Page name: Ravenwood Estates 24 [Exported view] [RSS]
2018-10-09 12:51:50
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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Return to The Andorian Chronicles

Alehial smiled at Kenia, "I haven't moved you just yet dear! Take a few days to plan the clothes and I'll send some boys with packing crates, they will help you pack and move you. I will purchase a building soon." Alehial said with a smile, she glanced at Asper and her smile softened with a knowledgeable look.

Kenia nodded, "I will start immediately and if I can contact my former apprentices and see if they would like to come back. If not I will need to find some assistants to help with making everything." Her sile did not fade as she held the crest.

"The business is yours Kenia, do what you think you'll need for it. I am simply giving you a clean slate to start again with it." Alehial smiled at the older Elf. She looked around at her children and grandchildren and smiled. "Well then if we want to start getting out of Miss Kenia's shop, we can continue with our shopping... then everyone can head home." Alehial said to the group. She hefted Sirrian up onto her hip a little better, and smiled at Julliana holding Alurra as well, who was behaving very well for this outing so far.

Elsa smiled before scowling and pulling fabric out of Kaitlyns hands again. "I think we will head out first. The kids are going to ruin something here." She said with an apologetic smile for Kenia. She texted her up and adjusted the wrap her youngest boy was in. "Fael?" She asked tilting her head before heading for the door seeing the crowd of people outside. She wished she had hoods for her kids. Draw less attention to them. She shook her head roughly then and squared her shoulders and walked out proudly instead.

Asper was leaning against a counter letting Karina eat, they could always catch up she knew but she preferred being stationary when Karina fed, But Darryl probably wanted to tag along right away, or he would wait and make things more awkward than before. Asper had to wonder just how much more shopping there was to be done.

Samantha grabbed both Linlesse and Orissa and pulled them right behind Elsa, she wanted to go look at the swords and things as she was promised, also there were candies and things here too, even though the street smelled worse and everything was run down and less clean all over. There were scary people walking around too, though Sammy wasn't afraid because she had taken another knife yet again and had it hidden on her. Plus Fael was here and he already helped out mom with the other bad guy. Even though he was paid and let go right away.

Orissa giggled at her sisters enthusiasm but had already learned her own lesson and was going to behave properly from now on, lest she made her mother really angry. Both girls were once again holding each of Linlesse's hands each and were pretty happy with the arrangement.

Darryl smiled at his family, "I am going to wait behind with Asper and Karina, then probably we will head home. But, I will keep tabs upon you in case something happens." Kenia nodded to Asper, "I have a small sitting room through that door if you'd like to sit down until she is done."

Fael was not far behind his wife and the people moved back, some whispered others tried to peer past and see what had taken place inside the shop. He sighed, the way some people looked at his children bothered hm to no end. And far off almost out of view was one of the druids who thought it their duty to see the felid race flourish, so much they continously asked to mate with him.

Linlesse kept ahold of the twins as they walked out into the crowd, keeping her eyes on Fael and Elsa and yet ready for any dangers. She didn't like the idea of not having Darryl and Asper with them, but they knew better and she had the twins to keep an eye on. "Samantha, I do not know if we will find a weapons shop or candy shop around here, but I promise we will stop at one before returning home."

As Lady Ravenwood left the shop the voices began to call out to her, "Lady Ravenwood, please help my business! I cannot continue to pay Thatcher either! I can barely afford to feed my children on the small business that I do and pay these tarriffs!" It seemed everyone in this area had problems and were now calling out for her help.

Elsa felt bad for her mother but at the same time... her mother was a pro at stirring people up and handling them. Elsa on the other hand smiled at Fael encouragingly. She felt Xephs tail moving rapidly against her legs as she held him, it made her smile broader and kiss the top of his head. "We are who we are, and I am glad for it." Elsa said then to Xeph, Fael and Kaitlyn.

Orissa smiled at Linlesse and simply pointed at a spot out of the way, samantha too smiled and lead them to the clear spot where they could wait until Mom was done dealing with the crowd of people that had seen or heard about what had happened.

Alehial smiled graciously at the people and nodded her head. Adjusting Sirrian on her hip she freed one hand and held it up to call everyone to silence. When they did quiet down she spoke. "I will be making arrangements shortly to deal with these problems. If you can give me a fortnight's time, I will speak to vendor and merchant even suppliers about something big to benefit all. I will also petition the king on behalf of all within this city who struggle. For now please, if you would like the Ravenwood vendors and Suppliers can help with goods needed for your crafts. If you wish for a part in my plans please put your name and business as well as any pertinent information at the closest Ravenwood Traders office!"

Some people cheered, others booed and voiced how more needed done to help the people. Linlesse frowned, all it seemed most people wanted was something from the Ravenwoods. Wasn't it enough they fought for the people during the Dragon Wars, and right now no one was trying to do anything for them. She spotted a small stall that offered candies and took the girls over to browse and miss most of the comments being thrown around.

Alehial nodded her head, "I understand your concerns, and I know it might not seem like waiting a fortnight will make anything any easier. I cannot offer instant ratification to everyone, I am however going to help all I can! I swear it." Alehial said again looking around the crowd, trying to catch the eyes of those that had boo'ed her.

Orissa smiled and looked at the candies pointing to one she liked a salt water taffy, it was cheap and a lower class candy but it was one of her favorites. Meanwhile Samantha wanted some of everything, but chose rock candy, and sweet roasted nuts. Both girls were very happy with the small selection of candies and they both pulled out the coppers they had brought with them to pay with.

Linlesse made a couple choices and paid for them as well and then they returned to the street and watched as some of the mob dispersed. Many were heading out of the district for the nearest Ravenwood offices and others back to their homes and some still were trying to talk to Lady Ravenwood.

Fael handed Kaitlyn off to one of the maids and moved near to Alehial in case anyone turned violent on the noblewoman. A couple men who were debating moving forward thought better as the felid monk came a step behind the Ravenwood matron.

Alehial was speaking to anyone who had questions. She was a little confused as to why Fael got closer but figured some of Thatchers men might be the reason, once she was done speaking with everyone she hugged Sirrian tightly and turned to her family group "I haven't anything else pressing needed for the house... does everyone want to head home now?" Alehial asked everyone.

Elsa looked about and shook her head. "I think we have had quite enough for today mom. Especially since I get the feeling you are trying to hurry us along?" Elsa said with a shrewd look at her mother. She was rocking a now sleepy Xeph in her arms, swaying gently for both her boys. She was glad for the extra maids that came along, they were a big help, and Elsa knew Alehial would be plotting something now.

Samantha looked a little disappointed but she had her candy and that was enough, plus she kept practicing on her own anyways, she almost had the first three Elven steps memorized that mommy and the others all did.
Orissa looked at Sammy and when her twin didn't seem all that upset she wasn't either. Besides they had good Candy and they could go see Lucas who was now home and maybe Conner too when they got home.

"I'm just wanting to spend some time out of the city is all." Alehial laughs at her daughter's accusations. She hands Sirrian to Julianne, and asks another maid to fetch the carriage and driver. So Elsa and the rest could all go back. Alehial had her bag of armor and weapons in the carriage as well, and would change then leave the city.

Once the carriage arrived and everyone was inside Alehial, was changed and waved them off before heading out of the city. She spent some time in the forest, even taking a swim in a small pond a few miles out of the city. She had her weapons back on but her hair was still wet when she called on Galin, it was only two hours until sunset.

Shortly after she first called Galin arrived from a gateway, dressed in simple traveler's clothes and his sword on his hip. He looked about at their surroundings, "Well, not your usual place to summon me Lady Ravenwood. What is upon your mind?"

"I have contacted you like you requested... and have found a place we will not be interupted." Alehial said speaking softly, her eyes seemed greener her brown hair browned and with red hues to it, her tanned skin from beneath her shirt glowed from being freshly in the sun, her armor lay on the side, ready to be put on in haste, though she was wearing her white shirt and cream pants. She was barefooted and seemed relaxed, and mayhem even a little more wild. "Have you news of whether I can see Lily... or your magic user cast so I may see her if not in person with my own eyes at least?" Alehial asked blinking slow and looking at him through her eyelashes.

Galin took a couple steps toward her and pulled a small gem from his pocket and smiled as he took in her outfit. "Hold it and close your eyes and I shall have my man with the other gem activate it." he told her.

"No tricks Galin. Or I swear I will end you... and this time you won't come back again." Alehial said slowly, her voice unrushed and unlike when they usually spoke calm. She reaches out though and opens her hand to receive the gem. Her eyes seemed to brighten as she focused on the gem in his hands. She nervously licked her lips, and took a deep breath releasing it slowly.

He tilted his hand and let the gem fall into her palm, "If I recall correctly the last trick played was yours on our wedding day, but then again that was long ago." He then reached up to his own pin and suddenly the gem began to hum and glow, it's magic activated from far away.

Alehial could see clearly as the other gem linked her eyes to the man following behind Lily. Her daughter's hair was shorter and she walked more confidently than she ever had in Andor. After a few moments she met a man almost her same height dressed in black and they linked arms and walked until the arrived at a street vendor and bought something. Lily was talking and laughing as she ate something while her companion looked about. The carrier of the gem ducked into an alleyway so not to be seen by either of them and then the magic ended.

Alehial closed her eyes and let the tears fall down her cheeks. Another shaky breath and she opened her eyes, no longer crying, "I see why you... Thank you." Alehial began but stopped before simply thanking Galin. It was difficult to express her emotions, even to Altair and she hated to try for Galin's sake. "She is... very different than my little girl who ran away from home." Alehial mused in a soft hurt tone of voice. She holds up the gem again then, to return it to Galin, she had to told her head to look up at him. 

Really without thinking Galin reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek, he knew what she would see. Although, he was not going to fill in the details especially about Da'Karis or what Lily had been doing there. "My business there is far from over, I will try again to talk her into either speaking with you or at least giving you a true letter not one of child's rhymes that only her brother understands." His other hand closed over the gem and returned it to his pocket, he would tell his man to stop following the duo once this meeting was over.

Alehial jerked her head back, away from his hand and glared, her green eyes darkening. "Take me with you, when you go back... I need to see her with my own eyes. Besides when Conner reads the note he will know more. Gibberish to us has always been a special language they had for each other they have always had." Alehial said turning her back to him. She took a deep breath and took a few steps closer to the pond again. She spun and smiled at Galin then, "perhaps it can be like old times again. But instead of trying to find Altair, we can find my children!"

Galin narrowed his eyes, "You have some nerve. What do I look like a best of burden here to ferry you at your whim? And I leave here now not enough time for you to go home and explain where you are going. As matter of fact how would you explain this to my brother, your husband?" As much as he wanted her to depend on him, he wasn't going to be a lap dog to her.

"Then... we go now." Alehial said after a moment's thought. She looked back up then and straight into Galin's eyes. Her resolve clear, she was going to save her children, even if she had to side with Galin to do so. "I have nerve Galin... because I have people I love that I need to know are okay no matter what. Altair will be fine... and the older children will help with the younger ones." Alehial said shrugging her shoulders looking up at Galin once more straight forwardly.

"Again, you treat me as a servant and I am not. When you admit to everyone where you went will you not get me into trouble as I am not welcome in Andor? You demand much of me." he said still not moving. If she wanted this favor she would have to barter for it.

"You want me to tell them I went with you to see Lily and Mathius?" Alehial asks hesitantly now. Her eyes flicking to the ground, tracing the pattern of plants. She began to twist her fingers together anxiously. "I have been asking a lot of you. I haven't trusted you. I haven't believed you." She said her voice soft. Again she turns her back to him to face the water. "I watched once... as you tortured your father... as you killed Altair best friend. As you tried to force your way to becoming King. I watched you appear in my home... and thrust your sword into the chest of one of my children." Alehial's speech was shaky now. She was either crying or close to it. "How can I trust someone who has done all that to me so easily? How can I not be wary?" She asks softly still her shoulders drooping.

"And can not people change? Has your brother went from the underside fo baerlon to the man most trusted ny the king? Can I not have grown and become more than I was, since I was cast back to life from the afterlife? Forced to live again?" he said wtaching her closley.

"Have I changed Galin? I was a young adventurer, trying to prove to my mother and my people that humans were not monsters. I was trying to become the link between the elves and humans. I don't even know who I am anymore. I feel like I'm lost." Alehial says stepping further away from Galin and towards the water. "I used to know. What I was doing, who I was and who I wanted to be. Who am I now? Or have I even changed at all? I have many children... yet I don't look any older than before... I have a husband and only he is growing old and grey." Alehial says her voice thick with emotion. " Have you changed? Has everyone but me changed?" She reached the waters edge and sank to her knees to stare at her own reflection. "I am a fraud. I always have been." Alehial says to her reflection.

Galin could not supress a chuckle as he walked over and sat near Alehial. You've changed the woman I travelled to find my bfother feared nothing or no one. This noblewoman jumps at the shadows and tries to lock children who share her desire to find themselves in a mansion until she and her aging husband decide it's a good time to let them leave. I've managed to watch my son and be happy with who he made himself into, even in defying the king of Andor." He looked at Alehial, she would need to decide who she was and if she was going with him or going home.

"One thing that hasn't changed is how much of an Ass you are." Alehial scowls at Galin. "I feel like a different woman when I'm in the city... like this stranger has taken my place. I hate that city." Alehial sighs softly once more. "If you can swear to me... with all I have trusted you so far, that no harm will come to any of my children adopted or otherwise from your hands or orders... then I will go with you now. I will leave a note... and I will travel with you, instead of them to find my children and get them home, and keep them safe." Alehial says turning her head to look up at Galin once again. Even sitting down Galin was taller than her, broader too. Her hair was beginning to dry a little, her lashes were long, her lips full and her shirt still a little see through. But she was trusting him finally and fully.

"It has never been my order to attack any of your children, that is coming from your duplicated uncle. You have my word that Galin Ravenwood will not give any word to attack any Ravenwood ever." he said looking back at her and never batting an eye. "There is no time for a note, or going back to the city already several of the Guilds commanders need to speak with me." he left it hang there as if she didn't come now then she wouldn't get the offer again.

Alehial swallows nervously before nodding her head. "Then we go now." She said getting to her feet, she snatched up her armor and began to put it on. Reattaching her sword belt and weapons over top. She put her hair up in her familiar way and it was like back in the frontier days all over again. Except Galin now held immense power and leverage against her. "I'm ready Galin." Alehial says looking at him directly once more.

"You do realize it's early there and you woke me from sleep so I'm going back to bed when we arrive." he said activating the pin again and summoning the portal. He then held out his hand, "We will need to enter the portal together." He knew he would need to speak with the staff to make them understand who Alehial was and that his business was not to be discussed. Or there would be a reckoning, not that many of them knew anything about the disciples.

"That's... Fine." Alehial said hesitantly, she took another look at his face before looking at his offered hand and the portal. She was loathe to take his hand, it was one thing to travel together it was quite another to be intimate enough to hold hands. After another moment of thought she took his hand as a Lady might and was determined once again.

Galin activated his pin and they stepped through the portal and then the area was silent.
Valusia XXII

At the estate supper was ending when Conner yelped and jumped up, the coin he had place in Grell's group was alerting him to danger. Quickly he began to explain before he hurried into the scrying room to see what was going on. "We need to do something to help them." he said to Altair and some of the others. He intended to go to them, but wished Vex was here to help.

"I cannot go, but Lyriel, Flint, Lucas and anyone else I give you permission." Altiar replied. He was concerned about Alehial not returning yet, but these people needed their help.

"Darryl, big brother we need you to help us aid some people you might need some extra power." he said hurrying to get his equipment.

"I'll gear up and meet you back here! Flint let's go!" Lyriel orders her now husband as she herself takes the stairs two at a time. She could get everything on in only moments, because she had it laid out and hung properly as always while at home.

B'Tanii looked at Lucas and Conner before nodding her head. "I will also get my armor and Mace, Lucas?" Tani asked curious to see if he also wished to join the fight. She figured there would be injured needing healing, so she would go.

Linlesse also agreed that she would go and help as well then sped up the stairs to get her equipment.

Across the city Darryl learned everything he needed to know and hurried to the bedroom to gather a few gems to keep himself powered, and to explain to Asper what was going on. "A group of mixed race people are being attacked a few days outside the city, I'm going to send most of the able boodied to go fight. The house is secure, and I will be back in just a little while."

"Wait! Hold on just a minute! Why do you have to go if you are sending them? They do know how tiring it is for you to just send people places don't they?!" Asper said looking confused then upset, a mixture of offended and angry. Karina was in her crib sleeping and Asper had been relaxing on the bed.

Darryl stopped and went to Asper's side and took her hands in his, "They will never make it to them unless I do this. There are women and children and those unable to defend themselves, I will try to save as much energy as I can. But, I must help them. I will be back I promise."

"Ugh! Fine! Go then!" Asper said bitterly pulling her hands out of his with a violent jerk. Before he could stand and go though she grabbed his tunic and pulled him down and forcefully kissed his lips with her own. "Come back... to me okay?" She asked sullenly letting him go just as suddenly and pushing him away.

"I will, thank you for understanding." he whispered before teleporting back to the estate. Karina felt the ebb of energy and woke up making soft sounds, the violet light of her eyes shone on the ceiling.

"I'm coming Karina... it's alright. Your father left to save someone's day." Asper said slipping a knife and sheath onto her thigh as she got up to get Karina from her crib. "There's my girl. How did you sleep? Good I hope." Asper said to her daughter conversationally as she picked her up gently supporting her head.

The spell finished bringing everyone back into the Ravenwood estate, the drawing room was almost empty except for Lai who was leaning on Melia heavily. "That one took a bit out of me." she said managing a slight grin. Grell could see the elven woman was pregnant and near the end of her term. But, he saw none of his people in the room around him, just Ravenwoods.

Lyriel stood upright and went to grandmother Lai's side quickly, thoufh careful not to touch her as Lyriel was covered in monster blood. "Grandma... are you okay?" She asks worriedly, lyriel also wondered where Alehial was.

Tani sagged against Lucas then, her body trembled and her wings sagged and throbbed. The remembered pain was still staggering to her, the pain from the wound had almost taken her if she had not been in a life or death situation.

Grell dropped his weapon and looked around quickly. "The othersh?!" He asked desperately of the pregnant elf, he went to the doorway and looked about there as well, becoming more worried.

Lai, ever composed and diplomatic held up her hand to Lyriel, "Friend Grell, every one was moved into the hall and injured were taken on into the dining room where Arten is tending to them." Once she got that out she sat on one of the sofas and looked to Lyriel and Altair, "I have not exerted that much magic at one time in a very long time. I will be fine, but those with magical healing are needed to tend to our guests."

Linlesse looked around nervously and quietly put her staves away, she wasn't sure who took note of how she fought the monsters. It was easier that way.

"Has anyone seen Alehial?" Altair asked looking around for some sign of his wife.

"Please don't over exert yourself Grandmother." Lyriel sighed softly as she nodded her head. "Flint stay with Grell and help get everyone settled, I'll use the rest of my spells... on Conner." Lyriel said narrowing her eyes on her little brother. She stepped over and began to cast.

Tani lifted her wings and chin. "I will attend them right away." She said before swiftly leaving the room. The wing that had been injured dropped lower than the other though by a few inches. She knew that Arden couldn't have prepared many spells and almost all of Tani's prepared daily spells were for healing.

Upon entering the dining room one could hear the sadness that clung to the air, staff had been tapped to help Arten tend as they could until spellcasters arrived back home. Moira held Carrie's baby and was rocking the child and talking softly. One of the maids was holding a bloody towel to the wound and Carrie was very pale from the loss of blood. Tani upon entering had been called to another who needed tending with a bone break that was making them bleed profusely.

Conner looked at Lyriel, "It's not that bad, I can heal it myself you know." He smiled grateful his big sister wished to help him out.

Lyriel grinned at Conner and kissed his cheek. "As Ravenwoods we always look out for each other, don't forget that little brother." She said before leaving to check Darryl as well. "And you? My other precious little brother? You didn't harm yourself doing this did you? Your wife will murder us all if you got hurt in any way." Lyriel teased but she sat on the steps beside him a hand on his shoulder.

Linlesse saw Darryl sitting and went to go see her teacher, "Is everything okay master?" He smiled and explained to his sister and student, "Be aware of your limitations, teleporting so many people over such a great distance has depleted all of my available power. I have a little left in this gem to get home and then I will need to rest and renew my energy." She nodded, "You did an amazing thing rescuing all those people and sending us to hold the monsters back." Darryl again nodded then looked at his father and siblings smiled and teleported home to rest.

Tani quickly knelt and used on of her great healing spells before using a lower spell to help finish, she wasn't healing everyone perfectly, instead she was taking care of the major damage and the rest could be bandaged if there were no more spells available.

Grell looked over his people and came to Carries side first. The children were fine just scared, and Hurk was still standing guard like the good boy he was. Moira was with the children as well, including the new babe, so all was well. It was her husband with the broken leg but the angel was tending to him. As for the others they were helping bandage here and there or looking around and staying close to each other.

Arten was making her rounds and stood beside Carrie and looked at Grell, "She'll be fine, you'll all be fine. Except, no moving for quite a while the last little bits mend." she put the last points at Grell in case he meant to argue. "Moira." she said looking at her, "I don't know what flop earred son of a guar healed your afflictions, but tomorrow I will correct it. In truth anyone who received half healing before you leave this estate I or Tani will make sure those half spells are completed."

Conner was leaning at the doorway watching his Aunt Arten laying down the law to Grell and he had to smile. The fussy dwarven cleric had chopped giants down to her size, so Grell would be little trouble. He wondered what Vex would think when she got back from her date to find all of her friends not only back in Baerlon, but in the house of Ravenwood.

Grell smiled at the dwarf. "Mosht haphe not been magically healed mishush. We haphent been sho fortshunate. You cannot bring back limbsh already gone." He said shaking his head. He then walked over to the children and leant down on one knee. "Thank you Hurk, we are done phighting. It ish all right now. We haphe been shaved." Grell says opening his arms as all the children ran forward to attach themselves to him in hugs and much loud crying and sobbing.

Sammy and Orissa came from upstairs then, they had extra shirts and pants in arms. " We brought clothes for everyone!" Sammy said loudly over the younger crying children. Another maid was behind them carrying clothing for the adults.

The front door opened and in walked Vex, her cheeks rosy and her mood light until she saw all the wounded and crying and she was shocked mouth agape.

Arten wasn't about to let Grell escape so easy, while the children hugged him she caught his eye and mouthed, "challenge accepted."

Conner turned around and gave Vex a small wave not realizing she could see his bloody sleeve. Flint smiled at the girls and the maid, "Thank you for bringing those to them, we'll see everyone gets something warm to wear and a good place to sleep tonight." Altair passed his son and Vex, "Good job Conner tonight. I'm going to find your mother, you and Lyriel are in charge of the house while I'm away. Grell and his group may stay, have Bowers help find somewhere for them to rest comfortably and we will discuss your idea with him tomorrow." He clapped his son on the shoulder and nodded to Vex before leaving the house.

Vex stepped to the side out of Lord Ravenwoods way. She narrowed her eyes on Conners sleeve and then the boy himself. She walked over to him then and gave him a look before she really registered who all were in the room. She gasped and dropped to Carrie and then when she was well to the others one by one until she touched Grells shoulder and touched Hurk's head.

Lyriel stood up and took some of the clothes and things from Sam and Orissa. "Let's offer all the kids some baths huh girls?" She said with a smile for all the children. She pulled off the HoD then and began to get Grells attention.

Bowers arrived at Conner's shoulder, "Master Ravenwood, while we can find something for everyone to wear Master Grell might be a bit harder to clothe." Conner turned to him, "Perhaps then when he bathes we can get his clothes laundered and dried for him. It might be an option or we will figure something else out." Vex was either cross with him or upset that she wasn't there to help, Conner would deal with her later he was sure.

Linlesse sat and watched the Ravenwoods open their home to this group, the stories were true and it warmed her heart. She hoped that Master Darryl was okay and Lady Asper wasn't too cross at his use of energy to save Grell and his people.

Grell looked up startled at the nice elf girl being shown as dark elf. But no one else seemed to care too much so he settled himself and nodded at Vex. Vex sighed and spoke to the children. "Girl with me and boys will be with Grell. It'll be okay guys... I promise." Vex says stepping away from Grell and waving the kids to follow her. Grell stood holding the youngest girl in his arms still. "Come Hurk, time to bathe" he tell the half orc child. Hurk nods his head and takes Grells hand.

Lyriel smiled and offered the clothing to Vex as she passed. She should have realised even this band of mixed races wouldn't trust a Drow like she was. "I will get some food ready for after the bath and futons put out to accommodate everyone." Lyriel said with a slight smile. She turned then and urged Sammy and Orissa to show everyone the way, once they began to walk away she turned and headed for the kitchen. Better to work and take care of them then be seen and make them afraid.

Conner gave Bowers some instructions then hurried to catch up to Grell and the boys, ushering Samanatha to go along with Orissa and Vex. He took them to the bath and waited, "Grell we don't have much to fit you, Hurk might fit into something of mine or perhaps my fathers. You we will have to launder and return when it's dry." He didn't bring up how they knew his people needed help or anything else, best to let them relax and then work up to what came next.

"Thatsh fphine, young mashter. Ash long ash my unmentchionablesh shtay out ophf shight, I whill be phfine." Grell said with a chuckle, he began to get the kids undressed and into the large tub, he hasn't seen anything so large and fancy before. Neither had the children, they were being all excited and looking around and laughing as they explored and grabbed things.

"Just as long as you know that while everyone is here you are safe, we might be a strange family everyone under this roof is Ravenwood." he said hoping Grell understood that Lyriel wasn't a threat to anyone.

"Fphamily can be anyone ash long ash you care fphor them." Grell said nodding his head as he got the last boy undressed and into the water. He then removed his own clothing and got in as well. Showing how the soap and rags worked, especially Hurk who needed the extra help.

Conner gathered the clothes and sent them with a maid to wash, he then sat and waited. "Did anything strange happen since you left Baerlon? I'm apt to think the troubles here followed you out there." he ventured.

Linlesse had went out to the practice circle and set her staff to become the twin staves again and began to practice. She was rust and the fight tonight proved it, she shook her head as she spun and swung at imaginary foes.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." Grell said with a shake of his head. He was helping to wash the children's hair, one at a time making certain to be very careful of their small heads and his big hands. Though it seemed something he was very familiar with, only the half gnome child didn't get his hair washed by Grell, but then the boy was almost a teen.

Samantha came out of the house then and noticedd something happening in the training arena, so she snuck much closer and watched silently as her new friend trained in a weird way.

She watched as Linlesse was using her two staves like Lyriel used her twin blades and then it came to her. Linlesse's fighting style was the same as her fathers, who Samantha had watched and also wanted to learn. She wasn't positive, but Lyriel was in the house and she would know better than anyone.

Samantha watched a minute more before carefully and quietly leaving. She ran for the kitchen entrance and upon entering grabbed Lyriels legs, lyriel was standing over a pot a smaller one than the cook was tending. "Lyrie! Lyrie! Come look! Come look with Me! You have to see!" She said excitedly trying to be loud enough to be heard over the cooking sounds.

Lyriel nearly toppled into the cooking fire when her little sister grabbed her from almost behind. "Samantha! That's dangerous! I don't have time to play right now, I'm helping cook prepare food for the guests." Lyriel said patting her sisters head gently, she turned to stir the pot again.

Samantha grumbled before snatching the spoon from her sisters hand. " No! I'm not playing! This is important Lyriel! It's important okay? Please come?" At first Samantha seemed angry but then it became a question. She was a stubborn child and was always quick to anger first, the whole family knew that but it was fairly rare Samantha spoke out for her self.

Lyriel sighed softly and bent down. "Okay. But first spoon." Lyriel said holding out her hand. Samantha shyly returned it, and Lyriel stood again. "I'll have to go see what's going on. I'll try to come back to help serve everyone." Lyriel said apologetically to the cook. With the spoon placed over the rim of each side of the pot, lyriel took Samantha hand and they both exited the kitchen.

Samantha lead the way to the practice arena but when they got so close she made Lyriel sneak into the bushes with her so she could also see Linlesse fighting with the two sticks. "It's like you and Daddy, how you fight right?" She whispered seriously.

Lyriel watched for a little bit and smiled at Samantha. Her little sister was raring to go, wanting to learn so badly. But their parents were stubborn, especially with the girls in this house. "Yes it is very similar Sammy." She agreed.

And then it happened, Linelesse did a move that Lyriel knew only Altair, Alehial and herself knew. In fact Lyriel barely was able to do it in battle let alone in practice and Altair used it rarely. But, Linlesse used it not once but twice in rapid sucsession.

"Now hold on!" Lyriel says standing from the bushes, she knew it was dangerous to disrupt training... more so for a Psion. But how on earth did Linlesse know how to do that and even more importantly how was she able to do it twice and so well?! "Who taught you that?!" Lyriel demanded entering the practice ring quickly to get her answers from the girl.

Samantha also stood but she stayed silent. She was worried now that Lyriel was mad with Linlesse, but Sammy was right, she had been told so. Linlesse fought just like mommy and daddy.

Linlesse turned and looked surprised and at the same time tried to walk without picking up her feet and fell back onto her backside. She scrambled to her feet and put the staves back together and stowed the staff, "Oh hello Lyriel and Samantha, taught me what? I mean how to fail at walking? Cause let me tell you I heard stories of when I started walking and oh bo can it explain my klutziness as an adult." If anyone had happened by they'd think Lily was home as a string of conversation poured from Linlesse.

"No. You don't get to play games like that Linlesse not when you are a guest in our house! We took you into the house, my brother is teaching you, do you really want to endanger all that with lies?" Lyriel asks folding her arms and arching one eyebrow a little intimidatingly at Linesse. She sighed after a moment though and came over and dusteed the young woman off. "Did you hurt to yourself falling? No? You have some explaining to do and then some decisions to make girly." Lyriel said looking Linlesse in the eyes. Samantha clambered into he arena then too and walked close. "So can I get taught now since more people know how to do it?" She asks of Lyriel.

The rashness of the words stung Linlesse and she looked at the ground and then a moment later tears began to fall. "I'm sorry I lied Aunt Lyriel!" and she flung herself into Lyriel's arms and sobbed then choked it off, "Oh no I shouldn't have said that..." She stepped back and looked at them both, "Please you can't tell anyone....not Grandmother or Grandfather or Mother and Father please promise me..."

Lyriel was rooted to the ground in Shock. The girl flinging herself into her arms she could handle, she was sort of usesd to the kids all doing that. Being called 'aunt.'however was not something she had ever been called yet. "Wait... just what? What? Grandmother? Alehial?! Mother... father? Just what is going on?!" Lyriel said holding Linlesse by the elbows on each side. Not wanting the girl to run off, and since she had that super speed of hers holding onto her was the best option.

Sammy watched the two women interact but she came over and hugged Linlesse's legs. "It'll be okay, you just have to breathe okay? And then Tell Lyrie what's going on." Sammy said smiling comfortingly at her friend.

With a sniffle Linlesse looked at Lyriel, "Promise me you won't tell, it's complicated and everything...."

"I won't tell anyone anything... if you at least give me some information so I can fully trust you. After all we have had someone from the past come back and that's a rather big deal right now too." Lyriel said sighing again. She pulled the girl in tight and hugged her close. "I don't know what's going on but if you are a child of a Ravenwoods then I am your protector too." Lyriel promises, Samantha continues her hug too.

"Okay, then let go so I can explain." Linlesse said then stepped back. She took a deep breath and her eyes glowed again and everything about the girl began to change. Gone was the fair skin and reddish colored hair, her figure became smaller and finally her eyes changed from glowing green to glowing violet. Lyriel placed her in a second, as only a few weeks ago she held her in her brothers sitting room. Linlesse the rescued psion was really....Karina Ravenwood.

Lyriel gasped and looked at the house quickly before ushering Karina into the Glen. No one else could see this or else things would get really bad. "Karina?!" Lyriel asked, touching the girls blondish hair, and her slightly ashen tanned skin. "By the gods... your... so much cuter than I though you'd be! Haha!" Lyriel laughs lightly, a nervous laugh. She could see Darryl in the girl for certain now... and plenty of Asper too. "You were only just born! You are training with your father!! Oh God's your mom... did you know coming back?! What's it like where your from. Why have you come back?" Lyriel asks quickly knowing the girl wouldn't be able to keep up. Lyriel was marveling at her niece, her spoon niece who was at least an older teen at this point.

Sam didn't understand what was going on really but when Linlesse turned into Karina but older Sammy pouted. "Your supposed to be a baby!" Sammy says loudly from beside them.

Karina knelt and hugged Samantha, "I am a baby, and I'm also me I hate to say it's complicated, but it is really complicated." she motioned them to sit with her and she was going to attempt to explain. "I don't know what it is like now, but when I decided to come back the family was happy for the most part. Of course there have been some changes since my arrival over a year ago, most of the story I told after my rescue was true, I just left out that I traveled backwards in time."

"Why did you decide to come back though? Is this something you can do? Hop through time?" Lyriel asks calmly, the last thing this older Karina needed was her aunt Lyriel freaking out. "You said you haven't ever been to the Ravenwood house before... was that a lie? What if you have any are your plans now?" Lyriel tried to ask her questions slowly so older Karina could think them through.

Karina took a deep breath, "I've only done it once and that maybe it. I came back because I'm a disobedient child who wanted something I didn't have." Another tear rolled down her cheek at the mention of this. "I was raised in this house when father brought me home, their house doesn't exist from the original line of time. And I have no idea what to do now, I have no idea if I can return to the future or if I'm stuck here."

Samantha while angry things had veered waaaaayyy off the original topic didn't like her new friend who was actually her niece but from the future and much older than her to be upset and so she plops herself into Karina's lap and hugs her around the neck. "But now your here and with us. And we'll help. We always help family." Samantha promises.

Lyriel watched the scene a moment and mused silently on what Karina had told her. "We should tell your father then. Besides all Ravenwood children are disobedient and any child of Aspers more so I'm sure. It's a miracle Jake has turned out as well as he has!" Lyriel chuckles, in truth she knew Asper had calmed greatly from when she was pregnant. Perhaps Darryl was right and his shrew wife wasn't actually a shrew.

Karina shook her head, "No, not now anyway. There is more to why I came back and the family member who encouraged me to disobey. Telling anyone else will just make things more difficult, perhaps once I get full access back to all of my powers then I will admit to everything." she said hugging Samantha back. "What I've done has had a lot of positive echos and if that's the price for not being able to go back then I happily will remain here out of the way for now. Just please no one else can know, at least for a while."

"I won't tell anyone. I said you should tell him. Darryl is a very powerful Scion, he's going to catch onto your tricks eventually. But tell me... what changed? What good echos?" Lyriel asked curiously, she wanted to just let this slide hide her niece away but... the girl was distressed and a teenager for heavens sake. She knew Lyriel from the future... which meant she must know how Lyriel would be now right?

"Little Xeph for starters, he was never found in my time. Uncle Flint wasn't my uncle in my time, and grandfater's health was poor even though he hid it from everyone." she explained. Then with a grin added, "Samantha had a wart on her nose and Orissa had bigger ears. And it must be sometime after this that Uncle Conner and Aunt Vex fell in love."

"Woah woah woah! Wait a minute! Conner and Verex?! I see... do you know what health issues Dad... er rather Altair had?" Lyriel asked wondering if the same was true now, she had noticed her adoptive father sneaking around a little, and she wondered at that. Also Alehial always fully opened herself to him and he never really did the same, he often contained most of his emotions to try and spare Alehial extra worry.

"I'm not sure grandmother never said much about it's onset, but he is seeing someone about trying to stave of the effects of it. I just don't know who." she hated not being able to tell Lyriel more. In truth growing up part drow Lyriel was her favorite aunt and took the most time with her since she didn't have children of her own. She looked at Samantha, "Are you going to be okay not telling Orissa about my secret just yet?"

Samantha who had been feeling her nose and looking at it crosseyed, looked up at Karina in Shock. "I can't tell her?" She asks as if the thought that this secret wasn't allowed out of the three didn't occure to her, after all she hardly ever did things without Orissa.

Lyriel was thoughtfully silent before speaking again. " No Sammy. Not even Rissy can know. Do you know... if he has it in this time line Rina?" Lyriel asked, not even really aware of using a nickname rather than her full name. It was something all the kids did when in private. "I think... I should start teaching all you kids how to fight in Altair's absence. I'm sure Alehial will put up a fuss but... it will explain your fighting style of using two staves, and get Sammy the training she wants." Lyriel said contemplatively.

"I haven't seen anything saying that he has it, but I was five when I first came to live here meaning in five years he won't be able to hide it." she told Lyriel. Then she gave Samantha another hug, "silly I was teasing about your nose and Orissa too. But just for now please don't tell her, I don't think she'd tell on purpose but perhaps accidentially."

"Fine... but only 'cause Lyriels teaching us how to fight." Samantha says pouting a little but she hugs Karina again. "Is Daddy sick?" Sammy asks softly then not really understanding what all the two older women were talking about.

Lyriel pursed her lips and fell silent again as she thought about everything. "Alright... it's getting late. This little one needs to go to bed!" Lyriel states getting to her feet then and offering each girl her hand to help them up. Sammy takes it and giggles as Lyriel pulls her right up and off Karina's lap onto her legs. "An d you have some more training tomorrow at Darryl's house." Lyriel posed it as a question though.

"If he is up to it, he spent a lot of energy helping save Grell's people. So if it he isn't feeling like training I will volunteer to help Asper...with...myself???" she made a funny face at the end of her comment. It did sound odd saying you were going to help care for yourself.

"I would answer her a little more honestly... She is a theif after all. Tell you you want to spend time with her and get to know her. Since you will be around for a while. Just... try not to be too surprised by her, I know Jake tends to paint a slightly different picture of her to others." Lyriel warns gently as she walks both girls into the house. They can hear Conners singing.

Karina brought back her Linlesse disguise, "I'm happy you agreed to keep my secret. I know it will be hard, but I promise to tell everyone soon."

"I'm going to speak to Altair about our guests, can you take Sammy to bed? I'm sure I will see you I'm the morning." Lyriel says her goodnight to the girls, it was late now. Lyriel knew she could find her father in the study when Alehial wasn't home. She silently snuck past the sleeping guests and checked the study to find it empty, then she went to their room. It too was empty. Lyriel was starting to worry, hadn't Altair said he was fetching Alehial from the forests around the city? Why hadn't they returned yet? Lyriel then went to find Bowers, he would know if they had returned home yet and if not she would track them down.

"No Mistress I barely saw him leave with all the activity, has he not come back?" Bowers asked. "Shall I get some of your siblings?" he followed up with, if they needed to start looking for Altair they would need a lot of people.

"No I'll go alone. It will be faster and easier. Don't worry I'll bring them home." Lyriel promises Bowers. She quickly gathered her armor and weapons before heading outside, whistling for the wolves as she got her horse from the stable. "Come on you two, help me find Altair." She told them hopping onto her horses back and urging him on. She knew of a pool her mother liked in the woods. It was the best place to start, plus since she had no trouble seeing at night she could track Altairs tracks easier too.

It was a very long ride out and almost daylight when she arrived at the location Alehial had told her about. But, not long after riding the rim of the lake she found Altair's charger drinking from the clear water. However, no sign of her adoptive father anywhere near the horse which raised it's head as she drew near then took another drink. Another ten minutes ride later she found Altair sitting against a tree, it looked like he or someone else drug his body to it.

"Dad!" Lyriel called out, she had a sword in hand since finding his horse, though neither the wolves nor horses gave indication of trouble. She tied his horse to hers and left them together to approach Altair. She quickly checked on him, pulse first, wounds second, she was really worried about him now and day was beginning to break.

Once she touched him, Altair's eyes opened and he took a deep breath. "Lyriel, what are you doing here?" he asked with a groan. "Not that I'm not happy to see a family member versus a highwayman or beast. I was unable to complete my healing spell, I need at least one to get home to get the potion to aleviate my symptoms."

Lyriel nodded her head and quickly chanted. It was her last one, he was lucky she hadn't used it already. Once it was finished she sheathed her sword and looked at him worriedly. "You didn't come back, we were all worried. What's going on Dad? What do you.mean symptoms?" Lyriel asked calmly, she was trying to take this easily since she was sort of forewarned by Karina/Linlesse. But she wasn't calm, she was worried and scared and confused.

Altair got his feet slowly and with slow steps made his way to his horse, "It's not for you to be concerned Lyriel. As we old we get certain aches and pains happen, lately mine have grown a more pronounced." He hoped that his limited explanation satisfied her questions, in truth he didn't have much more information himself.

Lyriel sort of hovered a little until he was to his horse, she was unable to hide the worry on her face now. "Dad... you should talk to Arten then... Does mom know too?" Lyriel asked softly wanting to help her adoptive father but knowing he wouldn't want it. She looked at the two wolves a moment clearly communicating with them before looking sharply at her father. "Mom's gone isn't she?" She asked tersly.

"Arten is looking into a way to treat this, she just needs time." he said holding the reins. "I came looking for your mother, but all I found was a man's footprints. And no, she only knows that some times it affects my hands. I have kept the fact that I now get tremors and the pains everywhere. And you will not tell her, she has enough to worry about fretting over missing children, worrying about my health will put her over the edge."

"Dad... the wolves told me, who they smell. They said... well it's hard to describe but... like heat and wine, and Wild." Lyriel said softly unsure if she should be telling him any of this. She was very worried about her father now, she mounts quickly though her horse as well and turns her horse towards home. "Did you get like this because of the fighting?" Lyriel asks then.

The pain in his eyes that Alehial was here with someone else was apparent, but he made no mention of it. "I'm sure the fighting and in a couple cases dying didn't help matters." he said rather dryly, "I also think this soft living in the city hasn't helped either, your grandfather Conner didn't have this or nowhere near as bad."

"Mom would never really leave you. She lovess you too much Dad." Lyriel says quickly wanting to take back her words from earlier. She knew who the wolves meant. But it was hard to convey how they gave her information. She would keep her knowledge to herself for now. She lead the way back toward the city for now, "shouldn't you just leave Conner in charge of everything then and take the youngesst kids into the woods like you are always talking about with mom but never do?"

"I can't one wrong moment and attack by the Disciples and this occur, we'd be defenseless. No, I have to get control over this before doing anything of the sort. Protecting the younger children comes first, but I may wind up leaving the day to day running of everything to you and Conner." he said. "Where are you Alehial? why did you leave and who are you with?" he thought as they rode back to the city.

"I'll do my best dad. I did um... speak to Sammy and Linlesse... I'm going to start giving lessons to all the kids... I think it might be better for you, health wise, if I took over."Lyriel informed him, she wasn't certain what his reaction would be. However he was leaving the daily running of the house to her and Conner, which meant Conner was going to have to shape up quickly.

"We will visit it after I get the chance to return home and rest. Being closer to the potion will help. However, I will agree I need help teaching the younger children." he said then rode most of the trip back to the estate in silence. The Ravenwood house was begining to awaken when they got back and sent the horses to the stables. "I'm going to see Arten and then go and get some sleep, the house is in you and Conner's hands." he said hugging her tightly before heading into the house and up to Arten's rooms.

Lyriel hugged her dad back, and watchedd him go. She would have to make doubly sure to keep an eye on him and have an extra healing spell saved just for him, in the future. She however needed to take her Reverie and commune, so she went up to her now shared room with Flint. Which made her realise she had left without him. She sighed heavily. She was not used to having a follower around let alone a husband

Flint was sitting up, and sighed when she walked into their room, "I'm glad you're back and unharmed. Did you find Altair?" he stood up and gave her a hug glad she had come back unharmed. Her husband knew their relationship was unique and wasn't going to be upset she left without him, just happy that she returned. Besides he had stayed up with Fael and kept the perimeter safe.

Thanks. I did, he has gone to bed. Did you just wake up?" Lyriel asked hugging him back thdn touching his face she looked at the puffiness of his eyes. He either just woke or hadn't slept at all, which she might be a little upset over, if she hadn't been gone all night herself. Lyriel had a great many things she couldn't tell anyone now and she sort of wondered if she would always be the one to keep everyone's secrets.

"Fael and I took turns walking the wall, sometimes passing each other, sometimes side by side." he said letting his hand trace her jawline down to her neck. Flint could feel the tension she carried there and while he wouldn't ask her outright, he hoped she knew he'd be whatever she needed. Either an ear to listen or just someone to hold her until she felt a little better. "You need some rest, food and a soak in the springs."

"There is much that needs done. For now I will take my reverie, and then if I have time tonight I will soak. Food can come while I manage the house." Lyriel says before leaning forward to chastely kiss his lips. She stepped back then to pull off weapons and armor.

"The house mostly runs itself with Bowers making sure everything is taken care of. And the warehouses have competent managers. Conner is overseeing the refugees. You've earned a chance to rest." he said helping her with some of the straps. He spoke the truth, except in times of attack the house and businesses could almost run themselves.

"Mom and Dad have left me in charge of the house, and Conner the business and refugees, I have to make sure all is well. But yes for now I need rest." Lyriel said, this was a grave matter for her, also she wanted to talk to Aunt Arten about Altairs condition. And she needed to think about what she could do for or with Alehial. Soon Lyriel was out of armor, she pulled out a fresh tunic and pants and changed into those quickly as well. "Will you sleep now too? Or shall I use my chair?" Lyriel asked of Flint.

"I could do with a nap, if you prefer to snuggle then we can get up and see what needs done." he said. He went over to the bed and pulled off his boots and set them by the foot alongside his sword and armor. Then he pulled back the covers and laid back, "And I leave it to you to find the most comfortable position."

"Well you don't roll around either so you get comfy first and I'll make myself comfy around you." Lyriel says with a smile. She was letting down her hair from bun and braid, and once he was comfy she slid in beside him and entangled herself with him. She kisses his lips once more, "I'll see you in four hours 'husband'." She chuckles using the term.

He smiled and kissed her once again as well, "Wake me with one of those and we'll have a new problem." He out his arms around her and put his head against her shoulder.

"Go to sleep now silly human." Lyriel giggles softly before closing her eyes and evening out her breaths. She slipped into her revelry easily and stayed in her position unmoving.

Flint smiled and let his breathing become slow and went to sleep right next to her.

Darryl had appeared at home and very slowly made his way to their bedroom where he fell asleep trying to remove his boots. He had never been so tried, but marveled at how easy it was to focus to get all of them at once. If he could get just a little more power he could do it again. Although he figured that Asper might be irritated by his overuse of energy.

Asper came up to the bedroom with Karina, out of her armor now that he had returned home. She had sent Jake to bed while she kept guard over him and Karina. She tucks Karina into her crib in her own room then enters their room. She frowns heavily seeing him asleep and wearing one boot not to mention the rest of his clothes on the bed. "Darryl?" She asks softly, walking up to the bed and putting her hand on his stomach. When she got no answer she frowned harder, she could see him breathing so... why had he fallen asleep? She scowls then but let's it go. She quickly unlaced his boot the rest of the way and pulled it off, placing both away. Then she climbs onto the bed and pulls him up on it properly, with a great deal of struggle. She didn't remove his other clothes or tuck him in though. But she herself then got ready for bed and tucked herself in. She would deal with him in the morning. Or when Karina cried to be fed.

When Karina fussed to be fed Darryl slept right through it, in fact he didn't even budge. Asper had noticed the crystal by the bed was pulsing from almost out to almost a torchlight. Karina was acting a little strange as she didn't want to latch on to be fed, but rubbed her face against her mother until her ear rested over Asper's heartbeat.

Asper held Karina close and pulled the neckless he had made from one of his gems off. And placed it around his neck sort of. She then tried to wake him. "Darryl... Darryl! Wake up!!" She shook him a little at first and then harder before pinching him. She was getting scared, she didn't like this.

His eyes snapped open and he let out a small groan, "How long have I been asleep?" Looking up he smiled at Asper and Karina, and touched the necklace. "I will recharge this once I get all of my energy back, lucky the house is built over a larger crystal which helps me regain energy faster." Noting her look Darryl sighed, "I'm sorry I worried you, I just couldn't stand by and watch all of them be killed like the guard. I switched them for our family and let them fight until grandmother could bring them home."

Asper smacked him then, in the face with her free hand. She tucked Karina in tighter against her chest and turned away from him to hide her face. She was so mad and relieved and she hated it, she hated that tears gathered and fell down her cheeks, because he hasn't left her and he was okay.

The smack had stung, but her tears hurt far worse. Darryl watched her for a moment before speaking again, "All I could see is the little ones and think about Karina and her mother and how it would destroy me not save you. I had to act, even if I didn't go and fight protecting them keeping their family together made me understand I'd do anything to keep ours together."

"If anything happens to you... we might as well be dead. Lash said so. And one day you'll go to help your family... and never come back." Asper said her voice tightly controlled so her emotions didn't make it shake. She was swaying Karina not wanting her to get upset over the fact that her mother was. Asper trembled then trying to contain herself and her emotions.

He pulled his thoughts together, "Asper, he's a horses ass. That piece of pond scum would have to have more than an army of himself to harm you. And if time does take me, I will not leave them alive to harm you. You two are my greatest loves, I live for you and if I had to I would die to protect you." He reached out and touched her arm and squeezed so she knew he was there for her.

Asper took a deep breath and shakily let it out. She wiped her cheeks roughly and turned to look at him. "Listen. Your not allowed to die, for that matter I ban you from over extending your powers at all! For... a week! You have to be around to teach Karina because I don't know how!" Asper says looking into Darryl's eyes.

He leaned forward and kissed Asper, "You have my word I will not over extend my powers."

Asper wanted to pull away but when he kissed her, her worry spurred her on again and she kissed him back more fervently. When the kiss broke she looked at him still worried, "get undressed and go to bed you still look exhausted." She said then checking Karina the little girl had fussed but hadn't eaten yet.

"Linlesse won't have lessons today, unless you would like her to come help out around the house. Even growing up we learned helping out around the house builds character." he said getting undressed and back into bed. Karina finally decided to latch on and begin to feed her little tummy.

"Yeowch! Karina!" Asper cried out unprepared for her little girls aggressive and sudden latching. Asper sighed softly and also got into bed, making herself as comfortable as she could, to let Karina eat her fill until her tummy was full and she got sleepy. Or stayed awake.

Once she was full Karina's eyes drooped until she was fully asleep, full tummy and against the warmth of her mother's skin.

Asper was too tired to move Karina and instead laid her daughter between Darryl and herself. Darryl never moved when he was so exhausted and Karina would wake again soon to be fed yet again. Asper watched them both until she closed her eyes and she too fell asleep.

Four hours later Karina awoke for another feeding and then slept through until the morning. Darryl was awake when she fussed again and got up to change her diaper then brought her back to her mother. He was still tired and held true that Linlesse would not train today while he fully regenerated his powers.

Asper woke and washed her face and dressed in her usual pants and shirt for the day, she kissed Darryl's cheek and went downstairs letting him handle Karina and her diaper. Asper was once again going to attempt a breakfast. Though this time just eggs and toast. Nothing fancy, like last time.

Sure enough Jake came downstairs and said good morning and sat at the table eyeing her next attempt at breakfast. "Is everything okay? I know Darryl usually does breakfast?" he said hoping these eggs were okay.

"I cooked for you for years so shut up and be grateful dammit!" Asper scowls at him and blushes. The eggs had broken and were ended up scrambled sort of. The toast was burnt on the edges but definitely still edible, just like she always did her best to cook for and feed Jake. It seemed he had gotten spoiled being with the Ravenwoods. "Darryl's tired today. So just shut up and eat." Asper said plating two eggs and some toast for Jake. She set out the butter dish too on the table for him. She finished up cooking her and Darryl's share and plated both. She would take Darryl's upstairs. As much sleep as he neede d he also needed to eat.

Jake chuckled at her blush, "Eggs were never your strong point, but more often than not they were good." He said his prayers and then dug into the food only to stop a minute, "If Darryl is tired does that mean Linlesse isn't coming today?" Linlesse was only four years older than Jake and seemed very nice. They talked about a lot of things and she also talked to him like they were equals. And it didn't hurt that she was very pretty.

"Oh? What happened to the girl you were interested in on the way to classes?" Asper asks with a smile, she finished the rest of the sort of burnt toast and plated it too. She would take it upstairs to Darryl and see Jake off to his lessons at the temple.

"Her uncle doesn't like all the conflict with the Ravenwoods so he told her to stay away from me. But we still talk sometimes, she thinks he over reacts to court gossip." Jake said with a shrug. As Asper got ready to take the food upstairs the crystal announced that Linlesse had arrived. Jake sat up quickly and smiled.

"What conflict? Go let her in. I'll be right back down." Asper said her brows furrowing in thought, she quickly made her way up the steps and into their room.

Karina was awake and had rolled onto her belly and was looking at Darryl smiled as her mother entered the room. Her little face lit up and she cooed and reached out for her mother. Darryl looked over and smiled too, "Since I am sworn to let my powers return you will send Linlesse home or have her help out with chores if you wish."

"Perhaps. Here I made breakfast. Don't comment on it and just eat it." Asper said putting the tray with Darryl's food on the small table in their room. She came over and picked up Karina then. "We're you good for your father? Didn't try to zap him did you?" She asked her daughter lightly.

Karina giggled and put her head against Asper's neck and cooed again. Darryl smiled at them, "No, she did not zap daddy. Although I wonder at times what kind of powers she will come into, it is not a certainty that my powers will be hers. She could get powers I never even thought of."

"There's no way of knowing?" Asper asked Darryl a little concerned at the thought that her baby might accidently set the house on fire or... freeze them with a sneeze. Asper adjusted her grip to hold Karina with one hand. "Wel l she is too young anyways for any powers right? So... well deal with that later. When you are done eating, either bring the plate down or I'll come get it later. Go to sleep and recover." Asper said in a very mother like tone. The kind she had only ever used on Jake once in a great while. She left the room and Darryl and went back downstairs, to see if Jake had left for school yet and what Linlesse might have gotten into. Plus Asper needed to eat her own breakfast, for Karina if nothing else.

Linlesse was sitting at the table with Jake nowhere in sight, she smiled at Asper and Karina, "Good morning, I take it Master Darryl is recovering from the last night." She had gotten a glass of water and it sat in front of her.

"Yes... He nearly exhausted his powers last night. A good lesson to learn from him I should think about control and conservation." Asper said looking the girl up and down. She just seemed so damn eager
"Jake went to his lessons?" Asper asked then a little disappointed she didn't see him off, bot that he needed it. Asper patted Karina's back gently then almost absently.

"Yep, he said goodby right as he let me in and said you had gone upstairs to see Darryl." Linlesse answered. She heard what Asper said about control and conservation, "Very true, but it was amazing to see that amount of raw energy and what it could do. Doesn't it make you..well, I mean feel special that he wants to be with you over everyone else in the whole world. I mean he could do anything you ask just to keep you and Karina safe."

"We are safe. Even without him exhausting himself." Asper says shaking her head. She sits and begins to eat not caring if Linlesse had food or not. "Besides... I've been on the receiving end of power like that... it's not so pleasant." Asper says looking Linlesse over as she eats one handed.

Linlesse felt as though Asper had something else she was waiting to say. Karina though began to coo and turned her head and peeked at Linlesse then turned her face to her mother's shoulder. "If it's not too bold Mistress, what would you hope for Karina? A life of adventuring, family or something else? You seem to disagree with life of the estate, my father said once that life on the frontier being self sufficient would be best for me."

"You don't talk about your family much." Asper said ignoring Linlesse's question, she finished eating and put the dish in the sink area. "I just want her... to not be afraid. Of people... of objects. Whatever." Asper said after a moment. She frowned though and turned to look at the teenager sitting at the table. "I told you to call me Asper. Listen, having been born with that power is great and all, but you need to learn more than just how to use it. You need to learn how to not use it too." Asper said struggling with how she could say this nicely.

"You speak about entering minds don't you?" Linlesse said suddenly very serious about what Asper had said. "I had it done once and never liked it much, but I've never done it myself I don't think I can or would. I find it easier to read people's body language and eyes, I'm pretty good at reading tells during cards with my cousin." she explained. Karina took the opportunity to reach out for her mother's nose while Asper was talking to Linlesse.

Asper looked down at Karina and smiled kissing her forehead. "Brat." She comment at her daughter in her arms before looking at Linlesse. "I can teach you how to become much better at cards. Or at least... my native games. I'll teach you the others once I learn the Andorian ones. If you want." Asper offers trying to be nice to Darryl's pupil. It was weird... like adopting another child. Asper avoided the topic of the other stuff though.

Flint woke up and noted that Lyriel was still resting, so he just laid there with her and looked at his wife. She didn't have to marry him to protect him from Poppy, but he would not have refused her if she had told him.

It wasn't too much longer that Lyriel opened her eyes and looked about the room quickly settling her eyes on Flint's face. "You should have slept more." We're her first words as she sits up to kiss his lips.

Flint rested his hands on her hips and returned the kiss, "I've always been an early riser." He then made a face at his obvious pun.

Lyriel snickers softly before stretching out her body, she always felt stiff after taking her revelry laying down. Sleeping too when she rarely did it. "Are toy well rested enough for the day?" She moved on smoothly while she continued to stretch herself languidly.

He began to rub her body with his hands and smiled, "They seem to have no trouble this morning, but I should really challenge them a little more." Flint loved touching Lyriel's skin, his fair colored skin against her onyx colored skin.

"You don't seem to be having much trou le either." Lyriel comments softly arching her back up into his hands, she liked the way his calloused hands felt against her smooth skin. She was embarrassed with how dark her skin was compared to his fair and pale skin though, not like he could tell.

Flint worked his hands up further under her shift and smiled as he brushed against her breast. He then pulled Lyriel back into another kiss, everyone had known he and Fael had been up late and they would probably have a little while to themselves.

Lyriel moans softly into the kiss and quickly became impatient when his hand did little else but caress her. She grabbed his hand and entwined her fingers with his before making their combined hands grab her breast fully, his hand of course grabbing, her own directing his. She parted the kiss and gave him a smile. "Well do I have to do everything?" She taunted with a saucy smile.

Flint wasted no time in pulling off her shift and then dropping his mouth to her breast as his hands began to loosen his pants. His tongue swirled about her nipple before drawing it into his mouth. The smell of her skin was intoxicating and made him want more and he began to look forward to becoming one with her, finding pleasure in being with her.

Lyriel would have laughed at his sudden hunger for her but she was to busy moaning. He by now knew how to draw the best feelings from her. Though she still had plenty to learn about herself, she loved being with Flint. Her nipples hardened at the attention being spent to them, and she undid her own pants as well and shimmer out of them, her own fingers rubbing her clit to stimulate her further and get her really wet for him.

He let her chest go and tossed her back onto her back and grabbed her pants pulling them down and off. "I believe I want breakfast." he said before kissing up her thigh until he reached her sex where he began to feast upon his wife. Quickly he finished pulling his pants down and off letting them fall on the floor.

"Flint!" Lyriel gasped his name as he devoured her womanhood. She quickly put hand and fingers into his hair to grip, though careful not to be rough. Her legs quivered as he stimulated her well. Her head lay back as she concentrated on breathing, and his tongue.

When she gasped he smiled inwardly, if she enjoyed this than what was to follow would really get her vocal. Starting first with one then adding another finger he began to at first slowly thrust them back and forth inside her. Then as he continued to lick and feast upon her he started to build up speed. Her noises and movements began to stiffen his member and once she arrived at climax then they'd move on to more physical lovemaking.

"F-Flint! Ugh! Please fuck! Ugh! Flint!!" Lyriel moans her hips thrusting desperately against his lips and fingers and tongue, she was rapidly drawing close and soon she reached up to pinch her nipple roughly before crying his name as her walls tightened.around his fingers and her body want tense.

He brought her down slowly letting her ride the wave of pleasure until she released his hair and would allow him up to get to the rest of her. Flint began to kiss a line from her sex up to her breasts and then to her neck. Lyriel could feel him against her thigh hard and hot, ready to enter her.

"A damn tease!" Lyriel mutters under her breath before she starts to bite gently at his neck, her hand left his hair to trail down his spine, her nails drag against his skin lightly. She spread her legs for him, and smiled against his skin. "Go on Flint... I can feel you aching to be inside of me." She whispered into his ear before nibbling on his lobe.

Flint reached down and guided his manhood to her sex and began to push inside groaning as Lyriel's body enveloped him. He didn't stop until he was completely inside her then began to withdraw and push deeper inside her.

"Nn! F-fuck... Flint, don't stop okay?" Lyriel couldn't help but moan as he pushed fully inside and then came the deep strokes. He always had sex like he was trying to crawl inside of her. She loved it. She continues to nibble his neck then abandoning his ear. Her hand that was traveling down his spine so gently grabs his hips then and her other hand grabs his bicep. Her bright eyes were half lidded as she moaned again for him, her black skin a very dark contrast.

He would never even think of stopping, in fact he didn't say a word just continued to thrust. Flint kissed the side of her neck and gripped her hips, the feeling of their joining was indescribable.

Lyriel wrapped her legs around his hips then, her hand shifting higher just slightly, clutching under his arm. She tensed, biting her bottom lip as her spine straightened and she nearly closed her eyes. Her body tightened around Flint and her body shook as her orgasm swept through her and she could only cling to Flint.

The sensation of Lyriel's body tensing and her inner muscles working along him was too much. "Oh, gods Lyriiii." he moaned as his orgasm arrived and he felt his essence leave him and enter Lyriel. As he held her his head rested between her breasts and he felt the last twitch of his member inside her body.

Lyriel panted for a moment before laughing, "I told you not to stop!" She laughingly says leaning up to kiss his forehead lightly. She didn't mind him between her breasts in the least and she ran her fingers through his hair to gently scratch his scalp. "Now you should sleep more... I promised the kids I'd take over the training from Altair." Lyriel says softly, now she had more reason to do just that... after finding out Altair was ailing.

Flint looked up at her, "Uncle has given up the title of trainer? What does Aunt Alehial think about that?" He had known that she had left to find him, but had no idea that Alehial had gone anywhere or that his uncle was in poor health. "I can help you if you like?" he offered playfully kissing between her breasts and out to each nipple.

"More like he has been absent from the training circle as of late. I never found Alehial... only Altar. But it's been a long time since she was in nature for real, and going to Sildea doesn't count. I would love the help, I promised Linlesse and Samantha both lessons, as well as the usual crowd and I imagine we may have guests attending." Lyriel laughed then moaned softly before punching his face into a pillow to the side, she then slipped off the bed to get dressed and prepared to train the children.

He watched her for a while, "You think Samantha is up to learning weapons? And can't Linlesse blow people up like Darryl does?"

"Samantha was getting trained by the elves. She's raring to go. And apparently no, Linlesse can't proof people into dusts like Darryl." Lyriel laughs dressing quickly and pulling on her lightest armor on before grabbing her training blunt metal weapons. "You coming or are you going to sleep more?" Lyriel asks brushing out her hair and deftly braiding it. No bun today and no hat of disguise either.

"I think since I saw Linlesse leave earlier that you should be just fine with Samantha. If Uncle isn't feeling well then I suspect Fael and I will be up on guard duty tonight." Flint said with a yawn and put his head back on the pillow.

"Altair is fine. Go to bed if you are tired then." Lyriel shakes her head before leaving the room. She was going to get some tea from the kitchens to take care of anything, and then speak to Moira and the group of children and men. See if anyone wanted to watch or learn perhaps.

A while after Samantha and her class were exhausted, Linlesse came back from her day at Asper's. "Hello, did I miss anything?" she asked noting everyone heading back into the house. The idea of facing off against Linlesse warred with wanting to learn more about Karina.

"The children have had their lesson for the day. Now it is your turn. Shall I teach Linlesse the basics or see what Karina knows and go from there? Hhmmm I wonder." Lyriel pretended to debate, stroking a nonexsistant beard on her chin. In the daylight without her hat to disguise her Lyriel was truly something to see. The black of her skin seemed to stand out all the more in the light of the day. Her silver hair so bright it fluttered, and her lavender tinted eyes odd to see.

Linlesse smirked, looking more like Asper than her father, "I think showing me the basics would be insulting to my teachers. And as far as what Karina knows would be fun, but we need to be careful about who sees. Lest more family find out my secret, unless you'd rather do something else?"

"Well... let's go through the steps shall we? Once through the Elven steps, then once through the Ravenwood battle steps. We will do it together yes? And if someone should see, we can say it was thanks to your abilities you caught on so quickly. Talking in the Glen is dangerous as well because Alehial regularly speaks with the trees there." Lyriel warns Linlesse, she then gets into the the ready position to go through the steps. It was something all Ravenwoods learned.

Linlesse took out her staff and separated it into two and took her stance. "Grandmother told me once she wished she had never told them so much. Especially, when Alura learned the spells to talk with them and they almost told her she was conceived there."

"She has told me that small regrets are like the pebbles on the bottom of a river. Your life keeps moving forward... and everyone you meet is like the fish and frogs that make your life full, but the regrets and actions never leave you, instead they keep you steady on the path you've made." Lyriel spoke calmly as she began the steps for two blades, It was a specialty skill that not all Ravenwoods had, but with Lyriel training everyone more would know than not. Including the strays they had picked up. "But yes. There are a feww trees specifically I wish to talk to someday when I learn that spell... like the ones at the frontier town mother bought the land of and saved." Lyriel laughs going through each step and watching Linlesse carefully.

Linlesse smiled again and mimicked the movements, "I never thought the trees could tell things they saw people doing. Animals however were another thing, they understand mating." She twirled and did a couple advanced moves and even used one that Lyriel figured must be more to her lithe form as she flipped and brought both staves almost to the ground.

"Trees can understand to a point. That was very well done! Now that the steps have been taken... tell me Linlesse, did Alehial ever spar with you? Or did i?" Lyriel asks as she spun on her heel and directed both swords toward Karina, one held properly the other in a reverse grip, something most of the children couldn't do. Like a fan spread out. Though the blades were blunt and Lyriel wasn't truly attacking it would hurt to get hit.

Linlesse parried and took a defensive stance, "You all the time when you weren't helping with the children. Grandmother was more training for the other stuff, although once when you were sick she showed me a couple things." Quickly, she turned her hand around on one of the staves to be the same as Lyriel.

"So then you know most of what I can do?" Lyriel asks as she holds the contact between the blades and staffs, and simply drops the second blade to grab Linlesse's hand holding her's on the back of the handle as well. Lyriel grinned at the young girl and then pulled her forward and fell to her back, pulling Linlesse along. Lyriel wondered if she knew how to roll off or if she would be flipped onto her back with the breath knocked from her. It was a trick Altair had used in training the older kids when they were all much younger.

Karina to her aunt's shock landed on her feet and spun around dropping to her knees with the stave barely touching Lyriel's chin. "You should me that three times the week I left." she said looking down at her aunt and letting her eyes briefly turn glowing violet. "You were one of my primary teachers, for blades and other stuff. Grandmother taught me diplomacy and manners and I learned love of family from Grandfather and the rest of the family.

"Looks like you got your balance from your mother alright." Lyriel laughed pushing the staff away and popping up onto her feet. "Well I suppose we can just do the steps together everyday, no one will be suspicious of you if they see us out here. So what other stuff? Boys? And stuff?" Lyriel then grinned turning around and facing Linlesse with a cheeky grin. A grin that said teasing was going to happen and Lyriel was going to enjoy it. She put her hands on her hips and sauntered the three or so steps over to her 'neice'.

"Do you really want to know what and how you taught me about the birds and the bees?" she smirked at her aunt and waited for the answer. She summoned the other staff back to her hand and joined it with the other one then put them away. Karina smiled at Lyriel, it was nice not having to hide everything all the time.

"Hhhmmm let me guess... I took you to the baths one day and grabbed you and explained in detail? Or.... no no I know... we snuck up on Lucas and Tani and watched from out the window as they made their baby?" Lyriel asks as she drapes one of her arms around Karina's shoulder. "I didn't take you to aunt Arten did I? She means well but man! Dwarves!" Lyriel chuckles

"You caught me and Dahar." Karina admitted with a little blush.

Lyriel laughed then, until tears came to her eyes. "Us drow women do seem to have a thing for the unusual!" Lyrial giggles wiping at the corners of her eyes. "Well glad nothing happened.. or whatever, But promise me to not go after family while you're here and 'now'." Lyriel asks looking sideways down at her niece. "I forgot to ask... how were things at Darryl's today?" Lyriel asks jovially.

"Well, he was only tasting me. We wanted to try it after seeing you and Fael together while Aunt Elsa was pregnant. That's when you explained everything to me." she said quietly but still with a little smile. "Asper asked if I had designs Darryl, my response was less than diplomatic." she explained as they headed back toward the house. She too put an arm around Lyriel and joined in the giggles.

"I would have paid to see her his face!! My poor baby brother hahahahaha! You shouldn't always try to copy what you see others doing though. That can lead to some bad situations. Say... how different are Elsa and Fael on the other end of things?" Lyriel asks curiously then, she was certain the children would be sore or tired from their lesson with her. She was really only planning on teaching them every other day.

"They really aren't very different, you weren't married and when you caught Dahar and me you admitted that you graced their bed from time to time. Of course with no Xeph Aunt Elsa had three more children, and I asked if you were going to ever let Fael get you pregnant and got no answer." she explained. "I'm going to go soak, between helping at mother and father's and training I could use a break." she smiled thinking about going to get clothes or simply just go to soak.

"Go on and get some clean clothes then, I'll go check on Conner and see if he is managing the household at all or just goofing off." Lyriel says letting Linlesse go and shooting the girl off. Not answering Bout the whole Fael thing, either. Honestly if Xeph hadnt been recovered and thwy both asked it off her, she might have said yes. But she had Flint right now, sho was enough of a handful. Lyriel enters the house behind Linlesse and heads for the study to hopefully find Conner.

Conner was making notes and agreements for several of the new merchants guild. "Good morning sister, what brings you to the study or wheel of the house without a captain?"

"Just checking on my adorable little brother... But now I'm thinking I should call him studious, like Daniel." Lyriel giggles before closing the door and walking around the desk to look at what he was working on. "I wish to talk to you about some important matters Conner, but what is this you are working so hard on?" Lyriel asks picking up a few sheets of paper and reading them quickly. "A merchants guild? Mom and Dad might think you ar e seriously growing up at this rate!" She smiled at Conner and squeezeed his shoulder approvingly.

Vex was sitting on the couch reading, ahe had a stack of three books before her already. She was skimming more than anything else, looking for something interesting, while Conner was busy finally fulfilling his duties as eldest blood son and heir.

"I'm tying this idea of mother's into our guests downstairs, when Arten is done helping then they will need a place to live and be their own people. I arranged for Grell to pitch in at Finns and he set off a while ago. Also, I think if father isn't feeling better and mother isn't back then I get the duty of being the Ravenwood at the wedding in the northlands." he explained pushing the letter over so Lyriel could read it.

"So you know about Mom and Dad already? Lyles huh... wonder how that will go. Hhmm man this wasn't very long after you and Lily were born either. Mom and Dad's sort of last Harrah before settling at home with all us kids." Lyriel said with a smile pushing it back over. "Can't go alone though, too dangerous even with Vex. " Lyriel nodded at Vex.

Vex watched Lyriel curiously, this was the first time she had seen Lyriel full Drow, she was feigning reading the book so she could take in the details. Her body was the same it seemed she simply changed colors of things.

Conner made a irritated sound, "We'd be in the middle of four tribes. Violence is forbidden during the celebration, Vex and I will go with a little help from Grandmother Lai and do our part then come home the next morning."

"Just because it's not allowed doesn't mean it won't happen Conner. Rather you safe than the family sorry. Again." Lyriel said ruffling his hair affectionately. She turns then and nods at Vex. "Don't worry, you'll get to see more eventually Vex... maybe in the baths next time."Lyriel winks before leaving the study.

Vex blushed then and put the book down. She let out a heavy sigh, and stood up to grab another book to skim. "At least she agrees with me." Vex says trying to regain her footing after Lyriel left.

"Oh for the love of the gods, why does everyone think I'm incapable of defending myself!" COnner growled. "If you aren't going to be part of the solution, you're being a pain in my arse. So, I relieve you of any duties since I am not leaving the house for the rest of the day." he couldn't keep the ire of everyone thinking less of him from creeping into his words. He was trained by his father with a blade, and while not be as perfect at fighting as his other siblings, he still knew how to fight.

"Because there are people out in the world stronger and more passionate than you. And some of those people want the Ravenwoods dead. Can you honestly say you could stop them? Alone. Also. Your mother is the one to whom I answer to. You cannot dismiss me." Vex says turning around. Looking at Conner. "For what it's worth... your mother thinks you are.capable but just don't apply yourself. I am, quite literally a sacrificial goat. Someone to buy you time, to get away or prepare to deal the finishing blow. My job... is quite literally to die if you are in a dire situation." Vex says looking at Conner behind the desk, he looked like he was meant to be there.

"Our agreement was that I inform you if I leave the grounds." Conner said, "I know I damaged that trust sneaking away to Illian in pursuit of Xeph. It wold be better if we could stand side by side for those threats, then we'd be better equipped to both survive." He pulled the invitation back out and looked at it for a long second, "We are going, to continue a tradition that these people believe so strongly in. We will be among four tribes, who honor the treaty and I will not see something that important to them fail. I'm going to finish my notes and after dinner spend time with Grell's group and the family. Tomorrow we are going to look for a wedding present and supplies for the trip."

"You haven't done much at all to actually treat me like a partner." Vex said softly going towards the door of the study. She stops just in front of the door. "With these sorts of jobs... you never know who you guard, or what they are like behind doors. But I have to say Conner. I like you best when you are honest with yourself. Also less bossy and whiney. I will see you tomorrow then." Vex says leaving him alone in the study, she was headed for her own room.

Linlesse was down in the hot springs and when she was sure she was alone she dropped the illusion and looked at herself nude in the mirror. She smiled when she could finally put to herself aspects that she got from her mother. Her eyes flared a little, they were lighter than Aunt Lyriel's but the same as Asper's, her nose was also her mothers and her smirk was Asper too.

Elsa dropped her hairbrush and robe to the floor from the doorway and gasped loudly, this time of night everyone was usually finished with their baths, her babies were all put to bed and Fael usually had time before his nightly watch, so she could bathe. She was used to doing it alone now, and while she had seen and sort of met everyone here was a strange looking girl in the baths with glowing eyes.

Karina gasped too and ran behind the mirror trying to bring up her disguise quickly, "OH fiddle!" First aunt Lyriel and Samantha and know Aunt Elsa. "Um, whoops, um, it's really not what it looks like Mistress Elsa." she tried to buff her way out of explaining to another family member what was going on.

"Linlesse... Which I assume is a false name now. Now that I know you are lying... you had best tell me everything because if I scream... hell will unleash in this household." Elsa warns calmly enough, she was without anything she needed for casting any spells, so she was basically a sitting duck. But it didn't mean she was afraid... after all Elsa was used to being in compromised situations regularly.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone else, err, well other than Lyriel...and Samantha. Cause they already know, please promise Aunt Elsa." she said stepping out from behind the mirror and within arms reach of her Aunt. She hadn't really thought about being naked, and she realized that she should have waited for Aunt Lyriel to come down before dropping her illusion.

"Aunt?! Lyriel knows?!" Elsa asks somewhat shocked, she was a little hesitant when the young psion came around the mirror once more, but upon her words Elsa was more confused than anything.

"What the!? Karina! Elsa... ugh... alright... I can explain... Elsa, listen for a minute alright?" Lyriel had walked in humming a song, she stopped dead in her tracks seeing Elsa clothed staring at Karina, naked... in the baths. Lyriel knew what was about to happen and she wondered if Karina did to.

"Karina? Darryl's newborn daughter?! Oh no... oh no no no, you had both better get ready for some explaining because I swear to my God's and Mother that if I don't get answers!" Elsa warned pointing her finger between the both of them and using her newfound mother's voice.

Then sudden rememberence that she was naked as the day she was born (the pun almost made her laugh) Karina hurried over and grabbed a towel to cover up. "I'm sorry to decieve everyone, but it's just hard to explain how and why I'm here." she said coming back to stand near Aunt Elsa. "Don't be cross with Aunt Lyriel or Samantha, I begged them, like I am you not to tell."

"What does that even mean?! Tell whom? Why are you deceiving me?" Elsa asked getting more riled up by the moment. She was winding herself up fast.

"It means Elsa, she's lost! Okay... let's start over, Elsa... this is Karina, Darryl's daughter... from a different time, a future one. Some stuff happened and she came back to change it. Don't ask. Anyways now she's here and doesn't know if she can go back, and Sam and I walked in on her much like you did... just not naked and got the info from her." Lyriel finishes with a shrug of her shoulders.

Elsa's mouth was open with shock, until Lyriel tried to close it, then Elsa slapped her hand away hard. " You are telling me... she... is the same baby that was just born? And that she needs her family?" Elsa said slowly as she was grappling with the information her tired mind was trying to process.

Karina took a deep breath, "I didn't exit where I was supposed to and used up too much energy so I had to change my plans. And then when I attempted to rest and gather my energy I got captured and imprisoned. That's when I ran into Uncle Conner and Aunt Vex...epp." she tried to cut that last part out.

"Vex as IN verex... Conners bodyguard?" Elsa asks the rest of it she could believe, it's not like crazy things didn't always happen in their family anyways. "None other Lyriel says before pinching Karina's cheek hard. "Yo u need to quite down and quit trying to explain so much!" She scolds Karina, she sighs then and starts to strip. "It's too hot in here to just stand and talk so let's get in and wash up while we do."

Karina yiped and rubbed the spot, "Future you doesn't pinch there." Then she thought better of complaining too much and got into the water. "Can I drop the illusion, I kinda would like to remember what I look like normally." she asked hoping there wouldn't be anyone else coming down to the springs.

"It should be fine... other than Lyriel and I hardly anyone comes to the baths this late. Grandma Lai and Aunt Arten always come early in the morning." Elsa said softly then looking Karina up and down as she herself disproved too.

Lyriel giggles and gets into the water. "Were you such a blabbermouth in the other time? Maybe I didn't need to pinch you there before but now I certainly do!" Lyriel says shaking her head at the young psion.

Karina frowned, "It's hard to keep straight what I should and shouldn't tell and who I am supposed to tell it to." She figured telling Elsa that Dahar and her learned about pleasure from one another was a good idea. "Most everyone from my time knew what this time was, err...I mean the events which have changed." she said before falling silent again.

Elsa sighs softly and hugs Karina. "I can't begin to understand, but what I do know is our family is only as strong as it is because we have each other." She says encouragingly.

Lyriel smirks, she knew some interesting things too, not that she was going to say any. She lathers up a rag and begins to wash though. "So now Elsa knows, and no Elsa you can't tell Fael about it. Not even a little bit." Lyriel says cutting off her best friend and sister.

Before Karina could say anything a voice came from the doorway, "Tell Fael about what?" The psion's eyes went wide and Linlesse popped back into being and she eeked and sank to her neck when the felid came around the screen before being a little shocked to see his wife and sister-in-law had company, "My apologies, I thought Lyriel and Elsa were alone."

"Oh this is great timing... and who is looking after the kittens?" Lyriel asks with a laugh, she continues to wash up though. She didn't care who was around and what was.going on. She needed clean and she was going to do so.

Elsa wraps a towel around Karina's body under the water quickly and smiles at her husband. "Girls stuff. That... i... cannot tell you... even a little bit." Elsa says looking at Lyriel for the last part which got a firm head shake no, in response. Elsa too wondered if anyone was watching her babies. She frowns at Lyriel and splashes her then. Making the Drow laugh harder.

Fael laughed, "Our trustworthy maid has a sharp eye upon our children. I' preparing to go out and patrol our fences with Flint as we did last night. His eyes glanced over Lyriel, remembering the couple times that she graced their bed with Elsa and himself. He did turn around so not to offend Linlesse. "I just came down to wish you goodnight my love." he said.

"Aaawww you gonna kiss too? Say good luck?" Lyriel teases them as she washed her chest while he was still looking. When he turned away she made some very rude gestures to Elsa.

Elsa blushes brightly and splashes Lyriel harder with water before making her way to the edge. "I've got a spare kiss if you'd like it." She offers making her own rude gesture to Lyriel making the Drow co tinge her giggles.

Fael knelt by the edge and turned when Elsa was close kissing her deeply. He was surprised that Lyriel would be so free around Linlesse, but one could hardly guess what the relationship was between these women. He would never had guessed looking between Elsa and Lyriel when he first arrived that they had ever shared intimacy with one another let alone with him.

"Maybe once the kittens have grown a bit more, Lover cat." Lyriel laughs turning away to give them a moment and instead look over at Linlesse and what she was doing with herself at the moment.

Elsa hums happily at the sudden deep kiss. She knew Fael would be pondering this for a while once he left. Lyriel was bad for insighting more mischief when the house had quite enough young children who did that on their own. She also had half a mind to pull Fael into the water but knew Karina would mind, and she had promised to behave for him.

After he left Karina dropped the illusion again and started washing up as well, "No wonder I have so many cousins on your side of the family." She then grinned at Elsa who would probably not miss the meaning of her words. "So, much makes sense being here now. But I wonder what other repercussions I have caused in the future." she said kind of quietly. Could coming back for her own reasons done something awful for everyone else.

Elsa blushes softly at Karina's words. "I promised he gets to decide when we have our next child after Dahar. So I'm not sure when he will want to have another one. But Dahar is three weeks old now, Xeph and Kaitlyn are almost two, I can't believe they are so old now!" Elsa said helping Lyriel scrubbing her back, Lyriel giggles softly at Elsa's dreamy tone talking about her children. Elsa went quiet then as she thought a moment. "Well whatever might happen, also might not. No use worrying about it now , best to just live your life and try to do your best in all things like always." Elsa said hoping she was helpful.

Lyriel listened to the both of them talking and stayed silent. Though when Elsa was done with her back she returned the favor, both women then pulled Karina close and washed her back together too. "I would say, if it looks like it might change something badly don't do it."

"Well, my only major change to the timeline has had three unknown changes. So, how do I know if I changed anything else. I lost my power to see the future, and therefore I'm not even sure if I can go back from where I came from."

"You could keep a journal and write down the differences in each situation you see?" Elsa offered from behind Karina scrubbing her back. Elsa wondered what happened to make Karina from the future travel back in time, something awful to the family? Something awful to her? Elsa exchanged a look with Lyriel. "No Elsa, the whole family did not perish in her time. Ask if you are so curious, but... that journal idea isn't too bad, but I would write what happened in your timeline and see the changes that happened that differ from it. We get information from our contacts, from our merchants and from those that work for us, you could check in with Conner on those as he is in the Study finally taking up the household duties of the Heir." Lyriel suggests, Elsa gasps softyl. "He's actually doing it? I thought for sure he would try to push it on someone else in the end!" Elsa says.

"There you go. When I was ten Uncle Conner had already taken over the day to day of the family and turned our little traders into The Ravenwood Trading Coster with contracts all over most of the world. Grandmother and Grandfather spent most of their time looking after us and training." Karina said wondering if Conner would be taking over now and chaning the time line further.

"Our Conner? Our little, selfish, do nothing brother? In charge of the dad to day?" Elsa asks shocked to the core. Enough so that she stopped cleaning Karina, Lyriel on the other hand makes a thoughtful hum and gets some cleaning soap to begin washing Karina's hair. "What of everyone else? What where they all doing when you were ten? Or is that too far ahead? Perhaps I should ask what happened at this time?" Lyriel asks as she works on washing Karina's hair gently.

"I have no idea about now, I was with mother and Uncle Jake in Venir. I didn't come to live here until I was four when father brought us here, grandmother had been the only Ravenwood I saw up until then. But at ten, Aunt Elsa you had four children, but had never recovered little Xeph. Another change to the timeline, and Aunt Lily never came home, which I hope changes." She fell quiet again letting everything sink in.

Elsa drops the rag and looks at Lyriel who shook her head yes. "Xeph... never came home?" Elsa asks softly, she had been utterly heartbroken when her kitten had been taken from her, especially when it had been during his little brothers birth. "wait... why until four? Asper has been living by Venirian custom, why were you taken back?" Elsa asks getting the rag again and re-soaping it.

Lyriel continued to work over Karina's hair and when it was done to her satisfaction she moved on to Elsa, otherwise they might forget the reason they came and leave dirty still. Lyriel had heard this particular story so she only half listened as Karina told Elsa what happened.

"The Venirians who had come to verify that mother and father were truly married and died while they were here. In my timeline they took us back and imprisoned us and forced father not to come take us. Mother died when I was three and Uncle Jake six months later, then father came for me and brought me here to live as a Ravenwood. When I came back, I was too weak to stop them so I hired someone to take care of the situation." she knew it might make her look bad, but she didn't care much.

"took you back? But why! Why didn't Darryl just take you back? why didn't Darryl get you once Asper died? you hired an assassin?! How did you even find one? did you meet him? what was he like?" Elsa barraged the poor girl with all her questions the moment she was done telling her tale. Elsa couldn't grab onto Karina to ask her these questions because Lyriel was washing her hair and wouldn't let her loose. "How about you pick one question she can answer Elsa instead of overwhelming her? Let's do the assassin ones Karina, I'm afraid Elsa loves a good adventure tale." Lyriel shrugs her shoulders still washing her little sisters hair.

I exited time across the sea and some cultures don't look down on assassins and even allow guilds. I found one who would accept the contract and paid him to come here, he was young but skilled they called him Da'Karis. Father was sropped because if he came for mother and I they would kill Jake and the same if he attempted to rescue Jake." she explained. "It isn't all so far fetched until you get to my coming back and who encouraged me to do it, that's the strangest time change anyway."

"ooohhh sounds mystic! Darryl is so strong and fast though... he wouldn't have had any problems defeating them! Wait... who encouraged you? why is it the strangest of the time changes? No! Asper.... you said... you said Asper died... you came back to meet your mother didn't you?" Elsa asked gently and softly the last few questions. Her eyes misted up with feelings for Karina, to grow up not knowing your mother... and to be so lost in time now... not to mention all these other things that had happened to her.

Lyriel sighed softly and left Elsa's head be for now and washed her own hair, it would take a minute or more then both theirs combined because unlike them she rarely cut it except for a trim. She too felt for Karina but the girl would learn much being here now and getting to meet and see her own mother for herself. Perhaps not the way she really wished for it... but anything was better than nothing right?

"Father forbid me, but grandmother encouraged me. I had a rebellious side and she figured the best way was to encourage me to come back and make it so little me got to have her mother and father. We just had not figured how I would return or if I could return. But, seeing Asper with me it makes me glad I'll grow up with such a good mother." Karina said with a non-committal shrug of her shoulders.

"A... A good mother?" Elsa asks after rinsing her hair looking over at Lyriel. Lyriel shrugs and continues washing her own hair. Elsa looks over to Karina again. "What did they tell you about her?" she asked wondering if Darryl had gone through the same things in this time as last time... he was so full of doubt when Asper was pregnant after all, what would they have told Karina about Asper.

Lyriel finished her hair and began to scrub herself quickly and then just relaxed in the water, training the children and taking up a shift around the house guarding would take up some of her free time, the rest would be spent with family, or she could start trying to sniff out just where Alehial had gone.

"While she was still pregnant with me, the Velusians let Grandmother visit as a means to keep father from leveling the prison to find us. Asper was scared and they came to an agreement and even became friends before she died. Haven't you seen Asper with little me, she is a good mother and loves her with all her heart." Karina said dunking under the water to rinse her hair.

"Well... No I haven't left the house yet. I've seen you... when Darryl brought you over for a visit just briefly. In this time... your mother and Grandmother don't get along at all." Elsa says also finishing up before relaxing along the edge on a seat in the water.

Lyriel nods her head in agreement. "In fact your mom being pregnant only made her relationship with everyone much worse. Though she has calmed down greatly since then. Even Darryl despaired for a while, but I know things have gotten very much better between them." Lyriel says with a smile.

Karina thought about what Lyriel said, "Perhaps she was overwhelmed by the size of our family. But, now she's fine a little isolated but she's a good mother and wife."

"A little isolated?! She practically begged Darryl to build her a fortress away from everyone and with everything they could need. So no one could hurt her ever again or anyone she cared about." Elsa said with a laugh, as she hugged Lyriel.
Lyriel hugged her back and crooked her finger at Karina to come over and join them. "your mother had a rough life Karina, but she doesn't anymore. she did some damage to the relationships between her and the family but she and Darryl really do care for each other and she loves her little brother and you. Just be patient, she'll accept you as you are now too. You'll get to know your mother, for real." Lyriel said with a smile to the girl. It was more than Lyriel would ever get and she had to admit she was jealous, but with a family like the Ravenwoods she couldn't be too jealous.

Karina moved into the group as Lyriel had motioned for her. It was nice to know she had at least two people to depend on.

Lyriel made a face at Elsa. "It'll be fine Karina, we will be here for you. You have any trouble and you come to us. Or if you unlock your mind talking powers, use those." Lyriel says hugging the girl tightly and putting her between Elsa and herself on the ledge they were all sitting on.
Elsa nodded. "I'm sorry... I can be real negative sometimes, you just come to my rooms, me and my kids will cheer you up." Elsa offers, also hugging the young girl, she of course didn't know about Karina and Dahar from the future. she was simply trying to offer the girl a refuge.

Karina tried her best to hide her reaction behind a giggle, but it came out somewhere between the moan of a memory and a strangled laugh. "Thank you Aunt Elsa, everyone in the family has been great in the other timeline and this one too." She looked at Lyriel and tried not to giggle again, it was kind of weird sitting naked between her aunts like this.

Lyriel winked at Karina and the three of them lounged on the seat ledge them comfortably. Lyriel knew though that the round that Fael and Flint were on would end relatively soon, she would take her own after that then. "Well ladies, I have to get out and prepare. I'll be taking up the security of the household for a while, Altair's busy with other things and Alehial is... enjoying herself outside of the city for a little while." Lyriel says drying off, she would tend to her skin later. For now she redressed and grabbed her practice armor.

Elsa sighed softly, and stood as well. "My breasts are full, Dahar will want fed soon too. And with Fael coming back from his round of the house he will want to sleep beside me." Elsa says softly with a smile for Karina, indeed Elsa's figure was much fuller now then before, her hips wider and with her breasts full of milk much larger as well.

Karina bid them both goodnight and finished cleaning herself and brought her Linlesse illusion back up. She then headed back up to her room and turned in for the night.

The next morning Altair woke hearing some sort of noise in the room, Orissa and Samantha were still asleep, still holding hands. He raised his head and looked around as the bed chamber was half filled with Orissa's imps who were chatting amongst themselves. This was not the way he was going to start the day, so a quick dispel magic and the imps faded away. Alehial wanted to understand them, Lai wanted to study them, Altair just wanted them to behave themselves. Gazing across the other side of Samantha where Alehial should be, where was his wife and was she safe?

When Altair dispelled her imp. Orissa made a face in her sleep and made an uncomfortable noise, though once the imps were gone she settled again easily. Samantha in response to her twins distress and cuddled closer and her hand tightened it's grip for a few seconds. These girls were much closer than even Conner and Lily had been as children. Probably due to the fact that Samantha was magical empty and Orissa was overly full of it.

Altair put his head back down on the pillow and placed his arm over his girls, if only it was so easy to be rid of all life's problems. He almost chuckled imagining Galin winking out of existence with such a simple spell.

Samantha yawned then and slowly opened her eyes. She knew she was safe, she could feel Daddy's arm over her, there were no imps this morning though which was weird. "Daddy?" Samantha asks softly snuggling into her sister, who snuggled back but didn't really rouse.

Altair reached over and brushed her hair out of her eyes, "Good morning my dear. Did you sleep well?"

"mm!" Samantha nodded her head and smiled gently, "Did you too Daddy?" Samantha asks before stretching out her legs, she used her free hand to rub her sleepy eyes. She looked up at her father, and gave him a wider smile, she was speaking softly so as to not wake Orissa. Samantha liked to let Orissa sleep longer when she was so sleepy. they really needed to practice all her spells... and try the new one she got from shopping the other day.

"I did, what would you like for breakfast today?" he asked. He didn't always have time to talk to his younger children. And he hated that about himself sometimes, the little ones needed his time and attention.

"Are you coming to eat breakfast with us today Daddy?!" Samantha asks immediately excited about the idea of Altair spending time with her and her sister. "I want eggs and sausage and potatoes! the crunchy kind!" Samantha said excitedly, her wiggling and speaking louder was rousing Orissa from her sleep and she moans and snuggles back into her fathers body more.

Altair raised a finger to his lips, "We don't want to wake Orissa yet little one. Give her a little more time to sleep, then we'll go to breakfast together." He smiled at how happy Samantha was that he planned to have breakfast with them today. Perhaps today was a day that he spend with his children, yes today was going to be him and the children.

"But she'll sleep forever Daddy!" Samantha grumbles before climbing carefully over her sister to sit on her father. She wanted to cuddle too and Orissa took up the bed next to him. "You know Daddy! Lyriel is starting to let all us kids train with her everyday she said! We went yesterday and we went over the stuff the elves taught us in Sildea." Samantha was speaking softer but no less excited.

He smiled and hugged her close, "I know, Lyriel told me. But, I want you to understand that you are still young and I do not want you to try wading into battle. Leave fighting to the adults until you are older, promise me if someone tries to come for you or Orissa you'll try to find one of the elder brothers or sisters."

"I promise Daddy. I won't fight unless I have to, Daddy yesterday when we went into town with Mommy there were these boys and one looked funny, but Orissa controlled her imps and made them chase the boys it was funny! But the old man who owned the shop gave Rissa things... and one of em she sucked right up!" Samantha chatted happy now that Daddy was with them and no one else for once. "And when in Sildea, they said I was really good with sword and that I was just like you! even though they made us take a bath every single day and we had to change into like five different clothes every day!" Samantha continues to talk to her father. It had been a long time since he exclusively spent time with them.

Altair listened to Samantha and waited for Orissa to wake up, but found most of what she said very interesting. "What did you think about the boys?" he hoped his little girls didn't notice little boys yet.

"They were rude! The grey skinned red eyed one said I had no magic at all! He called me a Dud! And the little boy with Blue eyes laughed! That's when Rissa sicked her Goblins on them. But none of the mean one's!" Samantha amended very quickly so Orissa wouldn't get in anymore trouble from it. Samantha blushed softly. "Once she chased 'em down the stairs... I was gonna punch 'em, but Mommy got really mad... and the nice guy at the counter... it was his kids he got fired cause of Rissa scaring the boys." Samantha continued on with more details of the story, not thinking the boys were particularly important to the story as a whole.
Rissa stirred a little and snuggled in tighter against Altair, clearly Samantha talking so much was waking her up slowly.

Altair gave Samantha a squeeze, "My dear Samantha, I don't know why you aren't able to wield magic. But, nothing happens by chance and it makes you unique and wonderful and one day you'll find out why. I couldn't use magic for some time until I had been out in the woods for several years alongside grandma Lai and the others." He looked over at Orissa and smiled, both his girls were talented and would do something worthwhile with their lives. Although the thought came to him if he'd be here to see it.

"Well that's why I'm gonna train really hard Daddy. So I can be like you and Mommy but without the magic... I'll be the best swordsman ever!" Samantha promises her dad hugging him tightly with a giggle. Orissa roused again but rubbed her eyes and yawned this time, blinking as she looked up at first Samantha then Daddy.

Altair smiled and leaned over to give Orissa a kiss on the forehead, "Good morning little one, how did you sleep?" He also gave Samantha a hug, he knew she meant every word she had said.

Samantha giggles softly and hugs him back. Orissa smiles and hugs Samantha over top of Daddies arm. "Good. I like sleeping in your bed Daddy it feels good." She smiled shyly at her father.

"Well, we need to go have breakfast and perhaps today we will not have tutors. Perhaps enjoy the glen or go across to Lucas' park and enjoy the day." Altair knew Alehial would not agree with his decision, but without her here it was his decision.

"You mean it Daddy?! We don't have to have tutors today?!" Samantha asked excitedly wiggling in his arms happily. Orissa smiles brightly and hugs Daddy tightly again, she knew though if she didn't use some spells that her umps would come out whether she wanted them too or not.

"First we need to change and go eat breakfast, then we will plan what to do for the day." Altair said. Today would be a day when he could just be a father, not a duke or anything else.

"For the whole day?" Orissa asks softly almost shyly a little, Samantha giggles and climbs off Altair and the bed. "That means pants today! Cause we are going to the park!" Samantha said loudly and excitedly, she motioned for Orissa to come to the edge of the bed and helped her twin to the floor. "Come on Rissa!! We can meet Daddy downstairs at the table after we're dressed and you do our hair!" Samantha chats away excitedly. "M'kay." Came Orissa's sleepy yawned reply, as she let her twin drag her from the room to their own rooms. They both dressed quickly and rushed to the dining room, where all the guests were too.

Altair arrived down in the dining room with Conner and they all ate while he and Conner discussed the missives. Then they had to wait for the tutors so Altair could advise them of the change for the day.

Both girls were wearing pants this morning though Orissa had a sort of overdress on hers much to Samantha's dismay, however they both ate heartily and then played with the guest children while waiting for their Dad to finish his talk with Conner and then the tutor. Alehial had set up the tutor to teach the basics to the guest children as well, since everyone was together and all. Many of the adults sat in on the lessons as well though.

Altair gave Conner his blessing on dealing with the landlord and also agreed to his going to the wedding as the family's representative. He then finished his coffee and motioned for the girls to join him. "Well, what shall we do first today?" he asked them.

"The park! Like you said!"Samantha yelled excitedly jumping, Orissa just nodded but said nothing. It had been a long time since Altair had been with either of them, Orissa was holding her own hands behind her as they stood near their Father.

Altiar reached down and tilted up Orissa's chin, "And since Samantha chose first where would you like to go?" He had a couple plans for the day and figured since it was their day, he'd take them for the first time to Finns for lunch and to see Lyle and his children.

"Park, Daddy." Orissa said softly looking up at her father, she began to play with her overdress then, fiddling with it. Samantha smiled at her sister and hugged her tightly, Orissa hugged her sister back.

Altair reached down, "I know the park was your sister's choice. I was going to suggest the House of Boccob and their library? Or visit the soon to be college of magic."

"Mommy says until I can properly control my spells and imps... I'm not allowed to go where there is a lot of magic. Just in case I suck up a lot more spells." Orissa says softly, hugging Samantha tightly. Samantha hugs her back and smiles, "but she loves going to the market Daddy, and getting candy." Samantha offers up quickly making Orissa blush.

"Perhaps then a new trip to the market for some candy." Altair mused looking at his daughters.

Samantha giggles but Orissa blushed harder. Both girls went from the hug to holding hands. Samantha was excited for the entire day to happen, but it seemed Orissa was.being shy around her father.

Orissa remembered at that moment about her quill and the new books that her mother had purchased for her. Altair smiled at them both, "If there is anything you want, then go get it for we won't be back for a little bit.

The twins look at each other and then as one turns and ran back up the stairs to their room. Samantha grabbed her knife just in case and Orissa grabbed her little bag and put the book and quill in it. They then hurried back down the stairs all the while holding hands again back to their father.

"Okay if you are both ready then let us be off. How about the market first for the candy and anything else. Then lunch at a special place and then the park until time to come home?" he offered trying to make the girls curious about events of the day.

"Yes!" Came Samantha's answer immediately, Orissa smiled Nd nodded her head. "Are we gonna picnic Daddy?" She asked softly, going to the door and waiting for her father to open it.

"I thought we'd go have lunch with Uncle Lyle at Finns. I know your mother had decreed you not go there until you were older, but I think you can both handle it. So what do you think?" he had another spot lined up if they didn't want to. But all the children at some point wanted to go to the halflings tavern and inn.

This time the girls looked at each other and both pounced on Altairs legs and belly with big hugs and bright smiles. "We wanna go!" They said in unison while hugging their father tightly. They actually had many plans on sneaking there if no one took them soon.

Altair laughed and opened the door, "Then let us be on our way." They walked to the market near Finns to locate the candy that Orissa was looking for. "Go ahead and look at the stalls, but stay in eye contact." he told them.

"Yes Daddy! Thanks Daddy!" Came the girls reply at the same time as they scampered off hand in hand once more. Mommy never let them run ahead, nor wear pants around. Samantha was a little on guard but mostly having fun because daddy was there, and he could defeat anything. Orissa as soon as getting to the candy cart looked over everything very carefully before finding the hard candy she liked, rock candy! A dwarven specialty. Samantha's was salt water taffy.

Altair kept pace with the girls and talked for a moment or two with the vendor before buying both girls some of their favorites. They then walked around a little more and took in the sights before Finns came into view. Altair smiled, everyone in the family considered coming here a rite of passage. He was glad he could bring the twins here to see their uncle Lyle and cousins.

"I see it Rissy! Daddy hurry up!" Samantha grabs daddies hand with her free hand and tries to pull him to Finn's faster. "Sloe down Sammy! You'll trip!" Was orissa's reply trying to tug Sammy slower by a little though she was really excited aboout Finns too.

When they arrived at Finns the entire place wasn't busy as only guests of the inn were sitting down to meals. Lyle smiled broadly and came out from around the bar, "Well look here it is two of most favorite nieces here for their first ever meal. I think we have the grand table for such guests." he smiled and winked at Altair, the speech had never changed despite which child first came here. He led them to a nice table and got them seated and brought birch beers for the girls and a small wine for Altair.

"Well girls, what would you like for lunch today?" Altair asked after going over the menu with the girls.

"Uncle Lyle!" The girls had shouted hugging the man tightly between them and then following to the table. The girls scooted their chairs together and whispered together after Altair explained the menu. "Fish!" They giggled in unison. They were beaming with smiles.

He smiled and gave the orders to the serving girl and watched as Lyle came over with his own drink and had a seat. "Well, how do you lass' think of Finns?" he asked after a sip.

"I thought there'd be more ruffians!" Samantha said looking around the whole room. Orissa giggles and sips her birch beer. "It smells different than our house." She says wrinkling her little nose just a little bit.

Altair laughed, "It's still early Samantha and yes Orissa it smells very much different than home."

Lyle too laughed, "My new doorman has been keeping the ruffians in line and as far as the smell? Your mother never let us have mead and drinks in the house, so yes very much different."

"Aaaww I wanted to see more ruffians!" Samantha pouts sitting Down properly and also drinking her drink. Orissa smiles pretty at Lyle, "it's a good smell... I like it. Besides Mommy does have drinks in the house and so does Daddy, and Conner, and Lucas, and Lyriel and Aunt Arten does too and Grandma Lai." Orissa says before taking a sip of her drink again, completely innocently.

Their food came and Lyle left them to eat while he checked in on his other clients. It was good to see his old friend and the girls, he missed the hustle and bustle of the estate. But, he had to admit Finns was always busy and the people he met were always unique.

The girls ate quickly, not even from their own plates but freely sharing with each other. Orissa getting more veggies from Samantha's plate and Sammy getting more fish from Rissys plate. They both finished their birch beers as well and were talking incomprehensibly to each other and pointing to different patrons. Just like Conner and Lily these twins seemed to have a language only they understood as well.

Altair shook his head as he ate, his girls were just like the elder two. It was funny, but at the same time a little hard to remember that it was something they did not share with anyone else.

" Daddy, why doesn't mommy let us come here?" Orissa suddenly asked her father in elven. Samantha nods her head in agreement to the question her sister asked and she waved for the serving girl to come over cause they needed dessert and more to drink.

"Because this place is more for adults as they drink here and used to fight sometimes. That is over now, but Mommy sometimes does not choose to re-evaulate her decisions." Altair replied. Lyle laughed at the comments, "Your mommy is concerned once you have one of my sweet rolls you'll want nothing more than to spend all your time here instead of home."

"I think you should bring Mother here when she comes home Father, so she can see it is not so bad." Sammy says with a grin, her elvish was just a little more formal and hesitant but she was also fluent, "please Uncle Lyle! Just this once?" Orissa asks and while doing so attempts to use some of the magic she has seen Conner use to persuade others with.

Lyle looked at Orissa and winked, "A good try sweetheart, but I have four rolls and refills on drinks coming anyway." No one really remembered why ALehial had forbid the children from Finns so long ago. However when the server came out with the tray of sweet rolls he smiled as the girl's eyes grew huge.

"What effort Uncle Lyle?" Orissa asks bouncing a little in her seat and quickly clearing their plates out of the way for the sugary sticky sweets. Sammy also squirmed excitedly until she looked at Orissa for a minute then shook her head, there was some sparkled coming from her fingers as she cleared the table a little. Samantha grabbed her sisters right hand then and entwined her fingers with them and pulled her head close, she whispered something in their shared language. Orissa looked down at her fingers then frowns and closed her eyes breathing deeply until the sparkles went away.

Altair watched them for a moment, "Well, dig in. I'm sure you want to know how it tastes." Their mother loved sweets and Altair was curious how the twins would react.

Now that Orissa was calm the twins grinned at each other and both grabbed up the sweetroll with bare hands, they giggled before taking a big bite at the same time. "Mmmm!!!!" Sammy nearly rolled her eyes into her head and chewed fervently before taking another big bite. Orissa nods happily but her next couple of bites were smaller and more managable."itsh shuper tashty, uncle lil." Orissa tried to say politely but she blushed brightly when it came out muffled from the treat she was eating.

Altair chuckled, "Try to not speak with your mouth full dear one." He wasn't going to correct them for being children, but reminding them of their manners was different.

"Shorry..." Orissa tries to apologize but blushes harder when she had to say sorry with a full mouth and chew and swallow her mouthful, "sorry Daddy, uncle Lyle these are so Good! I wish I could have more!" Orissa giggles softly, and her eyes seemed just a bit to glow for a moment. Samantha's head shot up from her next bite and she looked startled at her twin sister. She then blinked and chewed heartily. She nodded her head at Uncle Lyle too though.

They finished their sweet rolls and passed the Ravenwood page whom Altair stopped and spoke to for a few minutes. He then told the page a message and let him continue to deliver his message as well. "Alright girls shall we head to the park for a little while?" he asked getting both girls their capes.

"Yeah we are ready to go play!" Samantha said grabbing hers and putting it on herself quickly. She then turns and hugs uncle Lyle tightly. "Thanks uncle Lyle!!" She says giving him a kiss on the cheek too.

Orissa let her father put the Cape on her shoulders then tied it. She too went to Lyle and gave him a hug but nearly as excitedly as Sammy had done. "The sweetrolls were the best Uncle Lyle. Thank you." She said with a small giggle.

"The best praise I could ever ask for, have fun with your father my dears." Lyle said hugging each one back then clasping Altair's arm. "Good travels my friend, try not to be such a stranger."

They left Finns and made their way back to the park near the estate, not stopping until they were inside the walled park. Altair made his way over to a bench and had a seat, Lucas had made sure there were places to sit and different things for people to do.

The girls were chatting in their strange language the whole way to the park and once there sammy seemed to get upset and Orissa nonchalantly went to a clear area. Samantha sat down near her father and folded her little arms just like mommy did when she was very upset. "I told her she's about to explode... so she's gonna let it out... but we aren't in a safe place to do it." She told her father. Orissa carefully removed her Cape and hung it on the swings before stepping into the clear area again.

As Orissa prepared to cast a spell she noticed the blank spell book and the magical quill. Something encouraged her to write either story or drawing somewhere safe for her and her family.

Altair hugged Samantha to his side, "Magic sometimes isn't that fun Smanatha, it took me years to be able to cast a single spell. Lily can cast a spell, but can't yet get it right. It takes so much extra study to do magic, you will be a master of blades and bows that others can barely do."

Orissa pulled out her book and quill and began to draw a picture of a castle... with canons and magic Crystal's like Brother Darryl's crystals her little tongue was sticking out a little, she could feel something happening though as she drew.

Samantha huffed but hugged Daddy back. "I'll make sure I'm the best ever in Andor Daddy. That way Orissa will always be safe... and you and Mommy too."

Altair smiled at her, "Go and play with Orissa, she seems to be doing something interesting." He nudged her along and sat back against the tree breathing in the fresh air.

"Okay Daddy." Samantha said nodding her head and walking over to her sister. They chatted a moment and Sammy sat down next to Orissa to watch what she was doing.

After a long while of enjoying the park Altair took the girls home for dinner and then so they could go to bed. Inwardly he hoped that Alehial would be home, that she was safe and that they were safe. But, to no avail Bowers informed him that Vex had taken the night off and Conner was seeing to the guests.

Once entering their home grounds Orissa let loose several of her imps. She was almost bursting with magical overflow. The girls had played tag and other mundane games because mommy always said not to use magic around those that couldn't. Sammy was holding Orissa's hand again and neither girl were speaking out loud but it was clear there was a conversation taking place between them... Orissa had picked up Conners spell for communication it seemed.

The imps stopped and glanced around before begining to dance about, then Nanny appeared and walked to the girls giving both a hug and bowing to Altair. She then chastised the two dancing imps who fell into line behind the group and headed to the house.

Sammy looked up at Daddy and then back at Rissy and shook her head. Orissa too looked up at their father and another imp jumped out. The girls hands were clenched tightly around each others. Neither were speaking out loud but they were clearly still talking and keeping themselves apart from Altair a bit.

"Is something going on girls?" Altair asked taking a stride or two to get closer to his daughters. His mind might be on Alehial, but he knew better than to neglect his youngest children.

"Dont feel right..." Orissa mumbles outloud for Daddy to hear. Sammy glanced at her father and then looked at her twin. She said no words but Orissa leaned forward and Sammy was there supporting her, in fact Orissa's face was becoming pale, two more imps popped into existence around the girls and Orissa's hair began to act as if it were statically charged.

As Altair picked up Orissa, Nanny turned and began issuing orders to the imps who began to vanish in hopes that the magic they were made of would return to Orissa. Not waiting Altair hurried inside the house and up to Arten's room and barely waited to be granted access before going inside to get the cleric's aid.

Samantha had to run to keep up with her father but she would never leave her sisters side again if she could help it. She knew Daddy would keep her safe but... it was just like when the imps first started to appear.
Orissa held on tightly to her father but he too could feel a tingly sensation around Orissa and his hair was beginning to act static like around her too. "Daddy... gonna be sick..." she whispered softly.

Arten remembered seeing this and quickly put her hands on Orissa and cast trying to dispel the building magic. It worked but only so much there was still a lot of magic building in the little sorceress. "Samantha, go get Elsa and Grandmother Lai and for that matter Lucas and Tani maybe Conner too." she said knowing the twin wasn't far away and would hurry to gather as many family as she could that had magic.

"Dont let her hurt anyone, or get hurt!! I'll be fastest!" Samantha said before tearing through the doorway and scrambling through the house shouting names as loud as she could. Banging on doors as she passed them and shouting Aunt Arten needed them right now for Orissa.

Orissa took a deep breath and sighed letting it out. She felt a tiny bit better but still yucky. "I'm sorry Aunt Arten... Mommy said I shouldn't use my spells unless I need them and I've been trying not to let the imps out cause Daddy doesnt like them..." orissa tried to explain. Worried she would get in trouble for what was going on.

Arten smiled down at the little girl, "Hush now, no need to apologize. How about conjouring some of your little lights. Get some of the extra magic out."

Orissa nodded and held out her hands, from then began the dancing light display, it was small because Daddy was holding her and Aunt Arten was close.

Elsa comes to the doorway slightly out of breath. "I'm here! What's wrong?! Is she okay??" Elsa asks adjusting her clothing better on her body looking at Orissa and her magical display with confusion.

"It's fine now, thank you Elsa." Altair said his tone with a hint of ire to it. Where was Alehial, she was always on top of how much magic Orissa was or was not using. "Arten please will you two watch over her, I'm going to ask Lai to scry for Alehial." he said leaving his little girl in the competent clerics care.

When he left the room, out in the hallway stood Tani her wings tucked behind her back tightly, her hands tense and he could tell she had hurried. "Samantha said her sister was ailing?" Tani asked worriedly, she could see by his face that he was very upset. Behind Tani was Lyriel who was dressed in her house clothes, her hair was down and wet from the baths. "Father is Orissa alright? Samantha wasn't specific when she shouted on her run by." Lyriel says trying to be careful of Tani's wings.

"Orissa had not expended enough of her magic and she became ill. Arten has dispelled some, but we may need another before too long. I'm going to have Lai scry for Alehial again, we need her homeno matter what she might be doing now." he said turning to head to his step-mothers study.

"You might want to catch Samantha... she was still running and yelling for aide." Lyriel offers her suggestion before aiming Tani to Arten's chambers where the light display had gotten large enough to fill the entire ceiling of the room. Orissa was sitting and leaning against Arten as she used her magic. She still looked green and like she felt unwell.

Tani stepped forward and knelt spreading her wings back behind her. "Orissa, I heard you aren't feeling well?" Tani asked getting a nod of her head by Orissa who was channeling her imagination into the lights. Tani then looked at Arten questioningly. Lyriel stayed in the dooorway mostly because of Tani's wings but also because she didn't have the right sort of spells to cast to help her little sister properly.

"Go and get Samantha, Arten and Tani can stay and help Orissa." Altair directed her. He continued his way up to Lai's chambers and to ask her to locate his wayward bride.

Lyriel turned them and walked down the hallway, intent to gather up her little sister and bring her back to her twins side. Meanwhile Tani waited patiently for Orissa's spell to end and she too cast a dispelled on Orissa, who started another Dancing lights spell. She had lots more energy but only knew a few spells of her own that were harmless.

When Altair returned even Conner had been by to cast a dispel and even talk to Orissa some. Lucas was out in the hallway with Samantha and Lyriel as room inside Arten's was in short supply. Lai had been unable to figure out where Alehial was, and had even mentioned that he should call upon Darryl to find her. But, after all he had done for the family and Grell's people Altair wanted to give him time to recharge his powers.

Tani shimmied her way out of the room apologizing the entire time. She told Samantha to go ahead in. Orissa was feeling much better now and grabbed her sister once she was close, the twins held hands tightly and Samantha crawled up onto Aunt Artens bed as well. Orissa cast another Dancing Lights spell her last of the day in fact, though she had one spell she always kept on her no matter what.

Lyriel looked at Altairs face and then turned to Lucas and gestured quickly for bad news. She was able to keep herself out of Father's way, and out of his ire as well. Lucas however was good at calming the family, Tani too.

Lucas went to say something, except Altair didn't stop to speak with them. He went into the room and sat near Orissa, "How do you feel sweetheart?"

Orissa smiled at her father and scooted right up against him and Samantha wiggled up to her side as well. "Much better now Daddy!" Orissa says softly before a yawn overcame her, she was still trying to concentrate on the dancing lights spell making all sorts of images.

Lyriel looks at Lucas and Tani and shrugged, "Mom's been gone a few days now..." lyriel whispers to inform at least Lucas of the situation.

"And we are just being told now?" Lucas asked. Obvious worry on his face as Alehial was the one who brought him into their home when Soth and his army overtook Baerlon many years ago.

"Where has she gone,Lyriel?" Tani asks softly placing her hand on Lucas' arm, she knew just how much Alehial meant to her husband and now her as well. She was like a mother when she had never gotten one herself.

Lyriel shook her head. "Here isn't the place to speak of these things... let's go to Finn's later? We can get a room and discuss things." Lyriel says with a soft sigh.

Lucas shook his head, "No, something this important needs done here and with all of the family we can muster. You, Me, Elsa, Conner and even Darryl if mother is missing and the twins are having problems we need a clear path. Finn's is not the place for such a dscussion."

"Keep your voice down! And come out of the doorway veiw!" Lyriel hissed out in a whisper grabbing both Tani and Lucas' arm. She herself was keeping her voice low. " listen... the fewer who know the better in this case... Mom surely has a reason. Or a plan or something... but Dad isnts taking it well." Lyriel says softly. "Darryl is already upset at not being able to find missing family let's not add another." She said shaking her head.

Tani looks between the two and sighs softly. "Your mother may ha e a plan but that doesnt mean she can handle it on her own... however... I feel Conner is already in a dangerous position of wanting adventure and trying to take over some of the household duties." Tani says to Lucas mostly.

"What of Elsa and Fael?" Lucas was quick to mention, "We need plans in place in case the estate is attacked and what of helping Orissa if her magic goes awry. If I agree to only a few the meeting still stays here, and Conner is included. He will turn away from the adventure if the younger siblings safety may be threatened."

Lyriel sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose before shrugging. "Okay... fine... well meet up in the war room, tonight. Midnight. Spread the word, I'll let Elsa know and bring Daniel too. He might have some insight from a architectural point of view, besides it was time we began including him anyways, even if he's not a fighter." Lyriel says before she looks at Aunt Artens doorway and shakes her head, heading for Elsa's rooms to let Fael know what's going on.

Tani looks at Lucas and smiles before kissing his cheek. "I will stay with the girls and your father. For a while at least." She offers, knowing Orissa might not be out of magic just yet even after three dispels and using some of her own spells.

When midnight arrived the war room was pretty full of kids. Lucas, Lyriel and FLint, Conner, Elsa and Fael, Daniel were all in attendance. Tani was still keeping watch over the twins and Altair and Conner told the group he would fill Darryl in later by spell or he'd stop in person while running errands.

"I still dont think we should tell Darryl Lucas, he has enough things to worry about already and he's always listening in case we need him anyways." Lyriel was still debating with Lucas, she had semi filled Flint in on what was going on, but had left the details for now.

"I for one would like to know what's going on in general right now in this house!" Elsa chimes up quickly, she was tired and the excitement earlier had only made her more wary now.

"If we need to get the younger children and staff away Darryl is the safest place other than the castle." Lucas countered. "Mother is gone." he said looking to Elsa, "We don't know where and neither does father. This little group is here to discuss what happens if trouble comes knocking." Lucas reached down and took a small chocolate from the box on the table, he then passed it to Lyriel while they waited for everything to sink in.

"No... the truth is... is that I know where roughly speaking mother went... and just who she went with." Lyriel offers up then. Because so far she hadn't told anyone what she knew. That mother had left with someone and willingly. She unwrapped the chocolate though and smiled at her family. " I know we can handle anything that comes our way though!" She says before popping the chocolate into her mouth.

Daniel passed on the candy, as did Conner. Fael took a piece before handing it to Elsa, "So, we are in firm agreement that even without Alehial we are able to keep the entire household safe?" He was concerned about his children. They had just gotten Xeph back and he knew it would kill ELsa to lose any of their children again.

"We are for certain Feal, the house is safe with us around." Lyriel says chewing the chocolate and nougat candy. "But I want you all to know," Lyriel says before finishing her candy and looking around before shaking her head. "I want you to know, Mom left with Galin." She says starting to look slightly confused as she spoke.

Elsa turned down the candy, she tried to be mindful of what she ate while breastfeeding a baby after all. "What do you mean left with galin?! I thought you said she was missing?" Elsa asks then smooching closer to Feal and hugging his arm.

The rest of the night was discussions on defense of the house and then evacuation of the house i case of attack. Finally they discussed about what would happen when Alehial returned, Lucas was visibly upset after all it was Galin who killed his entire family.

Lyriel eventually dismissed everyone to sleep for the rest of the night. They would need their rest to deal with keeping their father and younger siblings together and in high spirits as well as letting the house and work remain.

The next morning, (Lyriel) opened her eyes from her reverie and found herself in a strange room. She couldn't remember anything and was surprised to find a man laying beside her asleep. He began to stir and looked up at her, "Good morning my beautiful wife, did you rest well?"

Lyriel looked at the man with a confused and not very trusting look to be honest. "Fine." She says slowly, before scooting out of the bed to stand and have a better look at things. A lot of weapons... and it smelled like oil and candles. Books strewn about with bookmarks, armor on a stand and one laying on a table. She then realized she was in a cut up shirt and cut pair of pants/turned shorts. She needed some clothes first.

"Lyriel, whats wrong?" Flint saw the change in her deamnor and knew something was going on. He too exited the bed and went to approach her.

"I'm just getting dressed!" She said frowning at him as he got closer, she had hoped he would go on the other side of the bed. He was her husband right? And... Lyriel... that must be her name. She snapped her gaze back at the man from the bed as he got within arms reach. She then took a step back and away from him. She needed more space, to think, to figure things out.

Elsa felt a shift of weight on the bed, when she opened her eyes she saw Fael standing with his back to her. His tail hung very still and he looked towards the windows.

Elsa looked up not moving from her position on the bed. She knew it was early enough that she didnt need to feed their newest addition from how not yet full her breasts felt. She became concerned however at his stillness, usually his tail was always active. "Love? Is everything okay? Are the babies okay?" Elsa asks softly moving a tiny bit on the bed to look around the room.

When he turned there was no hint of recognizetion in his eyes, "Who are you?"

Elsa sits up and looks at Fael concerned and a touch angry. "Is this a joke? Because I dont find it very funny husband." She says looking at him closely, now. She shifted in the bed and pulled the covers back but didnt leave the bed at seeing him staying so tense. "Do... You aren't joking are you? You... you dont know who I am?" Elsa asks tears welling in her eyes at the thought of losing her beloved husband and the father of her children. Her emotions were still not fully hers to control from the pregnancy and the breastfeeding.

Tani woke to find Lucas already out of bed and looking at his equipment like he had never seen it before. He had come to bed and had not spoken much of what happened at the meeting to her. Now in the light of Pelor's new day he no longer seemed the man she married.

"Lucas? Is all well?" B'Tanii asks sitting up from having slept on her stomach, she stretched her wings out fully behind her and her arms above her head. Her white shift covered little, and only added to the whiteness of her wings. She yawns softly and blinks the sleep from her eyes rustling her wings and feathers closed comfortably.

When he turned he called out and stumbled backwards against the door, "What in the hells?!" To Tani it looked like he did not expect her having wings.

Tani flexed her wings a bit and got to her feet coming to his side quickly. "What's the matter?! Lucas? Why are.... Lucas?" Tani stopped right before she got to him. His face... his reactions... she had seen them before. She knew what they were. "I'm... sorry. I...." Tani said softly before grabbing a surcoat and throwing it on. She ran to the window and threw back the panels and with tears in her eyes leapt out the window. Her wings opening and pumping, lifting her into the air.

Conner opened the door as Tani leapt from the window, "What in the hells!" He then looked at Lucas who seemed just as confused at his and Vex barging into the room as the angel who just jumped out of the window.

Vex shoved Conner to the side and out of the doorway, her blade was drawn. She was looking about the room but wasnt certain what all was wrong and what was normal. She looked confused to the window and then at the man in the room. "Did you throw something out the window?" She asked slowly then.

"No, Tani jumped out of it.." Conner said going to the window and looking out at Tani heading into the distance. "What did you say to upset her Lucas?" he asked turning back to his brother.

"WHo is Lucas and who was that?" the young man asked looking at the two people who had burst into the room. Everything was strange here, he knew the names of things but not people.

"Well.... it was your wife... though with the state of the marriage as it stands now I am uncertain. Also... you are Lucas... dont you remember?" Vex asks before pushing Conner aside with her shoulder and out of the window proper to look at the angel's escape and keep Conner from the broken glass. She still had her weapons drawn and was glancing at Lucas regularly.

Conner frowned at her and walked calmly towards his brother hands out and using a calming tone. "Your name is Lucas and yes that woman is your wife, I am your brother Conner my parents adopted you when you were younger. We all live here in our family home does any of this ring a bell?" Conner hoped something in his words might remind his brother who he was.

Lucas calmed as Conner spoke, "No, I don't remember any of what you said. I didn't mean to upset her, I just didn't expect well you know wings."

"Well she normally isn't overly flighty... what did you say to her? You know... that might make her jump through a window..." Vex was trying to word her question inoffensivly but it was a tough question. She looked at Conner then and furrowed her eyebrows a little before putting her weapons away. While she hadn't seen any blood on the glass she knew it must have hurt, there were a few feathers scattered as well... and her armor and weapons were still on their racks, which meant Vex was sure, that her clothing was all still hung up. So Lucas had chased his wife out of their room in her night clothes.

Conner looked slightly confused and then his father entered the room as well, "What is going on in here?"

"Father wait." Conner said quickly turning to Vex, "Grab something for Tani, I will use a spell to speak with her to come back to the rear patio. Lucas this is our father Altair. Father for some reason Lucas has lost his memory and Tani got upset and jumped from the window. I think we need to check on everyone and make sure everything is okay."

Vex whose hands had been instantly on her weapons hilts released them with a sigh to grab a dress from the wardrobe, while Tani usually wore pants and a shirt, vex had a feeling the young woman would want to look the least intimidating as possible. Vex wondered though if Tani would even return. Did Tani remember? Because if she did t this could be a whole lot bigger of a mess than they knew of.

"Father check on everyone else and make sure no one else is having memory issues. Vex head outside and see what happens when I make contact with Tani. Lucas please have a seat and make yourself comfortable while we try to figure out what has happened." Conner requested before locating one of Tani's golden hairs for his spell. "Tani, it's Conner. Are you alright we saw the broken glass. Please come back to the house, Lucas has lost his memory and I fear he may not be the only one." he then waited to see if Tani could or would respond to him.

"I need some time to compose myself. I... I am well. Please stay with him for a time." Was her reply and she sounded shaken. She was keeping her speech short and polite again.

Vex looked at Conner, the dress hung over her arm. She was waiting to find out whether or not she should go outside. "So not good news then?" Vex asks watching Conners face as he 'speaks' with Lucas's half celestial wife. She watched Lord Ravenwood look proudly at his son and then leave to check on others as well. That's when she head the slamming of a door somewhere in the house and stomping feet of someone running through the hallway.

Altair left the room and headed out into the hallway to see what else was going on in his house.

"I understand, but I hope you will not be gone long. I smell a rat and doubt this is the only amnesia in our household." COnner replied before letting the spell expire.

"So?" Vex asks once more as she gestures to the dress she was holding. She also wanted to go see what that noise was in the house but with all these issues it was probably best to stay with Conner she figured. Besides Lucas might become violent, you never knew.

Conner shook his head, "She'll return later right now we need to check on the rest of the house. Lucas will you be okay waiting here?"

Lucas nodded, "Yes, perhaps looking around here will bring something back."

"Listen... if theres a fire head to the dirt road. If you hear screaming head outside to the dirt road. If you hear growling head outside to the dirt road. Take a sword, trust them if they seem relieved to see you." Vex says throwing the dress on the bed, and trying to let Lucas know a few basic safety things for the house, then she motioned to Conner.

Lyriel was currently massaging her hand a little and had just found some stairs that lead down, which was good because she needed away from the very pale skinned man that had tried to jump her in the room. This building was huge however and she had only found herself in another hallway of rooms but one floor down. That is until she saw another pale man... but older.

Altair breathed a sigh of relief, "Lyriel, has anyone else been acting strangely? Lucas seems to have forgotten who he is. I know you, Conner and some of the others met in the drawing room. Anything strange happen?"

"....nnnooooo. everything is fine. It's just the one that is acting strange." Lyriel says drawing out the word no. She was also wondering just how many people lived in this facility. "I was on my way to check uh... downstairs." She says quickly, maybe he wouldn't be suspicious. But just in case she was ready to knock him out too, like the last one.

Altair caught on to his daughter acting strangely, "Well, I was wondering where Mathius was he was coming to check on you." Slowly he drew closer sure there was something wrong with Lyriel.

"Didn't see him... We must have just missed each other." Lyriel says watching him, she was highly suspicious but the stairs were closer to her than he was... if she had to she could run for it. But he wasnt all hands and arms coming at her, which was better than the last guy. She knew he was testing her in some way but she didnt even know where she was let alone what people would be here. Plus all she had seen were very pale, very hairy people.

Altair nodded, "How about we get a cup of tea daughter? We haven't had much time to talk recently." he said getting closer to Lyriel. However, before she could react a small voice came from behind her, "Sissy Lyri!" And Sirrian wrapped himself around her leg in a big Sirrian hug.

"Oh... that sounds great... Father." Lyriel says hesitantly as she leans down and picks up the little boy gently, automatically placing him in his favorite hold. "Hey little one, you still remember who you are dont you?" Lyriel asks Sirrian before kissing his cheek. She was distracted by him well enough she had almost forgotten Altair was nearby.

Sirrian laughed and threw his arms around Lyriel's neck and hugged her tightly. "I luvs my Sissy Lyriel!" he said.

"He was in bed last night when you met with everyone, Lyriel." Altair said having a good idea his daughter also had no memory of her family. "And I'm willing to bet you clocked Flint, your husband really good upstairs. Your brother Mathius is away from home and I pray for his safe return daily." his tone was calming and showed how much he cared for all his children.

"I wouldn't have hit him if he hadn't been so grabby, and freaking me out." Lyriel said defensively, hugging Sirrian close to her tightly in return. "Is everyone here so pale skinned? I know, you know." Lyriel says, knowing he had found her out by his explanation.

Altair kept his tone soft, "We adopted you off of the streets years ago, but the color of your skin never mattered as what is in your heart that matters more. And I suppose Flint wasn't aware of whatever happened to you. And was just wanting to be close." he added.

Sirrian was unaware of everything daddy and sissy were discussing, but Lyriel was hugging him so it was okay. Kitty and himself talked all the time about Lyriel even when they played in his room, or when kitty helped him get out and go visit everyone in the morning.

"We huh? So this is a house? Of what misfits?" Lyriel asks ignoring the stuff about the man from before, he wasn't as important as information was. She bounced Sirrian once to adjust better slightly and looked around again. "You did mention tea though and I assume that means theres food somewhere around here too?" She asked though it was a rather rude and abrupt tone that asked it.

"Of course downstairs in the dining room, or if you prefer we can have it brought up to the study or even Sirrian and ALura's room." Altair said wanting to keep Lyriel calm as possible. If she remembered nothing of her life she could be quite dangerous. He hoped that soon Fael or Elsa would come along and help defuse the situation.

"We should probably feed this little guy considering I hear a rumble from his stomach. You said downstairs right old man?" She says turning and heading down the steps, tossing her white hair over her shoulder. Usually she was fully dressed for the day and her hair was up, but now... she was in her house clothing and had left her long white hair loose. She was also walking down the steps in the middle, not on the side to let others pass if need be.

Conner walked up behind his father, "We are in trouble aren't we?"

"Yes, Lucas, Lyriel and who knows who else. Go check Elsa and Fael then report what is going on to your grandmother and Arten, we need an answer to this quickly." he said to his son before following Lyriel and Sirrian.

"If you tell your Grandmother I can tell the dwarves, cut the explaining time in half?" Vex offers once Lord Ravenwood walked away, she had her weapons sheathed but she was watching Lyriel and kept glancing to Conner. Her hands rested on the pummels of her blade and dagger comfortably.

"Agreed, and Vex, if someone looks like they don't remember them. Give them a wide berth, I don;t want anyone hurt." COnner said before heading to Elsa and Fael's room.

"Dont get killed by family while I'm getting the rest of them." Vex said in reply, she was fairly certain she could handle herself but could he handle his half of the job was the real question.

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