Page name: Ravenwood Estates 22 [Exported view] [RSS]
2017-04-11 04:52:47
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Return to The Andorian Chronicles

Court was full on this day, even more so than any other with the audience hall was overflowing with nobles as they walked inside. Many nobles welcomed Altair back from his travels and commented on how lovely Lady Ravenwood was. Once the assembly settled the Steward called for silence before calling everyone to their feet for King Gaerth and the Queen who entered and took their seats in the front of the hall. For Flint and Lyriel things had not changed since they were younger, court and politics were boring and like many of the Ravenwood children they did not attend often, with the exception of Conner. Poppy and her father were not far away, disgruntled that they were denied sitting where true nobles would sit. Flint was stone faced throughout the begining of court business, it would be when the king called for new business that he would have to defend his choice to marry Lyriel instead of Poppy.

Lyriel sat silently, her face the perfect calm. She never fidgeted not even when she was younger. Alehial paid attention to the court business, though she hadn't been attending lately she did receive the daily notations on what happened. She was a woman who did a thousand things a thousand times a day. Because for a long time she had to, and clearly she thought she still had to whether it was true or not. But Alehial did hold Altair's hand tightly, though Lyriel sat stiff and uncompromising in her propriety, it didn't matter if she was married she was still alone in her head.

It seemed like this day the court business went by faster than normal and soon the steward looked up from his scroll of business and called out, "Now that the scheduled business of the crown is finished. His Majesty, King Gaerth opens the floor to any new business." It seemed like all in attendance held their breath to see what would be said next. Poppy's father spoke next, "I wish to discuss the matter of Galin Ravenwood not having come to my house to see his betrothed, my daughter Poppy." Whispers began to flow amongst the nobles in attendance, until the Steward silenced them, "And how does Galin Ravenwood respond to this?" Flint stood up and cleared his throat, "First, I am Flint Ravenwood, my father is Galin Ravenwood. My family has been in disarray since our return home." Altair was silent, but Alehial could feel his hand squeeze in hers.

Alehial also stayed silent, They were here as a supporting role specifically. She tightened her own grip on Altair's hand as she awaited Poppy's father's explosion. Lyriel meanwhile sat silently and patiently, awaiting when she would be prompted and would need to speak on her behalf as well as her now husbands. Both women knew things were going to explode quickly and so they were mentality preparing.

Poppy's father walked forward better to get all the attention, "Well, at least will your Majesty uphold the declaration of the upcoming marriage!?" Gareth looked annoyed before turning to Flint, "Well, will you enter into this union?" Flint took another deep breath, "No your majesty, I will not marry his daughter. My heart belongs to another it always has and in the eyes of Pelor's church I am already wed to her." The whispers turned to outright gasps and conversations about the audience chamber. Poppy's eyes were unreadable, but her fathers were hot with anger.

"It is true. I agreed and we wed." Lyriel said standing now, not shoulder to shoulder with Flint but near. She didn't need to lean on him, and he was a man who needed no woman to gather strength to fight his own battles from. But she looked resolute as she looked Poppy and then her father in the eye, Flint was taken now and there was nothing they could do about it. They had consummated and everything. It was a legal and binding marriage.

Alehial was gently biting her tongue so she wouldn't jump into the fray. She held Altair's hand tightly with her own and she was very carefully controlling her breathing. Outwardly she seemed unfazed and calm. Inside she was struggling to even use the air she was breathing properly.

Gareth was surprised that Flint and Lyriel were not hiding behind Altair and Alehial, even more so that after the Steward hushed the crowd the only sound to be heard was Poppy's father making something akin to a clucking sound. "Your Majesty, I demand that since he dishonored my family, you award half of his holdings to my family." Another gasp went through the crowd only to be silenced by the steward before Gareth spoke, "Flint, do you have any good reason that I not grant his request?" Flint smirked and looked back to Lyriel, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you first." then he spoke up, "Your majesty if he wishes half of my total holdings then we can divide the coins in my pouch. Everything else held by my step father and mother has been turned over to Lai Ravenwood to start the Mages College of Andor. To be located on the land left me and to be funded by all the trading contracts he held, I have nothing but my name and the contents of my belt pouch."

"Thanks for the update Asshole." Lyriel said under her breath with a droll tone. She figured he had done something. After all Alehial and Altair who were holding the funds were only doing so for his sake. They would be proud and pleased to do whatever he wished with them. Especially if his wish was a collage for grandma Lai. "As for my own holdings, as I am adopted I have nothing but the tools of my trade, unless you want those my Lord then I have nothing of value either." Lyriel said, making Poppy's father seem more the cad for wanting that which had no value from those who had nothing of value left.

The conversations around the hall were too numerous and the king had enough. "CLEAR THE HALL!!" he called and many nobles scurried away, "If you are not related to these parties leave!" The steward and guards began shooing those who would not leave out the door while Rand signaled for a few of the looser lipped guards out as well. Altair sat in his seat with Alehial's hand in his, no need to get involved unless things got nasty.

Alehial could barely contain her joy at how things were working in their favor at last! She pulled her feet a mere inch of the ground and kicked them joyfully under her skirts. Then quickly set them back down, after all that was an awfully childish behavior for an elven, even half elven woman to exhibit in front of a king of any kind. Also she hoped to keep that from her husband as well. But who ever knew what he did or didn't see her doing because he was always watching her.

Lyriel stood her face the perfect calm, she wasn't even tense in any way. She knew if things didn't work out here then she at least could survive on her own anywhere in the wild. Flint would learn to help too. Plus they could always come and visit for a spell even if they weren't allowed in the kingdom. Though she doubted it would go that far, she was fully prepared to accept anything for what she had done.

Altair knew Alehial's reaction and could scarcely contain his own grin as his nephew or son-in-law now had blocked the old fetcher. However, he knew Valdus would not let this stand without some kind of baseless accusation. He kept a tight hold on his wife's hand, content to wait until they needed his help or a word to stay any retribution.

Flint had not said another word watching Valdus for his next comment, but the man was sputtering and spewing unintelligible things. The Queen had much the same response as Alehial, she detested the family and had been angry with Gaerth for allowing this arranged marriage. Valdus finally found his words and more importantly his outrage, "Your majesty! I demand that you annul these dodgings and force him into honoring your decree!" Now it was his turn to be cowed as Gareth turned red and left the throne, "HOW DARE YOU DEMAND....." none had really seen Gareth this angry recently. "I will not have a MERCHANT demand anything of me, as far as I am concerned this conversation is over until I talk privately with each member of this. And one more peep out of you Valdus and I will have you clapped in irons!"

Alehial stifled a giggle. She couldn't help it. Who in their right mind would do something so foolish as to make demands of their king? the very man who they swore their fealty. But she straightened up immediately and kept her face composed and she tightly held Altair's hand.

Lyriel wondered for a moment if they would even think to try and annul the marriage. Certainly the king could if he wished it. But was it really worth it? Though the marriage had been political, how had it helped the king any? How would this change hurt the king? No one much liked the merchant or his daughter, they tolerated them because after all they were a rather powerful merchant, but how many allies did her really have when it all came down to it. Lyriel had no answer to an annulment of their marriage. Other than to run. which wasn;t a very good option at all.

Gaerth turned and left with the Queen following behind, Alehial knew she would receive a invitation to the palace for open conversation about this. Valdus and Poppy left, him still angry and her emotions were a little harder to read. Before Flint and Lyriel could come back a page came to Alehial, "Lady Ravenwood a message from the Queen." he said handing over a hastily scribbled note. It was an invite to tea for the lady and her newly married daughter, indicating that Cyndil would also be in attendance as they had become thick as thieves with the proximity of Gareth and Rand.

"Tell her Majesty that we accept!" Alehial said after looking at the note. She stood and looked to the children and her husband. "Lyriel and I are to attend to tea with the Queen and Cyndil, I want the both of you to head home immediately and keep an eye on the household. Either Rand or the King will call on you both shortly. Be ready." Alehial said in a warning tone for the boys at the end. She would be glad to talk to the women and finally perhaps Lyriel would include herself.

Lyriel rolled her eyes. Tea. Oh it sounded nice and casual... and for the Queen it probably was. But it was still a big to do. Which also meant staying in the fancy dress much longer. Lyriel put a fist on one hip and stood very unladylike in her gown in the court room. "Well you heard her." She said with a shrug of acceptance to her mothers orders.

Altair embraced and kissed Alehial then kissed Lyriel's cheek, "Behave yourself young lady." He winked at her then letting her know he knew she disliked being in a dress for long periods. Flint gave Alehial a hug, "Thank you for believing in us." then he gave Lyriel a kiss and one of his smiles, "I'll see you later?" Altair grabbed his elbow, "And you get to face me in the practice ring after we speak to your Grandmother." They left the to women waiting to be shown to the Queen audience chambers.

"You know... one day fairly soon that won't be much of a threat anymore." Alehial said softly after a moment of watching them leave. She looked sort of small and forlorn. Though her hair was done up nice and she wore an expensive fancy gown. She looked more human and more frail. Lyriel stepped forward and took her mothers hand in her own. "but then you'll still kick our asses right mom?" Lyriel asked with a cheeky little grin to try and cheer her up. Alehial pinched her cheek but smiled and held Lyriel's hand. "Yes. I will." Alehial said with an affectionate smile at her adopted daughter. Alehial then reached up and pulled the H.O.D. off of Lyriel. "Much better. Let's go talk to the girls shall we?" Lyriel said with a smile.

The Queen and Cyndil were waiting for them when they arrived in the audience chambers. Cyndil never one to wait on proprietary embraced Lyriel and kissed her cheek. "I know you had more of a hand in this you clever girl." she whispered, all the Ravenwood women were quick of mind and knew how to play court like Alehial. The Queen coughed into her hand and Cyndil let Lyriel go so the Queen could welcome Lyriel, "Hello, Lyriel it has been so long since you've come to tea with your mother. She disliked seeing many of the nobles, and knew when she invited any of the Ravenwoods that she could act less like the Queen and more like herself.

"Sorry it's been so long." Lyriel said blushing softly... her cheeks getting just a little blacker, though if one didn't know to look they wouldn't see it. She always felt awkward in dresses and even more so around all the... people of high rank. The humans. it was something she tried to get over but was sort of ingrained from her earlier years. She was one of the few children who remembered a lot of their life before the Ravenwood's.

Alehial hugged both women. "And to think it only took her marrying into the family to come after so long." Alehial laughed having spotted the blush, She too knew that Flint though he always wanted this... would never have the guts to convince her to do it. Lyriel was the one that acted and though it broke her heart... this was what the children had decided.

Once seated the women fell into conversation, although the Queen decided that tea was not the beverage of the day and had a maid bring wine. "I don't want to be dishonest with you all, Gareth wishes for me to ask his questions for him." she told them then added, "I think he declined to do so because someday our daughters will be married as well." Cyndil laughed, "Rand will never know the right way to handle any of the children growing up, he already wants my mother to find a place to hide the girls until they are the age he believes they should get married." The Queen turned her attention to Lyriel, "I do not want to ask anything that would make you uncomfortable and if it does do not answer at all my dear."

"Ask anything you wish your highness I have nothing to hide from anyone." Lyriel said sipping the wine, she felt stuffy in the dress, but the wine was excellent. The day was nice and she didn't have to concentrate on the hat here. Alehial smiled softly at the other women, seeing as now two of her daughters were wed and one of her boys. Not to mention as soon as Matty got home he would surely wed her cousins adopted daughter.

Queen Meleri cleared her throat, "Was the idea to marry one of stopping this arranged marriage or one of actual love?" Anyone could see she despised asking the question, her and Gareth's marriage had begun as an arranged marriage but grew into a great love with four children to show for it. But, Gareth asked her to do this so that he might have a clearer understanding and see wisdom in dealing with all parties involved. "And who's idea was getting married? Yours or Flints?" the question could be used to see if Flint was being deliberately defiant with the king." She took a sip of wine and asked her last question, "Has the union been consummated?" It was the hardest question to ask with Alehial in the room so she quickly added, "If you wish you can answer that last one privately with me."

"Well let's see... I think before we went drinking... Flint had asked me about a dozen times to marry... I'm pretty certain he spoke to Mother and Father about it as well as Grandmother Lai." Lyriel said though she gave up trying to remember exactly how many times Flint brought the topic up or outright asked her. Alehial sighed, it was true he had gone to both of them to try and get them on his side as well, for the marriage and against the engagement to Poppy. Lyriel sipped her wine and finished her answers to the queen."Honestly I love him. And he's great in the sack. Oh we consummated alright, thoroughly." She stifled a laugh at Alehial's scowl and continued on. "You know... with All Flint has dealt with in his life... and with his blood father alive again... I was actually really worried he would run off to him for help in a situation like this... and possibly for revenge even. but instead he asked me... one last time when we went drinking the other night... and you know... If I had to spend fifty years around a human... why not Flint? I might not meet another man like him... either elven or human. We are both here now, so I should just live well and happy." Lyriel said with a shrug. The queen could get her own answers out of that.

Alehial controlled her face carefully at the mention of turning to Galin. She knew her oldest daughter was running around wild. It was why she gave her the funds to buy the precautionary wand and some other things. But to hear it was a little hard. After all she was so against Lyriel tying herself down while she was still sooo very young! She drained her glass before any of the other women and refilled almost finished with the second glass before her daughter even. She was going to be drunk going home and Lyriel wondered if she had pushed her mother a little too far with what she had said. But if anyone then Alehial was the one who told her to be most honest to herself.

Meleri didn't press on with any other major questions, just a little small talk with everyone. "Did any of you know about how he gave up his family holdings?" Cyndil nodded, "I think it was incredibly selfless that he wishes young mages to have a place to learn magic, and of course with the abudance of magic in the Ravenwood line it should be a popular place." Meleri nodded, "It was one way to stop that horses ass Valdus, that man has no right even setting foot in the court with manners like his. And I've heard he mistreats those who work for him, It'd better never happen where I can see, I'd order him clapped in irons if he assaults a member of his house staff." Cyndil nodded again then turned to Alehial, "Any word from any of the wayward children, Mathius and Cybil, Lily or Conner?" She was worried about Lily most of all the young girl used to love sitting with Cyndil and feeling the twins kick.

Lyriel stayed silent and watched her mother. It was a taboo subject in the house. Speaking about the adventuring children. "We received a letter from Lily... but half of it is in the language she and Conner made up so we can't read it. But she says she is well and staying where she is." Lyriel answered quickly so Alehial didn't have to.

Alehial finished her third glass and set it out a little unsteadily. "I... Know nothing about any of my children. Where they are... What they are doing. Why they left me. All I know is I teach them... and love them and then they all just want to leave and tell me nothing in the most dangerous times my family lives in. You know since before we were a family when Altair were stupid. And now everyone is being stupid." Alehial hiccuped softly after her tirade, and that one little hiccup led into a stream of them.

"And this ladies is why mother banned wine from the house. I had better get her home..." Lyriel said after a moment of shocked silence from everyone. She stood up and went to her mothers side, she looked concerned and a little scared to be truthful. Lyriel has never seen Alehial truly lose her cool or her demeaner before, and it was frightening to see the pillar of their family, so small and weak and drunk and less.

A rider went out before them and by the time the carriage reached the Estate, Altair was waiting by the door. He helped Alehial from the carriage, "Come along my love let's get you out of court clothes and into more comnfortable ones and then we'll get some rest." He looked at Lyriel and she could tell by his eyes that with the children gone and no word from them that Alehial was afraid. There was nothing more that could be done, until all the wayward Ravenwoods returned home.

Alehial was half asleep by this point, the carriage ride having lulled her. She leaned heavily on Altair as they walked into the house and then up the steps to their rooms.

Lyriel was more than a little shocked by her mother's behavior. All her life she had never seen her like that. Angry oh yes. Livid certainly. But small and scared... never. Lyriel wished she could talk to Elsa, and the twins. Even Matty, but Lucas was busy and everyone else had their own problems or weren't there at all regardless. Darryl was out of the question because he didn't really understand what was going on... not to mention with the wife of his and their daughter he had no time left to do anything than help now and then.

A second later Lyriel was standing in the sitting room at Darryl's house. "Hello Lyriel." Darryl said sitting on one of the couches with the baby on his lap. "Would you like some tea or something else to drink?" Karina was being given a bath and a new swaddle put into place, her dusky skin in contrast to Darryl's made Lyriel wonder what she'd look like when she grew up. He smiled at Karina, "And now before mommy returns I'm going to make the dirty stuff disappear!" and he did with an audible pop. "Mother is having trouble with both Conner and Lily leaving isn't she?" he asked her, in truth even though he wasn't always home or near he could sense his family and their emotions. It was something he never really talked about, since he sometimes did not know how to put them into words or how to help them.

Lyriel had to breath deep for a few moments, getting popped was always a trip... not being prepared for it made on queasy. "I'm fine without a drink. Let me see this little one!" Lyriel said after she had gotten control of her stomach. "Mom's... having a lot of trouble with everyone growing older. But yes she's especially worried about the twins... and Mathius." Lyriel added Mathius because they hadn't had word and she knew her mother scryed every day to try and find him. Along with the twins. Lyriel had always known Darryl was sensitive to every member of the family, but she simply accepted it and him and went about her way doing her things. However Lyriel hadn't even seen the baby yet, as she was a Drow herself knew it was complicated. Besides the whole rest of the family smothering this little family was a strain on Asper to be certain.

Darryl smiled as he let Lyriel take Karina, "Asper keeps saying how something that looked like her gave birth to something so beautiful. She doesn't believe me when I remind her that I have always found Asper beautiful." Karina cooed and looked up at Lyriel with her glowing violet eyes, a mixture of her half drow mother and psionic father. "I also keep trying to find them, it is an aggravation knowing someone can block my attempts to locate our family." Darryl admitted. In truth nothing made him as upset as knowing his powers could be blocked or even nullified. Karina yawned and took ahold of LYriels finger and examined it before trying to put it in her mouth. Darryl got up, "Let me tell Asper you're here so she doesn't get upset."

"I can relate." Lyriel said softly about the first half of what he said. She cuddled the baby and held her gently letting her gnaw on her finger with a smile. "I can't begin to image your frustrations little brother. Go tell your wife, I am content." Lyriel said smiling up at her little brother, even if he was the most powerful in this kingdom she was still older. This child's eyes were mesmerizing and she was just so cute with her dark skin and blonde ish hair.

Darryl left and went to tell Asper that they had a visitor who was in the sitting room with Karina. He returned and took a seat again to speak with Lyriel. "I understand congratulations are order since you are now married. I plan on visiting mother tomorrow with Karina to give Asper a little time to relax if she wishes." Karina babbled and still held Lyriel's finger while they talked, for the most part Darryl was happy that his daughter liked most everyone who came into their home. But, she most enjoyed quiet moments with Asper and himself.

"Thanks. Though we still don't know if we'll be punished or not by the King for it. That... would help Mother stay grounded." Lyriel said choosing her words carefully. After all she felt a little... okay a lot Shaken up by her Mother's drunken confession. Lyriel had a very good feeling about this little babe in her arms. She was also glad that she would be around to watch her grow up. With her parents, just growing up was going to be one hell of an adventure to be certain.

Asper walked silently to the doorway to watch for a moment. She decided after looking at her happy daughter that it was worth it and entered the room. Sitting down on a seat not far from Darryl's reach but certainly not right up against him either. Asper had a glass of water and her hands and chin were smudged with a little grease. She was getting things ready for when she could begin her practices to get back into business ready. She was certain her skills had suffered in her long long pregnancy.

Darryl smiled at Asper and her willingness to come into the room with family here, so much with Asper had changed since Karina had been born. "Will you come with Karina and Me tomorrow I thought to visit the Estate and see my mother and father." Darryl asked hoping she would be agreeable to going. Karina yawned and blinked several times, her toes wiggling about. She was a happy baby much like her father at that age.

Lyriel sat silently, looking first at Asper then Darryl, before looking down at the little one again. Yes, if anything this little one would help to calm Alehial. Lyriel began to rock her just a little sway, gently. She had done so with all the children of the house. Except for Aunt Arten's. He was something else, but cute and adorable as well. But nothing like this little angel. Which made Lyriel chuckle because they actually had one of those in the family now too.

Asper scowled as mention of the main house. She set down the glass gently so as to not startle the baby. As if she could. "No. Your mother still hates me, and I don't like how she's asked you to keep an eye out for all your siblings and take them all over the planet! Besides I have things to do here. Don't stay long though! Karina needs fed every three hours still." Asper said her expression softening considerably as she looked at her baby held by Lyriel. It was clear that Asper's changes had been caused directly by the baby. She had been changing a little with Darryl but... the baby seemed to make things easier for them both. "Thank you for tell me who was here." Asper said as an after thought almost.

Darryl sighed, he could not get Asper to accept that she and Alehial didn't understand each other very well. And that no one asked him to keep and eye on the family, that was him and no one forced him to take family anywhere. "Would you prefer if I brought mother here to visit with Karina? It might make more sense with her feeding schedule."

"No. She had her house and we have ours." Asper said with a little bit of unhappiness in her voice. "Take her to visit. It'll be fine. You said this house was protected right?" Asper said again as if suddenly afraid that if Darryl left something... or someone might happen. She did need an almost daily assurance about that.

Lyriel saw a great deal of Change in Asper suddenly. For one... she was accepting her and Darryl's ownership of things. Secondly she seemed a little more frightened... which was somewhat strange for the surly woman, at least from what Lyriel had seen anyways. But Lyriel kept swaying with the little one and making little faces. Lyriel wondered as she often had, if babies cared that she was drow... and therefore a different color. did they even know?

Darryl nodded in answer to Asper's question, the house itself was hard to get into. And if someone managed, Darryl could be home in a heartbeat, leaving Karina safely with his parents. "Oh, Asper Jake wishes to come visit tomorrow and see you, perhaps stay a couple days if that is alright." Darryl smirked, Jake had just had the thought and Darryl heard him so he thought to get her permission early.

Asper shrugged. "Fine but he still goes to his lessons, everyday. He must complete all of his homework and assignments." She didn't want to be left alone. She certainly didn't want her baby to be away either. Asper was nothing though if not a stickler for her own way of doing things, however her little girl would only be gone a few hours and her little brother would enjoy the company. But she did miss her little brother and wanted to see how well of a man he was becoming, here in Andor. Something she never thought would even be a possibility, also her finding a husband and having a child. Though the most surprising was finding such a powerful husband... and having a child at all.

Lyriel smiled brightly, Jake was always pestering everyone who had come to visit them how they were and if Asper seemed happy or lonely. In fact he was full of questions and Alehial had actually surprise him with a picture of his sister to keep in his room. But Lyriel never had visited, she only knew what she heard everyone else say. As of now as well she was a wife too. "I don't know if you knew yet.... Flint and I sort of got married. So... That happened." Lyriel said almost as an after thought before blowing a raspberry on Karina's cheek.

Karina giggled and cooed at aunt Lyriel's treatment and it made Darryl smile a little wider than he already was, "Asper you sound just like other parents I have known." He left it to his wife to guess their own mother had said that same thing once before to all her children. "I'm glad you and Flint have each other Lyriel, how did the king and court handle it?" he really did not need to ask, mother and father's thoughts were simple to read even from this distance. "I keep trying to locate Lily and Conner, not to mention the others who were out in the world." He was getting irritated that his powers weren't being more helpful but he hid it behind caring for his little family.

Lyriel smiled at Karina and pretended to eat her cheek. After a short break, Lyriel looked up at Darryl "The King and Queen are actually both quite pleased with this. I think mother is having a little trouble... adjusting to all the things going on though. So it's nice to be brought over for a visit." Lyriel said with a smile as she cuddled with Karina.

Asper watched her daughter, and watched the Drow with her. "She should just do something about it. You know if she can't stand letting others handle things." Asper said and after a moment more she stood up. "I'm taking Karina to feed. Call if you need me." Asper said and walked around taking Karina from Lyriel gently. "It was good to see you. Good luck being married and getting over it." Asper said kissing Karina on the cheek and leaving the room to feed her baby girl.

Darryl watched her go and then turned back to Lyriel, "She still believes that mother and father ask me to teleport or keep tabs on the family. I've explained several times I use my powers to do because I can, and as far as sensing if everyone is safe it isn't even a matter of want. I love all my family and I frequently just want to make sure they are alright." In front of Lyriel a mug appeared and Darryl lifted the edge of his mouth in a smile, "A mug of Uncle Lyle's best after all the wine from earlier."

"Well she does seem... territorial about you." Lyriel chuckled, she lifted the mug and smiled at her little brother. "I do believe you are beginning to change my little brother, and for the better it seems." Lyriel complimented as she sipped the hot beverage. It did go down smoothly, after all in front of the genteel she did not drink or behave as herself nearly at all. Alehial however had really let go that evening... probably her nerves finally getting the better of her.

"Grandmother always said with age comes wisdom, I think with child comes a sense that life takes on larger decisions." he took a sip of his own drink, "That, and life with Asper comes with various compromises unless you do everything when she isn't aware." Over the rim of his cup he winked at Lyriel and let his smirk become a smile. "I realize that mother and father have risked much to protect us and in fact all of Andor, I know at some point I'll be asked to do no less for my family and Andor."

"Well I doubt anyone will have to fight dragon to dragon... or an army of orcs and evil wizards again." Lyriel said. It was strange to her that she could have these conversations with Darryl, now. He seemed much more mature and confident and... well grown up in a way Lyriel didn't feel at all. "Though uncle... well I suppose Father in law is the real term for him from me now.... hmm anyways I suppose Galin will be trying something... the way mother is convinced... plus how there seems to be a guild popping up in every country around Glearon itself!" Lyriel mused allowed. She hadn't realized that Marrying Flint meant that Galin Ravenwood was her father in law. Talk about a strained and confusing family.

I have instructed any psions to avoid The Guild something about them unnerves me." Darryl told her. One or two psions disagreed and went to check on how to join the league of his uncles. "I would believe marrying someone considered your cousin brings up a great many questions, some sexual and some not." Darryl sounded grown up but with a slightly younger Darryl nativity. It reminded Lyriel of her and Elsa worrying about him as he grew up, had he not met Asper what would have happened to him? With a slight smile Darryl informed her, "Your husband is looking for, shall I send you home or would you like to wait while I inform Asper I'm going to bring Jake back early?"

Lyriel was shocked to hear such thing from her little brother. Not only was he telling others to avoid the guild... which she didn't know he was in contact with any other Psions, but his comment about her marriage seemed totally out of character for him. There was a hint of his old childlike self, but this was an eye opening experience for Lyriel in just how much change in him Asper had brought. "Go ahead and send me back. It'll do your wife some good to be riled up a bit." Lyriel chuckled softly setting down the now empty mug.

The mugs vanished and he stood up and embraced Lyriel, "Travel well Lyriel, Until I see you next." Then with a pop she was gone, he smiled sadly then stood straight and went upstairs to find Asper and their daughter. His sight beyond time showed him many things not all would come to pass and some were fated no matter what. Karina was asleep in her crib and Asper was sitting on their bed watching her, Darryl walked in and had a seat beside her. "I'm tired Asper, I think I'm going to use our tub and then get some sleep, would you care to join me?"

"I could use a washing." Asper said softly so as to not wake Karina. Not that she ever woke when they were speaking. But still Asper wanted the little baby girl to sleep herself out. For some reason Asper wasn't certain why... she felt Karina was so very important that she should do her absolute best in caring for her needs. somehow in doing so she was relaxing more and more around Darryl again. Though they hadn't been intimate in a long long time, she was finding herself wanting his comforting touch more and more often.

With a smile Darryl pulled off his boots and offered his hand to Asper, before walking into the other room with the bath in it before they disrobed. Darryl filled the tub and got everything ready all without the use of his powers. He knew it made Asper happy knowing that he wasn't wasting his powers. Once everything was ready he helped Asper into the tub and he also got in and let the hot water easy away his tension.

Asper was tense undressing and getting into the tub but... Darryl hadn't used his powers... and he wasn't touching her... so she leaned against him in the tub. Not trying to give him idea's or anything but the water was hot and comforting and she did like him being beside her... Soon enough she was completely relaxed and calm, almost drowsy even.

A calm Asper made Darryl feel better about things his powers could not fix, starting on Asper's lower back he rubbed all the spots he remembered she held tension. "Are you sure there is no way to convince you to come along with me and Karina tomorrow?" he asked hoping Asper might change her mind and spend a little time with the rest of the family. Darryl doubted she would change her mind, but he could hope she would. Gently he rubbed the back of her neck after cupping some water in his hands to pour over her shoulders, hopefully Asper at least appreciated his efforts to keep her relaxed.

Asper sighed comfortably, she was very relaxed. As he was covering her with water, she relaxed back against his chest with her back. "I don't want to go back to that house." Asper said in a somewhat petulant tone, she knew he was handling her. She always knew when he was handling her. But this time she was feeling so calm, and relaxed she just didn't want to leave the comfort and warm water.

Darryl closed his eyes for a second before the thought struck him, "If we all go together, after one of her feedings we could visit Finn's for one of your sticky buns and mother could watch Karina. But, I leave the decision to you my love." It was a good way to leave the subject, so the decision was ultimately hers. He began to move a little higher spreading his hands to work from her spine outward with only a quick check to see how her stress and tension was dissipating. Over in the corner Karina was still sleeping soundly in her bassinet, it made him smile that their little girl was so well behaved.

"If you keep feeding me those damn buns I'm going to get fat." Asper rolled her eyes, "MMmmmm" she moaned and leaned into his hands a little harder, she still wasn't certain whether or not he used his abilities when he did this even though he assured her that he didn't because it certainly felt like magic to her. Since Karina was fast asleep and nearby Asper was fully relaxed in Darryl's more than capable hands. More so then she had been in a long time.

He skirted a ticklish spot, "I doubt that, you've already recovered very well from giving birth. I'm sure you'll have yourself back in what you call fighting form in no time." Darryl had no doubt his wife wanted to get back to doing what she did best, and he fully intended to suggest in time a trip or two to find treasure and excitement just like Altair and Alehial did. Karina would be well watched over by family, Darryl knew who he could trust with their precious daughter. Reading Asper's tension melt away he smiled, "I love you Asper and Karina and our little family."

"Well now that she's out of my damn stomach I can finally do everything I need to get back into top form!" she was silent a few moments before turning to face him. One arm covering her now ample with milk breasts, because she was still shy being naked around him. "I don't hate everything. I I'm happy too." She finally finished her sentance a little lamely before she leaned up and kissed his lips in a chaste manner. She quickly turned and sat back down with her back to his chest however. Her cheeks turning that purple bruise like color it always did when she blushed. She didn't want him to see it. She just couldn't say she was completely happy or that she loved him and the baby because she was afraid. She was always afraid.

Darryl for the first time used his strength before the power of his mind, turning Asper back to look at him. "I'm glad your happy, content at least." He reached up and touched the side of her face gently, "I promise you will never have to question my feelings toward you or our baby ever." leaning down he returned the chaste kiss and held Asper close. Everything needed time, and Darryl decided he'd be as patient as stone for Asper.

Asper hid her face in his chest. She had been surprised at his movement. He almost never used his hands before his powers. Only the shock of that had made her not flinch at his hand to her cheek. She knew... that he knew... that she was waiting for him to grow tired of her. She hated that part of her. But it had kept her and her brother safe for so long she just couldn't let it go. She continued to blush though because other then during birth and just after... he hadn't really seen her naked in a long time. She was more than a little ashamed of the deep purple marks on her belly from Karina, and of her swollen breasts pressed between them. Not to mention his bare chest and she was sitting right between his legs. But she didn't struggle or fight this. He always needed physical affection and she needed to prove her words were true.

Darryl could feel the tension return, so he began to work to chase it away. Putting Asper at ease and making her feel wanted was part of him being a good husband. With her face turned to the side she saw the violet light appear from the bassinet and Karina make a small coo. It lasted only for a second and then the light went out as Karina returned to her slumber.

The moment Karina had made noise Asper's entire body tensed completely, in case she needed to rise and tend to her child. But when she slept again Asper relaxed completely. Everything she had been doing and feeding Karina, left her with little sleep and soon enough only minutes really she was fast asleep in Darryl's arms and resting against him. Emotion took a lot more out of her than any kind of physical punishment ever did. She had been napping in all kinds of weird places and odd moments lately.

Again Darryl smiled, he simply held his wife as she slept. If the water started to get cold he'd move her carefully to their room and tuck her into bed. When Asper awoke they were in bed and she was dry and dressed in a shift. Darryl was sitting up and had Karina, talking quietly to the baby who's eyes gleamed even brighter. She did the same thing when Asper talked to her as well.

Asper yawned and stretched sitting up. "Is she hungry?" She asked looking to her baby girl first, she did each and every time she awoke. While Asper was hungry and still a little tired, Karina came first. She did notice the shift and the bed and wondered briefly if he used his powers, and then thought of course he did. But she looked down at her baby in her father's arms and smiled. "Good morning Karina." She said in a normal tone of voice, Asper never talked in the 'baby' tone.

"Maybe a little, how about I get you something while you feed her. Then I will keep her occupied while you get a little more sleep?" Darryl suggested handing Karina to Asper. The baby's eyes seemed to sparkle and in truth made Asper feel lighter and calmer even than Darryl's working of her muscles. He slipped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, a good breakfast and then a trip to the Ravenwood Estate for a visit then back home with Jake for a visit.

"Yes." Was all she replied to Darryl because the moment she held her babe and looked into her eyes, well she didn't need to say much around him anyways. Asper loosed her top and offered her breast to Karina, gently stroking her daughters hair and cheeks affectionately. Rocking a little to soothe the perfectly happy babe in her arms. Asper always felt such peace when she had time with Karina, it was the strangest thing. Though she did like the idea of another nap.

As Karina fed she kept her eyes on Asper's it was what she always did watching her mother. Darryl arrived back into the bedchamber as Karina's eyes drifted shut and she went back to sleep with a fully tummy. "That didn't take very long. Here, I made you a couple eggs and some bread and of course tea with honey." he said setting the tray down and holding his hands out for Karina.

Asper was loathe to relinquish her daughter but when her stomach growled, she did hand Karina over to Darryl. Giving the little girl a kiss to the forehead and a small flash of a smile to Darryl before frowning at the tea. No one would let her have sugar still because Alehial had said that while breastfeeding it was best to avoid any such thing like sugar and still alcohol. But Asper ate quickly and without much mess. One thing she would never stop enjoying was food. They had plenty and could always get some. She put everything away on the tray and placed the tray atop the table in the room before laying back down. Darryl had Karina and they were all safe, so while she could and while she was still tired she lay her head down and closed her eyes to sleep.

When she awoke Darryl had washed and dressed Karina and himself for the trip to Alehial and Altair, "I was hoping you'd wake shortly. Can we convince you to come along?" Those violet eyes, so close to her father's blue eyes winked and her lips turned up to coo at Asper. It might not be so bad to visit and make sure things were safe before Asper and Darryl went to Finn's and let Alehial watch Karina for a little while.

"Perhaps next time." Asper said pursing her lips. She rose and walked over to the however and placed a soft kiss upon Karina's forehead with a whispered I love you. Then tugged Darryl's shirt until he too leaned down and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. Blushing, which made her cheeks turn purply hued. "I have much more skills I need to polish and time while you are away is a good time to practice." Asper said before she started pulling out clothing she could practice in. She felt she had a long way to go before she could get back out in the field again.

Darryl smiled and stalked up behind Asper and put his arm around her waist and kissed the back of her neck, "If you change your mind about coming to the house or about going to Finn's I am a call away." He then released her slowly and walked back to Karina, "Okay little one let us not tarry too long, everyone wishes to fawn all over you." With an audible pop they vanished heading to The Estate and Karina's grandparents. The silence of the house fell in around her, it had really been the first time she was alone without Darryl or Karina not a room or two away.

Asper let out a shaky sigh and wrapped her arms around herself. After a moment of gathering herself she then changed and went into her practice rooms and began to exercise and practice her trade. She was unhappy with how short of breath she always got so easily, and then of course how long it took her to pick the locks she was practicing on.

With an audible *pop* Darryl and Karina were standing in the study looking at Alehial and Altair who were discussing the missing children. Even before he moved them Darryl could read Alehial's mood and knew that she needed something to take her mind off the stress. "I hope you don't mind, but someone wanted to see her grandparents." Altair smiled, "She gets bigger and prettier every time I see her Darryl."

Alehial stood and walked over giving her son a hug first. "I'm glad to see you all doing well baby." she said before turning to her newest granddaughter. "And it's good to see you so big! My little sunflower." Alehial coo-ed at the baby, she didn't baby talk, but she certainly babied them. She reached out to take Karina from Darryl so he could deal with the luggage he had brought with him. "you are getting to be a big girl!" Alehial smiled softly at the little girl.

Karina much like her father years ago smiled and cooed at Alehial then made herself comfortable. Darryl set down his bag and smiled, "My child is comfortable with anyone who wishes to hold her, I could not ask for more. Asper sends her greetings and may come next time, she wishes to work off some energy that has built in her last few months of pregnancy." Altair nodded and leaned over to kiss Karina's forehead, "I have no doubt that your visit is more than letting us see Karina, is it son?"

"Do tell." Alehial said beginning to sway softly as she held Karina close. The babe couldn't even hold up her head yet, but this was the age Alehial loved most of all. She was tucked close and bundled up safely in Alehial's arms, but Alehial had turned her sharp green eyes on her still young son. It was clear to see however that this was indeed relaxing Alehial quite well already.

Darryl sat down with a sigh, "I feel that I have not been able to help the family as much as I could be. I cannot discern what is hampering my powers to locate them and it bothers me." He had purposefully not named any of his missing brothers and sisters for not wanting to upset his mother. Altair looked at his son, "Darryl, I understand your position but it really is not your place to monitor them. I have faith that they will find a way to let us know where they are when the time comes to it." He turned to watch Alehial and Karina, his still youthful bride looked even more beautiful holding a small infant, much like when Darryl was little.

Alehial sighed softly. "I too try to locate them every day. Lily has sent a letter, but there is no way to know from where it came. Your father is right however Darryl, their safety isn't up to you, it's our responsibility. You have your own troubles." Alehial said the last bit a little sarcastically but moved on quickly. "The fact that you help us as much as you do, is something we do not take lightly, baby." Alehial said softly, still rocking but she gently caresses Darryl's face with one hand to sooth him a little. she hated to see her family so torn and stressed about things she should have been able to keep hold of. Things that were her responsibility and she failed. That was what was making her so miserable.

"My birth father said that there were few things that can block my powers, and now in three cases I am blocked. I feel it is more bothersome knowing that an enemy could be moving against us invisible to me." he said with another sigh. "We are family and it isn't always your responsibility, we work together." he said touching Alehial's hand. Karina shifted and smiled opening her shining violet eyes and looking at her grandmother.

Alehial smiled softly, "We work together, but We must look out for you, We are your parents. All of you kids. But I am trying to let go a little." Alehial said with a soft smile as she rocked Karina again. Looking down and giving the young child a bright smile of her own and kissing her on the forehead. "Except for you Karina, I don't think I even can let go of you!" Alehial giggled softly.

Altair smiled, "So, Asper was okay with you bringing her to visit? You must be rubbing off on her Darryl." Their son nodded, "I believe the arrival of Karina has shown Asper the good sides of family..." Anything else he might say was interuppted by Jake who entered the study at a high rate of speed, "Is it true is Darryl here..." he skidded to a stop and blushed deeply realizing he had forgotten his manners. "I'm sorry." he all but whispered, not being able to tear his eyes from Alehial holding his niece.

"Come on in, you want to see your niece right?" Alehial said with a smile, she turned and showed Karina's face to Jake. Jake had yet to meet Karina, and Alehial didn't want to delay that. She had told him about the birth and his sister in detail. Answering every question. But meeting her for the first time was sure to be exciting. "Jake. This is your niece Karina. Karina dearest this is your uncle Jake." Alehial said kneeling so they could both look at each other unhindered.

There was no way Jake could not smile any wider as he got a chance to touch his niece, he was very happy for his sister. "Asper didn't come with you?" he asked Darryl, "I was hoping she'd come to see me and maybe have supper with the family." Darryl could read the disappointment in his face, "She's taking care of something's at home, but if you want to, she'd like you to come and stay with us a couple days. If that's also okay with you." he said looking at Altair and Alehial. Jake looked up at them, he did have lesson's with Lucas and had promised to help the Abbott at temple when Tani visited the day after next. "I'll make sure you get to all your obligations, your sister was clear about that." Darryl said smiling at his parents.

Alehial smiled. "Would you like to sit and hold her? And Darryl as long as you take personal accountability of him reaching all of his obligations, I see no reason that he cannot go with you." Alehial smiled gesturing to her lounge in the room. If Jake sat down she could arrange Karina in his lap safely. She had a feeling it would really make him happy and that was one of her favorite things. In fact right now she couldn't think of anything other than pleasing and keeping these babies safe. Alehial was happy and unstressed completely and very happy.

Jake sat and waited patiently while Alehial let him hold Karina, "She's so small, can she do things like you Darryl?" Darryl chuckled, "It was several years before my abilities manifested, but we will keep our eyes open for anything out of the ordinary." Karina looked at Jake and as she had with almost everyone who held her cooed and smiled, making Darryl decide to make his bride smile. "Asper, I'm letting you see this through my eyes, don't be alarmed." he then sent the image of Jake and Karina to Asper.

Asper who had been busy stopped when she heard Darryl in her mind. more like she froze in terror for a moment. she had just enough time to let out a shaky breath and to relax a tiny bit before the image came to her mind. Her chest felt tight as she saw her brother for the first time in months... and her little one in his lap. She was glad they were sitting, was the first thought that came to mind the second was... just how happy both of them seemed to be to meet each other. It made her feel giddy and at the same time seemed to crush her heart. "Thank you Darryl..." she said softly.

"Would you like to join us?" Darryl asked. Karina took hold of Jake's finger and cooed again, her eyes glowed a little brighter. Jake smiled and looked up at Darryl, "Does that mean she likes me, Darryl?" He nodded, "Yes, Jake I think she likes you very much. He turned to Alehial and Altair, "Mother, Father who is in the house that can be ready for a fight?" The question was too calm considering the baby and young man beside Alehial.

Asper declined the invitation she would see them soon enough. Besides she was trying to prepare herself to have Jake with them again. Alehial had been snuggling with Altair on the edge of the bed watching Jake with his niece, she was a sucker for anything with kids or babies. Alehial was a little taken back. "Everyone... except for grandmother Lai and Aunt Arten and perhaps Elsa and her newest babe. Why Darryl?" Alehial asked suspicious instantly by said question. she wondered if he had gotten a hint of something for one of the lost children and itched to grab her sword... but there were children in the room.

"I think we need to have Fael, and whoever else might be interested ready in the drawing room after dinner." Darryl said. He didn't want to tell anyone why until he knew better. "And Elsa without the little one, cause she'll need her arms free." He smiled and his eyes flashed, "Jake in a little while we are going to my house for dinner then I'm coming back to help the family."

"Should we summon Lucas and Tani from the church?" Alehial asked softly, full of questions but trying to keep them contained for Darryl's sake. then Alloura woke from her nap on the bed and woke Sirrian too and Alehial's attention was elsewhere for a moment as she gathered up her own young children and soothed them. She would prepare and gather the children who wished to fight... mostly everyone she was certain. Darryl had found someone and was gearing for a fight. She could only hope it was about Conner, Xeph and the bodyguard.

Altair was also listening to his son, "What are you sensing son?" Darryl lowered the glow of his eyes, "I think Conner has touched my mind. He found Xeph and we will have the chance to recover all of them tonight. It just depends on when his captor contacts us." He then smiled at Jake, "Are you ready to see Asper? I feel I may have a lot of explaining to do before I return for tonight's events." Jake nodded, "I'm ready whenever you are Darryl." He offered Karina to Altair as Alehial had her hands full.

Alehial wondered about all the happenings. What happened to her son? what was he up to? was he well? Was his bodyguard protecting him? She soothed her children. "we will all be ready Darryl." she said with a soft loving smile for her son, who was apparently going to leave in a few moments. "Make sure to take your things with you Jake. as you will be going to lessons from Darryl's." Alehial said softly as a reminder to the young excited boy.

Altair smiled at Karina as Jake left to get his things, "Darryl, have you sensed Lily at all?" He felt horrible bringing the subject up, but with a glimmer of hope on the Conner front, he hoped something might show for Lily. "Nothing father, I keep trying but, something hides her from me." Asper had long complained that his family asked too much of him, but to see how the missing members affected his parents there was no words to explain it to her.

Alehial too gave Darryl a hopeful look for news about her daughter. she tried to hide the disappointment she felt when he said he hadn't by changing Alloura's diaper and then summoning their trusted maid to feed them a snack. That would keep the little munchins busy so she could begin to prepare for tonight. she began to make a mental list of things that would need done in preparation of the evening ahead of them all. Lai would be told as well as Arten of course, but both would be asked not to participate, Elsa would be alerted and the maid's would keep her other two babes occupied and taken care of so both Feal and Elsa were free. Alehial was definitely occupied now.

Darryl's smiled this is what his family needed a victory, the chance to come together against a foe and rise to this occasion. It was almost time for Karina's next feeding and while Asper took care of that he would explain what was going to happen. Jake returned with everything he would need for the next few days lessons, "I'm ready when you are Darryl!" He could not wait to see Asper and the house, he shook Altair's hand (he always felt it was weird to hug Lord Ravenwood) but he embraced Alehial and promised them both he'd keep up with his studies.

"You have a great time over there." Alehial said hugging Jake tightly, she let him go and smoothed his hair, like she did with all her children. "Don't let your sister walk all over you. Make sure you eat properly. Look after your niece too... go to all your lessons on time. Make your sister pitch in around the house." Alehial said starting on a whole pitch... she had also done this with every older child that had left on adventures or even just left in general. When she knew about them leaving. It was hard for her to let anyone go. Her own or those she took in. She hadn't yet let Jake go she was still fussing over him.

Altair put his hand on Alehial's shoulder, "He'll be fine it'll only be a couple days and Darryl will make sure to get him to lessons on time. Have fun Jake, and I'm sure you will mind your sister and Darryl." Jake nodded, "Yes, I'll behave I promise." Then went to stand beside Darryl and Karina and wait to teleport to their house. Darryl smiled at him then back to his parents, "Remember, I can't move too many people at one time. And we don't want to leave the house defenseless." Then he popped them back to his house and Asper who might balk at his plan.

Alehial went to her dresser and quickly went to the desk in the room, she wrote a quick missive and summoned Bowers so he could deliver it and she could instruct him to prepare the household. Once she was finished with that she quickly changed into pants and a shirt, she then pulled on her combat boots. She was going to prepare now just so she was ready and could go talk to everyone already in the household on her own. She was suddenly bustling with activity and vitality and no longer moping about as was her usual mood of late.

Asper felt the change in the house once Darryl, Jake and Karina returned as Jake hurried around looking for her and ran to give his sister a big hug. "You look great, and how nice is the house you and Darryl built." he exclaimed. Darryl looked at her with Karina in his arms, it was a look that said something was up and they needed to talk. Jake looked at him then back to Asper, "So, where is my room and can I watch Karina while you two talk?"

Asper hesitated coming out of her training room for a moment. Then emerged, covered is grease, dirt and sweat. She hesitated before hugging Jake back too but then thought for a second and hugged him tightly in return. "I missed you." Asper said softly before pulling him back just a little. She noticed Darryl's look and then focused back onto Jake. "I didn't build any of this. Can you even hold a baby?" Asper asked giving him one of her analyzing once over looks. She then took him by the shoulder. "Your room is upstairs. Let's get you settled quickly first, then we can see about Karina and Darryl. Besides she might be hungry." Asper said looking over at her babe fondly before her hard gaze turned back to Jake. she grabbed one of his bags and lead the way up the stairs and to his room. She gave him a curt tour on the way. "Our room. Bathroom. Karina's room. Yours." she hadn't actually stepped into the room for more than a glance at it anyways.

Jake looked the room over excitedly and smiled, it had almost been bigger than their house in Venir. "Darryl says he took a lot of design cues from you, so you deserve some credit." he said looking at his sister with obvious admiration. Darryl and Karina came up behind them and Karina cooed at her mother and uncle going about his room. He figured she might be less than enthused that he was going back to the Estate tonight.

"He asked if I liked it. I said yes or no." Asper said smiling as she watched her brother get comfortable. She could tell now... how much he looked like his father. "you've gotten bigger..." she said suddenly with a frown. She realized he was almost her height in fact... It had been a while since she had been able to see him without being pregnant and crazy... and then of course giving birth and crazy. "Did you have a good visit Karina? I bet you love your Uncle already." Asper said turning when she heard Karina and subsequently Darryl enter the room. She liked to think having normal conversations with babies made them grow up to understand better. It had worked with Jake anyways.

"She is loved everywhere and I think seeing her has helped my mother greatly. With my sister and brother out in the world and the baby Xeph stolen." He didn't finish the sentence. Sometimes the thought of someone stealing the baby agitated Asper as well any Ravenwood.

"I never did like her." Asper grumped out before reaching out to gently take Karina from Darryl, she knew he would relinquish her right away. "Did she have any trouble with your... entrance and exit?" Asper asked, not liking to call it teleportation, but her not clever way of discussing how he was always popping in and out was one she often used. She checked over Karina in what she thought was a normal way that wouldn't be suspicious. It had been the first time Karina had been gone from the house and she wanted to make sure the baby was all there and safe and sound.

Darryl let the first comment go, but chuckled as Asper looked Karina over. "I promise my love I did not leave any part of our beautiful baby behind. She has never once cried during or after my use of the power, I think by the way her eyes move she even at this age is trying to understand how the power works." No he was going to bring up a sore subject, "I need to return to the house tonight, something very big is going to happen and the family may need to move in force to bring Xeph and Conner home. I would invite you to come along but I know you'd rather remain here."

"I just wondered." Asper glowered at Darryl for calling her on the worry she was showing for Karina. She also didn't like the whole she was trying to figure out powers thing either. "Something big... as in... you going all power mad?" Asper asked looking up at Darryl suspiciously. she wondered if they were going to use him and all his powers again... to save everyone... again.

Darryl was prepared for this and he held the perfect evidence in his arms. "We may be able to get Xeph tonight, and I go to help as I know all of the family would come if it was Karina who needed rescued." he said patiently. Jake listened and came to add, "What about us while you are gone will the house be safe?" Darryl nodded, "This house is set to defend those who live inside even in the event I can't be here. I will just help by sending them to Conner and Xeph, and freeing them."

"Just because the rest of your family is nosy, doesn't mean we would need their help. Besides what happens when you use all your energy and don't have any left? What about your crazy uncles pet psion you were so worried about? What if they find out what's going on and attack you? What if those on the other end have a psion lined up to attack you. I don't like it. and you know I don't like it. and you know I can't leave and you've already planned this all out... and now. Now I am angry." Asper said starting out slightly upset and worried and ending in an angry tone, with a hint of hurt. "Give me my daughter." She ground out her demand and held out her arms for her daughter. She was more than likely going to take Karina and possibly Jake into the bedroom and lock Darryl out. Not that he couldn't get in... but the principle was that she didn't want to see him and he always respected when she wanted to be alone. Her Lavender eyes were a little closer to a plum color at the moment, from her emotions.

Darryl caught her before she went far, "I have more than enough power saved in the crystals and I am more than a match for Shadow or any other psion. Everything will be fine, Xeph will be home with his mother and father. Since becoming a father I understand how much Karina means to us and I know how losing her to a kidnapper would destroy us. I cannot let that happen to Elsa and Fael when I have the power to stop it. I don't wish to upset you but family matters, ours (he kissed Karina's cheek), yours (he nodded to Jake) and mine."

"Go then." Asper ground out angrily. She took her daughter gently and tucked her close to her body before then grabbing Jake with her free hand and essentially dragged him after her as they went to the bedroom. She slammed the door shut and locked it behind Jake. "sit on the bed." she told her little brother, once certain he was well seated she faced him. "Hold Karina for a moment?" She offered to Jake. She could in a pinch hold Karina and prepare but... it was faster and easier with two hands. Besides she thought Jake might like to hold his Niece. Asper needed to prepare. After her encounter with Lash and his psion... She would never not prepare while alone without Darryl. Even if Darryl scared her too, he never intentionally hurt her. Though he broke promises.

Jake took Karina who had fussed some with Asper's mood and after a little bit she calmed down. He looked to his sister, "Asper why do you dislike the Ravenwoods so much? I mean you married Darryl and had Altair and Alehial become my guardians and they've treated me just like Daniel or the twins. Does that mean sooner or later your going to hate me too?" He was confused, everyone included him with whatever they were doing. Twice he'd gotten the chance to go to the castle with Altair and Alehial to have tea or learn swordsmanship from the Queen and King. But, there were times when he'd speak of his life with Asper that Alehial would get quiet and when he would ask she would say how she had some regrets on how Asper and her didn't see eye to eye, and that it had hurt everyone including Darryl.

"Alehial Ravenwood is my problem Jake. she's stuck up and a goody two shoes and she's always but only ever looking out for her own self. I like Darryl, he's fine. Right now I'm pissed at him. I married him because... he doesn't see me like other humans and subhumans do. Not to mention because of his family we would be well taken care of. Something I could never do on my own, for me or you." Asper finished putting on her leather armor and kneeled down in front of Jake and Karina. "Jake you have always been with me. You are my little brother and I love you most in the world. what you are holding right now... that's my heart and soul. And she will love you most too." Asper said with a small smile for her little brother. "Now then I've had something made for you too, just in case something happened. I've tried to keep it from Darryl." Asper said standing up giving both a kiss on the head and then standing. She went to the closet and opened a small shoe box. From it she pulled a smaller version of her own armor. A set for Jake clearly. "while I may have the Ravenwood name... I'll never be what I have always been. Give me Karina and strap in." Asper said with a grin.

He handed Karina back and moved to look at the armor, "It's very nice and I'm sure it weighs less than the set of chainmail that I wear when I practice with Lord Ravenwood." Jake felt like he never knew how to speak, Alehial and Altiar told him that he never had to use a formal title or call them anything more than their names. The longer he thought about the situation the more he wanted to beg his sister to try getting along with them. Slowly he began donning the armor reminding himself of the lessons he was taught about the correct way to put everything on, Altair himself had worn leather armor when he first ventured out with Alehial.

"I've heard you haven't officially decided what to become. While Darryl is away... I always suit up. There are too many dangers in this world to not prepare for them. But I thought the Ravenwoods probably wouldn't give you leather, and we can do some work while Darryl is off doing Alehial's bidding. I swear if he dies for this family... I'll do something everyone else might regret." Asper said as she held and rocked her daughter. Karina as always had a soothing effect on Asper and soon she wasn't mad. didn't want to see Darryl's face but, not so upset as she swayed her little bundle.

Jake smiled sheepishly, "I don't think I have the talent for magical study or even divine spells, like Conner or Lucas. But, Lord Ravenwood thinks I'm pretty good with two weapons. He even mentioned taking me up to the frontier and showing me what it is to be a ranger." He finished strapping the armor on and turned so Asper could see how it fit. "I don't understand sister, Darryl doesn't do everything he is asked. But he acts sort of like you do, you put me first above yourself and that's how they act as well." He crossed the room and hugged her being careful not to harm Karina.

"That's not... for you to worry about." Asper finished her sentence lamely hugging him back. She checked his armor and tightened a single strap. "I'll be the judge of your skills for now. come on Karina has a place in my workroom." Asper said fully intent on ignoring Darryl until he left. She did however go and get the box from her dresser, that housed a few of his extra storage crystals. she always wore the necklace he gave her but... he had to be near her to get energy from that one and he wouldn't be.

Jake smiled just a little, "So you are mad, but you still want Darryl to be able to protect himself?" Asper might say she was angry at Darryl but it might be a mask she wore to keep anyone from seeing she was worried. "You know." he said looking at Asper, "if we went to the Estate, you could go with Darryl and watch his back and me and Karina would be safe with everyone else." He saw Conner use this kind of tactic once and begged the older Ravenwood to explain it to him and he used it in Sildea once with the twins.

"Why to save Alehial's precious rear end? Karina, you and I will all be safe here. Darryl... will have to watch his own back. If he wants to risk his own stupid life it's his own damn decision." Asper said with a scowl as she pulled out of the drawer a dagger, it was more worn than the ones she currently had. But it was the best that she had, from before. She tucked it into the sheath and put it on Jake's belt. "This one... saved our lives many times, if anything happens. I'm sure it'll save yours too." she said looking at Jake. She then took Karina back into her arms. "I think we are about as ready as we can get in here." she said, though she was sort of stalling to leave the room and face Darryl again.

"Can I ask one last question sister? Do you really want the last words between you and Darryl to be angry? Lai once told us about Lord Ravenwood, her husband and how she didn't want him to leave but because they told each other about how they cared about one another that she had no regrets when he didn't come home. I know Darryl is powerful, but knowing he has you and Karina it makes him even more powerful." Jake simply waited for his older sister to make up her mind whether to talk to Darryl or let him leave.

"He's stupid if he thinks I don't care at all." Asper said scowling again. Jake was starting to sound just like those Ravenwood idiots and she wasn't really very happy about that. She didn't want the self righteous lectures and the do good-ers speeches all the time. While Jake hadn't known all of what she did for him... he knew she did many things that were illegal. Now it seems he disapproved of her... personality and as a person. and that hurt. Which made her more angry at the Ravenwood family.

Jake saw the expression on her face and crossed to hug his sister, "Don't be cross with me, I love you, you've been the person most important in my life. You kept me alive and sacrificed so much so I would have everything...." He paused a second then let out a long sigh, "And I failed you by wishing and praying for find love and everything you deserved for being everything for me. Long before Darryl popped into our lives." he had never told his sister about his wish or the prayers when she was out at night.

"No... No. I love you. you were my whole world. I stayed where I was for you. To keep you alive. Now... Now I'm going to try to keep us... better. More than alive. I just don't deal with change well." Asper said hugging him back with one arm. She didn't express stuff often. She wasn't good at it. Jake didn't get a lot of praise from her growing up, but she had kept the roof over his head and food in him when she could. the hug was a little awkward because of Karina being held by Asper in one arm but it made Asper feel warm. and she quickly let go too. "Well I need to see where your level of skills are, If Darryl made dinner we'll eat it. Together. then back into the training room." Asper said clearing her throat roughly. Emotions like these were dangerous and she tried not to have them.

Dinner was indeed waiting for them when they entered the kitchen, along with a note that Darryl was in his training room if Asper wanted to talk. Jake read the note, "I think Darryl must be preparing for what's coming tonight, should we have him come eat with us?" Karina cooed again from her mother's arms and when Asper looked down her eyes brightened and lowered back to normal as she smiled at her mother.

"He will see us before he leaves." Asper said shrugging her shoulders. She brought in Karina's day box and lay her down inside of it. It was padded with soft material in layers. She was very much spoiled compared to when Jake had been a babe. But Asper had done her absolute best for Jake in everything she had done. Asper got the table ready, and served the food on the plate for Jake, then herself, before sitting down. "Do you pray now?" she asked softly a little unsure of how to do things with Jake now that he was older and had been away.

Jake smiled, "I've talked with Lucas a lot about prayer and meal time. He said if you have the time and know your host does then even a small prayer is a good one." He held out his hands to his sister to pray with him, "Pelor god of light, please shine down on those we love and guide them. Obad-Hai, we give thanks for the food we are about to eat. Thank you." He then released her hands and smiled at her. "I hope that was okay. I didn't want to drone on." he explained picking up his fork and looking at the food, "Darryl sure makes tasty looking food."

"At least it's amazing compared to mine you mean." Asper smiled wryly at the joke. Really simple things she could do... but tasty and well cooked things were not her forte. Asper had felt extremely uncomfortable during the prayer but... it was good for Jake.

"You did fine with what we had, I never blame you for how you raised me." Jake said looking into Karina's day box and smiling at her. A few moments later Darryl came into the kitchen from the training rooms, he smiled at them and went to get his own food. Sitting down he closed his eyes for a few seconds to pray silently then opened them and began to eat, "Is everything okay? I was concerned the chicken was over-cooked." He wasn't going to talk about going to his parents to help them tonight, it only seemed to cause arguments.

"It's good." Asper said almost tartly and then she frowned. She hadn't meant to snap. she didn't want to be angry all the time. "It's really good." She said again after a moment, though she didn't look at him. With Jake being around and prying extra hard, she was having a harder time than usual to stay calm or even... try to relax and just accept things. she had been getting better lately, a lot better.

"Thank you." Darryl said looking from her to Jake. "I always wanted to ask, how do you sometimes know what's going on when we aren't near you? Like what is going on with Daniel or the twins right now?" Jake asked before putting a forkful of potatoes in his mouth. Darryl looked at him for a second, "It's hard to explain, I can't always control it and if it is a dangerous situation it comes faster and harder not to act upon it. I always thought that my unconscious mind because I care for my families listens for them. I know it's not a real answer." he said looking down at his plate.

Asper said nothing and continued to eat her dinner. she knew some of it was beyond his control, and it was background type of stuff so she wasn't too worried about it. It was when he chose to specifically use his powers for things, certain things, that she became upset.

Darryl finished quickly and put his plate into the hot water and cleaned it before setting it to dry. "I must hurry it's almost time and the sooner everything starts the sooner Xeph will be home and Conner as well. I'll be home soon I promise." he said not knowing if trying to be affectionate to Asper would get a rebuff or not. Instead he took his cloak off the peg and grabbed his staff and left the room.

As soon as Darryl was out of ear shot Jake looked at his sister, "I would suspect a good luck or possibly a hug might add a bit of luck to his mission would it not?" Inside her basket Karina giggled and cooed as if to second her uncles thoughts.

"shut yer yap." Asper made a sour face at Jake. But she pointed at him to stay where he was and she got up as well and made her way to the entryway. "I left your spares upstairs. Take some of them." She said standing in the doorway leaning against the door frame trying not to be awkward and failing. Being pressured never helped... add that into her uneasiness and clear disapproval of what he was doing and it just made everything that much worse.

For a second he stopped then came to Asper and pulled her into his arms, "I won't need them as this plan has been well constructed, but thank you. I can't and won't try to make you to understand, they saved my life as a baby and loved me as if I was their blood like how you care for Jake. I will be home soon and we will have time to ourselves, no having to go from place to place." He kissed her cheek before releasing her, his hand wrapped around his staff, "I know you don't pray, but a couple kind words that everyone comes back healthy would be nice."

"Well... if you die... I really will hate you... and I'd be a little put out if anyone else died too." Asper said, her cheeks that odd purple color as she blushed. She was being awkward and he was being himself completely still, which meant accepting all of her completely. She had hugged him back as well. she wasn't happy he wasn't even taking a single backup crystal but honestly she couldn't stop him from not taking them. "We'll be here when you get back." she said softly then after a few moments of silence.

Darryl stepped back and winked at her, "I'm only a call away, because yours is the voice I hear above all others." And then with the usual audible PoP he vanished on his way to fight beside his extended family.

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