Page name: Ravenwood Estates 3 [Exported view] [RSS]
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The Andorian Chronicles <-- Homepage

Chapter Three

In Which the Story at the Ravenwood Estate continues with those left behind.

Still downstairs Asper was in the kitchen looking around for something to eat that wouldn't upset her stomach. Resigning herself she grabbed a bun and got some butter, looking in the cabinet and the fact that she was alone she grabs the strawberry jam as well. "Maybe... just a little won't bother me." She says out loud to herself softly. Cutting the bun in half she butters it and puts just a very thin layer of jam on top. Her mouth was watering for the taste of it, she hadn't been allowed anything surgery by Darryl since they found out it upset her stomach.

Daryyl now armed with the tactics Lai had just imparted him with came to the kitchen to find Asper and her bun. He smiled at her, "has sugar stopped making you ill?" He feverently hoped that was the case, Asper had given up so much because of him and their baby. He walked up behind her and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Can I interest you in possibly going to our house tomorrow? Since time maybe short before the baby arrives."

Asper's first bite into the bun made her close her eyes in delight of the sugary jam in her mouth. It had been almost a full year since she had had anything with sugar in it. It was heavenly, after Asper had finished off the bun she licked her fingers. So far so good, not upset stomach at the smell, to queasyness from the taste of it. "What does that mean? Is she coming early? Do Psion babies get born early? Is there something wrong with her?" Asper asked her eyebrows drawn together her hands holding her distended belly. It was obvious she was worried and sounded maybe even just a touch frightened. She wasn't aware of the difference in her behavior at all, but she did know she worried about the babies safety now.

Daryyl felt the surge of concern about the baby, he wrapped an arm about her and placed his hand over hers. "She'll come when she is ready Asper, perhaps we can ask Aunt Arten or her niece to check on her." Daryyl hoped that she'd accept the help and offer of care from those who lived here. "It has occured to me we haven't discussed a name for her." he whispered into her ear. Cook entered the room and busied himself with some mundane task, trying not to bother them.

Asper stiffened as soon as the cook entered the room. "Fine... but only because I don't want this any worse then it has to be." Asper huffed giving in. After all after the very first time she hadn't let anyone check on the baby. "I'm going to our room." Asper says more then a little uncomfertable being in the kitchen with the cook there to listen. Pulling away from Darryl's arms Asper leaves the kitchen and walks through the dining room going straight to the stairs.

Daryyl followed a moment later, but stopped at Arten's chambers to inquire about help. He had felt the baby both in body and developing mind, he was sure the baby was healthy. After a short explantion he and the younger Stonshield cleric followed Asper's trail. "I apperciate the help you are offering mistress Stoneshield." He opened the door to the room for Bailey, to enter.

Asper was sitting in a pile of cushions on top of the bed. She no longer could get to the floor and back up on her own. She was winded after the stairs as well, so she had made herself comfertable as she could get. She didn't like the idea of someone using magic and touching her at the same time. But she was as good as she was going to get. "I don't like this... I just want you to know this." She scowled at them both.

Bailey ignored her almost bounding onto the bed to get to the pregnant woman, "Oh shut your gob, this ain't bout you, it's bout her." Bailey wasted no time in casting her spell and placed her hands on Asper's belly. She shook her head once or twice and whistled low, out stretching her fingers which the baby pushed against. She smiled, placed a hand on Asper's forehead and cast another spell. "The baby is fine, she'll arrive possibly up to a week early and be healthy and strong, and to make sure I've placed a blessing spell on you both."

"Early!? I had four weeks! What do you mean early!" Asper says sitting up. Her hands behind her supporting her on the bed fro her to sit up properly. She was more then a little panicked at the idea that her time to prepare had been cut down by one week. "NO! I don't want that! I don't want this! I'm not a mother! I was never meant to have children! I CAN'T DO THIS!" Asper says tears falling down her cheeks, she thought she had more time, she thought she could get ready. Choking a little on her words she covered her face with one hand. She had never cried so violently, not since she was a very small child and still beleive her mother would save her from the beatings her man gave Asper. In that one moment Asper didn't want the child. Didn't want to give birth didn't want to be there as who she was and dealing with what she was. It didn't matter that Bailey was still there to see this happen or that it might hurt Darryl. Asper was scared. More scared then she had ever been and she wanted it to stop. She was terrified of having this child and of trying to be a mother.

Daryyl sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her, "Alloura was early remember? And she is just fine. You will be a good mother, I know." He looked at Bailey and was reassured when Bailey shook her head as a sign of encouragement. "And Bailey said maybe early, she may still decide to wait." He tried to sooth her more, wanting to elevate her anguish. "We'll be fine Asper, I promise you everything will be ok."

Asper grabbed his arms tightly in her hands. "You don't know! You Don't know that! Don't promise me the impossible! I don't want to hear your lies!" Asper says using both hands to cover her ears and shaking her head. She remembered rather vicously some of the things her mother used to tell her when Lash used to come. She remembered those same words being used as she was still a child after a beating.She remembered blindly believing it would happen and her hope that her mother would love her someday. Aspers tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to stop remembering as she wished this whole situation away. She was hunching over her belly and could feel the baby kicking and pushing obviously distressed.

Daryyl's eyes flashed, his powers allowed him a great deal of understanding others. He focused a power into calming her, he hated to manipulate her like this, but the baby was distressed. "Asper, calm down those days are over it won't happen again." Tears began to flow down his cheeks as he stole the pain away from her and the baby, but still he focused on protecting them. "Please forgive me for intruding in your mind and memories."

Asper stilled the violent shaking of her head. Her hands dropping from the sides of her head, no longer covering her ears. With her anxiety and fears being dampened and her memories released, Aspers breathing returned to normal and she laid back on the bed. Relaxed and calm. She lay back sniffling only because her earlier tears, Laying a hand on her belly as she lay back. A few tears still left her eyes, as though she was calm, he was still forcing his will over hers. She was calm again but no longer becuse she was keepiong herself as such.

Daryyl began to lessen his hold over her emotions, "Bailey please go get Elsa and grandmother, We will need them." He placed his hand over hers and sensed the baby calming. He had sworn never to invade anothers mind wothout permission, but could not deny both his wife and child were at risk. He was still hearing Asper's mothers words and seeing Lash, while the words saddend him, he swore that if he saw Lash he would kill him without thought. With his other hand he gently caressed Asper's face and wiping away the last of her tears.

Asper simply laid there looking up at Darryl, she wasn't really feeling nything at the moment. She didn't feel bad, she wasn't distraught but she wasn't happy either. She could still remember her mother not letting her come into their tiny little hut even after the beating. "I don't want filth like you in my house! you'll stain it and it'll forever reek of your species." The woman would say in a voice filled with anger and hatred. "The little bitch will be of good use, if she lives long enough for you to sell to the brothel." Lash had responded once. Memories of stealing for food, of being beaten by the guards. Not bringing enough food for her mother earned a beating from her as well. No one ever cared enough about Asper to help her or be kind enough to her. Even the temples had shunned her and one temple had tried to sacrifice her to their god. She was remembering but she didn't feel any of the emotions that went with any of it. She lay remembering her aweful past and for once she couldn't stop herself. She couldn't get angry to stop herself from remembering it all.

Bailey went as fast as she could to Elsa's room, pounding on the door and kicking it once for good measure. "Elsa help! Asper is going crazy! Daryyl went into her head and is controlling her emotions. They need you!" She realized that everything tumbled out in one long over simplified ramble. She pounded on the door and kicked twice for good measure, than ran off to find Lai. "Where is the other lady Ravenwood, we have an emergency!"

Elsa jumped in her room. Getting to her feet from on top of her bed as quickly as she could. "Feal Grandma's in her study or her room go take Bailey. I'll head upstairs." Elsa says not wanting to lose one minute of time. If needed asked for help it was usually something serious enough that they needed to hurry. Besides what she could understand from Bailey's bellow and ramble was that it had something to do with Asper.

Fael hurried even faster than Bailey could to Lai's study and found her there. "Bailey says something is wrong with Asper and is requesting help. Elsa is on her way to their room." He looked a bit out of sorts with what happened. He watched Lai stand up and watched her grab a cloak, then disappear. He figured she magiced herself upstairs then turned back to head upstairs.

Elsa made sure to move quickly enough that she was making good headway and only had one more staircase to go. Her own child protested such movements after such a calm and relaxing atmosphere but quickly settled in again. She only hoped it wasn't something to serious. She prayed to all the gods it wasn't Galin up to something so soon. the thought only made her hurry all the more.

Daryyl's focus and attention didn't waver even when Lai arrived in the room through magic. "What is wrong Daryyl, Asper are you alright?" she asked a little panicked. Then she became aware that Daryyl was focused on Asper, that he must be using his powers on her. She then moved beside the bed and checked that Asper was not in need of healing or the baby was coming. "Will one of you explain what is happening, so that I can help you."

"He's stopping me... I can't stop it. I can't stop remembering everything and he won't stop. I got scared. Bailey says the baby is coming early. I got so scared and then Darryl took it away. I started to remember and it scared him..." Asper says in a tone devoid of any emotion. He was concentrating to hard to explain what he was doing and she didn't know what he was doing other then not letting her feel anything. The memories slowly began to stop being so fresh. Just the words that still hurt or were from wounds to deep continued to repeat in her mind. Pointing out all the truths and the horrible things she had done. Of what a horrible creature she was, not human and never would she be. Evil like a drow but uglier.

Elsa finally made the top stair case and had to stop to get her breath for a moment before walking through the open door. She saw Lai and Darryl, though Darryl's eyes were glowing and he was looking at Asper, both of their hands on top of Aspers large round belly. Her first fear was the baby was coming but Asper didn't look like she was in pain. Actually Asper didn't look like she was feeling anything at all. "Grandmother? Darryl? What's going on?" She asks cautiously making her way near the bed.

Daryyl let go of more emotion to flow back into Asper. "I had to stop the distress," he explained feeling weaker than he had in hours. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have intruded in her mind or affect her emotions, but the baby was in need." His hands still rested on hers on top of her stomach, he awaited her to be furious with him for what he did. "I have been releasing them little by little as she calms down."

Asper did get angry. Slowly and it was building, ever more and worse. He had promised her, swore above everything else that unless she gave him permission he would never invade her mind. He would never control her. He lied. For some reason Asper felt very deeply betrayed. She had believed him when he had made that promise to her. And for some stupid reason she actually thought he would honor that promise. She had thought he would treat her with respect. He didn't, and he had broken his promise. Something Asper had only taken him by his words because he had been so earnest to promise her that. As her emotions came back she quickly let her anger drown out all the memories shoving them back into the back of her mind to be forgotten again. She let the anger bury the hurt she felt from him doing such a thing to her.

He remembered his promise and felt a sharp pang of regret for breaking it, but he judged it worse for Asper and the baby to have such traumatic memories flood into them. So, in the end Daryyl would rather break a promise than to live without them. His problem now was he could see what they had done to her, and it served to only have the dark side of his powers call for him to punish them. He glanced at Asper hoping she understod his motivation and would show that at some point she could forgive. He waited kneeling on the wood floor with his hands and her on her stomach.

Lai broke the silence, "Asper are you sure you are alright?" She had run a rag under cool water and dabbed the young womans face and forehead. She was concerned about them and it showed on her face. "If you need us to leave so you may rest we'll understand." She then fixed her gaze on Daryyl, where had the bright little boy gone? To violate anothers mind was something he would never do, unless he thought Asper and the baby were in dire straits.

"I want to be alone." Asper says her voice harsh and cold. She pulled her hand away from Darryl's and turned on her side away from him as well. Right now she couldn't do anything about her pregnancy. She couldn't do anything about all the people in the house. An idea formed in her head. It might work too. She almost felt like crying from the hurt that she felt from Darryl invading her mind. She knew he had seen it as well. All of her memories. Her childhood and what she remembered of it. She had never wanted him to know. Never wanted him to see and hear the words spoken to her that she remembered so clearly. Why she could never trust people. Even the godly aweful perfect do no wrong Ravenwoods. "Leave me alone." She said again though this time it was directed more to Darryl then any of the others in the room.

Elsa sighs she had only just gotten there but she could tell something very serious was going on in Aspers head. She hoped this didn't make all the progress they had with Asper reverse completely. She loved having her children around her and she loved being pregnant. She loved the sweet face that Feal would give her when he was watching her while she was pregnant or holding their children. She just couldn't understand being so revulsed by the fact that she was going to have a baby. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." She says before turning and leaving the room. Walking at her normal pace again she made her way back towards her rooms.

Daryyl looked helplessly at Lai for some words of comfort she could impart him. Her face told him there may not be anything he could do to help the situation. "As you wish Asper, I am sorry really I am." he stood and left the room. Once outside he let his tears fall, both from the pain he stole from Asper and knowing he betrayed her. He looked at Fael who he encountered on the landing, "I didn't know what else to do but, take her pain away."

Lai went to the more comfortable chair in the room and had a seat. She knew Asper had an idea forming in her mind. In truth Lai thought that Daryyl would only do what he did if she was in true peril. And so, she waited hoping that at some point Asper would turn and show her fangs. For Lai had ben alive much longer than the young half-drow and knew all sorts of people, she'd seen one like Asper before.

Asper heard the old elf woman seat herself nearby. It agitated her all the more. Curling a little as she laid on her side Asper wiped angrily at the tears falling down her cheeks and nose to fall on the bed. "He had no right to invade my mind. Why did he have to bother me! Why couldn't he have left me alone!" She speaks out loud. Mostly to herself. It was clear she was fighting tears and some fears of Darryl now. Her voice was thick with supressed emotion and she still didn't turn to look at Lai. Right at the moment Asper felt hatred for the entire Ravenwood family. Not just Darryl though even thinking of him made her chest tighten and her throat squeeze while she fought not to cry harder then she already was.

Lai watched Asper and heard her questions, also figuring her tears continued. She wouldn't comment unless those questions were posed to her directly. As she laid her hands over her own stomach she wondered if positions where changed, would she be so mad. Asper apparently had something very painful in her past and didn't want anyone to know let alone feel that pain. She continued to keep a silent vigil over her great granddaughter and her mother.

"Stop judging me! I hate this family! Stop meddling in everything! Some people don't want to be saved by you 'Heros'!" Asper sits up, tired of the silent woman watching her this entire time. "Why do you all have to bother the world all the time! why can't you people just, leave me alone." Asper asks wiping her eyes angrily, her back still to Lai but all of her questions directed to Lai none the less.

Lai stood and crossed to sit behind Asper, then wrapped the woman in a hug. "I have never judged you granddaughter, I was happy that you joined our family as you were." Lai quietly told her the truth, "You never deserved the treatment you recieved, you never did anything wrong. And we don't feel we need to save the world, just protect what we love." She placed a hand on Asper's stomach, her own baby pressed outward which occurred to she would be alone when she had her baby without Conner.

"I'm a theif! I was born! I'm an abomination! My own mother never wanted me why should any of you! Take your pick." Asper says stiff in Lai's embrace but the tears now flowed in a way Asper could no longer stop or even attempt to. No one had ever held her before and told her such sweet lies. She knew they were Lies. They couldn't be the truth. Her whole life let her know what people really thought and how easily they could act otherwise. She hated herself for being so weak. For letting what Darryl did affect her so harshly and deeply. She just wanted it to stop hurting already. Never before had she felt so much pain that wasn't physical.

"Of course you were born, faultless and innocent child in what happened." Lai kissed her cheek, "Daryyl saw something in you that made his heart happy being near to you. We want you to be a part of our family you, Daryyl, and your baby." She wiped away a few tears, and fell silent just holding onto Asper. She hoped that being honest and reaffirming that she was wanted by Daryyl and the family would help.

"I hate your lies! I hate you all." Asper says her voice thick with her tears as she closed her eyes tightly. Trying not to sob or show how much she hurt. How much she knew all of that wasn't true. Darryl she didn't doubt wanting her, but not because of that sappy reason. The child would be usefull of course they would want it. As for the family it wasn't true. Couldn't be. She did flinch from Lai a few times but she always flinched at everyone but Darryl. Though how she would react now was anyones guess.

Lai forced Asper to look at her, "Why would I or any of us lie to you child?" She wrapped her arms back around Asper and encouraged her to get her tears and remaining pain out. "How can I make you see child that I speak the truth? Daryyl adores you and if you only gave a little space for others to embrace you, you may find happiness here." Lai knew that the family would be estatic if Asper finally acted as one of them.

"Pick a reason... Why would I ever want to be one of you. Just another mindless stupid child following someone else because I don't know any different or better!" Asper says wiping her eyes with her arms and the back of her hands. Sniffling and hating for being so weak in front of Lai. But looking strasight at the older elf was making her gain some composer back. Calming down just to save face mostly she sat in Lai's embrace and for the first time in her life didn't want to fight it.

"None of them are mindless or stupid, if you wouldn't lock yourself away from everyone up here, you'd see that." Lai pointed out, again being truthful. She produced a handkerchief and dabbed away the last of Asper's tears. "Is change something you fear so much, that you would abandon a chance to really be happy? Would it be so horrible to make connections to a family that will come to love you, if you gave them the chance?" She knew she was telling the truth, while the family accepted Asper's standoff, most probably wished she'd let them get close to her.

"Why should I change who I am so that others more privildged then myself can feel better about themselves? Why should I make anything easy on anyone when no one ever has for me." Asper scowls, not fighting off the other womans dabbing her face and or telling her the truth. Asper really was a little lonely and she didn't want to be with Darryl. Even thinking about him made her shudder a little. It hurt deeply. She didn't want to be completely alone.

"I didn't say change, but you can't be happy up here all the time." Lai explained. "Interact with others and you'll see who the are and that they only want to know you. If that happened there would be many changes, to yourself and this family." She continued to hold Asper and placed her hand upon the baby. "What are your plans when she id born Asper? the family will want to celebrate you and Darryl's baby."

"I... I didn't want... I shouldn't... I don't know... I don't know!" Asper says burying her face against Lai's shoulder. Trembling against the Elf. She had been trying not to think of it as hard as she could. Not wanting to have to deal with it, not ever wanting to become pregnant in the first place. She was terrified and rejectant of this. she didn't want to interact with people because they made her angry and they just didn't understand. Coming from their good backgrounds and rich family moneys. She needed to speak with someone.

"HOw about we talk about this then?" Lai prompted. "Lay out everything you think you know about this family and I will set everything straight." She continued to hold Asper and feel the baby move inside her. "As long as you are truthful with me, I will return the favor." She put the handkerchief back into her pocket and wrapped her hand around Asper.

"I don't want... I hate dealing with you all! you all grew up with your privaladged lives and the parents and everyone liking you all! I hate you all." Asper says not moving her head away from Lai's body. The baby inside pushing against Lai, stretching and pushing against her own mother as well. ASper however liked being in the embrace. Something she hadn't felt from anyone othr then Darryl and usually only before or after sex or when he was feeling really cuddly.

"I think we have a lot to talk about Asper, and I'm gonna start with Altair and finish with Lucas. Because from that point the children were born into this current life." Lai then began telling Asper how the family members really were. She had read the book on this family and lived it as well. It was a sobering prospect to tell her the truth behind all of them and even those things that would help Asper find common ground with them.

"I read the book! I know all of that!" Asper says backing up and sitting further away from Lai this time. Folding her arms over her chest. Letting her arms rest on the disdended belly in front of her. "Darryl thought if I read the book I could talk to the family. Well it didn't work. Lucas is still with the angel wife of his and they are madly and delirilously caught up in each others bodies still. Elsa who I might have shared something with has still had too much of a privaladged life. Feal had it hard but he sets things funny in his head. None of what you are saying will ever make me understand any of them because I simply don't want to!" Asper scowls looking down at the blankets on top of the bed.

"Then the question is why don't you?" Lai counters, "Because all I hear is that you hate them because fate placed them here." She again kept Asper close, keeping contact with her and the baby. "Can you honestly tell me why you married Darryl? There must have been more than you thought it was the only way he'd protect you." She had a long history of telling if someone was lieing, from Altair to Alehial and she was an expert.

"Maybe I just wanted to see what it was like to have everything given to you? Maybe I wanted to be served by an army of servants." Asper says scowling at Lai when the other Elf simply followed her across the bed. Asper didn't like the closeness espeically while she was trying to distance herself from the other woman. "Mayb I do hate them because Fate favored them so highly! I married Darryl so me and my brother would be safe from Velusia. I married him so I wouldn't belong to someone like a dog or property. Well good lot of shit that did me!" Asper scowls harder nearly tearing up just thinking about everthing she did with Darryl.

Lai took Asper by the shoulders and almost shook her, "You don't ask the servants for anything, and you never asked for anything, and do you think for a minute we would not offer you asulym wether or not you married Darryl." Tears started to form in her eyes, how could Asper admit those were the only reasons to marry Darryl. "Has he truly ever treated you like a dog? He almost kills himself trying to make you happy, only asking in return a smile and your love." She suddenly wonder how lonely this marriage was since they both wanted something so alien to each other.

Asper shrugs out of Lai's grip and stands as quickly as she could by the bed. "I don't deny him! I never have! I have been following every law, every rule! I've done my share! I don't ask the servents for anything because I can do it! I know they are paid for it and it's their job... I don't care! Everytime there is food Darryl or I haven't handled ourselves I am afraid it is poisoned, Everytime I think to have the servants make the bed or clean I know they will snoop and take information and sell it. I am Valusian! This is what I am! I'm pregnant because it is required of Valusian brides to become pregnant as quickly as possible to populate our lands! I don't deny Darryl his wants! Not for touching not for hugs or things that will make him pleased! How am I supposed to just openly trust when I find in my life if you trust someone you will be killed for it! Everyone is out to get you whether or not they are aware of it or are malicious about it!" Asper says before hugging her own arms. Tears gathered in her own eyes again. She hated being so weak and vulnerable. Shaking her head and trying to breath evenly to calm herself down, it almost faltered when the baby moved inside of her.

"You are not in Valusia anymore Asper," Lai countered. "Do you not think that we have been careful to have only trustworthy people here." Lai thought of all the people they met with to find the most dependable. "There are no rules other than vows you both took, he treats you as an equal or better than himself. He loves and wants to give you a life free of what Valusia would ever forced you to do." Lai stood and opened her arms again to Asper, "You trusted me a few minutes ago to comfort you, please let me again."

"But I must still live by Valusian rules Lai... I am watched by the delegates of Valusia. I don't want to trust anyone of you!" Asper says backing away from Lai. "I... I just want to... be happy and free." Asper says tears falling from her eyes as she continued to hug herself and stay several feet away from the bed and Lai both. This was all too much again. First finding out the child was coming early and then Darryl invading her mind. Experiencing and seeing what she had tried so hard to forget and leave behind.

"They hold no sway in this house child, and do you think Darryl would not fight to mantain your freedom." Lai said in serious tones, "If you don't trust any of us how will you ever be truly free? Trading oppression in Valusia for encaging yourself here in Andor. What kind of life is that for you or your baby?" Lai approached her expressing with her eyes to trust her, and let down those defenses.

"I don't want... I don't want to be shackled again..." Asper says putting her head down. As if ashamed by how she was acting. Tears still falling from her eyes. "I never wanted to have a child. I am not a good person how will I ever be a good mother!?" Asper says her whole body once again trembling as she fought to not cry harder.

Lai actually moved to her and raised her chin, "You remember how you were raised and do better, and you are a good person Asper. Just remember that baby will love you unconditionaly and you are not alone." Lai enfolded Asper in her arms and kissed her cheek. "Just try to let yourself be happy, and let us help and care for you. Bailey, Darryl, and I will be here to help when you deliver and nothing will happen, I promise."

"I don't want to see Darryl again. I don't want him to do it again." Asper says hugging Lai once more. Closing her eyes tightly to at least stop the tears that way. She didn't even want to think about delivry. The blood and pain her mother went through, it terrified her. Asper couldn't let go she couldn't let herself just be happy. Lai herself couldn't either how did she expect Asper to as well.

"Asper, he won't invade your mind again, he only did it to protect you and the baby, I promise." Lai looked at her and did smile trying to reassure her. "Did your mother have a midwife or priestess on hand when Jacob was born?" From what she understood about Asper, she doubted that the woman wanted any help. "Arten has told me that Bailey was a good student and she'll be able to help you."

"I was the only one to help my mother... it was too expensive to afford a midwife and she would have had to sell me to afford a preist... I don't know why she didn't." Asper says shaking a little still. She was afraid of Darryl now. Before she had known he was the most powerful, and that he would protect her against everything... but he had sworn not to invade her mind and take away her will.

"Asper you are so strong, at such a young age helping bring Jacob into this world. I'm very proud and have a lot of respect for you, perhaps you have the skill of a healer as well as deft hands." Lai smiled at her, she was very envoius of her strength at such a young age. "Now I see why Darryl so loves you and wanted to protect you and this baby." Darryl was had an amazing habit of finding good people with amazing inner strength.

"I will never again go through that! I don't want to hurt! I don't want to hurt like that Lai. There was so much blood... She screamed and screamed!" Asper says frowning, hugging herself tightly at the upper arms. She remembered it very clearly, even after all these years. She remembered the pain filled screams and the blood, the stuff and the baby. Red and squishy and so much more. Her mother had bled for three days afterwards before Asper had finally done something very stupid and stolen, she got away with it and paid for a preist to look after her mother and brother... Her mother never found out. And Asper never told anyone... but she had stolen from the church and paid the church their own money back to heal her mother.

Lai hugs her, "My dear child, somehow I think that is why Darryl did what he did. And Bailey is a priestess, between them they could heal you one hundred times over. And I will be right here as well, it is the least I can do for you." Lai wished there was more she could say or do to comfort Asper. But, in truth seeing her reaction made her believe that when she lost control the baby reacted and Darryl thought they were in danger.

"I don't want it to hurt Lai... I'm so afraid... I... I don't want to do this... I never wanted to be a mother. I don't want to be her mother." Asper says shaking her head. Unable to get the images of her half brothers birth in her mind. She was shaking not closing her eyes to stare into Lai's face. Calming down only a little at the look in Lai's face. Too afraid to close her eyes and see the images far more clear.

"Child, you need to calm yourself and we'll start by bathing the stress, sweat and anxiety away." Lai called for a servant and instructed them to bring water for the tub and a few items from her room. Once it was all brought she asked the servants to leave, walked over and began adding things to the water. "Lavender and Chamomile for you and the baby, and I am going to wash and clean your hair, so out of those clothes and in this tub." And to reassure Asper she plunged her hand in, the water felt wonderful and the smell even placed Lai into comfort.

Asper watched it all happen. The servants coming in and out of her room. The smells coming from the waters were already relaxing Asper somewhat. Nodding she did as Lai bid her and undressed. Walking over to the edge of the tub, hands trying to cover her pregnant belly. She was compltely unconcerned over being naked but her Belly large and protruding seemed to make her far more uncomfertable. Touching the water as if afraid of it, Asper slowly climbs up over the edge and into the tub itself. Slowly sinking into the warm water and she breathed deep of the lavish oils used soley for comferting her.

Lai took up a cloth and soap and lathered it, helping Asper wash where she could not reach. "Have you and Darryl considered a name for the baby?" Lai asked, hoping it would be a more pleasant thought than the birth. She had already started washing Asper's long hair, she smiled though the young lady had stopped flinching thinking Lai would harm her. "Have you given any thought to how she might look? I hope she has your eyes, and her skin and hair will be a mixture of you and Darryl." If Lai's hope came true she thought the little girl would be absolutly beautiful.

"No. Darryl wanted Bailey to check on the baby first. What does it matter what it looks like. Her mother will be forever branded as an abomination no matter where I go." Asper says tensing up again, she didn't want to speak of such things yet. Only moments ago she had basically been mind raped and it was never a pleasent feeling. After going through several bad guys she had hoped Darryl would keep his word and would never invade her mind like he had promised. "I don't want to talk about this anymore Lai." Asper says crossing her arms around the belly again and hunching over it a little bit.

Lai continued to massage her scalp, the years of casting spells left her finger agile and strong. "You are no abomination, you are a half-elf, a different parentage than Alehial and even my children. And aren't there times when you wonder about your baby? I attempt to conjure images of the little one growing inside me." Conner made handsome sons, and their daughter was not only beautiful, but smart too.

"No... why should I. She will be whoever she is born as. I just hope she isn't tainted by my blood too much." Asper says relaxing again as Lai rubbed her head and cleaned her hair. She hadn't really submerged herself completely since Darryl had been here to help her bathe. She could tell Lai was off in la la land because her hands got softer in their lathering of her hair and head.

She shook off her thoughts and returned to her washing, feeling Asper relax made her happy. "Will you finally allow me and the others help you now?" Lai hoped the stubborn woman would give in a little. "If you are unwilling to allow Darryl to stay with you tonight, I will send some clean clothes downstairs and he can use another bedroom." Lai also hoped that face to face Asper and Darryl would work out this, their first marital problem. But, like Altair and Alehials fights, she wasn't going to hold her breath.

"I can do fine on my own Lai. Maybe tonight it would be best if I slept alone. I... I don't want him near me right now." Asper says softly, trying hard not to tense up at just thinking about having to lay beside him. Asper knew what everyone wished of her, to be open and trusting of them, to become like they are the ultimate do gooders. But she didn't care about other people. She didn't care about others well beings. She was afraid of Darryl now... it had only happened an hour or so ago and they thought it would be over already?

"I do not have a problem having Daryyl leave you be for now. But, no one does fine on their own. Especially in your condition, pregnant mother to be." Lai was confrontational on this. She would call and station Bailey to watch over Asper if she had to. "We will discuss somethings later but, I want you to consider some names for my great-granddaughter. Deal?" Lai then got up and gathered a towel to dry Asper off, "Come along, before you prune up in there."

Asper sighed and got out of the water. She didn't care what her child was called. It didn't really matter to her. Darryl would be the one taking care of the baby not Asper. "Darryl should name her not me." Asper says finally out of the pool. She always felt so heavy after getting out of the bath it was not a feeling she liked very much. Also considering she had been pregnant for a year now she just wanted it over with and done. "I've always been fine on my own before Lai..." She says a little pouty, though she wasn't aware of it. She felt like she were being scolded, though for once it wasn't making her angry and want to lash out she was just so very tired.

"Before you weren't pregnant, and I'm sure he will want the babies name to be one you both think sounds good." Lai stated as she began helping Asper dry off. When that was finished she sat her down and began brushing and combing Asper's hair. Lai enjoyed doing this for anyone in the family from Alehial all the way down to Alura. The brush she realized was a gift they recieved when they were married.

"Well I don't really care either way Lai. For all the god's sakes my name is Asperteramine... yeah obviously my mother care so much about me." Asper rolled her eyes but sat still, even though she was naked she was enjoying the pampering very very much. She had never been cared for by such gentle calming hands. It was so different and very much so nicer then doing it herself lately.

"Well what name would you give yourself? My name is quite a bit longer but, Lai has always set well for me." She told the truth, but until Conner said it she never felt butterflies in her stomach. She continued to brush and at times she would have to work out a knot or two. "So, what is your desire for dinner tonight?" She would spend as much time as she could helping Asper while looking for a way to help Darryl earn her love again.

"I don't really care... and Asper suits me well enough. Though I was known as Asp to a few. I don't know... Maybe... No it's stupid. Any food is fine I don't really care as long as I'm fed." Asper shrugs relaxed against the bed as Lai brushed her hair out thoroughly, it was too long now though and she wanted it cut short again. She prefurred it brushing her cheeks but Darryl had wanted it long... down to just past ehr shoulders wasn't that bad but Asper didn't like it as much.

"You are a study in contradictions Asper Ravenwood!" Lai teased. "You have such strong opinions on this family, but could care less what you are served for dinner." Lai raised an eyebrow hoping to hear something she could use later. "I remember you had shorter hair when you first came here, why did you let it grow?" Lai grabbed a robe for Asper and set it about her shoulders.

"Darryl wanted it." Asper shrugs pulling the robe closer around her body and tying it above her distended stomach. She knew no one understood her and she didn't mind. She didn't understand them all so it was a pretty even and fair trade. She looks down at the clothe covered stomach. She did have a name in mind. She didn't want to say it... She didn't want to make this more real then she had to. "I had sugar tonight." Asper says softly to try and get Lai off the topic of baby again.

Lai knew what Asper was trying, "Did it make you sick at all?" Lai sat down and considered her options. "Perhaps the baby is more tolerent now of it, which you would like I'm sure. Still it is best to go slow, with your amounts. And how about we cut your hair before the birth, give you a bit more comfort." She watched Asper closely for reactions but, not so that the woman would think she was being monitored. She then got up and summoned servants.

"I hate making them do things for me." Asper scowls crossing her arms. She did much prefur her shorter hair. Mulling it over a little before smiling just barely she nods. "I do want it cut. I'm tired of all this long hair. As for the sugar no I still feel fine. I only had some bread with sugar on it." Asper shrugs a little before sitting on her favorite seat in the room. It had cushiona dn blankets already pressed to fit her body. She had been using it since she first started getting large with the baby.

Lai walked over after handing a servant some clothes and instructing they go to Darryl and he should use Conner's room. "How about to here then?" she asked indicating just below Asper's jaw. "I think it will look rather cute, my dear." She tried to be flattering. She instructed the other servants to remove the water and remake the bed. She looked forlornly at Darryl's side, it was a shame they had this happen, but if Asper gave him another chance he'd fix it.

"Stop calling me your dear I'm not. And just give me some scissors I like it the way I had it before." Asper says with a shrug trying not to get upset and tense with so many people in her room. Flinching a little at Darryl's name Asper cuddled into the chair she sat in deeper.

"Dear, I will call you what I see fit, since I am over one hundred years older than you." Lai calmly informed her as she picked up the scissors. She came behind Asper and guaged the perfect spot began to cut away the air. "Do not flinch or you will ruin what I have planned, do you understand?" It took only a few minutes to transform Aspers mid length hair into an almost bob cut that made the half-drow look seductive and irrepressable, "How would you prefer the bangs, straight across or should we part to a side or center?" Lai remembered what Asper had her hair when she arrived and thought this looked so much better on the woman, showed her the progress so far.

"Looks fine to me so far. Do whatever you want then Ma'am." Asper says almost spitefully. She hated the name dear all the sleazy old men in her old town used it when trying to seduce her. It was still creepy even coming from Lai herself. "I don't honestly give a damn how old you are, you look all of maybe thirty. So stop treating yourself like a fucking old woman Lai. Your pregnant and still young for an elf... apparently." Asper says adding the last because she actually wasn't that sure.

Lai looked at her, "I would be considered middle aged, and I am surprised that you are along me so close to you with these. Asper can I honestly ask you, what do you want in life, love, or anything?" Lai made her request as earnestly as she could. "You spend so much time alone and try to keep everyone at arms length, would you prefer to be allowed to leave here, with or without Darryl or your daughtger?" Her eye pleaded with Asper not to dismiss or lie to her.

"What does it matter Lai? You are not an old woman! Stop acting like one! What does it matter for any of those. For a companion Darryl if fine enough. At least I know I will never have to fear death!" Asper scowls deeply, putting her arms on top of her stomach. She was tired of this conversation and didn't want to keep talking about this. Lai was obsessed with these topics the whole family was very depressing. She hated planning everything in her life.

Lai sighed, replaced the shears after cutting Asper's bangs straight across, then had a seat facing her. Calling upon her magic she cast an illusion spell, bringing to mind how she thought the baby would look like just around 2 years old. She had done this several times over the years trying to judge if she would be correct. The little girl standing before them shared her mother's eyes, but the glowed lightly like Darryl's. And she grinned like Asper did, she married everything about them together, and was pleased at the beautiful toddler before them.

Asper stared wide eyed before standing up. Breathing fast and not at all pleased. She stared before she couldn't stand it any longer and quickly strode away. She waddled over to the window as far in the room away from Lai and the image she was creating. She didn't want to see and she didn't want to know. It wasn't real and she felt those eyes were accusing her of something. Something she didn't want to be. Expecting something out of her she couldn't give. The absolute trust of a child... She couldn't handle it. She couldn't take it. Darryl was bad enough but at least he knew caution. He knew sometimes people died and the world took thinkgs away from you.

Lai watched her and realized what she was seeing from Asper. "What do you think she is asking you or accusing you of? Children, only want parents to love them and I think you two can do that in spades. Or are you thinking she wants to ask you where she comes from? And the answer scares you more than any monster or villian ever could." She didn't expect an answer from Asper, but hoped the young woman would let her defenses down.

"You know nothing of what you think you know! What the fuck do you care ELF! How dare you try and tell me who I am and what I think! I will not fit in your perfect little fucking box and fuck you for trying to make me! I am who I will always be! I learned that the hard way! Unlike your privladged life of luxery I had to fend for myself from the begining! I wore my scars proudly and even you of this family took those away from me! GET OUT! Get the FUCK out of MY room! Leave me the HELL alone!" Asper demands her cheeks turning purple from the flush of anger running through her. The presumptious elf had finally gone too far. She was tired of this. She wanted to be alone. She no longer wished to be around this woman. Any of the women in the household.

Lai got up, "You can't hide from all your problems and you had better understand that baby will need two parents. And I care about you and her because you are part of my family." Her tone was louder than she really would have snipped back at Asper. "And you sit there even after being explained that not everyone in this family had anything given, we had to earn and fight for what we have now." She was begining to flush as well, being slower to anger, but reaching her breaking point.

"I grew up fine and I had to raise jake when I was twelve fucking years old! Don't give me anything of this Andor thinking bullshit! What you Earn is given in multiples you don't DESERVE! The Favored of the gods! That's what you lot are called, and it's fucking true! But I DON'T WANT IT!" Asper yelled, finally angry enough to truelly snap at someone. She had been holding back, behaving and trying not to get taken back. For her to be sent away. So she could finally see what it was like and experience the life of luxery. But she hated it. she hated being here and she hated being served. She hated following all the stupid rules and following the 'family standard' practice of being really good people. Lai was gearing up for a fight Asper could tell. The Elf had finally been pushed and pushed.

"Favored of the gods? So, now you hate other races for how you weren't raised. YOU DON'T WANT WHAT? A better life for your child, you seemed to want one for Jacob. I'm sick of you thinking everyone is just waiting to treat you like your mother and Jac's father!" Lai was starting to see red, had Asper not been pregnant she'd have given her a hard smack.

"WHO SAYS I WANT TO BE HERE TO RAISE HER!? MAYBE I DO HATE OTHER RACES!! What of it! What does it matter to you! BECAUSE EVERYONE IS!" Asper says hands forming fists and straightening up to confront Lai. She didn't care if this was dangerous or not. She hated being here and she didn't even want to stay here tonight either.

Suddenly Lai grabbed Asper and hugged her fiercely letting her tears fall onto the young woman. "No one here wants to hurt you child. Why won't you give the people that share your last name a chance?" She had been so angry with her, now she just felt a swell of pity and remorse. "Being alone isn't anyway to live Asper, you have Darryl and your baby. You are richer and more favored by the gods than I am."

Asper struggled in the embrace and pushed Lai away. She didn't understand this woman, one moment she is angery more angry then any other Ravenwood she had seen yet and suddenly it was gone and the daft woman was crying! Crying! "WHAT the HELL is WRONG WITH YOU?! GET OFF of me!! Get away from me!" Asper says walking away from Lai, across the room looking angry and confused. There was deffinetly something wrong with these people.

"You've never known what it is to let someone help shoulder your burdens. No on to stop them from hurting you, no one to let you be a child and provide a true home." Lia brushed the tears out of her eyes, and looked at Asper and wished she could help her. "I can't express how I wish I could have kept you from that pain. And if I had known, perhaps you wouldn't have turned so cold."

"Well no one can go back in time and change the past. And no one cared enough. I don't care what you wish and what you pray. There is nothing and never will be anything from me. Screw this world and fuck the people in it! All the people are the same!" Asper says scowling hard at Lai. She was tired of this. Tired of these people. "I need fresh air!" Asper says finally walking over and grabbing her cloak from the wall. Thinking better about it she grabs Darryl's cloak instead. It would fit over her belly, her own didn't not anymore.

"Then I will summon a guard or someone to at least escort you" Lai informed her. She composed herself and went to summon a blade or whoever else she could find. Asper had no idea the dangers that Galin and his disciples could wreak. Conner if you are up there watching, give me some sign that you have a way to bring her back to us. When she arrived downstairs, "Bowers please summon a guard to escort Asper, she intends on taking a walk.

Asper scowled. She couldn't sneak off in the condition she was in anyways, and she couldn't shake a gaurd either. Clasping the cloak around her she scowls again and heads down the hallways and stairs heading for the front doors. She needed out of the house and away from these stupid people.

Lai waited downstairs with Jusin, one of the guards who had escorted members of the house before. She looked up to see Asper coming down the stairs, "You will not stray more than 5 feet from her, and if problems arise I want you to defend her with your life. Jusin nodded he understood, then looked at Asper, "I will serve dutifully mistress." Lai looked at Asper, "Please do not be gone long, Asper." She didn't like the idea of her being out of the house.

"Rangers honor." Asper says with a slightly bored but acidic tone. She didn't even stop walking she simply went straight for the door pulled it open and walked out. Justin would follow she knew that. Five feet indeed. "Like I'm going to give birth right now." Asper rolls her eyes and puts her hand on her stomach. Despite her misgivings she asked to not go into labor right now to her child.

Jusin kept pace being careful not to anger the woman, for Asper Ravenwood had a reputation for being frigid. She was talking to her baby, he was a little surprised most people said she wasn't happy about her pregnancy. "Where are you planning on going, mistress?"

"A place where the people aren't nearly so naive and foolish. My name is Asper not mistress Justin. Gods Below! Stop following me and come up here! I hate it when people are following me like that." Asper scowls as she stopped walking and looked over her shoulder at the man. She stopped resting her hand on top of her stomach, folding her arms instead as she waited for justin. They weren't even past the Ravenwood estates yet.

"You consider them naive and foolish, Asper?" Jusin asked stumbling over her name a little. He kept his eyes looking about, he wanted badly to be assigned to the Ravenwood estate. Now he had a special detail and wanted to do it well. He looked at her once, she was attractive and everyone knew the Ravenwoods were unconventional. "May I ask why you don't get along with them?"

Asper scoffs lightly only walking once he was alongside her. She didn't care if he was five feet away or two. "Of course they are! I could name hundreds. They may look ideal but I don't understand how they lived this long at all! It doesn't make any sense." Asper says shaking her head she hated how slow she had to walk as well. Considering the large incumberance on her at this moment.

"I mean to ask, why do you think they are?" Jusin was confused, but really would like to know her thoughts. He had been 4 when the war happened, and it was the Ravenwoods who convinced the elves to evacuate his family. But, sometimes the public face hides something else. "I mean, most of them seem accepting of other races and social classes." He noticed the names of streets in case they needed to hurry back.

"Oh they are accepting alright so accepting that everyone else should be just like them and want the same things as them. Oh yes, and beleive what they beleive but if you don't thats okay eventually you'll see we are right and come join it with us. Like if you find something in common that automatically means your done that's it best friends forever! Or Oh I think you look sexy let's have sex yay! Now marry me and produce lots of Ravenwood children!" Asper gets into it. Even starting to mimic some of the voices of the family members she was actually really good at the mimicry if not exact ith all the words.

Jusin looked at her, "But they aren't all the same, I mean from ranger and druid sprung a diverse family of adventurers. I also learned the ones who have left walk their own paths. Trying to find common ground is to be diplomatic, not make permanent friends. As far as love and children, I'm a single man, and sometime I want to find someone to love like the Ravenwoods love their..." He suddenly stopped walking and talking, letting Asper walk a dozen steps without him.

Asper stopped after a moment of him not keeping up with her. "What's the matter with you?" She asks suddenly alert, she hadn't forgotten what could happen in the dark and night in a city. She listened hard and looked around glad she could see better then humans in the darkness. One of her hands rested on her belly lightly as if she would protect it.

From the darkness came the forms, twelve in all and they carried whips and looked like they had purpose. "Mistress Ravenwood, so good of you to come out on the night we have been given leave." He nodded, and Asper could hear a gasping sound as Jusin fell to the ground holding a wound across his neck. "My lady, I am sorry that we are going to make you the message that your family can't protect all its members." They began snapping the whips, launching the closer and closer to Asper and the baby.

"They aren't my family and this spawn I'm carrying has nothing to do with me. LEt me guess your on of Galins men? Or is it Soth? I can't remember because both of them had the shit beat out of them sideways right?" Asper says watching the draw of each arm. She did take a step back when on whip snapped a little too close for comfert. Of course the night she couldn't handle all the tree hugging freaks was when someone was trying to kill her... again.

When she would back up the ones behind would snap at her again, keeping her in between them. "You seem to hate them, too bad we are gonna have to do this." He moved forward, and snapped the whip so it cut her cheek, drawing blood. All the men laughed, one moved to see if Jusin was dead yet, the young guard was keeping pressure on his wound but wouldn't survive long. Another snap tore her cloak and stung instead of cutting her.

"Well fuck! You bastard really wanna make me do this don't you?! This is why I stole offerings all the time I'll have you know! Because I knew I'd need to do something." Asper scowls She didn't even flinch at being cut. "Yeah yeah yuck it up morons. As if this is actually exciting to any of you. Seeing me not pissing myself in absolute terror and begging you to let me and my child go... blah blah blah." Asper says rolling her eyes at them. She didn't like bleeding but she was used to pain. Not as of late but from before. Her life in Valusia at least made her tough skinned.

"Well, you grew into a right tough bitch, halfie." He said to Asper. You used to cry when I would whip you, then I'd use my fists." Lash stepped from the shadows behind the group. After all the years, he hadn't changed just a little older. "Oh, gods, something thought enough to mate with a worthless creature like you?" he started forward, punching his fists.

Asper had gone rigid at the voice. Trembling just slightly as she saw him walk out of the shadows. His words rang like truth in her head and she never even thought to duck. She took the blow full in the face, spinning a little she fell to the ground barely catching herself with her hands so as to not crush her child. She spit blood on the cobblestones. "Darryl... Darryl... Darryl!" She cried out for him now. Now knowing the situation was hopeless. Lash was one of the best whip users there had been. And someone let him out. He was joining Galins army. A mantra of please please please hear me ran through her head as she moved to get out of hitting range from LAsh.

Sitting at a high vantage over the city, Darryl felt miserable, he betrayed the woman he loved. His tears had stopped falling, but he could not find anyway to convince Asper it was for her and the baby. He looked up suddenly noticing the fire a long distance away, realizing father had pointed out was the central prison. He prepared to teleport hearing Gareth and Rand call him, then he heard Asper. He was torn by duty and his family, he let his power flow and teleported away.

Lash moved to her side, leaning over her and glaring. "You grew into something at least enough to get paid to swallow seed. But, gods it would have only made you coppers." He slapped her hard across the face, "Maybe I'll do the world a favor, if not the sucker who sired with you." He pulled back, but then disappeared, the other men began to close in. Laughing that he left it to them to finish.

They stopped short as the audible 'pop' of Darryl's arrival. He dropped to Asper, gathering her to him. "Asper. are you...." he trailed off as anger took over. Raising his blazing red eyes, the men had only seconds to try begging before he roasted them to a cinder. "I'm taking you home, you'll be safe with me Asper, I swear." He noticed the guard still trying to raise, and teleported all threee back to the Estate. "BAILEY! I have need of you!" and she appeared as he teleported her to them.

"Justin Baily! His neck!" Asper said quickly before trying to get out of Darryl's arms. Everything Lash had said Asper felt was true. She had been using Darryl to get out of a bad place, and to raise her half brother. In payment she married him and allowed him to get her pregnant with his seed. She touched her cheek and felt the stickiness of the blood still trickling from the cut on her face. Looking at the blood on her hand it was purple. She wasn't human, Halfie he called her... She remembered him always calling him that when he enjoyed beating her the most. Asper was shocked, too shocked for words. She didn't cry and didn't feel like it but her level of fear had just gone up. Lash was siding with Galin... again. And this time he knew where she was and that she was going to be a mother. He didn't know of his own son, no one had told him, or at least he had never come back. But he knew she was going to be one and that was bad enough.

Bailey was moving towards Jusin already casting a healing spell. Darryl focused his attention on Asper, "Hold still, I'll help you." He let his powers flow, holding her hands he healed her injuries. When it closed he still held her hands, "Asper what happened to the both of you?" The rest of the family was coming down into the hall and seeing the scene in front of them.

"Go Help with the prison. I bet Rand is calling for you." Asper said shaking her head and trying to take her hands back. "Get your crystals and rejuice, then go help." Asper says softly, she didn't know if there was a fire or actually anything wrong with the prison but Lash was free and he never did anythign quietly or passively. Asper was ignoring everyone and was trying to make herself act normal in front of everyone.

"There is nothing I can do about the prison." he responded. His eyes slowly lost the red glow that marked his anger. "Tell me what happened Asper, who attacked you?" Lai cam over softly told Darryl to help her off the floor. Darryl's eyes flashed and he lifted Asper gently and took her to the sun room. He would find out who attacked her and teleported away.

"You could help Darryl! You could save lives! What if it's on fire!? Won't that spread to the wooden roofs of the town?! I thought you wanted to help people and save lives! Go do it! Go do what you can!" Asper says getting out of her shock a little to yell at him to go. She was fine after all, there was nothing wrong with her... physically. She needed moment to compose herself, to make herself normal again in frot of everyone. Especially Darryl. When he healed her she had shivered and for a moment it wasn't the memories of Lash in her mind. It was the feel of Darryl's powers again.

Fael and the others arrived downstairs, "Go, Darryl we will protect Asper." Darryl looked at Asper, "I will not be gone long, you are what is important to me." He stepped away and teleported away, heading to the Central prison. Fael checked on her, "Are you sure you are ok?" The rest of the family kept tabs on the comings and goings of the Estate.

Elsa was with Lai and Bailey tending to Justin still on the floor. Lily was standing around looking at them all unsure what to do.
Asper shook her head. "I just... Need a minute." Asper says softly, sounding tired and frightened still. Sitting down on the pregnancy chair as everyone in hte house deemed it she sighed and started to pull herself together slowly. Darryl would be gone for a little while. She had some time. She touched her cheek and was surprised when she didn't feel the cut or blood. TRying to think the only reason she came up with was Darryl healing her. She didn't remember it. That was bad, she needed to get ahold of herself and get back to normal. Lash shouldn't frighten her this much... She was older now... able to kill. Able to defend herself... but not while she was pregnant. Asper sighed again and shook her head trying to clear it. This wouldn't do. She'd had enough of being frightened and scared and of crying.

Fael looked at Asper, "What happened to the two of you, Asper?" He was wondering how this situation happened. "Where are the men that attacked you?" The security of the house maybe called into question, or defenses manned, preparing for an attack. He looked at his wife and her grandmother, all three should head upstairs to safety.

"We were attacked... Darryl took care of them." Asper says softly taking a deep breath. Sitting up straight once more she was almost back to normal. Putting aside the thoughts of Lash and what he had said for now. Putting aside the creeping of her skin from the feel af Darryl's powers brushing her again. She calmed herself back down and put it all aside. She wasn't one to dwell on the past much. In fact she prefured ignoring it all, not thinking about it all and trying hard to just ignore the deep seated uneasy feeling in her right now.

Lai came over and inspected Asper closely, "Do you still hurt anywhere and did they strike at your stomach?" She looked at the young lady with a newfound respect. The old Asper would have been more concerned about herself, with being injured and feeling threatened. She was very selfless in telling Bailey to see to Jusin and telling Darryly to go help at the prison. "I'm very proud of your actions just now Asper, you showed great courage and concern for others."

"No... He only hit my face. She's fine." Asper says a little absently pushing away the hands looking for an injury. "I need to rinse my mouth I can still taste the blood." Asper says trying to distract them from perhaps figuring the real reason she sent Darryl off to help with the fire. To keep him away from her while she composed herself into something managable and not have to tell anyone the worst thing that could happen just did.

Bowers appeared with water, "Here miss Asper." he also had another bowl for her to spit if she felt it needed. Lai looked at her closely, "Shortly we'll help you upstairs." Bailey was still tending to Jusin, "Your lucky that one wailed for her husband. Otherwise, you'd be dead and she'd be in deep trouble." The knock on the door was unexpected and Fael immediately went into a offensive stance.

Asper held her breath in sudden trepidation. She could only too easily imagine Lash behind that door. Ready to do more, to her and possibly to the others. Asper stood suddenly either ready to run or to fight. It was then she realized everyone had taken her daggers away from her. For Darryl and the baby's safety they had said. She was regretting not hiding extra's and stealing some of Lily's, the silly girl always left her door unlocked.

Bowers, went to the door and after a cautious look and nod to Fael and the others opened it. "About Damn time!" was Rand's reply as he was admitted. "Honestly Bowers I think everyone is falling asleep on the job around here." He looked around at the others in the hall, "So, has anyone seen Darryl? Gareth about made the castle shake calling for him. Something is happening at the central prison and our wizards can't scry the area."

"There was a fire, the prisoners escaped. Darryl went to stop the fire from spreading." Asper says relaxing visibly and sitting back down in the chair. She wasn't calm enough, to stop anyone from realizing her hands were shaking she put one on top of her stomach and the other holding the side of her face. Breathing carefully Asper did her best to try and recollect herself again. "Shouldn't you have sent several blades to go look and half the city's guards to try and figure out what's going on?" Asper asks curiously of Rand after calming down some more.

"Considering the amount of time it would take my dispatched men to reach the prison, Darryl would have been faster." He looked at Jusin who was resting covered by a cloak, "And I take it someone made an advance on the house?" Rand turned his glance to thr pregnant women before along it to rest on Asper. "Everyone ok? And I just don't mean the pregnant people. So, Someone attacked Asper and Darryl I assume 'dusted' the enemy and brought them here, then went to handle the prison?"

"No he didn't dust them... I-I think he flamed them into tar." Asper said shaking her head and shrugging.She wasn't concerned anymore, Lash was gone for now. And Darryl would stop anyone from harming her. Darryl loved her and even though she might be frightened of him, he would do anything for her. Including giving her more space from now on. She felt she needed it. Walking over into the next room she knelt by Justin. "For a human, You did good Justin." She says softly before standing with a little trouble. Once on her feet she turns to Rand. "Well he's there now so stop being so lazy and send your men to help! He shouldn't have to shoulder this entire city alone! Do some work and make your men earn the wages the king pays them!" Asper growls before going back to the sitting room and drinking the glass of water.

"She is just like my sister fast of tongue, sometimes slow of ear. My men & a legion are on the way to the prison already." he grinned at Lily who had always been one of his favorite nieces. "I was just coming here to see why there had been no response from him. Call it an uncle's privy to worry about his nephew who usually doesn't need it. I'll send a replacement for Jusin, and some people to return him to comfortable."

"Uncle... I thought you had some men at the prison to watch for such accidents." Lily says walking over to Rand. She was curious about this. Normally prisons did not catch fire by themselves and no one had escaped from that prison since Unlce Lyle apparently. "And please remember Asper was attacked and she is heavily pregnant. Cut her some slack she's not a born Ravenwood or is shy as sly and underhanded as you Uncle Rand." Lily says with a small grin.

Asper scowls and decides that little girl really was just a waste of human flesh. No brains and no tact apparently. Asper made herself comfertable and then sat and continued to calm herself and her mind. She was actually very tired at this point. After everything that had happened so far she just felt worn out.

Lai looked at Lily and Rand, "The two of you leave Asper be it has been a difficult day for her. Rand, I'd like to hear about the circumstances of the problems at the prison." She looked at Asper and gave her a wry smile, hoping some of their discussion earlier sank in. She looked at Bailey and the young dwarf stomped over to double check Asper, then told Bowers to get her something to eat. "Well Rand I'm listening, and waiting for an answer to where my grandson has jumped into danger."

Rand sighed, "The central prison has several wards set up to protect from incursion. However powers like Darryl's are rare and not easily defended against. The garrison is set to watch for attempted escapes and of course fires and the like. I'll know more when the survivng guards arrive to be debriefed, and I guess the surviving prisoners as well." He looked at them, indicating he had no real answers until someone, anyone returned.

"Alright then let's go. I'll get my things." Lily says thoughtfully besides seeing it with your own eyes was better then trying to imagine it through anothers, at least that's what grandpa Conner always said. "I'll be right back to head to the prison, then we'll see what really happened." She grinned at the prospect of an adventure right here in town.

Asper scowled harder at Bailey. "Stop it! I swear if you touch me again and try to cast anything I'm going to... to go into Labor early or something." Asper says lamely to try and ward bailey off and away from her. She was tired of being fussed over and it was Bailey's fault in the first place. She was the one who had scared her first and then made Darryl. Well. In anycase she didn't want another spell cast on her for a long tim.

"Oh, if you breathed rather than losing you damn fool mind, he'd never had to calm you!" Bailey retorted. Asper might consider herself tough, But Bailey Stoneshield was just that a Stoneshield. "Go into labor early, see if I care! I'll deliver the baby and rap you on your empty head." She looked to Bowers, "Something light for her to nibble on, perhaps a sliced apple."

"I'm not hungry!" Asper scowls at Bailey crossing her arms and pouting. there really wasn't anything she could do after all. That and her threats were useless because she couldn't do anything anyways. "I'll react how I want to react Dwarf." Asper says glaring at Bailey still not wanting the woman to touch her and check her again for the third time today.

Rand turned facing Lai, Elsa and Lily, "No shortage of love here is there? I suppose Darryl may be gone a long while all things considered." He smiled at them, rather than laugh at Asper and Bailey picking at each other. Then speaking low, "I wonder if they will trade punches in the delivery room?" His men appeared to take Jusin back to rest and drop off his replacement, a man named Korsi.

Lily had hurried back and snickered even if Rand didn't. "Well I'm going to head out the way of the prison, I'll be back soon!" Lily says heading for the door. Elsa sighs and looks at Lai then Rand. "Uncle if... you could..." Elsa says gesturing towards Lily, she didn't want Lily out with such dangerous men being possibly free and roaming the city.

Rand nodded and departed quickly, he'd chase down Lily and bring her back later, and safely. Bailey on the other hand was trying to grasp Aspers hand to check the womans pulse. "Quit bein obstinate ye liil pain! And ya better eat that apple." Bowers brought the sliced apple out to her, "mistress Asper." Fael started to pace the hall, he wasn't happy about the situation and wished that Darryl was here to back him up.

"I'm not hungry! I don't want it dammit! I'm fine! You don't have to touch me all the gods damned time!" Asper says scowling hard and finally having enough standing up hoping it would puch Bailey back a step or two so she could have a route of escape of some kind. She hated being coddled like this. And she hated being touched excessively. Darryl didn't count though.He and the baby seemed to... commune somehow.

Bailey didn't move, she was carved from the rock of the mountain like all dwarves. "You have been through much and a little food will keep your strength up damn it!" If she wasn't pregnant, she'd probably pop Asper a good one. "I'm going to help you and since you won't let yer husband near ya." she allowed the words to trail off. If Asper wasn't careful she would make the baby come sooner rather than later.

"He already healed me! If there was anything wrong before there isn't know and I HATE apples!" Asper growls at the dwarf narrowing her eyes she turns and started to climb over the arm of the chair she had been sitting in. It was a lot more difficult so heavily pregnant but she'd be damned if she didn't do it anyways. She just wanted away from all this nonsense right now. No one was leaving ehr alone! Thay all wondered why she stayed in the room alone. Who wouldn't!

Lai stepped into the middle of all of this, "ENOUGH both of you, Asper if you will not aloow Darryl to care for you, I will find someone to do it. Bailey, allow her up right now I'll not have Darryl be stressed since I figure he will barely make the return trip before draining his powers." She had enough of this family interfighting with one another. "Asper, then pick something else for you to eat." Now it was time for Lai to showed them that she was the bigger threat in this fight.

Asper stopped and sat in the chair again a little taken aback by Lai. Asper still wasn't hungry and still wasn't going to pick something to eat and have it wasted because if she over ate she would throw up. And so Asper sat in the chair and looking down, very much like a sullen child who got yelled at for doing something wrong. She didn't say anything in retort because she was just too tired. Suddenly all she wanted to do was sleep. The energy of adrenaline from the encounter with Lash worn off from fighting Bailey.

"Bowers, bring Asper two rolls with light butter and some tea with a little sugar." Lai instructed in a tone which was to be obeyed. "Bailey, is she alright, nothing we should be concerned about?" Bailey nodded that everything was fine. "Asper if you are tired and wish to go to your room, Elsa will go with you, after you have a few bites and sips. And I swear to all the gods, if ONE of you attempt to sass me, I will cast the spell of paralization!" She meant it, she would paralize the next person who tried or started to fight.

Asper decided now was not the time to point out Lai had already fed her not more then four hours ago and that if she ate too much when she wasn't hungry she still got sick. Nor did she point out that even heavily pregnant she could still manage the stairs just fine all on her own thank you very much. Instead Asper simply sat with her hands on her stomach and looking down at them.

Elsa smiles softly poor grandmother was so very stressed. While they were all in the sitting room Elsa was explaining the new blades duties and what Justins position had been before the injury. "IT wasn't very difficult and you will be put in his spot until he is either well enough to continue or asks for a reasignment." Elsa concludes spotting Feal still rather upset and tense. He couldn't hide it from her, after all his tail was twitching like crazy and swinging around the tip twitching almost violently. It was a dead give away to his agitation.

Bowers brought the rolls and tea to Asper quickly. "I'm not asking for a great deal Asper just half of one or a quarter." Lai was nervous her grandchildren were out near the chaos at the prison and she was stuck here. Korsi was a medium built man, who knew their perchant for uninvited guests. Lai looked at Elsa, indicating that she appreciated her apprentice not arguing.

Asper still didn't say anything, she just took the plate and cup with a sigh and took a sip. It helped wash out the taste of blood in her mouth at least. Taking a small bite or two of the rolls sighing again because there was no honey, no sugar still of any kind. Elsa smiles at her grandmother reasurringly. "Feal honey why not come out here in the main hall and leave everyone in the seating room to themselves." Elsa says gently not wanting to make everyone stay crowded into the room, though it was big enugh for more people Elsa coud feel the tension in the room from several feet away.

After better than an hour, Lai consigned a sigh and stood up looking at the room. "I wonder how things are going, and I hope he is safe." indicating her concern over Darryl. Fael did move out into the hall, still tense at noises he continued to pace. Bailey excused herself, "I'm going to inform me aunt and check on her. Call if I'm needed." Korsi quickly took to his job and stood stone faced in the corner.

"I told him to take a crystal with him." Asper says softly from the couch. She had moved and had started to drowse a little. Feeling not quite up to walking all the way four flights of stairs to her room rihgt this moment. Elsa was looking out of the window. "Perhaps I should cast a small spell to check on Lily and Uncle Rand too." She offers also a little more worried now.

"Yes, attempt to scry on them, although I wouldn't be surprised if half the wizards and sorcerers in Andor don't have sensors floating around there." Lai exclaimed. "Asper, if you are very tired why don't you go to Altair and Alehial's room and sleep." She watched the responses, but knew Asper should sleep in a bed and not a couch. Then silently she checked her repetiore of spells she memorized that morning. Anyone stepping into the house univited would ahve trouble waiting for them.

"Very well." Elsa nods and heads into the war room, casting the spell on the large bowl in the middle of the room.
Asper scowls at Lai. "I'm gathering energy to haul this thirty pound sack of flesh up the stairs with me. I'm not sleeping in that bed... I might have twins if I do that." Asper shakes her head and snuggles into the couch more with a yawn.

Lai chuckled, "Was that a joke, gods I like that one. Do you want a blanket since I take it you wish to wait for the outcome of the prison?" Asper still had some feeling for Darryl and Lai hoped that was a start. "Bowers could you see about getting some food around for anyone who is hungry and for when Darryl arrives." He nodded and hurried from the room heading for the kitchen.

The bowl rippled and Elsa could see the remains of the prison complex and the huge crowd of people. Some of them milled around in groups, most of them were prisoners. And the guards still held some measure of control and a distance away with a few people was Darryl. He was a little dirty and soot covered appeared unharmed, but very tired. He was talking to several men who seemed very pleased and humbled that he was there.

"Everything seems to be alright... The fire is still being handled but the people are alright, Darryl looks tired but fine." Elsa says loud enough that Feal at least could hear her. She continued to watch and to concentrate. Making sure Darryl really was alright. She could see Lily standing with Rand as they spoke to the gaurds.

Asper shrugs a little. "It seemes more like the truth to me. Yes it's getting cold here... I don't like winter... and it's only just no fall." Asper grumbles softly she wasn't shivering but she was chilly, she didn't want to admit it but she didn't want anything to happen to Darryl again. Especially not with Lash about now.

A maid brought a blanket for Asper, as Bowers returned with some food. "The cook will make anything else if you desire m'lady." Lai nodded to him, "Thank you Bowers, you are truly a godsend." After Fael reported what Elsa saw, she relaxed a little. "Now they all have to come home safetly and I'll be happy."

Asper pulled the blanket around her and closed her eyes again. For some reason a little less tense after Feal told them Darryl and everyone was fine.
Elsa refocuses the sensor to check the damadge on the prison and surrounding buildings. She wanted to check everything before ending the spell. She didn't waste any of her spells unless there was need to and that was something Lai had branded into her from all the training.

The prison for the most part was a complete loss, burned in places where nothing remained but ash. And the number of survivors indicated that more than half of the population did not survive. The scene was secured by soldiers, who would remain and help the guards bring the prisoners to where the kingdom would house them. Darryl looked at the sensor, he did look tired and concerned, as if he had somewhere more important to be. His eyes glowed dimly, a sure indicator that his powers took an amazing toll on him.

Elsa looked worriedly at the image in the water. "Asper was right this time Little brother, you should have grabbed a crystal before you left." Elsa says as if he would be able to hear her through the water. She knew it wouldn't she wasn't powerful enough for that spell. Surveying the damadge with a sigh and a small shake of her head.

With an audible pop, Darryl left the bowl and appeared in the hall. He smiled at Fael then looked to see where Asper was dozing. Darryl wasted no time in going to her. "Asper? Are you ok?" he asked quietly. He was afraid she was still furious with him for using his powers on her.

Lai silently motioned for everyone to leave the room so they could talk. As they exited she closed the doors for the couple to talk privately. "Please father Corellian let them work this out." she prayed. Now all she had to do was wait for Lily to come home safe.

Elsa heard the pop and Darryl disapeared from the bowl so she refocused the sensor to find Lily. and make sure she was well.
"I'm fine..." Asper says sitting up some and rubbing her eyes. She wasn't really in the mood for this right now. After all it was only this morning that everything had happened in the first place.

"I'm sorry for breaking my promise, I reacted to you and the baby in distress. I should have tried something else instead of invading your mind and feelings, and I am ertenally sorry." he took one of her hands. Darryl was drained, he only had a little power left and would hold onto it in case he needed it.

"Don't... Let's just... go to bed." Asper says looking away and pulling her hand out of his. She didn't want to be touched, she was tired and just wanted relief from everything that had happened in this one chaotic and horrible day. She swings her legs out and touches the floor shivering since she was barefoot, having taken off her shoes to lay on the little couch. She couldn't lean over to get the shoes so she was goig to go without them.

Darryl stops her from standing and puts her shoes on her. He liked helping her, he loved Asper and their fledgling family with all of his being. Taking her hand he helped her to stand up and opened the door. And turned back to escort her.

"I don't need your help with this. Just... walk beside me." Asper says trying to supress shudders at his touches and him being so near. Her self reservation insticts were in rare form and he was just too close for any real comfort. But between enemies Darryl was the lesser evil from Lash. She didn't need the door opened or help standing... much. She didn't need to be touched all the time either.

He started up the stairs beside her, taking the stairs at the same pace. Darryl was not normal, but could notice Asper's reaction to his touch. "She fears me, I've went from her husband to almost as bad as Lash." he thought. There would be nothing he could do, except try to reach out to her again. And pray that when he did she'd remember the good things they meant to each other.

Asper had to stop on the first landing to get her breath back. She was far more tired then she had originally thought. Everything from today had just wiped out all of her energy. After only a few moments she began up the second set and groaned at the thought of having to go up three more including the one she was on. Gritting her teeth she resolved herself to do it though and did.

Darryl opened the door to their room, "Is there anything you need before we go to bed?" He looked at her, even without his powers he could tell she didn't trust him anymore. He knew he had to clean up, he smelled of fire and ash. He filled the tub and entered to sluice himself clean, wishing he could wash away his guilt while he was at it. Then after getting out and drying himself, wrapped his old clothes and set them outside.

Asper while he had been washing himself off changed into a large night gown. She thought they were ugly but they kept her warm even under the covers and she usually went without but right now she felt the more clothes the better. After having changed she shook her now much shorter hair and got into the bed. Laying down on her back she sighs and waits. She knew he would be getting into bed next to her and possibly trying to hold her for the night.

Darryl noticed while getting in on his side, "Asper you cut your hair." So, much had happened after the problem with the baby. Then with Lash appearing, he didn't get a chance to notice. He reached and almost got his hand around her when he thought better of it. "I'm here if you need me, alright?" he hoped she'd understood why he did it, but understood his place in her heart just wasn't there anymore.

Asper had been holding a nervous breath but she let it out slowly and rolled to her side. "I got tired of trying to take care of it long. You need to sleep. You used up a lot of energy." Asper says not acknowledging the slightly sad voiced last plea she heard from him. How did he still sound so childish and wounded? He was nineteen or twenty at least! How on earth did he still sound just like Jake did when he wanted something and she couldn't say no? She didn't understand but then... She was still freaked out a little being in the bed and with him beside her. It felt a little odd not being held though and she had a little trouble falling asleep. But soon enough she was deep asleep and much calmer and relaxed then she had been.

She was right he had expended so much energy, he wouldn't be able to active many powers without robbing his vitality. He wanted to tell her he liked her hair, that she looked beautiful. Darryl wished Altair or Alehial were here, they could advise him best of how to apologize. "Good night," he whispered and started to nod off to sleep.

Hours later, Asper heard the snap of the whip. It was Lash's whip, it was followed by his laughter. "What makes you think he wants you? He only wants to claim you, have you catch his seed. He'll send the baby away, because you'll do anything he wants. OPEN YOUR EYES ASPER, I'M IN YOUR ROOM!"

"NOO!" Asper sits up from the bed quickly, eyes searching the darkness in the room. Looking for where Lash was. But as she looked around the room, it was empty but what was normally in the room. Breathing heavy and still panicked she looked over at Darryl. He was normally zonked out after such heavy energy usage. why she had dreamt of Lash... even the sound of his whip. She shuddered a little trying to dispel what she had seen in her dreams.

His eyes flashed open immediately aware of everything in the room, he sat up preparing an blast of lightining. "Asper, whats wrong?" he asked in a worried tone. He started to reach out to her, wanting to comfort her but afraid she would rebuff him. He sensed no person in the room, or teleportation trails. Could it be because he invaded her mind that he drug all of these things up.

"Nothing... Just... Just a dream." Asper says shaking a little bit still. After having seen the hateful man again and feeling the power still in the hand and arms of the ones who had hurt her so serious when she was a child. The words he had spoken and the voice he had used were all too familiar. She just prayed and yes this time she really did pray that he never found out about Jake. If he knew he had a son and that son was the ward of the Ravenwoods because she had brought him to Andor to have them take care of him and raise him properly.

He placed a hand upon her arm, allowing his still depleted powers to ebb away. "Do you need anything, warmed milk or a rag to wipe your face?" he was trying to be useful to her. He could sense the baby was a little aggitated from Aspers dream. Darryl moved his hand to her stomach for a second to try reassuring them both. "I'm here if you need anything Asper." frevently he hoped she would take him up on the offer.

"I don't need anything, just... Just some sleep." Asper says with a sigh. Not wanting to admit that she was grateful the baby was soothed by his warm hand on her stomach. The child within her almost always responding to her father. Laying back down carefully Asper swallowed and tried to calm herself. Lash would never be able to come and get her here. Not with Darryl beside her at all times. As much as she was displeased of that now, she was also grateful, in a begrudging way.

"Sleep then, I'll watch over you." he rubbed her stomach lightly, still trying to assure her she was safe. He wouldn't sleep while she had the nightmares, his powers would regenerate slowly, but anything to protect her. He began to understand why father & mother sometimes sacrificed all they had to protect the children. Asper and the baby mattered so much to him, as did the family that he would fight to protect them. Once her breathing slowed and she nodded off, he gently placed his arm protectively over her.

Asper eventually nodded off, comferted a little by the warmth of his hand on her stomach and on her skin. she was too tired and too worn out to be too bothered by it. So when she finally fell asleep she relaxed and was comfertable. The warmth behind her didn't disturb her in the least. After all she had been used to Jake and her sharing a single bed together before she was 'married' to Darryl.

Darryl kept his word, the sun rose and Asper had no more nightmares. He felt drained, since he barely slept he had only regained a quarter of his power. Stretching out his senses he felt the cook and Bowers already awake in the kitchen. "Bowers could you please send up breakfast for Asper and myself." he asked, projecting a small list to the family butler. He glanced about the room again looking into the waning shadows for danger.

Asper stirred a little when Darryl moved but it was only to turn slightly and snuggle into the warmth of his chest. As a creature of the night she never did wake up until nearly afternoon. As a pregnant creature of the night she always slept until the afternoon. Snuggling against Darryl pressing her child heavy stomach against his and her face and arms against his chest she gave out a content sigh and was still in sleep again. Completely unaware of the betrayel to herself that was happening.

Darryl smiled broadly this was well worth staying awake all night for. He touched Bowers again long enough to cancel breakfast. Would she feel this way when she woke up? Desperatly he hoped Asper would come to some understanding and forgive him. He kept her in his embrace, and smiled when she sighed against him.

Asper stayed asleep, she didn't really stir and slept peacefully against Darryl. Warmed and held she was comfertable and dreamt of nothing at all. The baby inside of her was still and wasn't moving around not a bit. There was nothing to disturb her or awaken her early. She slept in blissful silence.

Darryl scanned the house and finding nothing to be concerned with, turned his attention back to Asper. "I wish I could freeze this moment, you happy and here with me." He was stalworth in his decision to remain awake and protect her. Otherwise the world outside used him already and his place was here.

Asper grumbles softly becoming just slightly aware of things around her. Once assured there was nothing harmful she went still again and let herself fall back asleep. There was nothing that she felt harmful aorund her at the moment so she let herself drift back into sleep again.

He smiled, deciding to stretch out his senses to check on the caravan and the family. They were making good time still and he saw no reason to bother them with what happened. Grandmother would see to informing them of all the goings on in the city. When he brought his focus back he realized it would be hours until Asper would wake so he would be careful how much power he expended. Looking at her he smiled again, he did like what they did with her hair.

It was a few hours later that Asper began to stir. The baby moved inside of her right on her bladder and her body demanded relief. So she blinked her eyes open and looked around. Looking up she noted a chest. So sleepy she didn't even pay too much attention to what was in front of her. Getting up she pulls herself out of the bed. Sitting on the side of it a moment, waking u a little more before she actually wanted to get up and use the restroom.

He didn't move, not wanting to startle her when she woke up. "Do you need any help Asper?" he asked in a low tone. He hoped the night spent close had lessened her fear of him. "If you are hungry I could go downstairs and get something for us to eat." Darryl could tell however her first need was to use the chamber pot.

"No... I'm fine." Asper says getting up and making her way over. Once finished she rinses her hands and looking at the bed with Darryl in it, sighing softly she nods her head. "Food sounds good. Get some sleep, you looke like someone ran over you with a cart and scraped you off the road to throaw you into the ditch." Asper says cynically before turning her back to him to get dressed. It was a somewhat difficult task considering she couldn't bend over much. But she got her dress on, for some reason she just didn't want to deal with the hassle of pants and the top she had been wearing frequently. They were a lot harder to get on. Once she settled the dress in place she pulled the strings tight behind her and tied it off. Then she frowns. Slippers right now they wer her enemy. She couldn't get them on without help.

"Can I help you?" he saw the look at the slippers and figured her problem. "I'm alright enough if you want me to go with you." he offered. He stood up and picked up her slippers and walked over to her. "I like your dress, it looks nice." He smiled lightly at her, but inside he thought she'd reject him.

"I look like a cow." Asper scowls and holds out on foot. Grabbing a chair to help her keep her balance. She didn't say yes or not to anything but she did need help with slippers and she hated getting cold feet. She wasn't going to let him go with her for food though. He looked like crap freshly dumped and she knew he hadn't slept much. Not like he shoud have anyways.

"You look beautiful Asper." he told her as he helped her into the slipper. If he thought it would have helped he would have hugged her. Instead he helped her with the other slipper. "And you forget, you're so much smaller than Elsa or mother when they had the twins." Darryl hoped she would recieve the coment to mean he never thought she was a cow.

Asper put her feet back down on the ground and was begrudgingly grateful of his help. "Go to bed. Get some sleep." She says stepping away from him. She didn't beleive him, she knew he only wanted her to follow and beleive him like the fool she had been before. She was smller then when Elsa had the twins. But she still felt huge and it wouldn't make her feel any less huge. She did however want him fully charged as much as she didn't like it so if in need he would be useful.

Bowers heard Asper coming downstairs, "Good afternoon, mistress Asper. Would you like something to eat?" He smiled at her, she was a little abrasive but could be very polite when she wished to be. He remembered his fathers stories when the blue lady was a guest of the Ravenwoods. The dining room was empty except for a few maids shining silver at table and one sewing a tablecloth. Most of the family were out doing what they do best.

"I would like frenchtoast... WITH the syrup please Jeremy. And don't any of you think about getting up and leaving." Asper says sitting down at the Dining room table. She liked it when there were people around her. As long as right now they weren't people who she knew were potentially dangerous. Besides she had far more in commen with the girls and Bowers then she did with any of the Ravenwoods. Of which she still didn't consider herself one of.

"Yes my lady," Bowers left the room to tell the cook. The maids smiled at her.

"Yes, only slaves would associates with you since your lower than they are." Lash's voice rang out, followed by that snap of the bullwhip. "They fear the little abomination in your stomach. I never should have stopped your mother, she wanted to drown you when you slithered out of her. I thought you'd be good for something, maybe laying on your back and making coin. I never thought you'd take my son to the Ravenwoods.

Asper had gone pale immediately and she had held her breath. That wasn't something he had said to her before... or at least not like that. He shouldn't know about Jake. "No... No... Just tired..." She says softly rubbing her forehead. Her hands were shaking badly and she was still pale. Letting out her breath and taking in another one slowly, trying to ease the tension seizing her entire body.

"You think, your tired now. Just wait Asper, I'll put those scars back on you as punishment for taking my son to these people. I'll chain you and your miserable child to a wall and whip you both. Darryl won't care, he'll be glad to be rid of you. Maybe I'll give you to Soth as a play toy, something to work off his rage or lust on."

Asper shuddered in fear. Trying to keep even breaths and not to alert the maids. She had goosebumps and was glad she was wearing a cold weather dress to hide it all. How did he know about Jake? One of her hands went to her stomach and gently stroked it. Perhaps it was time... she took matters into her own hands... with a little help from Darryl's father. If he even would help her.

"My lady your french toast with syrup and butter. I also took the liberty of adding a little mint and raspberry to some tea." Bowers set the tray in front of her. "Is there anything else you want or need mylady?" he waited to see if she would desire anything else. One of the maids was humming as she mended the tablecloth, the other two talked quietly as the worked on the silver. 

"Thanks Jeremy , I think I'm good for now." Asper says shaking her head and giving him a small smile. Taking a sip of the tea first to try and calm her nerves. She wasn't just imagining things she knew that. His voice was vivid and the sounds that came with it too clear for something as vague as a memory.

"No wonder they force you to live away from them, your so stupid you pribably forgot how to color yourself to try passing as human. That poor freak, her mother is good for nothing, not even a common wench. Has he even bothered trying to kiss you? I bet the thought of touching your lips turns his stomach. And the thought of coupling with you, touching the skin the color of a bruised fruit."

"Shut up!" Asper hisses under her breath before cutting the food and taking a few bites. Closing her eyes and letting out an almost moan at the taste of powdered sugara nd syrup on the french toast. Even Lashes words couldn't take away her enjoying sugar for the first time in almost a full year now that she had been pregnant with Darryl's child. The way Lash spoke was the same way h had when she was just a little girl. A kind of evil toned angery message he literally beat into her. One word at a time.

"Amazing that you can eat at their table, like a civilized person. I hope you and these people haven't tainted my heir. Perhaps I'll take him from these weak fools before they return to Baerlon. Teach him to be like his old man, however not be soft on a creature like you." The crack of his whip sounded as if it was fractions away from her ear.

"Shit!" Asper swears jumping and hitting her stomach against the table. She puts her arms around the infant in her stomach and worried. As much as it hurt her she prayed it didn't hurt the little girl in her womb. She had dropped the silverware at the sound of the whipcrack and her appetite was gone as soon as fear and gotten to her. this was worse then she had thought. They were doing something, something she didn't want to be a pawn in.

"Everything alright ma'am?" a maid asked. "KLUTZ! You shouldn't be allowed to use silver." Lash roared. Bowers came back into dining room and bent to get the silver and get her a clean one. "I'd make you use your fingers if you dropped my silver. Then again we never let you in the house, you filthy little halfie."

Aspers bottem lip trembled and she curled a little to hide her face behind the veil her hair now made. Closing her eyes so as to not cry at how much those comments hurt her. How close they were to how she viewed herself anyways, regardless of what anyone said about her here in Andor. "Fine... Just got startled by the baby." Asper says keeping tight control over her voice so the maids wouldn't suspect anything.

Bowers prided himself at being as intuitive as his father. "My lady it is more than the little mistress, shall I call master Darryl." Something was causing her distress. There was another whip snap and Lash's sinister laughter, "Oh have you been playing with the help? Just like your mother."

"No... No I just need some fresh air Jeremy. I'm sorry to have wasted the food." Asper says pushing back her chair and getting to her feet a little unsteadily at first. She had shivered again at the second whip crack. All too familiar ith the biting sting or the feeling of split skin accompanying it.

"Why not have them save it, feed it to you later." Lash sneered. "Are you going to find somewhere to cry? I remember you crying after I worked you over that time." He laughed. "Perhaps they have a switch I could borrow, across that bottom of yours. You couldn't sit or lay on your back and all those tears."

Asper took a deep breath and shook her head, heading outside quickly. She wanted peace and quite and she wanted Lash to shut the hell up. Once outside in the back of the house she smiled at the woods. Lyriel had told her that Alehial had made the little grotto a holy place. That no evil could go there. "Yet you ran fast enough from the little house didn't you Lash? You never stayed for more then a good fuck with that whore." Asper says softly, as she strode, or rather in her state of pregnancy waddled with purpose for the grove hoping it would help her.

"What makes you think I'll disappear once you make it there? Oh, plenty of wood and most of it green, what a nice switch one of those branches will make. Did you know your mother never complained when I beat you. She'd be all ready for me after I punished you. I bet she'd have let me do anything I would have wanted, had I just killed her little secret horror."

"Shut up! I don't knwo how your doing this...But I won't be used!" Asper says scowling at him and stopping in the little grove. Sitting on the boulder and rubbing her stomach lightly. She hoped the baby moving around in there was alright and not hurt by geing pushed into the table. Maybe she should have the stupid little dwarf check on her.

"Oh, but you already have, stupid girl." his voice didn't sound in her head. He was behind her, the crack of a whip told her as much. "I've been so out of practice, but since you are my favorite target." The ground near her feet erupted as the whip kicked up grass. "I guess I'm not so dialed in yet, since it is a new whip."

"Fuck!" Asper curses jumping to her feet and spinning around to face him. "That's not possible! You are no sorcerer or wizard!" Asper says staring in almost horror at the figure of Lash standing not much more then ten feet before her. He was still large and foreboding and the whip in his hands looked new and unused. Though he had grey in his hair and that was new. That was the only difference in him she saw. Even the clothes were a trivial thing. Her hands were wrapped protectively over her stomach.

"I'm more than you can imagine, little bitch." he spat. The whip again made dirt erupt near her. "Cry Asper, cry for your protector, bring him here so I can see the freak that laid with you to create that thing. He twirled the whip a little preparing for his next attack. "I'm going to mark you for sins Asper, and you have so many."

"Not as many as you Bastard! It was a lucky day for me when the whore died and you ran off! Jake is better off with the Ravenwoods, in fact he wants to be a Paladin, hows that one Lash? Does it burn a little?" Asper asks backing up some. She was loathe to call for Darryl, she knew this was some kind of a trap. Being acidic was her only defence at this point and she knew it was a stupid move on her part. A really stupid one. But Lash was a big stupid guy.

As a response he produced his second whip, not an easy feat to manage. "Jake will learn to be just like me. He'll forget about his half-breed sister and this farce of a family. Perhaps you've moved up to me using my fists against you now. Maybe I'll have one of the women like you and your mother be his first victim. Now, call him or I go after that abomination in your gut."

"Oh yes you mean the one that raised him for twelve years? The one who fed and clothed him? The only one who was there while his so called 'father' was off getting his ass kicked in a hopeless battle and then sat in jail rotting away for a few years? Tell me Lash how many men did you rape to satisfy your lust? Or was it you on the bottem?" Asper asked backing away a another few feet. She was now almost fifteen to twenty feet away and she hoped it was out of whip range by now. AS a child she had learned to stay too close for whips or far out of reach.

He stepped quickly and struck quickly, one slashed a small cut to her cheek the other on her thigh. "Satisfy my lust? What an amazing idea, I think I'll use you to unleash some of that pent up lust." He continued to approach her, "Call him Asper, or I plunge into you so hard you'll lose your monster." He cast her an oily smile, deciding on what he'd do to her first. He pulled his arms back again, preparing two more strikes.

"DARRYL!" Asper cried out, horrified by the very idea of Lash ever getting his hands on her. Especially in her condition now. She knew all too well what he would do to the unborn child within her. Or to her that would harm the child. At the moment the only thing she could think of was Darryl to rotect her from this madman. She turned her body just in case Darryl didn't get there in time the hits would be to her shoulders head or back. She was waiting for the stinging pain of cuts from the whips. She had stalled as long as she could.

Darryl called on his powers and broke the first rule. He teleported in front of her and sent her away in the same breath. Asper would surprise Elsa and Fael, but she'd be safe. The assailent had disappeared replaced by a portal, which looked more like magic than psychic powers. It was then he saw the bolt of flame streaking towards him, and he could not teleport away.

The teleportation had been too much for Aspers stomach. Between the sugar and the terror and then the queer feeling after being transported she falls to her knees and simply couldn't hold back what was in her stomach. She didn't know where she was or waht exactly had happened but it had.

Elsa jumps and sits up quickly from the bed startled by the loud popping noise and pressure in the room. The first thing she saw was a very pale Asper falling to the ground and letting everything go from her stomach. Getting out of bed as quickly as she could Elsa went to Aspers side and held her hair away from her face. It was much shorter now and elsa was worried, why was Asper here in her room and where was Darryl? "Asper you okay?" She asked worriedly.

Fael also bounced quickly from the bed, and knelt beside Elsa and Asper. Something was wrong, she was scared and he sensed that Darryl may be in trouble if she had been there first. He looked and managed to get her to focus, "Where were you before he sent you here?" His only option was to run the Estate and hope she hadn't tried making a run for it.

"Grove." Asper coughs out before another wave of Nausea ran through ehr and make her heave yet again. She was trembling and shaking hard. As if cold, and she was cold, her entire soul was frigid even her skin was clammy at the moment. Tears ran down her cheeks as she continued to Vomit. Elsa stayed holding her hair and rubbing her back. "Feal... be careful." Elsa says softly, worried and a little frightened for not much scared Asper this badly. In fact this was the first time Elsa had ever seen the helf Drow so terrified. Even against Darryl she had been more outraged then afraid.

Fael wasted no time, sprinting out the bedroom door and leaping from the landing. If Darryl was still weak, fighting off an assailant might be impossible. He continued to hurry towards the grove and saw the smoke rising. Being a monk warrior he moved quickly and dexteriously towards his target. He arrived into the grove and was amazed what he saw.

Darryl had managed to avoid a little of the blast, but the men that poured from the portal outnumbered him. He had managed to take a couple hits before pushing his own circle of lightning to wave over them. Since none of them moved again, he gave into the nagging pull of unconsciousness. With a thud he hit the dirt, surrounded by the disciples of Soth. A moment later Fael arrived to gather up his brother and turn back for the house.

Elsa didn't waste time either. Once Asper shook her head that she was finished Elsa went to the doorway. "BOWERS! TROUBLE!" She yells loudly, from her doorway. Hoping the rest of the household would hear her as well. It had to be serious, there were about ten to fifteen blades in the house and they should have mobalized seeing Feal moving out to the back of the house. Elsa said a quick small prayer that everyone was alright.

The blades had been aware and mobilized the minute Fael landed in the hall. Three followed behind him out into the gardens, the rest prepared for an assualt. Bowers came from the kitchen area ushering the the maids and cook to a defensable location. Lai used magic to appear in the hall, also prepared for a fight. The only person yet to arrive in the hall for defense of the house was Lily.

Lily ran down the hallway and to Elsa, after all the two pregnant women needed defending because they were well defenseless. "It's okay Elsa, I've got you two covered!" Lily says letting Elsa go back inside and help Asper to a chair and hands her a glass of water and a wrag to wipe her brow. she wanted to help but she didn't wake until just now and had no spells prepared. She was literally useless right now.

Fael reached down to touch Darryl, and jumped when his eyes snapped open. "Is Asper and the baby ok?" he implored to his brother-in-law. His clothes were burnt and shredded. Fael was amazed he was awake, but started to help him to his feet. He turned and looked at the Blades, "Clean this up while I take him up to the house."

Asper was still shaking from the encounter. She couldn't handle this right now. Not while she was pregnant, there was too much going on already. She knew there was something happening that it was Galin, he was the one who freed Lash and somehow Lash was effecting her and coming to the Ravenwood estates. After the whole Darryl escapade now all of this was happening. She reaches up to her cheek and brushed the cut Lash had made with his whip, the sting was something she remembered all to well.

Fael assisted Darryl into the house and up to his and Asper's room. "Are you sure you don't wish to see Asper first?" Darryl pulled the remnants of his clothes off and replaced them. "She doesn't care about me anymore. She'd be better off without me." He used the crystal to replenish his powers, so he could heal her injuries.

Elsa sighs softly. "Lily go see what is going on. Check on Darryl." Elsa says wanting to know what was going on. She hated waiting and not knowing anything. She walked over to Asper and leaned over a little. "Asper are you okay? Can you tell me what happened?" Elsa asks softly trying to be gentle and wanting to know how to help the other woman. Asper shook her head. "Lash... Jakes father... He was in the prison, he was part of the Dragon war. He's... doing something and is with Galin's army... I think." Asper says shaking her head. She wanted to know what happened as well. She was there one moment and gone the next. She knew it was Darryl and she wanted to know where he was now, why he wasn't there to check on her.

Darryl continued to head downstairs, Fael could see he had been hit hard by the attack. When he arrived down at their room, Darryl turned as if asking permission. "Of course, I'm sure she is concerned about you, your sister is as well." He entered into the bedroom and coughed lightly, he looked at Asper and started toward her. He knelt down and looked at her injuries, "You're hurt, give me a moment and I'll heal it."

Asper jumped, a little more then just startled by the cough. At Darryl's words she grabbed his wrist. "No! No... check on the baby... Make sure she's okay." Asper says looking into Darryl's ever so blue eyes. She didn't want him to use his powers on her for something so trivial. Her eyes ran over him too, after her moment of staring into his eyes her brows drawn together with worry she didn't know she was feeling. He didn't look injured, but he did seem tired.

Elsa got out of the way quickly and walked over you Feal. "Is everything alright? What happened? Is Darryl okay?" She asks softly not wanting to intrude on the moment between the two of them. It seemed to Elsa that Asper was shaken enough she was finally letting down those oh so tall guards and defences she usually had. No accidic remarks and no scowl, just concern in her voice and worry on her face. Elsa wondered if Asper even knew she was doing it.

Fael told Elsa everything he saw and the condition he found Darryl. "He is more concerned for Asper & the baby than himself. I have the Blades cleaning the scene up." He wrapped Elsa in a hug, wanting to ease her anxiety. Kissing Elsa lightly on the cheek and wanting to see how Asper dealt with Darryl.

Darryl laid his hands on her injuries, and looked into her eyes as he healed the shallow cuts from the whip. "I never should have let you go without me, and I apologize to you for that. While you are here with Elsa and Fael I can rest, but if you need me." He stood and kissed her hand, wanting to do more to ease her thoughts and nervousness. "I'll leave you alone now if you want."

"You needed sleep... I... I have some things you need to know about. Altair already does. Help me downstairs." Asper says tightening her grip in his hand. She needed the help she was too shakey at the moment to be able to do too much or go to far. Now relieved that the baby was okay and that he didn't seem to badly hurt.

Elsa smiled softly, she was glad they were going to talk at last. She hugged Feal tightly and sighed. "I wonder how the caravan is doing if we are having so much trouble so early in the morning already." She says hoping for the best.

Darryl shook his head and helped her up heading with her downstairs. His body and mind hurt, but at that moment his heart bouyed him. Once downstairs he allowed her to decide where they should go. Whatever father knew must be important and he wanted to know as well. "Is the drawing room alright Asper." he asked.

Asper lead him to the couch and pulled him down so they sat side by side, she could tell he was hurting as well. "Have you healed yourself? Did you get hurt?" She asks having not seen anything wrong but he was weary and slow, deliberate in his motions helping her. She wanted to make sure he was okay before she dropped this on him. It was a rather large thing to drop on him, or at least she thought so.

"Just a bit overdone, you should've seen the other guys." he responded. He smiled at her lightly, "There wasn't much to heal and you and the baby are more important." He squeezed her hand and focused all his attention on her. He couldn't do anything else, his power was almost tapped and one more teleport could prove lethal. "Tell me, I'll help you, anything you need."

"... You've heard me talk about Jake's dad... Lash." Asper says softly looking down and away from Darryl's honest and still so innocent looking eyes. "I told you how I got my scars. That I didn't have a childhood of any kind to speak of. That Jake's father... Lash, left before my mother knew she was pregnant?" Asper asks pausing to find out if he remembered her telling him all of this. Because she had at one point in time. She had told him she had been beaten and thrown out of the house. That her mother sold herself as a whore after Jake was born to feed him and herself.

Darryl shook his head, he remembered everything she said. "And you think he was in prison here in Andor? We should tell Grandmother or Uncle Rand, they will know how to handle it." Suddenly his eyes brightened and he squeezed her hand, "I think I understand what happened to you and can stop them." He would need to use his powers and be close to her.

"No you need to listen Darryl." Asper says softly and puts her hands on each side of his head, making him look at her and into her eyes. "Altair looked for him. He was in the prison... He was the one who attacked me yesterday, He's been speaking to me in my head... he showed up in the grove... I don't know how but he was there. He's joined your uncle Galin." Asper says still looking a little worried about this all. she was worried now. The baby was due early and now Lash was working with Galin.

His eyes flared up again, "It's another psion, they projected Lash into your mind." Darryl had often wondered how long before Galin would recruit one of his kind to the cause of evil. He for a second looked into himself and the knowledge he carried with him. Placing his hands over Asper's he looked at her, knowing she was afraid of him. "I can help keep them out of your mind Asper, but to do so I have to go back inside with all of my powers."

"I... I don't want you in my mind Darryl. I don't want you to see." Asper says looking away from his eyes and down instead. She still didn't let go of his face because his big warm hands were reasurring and she needed some reassuring right at the moment.

"I know what has happened in your past." he said as he stroked her arm. "I can erect defenses in your mind to block them." His only concern was if they attempted to attack while he was in her mind. But, if he could get the defense in place or possible imbue a crystal to cover Asper in a static field, safe from psions mental powers. "It is your decision, but if they beat a conventional blocking talisman, I'll have to fight them from inside your mind."

"What will happen... If you go into my mind?" Asper asks softly, still not looking up to meet his gaze. She knew he spoke the truth, for all of his simple ways and veiws he knew what he spoke of with a clarity she didn't think she'd ever have. She did not want him tramping around in her mind and seeing her thoughts. She didn't want him snooping around in her mind like she had his.

"Every mind is different and unique," he started to explain. "I would see what has defined you as a person. Your strength, weakness, and everything in between, could interact with me. Helping you to build your defense could free thoughts and feelings." He tipped her face to look eye to eye, "But the alternative would mean I would stumble blindly in to try protecting you."

Asper bit her bottem lip and chewed on it a little nervously as she thought about it. She didn't want him in her mind but... She didn't want Lash in her mind either. So far it really sucked having him not so much in her head. She swallowed loud enough to be heard, looking worriedly into his own baby blue weary eyes. "I don't want to. But I really don't see any other choice. I'm a liability to the safety of everyone right now. And a bucket with a hole in the bottem needs to be blocked up." Asper says and after having said it thought it was very appropriate that she was a hole in the bottem of a bucket.

Darryl could tell just by looking at her that Lash must have been torturing her. "You are my heart Asper, you and the baby mean everything to me. And I will die before I let anyone harm you, even me." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled them close. "I love you and our family loves you too, please believe in that most of all, even as a defense to his words."

"I don't beleive in love. I don't know what it is that runs you but... I've gotten kind of used to it. Don't get giddy just... get your strength back and plug the hole." Asper says hugging him back, she was feeling a little nausiuos from not eating and all the excitement and the puking earlier. Now with him hold her and her held at an awkward angle she felt even worse, pushing the baby in between them was not fun.

"Come you need something to eat, and I can try generating a small field to keep them out." Darryl said not really wanting to let her go. He knew he'd have to find a way to recharge his powers & short out the other psion. "Bowers, could you bring us something to eat and some tea, please? Asper, we need to stay near one another, I know that you may not want to, but the larger the field, the less I'll regenerate my power." He held her hand and watched her eyes.

"...I...I'm just not comfertable... with what you did. I don't really want you in my mind ever again but... the gods that don't exsist hate me don't they?" Asper sighs softly and straightens herself out a little on the sofa next to him. Holding his hand she leans her head against his shoulder, and let's out a heavy tired sigh. She was wore out by the events of the day already. She didn't know how she could deal with all this stress and this baby.

"I only wanted to help you....Asper. And I chose wrongly, and I'm sorry." he kissed her hand. "They don't hate you, I know right now it seems so, when it all passes things will get better I promise." He began weaving a static field about them it would keep anyone from trying to enter their minds. The air felt fuzzy almost like after lightning strikes, it formed a bubble the encompassed the couch. Darryl managed to crack a small smile, it always made him laugh when he first learned how to weave the fields.

Asper shivered uncomfertably. The tension around her in the air and the small shivers were making her tense up. But she didn't move away from him. He had said the closer the better. So she stayed tense with her head on his shoulder and him holding her hand. Even though she wanted to huddle on the far end of the little sofa. She was too stubborn not to give up against this. She waited tense for something to happen dreading his going into her mind.

He felt her shiver and opened his eyes, "I'm not going into your mind now." Sliding his hand from hers and trying to put a reasurring arm around her shoulders. "You don't have to stay so close, the field covers the couch. But, I like being close to you again like this." He waited knowing she'd move away from him, she didn't trust him anymore.

"You said the closer the better and the baby is calmer when your near. I don't feel like getting gut punched for the next twenty minutes thank you." Asper says scowling down at the belly on her lap. She was tense and stiff beside him but she was breathing normally. She was trying and she was still very scared. The very idea of Lash inside of her head terrified her more however then the idea of having Darryl in there again. The very idea of him being able to have so much control over her really did scare her. She was stroking her belly as she thought. A habit she had picked up months ago.

Darryl looked at her and smiled, "I can feel the baby, she's very content right now." He turned and looked at her, "I'm going to make sure when we build the barrier, even I won't be able to get in." He loved Asper, but right now he wouldn't promise he wouldn't go back into her mind. He brought his hand to the side of her stomach. "I know I have a lot to attone for Asper, and I'll try to make ammends."

Asper sighed softly, she was glad the baby was fine and that she was comfertable and not pushing against her or kicking her like she had been for a time. She didn't care if he wanted to attone. That was silly anyways. Amends it didn't matter even if she did say she didn't mind the truth would be that it had happened once and it could happen again.

Darryl closed his eyes long enough to start regenerating his powers. He could continue the field without losing his any power. As he did so, he wished Asper would talk to him. The static field would keep them safe until he was ready. "If you ahve any questions, I'll answer them for you."

"I'd rather not talk... If you want you could lay your head down and actually get some sleep too." Asper said softly not any more comfertable with the aira nd the field around her then when he erected it not more then ten minutes before. Her goosebumps still hadn't gone down and she continued to stroke her stomach gently. Her mind a pleasent blank for once as she forced all thoughts away.

"Very well Asper, if you need me wake me alright." he turned to his side and soon was asleep. His power soon started recuperating at an advanced rate. However, an hour later Asper felt something pressing into her mind.

Asper gasps and her eyes went wide, she had been dosing a little but the pressure of something woke her. "Darryl!" She says turning and grabbing his arm. She was scared to death it was Lash again getting into her head and this time coming to do something far worse then just threaten her. She thought the field would keep her safe but she felt something, she didn't know what.

He opened his eyes and could feel them press against the field. He started to intensify the field. The feeling started to pass, as he pushed the away. "Its ok Asper, The field will protect you and I will keep them out." Darryl was making notes on who could be doing this and how to find them.

Asper shivered and nodded though she kept her hand on his arm for support. She was terrified they would come for her now. She didn't want that, she didn't want them to be in her head or to use her against this family. She didn't want Lash to be alive anymore. The only good enemy was a dead enemy and she wished he would die very quickly.

"We will need to find someone and somewhere safe while we are inside your mind. I think if we ask Elsa and Fael to watch over us, everything will be ok." He continued to make sense of who was doing this to them. Calling out to Elsa and Fael that they would need their help. "Now, should we use our room or another, it may confuse them some."

"I'm not making a trip up to our room if it isn't neccesary." Asper says, that was about the only thing she had really understood what he wanted from her. Something about Elsa and Feal being there, but where there was she didn't know. She wasn't sure what was going on just that he would be going into her head soon and she was loathe to hurry, and loathe to wait much longer because she was afraid they would go into her head and it would all be over for her.

"Mother and father's room then, the bed will be comfortable and it's big enough for our defenders." he decided. It was a logical choice, their room was too far and would hamper Fael and Elsa if they had to protect them. "Bowers, please fetch Elsa and Fael, we need them to help us." He continued to rub her stomach and try keeping her calm. He didn't leave much room for her to argue the point.

Asper nodded her head, she didn't really care she was just scared, she had felt them and he had deterred them. they would come back stronger and try to invade her mind and she was afraid. Very afraid, his contact and his attention to her stomach helped her to focus a little to breath evenly and not panick though. She wasn't really paying much attention to what he was saying.

Bowers hurried to mistress Elsa and master Fael's chambers, to summon them for master Darryl. As he arrived at their door, he composed himself, then knocked politely, "mistress, master, may I enter?" He then stopped and awaited the answer from inside. Learning long ago not to just enter, especially after his encounter with mistress Lyriel during the incident with the crystal. He still remembered vividly, her almost attacking him.

"come in Bowers it's safe." Elsa says softly as she sat on her bed. She had just finished memorizing her spells for the day and put her book away again. Stretching some she rubbed her slightly swollen belly lightly. She wasn't anywhere near how big Elsa was but she was only a few months along so she was where she should be regardless. Fael was practicing his stretching in the sunlight.

"Master Darryl requests the two of you as soon as you can. It seems someone is attacking mistress Asper using psion powers." he informed them. He moved aside and waited for questions or them to stampede past him. Perparing for all the troubles that befell this household was a full time job.

Elsa looked up startled and grabbed her belts that held her spell pouches and components. Seizing up the two wands she owned as well and grabs everything else she would need. "Where are they Bowers?!" She asks while grabbing her things ready to run to help. Fael also stopped what he was doing and hurried to the door. He remembered the night Soth attacked Darryl, and that Soth disliked being struck.

"Downstairs, in the sitting room, they are talking of using Lord and Ladies bedroom for what he is planning."

Elsa nods showing him she had listened and once everything was on or roundaboutly on she headed for the door. Prepared to go downstairs and help with whatever she could, he had been dead tired before and Asper shaken very much from this mornings encounter. Asper never woke early but this morning she had and now... now she was being put through hell. "Are you coming Feal?" Elsa backs up back into the door way. Wondering what was wrong as to why her husband wasn't right behind her or why he was being so quiet.

Fael considered what Darryl had told him earlier as they walked. Another psion was pulling the strings, "How will we be able to help them, if the assualt is from a remote location?" He couldn't fight a enemy unless they were close enough to strike. "Bowers perhaps you should alert the others as well." he instructed as they reached the main floor.

"All I know is my baby brother asked for my help. I'll do anything I can to help him." Elsa shrugs her shoulders and walks across the hall to the sitting room doors. "Darryl? Asper?" she calls looking confusedly at the two people sitting on the small sofa together. It was a tender moment, but Asper seemed frightened and Darryl was rubbing her stomach.

Darryl looked at the and managed a slight smile, "thank you for coming, we are going to try building a defense in Asper's mind. But, we will both be physically vunerable during. So, I would liek it if you two would watch over us." He continued to rub her stomach, and everyone could feel the static field surrounding them.

"Bowers said something about Mom and dads room?" Elsa asks rubbing her arms. She hated the feeling of the static fields he made, she always had it felt like insects walking over her skin. "Of course I'll watch over the two of you Darryl." she promises quickly, though she didn't promise for Feal because he was who he was and she wouldn't put him forward for anything he didn't want to do.

"What Elsa does I will to," Fael offered. Then looked to Asper, "I will do anything to help protect, my sister-in-law and niece." He hoped that her and Darryl were working through the issue. 

Asper frowned a little and looked down. She hated this, all of it being pregnant, being married, being a member of a good family. Having to play the politics of a good family and being a good person. She nodded her head a little and touched her stomach again, just to feel her baby move inside of her.

Fael understood her look and what she was feeling, he had for sometime. Darryl interrupted their thoughts, "We will need to begin soon, so lets go get ready. Elsa can you explain this to Grandmother?"

"Of course I can sweety. I'll meet you back at mom and dad's room. Feal can you um... help?" Elsa says gesturing towards the two of them on the sofa. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed up the stairs to inform her master and grandmother of what would be taking place shortly.
Asper sighed and slowly stood up, her hand on her stomach the other on the sofa to help her get upright a little bit. The baby was calm enough, Asper was too in a detatched sort of way. She wanted to do this and get it over with.

Darryl stood and the group started making its way to Alehial and Altairs chambers. "We may be unconscious for most of the day, Fael, really we won't need anything it will be like we are asleep." When they arrived at the bedroom and entered. Darryl looked at Asper, "Is there a side you prefer?" He hadn't been in that bed for a very long time, not since he was little and loved cuddling with his parents.

Asper scoffed and simply scooted back onto the bed butt first. She couldn't crawl what with her stomach being in the way. She took a deep breath, It shook as she breathed and she let it out shaking it as well. Laying down rubbing her stomach nervously. She just hoped it wouldn't hurt and that everything would end okay.

Darryl, went around and got into the bed next to her. He could feel her nervousness and fear, even without his powers. "What we will do won't hurt and I'll try to be as quick as I can, ok?" He placed his hand on her stomach and stroked it gently. "I love you and I will take care of you."

Asper sighs and nods her head. "Let's get this over with... I just want this over with." She says softly and wiggled a little over and closer to him. Her heart was beating too fast and she knew that. Being close to him and feeling his comferting touch through her dress made her feel a little better. Not much but a little. She scoffed a little at his words of love and taking care of her. She didn't really believe it besides she again wanted this done quickly.

"Close your eyes, you might see double when we start." he cautioned her. He took one more reassuring stroke of he stomach and glanced at the others. Then he shut his eyes and started entering Aspers mind and bringing her with him. What felt like minutes of flying finally stop and they were standing on an empty field. He looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile, time to get started.

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