Page name: Ravenwood Estates 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-09-21 23:24:28
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Two

In this chapter we travel with the Ravenwood family to Sildea the ancestral home of the elves to pick up the youngest of the children.

After departing the main gate and forming ranks the group continued its ponderous gait to Sildea. Flint had decided to ride ahead a little, shaking loose the haunting spectre of what (who) was waiting when he returned. He also knew if he was ahead he'd never hear the songs Conner had arranged. Maybe if Gareth held firm this forced marriage then Galin would open him if he expressed his anger for the king. The idea scared him a little, both his mother and Lyrial chastized him when he acted out in court. That's when he heard the first stanzas of a song Conner called 'When Poppy come visiting home again' getting the men completely into the song with rising Hurrah's.

Conner was in his element, after hearing some of the men grumble about the long march to the elven country he began making jokes and broke out his newest song. And was almost to the end, with his most inspired lines.

"I’m willing to bet most readily,"
Hurrah! Hurrah!
"My sisters dear least two or three,"
Hurrah! Hurrah!
"Will help Lyrial to beat that sow
Without a hint of sweat on her brow
And then we can’t hide away
When Poppy comes visiting home."

The men grinned and started to complain less. Conner learned from Uncle Rand if the men were happy, you had nothing to worry about. He did however, look at his mother, sister, and cousin knowing that if he angered them they'd string him up. But, he kept singing, his audience demanded to hear how the song would end.

Fortunately enough Lyrial was ahead several miles out scouting alone. The two wolves roving alongside of her. Alehial however got to listen to the entire song, all verses and no she didn't grin when the men got into it, nor did she sing along at any point. She knew this would happen, without the entire family there to reign Conner in this always happened. For some reason the boy just didn't fear anyone or any kind of punishment. He was almost exactly like Rand and Alehial was loath to admit it. She did ride in front of the company, and periodically she rode around to check on the wagons and drivers. Without all the pregnant women they would cut off at least one full week of travel so the way down would only take about two weeks.

One hour before the party made camp for the night, Flint felt a touch against his mind. "Traveling to Sildea, son?" came his father's voice, "And no Altair to look after Lady Alehial?" "Get out of my head!" He projected back, he looked about quickly hoping no one saw his obvious discomfort. "Why, my boy I just wished to talk to you," Galin continued, "I heard you're being forced to marry, and wish to express how wrong Gareth is for doing so." He scoffed out loud, thinking back quickly "You care nothing for me or anyone except yourself!" Soothing thoughts returned, "In time you may wish to seek me out, At the milita city ahead you'll find a man named Tack, he'll give you something you can use to come to me so we can talk."

After the conversation Flint made his way away from the others to rest. The spell wasn't draining but, he needed the chance to put everything is perspective. "Damn you Galin" he muttered.

Lyrial was floating around the camp, wandering around on the edges alone with Alehial. They were speaking softly as they walked about the edges of camp checking on the people and the wagons. They were speaking quietly to each other, Lyriels hands waving about excitedly and Alehial's almost soothing, slow and dilibertate. The two wolves were wandering around as well. Wolf was stopping for a bite from anyone who was offering. alpha on the other hand simply stood and watched the female.

Fael watched them rather intently, sitting beside a fire with Conner who, at the moment was composing another "Anti-Poppy-Marrying-My-Cousin" song. "What do you think they are talking about?" he asked the young bard. "Knowing Lyrial, she's mad at Flint or me, or could be she's looking to sneak off with Flint. What rhymes with 'blood thirsty wretch'?" A couple soldiers laughed heartily at his request. He set aside his lyrics and took up his lute playing a Andorian tune. "I worry about Flint and this disagreeable position." the felid confided. "Me too, brother-in-law, me too!"

The only returning member of the wagon train was the cook, so Flint knew that he'd have a bottle or two to wash the tension out of him. Sure enough the cook handed a bottle of a thick stuff he called 'ruminations'. He checked to see if Alehial or Lyrial saw him, last thing he needed was to worry them or have them know Galin was reaching out to him. He nodded to Conner & Fael and left the camp, if he was right a small pool and clearing was twenty minutes hike away. Thankfully, his sire had told him that he'd leave him alone until the garrison city and his contact.

Lyriel laughs before bidding her mother goodbye for the moment. Walking over to the boys she squats down sitting on the balls of her feet. "So... Little brother any more annoying songs I should be beating you for?" Lyrial asks punching Conner hard in the arm. She was scowling but trying hard not to smile. She does wink at Feal however. "A gag worthy scent... rhymes by the way." She says standing up and walking over to the cooks campfire. She was checking the round of fires for her mother.

Alehial sighs softly checking each wagon, then checking with the gaurds standing on the edges of the camp in guard positions. "Everything clear gentlemen?" She asks softly, her eyes roving the forest around them carefully. She had her eyes and ears open. The wagons were safe and keeping a semi circle around the camp inside. Fires near the wheels far enough however the fire wouldn't be a danger.

The cook smiles at Lyrial's approach, "Come to take my other bottle away? I'll not let go without a fight." He remembered the other trip and volunteered for the trip, a cook from Sildea offered to trade recipe for recipe if he ever returned. And since he was due to retire, he figured he'd apply for a job in an inn, maybe Finn's place. "I told my former commanding officer in as much I had two bottles." He got up to go finish wiping out the kettle so, it could be packed away in his wagon.

"Yes ma'am all clear except.." One of the men started growing silent when his partner glared at him. He started again, "Yes ma'am all clear nothing will get past us." The other man turned back to the woods and took a few steps. The first soldier watched him move away then motioned to her that one of her group went into the woods. And since Alehial had seen them all recently she could guess who it was.

"Flint will be fine on his own. I saw him head to the cook, no need to try and hide it from me gentlemen, the wolves were talking about it earlier." Alehial says with a small sly grin on her face, she had known that Flint had wandered off. He almost always did, especially on trips with the family. Alehial puts on hand on her hip and sighs softly. "Carry on men, I know you'll be more at ease without the famous Duchess Ravenwood out of your way." She grins at them before walking off to go check the other posted watchmen for the night.

"oh no I'm not here for any drink you've got... at least tonight. We are only one full day's travel out of Andor after all. Let's not give my father something to have a heart attack over just yet." Lyriel chuckles before watching the man clean a few things and set them aside. "How goes it cook?" She asks after a few silent moments.

"With me or our travelling companions? I like the bard got a singular wit or half of one at least!" He waxed poetic about the family for a few minutes, then continued packing some other things for tomorrow. The cook was never one for long conversations and he quit talking. "That other guy the one with the mask is quiet, and I like that."

Fael felt that something wasn't right, Tani had caught up with them in almost no time and everyone was settling in for the night. But, Flint was withdrawn and seemed tense. Conner seemed as if he didn't notice anything, but Conner was smarter than people gave him credit for. Fael stood up and left to check on the perimeter of the camp, hopefully everything stayed quiet. Although, he knew part of the reason for his listlesness, Elsa was at home adn his children were in Sildea, he was once again alone.

Flint found what he was looking for, the small pool of water with the good sized rocks on the bank. He stooped and pulled off his boots & rolled his pants legs up. Taking a seat on the rock and letting his feet dangle in the water he opened the bottle and took a pull. He mused over the last couple days and how his plans upset Lyrial. A great sigh escaped him, there was no easy answer to his problems, never was and likely never would be. The only thing he was sure of was Lyrial, she was a constant in his life no matter what role she played. To clear his mind of stress, he remembered all the good times they shared, taking another pull and laying back to look at the stars.

"Yes he is. Goodnight cook." Lyriel says softly before shutting down her hat of disguise and putting it in her pack, her hair was already pinned back and it was the only thing that kept her clearly visible in the darkness of the night. That and her pure silver eyes that gleamed as well of course. She didn't even have a single peice of metal that gleamed on her person. She liked the darkness and the night, she loved feeling nature around her while man slept.

Alehial after seeing to Tani and the rest of the camp, eventully made her way to the boys fire. Frowning slightly when she saw Feal was gone, and that flint still had not returned to the fires or the safety of the camp yet. Knowing this Alehial walked away to her things and suited up with her favored weapons, tracking Flint wasn't very difficult after all the boy was wood savey but not nature savey. She had once had hopes for him to be a Druid or Ranger at least but it seemed neither really appealed to him. Grinning as she glimpsed him laying on his back a bottle in hand across a small pool of water. "Flint..." She calls softly from across the water.

Flint sat up and looked her way, "Aunt Alehial, you followed me?" He looked curiously at her he hadn't been gone long had he? He pulled his feet out of the water and replace his boots. "Is everything ok at camp?" he asked. Looking around to see if Lyrial was sneaking up from behind, Galin's unheard conversation made him jumpy. He fought to figure if he should tell her, deciding against it she'd only worry. He and the others were there to keep her safe.

"Everything is fine, and no you haven't been gone more then an hour. I simply thought to check on you. Mind if I join you? Not in drink but... on the ground?" Alehial asks walking around the edge, she left no tracks even in the mud she walked in. Even with the weight of her weapons and leather armor, no footprints were left behind and she made only the same noise as the forest around her did. She saw the bottle and she did worry a little. Flint only drank when he was upset or worried. it couldn't be Lyriel because she was traveling with him, as scouts and around the troup. Taking some of the same watches, Alehial knew Lyrial planned to sleep beside him as well at night.

Flint knew his Aunt well enough to see the worrying glance she gave the bottle. "Not nearly potent enough to do anything," he assured her, "just felt like more than water and less than coffee!" In truth he wasn't lying, cook's coffee was the stuff of watch nightmares. Too hot, way too bitter, and passed through you like a halfling thief through an open market. "So, is Lyrial picking her way through to surprise me? Of course you can jon me!" He waited for her to make herself comfortable before sitting back down, give it a few minutes and she'd start with a couple questions.

"Not that I know of. She does what she likes when she likes to do it. Thank you." She says undoing her fastenings for her boots and pulling them off, rolling up her pants. She dangles her feet over the edge and dips her feet into the water with a soft pleased smile on her lips. "I understand about the cooks coffee, at least according to what everyone says about it." Alehial chuckles softly, relaxed and soaking up the atsmophere of growing, still tranquility around them both.

Flint sat and waited, "So, you have questions or just looking to enjoy nature with your favorite nephew?" Alehial like to be in the know for almost everything. And since Lyrial hated telling everything about herself it made sense his aunt would come to him. He sat back down and took another swig from the bottle. "How's Conner's newest opus coming along? I noticed it made less fun of everyone and more of Poppy."

"Conner has the same knack my older brother does... The ability to piss everyone off with almost no actual intend to do so." Alehial sighs and shakes her head. "No I haven't heard... I try to block out most of his songs actually." She shakes her head and sighs softly wiggling her toes in the water, it made her grin. "Why does everyone think I have to know what is going on? I may still be the Mother or in this case Aunt, but according to the elves I've only just begun my life and come out of my teen age years." Alehial says rolling her eyes as she immitated a dry older male's proper elven common speech. It was one she had to listen to almost everytime she returned home. She pulled it off quiet well.

"Well, I heard from some people a young Alehial was a bit of a nosy young elf." Flint grinned at her, of course he'd never give up the source of that information. "Well, how soon before you send Daryyl to call for Uncle?" he asked teasingly, Altair had always told him while traveling always made Alehial happy. She hadn't done much over the last years with all the kids, so that made this a vacation. Changing the subject he asked, "So, if Lyrial started fighting with Poppy, who do you think would join her side?"

"Lyriel would leave Andor before anything like actual fighting ever happened." Alehial said shaking her head. "I was headstrong and trying to prove something when I first set out. Prove that I was human too... and could adventure like any other being could, I am not calling for either my son nor my husband. Tonight is the first night and I will be strong." Alehial says giving his shoulder a light push, grinning at him. Really in age she was about the same as he was. He was only a few years into his prime and she had only just begun hers. She was still young and vibrant and exceptionally beautiful. Long honey brown hair in a braid down her back, smooth skin like cream and soft to the touch, green eyes bright and vibrant with life and magic. She really did only look twenty years old despite the fourty years she had already lived.

"Everyone wants to prove something when we ar young, me? I want to prove I'm not Galin or Conner or even Altair." there was a hardend edge to his voice, "I want to define my life by something else, wether it be that I loved a drow druid, or finally sent my father howling into oblivion." He looked at Alehial his eyes spoke that he was searching for a path. Flint knew that his Aunt might question his motives, but he hoped she'd let the comment go. He stifled a yawn and again looked at Alehial, "Head back with me? I'd hate to see the looks that Fael and the others would give me coming back without you."

"As if I am some Maiden who did not know how to fight or care for herself. If you tire then leave me. Go back to the Drow child you fell in love with. I will commune with Nature and the Gods." Alehial says indeed ignoring his comment. He had the same look in his eyes that all three of the men he had named got once they set their mind to a goal. It was a very familiar look that she was very accostomed to. She wanted a moment alone that she could commune with nature as it was intended for all Druids. To that of the wilderness and unhindered growth.

"By your leave then my dear aunt," kisses her hand. "I hope nature is in a communing mood." He stood and headed back to camp, everyone needed time to their own thoughts. Once back at camp he found his equipment and set his sleeping gear up. He hoped Galin would stick to his word but, doubted very much that would be the case. He looked about for Lyrial, then figured she'd find him before long. And settled into sleep like the other soldiers.

"I'm surprised... You don't reek of alochol." Comes Lyriel's soft voice from the darkness not far from him. She had a hood over her head connected to her cloak, making her invisible as long as her eyes were closed. Once speaking however she does open her eyes. "I figured you would be drunk." She says again very softly, almost whispering. She didn't want to disturb others with her being awake, and speaking. She was resting her weight on her feet and was crouched down over them. Her hands resting on top of her bent knees.

"First off, the bottle only had a half dozen pulls and it wasn't of a good quality. Second, I drank it, not bathed in it." he responded quietly looking in her direction and smiling. He extended his hand in the same direction as her voice, "I was speaking with Aelhial at least I'm unsure about what we were talking about." Flint watched the moonlight flash off of her silver eyes, "Coming to take your rest?"

"Coming to keep you company really... I am on first watch, I will come take Reverie after that and be up for the morning watch." Lyriel says putting her hand in his. "Mother is always distracted when she is in Nature. She hates the city, but she won't tell Altair that." Lyriel says softly, she knew her mother didn't care for the city because she herself disliked it very much. It was one of the reasons she left so often to go adventuring. Lyriel leans forward and kisses Flint's lips lightly. "You're right it was weak." She says pulling back and grinning.

"Distracted is a polite term, Alehial is reveling in nature tonight." Flint brushed his lips against hers again. He thought to reach out to draw her nearer to him, but thought better of it. She was on first watch, he would be up early for morning watch, what was going on between them could put others at risk. He thought about the saftey of the city and how much more exciting being outside the walls made everything. "How's Fael taking the seperation from Elsa?"

"Like a cat whose cream was taken from him." Lyriel chuckles covering her mouth just in case she laughed to loud at the very appropriete analogy she had just made. Her eyes shining and brightly reflective in the moonlight and starlight. "Alehial wishes to live out among Nature again. I don't know how she can stay in the city for the years she does... Without even getting out more then a few hours run or ride from the walls." Lyriel shakes her head her suddenly light mood becoming somber once again. Lyriel more then any of the others saw and knew best Alehial's sacrifice, at staying inside the city and being the Duchess and the Mother to them all.

Flint smiled again, considering the speed at which Elsa and Fael courted, wed, then became pregnant was probably an Andorian record. No doubt he missed his wife even only a day away. "I like that sound," he indicated her laughter, "You and Alehial don't do that quite enough." Flint decided in that moment he would not tell anyone about Galin contacting him, it would only cause more problems. He squeezed her hand again and had to resist that urge to draw her to him, that would have to wait until the garrison city.

"Lately there isn't much to laugh about. You need to sleep, I'll return." Lyriel says leaning down rubbing her cheek against his lightly before giving his lips a quick kiss, probably one of the most chaste kisses they had shared yet. Then she stood and pulled her hand out of his and stepped back into the darkness around her, heading to her post to gaurd the camp. She didn't want him pulling her back so she had done everything quickly. With her back turned only a slight outline of her body could be seen, if you looked for it.

Flint settled into his roll and started nodding off, Lyrial was watching over the camp and that made him feel safe. Conner not far off let aout a slight whistle, "Forced to marry a obsiquent noble, but in love with a drow druid that shares his last name. Tragic love story or inspired comedy?" Flint threw a coin at him, "You slept with Poppy, so what does that say about you?" "I was smart enough cousin to be the first and safest of her many daliances." Flint turned to his side, hopefully signaling that the conversation was over, "Goodnight Conner."

Fael, in his alternate form flitted through the trees, forests were a fantastic new experience for him. Growing up in the shelter of the oasis and the desert areas around Shadizar he was used to controlled areas. He slipped into a clearing and saw Alehial dangling her feet into a pool of water. Studying her was always a curiosity for him, she walked in two worlds always. Duchess and adventurer, mother and wife, human and elf; in truth they shared so much in life.

"Yes... ahahaha no no no... Not sap... mmmm it is a drink much like water but... not as nurishing." Alehial says softly, she wasn't talking to herself as many would beleive but to the forest around her. AS a druid she liked speaking with the wild trees. Currently she was explaining what Flint had been doing or trying to at least. After a few more moments of silence she turns her head looking in the general area where Feal was in feline shape. "Care to join me, Feal?" She offers with a smile patting the ground beside the pool. She had taken off her small pack and her weapons belt. There were also fish around her feet in the water. They kept coming to the surface and swimming around her feet.

Fael came forward not changing shape and looked into the pool. Even though he was half feline and half human, on occasion the instincts of the cat won out. After a couple minutes he did change back, sitting back he looked at Alehial. "I would not be bothering you?" he asked, if she said yes he would leave. Not having any privacy was something he was used to in the oasis, he honored other peoples wishes to be alone.

"As a Druid I am never alone, Feal. As a mother that goes doubly so. Come join me... The trees are quite curious about you." She laughs softly laying her hand on the bark of a tree gently. Her expression and familiar motions the same as when she was with Altair. She treated the trees with the same gentleness and respect. She seemed peaceful and at ease here. Her hair was down now, and her eyes were bright, her smile was easy and she seemed languid and comfertable. She seemed as much a part of nature as everything around her. She had missed being this close to nature, living in the city she had seemed wilted compared to this Alehial.

"I'm sure the trees between Baerlon and Sildea will see a lot of felids in the future," he said, "Provided that between grandmother and great-grandmother permit the visits." Fael was used to being a mark of curisoty, but hoped others would be more tolerent to his children. Alehial and the family in general didn't get a lot of time to be with Xeph and Katilyn. To be honest he feared they would recognize him as their father. However he knew the would immediatly reconnect with Elsa, that bond between mother and child.

"Don't worry Feal. The kids will know us as family. They'll be happy to see their father again. our entire family will carve the acceptance into peoples minds if need be." Alehiel says with a small smile on her lips. She could see the worry Feal had, and knew it was misplaced. The children would know their mother and father. As much time as Elsa had kept them shut up inside of their rooms, Alehial was sure the kids would know their father immedietly. Her own children were much the same after all. Speaking of the children she suddenly missed her own. They would still be very young, the youngest still not one yet. It made her happy and sad all at once.

"Alehial, why do you Altair continue to serve the king?" Fael's question was honest and direct. "If he is willing to sacrifice Flint to keep a treacherous noble appeased, the loyalty you've shown is not returned." Fael wondered actually because of the last name Ravenwood, would he have to stand by and see this done to his own children. He was sure her other children would be excited to see their mother and only hours later father as well. His own relationship with Lyrial not withstanding, he understood Flint's fellings toward her.

"Just because he does something we don't like very much doesn't mean we should stop following him... and it's not just one noble. Most of the other noble families wish to see a Ravenwood entwined with another noble bloodline. Though everyone in court knows of Poppies behavior. For it to be her is unfortunate." Alehial sighs She couldn't have an oppinion in this herself because... without her the tension between the Humans and the Elves of Sildea would become tense. Strained as it were without the princess of elves in good standing in the Human nobility. She could not fight the king on this, because she was exactly who she was and she was married to the King's family. "I'm in a very delicate position Feal. More so then most people tend to think. Mostly because I don't let them see it." Alehial smiles but the smile was sad, it told of the sacrifices she'd given up. Like her strong tie to nature... she had to tame a peice of it. HErself she'd had to conform to an Andorian mother for her children.

Fael thought closely about what she said. Alehial was wise in this situation, but even so she should have her own opinion and share it with Altair. "Why should we stop who we are to fit in? As you said the family would carve acceptance into Andor for my children. Why should it be any difference for anyone including a half-elf druid not to be who she is?" he stated not so much as asked. If Alehial would further choose not to voice an opinion, then so be it.

"The problem Feal is if I demand Poppy be evaluated by a Cleric... Then I offend the Noble... that Noble is a large and powerfully influent Merchant prince. If I offend him then many other Nobles rise up... they have been demanding that Altair and I have certain privledges revoked by the crown because we are no longer needed as protectors and we shouldn't get special treatment. At this point in time only Flint could be so demanding and be justified... But he's a good boy and wouldn't dream of doing something like that... At least not without prompting, then the Cleric may also be bribed and lie." Alehial sighs she hated politics. She hated Elven politics more but still, the reason she had become a Druid was to live simply and with nature. "Sit beside me Feal... Speak with me, you have more worries and fears I can see that." Alehial smiles softly, one thing she was good at was hlping others however.

Fael sat beside her thinking about how best to present "his problems" to her. "These druids and rangers showing up to help with the pregnancy and children concern me." He told the truth, the women though none seemed threatening, made him uncomfortable. Some of them looked at him like they wished to be his next conquest. "They have already upset Elsa once, and to be honest they way they watch me....." Fael blushed even though he'd never consider it, he'd only ever been with two women and that he'd never admit to anyone.

"Like they want to devour you from your feet all the way up?" Alehial chuckles softly before laying on her back. "I know the feeling... I'm afraid I really don't know how to help you. They look to me as if I will help convince you both, but I will not. Elsa is your wife... She wants children for you. She wants you to be happy... She thinks giving you a family will make you happy." Alehial says with a small smile. She knew it wasn't having children that made him happy it was simply having someone to be with. But whatever made her children happy she was happy with.

"If I may ask you a question," Fael took a second to find the words, "If Altair offered you to leave Baerlon for the frontier again, would you go?" In truth he was asked to keep certain information to himself. His Father-in-law in a long winded rant about the evils of living in the city summed everything up in four words 'BACK TO THE FRONTIER'. It sounded like an intersting place to live from the stories Elsa told him. After the first couple times of listening, he could draw up images of the children romping through the forest followed by Alehial all in cat forms.

"If Altair asked I would even go back to Illian. But... The frontier is certainly a place I would really like to go back to someday. There is a lot of history there... and old friends we had to leave behind. We don't visit nearly as often as I would like. But as a Duke and Duchess we cannot leave the courts for an overlong period of time." Alehial says looking down at the water and the fish inside. She didn't like saying how much she missed things because then Altair usually did all he could to make it come true and Alehial knew with children the safest place to be was Bearlon or Sildea.

Fael understood duty to your home, he was scout and defender of the oasis. But, nothing would ever mean more than his family, from loyalty to home or king. "How long must you serve before you'll be allowed to do for yourself?" he asked. Even though he understood loyalty, from all the legends they were a dominating force in Andor. "To deny what you want and need in life for the sake of duty, makes for a sorry and empty life."

"To me Feal this is a time of joy and wonder... Something I will never have again. But I will live on as all Half elves live... Past the lives of those close to us, and beyond that of our mortal children and grandchildren. If it were up to me... I would leave you older children to your lives and take the younger children with me to the frontier... I would protect them and have protectors for them. I would be close to nature and still afford safety for them. But the King cannot lose his best defenders right now. Not with Galin returned from the land of the dead once again." Alehial sighs shaking her head. Pulling her feet out of the water she gently strokes the tree under her hand and with a soft smile communes with them for a moment. "The king is my family and I will never abandon him."

Fael understood what she meant, but to considered Altair's thought on the subject. They both wanted the same thing and in his case, the ranger couldn't fight forever. "Perhaps there is another path on this journey that you may need to consider?" He would say no more, Altair had requested he not tell Alehial or Elsa or anyone for that matter. All he knew was at the end of the current road was his children, then on the way home it was his wife.

"I hope something comes up Feal I really do. shall I leave you to revel alone in nature?" She asks with a soft smile on her face, it made her look young, very young as if she had just grown to adulthood. It was an innocent and carefree smile. Even as she belted her swords back onto her hips and pulled her boots on and relaced them so they were tight and snug against her calves. Her braided hair moving around much like his tail sometimes as if it had a mind of it's own.

"I'm planning on heading back to camp shortly," he admitted, "It's just nice to get out to run like I used to at the oasis." Sometimes he missed that life, it was ordered and quiet. But, he enjoyed the chaos sometimes that rolled throughout his new home. Tonight however was all about doing what he wanted versus duty, and he was relishing in the freedom. "I must remind myself sometimes to fight angainst my instincts, this trip will allow me to relish in them." He changed back into his cat form and watched Alehial to see what she was doing.

"Have fun my adopted son. You will have a full two weeks of this time for yourself." Alehial smiles standing straight before walking off, deffinetly in a better mood then she had been before. After Reveling in nature she always felt younger and more energized, though it was late and she wanted sleep. She wasn't taking a watch this night, another night she would be sure to be included on the roster. At the moment everyone was still treating her as a duchess. So walking back to camp she lays on her bedroll and quickly falls asleep.

The next morning Flint waited with a cup of his version of coffee, which was easier to say, Altair's 'I found this plant and added it to terrible coffee' recipe. As she opened her eyes he kissed her cheek, "Good morning, rest well?" Most of the camp was still asleep and he knew no one saw his greeting. He had woken a little early armored and armed himself then went to get the plants he found last night and the coffee. He smiled warmly then placed her hand around the cup, "Careful, I just got it off the fire.

"Mmm... I see you're follow Altair's advice." She smiles sitting up immedietly. It wasn't as if she had fallen asleep in normal terms. So upon 'waking' she was instantly aware. "It was a good four hours yes." She nods her head, for some reason she didn't understand he persisted in acting as if it were sleep every single time. She blew on it and sipped it a little. "How do soldiers make such horrid coffee?" She asks softly not speaking loud enough to wake anyone up, but she just didn't understand, it was as if they butchered the stuff. Setting the cup down she stands and pulls on all her armer and arms herself, sipping the coffee in between steps.

"Marching army supplies are cheap," Flint informed her. "Probably, purchased from Poppy's father." He watched her equip herself, elves version of sleep confused him. Not dwelling long they headed to relive the watch for the last shift of the camp. The morning was chilled considering it was still summer, and the watch had cloaks wrapped around them. "Thank goodness I heard my bedroll calling!" one declared making a stiff bow. Once long ago, Flint thought they had seen each other while Flint was serving as a sergant.

"Well now we know the whole family is nasty." Lyriel says softly taking her stand. She waved at the men and her eyes turned immedietly to the forest and planes around their camp. It was a perfect campsite really. One that the Ravenwoods used every time they traveled down to Sildea. "It's nice and peaceful right now... Hopefully it'll last the entire trip." Lyriel says softly a small smile reaching her lips as she looked at Flint out of the corner of her eyes. Her senses still trained to find anything before them. She was very serious about her watches.

Flint was hunkered down looking at footprints, Alehial,the watch, and he assumed Fael in cat form. He enjoyed nature, but didn't have the knack for magic. He stole a look at Lyrial and smiled at her remark, between the orcs and the highwaymen it was a unique trip. Out here both druids were happier than they'd been at home in the last couple weeks. He told himself last night, he'd try to keep them happy as best he could. "For loving nature as you do, such a serious look at those trees. Are they talking about us?" he teased.

"I don't know... I'm not strong enough to learn that Spell from mother yet... They do not feel ominous... Just curious. As if we are something interesting happening to them." Lyriel says softly looking at the trees with slightly softer eyes. She really was more comfertable and truelly happy out here. Like before she was more energetic and more suseptical to him and his advances outside and in nature.

"Maybe they are trying to figure out how you and I relate to each other." Flint offered. "Kind of like two different species of bird?" He knew a great way to keep Lyrial happy was to quiz her, or keep her talking about nature. Something said if he was forced to marry Poppy, those times of questions and laughter might be over. He frowned at that prospect, although he had faith in Altair something about these orders made him concerned. He looked back towards home and wondered how long he could call that place home.

"Like black and white peices on a chess board." Lyriel chuckles softly, looking out over the forest. "Or a dove and a crow. A normal being and a scavenger feeding off of the lives of others." Lyriel sighs looking down at Flint still leaning down close to the ground. she really hated comparing herself to anyone. She was different from everything and everyone. There was no one she could really relate to. She had thought she could do so with Flint but it wasn't exactly the same. Similar perhaps but no the same.

"Well if a tree only understands what you look like on the outside, they are pretty stupid." Flint said standing up. He wrapped her in his arms, "You are not a scavenger, and you are more than the sum of your physical parts." He leaned down and kissed her, hoping to reassure her that no matter what he cared for her. Lyrial had a hard time fitting in, he knew thats how she felt, and truthfully she was never told how many fights as a child he got into defending his cousins honor. "You need to list the good about you more often than the bad, cause when you start listing bad from now on I'm going to list the good."

"There is one thing... Keeping watch... and Staying on watch as ordered so nothing will come upon us and prey upon a weak link in the guard for the entire camp." Lyriel says pulling away from him shaking her head as she continued to keep her eyes on the outer perimeter of the camp. As much as she liked being held and wanting comferted she really had to continue with the watch as her mother would wish. She would never loose sight of what was in front of her. She would not let herself be distracted from the mission. Her mission right now was to guard the camp. She planned on continueing with what she was ordered to do. "A tree is only what a tree grows up to be." She says softly shaking her head a little.

Flint said nothing further, turning to his area of the watch. With the last name Ravenwood everyone assumed that duty and the mission mattered the most in life. He wondered sometimes why adventurers wound up with their own kind rather than normal citizens and it was just that. Those who fought to protect the citizens not soldiers, understood each other better than any citizen could. "Are you looking forward to reaching the garrison city." he asked her.

"No offense Flint but soldiers more so then ordinary men will always destroy more nature then they need... So no not particularly... After all it is still mostly a wooden garrison city. I prefur the open and wild, no surprise hm?" She grins, just the upturn of one corner of her mouth. Sparing a glance at him to see his reaction to what she had said. She always enjoyed speaking with Flint, and spending time with him. As of late it had gotten complicated was all. Now he seemed almost nervous though.

"I meant as in you won't have to keep watch.." he countered. He knew she preferred the wilds to cities, but still enjoyed home. "And since patrols are keeping the area quiet, I'm thinking of spending a night outside in nature." Flint got a chance to watch for her reaction now, in truth he had planned to stay away from everyone on the night in the military city. "Interested in joining me child of nature?"

"If mother has everything in hand then I would be honored." Lyriel grins at him, turning her head to do so for a moment before turning back towards the woods to watch the perimeter. It was a few hours until all the other humans and Alehial would be waking up. Then they would be suiting up and packing up and on the trail once more.

In no time the camp was stirring and after a quick meal they were off again for Garisson. Daryyl was curious when Alehial was going to have him trade everyone some places. He enjoyed the travel and time away, but missed Asper and home at the same time. He took time out when he could to check on her making sure she was ok. If there was more excitement like yesterday at home he may pop in for a short visit.

"Are you anxious Darryl?" Alehial asks softly, her young son was moving around on horseback and looking around somewhat as if he was worried about something. "Even Lyriel is calm again, and Flint a little more at ease." Alehial said, she had been itching for scout duty but the sergeant thought it best she stay with the men in the actual group. Of course she knew it was because she was a duchess, but she hated not being allowed to help. After the garrison town however, they would not stop her, they would need her expertise and abilities the closer they got to Sildea.

"I can't keep my mind away from home." he confided, "Asper isn't really allowing anyone to help her." Daryyl sometimes wished he knew how to get Asper to let down her defenses or understand they accepted her. "After garrison town are you sending some home and bringing some here?" Daryyl was at an impass as far as his powers, most enemies knew he weilded power, but he'd trade it for a normal life with Asper. He also didn't look forward to leaving the estate but, again knew Asper would be more comfortable in their own home.

"Darryl... Asper never had anyone to help her before. Perhaps she simply can't trust us because of all of what she has been through in her life? I know I haven't exactly helped very much at home but... I've apologized, and I've tried to help, she simply doesn't like me or allow me to help her." Alehial sighs softly. She wished there was something she could do, some way to make things right but Asper still gave her bad vibes. Alehial didn't like that girl and didn't want her around her young children. She was glad Asper had enough sense to send Jake to the Ravenwoods legially. "I was going to trade you and Lucas for the two days we stop in the Garrison city." Alehial says hoping it would cheer up her son and set him at ease more.

Conner riding not far off asked, "What about Father and Fael? Are you going to swap them as well?" Conner had a momentary twinge of remorse, he was interested in the meeting between Altair and Gareth as pertaining to Flint. But, Elsa must be missing Fael as much as he missed her. In truth Conner missed Lily, after all she was the other side of him and she almost always found his songs ammusing. And given Alehial's brightened attitude, father would love to be with her.

"Once we reach the garrison city tomorrow then yes I will let Feal switch with Darryl, and Altair may visit if he wishs for at least one day. I know you men are having a tough time dealing without the girls, it's only a short trip we'll be home soon." Alehial says grinning despite herself, shaking her head slightly she knew the girls should be holding up better then the boys were at this moment. When she was younger she never would have guessed men were so fragile when they wee taken away from the support of their women. Elves were independent even in marriage and they seemed so much more solid then Humans. Smiling at her boys again "Conner have you come up with anymore songs? I'm sure the whole company would love to see some." She smiles, while she didn't approve of making fun of Poppy, it was mostly all true and yes it did amuse her.

"Well, other than the ones I've already done which I'm asked to do frequently, I have a couple." Conner smiled, he knew Alehial was ammused. "I shall attempt to make the song funny and less irreverant towards Poppy." he lied, Poppy was a fantastic target. He watched Alehial to see if she believed he'd take it easy on Flint's soon to be. He watched up ahead at Fael speaking with Tani, who he was unsure how she thought about his antics. The young duke wondered also sometimes if those antics kept him without a betrothed, then again it could be most of his family was scary to 'normal' people.

Tani chuckles at something Feal just said and shook her head, she was riding a horse at the moment though she didn't seem the best at it. Her wings would shift and the animal would dance nervously beneath her. She felt bad for it but she wasn't used to flying all day long at such a slow pace. She had promised Lucas she wouldn't spend the entire time in the air either.

Alehial rolls her eyes. "Conner if you told the truth half as much as you lied... you might not get in as much trouble, or make your sister have to look after you as much as she does." She says shaking her head before riding to the front again. Alehial loved her son very much but really Lily was of the two smarter, while Conner was more observant. They were more like one person with two bodies, which was confusing enough on it's own but it was Alehial and Rands personalities in them. she wondered how Altair was doing at home rather suddenly while she was thinking of her daughter.

"If you are refering to my treatment of Poppy in my songs?" Conner started, "You know the conversations that flow from court." Conner had at least ten verifiable accounts of Poppy getting all breathy with a noble and sneaking off to 'get to know him better'. He whspered to her, "She told our cousin the crown prince that she was willing to pleasure him with her mouth." Conner had been sworn to secrecy, James had turned her down flat.

Flint was less than comfortable today, shortly after the convoy moved out he became aware that something or someone was moving along with them. He road forward to scout then making look like he needed to relieve himself slid from his horse. With his back to an approaching enemy he waited, whistling as he did relieve himself. He was ready for anything and would not hesistate if an orc popped up.

"Conner Cleaties Edgar Ravenwood! That is not something any mother should ever have to hear about or learn about anoher woman from her son's mouth!" Alehial says blushing bright red, something she hadn't done in a very long time. She quickly rode forward to speak with Lyriel and get away from that and hopefully take her mind off of it. "Lyriel have you seen Flint?" she asks trying to calm down.

Lyriel snickers before composing herself, she always found it tremendously funny when Conner's full name came about. She knew the reasons for the names but still it was very funny. Nodding her head and finally calming down she answers her mother. "Yes he's up ahead scouting. I was going to join him shortly. After I made sure Conner didn't tramatize you of course." She snickers and gets a soft string of elven curses from her mother for.

No sooner did he finish, Flint heard the noise of the twigs snap. Upon wiping around all he saw was movement, then impact then flying. As he landed with a resounding thud, he wondered how an Ettin could have snuck up on him. On the plus side he was outside the trees, the down side was he hurt everywhere. Forcing himself up he drew his sword, and went to the offensive.

Daryyl's eyes began to glow, realizing there was trouble ahead. "Ettin, ahead attacking Flint." he shouted his warning then vanished, leaving behind a very startled horse. The psion hoped that they heard his warning, but knew Flint would be in trouble without help now. As he 'popped' in about 30 feet behind Flint, he could see the monster howl as the fighter created a long gash along its side. Bt, the look on his cousin's face, showed he was hurt.

Lyriel had heard him and she looked over the company and kicked her horse into movement to head straight to where she heard the howl. She would be there in moments only, and yet she knew she might not be in time to be much good. Especially with Darryl having moved so quickly ahead of them. She pulls out her rapier, ready to leap into the fray from the back of her horse.

Alehial halted the company and barked orders for the soldiers to stay with the carriages and the food. She ordered them in tight formation and her orders were crisp and concise, there was no room for disobiedience in her tone of voice. "Feal head off and see if you can't help they'll need another fighter and Lyriel can heal if anyone goes down or use magic if it's needed! B'Tani scout up above now and give me a rely in five minutes." Alehial barked out the commands for the children. It startled Tani into flight from the carriage she was riding on. Riding up the wind currants she quickly was in the sky and scouting above, she could see the Ettin and Darryl and Flint who seemed slower then he should be.

Flint's lungs burned, each step and swipe with the sword was agony. The tree sized club was hard to dodge. A quick swipe left the Ettin having to hold his leg and the wicked gash that lay there. Suddenly, somehow he knew his breathing was wrong. He also saw the club swing in, "I'm not going to move away" he thought as it slammed into him. And again his body felt weightless.

Daryyl's eyes turned red, his anger coming to the surface and as the Ettin raised the club to strike Flint, it disappeared. The Ettin looked confused as he only held a stump of the club. No sooner than the confusion set in the Ettin felt compeled to leave the area. And leave it did back the way he followed the path. Daryyl, would have pressed to defeat the monster but, FLint was more important.

Lyriel rode into the area seconds after the Ettin began lumbering away. "Darryl don't let it live!" She yells to her sort of brother as she lept off the back of the horse and rolled to her feet with the grace of a cat. Running over to Flint's fallen form she checked to make sure he was still breathing first. She might not have the magic to be able to handle to serious of an injuring. "Flint! Flint can you hear me? are you okay?" She asks softly her hand gently touching his cheek as she continued to look him over for injuries.

Daryyl turned, nowknowing Flint was safe and looked to the Ettin as if looking through the giant or past it. The Ettin itself, was arguing about going back to finish the human when it realized a small hole was in its chest where its heart used to be. I fell to the ground with a deafening crash, as blood pooled on the ground. Daryyl hated using that power there was always a kind of wrongness that prevaded him everytime he used it. He took solace in knowing he was protecting his family though and turned to see if Lyriel nad Flint were alright.

Flint's breastplate had taken two mighty swings from the massive club and it bore the dents to prove it saved its owner from certain death. However, try as he might could only take a breath every third to fourth count and then what only seemed like half breaths. His hand set near her and he managed to tap her knee with two fingers a sign he wasn't dead at least. His eyes focused on her, how much he loved being with her and if his life was ending better here with her beside him. He managed to form the word love without being able to put breath behind it and tap her knee again.

"Idiot! You should have someone with you at all times! What the blazes did you think you were doing riding alone ahead of the company! Blasted gods be damned armor!" Lyriel rants at him pulling her dagger and simply cutting the leather straps that held the breastplate on, once they were severed she pulls it off of Flint's chest hoping that would help him to breath better. She wasn't a physician and didn't know what else ot do or if slapping a healing spell on him without knowing would fix the problem or not.

Tani cirlces down slowly before dropping to her feet and landing somewhat nearby Darryl. "Is everything alright?" She asks looking at the Ettin with a grimance and then to Darryl, then over to Lyriel and Flint. She could tell he wasn't breathing properly but that could be the dented breastplate simply not allowing him the deep breaths he needed. She didn't want to think it was because broken ribs or a punctured lung, he would have blood on his lips if that were the case.

Flint gave a strangled cough, and sure enough Lyriel could see he blood. Everything felt heavy like he was wrapped in heavy wool. He saw Daryyl take the Ettin down, wishing he had went down before using Flint as a ball for his bat. Fighting against the oncoming cold, he managed to form I'm sorry before he lost consciousness.

"TANI!!" Lyriel yells out as she quickly cast her highest level of healing spell, She wasn't wasting any time dealing with worries it might make things worse or not. She simply wanted him to be alive and not give up on her. "Stupid stupid!" She says under her breath between the spell. HEr hands laying on his chest as the glow of the spell moved from her hand to his body. She knew it wouldn't be enough to heal him completely, but it would take off the worst of the damadge. It was what Alehial had taught her to do. Do what you can until a Cleric can come.

Tani hurries over quickly, aided a little by her wings, she settles to her knees and as soon as she's there she can tell he has a broken coller bone, a possible skull fracture, deffinetly a punctured lung, or he had. The spells would put everything back in place and heal it properly, one good thing about healing spells was that it fixed everything back the way it was supposed to be for whatever you used it on. Laying out her hands on top of Flint's shoulder gently and the other over his heart, she waits only seconds for Lyriels spell to fade before she cast her high level healing spell. It should take care of everything but a few bumps and bruises. After all, she had a lot of training in healing specifically.

The sounds of wounds knitting themselves back together filled the area. While Flint could draw breath normally and no more blood apeared from his mouth, he didn't awaken. Conner and Fael moved to lend aid to moving the unconcious man when they figured what to do with him. Of course both men knew better than to get between Flint and Lyriel, as she was protective of him. Daryyl also waited to see if anything else was needed of him.

Tani waves Conner off and away. "Go tell your mother we'll be bringing him and putting him in the flat bed of the cart. Have it prepared. He's fine we'll just let him rest and continue on." She says before slighting flapping the wing nearest him as a dismissal. She could carry Flint just fine, she was actually stronger then Conner and a few other men, she just didn't really like to broadcast how masculine that was.

Lyriel sighs softly and moves his hair out of his face. Relieved now that he was breathing easy and healed up, Tani after all said he was fine. The idiot had to run off by himself. Well Lyriel and Alehial both would be sure not to let this happen again, even if it meant extra shifts for the two women. Lyriel made sure to pick up flints armer and weapons taken from him and keep them nearby so when he was moved they would still be close at hand for him.

Fael continued to scan the tree line waiting to see if anything else would emerge to challenege the party. The leaves danced in the wind, but brought no smells to him that would indicate more problems. He could Empathize with Flint's position, finding the one you truly love only to have duty put that in jeopardy. He shook his head, and watched Tani lift Flint like a child and take him to one of the cargo flat wagons, that was being moved to accomidate him. He also watched with bemused interest Lyriel following carrying his ruined brestplate and sword, the druid's passions ran deep and the monk wondered just where Flint's place in her heart was.

Conner came back to the main force well before the others, he remounted his horse then turned round to inform Alehial. "Flint was playing with an Ettin and got bashed up, Daryyl killed it, and Lyriel & Tani worked Flint over together." Not his best summation ever, but he turned to inform a couple soldiers to clear sapce in a wagon long enough to lay an injured person. The soldiers laid shields on the ground then hurried to the nearest wagon to do as he ordered. He turned to his mother to wait patiently to answer any questions.

"Damn! This is why we need paired scouts!" Alehial scowls watching the proceedings. It was amusing to see Tani carrying Flint so easily in her arms and a bit sad to see the worry and releif on Lyriels face as she followed carrying the armor and weapons of her beloved cousin. Unlike the other Alehiel knew some of the turmoil that happened inside her adopted eldest daughter. "From now on any scout will have a partner if I don't see everyone partenered at all times of the day I will begin assigning them myself. That includes Feal and you Conner. Tani will scout above and ahead from now on. I will stay with Flint. Lyriel you will ride head of the caravan until we reach the garrison city." Alehial barks out her orders looking over the soldiers and men in the comnpany before her. Her horse moved a bit, nervous and a little excited by the commanding tone she was using the how stiff she had suddenly become on his back. She petted his neck to sooth him without really notciing she was doing it.

Tani walked into the company and stood waiting for the men to finish preparing the back of the wagon for Flint to be laid upon it. She didn't mind holding him, he really wasn't very heavy at all, a little awekward proportionatly but flaring her wings out set her weight wise just fine. She didn't object to Alehial's orders, she thought it was a good idea actually. She was just remiss that there would be so much time that she was alone.

Several hours later, Flint slowly opened his eyes, everything hurt. He managed to look about him, he was in back of a wagon that was still lumbering along. He sat up slowly, each move made him groan, "I need to open my ears more when outside." With his eyes closed to keep the neausa down he wondered how angry Alehial was, he snuck away to check on what could be a problem and got pounded on. Her angry would be sever, not to mention he figured Lyreil was going to kill him.

"Flint!" Alehial says jumping onto the back of the wagon, jumping up to sit right beside him. "Here take a little bit of this alright?" She says softly holding up her water skin. She knew he'd be a little sick after all that healing. "Lyriel took the worst of it off and Tani patched you up the rest of the way. Just sit and breath a few minutes." ALehaisl says softly rubbing his back gently in circles. She would wait until he felt better to really get angry at him.

He took the waterskin and swallowed a couple mouthfuls, it washed the aftertaste of his blood out of his mouth. He also took a look at his equipment, his sword came through the fight just fine, his breastplate on the other hand was pretty much useless except for a punch bowl. "Should have been an orc scout, not a quiet Ettin." Was his complaint. "Aw, mother..." he choked the rest of his comment off. Flint hadn't spoken about his mother for the longest time since her death. Whatever wound he carried from her loss, he kept bottled up inside.

"Ssshh... Hush now Flint. That's why scounts always go with a second. Lyriel will be pulling double shifts from now on... Scout during travel and gaurd. I'll take up gaurd since the sergent is afraid of anything happening to me should I be injured during scouting. This is why we have a cleric traveling with us." Alehial says her admonishes still light at the moment. She was gently wiping his hair away from his face. They had wiped his blood off where they could as was decent, but had to leave the rest. His hair was a rat's nest. Alehial's face was still soft with concern and compassion for her only nephew.

"She's made at me isn't she?" more statement than question. Flint remembered Grandfather Conner always said that Ravenwood men knew how to be in the worst place at the worst time. He held up his breastplate for further examination, the dent was so pronounced it would take him and a hammer months to fix. He looked askance at Aunt Alehial and not wanting to prolong the first of many tongue lashings. "Alright, I've recovered enough for you to tear into me for being stupid.

"Flint your a Ravenwood through and through! You should know better then to do anything alone in the wild! We have to many enemies still alive for it to be safe at all! What on this green earth made you think this was at all acceptable! Boy I'd take you to the training circle if we were home! From now on not only will you have gaurd duty but you are scrubbing the dinner dishes as well! You will ride with the company until I deem you smart enough to be allowed back on scout duty!! Even Conner knows better then to wonder of on his fucking own!" Alehial yells, her voice never getting too loud but plenty loud enough for the entire company to hear. Her tone was extremely angry as well, it was a tight control that said she was holding back either punching him or crying. She used it a lot with Altair actually, with most of the stupid men in her life.

Tani chuckles softly as she flew down low having seen him sitting up and Alehial helping him to drink and sit up. She needed to check on her patient to know he was alright. While she knew Alehial would make sure he was healthy she was still concerned and wanted to check on him.
Lyriel sighs softly as mad as she was she knew Alehial was angrier... as only a mother could be about a child who had gotten injred.

Conner snickered and pulled his horse further ahead. He empathized with his elder cousin, he hated when mother yelled at him like that. "Just glad it isn't me this time." he said. The day was warm and clear, and he fetched his whistlecane out of his pouch and began to play. The song wasn't bright and cheerful but, would warm the spirit. Maybe it'd filter back and calm mother a bit.

"Do you even realise how many people WANT you dead?! What exactly was going through your head?! You are only all to lucky we packed spare armor just in case something like this happened! If I was of a right mind I'd make Darryl take you home right now! You are only lucky Altair isn't here right now Boy! This kind of idiocy would not be tolerated and don't think I won't speak with him tonight in the scrying about this either! HE will have all the details." Alehial goes on further. Hearing Conner begin his song, it was elven in nature. It made her scowl worse, her son knew how to distract her and that was never any good. "Tani is here to check on you don't think we are finished here Galin Flint Ravenwood." Alehial says his full name softly so no one could overhear her use it, also she was giving him a very threatening glare. She hops down out of the back of the wagon and over to her horse, effortlessly leaping onto it's back and kicking it forward to the front of the group.

Tani lands ahead of the column enough she wouldn't startle the horses and waited for them to catch her up walking striaght to the wagon Flint was in. She looked apologetic almost while she climbed up, her wings flapping a little and smacking into the edge of the wagon making her wince and tuck them in tightly to her back. "Hello Flint." She says smiling only a little and very softly. Not really sure of her welcome, since she hadn't actually spoken much to Flint.

Flint sighed and looked at Tani and as a slight smile spreads on his face, "Good to know I'm 'not' in real trouble yet. Come to scold me too?" He wasn't angry or pouty about taking his lumps from Alehial or soon from Tani, Lyriel, Altair, Lai, Arten and the list kept rattling in his head. He made a judgement call and this time it just, didn't pan out. He held up his hands just incase he offended Tani, "Do me a favor though let them know it wasn't a suicide attempt or me wanting to be hurt cause I'm unhappy with the whole marriage idea." He thunked the destroyed breastplate down on the cart bed, he felt at best completely useless now.

"Um... I'm not going to say you were right to wander off on your own or anything but you aren't dead... I healed you up pretty easily actually, um... Does she always treat you like you are a child when you get injured?" Tani asks gently, her tone soft and curious. She had pulled his shirt up and was checking him over her hands gently pushing here and there on the spots that had gotten hit hard. She was blushing as she checked on his chest, but she seemed geniunly nice and concerned.

He lurched when her fingers touched near a rib,"That tickles." Flint looked at her, he hadn't spoke much to Tani before. "Pretty much, they are al the family I have left. And you think that's bad hang around when Lyreil gets here." He softens his look, she'd be worse at least considering the feelings they shared.

"Sorry need to press your ribs to make sure they all healed steel up it'll tickle." She says softly before probing all of his side on the ribs and floating ribs. She found it amusing that Lucas and Flint were ticklish in the same place however. "Well... Lyriel has been tearing herself up... She's worried about you. About what you will do because she keeps refusing you... But she loves you very much, she just knows tat since you are human and she is a very young Drow, that you might hurt her more then anyone else, even her father. Now don't give me that dumbfounded look. I didn't experience it but I saw it plenty enough while in the church. I love being part of this family Flint... It's the first family I've ever had, that means I don't want to lose you either okay?" Tani says with a soft almost angelic smile, her wings just a little open on her back, which made the smile angelic in nature because she was so innocent of most everything.

Flint nodded his head, "How do you handle the thought that you'll outlive Lucas?" Love was complicated, every bard and sage said so. Unbeknownst to the family, he had been visiting the city libary and philisophers looking for wisdom. "I know the years of my life are the same as minutes to hers," he inferred, "But, I can't give up hope sharing this love will be something important." Flint watched Tani, realizing suddenly he and Lucas shared a common fate, they would die & leave their lovers behind.

"Mmmm, I suppose... I can share this with you... It's actually very personal and not something I want you to take lightly." Tani says softly her face becoming much more serious, sitting near the edge so her wings her still free and hanging over but not dragging on the ground she get's comfertable and looks Flint straight in his eyes. "Palor blessed the church with my life and they in the begining did right by him, but eventually the church was currpted and the gift was used and abused. I became a tool, an ignorant stupid little girl who had never seen the real world. When I ran away from the church it opened my eyes to things I had never before realized in Palor's teachings. Meeting with Lucas and the family has changed me even more and for the better I know. I am comferted by Lucas's pressence while I have him near me, and I know he will be at Palor's side waiting for me. When he is gone I will have our children, they will not be the same as he is but hopefully they will be adults when he passes on. I will always love Lucas Flint, and I will always love Palor, but the thought of my future with him keeps me going... and the thought we will be doing Palors will and hopefully be blessed in having children together. I will never loose sight of what or who I am, and who it is I love and who I worship." Tani stops and looks up at the blue slightly cloudy sky, then she looks down at her hands in her lap laying demurely. "It weighs heavily in my heart to know he will pass before me, and that there is nothing I can do but have faith that Palor will keep him by his side. I cherish every moment I have with him and relish the affection he gives me. That is all I can do." She says unaware of her wings drooping at such a sad topic they now spoke of together.

"Then I consider you lucky Tani, I'm sure Lucas knows how you feel." Flint says. "But everytime I try to approach Lyriel, one of us gets upset and the other follows suit." He really didn't want to discuss thia topic, knowing how much his heart ached to be with Lyriel and everything coming between them. "I'm sure Pelor will keep you and Lucas together for a long time." it not only was the truth but, Flint fondest wish. He wanted all of his cousins to find love and happiness, even if he couldn't. He smiled at Tani, just as he hoped Lyriel wasn't around to hear this exchange, otherwise he might wish the Ettin killed him.

"It is not luck that Lucas came to the same village I was hiding in. Pelor gave me visions of him, and of Galin. Pelor favors me, and for that reward and the gifts he gives me I sing his praise and work as hard as I can to be worthy of his love and his gifts Flint. Lyriel is young... She is very young, in the world of humans she is old enough to know and make her decision, but she is yet torn by her inexperience and by her emotions. She hasn't had time yet to learn the control of an adult. She is conflicted and needs must have more faith. As you should as well, trust in the gods Flint, trust in your family and in hte love you hold in your heart." Tani says gently, she never once raised her tone of voice, she spoke evenly and softly. Her words gentle and soothing. Nothing admonishing like Alehial's and Lyriels, Tani was peace and she excuded it as she lived it. "You are healthy enough to ride and walk, but you need another day to get your full strength back, As for Lyriel, she was scared, and worried she isn't actually angry Flint." Tani leaves a parting few words.

Flint nods his head, "Don't suppose that Lyriel planned on visiting me?" He knew it was a little childish to hope she'd want to see him right now. And in truth if he was returned a horse he'd ride to her to show her he was ok. "Thank you Tani, I honestly think Pelor blessed Lucas with you," Flint honestly envyed his cousin, Tani was a loving and devoted wife. He started to pull on his boots and again regarded his ruined breastplate. "Maybe I am a little bit too much like ALtair!"

Tani laughs softly. "She's out scouting right now, but I'm sure she will come to speak with you when she get's back FLint. Don't worry so much let things happen." Tani smiles before standing and walking away from the area running a little and stretching her wings before taking off finding a hot air pocket to help her ride up further into the sky.

Conner continued to play until he saw Alehial riding his way. "I'm in trouble now," he called to Fael, who in turn could only nod. His mother really didn't yell much at Flint, he guessed that she believed Lyriel would make up for it. He tucked the instrument back into his cloak and reigned the grey charger he rode back into line. After watching Tani depart he wished he had borrowed the wings of flying, to see the world from those blue skies. After adding a mental note to come up with a song, melody, or poem about what must be an amazing point of view of the world, he smiled at Alehial.

"Conner! Stop fiddling with your toys and watch the line of wagons! We won't reach the garrison city until tomorrow afternoon, every pair of eyes on the lookout the better! Feal would you like to ride outside gaurd? Your expertise would be appreciated, vulentary only mind you. We need to stay alert! Now would be a bad time to miss something like orc scouts." Alehial says riding up to Conner and Feals horses. She wanted to make sure everything was being covered, she thought about riding ahead and checking through the ground.

"Yes mother," Conner knew better than to argue. He looked at Fael, and nodded they would continue their talk later. Fael picked his pace up towards the outside. "So, how is Flint feeling?" Conner asked, genuinly interested how his cousin fared through the attack. "And would you like me to send a smal missive to Lyriel leting her know its her turn to admonish him?" He only half kidded, the sooner Lyriel got her anger/worry out the sooner she could focus on scouting.

"Lyriel will work best as a scout with her worry. She's afraid he's still injured somehow and it makes her protective, like your father. Worry will do her good and show her humility, it will also show her he is mortal, and not a good match. Life is to easily lost and for a human more so... I cherish all my children truelly, I do not regret having you, any of you. Flint is perfectly fine. Tani wouldn't have left his side if she found something wrong. Please just follow my orders and try not to give me a heart attack, or a bad migrane." Alehial says speaking softly with a gentle expression before hardening up, Conner always liked to push things, especially with Alehiel, perhaps out here she could finally teach him a lesson in obeying her.

Conner screwed up his face, "And the lesson about human moratilty worked so well for you and father." He rode forward to catch up to Daryyl, not bothering to look back. Conner couldn't believe his ears, the length of time you live should never be considered in love. Why did everyone try to make love sound logical and something that followed a schedule. "Not me, never me, I'll find her and I could care less of her social status or race or age, will keep me from her." He looked at Daryyl, his relationship with Asper defied mother's logic, and that was a good thing, they seemed happy.

"I never said I followed it... But I don't want to see my children heartbroken." Alehial says softly to herself. Conner was always so irrational letting his feelings take him whereever they wished. Though the same could be said for just about the entire family. Alehial beleived that this family lived life better and more fully then any other family. They also greived and hurt more then other families. She hated that when she gave her children advice they seemed to turn away from her. Dissmiss her ideas and turns in the opposite direction and leave her standing behind. She looks around the company she was traveling in before letting her horse stop to check on the men in the rear. She would let Conner be, let him think what he wished.

Fael even a far ways off heard Conner's opinion and knew bith Ravenwoods had different views of what was best. Personally, he wished Elsa was here, she knew both views of this arguement and could help from letting it boil over. He looked forward and could see Lyreil on the horizon, he knew from experience she was a firece lover and followed passion but, was torn from giving herself fully into them. He worried this situation between forced marriages and lovers was splitting his family apart. It wasn't an enemy that he could fight or rely on Elsa's magic to defeat.

Lyriel was drawing back she had gone ahead a very good ways and found a good place in the woods for them to camp. Areas that were becoming situated to humans traveling back and forth between Sildea and Andor and the towns between them all. She was coming back to report to her mother but when she got close she could see the troubled face of Feals. or rather more acurratly how he sat and the horse beneath him acted. He was a hard face to read, but his body was wild enough as a druid she could read his tenion and agitation on something. "Feal, something wrong? You see something or hear anything?" Lyriel asks thinking it might be trouble of some kind.

"Differences of opinion is all, Lyreil" Fael assured her. In truth he wouldn't say a word about Conner and Alehials arguement.  "Tani and your mother have checked on Flint, I believe he may be awake. How was your scouting? Productive I hope since we need to make camp soon."

"I have found the campsite yes, It seems there more traffic been coming through this area. the paths are somewhat trampled and the firepits more permanent now, seems it's going to stay a campsight on the route for a long time. Since Tani is still sky bound and mother is in the rear of the troupe I'm guessing he's fine..." Lyriel nods accepting he didn't want to speak of anything that was possibly bothering him. After all without Elsa around he always kept to himself and tried to shadow behind everyone else. She didn't really want to see Flint at the moment. So after the exchange of words she gave him a flash of a smile before riding off towards the back of the camp. While scouting she had kept the hat of disguise on, just in case they ran into anyone else. Now however she was wearing a big floppy travelers hat, it was turned off and she was in full drow glory.

Flint poked hi head outside the wagon to see if he was being watched, having not seen anyone looking in his direction he departed heading for the supply wagon. Once back on his feet and moving he felt better, Lyriel didn't come to see him and that bothered him a litle but, right now replacing the armor was his bigger concern. "Coporal, need to take a look around your armor stores, since I lost my breastplate." He didn't wait for an answer and climbed inside the long wagon, but his search turned up fruitless. Several sets of chain that didn't fit, and only a set of leather that barely fit.

Lyriel while riding to the back to speak with Alehial noticed Flint in the supply wagon. Grinning at the fact he was probably going to try to find some extra breastplates or something to fit him. He was rather predictable, but then again he was a soldier and soldiers were taught to be predctable. It was only occasionally that Flint's Ravenwood blood got the better of him. After speaking breifly with Alehial, who then rode off to the front to speak with the sargeant about setting up camp Lyriel rides over to the supply wagon. Nodding her head at the corporal, she grins and waits for Flint to reemerge.

"There isn't anything bigger, I guess I'll have to wait until the garrisson city." Flint despised the idea of not having armor, Alehial would have him hide the mintue a monster appeared. He removed the leather armor and returned it to where he found it. "Guess I could always fight like I am," he mused the idea of facing a monster without armor. As he exited the wagon he saw Lyriel waiting, and he felt the corners of his mouth perk up into a smile.

"Alehial will hog tie you and throw you back into the back of the wagon, If you even try to arm yourself without armor of any kind. Your no match for her and the others trust me." Lyriel says having heard what he had said to himself with her sensitive ears. "I suppose we will have to stock up on armor that fits you if you continue to destroy it like your uncle." She chuckles at her own joke, her horse keeping up with the wagon easily at a slow walk. Alehial was ahead already starting to give orders to head to the camping sight and get things prepared and ready.

"Well, with only 1 day until garrison I'll have to be careful." FLint chuckled. She knew like he did, if it came down to it he'd fight no matter armor or not. He looked about for his horse, he was sick of riding in carts and wagons. "Oh, so you gonna yell now, or should I prepare to be admonished after we make camp?" Secretly, he hoped to spend sometime with Lyreil, since the night in her room Flint felt alone in this world.

"I think the fact that you made Alehial cry, and worry over your well being. Not to mention now she's going to be taking extra precautions to see that you are safe. I think the agony of letting you know she was crying over you... Will be enough of a torture to please me yes." Lyriel grins offering her hand down to him. Alehial had already taken his horse and had partitioned it off into another job. She was offering her hand to help him up behind her on her own horse. Since he was looking around at the other horses she figured he wanted off the wagons.

He grinned as he climbed up behind her, "Willing to suffer the wrath of Alehial to help me get back in the saddle?" He found himself happy being close to Lyriel, especially this current arrangement. As they rode on he broguht an arm around her waist, and found himself either being atacked by her hair or the hat of disguise she wore. "So, we riding forward or out away from the group to look about, I promise I won't be any trouble!" He found himself beathing in the scent of her hair and realizing this was better than riding his own horse.

"Better with me then on your own. I'm sure My mother would agree. We aren't really going anywhere actually. Just thought you'd be happier on horseback. You can't keep up on foot after just recovering. Besides that Alehial is sending men forward to prepare the camp area and Tani is scouting up above to make sure no trouble comes our way." Lyrial says trying to keep her face neutral, she wasn't smiling however because she liked having him hold her and she didn't like that she had no control whether or not she could like it on her own. She leaned back against his chest, listening to him breath and feeling his heartbeat against her back.

Flint smiled to himself, just contact with her made him happy. "Concerned you and I can't handle anything we find?" he teased her. Lyriel sometimes was too subdued for her own good. He gently squeezed her, hoping to get some kind of response from her. He looked about making sure no one saw anymore than the two of them sharing a horse.

"No I can handle just bout anything that comes my way, you however have Altairs alarming tendencies to die or almost die in every battle." Lyriel says scowling as her heart fluttered at the small embrace. She too looked around quickly, she hated sneaking things, she hated him sneaking things with her from everyone else. "Just be glad I'm letting you ride at all." She sighs finally, giving in a little to his teasing of her.

Flint started talking to her about things they had done when they were younger. Reminding her about the wrestling match in the poison ivy patch and the itching that ensued. "Remember how everyone shook their heads? And Altair making us repeat the rhyme to identify it?" He laughed at the memory of the two of them itching and chanting the rhyme over and over. He wanted to speak to her of other things, but if he couldn't be normal with Lyriel then it couldn't be love.

"I also remember that I won. You had a magnficent black eye though, I'm just glad I don't physically show bruises. Otherwise your punishment would have been tenfold what it was. Altair was so serious about making us stand there itching ourselves while reciting those verses." Lyriel giggles softly covering her mouth with her hand as she remembered that time not so long ago. She didn't really think anything of it, he always seemed to bring up stories about them when they were younger when they were together.

Conner, riding nearby watched the two of them riding together. He was still angry about his mother's insitance that the two of them shouldn't be together. He thought that as long as they understood what would ultimatly happen, let them live as they wished. He started to whistle a happy tune he improvised awhile ago, it made most people smile and that he felt was his job. Maybe he needed to talk more things over with his sister and cousin, it would give him a great insight to star-crossed or tragic love.

"We were quite the roughians when we were younger, the whole hoard actually. The trouble we all got into! Especially the dessert fiasco at the palace!" Lyriel giggles remembering that one well. She knew Conner was nearby but really didn't think anything of it. It was a rather small group now that half the men had gone ahead to prepare the campsite for the rest of them all. It would take only another half an hour maybe before the carriages and carts and wagon made it to the site, she had found. She was anxious to stop so everyone could speak to the ones they all left behind as well. Lyriel hoped Elsa was doing alright without her husband.

Fael found himself confounded, he loved the freedom and the openness of travel. But, found he was not complete without Elsa beside him enjoying these places. He missed everything about his wife, her smell, the soft skin, the melody of her laugh, and the way she looked at him. He recalled everything that happened since he had met Elsa and wished he was with her now. However, he would not complain about his situation right now, his children waited at the end of this road, and once he had them, they would head home.

Alehial scowls before deciding she had had enough of the sergeant. "Feal ride scouting with me! Sergeant continue setting up the camp and traveling with the wagons! We'll bring dinner. Let's go!" Alehial calls out finally she had had enough of the sergeant over protectiveness regarding her as the duchess Ravenwood. She was going out and if any of the men tried to stop her they could damn well try. She saw the children and for now it seemed everything was okay. She couldn't handle the dark looks Conner kept throwing in her direction, nor the tightness of which the sergeant kept trying to keep on her. She was going out and she was going to enjoy it. She leapt from her horses back and throwing look over at her son in law, she grinned and shifted, in her leapard state she felt more comfertable in the jungles.

Fael slid from his saddle and followed on foot, his uniqueness afford him a speed almost equal to Alehial in her cat form. He could also assume a fully feline form, but that form was somewhat smaller than Alehial's. After sometime running through the wood he assumed that form, Elsa loved his tail and all the women of the family gushed over the babies tails. There wasn't anything or anywhere he could go with out thinking of his beloved wife and how much he missed her. Then he caught the scent of the small herd of deer in the glen ahead.

Alehial heard Feal traveling behind her, hearing him move reminded her of his little kittens and the tails the three of them shared that were more then adorable. If she were in her humanoid form Alehial would have blushed, she had to admit her daughter even if adopted had great taste in men. That was when she caught a wiff of the deer, she knew Feal's feline form was to small to take on a deer himself so that left hunting up to her unless he shifted back to hunt. She hunkered down and making sure to stay downwind crept forward, following the scent of the deer.

Fael watched the deer closely, from his position he was able to shift back to his normal form. Two bucks and 4 does, he figured quickly that he could take one and Alehial another. He focused his attention on a particularly large doe further away from the others eating clover. Once he saw that Alehial was ready, he sprang from his hiding spot and rushed the deer. Before anyone could have reacted he struck the deer barehanded several times, killing her instantly. He lowered the animal to the ground and looked to see Alehial success.

Alehial had leapt from the bushes running and pouncing on the taller buck. Her front claws wrapped around the neck and shoulders of the beast, her mouth clamping down on the jugular vein in the creatures neck. The beast kicked and thrashed but Alehial dug her back claws into the creatures chest, clamping her mouth down harder onto the thumping vein between her fangs. Her rosetta flowered spots were covered now with blood, as it continued to flow from the great beasts neck. She was suddenly hit in the chest with a flying hoof, it was enough she was dropped off the beasts neck. Snarling she pounces right back, the blow had stunned her but didn't really hurt her. The buck was loosing blood and stumbling now. Startled by her roar it reared showing it's throat that was when Alehial pounced, this time she didn't just bite, she used her claws and her mouth to tear the animal's throat out. When it finally fell to the ground she put it out of her misery with a bite to severe the throat and let the animal die.

Once they cleaned and prepared the both deer for transportation Fael began carrying them back toward camp. "Is there a particular reason you requested me to join you?" Fael knew that Ravenwoods rarely did anything without first thinking ahead for something. As he moved back along the trail they made through the brush, he allowed his mind to again drift back to Elsa. He hoped tonight he'd be able to see or speak to her, although he doubted he'd be able to touch her.

"I like your company is all. I don't blame you or thinking I have altier motives, most everyone thinks I have a dozen or more plots in my head at a time." Alehial says softly helping him carry as best as she could. She could have just shifted into her Tiger form and carried one or both deer if they were strapped to her but she wanted to talk, or be able to answer if Feal wished to do so. "The truth is... I just wanted to enjoy nature, with someone who wasn't blaming me or expecting anything out of me. I take on as much responsibility I can, so that you children may be free to live as you wish. I try not to ask to much of any of my children, just that they be capable, smart adults, who can defend themselves from the many enemies Altair and I have gathered." Alehial sighs walking on, it was a very dificult thing to try and explain, but she had felt the need to finally submerge herself in the nature in which they were traveling without human interruptions. Lyriel was useless in that regard right now. She was to focused on being human or living, rather then being a part of nature. She was thinking only of the trivial.

Fael understood her words and more importantly the meanings behind them, and traveled on in silence. As they came back into the camp, the world of humans again made itself known. They went to the cooks wagon and dropped off the venison, the cook thanked them over and over promising a great meal. Conner was talking admist a group of soldiers and due to the amount of laughter, entertaing them greatly. Flint and Lyriel were nowhere to be seen, more and likely moving outward in a half hearted scouting mission.

"I beleive it is time... I do some prayers. I will be back in a few hours Feal, if you need me whistle, or have conner do it, that boy has lungs that could stop a stampede." She says with a fond smile, she turns away and heads straight back into the woods shifting as she walked off, before bounding off in a striped furry blur of motion.

Tani who had landed once assured there was nothing she could see and that camp had been set up lands away from the horses and walks back into camp. She saw Lyriel and FLint near a small stream, Conner with the men and Feal with Alehial near the cooks wagon. Without Lucas with her she felt very much so alone. The soldiers stayed away from her almost completely, she didn't know if they were afraid of her or didn't want to be close to her because she was with the church. Sighing softly she went to the wagon with her things to check on them, she really had nothing else to do.

Conner snuck up behind Tani, he knew she was rather alone, even in with this group of people. "Tani? I, um, oh just here." Conner wasn't good at talking to Tani. He quickly cast before she could refuse, and as his magic took effect he whispered a name, "Lucas." He turned to leave knowing, his brother would be happy to spend time with his wife. Sure enough, Conner's magic spell connected Tani to Lucas, who was still in Baerlon, "Tani? Is that you, my love?"

"Conner wha-Lucas?" Tani turned around quickly to face Conner but he was walking away. That was when she heard Lucas's voice, it stoppe dher in her tracks. She realised it was a spell then, and what Conner had done for her, smiling softly she closes her eyes. "I miss you Lucas, so much." She says softly, imagining him standing before her in full armer. So rightious and strong, filled with strength and a willingness to do anything for his God and for her. In that moment she would have hugged Conner tightly to express her gratitude in being able to speak with her husband.

"I didn't quite expect to hear from you until later tonight, my princess." He used the pet name she disliked him using, but, he thought of her as such. "So, tell me everything about the trip so far, and may I say how much I have missed you, and love you with all my heart." Some of the soldiers close by looked oddly at Tani, standing there talking to herself. "And I take it that Conner is to thank for the use of a missive spell?"

Tani smiles brightly, her wings held high and her chin up, in a better mood then she had been the entire trip so far. Even just hearing his voice made her stronger and more durable and much happier. "Yes, Conner sort of snuck up on me right after I had landed for camp. Everyone is still setting up right now. Don't call me that Lucas. I'm no princess, I'm not royalty of any kind." Tani says softly, they used to address her as such in the church where she was raised and she still disliked the name. Though it had it's appeal when Lucas was near her right now it didn't. "Flint got attackd by a rather sneaky Ettin, no one heard it or saw it come up and he was out scouting alone. I had to throw two pretty strong healing spells on him, and Lyriel cast her strongest. He's perfectly fine but Alehial is livid, the sergeant hasn't been letting her help with anything so far. I saw her and Feal run off a while ago and come back with a buck and a doe so we'll be eating well tonight." Tani says her eyes closed now so she could image Lucas as she spoke to him. She really didn't care the strange looks she got, she was secure in everything about her.

"A nearly silent Ettin?" Lucas sounded all most disbelieving, "That's truly dismaying, the nasty brute talk to each other almost constantly." Even from far away Lucas could imagine his wife before him and how lucky he was Pelor blessed him with Tani. He listened with rapt interest to everything Tani had to tell him about the trip. "Other than that how has Flint and Lyriel gotten along, I know he carries strong feelings toward her." Lucas worried about both his cousin and adopted sister, he could tell they loved one another but, stood at a great divide when it came to being together.

"Yes there was only one! and he was very silent. Apparently Flint didn't hear him until he was right behind him, Flint's armer is completely destroyed. Lyriel was avoiding him unless they had to scout together... but now that Alehial has reigned in Flint she's letting him ride her horse with her. I don't know what they were talking about but both of them were smiling and laughing too. Flint even gave her a hug while on the horse and she didn't do anything. Alehial is going to make every scout go with someone else, she doesn't want anyone else sneaking up on the scouts. Feal is withdrawn from everyone but Conner lately, or so it seems to me from flying above." Tani says fighting the urge to fix her hair or adjust her armer. she was talking to him, not looking at him or him to her.

They continued to talk about the trip and the visit of Poppy to the house. "I'm telling you Tani, I don't know what grandmother did, but they left here quickly." After that the conversation turned to those swapping places, "If Altair and I come to you and Daryyl and Fael come here, we should be all set." Before too long they discussed some of the people they had helped around Baerlon. Lucas was silent at some points and Tani started to get an impression he was doing something while talking with her.

"Are you busy Lucas? Should I let you go? I'm not distracting you from something you need to do am I?" Tani asked worried he was doing something important and not sure he needed a distraction like her being around in his head. She was always worried she was getting in his way or bothering him. Her wings drooped a little at the thought that he might think her annoying or intrusive. "Shall I go?" She asked softly, afraid it was the truth and that he would say yes.

Lucas thought long and hard for a second on Tani's words and planned out his words. "I am doing something very important right now, and I don't know how to best tell you this." He allowed for a second to go by, then finished the rest of his explanation. "I plan on trading places with Fael at first chance I have so I'm packing a bag." He could only hope his mental image of his wife did justice to her reaction. "And I never want you to go, you are my love and my heart, and without you I'm not complete."

"A bag? Oh... Lucas, you are much to flowery with your words!" Tani says blushing softly, smiling none the less at his words. It warmed her heart to hear him say such things and she loved it when he did speak to her that way. But she also wanted to be treated as an equal, sometimes she secretly longed for them to fight like they had when they first met. She had never felt so... human. Especially during battle. She was very excited about him coming to her. She wanted to take another flight,but twilight and the night were bad times to fly. Especially for her with her white wings, so she was content to simply lay her wings tight to her back comfertably and image him.

Standing not far away Flint noted Tani was talking to her self and suddenly was happy and perked up. "Lyriel, I have a feeling Lucas plans on trading places with someone to come see Tani." Flint wondered who would takes his place at home, most likely Daryyl or Fael. They were standing near a small stream, and apparently Lyriel was captivated. He squated down near her and asked, "So, anything of significance?"

Lyriel rolls her eyes at Flint and continues watching the stream, there were a few minnoes swimming in it and a salamander squirming around a few rocks as well. "Tonight is the second night. Men are being switched tonight. And as for significance yes. This stream is the planets blood. Life continues because of this small stream." She says her voice soft as she took in a deep breath. Lyriel loved all of nature. The flowers, trees and rocks, grasses and animals. She was glad the Ravenwoods had taken her in, glad Alehial was her teacher. But she was dissapointed because Alehial would only teach her after she figured things out on her own. Her adopted mother told her it was to prove she was ready to learn it. Lyriel thought that was unfair.

Flint continued to watch her and tried understanding what she meant. He knew that he had to understand who she wanted to be, if he wanted to prove how he cared for her. "Do you think they contemplate us like we contemplate them?" he asked. She had always reminded him that she was the druid and he was just a swords man. "I think they have it better than we do, no discussion of sides or duty and honor. Just live and propegate and eat," he knew it wasn't deep thinking of a druid but, he wanted to try.

"They figure if we are a threat or not. As for having it better, they are run by instict only, none of these are smart enough or have enough intelligence to think about what they do. They can't make decisions like we can. They live completely in the cycle of nature. You eat or be eaten, you find your mate and continue to species. I think it's why Alehial likes to surround herself with Animal companions. Rather then take just one, she had many, or used to." Lyriel pauses thinking about the companions Alehial used to have. The older woman had let them free long ago. Since she was stuck in the city and the city was no place for animals to truelly flurish. Lyriel contemplated for a few moments. If it wasn't for Alehial helping the plants and creatures in their estates she would be completely cut off from anything wild. Or of nature. It made Lyriel shudder, almost horrified to think of being stuck in a town or city forever.Not to feel the wind from the tree's, or the cold of a river stream or pond to bath in. The long grass about your hips, to listen to the wildlife around you as you slept.

"To be honest I'm still planning on letting Elsa and her lot take up at the house. I honestly think I need some time out in the wold again, visit Baerlon every couple of weeks to a month or so." Flint figured two great things about not living in the capital, no marriage to Poppy and a chance to feel more alive. He looked at Lyriel to see her response, hoping it wouldn't be as severe as when he told her he was going after Galin. Although being contacted by said pain in the neck, complicated the matters to an extreme level.

"Her lot, don't call them that Flint, that's horrible. Where exactly are you thinking of going? Because if your planning on hunting down Galin again you had better think twice about that!" Lyriel says standing and wiping her hands on the leather briches she was wearing. Turning and walking straight up in his face she was deffinelty angry about the thought of him hunting his real father down again. She had enough trouble trying to figure out where she belonged in the world and figuring out how to better nature then to run after this idiot and save him all the time.

"You mean don't call them 'lot' like, we were reffered to as the 'horde'?" he teased. "And as far as hunting down my father, if I tried you'd beat on me th next time you saw me." He looked about, they were alone on the ouskirts of camp. "And maybe I don't know where I'm gonna go. But, could always use someone to argue the directions with." He leaned down and kissed Lyriel on the lips as he wraped his arms around her.

"No don't call them lot as if they were found on the streets. If you must call them a pack or something." Lyriel says competely ignoring his offer of having her come with him. She didn't even want to start thinking along those lines until she was done thinking what she was anyways. Not to mention she was still in training. She didn't fight his embrace, she rested her hands on his hips and tried to act casual about it. It was a good thing she couldn't blush though. THe thought of someone walking over and seeing them was embarressing especially considering they had done it on a table in front of an audience when they were captured.

Flint continued to hold her a few more seconds after her comments. "Lyriel why is it you dodge questions about you and I?" He had always been more intuitive than Galin, everyone attributed that to his mother. But, when it came to Lyriel, he was always at a loss for words. He guessed it was why he cared so deeply about her, she was a mystery that made him happy. "Sooner or later we will have to figure out where our paths lead."

"I don't know what will become of us, and I don't know how to answer you stupid! Now let go! I'm going back to camp! I don't want to talk about this!" Lyriel said suddenly struggling to get out of his hold. She didn't want to do this, not tonight not when they had been having a good time and he had been behaving himself. It was stupid that he brought it up so often all the time. She wished they could go a few days without him bringing up the topic of such things. She was so worried that she'd say or do something so stupid and ruin everything. Or be hurt so badly that she'd never recover.

He released her, his frustration was growing and if he said another word, or even tried to get her to say something it would boil over. "Perhaps its something best left for another time." he said as he went back to camp seperately from the direction she went. After she was out of sight he found Conner practicing a few jokes and songs with the men. "I need one of your missive spells cousin & your silence to go with it." Flint knew he might be making matters worse but, he just needed to be someone else now.

Conner looked at him and saw frustration and sorrow were holding Flint tight, and now would be a horrible time for a joke. "What do you have need of me cousin?" He figured it would be a request to keep annoying comments to a minnumum. The shock when Flint told him a missive spell to Lucas was what he wanted, must have been apparent by his face. "Of course, we'll need to find somewhere no one will disturb you." He was more disturbed when Flint said especially Lyriel and Alehial wouldn't overhear.

Lyriel went about tending to the horses, feeding and watering them, checking their hooves and combing out their manes and tails of burrs and tangles. She hummed while she did so, it was helping to sooth her and the animal's both. She really wanted to just practice her animal shape by running off into the forest but, she was still getting used to it and didn't want to waste it in case she might have need of it.

Alehial slowly made her way back into the camp in her humanoid form, she didn't feel much better then when she had left. She knew she was clearly worrying to much and that most of it was heedless worry but she couldn't stop herself. She blamed living amongst the noble women in the court, to her problems. Elves hardly worried so very much, with time everything and everyone tended to change, either their behaviors or opinions. Though walking back into camp she noted the distance of several of her children, and the hightened mood of Tani. She sighed and headed to the sergeant to see what their plans were again.

"Alehial." Lai's voice sounded in her head, "My darling daughter, are you too busy to hear from me?" Lai had cast the missive not long after Altair and Lily had left. She wasn't sure what kind of reception she would recieve, just popping in for a conversation. A short scrying spell had confirmed her location, but, what dismayed Lai was that the family was separated. But, curiously FLint and Conner where together, and FLint was speaking through magic to someone not there.

"Of course not Lai, I always have time for you. What can I do for you?" Alehial asks a small smile on her face, she hoped she could help Lai, after all today hadn't been the best of days for her helping her children. Several days she often felt like a failure as a mother, especially when everyone faught her and refused to listen to her fully. Maybe speaking with Lai would help her more then what she had been doing on her own. It was then that she missed her husband the most. Folding her arms around herself she finds a place to sit down. Instead of looking like a mother she looked mostly like a young woman who was down and didn't know what to do.

Lai laughed lightly, "I'll remember that when you come home. Arten, Elsa, and I could use expert hands on tired shoulders." Lai opened the note from Altair and began to read. "I may not be home when the first transfers take place, as I owe a certain young lady dinner at Finns. However, it is my intention to see you tonight, and I'll ask Lai to express how much I have missed you, my love." The note wasn't long, and Lai folded it and placed it in a pocket. She then cleared her throat, "I do think that young man fancies you, young one. So, until they begin transferring people back and forth, what is wrong? For I hear that tone in your voice."

"Whatever gave you that idea Lai? As for the ridiculous note, he's always been a hopeless fool you know that better then I do. As for sore shoulders Tani is the healer Lai not I. Ask Lucas to help as well, I'm sure he would be glad to help. So tell me how is Asper doing? You didn't list her among the pregnant women of the household. Being stubborn again is she?" Alehial asks trying to bypass what was boithering her. She knew what it was and she knew she couldn't get her children to understand her wishes, or how she thought. She was one of the most unique persons she had come across. She straddled two worlds and struggled to live within them both equally. She was a young girl in the beginings of her life and she was a mother of twelve already. She was a princess of the elves and a duchess by the humans of Andor.

"If you prefer him not to come then I'll tell him to remain here." Lai pulled no punches in her remark. "And you are just as difficult as Asper sometimes, so quit dodging my questions. And once upon a time you would at least trade jests with me." Lai knew that Alehial was keeping something from her, and being the young elf's confidant, mother-in-law, and friend, she was a little out of sorts on what bothered her. "I suppose I shall have to question who ever transfers places with Lucas to find out what's wrong."

"All the children are angry with me. Over my opinions, over my advice. Don't you dare withhold my husband from me Lai, I don't much like threats like that. There isn't much I feel like jesting about right now Lai. Ask whatever questions you like and I shall answer you truthfully." Alehial sighs softly, taking a seat and staying out of the way of everyone still setting up the camp. The boys were off together, though Flint was using a missive spell. The girls were also helping out, and it made her smile to see Tani lift one of the larger tents weighing enough for two men to pick up by herself and walk it over to the area they were going to place it. The men were always cautious and wary of her. Alehial knew it hurt her.

"I would never withold him from you, I just don't want you and him to fight either." her tone was sincere, and not threating. "The children will sometimes rebel against advice, no matter how well meaning." Lai remembered dealing with Alehial and Altair when they first started showing feelings for one another. "What can I do to help you, and 'our' family?" she again sincerly offered. "Just please tell me what has happened so that I may help you."

"I know Lai I know. FLint and Lyriel are still quarreling, Conner has become angry with me for saying it might not be love. Or rather true love, or soul mates whichever way you wish to word it. As for the rest well... they are rather caught up in the fairytale ending of their families expanding. Fael wishes for Elsa with every new day and is excited to see his children in the same breath. Tani misses Lucas and his easy acceptance and companionship. She is wilting under the harsh soldiers opinions of her. I however am stifled! They try to treat me as the princess or duchess as I am." Alehial lets out an insuffering sigh of disgust. She was far more frustrated on this trip then she had been when she was with Altair.

"So, you'd prefer to have your 'foolish' husband who not knows you can handle yourself and treats you as a compainion, sent to you?" Lai chuckled. She knew the minute Altair would step through a gate spell or have Daryyl move him, he'd think only of Alehial and making her happy. "I think he'll be home before long and will trade places last with Daryyl, so make plans to go out into nature or scout in the morning. And as far as the soldiers, let Lucas handle the army men and your husband with the officers." As she said that she could see Elsa preparing to cast her own missive to talk with Fael.

"You make me sound incompetent when you say it like that Lai!" Alehial complains with a frustrated sigh. "Other then that, everything is just wonderfully fine, every child is avoiding me and the soldiers are almost afraid of me. I want my babies and it would be faster to travel on my own... I am tempted to leave all these wagons behind and let them catch me up once in sildea." Alehial sighed speaking the truth, she had been thinking and praying and so far nothing had come to her. She hoped sometime soon she could find out what Galin was up to other then putting his men in advantagious places.

Elsa finished casting her missive spell as Lai spoke with her mother. "Fael? Is the camp finished being set up?" Elsa asks of her husband so far away. She longed to hold him, or rather have him hold her, but even hearing his voice would help sooth her. As it was the baby within her womb was moving quite a bit as her heart pounded. She was eager and nervous to hear from him. She didn't want to seem weak but even so she missed him feircly.

"You are the most competent person I know, Alehial, but everyone has there fortes." Lai confided to her daughter-in-law. "And I think Altair's is handling what upsets or disquiets you. He loves you dearly and maybe this trip would have been better handled another way. But, for now put, it from your mind and try to relax." Lai hoped her son would return home and want to head to his wife immediately.

"Greetings my love. Just about finished with everything, how are things there?" Fael felt brighter hearing his wife's voice, so much that he felt his tail twitch in response. "How is the baby? And I miss you, this trip isn't like the one we shared." He hoped everything was well with her, he didn't understand everyone's arguements and disagreements. "I and Daryyl await the word to trade places with Altair and Lucas."

"Kicks... kicks like you do... and punches as hard as you almost. Lately he's been pushing against my ribs until they creak in protest! I miss you too Darling, Father is out with Lily right now... I'm sure they are having a wonderful time together, it isn't often that Lily get's Dad all to herself. Once he returns Grandmother and I will cast, or she will and Darryl will just pop in really. What's wrong with the trip? Speak with me please? It will ease the baby?" Elsa said already smiling but wanting to hear all that was going on. She wanted to know how everyone was doing and how he was doing as well. She was sitting on his sun bed before the window. Anything to feel closer to him.

"What other way was there Lai? How should I have handled this? My children are more import to me then life itself. Altair does what he can... but I worry so much about him... especially with all the close calls he has had in the recent years..." Alehial said softly putting her chin on the base of her palm her fingers curled closed. She let out a sigh. Watching everyone speaking to someone via missive or working on the camp. She knew even if she offered help no one would let her unless she actually forced herself on them. It was now more then ever that she wished she was just a druid no one knew like in the begining. How those days and been so fun.

"I will not second guess your choices young lady, for I have made some poor ones in the past, top most hiding my marriage from Altair until you found it out." Lai had untended on taking the secret to her grave, fearing Altair would blame her for Galin killing his father, until Alehial found out the truth. "I wish now that I had told the truth, and love you even more for forcing the truth to be revealed." She momentarily lost herself in the past, nights with Conner, adventures with Alehial and Altair, helping raise their children as grandmother, it all flooded her mind and she loved every moment. "Maybe you two should face your troubles as you used to, together, for you are both stronger with the other beside you."

Fael found a place nearby to sit and tell Elsa everything about the trip. "Conner is mad because of how your mother is handling Lyriel and Flint's situation. I do not know how I feel about it, for I love them as family, I truly believe FLint's life will end without Lyriel in it." He started to then talk about the baby and Elsa. "Perhaps I can coax him away from you ribs, dearest, we can retire to our chambers to see if we can figure out where he wants to be that you can handle him." 

"Yes well... Conner is stil dealing with his almost more then brotherly love for Lyriel as well. That and he's a bard they are always irrational about a good love story. Oh Darling I miss you so very much... I feel horrible because we have only been seperated a few days and grandmother has been seperated for good. She will never again see her husband... she knew it would happen but not so soon. I still have you and you will return to me, in only a few hours less if we are lucky." Elsa sighs softly hugging herself and her stomach with her arms. She missed him and feared what she may have done to him and his life.

"You did what you thought was correct at the time Lai. Everything turned out for the best for as long as it did. I'm trying Lai, I really am, it's just that we drifted away from each other, I don't know how we did or how to get rid of the rift of awekwardness between us now. I hate Galin so much! For everything he has done to this family... to MY family." Alehial says standing up. She found she could no longer sit still and speak. She had energy or steam she needed to let off. She wanted to go hunting again but she already had and they didn't need to waste the bounty on the land just to make herself feel better. Galin wasn't acting like he used to. But she was the only one who had seen and felt what he had done through the flashback she had experienced. He was worse then before but he was acting...acting as if he was much more sane.

Lai clucked softly already guessing Alehial's movements, "That rift and awkwardness is the two of you trying to force yourselves into being different people, focus on being spouses and parents, let the rest figure itself out." The elf smiled when she flashed back on the younger days of her son and daughter-in-law, they didn't start out in love but, gained ground quickly. "And what I did was cowardly, I should have been proud to admit I was Conner Ravenwoods lover and wife! Instead we let Galin's reaction convince us to hide our feelings, promise me never do that." She had to admit Galin was Conner's eldest son, but if she could, she'd kill him in the time it took to cast the spell.

"Elsa I'm sure Mistress Lai has no regrets, just like I have none for marrying you." Fael held his hand out to where her face would be if she sat across from him. "Sometimes life's path leads away from where we wish to go, you just trust that it leads somewhere else for a reason." Fael knew all the children feared Galin, and after seeing & striking him, the felid monk knew who his enemy was. Ravenwood was his name, Elsa was his wife, and all of them were now his family, and he would stand beside them to protect them.

Elsa heard voices and the front door, after all with the house so quiet now she could hear when someone came home. "Father's home! I'm going to tell GRandmother. Perhaps grab Lucas on the way. I will see you soon my Love. I can't wait to stroke that soft silky tail of yours until you pool in my lap." Elsa smiles as she stands up and opens the bedroom door. "I will speak with you again soon, in person." She smiles brightly her voice much brighter and sounding much perkier.

"I look up to you Lai. More then you may think I do. My mother and Father... were seperated when I was very young. You're all I have to look on. I will take your advice but I'm not particularly sure how to be a mother to my children right now." Alehial says pacing in a ten foot long straight line. " I promise, I will never let Galin intimidate my feelings for my husband or my children. Galin is a twitsted man and he will never sway my opinion with my husband nearby." Alehial promises and sounds very fervent in her conviction of it.

"Well, Alehial I believe your husband and daughter have returned home. I'll speak with him at length then prepare to have him and Lucas call for Daryyl. Good night, if I do not speak to you before they arrive." She allowed the spell to end. And just as her voice came to her, Alehial was alone again.

"Elsa...." Fael looked about trying to figure out what had happened. It then dawned on him that Elsa quit concentrating and the spell ended. Him smiled, he would see her soon and that was good enough for him. He looked at Conner, "Your sister is anxious for me to trade places with Lucas." He looked across at Tani and smiled again, "I hope you are looking forward to his arrival and spending time with you." 

Alehial sighed softly and went to her tent. She wanted to arrange her weapons close to where her bed would be for easy access should something come up during the night. She also wanted to let her hair down and it was once again down just past her but and took a little while to get out of the braid. Watching the children perk up and smiling once again she smiled softly. Though seeing Conner made her sigh, she walked off to her tent.

Tani smiles brightly. "Embaressingly so Feal, I must admit I was feeling a little shaded from Pelors light. Without Lucas with me I often forget how wary people can be of me. Though I'm sure that's nothing new to you as well. I just pray this exchange and the trip will be a safe and easy one for the children." Tani smiles softly, her wings relaxed at her back and tall enough it stood about two feet above her head. She had been combing through her feathers with her hands. She had been flying hard and they were a little sore so it was a relaxing excersize for her to do.

Conner looked up, "More importantly father will be able to tell Flint and mother if he could persuade the king to let FLint off the hook." He had been in horrid mood after he and mother traded words. "If the news is bad look for his majesty to start dictating who the rest of us marry to keep the nobles inline." He stood up and walked towards Alehial's tent, he wanted to apologize and share why he wanted to see Flint and Lyriel to find happiness together. "Mother?" he asked at the tent opening "Can I speak with you?"

Flint heard Conners words to Tani and Fael, he figured his cousin had another reason to be on his side in this disagreement. He was getting antsy for Lucas to arrive with his requested equipment, then he could scout and gaurd at his whim. Altair having the information about Gareth letting him out of this insane marriage. He looked in Lyriel's direction and smiled grimly, he didn't want to think of what would happen next if the news wasn't good.

Tani sighs softly. "Sometimes I wonder about this family, Feal. Why don't the children leave the household of the parents? I mean... they beleive in Pelor but also many of them worship others gods before him. Why would they stay in the Ravenwood Estates in Andor if many of them, and you are tired of being there?" Tani asks softly, it was something she had been wondering for a while now and she was hoping Feal would take no offense seeing as she and he share the most in common of the adoptive children and spouses.

Fael inclined his head to Tani, "You forget, Elsa is still apprenticing to Lai. And the children find the house and parents to be a touch stone, but perhaps they fear what will happen if they leave." He watched Conner at the tent, wondering what he needed to discuss with his mother. "Lyriel has left before butm returned from travels, it is the only home they know Tani."  He remembered the oasis and the fact sometimes homes dissappear under the sands of time.

"I don't know... perhaps you are right. I am just glad that soon once the churchs agree Lucas and I shall begin our travels, traveling patrons of Lord Pelor's will." Tani says with a small sigh of contentment and a happy little smile. Her wings had unfolded and were out at half full. she didn't realize it yet but they were also flexing open and close a little on their own. It happened when she was happy.

Daryyl sat up upruptly, "I think Asper is ready for me to make the swaps." He found an area away from people and teleported away. From the first time he ever used his powers Daryyl felt a momentary rush of power, it sometimes called to him to abuse those powers. He thought about how he would take Asper to the house while he worked, she seemed to enjoy watching and planning the future. And once he popped into the house not far from Asper he smiled again.
Tani sighs softly. "I'll let Alehial know that Darryl has gone and the others will be arriving shortly. Have fun with your baby maker and ardent lover Feal, I pray you have a safe and happy long life." Tani smiles softly to the man who was just a few inches shorter then she was. Tucking her wings back in she looks around camp and starts to make her way at a normal pace to the tent of the Duchess Ravenwood.

"Conner I'm really not in the mood for your attitude, and if you want to fight find Flint or better yet Lyriel." Alehiel says her hair down and brushed out, she was wearing leather pants and her regular shirt. She only had her belt on other then that. She looked almost the same age as Conner if only a few years older. The fact that she had a child let alone him didn't seem to have left any kind of physical mark on her body outwardly. Free of her armor and boots she looked much smaller. Much more feminen and yes a little weak. With light brown hair that was falling in waves around her, she looked every bit of Elf that she was half of.

Conner entered the tent and without the invitation he sat beside his mother. "I'm sorry for my attitude and actions mother", he suddenly felt like the little boy who had to admit putting uncle Lyle's itching powder in Mathius' pants, "I know you always have our best interests at heart." He looked at her and grimaced, "I just fear that if Gareth has his way and Flint is forced to marry Poppy that he'll use us single sons and daughters to hold the nobles in line." He was being sincere on two fronts, looking after the children behind him in line, and after his cousins. "Just please don't be too mad at me for being a scared little boy still, it isn't like I can come hide in mum and dad's bed."

"Conner... you know you can always talk to me. I'm your mother and I love you. I only want you to be happy. But sometimes being safe and healthy is better then happiness. I swear to you Conner, I won't let any of my children be pawns for any kingdom. Not while I'm alive. Flint has a choice to make on his own. We;ve argued for his sake but in the end... If he continues to not answer Gareth, by giving no actually opinion, he is only making this worse. If he does not wish it, then he either leaves the kingdom or makes himself a bad match. Because we are not his parents or legal gaurdians we really have no say in the matter." Alehial says reaching up and brushing some hair back away from Conner's face. Her touch was the same as it had always been, soft gentle and soothing, the touch of a mother to a troubled son. "Gareth has it hard son. And we no less so. As his most stringent defenders of the family and Andor, we often must sacrifice things for his sake and for the sake of the kingdom. That is worth more then individual lives. I know it's hard and I know we'll butt heads more then just this time. I forgive you and I always will." Alehial says standing in front of Conner and opening her arms to invite him into a hug. A soft gentle expression on her face, as she gazed down at her grown little boys face.

He stood up and embraced his mother, "But, I am concerned about one thing. Why would Gareth proclaim for Flint to marry Poppy? Why didn't he try throwing me into that neverending hell?" It did occur to him that not everyone (surprising the way Lily outed him) knew about the dallience between him and Poppy years ago, before she started sleeping with any male of court. "I must say though, I think I'm happy Gareth didn't come knocking for me to marry her." He knew sooner or later he would marry, but holding off until he found someone he had true feelings forr appealed to him more.

"Well first of all... You ARE a Ravenwood. Which means trouble will follow forever and always. Secondly your the heir to the entire estates and the title of Duke. Thirdly you're a bard and everyone knows bards make terrible husbands." Alehial grins squeezing him tightly against herself. He felt almost as big as Altair did, it made her miss her husband something fierce. "Flint is the only one he could menuver that everyone would agree to. Most MErchants HATE us Ravenwoods because we have exclusive rights to all goods from Sildea, secondly we saved the world and have several contracts between other countries specifically using the name ravenwood or no deal to Andor at all. That makes a lot of contempt for other merchant families. Besides we are all far to handsome and beautiful to accept anyone who cannot survive on their own means first. Flint not so much so."

"So, we should abandon Flint cause he isn't you and fathers?" Conner never thought he'd hear her say that, Flint was an unofficial brother not to mention Lyriel's favorite. Conner looked at Alehial, "I see you and father sometimes when I look at them, or if you prefer Grandmother and Grandfather." Its was a matter he thought his mother understood, her own father was human and mother elf, just like Lai and COnner. LOve truly didn't know racial differences....only people knew that.

"If you think we would abandon anyone at all family or not then you have more to learn then I thought you did Conner Ravenwood. But because he is not adopted warded or by birthblood under the direct inheritance we can only do so much...In Andor. I have been speaking with Grandmother Sirrus and he will have a place in Sildea if he wishes to revoke the marriage and leave the city. meanwhile your father was left home to scour the legal issues of the Andorian HUMAN court because I simply don't know them as well as he does. Yes Conner my father was a human, both of your grandfathers were humans. That should tell you something shouldn't it?" Alehial sighs shaking her head and stepping away from in. Seconds after she finished Tani let out a hesitant. "Lady Ravenwood? Darryl was called away to Andor, Feal thought you should be informed that everyone will be changing places soon." She calls through the tent.

Conner knew his mother spoke the truth and in a awful symmetry both grandfathers died long before age could take them away. "I just can't see sacrificing happiness despite pain that would someday come mother, Carpe Diem and such." was his response. He never liked the idea that marriage could be "arranged" it sat poorly on his tongue even mentioning it. "But, I will ponder your words closely and seek wisdom from them." He knew both grandfathers & grandmothers would have never traded one moment together for safety or convention.

"the problem I have trying to give you advice is, that your father and I do what our hearts tell us. What we know is right and proper verses what we know should be done. Sometimes they are the same thing and often they are not. I can only tell you that in your own life do as we bid you but if you trully believe we are in the wrong and that what we do is not just... Do what you must. Now go. I will put my hair up and be out in a moment." Alehial says smiling and kissing Conners cheek. She had to go up to her tippy toes to reach his cheek but she made it none the less.

Tani sighs softly and steps away from the tent. She hoped Lucas would arrive soon. Other then Feal she really had no one to talk to. The soldiers were avoiding her and so was Conner not that she really had much to discuss with the young bard anyways, as for Alehial the woman rarely came to Tani for anything unless Tani was looking down. She trusted in Pelor to keep them all safe, and to make this trip a productive one.

With an pop, Daryyl and Lucas appeared right where Daryyl had left. Lucas shook his head, teleportation always made his eyes swim. Once his vision returned Lucas began to look for Tani. The soldiers stared blankly back at them. Most had never seen magic and the power Daryyl weilded was more than magic. They feared him more than even Tani, knowing that he could do numerous and destructive things.

FLint stood and headed towards them, Lucas had the sack he had requested and once he had it in his possession that meant he had armor again. He called out to Lucas and came to get the sack from his smiling cousin. "Wasn't my fault!" he said taking the sack and looking inside, everything was there and he smiled broadly. He headed back to locate somewhere to store it until tomorrow when he would equip it. He saw Tani and COnner coming and figured by the time Daryyl returned Altair would be with him.

Tani walked back to where Feal had set up a fire a little ways away from all the others, it was where she had ended up staying anyways. While walking past she looks around as she heard a loud pop smiling broadly she saw Flint retrieve a bag from Lucas. Tani smiles brightly and hurries her steps, trying to contain herself and her wings, she knew what the soldiers whispered her hearing was very sensitive, close but not quite what Feals was. "Lucas!" She calls happily as she got closer. Raising her arm to wave her hand to gain his attention. She was very excited and couldn't help her wings expanding and fanning the area and the fires nearby.

Lucas smiled broadly and left the others to intercept her. Wrapping his arms around her he laughed before sharing a kiss. Any soldier nearby suddenly found himself enving the Palidan of Pelor. "I'm glad to see you well, my princess (using his nickname for her) and I counted the days until I had a chance to be beside you again." He smiled at her, then glanced about as the loud pop indicated that Fael and Daryyl had left.

Flint watched Lucas and Tani reunion and felt equal measures of peace and serenity, matched with a feverent wish that someday it could be Lyriel and himself so happy. He glanced to Lyreil to see what her response to the new arrival was. As he double checked his armor he also watched to see if Alehial and the sargent would arrive before Altair popped in with Daryyl. He couldn't be seen by anyone else his little hiding spot wasn't easily noticed by anyone. And after verify everything was together he proceeded back to the group to await his uncle.

Tani smiles hugging him but careful not to use to much of her strength. She was blushing brightly and shakes her head at him. "It was only two days Lucas, nothing to be so jubilant over really. If anything Praise Pelor that your cousin was not injured any further then he was." She says in all seriousness, her wings were ensconcing the both of them as was often what happened when they embraced.

Lyriel waits until Alehial walks out of her tent and they walk near the spot Darryl had been popping in and out of. Both women quiet and watching, Alehial however had to keep herself from fidgeting, she really did wish to see Altair soon and to have him near her. While Lyriel simply stood and waited until everyone was back and where they were going to be for the next few days. Though the movement of Flint in the corner had distracted her she knew he was up to something but not what.

About the same time Flint arrived with the others the audible pop happened, and Daryyl and Altair stood before the group. The sargent torn between a salute to a soldier and a bow to a noble. "Thank you Daryyl, I won't ask you to stay longer go and spend time with Asper and your baby. Oh, and Lai or Elsa may wish to show you something to help Asper." He embraced Daryyl, who then came to his mother for her blessing to leave. "I'll only be a call away if you need me." he smiled as he told Alehial.

"Of course darling, but don't tax yourself unnessesarily, remember when your at home the servants are paid to help up with our daily needs. Use their help with Asper alright?" Alehial hugs Darryl giving him a kiss on the forehead. After shooing him off she turns to her husband. "Sergeant, if you have something to report... Do it and be done with it. I'll be briefing him as well. Altair I'll be in my tent." Alehial says before turning her back and walking back towards her tent. She wanted away from all the soldiers prying eyes and her own childrens as well. Once inside the tent she let out a large but soft sigh and slid onto a travel stool.

Lyriel watches her adopted mother tense up as soon as Altair returned with Darryl. The soft motion with Darryl took only a fraction of it away before she coldly spoke the words of cool authority to the sergeant before she went back into her tent. Shaking her head a little she looks over at Flint and motions with her head to one of the abandoned fires that were still burning with wood. She wanted away from all the gooey mushy love and couples thing. Unfortunatly the only way to do that was to go sit somewhere with Flint.

Before FLint could really respond to her offer to remove themselves from this place, the sergeant began discussing at Altair his problems with Alehial leaving camp. Lord Ravenwood's eyes went dark and he silenced the military man quickly.

"Sergeant are you aware that I hold the rank of General?" Altair began.

"Yes, milord."

"And you may also remember that Lady Ravenwood served under my command in the same military." He continued.

"Yes sir."

"Then explain to me why you'd be trying to dictate policy to her rather than following her lead?" Altair allowed some anger to ooze into his point.

"I thought it best...." The sergeant began to counter

"From now on Leutitenant Ravenwood makes the orders and you will see they are followed, or I will find a sergeant who will. That is all. Dismissed."

FLint looked both surprised and impressed at his uncle's tough stance with the military man. "Do you have some news for me uncle?" Altair shook his head, "We'll discuss it later after I speak with your Aunt." He took to his heel and moved towards Alehial's tent. Flint looked at Lyriel, "You secure the fire and I'll go scare up either something hot or otherwise to drink." He watched her face for any sign of a favorable answer.
"Sure." Lyriel nods tossing a log onto the fire so it would last for a little while longer. While it hurt to look directly at the fire, she tried to use her peripheral vision as much as possible. The fire was really only for FLint's human eyes. She could see in absolute darkness without a problem, like all of her kind. She wondered how Altair was going to be dealing with the soldiers and their treatment of Alehiel if they continued to treat her as a Duchess even out here in the wilderness.

"Why not turn to the side, use me to block most of the light Lyriel" Flint offered. He knew bright light bothered her eyes it always had, and he wanted her comfortable and if possible happy. "So what is the possibility of you and I scouting tomorrow?" He knew the comment would get a response from her, in fact he counted on it. This was the place and time he truly belonged, not with some pampered merchants daughter, who didn't make him happy.

"Thought you were going to get drinks? And until Tani pronounces you fit and Alehial get's over the fact you nearly got killed... maybe." Lyriel grinned looking over at him. She didn't take up his suggestion, she just didn't look into the light directly. Sometimes it was really hard to live amongst her family. None of them really understood what she saw and what she went through to act like they did. She didn't usually mind but camping at night when everyone huddled around fires was the worst.

He passed her the bottle he had already filched, "I'm ahead of the wagon train right this second. And if it would make you more comfortable, and your willing to guide me we don't even have to sit here at the fire." Flint pushed his hair out of his eyes and looked at Lyriel. He truly marveled at how beautiful she was to him, with the firelight playing off of her skin. "And I'm sure Tani will clear me for duty and aunt Alehial now has uncle to distract her from my movements."

Alehial was in her room looking at a map spread out on the floor. she didn't have any kind of table and even if they did she wouldn't have used it. Sitting on the floor, cross legged she was studying the map that showed their path. It was an old map. It was the map she had taken when she had first left Sildea, of course a few things had been written on it. Notes of hers and of course new areas also been drawn onto it. Like the towns she had encountered that the elves at first had been unaware were quite so close.

He stood in front of her tent and rustled the flap, it was his way of being polite and showing her respect. "Alehial, may I enter?" He asked, aware that her elven side would appreciate this. He had his pack with him but, was prepared to bunk down with the rank and file if she wanted. The wind blew lightly from the north, he realized it might rain tonight. The vestiges of nobility, and the city started to slip away from him leaving just Altair the ranger and family man behind.

"Oh General of course you can." Came a slightly teasing tone of Alehial's, she chuckled but never stopped looking at her old map. It was a map of the continent they lived on. But it was old, still it had the best details of the forest and lands then any other map did. It was why she used it for this journey rather then a newer made map. She did think that Altair was being just a tad to cautious with her and it was absured he was asking because really it was his tent as a General.

He walked inside and set his pack down, then hunkering behind Alehial wrapped his arms around her, squeezed and kissed her neck. "This trading places went off without a hitch it seems." He glanced at the map over her shoulder and smiled. "Working on the route we'll be taking for the next couple of days?" He loved hearing the stories of her travels before they met and the life before the frontier.

"Flint had a run in with an Ettin, I was just checking the area around the map. I've been reading the earth every other day or so, been putting up problomatic areas. I've just been thinking of how much I've changed and a how much this map has changed with me." Alehial says leaning back against him. Holding his arms around ehr with her hands. "I was thinking about cutting my hair... It's becoming a nuisance again." Alehial says trying to move her head and pull her hair out from between them. It was after all down to almost her knees again, if she had been standing that is.

"How short will you cut it? I heard about the Ettin, the boy should have been out with others." Altair squeezed her again, then breathed in and thought about his words before continuing. "I left Lily in charge with Lai and Elsa to counsel her." He hoped she wouldn't be angry about this, but Lily needed to be challenged or else she'd runaway again. He moved her hair from her neck and again kissed right behind her ear down to her neck.

"Mid back was all, he has your bloodline in him can you really blame him? Besides why would you think putting Lily in charge would be a good idea? She's to young! It would have been wiser to have left your mother in charge." Alehial says hmming in contentment as he kisses her neck and shoulder. Leaning back against him completely relaxed now.

He proceeded to relay to her everything Lily had said that evening. "I realized that I didn't give her enough room to grow, Alehial. So, I thought I'd give her a great responsibility with Elsa and Lai to counsel her." He continued to hold her close to him. "I wish I could fix everyone's problems from Lily to FLint."

"Being a Hero is one thing Altair, being a Sage... that you are not." Alehial giggles softly content to let him hold her for now. She didn't really agree with making Lily in charge. Though it shouldn't come to a surprise they coddled her more then the others. In many regards Alehial had raised Lily like she had Darryl. If anything ever happened to Conner it would be Lily and her husband to take the title. that or it went straight to the second son. Thinking such things made Alehial wish to never return to that city again though. so she stopped thinking about it.

"I'd prefer to know that no matter which child is in charge they are able to handle the responsibility." He began to rub her shoulders instantly aware of how tight her muscles were. "And the only sagely secret I ever would wish to pass on is how to be a good husband and father. And I think you cutting your hair may be a good idea." He rubbed a little harder and waited to see if Alehial allowed him more access to her.

"I would as well Altair but, She's never had any kind of control or experience with being in charge even over smaller matters. To give her such a large one so fast... It might be to much." Alehial says before letitng out a soft moan. Her shoulders felt like heaven at the moment while he rubbed her sore and tense muscles. Letting her head fall forward she relaxed utterly and completely against him. "Once we get to Sildea I'll have someone cut it there." She says is a hushed tone, though most elven females and males had hair about as Long as Alehial she thought that Human's had the right idea to stop at waist or just below the butt.

He continued to rub her muscles, "And as for your briefing I'm all ears." He knew he had solved half of the problem with the sargent and how he treated her. "And if after my lady would like, I will untie all these knots." He smiled to himself after all these years he still never regreted a moment learning how to do this. "And am I sharing a tent with you? Or am I out with the men?"

"What a stupid thing to say! Of course your staying with me... Unless you want to stay with the men because I'm not going to stop you. As for the breifing Altair it was really only that you need to make Flint aware of the dangers and to stop going out alone. Conner and I had a disagreement and he is still a little sore about it but, he and I have talked about it and come to terms. Tani was a little down but Lucas being here is curing that I'm sure. Asper needs a deffinite role in the group and she hasn't found one for herself yet. I was hoping you might be able to think of something that might help." Alehial says pulling away from his skilled hands giving him a quick kiss on his lips before rolling up her map and putting it away.

"Well, I was only being considerate, I am a visitor in your camp." He relished the kiss with a smile as he stood. "As far as Flint, I'm sure he knows he has been a soldier and thank goodness a quiet Ettin is rare. Conner is brash about his feelings and I'm sure its about Flint. Tani and Lucas, yeah that'll clear itself up like Elsa and Fael is. Asper, I don't think she cares to be involved, We have tried to find ways to include her and she spurns the offers, maybe after the baby comes." He hugged Alehial and then kissed her deeply.

"You may be a visitor but you still outrank me!" Alehial says pulling away from the kiss, giving him an odd look. "What has come over you? your hardly ever so touching and affectionate." She says a little worried about him and what might have happened to make him this way. "Rare but Altair a quiet Ettin, it's a foreshadowing!" Alehial says not fighting his embrace just having pulled away rom the kiss. She was worried about the future and worried about the now.

"Alehial, the Ettin was killed and wasn't foreshadowing anything but, Flint not paying attention while being alone. And I realized lately we haven't had a chance to be affectionate." He squeezed her tight and kissed her again, she made him feel younger. "The future will happen and so will the present, which we should be cautious, but do not stop living." He found he was happier than he had been in a long while, outside the city, alone in this tent with her.

Alehial pushed a little more but it seemed this time Altair wasn't going to let her go. Not without a real fight over it and she didn't want to fight. She did believe that the Ettin was some kind of foreshadowing of things to come. But then she was taught to read into things. As a human it was easy to disregard she suspposed. Then she got distracted by Altair. It had been a few weeks since they had been together. She was using protection from the wand... It couldn't hurt. Might gross some of the kids out if they were to close but they had enough younger siblings to know what was going on anyways. Looking up into Altair's eyes she remembered the much younger man who had tried to get her attention all the wrong ways. "Okay General. you've convinced me." She grins up at him playfully.

He smiled at her, "I'm glad Lady Ravenwood. My love." Altair reached down to begin undoing her belt. Even after all the kids he desired her as much now as he did when they first fel in love. He stopped long enough to remove his sword belt and drop it near his pack. He then returned to kissing her and removing her clothing.

Alehial kissed him back just as fervently. Something within her relaxing at how easily they made up. Even in the bumpy parts of their marriage and with all the children. He never once seemed to ever tire of her or how she did things. It came as a relief to her each and every time he forgave her. She loved this man more then she loved her own life and she loved the life he had given to her more then anything.

Lyriel sighs and sits down near the fire. Still not directly looking into the fire she was looking around the camp some. Altair and Alehial were in their tent and judging from the sihouettes reaquainting themselves with each other. Tani and Lucas had also wandered off somewhere. It seemed that Conner had started another game of dice with the men and everyone had something they were all doing.

Flint decided looking into the fire was very over-rated, so he laid back and watched the stars instead. "Care to join me, Miss Lyriel the stars are more stunning than the fire." He smiled as he let his mind drift away from his troubles, gently humming a tune Rand had taught them all years ago in Alehial's glenn. Maybe he wouldn't have to marry Poppy, perhaps Altair had convinced Gareth to release him. "Perhaps everything will get better soon."

"Maybe My grandfather will stop hunting for me to join the family in the underground. Maybe Everyone will stop being foolish and become wise." Lyriel says scooting over to where Flint was laying and lays beside him. Gazing up at the star she thanked whatever god had seen fit to make Alehial find her. She sighs softly. She didn't know what would happen but she had a feeling the future was going to be a very bumpy ride.

Flint resisted the urge to try to kiss her, instead he took her hand in his. "Anything else you want fixed while you're making a list?" he smiled, glancing at her. She seemed more relaxed and if possible more beautiful out here in the wilderness. "I'd like to see my father die, and stay that way. Altair and Alehial get time to just have a life outside defending Andor." He wanted to wish something for them, but didn't want to ruin this moment between them.

Lyriel held his hand interlacing their fingers. "World peace might be nice for once." Lyriel chuckles softly looking over at him. She was having fun and for once he wasn't trying to be all over her and trying to make them work like a couple. She felt very comfertable laying on the ground beside him. She just wished she didn't feel so awekward about some things.

"That is a very heavy list, how about we add Asper decides to be a member of the family?" he added with a chuckle. "And is this all something I have to do, or are you gonna help with some of it?" He was glad the fire was burning lower, the warmth he felt just being near Lyriel was enough for him. "Remember when we snuck out and went swimming that summer years ago?" It was after she admitted that then sun bothered her eyes sometimes, and he suggested they swim at night then.

"This is the list of wishes to be granted if ever a fairy godmother or genie should be caught or used by our family." Lyriel giggles softly thinking of the idea of it. Really in their family it might not be so far fetched actually. Remembering the summer so many years ago she smiles. "Yes I do... Alehial was furious because the water got so cold at night and we came back shivering!" Lyriel laughs she had at the time so long ago told him she was better then he was and they had fought about who woudn't get cold making the trek in what they had swam in. In the end it was a draw they had both been frozen by the cold night and the wind.

"Looking back I think it might have worked better had we not walked so far in wet clothes." he shared her laugh. "I still think I won since you were so slight back in those days." he challenged with a playful smile. He kept a hold of her hand and pointed as a shooting star passed overhead. "Go ahead make your wish Lyriel, let's hope its a good one." He watched her face to see when she had made it then prompted, "So what did you wish for?"

"I didn't wish for anything Flint. I like my life right now. Anything I wish for if it came true... or actually had the power to change something in the world I would feel horrible about. Alehial and Altair taught me that." Lyriel says looking up at him, he just didn't seem to understand anything about her. He always said he loved her but she was sure it was the idea more then her. Though she would love to let go of everything and love him back... She just wasn't sure it was actually her he loved.

Flint looked at her, deciding sometimes they didn't think on the same levels. "I suppose you are right, but there something, even small things everyone wishes the could change." He held up her hand and rubbed his finger over a scar from years ago. "Not even this when you were cooking for me when I was younger? I know how much it hurt even getting it healed quickly."

"But it taught me to be more careful and pay better attention. To ask for help when I don't know what I'm doing. I wouldn't wish for that experience to be taken away not if that was something that led to what makes me me now." Lyriel says shaking her head no. She viewed every act as something important. Everything made her from the past. Even the small little things no one thought about. Alehial and Lai taught her that. As ones who would live longer, she had to consider more. Learn more and learn what made people and themselves. Flint wasn't taught the same things.

"So when we reach Garrison could I tempt you into going for a swim?" He asked her. "And yes I do mean later even into when the sun goes down, since we can't go anywhere with a partner." He enjoyed spending time with her, in any standing he could. "I want you to teach me to be a little more introspective about the world around me, if you would." He knew as a warrior he was as he should be, but like Altair he needed to balance the warrior with a statesman.

"We'll have to see Flint. I can teach you at any time though how good a teacher I'll be I don't know. As for spending time together if we are then Alehial and Altair think it is a good idea." Lyriel shrugs. She didn't really care whether they went swimming or not. What she said was true. She didn't want to be away when it was in her interest and safety to stay with the others. In the off chance there was another trap of her grandfathers waiting for her.

Flint didn't utter another word about them spending time alone together. Everytime he did he realized that the news of his arranged marriage was only feet away in the tent. He considered what Galin said about talking to him when he reached Garrison. What on the face of Glaeron could he want, it puzzled Flint. However, it could get him closer to his father, and then he could stop the threat to his family.

"I hope... The Drow will give up on me." Lyriel says softly looking up at the stars. She hadn't noticed the contemplative look on Flint's face. Nor did she notice he stopped himself from saying anything else. "Damn that Drow wizard!" She scowls putting her hand not interlaced with Flint's behind her head.

"Fathers who are evil, and the children who wish they'd meet a quick end. I knew since I was young that being Galin's son would be difficult." He stretched out a little more and glanced at her. They both shared similar situations, born from one parent who was evil, and mentored by symbols of heroism. "Maybe your grandfather will drag your father away and leave you alone then."

"No... Apparently my Dark bretheren has lost several female preists and they need to bolster the family. Hence they are tracking me down. As a female of the family and as a Drow especially, I would be of great use to them." Lyriel says with a shake of her head and a soft sigh falling from parted lips. Scooting close beside FLint so they were literally beside each other from torsoe to hip.It was just more comfertable for her to lay with him as such.

He rolled to his side and drew her closer, having her close made him smile. "You think Drow need druids? I'd think seeing trees and the like growing underground wouldn't be real would it?" He released her hand and placed his hand on her far hip, almost hugging her. "I'm sure we wouldn't let them force you to go with them." He squeezed her gently and smiled at her, "I'd hate to be without you."

"You should know already idiot... You were the one who saved me in the northlands when we nearly froze to death. Then I had to save you because for some reason you kept jumping off the damn cliffside!" Lyriel says not paying to much attention to how they were laying together. Besides they did it often enough it was comfertable and familiar to her. "Then the whole nearly a werewolf thing... and of course let's not forget you got kicked out of the military because of me too." Lyriel says scoffingly.

Flint pondered for a few minutes her words. "So, much changed during all of that. And I never jumped, I was pushed." He laughed after seeing her face, "And I seem to remember you let me sleep in your bed when I was more wolf than man. I also remember sniffing quite alot." He playfully sniffed about Lyriel, just as he did so many months ago. He laughed again after sniffing her neck.

"Well you were cuter then!" Lyriel giggles pushing his face away. Not going to admit it actually tickled a lot even back then it had. "Sure push, jump, it's the same to your Ravenwood men I'm sure." She said teasingly, she had heard enough stories fro Alehial to know a thing or two about the adrenaline junkies that were the Ravenwood males. Even Conner had gotten some of it. Though Lily seemed to get more out of the set of twins that they were. Lyriel grinned up at Flint. "I also recall you never let me do anything out of sight... including use the restroom. Silly dog."

"Well, you know they do get overly interested in everything and how everything smells." He grinned back and shoved his nose against her neck and sniffed her again. Then wrapped her up into a hug, "You know how much you standing beside me meant, Lyriel." He looked in her eyes letting her know, how much he cared for her. He waited to see what she'd say and if she'd push him away again.

"Yes... I do know. But you have to know as well... I don't know how I should proceed with you." Lyriel sighs looking into his eyes before turning her head and looking away. Unable to take the straight forward gaze and the love she saw in them. She didn't think she could ever give him what he really wanted.

"I know, all I really want is you to follow your heart more, while I follow my head more. The answer we both find has got to be the right one, shouldn't it?" Flint knew the obstacles in front of them and it of course wouldn't be easy. But, he knew it was more than lust or infatuation he had for Lyriel. He tried his best to prove it in word and deed to her, since he knew no matter the answer he intended to refuse Gareth's arrainged marriage.

"I do follow my heart Flint. But I can't just follow my heart about every little thing. I have to listen to the reason and logic as well. The family comes first Flint. You are my family but you are only one out of the many of our family." Lyriel says softly looking up at him. Wishing he could understand how complicated this was for her and how hard it was to try and figure everything out. She would like to be with him. But all of the things in the way made it hard and sometimes not logical or safe for them to be together. She already almost got them both killed more then once. Not only because of her father but because of the rest of her family and being a Drow as well.

Flint sighed, he just couldn't get her to tell him her feelings. No matter how much he assured her of his intentions and that he'd never make her choose, she clung to the idea the family would end if she tried to be happy like the others. Elsa found time to find love and start her branch of the family, he couldn't understand why Lyriel didn't open her heart to love. "I won't pressure you Lyriel but, I can't help how I feel can you understand and accept that?" He wanted to kiss her but, knew it would only cause more trouble, he settled for just holding onto her.

"I understand you feel that way to me Flint... But I'm sorry... I know Elsa and Lucas and Darryl have all found someone and you want me to be that someone... but Grandma Lai has been there in the background always. I don't want our family to ever have to be parted. Galin being here and my father being the reason... It had to be settled once and for all." Lyriel says shaking her head and looking away from Flint this time. He simply couldn't understand her need to have the people threatening their family gone and finished from this world for good. She wanted that done before she could think of herself. She wanted to protect those she loved dearly.

Flint didn't respond, the words he needed wouldn't come. He hated Galin, and startlingly found himself resenting his family for keeping them apart. "I need to go, relieve myself, you'll please excuse me Lyrie?" he needed the half excuse to escape away from the pain he felt at this moment. He stood and once away from the fire he went to retrive his armor and strap it on. It felt familiar, reminded him who he was before losing his commission hoping to find what he really wanted with her. He aimed his course out of camp and berated his way past the guard at the camps edge. "Anything I encounter out there will do well to avoid me private."

Lyriel sat up and watched him go. She knew he wasn't taking this well. Each time they brought up this topic it never went well. He always ended up more hurt and more confused and Lyriel was just baffled more then ever. She didn't know what she was supposed to do, but she knew she would take care of her father once and for all and the Ravenwood's would be safe. She had vowed that to herself when she was young when her father had made Gandma Lai go insane. After that Lyriel vowed to take care of the problem herself. That came before her own needs.

From the shadows Xibik watched the camp, as was his masters command. The little Imp grew tired of this job, but could not resist the wishes of his master. He watched and listened with great interest the drow and human talking and tender moment that apparently ended too soon for the human. He knew better than to get anywhere near the holy couple since they would be able to sense him. "So much for master's belief drow girl love human dog man. I not like this and wish to go watch something else more fun."

"If only there were something to kill!" Lyriel scowls and punches the earth. "If only... things were easier we could be together..." Lyriel sighs and lays back down head to the side as if listening to the earth. "If only we weren't who we are. If only Galin would stay dead and father would get caught." She sighs deeply closing her eyes and curling up on her side. Weapons already close at hand. Pulling the cloak over herself she snuggled down.

Xibik smiled a devious plan formed in his mind, and the imp never passed on a chance for mischeif making. Turning invisible he slunk right up to the drow, and called upon his own magics to whisper into her mind. "If I start acting happy with Flint, father will show himself and then we can stop him." He waited a second to see if his magic took hold, the woman should believe the plan was hers. And with any luck she'd go hunt down the human and make this plan more interesting.

Lyriel shivered gently and sat up looking back up at the stars with another sigh. "Maybe I should just be happy... I mean we are here together now... And besides nothing pisses bad guys off then the hero's having a happily ever after." Lyriel sigh again before grinning a little and standing up. Wiping her hands on her pants she smiles and pulls up her hood on her cloak and walks quickly the way Flint had gone. Besides she was always more frivilous on adventures.

Xibik snickered softly and slunk after the woman, his master did after all command him to watch her especially. "Kissy, kissy, drow lady make you and humany man verry happi." He planted the seed and was curious how far she would take his magic push. Granted he didn't know if master would be displeased, but he knew imp's nature. He followed her tracking Flint's path right to and pass the guard right to the spot where Flint sat.

Lyriel snuck up behind Flint and let out a breath along his neck teasingly. She didn't want to alert him right away to her pressence. Though he might have heard her footsteps. She was covered by her cloak and though not hidden it was night and she was covered in a dark brown and green cloak. They did not leave each other in a pleasent mood, she thought to perhaps cheer him up a little. So after the soft puff of warm air against the back of his neck she whispers his name near his ear. Her voice deep and sultry. "Flint..." She whispers with a coy little smile.

Flint jumped and spun around, he had been absorbed in his thoughts. "Lyriel, what are you doing?" he smiled back unsure. Lyriel was wearing her coy smile which he really hadn't seen in some time. "Why did you follow me out here? I was just thinking over what you said." He was still a little upset but, couldn't tear his eyes away from her smile. 

Watching from a nearby tree, Xibik was begining to change his mind. "Merri mischeif, oh, I never tire of you." He showed his pointed fangs and licked his cheek thoughtfully. Then shivered slightly, the master was looking through his eyes at the scene before him. "Oh hullo master, how's can Xibik serve yea?" They passed back and forth information, Xibik however hid the information that he was responsible for Lyriel changing her mind.

"Flint... maybe you and I can't work together... AS we would like... and things aren't going as good as they could. But... As long as we are here and as long as we are together now... Isn't that good too?" Lyriel asks leaning down on her knees and resting her butt on her heels. Putting her hand over top of Flints she softens the smile after licking her lips quickly. Leaning forward closer to him, she keeps the smile. She felt so calm around him, so much less chaotic and torn. It was when they were apart she saw things differently.

"We'll never know if we don't allow ourselves the chance to find happiness together." He leaned close and kissed her gently on the lips, his heart pounded inside his chest. When it ended her watched for any sign of her changing her mind, and rejecting him. "What changed, you said about Grandmother and the threats keeping us apart?" He was a little perplexed about her sudden turn about.

"I don't want to talk about those right now. Right now I just want to be with you Flint. I want to feel your heartbeat next to mine and hold your hand entertwined with mine." Lyriel says softly shaking her head back and forth. Leaning forward again she pressed her lips firmly against Flints, Leaning forward with her body wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders to anchor herself against him.

Xibik almost cackled with delight, "Is better than mes could ever hope for." He reached out to Flint's mind and intoned "She is finally willing to be with me, don't let her get away." Xibik had felt the master break mental contact at their first kiss. He was tied by magic to the drow but, held no real love for the elf. He watched with all interest what would transpire between them.

Flint wrapped her in his arms and held her tightly as he returned the kiss. Every problem and danger facing them simply vanished from his mind, so he could focus on Lyriel. Even though her change of heart confused him, she felt so sure here in this embrace. He broke their kiss and proceeded to kiss until he reached her neck. At that moment any thought of marriage, Poppy, or even the king didn't matter anymore, just her pulse against his lips mattered.

Lyriel sighed at the wonderful feel of his lips on her throat. At the feeling of his arms wrapped around her and holding her close to him. "Flint... mmmmm... we have to move from the guards lines... can't aaaahh distract them from their duty. Alehiel and hah mmm Altair would get angry. The pool, Alehial's favorite pool." Lyriel says trying to stop Flint momentarily so they could move to another safe location away from prying eyes.

He stopped momentarily and looked into her beautiful silver eyes, "Anywhere you wish Lyriel." He released her and stood up, he offered his hands and hauled her up. "Then let us not waste the time we have left this night," he whispered into her ear and placed a kiss just under it. Perhaps his arguement made some sense after he left. "Do you feel like a night-time swim?" he asked as he squeezed her hand.

Xibik tilted his head trying to figure out why this spot was bad and water was better. "Wet stuff no make good place for lovey doveys, but no want to have something make no sense." The drow had suggested it, and apparently the human knew what the innuendo must have meant. He unfolded his wings and leapt from the branch, he'd follow from above and find a better spot to watch. "I's hoping to see some more kissey-kissey, maybe more than that evens." he said with a mischeivious grin.

Lyriel led Flint deep into the woods. To the little area where the stream made a pool and a feeling of peacefullness filled her. It was obvious Alehial was giving the plants a little boost each time she visited. Smiling at the tranquility of the area she takes off her cloak and lays it on the ground. She also let's her hair down out of it's tight bun. It slithered out of the bun like a snake, though it was just all of her hair braiden. Taking off her belt and laying it aside and leaning over to work on her boots and the rest of her leather armor. Making it a little showey for Flint who was presumably still behind her.

He knelt and helped her remove her boots, marveling at her beautiful onyx skin. Then stood and removed his own weapons & armor, watching Lyriel hypnotized by her eyes. He wanted Lyriel so badly, but more importantly he wanted her to want him as well. The pool looked so inviting and he looked to see what she intended. He bent over to her and kissed her on the lips again, happy that his wish had seemed to come true.

"Ohs mes is happi to sees this," Xibik grinned. He had hoped the human and elf would throw caution to the wind and fall to their desires. He considered using his magic to push their levels of lust higher and higher. His master would be furious, but now he realized his master was no longer in contact with him. "Oh is girly gonna remove clothes and let human make her squeal?" If they began to mate, Xibik might have to alert master Vennis if his daughter began having intercourse with the human.

Lyriel removes all of her clothing but for the bottems and she walks to the side of the pool. Smiling back at Flint she slowly walks deeper into the water before going beneath. It was cold water but she didn't mind. Resurfacing she shaked her head a little. The water beads dripping down her black skin and back into the water. Her skin shined from the light of the cresent moon. and relfecting off the water. HEr hair and eyes seemed to glow ith an inner light as she smiled mischeiviously at Flint. Compared to her he was so very pale.

Flint followed suit and practically dove into the pool to join her, surfacing directly in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. "You look like a goddess here in the water with this aura of light around you." He could see the mischeif in her eyes, and he was willing to go were ever that mischeif led. He ran his hands along Lyrial's back, she was well muscled and so very strong.

"A goddess have you been picking things up from Conner again Flint?" Lyriel giggled softly her voice a littler huskier then normal, she let her hands travel over his hair covered chest and down his abs. One hand reaching around to squeeze his tight behind and the other gripping something else entirely. "So big and bad Lord Ravenwood." She smirks before leaning up a little and licking his collar bone.

"I'm no lord, mistress Ravenwood." He smiled as he slid his hands inside her bottoms. He squeezed her behind and continued kissing her pulse on her neck. Her touch however made him gasp, she was aggressive and he loved that about her. "Lyreil, you are my goddess, and I do wish to always be with you." He then brought one hand around to the front of her bottoms and carressed her.

Lyril chose not to speak again as she put her moth to better use. Such as tasting the skin on Flint's neck. Using her teeth to taste his flesh, though careful not to break it at all. Her hands moving and carressing she didn't keep them still not for a moment. Glad she had used her wand while undressing, they had nothing left but to enjoy the moment between them and the heated water around them from thair own bodies.

He pushed her bottoms down so he could better use his hands upon her. When she bit his neck he brought his mouth down to her neck and moved his kisses down. He had seen her use the wand and realized that no matter where this led they were safe. He brought her to the edge of the pool and sat her upon the rock there, breaking their contact. He then looked up and smiled as he kissed her legs at the knees moving higher.

Lyriel sighs softly a pleased smile on her lips. Even though she was now in clear view and no longer had anything to occupy her hands. She opened her legs to him and braced herself on the rocks as well as she could. She was determind not to let her mind ruin this. She wanted to feel him and touch him. Nothing more nothgin less. Just a sudden craving for the closeness they occasionally shared.

Flint continued to kiss his way higher until her reached her, he took great joy in pleasuring her in the 'elven fashion'. Her face was expressive and he hoped he was making happy. Flint realized this was what they both wanted, being together and taking solace in each other. He would do anything and everything she wanted just to continue pleasing her. There was no Andor, just Lyriel and Flint and pleasure shared between them.

Lyriel loved when Flint acted selfless and pleased her. After much practice with her ha had become very skilled at it and soon enough she was arching and moaning and writhing from what he was doing. "Flint! Flint stop, I need you. I need you now Flint." Lyriel says grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling him away from herself. She was being driven mad by need. Yes he could pull back and do what he wished of her but she wanted him in the worst way. She would fight to get what she wanted and she doubted he would fight her to not do it either.

While Flint relished her reaction to his attentions he focused on her totally. And when she called his name & proclaimed she needed him, he could not resist her call. She released his hair knowing he would do exactly what she wanted most. He pulled himself out of the pool and into her embrace. "I want you Lyriel, I'll do anything you wish of me." he whispered to her, as he sought to become one with her.

Xibik's eyes widened, these two desired each other so much that he thought they may catch the forest ablaze. He watched with great earnest as master's daughter shamlessly enjoyed the humans talents. Committing her face and noises to memory, he'd have much to report to the master next time he asked. Suddenly he realized the woman was using magic to protect from him siring a child, he cackled realizing he could dispel her magic. "Oh, master would be soooo angry if'n hises daughter came be prognant to sthe humany man." but he frowned, the were too far for his magic to affect them.

Lyriel was wild with Lust and the feeling of Flint all around her. She stared into the forest and felt the earth beneath her. The man's quickened heartbeat against her own, both of their sweat and water slicked bodies rubbing against the other. She felt light headed and grounded all at the same time. Her fingers grasped his back and his muscles hard enough there would be welts afterwards. Content in knowing she would not get with child she let herself feel everything and soak in the warmth inside of her.

There were no words to say, Flint continued to bath Lyriel's face, neck, and chest in loving kisses and playful nips. He allowed his hands to also hold and squeeze her as they continued to make love. A small rainstorm began to fall which neither one seemed to notice. He rolled over control of their speed by rolling to his back, so she was on top of him. He gazed up at her and slid his hands along her thighs and hips.

Lyriel gasped at the sudden extra weight put upon her forcing him even deeper and closer to her. Grinning down at him she begins to move. Using what Alehial had taught all the daughters of Shadizarian dance and sensual movements. Closing her eyes and uplifting her face to welcome the cool rain on her skin she never once stopped her movements. Her own hands bracing against his chest, holding there her nails making small red lines as she moved.

Flint let out a groan, stroking Lyriel's sides and hips as she continued her movements. This was heaven, or at least the closest he knew he would ever see. Time was growing short for him however, the desire was building and soon she would push him over the edge. However, he hoped he could hold on so they would both arrive there together. He took her hand and kissed her wrist and forearm.

Xibik was truly impressed by the couple having intercourse by the pool. Imps in general had a very short mating ritual and part shortly after. "I wonder how's they taste? Theys seem to like lickin & bitins each and another." He absentmindly cleaned his teeth with his stinger, he learned all the words they used so he could parrot them back to his master later. Oddly though he no longer felt the masters mind in connection with his own, that should only happen if his master was dead, sleeping, or did not wish contact.

Lyriel looks down at Flint and smiles panting before she left her hip work simply for the harder lifting and dropping of her hips. She was too close biting her lip to try and hold out just a little longer for Flint as well. Unaware of the rain around her or anything in the forest either. She just felt the bliss of her joining with Flint.

Flint grabbed ahold of her hips and started helping her, as he moved to meet her every move. The rain continued to fall around them and a breeze moved the nearby branches. He looked up and noticed some of her hair had worked loose and was wet against her face. Losing himself in the moment he thought about the future of them both. He felt he could no longer hold back and hope Lyriel was climaxing as well.

Lyriel arches her back and let's out a high moan, clenching against him with her thighs and insides. Nails digging into his forearms as she rode the wave of pleasure running rampant through her. After a few seconds she sinks down her cheek against Flint's chest, still joined with him at the hips. she was panting hard and her eyes were closed as she listened to his mortal heart beating away in his chest.

He felt he muscle squeeze him and as those feelings subsided, and as Lyriel started to sink he wrapped his arms around her. He heard her panting just as he was, and wanted to assume that she was as spent as he was. Reaching over he grebbed her cloak, wanting to use it as a temporary blanket laid it across them. Flint knew he should say something, but was terrible with words so it thought simple and sincere, "Thank you Lyriel, I can't express how wonderful you are." After the words left his mouth he began to feel stupid for saying them.

Xibik almost fell from his branch when they climaxed, from the noises they made it was impressive. "Oh, mes thinks me wasted chance to mischief, except I could do these." He glided from his hiding spot to close enough to touch their minds again. "Smells like humany and elf tradesy all sort of stuffsto makin shem a babi." The imp thought about all the seeds of thought he could implant in their minds, but decided to see where the ones already there would lead.

"Well I must say you are rather impressive in action as always yourself studly." Lyriel chuckles breathlessly. Wiggling against him just a little as she made the cloak settle around their naked forms. She gasps as they parted in their nether regions. Shivering just a little from the residual affects ran through her from what they just shared together. She was passive and pleased, very content with what just transpired between them.

"It isn't me, you are inspiring, muse." he countered. He almost felt sorry they had to part. He held her close to him, content and exhausted, his tan skin at stark contrast to her onyx colored. The rain tapered off letting the moon and stars shine down upon them. "I guess nature wanted to add something else beautiful beside you tonight."

"Nature needs not add anything to be beautiful." Lyriel shakes her head still resting as much as she could. She felt content still. Laying next to him she was filled with peave and the possibility of a love. It was as if there were no problems between them now as they laid in the moonlight and by the pool of water.

"You realize for the most part, we are replaying some history here." he commented facing her. "I bet our clothes are soaked and cold, and we'll have to walk back to camp in them." grinning he leaned over and kissed her. Flint hoped this trip would last longer so they could discover if there was love between them. Poppy could never understand him like she could, never feel or show such passion as Lyriel, he knew that just from looking into her eyes. "Teach me something, like names of the stars, I'm sure you know all of them." he asked, "I only know so many, please."

"I can teach you some but I do not prefur the stars to the warmth of the earth and the gentle knowledge of the trees. We took our clothes off you goose!" Lyriel giggles softly snuggling against him a little more very content to be with him and simply be out in nature.

With a wide grin he began to move his hands along her body, "I thought you felt a little bare." He began to run his hand down her side and back, grazing his fingers just above her bottom. Her snuggling was starting to arouse him again, tipping her chin up her kissed her deeply. "Lyriel do you think we have enough time?" he asked as he cupped her nether region and rubbed gently. He remembered she once let him pleasure her with his hands and how much he loved how she looked as he did.

Lyriel shudders against him, kissing him back gently. Her eyes slipping closed at the pleasurable feelings he was giving her. "Maybe if we're quick." She grins down at him. She didn't hear anything around them and she didn't think anyone would come this close to them anyways. As for the family everyone was busy and the soldiers knew better then to follow her anyways.

Xibik watched them both earnstly planning to understand why these two liked mating with one another. "Being together feels so right, never felt like I belong. We should take adavantage and sneak away to enjoy each other." He touched their minds again an tried to convince them to mate many more times on this trip. "Poor master his daughter gives hers body to human who makes her whine and moan."

Flint rubbed Lyriel utilizing her sounds as a guide that he was pleasing her. He waited until she arched her back and lowered his mouth to her breast and added that to his efforts. After that he just took his time and worked to prolong her pleasure. With her he might not get a chance to be alone and make love to her again for awhile. Her noises made him wish he could do this for longer than her climax.

"Enough! Oh gods You torture me! I need you Flint. please!" Lyriel writhes against him beneath the cloak. She couldn't handle it any longer. She ached and throbbed to feel him join with her yet again. Their mating always causing her more pleasure then any other man she had been with before. He understood her mentally and physically better then any other person she knew. She loved him in a way no one else could replace. She wished they could just run off together and leave the family. As soon as she thought that though she knew she would never be happy that way. That it would never work. A particularly clever stroke of Flint's fingers and her thoughts scattered once again. Making her writhe and moan. She grabs his arm and tried to make him stop. She didn't want just play. She wanted more then that.

As soon as she called to him, he moved to join again to make them one. "I'm yours whenever you want Lyriel." If he could spend forever in just one moment it would be this one. He moaned before seeking out her lips for another kiss. The fact that she had earlier rejected him was long forgotten, consumed in the heat between them.

Xibik's eyes gleamed, master was watching and he smiled. He transferred the earlier mating and everything he missed 'dutifully' to master. "She seemsy to likey his thingy, she spends lotsa times on it." Xibik noticed there was something different about masters thoughts. In truth the difference was distracting him from watching the drow and human.

Lyriel kissed him fervently in return, her stomach tightening as they joined once again. "Gods!!" She closes her eyes and arches up, face to the sky as he joined her again. It felt so good, never had any other man or woman made her feel so amazing before. Flint could literally make her sees stars and simply stop almost being.

Flint held her as he began to move, he began to lose himself as she enveloped him. "Oh, Lyriel I need you so." he managed to tell her in between deep kisses. Watching her face, eyes closed enjoying the feeling of their bodies intertwining, then moved changing his angle of entrance into her. He pressed his lips again to her neck, and began to gently nibble and suck at her pulse. She was nature personified to him, and he loved ever moment with her.

Lyriel couldn't handle the overloading of her sense she was receiving from Flint and as a result it wasn't long until she was crying out in pleasure once again. Gripping him tight her fingers scoring his shoulders and arms. She didn't care if even the camp heard her now, her pleasure was blinding to herself. The very core of her being opened to herself and with it the sense of nature through her. It cleared her head from any fog or inconsistancy in her mind. Saying a small prayer she collapses on top of Flint.

When Lyriel gave into her pleasure, Flint could no longer hold back and joined her. Moaning he felt all of his energy drain away, he lay beneath her gasping for breath. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her heart beat with his. "Gods, you are amazing, I can't imagine being with anyone this way." He gazed at her, he would never in life find anyone he loved or could love more than this woman.

Lyriel panted on top of him. It always wore her out a little to top. "I'm a drow... and a Druid. IT's like nature just rose up and said hello." Lyriel giggles a little high from her pleasure and from her sensitivity to everything around her now. HEr braided hair laying across Flint's chest and arm to lay against the ground. IT was almost as long as Alehiel's now. She didn't mind. She liked it longer, it made her stand out even more from the normal Drow from underground.

"Woman first, druid second, and drow at the last of the list." Flint commented as he kissed her cheek. "You know being drow doesn't matter to me, the rest of you is more important." She was one of the most loving and strong women he ever knew. There would never be another to take her place in his heart. "Think the camp heard everything, my lady?" he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her again.

Xibik was impressed with himself, "One lil ole pushy and they tarted get squishy, squishy with each other." He smiled showing his little fangs, they had spent a long time away from the camp. The master had seen and heard everything, and his anger made the little imp laugh. From his spot in the tree he could see everything. "Mes wonder what her edopted parentsys think when theys come back."

"Oh I'm sure they did but with everyone else getting frisky can they blame us that much? Like Nature jumped up and bit everyones behinds to make us all get sex fever." Lyriel shrugged ignoring the other things he said. They were too close along the lines of I love you marry me have children with me. But the sex was amazing between them both. She was already addicted quite a bit to his body and how he could get the pleasure in her body to short circut her mind.

He looked up at her and grinned, "Next time you think I could possibly be on top? I feel like I made you do all the work and I just laid here." He kissed her ear and laughed. Suddenly, he thought of the guards looking back and forth wondering if the should check on them after the yelling. "Do you think we should clean up and head back soon?"

"Yes... Clean up and then head back. I have the long shift on guard duty tonight. Just because I only take four hours anyways." Lyriel says slowly getting to her feet. Stretching once standing up completely grimancing just lightly until her back cracks. Sighing and walking back over to the pool of water she sank in and started rinsing herself off. Once her skin was rubbed clean she got back out and shook herself just a little bit before pulling all of her clothing back on one peice at a time.

He waited until she was done at the pool before following suit. He dressed quickly and resecured his armor and weapons. "Well, I may take some early shut eye and get up for last guard." He offered her a hand up to her feet, smiling at her. The trail back would be very dark and he decided that she should go first so he wouldn't break his neck.

"Sounds good to me. I'll be getting my hours in. Then waking up and communing for a little while. Follow me closely." Lyriel says taking his hand and interlacing her fingers with his and leading him back the way they came. For some reason she felt like snuggling against him and never letting him go.

He enjoyed holding her hand, for one it would keep him from breaking his neck. "Keep me on the straight path, I'm depending on you." he kidded her. They picked their way through the trees into the clearing of the camp, passing the guards without a word. He leaned close and whispered, "Will you wake me to stand with you?" He enjoyed doing guard duty with her, they would talk and keep track who was waking and sharing coffee.

Xibik let them pass underneath him before flitting through the trees to follow them. "Wonders whys drow not wantsy to havey babi, ifs she dos shen master no wants er nos moore." He followed close and listened to them talk. She didn't seem like the master or other drow for that matter. So, he couldn't figure why the master demanded he follow the wagon and allow him to see through his eyes.

"No I cannot Flint. You are taking last watch. I am taking all the previous ones. I will be in my... sleep as you like to call it. I am a creature of the night, you of the day I take the watch that I do best in. And you do the one you do best. Besides I don't drink coffee while I am out in nature. You should know that." Lyriel says now that they were in camp she releases his hand. smiling at him softly she begins pulling her braid up and around itself up into a bun. Pulling the cloak cowl up to hide the white hair the only thing that stood out was the metal shining in a few places and her brilliant almost glowing eyes.

He reached out and caught her cowl, grinning he gently brushed her lips with his. "Then I will bring you breakfast when you awaken, after I finish up my watch." He went over and proceeded to prep his bedroll, glancing over at Conner who was asleep. "I wonder where Lucas and Tani disappeared to," then again he had his thoughts on where they disappeared to. Just before he bedded down he looked at Alehial & Altair's tent, he still had no idea if his uncle spared him from a marriage to Poppy.

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