Page name: Ravenwood Estates 21 [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-04-07 19:27:39
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Return to The Andorian Chronicles

"They will hurt you." Vex said softly sitting now far away from him watching them walk the long drive to the front door. Lyriel shrugged. "we can stay at Finns if Alehial and Altair don't want us here anymore. But I will never turn my back on family... I will never leave them." Lyriel said once inside the borders of the Ravenwood estate she took off the hat and threw a rock at Conner.

Conner dodged the rock and stuck out his tongue, "No Vex, they will take it as a show of my support. Oh, just in the odd case the King orders me to marry the diseased one, we've been sleeping together and plan on marrying." He turned and smirked at her. It was a hollow comment, his parents would send him away before letting that happen. Flint nodded his agreement to what she said, if the family balked they would retreat to Finn's and come help when they were threatened.

"Not if your life depends on it." Vex growled as the rock hit her in the shoulder. She rubbed it a bit it hadn't really hurt. Lyriel took a deep breath and walked up to the doors she opened them up. She was ready for someone to chastise her... And then she would have to explain it all. Especially with Elsa due any moment.

The younger kids were trooping around and passed hugging Lyriel and Flint before heading to classes and the such. Lai was the first adult they encountered who greeted them both warmly, "Your mother and father are looking for you Lyriel, and The King is looking for you Flint." It was apparent that Conner and Lyle had kept their secret, and no chastising would happen yet, so they had a little time to plan how to break the news.

Lyriel hugged all the little ones and Lai as well. She had a little time to think. At least until Rand told the king who told the nobleman.... Who came here...." how do we tell everyone?" Lyriel asked Flint softly worriedly. She thought maybe talking to Elsa but she needed what rest she could have she was late by two weeks now. Everything was all happening at once it seemed.

"We will just wait until I am in front of the court, unless you still want to tell Altair and Alehial now." he responded. He too had hugged Lai and all the little ones who had come by, picking up Sirrian who kept tugging at his pant leg. A maid came by with Alura in hand and Sirrian pointed and babbled at her, one of the few words he knew and used constantly was "jerk" but this was the beginning of another.

"Very well... If you think we should. Not jerk. Friend." Lyriel cooed at Sirrian. The little boy was a handful on a good day. Much like all the little ones. That was when Lyriel heard a cry fro. Upstairs. "Oh no! Not Now Elsa!" Lyriel groaned recognizing the noise. "Stay with the kids!" She ordered Flint before running up the stairs. She didn't even knock. Elsa lay on the bed an obvious wet puddle soaked in the bed. She was holding Faels hand and panting.

As Lyriel got to the door Siria, the elven maid from Sildea came out with Xeph and Kaitlyn heading towards the nursery. Heading past her was Altair and Alehial who had been alerted much the same way as Lyriel. "Sounds like we will have a new member in the family soon." Altair said with a wide grin. The entire house became a chaotic scene as Bowers marched a small line of maids carrying hot water and blankets up the stairs. It happened a lot in the Ravenwood family attacks and births, and Bowers knew all about them.

All at once Lyriel and Alehial were shoulder to shoulder giving orders and preparing the bed and Elsa for the birth of yet another child. Lyriel helped Elsa with her hair and cool clothes to help her not to overheat. Alehial undresses Elsa some and laid a small blanket over her knees. She monitored her daughter and the child within. It seemed everything was in order and they simply had to wait until the babe moved further along. Meanwhile a certain female bodyguard watched as the whole family moved as if in military practice while all this was happening.

"Wild is it not?" said Conner appearing at Vex's side, he could move as silently as his parents which made him rather difficult to pin down. Flint stood near Altair and they watched the door, the rest of the children were routed around as needed or directed to. Siria came downstairs with a basket apologizing and explaining she thought it best to send the towels in the basket to be washed in case they were needed. Upstairs Fael used to seeing his wife give birth wiped her forehead and encouraged her as she needed it. To all in the room the labor looked to be a little long, but with no complications.

"I don't understand why anyone would do that... Do you want to force a woman through the worst pain a woman can even endure?" Vex asked and was literally surprised at the amount of pain this families women would endure just for their own men's happiness. Vex didn't understand why a woman would want to do that... even for a family... a real family why would any woman want to go through something like that?

Conner laughed, "Vex, you misunderstand everything about this family no one forces them to become pregnant, well Asper will say she was tricked but that's just her. Most of the Ravenwood children are not blood, but as my mother and father brought us all together they instilled love of family above all else. One day you will have your own child and see even in that pain the most beautiful bond will be formed by you, your husband, and your newborn child." Most everyone nearby who heard the wise words of Conner murmured their agreement as the house of Ravenwood grew by one more. Sirrian who had been watching Vex with great interest was now close enough to grab the warrior woman and utter the dreaded word, "MINE?"

"Uh... No?" Vex tried to answer the young boy, while she was glad of the male child's safe birth, and the mothers health still. She still had no real idea on how to deal with children in general, let alone Ravenwood children. She backed up into Conner with a somewhat stunned look on her face. She hoped he didn't cry because then she might panic and that never made anyone look professional, or tough. She needed that type of standing with Conner, or she wouldn't be able to come to grips with him.

Sirrian knew the look, he stuck out his lip and his chin wobbled and he looked crestfallen and about to bawl. Conner nudged her, "Better take him cause if he cries it'll never stop." Her small horror held out his hands to her and whimpered, "Pwease?" Conner said nothing else, this was between his shadow and the shortest Ravenwood. Altair went upstairs to check if the family could meet the newest child or if Elsa needed more time. Samantha and Arrisa were left to their own devices, before Conner and Flint came to sit in the sitting room with them.

Vex took Sirrian reluctantly. She had no idea what to do with him what-so-ever when she held him. So she held the boy about a foot from herself looking uncomfortable and mostly confused, She noted though Conner's happiness for his family, and to be part of this family. She certainly wasn't going to get attached to any child or person. Not while she still had a job to do and she hadn't any free time. She would be glad to be done with this job but it might be for years.

Looking into the sitting room Conner caught her eye and made the gesture that she should hold the boy closer as to comfort him. Flint as always shook his head as Conner tortured anyone who came through the door not used to children. He wondered if Lyriel had told Alehial or might say something when Altair arrived to check on the new baby. Arten and Lai were already talking in the other room about how soon until Altair's brother or sister would be born. Lai had refused any divination to the sex of her child, she had two with Conner, but counted Altair as one and she had supposed Galin as well though she did not want to discuss the man.

Alehial came down the stairs, her dress ruined by birthing fluids. She didn't care, at the moment she was exhausted and she entered the sitting room and laid on a couch. "Baby is just as healthy and wonderful as the others, tail included!" She informed them in this room. She was pooped.

Vex meanwhile arranged Sirrian on the crook of her arm supporting his butt and her other hand on his back, she was clearly very unhappy and nervous holding this possessive child. She certainly was not happy with Conner's teasings and his cousin knowing exactly what was going on as well.

After several more minutes Lyriel came down the stairs. "Elsa is asleep, Feal is bringing out their new son to introduce to the family. Everything is taken care of Mother." Lyriel reporting she had stopped to change her shirt obviously. Lyriel was happy for her sister though, Elsa loved Feal so much and all of her babies. Lyriel knew she loved Flint, but was it as strong as Elsa's love for Feal? She simply wasn't certain. "I sent Father to check on the other kids." She told them as she sat next to Flint.

Sirrian took the change in how Vex held him as a good thing and he put his head under her chin and quieted down but not before making Conner laugh by saying again, "Mine." Before long Feal and Altair came into the sitting room with the new baby, "May we introduce Dahar Ravenwood to his family." Most everyone clapped and came to look on the little boy cradled in his father's arms, it was a happy time for the Ravenwoods. Flint looked at Lyriel and smiled, he was happy for Elsa and Feal and for all of their family. Conner came over and whispered an elvish blessing he learned from Sirrus years ago and smiled at Alehial.

Alehial smiled as she watched her family welcome their newest member. She relaxed and sat up making herself comfortable, now the only one she need worry about baby wise was Lai. She still prayed for Mathius and Cybil, Lily most especially Lily and Conner and Lyriel and the twins. The others were all safe and taken well care of. For the moment the promise she had made to Galin was forgotten and she was happy and mostly at peace.

Vex scowled but she couldn't do anything and she didn't want to see the new baby, all babies looked alike plus a tail... so she stayed where she was and watched the rest of the family ooh and aww over the little thing.

After a little while Conner came along and plucked the now sleeping Sirrian, who had suddenly become ten pounds heavier now that he was asleep. "I'll take him up and tuck him in, care to come help or are you retreating to a baby free zone?" he asked heading for the stairs. Altair came to sit beside Alehial and took her hand in his and smiled at her, "One more and our little family gets larger by the second it seems."

"I'll follow." Vex said looking at the crowded room and then the stairs, it seemed like a better escape following him than it did staying in that overcrowded room full of people all excited about the new baby.

Alehial smiled and leaned forward giving Altair a chaste kiss on the lips. "And here I am supposed to have three more!" Alehial laughs softly, relaxing back into the couch on which she was sitting.

He laughed and settled back with her and watched the others with the baby paying attention to the looks between Flint and Lyriel. In a low whisper he said to Alehial, "I think there is something afoot with our daughter and nephew, we haven't been home long what kind of trouble could they have stirred up?"

"They are the two that are supposed to be in a lot less trouble than all the others. Especially considering Flint is forcibly engaged at the moment." Alehial scowled looking over at her two supposedly behaved adult children. They were especially close lately, but it was nothing that they hadn't been before.

Conner put Sirrian in his bed and tucked him in, "Good night tiny terror, dream well." He then turned to Vex and smiled, she had not set foot in the nursery at all, "Please the room will not make you pregnant for setting foot inside, I quite fondly remember this room." Each child had a space for themselves and already Kaitlin and Xeph, Alurra and the other small ones were fast asleep. The twins and his younger aunts and uncle would soon be hustled to their rooms as well. "So, I plan on turning in Vex," he said as he left the nursery, "so you may do as you wish until the morning or until chaos pokes it's head in the door."

"If you're so happy with all these kids why run around behind your parents backs and go drinking in the pubs?" Vex asked not about to let him off from all of his teasing of her just yet. Plus this seemed awful early for him to be going to sleep, which meant he was going to try to run. "Are you in love with your sister? it seems kind of creepy how much you like all these kids. Maybe it's because you want one of your own hm?" Vex implied, she didn't actually think anything of what she said she was simply trying to get a reaction from Conner. So far nothing else had worked and her un-comfortableness around small children was something he was already exploiting.

Conner laughed, tickled at Vex's remarks before composing himself to respond to them. "I do not sneak behind my parent's back, they know I frequent Finns since the halfling is like family. I am not in love with my sister, but I love my sisters as I do all of my family and are you offering to be the mother of my child?" He knew the remark might get him slapped or perhaps she'd turn funny colors like mother used to, and readied himself accordingly. "Tomorrow is the day I usually go and spar with one of my friends or my cousins, so hence the early bedtime."

"Y-you cheeky! Fine! Goodnight!" Vex scowled having gone red with anger and just a little of embarrassment, she turned on her heel and went to her own room shutting the door gently even though she's rather slam it closed. He infuriated her, she had to find out something to give her the upper hand in this crazy assignment. Deciding she needed to cool off she got into her gear and decided walking the grounds would help with that. If nothing else she could practice in the arena the Ravenwoods had. She would need to check on all of her booby traps as well to make sure Conner didn't get away from her without her knowledge. His safety was her responsibility after all. She was the top student... and a rare female Blade member now, she had much to lose if she failed this assignment.

"What, what did I say?" Conner retorted when she stormed out of sight, then smiled and headed back to his room. Vex was fun and she tried hard to be a proper babysitter. But, as many a person who tried reigning in Conner Ravenwood learned it took stamina and a lot of effort to do. He changed into something to sleep in and said his prayers, especially for Lily who was lost right now and got into bed.

After almost an hour Vex decided to check his room from the outside one last time, as well as checking to make sure her tracking traps were all still functioning and in place. Maybe this wasn't the honor she had thought it might be, maybe Rand was actually punishing her for surpassing all of those Blade's that had tried to teach her and couldn't keep up with her. Conner was more than frustrating to try and deal with and being professional didn't seem to be working but she had no other real skills, she had learned many things from the Blade's but... being sociable wasn't one of those skills.

She no sooner checked to see that Conner was still in his room than she ran almost headlong into Lord Ravenwood who was up and walking the halls of his house. "Mistress Vex, up rather late aren't you considering Conner has turned in for the night." he asked.

"J-just making sure he isn't trying to sneak out sir." Vex blushed bright red, hastily backing up and throwing up a salute. She was taken back by running into the lord of the house. She really hadn't planned to run into anyone, after the birth she thought most everyone would go to bed early or stay in their rooms with each other perhaps. She didn't know why but she almost always blushed around Altair, especially when embarrassing things happened to her. He... was a real man, a warrior, a soldier and fighter.

He wondered for a brief second if her blush was because she was leaving or about to enter his sons room, but dismissed it she seemed all business. "At ease, I have not been a general for a good many years. So, it is all my house or my willful son that makes you chafe at your assignment?" he said almost reading her thoughts. "I do not envy you, watching a young man who is equal parts Lady Ravenwood and myself and learned at the foot of his uncle and brothers and sisters. But so far you seems to handle it and him well, but if you shall ever need backup or a ear to bend then you know where to find me."

"I'm not chaffing sir. Commander Rand simply told me to keep my wits about me and my eyes and ears open when dealing with Conner sir. Oh... Congratulations on another healthy grandchild sir." Vex offers trying to regain her standing. She didn't mean to appear like she needed help. She was a Blade. So now she was regaining her confidence and her strength of will. She could accomplish her assignment, and others needed to believe that too.

"My thanks on that Vex, and I know doubt in the face of an assignment I had to stop two separate invasions." he said with a smile. "You are strong and capable which is why you were selected, but feel free to relax a little and be rigid when needed and you will control Conner a little easier." He then nodded to her and headed towards his and Lady Ravenwood's bedroom.

"Thank you for the advice sir." Vex said before going into her room and closing the door. She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead against her fist. She took a deep breath and let it out, then began to get out of her armor and other gear. Meeting Lord Ravenwood had thrown her off quite a bit, obviously. If Conner was more similar to his father then this would have been a much better assignment.

The next morning Vex was shaken awake by the household alarm being raised and voices outside in the halls.

Vex rolled out of the bed, her hand around her pommel and on her feet in a moment and out of the room. She was in a pair of pants and shirt, she never slept in anything less. She wasn't aware of what was going on but she had her sword and she was ready to face whatever it was she needed to.

The family was together and talking wildly, something about Xeph the baby she had held belonging to Fael and Elsa. The elven maid new from Sildea was also missing. Several guards plus family members where out looking for her and the spellcasters were searching out magically for them both.

Vex instantly went to Conner's room, and searched for Conner. If one child was missing others might be as well. She simply couldn't take the chance that Conner had run off. She knew this city from bottom to top but if he ran off she needed some sort of direction to go in to look for him. As a body guard for Conner he was her first priority, though it seemed strange someone was stealing away one of the tailed children.

As she turned the corner Conner almost knocked her over as he was finishing putting on his armor and securing his sword to his waist, it seemed he had somewhere to be and not overtly concerned with Vex. He was different like this more focused and well less like Conner than she'd ever seen, he made it to the bottom of the stairs where the older children and parents were amassing. Arten came from the sitting room where the others were busy, "All scrying spells on Xeph are not working just like when we search for Lily, we need another way to locate him or the maid."

Vex took the time to grab her boots and Tunic, she left the rest behind. She then met back up with the others and stayed close to Conner. It was clear he wasn't going to give her time to fully suit up, so this would be fine. She wondered why anyone would take a child from the Ravenwood house, after everything that had happened in the past one would think bad guys would leave them all alone. Clearly this news was the worst because Elsa had just given birth to her third child and her first had been taken. Feal must also be furious. Vex though would help as long as she was able to keep an eye on Conner at the same time.

"We need to check the waterfront for any boats that left with an elf maid." Conner said quickly. His father looked at Arten, "Scry for the Xeph's blanket it is another thing that is missing and even perhaps the basket she brought downstairs. A few minutes later Daryl shifted in and and offered his help, word had been sent to Flint and Elsa and even the blades headquarters. But it seemed that Conner was almost being ignored in the crush of people and Vex had the feeling that he was going to go check the waterfront on his own.

"If she went to the Wharf, to smuggle a person I have an idea of where she might have gone." Vex whispered softly to Conner. It seemed like since Lily had gone no one wanted to look at the ocean as an option for escape. Not when everyone was a ranger or psion in this house. So Vex figured she would help Conner and the worst that would happen was they waste a few hours of the night out on the cold cold Wharf. Winter was setting in and if the child had it's blanket there was a good chance there was somewhere even colder being headed to.

Conner nodded and turned heading with Vex to the door, while Daryl was helping the others try to rely on the scrying spells to locate Elsa's first born son. Once out of the gate Conner began to speak almost to himself listing people who would try something like this, to Vex the list was impressive. It seemed likely anyone could have taken the child and he even listed his uncle Galin and she remembered her guild pin in her pocket.

"First take into account the elf girl, who from that list is willing to work with an elf. Secondly, she is a stranger to this city, from Sildea. A woman and a child will stand out as well, keep close and don't look around. I'm taking you through the black streets." Vex spoke and she steered them through the streets of the city. The black streets was a known anti government and killer hangout. Conner would stand out a little but she would roughly fit in, she knew how.

It did not take her long to get where she was going, anyone wanting information went to Nihles at the Vortex and his help would not come cheap. Conner quickly ticked off in his head who still fit that description and unfortunately it was still a heavy list. "My Uncle would so would the Disciples if he isn't still controlling them and lets not forget several noble houses who are holding grudges against us." he said.

"Conner stay quiet, Don't speak to anyone other than me. Don't answer questions posed to you. They will kill you so listen to what I say." Vex said warning Conner before they get to Nihles. They knew her here though so getting into the Vortex even with a Ravenwood in tow would be relatively easy. But even she had to tread carefully, hopefully Conner would tread even more carefully.

They entered Vortex and Vex began to wonder if this was a good idea the guards were awful tough and fights here routinely ended with both parties being beat savagely. Nihles was a dark skinned foreigner who had a knack for getting information either by his working girls or offers of money or whatever one would need. Sure enough he was standing behind the bar giving new instructions before heading back towards his office. They would have to get by Garius, a gladiator who came here with Nihles and protected him.

Vex strode forward, ignoring the others and the girls. "Garius, you look well." Vex spoke, she offered her arm in greeting. As a youngster she had done some work here, she offered juicy news. It had been a while however since she had been back, and she was sure they knew she worked for the Blades now, and probably the Ravenwoods. By ignoring the others in this establishment, it showed she had business to offer.

Garius looked at her then Conner then back to Vex, "You have got to be kidding coming here with one of them in tow?" Conner did not know whether or not to be offended or flattered by the comment. He was confused how he never learned about this place before it was an amazing trough of new people and probably more information than even Lyle had access to.

"Can't be helped, I've got orders. If I leave him be to explore this place he'd get himself killed faster than a drunk man pisses." Vex says when she said she had orders, she tapped her nose twice. Code. Two orders, same order. She shrugged at the other stuff, it was probably true. "No Ravenwood or affiliate would come here anyways, we all know that. I need to talk to Nihles, Garius. Don't make me drag this Nichy around while I look for other information lets." Noble Rich Kid, information informants. Most of what Vex was saying was code. "I'll trade mine or borrowed, You know my gifts. something she owned or could get her hands on. Information gathering is what she was best at. Conner wasn't stupid and might figure out some of the code words, but if he knew what was good for him he'd keep his mouth shut.

"Wait here." Garius said before walking into the office to inform his boss, then came back out, "No weapons same as always and his conduct reflects on you kid." Conner who was working on all the innuendo removed his sword belt and handed it to Garius, "My conduct will be agreeable, hate to make her unable to come back." Garius waited on her to do the same before opening the door.

Vex handed over her sword and two daggers. It was all the weapons she had on her, she had seen what Garius would do to people who did not follow orders. "Thank you Garius." Vex said before hitting Conner with the back of her hand. "Shut up!" She hissed at him before entering the room. "Nihles." She stated his name as she walked into the room. This was a man not to be trifled with, even Rand knew only rumors about him, rumors Vex had never spoken. She kept her affiliation with him silent, as far as she knew Nihles was the only one who knew of their past.

Nihles frowned when he realized who was with her, "You bring a Ravenwood into my establishment are you nuts? Do you have any idea how many smugglers and other business people just fled and took my cuts of their business with them? Give me one reason I shouldn't toss you out on your narrow little ass and send him right after you."

"Because he can give you trade routes from the family business, the ones that have better quality merchandise than those you usually deal with. I can also promise he was staring at your girls and not much of anything else to let him remember who they were. There was a child stolen from the Ravenwood estates, we need your help to retrieve him, he has been cloaked so the Ravenwoods are useless with their magic. Plus they are loaded we can pay you a considerable amount for any assistance." Vex said immediately putting everything on the table.

Nihles looked incredulously at the both of them, no Ravenwood would sully their body by laying with one of his girls gods protect them and he doubted his family would share any trade routes considering what he dealt in. "I don't believe yo.." he started to say until Conner produced a small ruby that caught his eye. "To show my good will and you know my family is good for more, for the information I want." Conner said taking a seat and sliding it across the desk. Nihles looked at the gem and both of them, "Um, well, no no word on an elf maiden and a baby with a tail being smuggled out by any of my people. But, three ships left dock last night none of which had any ties to me."

"Who did they have ties to? If not by boat is there any word around the city? Trust me Nihles when it comes to children of this family the Ravenwoods are more than generous to those who help them." Vex said folding her arms over her chest. She wasn't trying to be smug or cocky, but everyone knew the Ravenwoods paid up when it came to the families safety. Even though she had told Conner to stay silent he was proving to be rather tactful. Though she did wonder where he managed to find such a large gem and hold it on his person when they had been awoken in the middle of the night by the alarm. She shrugged it off for now and stayed focus on the task at hand.

"Merchant ship heading to Pachuca, Royal trade ship and escort north, and Guild ship heading to Illian. That is all the ocean travel, land is too hard to keep an eye on, other than my overland travel which there is none right now." He picked up the ruby and looked at it happily before looking back at Conner. For his part Conner was quiet and thinking before he got to his feet, "Good doing business with you Nihles if you hear anything there is more of those in it for you." He then walked past Vex and went to get his weapons, he needed to speak to the harbor master and perhaps find out who loaded those ships.

"Thank you Nihles, I'll try not to bring him around too often." Vex smirked at the man behind the table, she had always been cheeky. She followed after Conner nodding at Garius. Once outside of the building she took the lead again and lead Conner straight to the docks. "Who do you want to speak with first?" She asked once they left the alleys, they were now standing right in the cities port.

"Harbormaster, he has a listing of the ships and passengers as well as who helped load the ship." Conner replied heading to the office. Gibb the harbormaster was a good man and would help. Vex though needed to be concerned, what if the maid and child were on the Guild's ship it would discredit them to the crown aiding a kidnapper. "Good Master Gibb" Conner declared walking into the man's office, "It has been too long and I am in need of a favor." Gibb who looked like he never missed a good meal or a good drink sat upright and slipped a flask into a drawer.

"I'll stand outside." Vex offered, staying behind outside of the building she pulled out her pin and kept it in her hand so it would stay hidden. "Lord Galin? I have news you might take interest in." Vex contacted her superior in the guild. This news she knew would interest him. After all he wanted to know about any big changes in the family. She should also tell him that the birth went well.

"I am listening Vex go ahead with your report." Lord Galin intoned back to her. The man in person could make people shiver, but his voice inside your head felt like someone stepped over your grave. He was thousands of miles away dealing with other business and still wanted any and all of his family's business reported directly to him.

"Following the safe birth of the male child to Elsa Ravenwood, their eldest twin child has been taken by the newest elf maiden from Sildea. From my sources three ships have left the Baerlon Harbor. The family thinks it is you who has set up this child napping. I wanted to inform you that it is also one of the guild vessels that has left the harbor. The family is amassing a full out search to find young Xeph, I had thought if it were a subordinate or even an apposing factor catching them and returning the child safely would help with your plans." Vex offered, she knew partial plans of his and wanted to help as much as she could. This information might be able to help him get into better graces with the Ravenwoods which was something she knew he was trying to do.

"I will order the ship back immediately, you have done well Vex in serving the Guild. Keep me apprised of the situation and that of Lady Ravenwood's mood as she got some less than happy news last night." he responded. Galin was overjoyed, the twin was on his way to Acheron to secure a new alliance and with the Guild ship coming back it would leave him blameless in the kidnapping. Conner exited the office unhappy with the answers he got, "Alright Vex we are done here back to the house to formulate my next move." Deep in her gut Vex wondered how much of a kink he could put in Lord Galin's plans.

"Sure... Let's take the long way, if too many people know about me knowing the black streets then... it'll be troublesome for me. I might even lose my job." Vex said trying to put the pin back unnoticed, hoping Conner would be to preoccupied to notice her putting it away. She needed Conner to not know about her connection. That would destroy everything for her. Vex had a bad feeling the child wasn't even on that vessel but it did narrow it down by two ships. Well first they had to make sure he wasn't on the guild ship. Check on lady Ravenwood huh... Vex had an idea her entire life was far more complicated after becoming a blade and taking the job of protecting Conner.

The Ravenwood house was a scene of chaos, the younger children were being watched with an eagle eye while the adult children were preparing to leave at a moments notice to find the little boy. Conner tried for a few futile seconds to get his father's attention before giving up and looking instead for his mother. Bowers informed him that his mother was upstairs in the den contacting Sildea to find out anything about the maid.

Alehial sat at the desk it was clear she was completely in panics grip. Last night after the birth she had spoken to Lily... argued with Lily, she now had to trust that Galin would keep her precious daughter safe in her or Altair's stead. Now Xeph had been taken and she couldn't get any information on this maid. She had sent a servant over to her cousins, she still had no word from Mathius and Cybil, Alehial was having a rough day to say the least so when someone knocked on the door she wiped her eyes and smoothed down her hair as best she could and opened the door. "Conner... what is it?" She looked a little surprised to see her eldest son with guard in tow at her door that moment.

Conner turned to Vex, "Wait out here I don't need you to speak with my mother." After he closed the door he took the seat across from her, "Father's wrong, he thinks the maid took Xeph out of one of the cities gates. I know better there is no way for her to get away fast enough overland it either has to be by portal, spell, or by boat. How do I get him to listen?" he was annoyed that no one wanted to listen and a little remorseful cause this is how Lily must have felt.

"We don't. Let him search overland. There is no guarantee she even left the city Conner, there are enemies here still. We need to tell Rand. Your father has everything under control... we just... have to find out who took Xeph, who hired that maid... where she is taking him. I am loath to ask them of it but I have put a signal out to those druids who wish to mate with Fael, if they truly wish to help the race they will help by recovering the first born. I need to send a missive to Rand... I need to contact my mother... Conner go and help your father I have too much to do now." Alehial said standing from the couch she was sitting at with Conner to head back over to the desk. It was clear she was overwhelmed, Too much worry too many children missing or gone. Too many problems she was trying to fix herself. That plus the little to no sleep she was getting made Alehial one harried and fragile seeming woman at the moment. She looked small for once in Conner's life. Vex heard everything even from outside of the room. She shook her head, it seemed the Ravenwoods were losing their touch. At least the Ravenwood parents at least.

Samantha and Orissa were in their room like many of the other children while the older ones were busy working on finding Xeph. They had been ushered off to their room saying that they were in the way. Both girls felt slighted that they would not be allowed to help. Orissa felt the usual tingle of magic when a puff of wind blew from under the bed and Nanny appeared. She jumped up and down and jabbered on like normal, but something told Orissa that the creature had something important to tell them, Samantha though, thought the imp was trying to calm them from being told they were too little to help.

"Nanny! what's wrong why are you so crazy?" Orissa asked watching her little imp jump and dance around. "Nuthin's wrong with Nanny she always does that." Sammy said rolling her eyes, she was the most upset over them not being allowed to help everyone with anything. "Well I think she's trying to say something!" Orissa said with a pout of her own.

Nanny stopped and nodded with a wide toothy grin at Orissa then ran to the bed and pulled a smaller imp out and changed him. She grabbed it and pulled what looked like a tail and held it like one would hold a baby and looked at the twins.

"You want us to hug butts? No thanks." Sammy laughed a little high pitched giggle of a young girl. "No stupid she's talking bout Xeph! right Nanny?" Orissa asked giving her sister a shove on the bed.

"Gooweebop!" Nanny proclaimed dropping the other imp, who crawled back under the bed grumbling. Next Nanny went and began searching through Samantha's toys and pulled out a castle, ship and pillow and placed them on the floor. She then stomped her foot on the floor pointed to the castle then the boat, "Em par usa mmand du bae."

"What's that mean?" Samantha asked looking between Nanny and Orissa, Orissa stayed quiet a moment. "Um... stomp the castle? and boat and pillow? Nanny I don't know!" Orissa said getting frustrated and her sister certainly wasn't helping her. "Conner's good at miming things... so is Lyriel, we should ask them!" Samantha said now trying to be helpful, after all Xeph was in trouble and Orissa seemed to be the only one with a lead thanks to the imps.

Nanny looked frustrated for a few seconds then looked around and grabbed Orissa's charcoal pencil and Samantha's toy flag of Andor and put the flag behind the castle then stomped and pointed again. Then she moved the flag and brought the boat back then took it to the pillow and wrote on Samantha's pillow before she disappeared, I Lean a.

"Let's get Conner. He'll believe Nanny." Orissa nodded her head in agreement. "And he can read." Sammy said getting to her feet. Now they just needed to get past the guard outside the door and get to Conner's room to talk to him about what had happened and show him what Nanny had shown them. Because they couldn't read. Yet. Certainly not Nanny's hand writing either. "How do we get the guard away?" Orissa asked as they both peeked through the keyhole in the door. "Make goblins us. And have them run around so we can go to Conner's room." Sammy suggested. she knew everyone was worked up over keeping the children safe and mom and dad had ordered no child allowed to leave their rooms. And the goblins were almost the same size as them. "I don't think I know how... Nobody showed me that trick yet... I'll try. Maybe I can use fairy lights and blind him for a little while, as long as we are fast we can make it down the hall before he can see again." Orissa suggested back whispering now that they were close to the door. "Let's try the goblins first... C'mon and try." Sammy urged her sister.

Orissa closed her eyes and remembered her training and called for the imps that looked like her and Samantha and gave them clear instructions. Sure enough Samantha watched two imps that looked like them come into being and walked out the door and went down the hall with the guard in tow asking where they were going. The way now to Conner's room was open and they had a little while before the distraction disappeared, they needed to be quick.

Sammy grabbed Orissa's hand and lead her magical sister along behind her. Orissa was concentrating very hard to keep up the dopple-imps so she was relying on her sister to lead her where she needed to go. After all they were only five and concentrating was hard to do under normal circumstances. Sammy lead her sister to Conner's door and opened it slipping them both inside the room and silently closing the door. Sammy lead Orissa over to the bed and they both climbed atop it and waited.

Conner came back to his room in a foul mood, he had completely ignored when he tried to convince his father that the maid had not left by land. He did smile however when he saw the twins on his bed, "Well hello you two. What are you two doing in here and where is the guard supposed to watch over you?"

"We found something!" Sammy said immediately while Orissa held out her hands to be picked up by their favorite brother... one of them anyways. "Nanny found it. She showed us." Orissa informed Conner of the real reason they were there. "She writed something on my pillow." Sammy said nodding her head in agreement with her twin. "But we can't read." Orissa finished the whole summary. "I used magic to send the guard away so we could come get you." Rissa said proudly. "It was my idea to use dumple-gingers." Sammy said trying her best to pronounce the rarely used word for what they had done.

"You mean doppelgangers Ris." Conner said giving her then Samantha a hug and sat between them. He took the pillow and read the imps scrawlings and repeated them a couple times. Samantha also told him about the boat, castle and flag that Nanny tried using to explain what she knew. "So Nanny believes that Xeph was in a boat going from here to this I lean a, I lean a, the only place you go by boat that sounds like that is Illian. You two have done an amazing job and I need two things from you. Will you help me so we can get Xeph back?"

"I will help! Because I'm going to be a hero!" Sammy agreed instantly. Orissa smiled shyly at Conner "Xeph is my favorite... so I will do my best, I have lots of magic to use." Rissy said hugging Conner tightly. She was worried because she was afraid someone would get hurt again but Conner had kept her safe before and she believed he would keep Xeph safe too. Sammy smiled at her sister and waited eagerly for instructions.

"Great, now I need to go get a couple things and then I need to get Vex to go to Darryl and Asper's old room. You two will need to cover my leaving as long as you can with mum and dad. Don't lie to them but tell them we spent a while tonight telling tales in my room okay then give mum this letter when they discover I left to go get Xeph okay?" He didn't want to upset his parents but if he didn't head out after Xeph now they would lose him forever, and Vex wouldn't let him set out alone without getting Lord and Lady Ravenwoods approval. He pulled together his things he would need and with the twins took them up to the room where he had been working on finding Lily and he stashed them out of sight. "Alright, give me a little time then go knock on Vex's door and ask her to come up here, you two are really brave for helping me." he said giving them another hug then setting up the tea pot for his plan.

"I'll get her and bring her back Rissa you stay up here and wait for me okay?" Sammy told her sister. Orissa nodded that she understood after all Sammy was much better at sneaking around than Rissy was. So Sammy made her way down the stairs and down the hall to Vex's door and she knocked lightly at her door.

Vex opened her door, she had just been about to take off her armor when she head the knock. She was surprised to see one of the many Ravenwood children, "Hey little one shouldn't you be in bed? it's getting late... I was taking off my armor and getting ready for the night myself." Vex said taking on that baby voice people not used to children always used.

"Okay but come with me! And sh! Bring your weapons! Cmon hurry up! You're slow!" Sammy rushed the poor Blade who shrugged and grabbed her weapons like she was asked and followed the young girl. Sammy ended up grabbing Vex's hand and half dragging her up the stairs and to the bedroom. "I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on your brother dear, or uncle..." Vex said softly, trying to figure out what this was all about. Sammy giggled but just kept pulling Vex along behind her.

Finally up at the tower room Sammy pulled Vex inside and beamed at Orissa. "Mission one accomplished!" She stated proudly to her sister. "Good job Sammy! Hullo Vex!" Orissa giggled at the flamboyance of her sister and of bringing the female blade here to the room as they had been asked.

Conner joined them a few minutes later with two mugs of hot tea, "Thanks you two now go on back to bed, I'll see you later." They knew he was going after Xeph so the comment was for Vex only. Once the twins were gone Conner set both mugs down and took a seat and pointed to the other mug and seat for Vex. "I need to ask your help and indulgence not as my guard but as a Blade in service to my uncle. Maybe help isn't the word advice would be better, this is the worst situation this family has ever faced." He took a sip of his tea and waited for what the woman would say.

"In fact I would rank this only at a level five of a ten level system of worst situations for this family. But... fine go ahead and ask." Vex said watching the twins scitter out of the room and down the hall to the stairs. She took a seat as well and relaxed it seemed he wasn't going anywhere or planning anything not with the tea in his hands.

"You really have no idea, my mother is beside herself with this lapse in security, my father as well." he explained. Then he leaned forward, "I know with you being a female you've had to do better than the male Blades around you, how did you get your ideas or voice heard Vex. Perhaps it would help me getting Altiair to listen to me." he asked taking another sip. "I hope the tea is to your liking it's one of my mother's favorites and I have some sugar for it if you like." he said putting the small bowl of white powder in front of her.

"I didn't. I did as I was told... when they told me to learn I did. I guess I just learned too well and ran out of teachers. Commander Rand would speak with me, there was only once I had any real trouble, After that the men... mostly avoided me. I prefer coffee, it's a shame your mother banned it from the house." Vex said taking the tea without any sugar, she prefered bitter flavors to sweet ones, something odd in this family apparently. She had noticed the state of complete panic Alehial Ravenwood seemed to be in. For being a leader in wars it was surprising to Vex that such a strong woman... could be so fragile... and she was as tiny as she was physically for once. "I'm a few steps up from being a soldier Conner, I'm sure I'm no real help to you getting heard in this non military family."

"My mother wasn't always so panic stricken, its grown over the years and we children haven't always been the most helpful." Conner said setting his empty cup down. "Vex, I want to say that even though I balked at the idea of having you around you've actually been fun." he said getting up and walking around the table. It was when Vex looked up to keep his eye that she noticed the odd feeling of extreme grogginess and Conner put one hand on her shoulder the other behind her neck. "And I hope when we see each other next, you aren't too angry at me for what I just did." then it became clear that Conner Ravenwood had just drugged her. And that was the last thought that went through her mind before blacking out.

When Vex woke up she was bound with a set of manacles both at the wrist and feet and Sirrian Ravenwood was standing beside her and the door to the room was partly open. Conner was nowhere to be seen and both mugs of tea were still on the table and the sun was up outside the open window. "Hi." said the dimunitive Ravenwood before he turned around and walked for the door.

"uuuggghh... Hey Little buddy! Little guy hey... can... can you go get.. uh Lyriel? Can you go find Lyriel? Or daddy? Can you go get your father?" Vex said, the first thing she noticed on waking up was the terrible taste in her mouth followed by the painful cramps in her limbs. She hoped the little boy would get a sibling... but the father would work too. She had to find Conner and she could only hope one or two of her tricks to help her keep an eye on him had been triggered giving her a heads up.

Sirrian turned around and looked at Vex, "Lyriey no here, me get Dadda.." He toddled out the door and opened his little lungs, "DADDA! DADDA!" Almost immediately Vex heard boots running in their direction, one in particular was taking steps two at a time. Lucas the paladin made the top of the stairs and walked into the room sword drawn and looked at Vex curiously right behind him was Lord Ravenwood and then Fael. They all without taking a second to think about it said the same thing, "Conner." Sirrian came back and put his hand on Vex's leg, "Me got Dadda."

"Thanks... um good job little... guy." Vex said trying her best to smile nicely for the child. "Any one have a spare? I left mine in my room." She said offering up the shackles, she needed to hurry if she had any chance of tracking down Conner ravenwood. And then... then she was going to murder him. First she had to find him though.

Lucas without a lot of ceremony picked Vex up, "I'm sure my little brother has the only key, Grandmother Lai is your only hope with a knock spell." Fael looked at them before heading back downstairs to be with Elsa, and Altair picked up a giggling Sirrian who thought it was all some kind of game. The ranger had a feeling that Alehial would be very upset finding out that Conner had left the house without Vex.

"When I said I had a spare... I mean I have a spare. In my room. I made a copy of at least three keys I found in Conner's room. One of them have to work. I am hours behind so if you could hurry please? And by please I am in no way asking nicely Paladin." Vex said starting to get really angry, Not only was she still shackled but now she was being held by the paladin, and no one was hurrying for her to hunt down Conner and bring him back. It was her job, the only one she had, and if she failed she would lose her job. Not to mention Conner was out there on his own probably being really stupid about a lot of things.

"My apologies." Lucas said and changed direction to her quarters opening the door and setting her on her bed, "Shall I get the keys or would you like me to just go?" The house was abuzz now with conversations since Conner had pulled a disappearing act, more than likely Commander Rand was already in the know which spelled trouble for Vex. If Conner was still in Andor she needed to get a move on and find him, what she would do with him when she did was a whole different story. Lord Ravenwood and her 'rescuer' continued past her room probably to Lady Ravenwood who she had not seen yet. Fael went on to his bedroom to check on Elsa and the newborn baby, leaving her alone with the paladin.

"In the vanity second drawer down, push on the back left hand corner it'll lift up the front of the fake bottom, pull out the fake bottom and grab the little green box and ONLY the little green box please." Vex said debating her chances on getting the keys herself it was probably better that the Paladin handle this. She had her bag to grab and her armor and weapons to put on. Then she had to check her traps if any of them had been tripped she had a clue. if not she still needed to head to the docks. If nothing else the black alley. They would know about a Ravenwood on the move no matter how stealthy. Then it was only a matter of tracking him down and catching up to him. and no one EVER managed to leave Vex in the dust. "And do hurry." She added after only a momentary pause.

Lucas nodded and did as she instructed and brought her back the box and put it in her hands, "So what time was it when you last saw Conner? Cause I have a sneaking suspicion he is already out of town one direction or another and if it's been several hours then we might not catch up to him." It dawned on Vex that Commander Rand probably knew that Conner had tricked her and she had to convince the Ravenwoods not to force her to stand before the Tribunal.

"It doesn't matter. I will track him down." Vex ground her teeth but grabbed the spare keys and tried them out on the shackles. She had dropped the little green box it had only had the copy of the keys inside of it, three on a very small loop. She already had a plan to maximize the time she needed to track him down and she was coming up with several more for how to track him, not slowing down one bit. She was calculating the odds and the information they had received last night and was coming up with some answers she didn't particularly like.

Lucas mused a little bit, "It was eight evening bells when I last saw Conner last, so figure he drugged you after nine evening bells and its ten morning bells now. He's probably got twelve hours head start and knowing him, he's used them well." A knock at Vex's door where Bowers stood, "Mistress Vex, Lord Ravenwood summons you now." Lucas looked at the floor, for any of the staff hearing the words 'Lord Ravenwood' instead of 'Lord Altair' was never a good tone from Bowers. "Would you like me to accompany you Vex to keep things 'calm'?"

Vex finished putting her armor on while the Paladin told his story. She grabbed her weapons and her light travel pack with things she might need and put it on as well. She grabbed her cloak pulling it on when Bowers arrived. "Thanks for the help Paladin. Bowers tell Lord Ravenwood you missed me. I don't have time to be slowed down any further." Vex said pushing both men out of her way as she hurried to Conners room. Firstly checking all her tracking traps, this would give her the clue on where to start. Once she knew which one he tripped or even tripped one at all, then she had him. She wasn't going to waste time with the Lord and Lady and certainly none of them could keep her there, she had a job to do and that was to track down their Son and Heir and keep him safe. In many ways her determination made her very much like a hound dog.

All the traps in his room were still set, it occurred to her that after he disabled her he probably walked out the kitchen door and over the fence. The only other thing that ran through her head was that the twin daughters were involved in his plan, but to what extent did they know? Lucas had been a step or two behind Vex while she inspected the traps and decided she needed a small aid that his family experience could help with. "Vex, you don't need to rush after him, if you know where he is going we can have Daryl or Grandmother send you ahead to be waiting on him. I think it is a good idea you convince my parents that you can retrieve my brother from where ever he has run to." he offered.

"I don't have time for this. If I'm going to make up the difference... I can't waste any time. As for magic... I'm not a fan. If he climbed the fence, he tripped my last trap. And if any of the blades or guards let him go. Why am I explaining this? I'm wasting time!" Vex scowled at the Paladin before she stood up properly and turned to leave the room. She needed to check the fence as quickly as she could but she had a good idea of where Conner had gone and where the child would be found. Roughly of course. She wasn't exactly positive. But she didn't want the meddlesome family to be part of his return. If they were, she was useless and worthless. "Tell the family they shouldn't worry, I'll bring him back safely. If he doesn't return, it's because I'm dead. Then you can interfere." Vex said before walking past the paladin and down the stairs to head the same way Conner would have.

Lucas thought for a second then mentioned to Vex, "I doubt he went over the fence too many people could see him. He probably went through the only gate not guarded on the entire property, the Elven Embassy run by our mother's cousin." It would make sense for Conner to sneak down the servant's staircase and out the kitchen entrance into the rear of the property and go through the gate. From there it would be easier to walk out the front gate and into the city. "I still believe you'll need at least Daryl at least and for that you'll need to secure my parents blessing that you will find my brother and not to report this to Commander Rand." Lucas knew his advice was sage, even if the stubborn Blade thought differently.

"You do that and I'll begin tracking the errant son. If he is as powerful as you say, Your brother Darryl can find me at least after he grabs Conner." Vex called back. She got into one of her pouches and pulled out a small hand sized piece of purple tinted glass. She had set up a powder trail from all the small exits around the house. She would have to recognize Conner's tracks out of others but she might be able to follow him. The powder could clearly be seen through the tinted glass as a yellowish color. She was glad she had 'wasted' her efforts on this precaution. This had been one of the things other had scolded her for. This would prove whether or not she was really any good at her job as a Blade. Once she got to the gate there were at least four sets of footprints. Two were the same pair of feet. Only one headed straight for the road. She decided to take a chance and to go for it. She had a real idea he was heading towards the docks. There were only two real options she even had about where the babe might be. Illian and possibly the Guild boat. Knowing of the grudge and knowing humans. Vex was not discounting that ever. She was on the trail to the docks to hopefully find some footprints with her spot glass as she called it.

Vex tracked Conner to several ships that had been docked then to a clothing shop where his boots went inside but did not come back out. It was an oddity that did not sit well with Vex, Conner would have known someone would be looking for him and thusly would have to hurry to escape his pursuers.

Vex then began the true search. Speaking to the dock masters and the poor and drunken men. plying them with coins to jog their memories. She began by asking the shopkeeper about Conner, not by name but description. then outside to the sots and the closer to the docks the people she trusted to get an eye on them like poor kids. a few coins and they'd help her with the leg work as well.

It wasn't until her second trip inside the shop that it dawned on her that the owner was hiding something. Conner had come in here and took a seat in an area where people tried on new clothes. It seemed as though the heir of House Ravenwood changed his clothes and his boots, probably in an attempt to blend in with sailors. Morris, the shop owner must know more considering he had been sweating since her first appearance in his shop and inquired about Conner by description only.

Vex decided to do a little leaning so to speak on the shopkeeper. She walked straight to the counter and leaned over across it. "Tell me what you know Merchant. I can either make it pleasant if you co-operate, or I can make it really uncomfortable for you. I'm in a bit of a hurry and I really dislike not getting what I'm looking for... I sometimes even get angry when people don't help me out when I'm being polite. I really hate to be polite to people who lie to one of the cities Blades." Vex said in a conversational tone but the threat was barely veiled, she had asked him once. And now she was done being nice about it. If she had to she'd get rough in the shop or with the merchant himself. Conner was getting more and more of a distance between them and she was getting more and more angry at how elusive this man was. She would drag him home in chains if she had to. She would be delighted to in fact.

His sweating increased as all the color drained from his face, "B-bl-blades? He never said he was running from Blades. He came in and traded his fancy clothes & boots for stuff more akin to sailing and gave me ten gold to not answer questions about him." Morris quickly produced Conner's clothes and his boots from behind the counter. Apparently the young noble had thought this out before he drugged her, perhaps Vex really did need Ravenwood help to head him off before he got away.

"Damn it! Keep it. It's no use to me, did he say anything about where he was headed?" This wasn't good he had some skill to hide who he was from just who his family was. Blast those Ravenwoods. Being skilled and having money and to many damn kids to keep a hold of. If the trail ended here for her and there was a good possibility of that... Then she would have to ask for help. From the Ravenwoods. This was her first mission as a Blade and it might possibly be her last thanks to that triple blasted young noblemen. Never had she run into a more troublesome person. But she was keeping her calm on the outside. She had to try to find the trail he left behind. No one just vanishes, she knew that. But had she enough skill and luck to find him disguised?

Morris shook his head, "He said nothing about where he was headed next, he dressed handed everything else to me and left the coin. Only other thing he did was hum some sea shanty's while he changed." So now Vex was stuck with the possibilities of where Conner was now and to be honest how much of a head start he had on her. Suddenly she heard a voice in her head, "Greetings Vex, my name is Daryl Conner's older brother my parents and uncle Rand wish to speak with you. So, I am going to move you to them prepare yourself the first time can be a little jarring."

The Stolen Child

The morning after Vex left to track Conner 'the runner' as he came to be nicknamed, Flint awoke and stretched beside Lyriel. With all the bad happening around the family they had lost their nerve to disclose the fact they were now married. Something he had talked with Lyriel before they went to sleep last night, "We have to tell them, perhaps it might brighten Alehial's mood some while dealing with all this." Altair had ridden out in pursuit of the elven maid while Vex had departed for the equally strong headed Conner. "Good morning, did you rest well?" he asked Lyriel who instead of laying next to him was seated in the rooms comfortable chair.

"I'm well rested. You?" Lyriel asked looking up to watch him slowly awaken. She still found it odd after so many years that it took humans so long to fully wake up. "Alehial has sequestered herself with the children after her morning duties. I know Sirrian will feed her though. It's one of his favorite games. So at least she is eating... The King has sent for you again this morning. Altair is still out searching for the Maid. And a letter for Conner has arrived with no regards to where it came from. I've been pondering it for a while now." Lyriel updated Flint quickly on the household. Elsa and Fael were in their rooms with their remaining children, as they had been since the child napping. Lai was managing the home in lieu of Alehial not taking over. It seemed the whole house was rather empty and what remained was high strung and stretched to thinly. Lyriel poured a cup of coffee for Flint, she kept a secret stash despite Alehial's distaste for the beverage.

Flint took it with a smile, "My thanks. I believe we should open it since your dear brother has went traveling, it might be a clue to where he has gone. I shall write the King and request a few days with regards to the safekeeping of the Ravenwood estate and family while so many of our number are scattered." Tani and Lucas had left with Altair and of course Darryl could be counted on to help, but he had his wife and daughter to consider perhaps they could hold off the king until Xeph was recovered. He hoped Lyriel did not think him cowardly for wishing to put this off, he had yet to discus his plans with her if it came to the King ordering him to marry Poppy.

"The letter arrived FOR Conner not from him. Plus it arrived this morning. I think a kidnapping is a decent excuse for us to not tell the King about our marriage. At least until we come up with a plan to tell the family first... or... we could just run away completely. We're no longer welcome in Sildea but the world is a big place and we are strong. We could survive I'm certain." Lyriel said refilling her own cup of coffee, She was spinning the letter around in her hand clearly contemplating opening it. She was paying it more attention than Flint. But he was human and she assumed he needed more time to wake up so she could spare his attention.

"For the love of the gods Ly, just open the letter and sate your curiousity..." he chastised with a smile. His cousin/wife had always been curious and that is one of the many things that endeared her to the family and to Flint. "I suppose the family deserves to know before the king and court, but I'm still worried that something much larger is on the horizon." The coffee was doing wonders waking him up and he looked across with a mild interest in who sent Conner the letter and if it tied into any of the missing members of their family.

Lyriel grinned at Flint before opening the missive and reading it. "Oh gods." She groaned unhappily after reading it. She sat down her cup on the table and used her now free hand hand to cover her eyes with the palm of her hand. Taking a deep breath she began to read out loud. "'Dear Mom and Dad, I have arrived at my destination and am safe, I have met some experience adventurers much like you had and am doing well. I'll write again when I can all my love Lily.'" Lyriel read " 'P.S. Tell Conner not to worry and...' I don't know what this is... probably some kind of code to Conner..." Lyriel said with a shrug handing the missive to her now Husband. It had the Ravenwood insignia on it at the bottom as well.

"Fantastic, the only person in all the realms that could read her code has gone missing as well." Flint said after reading it. "Your family certainly knows how to throw dwarven spirits onto a campfire." It was something Flint always did the more exasperating the situation the more often he referred to it as 'her family'. "So, do we turn this over to Alehial and Altair and drop our news or wait? I think the king is losing patience with me so a day or two and all of court will know."

"This comes first. News of one of the missing Ravenwoods should always come first. It's probably something a little more personal to Conner... I would imagine. Since she didn't write much there's really nothing to go on." Lyriel sighed. "Altair and Alehial aren't going to be pleased with this. Come on let's go deliver it." She said not wanting to face the Hero's just in case they may have heard about them being wed.

Security around the house had increased quite a bit in the week since Conner set out after Xeph, it made Flint a little sad to see so many guards when for the longest time this house had been assaulted and repelled. Once Bowers admitted them he explained the situation, "I'm afraid Lady Ravenwood is still very upset with Conner and Lily both leaving, but she has been trying to be strong for Elsa and Fael. Lord Ravenwood has been calling on every contact around the world to locate the little one." Even as professional as he was, it was plain to see Bowers was upset about the loss and probably blamed himself for not having caught onto the maid stealing the babe away.

"This isn't going to cheer her up... But Conner got sent a letter from Lily. I think you should deliver it to Alehial Bowers, I don't want to get sucked into her clutches with the other kids just yet." Lyriel said knowing full well that Alehial when hse wasn't in the grove was with all of her children, or at least all of the youngest. She was letting the Twins and her little Architect plus Jake all have some freedom to walk around the house. Though there were guards monitoring them as well.

"I thought we were going to tell her something else while we were at it?" Flint asked Lyriel. Bowers had taken the letter and was now waiting to see what other news he might have to deliver or announce Lyriel & Flint. "Lord Ravenwood is in his study and Lady Ravenwood is in the nursery right now." he informed them both.

"We'll tell Altair first. Leave Alehial for later." Lyriel grimanced. She knew neither parent would take the news well, and she was sort of missing the company of her imp. That was probably something she should tell her 'husband' of... though she was loathe to share the little creature with anyone. "Thanks Bowers." Lyriel said before walking off towards the Study, they might as well get this over with. The faster the better. "Damn... of all my brilliant idea's." Lyriel cursed herself for actually marrying Flint. If she just didn't care so much things wouldn't be so complicated she was certain of it. But then she did care and that's who she was and would always be.

ALtair was deep in thought when they arrived in the study, "Hello, how have the two of you been I haven't had too much chance to see you with hunting down the ones who took Xeph." The Duke looked tired and heavy dark circles showed under his eyes, between caring for the house and family and trying to find Xeph he had not been sleeping much.

Lyriel cursed under her breath. Mother was incapable of managing the house and children right now and it seemed Altair was only one step behind her. "we've some news... and I want to offer my help. In any way I can. For the Family." Lyriel said suddenly becoming a little shy about all of this and not wanting to tell her 'Father' of all people that she had gotten married and was sleeping with her own 'cousin'. He would be disappointed in her... and that to Lyriel was a very very bad thing. She only had Alehial and Altair and she tried to make them happy and proud or at the very least not worry over her. She only wanted to do right by them, and she had until now. She swallowed as her mouth went dry, she was quickly losing nerve to tell him the news. "Uh... tell him Flint." Lyriel said nudging the man at her side forward as if he could shield her from what she feared would be the response from Altair. The man she looked up to more than any other.

Flint cleared his throat, this was the man who taught him how to fight and mostly be the man he was today. "Uncle, um..Lyriel and I need to...tell you." Altair looked at both of them, "You both have the look of Alehial when she's trying to hide something, so how about you stop running around the apple tree and tell me." Looking back at her, Flint found inspiration and love that he was not ashamed and turned to his uncle, "Lyriel and I have been married last week the night before Xeph was taken." To them both Lord Ravenwood might have been carved from marble, his expression that unreadable, "I only have a couple questions, who's idea was this? Does the king know? And have you two told Alehial?"

Lyriel was grateful for her dark skin tone to hide the blush on her features. She looked at the ground and glanced up. She was clearly worried that Altair might be furious, he might be angry... and mad and what if he was so mad he didn't want them there anymore... what if he kicked them out of the family?! Lyriel was quickly going to the worst in the situation but she swallowed it down as best she could and answered at least some of the questions. "We told you first.... we were sort of drunk." She said not able to hide all of her worry from her voice or her face. While Flint was steadfast in his love for her she was still a little unsure just as she was about a relationship between them at all. She still thought it a good thing because they could both live their lives this way without being ordered around.

Altair sighed, "This is unexpected news, and I do not know quite how to respond. I guess I will say congratulations and I hope that Alehial and the king, not to mention Poppy and her father understand. Flint give me and Lyriel a second to talk please." Flint nodded and briefly touched Lyriel's hand before leaving the study. "Child, now that it just us I want you to be honest you were not drunk, you just thought this was the best way to keep him out of a loveless marriage. Which makes me ask you, did you save him from a loveless marriage to Poppy for a loveless marriage to you?"

"You are right and wrong... I did decide all that... but I did get drunk to actually do it..." Lyriel said sort of hating that Altair knew exactly what she had been thinking and scheming. "I do love him! I do... but... I'm... I'm young and it may not matter to you but I'm a Drow... I'll be here long after you and Mom... even Grandma Lai have all passed. I know everyone tells me I shouldn't and it'll only hurt me but... I want good things to remember when you are all gone. I want to remember that I was happy too." Lyriel said softly before taking a big breath and letting it out. "I know he loves me more than I love him... and we've spoken some... there will be no children. Neither of us want any. He is happy to be by my side... and it will keep him happy to be wed to me, and safe." Lyriel said softly her eyes pleading that he understand that she did this for Flint, and that it was all true. She only ever wanted to help and be part of it all. She would always visit the family and love them all even when they all moved away and grew old or grew up for that matter. "And I will be happy being with the only family that ever wanted me... that loved me." Lyriel finished looking at the floor instead of Altair. Lyriel may be the oldest in years of the children and wise for her years but she too only wished that her father would always love her. Just like any other daughter.

Altair got out of his seat and came to his adopted daughter, "From the first day I met you, when I returned home and found you playing with Elsa and the others. I never thought of you to be anything than my daughter, I am glad you want to be part of this family and I want your happiness as well as Flint's." He pulled Lyriel into a hug, they both knew had she been raised as a drow she never would have gotten something so loving. Once they had hugged for a few minutes he released her and smirked, "But, your mother will more than likely insist on a proper wedding. And as much as I love you and Flint, I fear her a little more." It was levity that had been missing from the house for a while.

"I would rather it stay with a priest in a pub. As much as our family accepts me... including the King and Queen, none of the other nobles do. Not many of the guards or middle class either for that matter." Lyriel relished the hug. She knew her blood father would never have given her a kind word even. And her grandfather would kill her rather than accept her for what she was, she had seen that already. So Lyriel more so than any other child of the Ravenwood brood treasured her loving family as if it were the greatest of all treasures in the world. And she locked it all up into her heart and memories to think back on when they were all gone. But for now she hugged him back tightly. "So speaking of Mom.... You can handle telling her right? And the king? If he doesn't know yet... cause... you know... you and the King are cousins.." Lyriel said knowing she couldn't hide that she actually was a little bit afraid of Alehial. or that she was nervous of what the King would do when he found out. She really didn't like the idea of a proper wedding... not for her at least.

"The king I have no idea how that will go over. Your mother has not had one actual marriage yet, Elsa returned pregnant when she met Fael. Darryl and Asper, well we won't even discuss. So, if she declares proper wedding I suggest you go with it." Altair said holding her shoulders. Flint poked his head back in, "Is everything okay?" Altair kissed Lyriel's forehead, "I'm going to find your mother, I'm sure she will be along shortly to speak with you both." The leader of the Ravenwood household then left to literally face an unknown fate.

"That's... true... Lucas and Tani got married while away too... Damn..." Lyriel said unhappily. She supposed she could wear her hat of disguise for the wedding, that seemed to somewhat placate people... not her family but the others. If it were going to be a real wedding... which Lyriel had never seen, she supposed there would be a whole lot of people and a really big dress probably... "He's getting Alehial." Lyriel said nervously to Flint when Altair left. She knew he had heard but. More so for her rather than him, she was worried how the woman would react.

Flint gave Lyriel a hug, "She may not agree with the decision, but she will still love us of that I am certain." Down the hall Altair entered their bedroom and quietly asked the gods to not let his wife overreact to this news. "Alehial, I need to share a little news with you. Lyriel and Flint have arrived. And before I say anything else you need to promise to not overreact."

"What have they done now?! How should I not overreact?!" Alehial asked looking a little alarmed that Altair wanted such promises from her, it bode very bad indeed and she feared terrible news. Just because they arrived didn't mean they were whole. or normal anymore... again. Alehial had been sitting on the floor playing with both Sirrian and her daughter. She picked up Alloura when Altair came in and hugged Sirrian close, she was ever on alert now with the children.

Altair came and sat with them and Allura reached out for him and he took her before figuring out what to say. "Flint can't marry Poppy he's already married and they just told me." he explained. The realization that he did not outright say that Lyriel married Flint might make her think they put someone up to it. Sirrian took advanrage and climbed into his mother's lap and hugged her tightly and began to hum to himself.

"Oh Gods! Tell me it isn't an Orc or a bar wench or something?" Alehial asked looking worriedly at Altair, she allowed Alloura to be taken and snuggled Sirrian close on her lap. She was still a little tense but having the babies around her really did help Alehial. She was trying to figure out how to tell the king if Flint had married an Orc or something. "Was Lyriel with him the whole time? Why did she not stop him from making a union with someone?" Alehial asked though she was distracted a little with the whole telling the king thing in her mind.

Altair stopped for a second, the only thing he could think to say was going to be wildly inappropriate at this time, "Well, there is some good news, the bride will not have to change her last name." His eyes rolled and he groaned, "Lyriel married Flint a week ago." they didn't tell us until now because of what happened.

"WHAT!?" Alehial's face drained of all color. " no no no! Stupid! Foolish! Child! What has he done! The King will be furious! They both knew full well that he... oh Gods balls!" Alehial at first furious and then all at once her shoulders slumped once again in a defeated manner, the likes of which were becoming all to familiar on her. "I suppose... this was Lyriel's idea of how to fix everything wasn't it." She sighed hugging Sirrian closely petting his hair gently to let him know it wasn't his fault that mommy had gotten mad. "Poor Lyriel." Alehial said softly while hugging Sirrian tightly to her.

Allura fussed at her mother's outburst until Altair quieted her. "It's what she felt was best, she defended her choice fairly well to me. Right now we might not want to accept it, but we must not let either of them believe we love them any less. Bowers also gave me a letter Lily wrote to Conner." he put the letter in Alehial's free hand and waited to see what she would add to the conversation or read it.

Alehial took the note and opened it without a moment's hesitation. It took her only seconds to read. She then threw it down with disgust. "Ugh!" Alehial stood and took Sirrian with her to the wardrobe. "Twins! Twins and their infernal secret languages and Children always disobeying and fighting and monsters and villains!" Alehial ranted as she sat at her vanity, settling Sirrian gently down while she grabbed her hair brush. She was starting to lose her panicking edge and was becoming angry. Almost like the old days when she got surprised or when most others got down with a situation. Perhaps all these things were accumulating to bring her back out of her down word funk.

Sirrian harrumphed when Alehial put him down, until he decided Altair would be able to hang on to him and Allura both. "So, did any of it make any sense or shall I see if Darryl can find out if Vex has found Conner yet?" Altair asked making room for his youngest son in his arms.

"They made that infernal language between them. I wouldn't be surprised if Alyssa and Samantha had their own language between them as well! Conner wouldn't tell us, even if he did read it! Because he loves his runaway sister!" Alehial said almost violently brushing her hair. Hot tears were spilling from her lashes as she brushed her hair. During the most dangerous time for all the children, was of course when all her children left the protection of their family and left her behind to worry. "Curse it all! She clearly isn't concerned of us so let her have her secret messages to Conner."

"Alehial," Altair said setting both children on the bed and coming up behind her, "We both ran away from home to find ourselves and when the time came we returned home and strengthened those bonds." Brushing away her tears, "Didn't your mother find a new respect for the capable woman who returned to help defend Sildea? I hate the fact I was so blind to what Conner was telling me that made him decide to run, but I understand he feels he can find Xeph and prove he can stand on his own." Lord Ravenwood would do anything to ease her mind, but it was hard to sooth her while still trying to keep their family together.

Alehial put down her brush and took a shakey breath. She knew she was being a little crazy lately. Out of all of their children, only three had waited and asked for permission and blessings on their adventures. The others had all run. She understood they wanted freedom but was it so terrible being her child that none of them would wait until deemed ready and given a good amount of supplies to start with. Lily and Conner were only sixteen. Barely adult by human standards! "I just want them to be safe... I want to keep them safe until they are ready what's so wrong about that?" Alehial asked softly looking up at Altair. Things were spiraling out of control for this family and neither of them apparently were able to keep anything together.

Altair leaned down and kissed her cheek, "My love, I fear they believed they were ready and our permission was taking too long for them." It had taken him a little while to come to terms that he had not given either twin enough credit that they could stand without mother or father. Lily would only learn control and the ability to slow down out there, hopefully before she got hurt. And Conner needed to take things seriously, Lucas had told them both that Conner was capable as he had seen in Sildea. "Perhaps, we need to care for the younger children more and give them room as they age to become more ready to face the world around them?" he suggested.

"No!" Alehial stood, pushing back her stool. "They are not ready! When they are ready I will let them know! No... we need to... we need to get Xeph back.. and then... I... I don't know... we need... to keep everyone safe... even if it means we go to the places no others have been... even in the frozen lands. We will keep them all safe. somehow." Alehial said trying to keep herself together. Things were falling apart all around her. Her family... her grandchildren. What she had believed, even those things were beginning to let her down. Would Altair be next? like after the demon in Sildea... would he leave her again as well? She just didn't know anymore.

He took hold of her and held her close to him, "Alehial, breath deeply and listen to yourself. We cannot control everything in this world, it would be telling fate to listen to our whims. Trust in our children from the young to the eldest, we have taught and trained them well and we need to show faith in those lessons." He took her back over to their children and set her down pulling both children and himself close to her, "These two need the most protection, and we need to lessen our focus on Conner and Lily so that the little ones have that focus." Sirrian took the opportunity to hold up his arm and show Alehial a freckle he thought wasn't one, "Mama, I goh booboo."

Alehial held both children close, kissing her baby girl on the head and giving the 'booboo' a kiss as well. She leaned on Altair as she held the babies close. She just couldn't stop worrying about all the children, even the older ones she was having trouble letting go of. How could he think she could just not think of them anymore? She was always afraid even when Lyriel went off on adventure's. She didn't like not knowing how they were doing after she had given them so much attention and so much love and so much time. They were all her babies still. Always.

Altair was still reading her thoughts, "Don't abandoned them, just know we taught them well and they will do fine with our teachings." He then sighed, "What do we with the daughter and nephew turned son-in-law?" The King would be angry with the news and of course Poppy's father and who knew what was going to happen next. Perhaps Lord and Lady Ravenwood were both needed in court when the news was delivered.

"Changing the subject again." Alehial gave a slightly strained smile to her husband. Though she couldn't help but worry she knew he was right, so she switched topics. "Honestly... I'm sure everyone expected it sooner or later. There are other nobles of marriable age not including our currently also missing son. I'm also certain that her father will basically be included in any marriage that might happen. And that he will continue to buy her things if her husband does not." Alehial sighed, though they would probably have to both appear in court along with the new Mrs. Ravenwood and Flint himself of course.

Hoping his next thought would lessen her concern about the twins Altair mused, "Perhaps since neither of the twins are here in Andor there is less chance of them being recognized and therefore becoming a target. Lily might fight the normal enemies of human and elf kind, ride out against orcs and goblins or find a ancient ruin and explore it. Then grow tired of sleeping out doors and cold food, rain and trying to start a fire with just two sticks and come back home." Sirrian heard talk of camping outside and looked at his mother, "We go outside an play?" Alura was just happy being in her mother's arms and was almost asleep.

"a little bit later baby." Alehial said kissing his forehead. She then kissed Alura as well. "I have a feeling that our little daughter will find some way of managing and probably like her father thrive wherever she is and possibly never come back. We've been spoiled by the older children all coming back. I'm afraid it has ruined me." Alehial sighed, she appreciated Altair's efforts but Alehial was really struggling with everything going on. With the children, all of them and with the king. And with the dead brother that keeps coming back who won't leave their family alone.

Altair kissed her cheek, "That little girl used to hide behind you at the first loud noise, I doubt that she will never come home. It'll just be a matter of when she misses home enough. They are all like that,.

trust me Alehial." He told her before tusseling Sirrian's hair. Stopping just long enough to pose Alehial a question he knew would bring her old spark back he asked, "Do you think know you understand when your mother tried to keep you from leaving Sildea?"

"The difference being the elves of Sildea on a whole are racist... and we have an enemy of our family active and trying to kill us and the children. I think my mother was overprotective and trying to force me to lead a politician lifestyle." Alehial sighed softly, not having known at all about how in the other universe she had joined the Sildean Army, though she knew now from the stories Altair told her she still didn't really believe she in any capacity would join the military of all places.

Almost with a slight laugh Altair shook his head, their home would be so much smaller if once the children set out to find their path they were denied the chance to return. Darryl and Asper would still be in Venir, Mathius and his friends would be be running about in the north country. Elsa woudl be with Fael out in the desert. "I think my love the children will gravitate back home, as all of them have done some wanting our approval and others just for a cup of tea and a warm hug from their parents." Altair said bouncing Sirrain who laughed at the face his father made at him.

"But you aren't getting any younger and what if they all decide to wait years before coming back home! And there are more children and some are dead and Arten gets married or something!?" Alehial scowls at Altair but cuddles Alura closely. Just thinking about all the possibility's made her unhappy, but cuddling Alura made her feel a little bit better and she smiled at Sirrian and his daddy playing so happily.

"And the children know that as well as we do, my love. I have made a few plans for the day that I will travel to the next life, for them and for you too." he said looking at Alehial, every bit the beauty she was when they first met. "We can't control life, we have the time we have and that is it. I regret nothing of my life both as a young man and now older and wiser, because in both times I had you beside me." All in all, he thought his words very poetic and full of truths about life and love.

"And how am I supposed to respond to that?!" Alehial scowled, there was no answer she could make to that. The children did not realize, they were not always going to be there... well Alehial would for them. Altair wasn't always going to be able to bail the kids out. She kissed Alura on the forehead and leaned over to blow a raspberry on Sirrian's cheek.

Sirrian giggled and howled with laughter, the conversation was too grown up for him and he was just happy being little. Altair smiled at her, "We should sort out the insanity our household has created around the kingdom. Besides I do not want to deal with Flint and Lyriel by myself." he confided in his wife. This was something that would best be served by them both instead of just him.

"I simply don't know what to do with, any of the children except our small ones." Alehial said with a sigh and a soft smile at Sirrian. She cuddled Allura closer as well. Lyriel and Flint seemed to be doing things on purpose to try and make every bad situation worse.

"Well either we let them find their paths like we did or provide a voice of experience and reason like Lai did for us." Altair said getting up and opening his wardrobe. He would go see his cousin the king and see if he might find some avenue to spare his nephew being exiled from Andor, however he wanted Alehial to be with him when they dealt with the together.

"Wear the Green tunic with pink embellishments, it will remind your cousin of your nature and of the blood we have sacrificed in keeping our family and the kingdom safe." Alehial said speaking softly from behind on the bed. She was cuddling both children and was loath to give them back to the regular Nanny, after what happened she was in a very distrustful state, even though she knew that the Nanny they had would never betray the family on purpose after all she had helped with all the children. She simply however couldn't be idle when her children were away and in danger. She either needed something to do or to go with them as Lai had done with Altair and that was what she decided. However Alehial summoned the maid and relinquished her children. she needed to dress as well to match. Though she decided she would wear one of her more elven inspired gowns. As she would be defending her elven daughter it seemed appropriate. So she chose a mint green gown and decided pink pearls to match Altair would be best, though he was in a much darker green than she. She did however sit at her vanity once dressed and take to the arduous task of a Andorian hair style that the women of the courts so loved. When she wore her hair up it made her seem all the more elven as her ears were clearly visible and the slight sharpness of her cheekbones became prominent, unlike her brother Alehial had taken mostly after her father, in looks and attitude.

Altair had not told Alehial, but the ENTIRE household staff caught him at one time or another and professed their loyalty to House Ravenwood he assured them that the family still trusted them. From here on out however new staff would be closely watched and checked before being given the chance to be alone with the children. Nodding he drew out the tunic and the other things for court, he hated court and the mewling nobles who squabbled over everything or fawned for noble attentions. Poppy's father would claim an aggrieved state and cause nothing but trouble and he hated to wonder how angry it would make him. But try as he might he did not blame Flint, the boy did not love Poppy and because Lyriel loved him they came up with this scheme.

Alehial decided to forego any jewels this time but for her wedding band. Which was a simply silver ring with no decoration. It was what they could afford at the time and she treasured it most of all their spoils. She was dressed in her flowing silken gown, her hair up in a complicated but fetching style and she was ready to go. "Are you ready?" She asked looking back at her husband. She summoned the maid for the children, and Bowers to call for the carriage and send word that they would be joining the court for the day.

Of course when they headed downstairs they were surprised that Flint and Lyriel were in the foyer waiting for them. "So, whose ears were burning?" Altair asked, "We were just on our way to court to see what damage control we can do." Flint shifted uneasy that his aunt and uncle, now his mother and father-in-law would have to do 'damage control' over the marriage of him and Lyriel. But he took her hand in his, "I would not ask you to put the family into a harmful situation uncle, if there is a negative outcome I will bear it, not my family or my wife." ALtair had to admit, his nephew sounded very grown up even he at his age was not willing to be in the city let alone at court. "We should not tary then, they will be expecting us."

"think we'll be banned Mother?" Lyriel asked of her Alehial. Why in the world did the Ravenwood men only ever get serious when they were dying... or actually coming clean about the things they had already done was beyond Lyriel and she suspected her mother as well. But she was dressed in her proper druid's clothing, still pants. No weapons though. And yes she did once again have the Hat of Disguise on and her hair up in a bun at the nape of her neck. She never walked around in public without it. The only time she didn't was a Fynn's. Because it like her house was safe. Even at court she had been requested to keep it on by others.

Alehial sighed softly and gave both children a kiss to their foreheads. Making Flint lean down to receive his. "Let's not speculate and just deal with what will happen." She told everyone. Before pulling a day cloak over her shoulders and walking out the front door to get into the carriage.

Altair and Flint rode horses and left the carriage to Lyerial and Alehial to speak on the way to court. He watched his nephew or now son-in-law (as the correct monicker made his head hurt) as the young man rode he kept an eye on the carriage and in the crowds they passed by on the way. Today would be a challenge for the Ravenwoods and he hoped the family could get through it without any major upheaval in the kingdom. When they arrived Flint dismounted and waited to open the carriage door to help Alehial and Lyriel depart. His face was determined though, he had been working through what he might say if pressed about not marrying Popy. He knew in his heart though Lyriel was the one he wanted to be with.

Lyriel had changed her clothing before leaving and was in a pure elven style gown. One Lai had given her for strictly official occasions. She had put her hair in a similar fashion to Alehial's, She wore the hat of disguise still, as a courtesy for those of the court. Alehial opened the door and left the coach first, Lyriel behind her. Both women stunning in their elven beauty, and the gowns they wore only chose to showcase it all the more. Though their hair was done in human fashion, only Alehial looked closer to human. But neither woman spoke. There would be speaking to be done inside. Plenty of fighting too for that matter.

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