Page name: Ravenwood Estates 4 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-11-18 19:22:30
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Four

In which we now follow the adventure of Lady Damodred the daughter of the elf and lady from Andor. She follows her beloved Mathius in efforts to gain his love unknowing she walready has it and she is determind to earn the trust and respect of the Ravenwoods to be given their family name as Mathius' wife.

It was the morning after the long embarressing night from before hand. And after getting rested and a fresh morning dawning, our 'heroin' woke and bathed and freshened herself getting dressed bright and early, planning on meeting her host for breakfast.

Mathius rolled over and groaned, reaching up to his neck before remembering about the collar. "I hoped that was still a dream, then I wouldn't think I made a huge mistake." He could here the others arguing in the other room about the next move. He wished there had been more information so they could have avoided the situation they were in. And to make matters worse he didn't have full access to Cybil.

Cybil dressed as well as she could figure for the garments. They were still so odd to her from what she was used to wearing. Other then that she put them on fine. Stepping outside of the guesthouse she was staying in she looked around the yard before looking over at the men's building. She couldn't help but wish Mathius was with her as she made the walk to the main building. Of course she also blushed a bright red at the last time she had seen Mathius. Which was last night... in the pool. She strode quickly to her hosts house.

Her host was waiting for her, dressed in a white flowing dress. She got up and moved to embrace Cybil. "Good morning, beloved guest. How did you sleep, well I hope." She ushered her to the table and called the steward to take her order for breakfast. "Some of your men are awake already, all but the large one, Mathius am I correct?" She wasn't going to tell her guest that she saw them last night in the pool.

Cybil embrassed her host and sat at her side in the seat available after putting in her order for eggs and toast and bacon. Cybil smiles softly at her host. "I was unaware of that. I didn't think to check and see if they were awake or not. I slept very well thank you, your beds are wonderfully soft and thick." Cybil smiles brightly at the other woman. Cybil did have the wand but she wasn't sure if or when it was appropriate to use it still. After all this was only her third day in Pachucca at all. They hadn't learned very much as they were supposed to any ways. She just hoped she could pull it off and the guys could depend on her. She was sure they already hated her very much.

Nist and Litor were already arguing over trying to remove the collars and neither seemed to be giving ground, the third of the quartet was being silent. "Will you guy's shut it" Mathius roared at them, "I didn't to sleep until late last night." He heard snickers and a whispered comment that he should have slept with Cybil. He groaned and rolled over, this was going to be a long mission if this was to be a daily occurance. After another couple minutes he gave up and stalked out of the room to get some breakfast.

"So what were our plans today? I was wondering if we could wander around a little more... Take a man or two with me in case I wished to purchase anything..." Cybil said thanking a servant who filled her glass with tea softly. It was a habit the Ravenwoods instilled in her and she had never broken the habit. Even here in another role in another country she still wasn't able to disregard the habit she had from before. She hoped the boys weren't to angry with her.

"I see no reason why not to allow you to go to the market or other areas allowed to our visitors. Guards will inform you of places you, or men are not permitted." She nodded to the servant who refilled her cup, then quietly pulled a roll apart slathering it in honey butter. "Which ones will you be taking with you today? Perhaps you'll leave Mathius here so I may speak with him?"

Nist pointed to a plate with stale bread and salted meat, "Breakfast was served over an hour ago." Litor harumphed and pointed to the water, "Its clean water but, no coffee aywhere in sight my old friend." Mathius took a seat and dug into the sparse meal. "So, when do we figure out how to escape fearless leader, or do we need Cybil permission?" Asmodius asked cynically. No matter how Mathius tried to spin the situation, Cybil still looked like the bad girl to them.

"Oh... um actually I was thinking of taking him and perhaps Litor. Was there anything specific you wanted to speak with Mathius about?" Cybil asked taking a bun and doing similar to it. Relishing the wonderful and different tastes of even the simplist of foods here. She hoped the men at least had good food. She felt terrible that all she could do was lavish the attention and wallow in such good things while they were forced to live as servents of the lowest class. She wondered if it was rude to ask such questions of her host but as closely as she could figure her men were considered her property.

"Just trying to learn as much as I can, since I have to answer to the Matron. Our leader her in Pachuca, she sometimes takes an interest in new arrivals." She smiles warmly at Cybil, "That and one so strong, honestly piques my interest as well." Sexuality in Pachuca was primarily a womans domain, and men served their whims. She sat back in her chair and took a long sip of tea, gauging Cybil's response, "You may take him if you wish though."

"The Matron? Is she the leader of Pachucca? um... As for Mathius um... I... I Suppose I don't mind, but I am... uh More interested in Mathius then the er... then the others for... um... a partner." Cybil stumbles and mutters and blushes very brightly. Stumbling over her words a little and she started to pick at the bread in her hands. Taking a drink of her water and then a bite of her bread and she chews quickly. Trying to distract herself from getting anymore embarressed and mess something up. "If you have any questions I would of course inform you as well as I can. My father is a delegate himself from another country and I've been watching him and helping my mother with the paperwork since I was a young girl. I can help you with anything you might be confused about the laws of Andor even current trades if they have not changed in the last few weeks while I have been traveling her and staying with you. I would be honored to learn as much as possible about Pachucca and it's people and the way of life. It has changed so much since the time before the war. I am very interested in everything." Cybil says being her smiling bright and perky personality as she normally was. Smiling and acting as if all the embaressing things she had said about being interested in Mathius was over with and out of mind for her now.

Helene smiled, she knew there was something between Mathius and Cybil, she just needed to confirm it. "Very well, I suppose then I could question the quiet one, as I would have pestered Mathius." She continued to sip her tea and watch Cybil's face for any reaction. "Do you intend on partnering with him soon? I must admit I saw the two of you last night and was 'very' impressed."

"I would just ask that... um you be a little gentle they still aren't completely used to the rules and ways of Pachucca as of late. I mean I'm still trying to adjust to it so... um... I... I am very interested in Mathius but... I... I've never uh been... er done anything so... I can't say when or... I mean if, I can't say if... uh we uh! I will be doing anything." Cybil blushes brightly before covering her face with her hand fingers splayed aver the cherry redness of her cheeks. She couldn't get comfertable talking about this. She still blushed while speaking with her mothers or taking care of her half brothers. "I apologize about last night... I just... thought you would not mind... Uh if I used your pool..."

She laughed lightly, "I've used it for more than what you did, on several occasions. You really should have command him to at least perform upon you, I find it helps with going to sleep." She changed the subject quickly, "I however am concerned you haven't used the controller and it is required if you keep males." Helene watched the young woman blush then started wondering where the blush extended. "We should go over that before you leave."

"Oh no! I mean... I could never uh... I've only ever... I mean I have kissed before but... But doing anything else is... not something I've um done before." Cybil blushes just a little harder, it was starting to spread down her neck and shoulders now. She felt very hot so in an effort to cool and calm down she drank some more chilled water. "I have been using the controller but... I don't think I'm doing it as you are accostumed to using it... I haven't been able to observe overly much..." Cybil says glad for change in topic. She was very releived they weren't going to keep talking about experience in... that... area.

"Well, we should work on that, perhaps tonight we can make the lesson more exciting for you." Helene raised one eyebrow and grinned at Cybil looking at the red continue to work its way under her dress. "Sex is a very open conversation point here. Some mornings, I take my breakfast then a slave serving me at least once." Helene smiled, not bothering to tell Cybil she intended to bed at least one of her men.

"Oh... uhm... I uh I see, yes where I hail from we are... uh much more conservative... uh actually..." Cybil says looking anywhere but at her host directly. She didn't want to be rude but she had the distinct feeling Helene was starting to bring this up on purpose. I uh... have not done much... so... I uh.. I'm going to call my men and will be going... Breakfast was wonderful thank you so much and... I... I will call them now." Cybil says standing and bowing to Helene a little not sure exactly how she should proceed and if she was being overly rude at trying to run away from this.

Helene stood and rather than bow, hugged her guest tightly. Cybil was a typical Andorian, they did have more curves and better endowed. "Very well, but remember to take the controller with you. If you would however send the quiet one Asmodius to come see me." She released Cybil after giving her a peck upon the cheek.

"Certainly Helene I will go to my chambers and prepare and send him over soon! I always take the controller, I really do want to understand everything really!" Cybil says smiling brightly completel unaware of the ultirier motives of the other woman. She wasn't aware it could be like that in the first place. "I will return later this evening then Helene." Cybil smiles before turning and heading back out to the guest house she was staying in. Hitting the button for all of the men. There was some fruit and bread on her own table at the house she hoped they hod gotten good food if not she would let them have it. She wasn't very hungry. "I need you all to come to me." She orders before sitting on a chair and waiting for them.

Each man in the slaves quarters heard Cybil's voice as if she was right beside them. "I'm not going just because she calls." Nist proclaimed then jerked spasmodically. Apparently the collar knew when the subject was being obstenate. All of the men looked at Mathius, this was his plan and idea bringing Cybil with them. Not meeting their gazes Mathius said, "Lets just go see what is going on."

Within minutes the quartet were standing at the entrance to the guest house. "Must be nice to have chairs with some amount of padding," grumbled Asmodius. Nist snorted, "Surprised she doesn't have her favorite pet staying here." Then he quickly moved away from Mathius and his reach, knowing full well his friends reach. All three continued to wait for Cybil to invite them inside.

"Um... I'm sorry... I know you all must hate me a bunch. Um come on in... I've got bread and fruit and juice and water and I know it isn't much but I have to talk to you all okay?" Cybil says in a rush, wringing her hands together and looking genuinly worried. She waited until they all came inside the door and then she closed the door herself. The controller was on the bed, after she had comanded them to come inside she had set it down. "You can sit down anywhere you want just... um... not in veiw of the windows though." Cybil says gesturing to the seats available to them all.

Once they all sat and got a little more in their stomachs, Litor looked at Cybil. "I see worry on your face and you said we have to talk, I gather it isn't good." Nist scoffed, and Asmodius shushed him, Mathius remained quiet, waiting for Cybil to brief them. However, Mathius had a hard time keeping his mind off, the night before and what transpired between them. The men all in unison looked at Cybil, "So what is so important?"

"Our Host Helene... I think she wants to bed Asmodius." Cybil says blushing brightly and clearing her throat. "She asked if shecould speak with Mathius and said she uh... had noticed some of my er... i-interest. I didn't want her having Mathius alone with her and those stupid control wands so... I said I was taking Mathius and Nist to market with me so I could try and learn more and perhaps make a few purchases... Um... she has a meeting with her Matron, that's what they call the new Leander of Pachucca." Cybil says blushing a bright red that just about encompassed her entire face. She sat down on the bed unable to keep standing in front of all the men staring at her so intently. She knew they were going to be really displeased with her.

Nist stared at Asmodius, "First she wants Mathius now you. Whatever happened to wanting the dashing rouge?" Mathius cuffed him in the back of the head, "Asmodius if you agree to this perhaps you should take precautions. Cybil exactly how much have you told her about us and home?" Suddenly, knowing Helene was asking questions for her 'Matron' may have just taken them for a unsafe place to a dangerous one. Every man had the same thought, if their enemies were here, they were all in danger.

"I haven't told her much... I mean I've told her our clothing customs and why we grow our hair longer... a little of our courtship and just a little about our markets and a few cities some of our trades come from. She said she had to give a report. But I don't know what she'll report on. She also said... um... I haven't been using the controller properly and she wants me to gather you all later tonight so we can go over some more commands and protocal." Cybil says with a deep sigh. She knew they were all really unhappy with her but she was trying to do her best. She was getting along well enough and she was following the customs as well as she could. She didn't think she had said anything to give them away.

Mathius was the first to say it, "My name Cybil, have you told her I'm a Ravenwood or you being a Damodrid?" His family name carried a lot of weight in some countries, and in others paved the road for chaos. Asmodius was quiet apparently thinking over what Helene may ask or order him to do. Nist spoke up next, "Why don't we figure out how to escape, I mean don't we know what the disciples where doing here? Litor and Mathius exchanged glances, seemingly asking themselves why the hadn't fled yet.

"Um but we need to find out why they closed trade with everyone and why the civilitation changed so drastically! I never did give them my name... well... no I gave the captain my name... on the boat." Cybil says trying to think back. She had been drinking a little and everything was slightly fuzzy to her from the trip on the boat. Cybil's fingers were fidgeting and she was gently chewing her bottem lip in worry. she didn't even know if they could escape.

"Asmodius go and prepare the best you can to see Helene, Nist go and prepare to try sneaking around to get us more information while she is distracted." Mathius ordered. "Litor go with them and look out for Nist until we are ready." The three men got up and left the guest house, leaving Mathius and Cybil alone. He stood and crossed to Cybil, taking her hands in his to stop them from fidgeting. "No worries yet, we are used to playing with our backs in the corner." He puncuated the comment by leaning down and kissing her gently on the lips.

"Okay." Cybil breathed against his lips leaning up and tilting her head a little for another kiss. She was worried about them all and that perhaps she had done something wrong in using Damodred as her last name when she had introduced herself. She was worried that perhaps she had done wrong, that the men would all blame her for something else as well. She hoped her host never got her in trouble with the matron. Whoever the matron was.

Mathius parted from her and went to join the guys, he needed to make sure they all knew their parts. "See you in a few minutes, then we'll go poke around more." He quickly made his way to the hut the men shared, Asmodius was going over what little he had in alchemical supplies. "I think I have enough here to insure I won't impregnate our host." Nist looked at Litor and asked, "Isn't there some kind of spell you can use on him?"

Litor shook his head, "Even if I could I still don't know if my god will replenish them, while I am here." He looked at Mathius for help and council, "What do you think Mathius, if I use a spell now we may not have it later." Mathius sighed, he sometimes hated that they considered him the leader, "Use it now and hold off on anymore, I'll try to get Cybil to get us a supply in case our host decides to start summoning us to play. Nist do you have enough stuff to help open locks while poking around?" Nist shook his head that he did and they set off for the houses again.

Cybil started to get ready for the day out to the market. She was pulling her hair half up and in a braided bun. Stabbing it with a metal hair pin she gathers her money and a sheer shawl just to feel a little more clothed. As it was the clothe draping down her body made her feel almost nude completetly. As she couldn't wear the tops of her underthing she was constantly brushing the clothe across her chest.

Asmodius told Nist to give him 30 minutes until he started poking around then went to the main house. Litor headed to the gate, so Mathius could speak alone with Cybil. "We need to pickup a decent supply of alchemical fertility supression, in case she calls for the others or myself." He watched her face and was aware how upset she'd be, "But, I still intend for you to be my first and only." He again leaned over to reassure her with a kiss.

"We can pick some up in town and I've tried to stress I really don't want to share my men. Or the men I mean. Not my men, obviously they aren't my men but I want you. I won't share you... your mine and we haven't even done anything yet and I'm not letting her take you from me!" Cybil says standing up and pulling him to her so she could kiss him. One hand behind his head the other on his shoulder. For some reason being here made her feel so much more possesive and in charge and as if in stead of the man she should make the decisions for them.

He wrapped his arms around her, and since they couldn't be seen let his hands wander a little. "I feel I shouldn't worry with you around to protect me from our host." he smiled at her. Mathius felt they were at a disadvantage for the moment, no weapons or magic. But more importantly, he began to feel a nagging desire for Cybil. He straightened and offered her his arm to escort her to the gate.

Cybil had leant into his touches before smiling and taking his arm in hers. Stopping him a moment so she could grab the control wand and tuck it into her little bag before rejoining him and letting him escort her out. She was blushing prettily at having spoken so bodly to him about him.

It didn't take long to arrive at the marketplace, Mathoius indicated they were being followed. Litor then advised they should split up and meet later back at a fountain they passed along the way. "Good idea, will you be ok Litor or do you wish to stay with Cybil?" Litor scoffed, "No she'll be in better hands if she's with you." He flitted in and out of the crowds until he was lost amongst the people.

"So, what kind of things were you wishing to purchase m'lady?" Mathius asked. He looked past her casually to take notice of the two women following them. Both lightly armored and armed with short swords, they wore an insignia badge of some sort. "I suggest we find somewhere, to figure out who are tails are." He again took her arm and prompted her to pick a destination.

"I've got most of my purchases taken care of. Though oh look at that!" Cybil says walking over to a small display of jewelry and gems. "I've never seen such esquisite looking things!" Cybil says leaning down to look closely at the merchandise. From the corner of her eyes she could see the female guards. The insignia's on their armor told her they weren't exactly street patrollers. "Stay here with my things and don't move." Cybil says in a very commanding tone of voice. She then turns on her heels and walks into the little store. It didn't take her long to make a purchase. A little anklet with a local gemstone she hadn't seen before. She was hoping it would give the guards time to get closer.

The guards didn't get much closer, they were keeping a respectable distance. Mathius kept an close eye on them, however he made it look more like he was waiting for Cybil. After a few minutes while she was inside he sat down and went over a couple ideas he had to help them escape. Things just didn't look good, as long as they were wearing the collars there was no real escape. As he peeked in a bag he thought, "Mother and Father, I could use an idea or two here."

Cybil walked out and right up to him. "I'm done. Let's go. I'm getting thirsty though. Now let's see... Helene said any of the gaurds will help me... I see some. Come with me Mathius." Cybil said looking around and 'spotting' the guards that had been trailing them. Walking up to them or at least towards them she wondered if they would move away or stay there and wait for her to come to them. This was a fifty fifty shot at best but she figured it would let them know a few things. Mathius just looked mostly worried usually now. At least he had ever since they had arrived in Pachucca.

The taller guard looked at her companion then back to Cybil, "Can I help you mistress?" Both women reflexively touched their short swords, Mathius even without a weapon was taller than both. Other than this they made no other moves and seemed more than willing to speak with Cybil. The other guard turned to answer the question of a passer-by, and refocused on the when the person walked away. Neither looked like they were hiding the fact they were following them.

"Yes... This is only the second time I've visited the market I was wondering where I might get something cool to drink? I figured you are the authorities and you should know better then anyone." Cybil says smiling softly. She was acting as disarmingly as she could as if she hadn't seen them following them since they had gone to the market. She stood her her hands clasped in her of her as Mathius stood behind her holding all the packages from what she had purchased. The control was in the belt around her hips and Mathius had listened to all her instructions so she hadn't had to use it. She hoped she didn't.

"Gaia's 'tavern' is ten minutes walk in that direction," she pointed further into the market. She eyed Mathius for a second and added, "You may have to arrange for your slave to meet the clothing requirements." The other guard managed to contain a laugh, but it was a broad grin. Behind her Mathius shifted, apparently he understood he may be 'over dressed' to accompany her inside. The guard placed a hand upon her hip and looked at Cybil, indicating if she had any other questions.

"I was unaware of a clothing requirment... My host Helene did not tell me there was such a thing. If I may ask that you inform me while perhaps escorting me? I would hate to offend and I am begining to love this country more then my own!" Cybil smiles brightly trying her best to look earnest and trustworthy. Given her nature it was a very easy thing to do. She looked as earnest and honest as she could, smiling to the other women brightly.

"Very well mistress, Gaia only allows men inside if they are shirtless and they may only drink with the mistresses permission." She explained. They walked them down to an open air tavern, with small tent like areas where customers could remain out of sight. Gaia was not a native but, her desire to have a top notch tavern made her do good enough to be treated like native. She was quick to tell any male coming to her establishment that if he didn't meet the clothing requirements to leave promptly. She also had no problem when guests wished their slaves to pleasure them in the private booths.

"I see. That's very interesting." Cybil says nodding her head. Standing outside of the tavern Cybil turns to Mathius and grinned. It was a little dark and sly grin. One of mischeviousness and playfulness. Something she'd never shown him before. "Mathius set my parcels down then strip off your shirt, fold it and put it with my parcels." She commands and reaches back to stroke the control wand lightly. Very careful not to push any button. She was blushing just lightly and she was wondering if he would do it or if she would have to 'punish' him with the wand.

Mathius played the part of defiant slave, until she made more of a move toward the controller. "Very well mistress, your desire is my 'command'" He retorted as he removed his shirt. He looked back at the women, the shorter guard was staring hard at him. He hefted up Cybil's parcels and followed her inside. He looked about and saw an open booth, "Over there mistress? I think it is open."

"That will be fine Mathius." Cybil turns to the gaurds and curtseys to them as best as she could. "Thank you very much for helping me find this place! I will be sure to command the guards to Helene! If you'll excuse me I'm going to go." Cybil says with a bright smile before heading inside completely and going to the booth to take her seat. "Take a seat Mathius, be careful with the parcels." Cybil says with that smile still on her lips.

He bowed to her and entered setting the parcels down. "Would you prefer I sit here or at your feet, mistress?" Mathius hoped she was playing, because he was. This place was interesting enough, you could talk quietly enough and no one would overhear. He looked back out into the plaza before noticing the woman across the way was also there with a slave. "Gods, this country is one BIG sexfest. It seems the higher society does nothing but hop from one bed to a tent all day."

"Well as nice as sitting as my feet sounds you can't feed me if your down there." Cybil grins just a little wider settling into the seat and pointedly not looking around, she didn't want to see what anyone else was doing with their slaves. "It's all circling around the womans sole pleasures... Even in the market place! It's very earie." Cybil says shaking her head, she did like Mathius walking around shirtless though, she found him excessively attractive. She did want a drink and she hoped she put on a good enough show that the guards would stop following them around for today at least. Or hang back a lot further then they had been before.

"Good day, mistress. Can I get you a drink or food?" the server asked in an earnst voice. He was shirtless as well and more tan than Mathius, but a little less defined. "We offer quite a bit of options in both drink and food and in some cases anything else you require." He stood and waited as Mathius sat never truly focusing on him. The guards took up positions at a nearby table and watched them.

"Fruit wine and a cheese tray please. Oh yes and water for my male." Cybil says looking up at the boy and putting on a haughty tone and demeaner. "Bread too. Fresh." She says as if an after thought that he might not feed it to her. Cybil smiled looking the boy over before grinning at Mathius. Her man really was so handsome and extremely well built. More so then any of the other Ravenwoods.

After the server hurried away, Mathius looked at Cybil, "Water? And I suppose if I do well in feeding you then I may get some too.?" He sat and watched both guards and kept eyes at the other tents. but, try as he might his eyes kept moving back to Cybil. She seemed to have grown into an adventurer overnight. "Well, what is next on your planned agenda?"

"A hand feeding if you are a good boy. And yes some of my wine if you please me!" She giggles softly putting her elbows on the table and interlacing her fingers resting her chin on top of them. Grinning impishly cute at him from across the table. "I don't like using force but it is nice to have you wait on me hand and foot, treating me like a princess." She says looking him up and down.

He shot her back his lopsided grin, a true sight that he intended to misbehave. "Then I suppose the man should hurry back with your order." Once the food and wine arrived, he bid the server to close the tent, for privacy then returned to her. "As my mistress commands", He knelt and selecteda small piece of cheese and held it up to her lips. And as she moved forward to bite, he leaned forward and kissed her knee.

Cybil blushed bright red. She licked his fingers that had held the cheese, just a few quick passes with her tongue lapping at the pad of his fingers. Then she took the cheese in her mouth and pulled back a little to chew it. She was glad the screen was closed so no one would look in and see how badly she was blushing. Or just what the affect of Mathiu was doing had on her.

Mathius felt a little awkward, he had heard about various ways of pleasing a woman, but hearing and practicing were two different things. But, the blush emboldened him, so he picked up some bread and offered it to her. When she went after it, he kissed higher on her leg. Her legs like all of her skin was warm, and smooth, Cybil like the Ravenwood women kept herself very clean. "Does mistress agree with my technique?" he asked then kissed her thigh again.

Cybils giggles softly chewing the bread completely before answering him. "So far the only things you have done are soft kisses. I would hardly call that a technique." She says with a grin taking a sip of her wine. Nearly closing her eyes at the delicious taste, it was something she was quickly growing to love if nothing else about this place. Taking a small amount of cheese in her own fingers she offers it to Mathius's lips, her gaze soft. She wanted nothing more then to lean down and nuzzle up against him.

Mathius moved to take the cheese sliding his hands along her legs, he took the cheese and nibbled her finger tips. He gazed in her eyes and moved closer to her body. "MIstress favors me by giving me food from her plate." He drug the pads of his fingers down the insides of her thighs. He took a sip of water and replaced the glass.

"I want a kiss..." Cybil says very softly, almost inaudible if he wasn't already so close to her. Her face was a nice beet red, her hands gripping the side of the chair tight enough her knuckles were white. Her breath was a little faster then normal but by no means panting. They had done a little more touching then this before but for some reason right now she was feeling giddy and lightheaded almost nervous about him being so close. Probably because she only had a sheet around her for a dress.

Mathius slowly leaned forward and softly brushed his lips against hers. They were soft and tasted faintly of wine, and he could feel her breathing. "Mistress, may I do anything else for you now." he asked. He then kissed her again this time a little harder, while he squeezed her thighs. He pushed one side up just to expose her thigh and bent to kiss her there as well.

"M-mathius... We've never done anything... um more then... well her a little touching and kissing..." Cybil blushed brightly still looking down at him as he was pushing the skirt of the dress further and further back and head head was following the thin line of clothe. Her heart was racing and her breathing had quickened a little. She didn't know what he was doing or going to do and she didn't know if she wanted him to continue or to stop. His eyes had grown dark and she looked down into them before a shiver went through her and made her hairs raise.

"Cybil, if you want me to stop, I will do as you wish." Mathius whispered, not slowing his movements. His hands continued until he had a firm grip on her backside, and was about to kiss between her legs. This was a huge step between them, he knew he wanted her badly. But, it was if she wanted him as badly, he would stop if she indicated to. However he did bring one hand around to touch her there, to see her reaction.

"OH!" She gasps looking down, her mouth open in surprise at the touch. He'd never before touched her there, not with hand or well alright they did rub hips once or twice while kissing. Her breath hitched a little. She licked suddenly dry lips and looked down at him. She wanted him to keep touching her to see what it felt like. But she didn't want to go too far in the place they were in. After all there was only a thin sheet of canvas to cover and hide them away.

She didn't object to his touch, and so he placed the pads of his fingers to his tongue and touched her again. He then leaned forward and simply kissed her there. Waiting for her to object, he slid his tongue out and continued his kiss. Mathius knew there wasn't much hiding them from the world outside the tent and didn't really care. Cybil's reaction was what he cared about, because he had desire for her.

"M-mathius! nnn!" Cybil moans after calling his name a little shocked. Her eyes closed and her face tilted up as the feelings assulted her. Things she had never felt and only ever dreamed of doing maybe someday. Now they were doing them in a country far from home in a situation that could turn for the worse at any moment and in a public place on top of that! One of her hands moved from the chair to Mathius' hair, gripping it but not too tightly. She didn't want him to stop and was so red she could feel her too fast heart beat in her cheeks.

Mathius heard his name and felt her hand, he took it as a reason to continue. He brought her to the edge of the chair and redoubled his efforts to pleasure her. Sexuality in Pachuca was very free, he'd be in jail if they were at home. It actually felt good knowing he could please her whenever she wanted or was willing to let him. He hoped the server wouldn't come back for awhile, the distraction would destroy the mood.

Cybil gasped at being slid forward and moaned at the deeper contact. Her hand in his hair tightening the grip and pulling him into her. It was amazing! She was biting her lip to try and keep the moans from becoming to loud and she felt it was a losing battle, since it was puncuated with sharp gasps and half of his name spilling from her lips.

He smiled and continued to pleasure her, during her gasps. She was making him desire her more. And he decided to continue until she was satisfied. If he considered stopping, her half calling his name halted those thoughts. Cybil was wonderful and they loved each other, he'd decided to marry her when the got home, no matter what what they had to face.

It didn't take long for Cybil to peak, and it was something she couldn't keep back. "AAAH!" She cried out as she finally couldn't take it anymore, her body tightening and her entire body going rigid and tense. Both hands on his head her eyes were closed and her face no longer blushing but a flush of bright pink was across her cheeks.

He had been told when a woman peaked, he would need to not be so rough. He took a drink of water and sat beside her. He smoothed her dress and held her close. "Are you ok, my love?" he whispered, not knowing if he'd be punished considering he was considered a slave. Mathius hoped he had not upset her by doing this.

"Umhmm." Cybil sighs out the blush coming out in full force across her face as she buried her face against his chest. She could feel him plain as day through her flimsy covering and well she'd seen it at the pool but now... Now it was different. Everyhting was. She felt almost feverish. She took a sip of wine and though she liked it she grabbed his water and drank a good amount of that before picking up the wine and downing it all in one go. She hoped the affects would help her settle down some. Though she needed a few more glasses to feel it too well.

He cuddled her close and kissed her cheek. "Are you ok Cybil, I hope I made you happy." The server looked inside, and was given the sign for more wine. "I love you Cybil, and I wanted to share that with you. He looked at her and smiled.

"I... I know. I'm fine uh... just not... well I mean we've never... well I always thought that you know... we would um... well wait before we... er did anything. But, I love you too." Cybil smiled leaning up and kissing him deeply. She was very embarressed but she was happy and for some reason she felt very relaxed letting him hold her. Like suddenly all the tension in her body was gone and she WAS happy, very happy and relaed very content at the moment.

"I didn't take your maidenhood and I won't until you decide to marry me." he told her. The server brought the drinks and left quickly, either to escape the scene or because he had other guests. Mathius held her close, the desire to pleasure her was a spur of the moment. Not that he would ever regret a single second of it. "So, mistress, when did you plan to return back home?"

"I love you Mathius, so much! And um... well I've got everything
I need don't I?" She asks looking up at him as she sits in his lap still. Picking up the wine and taking a liberal sip. She grabs a hunk of cheese and pops it into her mouth chewing slowly and enjoying the texture and flavor in her mouth. She was worried the gaurds would still be out there watching for them to come back out so they can follow them once again.

He whispered into her ear, "Not too much wine lover, I don't want to have to carry you home." He saw her eye the tent entrance, "Don't worry, if they are here we planned on going home." He waited until she decided to order them home.

"Oh yes well let me finish my drink and food and then we'll be gone." Cybil says thoughtfully breaking off a chunk of bread and offering it to him. Popping another peice of cheese in her on mouth and chewing it. She sipped the wine again and sighed pleasedly. Happy and content and being fed her three favorite things. Of course it helped being in Mathius's arms while doing such things.

He finished the water and a couple couple bites of cheese, all while laughing and holding Cybil. He wished to tell his parents about his decision to wanting to marry Cybil if she'd have him. The only thing in their way was getting the information and escaping. "So, mistress are you ready to depart for Helene's?" 

"Yes Mathius I am, I'm a little tired actually." Cybil says standing up her legs wobbling beneath her making her lean against the table. Looking a little confused she was also blushing at remembering what had made her legs so quaky.

As he helped her outside, he noticed the guards were still keeping tabs on them. However, he spotted something that would help her get home quickly, a sedan chair. After a quick discussion with the operators and a little of Cybil's coin, they were loaded and on the way. "Mistress, are you happy with the chair." he asked as they moved along, replacing his shirt. Glancing backward he marked the guards kept a twenty pace gap between them.

"I am very pleased. You know my preferences very well. Perhaps I shall let you reward me when we get back." Cybil smiles stroking his shoulder in a suggestive manner after he had put his shirt back on. She had also noticed the gaurds and she was very happy Mathius had found the sedan chair. She had no idea what she would have done otherwise. Her legs still felt wobbly and she was only sitting.

The men with the sedan chair moved with purpose through the streets, winding their way to Helene's house. The trip to a little while more than getting to the market, since the chair and carriers were wider than an alley or two. They found Litor speaking with a couple of clerics and he fell into step with them. "Did you happen to find everything you wanted, mistress?" he inquired looking at them both. They arrived at the gates to Helene's, as the guards following turned down an alley, presumably to report.

"Oh I certainly did! And look what caught my eye!" Cybil says girlishly showing off her ankle and the new chain with a few small gems on it hanging around it. She was careful not to disrupt the balance of the sedan chair and the men carrying it. She was excited about the jewlery but it was a display meant for him to compliment her specifically the way she'd seen some of the women in the market doing with their own men. IT was another reason of her's to go to the market. So she could spy on the women and learn how they did things or acted with their men.

"It looks beautiful on you mistress." Litor responded. He gazed a moment at her leg then continued into the courtyard. It was shortly after the sedan departed they could hear some intriguing noises from the house. Mathius looked at Cybil, "I think that Asmod is keeping Helene in fine company." The moans and curses could be well heard between the ground and Helene's terrace.

"Thank you! I simply couldn't resist buying it!" Cybil said before they past by Helene's terrace. Her blush was red and immediate, covering her entire face. She looked down and continued toward her own little guest house, then they could speak in private and not fear interuption.

Once inside where it was cooler, Mathius turned to Litor, "Anything helpful you found out?" "Nothing much, the Matron Mother is about the same as a high priest or other such leader. She isn't a native of Pachuca, showing up only shortly after the Dragon Wars. And we have her to thank, getting tinker gnomes to come up with the collars. And since Cybil is new here, be expecting to go to a 'dinner' with her and some other people of interest."

"Wait what?" Cybil asks looking confused pausing a moment to register everything. "After the Dragonwars? That's only been mmm like... fourteen maybe fifteen years ago! Wait!? Dinner? tonight?!" Cybil asks panicking a little, as much as she had learned in three days it wasn't nearly enough for her to have become accustomed to their ways or fully get people to beleive she detested Andor enough to leave. Not when she had introduced herself as a Damodred.

Mathius laughed, "Cyb, he said a dinner, not saying tonight. And with the amount of masterless soldiers after the war, she could be anyone." Litor nodded agreeing with what Mathius said. "The cleric said the matron had other guests to entertain for the next couple days." Litor confided. "Now, the question is how did the others fair in their missions?"

"Oh... right... That makes sense..." Cybil says very releived, she didn't appreciate being treated like a silly girl to be laughed at though. "Well I bought the supplies I was requested to get, and some other things to make the purchase seem not so out of place for someone like myself." Cybil says putting everything in order on the table.

"How do we get the cassil root to our quarters?" Litor asked. "Place it against your leg inside your pants, you should be able to make it to the hovel." Mathius answered. "I'll be along in a little while and we'll wait for the others." Once Litor left, Mathius sat and looked at Cybil so she could speak her mind to him. "Is there something wrong 'mistress'?" he grinned at her.

"I thought... I'd finally earn everyone's respect and be treated fairly but... You all still treat me like I'm some silly little girl who doesn't know anything that I'm doing!" Cybil says crossing her arms and frowning unhappily at him, though not too deeply because she didn't want to cause wrinkles early and she was still Andorian raised after all.

He stood up and gathered her up in a hug, "I treat you better than Nist, unless you prefer I cuff you. And I'll never do with him what I did with you, remember?" Mathius raised an eyebrow at her, he treated her like a member of the group but, he still treated her like his betrothed. How Alehial and Altair ever made a relationship and adventured was an amzing thing. "Or do I need to express to you again how I feel about you, Cybil."

"No I... um... I beleive you. It's the others though... they all treat me like this is some kind of joke gone horribly wrong and I'm sure they all hate me! I want to be useful and I want to help but... I am supposed to 'control' you all and I don't know how to be friends with them let alone control them!" Cybil says letting all her worries and fears out as she was held by Mathius and they spoke to each other. She thought herself safe in his arms.

"They will come around to you being one of us, just don't expect miracles." If the guys hated her they never would have come, they knew his feelings toward Cybil. He set her down and playfully cuffed her, "Now there I treat you just like one of the guys." Then he leaned over and kissed her deep, and thought that was soemthing the 'guys' would never get. He placed his hands on her hips and squeezed gently.

Cybil moaned softly up into the kiss. She knew he didn't either but they were technically sort of courting each other. So it was okay, she had to take his word that the other guys would come to accept her, after all the hoops she had jumped through to get them all to agree to let her come at all she hoped they saw her as a little capable at least. But right now she only felt how good of a kisser Mathius was and how good and warm his large hands felt on her.

"Mistress you are tired and have been in the sun, if you'll let me help clean you up." he loosened the dress and waited for her answer. Mathius realized that adventuring, being in a new place magnified his desire for her. He seperated long enough to fetch a basin, water, and washcloths. He returned and moved close to finish removing her dress.

Cybil swallowed and nodded her head yes. She was a little sweaty and it was partially his fault. She was blushing brightly again, she wasn't sure what had gotten into him since they had gotten here. Maybe the collars made men more... sexual? the others must be feeling it too, maybe that was why they were all so angry and flustered around her. It all made sense to her suddenly.

He finished loosing her dress and let it fall to the ground, he marveled at her beauty for several moments. Mathius then started to bathe her, starting with her face and neck then moving downward. "Misstress will have to point out anywhere I miss, or she wants special attention." He knelt as he continued to cleanse her skin. He smiled nervously as his hands moved everywhere she allowed him, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against her lower stomach, and placed his hands behind her back.

Cybil shuddered at the light touches and was blushing brightly at the ministrations of his hands and the wrag of warm water on her skin. Holding her breath when he put his hands on her lower back and tensing her stomach when he laid his lips on the delicate skin there. This was the first time he had seen her fully nude and she was nervous. Because all the training she did with Lyle she was now fit and well a little tighter overall. She wondered if he would have prefured a slightly more muscular woman.

When he was finished washing her completely he stood and fetched a soft towel and patted her dry. "My mistress is very beautiful, and I feel very lucky that she trusts me." He wrapped his arms about her waist and kissed her again. Mathius felt his heartbeat faster and his breathing deepened, lowering his mouth to her neck. He then when and brought the oils, "Lie down mistress so I may complete bathing you.

Cybil blushed softly and nodded her head laying down on her stomach. She was more then a little embarressd to say the least. Sure they saw each other the night before but, in the daylight was something completely different. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and she had to concentrate of breathing normally. Mathius had grown so bold and so well... flattering as soon as they got here. Maybe it was true... Ravenwood men were only caught on adventures.

He drizzled some of the oil on her and began rubbing her back and down her legs. She had grown and changed so much, and he didn't tell her so much. He watched and learned from Altair using your hands can improve a battlefield injury and loosen tense muscles. "Well mistress, if you roll over I'll finish." Her body was amazing and his heart pounded in his chest, he desired Cybil in the worst way.

Cybil relaxed completely under his ministration, he was just... Amazing with his hands. Somewhere he had learned how to use his hands to turn a body into mush. Cybil was so relaxed she rolled over with a sigh from the effort and just lay on the bed before him. Comfertable and a little drowsy from becoming so relaxed and feeling fresh blood flow into her now loosened muscles.

Mathius realized he was holding his breath, gazing at her body. With a nervous smile he used a little oil and began rubbing her frame. Down her torso and then down her legs to her feet. Going gently when he reached her breasts and nether regions. He kissed her gently as he even rubbed her neck and up behind her ears.

Cybil moaned softly in delight and let her eyelids half close. She was unaware of the picture she painted for Mathius right now but she couldn't even think really right now Her mind was comfertably foggy and her body felt so good and relaxed.

He gently reached out to rub her breasts again, the first time he made skin to skin contact. Mathius heared her moan and kissed her again deeply. It wasn't hard to see why mother and father fell so hard for each other. "Cybil, I really do care deeply for you. You know that right?" he whispered to her. "I won't dishonor you, by doing anything you don't want to, I can wait until we marry if you'll have me."

"Mathius?... Did... Did you just propose to me?" cybil says blinking a few times and looking up at him a little confused. His warm hand on her chest felt nice and the kiss had been wonderful but he was so careful with her and so sweet. She wasn't sure if he really had or if she was hearing things.

"Its a promise, that if this goes further I want my intentions known." he told her plainly. He kissed her breast and then over her heart, while his hand rubbed her thigh. "Cybil do you want to marry me?" he asked. He knew if she said no, he'd be a loss, he loved her so much and wanted to be with her. "You don't have to answer now, when you want to I'll listen."

"I... I do! Yes! I want to! I want to marry you!" Cybil says quickly smiling brightly and sitting up a little more. Blushing still as he touched her but trying to relax under his touches and not tense up. she looked up in his eyes and leaned forward to kiss him, not letting it stay chaste she took the bold route and made it a deep kiss.

He held her close as the kiss deepened, she was happiness to him. He thought of her when missions didn't go how they should, and when the flags of Baerlon appeared on the horizon. "You are so important to me Cybil, and I want us to be happy together." He wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed lightly. And he was concerned about getting the all home.

Cybil sighed softly snuggled in his embrace. "I love you Mathius... I love you so much. I'll make sure we all go home after finding out who this woman leading this country is I promise." Cybil says very seriously. As the 'owner' of the men it would all be up to her to help them all escape and get away.

"Good we'll work together, but I'm going to have to go back with the fellows." he said kissing her neck. He stroked her spine for a few minutes before getting up. He figured that Helene must be done with Asmiodius by now, and Nist would have some sort of report for him. "Call me when you wish me to return mistress."

"I... I will. You can go." Cybil says looking up at him still. Standing after a minute or so she walks over to the wardrobe and goes through it looking for another dress if one could call what they were a dress at all considering how much fabric was there. She needed to make herself resentable.

Mathius arrived back at the hovel to find the three of the men waiting for him. Asmodius looked like Helene had a strong drive and wouldn't let go until she drained the man. Nist was scribbling down everything he wrote and from time to time looked at Asmodius and sniggered. Litor sat between them reading Nist's notes and frowning. Mathius sat and motioned to Litor, "Anything I should read?"

"I think that Lord and Lady Ravenwood may find this interesting, the guild has arranged to come here as well." Litor intoned and passed Mathius the notes. "Well, gotta hand Galin this much, he knows how to stretch out his reach. The question is could we convince the Matron to say no to them?" Mathius was half paying attention to them, thinking about Cybil.

Asmodius looked at Mathius, "Could we just call for your brother Darryl to pull us out?" He frowned when Mathius shook his head, they were looking for anyway to escape. Nist looked up and snickered again, "Perhaps Asmodius you could ask Helene for money to head home?" "I believe that Helene would be better approached by Cybil." stated Litor. His friends watched Mathius knowing he cares so much for Cybil.

Cybil sighed brushing out her long hair. She was in a new dress and had washed up a little. Applying a little perfume she had found and was simply relaxing out on the balcony. She was glad for some time alone at last. So she had let her hair down and was brushing it out humming an Andorian lullaby under her breath as she brushed. She didn't know what the men were talking about but she knew she had to find out more about what was going on and this Matron person. Not to mention if the guild of Sothites were planning on coming here to Pachucca as well.

"Did your shopping trip go well, Cybil" Helene asked, walking up the outside stairs to the balcony. She was dressed in a light blue dress just off one shoulder. She smiled and sat opposite Cybil, looking out across the city. "I must say the slight one was amazing, have you had him please you yet?" She was going to ask how soon she may try the rest of Cybil's slaves.

"Um no... I... I am chaste. I've never had any of them... er intimate with me, other then... mmm Mathius a little." Cybil says blushing brightly remembering only a little bit ago. "I bought myself a little trinket... I think they called it an... ankalet?" Cybil says unfamiliar with the words still but she puts her leg up on the banister to show off the little chain with trinkets on it. Inadvertantly showing quite a bit of leg in the process. The dress bunched up almost to her thigh.

"Chaste? How quaint, with that man around I'm surprised." Helene comented. She leaned forward to examine the anklet and placed her hand on Cybil's thigh. "Very beautiful trinket, and I must say it makes your legs look very intriguing." Her hand squeezed lightly on Cybil's thigh and she smiled at the younger woman. "Are we not to give you a lesson on using the controller to optimum effect?" she asked looking into Cybil's eyes.

Cybil blushed brightly and gently pulled her leg back. Not quite prepared for Helene's boldness. In words she was starting to get used to it but not in action in the least. This woman was very brazen though most of the women were here Cybil was learning quickly. "Um... yes you did say as much... I... I'm not sure exactly how you mean optimum effect however but I'd love to learn if you'd be willing to teach me." Cybil smiled brightly. A large feeling of wariness and impending doom on her own part making her a little more nervous then she would have been if the look Helene was giving was any indication of what the woman was speaking of.

"The cleric would be an excellent subject, he is prideful and I doubt filling to please a woman because he was ordered." she confided in Cybil. "You should start with summoning him then order him to remove his clothes, and pleasure you or someother task he'd normally never do." Her tone was mischeivious almost whimsical, considering she want Cybil to torture Litor. The wiazrd had been very good, and she had no interest in the rouge leaving only the cleric and fighter. She watched Cybils face waiting to see how horrified or unwilling she was.

"W-What? I... But Litor is... A cleric of Pelor! That's... I'm um... I've never really... well I mean he is handsome but! I..." Cybil says at first completely shocked then her face turned bright red, traveling down her shoulders and into her bust even. She blushed so feircly. She was wary and apprehensive now, wondering if Helene would actually request her to do so. If she should expect to have this done to her so she was also trained in the ways of Pachucca. If she'd report to Matron that she was a spy or traitor. "I suppose... um..." Cybil has indesicive and worrying now.

"I do suppose I could take your place, but you are his mistress and the right should be yours." Helene commented noting the blush and direction it traveled. The Andorian woman was fighting utilizing the men in one of the only things they did well. "Or perhaps you could order Mathius to please you while I watch, but you said you have already done that." she was fishing to see if Cybil protected them all this way. "I suppose the rouge could be acceptable, although he doen't seem to be a robust as the cleric or fighter."

"Your right... The rogue is easy going and much better as a slave of different services!" Cybil says blushing harder at the thought of her and Mathius being together. "Mathius we...Were busy this afternoon at a... tavern? Um... I'll let him recoup for later." Cybil says softly before gathering her courage. "Litor, come to the balcony to me." She commands trying to make Helene get off the track of Mathius and wanting to watch something happen. Even the thought kept the blush fresh and bright pink on her skin.

Litor looked at Mathius, "She is summoning me, to what purpose?" Mathius shrugged in turn, "She hasn't summoned me, either of you been summoned?" Nist and Asmodius shook their heads that neither had. Litor decided not to go until the others were summoned, it felt too much like a trap to him. "I won't go unless someone else is summoned."

Cybil waited a moment, then after a few more moments when Litor did not show up she frowned. "Is he not compelled to come when summoned Helene?" She asks wondering why he hadn't shown up yet. Usually when she called them they came immediatly to her. Though...She normally called a few to come to her. Maybe they didn't want to be called away to her without someone else being there at the same time?

Helene smiled, "he is disobeying and now must be punished accordingly, puch the yellow gem now." Helene wondered how much the companions would endure before no longer playing along. "The controller doesn't compel them to obey, but it conditions them to obey." she explained. She made herself more comfortable, waiting for the response. "After you do so, make sure you tell the others to stay."

"Yes alright." Cybil nods and pushes the yellow gem. She knew it would hurt but right now she didn't have too much of a choice. It seemed Helene was testing her and they way she controlled the men. It must have been an order for her to keep a closer eye on them all. Cybil did not want to give her room to doubt. After hitting the yellow button Cybil commands them again. "Litor come to the balcony now! Asmodius, Mathius, Nist you all stay in the rooms and wait there until I have need of you." She commands the rest of them. She didn't like doing this but she really didn't have very much of a choice.

Litor jerked and looked at Mathius, "She is summoning me again, this time with pain." Mathius looked at him, "She has instructed us to remain here." Nist and Asmodius looked at each other, then Asmodius passed the Cassil root packet to him. Litor looked shocked, "No. I will not be used as a instrument of lust." He stubbornly, refused to move or answer the summons.

"Helene he is still not responding to me... Should I call two men?" Cybil asks not sure how she should act. She was getting more nervous and worried then blushing now. The blush was fading quickly leaving her with her peaches and creme complexion with a little bit of rosy cheekedness left over. She scowls at the wand and then down the balcony railing.

"No move to the next gem and press it, repeating your order." Helene instructed her. "Do not leave the button depressed long however." She adjusted her dress and took out her own controller. "If he doesn't respond now, you will have to change tatics." If the proud cleric didn't come here soon, they would punish his fellows. She kept a clos watch at Cybil, she never thought she would be controlling the men that brought her to Pachuca.

Cybil nodded her head and slowly took in a breath and pushed the red gem. She didn't think any of the men thought they knew what was what now. They were going to be in trouble now. "Come to me NOW Litor!" Cybil demands and hits the red button. She only hit it a moment she didn't want to hold it even a second too long. Cybil was past worry and now she was becoming angry that the men were nt putting enough trust in her to think she couldn't get them out of anything too serious.

"No, no, no, Cybil you didn't hold it long enough." Helene chided reaching out and holding the button 3 breaths. "Litor, you will come to your mistress now, or the next punishment falls to your friends!" she intoned & spoke out loud for Cybil to understand. She knew he was proud and if they broke him now the others would fall into place, Mathius may be the only holdout. Maintaining contact with Cybil and the controller she could sense he was moving and coming to them. "Sometimes the will test you, and you must prove you hold the power."

"Oh... I see. I apologize for not being very good at this yet." Cybil knew as soon as the men had heard that everyone was going to be very angry with her. Litor might never forgive her either for what might happen. Putting that all aside Cybil continued to keep the slightly angry look on her face other then her apology to Helene of course. "I am so grateful in your helping me to understand and properly train my men to serve me Helene." Cybil says waiting for Litor, she kept the wand in her hand so he would know not to mess about. Hopefully he would get the hint.

He showed up shortly after, and in a horrible mood. "You summoned me, mistress?" he said curtly. Helene looked at him and was obviously measuring how much pressure would be needed to crack him. He stood straight and arms folded over his chest. Helen looked to Cybil, "Give him his orders."

"I'm not sure exactly what his orders should be Helene... you didn't quite explain to me... what we would be doing." Cybil says warily looking at Litor. He was not pleased and in fact looked about ready to hurt her. While nervous she was trusting the fact that thye had to do this in order to gain trust. She hoped he would see this. She prayed he wouldn't hurt her in any way.

Helene smiled, "We spoke about him removing his clothes and pleasing you." She then looked to Litor who was already shaking his head emphatically. "Look he already shows plans to defy your orders, you'll have to convince him." If the cleric could have killed her, she knew he couldn't do to the fact she wasn't evil or a warrior. "He has already proved he can handle pain to himself so threaten pain against his fellows."

"Litor... If you don't do this... Nist and Asmodius and Mathius will all be punished. I want you to strip, though... leave the underthings on for now." Cybil says not going to be able to handle that in the least. She knew Helene might not be happy with it but her upbringing was something she couldn't change. Besides it was as if he were going swimming back home, just in his underthings or pants. She'd seen the Ravenwood boys do that before. She could handle that well enough.

Helene frowned at Cybil, the instructions had been clear. Litor reluctlatliy removed his shirt and pants. "Cybil those were not the instructions, you should continue with what we discussed." Litor looked at Cybil then to Helene.

"I...I know Helene I just...I'm more comfertable if he is at least covered there. I'm not accostomed to your ways yet... I've only been here a few days. I'm trying." Cybil says watching Litor. He was extremely attractive but she was camparing everything to Mathius and she still thought Mathius looked much better. LEtting her eyes drop to the wand in her lap. She bit her lower lip gently.

Helene made a dismissive gesture, "Send him and his clothes away." She stood and walked to the table for a glass of wine. Litor looked at Cybil awaiting her next orders. He mouthed the words, "What is going on?" Helene spoke from the other room, "Cybil a glass of wine, before we talk?"

Cybil shook her head at Litor and mouthed the words. 'Danger for me' Before standing. "Put your clothes back on and go back with the others Litor, I do not want to be disturbed. Yes please Helene, if it isn't any trouble." Cybil says softly giving Litor a troubled look before schooling her features and sat still where she was. Waiting for Litor to leave and for whatever it was Helene wished to speak of brought up.

After he departed, Helene came out and handed a glass to Cybil. Sitting she smoothed her dress and took a sip of her wine. "The matron wants you to become a very influential member of this city. But, that won't happen unless you strive to learn our ways." Helene sipped her wine again and looked intently at Cybil.

Cybil brightened up immediatly as soon as she learned some of what the 'Matron' wished. "Oh Helene I'm trying! It's just, I've only been here a few days and where I come from there are very strict rules of etaquite. And this place is so wonderful and new and... well Daring." Cybil says blushing brightly taking a sip of her wine as her mouth had suddenly gone dry. "Could we not start slowly? And perhaps work up to the... more risque things?" Cybil asked looking almost pleadingly at the older woman. She wasn't quite comfertable with men performing things on her, not was she quite comfertable with the topic being so openly disgust.

"Then perhaps you have an idea where to begin then." Helene wasted no words. "We may not have long before you will have to go before the Matron." Helene took another sip and sighed, no other woman coming to Pachuca had been so difficult. "Perhaps we should send the men away from the city. While we work on adjusting you to life her my dear."

"Send them away? Where to? How would we adjust me? Is the Matron going to... test me in some manner?" Cybil asks all at once worried about what would happen. Maybe this had been a bad idea after all. She didn't even want to know what they would do to her if they found out she were a spy. She'd have to start facing some things and getting over it. Otherwise this ploy might not work at all. "I'm so sorry Helene I'm not trying to be difficult on purpose." Cybil sighs looking down at the glass in her hands resting on her lap.

"To a farm outside the city, and no, no test just evaluate if your intentions are honest. Then show me that your uptight Andorian ways are fading away. Use your men as the were intended, please you, fight for you, heal you." Helene was serious about using the men, she wasn't native to Pachuca and she learned these lessons well. "Haven't they ever mistreated you, one man or another, beat or humilated you?"

Cybil thought for a moment. She really thought about everything for just a moment. Were the boys mean? No not really... They were more unfair in treating her like a girl but... she was brought up as one. Never really given a chance to prove herself. And now... "No man has ever hurt me physically but they tried to own me... Tried to use me for political gain. Tried to keep me from what I loved. Tried to keep me like some precious little bird to be looked at." Cybil scowls hatefully. Letting all the little thing sin her life build so she could get enough Anger in her to make this seem more reasonable and real to Helene. She tipped back her glass of wine and swallowed it all down quickly. Now she really was angry, angry for all the times Mathius left her or the times the boys and girls of her family left her behind without a thought, how they teased her about being a girl. How the men's disdain almost made it so she couldn't come with them this time. Well they should be glad she did because without her here they would have been seperated or worse.

"Exactly, I chart my own course, I am the mistress and bow to no master!" Helene added. "Did you run your fortunes, make decisions and deals? I do everyday, the final decisions are mine to make." Helene spoke with conviction and passions. She also finished her glass, "Another glass while we remember how we were wronged?"

"Yes please Helene right now I feel like I really do need it." Cybil says her back stiff and her eyes bright with her anger. Her hands held demurly on her lap while she sat and silently fumed. All those times she was dismissed from the Ravenwood home because everyone had to practice how to defend themselves. How often she had to care for her three wonderful and eprfect little half elven brothers while she the only little human child was alone. Not knowledgeable enough to help, not strong enough to train, not good enough for anyone. Even Mathius only ever spent time with her when the boys he hung out with weren't doing anything or had anything planned. It was those said boys that she had control over right now. She set the controller on the table. She didn't want to do anything she would regret at the moment.

Helene brought the wine bottles out and refilled the glasses. Sitting down she took a sip. "Here is the place that we, women control everything, the men answer to us, look to us to lead them." She smiled at the thought, "I have had four lovers since I had been here, my host being the first." She again looked at Cybil, "A place where your wants and needs are not dismissed or considered trivial."

Cybil took another good swallow before she took a few breaths. She didn't need to be quite so angry that she gave anything away just enough to be convincing. "I want them to listen to me... To pay attention and to know when to stop being such conceited... conceited pricks! Thinking they are so high and mighty and that I am below them! And who got them to come here hm? Who was it that told them it was a good idea and that they beleived? Me! I was the one who got them to trust me and I was the one who convinced those assholes it would be good. and it is good! I LIKE it here!" Cybil says scowling still, downing the rest of her second glass. Huffing quite a bit, beleiving all she had just said because it was relatively the truth.

"THEN lord it over them Cybil! Make them do everything you want." Helene prompted her. She refilled the glass, "Come, take those steps that will allow you to be free." After refilling her glass, she stood and looked over the pool. If she could convince Cybil to take a few more bold steps forward. "Join me, Cybil lets adjourn to the pool, minus clothes, like the other night."

"I will!" Cybil says nodding her head and grabbing her wand scowling at it. "Nist! I order you to go and fetch some wine, take it to the pool and await Helene and I." Cybil says angrily before finishing the third glass, her cheeks flushed red from her anger and a little from the alcohol. Taking the glass with her she stood as well and smiled to Helene. "Let's go Miss Helene, I feel like being free." She says with a small tight smile, and an arrogant supperior look on her face and hold to her body.

"Mathius! your strumpet is trying to order me to get her some wine." called Nist from his bunk. "I'm sleeping, and not going to do what she wants." He rolled over and proceeded to make like he was asleep. Litor had returned and wasn't very happy, "She ordered me to strip, Mathius, this little charade has gone on too long." Mathius looked at them, "We can't stop now, or else we will all be wearing collars."

Cybil frowned and scowled at the controller when she didn't see Nist emerging. "NOW Nist." She says and hit the yellow gem on the wand. She was a little tipsy and with Helene with her there was no way out of it. Besides it was an innocent order compared to what Nist had done just moments ago. Cybil followed Helene to the poolside area and looked around waiting for Nist to head her command.

Nist yelped and swore loudly from his bunk. "She just shocked me! What in the hell and why does she want me to get the wine?" Mathius looked at him, "Waste no time, she may still be with Helene and make it look good." Nist ran from the bunkhouse heading to get a bottle of hooch for Mathius's pet. Mathius groaned, "We may have over stayed our welcome in Pachuca."

Cybil grinned seeing Nist run from the housing to the house to get her wine. "I did it!" She smiled happily at Helene, pleased a little more then neccesary for what actually happened. she had poured herself another glass while she had waited and was sipping it. Already starting to feel a little less tense and a little more relaxed over all. If the boys were going to follow her orders things would turn out just fine. If they started to try some macho shit she'd have to put them down in her place.

"You are learning quickly Cybil, see he would have lain about had you not provided incentive." Helene smiled at Cybil. When Nist came out carrying the bottle, her grin was very happy. "Now send him away, he has nothing of value to offer us." She moved at the pool and slowly undid her dress, "Then come and join me in a swim."

"You may go now Nist. Tell Mathius I said hello." Cybil giggles softly and sips from her glass, before taking loose the pin on her shoulders. the dress fell down until the tied cord around her waist stopped it and she pulled it loose and let the dress fall to the ground. She still wore the bottems of her underthings from home but right now she took those off as well. Not at all bothered by it being daylight and in the middle of the yard. Taking another drink from her glass she decides to take it with her and used the steps to walk down into the water. Holding it out of the water.

Helene smiled and playfully splashed at her, "You can be more free here." She swam at a lazy pace, "Has anyone ever trusted you to make an important decision?" She held herself up in the water in front of Cybil waiting for an answer. The rear courtyard of this house was quietly hid from all prying eyes. She then swam to the edge and sipped from her own glass.

"No... Never, my mum and dad always did that. And if not them my aunt and Uncle. Only they never let me do much of anything you know. poor me, to much of a girl to be useful, better raise her so she'll be a mother. Marry her off quick so no one has to deal with poor little Cybil. The useless girl." Cybil says mockingly finishing her glass and walking over to the edge to set it down. Sighing softly as she got there and set the glass down, though it wasn't flat and when she let go it fell to it's side on the grass. Cybil didn't notice it.

Helene swam right up to her and touched her shoulders. "Later you will give me your opinion on a contract I hold. And I will give you a chance to use that long silent voice." She held Cybils gaze inferring to the younger woman the power and influence she could wield. "All you have to do is trust in yourself and let go of Andorian senses of right and wrong."

"But then I won't know any right or wrong... it's the only set I've got Helene. I wish I was like you. Strong and commanding and scary. I wish Mathius was scared of me... that way... that way he could be mine.... forever. Because... he should be. Stupid boys... what do they know." Cybil scowls at the water and then noticed she could see through the water and that she was looking at Helene. So she went crimson from almost navel to hairline and covered her eyes with her hands. "I'm so sorry! I looked! I didn't mean to! I honestly didn't mean it!" She says completely flustered and yes a little drunk from her four glasses of wine.

Helene smiled broadly, "Why do you apologize? I looked at you as well, and I believe you are beautiful. Be truthful to yourself and me and you will stop blushing so much." Helene reached past Cybil to grab her own glass for another sip. "Can I tempt you Cybil dear?" she asks reaching for the bottle and her glass.

"Yes... This fruit wine is so... tasty it fizzles in my mouth.... I think I love it." Cybil says putting her hands down immediatly forgetting the blush and embarresment. "I want Mathius to fizzle too. But I wanna fizzle him." Cybil giggles softly as a rather funny image to her ran through her mind. "Helene... would you want to marry someone like me?" Cybil says suddenly looking over at the woman and wondering why she wasn't more like her. Strong willed and defiant, stubborn in a good way and knows what she wants. Instead of being meek and obiediant and shy.

Helene got closer, "Perhaps, but what would you bring to the marriage?" She wrapped an arm around her hips and held her close. "Why haven't you bedded Mathius yet?" she asked looking at Cybil. The young girl was a typical Andorian and ravishing. Men should have been showering her with jewels, instead of dismissing and treating her poorly.

"Cause I'm s'osed to marry him first. An he dusn't want to sully me." Cybil glowers and hugs Helene, putting her head under Helene's chin and her nose u against Helene's throat. leaning completely against the woman. "I don't know how to be sexy anyways... I mess it up ev'ry time. But he's huge! He's like this big!" She says taking a step back to show Helene how big Mathius was with her hands but her foot slipped out from under her instead and she went under the water quickly.

Helene reached under the water to grasp Cybil and bring her back up. She had not known that Cybil and Mathius were betrothed. She must admit that she was a little curious how 'huge' Mathius really was. And she also saw a way to mold Cybil into a modern woman of Pachuca. So, planting her feet frimly she began lifting Cybil to the surface.

Cybil came up coughing and sputtering a little. "Whoops... sorry. I fell." Cybil says shaking her head and moving her hair out of her face. She looked a little like a house dog that had fallen into the water. "'M not very good at swmming right now." Cybil says and giggles trying to make sure her feet didn't go out from underneath her again. It was harder then she remembered it usually being. "I think 'm a little tipsy." Cybil says frowning down at her feet.

Helene moved her over to the edge, "You may be safer here. I think we could make you look a bit more sultry." She brushed the errant hair out of her face. And she then embraced Cybil, "Let me help you, so they can't dismiss or ignore you anymore." She stole a glance towards the housing units and pondered what else she didn't know.

"Kay Helene. I'll do it." Cybil says hugging Helene, completely unaffected by their state of wet undress. She did eye the bottle of wine though. She licked her lips and sighed wanting more. She didn't feel very sexy, in fact she almost felt useless compaired to all the women around her. Even Helene knew more about being a woman then Cybil did.

Helene seperated from Cybil, "How about we take the bottle and go back into your room and talk." She took Cybils hand, and headed towards the steps. She had all sorts of thoughts on how best to proceed with her protege. "Come Cybil we have much to talk and plan about."

"Kay, I like talking Helene, me and my cousins used to talk a lot though. We used to bathe together and talk. No one let me drink wine though. They said I was a lady and ladies only drink at dinner and at parties." Cybil says following Helene obediently. Though she did start shivering a little after the several steps out of the pool towards her rooms. "I forgot my clothes." She says looking back towards the pool.

"We'll get new ones, or we could be uninhibited and not wear any." Helene prompted. "It is what confident women do." she smiled at her. Once they entered into the guest house she took a towel and started to dry Cybil. She figured Cybil would start making excuses, and planned on using her desires to get her acting like a Pachucan.

"Really? It is?" Cybil asks curiously watching Helene dry her off. She felt almost eight years old again when she used to play with Elsa and Mathius and have little Darryl tottering after them wanting to play. They got so dirty and her mother was always so resigned after the bathing to dry her off and get her dressed and into bed with medicine to make sure she wouldn't get sick. "Just like my mother before she got married to that stuffy old elf." Cybil sighs almost remorsefully.

Helene kept drying Cybil running the towel down Cybil's legs. "Your mother married a full blood elf? I understood there were only so many in Baerlon, even now." She stood and dried Cybil's front and then drew the towel behind her and pulled it end to end, drawing her into another hug. "Well, you seem very dry now. Will you return the favor, my dear?" She kept her in the hug until Cybil answered her.

"Mmmhmm, and now she has a perfectly happy little family with three thriving brunette boys and everything to look forward to now that I'm gone I'm sure." Cybil says taking the towel and carefully drying Helene's neck and shoulders rubbing the towel across the back of her shoulders and midback as well. She was used to drying others, it showed, she was gentle and thorough even in what hse couldn't see directly. Like she just knew what she was doing even while tipsy.

"Your hands are very skilled Cybil," Helene said then moaned lightly. "So, I feel that if we cut your hair and give you time away from those ungratful men. You'll come around to our way of thinking." If they seperated them, until Cybil was ready things would be perfect. "Come lay with me, there is much to discuss." she lead Cybil towards the bed.

"Cut my hair?! Why on earth would I want to do that?" Cybil asks startled a little by the odd request. She lays down on the bed and stretches before relaxing on the bed and turning to look over at Helene who was completely dry now. She wondered softly about some of the things Helene said, though she got up again sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm going to get a glass of water. I'm somewhat parched."

Helene crawled onto the bed and waited for Cybil to come back. "I think a new haircut would be symbolic of a new you. Gone is the scared, mousy little Cybil. Now, you'll be a confident, sultry woman." She stretched and watched Cybil, "Why don't you bring the wine back dear one."

"I've... never cut my hair before... other then to keep it healthy and just below my knees...." Cybil says softly grabbing the bottle of wine and the two glasses. Leaving her glass of water on the table untouched and of no use to get the alcohol out of her system at all. Setting the glasses down near Helene she crawled up on the bed and grinned happy at not spilling a single drop from the bottle.

"Maybe to your shoulders then?" she asked placing he hand to just above Cybil's breasts. "I think it would look so good like that." She smiled at Cybil and moved he hand up the down a little. She took a sip of wine and offered her glass to Cybil. "Maybe we should send the men to a farm outside the city until we finish your makeover."

"You really do huh? I don't know I've never had hair so short in all my life." Cybil says taking the glass from Helene and taking a sip. Smiling at the taste in her mouth. "But how long would a make over take?" She asks relaxing on the bed and sipping the wine.

Helene placed her hand on Cybil's hip, "A couple weeks to a month or so, won't be very long since you are so quick." And took another sip from the glass. She looked at Cybil through her dark lashes, "I see you are not blushing anymore. Perhaps we should get some sleep after our talk, and figure out how short to cut your hair." She offered Cybil the glass back with a small smile.

"A month? That is a long time!" Cybil says with a soft frown as she took the glass back and took another sip from it. Frowning down into the glass. "I don't want to be away from Mathius that long... we've only just begun to... er... explore our relationship." Cybil says blushing softly looking over at Helene. Not affected by the hand on her hip. There was enough alcohol in her that the other womans attentions weren't bothering her in the least.

"But think how much you have grown before he returns?" Helene prompted running her hand softly up Cybil's side. "Wouldn't you like to make him look at you with awe and desire?" She leaned forward and kissed Cybil's neck. Diplomacy and playing on the young girls desires are what she needed at this point. "Together we could turn you into a woman he would shower with your deepst desires." she commented before kissing Cybil's neck again.

"I'd like him to be with me always... By my side and helping me." Cybil says taking another large drink from the glass. she lay on her back trying to be careful of the wine but it spilled a few drops on her stomach. "Oh! That's cold..." she says looking down at the spilled drops. Her face flushed a little in a blush from Helene and what she was doing. "I want to be the woman he loves more then anything Helene..." Cybil says softly.

"Love can be overrated, but I understand your desire." she intoned. Leaning down she lick the drops from Cybil's stomach. "Do you wish him to do that to you Cybil? To lay like this and talk and touch you?" she asked as she again stroked Cybil's legs. She placed a kiss on her stomach and nibbled lightly.

"Yes... I want him to love me like I love him Helene. Mmmmm feels good." Cybil says finishing the last of the wine in the glass. Helene was so nice and gentle all of the time. She never told Cybil no, in fact she was always telling Cybil yes and to do what she wanted to do. No matter what she wanted to do. Unlike everyone from home. "I want Mathius to touch me like you do... all nice and soft... it feels good too."

Her answer was all Helene needed, spreading Cybil's toned legs she began to pleasure her guest. She understood the desire to have Mathius claim her maidenhood, respecting Cybil that much but still savoring the Andorian's body. Helene had never known the joy of another woman until she came to Pachucca. Her own host seduced her and for two days neither saw anyone but the slaves who brought them food. Knowing Cybil would have fought her had she not been drunk, she vowed to make this experience very enjoyable.

Cybil gasped and groaned, looking down with wide eyes before her mouth opened and her eyes drooped a little in pleasure. Her drunk hazy mind wasn't processing the information she was receiving and now it was overloaded with this new stimulation as well. She knew it was different from Mathius but it almost felt better then Mathius had. Cybil gasps and her back stiffened a little, then she relaxed again though her hips began to move some.

Enjoying the noises her new partner was making Helene moved with her. She wondered what Cybil would think in the morning. That was only in passing however, bringing her to a climax was more important. As she continued she drew her fingernails down the younger womans thighs lightly. As a woman she knew exactly what she enjoyed and was happy to see Cybil did the same.

Cybil groaned deeply and pet her hands gently on the top of Helene's head. Closing her eyes and tipping her head back, arching her back a little and pushing her hips forward for Helene to work over. Cybils leg muscles all twitched at each touch and she was soon gasping and groaning.

Smiling Helene continued to roam all over Cybil's nether regions. The Andorian woman was very inhibited and now was giving over to desire. This was an important first step, and it seemed to be goign well. Once her partner climaxed they would discuss what transpired. Helene planned on having Cybil please her, just to show her how much power she could wield.

"Ah! OH! M-Mathius!" Cybil cried out as her pleasure overtook her and made her buck her hips up, her head thrown back with a open mouthed exclamation of Mathius's name on her lips. In her drunken haze confusing who was pleasing her and who she HAD been speaking off. She wished he were here with her now. "I want you here with me." She says softly her body twitching without her controlling it all over. Her voice was breathy and soft, she was panting and a little sweety now.

Helene lapped at her, and smiled, "Use the controller and call to him." She continued to gently pleasure Cybil hoping to get the young woman to bring her lover to them. She began kissing her way up Cybil but using her hand to manipulate her nethers. "Bring him to us," she whispered, "Show him the power you wield dearest." She took Cybil's free hand and placed it upon her own body.

Cybil moaned and reached over to the controller. Taking it in her hand she groans at a particularly good stroke and nearly whispers his name "Mathius-" She breaths out his name in a content and pleasure filled sigh. "I need you." She moans her hand manipulating her breast, the other holding the controller tightly. Her legs open and the rest of her body relaxed even as her pleasure was building in her body once again. It seemed Helen knew everything about her that even she didn't.

Mathius, awoke and after hearing her summons arose and dressed. Perhaps she wanted to continue what had transpired at the tavern. Checking to see if the others were awake, he silently left the housing area and made his way to the guest house. He hoped they could find time to be together, but escape was still important to them. Entering the guest house he heard the noises coming from up stairs.

Helene replaced Cybils hand with her mouth, gently licking her nipple, then placing the younger womans hand against her breast. "Am I pleasing you, I wish to be a good host." Her other hand continued to rub Cybil's nethers, changing speed and pressure. "I think mathius will find himself a very lucky man. I will help the two of you couple and enjoy one another so much."

"Oh yes please... mmmm so good." Cybil moans her body moving against Helene's hand and moving her own hand. Not very aware of what she was doing what with the alcohol and pleasure clouding her mind. She was a little too hazy to think clearly about what she was doing. She just knew it felt good and whatever Helene was saying was fine because Helene was nice and she was very helpful.

"Tell him to strip before he comes up here, Cybil." She instructed rubbing a little harder. She figured if Mathius saw them nude and pleasing each other, he'd agree to join them. Kissing Cybil's neck then mouth, she felt the hand on her breast gently squeeze and moaned. "I'll teach you how to please him, make him your slave. All I ask is that the three of us pleasure each other, yours first, mine and then we please him together, doesn't that sound good?"

"Ma-Mathius, undress before coming in." Cybil says breathlessly, her hips her bucking and she was having a hard time concentrating on anything at all. Her legs were begining to tremble as they were bent at the knees and up. "Sounds soo good mm! nnh! yees." Cybil moans unable to do anything but agree with her mind clouded so well. She was panting and sweeting a little and reveling in the wonderful feelings.

Mathius almost choked, he couldn't believe she wanted him nude before going upstairs. He pulled his shirt off and removed his boots, starting to loosen his pants as he walked upstairs. He turned the corner and saw Helene and Cybil naked & frolicing on her bed. "What in the nine hells?" he exclaimed almost speechless. He felt himself stir, even while trying to process the scene before him.

Helene had placed Cybil's hand upon her own nethers, "Rub me like I'm rubbing you darling." She then heard Mathius call out, and raised her head from Cybils breast and smiled at him. "Come join us Mathius, only with out your pants. Cybil dear, implore him to join us in discovering each other." She then lowered her mouth to Cybil's breast and continued to rub.

Cybil rubbed but with her being so drunk it wasn't very good or effective. She didn't really know what she was doing and her fingers didn't seem to want to respond to her heed. "Math-Mathius, please... please come." Cybil says turning her head and moaning at Helene continueing to pleasure her, she reached out her free hand towards Mathius, as if with just her hand and her heeding calling out to him he would come to her side and make everything all the better. Because he was her Hero and he forever would be her one love.

Mathius did come to her side, placing his hand in hers, "Cybil why are you doing this?" He looked at Helene, "What are you doing, why are you doing this?" Their host was kissing all over Cybil's breasts as her hand rubbed his lovers nethers. Without an answer, Helene grabbed his hand and placed it with her own, the two of them now rubbed Cybil. He gasped open-mouthed as he felt the heat from her body.

Helene removed her mouth, "Cybil he is still wearing pants, be a dear and remove them." Her fingers intertwined with Mathius's as they continued to please Cybil. She eyed Mathius noting he was arroused by them enjoying one another. Enjoyment was her aim and these two would be excellent for weeks to even years to come. Bringing her mouth back down she kept working on Cybil's chest.

Cybil moans her body twitching now as more fingers were pleasuring her. She used both hands and quickly loosened Mathius pants and pulled them down. Blushing brightly as his large semi hard member practically hit her in the face. It was then that the different angle and both of their fingers still pleasuring her made her gasp and clutch Mathius's hip and member as she cried out for the second time. The heat of his privates in her hand shocked her and her blush got even brighter. For all the pleasure and drunken haze she saw 'it' clearly enough.

Helene almost bit too hard on Cybil's nipple, Mathius was large and only semi hard. He angled herself and traded hands rubbing Cybil, bringing her other to his manhood with Cybils. "Dear me, join us Mathius, we three have much to explore." Scooting her hand back she cupped his testicles and squeezed gently, getting a groan from him. "You should see if you can fit him into your mouth Cybil." she prompted.

Cybil panted and let her hazy eyes focus on his member. Swallowing before putting both of her hands around him. Looking up at his face she smiles a little. Surely Helene knew what she was doing and couldn't lead Cybil wrong in this. Cybil again looked down straight at it, and licked the head. Before she put her lips around it. She had to open her mouth all the way and he was still large. she only had the tip in her mouth and both of her hands around him, there was still room between her hands for almost another hand as small as her own to join in.

When Cybil licked his tip, Mathius almost lost his balance as he moaned. It felt wonderful, and Helene's hand fondling him only increased it. But, this wasn't what they wanted, Cybil and him it should only be them together. "Wait ladies, how about one last drink before we really start having fun?" He knew this plan was in essence insane, and anyone in this position would tell him so.

Helene her hand rubbing Cybil, her other on Mathius, and her mouth suckling Cybil's breast, stopped and agreed. "One more drink won't hurt, will it Cybil", she ran her finger gently inside Cybil. If by some chance Cybil would pass out, she would keep Mathius compnay. And when they all awoke in the morning they could continue the fun. She released Mathius, and slowed her pace on poor Cybil.

Cybil panted and drew back laying on the bed. Trying not to be dissapointed, though the stroke Helene gave her made her squirm on the bed a bit. "No... won't hurt." Cybil shakes her head her body quivering from all it had been through and how many times she had climaxed. It wasn hard to think, in fact she didn't even know what she just agreed to at all, but she had stil agreed because Helene said yes and if Mathius said it it had to be okay.

Mathius took the glasses and refilled them, he had strayed long enough to bend & remove his pants. He brought them back the glasses, and himself the bottle, "Bottoms up mistresses, we have a long night ahead." After they drained the glasses he climbed onto the bed with them. He kissed Cybil deeply, "I'm sorry, my love." he whispered into her ear. And moaned as Helene's hand found his manhood again and started to rub him as well.

Helene marveled at Mathius, he was very solid and very warm. "Cybil bring your hand right here and do as I do." she puncuated this by placing Cybil hand on him. "Mathiuss, here put yourss here and masssage her." she slipped her hand and his over Cybil's nethers again. She started to say something else, but suddenly fell asleep. 

Cybil had placed her hand on Mathius but the curious weight of the fallen Helene. "What happened? Wha's wrong?" Cybil mumbled drunkenly looking around letting him go and trying to prop herself up to see but she felt ever so dizzy. She lay back down and look at the large fuzzy figure of Mathius above of her. Her head felt completely woolen now and she knew suddenly she was very drunk.

He turned and gathered her to him, "I wouldn't do this unless you are clear headed Cybil." He kissed her lightly, knowing Helene wouldn't wake until after Cybil would in the morning. Since, he had used Asmodius's sleeping draught in her glass. Placing Cybil and himself just so, that when Helene woke up she'd not be able to get after either without waking them. "Sleep now Cybi, I think you won't feel so well in the morning."

"You're so warm, sssso good." Cybil sighs softly it wasn't very long after he had arranged them that she had fallen asleep. Naked but sated and warm thanks to Mathius. She fell asleep almost at once. Even snoring softly in her drunken sleep. 

He reached back and pulled Helene close as though she had nodded off. "Goodnight Cybil, and I love you." He wondered for a few moments what kind of reaction they would all have in the morning. The lay quietly with her and fell asleep.

The next morning, Cybil woke up the first thing she realized was that it was way to fucking bright. The second was that she was a little sticky and as she looked down to figure out why, there was Helene's head and Mathius' chest. Sitting up quickly with an exclamation of "WHAT HA- ooooohhh!!!" She clutched her head and fell against Mathius once more. The yelling seemed to make her head pound as if Aunt Arten was hammering it.

Helene rolled over and continued to sleep, Mathius jerked awake and held her. "shhhh, yelling makes it worse, let me explain what happened." he whispered. He spent the next several minutes explaining from when she summoned him to when he slipped Helene the sleeping draught. "I wasn't going to do any of that without you being clear headed." Getting up and bringing her a glass of water and putting his pants back on.

"I... I can't beleive I did that." Cybil says with a light moan again, talking at all seemed to hurt and make her head ring with pain. She knew one thing this was the last time she was going to be drinking in a very long time. "Grab me a robe or dress or something!" She moans in pain at the long sentane. She hated being naked, in fact she vaguely remembered being naked almost all of yesterday evening and night.

He fetched her the robe, "I think you and Helene had been at it for sometime before you called for me." He was going to ask if she remembered what she had done, but decided against it. "Helene may have been using your state to make you do alot of what happened. Do you remember making any agreements or anything about us or the others." He tossed the blanket over the naked form of Helene.

"No but there was talkof training... and a farm and... being alone with her... um... it hurts to try and remember just now." Cybil says getting into the robe and tying it firmly shut in the front. She did remember one thing and it made her face go from creamy colored to bright red instantly which made her groan at the pain of the blood pressure in her head.

Mathius groaned and sat beside her, "Let's hope, the corner we are up against didn't become a hole." He figured her blush had to do with taking him into her mouth. "Cybi, I can't say anything to change your thoughts, but everything you did was amazing. And I wish the Helene wasn't here or you weren't drunk, it would have been that much better." He hoped she understood she was the one he wanted and only her actions mattered to him, he had no feeling about Helene.

Cybil nodded her head that she understood. "I understand. I... I just wish I could remember what she kept talking about... I feel it was important." she says sure she had missed something that she had spoken with Helene about. Something... that would have given them away perhaps. But her head was poudning fiercly and she looked over at Mathius still with the blush on her face and leaned against him for comfort at least.

Helene stirred beside them, she felt wonderful having only drank a fraction of what Cybil did. "Good morning, to the two of you." she purred. One look at Cybil told her one had no head for wine. "Mathius the square bottle in with the wine, be a good boy and fetch it and water." She moved up behind Cybil, "I'll keep her safe while you get the items to cure her."

Mathius looked at Cybil unsure if he should leave them alone. He was watching for any sign from Cybil that he shouldn't. "Mistress Helene what if I bring the wrong bottle?" he tried the bluff. But, his heart sank when Helene prodded, "It's the only square bottle, now go."

"Go and fetch it Mathius." Cybil says nodding her head, leaning back agaisnt Helene a little. She might as well continue this ruse, since they had started it. Other then that her head was pounding intolerably and she was hoping whatever Helene was requesting off Mathius would make her feel all that much better.

Mathius stood and went and found the bottle, and brought it back with a couple glasses of water. Helene bid Cybil to drink half of one glass then refilled it using the bottle. "Drink Sweetest, and then this one. Mathius go fetch some breakfast from my cook and return with it for the three of us." She hadn't bothered to redress, she was most comfortable nude and thought she was as well. And as Mathius left she hugged Cybil, "We will have to discuss last night. And how it will affect our lives."

Cybil was drinking as instructed and was hoping it would take effect quickly. As for what Helene said Cybil blushed a nice rosey red. Feeling the woman through the robe was okay but a little disturbing to Cybil. Still leaning back against the woman and now within her embrace Cybil could only nod her head that she agreed they needed to speak of it. "Um... yes." She agrees in a very small soft voice.

In seconds the hangover vanished, and all of its effects were gone. "Feeling better now?" Helene asked placing her hands upon Cybil's stomach. "I was very impressed you were quick to place him into your mouth. I think a hair cut and acting out some more will show you fit in here." Helene knew the warmth of her hands would help clear the last of the nausea away.

"Mmmmm... wait... cut my hair?! H-how short?" Cybil asks sitting a few moments and enjoying the relief from her terrible hang over. She was still bright red from the comment of having him in her mouth. She couldn't get it out of her head now and her blush stayed on her cheeks and dissapeared beneath the robe she was wearing. She wouldn't mind getting her hair cut but she knew back in Andor it was a mark of.... whoredom.

"Yes, to about this length," she brought her arm around and brought it just above her breasts, "I think it would make you look so sultry." Helene moved her hair and kissed her neck. "If you wish after breakfast, we will bathe, maybe with Mathius? and discuss it." She wondered if she tried to please her now would Cybil give in again. She slipped her hand under the robe and left it on her stomach, "The warmth eases nausea, you will be right as rain after breakfast."

"Actually I'm feeling very much so better now Helene thank you um... I suppose that length would be perfect really... I've never had it so short though." Cybil says shifting trying to make it so they she was sitting beside Helene and not quite so...intimately. She was keenly aware of Helene's physical attraction to her in ways she hadn't even thought were supposed to happen.

Mathius returned with the food and as always it smelled wonderful. "You look better mistress, how do you feel?" he asked. Setting the tray down he stood waiting for another order. He could see that Cybil was tryig to avoid Helene's attentions. He knew however the other woman saw him and would try her best to get them into her bed again.

"Much better, very hungry though." Cybil says standing up from the bed so she could walk over to the small two seater table that he had set the food on. "Helene shall we eat?" She says turning and looking down at her host with a small smile. Focusing only on her face and ignoring the fact she was completely nude laying on her messy bed.

Helene stood and stalked toward them, stopping to grab a second robe and handing it to Mathius, "Be a good man and help me please, she just drained so much energy last night." She turned and smiled at Cybil as he helped her into the robe. Turning she pouted and asked, "and tie it for me?" He looked at Cybil waiting to see what she wanted him to do.

"I'm sorry if I overtired you Helene." Cybil says softly a little irate with how Helene was making Mathius do everything for her. "Well Mathius she asked you to tie her robe as well." She says snapping softly before pouring some juice into a glass and taking a drink. Ignoring the two of them now. She didn't want to watch Helene trying to get really close to Mathius. She just wished last night hadn't happened, she couldn't remember most of it for one.

Mathius tied the robe shut, "Is that well enough, mistress Helene?" She nodded and came over to again hugging Cybil. "Did you know Mathius, she is going to cut her hair and take over an account of mine. I think her descisions will breathe new money into my coffers." Whispering to Cybil, "I can teach you, just like you asked me to last night."

"I... did? I mean... yes of course." Cybil says frowning softly trying to remember and she did vaguely of some kind of talk of business or... something. Cybil put her arm around Helene, it was after all rather awekward sitting and drinking juice while one was hugging onto you and speaking. Though Cybil looked over at Mathius to see his reaction to heairng she would cut her hair.

Mathius was a bit surprised, he had never seen Cybil with short hair. He was a little cautious about how quickly things between her and the host was progressing. "Is there anything else mistresses? Or am I dismissed?" The guys must wonder what happened to him. Because he had a sneaky suspicion the Helene might try ordering him out of his pants again.

"You may go. But be sure to wash up, I want you all clean. Make sure you shave too Mathius... you... are much more handsome shaven." Cybil says with a small smile just for him. It was an order but it was much in the way it used to be at home with him from before they had come to Pachucca. She always loved him clean shaven. She smiled at him and took another long sip of her juice. Trying to cover up her amusement and not let Helene see how much affection she was letting into her statements.

"By your command, mistress." he bowed and winked so Helene didn't see. He then turned and biwed respectfully to Helene before leaving. He moved quickly to the housing and before speaking to the others, made arrangements to bathe. "We all need to be on our toes when around Helene." he cautioned the others. "And we all need to make plans for baths, and play along with Cybil.

Helene looked coy at Cybil, "Shall we go bathe and cut your hair?" She walked back over and took a sip from her own juice glass and took a bite of fruit. "We should also replace a great deal of your wardrobe before I turn over my acount." She ran her eyes over Cybil, remembering her cries and moans from last night. "Do you have any questions while we finish breakfast, my dear?"

"Wardrobe? What's wrong with my wradrobe? I mean yes I have mostly Andorian fashions and gowns but... I... I'm sorry Helene I'm not really sure all of what happened last night it's all rather fuzzy or... blank." Cybil syas with a soft sigh buttering a curiously rolled well... breakfast roll. It was light and buttery and flakey and wonderful though especially with a little fruit jam spread on it. "I'm not... very good when I imbibe to much alcohol... I think from now on I'll only go with a glass or two, then call it quits." Cybil says with a small laugh and her normal smoothing way.

"Your clothes are fine just not, in fashion here." she soothed. "And as far as last night, I can reteach you so Mathius can benefit from it." She cut a bite of meat and chewed slowly. She made a mental note to ask about a full blodd elf married to a human in Andor. Knowledge was power in Pachuca, and she would put hers to good use.

"Oh um... well about last night I uh... so rather... um remember some of it. Er well a large part of it, I'm not sure of everything that happened actually." Cybil says blushing brightly and stuttering over her food starting to pick at some of the things she was eating. "Um I think I'm done eating... I'm just going to... uh wash my face." Cybil says standing wanting a little relief from Helene's sharp gaze.

"I think just washing your face may not be enough, dearest. We made quite a bit of sweat and other mess, with each other. I will summon servants to arrange a bath for us." Helene could see Cybil was reverting back into her shell. "We should also get to cutting you hair, unless you have lost the will to make Mathius yours?"

"What?! No of course not! I mean... yes a bath would be good and of course I'll cut my hair! I just thought if breakfast ran too much longer I'd want to freshen up. I didn't want to rush you or anything HElene." Cybil says hurriedly not wanting her host to think her ill mannered or tempered. For some reason Helene seemed almost as if she was flustering Cybil on purpose now. Cybil after thinking that felt rather herded. But then again she was a wolf in sheeps clothing here, even Mathius didn't know what she was capable of now, especially since he didn't know who had taught her.

She smiled at Cybil, "Well it isn't a very good breakfast so we'll go bathe. Have your men come and finish the food it if they want." Helene stood and looked around, "They should clean up as well, we did make a mess." She held out a hand to Cybil and smiled warmly, as she took both controllers from the bedside. "Don't worry about another robe, I have a nice dress for you until we go shopping."

"Alright um...could I have my controller please?" Cybil asks taking Helene's hand and letting her lead her. Acting the good little blushing cowed girl Helene thought she was. "I'm... sort of used to having it around me now." Cybil says softly looking around as well. She knew the boys would appreciate the food they always did. But the cleaning she wasn't one hundred percent sure of at the moment.

"Of course, here you go." she placed the rod into Cybil's free hand. She would again try to tempt her some today. "I believe we should have a long luxious bath and then eat lunch while discussing the account." Once the crossed the yard, her servants ushered them into the bath house. "I so look forward to bathing, and not only because it means being free."

"Mathius, Asmodius, Nist and Litor. I want you all to bathe and then clean up my rooms. Helene and I left food you may have it if you wish. Just get the place clean." Cybil orders her men holding the controller comfertably in her hand. "What do you mean being free Helene?" Cybil asks curiously. she knew this wouldn't be the end of... what happened last night but if she could distract Helene away with business and shopping perhaps she would post pone it for a good long time instead. It was a good plan or at least Cybil thought so.

The guys began to grumble but, after what Mathius said they started to move, playing along. They all grabbed clean clothes and made their way to the servants baths. "You can't be serious about cleaning her rooms, Mathius?" Nist whined. "Play along, Nist, we all have our parts and need to do so." Mathius retorted. He knew that the guys were chaffing against these collars and being ordered around.

Helene smiled, "Naked of course, unless you bathe fully dressed." She opened her robe and deposited it on a nearby hook. She then lowered herself into the water. "Come dear one the water is great and will invigorate you." She held out her hand to Cybil and smiled.

"No no of course not!" Cybil said blushing brightly caught off gaurd. She sets the controller down and loosens her robe, letting it falling into her hand and she hangs it up. Her hair hung just past her knees and she stepped into the water carefully holding her hair with her hand so she didn't get impeded.

Helene grabbed a bowl used to wet hair and tilted Cybil's head back. "Do you wish me to wet it beofre we cut it?" Waiting for Cybil's reply she poured the water onto her. "How do you like the water?" she asked. Lathering her hands she began to rub the soap across Cybil's shoulders.

"Yes please. I feel it will be quite hassle trying to cut all my hair while it's dry. The water is wonderful! In Andor the servants had to bring heated water to the bathing area and it was only ever mildly warm by the time the tub was filled! And the soap! It's so silky soft and smells wonderful!" Cybil says chatting away about nothing really important. It was something she picked up from the courts of Andor. It always came in handy.

Helene continued to rub soap on Cybil, "So, what do you have interest of skill in? I want to give you an account that will benefit from your talents." She then rinsed her hands and picked up a set of shears, "You do trust me, I hope you really do." And she waited for Cybil to answer her.

"I do trust you Helene. But as for my talents I'm good with people... Other then that I really have none. Or at least I don't think I have any." Cybil said actually going silent and thinking about it. She was very agile... even Lyle had commented that she was. But agility wouldn't help with a business venture. She could keep books and had a level head her mother taught her that. She could schedual like a pro working for her father scehdualing his activities and the people who came to see him helped there. Really she had all the training but no talent to really speak of.

Helene measured and started cutting Cybil's hair, placing most of the long locks outside the tub. After a long moment she pulled the younger woman to her, she cut a great deal and would rub her hip when she had to clean the shears. "Good with people, I have a great idea then, you will buy and sell from when of the farms. Oh, you'll do so well, I'm sure." A couple of clips later and Cybil's knee length hair was just below her ears. She pulled her close and kissed her neck and ear, "You look so good Cybil."

"My head feels... so light it's strange I..." Cybil says reaching up to touch ehr hair and her eyes became large. Reaching up both hands she turns and looked startled at Helene and then her hair on the edge of the tub. There was a lot of hair. Too much hair. Helene had said to her shoulders but her hair didn't even touch her neck! "W-what have you done!? I My hair! I thought you said shoulder length!?" Cybil asks reaching out and touching her hair on the edge of the rub, she didn't realize it until the tear fell how much she had loved having all of her hair. At home everyone but the queens and princesses had been envious of her long beautiful blonde hair. Even Mathius had told her he loved her hair as long as it was and her cousins all of them were always telling her how beautiful she was with it.

"It looks beautiful, Cybil here look." she held up a mirror. "Look you are so much more sultry dearest. It will grow back, and believe me, you do look amazing." Helene left the mirror in Cybil's hand and wrapped her arms around the girls waist. As she let the new look settle on her guest, she leaned forward and kissed the nape of her now exposed neck.

Cybil looks in the mirror still with an utterly shocked look on her face. Her hair was only to her jaw in length all the way around. She felt light headed and strange, a few more tears fell from her eyes as she blinked and tried to stop them from falling. She'd never be able to go home now. She would be branded almost as clearly as the tattoo they gave real Harlots that she was no longer a member of proper society. She certainly didn't feel beautiful nor sultry. She felt instead that she looked quite like a boy. It didn't help that she wasn't as ample as some of the other girls and she was more full in the hips. She was almost devestated by this. If it had been to her shoulders it would have been acceptable... especially in the time it would take to reach home again but now... now her hair was so short, she felt Mathius would no long er love her and the moment she said that more hot tears spilled down her cheeks and her breath quivered.

"Cybil, hair grows back, but look at the hair styles around here. You fit in better now, and we have a few more additions to add to you. Just trust me it will be fine." She turned Cybil around and wiped away her tears and pulled her into another hug. Helene ran her fingers down the crying womans back trying to soothe her.

Cybil sniffled and nodded, she was still worried and more then a little feeling left adrift here in this strange place now. She pulled back away from Helene a little. "I'm getting out now." She says her voice thick from the unshed tears she was holding back. Lyle would be ashamed to call her his student but... her hair was something she treasured more then anything else about her. It was what she saw that made her beautiful. Now it was gone. Pulling herself out of the tub she grabs a towel and drys off partially and grabs her robe pulling it tightly around herself and tieing it very tight and secure. She was suddenly homesick in a way she'd never felt before.

"We should get you some other clothes and coloring, you know finish this makeover." Helene said also getting out of the water. If the girl continued this way, Helene would have to admit she failed. That was something she hated to do, failure was an awful word. "Not to mention about your new account and responsibility."

"Yes..." Was all Cybil said as she shivered lightly and huggled deep into the robe. she had walked a little funner as she was very unsued to having such a short haircut and a light weight for her neck to support. She was a little off with walking. But she sat down and waited for Helene to finish with a resolve that she would finish this mission and once she got home lock herself off inside her house until her hair was backthe way it should be.

"Have you ever used a Diplatory wand?" Helene asked. She produced a slender wand and touched it to various parts of herself and the hair fell away. She held the wand out to Cybil. "And what is favorite color sweetest?" she never waited long on any question.

Cybil nodded and took the wand using it expertly. It was obvious she had handled one before and she handed it back with a small soft word of "Light blue." Spoken afterwards. She wondered what exactly Helene had planned for her now that she had also lied about. The lonliness inside of her grew a little when she thought that the men already hated her for the collars and now she was getting a business venture and changing into one of them, Mathius would be so upset about her hair too. It made her blink hard and fast to stop more tears from falling.

"Perfect, although we should try a couple other shades as well." Helene lifted her chin. "Come with me and I will have my seamstress show you all the cloth colors we have. Then I'll order coloring, and show you how it works. You will be so intoxicating that Mathius will beg to please you in every way you want." She retrived her robe, and tied it closed, offering her hand to Cybil.

Cybil took Helenes hand with a nod of her head. A small smile on her face as she looked pleasently around her. Inside she was forlorn and lonely. But she was a good actress if nothing else. "I'm sure I'll be a very bringer of envy to the other women of Pachucca." She says with a happy little lilt to her voice. She did let out a small worried sigh over how Mathius would react to her hair and what she looked like now.

Helene lead her into the house and summoned her seamstress, who brought in several bolt of cloth in many shades of blue. While the woman took measurements Helene sent to her warehouse for color for Cybil. "So Cybil, how which color shall it be? Huline, have some of the men bring other shades, especially a red, and a black." She then sent for some food and tea, and watched Cybil with a small smile.

"Oh I really liked the midnight blue and the light blue. I also really liked the one with a little bit of green in it. They were all so very beautiful." Cybil says forgetting while this was going on that her hair had been cut as short as it had been. So she was excited and talking with the woman about the clothing and clothes. How the fabrics would lay and what kind of dress types they were going to make with the fabric they had.

When the colors arrived Helene started to show her how to apply them, some lightly to the eyelids and a little to the cheeks and lips. "When you do these right, not too heavy mind you. Men will swoon and knife each other to get close to you." She looked at the work the seamstress was doing with the light blue and started applying a light blue shade. "I think you will look ravishing Cybil." Helene sincerely told her.

"I've never worn such strange make up before." Cybil says turning to try and see what the seemstress was doing and follow Helene's orders at the same time. She wondered what she would look like in the end. Swooning men and knife fights she knew would never happen. Though it did seem she was rather larger then most of the other women here in Pachucca.

Helene ran her hand under Cybil's dress along her thigh, "Dearest, you need to pay attention and not squirm. I do not wish to have to reapply your colors, they are expensive sometimes." She then moved close and squeezed, "Luckily, you have a good friend who can supply you almost any shades." Then she removed her hand, it had only been there to get Cybil's full attention. "Huline, how is the dress coming? Cybil wishes to see the outfit that will ignite her lovers's passions."

Cybil blushed brightly and sat straight and still completely. She hadn't been chastised for fidgeting since she was a very small and young girl. Though she was still small, she was no longer as young as she used to be. So she sat completely still facing Helene and then wondered how expensive they were, after all the culture of Pachucca was amazingly vibrantly colored which was different from Andor. It was all about what would enhance the woman's beauty or make her feel better. Andor still held the belief the wife was the man's business.

"Now all we need is a little color to your lips." Helene said and turned back towards her. "This is for those, she showed her the color and dipped her finger into it. And you may need to reapply this when it wears off." she explained as she gently drug her finger across Cybil's lips. She then untied her guests robe and applied some jasmine oil to her body, "And this will add a wonderful scent to our beautiful flower."

"I know a little about oils and fragrances Helene. As I said my father was an embassador, I have learned many things though nothing as amazing as what is here of course! This place is more fertile and more... like a true paradise then any I've ever heard of!" Cybil says quickly so as not to ruin the illusion, but to reinsert that she wasn't a completely helpless and unintelligable girl. She closed the robe quickly once Helene had finished, she was feeling a little uncomfertable with being nude around her just now. Considering she still didn't remember most of last night and yesterday.

As the seamstress continued her work, Helene went to get the ledger and deeds for the farm Cybil would take control of. "Everything is right here my flower. And it includes a warehouse here in the city for storing your goods." She circled behind Cybil and leaned over her shoulder pointing to a couple spots in the ledger. "It is only been in my control a couple of weeks and perhaps if you sent your men there, they could help whip it into shape."

"Oh Helene you mean you really are giving this account to me?! Even the warehouse to store the goods? I- I don't know what to say Helene!" Cybil says smiling brightly up at the older woman. Holding the ledger and looking through the information before her. It was all there but of course she'd go through it later to make sure it as complete. As her father said leave the work to those you trust and build a strong foundation for a business or friendship. How you handle people is how well things come about with those people. She learned to always double check everything, even your own work so that you are correct the first time and not the second time around.

"Consider it a gift because of last night, I enjoyed seeing you enjoy what I did." Helene said kissing her neck. The farm didn't produce so well last season, givien the fact she acquired it so cheaply. "We will have to go visit once you get familiar with it. Perhaps we will leave the men there to get it into shape." she prompted. "Not for long, just until we finish your makeover."

"Oh um... alright I suppose but... none of them know how to farm anything. I don't think they would be any good at it either. Cybil was excited and was also very curious to know if it was very different from Aunt Alehial and Uncle Altair's farms. After all with a druid as owner she had shown all the farmers the best way to care for the crops they tended. As the daughter of a druidic elf herself Cybil too had learned basics of such things. The crown had given her father a farm or two and Tarin-Gail had taken her mother and her out often to check on things as well. "How much more of a makeover is there for me Helene?" she asks her voice filled with curiosity.

"All in your attitude and social mannerisms," Helene confided. From her vantage point she could look down the younger womans neck and into her robe. "We will introduce you to some other young ladies of standing." she explained. Making sure the seamstress continued her work, she started to stroke Cybil's neck and shoulders. "And when you blend into society we could bring the men back, possibly keep Mathius here for distraction."

"Oh but Helene none of them would be any good at farming... It would be much better if they stayed here and served me wouldn't it? Oh my I'm already very excited... you don't think... I could possibly get some of my men to help me do you? After all they have skills that's why I brought them with me in the first place." Cybil says not watching the way Helene was looking at her nor how she was touching her. She was still naive enough that she thought last night was a fluke and that two women when sober wouldn't possibly do anything like that.

"You don't need to have any special skills for farming. They will just dig and weed, and later harvest, it isn't hard or requires much training." she chuckled. Her hands increased in pressure a little bit, against her neck and shoulders. "Send Litor or Asmodius to do a bit of overseeing, they will still have to answer to the forewoman. But, will have a chance to prove they can be trusted."

"But they can be trusted Helene! They just aren't... accustomed to this method of learning yet! I mean, if I could I would love to show some things I know about farming from Andor. It might even increase the crops growth and growing ratio by two or threefold! there's so much more to farming then digging and weeding Helene! If done right you can make a wonderful crop and profit from it." Cybil says sighing into the slightly massaging carresses of her neck. "I'm so glad your trusting me with this!" Cybil says smiling brightly up to Helene.

"All the more reason for them to go to the farm, think of it as if they behave and work well. Then they will recieve benifits and rewards." she explained. Her hands rubbed and kneaded her shoulders, the material of the robe bunched and moved as she did so. "The MAtron believes you should sell the lot and purchase new slaves. She thinks you cling to them as a part of your old home."

"What!? No I... I picked them because I thought if anywhere I went these men would benifit me. I'm not exactly the most clever woman, nor do I have a tolerance for alcohol or know my way around weapons for defence... that's why I have them all. "Maybe... I can only send them for a few days at a time?" Cybil asks looking up but still relaxing a little against Helene and her wonderful hands. She wasn't agreeing to anything yet, she wanted to speak to the guys alone first but Helene seemed to understand that she discussed things with them and was determind to cut off her contact with all the men.

"Mistress the dress is ready." the seamstress announced, holding it up. Helene slid her hands back, "shall we dress you my dear and show how amazing you look?" She crossed and took the dress, soft blue to match Cybil's colors about the length of her knee and off one shoulder. "This will look so nice with a belt and your jewelery, come now off with the robe." She smiled brightly at Cybil.

"Um Helene, if you wouldn't mind... um... I'd rather um turn my back to dress." Cybil says blushing brightly at thinking about the hazy memories of the night before and what Helene had done to her. "It looks abosultely amazing it really does um... a little small but wonderful but if I could just... uh... put it on myself?" she asks softly a little worried Helene might get frisky or do something.

Still smiling broadly she moved closer, Cybil really wasn't hard to figure out. Handing the dress over, "Of course, however you may nee my help at some point." She then went over and when Cybil wasn't looking picked up her controller. "Attention, you four should report to the patio near the pool." Placing it back down she turned to watch Cybil, even with her back turned she was ravishing.

Cybil was trying to figure out exactly how to put the silly little.... camisole on. She just hadn't been able to really get a hang of these strange clothes. "H-helene... I guess... I haven't figured out things as much as I thought I did..." Cybil says softly and hesitantly. Blushing brightly looking over her shoulder at Helene. The robe was pooled around her feet and she was nude but for her bottem coverings.

She turned and smiled at Cybil and chuckled lightly. "Come here to me however most women here don't wear those." pointing at the under things. She took the dress and indicated how to put it on, sliding it and her hands down Cybil's body. Once in place she moved it a very little bit, adjusting it to lay on her perfectly. Helene on her knee hands on Cybil looked up, "shall I pull these down for you dear guest?"

"NO!" Cybil says trying to take a step back. "I am far more comfertable with them on thank you." She says trying to take the harshness of what she had just spoken away. She fidgeted while Helene's hands traced her body while putting on the dress, or what Helene was calling a dress anyways. She had actually figured the dress out but the more she was eager to learn how to do these things she figured the more Helene would 'teach' her to be like one of them and gain her trust.

"Still so Andorian, I guess we can't expect miracles." she pouted. In truth if Cybil was always so uptight and fidgety when anyone tried to touch her, someone would take offense. "I believe the men are waiting on the patio to see you." she told her. Standing and offering Cybil her hand, she smiled again hoping to calm the little mouse. "Shall we go and see them, to see if you will earn their approval?"

"I don't need to earn their approval." Cybil says tightly, she didn't know they were on the patio. She didn't want Mathius to see her yet. she took Helenes hand and held it lightly though she was sweating. "I don't need to earn any man's approval not ever again." She says softly swallowing and taking a deep breath. Smiling brightly at Helene, trying to make herself seem more at ease with the woman around her. Other then what had just happened of course.

All of the men were on the patio talking back and forth. Helene lead her out on to them. Mathius had his back turned until he saw his friends reactions. He turned and looked shocked when he set eyes upon her. Helene turned her around in front of them, "Well men your mistress has improved her looks and might I say for the better."

"Well don't just stand their with your mouths open!" Cybil snaps at them, she was edgy enough having just gone through it all herself and now this. It was taking everything she had to not run from them all and hide herself away until her hair grew back. She she stood her and put her fist on one hip cocking her hips a littel to the side. "I want to hear opinions." She demands even though she shook and really really didn't want to know. Her hand holding Helene's had tightened but she hadn't realized that.

Everyone mumbled through a couple general compliments, except Mathius he just stared at her. Helene, squeezed her hand back, "She is also taking control of a local farm. SOme of you may even be visiting the farm soon." Soon, she hoped that Cybil would be getting used to acting like citizen of Pachuca.

"Yes I will be. And if you displease me I'll leave you there to continue working!" Cybil says with a smirk and a huff, she quialed inside though and she smiled at Helene trying to cover her nervousness. Or at least make the woman think it was something else. "I'm getting an entirely new wardrobe as well, so I think I'll have to go shopping a little to find accessories to match. After all as a Pachuccan woman I have to be up to date on these things." Cybil says with a small smile.

Helene smiled at her, "I have some things to attend to, we should have supper tonight." She hugged Cybil close and gently squeezed her bottom. Once she let go, departing the patio into the house summoning her litter bearers. There was so much to do and if the information she had was correct, their was something afoot. She smiled, if she played her cards right she would have Cybil before it was all over.

"Well don't just stand there gawking at me, accompany me to my room." Cybil says with a scowl on her face as she stood properly and began to walk off towards the guesthouse she was staying in. She didn't wait for them to follow just asuming they would seeing as she still held the wand in her hands well not in her hands but on her belt at least.

They looked at Mathius and he motioned for them to head back to the slaves quarters. He then proceeded to the guest house, still shocked and unsure of what happened. Cybil had never done anything so well, impulsive and this new look and attitude screamed impulsive. He stood at the door and knocked, waiting for her to answer he happened to let out a long breath.

"Come in and close the door behind you." Cybil calls out softly, the remote was on the table and the curtains drawn over every door and window. She had privacy at last, she waited for the men to come in not knowing only Mathius had followed her.It wouldn't really matter but she didn't know all he same. She was standing in front of her mirror touching the ends of her hair. A small frown on her lips, she had to say she looked gorgeous but... it wasn't who she was staring into the mirror as the one staring back.

Mathius entered and went up stairs, he stopped short and again stared open mouthed at Cybil. "I sent them back to the quarters, Cybie." he informed her. And risking her ire, walked up behind her and kissed her neck as he wrapped his arms around her. "It isn't so bad, I've never seen you with short hair. Besides you would look beautiful with long, short, or even no hair." he placated while kissing all over the back over her neck.

Cybil relaxed in his arms finally able to completely relax. She blinked several times and though his compliment pleased her immensly she let out a deep sigh. "I'll never be able to go back to Baerlon like this." she says sadly looking into the mirror and hugging his arms around her. Mathius was large enough both his arms were about how thick her body was. How someone so large as he was ever loved someone so tiny and... delicate as she wa she would never know. "I'll never be able to be a part of society with hair like this Mathius." She says her voice quivering a little as she blinked harder to stop her eyes from watering so badly. She didn't really want to cry but so much had happened in so short of a time she was so tense and afraid and everyone hated her and was using her or trying to make her do something. She knew she should have listened to everyone and stayed home but the boys would be in so much more troubl if she wasn't there to try and protect them. It didn't matter to them though they still all hated her except for Mathius.

"Shhh, Baerlon is our home and we are always able to go home." he comforted her. "And if society won't have you then I'll lock us away and make you happy morning and night." he kissed her neck again. He hefted her into hi arms and set her on the bed, and started to rub her feet. "No one can do what you've accomplished, Cybie." Mathius knew she was upset and confused, he just needed to keep her on the straight path.

"Mathius be serious! I'll be marked as a whore! The court will turn on me and I will have disgraced mother and Tarin-Gail! Oh Gods! Tarin-Gail! What would he think!? He'll hate it! He'll hate me! Look what I've done!!" Cybil says pulling her feet out from Mathius grasp. Hands over her face sobs soon wracked her as she thought of what she had done by doing this. How she had failed everyone in this mission and joining it and how aweful everything was and how much longer could she continue with Helene literally breathing down her neck like she was.

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