from riding or trying to get out of keeping watch tonight?" he asked as the cook put some stew into Lyriel's bowl. He was a good cook, Altair hand picked him saying that if Alehial was in the camp they needed a camp cook. "Three nights to go before Baerlon comes into view, I have a feeling Lady Ravenwood is going to lock all of her children up for sometime." Flint said grabbing a roll and walking over to find a seat.

"No I'll be taking watch. Just... trying to enjoy all of this before having to be inside the city. I won't be roaming much I fear, unless unforeseen circumstances require otherwise. That's exactly what I know she will be doing. I'm surprised she hasn't tried locking us all in the same room to keep us safe! It's been a long time since she was out fighting and now she has all these children and grandchildren to worry over. Almost makes you wish the Wisdom would show up and tell her off huh?" Lyriel asked as she ate her stew and bread. When she was done she set the bowl aside and looked around for a moment. "I should take a shift, I'll take your bowl back." She offered as she stood.

He thanked her and put the bowl in her hand, "I suppose I could take watch with you but I thought you were fond of late watches?" looking around he watched as Jake and Daniel excitedly chatted with Altair about how soon they could leave in the morning and how much longer until they got home. It was bittersweet one would say, the younger children desperately wanted to get home and he dreaded the idea of riding back through the gates. More than likely the king would give him three or four days before summoning him to court, its what Poppy's father would want. Flint watched Lyriel returning the bowls, so much in this world was driving them apart no matter how much they tried to stay together.

Lyriel had just smiled at Flint and took the bowls back. She then told Altair she was going to take a few shifts on guard duty for the night. She tousled the boys hair before walking off laughing softly at the angry and pouty faces they made. She would take her reverie later, much later. For now she wanted to watch over the camp and the forest around them. Soon they would be in open fields and farm plots. So she wanted to enjoy this time as much as she could while she still had time. Though she knew she would always have plenty of time. That was usually the problem.

Flint was strapping on his armor and sword when she got back near, "So, which sounds better to you a walk about the perimeter or going a little farther out and looking?" For years he had tagged along on mock missions then later on real ones with Lyriel, he knew her mannerisms and gestures for patrols. Most of the guards were in place for the night and would rouse their relief later after the moon had risen high, after that Flint would bed down until morning then get ready to ride for another day. Lucas had come to him to offer some words about learning to get along with Poppy and maybe accept the life fate had set for him, he felt bad lying to Lyriel. But, if his beloved cousin knew what he was planning she would never let it happen and too many things were already in place to turn back now.

"Let's go wander the perimeter. The moon isn't it's brightest and I know you can't see well in the dark." Lyriel said with a soft smile. She would be glad to have company tonight, hopefully it wouldn't be tense. She seemed almost tired now as if she was dreading what was going to happen soon. As if she knew something about the future and just wasn't telling. She did though hold out her hand to help her little cousin to his feet. So it would be easier to join her on the walk.

Flint smiled and accepted her hand, "Sounds good to me let's be off." They would most likely take a couple rounds moving out a little further every time before heading back into camp. Lyriel was in the lead as she always was, "I might complain about never getting to be the leader, but I won't argue about the view." A broad smile crossed his face, he liked complimenting Lyriel even knowing what was looming on the horizon. If the last happy thing he ever got to hold onto was the way they made love then it would lessen the long years of misery to come. 

"Well we can't all be so special as to have Etin's sneak attack us can we?" Lyriel replied with a giggle. She didn't mind besides with her cape on he wouldn't actually see much she knew that. A little bit of teasing between them felt good they both knew what was coming and neither one liked it one bit. But soon enough Lyriel led them back to camp. She wanted to take another guard shift before she took her reverie. Of course all the guards were already on duty... it seemed like Altair was deliberately not letting her have guard duty the closer they got to town.

He stopped her short of camp and smiled at her, "Just because I got surprised one time doesn't always mean there is one waiting around the corner. So quick to dump me back at camp thinking I'll slow you down?" with his typical grin. Leaning in he kissed Lyriel taking her hand in his, he wished he could get as many as he could before getting home. When they broke the kiss he hoped she wasn't angry with him, it was one of the things he hated was when she was cross with him.

"No not dumping... I just feel less forest and more civilization is all. I don't know how Alehial can stand living there... letting those buildings and people drag her down. She's a druid... she should be free... you know to run around outside without shoes on or swim in a pool in the forest naked or something. Like we do." Lyriel said squeezing Flint's hand. She didn't mind the kiss, or the hand holding.

"Is the naked comment an offer child of nature?" he asked with his grin. Some of the best sex they ever had was in nature, just them and the trees and passion between them. They had cleared all the area around the camp and no one would miss them for sometime, and he believed Altair knew when they left that they would be enjoying one another's company. His free hand slipped in behind her and rested in the small of her back.

"No. Not tonight. But it is fun isn't it?" Lyriel smiled softly, she honestly wasn't in the mood to fool around tonight, not on the very edge of the forest. Tonight she was just ready to rest and watch over her family. "So son of devil spawn... at least this time around. What were your plans for the night? other then apparently me." Lyriel asked with a soft smile.

"Well, if you weren't interested I figure going back and getting a little sleep would be the order of the night." He smiled and gave her another kiss as his hand remained at her back. If Lyriel did not feel like being together tonight then he would honor her wish as much as he wished she felt otherwise. "And you know only you get the right to call me son of devil spawn right, and only because you call me more interesting things when we're naked and intertwined." 

"We both know my blood is worse. So hush you." Lyriel said and if not for her skin color being ebony she would have blushed at his teasing. She wasn't immune to embarrassment after all just harder to embarrass then most others. "Come and you can sleep then I shall take my Reverie." She offered the comment as a truce of sorts as they were almost back to the camp now. She knew he was craving physical reassurance now more then ever but she could only give him so much.

"Very well, for the morning will be here way to early." he said removing his hand from her back. Then they started back off to camp only dropping her hand just before they emerged out of the tree line. Most of the guards who saw them were relieved for them returning meant all was clear and watches would go a little easier. Flint removed his armor and sword and prepared to bed down, he looked to see if Lyriel had down her usual to get ready to take her reverie. "Good rest Lyriel, I'll see you in the morning." he said pulling off his boots and laying on his bedroll.

Lyriel removed her armor and set it aside, she let her hair down though not loose. She smiled at Flint before she laid down. She preffered to sit. But she had no choice tonight. So she lay and began her reverie. When she finished she put her armor back on, put her hair back up. And her cloak back on over herself. She pulled her hood up and told the guard she was going to look around.

The other elves that were still with the caravan were still up talking low around their own fire, as she informed the guard she was leaving the camp. After a short walk she felt like she was being watched, however she wasn't sure where from this time. Xibix more then likely was sleeping after finding somewhere safe and suitably warm for the night. A short while later she heard the call of an owl not far away, it reminded her of the owl she saw in Garrison. The forest around her was rather peaceful and calm, even this close to Baerlon the animals moved about in their normal cycles.

The Andorian Chronicles

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